View Full Version : Office public toilet sex with bf

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13-10-2015, 02:12 PM
This happen just a few days ago

I just recently got my BTO and was looking for a contractor to renovate my house. So my bf intro his friend, R who is a contractor and we discuss about my house renovation for a few days and finally few days ago we have agree on the reno plan and prices. R say he will drive down to my house and sign the agreement at night. So I inform my bf about it and my bf got excited.

Bf: Later when you meet R, you wear a jacket and a mini skirt without bra and panties
me: why? ( feeling excited too)
Bf: I want to know whether he will peep at you or do anything
me: will you get jealous or angry if he peep?
Bf: no. in fact I will get very sexcited when he peep you and he cant do anything with you.
me: ok I think it will be fun heehee
Bf: After that we meet up to have sex
me: ok I am horny too

And I continue my work in my office

To be cont....

ah rat
13-10-2015, 02:41 PM
Sis, any pixs to share :p

13-10-2015, 03:22 PM
And I continue my work in my office

To be cont....

Time past very slow that day. I am working in office but my mind is thinking what will happen tonight and where will my bf bring to have sex.

Something about me and my bf, we love outdoor sex. we have sex at countless places. He always give me surprise at the places he bring me to and will do something which i never thought i will do in my whole life. Before him, i have 4 bfs which i find very boring and painful whenever i have sex with them. I am always dry so they always say i am a dead fish till i met my current bf. He give a lots of spice to my sex life. Everytime he say we will have sex outside later, i will feel horny, wet and very excited.

Like now, i am in office but i am very wet already and my panties is soak. i msg my bf.

Me: Darling i am very horny and wet now thinking abt tonight
Bf: How? still have a few hours to go
Me: Ya... Haiz
Bf: Why not now u go to your office toilet and strip naked and musterbate?
Me: ya ok i go now
Bf: remember to take some photo and send me
me: heehee

I walk slowly to the toilet without anyone seeing and my pussy is dripping. Once inside, i quickly lock myself in a cubicle and start to strip myself naked and took some sexy photos and send to my bf. This actually makes me more horny and start to rub myself. My left hand fingers was rubbing and my right hand squeeze my breast and playing with my nipples. i was so wet and was abt to cum and i lost control and moan loudly and i cum. so nice.....

Suddenly i hear the door open and one of my colleagues came and use the toilet. Lucky i cum before she came in if not she will hear my moan. But i am not done yet, i decide to tease my bf. I took out my phone and start to video my pussy and start musterbate again. and i put my middle finger into my wet pussy... in and out.... after abt 20 secs i took out my finger and video myself licking and sucking my finger which i just use on my pussy. And i send to my bf

me: nice?
bf: you make me very hard now
me: you like?
bf: tonight i will fuck you very hard

And i know he will give me special excitement tonight. I wonder where he will bring me and what will he do to me.. think abt this, i am horny again.

To be Cont......

13-10-2015, 03:38 PM
camping for more ..... :D

13-10-2015, 04:01 PM
I would love to see too

13-10-2015, 04:03 PM
Good start TS ...... please continue :)

13-10-2015, 04:04 PM
And i know he will give me special excitement tonight. I wonder where he will bring me and what will he do to me.. think abt this, i am horny again.

To be Cont......

Finally times up and i quickly rush home and bath so that i smelly nice and shave my pussy clean if not will be spiky heehee. I know my bf love my shaved pussy. i choose a very tight and mini skirt and i know it will show my butt that i am not wearing anything inside. i choose a bright colour jacket and wear it without anything inside. I can see my nipples popping out. Exciting night i am going to have with my bf and also feeling naughty whether can R see i am not wearing bra and can he see my nipple.. so excited!

I took a photo and send to my bf

me: i wear like that, nice?
Bf: nice
Bf: no bra and panties?
me: yup i listen to u
Bf: later zip down your jacket lower when u meet R
me: ok

Sms came in...

R: I am at your carpark. can you come down now?
me: ok coming

Msg to bf

me: R is here. i gtg
bf: ok.. must let me know what happen later. i want to know
me: okok

To be cont.......

13-10-2015, 04:07 PM
So fast got update :)
Thanks !!!

13-10-2015, 04:12 PM
Good to see girls daring enough to have nothing inside ..... wondering how much they want to reveal :)

13-10-2015, 04:27 PM
TS, can share the pic u sent to ur bfrd?

13-10-2015, 04:40 PM
Nice. Sometimes, don't know who is watching who. In this case, R thought it's his lucky day.

13-10-2015, 05:00 PM
Wah... update soon please!

13-10-2015, 05:03 PM
Some more! Some more!

13-10-2015, 08:55 PM
wa nice! steamy story :D

13-10-2015, 09:05 PM
Nice start. Camping for more.

13-10-2015, 09:09 PM
Let me guess

TS got fuck by R the contractor
TS told bf
bf got sexcited and want to watch
So arranged another fuck session with R...
and bf hid and watch :p:p:p

same story:D

13-10-2015, 10:12 PM
Another dear sis who is game to & loves to tease guys & gets herself all horny leading to it ..so kinky !! ;)...plzz dun keep us waiting too long for yr next sexy instalment, sis ! :p

14-10-2015, 12:32 AM
Let me guess

TS got fuck by R the contractor
TS told bf
bf got sexcited and want to watch
So arranged another fuck session with R...
and bf hid and watch :p:p:p

same story:D

Wa steady, u can read TS mind

14-10-2015, 01:59 AM
Another dear sis who is game to & loves to tease guys & gets herself all horny leading to it ..so kinky !! ;)...plzz dun keep us waiting too long for yr next sexy instalment, sis ! :p

me waiting too :)

14-10-2015, 02:23 AM
Waiting waiting!!!

14-10-2015, 04:51 AM
Handicap toilets are better n more spacious.

14-10-2015, 10:28 AM
Camping here with sushi!! *nom nom nom*

14-10-2015, 10:43 AM
Very nice story. Thank you.

14-10-2015, 10:51 AM
me: R is here. i gtg
bf: ok.. must let me know what happen later. i want to know
me: okok

To be cont.......

When I am in the lift going down, I zip my jacket lower to the area where u can see abit of my breast but can't really see it and I smile to myself thinking what will happen later. When I reach the carpark, I saw R signal me to hop into his car. When I was walking towards his car, I saw R stare at me looking up and down with his mouth slightly open. I open the car door and when I was going in the car, my skirt was pull up because its a mini tight skirt and reveal more of my thigh. I realize his eyes was looking at my breast area and my legs but I acted normally.

Me: Hi R
R: Hi
Me: How r u
R: Good

So inside the car when are talking normally discussing abt my new house renovation quotation. And I realize when he talks to me, once a while his eyes will roll to my breast area but I talk at him he will look back at me like nothing happen. So I decide to let him see without worry that I know. I took the quotation and lay back at the seat and pretend to take my time reading the quotation. At this time, R also lay back on his seat but he is facing side way looking at me. I know he is looking at my breast but I don't know how much he can see. And I actually enjoy this moment that a man is trying to peep at my breast.

Msg came in

Bf: How is it? anything happen?
me: I think he is trying to peep into my jacket
Bf: wow.. can he see your nipple?
me: I don't know
Bf: I am very excited.. I am going to bang u very hard later

I keep my phone and look back at R suddenly, I saw his eyes was looking at my breast area and got a slight shock and quickly look back at me. Thinking abt my bf going to bang me hard later, I am wet again. This time is in R car and wear a tight mini skirt with painties making me feeling a bit weird but also feeling sexcited too. I want to end this fast, my wet pussy is dripping making my inner thigh wet making me feeling uneasy. I told R that I am ok for the quotation and I quickly sign it but he keep talking to me is like unwilling to let me go and at the same time his eyes will roll to see my breast and thigh and he is enjoying it.

Msg came in

Bf: are you done?
me: soon.. coming
Bf: faster I need to fuck you
me: okok coming
me: R keep talking like don't want to let me go
Bf: did he touch you?
me: No.. he keep seeing only
Bf: ok come faster

Conversation with R

Me: I need to go now. I meet my Bf for supper ( my mind is thinking my supper is bf's cock heehee )
R: Oh okok lets go now
Me: Can send me to the MRT?
R: sure ( can see he is abit disappointed)

But I don't care, I need my bf's penis inside me now. R send me to MRT and go off. I msg my bf that I am on the way.

Me: I am coming
Bf: ok
Me: so where we going?
Bf: I also don't know
Bf: just find a place for sex
me: hehe ok

In my mind, I know my bf giving me surprise later which he always does.

To be cont...

14-10-2015, 10:53 AM
Here to support TS for the story.

14-10-2015, 01:47 PM
In my mind, I know my bf giving me surprise later which he always does.

To be cont...

I have reached and met up with my bf. I immediately hug him and kiss him and I tell him

me: Darling I am very wet and horny
bf: why? what are you thinking? ( his hands are roaming behind my back and buttock to make sure I have nothing under my jacket and skirt)
me: I need you badly inside me
bf: which office building you want?

We are at a area with lots of office buildings and it was almost 9pm which most offices are empty already. We walk ard and my bf take his time to choose the building. He knows I want badly and he purposely take his own sweet time and keep touching and squeeze my breast when we are walking.

me: Darling can faster choose one? I cannot take it anymore.. my pussy dripping and make my thigh wet without my panties...
bf: haha okok we go in this building ( pointing a building next to me)
me: there is a security guard sitting there. How?
bf: we just walk straight to the lift

Lucky the security never stop us and we just go into the lift and press one of the highest floor. Inside the lift, we stand apart just in case there is a camera inside. The lift door open and it pitch dark. There are a few offices at that level but all have already close so means no one at the whole level. My bf walk along the corridor and go into the male toilet and I just follow behind.

Once inside the toilet......

To be cont.....

14-10-2015, 01:51 PM
these days the park near my place is near deserted and the toilet there esp the the handicap's are clean.

14-10-2015, 02:01 PM
Camping for more

14-10-2015, 08:41 PM
new camper ALERT!!

15-10-2015, 12:10 AM
Another camper :D

15-10-2015, 07:00 PM
very tempting

16-10-2015, 03:37 AM
TS please update soon :)

16-10-2015, 04:01 AM
very nice TS :D

16-10-2015, 10:47 AM
Nice story TS. Camping for more...

16-10-2015, 10:52 AM
Keep it coming! I'm having a hard-on just by reading your story! :D

16-10-2015, 12:09 PM
Once inside the toilet......

To be cont.....

Once inside the toilet, my bf just hug me from behind and we are facing a big mirror and the basins. Immediately I turn my head to face him and we have a very wet tongues fights.. His hands start roam my body and slowly move his hands to cup my breast and he slowly unzip my jacket exposing my breasts. As we are kissing, he is looking at the mirror and squeezing my breasts and also playing with my nipples... (ohhhh I am so wet when I am recalling what happen heehee)

me: darling I am so wet.... I want...
bf: what you want?
me: I want u inside me....(moaning)

He did not reply me.. both his hand just move down to my skirt and pull up all the way to my waist area and he is looking at my shave and wet pussy...
he move his left hand back to playing my nipple and use his right hand to rub my wet pussy.. I cannot control it.. I moan louder..

me: ahhhh darling ahhhh
bf: how u feel now?
me: I am very very horny ahhhhhhhh
bf: you like?
me: I.....I..... love it......ahhhhhh

suddenly he turn me around facing him and our tongues fighting in a wet fights again... he move both his hands on my buttock and carry me up and sits on the stone tiles basin.. my buttock feeling cold sitting on it without my panties and my cum flowing on the basin.. he start to lick my face, ear, neck and slowly lick my breasts and licking my nipples then sucking my nipples like a small baby.. I close my eyes enjoying the moment and moaning.. I love it.. Suddenly I open my eyes big and realize that any moment someone can just come into the toilet looking at me sitting up there with my bf sucking my nipples.. (the basin is facing the toilet main door)

me: darling.... can we go into the cubicles?
bf: why?
me: I scare someone will come in and see us
bf: (slient... continue sucking)
me: darling I am scare.... ( keep looking at the holes below the main door and see if anyone walk past)
bf: I thought u like adventure
me: I like but this is abit scary... anyone can just walk in or maybe the security guards will come this floor and hear us... ( I don't know why although I am very scare.. I am getting more horny and wet at the same time.. and my bf know it very well!)

He didn't reply me.. instead he bent down and lick my pussy...Oh my god! I am like in hell and heaven at the same time.. I am so scary yet my bf lick my wet pussy making more horny.. I really lost control and moaning even louder.. at the same time I couldn't close my eyes, keep looking at the door holes worry that someone comes... I cannot explain this kind of feeling. I know my bf will give me surprise sex adventure but I didn't know is like that!

