View Full Version : Genuine Good and Solid Massage ...

02-08-2006, 12:01 PM
This is my first time starting a new thread. Maybe some of the bros here may have tried her before but found no such thread or posting on her. As recently the issues in TN has cause many of the neighbourhood TN to close down. This was one of my favourite and have been service by Xiao Fang for over a year. Her massage skill is one of the best I have encounter, excellent and comfortable. The boss is very nice chatty and use to have 4 girls with her but two have already left as the boss will most likely be closing by Aug 20 the dateline for police rule enforcement take place and she might be going back.

Of the girls, Xiao Fang is the best for really good and powerful TN massage for body aches, pains or just a tired body. She is very hardworking, never take short cut, always giving her best. She has strength and really know how and where to press, starting from neck all the way to the toe. But she do not do beyond HJ.

Her statistic:
Name: Xiao Fang (PRC)
Look ~ 6.5 (nice young girl look but not very pretty type)
Age ~ 28
Height ~ 155
Wt ~ 48kg
Charge: $35 per hour, $25 for HJ, total $60 (Usually tip her additional $10 for good service)
Special: No bj, no fj, only for bros into pure genuine massage with HJ at most.
location : near henderson rd (quite a secluded corner)

As the SBF forum concept of sharing. I like to share this to those bros here who like good and solid hard massage. She is a nice girl out to earn a living. Bro who visit her do take care of her. Her massage skill is excellent and worth the money even without special. For brother with more than 15pts. can PM me for her contact. If u do not have like myself, I will still provide the contact if u have at least 2-3 FR to show u have contributed to the forum.

I am not her OKT but just a friend trying to help her earn more before she go back. For solid good massage lover, try it out and you will not regret.....


02-08-2006, 05:19 PM
I have received a quite a no of bros enquires and have given out the numbers. Just a few more infor update:

Working hr: 10.30am - 9.30pm
Other girls skill are just so ...so .... no worth trying.

Do enjoy her service before the shop closes as the dateline get closer.

02-08-2006, 05:33 PM
Thx bro Ricky for the contact.

Find some excuse to get out of office, called n make an appt @ 1530. Place easily located. Went in saw 2 gals not bad lookin lah both oso can c a bit of longkang!!

Anyway proceed to massage...

Name : Xiao Fang
Look : 6/10 as mention not pretty but still ok lah...
Massage : 6.5/10 (Frankly cant cure my aches!! Not hard enough even after i ask her to massage harder... I m a sucker for Real hard massage!!)
RTM: Yes, coz she the 3rd best i hav tried after a (1)TN at bishan n (2)wenwen. Lastly v near my place... wahaha got the urge can juz go n hav a quickie...
Damage : 1 hr ($30) HJ ($30)

Downside, there's strong cigarette smell all over the place!! or at least on the towel or bed i m lyin on!!

Once again thx bro Ricky for the recommendation! To show my appreciation, i will UP u tomorrow!! bypass all those in my uplist!! :p

02-08-2006, 05:43 PM
Good that u like it. As this is my first thread posting and you are on my first FR. As u mention in your FR, she is your third best, care to share your no1 masseuse. I am into real TN massage but not too costly as in HC. Economical and good masseuse are getting less. Not sure u have tried Xiao Hong who has left our shores and don't know when she will be coming back.


02-08-2006, 05:50 PM
Good that u like it. As this is my first thread posting and you are on my first FR. As u mention in your FR, she is your third best, care to share your no1 masseuse.

Wahaha i m a selfish bastard!! Gems must keep for myself lah!! but since u share w me liao, how not to share w u rite??

U got mail!! :p

03-08-2006, 10:25 AM
Thks bro7176 for the infor, will try the shop and compare them to Xiao Fang. I am into good and body massage. Will PM u once I tried them and return the points once I have the power.

I am aware that newbie has to walk the ground and share contact here in the SB forum into order to make new friends and get new contacts. It is very exciting here since I started and sometimes u get very busy with so many PMs but it fun and hope to meet more bros out there.....

04-08-2006, 11:36 AM
First like to thank some of the senior bros here who have up my points. I will up return when I can. Hope the service u guys receive is in line with my recommendation.

For all future request, would really appreciate especially the newbie to post directly on my thread as my PM box is getting full and I have to constantly clear the mails to enable my fellow friends and genuine bros request. This is also go for newbie as it will be recorded as your post contribution. I did that when i first started by writing to the thread started and requesting politely if can share.

I have already send out to many bros and even those without 15pts or 3FR as I myself also started off with 10pts and without any FR and yet many senior bros out there are really friendly and helpful as long as you put in your share of work by replying to the thread. Hope you guys are genuine and post a reply in the thread as a form of contriubution. Else like some senior advise to me, I will be keeping a list of those bros who are simply number collectors.

Again, any request pls post in the thread. My PM post is getting full.....

04-08-2006, 04:35 PM
First like to thank some of the senior bros here who have up my points. I will up return when I can. Hope the service u guys receive is in line with my recommendation.

For all future request, would really appreciate especially the newbie to post directly on my thread as my PM box is getting full and I have to constantly clear the mails to enable my fellow friends and genuine bros request. This is also go for newbie as it will be recorded as your post contribution. I did that when i first started by writing to the thread started and requesting politely if can share.

I have already send out to many bros and even those without 15pts or 3FR as I myself also started off with 10pts and without any FR and yet many senior bros out there are really friendly and helpful as long as you put in your share of work by replying to the thread. Hope you guys are genuine and post a reply in the thread as a form of contriubution. Else like some senior advise to me, I will be keeping a list of those bros who are simply number collectors.

Again, any request pls post in the thread. My PM post is getting full.....

I have send you a message but guess as a newbie, I shall post here to request for the information to prove my presence is genuine.

Bro Ricky, a I've mentioned in the message, I'm not a frequent posting into SBF. I wanna try out the location you have mentioned cause for a massage and HJ at about $60 will be just nice for me. Not to mention again to send in my FR after my visit.

04-08-2006, 06:31 PM
Her statistic:
Name: Xiao Fang (PRC)
Look ~ 6.5 (nice young girl look but not very pretty type)
Age ~ 28
Height ~ 155
Wt ~ 48kg
Charge: $35 per hour, $25 for HJ, total $60 (Usually tip her additional $10 for good service)
Special: No bj, no fj, only for bros into pure genuine massage with HJ at most.
location : near henderson rd (quite a secluded corner)

thk ricky for the recommendation. Went for a massage today, as per yr FR, she quite a good massager, hard working. I would rate her as good as wenwen, which i have try some time ago. But the environment is not a godd as WW place of business. this place of course is cheaper . I find no reason to disagree with your above rating, did not bring measurement and weight machine:D .

The hourly rate is $30. HJ is another $30. gave her a tip for the hard work.

thanks again for the recommendation.

04-08-2006, 10:23 PM
Hello bro,

can share the contact?

05-08-2006, 12:54 AM
Tks bro Ricky for sharing this massage gem. My fren, a birthday boy, tried and said that she is real good! He usaually loves hard massage and said tat most of them can't massage hard enough but this gal really can massage hard!!!!

For me, i tried another plump gal from chong aing, tink her name is ah yang. Everyhing CMI so try to avoid.

