View Full Version : The cheating gf - help needed.
22-10-2015, 07:15 PM
Hi bros and sis
I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
These past weeks, she admitted she's been on tinder, meeting guys. One night, she went out late till 330am and refused to tell me where she went. Another, she went to a guy friend's place to drink and stayed over. Yes, you read that right.
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
Now thing is, can anyone give any advice on how to catch her and how to make her think i still love her and make her stick to me?
Thanks in advance,
Lost man.
22-10-2015, 07:30 PM
Time to ditch her. No point holding on when her heart is not with you.
22-10-2015, 07:47 PM
She already want to break up so her heart is already somewhere else.
If shes so horny, she wont mind 3P n u need not any reasons to catch her whatsoever simply bcos shes prepared to leave u anyway. U shld enjoy the fucks u still have cos its numbered.
22-10-2015, 07:55 PM
Forget about it. Most of us here have been through wat you are going through. It ain't worth to punish her too. Get on with your life, and hope you find a better one.
Trust me, n u ll thank me 3mths from now. if you drag this on, u are the only one that's gonna suffer, not her. Btw, watever u do to her now, she'll find you an eyesore. So, eeven if you buy her a Prada wallet now, she ll not appreciate too.
Lastly, I have been through wat you are going through now. if you heed my words,你不会后悔的。
good luck, buddy.
22-10-2015, 07:56 PM
If you refuse to post out of zap free zone, I can't zap you.
So if she refuse to let you punish, you can't punish her.
actually i wont waste time like trying to catch her
btw are you trying to catch her so u can have a 3P.
thats gonna be mmf.
you, the guy and her
and ru sure u want that ?
treat the fact that she already had sex with others - cos tinder is purely ons imo
ask her if she had sex with others, tell her u love her, if u really do
and tell her to get protected at ALL times
tell her u wait for her
then start a tinder account :D
22-10-2015, 08:11 PM
Install a spyware/keylogger into her phone. Easy way to catch her. :rolleyes:
22-10-2015, 08:31 PM
Yeah, 3Ps and swing and they'll be doing that to you in prison, too.
Dump the bitch and move on.
22-10-2015, 08:39 PM
^^^ What he said. xD
22-10-2015, 08:51 PM
So what if u manage to catch her, do u have the right to force her to have 3p or swing? :rolleyes:
Just let go...
22-10-2015, 09:41 PM
Don't forget to take pics when you're having sex with her and share with us after your breakup. :D
22-10-2015, 10:11 PM
Well, TS, the girl already wants to leave you, you insisted on sticking to her like superglue. She's naturally doing her own thing without much thought of you - which is looking for another potential or just simply having fun. You are only with her for the sex, and you want to punish her for what her decisions are? I think TS needs to stay single and build up on his maturity before dating other ladies.
22-10-2015, 11:02 PM
May be GF zaps TS to negative
22-10-2015, 11:05 PM
Hey bro,
Think everyone in this forum has gone through it at least once, so you're not alone. Not easy and I'm sorry that you're hit by this.
Honestly if you want her, let her go. It'll tell her that you have self respect. Right now it's really not worth the energy to chase her.
If you really want to track her, hire a PI. It'll cost though. Chances are, if you go through with it, she may just say ' so what' and your effort is wasted. Let her go, properly grieve for the pain of loss (don't suppress it) and after a bit move on. See what you can improve on.
Things will be better. I think you deserve better.
Hope this helps.
Take care and good luck bro.
22-10-2015, 11:29 PM
Bro, she is only a gf only, not wife. Don't have to do or think too much. Enjoy the f when u can and just move on. What so difficult? Marry her ah.
22-10-2015, 11:46 PM
Time to ditch her. No point holding on when her heart is not with you.
You are absolutely right, you can no longer possess her.
Maybe the other guy is good in bed, TS need to review this area.
Just move on, less misery for you.
22-10-2015, 11:53 PM
I am just stating the fact. No hard feeling.
1. You are stupid to cling on when she wants to exit this relationship.
2. Just because she blow you well, you cling on. ????
3. Catch her? for what? She does not own you anything. Remember she is just your girlfriend not wife.
The best way to win her back, are you prepare to marry her. if not, please leave her alone.
Finally, please gown up.
22-10-2015, 11:53 PM
Be a man. She ditched you. So salvage your pride and move on. Don't be a stalker. We are no longer living in the Middle Ages. She is not your wife or possession.
Catch her for fark? :(
23-10-2015, 12:28 AM
You fucking dickhead. You're treating her as a whore & not a GF.
You don't love her & don't deserve a woman until you know how to treat one right. Serves you right for getting green hat.
23-10-2015, 07:58 AM
Tinder so happening?
Creating tinder account now!
23-10-2015, 08:23 AM
Things will be better. I think you deserve better.
