View Full Version : 380 new HIV cases reported in Singapore this year

01-12-2015, 11:45 PM

about 40% were heterosexual. its on the rise. just curious how many % of these 40% are females.

if the majority are males, that means there are quite a number of females who are undiagnosed.

02-12-2015, 08:33 PM
surely there are alot more cases that are not diagnosed and surely these groups will continue to spread the virus. the reported numbers probably just show the tip of an iceberg.

03-12-2015, 11:33 PM
The numbers are seriously quite worrying.

04-12-2015, 06:12 PM
surely there are alot more cases that are not diagnosed and surely these groups will continue to spread the virus. the reported numbers probably just show the tip of an iceberg.

Thats why its always better to always test if you are sexually active, but yes you do have a very valid point bro

04-12-2015, 07:09 PM
Actually the figures are misleading and on the low side as I understand only those above 21 are tested..... but many below 21 are also sexually active.
Since they need to have parents' consent so many of them do not go for testing.

07-12-2015, 08:25 AM
In short, condom not safe. useless. I am wondering how many did it with condom still failed. How many people patronize CSW? How many engaged in gay sex? I think by saying this, alot will criticize me. I've sinned. I hope god gimme another 2nd chance. I really pray for it.

14-12-2015, 04:42 PM
In short, condom not safe. useless. I am wondering how many did it with condom still failed. How many people patronize CSW? How many engaged in gay sex? I think by saying this, alot will criticize me. I've sinned. I hope god gimme another 2nd chance. I really pray for it.

So u fuck one time take one time pep lol ....joker moron

15-12-2015, 08:20 AM
Some idoits still want to go raw with fls.

16-12-2015, 04:04 AM
U sure or not? people go raw with FL? I really dun believe. Most FLs dun allow that. Almost 90% doesn't allow raw. Why the increase in HIV cases? All mostly guys. My thoughts are most of them fuck prostitutes (usually foreigner staying here for short while). That is why the rate for guys are so bloody high. Is there any data for this spike? I am damn fucking worried.

16-12-2015, 09:42 AM
Most FLs dun allow that. Almost 90% doesn't allow raw.

Can you please share the source of this statistic? Thanks.

16-12-2015, 05:33 PM
Can you please share the source of this statistic? Thanks.


He is a troll at best !!! I bet he cannot provide proof of his test ....

17-12-2015, 03:20 PM
Some idoits still want to go raw with fls.

so true ... they are totally nuts

18-12-2015, 08:41 PM
Practically all FLs advertised in this forum that says 'Strictly no raw'. All based on this forum. I dun know about others. I assume those who frequently visits FLs will definitely read up from this forum or get recommendations from here.

19-12-2015, 07:49 AM
Some idoits still want to go raw with fls.

Why will they Wana go raw???

Raw is war!!

Also, then they say homosexual... U meant they does it raw??

20-12-2015, 02:01 PM
I notice there is not much educational stuffs on tv regarding hiv.

25-12-2015, 07:01 PM
Practically all FLs advertised in this forum that says 'Strictly no raw'. All based on this forum. I dun know about others. I assume those who frequently visits FLs will definitely read up from this forum or get recommendations from here.

bro do they practice 'Strictly no raw' in reality :p

30-12-2015, 11:44 PM
nothing money cant buy. if someone offers extra for raw, im sure the WL will take the bait.

02-01-2016, 06:15 PM
bro do they practice 'Strictly no raw' in reality :p

Good point also, hmm

02-01-2016, 09:24 PM
how many people discover themselves with life-threatening illnesses like cancer etc every month...so what's there to worry...

as long as use protection and do due diligence...everything else is beyond our control...:D

02-01-2016, 09:29 PM
Why will they Wana go raw???

Raw is war!!

Also, then they say homosexual... U meant they does it raw??

Here is the MOH link...97% male.


50% MSM, 10% bisexual, 40% heterosexual

OH..one more thing..."shitty ass" quit posting this stupid "raw is war"..first off, it isn't and second...the people on this list are NOT morons..they know the risks and decide for themselves....you don't have to lecture to us all, we're not little babies. Same comments to all you BROS that love to remind people to use protection....give it a break, everyone knows and they make their own choices. Are you all "public service announcements" or what???