05-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Bro ManuelFerrara, hope your friend really enjoy the massage, sorry about yesterday night. Anyway, like I mention, the rest of the girl look ok but the massage should avoid if can, only so.. so...

05-08-2006, 03:06 PM
Bro Ricky_Shiok, my fren really loves the massage and he mentioned tat he had not got a good hard massage for a long time liao until yesterday nite. This make me a bit jealous cos i had a lousy massage. Will try xiao fang hard massage when vitamin M replenish.

05-08-2006, 03:29 PM
bro RS,

I oso want leh...can be next on the list??? looking forward for a good massage!!!

06-08-2006, 08:54 AM
Bro Ricky,

Thanks for sharing . Can PM me for the location / booking number? Thanks!

06-08-2006, 11:46 PM
I would like to thks bros who have up me, i will one by one return my favour as soon as I can. One bro up my with the messages "Cheers", could u let me know who are u so that I can thanks u and return my favour.

Bro ManuelFarrara, do try her before the shop closes.

I am always very busy in the weekend with my family, hence the slow response. Will reply to bros by tomorrow morning.

07-08-2006, 02:02 PM
Hi, for those bros who have shown interest in the massage service, I have already manage to PM you guys the contact. Hope u enjoy it and provide a simple FR to share with bros out in SBF. Thanks

07-08-2006, 11:16 PM
hi bro,

pls pm me her no thanks!

First like to thank some of the senior bros here who have up my points. I will up return when I can. Hope the service u guys receive is in line with my recommendation.

For all future request, would really appreciate especially the newbie to post directly on my thread as my PM box is getting full and I have to constantly clear the mails to enable my fellow friends and genuine bros request. This is also go for newbie as it will be recorded as your post contribution. I did that when i first started by writing to the thread started and requesting politely if can share.

I have already send out to many bros and even those without 15pts or 3FR as I myself also started off with 10pts and without any FR and yet many senior bros out there are really friendly and helpful as long as you put in your share of work by replying to the thread. Hope you guys are genuine and post a reply in the thread as a form of contriubution. Else like some senior advise to me, I will be keeping a list of those bros who are simply number collectors.

Again, any request pls post in the thread. My PM post is getting full.....

08-08-2006, 04:43 PM
Bro Merlionsg, u got PM. Hope u enjoy it and provide a short FR.

11-08-2006, 04:53 PM
Hi Bro Ricky

Me a newbie. Can make an exception and PM me the contact for Xiao Fang?


11-08-2006, 05:27 PM
Hi Bro Ricky

Can PM me the contact for Xiao Fang?


11-08-2006, 10:02 PM
hi bro,
can pm me the location and contact. thanks.

11-08-2006, 10:56 PM
Hi Bro Ricky

Thanks for yr advise.

Can PM me the contact for Xiao Fang n location pls?


11-08-2006, 11:07 PM
brother ricky,
can PM me too.


11-08-2006, 11:16 PM
Yo..can PM me the contact?

12-08-2006, 12:48 AM
bro ricky, would like to try xiao fang's massage... thanks.

12-08-2006, 03:14 AM
Hi Bro Ricky

Thanks for yr advise.

Should be. "Thanks for your ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a verb.

12-08-2006, 03:24 PM
pls pm me the no. and address.


12-08-2006, 11:40 PM
Wow, even bro SAM is here. It is indeed my honour as a newbie and my first thread. Hope I am doing thing right.

Anyway, my apologies to bros as I am usually very busy in the weekend hence the slow reply. I have just send out the infor to all bros posted request here even if u are newbie.

Do enjoy the Xiao Fang massage service before the shop closes and pls treat her well as I have enjoy her service and friendliness and do not wish to have my own reputation tanish. Have a nice weekend to all....

13-08-2006, 12:58 AM
Bro Ricky_Shiok,
Pls pm contact and address. I appreciate good and solid massage. Will provide FR after I have tried it.

13-08-2006, 05:04 PM
Hi Bro Ricky,

Pls PM the contact of this lady. Hope to try this real good massage & provide a FR. Thanks.

13-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Hi Bro Rickly,

Can you PM me the location and number. Much appreciated.

14-08-2006, 07:58 AM
Bros who have requested for infor, check u PM. I just send out the infor. Hope u enjoy the massage service and provide a FR on it. Thks

14-08-2006, 11:50 AM
i am interested in a good massage too.
care to share?

14-08-2006, 03:28 PM
I recommend you to try Grace's solid oil massage.
You can read detail FR of her professional skill under the thread:
Adorable Therapist with Professional Skill and Good Attitude.
Here is an extract for your easy reading:

Yesterday while browsing around at Grand Link Square (Geylang Lorong 44, opposite City Plaza), a very elegant Lady caught my attention. She was wearing a long white overcoat. She looked so sweet and gentle like a nurse. She has short Blonde hair, very fair and smooth skin, beautiful eyes and nose. I followed her at a distance and noticed she went into Health Zen Spa at unit #02-07. When I pushed open the door, this nurse look alike lady was chatting with the cashier. The cashier politely greeted me and asked me whether I wanted to try a massage by this lady who just started work today. I was thrilled but pretended to be not so keen so I asked whether she could really give good massage. The cashier replied, “Sure, Give her some support la. She is very friendly and know how to please you!” This gracious lady was a little shy; she gave me a sweet smile and walked back into the staff room. There were 2 other customers sitting at the sofa and I can sense that they were admiring her too! I quickly nodded my head and said, “ Ok, since this is her first day at work, I will sure support her”. The Cashier then said, “45 minutes is $35, why not you take the $40 package which is 1 hour and include a free body scrub?” I replied, “Good deal, I like a good body scrub to remove my dead skin”. The cashier then called out, “Grace! Bring this gentleman to room 2, 1 hour with body scrub hor!”. Grace gently led me to room 2 and asked me whether I wanted coffee or Chinese tea. Wow! The room is new and clean and there is a hi-tech and beautiful jet shower cubicle. The shower cubicle must be very expensive because it has many water jets in addition to the shower spray. While I was washing up, Grace came in with my Tea. She giggled and said, “No need to wash so long la, you can bath again later after I do body scrub for you ma!” She then took a bath towel and dried my body. She even wiped my Dick and balls dry with the towel and then wrapped a new towel around my waist and helped me gently to lie on the mattress. She applied cool body scrub cream on my back and buttock and thoroughly scrubbed my tired body. The feeling was so relaxing and I was controlling very hard not to fall asleep because I wanted to enjoy the feeling of her soft fingers touching me all over especially when she was working around my buttock areas.
After about 5 minutes scrubbing my back, she told me to turn around. She continued to apply the rest of the scrub scream evenly all over my hairy chest, tummy, thighs, feet….. The best feeling was when she scrubbed my groin areas. Her soft fingers caressed the whole length of my MANHOOD and my two swollen bags with soft and slow circular wrapping motions, scrubbing off loosen layers of dead skin. She held my erected DICK between her left index finger and thumb, stroked my ROD with her right fingers, pulling back the foreskin and scrubbing the whole length. In my younger days, I would have unloaded at this moment man! I avoided eye contact with her and turned my head away from her and admired the beautiful shower cubicle instead, so as to distract myself from the heavenly pleasure. She could sense my pulsating blood in my ROD and skillfully moved over to less sensitive areas to release the built-up of tension there. I knew she didn’t want me to unload yet because this should be after the massage or at least after she popped the GOLDEN question ma!
With a soft slap on my thigh, Grace said, “OK, go wash up, after I will do oil massage for you, I go and get you another tea ok?”
she looked so seductive and reminded me of a sexy nurse who shaved my pubic hair prior to my urinal track examination a few years ago. Again she gave me a towel and helped me to dry my body and then passed the cup of tea to me. I love to see her putting on a white overcoat, unbuttoned and revealing her sexy dress inside and her fair smooth complexion, especially her long and slim thighs. She looked so professional and qualified, gentle and friendly. She then removed her overcoat, hung it on the wall, and told me to lie on my tummy. She covered my lower part of my body with a towel, applied massage oil on her palms, rubbed it warm and then massaged my shoulder blade with firm confident movements. What a great different feeling compared to those unprofessional Tuina masseuses where I would feel cold oil splashed on my back like Chilly sauce being poured onto a plate of beef steak. I could feel very comfortable and strong strokes applied along my neck, and spine. She cupped both side of my body with her soft palms, moved along the contour of my body with firm massage movements. The feeling was so relaxing that I almost got into deep sleep. Then, she removed the towel from my buttock area and covered my shoulder to ensure that I don’t feel cold throughout the massage. She proceeded to massage my lower back, thighs and legs with strong relaxing presses. A very comfortable feeling was when she grasped both side of my tummy with both her palms, and slide upward, similar to performing tummy slimming strokes. After a few more minutes, she tapped lightly on my buttock and told me to turn around. Again she covered my lower body with the towel while she massaged my chest areas. Then she moved the towel to cover my chest while she massaged my legs. Her treatment was so professional that I really didn’t feel cold throughout the whole massage despite the strong aircond.