Take care and good luck bro.
Fuck lah. TS deserve better?? He is just a selfish fucker who treat his gf not better than a whore at Geylang. A cheapo who doesnt wants to lose his free fuck.
He doesnt wants to give up his gf just because his gf gives him wonderful sex but his gf wants to leave him because he cant satisfy her!!!!!
KNN early in the morning see his thread made me damn DULAN!!!!
23-10-2015, 08:53 AM
Hey bro,
Think everyone in this forum has gone through it at least once, so you're not alone. Not easy and I'm sorry that you're hit by this.
Honestly if you want her, let her go. It'll tell her that you have self respect. Right now it's really not worth the energy to chase her.
If you really want to track her, hire a PI. It'll cost though. Chances are, if you go through with it, she may just say ' so what' and your effort is wasted. Let her go, properly grieve for the pain of loss (don't suppress it) and after a bit move on. See what you can improve on.
Things will be better. I think you deserve better.
Hope this helps.
Take care and good luck bro.
In what way does TS deserve a better gf? He just cant bear a good fuck :rolleyes:
What a shame!
23-10-2015, 09:03 AM
TS, in a relationship, it take two hands to clap. Thou you refused to agree to the break up due to your own selfish needs, she has made her stand clear. Technically, she is single already and it is only you that are still tying yourself to this bond. this is causing anger, hatred and though of vengeance come to your mind. Thou the idea of a 3P is tempting, i suggest you to let it go and learn to be a better person if you want to catch a better fish
23-10-2015, 09:50 AM
TS, you are just a fucking stupid idiot.
She is your GF not wife. You catch for punishment idea is damn funny
23-10-2015, 10:01 AM
she ask to break up > you refuse > so she quarrel with you > cheat on you > you still want to get cheated on > you plan for revenge.
if you are a small minded person, you spoil your chances for better things.
she ask to break up > you accept and break up on a friendly note > maybe she misses you and the fantastic sex(if it was) > asks to meet up with you again > long term fb > now instead shes cheating on the other guy.
See how this could have turned out better?
23-10-2015, 10:09 AM
I feel you should let her go and seek a better partner. No point going to this 3P revenge. She answer for her life and need to be responsible for her own outcome. Is better you be a good man than been a seen as a loser.
23-10-2015, 10:14 AM
i would suggest u move on too bro, cheating girls aint worth the effort to make wives. just fuck n go
23-10-2015, 10:22 AM
one sick bastard
23-10-2015, 12:29 PM
TS probably felt cheated by the whole deal and is bitter about it... and telling himself that he is holding on cos a good lay.... but its time to let go of your ego and move on... else the one that suffer is you... either break up and move on.. or else if u still wanna get back at her... go do her best friend or sister or something... and then move on....
23-10-2015, 01:20 PM
The most TS can ask for is a break up fuck, if you want can make it more memorable is have a threesome or best still Gangbang.
23-10-2015, 02:33 PM
There is a teacher teaching arts in primary school.
One day, he told his students to bring the number of tomatoes equally to the number of people they hate in school each day.
So next day, some students bought 2 tomatoes some bought 3 tomatoes in.
The day later, the students bought more tomatoes into the school.
On the third day, some students informed the teacher, some of the tomatoes have gone rotten and it smell.
The teacher told the students. This is what happen when you have hrated in your heart. The more you hate a person, the heavier you get in the heart.
Love is to care for the person and ensure they deserve the best. Although it is a sex forum here, I do hope people are living well. Of course, enjoying sex in the right way.
It is as good as, your gf request a 3p but it is a guy fucking your asshole. Do you like it? Alway think of karma. If you are out to play, follow the golden rule that is unspoken, respect others. When the game is over, don't cry foul.
23-10-2015, 02:52 PM
why refuse if she want to break? no point holding to something that no longer got "value"
23-10-2015, 03:03 PM
if it is only good sex, why hold on to it? there are tonnes of good sex everywhere.
if it is love, she already initiated a break-up, why hold on to it? there are tonnes of good girl everywhere.
嗨。。 说的容以做的难!
23-10-2015, 03:41 PM
Hi bros and sis
I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
These past weeks, she admitted she's been on tinder, meeting guys. One night, she went out late till 330am and refused to tell me where she went. Another, she went to a guy friend's place to drink and stayed over. Yes, you read that right.
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
Now thing is, can anyone give any advice on how to catch her and how to make her think i still love her and make her stick to me?
Thanks in advance,
Lost man. its your ego at work....
23-10-2015, 06:34 PM
Hi bros and sis
"I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
These past weeks, she admitted she's been on tinder, meeting guys. One night, she went out late till 330am and refused to tell me where she went. Another, she went to a guy friend's place to drink and stayed over. Yes, you read that right.
