View Full Version : They say the First Time will be the most memorable...
13-10-2015, 11:03 AM
Or not.
Bear with me while I come up with my grandmother story of how I gave away my First Time.
I was 15, and feeling very sad after my first boyfriend broke up with me.
I didn't have the heart to do my homework - I wasn't a teacher's pet, but my grades were pretty good.
I didn't have the heart to even attend school - couldn't bear the thought of seeing him in school, and didn't want my classmates to ask. I wasn't the popular type in school, but as I was from Express and him from Normal Tech, many people teased us both when we passed each other. As I was from a Single Parent family, my mother did not bother with whether I attended school. She was too busy working, and too exhausted to take note.
I spent my time at home sleeping, and going to the arcade alone.
Until one day, I found this mobile web "making friends". During that time, all we had was GPRS. So it can take a while to load up a page. I guess that's why I could use them 1 whole day, they're not too distracting.
That was when I started knowing some guys outside of school...
First time writing, will try to improve!
13-10-2015, 12:55 PM
Nice start. Finally a story from a female's perspective. Carry on gal...
13-10-2015, 01:14 PM
Support here, sis.
13-10-2015, 01:50 PM
Nice start. Finally a story from a female's perspective. Carry on gal...
Support here, sis.
Thanks for the support.. Will carry on soon.
13-10-2015, 01:50 PM
sakkpok sis
ah rat
13-10-2015, 02:18 PM
Sis sakkpok, dig some pixs to share :D
13-10-2015, 02:53 PM
For reference of how I look like, I am actually more towards the cute side rather than the pretty side. Size wise - I can honestly say that I am definitely not considered skinny, or busty. So I would put myself in the average category.
On some days I am super low self-esteem, but on others I am like "Everyone WANTS me.". Yep.
Okay, I did a small google search to show ahgar how I look like.
^ Figure-wise not as good as her. Like I said, not busty. But AHGAR LAH OKAY.
^In my seconday school I look something like that. Alternating between braided twintails and a simple ponytail. Of course fringe cannot so long. And eyes not that big. AHGAR LAH HOR.
Continue my story later. Have to do work already.
13-10-2015, 03:54 PM
sakkpok sis
Thank you!
Sis sakkpok, dig some pixs to share :D
Hahah, google faster. But dunno how to resize. :P
ah rat
13-10-2015, 04:23 PM
Hahah, google faster. But dunno how to resize. :P
Sis,no need to resize.See from yr description ,u look yummy :p If see real pixs more yummy :D
13-10-2015, 04:58 PM
When i first read, i thought its about sex with your grandmother... I cringed immediately until i read it all.. hahaha
Thank heavens!
Or not.
Bear with me while I come up with my grandmother story of how I gave away my First Time.
I was 15, and feeling very sad after my first boyfriend broke up with me.
I didn't have the heart to do my homework - I wasn't a teacher's pet, but my grades were pretty good.
I didn't have the heart to even attend school - couldn't bear the thought of seeing him in school, and didn't want my classmates to ask. I wasn't the popular type in school, but as I was from Express and him from Normal Tech, many people teased us both when we passed each other. As I was from a Single Parent family, my mother did not bother with whether I attended school. She was too busy working, and too exhausted to take note.
I spent my time at home sleeping, and going to the arcade alone.
Until one day, I found this mobile web "making friends". During that time, all we had was GPRS. So it can take a while to load up a page. I guess that's why I could use them 1 whole day, they're not too distracting.
That was when I started knowing some guys outside of school...
First time writing, will try to improve!
13-10-2015, 05:54 PM
Kawaii XMM wor...
I also come and beo...
I jitao skip reading cos' no sex story...
13-10-2015, 07:22 PM
Kawaii XMM wor...
I also come and beo...
I jitao skip reading cos' no sex story...
How was your first time when...
1. SL cum in your mouth...
2. SL fuck your virgin ass...
3. SL dick slap your farking plastic face...
Please elaborate, or else we also skip...
(awaiting your bark ..... or you BOJI to bark, as usual)
13-10-2015, 07:45 PM
Support TS for this story.
13-10-2015, 08:18 PM
the photo is nice and are u a bit chubby?
14-10-2015, 12:42 AM
When i first read, i thought its about sex with your grandmother... I cringed immediately until i read it all.. hahaha
Thank heavens!
