View Full Version : A Pleasant Surpise from a Part-Time Job
10-12-2015, 10:11 AM
Hello everyone,
This is my humble sharing of my encounter with an intern while working in my part-time job. After a series of events, I got a pleasant surprise and I would love to share my experience with all of you. As this is my first experience, it is hard for me to contain my excitement. As such, your kind patience and understanding is appreciated. Also thanks in advance for your support :)
Chapter 1 - The Encounter
It was due to start a new part time job at a local tourist destination. I was looking forward to it as the pay was good and the environment is actually quite nice. Unfortunately, the travelling time was slightly too long, and the bus service was not very frequent.
As it was my first day, I arrived slightly before reporting time and was guided to enter a conference room for the HR brief. There were some people there already and I quickly found a seat while waiting for the briefing to start. I was looking around and saw that there were also people that I have never seen before. Then there was this cute-looking Chinese girl with her black thick-frame spectacles sitting across the table with her group of friends who caught my attention. She was just talking to her friends, and was easily the only girl worth looking at in the whole room.
During the brief, I got to know that the group of people were actually students from a tourism course doing their internship for a few months. When they went through the department list, I was pleasantly surprised to know that that girl was rostered into the same department that I am going to work for and her name was Kristy. I decided at that point that I would like to know her better :)
Kristy is very interesting, she had a voice that sounded quite high pitched and spoke like a young girl. I listened to her introduction and felt that she was just so young and innocent. One of the seniors asked her if she was in relationship, and she said that she just broken up earlier this year. I heard that, and was nodding my head for some reasons.
I was very attracted to her ass that was nicely outlined by the curves of her jeans. She had a nicely rounded butt with nice thighs that looked so soft that you really wand to feel it. Her boobs were not very defined, just that you can see the shape pushing out from the uniform. For some reason, I found myself checking her butt out very frequently during the department orientation.
I managed to get an invite to go for lunch with the rest of the newbies and I tried my best to grab a seat facing Kristy. Immediately I could smell her perfume, it was strong, sweet and it somehow threw me off my feet. Throughout lunch I was listening to her, watching her lips as she speaks and enjoying her fragrance of her perfume. It was at that time when I realized that I am fantasizing about her.
10-12-2015, 10:52 AM
Got a picture of Kristy ? :)
10-12-2015, 11:36 AM
Got a picture of Kristy ? :)
if naked then better :D
10-12-2015, 03:33 PM
Time to look for a part time job
10-12-2015, 06:02 PM
Chapter 2 - When Things Became Real
In the weeks that followed, the newbies kind of formed a clique. We became lunch buddies, created a whatsapp group chat and even hung out together after work. The more I worked, the more I find myself getting more comfortable with Kristy and vice versa. I looked forward to seeing the daily work schedule to see if I will be partnered with her for the day. Even if I am not, I will try my best to swap with the other people so that I will ultimately end up with the same schedule as her.
When I am working with her, we joked and I decided to get a little cheeky by putting my hand on her shoulders sometimes when I joke. I was worries that she might be uncomfortable, but she seemed to be cool with it. Bit by bit, our interaction became so comfortable that I could put my arm around her shoulders and she would slap my butt some times to get my attention. This made me fantasize even more, wanting to get my hands around more of her body. Sometimes I find myself hovering around her facebook and imagining the infinite what-ifs if this was taken to the next level.
Shit became real when my army buddy texted me one day about another part-time event helper job. I looked at the work schedule and Kristy was available on that day too. I playfully asked if she wanted to make extra bucks on her off day and to my surprise, she agreed! I was happy because this was the time I could finally be "alone" with her with the protection from her schoolmates.
On the day of the event, I met her up early at the MRT station and went for breakfast at the nearby Ya Kun before reporting to the event. While the food is good as always, the view I had in front of me was even better. Kristy wore a spag top, with a pair of shorts that was short enough to get me excited. I could tell for sure now that her breasts were not big at all, possibly an A cup. I could see her pink bra lace peeking out from the top of the spag top, and the small-ness of the tits made it look like mini cupcakes on her chest. It got me curious to find out what it is like to bang a girl with small tits (For some reason, I got really interested in small tits porn after that haha).
