View Full Version : Pretty women

14-08-2006, 08:49 PM
there's something i need to confess here. i think i have fell in love with a lady that i have been bonging for months. doesn't know why. maybe i put too much feelings on here...

today i bong her again. she was a bit angry with me because i was quite towards her for quite sometime and did not even sms her. haiii...

as a professional bonger i shouldn't have this type of feelings. everything was just like the movie pretty women. mannn...i have break the rules already. shouldn't have put my feelings towards her as i was only up for fun. but she's the only one that i have feelings for out of so many girls that i have bong. i think she's having the same feelings too... :(

brothers...i think i'm a failure...i'm not fit enough to be a professional bonger...not too sure about you guys...hopefully you guys are not in my shoes...

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15-08-2006, 09:58 AM
brothers...i think i'm a failure...i'm not fit enough to be a professional bonger...not too sure about you guys...hopefully you guys are not in my shoes...

dont worry fren, u r not the 1st & for sure not goin to be the last either...u can PM bro mbz777 for more heart talk:)

15-08-2006, 02:51 PM
Hi croft_st,
Go cheong more often now, you may change your target again :p

15-08-2006, 03:48 PM
dont worry fren, u r not the 1st & for sure not goin to be the last either...u can PM bro mbz777 for more heart talk:)

Wah bro DRYDUST...since when bro MBZ777 become bonking consultant I also don't know.

15-08-2006, 05:00 PM
Err.....professional "bonger"?? Didn't know that we can make a living by bonking girls. By being a professional, it means that we are earning monies and making a career out of something that we do.
Hmmmm......maybe we have been approaching this "bonking" subject on the wrong perspective?? :eek:

What I know is that we choose, fark, pay and forget. End of story. And it now seems that we can actually get paid and live off this "profession"??

BTW, why open up a new thread just to tell people that you've fallen in love with a girl that you've been bonking for months?? Maybe next thread on how to dump her??

15-08-2006, 05:03 PM
Wah bro DRYDUST...since when bro MBZ777 become bonking consultant I also don't know.

haha...glad to c u online bro...he's no bonking consultant leh, v call him TirakKing :)

15-08-2006, 05:40 PM
bro i can only say good luck to u for thinking that the girl has feeling for u!!!

well, to find out the truth, try bonking them outside with no money involve.


15-08-2006, 10:04 PM
If u need some reason to turn u off from that gal u been bonging then i can help u :) I too had these kind of feeling after i visited JB "attraction" but whenever i tell myself this gal dunno been bonging which sicko, which smelly indian foreign worker and she may not have the best of health, it really shut me off from all the feeling i have for her. Of cause dun think before u bong, think after and it'll make your visit to her just pure fun and no attachment. U can add in anything u find turn off in what i suggested n maybe it'll help u. Your partner should be someone u dun need to wear a cap to have fun and u knowing she only got u to have fun n not someone that meet more partner compare to u :) dun lose the samster spirit.

P.S. My above comment in no way insulting to indian race, samster or anybody that feel offended. I'm just giving ideas to fellow samster what i think may help. Just got to make it clear wait i land in frying pan haha

15-08-2006, 10:25 PM

Please look up


Getting the word right would be a good start to overcoming your problem. :D

15-08-2006, 10:43 PM
haha...glad to c u online bro...he's no bonking consultant leh, v call him TirakKing :)
errrr....halo? i m neither bonking consultant nor Tirak King...jz a normal guy with a higher than normal sex drive so hv to continually enlist the help of professional kangkang ladies...but being the human tat we all are, sumhow, sumday, sumwhere, sumtime...when you least expect it....u meet sumone who you can really click with, sumone who has that chemistry....and BOOM! ....you just have to burn a hole in your pocket to fly halfway round the world to see for yourself and proof if what you felt was for real....or just a deception....sumtimes the fairy tale comes true...sumtimes you fall flat on your face, hurt yourself, learn a good lesson...look back many years in the future and have a good laugh at your own sillyness....