Hahahah! Paisay! Maybe my phrasing not very good.
14-10-2015, 12:59 AM
That was when I started knowing some guys outside of school...
I chatted with many guys "online" and there was this particular guy, T, who tried his luck with me. As I was 15 then (not the current era hor), I was pretty easy to influence.
At first, T started out asking me to touch myself first. Although I had a bf previously, it was a the puppy love kind. We didn't progress to fondling or touching each other's privates.
T: Gal, you got touch yourself below before anot?
Janice: No la! I touch myself below for what? Erxin :eek: Haha now I take a different stance.
T: Touch see see la (in Chinese). You confirm feel very good one.
So I tried to touch myself below. In my mind I was, "how do you even do it?" As I already started puberty, I had a small bush there already. I moved my hand lower down to my nether regions and thought, "now what?"
As I was contemplating my next step.... *beep*
T: Put your finger inside your vagina. Just put in and out.
Janice: Erm... Ok, I try..
And so, I put in my finger. It felt a bit jelly-ish, and the initial dryness/resistance wore off after awhile. While my "first time" masturbating wasn't very fantastic, nor did I manage to cum, it did feel pretty good to me then.
Janice: Quite shiok one lei!
T: Told you liao right. Korkor where will bluff you de. (he was 21 then I think)
Janice: Haha, how I know. You want bluff me also no money earn de!
T: Ya lor. Gal you know jiu hao.
Janice: Ok la, I need go sleep liao, tomorrow I have school. Need reach school early to copy homework first. Goodnight! (already past 12mn)
T: Ok goodnight gal. Muacks.
As I wasn't highly pursued then (last time sec sch guys only like all the chio bu, so the "cute" kind like me all pushed to one corner one), my heart skipped a tinyyyy bit at that "muacks".
Then next day in school:
T: Gal, yesterday you touch yourself you got wet mah?
Janice: Huh? What wet?
T: Your finger lor. Or you vagina.
Janice: Errr... Got a bit bah. I only remember feel quite shiok lei, never notice wet anot..
T: It's ok, later after school go home touch again. See how wet you are, ok gal?
Something inside me felt a little weird, and also a little excited, can't wait for school to end.
To be continued......
14-10-2015, 01:48 AM
Nice update, please continue ..... :)
14-10-2015, 05:58 AM
Your story reminds me of my teenage days but I might have matured a little earlier for I started kissing and petting at 12. No joke.
14-10-2015, 07:32 AM
do continue bro
14-10-2015, 08:51 AM
Can up the pace of your updates???
15-10-2015, 10:05 AM
Support TS for this story.
Thanks for the support!
the photo is nice and are u a bit chubby?
Yes, on the chubby side. Mostly cos I'm short. Less than 155cm even till now.
Nice update, please continue ..... :)
Thank you!
Your story reminds me of my teenage days but I might have matured a little earlier for I started kissing and petting at 12. No joke.
Hahah different people mature different age mah. My petting probably 1st bf have, but very shy last time, so a bit weird.
do continue bro
Sure.... bro? :)
Can up the pace of your updates???
Yeah will probably update today. Had fever yesterday so missed out on the update.
15-10-2015, 10:34 AM
Camping for more...
15-10-2015, 02:51 PM
Something inside me felt a little weird, and also a little excited, can't wait for school to end.
As usual, got home from school, ate dinner, do homework (those that I know. Don't know just leave blank.), then followed by watching TV (that era TV was crap but we watched it anyway).
Around 10pm, I received a msg from T.
T: Gal, doing what?
Janice: Watching TV lor. So sianx.
T: Don't watch TV liao la. Touch yourself for Kor lei.
Janice: Huh really ah? Don't watch la, my parents still awake, later come in see how?
T: When you touch yourself got high not? You don't so loud la, your parents won't come in check one.
Janice: Huh what high? Errr... feel shiok ok lor. Okok I go touch a bit...
So I tried to figure out myself again. I bring my finger over to my vagina, and to my surprise, it was already wet. Unlike the other day where I had to put my finger into some hole, I could feel the slight wetness of myself.
To be honest I was a little shocked.
So this time, I didn't put my finger in. I used my finger to spread the "juice" around. I have no clue what I was doing, but it felt hot, ticklish, shiok all at once. Sometimes it would be too ticklish, then I would have to stop myself.
