View Full Version : Coffee Started It All. (a true story)

11-11-2015, 11:46 AM
Hi friends,

I have been reading all our fellow Samsters' contributions here for many years now. I too have a story of my own to share -- I promise here, from the start, that it is completely true... though of course some names and details will be changed to protect our identities.

- chapter one: present day Singapore, 2015 -

All it took was one Instagram post -- and all the memories came flashing back. I saw a few other friends from long ago in that pic, and even her husband and two cute daughters. I felt like I knew them well, even though I had never met them, as she had shared so much with me 4 long years ago.

Four years. Not a very long time in the big scheme of life, but also not that short. Well, certainly not long enough for me to forget that half a year.that we shared everything -- our hopes, our fears, our food, and our bodies...

11-11-2015, 12:47 PM
Good start TS ...... support support :)

11-11-2015, 03:17 PM
- chapter two: prologue - summer 2010 -

"Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to RMP Bank. Before I start today's IT security training, may I know how many of you are from IT?"

I looked into a sea of fresh faces, all new hires to the bank on their first day of induction. Carrying out the IT security briefing was a necessary but painful and usually boring part of my job.

A large number of hands shot up; being a cost-conscious foreign bank, we hired foreigners en masse in IT, and usually men... so it was only natural that this lady sitting at a corner of the room caught my eye with her raised hand.

It wasn't just her sticking out like a sore thumb from the general population that made me notice her. She was dressed in a fitted pink dress, with her long hair neatly bunned up and immaculate makeup. She would not have looked out of place in a SQ kebaya... but on that day, she sure did stand out alright!

I looked at her; she looked right back at me and smiled. Her name was on the tag we gave to all new hires on their first day:


11-11-2015, 03:53 PM
- chapter three: autumn 2011 -

An entire year passed before I actually got the chance to speak to Lynn. Why so long, you migt ask?

1) She was a Vice President in the bank, while I was but a lowly analyst. As far as company hierachies go, it would have been awkward at best for me to strike up a conversation with her out of the blue.

2) I found out that she was married with two daughters, aged 5 and 7 at the time. She was 34 years old when I met her in 2010, FYI.

3) I was happily attached for 3 years to a steady girlfriend.

Anyway, there goes the background. So a year passed with Lynn and I hardly crossing paths; on occasion we might attend the same company social event and we would smile and say hi, but that was it. However, I found myself thinking of her once in a while, of that bright sweet smile and the awesome way she carried herself.

My chance to finally talk to her came in the middle of 2011. As part of my job in IT, I had to perform scans of the internal company network to ensure that sensitive information was protected. During one of these scans, I found that a shared drive belonging to Lynn had some Excel files containing personnel information, which was open for all to access.

I quickly dropped Lynn an email to inform her about this, and told her I would follow up in a few days. At the end of the week, I pinged her on the company instant messaging service to check on the status.

Me: "Hi Lynn, it's Whelan here from IT Security. Just wanted to check if younhave removed the file?"

Lynn: "Hey yes its done. Thanks for letting me know!"

Using this opening, I started to chat with her on almost a daily basis. Begnning from formal greetings like "how's your day" and "have you had lunch", we moved on to talking more about ourselves.

I learnt that Lynn had joined my company from a rival bank, where she had spent 4 years. She was a finance person, not hardcore IT, which explained her different "pattern" from a typical lady in IT. She was from a convent school background, did JC here before going to Sydney for uni. Coming back with a Master's degree in finance, she even completed a PhD part-time a few years back. So she was not just good-looking, but smart too.

11-11-2015, 05:06 PM
Keep going bro :)

11-11-2015, 05:31 PM
Nice start.
Intelligence makes a lady more sexy.

Keep it cumming!

11-11-2015, 05:38 PM
- chapter three: autumn 2011 (continued) -

We continued to chat regularly on IM, but never made the next move to meet up for.coffee or lunch. I was really busy in Q3 of that year, targeting for promotion and working my ass off.

In September, I was sent to Tokyo for 3 weeks to help my Japanese colleague out with an onsite regulatory inspection. While Tokyo was fascinating, working in a foreign (and especially non-English speaking) environment proved to be both challenging and also a little lonely.

Lynn was one of the things I really looked forward to at work. Whenever her online status was "Green", I would chat with her to try to alleviate my loneliness of sorts. During my last week in Japan, I finally asked if she would be interested to meet for lunch when I got back to Singapore.

"Sure, why not? You like Indian food? There's a nice place I know not too far from the office."


I literally counted down the days till I was back home. On the agreed lunch date day, I was so nervous -- seldom did I have the opportunity to have lunch with an attractive colleague (again, being in IT was like that lah). I wore my best shirt and pants, even shone my shoes.

Lynn said she was happy to drive us to the lunch place. I met her at the office carpark lobby, and was once again taken by her easy charm and beauty. She was one of those ladies who always wore dresses to work (seldom pants), and they always seem to fit her slim figure perfectly.

We took off in her white Lexus to lunch. "Nice car," I commented. Little did I know that I would become pretty well acquainted with that car in the near future.

11-11-2015, 05:49 PM
Nice intro ..... will be camping for more :)

11-11-2015, 06:42 PM
Nice one... Keep it cumming

11-11-2015, 08:54 PM
nice. more pls ts!!

11-11-2015, 08:59 PM
what a sexy build up. ive feeling this is gone be a good story. please keep going!

11-11-2015, 10:13 PM
Supporting for the nice story.

11-11-2015, 11:37 PM
Jiaayou for story bro !!

12-11-2015, 12:09 AM
Thanks bros for your encouragement so far! I apologise in advance for the slow buildup; but as we all know, things in real life seldom happen so quickly, and I'm trying to share this tale as realistically as I can remember it.

As the story progresses, I will try to include some photos to add to the realism. So stay tuned!

More to come tomorrow...

12-11-2015, 01:30 AM
Keep it coming please.

12-11-2015, 02:12 AM
camping here :)

12-11-2015, 02:38 AM
Nicely written bro

12-11-2015, 05:17 AM
camping here :)

12-11-2015, 06:59 AM
Nice.camping here for more.

12-11-2015, 10:29 AM
- chapter four: lunches and coffees -

The drive out to lunch was fairly mundane, and also a little awkward. We had never been in such close quarters before -- I caught a whiff of her classy perfume, so nice. As she worked the pedals while driving, I couldn't help but notice how the hem would ride up occasionally, exposing more and more of her fair and slim thighs.

As mentioned previously, Lynn was a mother of 2, but she certainly did not look it at all. Standing at about 1.6m tall, she was of average height but always made up for it with her Ferragamo heels. Slim with a modest bust size also, no more than a B cup, but that didn't matter much to me as it was her overall demeanour that I felt so attracted to, even in those early days.

We reached the Indian restaurant and went inside. I wont bore you guys with the details of lunch (those who are interested to know where we went for really awesome Indian food can PM me though haha), but it was very pleasant and as the meal wore on, I felt more confortable with her and I think she did as well. We were cracking jokes and teasing each other, and of course doing what all colleagues do -- gossip about our fellow colleagues ;)

That first lunch led to a second, followed for afternoon coffee at the coffee place across the street from our workplace. Those coffee breaks became a constant in both our lives; whenever one of us wasn't able to do coffee due to work or meetings, it always felt like something was missing from our day.

I even started going to work at 8am, as Lynn was always in the office by then after sending her girls to school. We would sometimes spend a little time in the office pantry just chatting and making our morning kopis, with the office all quiet before everyone else got in around 9am.

Now then... who wants to see a pic of Lynn from that autumn of 2011?

12-11-2015, 10:47 AM
pls post ..........camping......

