View Full Version : Looking for SEX pill
06-08-2006, 12:06 PM
Dear all bros here,
May i know anyone of u here have lobang regarding the 'pill' which can make girls high and willing to make lovw with u....
Anyone know about this and price and how to get it,pls let me know...!
Thanks in advanceD!!
06-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Dear all bros here,
May i know anyone of u here have lobang regarding the 'pill' which can make girls high and willing to make lovw with u....
Anyone know about this and price and how to get it,pls let me know...!
Thanks in advanceD!!
You must be kidding rite....
if got also I keep to myself hehehehe!
anyway I'm waiting for boms away..soon .....:eek:
06-08-2006, 06:13 PM
There have been reported deaths in the past due to this sort of thing.
If you have plans of using this without the knowledge and consent of the other party, think again of the possible consequences.
07-08-2006, 04:26 PM
Threadstarer... u give cheongsters a bad name... if u cannot tackle the ger... and cannot afford to pay... den stay at home and PCC... Recharge and Zap... :mad:
07-08-2006, 05:29 PM
yes ,i agree bro KLKOOL.say....
fresh_Man .don`t need use this lah....try tackle the ger...if you real can not can try this.i don`t know you believe or not,but this is go to veterinary give the pig drink sex liquid medicine.the liquid medicine is not colour and smell..and you put in the walter give the girl drink.
(good result is beer ,because i try before).after 15 mint you will see the girl can not sit diam -diam in they.and you just use you finger touch she ear.after about 10 mint.she will auto ask you to sex...:p
08-08-2006, 10:04 AM
yes ,i agree bro KLKOOL.say....
fresh_Man .don`t need use this lah....try tackle the ger...if you real can not can try this.i don`t know you believe or not,but this is go to veterinary give the pig drink sex liquid medicine.the liquid medicine is not colour and smell..and you put in the walter give the girl drink.
(good result is beer ,because i try before).after 15 mint you will see the girl can not sit diam -diam in they.and you just use you finger touch she ear.after about 10 mint.she will auto ask you to sex...:pYou another cartoon character. First you agree with what KLKOOL say, then you tell fresh_Man instead of using pill use sex liquid. What cock you talking about?:mad:
08-08-2006, 10:18 AM
>she will auto ask you to sex...:
Right...just after that she goes into cardiac arrest.
08-08-2006, 10:28 AM
ha..ha...ha...:D :D
08-08-2006, 10:36 AM
.........What cock you talking about?:mad:
dont hot la bro, later i bring u to test water:p
08-08-2006, 10:40 AM
>she will auto ask you to sex...:
Right...just after that she goes into cardiac arrest.
:D ... cooolest kekekeke
08-08-2006, 10:54 AM
dont hot la bro, later i bring u to test water:p Sorry lah bro. This whole week very farking busy. Will confirm look for you next week.;)
sexy rabbit
08-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by shiok1968
Sorry lah bro. This whole week very farking busy. Will confirm look for you next week.
Hey bro, not only look for him, remember to "STAND UP FOR SILLYPORE" kekeke:D
08-08-2006, 03:23 PM
Dear brother fresh_man:
First you post in wrong thread, then ask for taboo medication,
One word of advice, RUN FAST !! BOMBS COMING YOUR WAY SOON !!
I sincerely wish you good luck!!!:p
09-08-2006, 12:02 AM
Threadstarer... u give cheongsters a bad name... if u cannot tackle the ger... and cannot afford to pay... den stay at home and PCC... Recharge and Zap... :mad:
that's why a few bros including me just meet for drinks sometimes.
if got Money who doesn't wanna Cheong! unless he prefers gays then our Bros are quite boleh tahan.... hahaha
09-08-2006, 02:25 PM
Dear all bros here,
May i know anyone of u here have lobang regarding the 'pill' which can make girls high and willing to make lovw with u....
Anyone know about this and price and how to get it,pls let me know...!
Thanks in advanceD!!
if me were u, i wud post a apology fast fast liao lor... wat u thinking?
be a gentlemen n stops thinking of using underhand method to bed a gal.
Always remember, make a gal's heart happy, and she'll make ur dick happy.