While she was ordering her food, I got to see her beautiful legs for the first time and it was fair, smooth and slightly fleshy. Her shorts wrapped around her ass like a gift in wrapping paper, waiting for me to unwrap it slowly. It was her ass, really her ass that provided a great view which got me so excited about her body.
I decided to crank up the level of kinkiness a little by asking her over breakfast, some questions that would make things a little more expensive.
Me: Wah, your dressing today is very different from the normal things you wear at our other work place leh.
Kristy: Haha, are you checking me out? Today I felt it was very hot mah, so I wear like this lo. I got bring jeans in my bag, later reach there then change.
Me: Orh... You wear like that so I decided to look lo. I am actually enjoying this alot. Hahahaha.
Kristy: Ahem, excuse me!? What do you mean that you enjoying ah? So dirty leh you. Don't let you see ah!
Me: Haha okay okay, I am just kidding. But I like how you dress today. Very cute and fits my style a lot.
I could tell from her smile that she liked the way that I complimented her dressing and we had a great breakfast and a great walk to the event area after that. What came during work that day was truly unexpected and eventually led to a great, big surprise.
10-12-2015, 06:24 PM
Support for new story :)
10-12-2015, 10:33 PM
Very flirtatious. Very nice.
10-12-2015, 10:36 PM
Nice. Camping here.
10-12-2015, 10:41 PM
Good start ...... camping for more :)
11-12-2015, 12:38 AM
camping here too!! :D
11-12-2015, 01:17 AM
Nice build up to the story. Please continue.
11-12-2015, 02:29 AM
Chapter 2b - When Things Became Real (Part 2)
Our job during that event was basically to look after the information booth. There was also another part timer Fiza, who was posted to man the counter with us, she had worked there several times and was very familiar with how things work. She was nice enough to guide Kristy and I, but actually she was doing most of the work.
In the final few hours before closing, the three of us were bored to tears. The customer flow was quite bad and there was really absolutely nothing to do. We were mostly on our phones and battery quickly became an issue as there wasnt a power point provided for us to charge our devices. At this point, Fiza suggested that we play some games to pass time as it was getting boring. Kristy and I were up for it so we started playing some boring games like "chopsticks" etc. As you would expect it, the fun didnt even last for 5 minutes and we were back to square one.
Fiza then came up with another idea to play the all-time favourite, Truth of Dare. That caught Kristy's attention and I had some thoughts of my own on how to play this game. *Evil grins*
The game was conducted by having each of us to take turns to ask a question, we can choose any of the other 2 players to answer it. If the person does not want to answer the question, he/she can choose to do the dare instead.
With the rules clear to everyone, we quickly began the game. As Fiza became the first person, I chose to be second thereby making Kristy the third.
The game started off slow, asking questions like "What is your O Level grades", "Have you drank alcohol before" and such. After the 3rd round, I thought I should make things a little more fun for everyone and so the REAL game started.
Me: Kristy, have you ever had dirty thoughts before?
Kristy: Wah lao eh. You cannot play cheat leh! I dont want to answer, I choose to do the dare.
Me: Hahaha, it's okay. The dare would be erm.. to approach a male stranger and tell him about this event.
Kristy: Lame leh you. Okay I go.
Kristy left the booth and stood along the walkway finding her target. It turns out that the dare was not very easy for her, she suddenly found it hard to approach a random guy and I could see that she was very shy. Each time she found a "target", she would hesitate and the person would have walked away. She turned around, stared at me with her lips pouted and made the sound "hmph!". I swear she looked really cute with that fake angry look, haha!
After she finally completed the dare, she came back to the counter and stuck out her tongue:
Kristy: Blehhh! Later your turn then you watch out ah!
Me: (Smiling to myself, hehehehe)
I am not sure if Fiza noticed what I was intending to do or if she is just playing along with my drift. She also started to ask questions that were sexual in nature. I was surprised but I liked where it was going.
Fiza: Jumbo, among all the girls working today (there were more girls around that day) who would you choose to fuck if you had to?
Me: Wah this question very hard to answer leh! Can choose more that one? Haha just kidding... I think I will choose Kristy la.
Kristy: Tsk! You very what leh....