12-11-2015, 11:29 AM
- chapter four: lunches and coffees -

The drive out to lunch was fairly mundane, and also a little awkward. We had never been in such close quarters before -- I caught a whiff of her classy perfume, so nice. As she worked the pedals while driving, I couldn't help but notice how the hem would ride up occasionally, exposing more and more of her fair and slim thighs.

As mentioned previously, Lynn was a mother of 2, but she certainly did not look it at all. Standing at about 1.6m tall, she was of average height but always made up for it with her Ferragamo heels. Slim with a modest bust size also, no more than a B cup, but that didn't matter much to me as it was her overall demeanour that I felt so attracted to, even in those early days.

We reached the Indian restaurant and went inside. I wont bore you guys with the details of lunch (those who are interested to know where we went for really awesome Indian food can PM me though haha), but it was very pleasant and as the meal wore on, I felt more confortable with her and I think she did as well. We were cracking jokes and teasing each other, and of course doing what all colleagues do -- gossip about our fellow colleagues ;)

That first lunch led to a second, followed for afternoon coffee at the coffee place across the street from our workplace. Those coffee breaks became a constant in both our lives; whenever one of us wasn't able to do coffee due to work or meetings, it always felt like something was missing from our day.

I even started going to work at 8am, as Lynn was always in the office by then after sending her girls to school. We would sometimes spend a little time in the office pantry just chatting and making our morning kopis, with the office all quiet before everyone else got in around 9am.

Now then... who wants to see a pic of Lynn from that autumn of 2011?

my 15 points for the nudes :o:D

12-11-2015, 11:40 AM
my 15 points for the nudes :o:D

Wow! Thanks bro for single-handedly increasing my points total by 10% :D

Like I said before, it's a slow buildup story so your patience will be rewarded in time! But not just yet.

12-11-2015, 12:04 PM
thxs for sharing ... my support n camping for more ... nice day bro :)

12-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Great story. Waiting for more :)

12-11-2015, 02:04 PM
Stand by for photo

12-11-2015, 02:05 PM
As promised, here is a pic of Lynn from a couple of years back. Is my description of her accurate so far?

http://img286.imagevenue.com/loc55/th_95362_C360_2015_11_12_11_30_35_954_122_55lo.jpg (http://img286.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=95362_C360_2015_11_12_11_30_35_954_1 22_55lo.jpg)

12-11-2015, 02:16 PM
More coffee for you sir?

12-11-2015, 02:47 PM
Nice story .... please continue TS :)

12-11-2015, 03:40 PM
Great story TS so far camping

12-11-2015, 04:26 PM
- chapter four: lunches and coffees (continued) -

The month of October 2011 remains fixed in my mind even today, more than 4 years on. Work was still a bitch as I fought hard to secure my promotion; but the 14-hour days (and nights) were made much more bearable by my little coffee breaks with Lynn.

One thing I noticed about Lynn in my initial month of interaction with her was how she rarely interacted socially with other folks in the office. I asked her why this was the case.

"Hmm... I guess I'm just a really private person and I don't like to share too much about myself."

I replied: "Well... you seemed to have opened up quite a bit to me."

She looked me in the eye at that moment...

"I guess somehow, I trust you. And you have a way of making me open up to you on a lot of levels."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how it all started.

12-11-2015, 05:06 PM
- chapter five: escalation -

After that conversation with Lynn, I somehow felt emboldened to take my burgeoning friendship with her just that little bit further. As we continued to chat constantly on IM at work and on WhatsApp after, I started to use affectionate terms like "dear" on her. She didn't seem to mind so I pressed on...

One afternoon at work, Lynn told me she was having a really crap day at work. It was budget season, and as a finance person, she was really under a lot of pressure to squeeze water out of rocks and find somewhere to charge an additional last-minute project to.

Lynn: "Tom (her boss) is really being a hardass about this. I've already rejigged the numbers countless times but they don't add up lah! Sigh."

Me: "Don't sigh my dear, it will give you wrinkles. Nevermind, I'll give you a hug later ok!"

Lynn: "Haha, you always know how to make me smile."

Both of us continued to slog through the day; before I knew it, the day had turned to dusk. I was feeling hungry but still had some stuff to clear before the end of the day; as Lynn was still online, I pinged her to ask if she wanted to go for a quick.bite nearby.

"Let's go to T3? More options and easy to find parking!" she replied.

So I met her at the carpark lobby and off we went for dinner. She was in her usual work attire of a one-piece fitted dress and Ferragamos. We had burgers at Macs and she complained about her day; I just smiled and told her tomorrow would be a better day.

As we walked to the car to head back to the office, we stepped into the lift.

Me: "Oh yah I told you I owe you a hug!"

And I quickly leaned over and gave her a hug. The feeling of pressing myself against her was electric; she was so warm, so soft, and she smelled oh so good. She was surprised and let out a small gasp; but then she relaxed and hugged me back. Although it lasted for less than 10 seconds and was more of a friendly hug than anything else, I have never forgotten it.

It waas the first physical contact between us; and certainly turned out not to be the last.

12-11-2015, 07:13 PM
good story TS, please continue :)

12-11-2015, 07:18 PM
- chapter five: escalation (continued) -

I dont don't think it would be an exaggeration to say this: that hug changed everything. Coffee did start it all, but if I had to choose a defining moment in me abd Lynn's friendship/relationship, that had to be it.

Whenever we headed out for lunch thereafter, there was always a palpable sexual tension in the air. Sometimes she would brush my hand with hers, or even lightly lean on my shoulder in the lift. I knew it was only a matter of time before things escalated.

That escalation happened over yet another one of our lunches. We had decided to go to Coffee Club at Siglap, and we parked at the private housing estate nearby. It was my turn to drive -- usually Lynn would elect to take the wheel as she didn't really like being a passenger, haha. But I drove that particular day as she wasn't sure of how to get to Siglap.

Anyway, I parked my car along the quiet road lined with trees. I can still remember what she wore that day -- a bright green cheongsam-type dress with a high mandarin collar and a slit on the side which showed me even more of her sexy thighs than usual.

As I unbuckled my seat belt, Lynn was having trouble with hers. "Aiyoh you, let me help.you with that," I said as I leaned over her seat.

Suddenly I found that my body was lightly brushing against hers in that position, and my face was oh so close to her beautiful small pixie face.

You don't have to be a genius to guess what happened next ;)

12-11-2015, 07:41 PM
A war of tongues? :D

12-11-2015, 07:42 PM
Hi bros, hope you've enjoyed the story so far. The best parts are yet to come so please be patient and stay tuned!

If there is more interest, I will try to post more pics of Lynn as well.

By the way, I apologise if my writing has typos here and there -- typing everything on my phone here!

- chapter five: escalation (continued) -

Lynn closed her eyes and our lips met as if drawn together by magnets. I tasted her strawberry lip balm for the first time, the lip balm she constantly reapplied throughout her day. It tasted so, so good.

The first kiss was tentative, but it was followed quickly by another, then another. Pretty soon the awkwardness dissipated, and was replaced by a raw hunger which I had previously never felt before, for anyone.

My tongue parted her lips and found hers. She was such a good kisser, feeding off my energy and yearning for her -- she could give as well as she received (this I would find out more about a little later, heheh).

My arm found itself around the small of her waist, and then to that sexy slit in her cheongsam dress. Her thigh was super smooth, it felt like I was caressing warm sheets. My kisses travelled from her lips to her cheeks, to her forehead, and then southward to her earlobe and neck.

"Ohh my..." with her eyes still closed, Lynn suddenly let out a high-pitched moan. I had found her erogenous spot, one which I would exploit again and again sometime soon.

I tried to put my hand in between her legs... and that was when she stopped me.

"Hey dear (by then she had started calling me that too)... I think we should go for lunch, shouldn't we?"

I grinned and nodded in agreement. "Let's continue next time..."

