View Full Version : Local ladies pricing standards!

31-10-2015, 04:51 PM
Since CASE is coming up with standard prices for chicken rice,
I thought I'll come up with standard prices for local ladies.

Just for fun. You have a choice not to continue reading.
Anyway my points are so red, they're having mensus 365.

Local Race
Chinese: $250 base price
Malay: $200
Indian: $180
Eurasian: $250
Mixed race: follow higher price

Cup Size
A cup: - $30
B cup: minimum pls
C cup: + $50
D cup: + $100
E cup: + $200

18 - 19: + $150
20 - 23: + $100
27 - 29: - $50
30: - $70
Above 30: - $100
Below 18: free food and lodging

7.0 - 7.5: + $30
7.6 - 8.0: + $80
8.1 - 9.0: + $150
9.1 - 9.9: + $250

COF: + $30
COB: + $10
AR: + $50
AJ: + $80
No Frenching: - $30
BJ only. No BBBJ: - $50
No BJ: - $80

Degree and above: + $80
Diploma: + $50

Air Stewardess: + $100
Teacher: + $50
Nurse: + $80
OL: + $30
Uni student: + $50
Poly student: + $80

Body type
Slim: + $50
Big Boned slim: + $20
Meaty: - $30
Chubby: - $50
BBW: - $80

Mediacorp well known actress: + $5000
Mediacorp small actress: + $800
Mediacorp extra: + $150
FHM model: + $200
Model: + $150
Well known model: + $3000

So there you go!
Just for laughs!
Feel free to add on if I've missed out anything!

31-10-2015, 10:05 PM
Thanks for all the Bros who have upped me!
As you can see, there is no way I can return favour.

It was +76 one day and -76 the other. No idea why.

Anyway, hope you've liked the pricing guide! 😬

31-10-2015, 10:53 PM
Missed age group 24-26:)

31-10-2015, 11:02 PM
Missed age group 24-26:)

24 - 26: $0
😬 that's why

31-10-2015, 11:26 PM
Well Known actress +5000:eek:.........Not if the FJ is as wooden as their acting!!

01-11-2015, 01:24 AM
sound like a Q0010 shopping cart now

01-11-2015, 09:56 AM
well known actress +5000:eek:.........not if the fj is as wooden as their acting!!


sound like a q0010 shopping cart now


01-11-2015, 12:18 PM
Since CASE is coming up with standard prices for chicken rice,
I thought I'll come up with standard prices for local ladies.

Just for fun. You have a choice not to continue reading.
Anyway my points are so red, they're having mensus 365.

Local Race
Chinese: $250 base price
Malay: $200
Indian: $180
Eurasian: $250
Mixed race: follow higher price

Cup Size
A cup: - $30
B cup: minimum pls
C cup: + $50
D cup: + $100
E cup: + $200

18 - 19: + $150
20 - 23: + $100
27 - 29: - $50
30: - $70
Above 30: - $100
Below 18: free food and lodging

7.0 - 7.5: + $30
7.6 - 8.0: + $80
8.1 - 9.0: + $150
9.1 - 9.9: + $250

COF: + $30
COB: + $10
AR: + $50
AJ: + $80
No Frenching: - $30
BJ only. No BBBJ: - $50
No BJ: - $80

Degree and above: + $80
Diploma: + $50

Air Stewardess: + $100
Teacher: + $50
Nurse: + $80
OL: + $30
Uni student: + $50
Poly student: + $80

Body type
Slim: + $50
Big Boned slim: + $20
Meaty: - $30
Chubby: - $50
BBW: - $80

Mediacorp well known actress: + $5000
Mediacorp small actress: + $800
Mediacorp extra: + $150
FHM model: + $200
Model: + $150
Well known model: + $3000

So there you go!
Just for laughs!
Feel free to add on if I've missed out anything!

Hahahas! Chinese (250)+ B(apparently a min req)+ Just turned 21 (100) + looks 8.5 (150) + cob (20) + big boned slim (20, although I always think big boned slim looks way better than slim) + model (150)= $690!!!!

:P maybe I can increase price from $500 1 1 (additional $50 for Incalls) to $690 1 1 (additional $50 for Incalls)......... Means $740 1 1 for Incalls!!! Hahas!!

Thank god I have no agent, just because they usually take about half cut, maybe my pricing should be $690x 2= $1380 lol.

Joking bout my price increase hahahas, just doing my own calculations for fun :P

01-11-2015, 08:12 PM
Hahahas! Chinese (250)+ B(apparently a min req)+ Just turned 21 (100) + looks 8.5 (150) + cob (20) + big boned slim (20, although I always think big boned slim looks way better than slim) + model (150)= $690!!!!

:P maybe I can increase price from $500 1 1 (additional $50 for Incalls) to $690 1 1 (additional $50 for Incalls)......... Means $740 1 1 for Incalls!!! Hahas!!

Thank god I have no agent, just because they usually take about half cut, maybe my pricing should be $690x 2= $1380 lol.

Joking bout my price increase hahahas, just doing my own calculations for fun :P

Wow wow!

02-11-2015, 11:06 AM
Lol Bro nice pricing guide. It is like looking for valued stock, calculating the rates to see if you are getting value for money under valued stock or over valued ipo!

Great post!

02-11-2015, 11:46 AM
The matter of fact is that the okts are making us doing naked calls! :D:D

02-11-2015, 12:28 PM
Boycott those who price outside this range!

02-11-2015, 04:41 PM
Boycott those who price outside this range!

It's just for fun.

02-11-2015, 10:55 PM
lol bro u damn farnie

03-11-2015, 01:05 AM
This is good man. imagine if inflation kicks in! HAHA!

04-11-2015, 08:08 PM
This is good man. imagine if inflation kicks in! HAHA!

Haha. Then it'll go up as fast as the minimum sum...

05-11-2015, 09:44 AM
Suggest to add one category:

Virgin: + how much? :)

05-11-2015, 09:47 AM
Suggest to add one category:

Virgin: + how much? :)

Priceless :D

05-11-2015, 08:06 PM
Suggest to add one category:

Virgin: + how much? :)

Wow. This one only one time use.
Going by past records on the net:

18 yo: + $10000
19-20 yo: + $8000
21-24 yo: + $6000
25-27 yo: + $3000
28-30 yo: + $1500
30 and above: + $800


05-11-2015, 10:47 PM
19 yr old Virgin but not good looking and no slim body? Still +$8000? :)

05-11-2015, 11:22 PM
19 yr old Virgin but not good looking and no slim body? Still +$8000? :)

I hope not! Haha.
I dunno man.
Then must introduce a loading factor...

06-11-2015, 02:08 AM
typical singaporean would be asking for discount leh.:D

22-12-2015, 04:29 PM
Lol if you want to help a FL to advertise, why don't you pay the mods and advertise in a new thread? Instead of posting on every discussion thread here on dome L.

Big Sexy
22-12-2015, 04:31 PM
mate. i am sure the ad moderator greentea will appreciate you giving him a PM to discuss a sponsorship deal. ;)

22-12-2015, 05:29 PM
Priceless :D

Virgin now really priceless....almost extinct liao :D

22-12-2015, 05:30 PM
Nothing is free. Otherwise this forum will be in a mess.