As I rub and spread, I feel so good that my butt muscles clenched itself, together with my legs. I continued my circular motions and before long, I was done.
I didn't know then, but that was the first time I came.
To be continued..............
ah rat
15-10-2015, 03:01 PM
Sis, juicy juicy area I like :p
15-10-2015, 03:43 PM
Camping for more
15-10-2015, 09:59 PM
Interesting story, waiting for more...
15-10-2015, 10:50 PM
camping too :D
15-10-2015, 11:37 PM
Sis, juicy juicy area I like :p
Haha ok.
Camping for more
Writing after catching up on the stories..
Interesting story, waiting for more...
Okay, will write after I catch up on other stories.
16-10-2015, 01:16 AM
I didn't know then, but that was the first time I came.
I don't know if it's because I came for the first time, or the whole action of it was tiring, or was it from school, I was EXHAUSTED. I was stunned for a bit and then drifted off to sleep.
[The next day]
I woke up for school and check my phone. I received probably 10 missed calls from T (I'm a heavy sleeper), and about 5 texts from him.
I just replied him a simple: I'm going to school now, text you later.
Last night's activity seem to have drained my energy but I did feel in a better mood today.
After school ended, I sent a text to T.
Janice: School ended. Sorry last night I too tired, fell asleep.
T: Fell asleep? Tired from touching yourself ah? Hahahaha.
Janice: Yeah lor. Butt and legs tensed up, make me today like got a bit muscle ache. Go home must use yoko yoko liao.
T: Tensed up? Then got anything else happen?
Janice: Huh what anything else?
T: Below got wet or a lot water anot?
Janice: Have leh! OMG how you know? What happen ah?
T: Good thing happen la! Shiok anot? You like mah?
Janice: Shiok is shiok la... But I don't know I like anot lei.
T: Ohh... You want more shiok anot? Tonight meet me la.
Janice: Er.. I see how lor. Later around 9 or 10pm you ask me again.
T: Okok, take care mei. *Muack
*Reached home, throw phone 1 side.
When around 9pm, I started getting nervous... Should I meet T? Why I feel like if I go I will "tio jiak" ah? But I'm also curious... Maybe I can just meet him downstairs and don't go anywhere far?
I waited and waited, till about 10pm I received a text from T.
T: Gal, so how, want meet mah?
Janice: How to meet? I stay Jurong East lei. You stay so far (can't remember where, but I know is some distance away from me).
T: I drive la gal, so want meet anot?
Janice: Hmm, ok lor. What time you coming?
T: Eh... About 11.30pm like that ok?
Janice: Orhhz... Ok loh. *My address* Later you come liao then call or text bah, I go down.
T: Ok, can't wait to see you. *Muack
Omg, I damn nervous now. What if he try to do something weird to me. Aiya, a bit late for that now. And he Muack ge pi ah. But buey pai la, he driving. At most ask him go to the MSCP, at least can walk home from there.
And so....... I prepared myself for his call/text..
To be continued........................
16-10-2015, 02:26 AM
Heading to the Phil to do it with a doctor for her first time.
16-10-2015, 03:25 AM
very nice update, enjoyed it
16-10-2015, 07:11 AM
Very descriptive & slow sexual built up.
Here's 5 rep point as encouragement to continue.
16-10-2015, 11:10 AM
Heading to the Phil to do it with a doctor for her first time.
very nice update, enjoyed it
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Very descriptive & slow sexual built up.
Here's 5 rep point as encouragement to continue.
Thank you! Hope the build up not too slow. :)
16-10-2015, 02:58 PM
And so....... I prepared myself for his call/text..
Nearing 12midnight, I received a text from T.
SHIT. I almost forgot I was gonna meet him. Omg how.
I was already in my pyjamas which were just a shirt and shorts, I was thinking if I should wear a bra.
*But bra so hot! And gao wei!
**But stranger! Go out! Need bra!
Internal struggle for a bit, I decided to go along with wearing a sports bra. Comfy and at least nipples not showing.
T: Here liao. (while I was having internal struggle)
T: Coming down already anot?
T: Gal, you sleep le ah?
-- In my mind -- Wah, why so kancheong. Barely 30 minutes lei.
Janice: Going down now. You at the rubbish chute there ah?