13-11-2015, 12:14 AM
thxs bro for sharing so much today cheers n maked for more :)

13-11-2015, 12:15 AM
Very good story ..... camping here :)

13-11-2015, 02:46 AM
waiting for more

13-11-2015, 07:35 AM
200 points! Thank you to the anonymous bros who put me across that mark -- next time please leave your nick so I can return the favour!

I shall "celebrate" by posting another pic of Lynn. My only humble request for all bros who have enjoyed the story so far: please leave me a comment so I know how I'm doing. It's a bit too quiet here and I sometimes feel like I'm talking to myself :(

http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc189/th_56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg (http://img243.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg)

13-11-2015, 09:05 AM
my moral support bro n u r no alone ... cheers :)

13-11-2015, 09:20 AM
200 points! Thank you to the anonymous bros who put me across that mark -- next time please leave your nick so I can return the favour!

I shall "celebrate" by posting another pic of Lynn. My only humble request for all bros who have enjoyed the story so far: please leave me a comment so I know how I'm doing. It's a bit too quiet here and I sometimes feel like I'm talking to myself :(

http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc189/th_56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg (http://img243.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg)

nice pits
can try pit fuck

13-11-2015, 09:33 AM
You're doing absolutely great, silence means that everyone is entranced by your story.

Keep it up and update soon!

13-11-2015, 09:33 AM
nice pits
can try pit fuck

LOL I was waiting for someone to notice...

And nope I didnt didn't have the chance to try that.

13-11-2015, 09:35 AM
200 points! Thank you to the anonymous bros who put me across that mark -- next time please leave your nick so I can return the favour!

I shall "celebrate" by posting another pic of Lynn. My only humble request for all bros who have enjoyed the story so far: please leave me a comment so I know how I'm doing. It's a bit too quiet here and I sometimes feel like I'm talking to myself :(

http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc189/th_56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg (http://img243.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=56220_1447319858822_122_189lo.jpg)

Keep Cumming bro, keep it Cumming :)

13-11-2015, 11:25 AM
- chapter six: indecent proposal -

Things sure escalated between me and Lynn after that lunch. We started to find opportunities throughout the day to see each other in private for a few minutes at a time; every lift ride turned into a kissing session. "I can't get enough of your kisses," she told me. The feeling was most certainly mutual.

At this point, I did wonder how things were at home for Lynn. Wasn't her hubby satisfying her physical needs? This topic came up in our conversation on WhatsApp one day, and in typical Lynn fashion, she replied matter-of-factly.

"He's always at his desk playing online games. By the time he goes to bed, I'm usually already asleep as I have to wake up early to fetch the girls to school. Sometimes we don't even sleep in the same room if the girls wants me to accompany them to sleep.

"And when we do make love, usually it's a quick routine of him getting off, rolling over, and falling asleep."

So now I knew she was probably not just emotionally unsatisfied, but also lacking attention between the sheets. Obviously by this time, I had my sights firmly locked on the prize at hand. The question was: how do I broach the subject?

13-11-2015, 01:26 PM
nice story, bro... enjoy reading


13-11-2015, 02:31 PM
Nice story. Camping for more

13-11-2015, 04:19 PM
- chapter six: indecent proposal (continued) -

As it turnes our, I needn't have worried so much about how to take that further leap in my friendship with Lynn. We had become so comfortable with each other that the topic just came up one day in late October 2011, while we were having a Friday afternoon coffee at our favourite place across the street from the office.

Me: "You know... I think we should get a room together one of these days. We can take half day off work, then go for lunch before checking in. Then we can watch TV, chit chat, do whatever we want..." I trailed off, not wanting to state the obvious.

Lynn: "Hmm... sounds like a good idea." She looked me right in the eye as she took a long sip of her latte.

"How does next Thursday afternoon sound?"


The six days following that conversation couldn't have passed fast enough. The anticipation was building up like crazy, and our conversations on IM and WhatsApp kept veering towards the topic of Our Big Date.

What would we do? What to expect?

Lynn told me outright that she was super unfit and couldn't even last 5 minutes on a treadmill, so I shouldn't expect too much from her in terms of stamina.

"That's OK dear... I aim to please."

I woke up at 5am on Thursday morning? literally shaking with nervousness and excitement. Half a day of work crawled by and we finally left the office in our respective cars to the hotel I had booked at Robertson Quay.

We had lunch at a nearby restaurant as check-in time was at 2pm. I tried my best to be cool about the whole thing, as Lynn was certainly ice-cool; think I failed miserably though, as all I could think abiut was...

"OMFG, I'm finally going to see her naked."

13-11-2015, 04:20 PM
Drip coffee slowly brewing.. me like :)

13-11-2015, 04:36 PM
Camp here for more !!!

13-11-2015, 06:33 PM
camping too !!1

13-11-2015, 06:42 PM
nice pits
can try pit fuck

7 returned.

13-11-2015, 06:48 PM
Hey bros, just a quick check: are you all able to view the pics of Lynn I embedded on this thread? Some CCB coward just zapped me in another thread in which I embedded a photo the same way I did here.

"You dun make me laugh la, dun even know how to embed photo want to share. Making a fool out of yourself. Epic failure"


13-11-2015, 07:00 PM
I got no problems see the photos...

13-11-2015, 08:16 PM
Hey bros, just a quick check: are you all able to view the pics of Lynn I embedded on this thread? Some CCB coward just zapped me in another thread in which I embedded a photo the same way I did here.

"You dun make me laugh la, dun even know how to embed photo want to share. Making a fool out of yourself. Epic failure"


Just ignore lah ..... you are doing very well here :)

13-11-2015, 11:12 PM
Thanks for sharing bro :)

13-11-2015, 11:57 PM
TS keep going ..... :D

14-11-2015, 12:14 AM
Great story bro..keeping it flowing..jiayou! :)

14-11-2015, 12:57 AM
Hey bros, just a quick check: are you all able to view the pics of Lynn I embedded on this thread? Some CCB coward just zapped me in another thread in which I embedded a photo the same way I did here.

"You dun make me laugh la, dun even know how to embed photo want to share. Making a fool out of yourself. Epic failure"


I cannot see her naked, +13 for the pix.

14-11-2015, 01:16 AM
love the way u r writing the stories bro. please dont keep us in suspense for too long!

14-11-2015, 01:46 AM
Good Story, keep writing! :)

14-11-2015, 03:33 AM
nice bro keep going, pics are ok. just up yr points, please don't MIA.

14-11-2015, 03:44 AM
Well written bro ;)

14-11-2015, 07:12 AM
I cannot see her naked, +13 for the pix.

Hahaha! Thanks bro for the +13... I promise you there will be a reward soon ;)

14-11-2015, 07:13 AM
nice bro keep going, pics are ok. just up yr points, please don't MIA.

Thanks for the encouragement bro! More to come this lovely weekend :D

14-11-2015, 07:19 AM
Hey bros, just a quick check: are you all able to view the pics of Lynn I embedded on this thread? Some CCB coward just zapped me in another thread in which I embedded a photo the same way I did here.

"You dun make me laugh la, dun even know how to embed photo want to share. Making a fool out of yourself. Epic failure"


Bro, the pics you've embedded are great.
Guess it's jealousy? Will up you when my power returns. Carry on its a great thread. Thanks for sharing.

14-11-2015, 08:05 AM
support you as well TS

14-11-2015, 08:40 AM
Thanks bro, very sexciting story! Keep it cumming 😂

14-11-2015, 08:43 AM
Once again, thanks bros for your show of support and encouragement. I shall press on with this tale...

- chapter seven: the first time -

I was finishing up my iced lemon tea over lunch when my phone rang. "Good afternoon Mr Whelan, this is the Studio X Hotel calling to inform you that your room is ready for check-in. Would you like to come over now?"