Grace is the professional masseuse I strongly recommend to brothers who really want a good relaxing massage in the comfort of a clean and cosy room of a Health Centre. She really works diligently and not piano massage! Your $35 for 45 minutes of massage or $40 for 1 hour of massage including body scrub is really worth.
When it was time to turn around, Grace suggested that I should try her Specialty Dish 拿手招牌菜 Zhuo Gen 捉根 special. She assured me that she had gone through professional training in this therapy and it is not the so call HJ as done by most other gals. Having tasted her professional skill in massage and seeing her pretty and seductive appearance there is no reason why I should not try. She said “Last time the fees was $80 but now $60 can la!
She proceeded to massage my groin areas, combing my pubic hairs with her soft fingers, pressing at the muscles below my belly, cupped my two balls in her palms to make them warm and massage softly. I could feel her soft fingers squeezing and straightening each vein at my balls. The feeling was so good that my missile began to rise. She held up my missile with two fingers near my little head while the other fingers stroked my rod, squeezing and straightening each vein there too! My rod grew harder and longer. She commended that I had a very strong erection as she could feel the pulse of blood rushing there. I nodded and cheekily asked, "Can I release my load if I canot stand any longer ? 受不了可以出吗?". She smiled and replied, “Wait la, exercise first. Later you go into doggie position, I do Hai Di Lao Yue 海 底 捞月 for you then you cum ok?” Wow! Hai Di Lao Yue 海 底 捞月 means scooping up the moon from under the seabed! Watching her meddling with my prick, and peeking at her skirt, I was tempted to slide my fingers under her G-string to feel her Sea Cucumber .........:D

14-08-2006, 06:21 PM
Of the girls, Xiao Fang is the best for really good and powerful TN massage for body aches, pains or just a tired body. She is very hardworking, never take short cut, always giving her best. She has strength and really know how and where to press, starting from neck all the way to the toe. But she do not do beyond HJ...

...As the SBF forum concept of sharing. I like to share this to those bros here who like good and solid hard massage. She is a nice girl out to earn a living. Bro who visit her do take care of her. Her massage skill is excellent and worth the money even without special. For brother with more than 15pts. can PM me for her contact. If u do not have like myself, I will still provide the contact if u have at least 2-3 FR to show u have contributed to the forum...

Bro ricky_shiok,

Thanks for the contact and for upholding the spirit of sharing :D

Tried her recently based on your recommendations. Description provided is accurate - she has firm, hard and sure strokes in her repertoire. Just one comment though: Her "massage skill is excellent and worth the money even without special" but the truth of the matter is that these girls make peanuts without the specials. Based on pure massage the establishment's cut is more than half. She seemed a little disappointed that I didnt want anything more than a good hard rub, so I offered a little tip to make up for it. This was done out of pity and I didn't think that was cool (the situation, that is). In retrospect she deserved the tip so I shouldnt begrudge the miserable predicament that these girls are in - that the ones that are truly good at massage can't survive on massage alone.

15-08-2006, 01:13 AM
I recommend you to try Grace's solid oil massage.
You can read detail FR of her professional skill under the thread:
Adorable Therapist with Professional Skill and Good Attitude.

laserbeam, u already started ur own thread on Grace!! pls DO NOT HIJACK other ppl thread!!


15-08-2006, 10:02 AM
thks bro dc7176. Anyway, I also really enjoy your thread on pic on KTV girls. U are one hell of a lucky guy with so much beauties encounterment. Seeing them already shiok.

15-08-2006, 11:16 AM
Bro just PM u..

can share the contacts? my back really need a good massage as it is killing me! thks!

up u when recover! :D

15-08-2006, 11:27 AM
I recommend you to try Grace's solid oil massage.
You can read detail FR of her professional skill under the thread:
Adorable Therapist with Professional Skill and Good Attitude.
Here is an extract for your easy reading:


yesterday is yesterday..history already...jk :D

laser bro, if she's good until like wat u say , ppl will pm u for num one, no need advertise everywhere ;)

no offence, cheers

15-08-2006, 03:45 PM
Bro beck777, just PM u the infor.

15-08-2006, 04:44 PM
Thank bro Ricky for the contact. Its really a wonderful massage by Xiao Fang.
There is a promiss FR.

After working on the weekend night, decided to try out on Xiao Fang and called to check if she's still around. It was quite late already as the time was 8.00pm. When I called up, a female PRC voice listened and I asked if XF is working, she told me that she's massaging for someone and next, XF listen to my call and I asked if i can come down now, she said yes if i can arrived at 8.30pm. I said yes and rush all the way down.

When I arrived, I was greeted by XF, she brought me in and asked me to wait first. I told her i needed to use the toilet and she lead me to the toilet, and i noticed she's washing her hands. I am glad as it shows that she do take note of hygene as she had just finish with another customer. Then she asked me if i wanted to eat sweet or not.. ??? was wondering why huh? she told me just take one lah.. I agreed. She told me to prepared my self first as she bring towels for me.