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
Now thing is, can anyone give any advice on how to catch her and how to make her think i still love her and make her stick to me?
Thanks in advance,
Lost man."
Sorry bro, to hear this but you have to think straight,
Firstly, there is no law to prevent a breakup. So when you want to catch her, catch her for what? A reason to break up? She already wants to break up.
However, you can be charged for harrassment, blackmail, etc. So don't let your emotions get the better of you.
But if you are nice to her and thank her for the good times and say nice things about her, there is a chance she will come back and even for an occassional fling.
But if you act nasty and difficult, kiss the relationship goodbye forever. People hardly remember the good things only the last and bad things. What you do in the last few weeks will remain in her mind more than what you did good for her in the early years of your relationship.
Show magnamity and maturity. It will pay.
Move on.
23-10-2015, 09:20 PM
Hi bros and sis
I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
These past weeks, she admitted she's been on tinder, meeting guys. One night, she went out late... and refused to tell me where she went. Another, she went to a guy friend's place to drink and stayed over. Yes, you read that right.
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
Now thing is, can anyone give any advice on how to catch her and how to make her think i still love her and make her stick to me?
Thanks in advance,
Lost man.
Quarreling over "practically nothing" or trivial issues is a sign of increasingly not seeing eye-to-eye with each other. As you quarrel with your (ex) girlfriend, the relationship was gradually breaking down. You have probably lost your girlfriend even before you knew it, and it is obvious since she initiated the break-up.
Revealing that she is looking around on Tinder and meeting other guys is a sign that she wants to break up, is trying to move on, perhaps unknowingly, finding a rebound guy. You really do not know if she has had sex with another guy or not since she probably will not tell you. Trying to catch her in the act and punish her is pointless since she does not want to be with you anymore, and there is nothing illegal about it. However, you intending to stalk, catch, hold against her will, and subject her to a 3P (a 3some?) that is non-consenting is revenge and rape which is illegal, and a ticket to your imprisonment.
Like what others have also said, the relationship is over, and yes, it does sound like you treat/view her more like a whore than a girlfriend. Even if you really do not treat her that way, I understand you can't bear to lose sex with her. Women are likely to do more for the man they like or love during sex (such as CIM or CIP). You have to accept that she no longer likes and wants you, and you should let her go as painful as it is.
It would be good for you to learn from this experience of why the relationship failed so that it is not repeated with the next girlfriend you have. I am not saying that you have done something bad or wrong that caused the break-up. It could be your (ex) girlfriend who did not act correctly towards you.
I write with a similar experience.
23-10-2015, 09:32 PM
Just find a better, prettier, smarter, etc. new your life better.....this would be the ultimate revenge. ;)
24-10-2015, 01:25 AM
Letting go is the best
24-10-2015, 04:47 AM
why refuse if she want to break? no point holding to something that no longer got "value"
Agreed here
24-10-2015, 06:26 AM
Hi bros and sis
I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
These past weeks, she admitted she's been on tinder, meeting guys. One night, she went out late till 330am and refused to tell me where she went. Another, she went to a guy friend's place to drink and stayed over. Yes, you read that right.
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
Now thing is, can anyone give any advice on how to catch her and how to make her think i still love her and make her stick to me?
Thanks in advance,
Lost man.
TS, u knw tat she has sex with other while she still with u, u see it as she's cheating u, but initially maybe she juz treat u as a fb or fwb, u mentioned she gave u great sex, most probably she is those playful, Flirty type of gal who enjoy sex.;)
Probably she feels tat with u, she has lost her freedom to u, u might question or restrict her movement as some guys do so when they r on steady with someone. (Sorry if its not ur case). She juz enjoy sex, dun wan any commitment as she's still young (might not), she might looking for other anytime who can satisfy her more.
Now, seem like u wan to take revenge on her juz to take bk ur wounded pride & ego. I dun feel tat u love her in any ways, if u really so love her, u won't be thinking of doing something bad to hurt her even she wan to part with u. The most u love is only yourself, u juz cannot take it as she's d one who initiated a break-up with u. She's not ur possession or belonging, why muz insist on letting her stick to u since u alrdy knw she is juz those Flirty, easy type. U think she will stick to u 1 person forever if she's still young & pretty??!! U know d ans yourself, it's juz tat u dun wan to let point keeping her by ur side if her heart for u is not there, or maybe u juz wan to enjoy her flesh only??!!! Then it's call LUST! LUST only!!!
Initially, she might treat u as fb only, maybe is ur one sized of wishful thinking thought she's ur gf.
TS, let go of her....dun do thing to hurt her & at d same time hurting yourself. I can guarantee u tat even u hv ur revenge liao, u won't be happy in ur heart!!!:cool:
its your ego at work....
Completely agree with ur short, yet sharp & precise point!