I quickly settled the bill at the restaurant, then walked Lynn over the short distance to the hotel. Bros who are familiar with the Robertson/Mohd Sultan area should be able to guess quite easily which hotel this was -- it's the one with nice loft rooms.

I did the check-in stuff while Lynn sat at the comfy couches in the lobby area waiting for me. While waiting for the key card, I looked back at the lovely sight that awaited me shortly -- today, she was in a dark purple one-piece shift dress that ended just above the knee, and her signature black Ferragamo 3-inch heels. Toting a Furla bag and with her long hair bunned up neatly, she could definitely pass off as a sexy cabin crew member. I could hardly wait to get up to the room...

I got the key card and we walked hand in hand to the lift. Inside the lift, there was none of the usual kissing that invariably took place when we were in one; this time, there was a lot of sexual tension and excitement.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked her.

"As ready as you are," she replied.

14-11-2015, 09:08 AM
Here's another pic of Lynn -- she always wears these one-piece dresses that end just above her knee. A bit more colour in the dress than her usual getup as she was attending a wedding.


14-11-2015, 09:33 AM
Nice. You are fortunate to be her fucker

14-11-2015, 09:52 AM
Here's another pic of Lynn -- she always wears these one-piece dresses that end just above her knee. A bit more colour in the dress than her usual getup as she was attending a wedding.


Really a hot MILF

14-11-2015, 10:41 AM
- chapter seven: the first time (continued) -

I tapped the keycard at the lock with a slightly shaky hand. This was it! I pushed open the door to reveal a beautiful, naturally lit loft room. There was a make-up area, small sofa and toilet on the ground floor, and a wooden flight of stairs would take us up to the bed area. No prizes for guessing where we spent most of the next 8 hours... ;)

"It's a little too bright... can we draw the curtains?" said Lynn with a grin. She seemed so cool and at ease, I would not have been surprised if she had told me she had done this before. But based on my probing over the past week, it did indeed seem that she was not a player at all, and I had hit the motherlode with this gem of a mature lady.

I drew the curtains and turned on the standing lamp. Suddenly the room took on a sexy vibe, as if it were getting ready for what was about to happen next.

I sat on the sofa nervously. This KINDA felt like how it feels to engage a FL, but yet it totally did not at the same time. (I hope I'm making sense here, haha). I was about to have a mindblowing (I hoped) session with a super hot woman, but a) it was free, and b) it wasn't with a stranger.

Lynn placed her Furla bag on the dressing table-top. "Can I refresh my makeup please, dear?"

"Sure... of course." If she wanted to look her best for me, why would I say no?

"Thanks. I think I should make myself comfortable first..."

And with that, she stepped out of her Ferragamos into her bare feet.

And with one swift motion, raised her arms behind her back, unzipped her dress as far down it would go, slipped it off her shoulders, and stepped out of her dress.

All I could do was stare at Lynn, transfixed. She was standing before me in nothing but a sexy purple lace bra, and matching lace panties.

"I sure hope you like what you see. If not, also too bad for you, haha!"

Now... who wants to see how that looked like?

14-11-2015, 12:01 PM
Can't wait for the next update

14-11-2015, 12:47 PM
- interlude -

I still remember the date of me and Lynn's first hotel rendezvous: November 4, 2011. For those of you who have been following the timeline, you might note that this was just about one month after we first had lunch at the Indian restaurant. So how did things escalate so quickly between us?

Thinking back, I truly believe it was a case of right, place, right time -- 天时地理人和. Lynn was in a eight-year marriage which was largely devoid of physical and emotional satisfaction; I was attached, but a guy being a guy. We had somehow found each other through the complexities of the corporate jungle, and managed to click on intellectual, emotional and physical levels.

As Lynn was a fair-high ranking staff and also an attractive female, she was fairly well-known by all but also somewhat of an enigma to most. As mentioned before, she did not like to socialise in big groups, preferring to stick with a small circle of friends within the company, or with her ex-colleagues whom she had remained close to.

Her name often came up during after-work drinks with my boys or my bosses, when it was usually a sausage party and all everyone talked about was girls.

"This Lynn from Tech Finance... I think she's the hottest chick in the whole department, man," Jim from the Helpdesk team commented one day over drinks.

My ears pricked up at the mention of her name. "Really meh? How about all those new grads who just joined earlier this year? Got some sweet young things what."

Jim made a face. "Please lah bro. Those 小妹妹 all only know how to act cute and dress flirty. Once you get them into the sack, it's like fucking a blow-up doll -- good to look at but no feeling one leh.

"And no, I'm not going to tell you how I know that!" Jim pre-empted to a huge jeer from the boys around the table.

"Yeah... so I would much prefer to bang Lynn. She's got a pretty face, very well maintained at her age, always dresses well... what's there not to like?"

I kept quiet and sipped my beer, using the mug to conceal the little smirk on my face. Oh Jim, if you only knew...

14-11-2015, 01:32 PM
interesting start and a good buildup, can't wait for the next update mate! :D

14-11-2015, 02:00 PM
- chapter seven: the first time (continued) -
All I could do was stare at Lynn, transfixed. She was standing before me in nothing but a sexy purple lace bra, and matching lace panties.

"I sure hope you like what you see. If not, also too bad for you, haha!"

Now... who wants to see how that looked like?
Pls do share her seminude photo.
Very good story line. Will up u soon.

14-11-2015, 02:39 PM
Great thread. Rewarding you with 5 reps.
Have a great weekend.

14-11-2015, 02:40 PM
Hahaha! Thanks bro for the +13... I promise you there will be a reward soon ;)

bro, dun let us wait too long for the reward....!!! :D:D:D

14-11-2015, 04:18 PM
Waiting for next update :D

14-11-2015, 05:06 PM
Like not much interest hor... maybe samsters don't log on during weekends, haha.

14-11-2015, 05:38 PM
Like not much interest hor... maybe samsters don't log on during weekends, haha.

TS, many are silent readers but that doesn't mean we do not appreciate your effort. Keep up the good work. Me like your story. Cheers

14-11-2015, 06:15 PM
TS, pls continue.

14-11-2015, 07:16 PM
- chapter seven: the first time (continued) -

I tapped the keycard at the lock with a slightly shaky hand. This was it! I pushed open the door to reveal a beautiful, naturally lit loft room. There was a make-up area, small sofa and toilet on the ground floor, and a wooden flight of stairs would take us up to the bed area. No prizes for guessing where we spent most of the next 8 hours... ;)

"It's a little too bright... can we draw the curtains?" said Lynn with a grin. She seemed so cool and at ease, I would not have been surprised if she had told me she had done this before. But based on my probing over the past week, it did indeed seem that she was not a player at all, and I had hit the motherlode with this gem of a mature lady.

I drew the curtains and turned on the standing lamp. Suddenly the room took on a sexy vibe, as if it were getting ready for what was about to happen next.

I sat on the sofa nervously. This KINDA felt like how it feels to engage a FL, but yet it totally did not at the same time. (I hope I'm making sense here, haha). I was about to have a mindblowing (I hoped) session with a super hot woman, but a) it was free, and b) it wasn't with a stranger.

Lynn placed her Furla bag on the dressing table-top. "Can I refresh my makeup please, dear?"

"Sure... of course." If she wanted to look her best for me, why would I say no?

"Thanks. I think I should make myself comfortable first..."

And with that, she stepped out of her Ferragamos into her bare feet.

And with one swift motion, raised her arms behind her back, unzipped her dress as far down it would go, slipped it off her shoulders, and stepped out of her dress.

All I could do was stare at Lynn, transfixed. She was standing before me in nothing but a sexy purple lace bra, and matching lace panties.

"I sure hope you like what you see. If not, also too bad for you, haha!"

Now... who wants to see how that looked like?