Fei Ge
09-08-2006, 04:17 PM
Threadstarer... u give cheongsters a bad name... if u cannot tackle the ger... and cannot afford to pay... den stay at home and PCC... Recharge and Zap... :mad:
I agree wif Bro Klkool... in Sillypore there is a place called Mt. Cold Turkey, a place for bros to cool down wen pocket kena burnt...... so Bro Klkool, any place in M'sia oso like Mt. Cold Turkey?? :D
09-08-2006, 05:01 PM
I agree wif Bro Klkool... in Sillypore there is a place called Mt. Cold Turkey, a place for bros to cool down wen pocket kena burnt...... so Bro Klkool, any place in M'sia oso like Mt. Cold Turkey?? :D
Mt. Cold Turkey is a place in your mind rite :rolleyes: For me... its burying myself at work...
11-08-2006, 11:21 PM
Using the pills on normal gals will be very bad
BUT... u can choose to disagree
Using it on LSB gals when u take them out is ok. Since u paid them for sex shouldn't u enjoy them when they're horny? U may say shoulda use my skill to make them horny but some of the gals dun even allow u to finger them... I'm not pro enough to make horny without my fingers
Of cause if the pills will cause perm disable or death then of cause dun use it, if it is like Ice/E then why not? Just make the.... event more happening and money well worth spending
12-08-2006, 01:12 AM
Who say Ice and E don't cause permanent damage?
Ice -
....may experience increased alertness, euphoria, appetite loss, dilated pupils, elevated heart rate, increased respiration, and elevated body temperature. Prolonged use can cause blurred vision, dizziness, loss of coordination, collapse and toxic psychosis. Prolonged use of ice will also cause damage to other organs, particularly the lungs, liver and kidneys. Heavy short-term or prolonged use can also cause delusional states or even a toxic psychosis similar to paranoid schizophrenia. Acute depression and fatigue may result when the use of ice is stopped. An overdose can result in high blood pressure, fever, stroke, heart failure and death.
E -
...Other effects can include involuntary teeth clenching, a loss of inhibitions, transfixion on sights and sounds, nausea, blurred vision, chills and/or sweating. Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as seizures, are also possible. The stimulant effects of the drug enable users to dance for extended periods, which when combined with the hot crowded conditions usually found at raves, can lead to severe dehydration and hyperthermia or dramatic increases in body temperature. This can lead to muscle breakdown and kidney, liver and cardiovascular failure. Cardiovascular failure has been reported in some of the Ecstasy-related fatalities.
After-effects can include sleep problems, anxiety and depression.
Repeated use of Ecstasy ultimately may damage the cells that produce serotonin, which has an important role in the regulation of mood, appetite, pain, learning and memory. There already is research suggesting Ecstasy use can disrupt or interfere with memory.
Are you taking ice or E yourself? If is good enough for the LSB gals you sleep with it must also be good enough for you, right? Or maybe not...
12-08-2006, 09:31 AM
Who say Ice and E don't cause permanent damage?
Are you taking ice or E yourself? If is good enough for the LSB gals you sleep with it must also be good enough for you, right? Or maybe not...
Wah liao... I can take to HUKM Drug ward and look at the catatonic state and coma some of the E and ICE takers are in. My friend is a doctor there... that ward is the reason i dun take the shit... looking at the lives destroyed... not just by the victims... but also their families... sigh...
12-08-2006, 12:32 PM
Free tour of KL General Hospital drug ward. Mari-mari, ralfhero. KLKool would be your tour guide. :D
I read stories about farangs taking back yabba-addicted thai gals. They hide all the sharp objects in the room first. :eek:
12-08-2006, 01:01 PM
Using the pills on normal gals will be very bad
BUT... u can choose to disagree
Using it on LSB gals when u take them out is ok. Since u paid them for sex shouldn't u enjoy them when they're horny? U may say shoulda use my skill to make them horny but some of the gals dun even allow u to finger them... I'm not pro enough to make horny without my fingers
Of cause if the pills will cause perm disable or death then of cause dun use it, if it is like Ice/E then why not? Just make the.... event more happening and money well worth spendingI beg to differ on your opinions. LSB girls also girls. Even if you have paid for sex, the least you can do is still respect these girls. If they dun allow you to finger, then there are many other ways to make them horny. Even if in the end, she resists everything and turns out to be a dead fish, then let it be. Just dun look for the same girl again.:rolleyes:
There are so many different types of pills in this world. What these pills will cause, no one will know until it happens. Are you willing to take this risk? Any kind of medicine or pills will create a certain reaction esp if you take alcohal. The risk you take just to make it more happening and worthwhile.... just isn't worth it.:rolleyes:
Just my 2 cents worth. Cheers.
