View Full Version : What tests do you guys usually take?

06-10-2015, 11:08 AM
For HIV.

do you guys take(or prefer) the combo prick test(ag/ab) or the syringe (lab test)?

what do you guys think of the accuracy?

07-10-2015, 11:30 AM
Both are equally accurate from what i know. Only difference is see whether u wanna wait longer or shorter for the results.

07-10-2015, 06:31 PM
For me i prefer the combo prick test as i prefer to know the result earlier than later ;)

08-10-2015, 04:08 PM
I know some of the STD dont show sighs and symptoms, so if its just periodic STD checkups, what tests should I take? :confused:

11-10-2015, 04:28 AM
Double posted. Pls ignore.

11-10-2015, 04:30 AM
I know some of the STD dont show sighs and symptoms, so if its just periodic STD checkups, what tests should I take? :confused:

Am also interested to know what are the general test that most guys take and do you all go to go to a gp/polyclinic or elsewhere? Want to get myself tested just in case.

28-10-2015, 03:51 AM
Anybody might know where we can do general STD testing in JB? I would imagine it to be cheaper, and if we are going to test regularly, I figure any cost savings is good.

Big Sexy
28-10-2015, 07:16 AM
really depends on the type of cheonster you are. if you are those who is always capped and play carefully then i think the standard screening will be enough, however, if you are those gung ho type then i suggest u go for the comprehensive one..

check out Dr Tan's webpage for more info.

Am also interested to know what are the general test that most guys take and do you all go to go to a gp/polyclinic or elsewhere? Want to get myself tested just in case.

Big Sexy
28-10-2015, 07:16 AM
i am not sure it is really worth the trip, i certainly wouldnt want to get myself tested at some dodgy clinics and also dont want to be caught in a bad traffic jam.

Anybody might know where we can do general STD testing in JB? I would imagine it to be cheaper, and if we are going to test regularly, I figure any cost savings is good.

28-10-2015, 02:21 PM
sorry guys.... i hope i do not get blasted here! :p

I usually go for HJ with ML, average about 2 times per month for the last 3 to 4 years.... my last covered bj was like 5 years also (and it was like just 2 times only)
Now, am thinking of trying for baby.... do u think i shld go for STD screening, for a safe piece of mind?

Of course all these years, i am perfectly fine....

thanks for any inputs...

Big Sexy
28-10-2015, 02:49 PM
HJ is very safe and the risk of getting anything nasty from a BJ is low too..
since it has been 5 years and u are fine..i wouldn't bother about doing any test if i were you..
however for a piece of mind yes.. why not?

sorry guys.... i hope i do not get blasted here! :p

I usually go for HJ with ML, average about 2 times per month for the last 3 to 4 years.... my last covered bj was like 5 years also (and it was like just 2 times only)
Now, am thinking of trying for baby.... do u think i shld go for STD screening, for a safe piece of mind?

Of course all these years, i am perfectly fine....

thanks for any inputs...

28-10-2015, 02:57 PM
thanks bro for your quick reply...

of cos i do suck nipples here and there but i do not roam south most of the time... shld be quite safe right......

HJ is very safe and the risk of getting anything nasty from a BJ is low too..
since it has been 5 years and u are fine..i wouldn't bother about doing any test if i were you..
however for a piece of mind yes.. why not?

Big Sexy
28-10-2015, 03:26 PM
no need to worry abt that too..
but like i said, go for the standard screening for a piece of mind

thanks bro for your quick reply...

of cos i do suck nipples here and there but i do not roam south most of the time... shld be quite safe right......

29-10-2015, 10:07 AM
i just went for anonymous hiv testing at a clinic in marsiling. tested negative for both test. 1 was 1 month after sex with FL, then follow up test after 3 months of exposure. now want to quit eating outside, want settle down with my life partner.

Big Sexy
29-10-2015, 10:24 AM
good for u mate.
can u share the testing procedure with samsters here?

i just went for anonymous hiv testing at a clinic in marsiling. tested negative for both test. 1 was 1 month after sex with FL, then follow up test after 3 months of exposure. now want to quit eating outside, want settle down with my life partner.

29-10-2015, 11:55 AM
i just went for anonymous hiv testing at a clinic in marsiling. tested negative for both test. 1 was 1 month after sex with FL, then follow up test after 3 months of exposure. now want to quit eating outside, want settle down with my life partner.

Is there an anonymous HIV testing clinic at Marsiling?

Not according to the list provided by HPB.

Please be careful. Consult this list before getting tested.
Some clinics claim to be able to conduct anonymous HIV tests when they are not.