✋support support

14-11-2015, 08:17 PM
Here is the lovely sight of Lynn in her sexy lingerie which I'm now sharing with you bros. My description of her figure so far probably did not do her justice at all; do remember this is a mother of 2 kids... ;)


14-11-2015, 08:34 PM
7 returned.

18 lemon return ! :)

14-11-2015, 08:39 PM
18 lemon return ! :)

Bro, do I get some lemons as well? :D

14-11-2015, 11:37 PM
Bro, do I get some lemons as well? :D

fav returned :) support

14-11-2015, 11:43 PM
Great story... Waiting for next episode.

14-11-2015, 11:45 PM
Nice Story

15-11-2015, 04:09 AM
Do continue TS

15-11-2015, 04:56 AM

15-11-2015, 07:31 AM
Great writing bro ;)

15-11-2015, 07:40 AM
Great stuff ...... camping for updates :)

15-11-2015, 05:05 PM
- chapter eight: a day of firsts -

I sat on the couch like a statue as Lynn stood in front of the mirror powdering her face in her undies. There was no movement at all on my part, with the exception of the growing hardness in my pants.

Lynn and I had made out on numerous occasions in the past month, but this was the first time I was seeing her in a state of undress. And oh man, was she a sight for sore eyes. I knew she was going to be wearing purple lingerie, as she had asked me the night before what I would like her to wear, heheh -- but the lace on her bra was a great touch, and the sheerness on the back of her panties allowed me to have a preview of her perky little ass even before she was nude. Wah lau eh, how to tahan?!

Thankfully, Lynn didn't take too long to touch up her makeup, and soon she was done. "Shall we check out how the loft looks like?" she asked as she padded in her bare feet to the stairs. It was also my first time seeing her without her Ferragamos, and she sure was cute in her true height of just over 1.6m.

As she stood at the bottom of the stairs, she reached back and undid the scrunchie which was holding up her long hair, and shook it out. My oh my, she usually always had her hair up in a bun at the office, so just seeing her with her waist-long hair down was a super turn-on -- not just because she looked so sexy, but also because I knew no one else at work would have had the good fortune to witness this but yours truly.

Lynn turned back at me and said: "Stop staring and come upstairs with me dear." Without waiting for me to follow, she made her way up the stairs to the loft.

And along the way, shed her bra and panties... leaving them as a trail for me to follow as I scrambled up behind her, clumsily losing my clothes in the process as well.

15-11-2015, 05:48 PM
Nice update bro ;)

15-11-2015, 09:35 PM
Very nice updates , more please.

15-11-2015, 11:38 PM
Great story. Waiting for more :)

fav returned :)

16-11-2015, 12:51 AM
I can't wait for the next update already omg

16-11-2015, 01:07 AM
i am not going to bed.. clumsily preparing 3-in-1 instant white coffee @ 10 packets standby.. :p

16-11-2015, 02:42 AM
I can't wait for the next update already omg

Same here :)

16-11-2015, 05:04 AM
camping here !! :)

16-11-2015, 08:24 AM
i am not going to bed.. clumsily preparing 3-in-1 instant white coffee @ 10 packets standby.. :p

10 packets? :eek:

16-11-2015, 11:06 AM
- chapter eight: a day of firsts (continued) -

Lynn was quick in her bare feet -- by the time I stripped off and made it up the stairs to the loft, she was already under the covers. I slipped in next to her on the king-sized bed, our naked bodies still yet to make contact.

She looked into my eyes; I did the same to her. "You know dear, once we do this, nothing will be the same again," she whispered softly.

"That's exactly what I want..." I replied as I held her small face in both my hands, and kissed her with all my might.

We kissed... and we kissed... and we kissed some more. Finally we were alone in a private world where only the two of us existed. We must have spent about a half hour just kissing and caressing each other. I couldn't get enough of her smooth bare skin, which was devoid of hair on every part of her body except her head. Her nether regions were bare, revealing her pink pussy lips to me... I couldn't wait to taste them.

The kisses and caresses eventually gave way to me laying Lynn on her back and taking charge. "Just lie there and close your eyes dear. Let me do everything I want to you." I threw off the quilt so I could enjoy the sight of Lynn in her full naked glory. She had B-cup breasts which were still perky despite breastfeeding 2 kids previously, and large brown nipples. A little bit of a tummy too but hey, I wasn't an Adonis myself! And goodness me, one of the biggest turn-ons for me was her waxed pussy which just begged to be devoured.

I kissed Lynn gently over her whole body, every single inch of it. Her neck, her arms -- I even kissed her armpits as they were so smooth and she smelt oh so good. (Bros with this fetish should approve...)

And her breasts... of course I spent more time on her boobs, slowly flicking each nipple with my tongue, gently nibbling them to test her sensitivity and reaction. She was a little quiet in bed at first, shutting her eyes tight and biting her lip, as if she was too shy to let it all out.

All that control was broken the moment I set my warm tongue on her even warmer pussy. By then, she was already extremely moist down there, to the point I was literally slurping away her juice to lick her bare clit.

I plunged my tongue deep into Lynn, alternating that with sucking her clit. She bucked her hips upwards to get closer; I responded by slipping two fingers into her at the same time as my cunnilingus action. Two fingers became three... then four.

"Oh my... oh god..."

"'Dear' will suit me just fine, no need to call me a god yet," I quipped in between the licks and fingering. "Hold on tight, I'm just getting started with you."

16-11-2015, 01:30 PM
Getting hotter .....
Please continue :)

16-11-2015, 01:37 PM

16-11-2015, 02:46 PM
Another pic of Lynn for you bros. Check out the long hair which she let down for me before she undressed... can you also see that hint of cleavage? I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what's underneath that spaghetti-strap top ;)

I also find her collarbone super sexy.


16-11-2015, 04:54 PM
Wohoooooo!!!!.....hot mama!!...:D:D...thanks ts...

16-11-2015, 06:25 PM
Very nice pic of Lynn :)

16-11-2015, 09:43 PM
whooo. so hott!! pls continue bro!!

17-11-2015, 03:51 AM
Wohoooooo!!!!.....hot mama!!...:D:D...thanks ts...

Like it too :D

17-11-2015, 09:42 AM
- chapter nine: two become one -

Lynn's moans of pleasure got louder as I increased the speed of my licking and fingering. To hear this usually prim and proper lady let out gutteral gasps of ecstasy was a huge turn-on; by now, I was obviously rock hard and needed some attention of my own.

"Oh gawd I'm cumming... oh oh OH!" Lynn's sweet voice built up to a crescendo just as her orgasm did the same. Her entire body tensed up, then relaxed as the wave of satisfaction came over her.

"It's my turn now dear..." I flopped onto the bed in mock weariness. "So tired."

Lynn replied with a smile: "Okay, your turn to lie down and let me do all the work..." She lay her petite frame on top of mine and kissed me passionately, just two jot and sweaty bodies enjoying each other.

She reached down to my hardness and starting stroking me gently, then a little faster.

"I want you to suck me dear. Suck me hard." Obediently, Lynn moved southwards towards my cock and her lips soon made contact with it.

She wasn't exactly an expert at blowjobs; certainly I've had better with the pros. But the mere sight of this sexy lady, a VP in a top-tier financial institution, a MILF who was the object of many a male colleague's fantasy -- she, who at that very moment had my erect penis fully deep-throated in her mouth... that was almost enough to put me over the edge and release jets of my pent-up sex all the way into her.

But no, that's not how I wanted our first time to end. I stopped Lynn from sucking me and pulled her close.

"What is it dear... was I too rough on you? I'm sorry... not very used to this." Lynn apologised sheepishly.

"It's not that dear, don't be silly. I just didn't want to cum in your mouth -- not this time anyway.

"Did you enjoy me licking you down there? You taste so sweet."

Lynn laughed her sweet girlish laugh. "Yes I loved it dear. To tell you the truth, my husband doesn't do that to me... so it felt oh so good."