24-10-2015, 04:05 PM
Dear brothers
Heartfelt appreciation to your advices. I have been reading them over and over again.
The logical thing is to let her go, yes i am aware of that. However, when emotions come into play and the heart comes swaying, i just couldn't.
I am sure most brothers have gone through this before and it will only take a major major heartbreak for us to really let go of someone we hold so dear in our heart.
Once again, thank you so much for your advice. I will take small steps to achieve that because it is extremely difficult to let go in one stroke.
24-10-2015, 04:10 PM
Tonight drink 12 dozens of tiger beer and everything will let go
24-10-2015, 04:13 PM
Interesting topic. Thanks.
24-10-2015, 06:20 PM
have photo of her? you show us her photo then can say worth or not...
24-10-2015, 06:21 PM
Sorry bro, to hear this but you have to think straight,
Firstly, there is no law to prevent a breakup. So when you want to catch her, catch her for what? A reason to break up? She already wants to break up.
However, you can be charged for harrassment, blackmail, etc. So don't let your emotions get the better of you.
But if you are nice to her and thank her for the good times and say nice things about her, there is a chance she will come back and even for an occassional fling.
But if you act nasty and difficult, kiss the relationship goodbye forever. People hardly remember the good things only the last and bad things. What you do in the last few weeks will remain in her mind more than what you did good for her in the early years of your relationship.
Show magnamity and maturity. It will pay.
Move on.
Very true, it's done just move on.
From experienced, just remain friends may get an occasionally fling for free :) with no responsibility.
Once the girl changed her feelings you can't do anything.
25-10-2015, 12:02 PM
Hi brothers
Just when I was about to move on, i gave her a call. She was out. And she was clubbing. She disappeared till 6am. The thing about her is, everytime she drinks, she lose consciousness and black out.
I'm fearing the worst.
25-10-2015, 12:04 PM
On a side note, brothers have been asking for her photos. Is it even legal to share?
25-10-2015, 12:21 PM
Dear brothers
Heartfelt appreciation to your advices. I have been reading them over and over again.
The logical thing is to let her go, yes i am aware of that. However, when emotions come into play and the heart comes swaying, i just couldn't.
I am sure most brothers have gone through this before and it will only take a major major heartbreak for us to really let go of someone we hold so dear in our heart.
Once again, thank you so much for your advice. I will take small steps to achieve that because it is extremely difficult to let go in one stroke.
it is better to grant her wish and let her leave
at least, she initiate a breakup
rather than getting attached then tell you in the face "I have a new boyfriend now, I want to break up with you"
trust me, this kind of feel hurts most and more deeply into your ego
take care
25-10-2015, 01:46 PM
TS, you're childish, selfish and a cunning dickhead.
Be a man, and let her go, she asked for it. You don't own her.
She has every rights to do anything she wants, even if it means screwing up her life...
If you are smart. find a way to keep her as a fuckbuddy (if she is willing), but don't attach to her emotionally.
If you can't bare to fuck someone, who is also fucking another guy, then don't, just leave. You'll both be happy, hell she might even give you a goodbye fuck for you to remember.
Also, what make you think that the next girl you'll get cannot give you a even better fuck?
Trust me, if you have not fuck all the women in the world, you cannot say for sure that "this" is the best fuck ever...
25-10-2015, 02:05 PM
+1 to SharkMan!
TS, you're childish, selfish and a cunning dickhead.
Be a man, and let her go, she asked for it. You don't own her.
She has every rights to do anything she wants, even if it means screwing up her life...
If you are smart. find a way to keep her as a fuckbuddy (if she is willing), but don't attach to her emotionally.
If you can't bare to fuck someone, who is also fucking another guy, then don't, just leave. You'll both be happy, hell she might even give you a goodbye fuck for you to remember.
Also, what make you think that the next girl you'll get cannot give you a even better fuck?
Trust me, if you have not fuck all the women in the world, you cannot say for sure that "this" is the best fuck ever...
25-10-2015, 03:23 PM
Hi bros and sis
I have a girlfriend of about a year or so but recently, she has been picking mad fights with me over practically nothing.
Yeah, she wanted to break up but i refused, only because she gives me really good sex (of course i didn't tell her that).
I am absolutely plastered and don't think she's worth it at all and i am pretty sure she's cheating on me. Problem is, how do i catch her?
The reason for doing so is, she needs to be punished and her deeds cannot go unscathed. I'm thinking of 3Ps and swings before i let her go only and that's the main reason i'm not letting her go yet.
she is not picking fights with you over nothing.
she probably saw through you, & realised what a shallow & horrific character u have. your intention to "catch her" and exacts punishment etc says it all.
u are only with her cos she gives good sex? what makes u think she can't tell it, even though "of course u didn't tell her about it"
u seem like a superficial & awful person to begin with :rolleyes:
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