Me: Aiyo the game needs me to tell the truth mah, who ask you so pretty!
Kristy: (Started to blush...) Aiya whatever la, what is your question?
Me: Have you ever touched yourself when you are having naughty thoughts?
Kristy: Ehh... Whats the dare...?
Me: Hmmm, if you dont want to answer then you have to kiss the computer screen.
Kristy: (Immediately looks at the computer screen and gave it a peck)
Me: Hahahaha, you really like to do the dares hor? Okay Fiza, what is your question?
Fiza: I choose to ask Kristy! Kristy, if Jumbo appears at your door at night asking for sex, would you do it?
When I heard this question, my ears suddenly twitched. I think Fiza knows that I am interested in Kristy so she is teasing her by asking questions like that. Even so, I really wanted to know the answers too.
Kristy: Ahhhh... You also ah? What you want me to do now..?
Fiza: Haha like that fun what! If you dont answer, then you have to french kiss with Jumbo in the storeroom behind.
Kristy: Haiss.. If Jumbo comes to find me at night for sex, I think I will say yes la..
I heard the answer but it was so unbelievable that I had to replay it in my mind over and over again to ensure that I didnt hear wrongly. Did she somehow just admit that she would consider to have sex with me if I asked her? I was very very surprised but had to remain calm.
Me: Huh? Really or not? Dont bluff la hahaha.
Kristy: Your turn already, what you wanna ask?
Me: Okay la, I give you chance. Fiza, have you masturbated before?
Fiza: Have la of course. You think I shy about this meh?
Kristy: Hahaha! Okay la my turn! I will copy Fiza's question and ask Jumbo. If a girl goes to your door at night and ask to have sex with you, will you do it?
Me: Hmmm. If is auntie then I dont want la. If you then okay lor!
Kristy: (Nods her head silently.)
Fiza: Okay, Jumbo! How long is your dick?
Me: Wtf? You want to know for what? Whats the dare?
Fiza: The dare is the same as what I gave Kristy just now, go french her in the storeroom.
My heart immediately beat faster. I knew this was my chance to increase my physical contact with Kristy. I looked at her and she looked very shy. She didnt say anything, and most importantly, SHE DID NOT REJECT!
Me: So how? Lets go?
Kristy: Umm... Okay..
Fiza walked us to the storeroom and shut the door. She stood outside and gave us some privacy. I looked around to ensure that there were no cameras, and there we were in that interesting situation...
Kristy's eyes were looking all over the place, she seemed scared. I looked at her and told her that it is just a game. And since Fiza was not here, we could just fake a kiss and thats it. I leaned slightly nearer while I was talking to her and suddenly she put her arms around my back and pulled me in closer. Our lips touched, and I had a few seconds to react. "Continue or stop? Continue or stop?"
I went ahead with the kiss and I moved my hands from the wall and placed them on her lower back area. As we kissed, I moved my hands around her back to feel her bra strap, her curvy waist and her beautifully rounded butt that I was fantasizing about since Day 1. By now my dick was rock hard and I became so horny that I slid my tongue through her lips to explore her mouth. Our tongues met and I could feel the texture of her soft tongue, the outline of her teeth and the grooves inside her mouth.
After about 10 seconds, I could hear Fiza knock on the door and we stopped. Kristy saw my erection and smiled at me with an innocent and shy look. I signalled her to go out first while I adjusted my erection so that it will not look so obscene. My mind at that time could not think of anything except the fact that what just happened really happened and I was not dreaming.
I could not carry on with the game with the awkward erection, so I took a walk around the event area until about closing time before I went back to help carry some chairs and tables. Kristy and I walked to the MRT station together, we didnt talk much but we knew something was different.
11-12-2015, 03:33 AM
Very good update TS
11-12-2015, 08:10 AM
Very lucky u.. Luckier than Tio bepio..
Recent stories ya,, u still together by the time u construct the stories?
11-12-2015, 08:41 AM
Very lucky u.. Luckier than Tio bepio..
Recent stories ya,, u still together by the time u construct the stories?
Haha its good that you noticed. Our rship now will also be mentioned towards the ending of the story. Stay tuned!