I also found out that Lynn did her own pussy waxing with an epilator in front of the mirror at home. Wah lau, what an incredible sight that must be!

We cuddled a little and kissed some more. My lips were feeling a little sore from all that kissing but I just couldn't get enough of her soft lips and eager tongue.

My cock was still hard from Lynn's first blowjob on me... it was now time to seal the deal. I had brought a box (12-pack hahaha!) of condoms with me; it was in my bag downstairs. I could go down to get it... but did I need to?

There was only one way to find out.

I moved on top of Lynn, spreading her smooth legs apart with my knees. My cock was within touching distance of her still-moist pussy; as I leaned down to kiss her, our respective private parts met for the first time.

I looked Lynn deep into her big hazel eyes. "May I...? Should I go get...?"

"I'm on the pill, dear... fuck me now, please."

17-11-2015, 10:42 AM
wooooo raw !!!!!! :D

17-11-2015, 11:06 AM
Nice pics .... thanks!!

17-11-2015, 01:31 PM
TS please continue!!

17-11-2015, 02:57 PM
Well-written, complete with "visual aids"! Bravo! Keep it coming.

17-11-2015, 03:57 PM
- chapter nine: two become one (continued) -

I didn't need further persuasion. Without hesitation, I entered Lynn without protection, going at it raw. And oh my, was it the most wonderful feeling or what!

Her natural lubrication made it easy for ke to slip into her without much resistance, but yet she was tight enough for me to feel her vaginal muscles grip my throbbing penis as I moved slowly in and out of her. I did not feel the need to pump her like a mad rabbit; I could have done it all day, all night. It felt so, so good.

Lynn had her eyes closed and her arms and legs wrapped tightly arond me. She was moving her hips in unison with mine, as we made love for the first time.

My mind flashed back to the events of the past month: our IM chats, WhatsApp messages, lunches and coffees, hugs and kisses... it all culminated in this. And a very, very satisfying payoff it turned out to be indeed.

I felt like switching this up a little so I asked Lynn if she would like to change position. She said no without hesitation, that lazy girl tsk tsk. So I went on moving inside her slowly, then a little faster, then slowly again...

Until a certain point where I felt that I couldn't take it any longer. I increased my speed of movement, and so did the volume of Lynn's moans. I felt her cumming again... and that was my cue.

"Dear... I'm going to cum soon."

"Cum please..." she replied into my ear softly.

I did not need to ask further... with a few more strong pumps, I moaned uncontrollably as my cock delivered shot after shot after shot of hot cum deep into Lynn's pussy. It was my first time creampie-ing a girl; and a married one at that, goodness me.

A few minutes passed before I felt strong enough to remove myself from Lynn's sticky body. As I pulled my now semi-hard cock out of her, I peeked at my handiwork. A slow stream of white liquid was flowing out of her vagina onto the sheets.

"Yikes... I better go wash up!" she yelled as she jumped off the bed and went to the toilet.

I lay on the bed with a satisfied grin on my face. Pulling out my BlackBerry, I was checking my work emails when a naughty thought crossed my mind:

I turned my BlackBerry on to Camera mode.

17-11-2015, 04:38 PM

17-11-2015, 06:16 PM
great story!

17-11-2015, 07:23 PM
I turned my BlackBerry on to Camera mode.


well done, bro... we are all waiting...

17-11-2015, 08:24 PM
camping for pics :D :D

17-11-2015, 09:54 PM
Lynn came back from the toilet and sat on the edge of the bed while I was still on my BlackBerry. "Oh gosh, my eyes are soooo dry," she commented as she took out a bottle of eye drops and opened it.

As she tilted her head back to apply the eyedrops, that gave me the opening I needed... to get this shot:


18-11-2015, 10:02 AM
Whoa dead silence after I posted the last pic!

18-11-2015, 10:04 AM
Whoa dead silence after I posted the last pic!

Support support bro keep Cumming :)

18-11-2015, 10:07 AM
Whoa dead silence after I posted the last pic!

Enjoying your story and pictures, no time to feed back. Thanks Bro for this wonderful story.

18-11-2015, 11:30 AM
Everyone shock n speechless bro....not dead silence..:D:D...
Keep cumming bro...thanks..

18-11-2015, 11:35 AM
Whoa dead silence after I posted the last pic!

Hahaha pls continue bro :D

18-11-2015, 11:43 AM
camping for more erotic encounter ..... and pics of course :D

18-11-2015, 12:00 PM
Camping for more...and hopefully more better pics...:D

18-11-2015, 01:36 PM
Another sneaked shot of Lynn before I continue with my story. She has such lovely B-cups; not huge but more than a handful (and mouthful) for me.

Sorry to say but I did not capture similar photos of her in our future encounters as I felt that I could see it in real life, why need photo? Ah, such regret now.


18-11-2015, 01:53 PM
upz u! Thank you for writing! Love it!

18-11-2015, 02:33 PM
Subscribed and ups you :D

18-11-2015, 02:36 PM
388 points! Huat ah!! :D

18-11-2015, 03:07 PM
388 points! Huat ah!! :D

Hahaha prosperous number :D

18-11-2015, 03:45 PM
indeed such encounter is a chance once in a lifetime

18-11-2015, 04:50 PM
whoa.... lai liao...

18-11-2015, 05:05 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates today bros. Stuck in an all-day IT workshop from 9am to 6pm, zzz. There's this MILF from the vendor side who is distracting me a bit with her tight top straining over her sizeable assets...


18-11-2015, 07:28 PM
Nice story. Waiting for more :D

Sorry for the lack of updates today bros. Stuck in an all-day IT workshop from 9am to 6pm, zzz. There's this MILF from the vendor side who is distracting me a bit with her tight top straining over her sizeable assets...


18-11-2015, 08:14 PM
Dear TS,

When there is no negative remark or fxxx U kinda comment is good cause all is waiting for your update.... That means all is enjoying your true encounter.

Keep it up........

18-11-2015, 11:35 PM
Dear TS,

When there is no negative remark or fxxx U kinda comment is good cause all is waiting for your update.... That means all is enjoying your true encounter.

Keep it up........

Thanks for the positive perspective bro! I shall continue with the story tomorrow... campers can turn in for the night ;)

19-11-2015, 12:06 AM
Thanks for the positive perspective bro! I shall continue with the story tomorrow... campers can turn in for the night ;)

Good night ...... zzzzzzzzzz :D

19-11-2015, 03:19 AM
Whoa dead silence after I posted the last pic!

10 packets? :eek:

not dead silence..

searching for another dozen of white coffee to keep awake for the endorphin to rise high high up!!! :p

19-11-2015, 03:52 AM
Thanks for the positive perspective bro! I shall continue with the story tomorrow... campers can turn in for the night ;)

Thanks bro :D

19-11-2015, 11:13 AM
- chapter nine: the first time (continued) -

We made love a few more times that fateful day. The "storyline" was identical each time -- we would be snuggling in bed together just chatting and laughing in between kisses, then our hands would stray towards each other's sensitive areas... then we would fuck so slowly, so gently until I came deep inside her.

After we both came for the last time that night and collapsed into each others arms, I really had to ask her something.

"So dear... was it good for you?"

She thought for a moment before responding. "You know... for me, if there is no emotional connection, I wouldn't be able to do this with you. Feeling you inside me made me feel so good... feeling you cum inside me made me feel complete. I haven't felt this way before."

We decided to head home just before midnight - there was no way she would have been able to stay overnight with me. We had ordered room service for dinner and ate in bed while watching TV, then fell asleep together. To me, the feeling of holding her warm body close to mine and drifting off to dreamland is every bit as memorable as all the hot sex we had.

We reluctantly parted in the hotel carpark and went to our respective cars with a sweet long kiss to say goodbye. Novembee 4, 2011 -- oh what a day.

