24-10-2015, 07:38 PM
i have a PRC part time gf in beijing for a few years. she's a part time tv actress n stage dancer. v pretty. nice girl. n v hot in bed.
whenever i m in Beijing, i stay at her apartment and she drives me ard.
today when we were walking along 南锣鼓巷 having snacks, she said she wanted a baby!! i choked on my milk tea n tried to maintain my composure.
i love that girl. she is really HOT! n very affectionate to me. but a BaBY! no no.
but i understand where she's coming from. she's in her 30s. not having a steady bf for now. (im part time!) and she wants to have a baby cos of her biological clock.
i told her that i have other gfs and i dun intend to marry her. she knows. but she said she just wants my sperm to impregnate her. i choked again. darn fishball.
tbc ...
whenever i m in Beijing, i stay at her apartment and she drives me ard.
today when we were walking along 南锣鼓巷 having snacks, she said she wanted a baby!! i choked on my milk tea n tried to maintain my composure.
i love that girl. she is really HOT! n very affectionate to me. but a BaBY! no no.
but i understand where she's coming from. she's in her 30s. not having a steady bf for now. (im part time!) and she wants to have a baby cos of her biological clock.
i told her that i have other gfs and i dun intend to marry her. she knows. but she said she just wants my sperm to impregnate her. i choked again. darn fishball.
tbc ...