11-12-2015, 08:53 AM
Got a picture of Kristy ? :)
if naked then better :D
Haha guys, I tried to hold out the camera to take a pic of her tiny tits but she got upset about it. Let's see how things go in time to come :)
11-12-2015, 11:06 AM
Chapter 3 - Sealing the Deal
I was kept up the whole night and found it very hard to sleep. The intense moment that Kristy and I shared earlier was running through my mind non-stop. I could recall how she smelled like and the feeling that I got from hugging her and touching her body intimately. I was hoping a wet dream, but I didnt get one, haha.
The next morning was as normal as it could be, I was not working and was just sleeping. It was probably around 10.00am when the message tone of my phone rang. I looked at my phone and saw a message from Kristy, I got up quickly and started to reply her messages..
Kristy: Hey umm.. I didnt sleep well last night. Alot of things on my mind.
Me: Ohh. I didnt really sleep well too. You want to talk about it?
Kristy: Yea...But um.. I dont know where to start.
Me: If thats the case, then lets continue the game from yesterday? We will take turns to ask each other a question and we have to promise that we will answer each other truthfully. Okay?
Kristy: Hmm I guess we can try that.
Me: Okay, you go ahead.
Kristy: What did you feel about the thing in the storeroom yesterday?
Me: I think it was nice, sexy and I enjoyed it.
Kristy: Umm.. Okay. Your turn.
Me: Do you really mean it when you said that you would like to have sex with me if I asked?
Kristy: Aiyo, why your questions all so hard one. Yes it is true la. My turn already. What did you think of me when you first met me?
Me: I think that you are cute, and if it is possible I would like to have you for myself.
Kristy: Huh? Same leh, I was thinking the same thing too...
When I read that message, you can imagine the tons of thoughts the flowed through my head. Being a member of this forum, I too like other hopefuls have posted threads on looking for a FB but to no avail. So when Kristy replied this way, I was just so overwhelmed and did not know how to react even though I had wanted this for a long time.
Me: Okay my turn. How many other guys have you had sex with before?
Kristy: Umm.. I dont have sex with random people. Just 2.
Me: Huh, but you are 18 this year and you already...?
Kristy: Dont judge la please... My turn. Why didnt you say anything about wanting me before?
Me: Er, it is quite rude what... But now you know lo. Okay my turn. What is the naughtiest thing that you want a guy to do to you?
Kristy: I never really thought about it before, but I think I like it when the guy lick my pussy slowly and play with my nipples.
Me: Wah so adventurous ah. Okay I can do that.
Kristy: My turn now. What do you want to do to me if you can have me?
Me: I would like to get drunk with you and have drunk sex for the whole night.
Kristy: Hmm, not bad. Quite interesting.
Me: Then you leh? What would you do to me?
Kristy: I would tease your nipples while rubbing my pussy on your hard dick in my underwear. I want to make you very horny.
I was like *mind blown*, this is getting more interesting that I thought it would be. And honestly I could never have planned that my horny dreams of Kristy could actually come through.
Kristy: So what is our relationship now?
Me: Erm... I dont know. Maybe we can be FWB? or Bro/Sis?
Kristy: You are an asshole. But whatever.
Me: Eh sorry la. I dont know how to handle this mah.
Kristy: Nvm, whats your question.
Me: Okay, so when do you want to start?
Kristy: I dont know? Today?
Me: Huh, cannot la. Today I got things on. Tomorrow you can?
Kristy: Can, I'm free tomorrow after dinner.
Me: Okay, see how then. We confirm where to meet tomorrow.
And so, the deal was sealed. I will be having a date with my FB tomorrow :)
11-12-2015, 11:07 AM
Pitching tent here.
11-12-2015, 11:30 AM
Bump up this thread, cheers
11-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Haha guys, I tried to hold out the camera to take a pic of her tiny tits but she got upset about it. Let's see how things go in time to come :)
thanks bro, hope everything smooth and we see here soon :D
bump for you :p
11-12-2015, 03:04 PM
camping for more.. certainly a surprise..:D:D
11-12-2015, 06:13 PM
TS, please continue.