To end off this chapter, here's the final nudie pic of Lynn I have... I still think about her deliciously bare body every now and then, and especially about her smooth bare pussy which was so sensitive to my touch...


19-11-2015, 11:18 AM
Nice picture accompanied by nice update: ). Thank u TS

19-11-2015, 04:37 PM
Nice story :)

20-11-2015, 12:20 PM
clap clap clap TS, making love to someone like that is oh so different from fucking a person, I know what you mean. really enjoyed your story, keep it up and I hope you too are still enjoying each other, I am oh so jealous......

20-11-2015, 01:11 PM
Nice and sweet

20-11-2015, 02:28 PM
clap clap clap TS, making love to someone like that is oh so different from fucking a person, I know what you mean. really enjoyed your story, keep it up and I hope you too are still enjoying each other, I am oh so jealous......

Hi bro thanks for the comments! As I have alluded to on many occasions in this story, Lynn and I are no longer lovers.

20-11-2015, 03:30 PM
- chapter ten: another hotel encounter -

Lynn and I became even closer after our first time sleeping together. Instead of things getting awkward beteeen us, we were able to recount and reminisce about the experiences of that day.

We decided to have another session at the end of November, just before I went to Taiwan on vacation with my family. This time around, Lynn did the hotel booking; all I had to do was show up, haha.

It was another memorable day. While in Taiwan, I wrote Lynn an email about it -- I reproduce it here below, almost verbatim.


From: "Whelan Lim" <whelan22@gmail.com>
Date: 11 Dec 2011 23:52
Subject: And finally...
To: "Lynn Ong" <lynnong123@pacific.net.sg>

...while I was in the shower earlier, I thought about you and the last day we spent together. How we had lunch and dinner at the coffeehouse, the dress you wore that day (the one where Jim asked if you're going partying haha), the way you kissed me when we got into the room, how tightly you held me...

How I kissed you when you were reading the magazine on the bed, how you helped me to undress you by unzipping your own dress...

How I helped you out of your clothes and you out of mine...how I found you were so wet already even just by me kissing you...

How I lay on top of your warm body and slipped into you so easily...so naturally...so wonderfully...

How i kissed you all over your body...your lips, your face, your neck, your ears, your back, your shoulders, your hip, your thighs, your wetness...

How I made you come over and over and over again...

How we just lay together, talking, laughing, enjoying each other's bodies...but more importantly, each other's company.

I can't wait to see you again dear. Xoxoxo.

- Sent from my BlackBerry -

21-11-2015, 04:45 AM
Not real e-mail addresses, I hope

21-11-2015, 07:41 AM
Not real e-mail addresses, I hope

Not mine or Lynn's of course :D

27-11-2015, 02:17 AM
Ts thumbs up to your story.
Hopefully it dun just end so short.
Do share more with us

27-11-2015, 11:32 AM
Not mine or Lynn's of course :D

AlamakI tried to email Lynn :eek: :( :p

27-11-2015, 01:26 PM
Thanks for sharing story.

27-11-2015, 03:29 PM
Good story!! Will TS continue?

27-11-2015, 03:44 PM
Hi bros, thanks for your continuing interest in my story. If you guys wanna read more about what happened betwrrn4 me and Lynn, I will continue :)

27-11-2015, 03:48 PM
Ya.. A great story.. TS pls continue.. :)

28-11-2015, 09:11 AM
Yes bro please continue.

28-11-2015, 01:24 PM
pls continue

28-11-2015, 05:00 PM
Hi bros, thanks for your continuing interest in my story. If you guys wanna read more about what happened betwrrn4 me and Lynn, I will continue :)

Bump up this thread

28-11-2015, 05:12 PM
nice story, bump up

28-11-2015, 07:05 PM
Hi bros, thanks for your continuing interest in my story. If you guys wanna read more about what happened betwrrn4 me and Lynn, I will continue :)

Please continue bro :)

28-11-2015, 07:13 PM
Camping here ! :D

28-11-2015, 07:40 PM
Awesome story TS, camping here for more updates!

29-11-2015, 06:57 PM
Hi bros, thanks once again for the support and thread bumping! and also thank you for your patience. I shall continue the story of Lynn and me...

- chapter eleven: from indoors to outdoors -

I came back from my Taiwan trip in mid-December 2011, and eagerly resumed the hot and heavy relationship with Lynn. We didn't book any "afternoon delights" though; it being the end of the year, rates were up and we also didn't want to risk being seen by people we know who might be at those places for Christmas lunches/dinners.

One weekday evening nearing Christmas week, both Lynn and I happened to be working late at the office to tie up some loose ends before the holidays. I was hungry (for food lah haha), and pinged her online to ask if she wanted to get dinner. She agreed and we took her Lexus out to the airport again. Dinner was uneventful... until we made our way back to the office.

Nearing the office, I said: "Hey dear, I don't feel like going back yet. Let's just park somewhere and chit chat?"

Lynn smiled and drove on. "Tell me where to go yah..."

I gave her directions to a quiet part of the East which was but a few minutes from our office. A dark winding lane bordering the expressway, which was super secluded after dark. She parked her car, killed the lights, and we just sat there listening to Class 95's "Love Songs" program.

After a few minutes of random chatter, I looked into her big brown eyes.

"Do you wanna move to the backseat?"

29-11-2015, 07:33 PM
wah can write book alr (Y)

29-11-2015, 09:15 PM
Here to support TS, patiently waiting for next update.

29-11-2015, 11:24 PM
Awaiting the next update too

30-11-2015, 12:42 AM
Camp here for update.

30-11-2015, 04:38 AM
Nice update TS

30-11-2015, 02:28 PM
I have been spending the past couple of days engrossed in the masterful storytelling of bro iloveoldchangkee:


I shall aspire to be as good a wordsmith as he is one day! One day...

In the meantime, here's another pic of Lynn at a outdoor team dinner. If you look close enough you might detect a slight sheen of perspiration on her fair skin... I can almost taste that salty sweat as I licked her chest and neck during one of our makeout sessions. Yummy...


30-11-2015, 03:22 PM
- chapter eleven: from indoors to outdoors (continued) -

Lynn gave me a look... then wordlessly opened the driver side door and slipped out, quickly opening the right passenger side door and getting in. I did the same on my side.

Before I knew it, we were going at each other like long lost lovers. My hands roved from Lynn's neck (one of my favourite parts of her body), down her back which was still encased in her work dress, down to the hem of her skirt and then past her knees to her ankles.

Lynn buried her face in my chest and moaned her girlish moan. "Oh gosh..." she wasn't one to really talk dirty so that was usually as far as she would go in that aspect!

My roaming right hand soon found itself between Lynn's smooth thighs. A little flick... and my fingers were greeted by an absolutely soaked pair of panties. She knew it too.

"Damn it Whelan... you made me drenched again..."

I laughed and said: "I think we need to let them dry off a while, or you'll have a hard time driving home later..."

And with that I lifted Lynn's butt off the backseat of her Lexus, and slipped her lacy black underwear off her, past her ankles and Ferragamos.

I stuffed them in my pocket. "Give you back later..."

I continued kissing Lynn and touching her nether regions, which were now exposed for my fingering pleasure. I had pushed her dress up to waist level already.

My raging erection was giving me issues. So I quickly released it with my left hand while still caressing Lynn with my right, and soon it was sticking out like a proud flagpole. There was something about making out in the car in near darkness that was driving me nuts with horniness. And by Lynn's moans, I could tell she was feeling the same way.

I couldn't take it any longer -- I needed to fuck Lynn, right there in the middle of the darkened lane, in the backseat of her IS250.

"Dear, climb on top of me...?"