And I love it! heeheee

To be Cont....

16-10-2015, 12:55 PM
nice one! keep it cummin!

16-10-2015, 05:17 PM
And I love it! heeheee

To be Cont....

me: I am cuming!! I am cuming!!! ahhhhhhhhh

I cum in his mouth but he didn't stop.. he is still licking and sucking my pussy.. I feel abit embarrassing now.. before I meet my bf, I went to the toilet to pee and when we were finding the building I did sweat abit too. And now my bf is licking not only my cum.. also my urine and sweat.. I keep pushing my bf's head away feeling embrassing..

bf: why you keep pushing me away?
me: I feel embarrass now
bf: why so sudden?
me: I forgot to tell u just now I got pee and also I sweating just now. I think I am dirty now

He never reply me and goes back to licking my pussy

me: Darling don't... very dirty
bf: I like..
me: not smelly?
bf: no ( keep licking)
me: what is the taste?
bf: smell nice and taste sweet
me: really?

He keep quiet again and continue licking. Suddenly he stop and stand up to French me.. forcing his tongue in my mouth and we engage into wet kiss again..

bf: Now u taste your cum..
me: ya I can taste it
bf: is it smelly?
me: no.. its sweet... heehee
bf: I told u..
me: u really like the taste?
bf: yes I love it..

While we are having our wet kiss, he unzip his pants...

To be cont....

17-10-2015, 01:16 AM
the toilet's temperature just went up up UP!!

17-10-2015, 02:06 AM
Please continue TS :)

17-10-2015, 12:52 PM
Very sensually & erotically described toilet sex !...so sexciting ! ;)...quite unique & one of it's kind !...Licking their pussies below is something many ladies are quite ashamed to allow due to hygiene reasons :(...

But this is a Good enjoyable story written by TS sis Apple 69 of her own personal sexperience ! :)...Thank you sis for sharing wif us & keep it up !...ready to read yr next exciting instalment ! :p

17-10-2015, 09:06 PM
TS please carry on :D

17-10-2015, 09:38 PM
Nice encounter ... hope to

17-10-2015, 09:51 PM
Great story line...

17-10-2015, 11:53 PM

18-10-2015, 10:47 AM
Nice start. Camping for more.

19-10-2015, 11:31 AM
While we are having our wet kiss, he unzip his pants...

To be cont....

He unzip his pants and he took out his shaved cock.. so hard that I can see the veins. I love his shaved cock. everytime he knew that we going to have sex, he will shave clean for me. Without speaking a word, he aim at my wet pussy and just one push, his cock disappear into my pussy...

Me: Ahhhhhhh... so nice.. so warmth..
Bf: You shiok?
Me: Yes...

I am still sitting on the basin and he is standing infront of me fucking me hard... Which he promise me just now... At the same time, he lick and suck my breast and he also bite my breast and nipples.. leaving a few love bites and saliva on both breast.. I want to close my eyes but I couldn't.. Althought I feel shiok, wet and horny but my eyes still couldn't leave the door holes. Afraid ppl come in anytime..

Me: Darling I am still scare.. can you carry me into the cubicle?
Bf: no.. I want to fuck you here.. don't u feel very exciting here?
Me: yes very exciting but what if ppl walk in?
bf: then no choice.. you have to run into the cubicle..
bf: now close your eyes and enjoy..

I listen to him.. I lean backwards and my head tilt back with my hands supporting on the basin, my legs lock on his waist and I use my legs to pull him towards me again and again..making him bang harder and harder on me.. I moan and moan louder and louder till the whole level can hear me ( If there is anyone on that level at that time heehee)

me: harder harder fuck me harder ahhhhhhh i am very itchy down there

I can even hear my pussy so wet everytime he bang me.. I cannot take it anymore.. i move my body forward and hug him very tight and French him and i says

me: darling i am cuming i am cuming
bf: don't stop

my legs pull him towards me to make every bang harder and harder.. finally..

me: AHHHHHHHHH darling i cum...

we stop but we are still hugging at the same position with our sweaty bodys and his cock still inside me and catching our breath.. And you think is finish?
My bf haven't shoot yet, his cock is still hard...

To be cont....

19-10-2015, 05:12 PM
Hello Apple, good post! Keep it going~ Thanks! ;)

20-10-2015, 01:55 AM
Nice update ..... camping for more :D

20-10-2015, 11:31 AM
we stop but we are still hugging at the same position with our sweaty bodys and his cock still inside me and catching our breath.. And you think is finish?
My bf haven't shoot yet, his cock is still hard...

To be cont....

My bf grab my hair and pull me down from the basin and push me downward forcing me to squat down to face his cock and just insert from hard cock with full of my cum into my mouth. In and out non stop, instead of fucking my pussy he is fucking my mouth now.. I love the taste of his cock with the mixture of my cum. After doing it for abt 2 mins, he stop and took out his cock from my mouth

bf: don't lick and suck.. I want u to smell my cock and my balls

I listen to him again.. when come to sex with him.. I am like a sex salve.. I will do anything to please him.. but I don't why.. I just enjoy to be his sex salve. I grab hold of his cock and smell, I smell his cock, my cum and some of his pre cum..

bf: you like the smell?
me: ( nodded my head)
bf: now smell my balls

I move my face down towards his balls and I move both my hands to grab his buttocks. Now without my hand holding his cock, the cock just rest on my face with the cum on my face too. I took a deep breath at his balls area, I smell mix of cum and sweat.. you can call me pervert because I really enjoy I am doing now.. I am his sex salve..

bf: you like to smell my balls?
me: I love it.. I love to smell every parts of u ( taking deep breath again)
bf: lick me

I start licking and sucking his balls.. sucking off all the cum and sweat into my mouth.. slowly move my tongue to lick my beloved hard cock.. I doing it slowly and I look into his eyes from below.. he is looking back at me and smiling.. I know he likes what he sees.. I move my tongue to the head of his cock and lick his pee hole and look at him again..

me: darling u like?
bf: yes I like

I use my lips to push back the skin and now the whole cock disappear into my mouth once again. My hands are still at his buttocks and start pulling him towards me so the his whole cock can go into my mouth and slowly to my throat.. I want his sperms flow in my throat. We do this for a few mins and my fear has long gone.. I don't care anyone walk in now..what I want now is the cock in me..

He grab my hair again and pull my hair to make me stand up...

To be cont...

20-10-2015, 02:42 PM
He grab my hair again and pull my hair to make me stand up...

To be cont...

He pull to the man's urine basin and make me bent down to face the urine basin and my hand supporting on the wall and he stand behind me.

bf: Do u know what is this? ( still grabbing my hair)
me: yes I know
bf: tell me what is it?
me: its for man to urine here
bf: can u imagine there maybe hundreds or thousands of men already urine here and u are facing it and I am going to fuck u here
me: yes fuck me please....

Without wasting time, he thrust my pussy from behind...

me: ahhhhhh I want I want more

he hold on to my hips and bang me real hard making a lots of noise.. the "pia piah" getting very loud and my moan also getting very loud.. The whole toilet is full of our smell of sex and cum.. My eyes open looking at the urine basin with my bf banging me behind.. I start to imagine many cocks here urine before and imagine all the cocks ard beside me.. getting even more arouse more horny more wet.. I cum and cum a few times which cannot remember how times because I am too enjoying the moment..

bf: I am cuming

Just a few more thrust, he quickly withdraw and I turn ard squatting down quickly put his cock in my mouth. He shoot.. shoot a lot into my mouth.. I suck and suck everything out not wanting to waste a single drop of his sperm and swallow down everything. I suck him dry and continue to lick his cock clean. Lick all his sperm and my cum.. I know he love I do this for him.. and I enjoy too.

After cleaning up, we dress properly and leave the place. One more place we conquered. This is just one out of many sexventure we did. And we will continue to conquer more places.. hehe

................................................Th e end............................................... ..

I used to hate sex. I used to be a dead fish when sex. I give all my ex bf sex just because they want to release. I never wanted it. But with him, I love sex. I become a fighter on bed. I give him everything not just he wants but because I want too. Now I become a sex addict because of him. I do whatever he wants and enjoy become his sex salve.. I never knew this part of me. I love what I am now.

20-10-2015, 06:42 PM
Nice story waiting for more action.

20-10-2015, 07:58 PM
Nice one! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story Apple69. Me and my current gf is still exploring more on outdoor as well.

20-10-2015, 09:55 PM
..The whole toilet is full of our smell of sex and cum.. My eyes open looking at the urine basin with my bf banging me behind.. I start to imagine many cocks here urine before and imagine all the cocks ard beside me..getting me even more arouse more horny more wet.... I cum and cum a few times which cannot remember how times because I am too enjoying the moment..

bf: I am cuming

Just a few more thrust, he quickly withdraw and I turn ard squatting down quickly put his cock in my mouth. He shoot.. shoot a lot into my mouth.. I suck and suck everything out not wanting to waste a single drop of his sperm and swallow down everything. I suck him dry and continue to lick his cock clean. Lick all his sperm and my cum.. I know he love I do this for him.. and I enjoy too.

After cleaning up, we dress properly and leave the place. One more place we conquered. This is just one out of many sexventure we did. And we will continue to conquer more places.. hehe

................................................Th e end............................................... ..

I used to hate sex. I used to be a dead fish when sex. I give all my ex bf sex just because they want to release. I never wanted it. But with him, I love sex. I become a fighter on bed. I give him everything not just he wants but because I want too. Now I become a sex addict because of him. I do whatever he wants and enjoy become his sex salve.. I never knew this part of me. I love what I am now.
Thank you very much sis Apple69 for such a sexciting account of yr tryst with yr bf in the sensualness of yr office toilet ! :):o...oowow !!..believe tis is causing many of us guys raging hardons reading it esp the highlighted part ! ;)...plzz share wif us more of yr sexventures with yr bf if you hv !..It is nice to know tat tis thread has a very pleasurable ENDING for a sex hungry couple ! :p..haha

21-10-2015, 11:10 AM
Maybe I can add on some of my other sexventure here.. Ever since I have my current bf.. we have countless outdoor sex at too many places which I lost count. I will update those I find very excitings one.. which I think you guys will like it..

When we are together about 3 mths, we already have outdoor sex many times but mostly we are in his car. One day when I was working at a office in west where I was allowed to have 2 hours of lunch once awhile. The day before my bf say he will be free during my lunch time and say will come meet him for lunch. I thought it will be a normal lunch till he says:

bf: tml can you just wear one pc dress with high heel?
me: huh? why one pc? I cannot wear 2 pc? (scratch head)
bf: listen.. I want you to wear one pc
me: ok darling
bf: and high heel
me: ok

I know its not just lunch anymore but wondering what he is going to do tml.. The next day arrived and I listen to him wearing a one pc dress with high heel to work.. waiting for lunch time and I cant concentrate on my work.. keep thinking what he is going to do to me.. he always do this to me.. I believe after reading my story about sex in toilet, u all should know he love to give me surprise sex.. While waiting, I am wet again in the office.. I went to the toilet and took out my panties, I saw a wet patch on it. I took a photo of it and send to me bf

me: you see.. u make me wet in office again
bf: what did I do?
me: you ask me wear one pc
bf: yup but I didn't do anything at all
me: I know u going to do something later.. and thinking of it I am horny now
bf: hahaha
me: your fault
bf: then how?
me: tell me what u want to do later
bf: you will know later.. heehee

To be cont......

21-10-2015, 03:44 PM
Nice story TS

21-10-2015, 05:09 PM
Very nice ..... please continue TS :)

21-10-2015, 05:11 PM
Camping for more :D

21-10-2015, 06:47 PM
nicely written :D

21-10-2015, 07:22 PM
OMG so fast next story already!!!

21-10-2015, 09:31 PM
Waiting for next installment :)

21-10-2015, 09:39 PM
bf: you will know later.. heehee

To be cont......

Finally reach my lunch time and I received a msg

bf: I reach
me: coming

Saw my bf waiting inside his car at the drop off area. I hop inside his car and I ask him

me: where are we going?
bf: lets go eat 1st

He just bring me to have a quick lunch at a coffeeshop and he drive me towards tuas area. I ask him again where are we going? He just smile at me.. making me anxious. In my mind, what is he up to again? He exit the jurong birdpark and drive up the jurong hill. I believe most of you will know this place. There is a tower at the top of the hill and overlook the jurong island. When reach the jurong hill carpark:

bf: ok we reach
me: so we come here for?
bf: you will know later ( cheeky smile)
(I open the door and prepare alight)
bf: wait... close the door
me: why?
bf: I want you take off your bra and panties now
me: no no here so bright and there are ppl ard
bf: you don't want to listen to me?
me: orh darling

As I taking off my bra and panties, he was just watching me smiling to himself.. and he suddenly touch my pussy..

bf: oh you shave... gd
me: gd for?
bf: you will know... heehee

We alighted and I hug his arm with both my hands to cover my breast area, afraid someone will see my nipples because I wear a thin dress.. I getting very excited at what he want to do..

me: darling u making me very anxious. can u tell me what u want to do?
bf: I want to take photo...
me: huh? take photo?

what happen next is out of my imagination.. seriously with him I did many things which I think I will never do in my whole life...