I laid onto the bed and she told me that normally she would have closed at 8.30pm but since i'm ricky's friend so she decided to wait for a while. she kana aeroplane before. I was delighted that she waited for me. And one more important thing. there is no one else in the store and proceed to close the shop first before sharting the massage. Feels i'm lucky today. She sharted to massage me from the back til the legs. Her hands were powerful and I give her 9.5/10 for the massage. When she was massaging, i heard some noise and she told me that she does not like to massage in jeans:eek: , i was thinking that she's taking then off but i turned my head and saw that she just pull up the lower part of the jeans :( I was feeling cold as the air-con is directly above me and she cover the cloths over me. Next she asked me to turn around and she proceed to message my hands and legs and next the Q asked if me "Nao an mar?" (pointing down) Of course i saw yes and then she removed all the towels, and she give me the CFM looks while massaging my manhood. She allow me to roam around her while the massage and I noticed she got nice boobs. Hehe

Over all rate her 9.5/10 for her massage, she's one good massager and she do all the massage slowly and did not rush at all. Total damage is $60 + $10 tips for her. Very good Gem intro by Ricky. Btw, if you wanna try her best before 20th.

16-08-2006, 04:47 PM
Brother keeper82,
Hope you don't mind if I point out some of your careless mistakes.
"When she was massaging, i heard some noise and she told me that she does not like to massage in jeans , i was thinking that she's taking then off but i turned my head and saw that she just pull up the lower part of the jeans" Unquote.
Should be taking it off and not taking then off!
You should teased her that by just pulling up the lower part of her Jean does not make her feel any better right?
May be she was giving you the chance to request her to remove her Jean.

"and next the Q asked if me "Nao an mar?" (pointing down) Of course i saw yes and then she removed all the towels," unquote

Exciting but I don't get what you are trying to say.
What is Nao an mar? and I saw yes.
You also advised us better to try her before 20th.
Tell us why ma!
Is it because her period coming or she going back to China?
If her period coming, then we can still call her after 27th right?

You talked long story at the beginning but cut short at the end when the thrill just begin!

No offence, just wish to read clearer FR in future. :)

16-08-2006, 09:55 PM
Brother keeper82,
Hope you don't mind if I point out some of your careless mistakes.

Should be taking it off and not taking then off!
You should teased her that by just pulling up the lower part of her Jean does not make her feel any better right?

His england not goot mah!! lidat consider careless mistakes meh?? At least he tried to write a FR, better than lots of leechers n number keeper...

Exciting but I don't get what you are trying to say.
What is Nao an mar? and I saw yes.
You also advised us better to try her before 20th.
Tell us why ma!
Is it because her period coming or she going back to China?
If her period coming, then we can still call her after 27th right?

The grace period for the new ruling on TN ends Aug 26. If they fail to comply w it, they gotta close shop lor!!

No offence, just wish to read clearer FR in future. :)

No offence, my england oso v lousy, hope u understand all my typo error... :D

16-08-2006, 11:58 PM
Well what can be said about Xiao Fang has been said..
I not good at posting FR so i not gonna post 1..
just wanna say that the massage is really good!
got individual room somemore!:D

thks ricky bro for the contacts n the point!


17-08-2006, 02:32 AM
Hi Bro Ricky_Shiok,

Thanks for taking the time to share with the forum about this good place for real massage. Good places now much harder to find.

Would appreciate if you would PM me some info to try it out. Thanks again.

17-08-2006, 11:28 AM
Bro rileyhale, just PM u the infor. Wow, u send request early in the morning..no need to sleep... Probably me old liow. As to all those seniors bro who PM me. I have already send out the infor.

For newbie, do not PM me. I hope u request directly from the thread to show that your genuine interest and not just number collector. Thks

17-08-2006, 06:09 PM
bro can pm me the contacts?

18-08-2006, 01:46 AM
Brother keeper82,
Hope you don't mind if I point out some of your careless mistakes.
"When she was massaging, i heard some noise and she told me that she does not like to massage in jeans , i was thinking that she's taking then off but i turned my head and saw that she just pull up the lower part of the jeans" Unquote.
Should be taking it off and not taking then off!
You should teased her that by just pulling up the lower part of her Jean does not make her feel any better right?
May be she was giving you the chance to request her to remove her Jean.

"and next the Q asked if me "Nao an mar?" (pointing down) Of course i saw yes and then she removed all the towels," unquote

Exciting but I don't get what you are trying to say.
What is Nao an mar? and I saw yes.
You also advised us better to try her before 20th.
Tell us why ma!
Is it because her period coming or she going back to China?
If her period coming, then we can still call her after 27th right?

You talked long story at the beginning but cut short at the end when the thrill just begin!

No offence, just wish to read clearer FR in future. :)

No problem.. Haha. too singaporean le mar. So a bit bad with singlish. for the "Nao an mar" it should be "Yao an Mar" (Want to press or not).. Sorry Bro to make any confuse.
As for the period before 20th is because she's might be stop working at the said location but still haven't confirm yet. As for her, she has been working daily just to be sure to service all bros before the day arrived. Hopefully all the bros will treat her good as hard to get someone who can massage so good skill.

18-08-2006, 10:13 AM
Bro eclipse, I have just PM u.

Bro keeper82, thks for the FR. U must have spend sometime on it. Anyway, singlish is quite common in this forum and personally thinks is ok. I also realise that while bros enjoy the services, this SBF also provide a avenue for bro to improve their writing skills. Take the comment from other bros positively.

18-08-2006, 11:57 AM
thankew bro ricky...received ur pm le...will try to post a simple FR once i've tried her sometime next week...

18-08-2006, 01:09 PM

Can I have the contact? cheers.

19-08-2006, 02:13 PM
This shop alot of customers man.. I wanted to try yesterday. Wah liew.. i walked from Redhill MRT to there.. panting and perspiring.. reach there called Xiao Fang.. she say got 2 people waiting.. ask me coming after 8

19-08-2006, 05:46 PM
Can anyone give me the contact. Really need a solid rub badly. Thanks

20-08-2006, 12:23 AM
Hi Bro Ricky_shiok,

Sorry to post at inconvenient time to you. I'm on 3-day morning shift, 3-day night shift. So my timing can be a bit erratic.

Many thanks to you for a chance to try this service. Here's the FR:

First impression is that the place is spartan, mimimum decor and very non-descript.

However, the massage is something else!

This lady is really hard working and worked through 50 mins non stop. And her massage is indeed hard. In fact, sometimes I have to ask her to go easy because I'm more used to semi-hard type of pressure.

The session consisted of a lot of time on the back, with broad, hard strokes with hands and elbows. She is friendly and pleasant, and not too chatty, which is good because I like to fall asleep during a session.

After the session, I felt a bit tired, a bit sore but a lot more relaxed!!

RTM - Of course! If I can get a slot. It seems like her typical day is full of appointments, sometimes there isn't enough time to eat.

I can't help feeling that if more places are like this one where the service is good and the staff are genuinely friendly and professional (and not so $$ minded), PDMMs in Singapore would not have such negative stigmas associated with them.

Hope this place can be around as long as possible so that bros into HARD massage can get one.

20-08-2006, 03:22 AM
Hi ricky,

I work nearby and could do with a good quality massage... hopefully she'll still be around after the TN embargo kicks in. Can you give me her details (including opening hours - can go in the afternoons if it's not crowded) and also, can she speak any English (i will be struggling hard to converse in chinese lol).

Many thanks!

20-08-2006, 03:11 PM
Bro Ricky, can u PM me the contact for Xiao Fang and Addr? want to try after my reservist this week. BTW, i heard it is closing soon? or i got the wrong info?