Croft...you are not alone in this...thousands..maybe millions of guys fall into this thing we call the KC trap. That's y you hear of all these social probs of divorce, this 1 guy who kidnapped his own little bro-in-law to get money to support his WL mistress, etc....i dun wanna encourage you but 9.5 out of 10 times these things end up in heartbreak and emotional trauma for both. so the best thg is to steer clear...unless you are single/divorced, unable to find a proper galfren, not a single gal seems to be interested in you or you have a spiritual, psychological or physical disorder that disqualifies you from ever able to be a wee bit faithful to one single partner, then having a pro WL would give you a highly insecure, ultra possessive, super bad tempered and hyper controlling figure to straighten up your wondering ways....if you like tat idea....be my guest...go ahead and chase after the WL, if not then follow other bros advice, force urself to bonk a variety of other gers to wake u up and realise it was all just an infatuation!!! Get it?! HAPPY BONKING!!!

15-08-2006, 11:12 PM
....sumtimes the fairy tale comes true...sumtimes you fall flat on your face, hurt yourself, learn a good lesson...

Oops! i have to requote the above statement....."....sumtimes the fairy tale comes true....MOST TIMES you fall flat on your face, hurt yourself, HOPEFULLY learnt a good lesson..."

15-08-2006, 11:18 PM
to all bros,
thanks for all the professional advise. i need sometime to digest. in order to get through this, i think i need to get bong more ladies :)

thinking bout it, suddenly it remind me of Apple from The Mint Hotel (now Mint Hotel closed already). but the spa is still running. dunno if any of you try Apple before. been wondering if she still working there or not...hmmm...

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15-08-2006, 11:55 PM
brothers...i think i'm a failure...i'm not fit enough to be a professional bonger...not too sure about you guys...hopefully you guys are not in my shoes...

Dun worry bro,
me never like to wear shoes.... :D

I think most of the advice quoted before this post is very truth, I got nothing to add.... time will change ur thinking. Enjoy ur feeling before it gone.

16-08-2006, 09:06 AM
Oops! i have to requote the above statement....."....sumtimes the fairy tale comes true....MOST TIMES you fall flat on your face, hurt yourself, HOPEFULLY learnt a good lesson..."


16-08-2006, 09:07 AM
bro i can only say good luck to u for thinking that the girl has feeling for u!!!

well, to find out the truth, try bonking them outside with no money involve.


hahha...like that no good leh...u show your bro the way of no return:p

16-08-2006, 12:36 PM
to all bros,
thanks for all the professional advise. i need sometime to digest. in order to get through this, i think i need to get bong more ladies :)
Errrr....bro, i think you very slow in learning lessons hor? so many bros highlighted u still make the same mistake 1? let me repeat.....

16-08-2006, 02:11 PM
there's something i need to confess here. i think i have fell in love with a lady that i have been bonging for months. doesn't know why. maybe i put too much feelings on here...

today i bong her again. she was a bit angry with me because i was quite towards her for quite sometime and did not even sms her. haiii...

Another quicksand trap! Get out B4 too late Bro!Me 2 have your ex! and been

there B4!But than if U really like her that much Get her out from Bar joint or

HC as soon as possible!Stop letting her contact with her sisters for a while(3-

5) months and see what happens!Remember she will have 2 ask some money

from U! Her family needs money and she has to send some every

month.Some ladies need money to fed her BF or maybe children!Discuss with

Your lady 1st what your next step and tell her your plans.Short term or long

term?Let me know latter in couple months and i ll tell U more!

