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View Full Version : I want to be a writer

29-10-2015, 02:34 AM
hi all.. this is my virgin post. please be kind. i have always wanted to be a writer since i was a kid but well..angmoh chi so yea.. anywayyyyyy…

silent reader..blah blah..want to contribute..blah blah..bad english..blah blah.. pretty sure all or most of us feel the same when starting to post. sorry i am an inexperienced guy so the stories i write are probably based on all your stories one way or another. it has been a while since i have been here but i want to try to write my story based on your feedback..not sure if anyone has tried this yet..like those kids book where you get to choose what is the next actions. i will try to update as frequently as possible, thanks. hope to get some support. no need up me, all i need is response. well.. if its not good then i will go back to being a silent reader HAHA okay.. so let it begin. before i begin :

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
(HAHA TALK ABOUT BEING PRETENTIOUS) oh some things may not be correct. soon please don't expose me brutally.. Thank you!!

“Sorry to disturb your sleep sir, our flight is about to reach Singapore. Please buckle your seatbelt and move your seat back up to the upright position. Thank you!” chirp the sweet flight attendant aboard the A380. Seeing her seem to jolt you back to live. You give her a smile and proceed to buckle the belt while adjusting the seat. You close your eyes again and a dream slowly creep back into your head.

You are now longer in your seat but in a room. A posh hotel room in Singapore. You feel something tight around your wrist. Turning your head, you see the seat belt from the plane knotted around your wrist, behind the grills of the bed frame. You see a figure slowly sashaying towards you, clothed in the famed Sarong Kebaya. “Hmm.. not too bad a deal to be tied up i guess”, you think to yourself. Her hands behind her back conceal something. Well, you like surprises so your adrenaline start to pump a little. She stretch out her left hand, running it along your right leg. She inch closer up your thighs and you feel blood slowly filling up your little head. The anticipation of what’s behind her back makes you feel more excited than you usually do and you being tied up seems to turn you on a bit more. Suddenly, she brandish a knife and cut your buttons apart. The cold tip of the knife touches your right nipple and you cannot help but feel a shiver run up your spine. The knife is pointing straight at your chest while your throat clams up and starts drying up. You're trembling, unsure of what is going to happen.

The pressure in your ears snap you back into reality. Cold sweat running down the back of your neck. What a terrifying dream. However, you notice the hard-on that you're sporting, and you think silently, “maybe i have discovered a part of myself..”

29-10-2015, 10:36 AM
Writers unite!

Will be looking out for this :)

29-10-2015, 11:17 AM
Keep it going writer, cheers!

29-10-2015, 10:59 PM
The plane touches down and you alight in a hurry. You switch on your phone and it begin buzzing continuously. Four messages from your boss and one from your parents. You read your mom’s message first and give her a call, telling her that you have arrived safely back in Singapore and would be heading over to her house in a bit. Your boss has sent a couple a messages congratulating you for the successful merger deal that you have just completed in the US. The next message is also from your boss, giving you a the rest of the week (3 days) off from work for the job well done, and the last is an update from work. You drag your small luggage to the taxi-stand, happy that your are back in this sunny island you call home.

Alighting outside the condo, you walk into the building and the security guard greets you. “Hey XXX, back from business already?” You give a polite smile and return the greeting. Going up the lift, you can't help but remember the little dream you had before. Entering your apartment, you put your luggage at the side and strip down to your boxer-briefs. You walk into the walk-in wardrobe and remove a plain black tee with a pair of denim bermudas off the racks, to be worn to your parents later. You proceed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The cold water run down your body as you relax a little. Looking into the mirror, you admire your body and the effort you put into maintain it. You walk over to the basin and begin washing you face. From the reflection, you can see your well-defined jawline. The bronze complexion from playing football weekly coupled with your rock-hard abs made you resemble the Greek Gods.

You start the engine of your BMW X5 and slowly make your way to your parents’ home. You always try to make a point to go home at least once a week but working in an investment bank certainly means that time is scarce. But well, as people would say, time is like cleavage, squeeze harder and there will be some.