12-12-2015, 03:16 AM
Chapter 4 - The First Fuck
The day has arrived. My mind could not concentrate the whole day as I was thinking about what could possibly happen later at night. Many thoughts were running through my mind as if it was my first time having sex. I was thinking of whether to shave, what underwear to wear and what lubricants and condoms to buy.
I looked up the SBF forums to see if there are any good hourly hotels that arent too sleazy as I didnt want her to feel inferior or disgusted. Eventually, I found one on the internet that is near the central area which is quite affordable, and comes with free parking and properly cleaned rooms (bros can PM me if you need contact). I called the counter to see if prior booking is required, and it seems like I showed to the person over the phone that I was a newbie.
Later in the afternoon, I received a text from Kristy. She told me that she is having dinner with a friend and can meet me after that. The timing was okay for me as I could borrow my brother's car as he would already be back home.
Alas, 8pm came and I waited for her at the MRT station. She wore a collared shirt, and left the first 2 buttons open. The shirt hugged her skin nicely, and made her interesting figure more visible to me. The buttons on her shirt filled my mind with naughty thoughts of unbuttoning her shirt one by one during foreplay. Her skirt was short enough to show me her thighs and that gave my dick some tingling sensation while it hardened slowly in my underwear.
After she got in the car, the awkward silence crept in again. We were able to chat so freely through texting but cant even talk properly face to face, both of us were a little shy as the thought of our fucking session is about to happen soon.
Me: Erm... Did you have to wait long?
Kristy: Nah. It was okay. You eat already?
Me: Ya I ate just now... Erm.. You really want to do this?
Kristy: Um... If you dont want then we go home lo.
Me: Huh, er.. I want la. Scared you want to back out mah.
Kristy: Me? I'm okay la. Let me check if you really want or not.
Suddenly I felt my dick became very hard. Kristy actually reached out to grab my dick and started to rub it. Her strokes were playfully soft and felt really good.
Kristy: Wah. What is this? You are not kidding hor.
Me: You also quite serious... You not scared I lose control of the car meh?
Kristy: No la, I think you are more awake now right?
I wasnt awake, I was aroused. Her proactiveness opened up tons of imagination in my head and made me want to fuck her so badly. I could sense that I was driving faster and faster. Once we arrived, I quickly parked the vehicle, grabbed the CD and registered for the room. The room was basic but it was clean, we got clean sheets and clean towels at the least.
It was obvious that this session was going to happen, and that got both of us slightly anxious. I was on the bed while Kristy was just standing at the corner looking at me. I thought maybe I should tone down the naughty aspect a little and make her feel at ease, I then invited her to the bed and we both lay down together.
We looked at each other for awhile and I allowed my hands to go auto roaming around her body, she started to relax and gave my dick a good rub. I kissed her cheeks and moved to her lips worked my way into her mouth, she took over some control and started to explore my mouth with her tongue. It was great to feel her tongue rub against mine, as well as the occasional tongue sucking to show me what she could do with that little mouth of hers.
We kissed for awhile longer and went to the bathroom for a shower.
*Tips: For the girl to give you a thorough blowjob, be sure to wash your dick throughly. The salty taste and pungent smell turns them off totally.*
I moved my hand to the back of her short skirt, carefully removing the clasp and slowly unzipped it for her. Her ass was so round and fleshy, I wasted no time to give her ass a good rub and good squeeze. It was so soft and so smooth and gave me a good handful to grab.
I allowed her to stand in front of me and started to rub my hard dick on her butt, I then opened her button one by one and saw that she was wearing a blue lace bra, I took it off and I could feel the thick padding on her bra. It was true that her boobs are quite small, maybe some picky people would call it a flat chest, but small tits are usually paired with sensitive nipples. I grabbed her boobs from behind and fondled with the perky brownish nipples, she got so aroused that her nipples became very stiff as I kept touching them.
Kristy turned around and removed my t-shirt and then my shorts and underwear. She went to my nipples and licked it like a little kitten, I felt it was odd but it was so arousing for me. Her hands grabbed my dick loosely, she let out a sly smile and started to stroke it front and back. I flipped on the shower and we were doing our foreplay in the bathroom. She took a handful of soap and washed my dick, she pulled back the foreskin and rubbed my dickhead with her soapy hands. I felt like I was flying up to the sky as every rub that she did on my dickhead stimulated me in very nice yet unfamiliar ways. She rinsed the soap off and went down to her knees, then with my dick in hand, she opened her mouth and slid my dick into her warm, inviting mouth. She used her tongue cleverly and licked my dickhead consistently. By now, my knees are not holding well and I am not thinking anymore.