30-11-2015, 05:26 PM
Walau, so steamy, camping here too ! :eek:

30-11-2015, 06:01 PM
Walau, so steamy, camping here too ! :eek:

haha camping too !!!

30-11-2015, 06:23 PM
haha camping too !!!

Wah! Got minister support my thread sia :D thank you sir!

01-12-2015, 03:14 AM
I have been spending the past couple of days engrossed in the masterful storytelling of bro iloveoldchangkee:


I shall aspire to be as good a wordsmith as he is one day! One day...

In the meantime, here's another pic of Lynn at a outdoor team dinner. If you look close enough you might detect a slight sheen of perspiration on her fair skin... I can almost taste that salty sweat as I licked her chest and neck during one of our makeout sessions. Yummy...


At least you have photos to back up the story. It's already very good!

02-12-2015, 05:02 PM
Very good narratives

02-12-2015, 05:29 PM
Wah! Got minister support my thread sia :D thank you sir!

Walao I don't use real name also kena recognized ....... please don't tell my boss I surf SBF hor :D

03-12-2015, 04:26 PM
Veering off the story for a bit here -- I saw recently that Lynn had posted this photo below on her FB page, taken at our company D&D. Goodness me...


03-12-2015, 06:23 PM
Looks like a backless gown :)

03-12-2015, 07:18 PM
TS, please continue.

06-12-2015, 09:28 AM
Brudder please continue

06-12-2015, 01:23 PM
Next chapter pls! :D

06-12-2015, 02:57 PM
wait for more to cum :)

06-12-2015, 05:12 PM
Veering off the story for a bit here -- I saw recently that Lynn had posted this photo below on her FB page, taken at our company D&D. Goodness me...


Careful bro, don't expose her :)

06-12-2015, 05:49 PM
Nice story support support. Cheers.

06-12-2015, 06:01 PM
Looks like a backless gown :)

Missed the pic .....so wasted :p

08-12-2015, 04:22 PM
Pls support

08-12-2015, 04:51 PM
What a beautiful endearing story...:)

08-12-2015, 04:54 PM
Pls support

Sure support :D

09-12-2015, 10:46 AM
I received a PM from a samster chastising me for posting the photo of Lynn, saying that I have compromised her identity. He even ventured the name of a Lynn who works in a local bank. I'm not sure if he meant to insult my intelligence, but do you guys really think I would use her real name for this story? I think I should stop posting photos as well.

09-12-2015, 02:46 PM
Bro .. Some ppl take it just too seriously. Of course i believe u wld take caution and protect "lynn's" true id which of course Lynn is only fictious name in here.

21-12-2015, 10:51 PM
Bro most samsters here are chance takers. So no harm for them to try guessing even if they know the the identity is not real.
Pure laziness and horniness vs rational mind LOL.
Guess everyone would have that moment, so do continue.

22-12-2015, 12:11 AM
Bro most samsters here are chance takers. So no harm for them to try guessing even if they know the the identity is not real.
Pure laziness and horniness vs rational mind LOL.
Guess everyone would have that moment, so do continue.

Haha very true :D

23-12-2015, 03:26 PM

Got no power to up though. :o

23-12-2015, 11:00 PM
Please continue TS :)

24-12-2015, 07:54 AM
camping here as well :D

24-12-2015, 10:38 AM
good story, pls continue...

24-12-2015, 11:14 AM
Hello all! Been busy the past couple of weeks. Will try to update over the long weekend.

Seasons Greetings to all! Hohoho

24-12-2015, 11:28 AM
Glad that you are back TS :)

24-12-2015, 11:35 AM
Welcome back, please continue.

24-12-2015, 06:04 PM
Plz continue, I like it.

25-12-2015, 05:14 AM
Great stuff TS

25-12-2015, 07:55 PM
Camping here too... ;)

26-12-2015, 06:38 AM
Do continue TS

28-12-2015, 04:49 PM
Previously, on "Coffee Started It All"...

My raging erection was giving me issues. So I quickly released it with my left hand while still caressing Lynn with my right, and soon it was sticking out like a proud flagpole. There was something about making out in the car in near darkness that was driving me nuts with horniness. And by Lynn's moans, I could tell she was feeling the same way.

I couldn't take it any longer -- I needed to fuck Lynn, right there in the middle of the darkened lane, in the backseat of her IS250.

"Dear, climb on top of me...?"

- chapter twelve: car fun -

Lynn hiked up her dress above her waist and straddled me. She was petite enough to climb on me and not hit her head on the roof of her Lexus. My pants and underwear were now around my ankles; I was totally immobilised and it suited me just fine.

Lynn was so wet that all she had to do was to lower herself onto my cock and it slipped right in. She began moving at a slow pace, enjoying the feeling on me inside her as she kissed me with all her might.

It felt so damn good to have her fucking me while I just sat back there in her car, in a public place. The excitement was heightened further when a couple of cars drove by us -- thankfully none of them stopped to look...

Lynn increased her pace gradually and soon she was bumping up and down hard on my lap. I was amazed at how she just got wetter by the second, until a point where I could feel her feminine juices dripping down my inner thighs.

I was going to cum soon; I could feel the pressure building up down there. I said to Lynn, who was still bouncing...

"Dear... I'm almost there... it's going to cause a huge mess. Are you sure...?"

She said nothing, and instead just grabbed me tightly and fucked me even faster. I took that as a cue to just let go... which is precisely what I did. I came inside her with a huge sigh and didn't let her go until the last of my orgasm ebbed away, and I felt even more fluids flowing down my thighs and puddling beneath me.

"Let's clean this up or your daughters will face a sticky situation when you send them to school tomorrow..." I laughed as Lynn kissed me one last time and laughed her girlish laugh as well.

I sure miss her sweet laughter.

28-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Very nice story ..... camping for more updates :)

29-01-2016, 04:24 PM
It's been awhile. Should I continue with the story?

29-01-2016, 04:25 PM
It's been awhile. Should I continue with the story?

Yes, please continue :)

29-01-2016, 05:17 PM
Camping here for more! :D

29-01-2016, 06:08 PM
TS , u made me hard. Don't leave me standing hard ah.

02-02-2016, 07:03 AM
- chapter thirteen: high on a hill -

*present day, 2016*

I browsed through Redmart.com, trying to consolidate a grocery order in time for CNY. As I clicked away, I spotted an item that made me stop in my tracks. Without knowing, I was suddenly transporter back in time...

http://img1.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/22042/22042781c4f0fb29723c978ef5ebd1ba1bc6461c.jpg (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=22042781&showlnk=0)

Yes... it's just a humble pack of baby wipes. No big deal right? But let me explain...

*january 2012*

"That was a great dinner! What's next?" Lynn asked as she wiped her mouth daintily with a napkin. We were finishing up a veritable feast of a Japanese ala carte buffet somewhere in the Pasir Panjang area.

"Hmm... dessert of course..." I replied with a naughty grin.

"You ah, always thinking about dirty stuff!" She threw her napkin at me in mock disgust.

"Dinner is on me, dear. OK, so where we going for dessert?"


I had left my car at the office and drove Lynn's Lexus that evening out to dinner. She lived about 15 minutes away from me, so she had agreed to drive me home that night and pick me up to go to work the next day.

Free dinner, free ride, and now, potentially also free mindblowing sex -- yes, life was good for me back in early 2012... ;)

So anyway, we hopped into the car and I drove just a short distance up past Labrador Park, and up a windng road to a very secluded public carpark. I believe this leads to a place of historical interest by day; but when night falls, it is deserted and as I pulled the Lexus up headfirst into a parking space at the far corner of the carpark, I spotted 2 other cars at the other far-flung corners, probably having the same idea as me...

02-02-2016, 04:24 PM
TS, Huat ah!

Thank you for nice story.

03-02-2016, 05:13 PM
TS, Huat Ah!!

Thank you for the nice story (35)