To be cont....

21-10-2015, 09:47 PM
More outdoor adventures :)

21-10-2015, 09:51 PM

Are you angry?

21-10-2015, 10:12 PM
angry abt?

21-10-2015, 10:25 PM
nice story .. :D

22-10-2015, 07:44 AM
Maybe I can add on some of my other sexventure here.. Ever since I have my current bf.. we have countless outdoor sex at too many places which I lost count. I will update those I find very excitings one.. which I think you guys will like it..

..I believe after reading my story about sex in toilet, u all should know he love to give me surprise sex.. While waiting, I am wet again in the office.. I went to the toilet and took out my panties, I saw a wet patch on it. I took a photo of it and send to me bf

me: you see.. u make me wet in office again
bf: what did I do?
me: you ask me wear one pc
bf: yup but I didn't do anything at all
me: I know u going to do something later.. and thinking of it I am horny now
bf: hahaha
me: your fault
bf: then how?
me: tell me what u want to do later
bf: you will know later.. heehee

To be cont......
T.Q. v. much sis Apple69 for being such a different babe ;)...so willing, eager & brave to share with us yr kinky sexcapades with yr bf ! :);)....Greatly appreciated !...Plzz continue asap yr next naughty instalment & dun keep us in suspense for too long to know the details of wat happened ! :p

22-10-2015, 11:04 AM
what happen next is out of my imagination.. seriously with him I did many things which I think I will never do in my whole life...

To be cont....

As we walking up the tower, he begin to be very touchy. He squeeze my breast.. squeeze my buttock and even slip his hand inside my dress to play my nipples..

me: Darling u making me horny
bf: really?
me: can tell me what photo u taking later
bf: just do what I want
me: orh

When we reach the top of the tower, there was nobody. Normal office lunch time almost over, most ppl left the place. We are alone overlooking to jurong island and very windy making my dress fly.. he start hugging me kiss me touch me roam me.. making me wet.. I am enjoying the moment with his tongue fight mine and his hand squeeze my breast playing my nipples and rubbing my pussy.. I close my eyes and moan softly.. all of the sudden, he pull up my dress all the way to below my breast area. I got a shock and open my eyes and stop him

me: what u doing?
bf: I want to take of your dress
me: no no cannot
bf: why?
me: here is so bright and open.. ppl will see
bf: I will protect u and u know why I want u wear one pc?
me: ( shook head)
bf: because its easy to take off everything and before ppl come up its easy to wear back too
me: I am scare
bf: listen to me.. I want to take photo of u naked here
me: huh? no darling I scare
bf: I want

And he hug me and kiss me again.. he start to pull my dress up again.. but this time I didn't stop him.. I am scare but enjoy at the same time.. I must be crazy I thought to myself.. within few seconds I am totally naked with just my high heel on top of the jurong hill tower, can u imagine that at board day light? If anyone took photo of us, we will be on stomp.

I hugged him even tighter.. my breath getting heavier.. and my pussy getting wetter. After awhile he pull apart and say

bf: post for me.. I want to take photo now (took out his phone)
me: what post u want? (covering my breast and pussy)
bf: some sexy post

And I did but keep looking ard..

To be cont....

22-10-2015, 11:57 AM
Angry about get fucked before marriage

22-10-2015, 11:59 AM
Hahaha... Are u a young boy???

22-10-2015, 03:21 PM
And I did but keep looking ard..

To be cont....

I wonder will there be anyone see us from opposite but its so far away.. I wonder if anyone walking up, do I have enough time to wear back my dress.. while thinking about these, my bf already took a few pics of me..

bf: I want u squeeze your breast...
bf: I want u to open your legs
bf: I want u one hand squeeze breast one hand like rubbing your pussy
bf: I want u bit your lips and show me "come fuck me face"
bf: I want u lick your lips
bf: I want u insert finger inside your pussy
bf: lick your finger and suck it

We keep doing it for few mins. I don't know how many photos he took. And I begin to feel relax as the wind blow and begin to feel wet and horny.. and I begin to enjoy doing what I doing now.. at the same time asking myself what am I doing? why I dare to be totally naked in the public wearing just a high heel? and the best is why I enjoying doing all these when my bf happily taking photos? the more I post for him the more horny I am..

I look down at my bf pants.. I saw he have a hardon.. I know he horny too.. I know he wants too.. I start to post like a bitch... like a slut.. give him come fuck me face.. I begin to love this side of me which I never know.. and I want to tease him now.. I slowly move down and on my crawl slowly towards him like a cat and I look at him licking my lips.. he stop taking photos and put down his phone and look at me anxiously.. I crawl to him facing his cock area while he standing looking down at me.. I move my face towards his zip and bite the zip to pull it down slowly.. I lick his cock with his underwear still on it.. I know he cannot hold on too long not doing anything.. he start to unbutton his pants and I help him to pull down leaving his underwear still on it.. I lick again.. he moan softly.. I look at him

me: darling I want.....

to be cont..

22-10-2015, 04:35 PM
Awesome thread. Keep it up sistar..

22-10-2015, 10:05 PM
camping for more updates :)

23-10-2015, 11:35 AM
me: darling I want.....

to be cont..

My bf pull down his underwear and his shave cock just jump out nearly hit my face.. I hold his cock, pull back his skin and look up at him and bite my lips giving him slutty face and start licking the cock head. He moan softly.. I love to hear my man moan, means he is enjoying what I am doing to him.. slowly I sucks him deeper and deeper.. After I making his whole cock full of my saliva and move downwards to lick his balls.. We are doing this in the public, on top of jurong hill top tower in broad daylight and I am totally naked with only my high heel and my bf is half naked below. If anyone walk up now, we are dead meat.. hahaha

Then my bf pull my hair to make me stand up.. from both my stories, I believe u all should know he is very rough on me when we have sex.. and I like it.. heehee.. He push me to face inside of the tower just in case anyone from below look up can see us. I facing inside holding on to the low wall and my back face him.

bf: I want you to bent your body lower and make your butt higher while standing..

I listen to him and jack up my butt facing him and open my leg slightly to show him my wet pussy.. he took his phone to take pics of the position heehee.. ( Now I understand why he want me to wear high heel today because it will make me look sexy in this position and make my butt higher too) then he kneel down and lick my pussy from behind.. Omg I moan softly enjoying a man licking my pussy and sometime he lick my asshole from behind.. I was about to cum but he stop..

me: why u stop? I am cumming soon
bf: I want to fuck u now
me: ok darling.. do it now.. I want..

He thrust into my wet pussy from behind and bang me very hard making a lot of noise..

me: darling not so loud.. I scare ppl hear..
bf: ok

He slow down to lower the sound and I try to moan softly not making to much noise.. but seriously I want to shout at that moment telling him "HARDER HARDER" but I cant... heehee... everytime when he pumping me from behind, my body tend to move to the front abit and making my breast hitting on to the low wall..

bf: I am cumming..
me: u want me to swallow?
bf: yes now!

He took out his cock from my pussy and I turn ard squatting down and immediately suck his cock and use one of my hand pump out for him.. wow he shoot a lot into my mouth and I nearly got choke.. and he moan abit louder this time, I believe he is feeling very shiok now.. then I start to swallow down everything and lick his cock clean of his sperm and my cum. I help him wear back his underwear and pants.. then wear back my dress and we leave the place...

This is my 1st totally naked outdoor experience ( excluding car naked heehee )

Nice and memorable experience!:D

.............................................The End............................................... .....

23-10-2015, 01:47 PM
Very nice stories, sis. Thank you for sharing. Could you also share how your bf turn you from a frigid into the horny girl? I would like to turn on the horny bit in my girl too.

23-10-2015, 02:13 PM
Very nice outdoor adventure :)

23-10-2015, 02:15 PM
haha maybe its already in me.. just need the correct person to turn on

23-10-2015, 02:45 PM
haha maybe its already in me.. just need the correct person to turn on

More please!! Does your bf know you are writing about your adventure in SBF?

23-10-2015, 03:02 PM
yup he knows.. he actually encourage me to write

23-10-2015, 04:37 PM
Haha never post any censored pic for us to imagine.

23-10-2015, 05:14 PM
Nice story.

23-10-2015, 07:12 PM
Haha never post any censored pic for us to imagine.

2nd that :D

25-10-2015, 09:26 AM
This just happen yesterday 24th Oct 2015

I am having meals with my bf in a crowded shopping mall in the east.. after eat we are just walking ard doing some window shopping.. In one the shop, I was just looking at things. Suddenly my bf squeeze my breast from behind. I got shock

me: what u doing?
bf: ( never answer me and squeeze again)
me: no darling too many ppl here..

We were at a corner and no one was there and he plant a kiss on my lips and insert his tongue into my mouth. I am getting horny

bf: follow me

I know he wants again.. we went up to the roof top hopefully no one was there but to our disappointment there were few group of ppl. So we went back to the lift lobby and press the lift. And when I thought everything is over. He suddenly pull me into the staircase just beside the lifts and close the door. We hug immediately and wet kiss. Then he unzip

bf: suck me

I squat down and suck him till he is hard.. So nice to have a hard meat warm rod inside my mouth.

To be cont....

25-10-2015, 12:36 PM
Waiting for the next chapter.

25-10-2015, 12:55 PM
Like your story a lot..always camping for more:D:D

25-10-2015, 03:44 PM
Jurong Hill there got cctv right?

25-10-2015, 04:19 PM
camping for more updates :D

25-10-2015, 09:51 PM
U mean at the tower? I don't know about now.. But last time don't have

25-10-2015, 10:23 PM
U mean at the tower? I don't know about now.. But last time don't have

If have would u still continue? :D

25-10-2015, 10:44 PM
keep sharing more stories :D

25-10-2015, 11:28 PM
If have would u still continue? :D

I think she would. That's why she didn't check first.

26-10-2015, 02:02 PM
if I say last time don't have mean I got check

26-10-2015, 06:17 PM
TS any more outdoor encounter? :)

27-10-2015, 07:50 AM
Nice. Can't wait for more TS!

27-10-2015, 10:50 AM
if I say last time don't have mean I got check

Yes, but you didn't check this time ;)

27-10-2015, 10:51 AM
this time? I duno what u talking about

27-10-2015, 11:15 AM
I squat down and suck him till he is hard.. So nice to have a hard meat warm rod inside my mouth.

To be cont....

Then he ask me to stand up and unbutton my shorts. I stop him

me: What u doing?
bf: we have a fast one
me: no this timing so crowded in the mall.. are u crazy?
bf: very fast ome
me: no

He ignore me and pull my shorts down and I pull back

me: I don't want darling.....

The best thing is I am already wet when I say don't.. My body say I want.. My mind say Don't want too dangerous... But he just don't care and pull my shorts down again and this time when I am about to pull back my shorts.. he stop me and push me to face the wall.. and within sec he is already inside me..

bf: wow u are so wet.. so easy to go in
me: yes I am very horny but still scare ppl might take the staircase
bf: don't worry very fast

He thrust me so hard that I nearly moan out but I have to control my noise.

bf: u feel shiok?
me: (nodded my head)

Suddenly use his right hand to pull back my right hand and use his left hand push my face to the wall.. Can you all imagine that he do that to me at a staircase in a crowded shopping mall? Is like a man raping me!! But the diff is I enjoy this man raping me... making me very wet as he fucking me in that position.. heehee

bf: later when u coming must let me know ok?
me: (nodded my head)

I cant even talk because I scare the moment I open my mouth I will moan loudly and ppl may hear me... My mouth was close all the time to prevent it and only making "hum hum hum" sound.. My tears near drop not because of pain but because I am too high.

me: I am cuming..

He thrust me even hard and faster

me: I cum.... ahhhhhhhhhhh ( softly)

He stop and pull me squat down and clean his cock using my tongue and mouth.. After that he just zip his pants and help me tidy my hair because is in a mess.. I really look like I just got rape heehee...

me: u haven't shoot yet
bf: I just I to make u cum that's all hahaha

And he happily walk off...

.........................................The End............................................... .........