Big Sexy
29-10-2015, 12:10 PM
should be this one .. it is in the marsiling area. ;)

Doctors Clinic & Surgery *
305 Woodlands St 31, #01-91, S(730305)

Is there an anonymous HIV testing clinic at Marsiling?

Not according to the list provided by HPB.

Please be careful. Consult this list before getting tested.
Some clinics claim to be able to conduct anonymous HIV tests when they are not.

29-10-2015, 12:52 PM
HJ is safe and so is BJ for you. Raw BJ is risky for the person who is giving it and not for the one receiving it. As long as you have been on the receiving end, you have nothing to worry.

29-10-2015, 03:42 PM
HJ is safe and so is BJ for you. Raw BJ is risky for the person who is giving it and not for the one receiving it. As long as you have been on the receiving end, you have nothing to worry.

That applies only to HIV risk. There are many other STDs which can easily be transmitted via an unprotected blow job.

This forum is full of reported cases of gonorrhea transmission as a result of a BJ from a whore.

29-10-2015, 04:03 PM
Tested negative on 70th days for the combo test.

how accurate is that guys?

Big Sexy
29-10-2015, 04:23 PM
pretty much accurate at 70th day

however it also depends on where u do it and what type of combo.. P24 Antigen/Antibody???

Tested negative on 70th days for the combo test.

how accurate is that guys?

29-10-2015, 07:25 PM
yes bigsexy,

ag/ab combo antibody..

my only worry is with only little sample from your finger,is it accurate? but its the same for everyone right?

Big Sexy
29-10-2015, 08:43 PM
of course it will not be accurate for you if the little blood sample is from my finger
it has to be from your finger to be accurate for you. :D

yes bigsexy,

ag/ab combo antibody..

my only worry is with only little sample from your finger,is it accurate? but its the same for everyone right?

05-11-2015, 07:57 PM
yes bigsexy,

ag/ab combo antibody..

my only worry is with only little sample from your finger,is it accurate? but its the same for everyone right?

maybe not that accurate bcos the site of exposure is ur penis. draw some from the penis should be more accurate. unless u finger the whore then draw from finger could be accurate since it is the site for exposure. :D

just for laugh ar ;)

10-11-2015, 01:22 AM
Test can be done after two weeks of last visit to fl? Or what is the best period ?

10-11-2015, 03:38 AM
Test can be done after two weeks of last visit to fl? Or what is the best period ?

It all depends upon what you're testing for and what sort of test is being performed.

Big Sexy
10-11-2015, 07:28 AM
if u are asking abt HIV then read this post

Test can be done after two weeks of last visit to fl? Or what is the best period ?

10-11-2015, 10:31 PM
Been cheonging for like 20 years now and the last time i had commercial sex was like slightly more than 6 months ago. I'm now planning to do comprehensive tests and stop commercial sex once and for all. How much does it roughly costs in total for a complete package?

11-11-2015, 12:42 AM
Thanks guys. Any clinic in west to intro? Not too crowded would be nice

Big Sexy
11-11-2015, 07:48 AM
check out Dr tan's webby.. from what i heard, they are good and professional :)
Been cheonging for like 20 years now and the last time i had commercial sex was like slightly more than 6 months ago. I'm now planning to do comprehensive tests and stop commercial sex once and for all. How much does it roughly costs in total for a complete package?

if u are asking abt the Anonymous HIV Test Sites in Singapore ... you can find the list of clinics in the link below
Thanks guys. Any clinic in west to intro? Not too crowded would be nice

11-11-2015, 05:42 PM
Is there an anonymous HIV testing clinic at Marsiling?

Not according to the list provided by HPB.

Please be careful. Consult this list before getting tested.
Some clinics claim to be able to conduct anonymous HIV tests when they are not.

Thanks for sharing this, the list would be useful to many

12-11-2015, 12:32 AM
had a hiv test at afa recently. $40. waiting time before meet counsellor was 20mins. test took less than 5 mins. wait for results about 20mins. came out negative.

according to the counsellor, there is a rise in cases with positive hiv and most contracted it locally.

12-11-2015, 12:29 PM
had a hiv test at afa recently. $40. waiting time before meet counsellor was 20mins. test took less than 5 mins. wait for results about 20mins. came out negative.

according to the counsellor, there is a rise in cases with positive hiv and most contracted it locally.


For your $40 package, what are the tests involved?

Big Sexy
12-11-2015, 12:36 PM
from what he wrote..it should be for the anonymous 4th gen HIV test


For your $40 package, what are the tests involved?

13-11-2015, 01:18 AM
from what he wrote..it should be for the anonymous 4th gen HIV test

yes, its the 4th gen.

Big Sexy
13-11-2015, 07:22 AM
there was a SG50 offer of $50 for the 4th gen HIV + syphilis test not too long ago.