16-08-2006, 03:03 PM
Another quicksand trap! Get out B4 too late Bro!Me 2 have your ex! and been

there B4!But than if U really like her that much Get her out from Bar joint or

HC as soon as possible!Stop letting her contact with her sisters for a while(3-

5) months and see what happens!Remember she will have 2 ask some money

from U! Her family needs money and she has to send some every

month.Some ladies need money to fed her BF or maybe children!Discuss with

Your lady 1st what your next step and tell her your plans.Short term or long

term?Let me know latter in couple months and i ll tell U more!

brother...tell me more about it. actually she do relate her problem to me....tell me that her dad owe ah long laaa...this and that...but after a few days of "cool" thinking...maybe she's up for $$$. i need to face the fact that she's only one of those bonk girl. and shouldn't poor feelings on her. nvm, i'll put her aside and start my bonk bonk life...YEEEE HAAAAA!!!!!

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17-08-2006, 03:38 AM
haha...glad to c u online bro...he's no bonking consultant leh, v call him TirakKing :)

Yo bro...Tirak King or what just hope he don't overdo and then very susah lor.

Hope to meet up with you for teh or kopi again soon bro.

17-08-2006, 09:50 AM
Yo bro...Tirak King or what just hope he don't overdo and then very susah lor.

Hope to meet up with you for teh or kopi again soon bro.

yeah hopefully he wont...
i found 1 place good for kopi session...R**z G****n , allow CIM leh:p

17-08-2006, 07:15 PM
yeah hopefully he wont...
i found 1 place good for kopi session...R**z G****n , allow CIM leh:p

So when you going again. Can I tag along boh. CIM type I like leh hahaha.

But then hor maybe that kinda extra only for selected ones only more so you lank chai mah so sure can get one.

17-08-2006, 07:20 PM
i'm not fit enough to be a professional bonger.

got such a position meh? kekeke :rolleyes:

18-08-2006, 03:42 PM
Bro croft_st,

In life, one must know one's own weaknesses to avoid mistakes. Now that one of yours has manifested itself, the short-term solution is to go out there and bonk more gals, as other bros already said; the long-term one is to avoid repeatedly bonking the same gal in future.

Just my two cents.

18-08-2006, 06:12 PM
as a professional bonger i shouldn't have this type of feelings. everything was just like the movie pretty women. mannn...i have break the rules already. shouldn't have put my feelings towards her as i was only up for fun. but she's the only one that i have feelings for out of so many girls that i have bong. i think she's having the same feelings too... :(

My simple solution to you is, go china. There you will find more femine beauties to bonk than you ever have time for, at a value for money price too.

Go every weekend, and I am sure by the 10th trip, you will be as hardcore as me.

1) Find them
2) French them
3) Finger them
4) Fuck them
5) Forget them
6) Repeat step 1.

However, the only drawback I can see is you might fall in love with one of the China MM there instead. Sigh. Good luck bro.

19-08-2006, 11:10 AM
My simple solution to you is, go china. There you will find more femine beauties to bonk than you ever have time for, at a value for money price too.

Go every weekend, and I am sure by the 10th trip, you will be as hardcore as me.

1) Find them
2) French them
3) Finger them
4) Fuck them
5) Forget them
6) Repeat step 1.

However, the only drawback I can see is you might fall in love with one of the China MM there instead. Sigh. Good luck bro.

Thanks bro. I'm ok already. Anyway, yesterday I was really sucks. Went to Hotel Continental and ask for Ice. After waited for 5 minutes, she came in. Ka ni nieee...the face like just lose money! Looks ok ok only laaa...but body quite ok ok only also about 165cm height...

She start the massage, the skill was also ok ok only. Feel a bit pain then tell her to slow down. After the massage, she asked if I want special service, since my cock got a bit hard, then I say ok and ask the price. She told me RM100 for body massage and HJ. Then ok laa...she strip off her sexy blue color cheong sam and guess what?? Na beh...she was wearing a panties with a big US Dollar sign all over. Ka ni nieee...I beh ta han and keep on laughing! Then I ask her why she wear this type of panties...and she told me it's for good luck!