27-10-2015, 11:22 AM
Yes, but you didn't check this time ;)

Ok I understand why you say that already.. My fault.. I read back my story and I realize I only state when I was with my current bf for about 3 mths.. and I forgot to write this happen close to ard 3 years ago :)
I with my current bf 3 years plus

27-10-2015, 06:14 PM
Ok I understand why you say that already.. My fault.. I read back my story and I realize I only state when I was with my current bf for about 3 mths.. and I forgot to write this happen close to ard 3 years ago :)
I with my current bf 3 years plus

Ah my bad actually. I confused your jurong hill experience with the one that happened 3 days ago in a shopping mall in the east.

28-10-2015, 11:55 AM
This happen yesterday 27th Oct 2015 at a cinema at west area in the afternoon.

Both me and my bf not working and he suggest to watch a movie in the afternoon. After choosing the show and we bought the tickets at a quiet cinema in the west area. This is not the 1st time we make out in cinema but this time is very diff from the past experience.

As usual during the show, we normally get very touchy and start out kissing. We are sitting right at the last row left section and there is a couple sitting just one row infront of us on our right side middle section. So if they just turn their head, they will see what we are doing. But we are not naked so we just continue our wet kiss and touching here and there.

bf: suck me
me: huh? if they turn ard they will see
bf: then let them see loh

Knowing my bf will not give up and insist, I bend down and unzip him and suck him.. I don't know whether the couple see what I am doing but I hack care and enjoying my meat hard rod.. After few mins, he stop me and whisper to me

bf: I want to fuck u now
me: huh? how? We are too close to the couple infront
bf: We go to the back
me: what u mean? we are at the last row
bf: Just follow me

He bring me to the left entrance where normally there is a main door into the theater and there will be 2 entrance, one left and one right. We are standing on the left entrance. He start to unbutton my shorts and I say

me: If ppl open the door how? ( start to get worry)
bf: Very fast one

Knowing his pattern, I just give in to him.

bf: You look infront see if anyone walking up
me: huh? you want my head out of this wall looking infront... and u fuck me from behind here?
bf: ya
me: very weird and funny loh hahaha
bf: faster la before I soft

And I really hide my whole body behind the wall and only my head is out looking at anyone walking up and the main door is just behind us... So scary but I quite used to his sexventure already. He insert his cock in me and I cannot even make a single sound if not everyone will turn again to watch a live porn instead of the movie haha.. He pump and pump me till I am so wet and I had to control my moaning and at the same time have to open my eyes to watch anyone walking up and also watching the movie too... Wa! What a sex experience! I think no one here have ever done this before even u have sex in cinema before!

I am so nervous and I cum within a min! But I cant make a sound or I can tell him I cum. After awhile, he whisper that he is cumming and I turn ard to let him shoot everything in my mouth and swallow. I lick him cock clean and we wear back and go back to our seats like nothing happen before.

Wow! Another special sexventure in my diary! So scary and fun to do all these before I die! Haahaahaa.....

................................................Th e End............................................... .

28-10-2015, 12:04 PM
Interesting encounter..... more please :D

28-10-2015, 05:15 PM
Very nice story here.

01-12-2015, 03:15 PM
Great steamy real story Sister...

01-12-2015, 04:22 PM
Nice story here.

01-12-2015, 04:37 PM
nice story... waiting for more..

11-02-2016, 02:32 PM
10th Feb 2016 aka 3rd day of CNY which is yesterday I finally tried something that I never try before in my life. Again my bf bring me to another new level of sex.

Since last week my bf keep say he want to try threesome with me and keep asking am I ok to have sex with another man infront of him. Of course I say no to him as I only want sex with him.

bf: You say you will listen to me and will do whatever I want u to do
me: yes but u want me to fuck with another guy?
bf: yes. I want you do it infront of me
me: you don't mind?
bf: I don't mind because I am the one asking you to do it
me: are you sure? because I really don't want to have sex with another man beside you.
bf: Do it with me,ok?
me: .........

I didn't answer him but he knows I will give in to him.. I will do what he wants.. but I am really scare. He told me he already arrange everything on the 10th Feb in a hotel. I am worry what man he arrange for me. Will my bf don't want me anymore after I have sex with another man? I cant sleep well for a few nights and worry about that day coming soon.

ah rat
11-02-2016, 02:47 PM
Since last week my bf keep say he want to try threesome with me and keep asking am I ok to have sex with another man infront of him. Of course I say no to him as I only want sex with him.

Sis, Dump him immediately.
He not serious on you.
He take you as his sex tool.
Before he dump you,you dump him first :)

11-02-2016, 03:08 PM
Sounds like an evil plot by the BF.. hais..

15-02-2016, 11:49 AM
10th Feb came and I am very nervous about it. We check in into a hotel 45 mins earlier before the 3rd person join us.

As usual, we start to enjoy each other body. Kissing, licking and rocking him to shoot. I always enjoy serving him. I just love to see him enjoy. But today will be something diff, it will be my 1st threesome with another guy that arrange by my bf. I am scare and nervous. I hear someone knocking the door and I freeze. He is here.

My bf took out a blind fold and cover my eyes and whisper to me

bf: stay here and don't take out the blind fold

I just nodded my head feeling scare... I heard him open the door and someone walk in.. Then I feel someone laying down beside me and touch me, it was my bf. I quickly hug him and I hear another person in the room start taking off the clothes.. My bf want me to relax and start kissing me again. While our tongues were fighting, I feel another person lay down on the bed on my left side while my bf on my right side..

To be continue ......

15-02-2016, 12:55 PM
I feel another person lay down on the bed on my left side while my bf on my right side..

To be continue ......

The person start to touch me.. touch my stomach.. touch my breast and touch my nipples and my bf is still Frenching me.. I feel very scare and nervous but at the same time I get very excited too... I don't know how to explain the feeling.. I start to suck my bf tongue and my breathing getting heavier. Now I feel that person start to lick my left nipple and my bf also moving downwards to my neck and to my right nipple.. in my whole life, I have never been lick and suck with my 2 breasts and nipples at the same time by 2 persons. My breath get even heavier and I start moan.. OMG.. I like the feeling...

I can feel my pussy getting very wet and itchy.. while they are sucking my nipples.. their hands also roaming my body.. and that person finger touching my pussy lips.. I am so wet... and he start to lick downwards towards my pussy while my bf still licking my nipple.. he hold both my legs and his head goes in between and lick my pussy.. ahhhhhhhh I feel like in heaven. My bf licking my right nipple and his finger playing with my left nipple. My mouth couldn't close.. I moan and moan I feel so great.. I don't feel scare anymore...

I want more now....

To be Continue....

15-02-2016, 01:20 PM
Hi Sis,you done a very good job, but I try to persuade my girlfriend but didn't happen to me.
Next time you get your girl friend and screw you boyfriend up. than pretty fun is it. Thank for sharing

15-02-2016, 02:20 PM
I want more now....

To be Continue....

But I feel weird about this guy that join us.. he is so gentle on me which don't feel like a man.. My confuse ended when my bf grab my hand to touch his chest.. I feel breast.. Its a woman!

Do anyone feel I am going to get piss off at this moment? My bf knows me too well, he knows I will not get angry and in fact I get even more sexcited than before. Side info about me: I have sex with 5 guys before including my currently bf if you read about my previous stories. Inside me I always wanted to do it with a woman and only my current bf knows about it but I have never try before. Because all along I thought maybe I am just curious about making out with another woman. I might not able to accept it when I really get into it. But recently, I have been watching lesbian porn or MFF porn and it really get me excited and wet and horny when I see lesbian act. Everytime I go out, I will always peep at gals only.. sometimes I tell me bf how nice that gal can join us in sex when I see pretty gals..

Now he makes my fantasy come true, although also his fantasy.. haha

Back to my story: I am so excited and I squeeze her breast and play with her nipple.. She continue to lick and suck my pussy and my bf continue to suck my nipple.. I couldn't take it anymore and I cum in her mouth... shiok! She poke one of her finger into my pussy and dig while she is still licking. At this time my bf stop doing anything, I cant see what he is doing but I know he is watching. I know he loves what he is watching now which I feel great when I know he enjoys..

I cum again when she digs me. I pull her up and I hug her and we engage into French kiss. Her breast were rubbing against my breast when we kissing. The feeling is great with a woman. I reach out to my bf and grab his hand and move towards out breasts and make him touch and squeeze her breast. This is another surprise that I have that day.. I can accept my bf touch another gal infront of me and I totally enjoy it. I also stretch my hand to her pussy and start rubbing it.. ( In my mind: so that's the feeling of rubbing another woman's pussy heehee)

To be continue......

15-02-2016, 03:30 PM
Your bf so nice to you :)

15-02-2016, 04:04 PM
nice, camping while rubbing my dick

15-02-2016, 05:49 PM
Ahhh, just reading all the posts already make me hard-on. My gf and I, have sex occasionally at my house, her house and my car at times. Mostly, at home I have to put really extra effort to make her cum for perhaps 2 - 3 times for the whole journey. Just days ago, we had a great one while her parents were just out side of our room walking here and there. She can't really moan but after the end of session, she told she cum for numeral times till she lost count. Probably one of the best for her thus far. I am sexcited to have more outdoor adventure with my gf, but she is just a little conservative especially we got caught once by police when we were about to start the show. I guess she still phobia about it. Any advice from sis Apple to suggest how I can bring the inner-bitch side of her out ? I might not as good as your bf, but I can make her to heaven too :P Thanks in advance !

16-02-2016, 01:07 PM
haha I also not very sure how to help you

16-02-2016, 01:40 PM
( In my mind: so that's the feeling of rubbing another woman's pussy heehee)

To be continue......

The gal suddenly grab my left leg up and she cross her leg over which makes both our pussies touching each other and she start to rock on me. Making our pussies rubbing against each other.. The feeling is so nice... Although I still love the feeling of my bf cock in me but the pussies rubbing is another kind of feeling.. weird feeling but I love the feeling and making my pussy even wetter.. I moan loudly I just love the feeling.. I can feel my bf move and he kneel beside me and stuck his cock into my mouth.

How to explain this kind of feeling? A lady was rubbing her pussy against mine pussy and she is also sucking my nipples, at the same time I have my fav cock inside my mouth.. One hand hugging the gal another grabbing the cock and I lick and suck.. I cannot really explain the feeling but I can tell u I am feeling like in heaven.. I know once again my bf bring me to another new level of sex.. and I smile to myself I just love what I doing now.. heehee

The gal move her lick upwards and suck my bf cock together with me.. we lick together and our tongues touching each other.. when I suck, she will lick the cock and lick my mouth.. when she suck, I will lick the cock and lick her mouth too.. sometimes when licking we will French kiss awhile and back to lick the cock.. my bf was moaning he was enjoying.. it is so fun.. heehee..

I couldn't hold it anymore.. I have to move the gal aside and crawl onto my bf and insert his cock into my wet and swollen pussy and rock like a cowgal.. while rocking, the gal try to lick my pussy but fail and she slowly lick upwards to my stomach and slowly to my breast and suck my nipples. I am so horny and rock faster and faster.. i can hear my pussy water sound.. my pussy is dripping.. I move her head up and French her again , i hug her tightly and rub our breasts and nipples. I continue to rock non stop and i cum non stop.. i cant rememeber how many times i cum.. And my bf tell me he is cumming..

I stop rock and quickly move my mouth to his cock and suck all his sperm into my mouth and swallow.. he moan loudly he cum a lot.. heehee.. As usual i will clean his cock using my tongue and mouth after he cum.. but this time with another gal touching me squeezing my breast and lick my back...I took off my blind fold and saw it is a pinoy gal and saw when my bf was catching his breath the gal move to lick my bf nipple. my bf was smiling at me and I got excited and move to lick his another nipple.. and he hug and sayang both our head.. slowly both of us moving downwards to his cock again.. she sucking is semi hard cock and i am sucking his balls.. the feeling is so fun when i see another gal doing same thing to my bf.. we look at each other and we move our tongues nearer so that our tongues touching each other while we lick my bf cock and balls.. and we French kiss again..

To be Continue.....

16-02-2016, 04:19 PM
I didn't answer him but he knows I will give in to him.. I will do what he wants.. but I am really scare. He told me he already arrange everything on the 10th Feb in a hotel. I am worry what man he arrange for me. Will my bf don't want me anymore after I have sex with another man? I cant sleep well for a few nights and worry about that day coming soon.

btw, other than worry, do you got any feeling of sexited?

16-02-2016, 05:28 PM
no.. I am really scare

16-02-2016, 05:41 PM

17-02-2016, 02:16 PM
and we French kiss again..

To be Continue.....

