View Full Version : Alone for KTV

10-07-2006, 08:11 PM
pls dont flame me...but i am a pretty alone person....
i would like to try ktv...as the gals u can feel and touch and have those notti fun....but i wanna to go to ktv alone and my budget is abt 200 dollars(inclusive of drinks and tips) ...is there any ktv like this?

Thank you in advance

10-07-2006, 08:31 PM
With a budget of $200, you can go to lotsa of KTVs in SG but not the high end ones. But pls do ur homework first by reading. There are info inside the threads as well as the stickies.

10-07-2006, 08:33 PM
is it? care to share with me one?pls?
i have been searching...but lots of them have to get a bottle of wine.. :(

10-07-2006, 08:38 PM

Watch out for the different pricing between HH & SH.

10-07-2006, 09:34 PM
what is HH and SH?

10-07-2006, 09:57 PM
HH = Happy Hour
SH = Sad Hour

hahahah... joking lah.. SH i think they mean Standard Hours.

Happy hours in most KTV are cheaper because its usually working time for most bros. between 4pm and 9pm (varies from KTV to KTV).

Places for gals in HH are like BS, TH, Dongguan, Dickson, Katong (ranking in popularity) go read their threads for info.

If you want to go Normal Hours 9pm to 3am. with 200 you can choose the above also. It all depends on what system you like and what nationality of the gals you like, each place has different kind of gals during HH and SH.

go read the threads relating to the above KTV's.

BKK Kaki
11-07-2006, 09:50 AM
there might be a outing tonight at Godfather anyone interested ? pm me before 6pm.

11-07-2006, 10:07 AM
there might be a outing tonight at Godfather anyone interested ? pm me before 6pm.

i see u very on in promoting urself...:D

Ah Dez
11-07-2006, 02:53 PM
pls dont flame me...but i am a pretty alone person....
i would like to try ktv...as the gals u can feel and touch and have those notti fun....but i wanna to go to ktv alone and my budget is abt 200 dollars(inclusive of drinks and tips) ...is there any ktv like this?

Thank you in advance

with 200... u can't go anywhere to the KTVs.

With 200, get yourself a trip to dickson, TH,BS... China PRC LA SUP BAR....

11-07-2006, 10:00 PM
with 200... u can't go anywhere to the KTVs.

With 200, get yourself a trip to dickson, TH,BS... China PRC LA SUP BAR....

mm....dickson ktv??
TH OR BS??can meh?

any la sup bar to intro????

11-07-2006, 10:05 PM
at least go BS or TH ba.... la sup bar..... mmmm......

12-07-2006, 04:44 AM
pls dont flame me...but i am a pretty alone person....
i would like to try ktv...as the gals u can feel and touch and have those notti fun....but i wanna to go to ktv alone and my budget is abt 200 dollars(inclusive of drinks and tips) ...is there any ktv like this?

bro April, why would u wanna go KTV alone? why dun u tag along the bros here for a nite of fun? Wouldnt it be cheaper and fun? for more info, pls kindly contact bro CheongKid :p *lol*


RotiPrata Man
12-07-2006, 04:48 AM
mm....dickson ktv??
TH OR BS??can meh?

any la sup bar to intro????

Small Room = $76(1 jug beer + fruits)
1 gal = $20

U got $200...hmmm u can call 5 gals at least...:D

12-07-2006, 04:53 AM
for more info, pls kindly contact bro CheongKid :p *lol*

Nabei, you think I information counter huh? I detached from KTV scene long time ago liao so database outdated already.

RotiPrata Man
12-07-2006, 04:56 AM
Nabei, you think I information counter huh? I detached from KTV scene long time ago liao so database outdated already.

Last time cheongkid very power 1 hor...everwhere also cheong...:D

12-07-2006, 04:59 AM
Last time cheongkid very power 1 hor...everwhere also cheong...

he is still very power now... he even cheong Happy (gay joints) :eek: *lol*


RotiPrata Man
12-07-2006, 05:01 AM
he is still very power now... he even cheong Happy (gay joints) :eek: *lol*


Zun Bo!!! Wa......Must kneel down liao...

12-07-2006, 05:06 AM
Zun Bo!!! Wa......Must kneel down liao...

*lol* i dun bluff one *lol* he even hooked up with a lady named "mummy". a real SYT... *hat off to CheongKid* :D

12-07-2006, 05:06 AM
Zun Bo!!! Wa......Must kneel down liao...
Haha...careful your backside! :D

12-07-2006, 07:37 AM
Small Room = $76(1 jug beer + fruits)
1 gal = $20

U got $200...hmmm u can call 5 gals at least...:D

thats good...20 dollars for the gal only??thats a good price...
so small room 76 +20...= 100...hahha
p :)

thnaks bro...will go BS soon..

12-07-2006, 07:38 AM
bro April, why would u wanna go KTV alone? why dun u tag along the bros here for a nite of fun? Wouldnt it be cheaper and fun? for more info, pls kindly contact bro CheongKid :p *lol*


i know..but i am pretty shy infront of other bros and further more... i got restirction....not sure when can i make it or ont...haiz..