T: Ya, faster come down. So slow one. Later punish you!
WHAT??!?! Punish me. Oh my god what have I got myself into....
To be continued.................
I try to continue again tonight if I can, please support!
16-10-2015, 07:29 PM
And so....... I prepared myself for his call/text..
Nearing 12midnight, I received a text from T.
SHIT. I almost forgot I was gonna meet him. Omg how.
I was already in my pyjamas which were just a shirt and shorts, I was thinking if I should wear a bra.
*But bra so hot! And gao wei!
**But stranger! Go out! Need bra!
Internal struggle for a bit, I decided to go along with wearing a sports bra. Comfy and at least nipples not showing.
T: Here liao. (while I was having internal struggle)
T: Coming down already anot?
T: Gal, you sleep le ah?
-- In my mind -- Wah, why so kancheong. Barely 30 minutes lei.
Janice: Going down now. You at the rubbish chute there ah?
T: Ya, faster come down. So slow one. Later punish you!
WHAT??!?! Punish me. Oh my god what have I got myself into....
To be continued.................
I try to continue again tonight if I can, please support!
Oh God, your are such a cock teaser my dear, can't wait to find out what happen next!
16-10-2015, 07:50 PM
Continue sis, camping here for your 1st time.
18-10-2015, 05:32 AM
Oh God, your are such a cock teaser my dear, can't wait to find out what happen next!
Er thanks? Will write soon!
Continue sis, camping here for your 1st time.
Ok, will continue in a bit.
18-10-2015, 10:29 AM
I am silent reader and will support TS to continue.:D
ah rat
18-10-2015, 10:48 AM
Er thanks? Will write soon!
Sis,got juicy pixs :p
18-10-2015, 10:51 AM
Going rubbish chute to piak piak?
Mai leh...
18-10-2015, 02:19 PM
Going rubbish chute to piak piak?
Mai leh...
You forgot what we did there my love ?
Your ass got burnt. :D
18-10-2015, 03:30 PM
You forgot what we did there my love ?
Your ass got burnt. :D
What was your experience like with Johnbass the first time?
18-10-2015, 05:36 PM
You forgot what we did there my love ?
Your ass got burnt. :D
Please share juicy encounters :D
19-10-2015, 02:28 PM
I am silent reader and will support TS to continue.:D
Thanks for the support. :)
19-10-2015, 03:36 PM
WHAT??!?! Punish me. Oh my god what have I got myself into....
I went down, saw a car, peered in... I mouthed, "T?" He nodded and gestured me to go in. So in I went.
The moment I sat down I knew I should have brought a jacket down with me. it was SO cold. I had obvious goosebumps on my arms and legs.
Janice: Very cold lei, can turn down the air con a bit?
T: Huh? Cold meh? I feel just nice lei. Ok la, don't say I bad, I turn down a bit for you. *turns down a/c* Ok anot now?
Janice: Ya, better.
It was just a tad better. Goosebumps can still be seen on me. T also noticed them. He was eyeing me up and down... I was feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Janice: So.... where we going?
T: I don't know, where you want to go?
Janice: I haven't been out this late, where you want to bring me?
T: Hmm. We just go carpark bah, don't bring you too far.
Janice: Hmm. Ok.
He seems to know his way around my estate, so I just let him drive to the carpark he was thinking of.
Apparently he's going up a MSCP. SHIT! I hate turns.. they make me queasy. I told him I will get dizzy so I am gonna close my eyes.
There. I feel it, he is turning around the MSCP. Oh my god.... How many more turns is he going.....
Soon I feel him ready to park his car. Still reeling from the dizziness of spinning, I continued to rest my eyes.
T: Oei. Why still close your eyes? We stop liao lei.
Janice: Still dizzy leh. I can still talk....
I sounded a bit weak, so he asked if he could help to massage the temples on my head. It seemed harmless, so I said okay. I turned my body and head to face him, while my eyes are still closed.
"Ennn....." It really did help. But what I didn't know was that my simple sound of relaxation turned him on.
T: Feeling better?
Janice: Yaaa..... A bit less dizzy liao... Thanks..
T: Turn around lei...
Janice: Huh why?
T: Don't ask, just turn..
Janice: Okok..
I turned my back to face him. And he moved to massage my neck. "Ahhhhh....." I couldn't help myself, it instantly relaxed me. And then he moved on to the shoulders.