We quickly took the action outside, wiped our wet bodies down and I used my hands to feel her pussy. It was already dripping wet when I got there, so I put my index finger into her pussy to get her ready for the long awaited fuck. Her pussy was really tight, every movement from my finger stimulated her. I could hear her cute moans being let out every once in awhile and that turned me on further. She was very horny now and she pulled my head now and whispered into my ears, "fuck me now". It was time and I did just that.
I grabbed a CD and capped myself, but I found it hard for my dick to enter her pussy as it was too tight. I slowly moved my hips from side to side and from front to back, hoping that her wet pussy would lubricate the CD enough to allow penetration. She also moved her hips around and my dick just found its way into a nice cosy space and I could feel every little groove along her pussy wall.
I started with missionary style and gave her all I could. Her tight pussy and her slutty moan made it hard for me to control and I spewed my load into the CD after a short while. She looked at me with disbelief but I was not done, I removed the used CD, told her to wait while I washed myself and put on another one. I retuned back and continued with missionary position until her tight pussy made me ejaculated shortly after. I was so shocked that I just achieved 2 consecutive ejaculation and went on for lucky number 3.
I put on a fresh CD and I turned her around into doggy style. I think this is her favourite position as her breaths become shallower and I could hear "uh, uh, uh, more... more.." pleading me to bang her faster. My dick was still going strong surprisingly and I went ahead to ram myself into her butt. But still her mysterious pussy overcame me and I came inside her again.
This time I felt like I was a punctured tyre and laid flat on the bed. Kristy removed the CD from me and cleaned my dick with the wet tissue that she brought. I shut my eyes to take a rest but I could feel her putting on another CD on my dick that is still hard...
(to be continued...)
12-12-2015, 03:16 AM
Very nice update TS
12-12-2015, 04:47 AM
camping here too..pls continue TS..good story
12-12-2015, 11:03 AM
Luckily TS remember to use condom. :D
12-12-2015, 01:19 PM
Well written ....... support support :D
12-12-2015, 01:29 PM
camping here too :)
12-12-2015, 02:01 PM
ts, keep it coming!
12-12-2015, 05:02 PM
im ready for another installment ts!
12-12-2015, 11:07 PM
Luckily TS remember to use condom. :D
bro returns +17 cheers
12-12-2015, 11:24 PM
Chapter 4b - The First Fuck (Part 2)
As she put on the fresh condom on my dick, I thought to myself, "what the fuck is going on?". A part of me was worried, while another part of me was eagerly anticipating what might happen next. I opened my eyes and saw Kristy extending her legs and carefully positioned herself on top me.
I knew at that moment that Kristy was cock hungry, maybe she hasnt had any sex for a long time and this was a release for her. She grabbed my dick, forced it into her pussy and started to give herself the ride of her life. Her breaths became deeper as she rode me with more and more effort, I was down there looking at the face of a horny bitch that wanted an orgasm more than anything.
I took over control after about 2 minutes and pulled her down for a hot french kiss. Our tongues rolled around each other as if we were having a sword fight in our mouths. I shifted my hips slightly and began to pump her from the bottom, she was taken by surprise and let out an uncontrollable "ohhhhhh".
It would be a lie to say that I wasnt worn out from the first 2 orgasm, but still she was able to sustain my erection for her own pleasure. I was surprised that I could continue this way as it has never happened before. However the reality of the situation hit us when I became too tired to pump and was nowhere near orgasm. Kristy was understanding enough and continued to ride me for awhile longer before she laid on my chest as she was tired too.
Kristy: You cannot cum already ah?
Me: I think no more already, first time cum 2 times in a row...
Kristy: But still so hard leh. Never mind, I help you.
She moved off from my dick and began giving me a handjob, my mind was totally fucked by then, whatever is happening now was better than any lottery that I could ever strike. It took her awhile and some balls licking, but after some time my dick somehow found the ability to blow my 3rd load of the day into the condom.