12-08-2006, 01:38 PM
I beg to differ on your opinions. LSB girls also girls. Even if you have paid for sex, the least you can do is still respect these girls. If they dun allow you to finger, then there are many other ways to make them horny. Even if in the end, she resists everything and turns out to be a dead fish, then let it be. Just dun look for the same girl again.:rolleyes:
There are so many different types of pills in this world. What these pills will cause, no one will know until it happens. Are you willing to take this risk?
Just my 2 cents worth. Cheers.
Agreed!! Good point!! Money wasted Booking Dead fishes is small issue!!Making the poor ladies sick is worst thing to do!!Respect them...let them make some decent money from U and Us!WE have also Families 2 support !just like the ladies......treat them nice and they will 2!
12-08-2006, 05:15 PM
Who say Ice and E don't cause permanent damage?
Are you taking ice or E yourself? If is good enough for the LSB gals you sleep with it must also be good enough for you, right? Or maybe not...
Yes i agree ice and E cause perm damage and all but i do not believe perm damage and death will happen in just one usage unless u overdose it. Just like smoking it will kill u but still people smoke knowing all the perm cause, every stick shorten your life by mins yadi yadi ya, anyway... i smoke :D so i in no way saying bad about smokers :p
True i know i shoulda respect the gals even though i pay them this is why i never used any on any gals before, i like to go malaysia instead where the gals are much more fun and playful and of cause... much cheaper haha cheers JB
12-08-2006, 05:23 PM
oh ya, i forgot to say i dun use drugs, i dun force people to use drugs, i personally disagree people from using drugs but i dun judge or stop people that take drugs. So dun take drugs ya, danger is there but if u choose to take drugs den take care ya, dun overdose yourself and harm yourself. :)
Guess my "everything have to try once" attitude involve a lot on my decision in life haha
12-08-2006, 09:44 PM
It sounds like you are backpedalling from your initial post. :confused:
Anyway, small doses might not cause permanent damage but it does feed an addiction. Think about that.
Fei Ge
13-08-2006, 08:27 AM
I suggest take Tongkat Ali pills for yourself to enhance your performance..... it will be no use if the gal is high but u can't perform....
but if u can perform, the gal will be high.....:)
from Sex Act 73 Section 4 Clause 3.....
19-08-2006, 02:17 PM
Dear all bros,
I hope my thread does not offended anyone of u all. My purpose of asking the 'sex pil' here is not for illegal usage or purpose as few bros mentioned above.
I have a girl friend who is a virgin but she is cold in sex, everytime i ask for sex, she saying that she has no feeling on it. After discussion, we decided try to use pil but i really dont know where to get it in JB.
Hopefully bros here can help me..thanks in million.
19-08-2006, 03:48 PM
If she is cold towards sex (because still virgin?), just let her be. Why don't you wait for her to ask you for sex instead? :D
Want to de-virginize your girlfriend, best (for her, not you) to do it while she is completely sober and not under the influence of any pill. That is if you really cared for her.
23-08-2006, 04:50 AM
yes ,i agree bro KLKOOL.say....
fresh_Man .don`t need use this lah....try tackle the ger...if you real can not can try this.i don`t know you believe or not,but this is go to veterinary give the pig drink sex liquid medicine.the liquid medicine is not colour and smell..and you put in the walter give the girl drink.
(good result is beer ,because i try before).after 15 mint you will see the girl can not sit diam -diam in they.and you just use you finger touch she ear.after about 10 mint.she will auto ask you to sex...:p
Aiyo! U just stumble into Ketamine or K. That is illegal here oh. :eek:
25-08-2006, 01:08 AM
[sex, she saying that she has no feeling on it. After discussion, we decided try to use pil but i really dont know where to get it in JB.
Hopefully bros here can help me..thanks in million.[/QUOTE]
26-08-2006, 08:04 AM
Does any bros here know where to get stud 100 in JB? but no imitation please for sure
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