He swept my long hair aside, and massaged my shoulders. As it was the first time being massaged, the feeling was ticklish yet soothing for me at the same time. "Ennnn... Hen shu fu lei. (Very comfortable)" I said mindlessly.
Little did I know he was inching closer to me, smelling my hair.....
To be continued..................
Have to work first! Continue tonight! :D
19-10-2015, 04:30 PM
TS, please continue!
20-10-2015, 05:36 PM
Little did I know he was inching closer to me, smelling my hair.....
I heard a deep breathe taken from him. Shocked, I opened my eyes and peered at the side mirror.
Janice: Oei what you doing sia?! O_O
T: No la, your hair smells nice.. So smell lor. So smooth..
He proceeded to pat my head a little then I calm down a bit liao.
T: So normally I ask you to touch yourself, how you do it?
Janice: Just touch here touch there inside... See where got feeling then continue lor.
T: Don't get it lei. Show me la.
Janice: Huh? You siao ah?
T: Eeee. You shy ah?
Janice: No lo. You then shy. (Actually already shy liao)
T: Hahaha! Ok lo. Not shy is you say de ah.
Then he turned my face around to look at him, and kissed me on my lips!
I was too shocked to react, and then he took the chance to start frenching me, while holding the back of my head and the side of my face to stop me from moving away.
The moment he put in his tongue in my mouth, it intensified the goosebumps (if it could) that I have... giving me weird feelings in my stomach. And I am not sure if I liked it or hated it.
Slowly, bit by bit, he teased my tongue, guided it, toyed with it, and taunted it. To go into his mouth. Soon, we were full on frenching.
It was exciting to me, kissing someone for the first time upon meeting them, and an online stranger at that.
Our tongue fights became more intensified, our breaths grew heavy...
To be continued..........
Another part up tonight at 10pm++!
20-10-2015, 05:54 PM
Reading ur story simply makes mi recalled of my younger days . Haha gan meimei all tat . Support support
20-10-2015, 08:15 PM
Wa sister u damn wild. 12+am can meet online stranger all. Bet there's a wild part of you just wants to seek fun!
22-10-2015, 10:41 AM
Reading ur story simply makes mi recalled of my younger days . Haha gan meimei all tat . Support support
Haha thanks for the support!
Wa sister u damn wild. 12+am can meet online stranger all. Bet there's a wild part of you just wants to seek fun!
Last time probably got small wild bah. :P
22-10-2015, 01:54 PM
Our tongue fights became more intensified, our breaths grew heavy...
I feel his grip loosen on my head as his hands began to roam my body. He was tickling my neck slightly as he passed, feeling the softness of my arms.. He moved my arms to be around his neck, which I easily obliged.
And almost as sudden as the kiss, he cups one of my breasts and gave it a slow massage.
"Ughhh..." A moan escaped my mouth. It only served as a motivation for him to go on.
His other hand moved to my right boob, and now both my boobs are being massaged and played by him. I thought it felt so good, and I was giving soft shy moans to his actions... I couldn't take it and I leaned onto his shoulders.
His hands went under my shirt and pushed up my sports bra. The cold from his car's air con made my nipples perk up almost instantly.
T started to play with my nipples, flicking them with his fingers, giving them tiny pinches, and turning them. They were so sensitive and sending waves of pleasure through my spine.
T: Shuang ma?
Janice: Shuang.... mm.... ughh....
T laid me down on his car seat and pulled my shirt up, exposing my boobs to the open. Luckily for us the carpark was empty and nobody seems to be coming up. The moment he used his tongue to lick my right nipple, it sent shivers down my spine.
He kissed, licked, suck on the the tiny nipple. It became hard so he flicked it. With each flick I feel myself wanting him to touch me more, and touch me everywhere.
It seemed like his body got the signal, he moved from my right boob to the left, playing me like I was his property.
"Ughhh... urghh...." My moans escaped unintentionally, driving T to do more things to me.
T: You like it huh? Tell me what you want me to do to you.
Janice: Yes... Urghh.. I like it... Anything you want...
T: I can do anything I want? *flickflick
He started to massage my boobs harder, although it hurt, it also felt very good at the same time. His left hand massaged my boob while playing with the nipple, and he frenched me, moving along and licked my neck. It was ticklish and made me feel very high..