20-08-2006, 07:13 PM
Bro nismo_boy, ozkaki & stiffness, I have pm u the infor.
bro oxkaki, I think the boss may be closing by end of the month.
bro stiffness, don't worry, she can speak a bit of english.

Bro ttenneb, I understand u feeling and feel bad for u. Hope that did not kill u interest on her service.

As for all bros who likes to tried, do call her to book an slot so that u don't have to wait too long. I peronally not sure whether the shop will be around next month. Cheers..

21-08-2006, 10:02 AM
Bro Ricky,

Thanks for sharing . Can PM me for the location / contact number?
Would like to visit her before its too late.


21-08-2006, 11:34 AM
I'm new to this SB.
Hope you can PM me the location to this good and clean massage.

22-08-2006, 03:00 PM
thanks for the number ..bro RS

have yet to try out her service.
will find a chance to try her relaxing & soothing massage as spoken by many bros here!


22-08-2006, 03:58 PM
bro, feeling very tired, need a good rubdown. would appreciate you pm me the address and the contact no. please. thanks, mate.

22-08-2006, 04:24 PM
Haven been there for awhile....wonder they are still open?

22-08-2006, 08:36 PM
Haven been there for awhile....wonder they are still open?

Confirmed open for business. Just back from a session with Xiao Fang this evening. Think no need FR liao as quite a no. of it posted. But must praise bro ricky_shiok for sharing this good find. Good Massage, Good Attitude, Good Release, Good Price. Overall one word: GOOD!;)

22-08-2006, 09:28 PM
fellow brothers into genuine and solid massage,

Anyone also went to this place at AMK BLK 133, Kent Physician. Use to be half a shop size and there was an aquarium shop beside it. Now, extended to whole shop liao and more rooms for the massage. It is run by a chinese physician lady. This place is definitely genuine massage. Me went a few times in the last few weeks after my favorite massage lady, Ah Xiang (PR)came back to work. (Long time ago visited her at their now closed branch at Blk 202. Me tread starter of the same joint years ago). Quite expensive though, it is still $40 an hour. But, brothers looking for real hard and no hanky panky massage, look no further, Me recommend. But be prepared to endure the pain. This Ah Xiang no give chance when she finds a "problem area". Says, no pain, no cure!

23-08-2006, 12:02 AM
As promised to Ricky, I will write a FR after visit last night.

Called at 1700 hour to book Xiao Fang at 2000 hr. Reached there 6 mins late. She was intending to go off but lucky 4 me.

She told me that she had something on so the massage need to cut short to 30 mins. I said no problem since I was already here.

Look : 6.5/10 ( A bit meaty but I find it's still o.k )
Figure : 6/10 ( I feel its average at 1.55 m tall weight ~48Kg, u can judge yourself )
Massage : 6.5/10 ( I would put it better than Xiao Hong but not better than Monica. Yet to try Wen Wen. Its a waste she is in a rushed. Maybe will visit her again but time is running out )
HJ : 7/10 ( slow & steady, no rushed. She is very accomodating. Did ask for FJ but she only do HJ )
Autoroam : Allowed ( u can touched anywhere ). Very friendly. Her virgin is really tight, wat a waste she do only HJ.
Damage : $60 ( everything )

Really an enjoyable massage & HJ. Thanks Ricky for giving me the contact.

23-08-2006, 12:51 AM
hi bro doomday123, so late still on line. This is one thing I realise, that many SBF bros work very late in SBF. Me too, only because instead of going for a massage with Xiao Fang today, little head hony today, so instead had a fuck job with Diana from bro themask and have to submit my FR today as promise.

Anyway, for senior who pm me, I have send out the infor to u
bro deltaboy55, I have also pm u.

23-08-2006, 03:42 AM
hi bro doomday123, so late still on line. This is one thing I realise, that many SBF bros work very late in SBF. Me too, only because instead of going for a massage with Xiao Fang today, little head hony today, so instead had a fuck job with Diana from bro themask and have to submit my FR today as promise.

Anyway, for senior who pm me, I have send out the infor to u
bro deltaboy55, I have also pm u.

0330 hr, still fully awake & a big hello to u.

So, did u try Monica of Melody ?
I feel that Monica massage is much better but look & figure wise can't really
compared. One is mid 40 & the other one is 28.

Xiao Fang's HJ is good.
Xiao Qian from Blk 152 Buki Ba+++ also good but too bad its already closed.

Yet to try Wen Wen........

23-08-2006, 08:25 AM
hi bro doomday123, so late still on line. This is one thing I realise, that many SBF bros work very late in SBF. Me too, only because instead of going for a massage with Xiao Fang today, little head hony today, so instead had a fuck job with Diana from bro themask and have to submit my FR today as promise.

Anyway, for senior who pm me, I have send out the infor to u
bro deltaboy55, I have also pm u.

Thanks for the info. Cheers.

23-08-2006, 10:03 AM
thanks ricky for contact.
just something to add:
the place too noisy. the women there spoke loudly in hokkien. soud local.
overheard that boss(?) boasting that here business very good, no need pull customer, customer all keep calling and jamming her phone!
guess you done a good job for xiao fang and the shop.

look 5/10
body NA i din roam din peak
massage 7.5 different from most PRC massage technique
HJ 7 unique, but can sense a bit rush as got another booking coming.
ambience: 2/10 curtain that cannot close properly, dusty and noisy.

RTM unlikely. although saw a few younger gal there, dont know working ones or not

23-08-2006, 10:17 AM
Bro doomday123 4am still online, not need to work today. U sure one lucky guy. Sorry, me alot of pressure and report to submit. very busy.

Hi bro Notsonewbird, those girls do speak hokkien but are PRC. One is local but is the boss daughter and just hang around only. Got look but their skill so so only. I do agree that the place a bit run down. In fact, at one time, her boss owns 4-5 shops.

Anyway, since the shop may be closing, so decided to share Xiao Fang to all bros out here looking for good massage and just helping her out as a friend. Nothing else.

23-08-2006, 12:25 PM
Bro doomday123 4am still online, not need to work today. U sure one lucky guy. Sorry, me alot of pressure and report to submit. very busy.

Hello, I wake up already. Will be resting for 2 days.
See wat to do today.....:)

Maybe will visit Amy of Excelsior HC since its in town area.

Wah, u so busy, good to be busy. At least can save more $$$ to cheong.

23-08-2006, 02:45 PM
Anyway, since the shop may be closing, so decided to share Xiao Fang to all bros out here looking for good massage and just helping her out as a friend. Nothing else.

Ok, went down to the place today. Bro Rick is right. Xiao Fang is good for those who prefer genuine hard and solid massage. Just to provide some details. Essentially, it's your typical Chinese tuina with long, firm strokes along the meridian channels. With the oil, the massage wasn't painful but relaxing. XF is friendly and chatty but I was too tired to want to hold a conversation with her. Fair and possesses a smooth complexion. Not exactly a beauty but pleasant enough. Looked like in her mid-30s. Well-endowed but of short build.

23-08-2006, 04:05 PM
As promised to Ricky, I will write a FR after visit last night.

Called at 1700 hour to book Xiao Fang at 2000 hr. Reached there 6 mins late. She was intending to go off but lucky 4 me.