12-07-2006, 09:55 AM
pls dont flame me...but i am a pretty alone person....
i would like to try ktv...as the gals u can feel and touch and have those notti fun....but i wanna to go to ktv alone and my budget is abt 200 dollars(inclusive of drinks and tips) ...is there any ktv like this?
Hmmm... a LONE WOLF ;)

Well... try the following budget ktv.
1. BS
2. TH
3. MG
4. DG
(all have threads in SBF)

Room & 1 jug of beer will set u back abt $80.
Gal tips fornormal rabba-rabba abt $20-30
BJ-FJ abt $60-100 (depending on ur skills)

All in u can have a good time for under $200 for sure.


Alternatively..go for LSB for even cheaper thrills

Table + Beer/coke = $30
Gal tips = $2 (u will noe which to give $2 when u go there), $10-15 (for gals who sit w u)
HJ-BJ-FJ = $20-50

12-07-2006, 06:36 PM
can try RS near farrer park mrt also. think price is abt the same (HH small room is 70plus and tips is 20-30). if u ask me, i will recomend feifei for her playability. some viet there too, super wild,can speak reasonble chinese...

12-07-2006, 06:57 PM

Strongly suggest you go first time with some of the other bros to learn the ropes. Then later you go alone. First time is the investment, later on you do it the way you wan. Best of all the group session is cheaper.

13-07-2006, 07:39 AM
just one question,
are the gals playful during HH??

13-07-2006, 09:20 AM
Some KTV threads dont provide much details ,mostly TCSS only..

I think it should provide details so that those who are new to KTV can easily understand..

FR should include room charge plus congac /jug of beer, price of tibits (got happy hour or not, from what time to what time, charges?)

got mamasan/papasan system (if got , must pay how much to papasan/mamasan as well as additional tip to their assistants), standard tip for gals , as well as sexual services fee to gals..

Butterfly system - the gal would move from table to table unless she would find you attractive or you got plenty of $$$..
(state how much you paid gals for staying longer with you , state extra tips given)

Where to do FJ- (in hotel , in toilet (state the size/ condition of toilet) , in room )

Gals- their nationalities, how they dress and whether they have put on make up :D (love to see them moaning and groaning in their heavy make-up (darker shade of eyeshadow, face covered with foundation powder, and mouth mothen with brighter colour lipstick.. Most HC gals dont wear such make-up)

I have try all (from GL, KS, PT (given these up) , HC/TN (current favourites),
FL (rarely as waiting for gal who is my taste).. except KTV ( system too complicated , but still learning and try to understand)

13-07-2006, 09:27 AM
thanks bro (ang076)
sorry cant ups ur points yet...

hopefully to go to BS or TH by next week to try out... :)
my virgin to KTV... :)

13-07-2006, 09:30 AM
Hmmm... a LONE WOLF
Well... try the following budget ktv.
1. BS
2. TH
3. MG
4. DG
(all have threads in SBF)

Senior.... expand your short form lah, if not I also don't know what it stands for. :rolleyes: :D

13-07-2006, 10:30 AM
Senior.... expand your short form lah, if not I also don't know what it stands for. :rolleyes: :D

Same same here... how u expect me as a newbie to know all these.....

13-07-2006, 10:37 AM
Senior.... expand your short form lah, if not I also don't know what it stands for. :rolleyes:

How to explain for BS & MG?

Bull Shit & Mai Gong? :D

13-07-2006, 10:39 AM
Same same here... how u expect me as a newbie to know all these.....

Oh no, may god bless you. Coz you just lied! :p

13-07-2006, 10:49 AM
Oh no, may god bless you. Coz you just lied! :p

God bless all of us.... we all dun say the truth.... :D

13-07-2006, 01:03 PM
Senior.... expand your short form lah, if not I also don't know what it stands for.
Same same here... how u expect me as a newbie to know all these.....
As requested by the two VERY VERY SENIOR :rolleyes: Bros above....

BS - name of a ktv in geylang
TH - name of ktv in geylang
MG - name of ktv in east
DG - name of KTV near beach rd
RS - name of another ktv in serangoon rd

All are budget ktvs... see stickies by Bro Nirvana in this section for their addresses & tel no.

13-07-2006, 02:53 PM
pls dont flame me...but i am a pretty alone person....
i would like to try ktv...as the gals u can feel and touch and have those notti fun....but i wanna to go to ktv alone and my budget is abt 200 dollars(inclusive of drinks and tips) ...is there any ktv like this?

Thank you in advance

just one question,
are the gals playful during HH??

You create this thread dtd 10th July 2006. It has been since the 4th day liao, you still dilly-dally asking Qs after Qs. Do you really have balls to chiong alone? :rolleyes:

13-07-2006, 02:59 PM
I've cheonged BS KTV alone twice or thrice... and it is do-able... had a BJ and plenty of raba raba in the room too...

so threadstarter... stop procrasinating and JUST DO IT !!!

13-07-2006, 04:35 PM
ask him go da lu...
can sit at least 15 gals....:D

13-07-2006, 04:43 PM
ask him go da lu...
can sit at least 15 gals.... :D

Ask New Bastard Airman to guide him along.

13-07-2006, 05:38 PM
Gawd I just love cheonging alone at times. Used to be so free and easy in the afternoons. Go HH at TH alone, spend $70+ on the room. Managed a "hat trick" from HH till SH when bro THESTING joined me in the evening.

Missed those days when I was so free and easy. I would say to anyone who wants to cheong alone, GO FOR IT!!! :D