Are u aware if the offer is still available?

yes, its the 4th gen.

13-11-2015, 12:10 PM
there was a SG50 offer of $50 for the 4th gen HIV + syphilis test not too long ago.

Are u aware if the offer is still available?

yea, its over already. think that was 3 months ago?

Big Sexy
13-11-2015, 12:19 PM
ok noted. thanks for the info ;)
it was a good offer.

yea, its over already. think that was 3 months ago?

18-11-2015, 04:41 PM
For STD, there no quick test ya?

18-11-2015, 04:55 PM
For STD, there no quick test ya?

Which STD are you referring to?

Big Sexy
18-11-2015, 04:58 PM
not for all stds
u could do the anonymous syphilis test at AFA .. result in about 30 mins

For STD, there no quick test ya?

19-11-2015, 12:45 AM
Sound like to cover everything (comprehensive) , blood need to be drawn

19-11-2015, 09:11 AM
does normal blood test detect HIV?

Big Sexy
19-11-2015, 09:28 AM
if you are referring to the blood test from the routine health screening test then i dont think HIV is covered, of course unless u request for it.

the health screening test is useful in detecting one's cholesterol, cancer, heart, kidney, liver functions etcs.

the basic screening does test for VDRL (syphilis) by default if i remember correctly..

does normal blood test detect HIV?

19-11-2015, 09:34 AM
Though both are important but the like the first one mostly.

19-11-2015, 09:47 AM
does normal blood test detect HIV?

I don't know what on earth you mean by "normal".

If you want to detect HIV you have to perform a blood test to detect HIV.

That's considered routine and "normal" if you're a porn star but not if you're a faithful accountant.

I have not had an HIV test in the last 20 years because I am not in a high risk group. My last HIV test was done when I donated blood 2 decades ago.

19-11-2015, 02:04 PM
What I meant was those hep b hep a blood testing or urine test by poly clinic, will they able to detect HIV?

I don't know what on earth you mean by "normal".

If you want to detect HIV you have to perform a blood test to detect HIV.

That's considered routine and "normal" if you're a porn star but not if you're a faithful accountant.

I have not had an HIV test in the last 20 years because I am not in a high risk group. My last HIV test was done when I donated blood 2 decades ago.

Big Sexy
19-11-2015, 02:41 PM
i thought we already answered your question :confused:
let me try to answer u again..

if u are going to do a blood test for hepatitis, why would they test HIV for you?
I dont think they will do that unless you specifically tell them u want to be tested for HIV as well.

if you are asking whether that syringe they took for Hep testing can detect HIV then yes, if there are enough blood to test for HIV.

What I meant was those hep b hep a blood testing or urine test by poly clinic, will they able to detect HIV?

19-11-2015, 03:07 PM
What I meant was those hep b hep a blood testing or urine test by poly clinic, will they able to detect HIV?

If a blood sample is taken, the sample can be checked for whatever you ask for as long as the technology is available.

Same goes with a Urine test. You have to tell the medical professionals what sort of testing you want them to perform.

25-11-2015, 06:36 AM
hi, just want to ask, for those clinics that provide anonymous HIV tests, do they provide anonymous tests for the other STD/STI? what about simple consultation for a physical examination, can that be anonymous too?

25-11-2015, 09:52 AM
hi, just want to ask, for those clinics that provide anonymous HIV tests, do they provide anonymous tests for the other STD/STI? what about simple consultation for a physical examination, can that be anonymous too?

Only HIV testing can be anonymous at clinics specified and approved by MOH as anonymous testing centers. Every other medical service including STD testing cannot be anonymous.

10-12-2015, 12:48 PM
at 70 days 4th gen combo test - negative.
at 100 days antibody test - negative.

is this sure negative?

However, i have been losing weight like from 77 to 72 is this because of it? I dont think i eat less or my appetite affected per se. Now has been 4 months.I wonder if hiv makes people skinnier that soon?

Big Sexy
10-12-2015, 12:54 PM
you have nothing to worry imo.

your weigh lost is most probably due to your GAD.:D
stop worrying too much...u are safe.;)

at 70 days 4th gen combo test - negative.
at 100 days antibody test - negative.

is this sure negative?

However, i have been losing weight like from 77 to 72 is this because of it? I dont think i eat less or my appetite affected per se. Now has been 4 months.I wonder if hiv makes people skinnier that soon?

10-12-2015, 02:09 PM
I wonder if hiv makes people skinnier that soon?

Being HIV positive does not cause weight loss.

Weight loss occurs only when the HIV infection starts to impact significantly on your CD4 count.

It is highly unlikely that if you have caught HIV within the last few months that it has had any impact on your CD4 count yet. This usually takes a few years if you are not receiving any treatment.