She told me that she had something on so the massage need to cut short to 30 mins. I said no problem since I was already here.

Look : 6.5/10 ( A bit meaty but I find it's still o.k )
Figure : 6/10 ( I feel its average at 1.55 m tall weight ~48Kg, u can judge yourself )
Massage : 6.5/10 ( I would put it better than Xiao Hong but not better than Monica. Yet to try Wen Wen. Its a waste she is in a rushed. Maybe will visit her again but time is running out )
HJ : 7/10 ( slow & steady, no rushed. She is very accomodating. Did ask for FJ but she only do HJ )
Autoroam : Allowed ( u can touched anywhere ). Very friendly. Her virgin is really tight, wat a waste she do only HJ.
Damage : $60 ( everything )

Really an enjoyable massage & HJ. Thanks Ricky for giving me the contact.

Bro doomday, so is u who booked the 2000hr appt. I'm the one who is wif her before u. She was wearing a flower top & white pants right? :D U saw a prc in pink top? quite chio ley........:p

23-08-2006, 09:57 PM
Bro doomday, so is u who booked the 2000hr appt. I'm the one who is wif her before u. She was wearing a flower top & white pants right? :D U saw a prc in pink top? quite chio ley........:p

So u are the one. I am her last customer. I purposely booked at 2000 hr so to have more privacy.

Do note that the police are so near.

24-08-2006, 01:03 PM
First I would like to thanks all bros who have tried and support Xiao Fang especially those seniors who genuine got the contact, tried out and posted FR unlike many newbie or number collectors. I have posted out to more than 50bros.

Anyway, I had a teleconversation with her and found that some bright young chaps mentioning they know me and through the SB forum. This I am indeed taken back. I thought the rule of sharing infor here in SBF is keep it to bros here only. I also did mention in my pm to you guys that she does not know of the SBF and hence did appreciate bros not mention anything about SBF to her. Hence, I just brush off this idea to her about these some chaps who claim to know me, as Xiao Fang also started to be suspicous and does not believed. I wish to continue to maintain good relation with her as a friend and my regular masseuse.

Thanks again to all who have supported my thread and up my points one way or another. I will definitely return favour to all bros. Still on going as the forum allows only 1 pts per 24hrs. I will be stopping this thread as the shop might be closing anytime and will not be giving out any more infor. I mention to her, that all other bros who claim to know me from today onwards are all just trying their luck only. Cheers

24-08-2006, 01:06 PM
First I would like to thanks all bros who have tried and support Xiao Fang especially those seniors who genuine got the contact, tried out and posted FR unlike many newbie or number collectors. I have posted out to more than 50bros.

Anyway, I had a teleconversation with her and found that some bright young chaps mentioning they know me and through the SB forum. This I am indeed taken back. I thought the rule of sharing infor here in SBF is keep it to bros within SBF except for OKT. I also did mention in my pm to you guys that she does not know of the SBF and hence did appreciate bros not mention anything about SBF to her. Hence, I just brush off this idea to her about these some chaps who claim to know me, as Xiao Fang also started to be suspicous and does not believed. I wish to continue to maintain good relation with her as a friend and my regular masseuse.

Thanks again to all who those who have supported my thread and up my points one way or another. I will definitely return favour to all bros. Still on going as the forum allows only 1 pts per 24hrs. I will be stopping this thread as the shop might be closing anytime and will not be giving out any more infor. I mention to her, that all other bros who claim to know me from today onwards are all just trying their luck only. Cheers

HC Cheonger
24-08-2006, 09:04 PM
hi bro ricky

can you pm me the details ... let to give it a try, thanks,

25-08-2006, 01:25 PM
Just walked past the place today - it looks completely closed. Another 2 men in front of me also looking for it and realised it's now shut. Not sure if it's permanent or not...

in terms of mentioning of SBF, it's a tricky thing. If you say you 'know' ricky, she may ask you to describe him, and then you're stuck. If you don't, then how you know this place? If you walked past and took down number, how you know to choose for a particular lady, unless you asked when you call up.

but mentioning sbf is not a good idea... if they know abt it that's fine, but if not, try to find some way to not mention it when asked how pple find out abt the joint...!

25-08-2006, 03:36 PM
Would like to thank Bro Ricky Shiok for the contact and concur with Bro Notsonewbird FR.

Xiao Fang massage is good but not as hard as Bro Kitteen's recommended one.

The ambience is 2/10, curtain that cannot close properly, dusty and noisy (Bro Notsonewbird borrow your sentence)

RTM : Not for this type of ambience but can consider for XF.

Damage: Did an hour massage and she auto HJ without asking, me also never autoroam; when done ask how much she say up to you. Paid her 60.

Please pm Bro Ricky Shiok for the contact.

28-08-2006, 10:08 AM
For bros who like to try, do call u first to check if she is around.

Anyway, I will be taking a break from SBF, going away for awhile. Hence hope all SBF bros happy cheonging. Not sure by the time I am back, how will the TN scene evolved. For those I have yet to up, will return when I come back.

17-09-2006, 05:43 PM
Brother Ricky,
Thanks to your contact. Finally managed to make a trip to visit xiao fang last week, before I come overseas lah...

Yup. the place is a bit run-down and like a shophouse for provision shop type. In front, cubicles with curtain only. Saw one with room at the back and request to use it instead. A bit quiet but the aircon very cold. Have to ask XF to off/on the aircon .

Massage quite good like mentioned - 7/10 type.
looks - not the SYT though but pleasant.
HJ - OK - allows licking of boobs - it is perky actually. she use it to rubba me
ahhh..came and paid -


RTM/HJ - YA maybe after my trip - back only in early Oct lah..can let me know whether place still operating or not - no see FR for a while liao...


17-09-2006, 09:44 PM
Bros, went to look for some stuff over in Funan and came across this TN place in Adelphi basement. It was the only one open at abt 6 today, so I thought, why not?

The woman who was in there was quite the lau chio. Nice eyes, nice smile. She told me TN was $40 an hour, and what I liked was that she wasn't pushy. When she was massaging me later, she asked again but only to check so she can tell how much time to spend on each part.

This is a CLEAN TN. At least, there was no light touching on the didi or trying to get your horn up. Really, the TN was very good. Although she's small-sized, she has enough strength to work through your muscles. I fell asleep halfway through and had to be woken up because it was so relaxing.

Name: Sophia
From: Shandong
Looks: 8.5/10 (it was dark but I really like her look)
Breasts: B (I think... can't tell cos she was dressed in dark clothes)
F/J & H/J: None
RTM: Definitely

This is one for those who like the sweet looking types. Dunno if can autoroam or not. I never try because she never gave off the vibes.

Happy cheonging!

20-09-2006, 03:40 PM
Just came back from oversea trip. Call her this afternoon and seems the shop is still there and just went down to have a hard and relaxing rub by Xiao Fang. It really feels good with her after the session as I had not had a good massage for a long time.

Talk to the lady boss seems she intend to stay as it is unless told to leave. Probably it at the secluded place and not very open. Anyway for those who still like to try, just call the number I have given out. Cheers

HC Cheonger
21-09-2006, 12:43 AM
HI Bro Ricky

Just came across this thread ... sounds pretty good. Could you pm me XF's contact details. Will post FR after trying.