We are so tired and fall asleep with me in the middle and both of them hugging me from both sides.. so comfortable... but just after awhile my bf cock hard again and he push me to face the pinoy gal and insert me from side way.. at this time the gal also awake and move her face towards me and French kiss me while my bf pumping me and grabbing my breast.. After sometime, my bf shoot for the 3rd time that day and he go to the toilet to wash up.

When he return, he is smiling as he saw the gal was licking my nipple and fingering me and I was moan... he walk over and lay beside me holding my hand and kissing me till I cum..

That's all for that day of my 1st ever threesome :)

Hope u guys like what I write base on my real life stories...

18-02-2016, 03:01 AM
and we French kiss again..

To be Continue.....

We are so tired and fall asleep with me in the middle and both of them hugging me from both sides.. so comfortable... but just after awhile my bf cock hard again and he push me to face the pinoy gal and insert me from side way.. at this time the gal also awake and move her face towards me and French kiss me while my bf pumping me and grabbing my breast.. After sometime, my bf shoot for the 3rd time that day and he go to the toilet to wash up.

When he return, he is smiling as he saw the gal was licking my nipple and fingering me and I was moan... he walk over and lay beside me holding my hand and kissing me till I cum..

That's all for that day of my 1st ever threesome :)

Hope u guys like what I write base on my real life stories...
Really envy u ... Don't know if I can find someone like u ... Kudos

18-02-2016, 04:57 AM
Really envy u

Same here as well :o

18-02-2016, 07:42 AM
When he return, he is smiling as he saw the gal was licking my nipple and fingering me and I was moan... he walk over and lay beside me holding my hand and kissing me till I cum..

That's all for that day of my 1st ever threesome :)

Hope u guys like what I write base on my real life stories...
Yes, of cos, like, like, sis ! ;)...so sexciting the way u described yr 1st 3-some !...obviously shows u enjoyed it v. much, like many of the other girls who hv experienced 3-somes in their lives before ;)....giv us guys the hardon reading yr story ! :p...Really looks like u girls enjoy 3-somes so much tat u all cummed & cummed many times making yr pussies v. wet !...T.Q. v. much for sharing yr sexperiences wif us, dear sis !...anymore ??

18-02-2016, 11:19 AM

Your experience only 1 word can describe. Shiokious. Thumbs up.

19-02-2016, 12:43 AM
Heehee thanks

29-02-2016, 06:18 PM
Me and my bf tried another threesome with another gal last week but nothing good to tell you all this time. Quite a bad experience so decide to skip this story..

I want to say what happen last sunday when my bf fetch me for a nice breakfast in the morning and after we went to a very wulu place which is like a forest area.. we park our car somewhere and have stroll at that place. We went into the forest and because is a sunday morning, the whole place is very quite and not a single soul. I feel very relax holding his arm and walking slowly. And I keep seeing him look here and there.

me: what u looking at?
bf: nothing
me: you must be up to something again
bf: heehee

To be continue.....

01-03-2016, 01:27 PM
bf: heehee

To be continue.....

We walk into the woods and I really mean we walk into the forest surrounded by trees only. When my bf ensure that no one is around, he suddenly put my one piece dress up and remove my dress like that. I got a shock because it bright day light and I wasn't wearing any bra and panties... I am totally naked in the forest...

me: what you doing? give me back my dress
bf: why?
me: what if ppl see? how?
bf: there is no one here
me: no no I am scare

He pull me towards him and lock my lips with his lips.. While we Frenching, my eyes keep looking ard, afraid that someone might see. But after awhile, I start to get horny and close my eyes to enjoy this moment.. So I relax myself and we get touchy. I start to take off his clothes till he is in his birthday suit. Now that's fair, both of us are totally naked in the public. I lick down face and move downwards his neck and then his nipples then lick his stomach and reaches my fav cock. I kneel down and start lick and suck my beloved cock and balls... I think I was in that position for 5 mins.. I was enjoying the moment. Well, you don't have many chances to be naked in a forest doing such things right?

He pull me up and French me.. then turn me ard and my back facing him. I bent myself so that he can doggy me standing.. He insert me so easily as I was damn wet and he start pumping me holding my hips.. I wanted to moan loudly but I scare ppl hear so I have to control to moan softly.. He stop and reaches my both hands and pull both my hands towards him.. He start to pump me and pull my hands at the same time to make every bang harder and harder.. I almost lost control and moan out loudly but the "piak piak" cannot be control.. It was quite loud in that quiet forest.. I was feeling so shiok getting fuck by my bf and both of us totally naked in this forest..

After awhile, he let go out my hands and tell me he is cuming.. I quickly turn ard and kneel down to let him cum in my mouth.. As usual, I will lick and suck him clean.. We wear back the cloths and left the place happily and sextify.. heehee

Don't ask me where is this forest... I will not say because I don't want one day when I am there.. The whole forest is crowded by you all... hahaha

The end

01-03-2016, 07:30 PM
Wonderful public sex sharings! Camping for more.

01-03-2016, 09:19 PM
Great public bonking :D

02-03-2016, 12:08 AM
If only TS is kind enough to add some pictures to make the story more vivid.

02-03-2016, 02:15 AM
If only TS is kind enough to add some pictures to make the story more vivid.

Good suggestion!!!! :D

02-03-2016, 07:26 AM
If only TS is kind enough to add some pictures to make the story more vivid.

Good suggestion!!!! :D

I second that. TS great thread, up your reps with 6.

02-03-2016, 07:54 AM
If only TS is kind enough to add some pictures to make the story more vivid.

Would agree as well

02-03-2016, 10:22 AM
so cheeky, ha ha

02-03-2016, 02:44 PM
Add my own pics??? you all wait long long... hahahaha

02-03-2016, 02:49 PM
so nice my bf come over to my work place to fetch me for lunch cum sex... now I am energize to work...hahaha

02-03-2016, 03:26 PM
Do lets us know what happen during the lunch sex. Camping for more..great story too lady apple!!

02-03-2016, 03:35 PM
nothing much... just normal sucking his cock at back seats and rock in the car.. :)

03-03-2016, 03:42 PM
If only TS is kind enough to add some pictures to make the story more vivid.

Agree fully :)

03-03-2016, 05:37 PM
Add my own pics??? you all wait long long... hahahahaTS, you and I are not siao. Never asked you to show your face.

03-03-2016, 07:12 PM
Very erotic public sex :)

06-03-2016, 09:58 PM
Anymore sizzling public sex updates? :p

18-03-2016, 07:58 PM
I once had drinks late on a Saturday afternoon with one of my friends who brought one of his female clients along, a sweet petite Chinese lady in her early thearties. We ere having some beers at the Austrian bar at Raffles City. After about two hours he had to excuse himself following an urgent phonecall. it was just the sweet lady and myself who became a bid tipsy. She wanted to use the bathroom in the restaurant but some old Aussie fart had completely shit himself in the corridor and the bathrooms were closed as the staff was cleaning the corridor. Both of us needed to pee urgently after all those beers and the closest restrooms were at Odeon Towers. We rushed there and I pushed her into the disability bathroom as it was the closest to be found. Locked the door behind us and allowed her to pee first whilst looking the other way. The moment when she got up from the toilet after wiping, I started to kiss her passionately before she could pull her pink panties up. My fingers slowly carressed her clitty and she became very excited. Soon, I closed the lit of the toilet, pushed her back and strarted to lick her clitty while stimulating her G-spot. Soon, she shivered with orgasm. The next moment, she sood up, got on all fours and lead me to enter her from behind. Fucked her deep and hard and shot all over her back. We held each other, kissed passionately and parted our ways.

18-03-2016, 08:51 PM
I once had drinks late on a Saturday afternoon with one of my friends who brought one of his female clients along, a sweet petite Chinese lady in her early thearties. We ere having some beers at the Austrian bar at Raffles City. After about two hours he had to excuse himself following an urgent phonecall. it was just the sweet lady and myself who became a bid tipsy. She wanted to use the bathroom in the restaurant but some old Aussie fart had completely shit himself in the corridor and the bathrooms were closed as the staff was cleaning the corridor. Both of us needed to pee urgently after all those beers and the closest restrooms were at Odeon Towers. We rushed there and I pushed her into the disability bathroom as it was the closest to be found. Locked the door behind us and allowed her to pee first whilst looking the other way. The moment when she got up from the toilet after wiping, I started to kiss her passionately before she could pull her pink panties up. My fingers slowly carressed her clitty and she became very excited. Soon, I closed the lit of the toilet, pushed her back and strarted to lick her clitty while stimulating her G-spot. Soon, she shivered with orgasm. The next moment, she sood up, got on all fours and lead me to enter her from behind. Fucked her deep and hard and shot all over her back. We held each other, kissed passionately and parted our ways.
wa ! So lucky guy ! Looks like the bro hit jackpot ! :D Why doesn't it happen to me ? :confused:

18-03-2016, 09:52 PM
My friend - some you win, some you loose. I also had some disappointments. Just continue trying, you will succeed!

18-03-2016, 10:29 PM
My friend - some you win, some you loose. I also had some disappointments. Just continue trying, you will succeed!

Never stop trying!! :p

18-03-2016, 11:11 PM
nothing much... just normal sucking his cock at back seats and rock in the car.. :)
Nothing much, Just normal ??...tot bbbj is an sexciting, enjoyable & pleasurable part of sex too, sis...esp for yr bf if not for u oso ?? ;)

19-03-2016, 12:07 AM
Woo... lah la...

24-03-2016, 03:47 PM
I once had drinks late on a Saturday afternoon with one of my friends who brought one of his female clients along, a sweet petite Chinese lady in her early thearties. We ere having some beers at the Austrian bar at Raffles City. After about two hours he had to excuse himself following an urgent phonecall. it was just the sweet lady and myself who became a bid tipsy. She wanted to use the bathroom in the restaurant but some old Aussie fart had completely shit himself in the corridor and the bathrooms were closed as the staff was cleaning the corridor. Both of us needed to pee urgently after all those beers and the closest restrooms were at Odeon Towers. We rushed there and I pushed her into the disability bathroom as it was the closest to be found. Locked the door behind us and allowed her to pee first whilst looking the other way. The moment when she got up from the toilet after wiping, I started to kiss her passionately before she could pull her pink panties up. My fingers slowly carressed her clitty and she became very excited. Soon, I closed the lit of the toilet, pushed her back and strarted to lick her clitty while stimulating her G-spot. Soon, she shivered with orgasm. The next moment, she sood up, got on all fours and lead me to enter her from behind. Fucked her deep and hard and shot all over her back. We held each other, kissed passionately and parted our ways.

wow that's shiok heehee

24-03-2016, 03:50 PM
Any more update sis? :)

24-03-2016, 05:04 PM
wha lao eh i want to CSI and mark out all the forest liao =X

01-04-2016, 03:44 PM
Nothing much, Just normal ??...tot bbbj is an sexciting, enjoyable & pleasurable part of sex too, sis...esp for yr bf if not for u oso ?? ;)

To us this is normal.. nothing special.. did too many times :D

01-04-2016, 03:44 PM
Any more update sis? :)

Recently don't have anything special;)

01-04-2016, 09:38 PM
To us this is normal.. nothing special.. did too many times :D
Tks for the reply sis ! :)...yes, agree...tats the problem...anything done too often including sex in the same old way...gets boring & stale after some time & u will find tat u dun really enjoy it anymore as the 1st time :D...many couples are already saying tis...tat they hv no feel when having sex wif each other anymore...it's sad to hear them say tis as tis could lead to more problems later on in their sex lives if they dun find ways & means to continously spice it up .:p...the fear is their partners might look to someone else outside to find the pleasure they need back...anyway, hope u will get to enjoy sex more wif yr bf the next time...

01-04-2016, 10:19 PM
Nice read. Brings in a different perspective of outdoor sex adventure. Waiting for more.

05-04-2016, 04:42 PM
Tks for the reply sis ! :)...yes, agree...tats the problem...anything done too often including sex in the same old way...gets boring & stale after some time & u will find tat u dun really enjoy it anymore as the 1st time :D...many couples are already saying tis...tat they hv no feel when having sex wif each other anymore...it's sad to hear them say tis as tis could lead to more problems later on in their sex lives if they dun find ways & means to continously spice it up .:p...the fear is their partners might look to someone else outside to find the pleasure they need back...anyway, hope u will get to enjoy sex more wif yr bf the next time...