Kristy: Hehe, there you go. Muacks.
Me: Haha. You are really very naughty. You leh, is it enough?
Kristy: Ya enough for today le. But for tomorrow, I dont know.
Me: Hahaha. Wait ah, I need a rest. Come lie down with me then we go home already.
We cuddled in bed and rested for awhile before we got dress and checked out. As I was sending her home, she would sneak her hands over to my dick occasionally to ensure that I was always aroused. It was one of the most interesting drives that I have ever made at that time.
When I reached her block, she gave me a goodnight kiss and told me to text her when I was home. After I got home and texted her, she replied "great fuck, when is the next one". I looked at the message and smiled to myself, I replied "long day, I will tell you tomorrow. Thanks for today."
When I woke up the next day, I felt so lethargic from the excessive energy used up the previous night. I got dress and made my way to work, I checked the timetable and Kristy will be at work too...
Thank you bros for your kind support. This is my first time writing my personal experience and I hope that all of you are enjoying it.
12-12-2015, 11:28 PM
Very nice update TS ..... waiting for next one :D
13-12-2015, 12:03 AM
More please !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
13-12-2015, 12:07 AM
Which hotel? I am gonna get one on next monday.
Chapter 4 - The First Fuck
The day has arrived. My mind could not concentrate the whole day as I was thinking about what could possibly happen later at night. Many thoughts were running through my mind as if it was my first time having sex. I was thinking of whether to shave, what underwear to wear and what lubricants and condoms to buy.
I looked up the SBF forums to see if there are any good hourly hotels that arent too sleazy as I didnt want her to feel inferior or disgusted. Eventually, I found one on the internet that is near the central area which is quite affordable, and comes with free parking and properly cleaned rooms (bros can PM me if you need contact). I called the counter to see if prior booking is required, and it seems like I showed to the person over the phone that I was a newbie.
Later in the afternoon, I received a text from Kristy. She told me that she is having dinner with a friend and can meet me after that. The timing was okay for me as I could borrow my brother's car as he would already be back home.
Alas, 8pm came and I waited for her at the MRT station. She wore a collared shirt, and left the first 2 buttons open. The shirt hugged her skin nicely, and made her interesting figure more visible to me. The buttons on her shirt filled my mind with naughty thoughts of unbuttoning her shirt one by one during foreplay. Her skirt was short enough to show me her thighs and that gave my dick some tingling sensation while it hardened slowly in my underwear.
After she got in the car, the awkward silence crept in again. We were able to chat so freely through texting but cant even talk properly face to face, both of us were a little shy as the thought of our fucking session is about to happen soon.
Me: Erm... Did you have to wait long?
Kristy: Nah. It was okay. You eat already?
Me: Ya I ate just now... Erm.. You really want to do this?
Kristy: Um... If you dont want then we go home lo.
Me: Huh, er.. I want la. Scared you want to back out mah.
Kristy: Me? I'm okay la. Let me check if you really want or not.
Suddenly I felt my dick became very hard. Kristy actually reached out to grab my dick and started to rub it. Her strokes were playfully soft and felt really good.
Kristy: Wah. What is this? You are not kidding hor.
Me: You also quite serious... You not scared I lose control of the car meh?
Kristy: No la, I think you are more awake now right?
I wasnt awake, I was aroused. Her proactiveness opened up tons of imagination in my head and made me want to fuck her so badly. I could sense that I was driving faster and faster. Once we arrived, I quickly parked the vehicle, grabbed the CD and registered for the room. The room was basic but it was clean, we got clean sheets and clean towels at the least.
It was obvious that this session was going to happen, and that got both of us slightly anxious. I was on the bed while Kristy was just standing at the corner looking at me. I thought maybe I should tone down the naughty aspect a little and make her feel at ease, I then invited her to the bed and we both lay down together.
We looked at each other for awhile and I allowed my hands to go auto roaming around her body, she started to relax and gave my dick a good rub. I kissed her cheeks and moved to her lips worked my way into her mouth, she took over some control and started to explore my mouth with her tongue. It was great to feel her tongue rub against mine, as well as the occasional tongue sucking to show me what she could do with that little mouth of hers.