His hands started rubbing the thin material of my shorts, right at the entrance. The more he rubbed the more satisfied he became..
T: Gal you very wet you know? So naughty...
Janice: Really?... I didn't know... I can't tell...
T looked at me with a piercing stare, as though waiting for my reaction.
Without notice, his finger slipped into my pants! That foreign feeling, of someone else's finger inside of me, felt so good. Much better than when I was playing with myself.
"Ahh..." My face soften and a new moan escaped from my mouth.
It seemed to make T happy.
Oops sorry! Have to go back to work! Will try to get another post up today. Please support! :)
22-10-2015, 02:05 PM
Support TS for this nice story.
24-10-2015, 06:56 AM
Love your story :p keeps me wet most times hehe
24-10-2015, 09:21 AM
Sis not only you wet.. Now I read Liao I also soaking wet.
03-11-2015, 11:56 PM
No more updates?
04-11-2015, 04:04 AM
TS pls continue :o
ah rat
04-11-2015, 06:49 AM
Last time probably got small wild bah. :P
How about now ? :p
May I know what inside look like :D
04-11-2015, 08:02 AM
Sis not only you wet.. Now I read Liao I also soaking wet.
Same here :D
05-11-2015, 12:43 AM
So... how old are you now?
05-11-2015, 12:46 AM
Same here :D
With the ongoing Haze, is good to be a little wet :D
21-07-2017, 05:03 PM
No more le? was so juicy eh
21-07-2017, 05:07 PM
No more le? was so juicy eh
Maybe next time.
21-07-2017, 05:29 PM
Maybe next time.
Wa lao you stop at the exciting part hahaha :D
21-07-2017, 10:03 PM
Let me refresh my memory first before continuing! xD
21-07-2017, 10:26 PM
Let me refresh my memory first before continuing! xD
Haha thanks a lot sis :)
23-07-2017, 09:08 AM
support for sis!! hoping to read more from u:)
23-07-2017, 11:43 AM
support for sis!! hoping to read more from u:)
Same here too!!
23-07-2017, 01:08 PM
Wow nice steamy story. Keep it coming pls. Don't stop. ;)
24-07-2017, 11:33 PM
"Ahh..." My face soften and a new moan escaped from my mouth.
It seemed to make T happy.
He went slowly at first, then started going faster.
One finger first, then he added another.
I could feel my pussy grabbing his fingers really tightly, but I couldn't help it.
I couldn't help the sounds that were coming out of me.
Uncontrollable moans, uncontrollable pleasure.
It felt really wrong but it also feels too good to stop.
T's other hand grabs my face to turn to him, my eyes half-closed.
In the midst of everything, I catch a glimpse of his smirk.
Like he's enjoying doing this to me. He starts to french me again.
But this time, he guided my hands to his throbbing manhood.
It feels weird to be touching his cock. It feels hard, yet it twitches with every brush of my hand. It feels foreign to me, but also quite exciting.
T now has 2 fingers playing below me, he tries to squeeze in the 3rd, but it was too tough, he went back to using 2 fingers.
Suddenly, I feel my body twitching uncontrollably.
I squirmed away from him but he didn't stop. He used his other arm to put me in place and continued fingering me.
I tensed up, and within a second a wave of relief. T pulled out his fingers and looked very satisfied with himself.
"Feel good?" he asked.
I nodded. I was still catching my breath to even respond to him.
He started his car engine and drove back to my house void deck.
"See you next time" his last words before he drove off.
I didn't hear from him till some time later....
To be continued.........
Thanks for the support so far! It's a little hard to remember something that was quite long ago.
I hope you guys enjoy reading this so far!
25-07-2017, 12:05 AM
Enjoyed your update sis! :)
huh... he never release can tahan ah
25-07-2017, 07:34 AM
huh... he never release can tahan ah
Haha I think he just wanted to see my reactions and all. Plus I wasn't exactly legal age ya.
25-07-2017, 07:55 AM
thanks thanks for updates.. power.. more soon pls.
25-07-2017, 05:18 PM
Very nice! Please continue sis :)
26-07-2017, 10:59 PM
thanks thanks for updates.. power.. more soon pls.
Thanks for the support!
Very nice! Please continue sis :)
Maybe in the next few days.
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