That's why we get other woman to join in our sex to spice up :)

06-04-2016, 11:01 PM
That's why we get other woman to join in our sex to spice up :)
Oh really, sis !! ??...so happening !!...nice to hear tat :p...tat you are spicing up yr sex life wif yr bf wif MFF sessions !! ;)...how did you manage to do tat sis ??..who did you get ??...friends, collics etc ??...then can you share wif us here one of those sessions, sis !! ??..so we can learn something from you to spice up our sex lives as well !...if you prefer you can PM me instead ! ;)

07-04-2016, 04:32 AM
That's why we get other woman to join in our sex to spice up :)

Very well said

07-04-2016, 12:45 PM
Oh really, sis !! ??...so happening !!...nice to hear tat :p...tat you are spicing up yr sex life wif yr bf wif MFF sessions !! ;)...how did you manage to do tat sis ??..who did you get ??...friends, collics etc ??...then can you share wif us here one of those sessions, sis !! ??..so we can learn something from you to spice up our sex lives as well !...if you prefer you can PM me instead ! ;)

That's means you never read my stories :(

07-04-2016, 10:18 PM
That's means you never read my stories :(
Ooophss..sorry sis...my bad...dun angry lah...got read before...but lauliao mah, can't remember so well...haha

Yes, wow sis !! ..you are so fantastic !! :D...you hv done so many different kinds & types of exciting, thrilling & kinky sex wif yr bf ;)...ranging from toilet sex, public car naked sex, outdoor naked experience, cinema sex, 3-some MFF & even forest sex !! :p...i believe you can break the record as the No. 1 naughty girl in sex here in SG !!..hehehe

Plzzz keep sharing yr kinky sexperiences with us sis..T.Q !

08-04-2016, 12:55 AM
Very nicely written TS, support

08-04-2016, 12:02 PM
Ooophss..sorry sis...my bad...dun angry lah...got read before...but lauliao mah, can't remember so well...haha

Yes, wow sis !! ..you are so fantastic !! :D...you hv done so many different kinds & types of exciting, thrilling & kinky sex wif yr bf ;)...ranging from toilet sex, public car naked sex, outdoor naked experience, cinema sex, 3-some MFF & even forest sex !! :p...i believe you can break the record as the No. 1 naughty girl in sex here in SG !!..hehehe

Plzzz keep sharing yr kinky sexperiences with us sis..T.Q !

haha number 1??? is that a compliment haha? few days ago went to watch Batman VS Superman with my bf but too bad there is a couple just sit next to us so I thought could do anything. But to my surprise my bf use his bag to cover his crotch area and I unzip to musterbate for him.. of course the movement cannot be big if not the couple can see... I can only do it slowly and he was so hard and horny but he couldn't do anything.. in the end we have a quickie at a HDB staircase after the movie.. heehee

08-04-2016, 10:14 PM
haha number 1??? is that a compliment haha? few days ago went to watch Batman VS Superman with my bf but too bad there is a couple just sit next to us so I thought could do anything. But to my surprise my bf use his bag to cover his crotch area and I unzip to musterbate for him.. of course the movement cannot be big if not the couple can see... I can only do it slowly and he was so hard and horny but he couldn't do anything.. in the end we have a quickie wif yr bf at a HDB staircase after the movie.. heehee
Thank you for being so nice & kind to forgive sis !...Yes, of cos...it is meant as a compliment for you, my dear sis !! ;)..very few girls dare to be so naughty like you in the open public !! :o..hehe...& wow !..you even had a quickie after the movie wif yr bf ! :D...i hv gone to see tat movie too...a lot of fighting between Batman & Superman..haha...but those couples in the cinema i went to were all very 'kwai' type..it was jam packed !..but they were all the no hanky panky type though there were quite a no of syts like yrself dressed so prettily & sexily...but they were wif their family or female frens :p...now eagerly waiting for you to share wif us more of yr kinky sexperiences, sis !

08-04-2016, 10:15 PM
sorri doublepost

09-04-2016, 02:38 AM
That's why we get other woman to join in our sex to spice up :)

The more the merrier :D

12-04-2016, 03:24 PM
my bf just did something disgusting to me...

we were having sex at my house's living room sofa.. he did it 2 rounds and I cum I think more than 10 times ( that's the benefit for woman when comes to sex, we can cum more than man heehee). After sex, we went to wash up in the toilet and suddenly he push my head down. To me is very normal for me to kneel down and suck him whenever he feel like it so I didn't suspect anything.. after sucking for a few seconds, he PEE INSIDE MY MOUTH! OMG! And I actually swallow some of his urine!! I immediately split out the rest and quickly wash my mouth at the basin.. and he was there laughing loudly while he still peeing! Angry!! :mad:

Just sharing with you all....

12-04-2016, 04:31 PM
The more the merrier :D

Seems like it, lol

12-04-2016, 04:57 PM
Great sharing!! :)

12-04-2016, 10:33 PM
my bf just did something disgusting to me...

we were having sex at my house's living room sofa.. he did it 2 rounds and I cum I think more than 10 times ( that's the benefit for woman when comes to sex, we can cum more than man heehee). After sex, we went to wash up in the toilet and suddenly he push my head down. To me is very normal for me to kneel down and suck him whenever he feel like it so I didn't suspect anything.. after sucking for a few seconds, he PEE INSIDE MY MOUTH! OMG! And I actually swallow some of his urine!! I immediately split out the rest and quickly wash my mouth at the basin.. and he was there laughing loudly while he still peeing! Angry!! :mad:

Just sharing with you all....
Welcome back dear sis Apple69 !! :)...been missing u a few days liao ! :p...

Gosh !..wat a naughty bf you hv !!...giving you such a nasty surprise urinating in yr mouth !! :eek:...i dun tink tis happened to other cpls b4...but nvm lah...he is just trying to be teasing & naughty to u only....dun be too angry wif him lah...he is yr bf after all...just talk to him nicely not to do tat again lor...angry only makes u grow old faster, my dear sis !...haha...cool down...thanks for sharing yr naughty experiences wif us anyway, dear little sis !...keep them cumming !!..hehe

12-04-2016, 10:51 PM
my bf just did something disgusting to me...

we were having sex at my house's living room sofa.. he did it 2 rounds and I cum I think more than 10 times ( that's the benefit for woman when comes to sex, we can cum more than man heehee). After sex, we went to wash up in the toilet and suddenly he push my head down. To me is very normal for me to kneel down and suck him whenever he feel like it so I didn't suspect anything.. after sucking for a few seconds, he PEE INSIDE MY MOUTH! OMG! And I actually swallow some of his urine!! I immediately split out the rest and quickly wash my mouth at the basin.. and he was there laughing loudly while he still peeing! Angry!! :mad:

Just sharing with you all....
What kind of bf is that to treat you with pee, whats next, defecat in your mouth? You should leave him immediately.

13-04-2016, 12:24 AM
after sucking for a few seconds, he PEE INSIDE MY MOUTH! OMG! And I actually swallow some of his urine!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

13-04-2016, 08:57 PM
Welcome back dear sis Apple69 !! :)...been missing u a few days liao ! :p...

Gosh !..wat a naughty bf you hv !!...giving you such a nasty surprise urinating in yr mouth !! :eek:...i dun tink tis happened to other cpls b4...but nvm lah...he is just trying to be teasing & naughty to u only....dun be too angry wif him lah...he is yr bf after all...just talk to him nicely not to do tat again lor...angry only makes u grow old faster, my dear sis !...haha...cool down...thanks for sharing yr naughty experiences wif us anyway, dear little sis !...keep them cumming !!..hehe

haha no la... after he finish pee I suck for him again... haha

13-04-2016, 08:58 PM
What kind of bf is that to treat you with pee, whats next, defecat in your mouth? You should leave him immediately.

we are not normal couple having just normal sex in our bedroom... if everytime he do something extreme and I had to leave him.. I wouldn't have leave long ago... :)

13-04-2016, 09:57 PM
my bf just did something disgusting to me...

we were having sex at my house's living room sofa.. he did it 2 rounds and I cum I think more than 10 times ( that's the benefit for woman when comes to sex, we can cum more than man heehee). After sex, we went to wash up in the toilet and suddenly he push my head down. To me is very normal for me to kneel down and suck him whenever he feel like it so I didn't suspect anything.. after sucking for a few seconds, he PEE INSIDE MY MOUTH! OMG! And I actually swallow some of his urine!! I immediately split out the rest and quickly wash my mouth at the basin.. and he was there laughing loudly while he still peeing! Angry!! :mad:

Just sharing with you all....

You should give him a golden shower as payback... and see how he respond. Best is do it on his bed :mad:

14-04-2016, 06:58 AM
haha no la... after he finish pee I suck for him again... haha
Wow !!..you are so lucky to hv such a kinky boyfriend, sis !! ;)...envy you leh....very few guys whether husbands or bfs will dare to do like wat he did to you...they feel it is too gross a thing to do...but guess others opinion shdn't matter to you so long as you feel it is alrite for you...:)

we are not normal couple having just normal sex in our bedroom... if everytime he do something extreme and I had to leave him.. I wouldn't have leave long ago... :)
Yes !! ..You're the most SPECIAL COUPLE in SG must say dear sis !!! :D...prolly no other couples married or not can compare.. they won't be as daring to enjoy sex in the most pleasurable way tat you can find !!...very happy tat both of you are enjoying the kinky sex tat you are having wif each other so far...tat most of us can only dream of in our fantasy !!...yes normal sex in the bedroom for most couples is very boring esp for husbsnds & their wives..tat they are quite happy to get out of it once it's done...it's always the same old way all the time...penetrate, thrust, pump & just shoot, tats all & it's game over.. sigh...it is tat bad !!

14-04-2016, 08:39 AM
Nice story. Please keep sharing

14-04-2016, 07:13 PM
Nice story. Please keep sharing

Yes do continue

16-04-2016, 12:56 AM
You should give him a golden shower as payback... and see how he respond. Best is do it on his bed :mad:

Ya I will do that to him one day hahaha... But in bathroom la.. Cannot on the bed la... Later I am the one suffer to clean the bed and change the bedsheet.. Haha

16-04-2016, 04:28 AM
Ya I will do that to him one day hahaha... But in bathroom la.. Cannot on the bed la... Later I am the one suffer to clean the bed and change the bedsheet.. Haha

Lol very true :D

18-04-2016, 12:29 PM
Everytime I have sex with my bf, he very seldom finger my pussy. But sat was a amazing experience for me... he lay me on the bed and start kissing me and lick me from my face to my neck to my breast to my stomach and to my pussy... I feel so nice to be service by him ( which I am the one always service him heehee).

I just lay down close my eyes and get service by his tougue on my pussy and suddenly he stopped and kneel in between my legs. He lift both my legs up and place my feets on his knee. I open my eyes and look at what he trying to do. He use his palm rub against my pussy lips and apply pressure bit by bit when rubbing... I moan and getting wetter... I close my eyes again to enjoy. Then after awhile he insert his middle finger into my pussy and start moving his finger in and out for a few seconds and start digging inside with his finger rubbing the top of my pussy.. I moan louder... He was rubbing my G-spot.. and I cum.. when my pussy got so wet.. he insert another finger inside which is 2 finger now and rubbing the same area.. I feel so shiok and I just lay there and do nothing like a dead fish moaning.. heehee.. I cum about 4 times within a very short period.. then he push his finger all the way in and keep digging the top part and this time he dig more inner part and when his finger bend is almost to my pussy lips and he went in again.. I am going crazy and I grab my breast and moan... I cum another 2 times.. then he take out his finger and stuff into my mouth, I suck and lick all my cum on his finger. He move down to look at my pussy and ask me am I shiok.. I just nodded my head.. and he lick and tongue fuck my pussy and I cum again..

wow.. I feel so wet horny and shiok.. I cum 7 times even before he start using his penis.. after that he lay down on the bed and I jump on him and eat him like a hungry bitch and rock his like a cowgal... heehee

I love his fingering heehee

18-04-2016, 03:07 PM
Forgot to add on....

after we finish sex, I ask him

me: how come suddenly you so gd with your fingers?
bf: I learn it online hahahaha
me: .......... (speechless)

19-04-2016, 12:55 AM
nice thread, bookmarked

19-04-2016, 06:48 AM
Enjoy reading the sexy stories of this sweet & friendly TS sis Apple69 ! :)...reading threads such as this entitled "office public toilet sex" always reminds us of the times...when most of us suddenly get horny from receiving & reading a erotic or sensual msg sent by our frens, FBs etc tat we hv to go immediately to our respective office toilets to relieve ourselves & jerk it off, girls included :o...not as shiok as at home but still better than nothing...so we can carry on our work in our offices :p..hehe...so keep yr stories cumming dear sis ! ;)

19-04-2016, 01:09 PM
I am meeting my bf tml for dinner...

bf: So are we having sex?
me: of cos! I am so horny since Sat till now... my panties is wet everyday... heehee
bf: haha so where you want?
me: I duno
bf: I give you three choices to choose

1) We tabao dinner go back go to eat and sex
2) We meet somewhere near hotel so after dinner we go hotel sex
3) We go to our usual place for dinner and have car sex after that

Guess which one I will choose? Or you all choose for me?