We kissed for awhile longer and went to the bathroom for a shower.
*Tips: For the girl to give you a thorough blowjob, be sure to wash your dick throughly. The salty taste and pungent smell turns them off totally.*
I moved my hand to the back of her short skirt, carefully removing the clasp and slowly unzipped it for her. Her ass was so round and fleshy, I wasted no time to give her ass a good rub and good squeeze. It was so soft and so smooth and gave me a good handful to grab.
I allowed her to stand in front of me and started to rub my hard dick on her butt, I then opened her button one by one and saw that she was wearing a blue lace bra, I took it off and I could feel the thick padding on her bra. It was true that her boobs are quite small, maybe some picky people would call it a flat chest, but small tits are usually paired with sensitive nipples. I grabbed her boobs from behind and fondled with the perky brownish nipples, she got so aroused that her nipples became very stiff as I kept touching them.
Kristy turned around and removed my t-shirt and then my shorts and underwear. She went to my nipples and licked it like a little kitten, I felt it was odd but it was so arousing for me. Her hands grabbed my dick loosely, she let out a sly smile and started to stroke it front and back. I flipped on the shower and we were doing our foreplay in the bathroom. She took a handful of soap and washed my dick, she pulled back the foreskin and rubbed my dickhead with her soapy hands. I felt like I was flying up to the sky as every rub that she did on my dickhead stimulated me in very nice yet unfamiliar ways. She rinsed the soap off and went down to her knees, then with my dick in hand, she opened her mouth and slid my dick into her warm, inviting mouth. She used her tongue cleverly and licked my dickhead consistently. By now, my knees are not holding well and I am not thinking anymore.
We quickly took the action outside, wiped our wet bodies down and I used my hands to feel her pussy. It was already dripping wet when I got there, so I put my index finger into her pussy to get her ready for the long awaited fuck. Her pussy was really tight, every movement from my finger stimulated her. I could hear her cute moans being let out every once in awhile and that turned me on further. She was very horny now and she pulled my head now and whispered into my ears, "fuck me now". It was time and I did just that.
I grabbed a CD and capped myself, but I found it hard for my dick to enter her pussy as it was too tight. I slowly moved my hips from side to side and from front to back, hoping that her wet pussy would lubricate the CD enough to allow penetration. She also moved her hips around and my dick just found its way into a nice cosy space and I could feel every little groove along her pussy wall.
I started with missionary style and gave her all I could. Her tight pussy and her slutty moan made it hard for me to control and I spewed my load into the CD after a short while. She looked at me with disbelief but I was not done, I removed the used CD, told her to wait while I washed myself and put on another one. I retuned back and continued with missionary position until her tight pussy made me ejaculated shortly after. I was so shocked that I just achieved 2 consecutive ejaculation and went on for lucky number 3.
I put on a fresh CD and I turned her around into doggy style. I think this is her favourite position as her breaths become shallower and I could hear "uh, uh, uh, more... more.." pleading me to bang her faster. My dick was still going strong surprisingly and I went ahead to ram myself into her butt. But still her mysterious pussy overcame me and I came inside her again.
This time I felt like I was a punctured tyre and laid flat on the bed. Kristy removed the CD from me and cleaned my dick with the wet tissue that she brought. I shut my eyes to take a rest but I could feel her putting on another CD on my dick that is still hard...
(to be continued...)
13-12-2015, 03:37 AM
More please !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Yes do continue
14-12-2015, 01:44 AM
bro returns +17 cheers
14-12-2015, 11:53 AM
Pls continue story.
14-12-2015, 01:51 PM
Nice story.... Cont. Please! Hahahaha
14-12-2015, 03:57 PM
Please continue TS :)
14-12-2015, 10:11 PM
naiseeee... new camper!
15-12-2015, 12:15 AM
good story!
15-12-2015, 08:35 AM
Very good. Please continue.
15-12-2015, 07:01 PM
Me looking for part time job also
16-12-2015, 08:57 AM
Nice one, look forward to more.
16-12-2015, 10:50 AM
Me looking for part time job also
Any lobang for me? :D
16-12-2015, 11:43 AM
TS, thank you and pls continue.
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