View Full Version : 小强 giving me blue balls. (Real problem

23-11-2015, 01:14 PM
Hi guys.

Here's a question I never ever though I asked ever in my life. But I need some ideas/help to finding a damn cockroach that found its way into my room of all places. I need to find it and kill it.

Here's the story. my FB was over at my place on sat night. When an uninvited guest decided to fucking show up. An actual cockroach. Lights were off, me and my FB were at 2nd base and somehow. The woman noticed something else was around. Naturally, she panicked and we turn on the lights and found the damn bug on my bed trying to run for cover. It succeeded.

Anyways, I found the damn pest clinging onto my mattress after I removed it from the bed frame. Tried to grab it with plastic bag. But failed. Dunno what happened. The bugger just dissapeared after that. Both my FB and I cannot figure out where it went. There is no corpse. It just vanished. Tried to find but cannot find. In the end she went home at 4am leaving me with a mystery 小强 and my dick in my hand.

Now normally, the cockroach is stupid enough to show it self again, running around my room floor. That's what usually happens when I get a visit from them. But this time, I am seeing nothing. It's been 2 days now and my FB is refusing to come over to my place again until I can deliver a damn corpse.

I think it's still in hiding. But I dunno where. Something tells me it's actually inside of my mattress under my bed sheet. But I cannot be sure. Anyhow have any ideas on how I can smoke the thing out so I can kill it?

23-11-2015, 01:16 PM
Not sure how effective are these but you can try them out

PS:If you're living in Queensland and needs to know a list of noxious fish species, I can also share you this link:

These fishes are vermins. Especially THE largemouth bass.

23-11-2015, 01:36 PM
Not sure how effective are these but you can try them out

PS:If you're living in Queensland and needs to know a list of noxious fish species, I can also share you this link:

These fishes are vermins. Especially THE largemouth bass.

Largemouth Bass is from Australia..your knowledge is really solid. Come I clap for u, stinky mouth.

23-11-2015, 01:38 PM
Spray Baygon or something similar ..... should work :)

23-11-2015, 01:53 PM
Eh. I live Singapore leh. Lol.

23-11-2015, 01:57 PM

23-11-2015, 02:00 PM
Eh. I live Singapore leh. Lol.

Ahahahaha! Damn epic. U can try fumigation or just clean out your whole room (maciam remove all furnitures and clean all ur furnitures and your belongings before placing them back into your bedroom) and get a new mattress.

Otherwise just have sex at other places if your gf is an adventurous girl, or go budget hotels, they charge about 50-60 for one or two hours i think.

23-11-2015, 02:48 PM
Ahahahaha! Damn epic. U can try fumigation or just clean out your whole room (maciam remove all furnitures and clean all ur furnitures and your belongings before placing them back into your bedroom) and get a new mattress.

Otherwise just have sex at other places if your gf is an adventurous girl, or go budget hotels, they charge about 50-60 for one or two hours i think.

IKR!! Of all the places that tmd choose my bed. First time. Hai.... trying to avoid getting a new mattress and swapping furniture. Once a year sighting usually no problems but now...... Kana one Macam commando trained

23-11-2015, 03:11 PM
Just flip your entire room up and spray with baygon.

Try keeping your room neat and simple. Don't store unnecessary things like Karung guni. Last time got 2 roaches died long time ago in my room till I really clean my entire room up fully then found them.

My worse experience, there was once I was playing my pc at mid night, then a roach suddenly came from nowhere resting on my pc speaker, then I shout/spray baygon, it quickly ran away.

23-11-2015, 03:58 PM
Hi guys.

Here's a question I never ever though I asked ever in my life. But I need some ideas/help to finding a damn cockroach that found its way into my room of all places. I need to find it and kill it.

brudder i tell u 1 real incident hor, i last time oso got dis same prob 1 wk canot find & u kno where i found it? inside de air con unit cos wet wet & cockroach no need eat oso wun die so fast :eek: i found out becos eveytime i hear scratchin sounds fm de air con so i open up de cover & it ran out :mad:

23-11-2015, 03:59 PM
PS:If you're living in Queensland and needs to know a list of noxious fish species, I can also share you this link:

These fishes are vermins. Especially THE largemouth bass.

brudder ur reply veri funni :D suddenly got tok abt fish :p

ah rat
23-11-2015, 04:37 PM
Ts,cockroach also want to see u piak yr FB.The only way is to invite me there.While you & FB piaking.I will help you catch them :D

23-11-2015, 05:58 PM
Ur dead ancestor visiting u...

Next time send ur FB over, I help u settle her. Lol

23-11-2015, 07:14 PM
Use Baygon Roach Bait from NTUC and other supermarkets. Put in your room, bathroom and kitchen. Comes in packs of 3 or 4.

23-11-2015, 08:29 PM
bro no need find. just get a dead xiao qiang downstair to show yr fb haha

23-11-2015, 09:46 PM
brudder i tell u 1 real incident hor, i last time oso got dis same prob 1 wk canot find & u kno where i found it? inside de air con unit cos wet wet & cockroach no need eat oso wun die so fast :eek: i found out becos eveytime i hear scratchin sounds fm de air con so i open up de cover & it ran out :mad:

Wah brother. My grandfather also saying the same thing now. Fucker must be hiding in the air con. Too cold the run out. Think the fucker is there all the while. My FB she say she heard a soft thud sound before she sense that something there.

Ask me to spray vinegar around my room. To suffocate it. Lolx. So far nothing yet

23-11-2015, 09:48 PM
Just flip your entire room up and spray with baygon.

Try keeping your room neat and simple. Don't store unnecessary things like Karung guni. Last time got 2 roaches died long time ago in my room till I really clean my entire room up fully then found them.

My worse experience, there was once I was playing my pc at mid night, then a roach suddenly came from nowhere resting on my pc speaker, then I shout/spray baygon, it quickly ran away.

Flipping in progress. Lol... Still waiting for the fucker to come out.
This is probably my worst cockroach experience. Literally kana ambush by it.

23-11-2015, 09:50 PM
Ts,cockroach also want to see u piak yr FB.The only way is to invite me there.While you & FB piaking.I will help you catch them :D

I think you'd be taking pics rather than catching :p

23-11-2015, 09:53 PM
bro no need find. just get a dead xiao qiang downstair to show yr fb haha

Haha.. That was my first instinct. she also know, told me dun anyhow.
Anyways such thing hard to bluff. Later she come back that the chibai appear again. I maybe have to find new FB. Lolx. You know a woman is freaked out when she chooses to cab back to the west at 4 in the morning. :(

23-11-2015, 10:06 PM
I think you'd be taking pics rather than catching :p

Ah rat wants to teh neh 2 nothing more nothing less.

23-11-2015, 10:24 PM
Ah rat wants to teh neh 2 nothing more nothing less.

Haha. She dun mind I dun mind. Starting already I wanna to video my FB le. But she dun let. All I got was a secretly taken video my own dick going in and out of her from behind.

But the data lost Liao. Sianz