19-04-2016, 01:12 PM
I think u choose Choice 3

19-04-2016, 01:13 PM
I also think 3

19-04-2016, 01:39 PM
I think u will choose 2. More comfortable to have sex at hotel

19-04-2016, 02:20 PM
I am meeting my bf tml for dinner...

bf: So are we having sex

bf: I give you three choices to choose

1) We tabao dinner go back go to eat and sex
2) We meet somewhere near hotel so after dinner we go hotel sex
3) We go to our usual place for dinner and have car sex after that

Guess which one I will choose? Or you all choose for me?
Wa dear, you so clever girl ! ..come out with an interesting guessing game for us ;)

I think you will choose No. 3

But I will choose for you No 2 !! ;)...bring you to hotel for sex...clean, comfortable with romantic lightings making the whole sexual experience very memorable !! :D

Hope I m not wrong ah :p...haha

19-04-2016, 02:52 PM
I guess TS will choose 3 :)

19-04-2016, 03:24 PM
ah :p...haha

Yo bro. lol nice pink avatar u trending ;)

19-04-2016, 03:46 PM
I guess TS will choose 3 :)

I guess so as well :p

19-04-2016, 07:22 PM
I choose 3 for you TS :D

19-04-2016, 07:30 PM
Yo bro. lol nice pink avatar u trending ;)
Lolzz...Welcome back bro jasdude to SBF !...Thanks for liking my new pinky avatar ! :)...Hopes the TS sis Apple69 oso likes it ! :p...

Btw we still dunno which among the 3 choices does our sweet TS sis wants to make for her dinner date 2moro nite wif her bf ;)...camping here for her to let us know her decision asap !..in the meantime, tink there is still some time left for bros here to guess...as she invited !...c'mon guys !...hehe

20-04-2016, 12:37 PM
haha I haven't decide yet.. will update tonight story for you all..

20-04-2016, 04:03 PM
Before I meet him tonight, I just write another outdoor experience that I try before.

I think this happen just last year at Telok Blangah Hill Park. One hot sunday afternoon after lunch, my bf drive me to the hill park for a walk and we reach the "Metal Bridge" which can link to Hort Park if you guys know what I am saying. When we reach there, that place was crowded, the bridge was full of ppl walking. So outdoor sex wasn't in my mind that day at all.

So we have a stroll with the crowd on the bridge and reach a certain point where there is a staircase that can go downstairs. We were wondering whats below the bridge and we are the only ones that went down. When reach below, it is actually a forest trail and when u look up u can see everyone walking on the bridge and there is actually a path to a staircase which leads to the HDB blks. So we just follow the trail and again reached a certain point that you can walk the normal trail or walk into the forest which I think is not meant for anyone to walk there. As you know we like to explore and we just walked into the forest and saw a long stretch of drain. So we just walk along the drain and wonder can leads us to where.

We walk for a few mintues and we are in the center of no where and only 2 of us alone and my bf smile at me. I think you should know my bf coming out with evil ideas again. He hug me and kiss me and he start to lick my sweat from my neck turning me on. He start to strip me piece by piece and I keep looking ard, worried there is ppl ard. But my worry soon took over by my horniess when my bf lick my sweat on my neck and breast... I moan softly... and very soon he turn me into his bitch and I took off his T-shirt and lick his nipple and slowly move downwards and unbutton his burmuda and pull his pants and underwear to his ankle and suck his penis hungrily.

I swear abt 20 mins before what we are doing now, we never think of having sex at such bright, hot and crowded area. And now we are both naked and I am sucking him... He was so hard and moan softly.. he pull me up and turn me ard to back face him and bend me down and insert his hard swollen cock into my wet pussy.. He keep pumping me and have the "piak piak" sound and he try to slow down afraid ppl might hear... The feeling is always exciting everytime he do this to me outside and the feeling of worry ppl will see also making me very horny at the sametime.. After pump for a few mins, he cum and I turn ard and quickly squat down to let him CIM. I continue to suck him and lick him till his penis is clean from his cum and my cum...

We dress up and left that place happily...

20-04-2016, 05:57 PM
Nice update TS :D

21-04-2016, 06:32 AM
Thank you v. much TS sis Apple69 for providing us some relieve with yr short story of unexpected forest sex @ Hort Park while waiting for the results of yr guessing games :)

21-04-2016, 07:46 AM
do continue soon, pls :o

21-04-2016, 05:58 PM
The answer is out for last night.. I am too tired after work so we went dinner and went back my home for sex... So answer is number 1... hahaha

21-04-2016, 06:06 PM
Abit more leh :(

21-04-2016, 08:03 PM
The answer is out for last night.. I am too tired after work so we went dinner and went back my home for sex... So answer is number 1... hahaha

Hahaha many got it wrong :D

22-04-2016, 06:31 AM
Hahaha many got it wrong :D
Yalor...in fact...all got wrong :(...haha...so sad...was actually looking forward to some kinda of a "prize" for the rite answer from the TS sis :p

25-04-2016, 01:33 PM
Happen just 2 days ago which is a Sat...

We were having lunch at Changi Village and after that we went for a stroll at the Changi Point Coastal Walk. I wonder you all know this place where u can walk along the coastal from near Commando Camp all the way to Changi Beach. Along the way, we can see many ppl fishing there and we will also walk past the chalets and resorts. The weather is so hot and we were sweating and burning but still we enjoy the walk. Half way the walk, we found a place to sit and with shelters from the tress and we are facing the sea with a "brick fence" in between us and the sea.. Very hard for me to explain.. go imagine.. heehee

He was sitting on the high curb and I was standing facing him and we kiss... there was no one there and we get touchy.. although there is wind blowing but we are still sweating.. I touch his cock and can feel he is hard.. he unzip his pants and I say:

me: here? so bright here and so open
bf: not our 1st time lei
me: true heehee

I squat down and suck his cock.. he keep looking ard and see if any ppl walking towards us.. the sea infront of us have a few boats went past but they cant see me because of the "brick fence"... maybe they can see my bf with a shiok face.. heehee... When he look down at me while I am sucking, I can feel his penis get even harder specially when I look at him when I lick and suck...

bf: I want now
me: here how to do?

I pull my shorts down to below my buttock and he push me to face the sea and my hand just rest on the bricks and he just insert me from the back... Oooooo I am so wet.. 1st time get fuck facing the sea..

me: darling you look at right side and I look at left side just in case got ppl coming...
bf: ok ( and continue pumping from behind)

I don't know am I too horny or am I too excited.. I cum within a min.. I can feel my cum drip to my thighs and I moan out then suddenly he stop and pull my short up and say someone coming.. One guy was fishing and walk all the way to our side but don't think he saw anything... my bf is still hard and my pussy still wet but nothing we can do now... Mood spoliter :(

We walk back to our car and rest inside the car awhile to enjoy the aircon before we move off

me: ( I pull down my shorts and panties) Darling you see my panties so wet
bf: you still horny?
me: ya
bf: ok we go somewhere else

He drive to Tampines central where there are many office buildings and went into one of the buildings but I think I shall not say which building... We take the lift to one of the highest floor and go to the shared toilets by the offices there but of cos the offices are close on sat. And we into the Male toilet, it is like the 1st story that I shared in my topics.. But because its early afternoon when we were there and scare there will be ppl still working on sat so we went into a cubicle. I think we are too horny from just now which we never finish our business.. Once inside we kiss and start stripping naked and licking each other like wanted to eat each other up... I squat down and suck him to make his meat rod into steel rod... he pull me up and push me to face the wall and my legs open wide because the toilet bowl was in between my legs. I feel like a horny bitch waiting for him to teach me a lesson at this position.. he insert his full hard rod into my wet pussy.. I moan softly.. and he keep pump me non stop and use both his hands to squeeze my breasts and play with my nipples... I close my eyes and moan softly afraid ppl might hear.. enjoying the moment of being a horny bitch get fuck naked in a office shared toilet... Suddenly we heard ppl walking and sound of opening the door.. he pause and we realize is someone went into ladies toilet.. lucky we choose the male toilet... He continue to pump my wet and swollen pussy and I cum 3 times in the toilet and my legs were abit jelly and my hands were soft to support on the wall.. my face almost stick on the wall and I think he knows.. he move he hands to my buttocks and lift it up and fuck me hard... I was moaning non stop and he cum.. he shoot his hot sperm on my fair and smooth buttock.. heehee

Something gd abt doing this in office toilets.. There is toilet paper to wipe ourselves hahaha... we dress up and leave the place quickly to avoid ppl seeing us.. Nice experience at new places

26-04-2016, 10:02 PM
Nice to know this sis goes to Changi Village for her sexcapades. ;) It's a place i go quite often for lunch. But it is definitely a good place to hanky panky in the night especially. And toilet sex ! Always makes me hard thinking about making it out inside there with my pretty young MILF colleague :p Thanks for sharing yr kinky sex with us here, sis :)

09-05-2016, 08:03 PM
Sis, more public sex please :D

25-05-2016, 01:37 PM
This happen on last sunday at my home.. I thought since we are at home it is going to be a normal sex.. But didn't know he have a plan...

Both of us were watching TV at home on the sofa after lunch. I was laying on his leg relaxing. Then he start to touch me on my leg to my buttock to my stomach and finally landed on my breast and start playing my nipple.. turn here and there like tuning radio.. haha.. But still I get horny and I close my eyes and moan softly.. He use another hand to pull his shorts down enough to let his small little brother jump out infront of me and he grab his penis to slap my mouth to make me open up to let his little brother to go inside my mouth.. heehee..

When I licking and sucking, he off the tv because I know he love to see and listen that I moan when sucking.. he took off his shirt and then mine.. then he took of my shorts and I help him push his shorts off... now he land his hand on my buttock and slowly move to my anal and then to my pussy which is already quite wet... He rub my pussy as his penis still inside my mouth and I moan abit louder... Now his finger is wet with my cum, he move his finger back to my anal and start rubbing and slowly insert his finger into my anal.. at first is a bit pain because too dry but awhile the feeling is gd... then my own finger went to rub my pussy.. at this time I moan much louder..

I remove mine and his finger and move to kneeling position to suck him and looking at him.. he lay back on the sofa to enjoy looking at me.. he love the feeling of me looking at him while licking his penis and moan at the same time.. I can feel he was so hard now and I quickly jump on him and insert him penis into me and I rock on him holding his head to my breast and he was sucking hard on my nipple.. I was so wet and horny that I cum 3 times within mins.. He carry me up with his penis still inside me and carry me into the bedroom and lay me on the bed while he is still standing and fuck me really hard... I moan so loud that I think my neighour can hear but I don't care because I enjoying so much and I cum another few more times heehee...

Suddenly he fuck me halfway and he stop and took out his penis and walk off.. I was like wtf.. I am still wet and horny and you walk away? Then I saw him open my drawer where I keep my sex toys and come back with my vibrator and he just insert it into my pussy with the highest vibration... Then he move his cock to my mouth and just make me suck his cock... I moan with his cock in my mouth.. the feeling is so shiok and my saliva was dripping out from the side of my mouth...Then he remove his penis from my mouth and move my position to doggy position and he pull my one of my hand to hold the toy myself.. at this time I am already quite soft and my face was flat on the bed with my eyes closed.. can you all imagine that position?

Then without any warning, he insert his penis into my anal.. Suddenly my eyes wide open and I shouted with pain... I ask him slowly don't too fast.. ( By the way, just in case I never mention before in my stories.. We have anal sex quite a number of times before ) He slowly down his pace for awhile and ask me whether I am still in pain... At that moment I didn't reply him because I couldn't talk.. I was in my heaven with a vibrator in my pussy and a cock in my ass.. I cant explain how gd the feeling is but my eyes already roll back and I only moan till my saliva drip out from my mouth just like my pussy... He knows I am enjoying and start to faster his paces and I also faster my pace on the vibrator.. both the vibrator and penis in and out from both my pussy and anal.. makes me moan and moan and my eyes really roll back.. and finally he cum and shoot into my anal.. after that he quickly took a picture of me and went to wash his penis.. I think got shit on the penis... haha and I am too soft and weak to move.. I was laying flat facing down on the bed with the vibrator still in my pussy.. hehe

when he came back, he show my the photo he took. I saw myself in the doggy position with my face lay on bed and one hand holding the toy in my pussy and sperm flowing out from my anal... Is it a sexy pics? heehee

25-05-2016, 04:24 PM
seems like alot of people like outdoor/toilet sex too hehe

10-06-2016, 01:18 PM
On wed my bf came fetching me from work and bring me to sembawang handlebar to have our dinner. To ppl who don't know that place, it is located at a very wulu place. During the whole dining session is very normal, we were just eating and chatting. After dinner, we decide to go for a stroll just nearby the café there is a park connector with very dim lightings. When we strolling, there are ppl jogging and cycling ard but after roughly abt 10 mins we stop in the middle of the connector and look ard to see if anyone is ard and we starting hugging and kissing. He pull my skirt up and use both hands to grab my buttock and put his hands into my panties.

me: I want to remove my panties
bf: go ahead

So I remove my panties while he watching me. I pass him my panties and ask him to help me keep in his pocket and we continue our actions. He pull my shirt up and unbuckle my bar while we are still enjoying our wet kissing. Then he pull me to stand against the fencing and pull my shirt and bra upwards and sucking my nipples. I moan but I cant close my eyes, I have to see if anyone coming. He move his right hand downwards and goes under my skirt to touch my pussy. I am already wet... This went on for just awhile and he unzip his pants to let his cock come out for fresh air, I squat down and suck his cock with moaning sound while he look ard. I think he is very excited and get harden very fast. He pull me up and make me face the canal and he insert his cock into me from behind and fuck me hard... I wanted to moan loudly but I can't. Can only do it softly.