Dinner is served the moment you arrive. Guess mom always knows best. Food from any restaurant will never beat home-cooked food, especially since your both your parents were chefs before they retired. You talked about your trip and explain that you will be very busy next month as there will be auditing and would probably be unable to visit much. The one thing about parents is that they will always be interested in your life and care about your well-being, “i love you” you say to them as you leave after doing the dishes. The visit was not long yet you feel happy every time you come back to the place where you grew up 20 odd years ago. Time has certainly zoomed past and now its your time to take care of your parents.

sorry nothing sexual coming up right now so yea might be a little boring

Cheers makeyouhappy and wallabies thanks for the support :D

30-10-2015, 03:16 AM
Nice update bro do continue :)

01-11-2015, 12:45 AM
i wonder if a sex book will actually sell in singapore

01-11-2015, 05:35 PM
@princecharles thanks! will write in a bit. still have to be moderated tho so updates may take a day or so. But thanks for the support!

@aurorachan nahh i don't think so but its hard to say in the future? i think finding a publisher and editor might be a little hard but well fifty shades and such seems to be selling well. I'm not such a great writer so i think ill just be contented to just post here. :)


02-11-2015, 06:23 PM
You crashed the brilliant Friday night away and when you open your eyes, the sun is already up. For an investment banker, even Saturday is no break so you relish this chance for you to make full use of the weekends to recharge yourself.

You wash yourself up and put your dirty laundry into the washing machine. What a rare day to be able to sun your clothes later. You put on a singlet and leave the house together with a towel, to go down to the gym for a workout. Back in an hour, the washing machine beeps a melodious tune while you are showering. You dry yourself up and hang your clothes out to dry.

You spend the rest of the day looking through your mail and what not. Soon, your phone ring and on the other side is your best friend jio-ing you out tonight to go clubbing at Zouk. Fast forward to the night. You put on black shirt to go with your black jeans and black shoes, looking like the big time HK triad boss from the movies (probably Louis Koo HAHA!)

Arriving in a cab, you walk into the VIP area with your group of khakis. A couple of them were already there early and has started drinking. You initiated the group ritual of down a few shots and the last shot, all of you say the cheers “let the hunting begin!”

A few of them walk off into the distance, as they already have their targets and you stood there with your best friend, just chilling with your drinks. The VIP area is rather exclusive and you got your own freedom and just a little bit of privacy. You got out of the club to take a smoke break. You were never fond of the cramp smoking areas afforded by the club.

Lighting your cigarette, something nice catch your eyes. A black dress wrapped tightly around the contour of her body, making the perky butt stand out even more. Her left hand holding an unlit cigarette as the lighter fails to work for her. You walk over and offer to light it up for her. She turn around and surprise surprise, it is the air stewardess on the flight you took just a couple of days back.

You : “Hi, so we meet again huh?”
Girl : “Yea, such a coincidence..”
You : “I guess its called.. fate? Haha. anyway, since Lao Tian Ye (heaven) seems to want us to be friends, how about telling me your name?”
Girl : “Haha! Such a lousy pickup line. But A for effort i guess. My name is Abigaile. Nice to meet you Sir.. Hahaha!”
You : “Hi abigaile, my name is XXX, nice to meet you. You mind if i call you Abby?”
Girl : “Wah so fast want to cut the distance between us ah?? “
You : “Well.. i mean we did spend a night together before and you woke me up after..”
Girl : “Haha! Thats true.. Anyway go ahead, all my friends call me Abby anyway”

04-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Time to pitch a tent . :)

04-11-2015, 02:56 PM
So things begin? Hmm~

10-11-2015, 10:05 AM
Hope TS comes back soon.

10-11-2015, 12:07 PM
Nice start TS, please continue

14-11-2015, 01:43 PM
Maybe TS gone for holiday . :confused:

14-11-2015, 05:46 PM
TS, please continue.

04-12-2015, 02:20 AM
Thank :(:):)

04-12-2015, 09:31 AM
Maybe TS gone for holiday . :confused:

A very long holiday indeed :D

10-12-2015, 03:00 PM
Looks like TS not coming back already . What a waste .

10-12-2015, 03:03 PM
His computer also spoil kekekeke :rolleyes:

10-12-2015, 10:49 PM
His computer also spoil kekekeke :rolleyes:

Hahahaa u also know how to poke :p