HC Cheonger
24-09-2006, 07:48 PM
Bro Ricky

Thanks for sharing XF's contacts. Went down to last week. Her massage is one of the better ones I have gone too and I can still feel the effects the next morning. HJ was so-so though.

Looks: 6.5/10
Massage: 8.5/10
HJ: 6/10
RTF: Yes, for the massage
Damage: $60+$10 tip

26-09-2006, 09:52 AM
Thank for ricky for contact...

Went there last weekend.. Call and Bingo... she ans the phone...massage was poweful.. still pain now.. kanna qns by my wife how come got marking at the back? heee..... play my way thru'.. phew...

Very hardworking girls.. highly rec. for good rub..

Name: XF
Looks: 6/10
Massage: 9/10 (hard massage)
HJ: 8/10 (lick my nip...1/2 BM)
RTF: Yes, after recover maybe 2 week later..
Damage: $60+$10 tip
remark: like to sing songs... heee...

26-09-2006, 10:27 AM
Bro Rick...can share the location of this good solid massage? thinkin of droppin in this evening..will do an FR then.

26-09-2006, 04:57 PM
I must remind bro that the place environment is so..so.. a typical HDB TN shop which may go anytime. But Xiao Fang massage is good.

Bro creator, I have pm u the contact, hope to see your FR.

26-09-2006, 08:05 PM
Could anybody pm me XF's contact no.???


26-09-2006, 09:43 PM
Bro Ricky,

please pm me xiao Fang number. I would like to try her .

First I would like to thanks all bros who have tried and support Xiao Fang especially those seniors who genuine got the contact, tried out and posted FR unlike many newbie or number collectors. I have posted out to more than 50bros.

Anyway, I had a teleconversation with her and found that some bright young chaps mentioning they know me and through the SB forum. This I am indeed taken back. I thought the rule of sharing infor here in SBF is keep it to bros within SBF except for OKT. I also did mention in my pm to you guys that she does not know of the SBF and hence did appreciate bros not mention anything about SBF to her. Hence, I just brush off this idea to her about these some chaps who claim to know me, as Xiao Fang also started to be suspicous and does not believed. I wish to continue to maintain good relation with her as a friend and my regular masseuse.

Thanks again to all who those who have supported my thread and up my points one way or another. I will definitely return favour to all bros. Still on going as the forum allows only 1 pts per 24hrs. I will be stopping this thread as the shop might be closing anytime and will not be giving out any more infor. I mention to her, that all other bros who claim to know me from today onwards are all just trying their luck only. Cheers

27-09-2006, 09:43 AM
For senior bros who have pm me and Bro freeman96 and merlionsg, I have pm u the contact. Hope u enjoy the good rub.

Tai Guan
27-09-2006, 05:18 PM
Hi Ricky,

Thanks for your contact. I had just came back from the session, I'm really sextisfied. Hmm I tot of going there again next week.:D

Xiao Fang FR

Look: 7/10 (Pleasant looking)
Boobs: 7/10
Massage: 9/10
BM: 6/10 (very teasing)
HJ: 8/10 (take her time)
RTF: sure, why not. It's beri the hard to find a gem these days
Damage: 1/1/2 hr Massage ($40) + BM & HJ ($40).

27-09-2006, 08:48 PM
Thanks to bro ricky_shiok for Xiao Fang contact.
I will not bore you guys with this old man's FR. every good thing in this thread bout her is the truth and nothing but the true. i will for sure go back to vist her again:D

28-09-2006, 06:17 PM
For senior bros who have pm me and Bro freeman96 and merlionsg, I have pm u the contact. Hope u enjoy the good rub.

Hi Bro Ricky,
Could u PM me XF contact & location.


28-09-2006, 11:17 PM
hi bro_ricky
can pm me her contact and location

28-09-2006, 11:23 PM
Hi Bro Ricky
can you pass me her contact and location

29-09-2006, 05:20 PM
After much consideration, Just like to slow down on this thread as the TN dateline is over. Again they are still bro mentioning that they obtaining infor thru the internet to xiao fang. Anyway, the shop may go anytime also. U Never know, AV could be within us trying to gather infor. Just want to be careful who I send out contact to and be responsible to the shop and to xiao fang.

Hence for bro with less than 20pts, pls do not pm me anymore. I will not response in the thread but will continue response to pm only to those who qualify. Hope all the newbie understand.....Unless the gov reverse their decision on HDB TN. :D

Cheers and have a nice weekend to all SBF bros.

Tai Guan
01-10-2006, 03:39 AM
After much consideration, Just like to slow down on this thread as the TN dateline is over. Again they are still bro mentioning that they obtaining infor thru the internet to xiao fang. Anyway, the shop may go anytime also. U Never know, AV could be within us trying to gather infor. Just want to be careful who I send out contact to and be responsible to the shop and to xiao fang.

Hence for bro with less than 20pts, pls do not pm me anymore. I will not response in the thread but will continue response to pm only to those who qualify. Hope all the newbie understand.....Unless the gov reverse their decision on HDB TN. :D

Cheers and have a nice weekend to all SBF bros.

I totally agreed with Bro Ricky. Good things is hard to find lor. Big tree catch wind easily.:D

01-10-2006, 06:36 AM
Hi bro ricky
can PM me her location and contact

Tai Guan
04-10-2006, 09:42 PM
Yo to all bros,

Today had another round of massage with Xiao Fang. Since this is not my first FR so I'll not repeat again. Her skill is still beri the good, Hard working and never eat your time. If you guys want to go for solid massage, she ur choice. Too bad she only do HJ:( .

Damage: massage + HJ 80

Another sextisfied customer

04-10-2006, 10:45 PM
Hey all brother,I know this place lah.I had been there since being of this year when they start to operate and also a regular there.Last time they have 3 girls Li Li,xiao fang and xiao mei.Now leave xiao fang and xiao mei only.I even try xiao fang but normally i m xiao mei regular.
Xiao mei also very solid massage and attitude good.Brother may try.
Please keep this place low profile to avoid aaaaaaVVVV ok.If not we will miss this good place soon.

04-10-2006, 11:59 PM
any bro out there can pm me her contact as i'm into good massage... thanks...

06-10-2006, 11:28 AM
Hello Brothers,

Thanks to Bro Ricky for the contacts. Went down last night to try the massage. This is one of the best if not THE BEST. It is comparable to Xiao Hong and Zhao Tong. Xiao Fang wins by half a point.
I will not go into details but suffice to say that her massage is deep tissue type. Really goes into the groves of your muscle. You will feel the " sour soft pain" for a minute, then everything is loose.
Really recommend for brothers who want good massage.

One question only to Brother Ricky: SHe does only HJ ? Actually she is ok looking.....ANy chance for a FJ ?

Brothers, do not pm me for her contacts. I did not get any permission to do so.