While he fuck me, I was watching the left hand side and he watch right hand side. When I was so high and wet, I saw someone jogging towards our direction but because we were at a very dark spot, from far I don't think he can see us.

Me: darling someone coming
bf: ya I saw
me: we stop now?
bf: are you cumming?
me: got feeling is cumming

He suddenly increase his speed and fuck me even harder till I nearly shout when I cum... OMG my pussy so wet and dripping to my thighs.

bf: You cum?
me: yes (breathless)

He remove his cock from my pussy and make me suck his cock to remove all my cum.. and we faster arrange our clothings and hold hands walking back to our car like nothing happen. Lucky we stop, because suddenly more ppl cycling past us after that.

You think that's the end? No he haven't shoot yet :)

To be continue....... We love outdoor :)

10-06-2016, 07:20 PM
Dear Sis

Thanks for sharing.Up you my humble 5.

10-06-2016, 07:36 PM
Please continue soon sis, don't let us wait :)

11-06-2016, 02:36 PM
You think that's the end? No he haven't shoot yet

To be continue....... We love outdoor

We back to our car and left the place.

me: where are we going now?
bf: going home
me: so fast?
bf: yup its late
me: ...... ( feeling disappointed )

Instead of going home, he drive to upper seletar reservoir. We went past the driving range and saw many ppl are still playing golf and went past the dark carpark which we have sex in the car before and someone tried to use night vision goggles to peep at us before. Thinking back of the sex here making me horny and excited again... After went past the carpark

me: So where you going to fuck me?
bf: you will know later. Can take out your bra now?
me: Orh... ( underwear already taken out at sembawang)

Feeling excited but at the same time I need to go toilet to pee. So we stop the car at the end of the road where you can see the whole upper seletar reservoir view. I went to the toilet while he parks his car and I can see a few couples were either strolling or sitting at the bench chatting. That's make me wonder where he want to fuck me at this place. After I am done and out of toilet, he was waiting for me and hold my hand and walk slowly towards the reservoir. If anyone have went to this place before will see there is a "house" on the left hand side corner. He hold me and walk towards the "house" and we have a nice view of the reservoir. I hug him and kiss his cheek. He keep looking ard left and right, up and down.

me: What you looking at?
bf: see if anyone here and see any camera ard.
me: heehee

He pull me to the back of the house and we start kissing for a short while and he unzip his pants. I squat down and put his rod into my mouth and start sucking and licking with a soft moan ( afraid other couples might hear). I think he was very horny that day. He get harden very fast and I can feel his cock is very hard and strong which makes me even more sexcited. He pull me up and make me face the reservoir and insert his cock into me from behind. The same position at sembawang just now but with a nicer reservoir view hahahaha.. I was so wet and he insert easily and start pumping me hard... I want to moan out but have to control myself.. his hands were on my hips and moving upwards to my breast and play with my nipples.. I close my eyes.. Feeling so gd that I have no intention to see anyone coming , I just close my eyes and enjoy.. Out of sudden, he pull my shirt up above my breast to my armpit area and he just hold my shirt there not letting it to come down. I am half naked now, exposing my breast while he was still fucking me hard. I feel so cold when the wind blow and my nipples got harden. If anyone walks to that area that moment, will see a half naked woman got fuck by a man facing the reservoir hahahaha:D....

Maybe I am too excited at new place and half naked facing reservoir, I cum 2 times within a very short period.... My cum really drip to my thighs..

Bf: I am cumming ( breathless)

And he shoot to the ground. I tidy myself and watching him use his fingers to make his cock shoot.. I love watching.. Am I a prevent? haha... After I done, I squat down and suck him and lick his cock clean from mine and his cum... He is the only man that I will always clean his cock with my mouth after sex.. I just love to do it... After everything done , we went for a stroll along the reservoir and left the place sextify..

We have sex for almost 4 years and I have never tired of him.. He will always think of new ideas or new places to let me experience it.. I love it..

11-06-2016, 03:36 PM
Very nice update sis. Any more? :)

11-06-2016, 05:40 PM
Very nice update, liked it alot

11-06-2016, 07:11 PM
Camping for more outdoor adventures :)

12-06-2016, 12:01 AM
Outdoor is fun
Please share more adventures Sis Apple :)

18-06-2016, 05:46 PM
very interesting story , hope to see more !

18-06-2016, 05:49 PM
Interesting story!!

05-07-2016, 03:17 PM
Am I normal? my period always delay and always need my bf fuck me to make the period come...

Latest one just happen last week, my period was delay one mth plus and I went to see my gayne to check whether I was preg although I have use test kit and it show negative.. After checking, doctor confirm I am not preg and he cant see my period was going to come soon. Maybe another 2 weeks for the period to come, might due to my work stress. After check up, me and my bf went home and I told him I don't want to rock him ( most of the time is I rock him).

me: Today I want you to fuck me
bf: why?
me: because my period delay and will come everytime after you fuck me
bf: hahaha

We slowly kiss and touching each other body and took off our clothes one by one... enjoying each other body kissing licking and sucking...When I suck him, my pussy already turn wet. He sit down on the sofa and pull me to be on top of him and insert his cock into me.. My body just auto rock then moment I am on him but only last for less than 30 seconds and he hug me and carry me up. He turn over and lay me on the sofa with his cock still in me. He position both my legs on his shoulder and use his body weight to push himself towards me and lay his hands on the sofa and start fuck me... I moan so loud that I think my neighbors can hear but I just cant control myself... his cock was rubbing my G spots.. I am so high and wet that my juice flow to my anal and can hear the watery sound.. I cum again and again till I forgot how many times I cum... I only know I am very horny and moan like a bitch on the sofa that nigh...

After sometime, he remove his cock and pull me up and make me kneel on the sofa with my back facing him. He insert into me from behind and fuck me in doggy and he bang so hard with the piak piak piak sound loudly... Plus this position I really lost count how many times I cum that night... Finally he shoot everything on my backside... I was so sextify that night and legs so jelly whole night till next day went to work still jelly haha... And I guess you know what happen... My period come!!! We keep laughing that even doc say my period will only come in 2 weeks time.

Am I adnormal? hahaha

05-07-2016, 03:27 PM
Yes, very abnormal .... you did not update for 3 weeks :D

05-07-2016, 05:49 PM
Yes, very abnormal .... you did not update for 3 weeks :D

Lol... nothing to update ma...

05-07-2016, 05:52 PM
Lol... nothing to update ma...

No activity for 3 weeks? :eek: :D

05-07-2016, 09:38 PM
Lol... nothing to update ma...

Not possible la, you so active one :D

05-07-2016, 11:06 PM
Welcome back sis Apple69 .... waiting to read your exciting outdoor sexventures :)

06-07-2016, 10:01 AM
Am I normal? my period always delay and always need my bf fuck me to make the period come...

Latest one just happen last week, my period was delay one mth plus and I went to see my gayne to check whether I was preg although I have use test kit and it show negative.. After checking, doctor confirm I am not preg and he cant see my period was going to come soon. Maybe another 2 weeks for the period to come, might due to my work stress. After check up, me and my bf went home and I told him I don't want to rock him ( most of the time is I rock him).

me: Today I want you to fuck me
bf: why?
me: because my period delay and will come everytime after you fuck me
bf: hahaha

We slowly kiss and touching each other body and took off our clothes one by one... enjoying each other body kissing licking and sucking...When I suck him, my pussy already turn wet. He sit down on the sofa and pull me to be on top of him and insert his cock into me.. My body just auto rock then moment I am on him but only last for less than 30 seconds and he hug me and carry me up. He turn over and lay me on the sofa with his cock still in me. He position both my legs on his shoulder and use his body weight to push himself towards me and lay his hands on the sofa and start fuck me... I moan so loud that I think my neighbors can hear but I just cant control myself... his cock was rubbing my G spots.. I am so high and wet that my juice flow to my anal and can hear the watery sound.. I cum again and again till I forgot how many times I cum... I only know I am very horny and moan like a bitch on the sofa that nigh...

After sometime, he remove his cock and pull me up and make me kneel on the sofa with my back facing him. He insert into me from behind and fuck me in doggy and he bang so hard with the piak piak piak sound loudly... Plus this position I really lost count how many times I cum that night... Finally he shoot everything on my backside... I was so sextify that night and legs so jelly whole night till next day went to work still jelly haha... And I guess you know what happen... My period come!!! We keep laughing that even doc say my period will only come in 2 weeks time.

Am I adnormal? hahaha

You are not adnormal.. lol..
Sometime my gf period is late, we will hav sex and her period will come within next 3 days after that...

So i always tell her that pipe is choke, need insert rod in to clear clear to flush out :p

06-07-2016, 10:22 AM
Your bf so lucky to have you as his gf who is so horny. Are u on pills?

06-07-2016, 12:34 PM
No activity for 3 weeks? :eek: :D

Have la but nothing exciting to share ma

06-07-2016, 12:34 PM
Not possible la, you so active one :D

haha you know me so well

06-07-2016, 12:35 PM
You are not adnormal.. lol..
Sometime my gf period is late, we will hav sex and her period will come within next 3 days after that...

So i always tell her that pipe is choke, need insert rod in to clear clear to flush out :p

haha ya I think so too

06-07-2016, 12:35 PM
Your bf so lucky to have you as his gf who is so horny. Are u on pills?

nope not on pills at all

06-07-2016, 05:27 PM
nope not on pills at all

Then must be more careful hor, or else Mother's day come earlier than expected :p

06-07-2016, 06:14 PM
haha ya I think so too

Same here also :p

07-07-2016, 01:13 AM
nope not on pills at all

Your calculation is so perfect. Can advice how u calculate your ovulation in order to not get pregnant? Sumore your period not regular wor.

07-07-2016, 01:47 AM
Same here also :p

Same here as well :p

07-07-2016, 03:00 AM
nope not on pills at all

That seems risky already

07-07-2016, 04:49 AM
Then must be more careful hor, or else Mother's day come earlier than expected :p

You have a point there bro :)

07-07-2016, 10:45 PM
That seems risky already

Agree with you on this

08-07-2016, 12:13 PM
Then must be more careful hor, or else Mother's day come earlier than expected :p

You have a good point there :)

19-07-2016, 09:22 AM
I am already a mother so no worries:p

19-07-2016, 03:27 PM
Nice to know u are a hot mum. Eager to hear your sharing soon.

19-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Please share more encounters sis Apple :)

19-07-2016, 06:10 PM
Please share more encounters sis Apple :)

Yes pls do

19-07-2016, 11:27 PM
fuck yeah. fap fap fap

20-07-2016, 12:57 PM
lol nothing happening recently...

20-07-2016, 01:27 PM
Instead of your boy make arrangements for you., Have u ever tot of arranging something for him?

20-07-2016, 04:33 PM
lol nothing happening recently...

Don't wait for things to happen, make things happen :D

20-07-2016, 05:57 PM
yup I did.. recently just bought a nurse uniform to seduce him and he fuck me with the nurse uniform on... heehee

20-07-2016, 07:35 PM
yup I did.. recently just bought a nurse uniform to seduce him and he fuck me with the nurse uniform on... heehee

In public ah? :D

21-07-2016, 12:45 PM
In public ah? :D

no la..... at home la... that nurse uniform is those buy from sex shop one.. I wear outside I think many old uncles nose bleed ah... hahaha

21-07-2016, 09:26 PM
no la..... at home la... that nurse uniform is those buy from sex shop one.. I wear outside I think many old uncles nose bleed ah... hahaha

Did you buy the French maid one too? Just an apron and nothing else :D