Bro Feihong

06-10-2006, 01:03 PM
bro fei hong

can pm me the contact nos as i'm interested in gd & solid massage too :) many thanks in advance

06-10-2006, 01:11 PM
Hi bros here especially to bro ricky :p

heard & read so much abt the gd massage, can you pm me the contact & address as i really like to try it out... am having a bad shoulder pain for a few mths liao & looking 4 a gd massage to ease the pain... many thanks

06-10-2006, 07:40 PM
Hey all brother,I know this place lah.I had been there since being of this year when they start to operate and also a regular there.Last time they have 3 girls Li Li,xiao fang and xiao mei.Now leave xiao fang and xiao mei only.I even try xiao fang but normally i m xiao mei regular.
Xiao mei also very solid massage and attitude good.Brother may try.
Please keep this place low profile to avoid aaaaaaVVVV ok.If not we will miss this good place soon.

Hi Bro, can pm her contacts and venue. Thanks.

07-10-2006, 11:56 PM
Firstly I would like to thank ricky_shiok for giving me XF contact.
Finally found some time to go down this afternoon to try out her massage, I would say she really provide solid and powerful massage and is suitable for those who really need a good rub. Nowadays seldom come across such good massage and all are just like playing piano. Hope all bro can try to be more discreet in case we lost such good lobang.

My virgin FR :
Look: 7.5/10
Boobs: 7.5/10
Massage: 9/10
HJ: 8.5/10 ( No rushing )
RTF: Confirm YES
Damage: $30+$30+($10 Tips for her hardworking massage )

Sorry bro ricky unable to up u becos no power. But I will defintely put u in my priorty up list IF I have the power.

09-10-2006, 02:57 PM
pls pm me the contact. thanks

09-10-2006, 11:21 PM
can share with mi the place n contact ?
kindly PM mi ~ thx alot :)

09-10-2006, 11:43 PM
Hi Bro Ricky,

Appreciate if you could share this contact for such good massage. Many thanks.

10-10-2006, 12:24 AM
Have to Thank Bro Ricky for the intro.
Called XF and got a massage today.

A short FR follows:

Face: 6.0/10
Boobs: 7/10 (Small but perky..Nice!)
Massage: 8.5/10 (Good and really shiok)
BM+HJ : 7.5/10 (never rush and very good attitude)

To all the Brother, please keep this place as low profile as possible.
Really hard to find such place again..:D

10-10-2006, 06:31 AM
Appreciate if i can be pm the contact with thanks.

10-10-2006, 12:18 PM
Hi brudder

Will really appreciate if you can help to PM the contacts of this good masseuse, deeply appreciated.

Thanks manz:p

10-10-2006, 12:35 PM
For senior bros who have pm me and Bro freeman96 and merlionsg, I have pm u the contact. Hope u enjoy the good rub.

Just PM you. :)

10-10-2006, 01:32 PM
Can not wait longer ...
Anyone can pm me the address and contact?

10-10-2006, 01:57 PM
Hi Bro,

I have send you a PM do you think you can share the contacts of this XF?

Thanks in Advance

10-10-2006, 03:15 PM
can anyone who knows the contact and venue pm me? thanks......

10-10-2006, 08:03 PM
Bro Ricky,

Thanks for the contact. Went there this afternoon but was a bit surprised by the building opposite the place. Think they live by the phrase: 最危险的地方其实是最安全的地方。 Anyway, I didn't think I would be able to relax properly and left.

Thanks again for the contact but I'm afraid I'll have to give this place a miss... :(

10-10-2006, 08:48 PM
Hello fellow brothers,

me advise to be discreet with this place - it is moving towards an "over-expose" situation. by the rate we are multiplying on XF, it will be no time when we have to start all over again to search for similar power massage-cum-shiok-house

just me some thoughts.


10-10-2006, 08:56 PM
...Please keep this place low profile to avoid aaaaaaVVVV ok. If not we will miss this good place soon.Right... must AVoid any unwanted close screwtiny... :D

11-10-2006, 09:38 AM
Really glad some bros here understand why I am slowing down this thread and already avoid replying in the thread directly. I do not want to over expose this place and avoidling attention.

As for newbie, hope u understand why I stop replying to u guys. For those who enjoy the service, do keep it low profile and please....Thanks :)

12-10-2006, 09:38 AM
Really glad some bros here understand why I am slowing down this thread and already avoid replying in the thread directly. I do not want to over expose this place and avoidling attention.

As for newbie, hope u understand why I stop replying to u guys. For those who enjoy the service, do keep it low profile and please....Thanks :)

Mini FR on XF:

Look: 5/10 (normal)
Skin: 7/10 (good, smooth)
Massage: 7/10 (good, hardworking)
HJ: 7/10 (good, enjoyable)
Damage: 70 (1 hour massage + HJ) (good)

BTW, to ricky_shiok, just up your rep points. POWER!

Tai Guan
12-10-2006, 10:55 PM

Today I tot of going to try Xiao Fang again, but waited for her very long she still MIA.

So bo pian, just take up Xiao Mei

Xiao Mei FR:

Looks: 6/10
Shape: 5/10 (a bit plump)
Boobs: 8/10
Massage: 8/10 (I still prefer Xiao Fang)
HJ: Slow and steady. Also know how to tease my bro.:D
Damage: 60 (1hr + HJ)
RTF: will call her if Xiao Fang is not ard.:D

14-10-2006, 12:29 AM
hi bro Rick,
i am looking forward to enjoying this solid massage by Xiao Fang. Is it possible to PM me the contacts and address?

16-10-2006, 06:46 PM
Really glad some bros here understand why I am slowing down this thread and already avoid replying in the thread directly. I do not want to over expose this place and avoidling attention.

As for newbie, hope u understand why I stop replying to u guys. For those who enjoy the service, do keep it low profile and please....Thanks :)

I am a regular of this joint as i stay near there, agree with Bro Ricky to keep this place as low profile as possible.

most joints in the location are already closed down, due to the ruling.

so those who know this place is, just enjoy the services lah. :D

17-10-2006, 11:43 AM
Bro ahchua and those regular to this outlet, I apologies for bringing to much attention to this place. I also receive sms over the weekend from some of my buddies who are regular there too that this place is getting to hot.

Hence I will stop this thread here for good.

1) For those who have the contact, enjoy the service but keep it low profile

Hope all bros understand. Happy cheonging .....Cheeers

17-10-2006, 03:23 PM
Bro ahchua and those regular to this outlet, I apologies for bringing to much attention to this place. I also receive sms over the weekend from some of my buddies who are regular there too that this place is getting to hot.

Hence I will stop this thread here for good.

1) For those who have the contact, enjoy the service but keep it low profile

Hope all bros understand. Happy cheonging .....Cheeers


peter boy 44
16-11-2006, 01:23 AM
Really glad some bros here understand why I am slowing down this thread and already avoid replying in the thread directly. I do not want to over expose this place and avoidling attention.

As for newbie, hope u understand why I stop replying to u guys. For those who enjoy the service, do keep it low profile and please....Thanks :)
Bros please tell me the name of the girl ?

23-11-2006, 11:34 AM
Was very busy lately hence not on SBF for a while. Receive a call last friday from Xiao Fang that she will be going back on monday together with Xiao Mei. She was so sad. Had my last long session with her last weekend.

Hence for all bro out there, Xiao Fang has left on 20/11 together with Xiao Mei. Hopefully one day she may return..... For the time being... holiday is round the corner, hope all bros has a nice cheonging season, cheers ......:)

Really GoodBye to this thread....