Then she apply some body powder and press her breast against my ku ku and rub it for about 15 minutes. Later she apply some oilment and play my ku ku. I try to touch her cc ham, but she tell me no, because pain! Na beh...cc peh tu lan... then me keep playing with her big round pink nipples. Then try again to explore her cc ham...again I was resisted! Ka ni nieee...really pissed me off. Then me just release out my load, put on my clothes and walk off.

When I was out, then I complaint to one of the captain called Ah Hua, he told me, Ice working only 4 months from KL and 30 years old. Ah Hua told me there are 2 PRC chicks upstairs. Then I say I want to see. He show me bring me to the room and saw one. Face ok ok only laaa...but boobs was quite big. Then Ah Hua show me the 2nd one. And wa lau eh!!! This one was really good looking!!! Her name is Ah Fen. Looks like actress!!! The damage only RM160 and she only arrive 2 days ago. But I'm a bit tired liao...ku ku want to raise flag but cannot. Then I say ok laaa...next time only come.

So, whoever are reading this DON'T TRY ICE from CONTINENTAL HOTEL!!! She cost me unworth damage of RM165!!! Not worth it. I better try Ah Fen at only RM160.

Ah Fen, Ah Fen I'm cumming...hehe

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My favourite site,
Football Nova (http://footballnova.blogspot.com/)

19-08-2006, 01:06 PM
Is Hotel Continental located in Jalan Raja Laut ?? Can I just walk inside and ask for the 2 prc ??

19-08-2006, 04:50 PM
Is Hotel Continental located in Jalan Raja Laut ?? Can I just walk inside and ask for the 2 prc ??

sorry bro...it's in malacca :D

__________________________________________________ _______________
My favourite site,
Football Nova (http://footballnova.blogspot.com/)

21-08-2006, 05:31 PM
So when you going again. Can I tag along boh. CIM type I like leh hahaha.

But then hor maybe that kinda extra only for selected ones only more so you lank chai mah so sure can get one.

nono...this is nothing to do with look. i havent try wor..my fren told me he brought 1 client there & reccomended this NL to him...30 mins after the 1st session this guy called the capt. again & asked for the same NL...which is working at that time...but he insist want to wait...after 2nd round totally cannot jalan...coz cummed 4 times mah...2 CIM 2 FJ:eek: ... how?

21-08-2006, 06:30 PM
errrr....halo? i m neither bonking consultant nor Tirak King...
Wah, you talk a lot hor... if you're not the Tirak King, then nobody's head is big enuf to wear that crown loh :p

Croft...you are not alone in this...thousands..maybe millions of guys fall into this thing we call the KC trap.
....i dun wanna encourage you but 9.5 out of 10 times these things end up in heartbreak and emotional trauma for both. so the best thg is to steer clear
...if you like tat idea....be my guest...go ahead and chase after the WL, if not then follow other bros advice, force urself to bonk a variety of other gers to wake u up and realise it was all just an infatuation!!! Get it?!
This is a prime example of the old adage - "Advice is like medicine, easy to give but hard to take!!!" Take some of your own medicine bro MBz!!!!!! Unless of course, you think yours is the 0.5 out of the 10 times... :rolleyes:

21-08-2006, 06:58 PM
Dear bro croft_st,
I am not sure if u are 'ok' already or still love that PRC.. Well, 2 years back there is a young man that fall in love with a russian where he met her in Lisa De Inn and later murdered her after he found out that the russian chick pretend to love him in order to dig more money from him. Been caught by police, what else death sentence lor. So, better put feeling only whene u bonk her and not after..

21-08-2006, 11:53 PM
Wah, you talk a lot hor... if you're not the Tirak King, then nobody's head is big enuf to wear that crown loh :p
Bro, many other seniors in this forum are better qualified to wear this crown...namely CBM, Master and GTM?
Unless of course, you think yours is the 0.5 out of the 10 times..
....was one of those dreamy eyed teenager who was so captivated by the movie "Pretty Woman"....yet to find tat 0.5...may hav found it in Guilin but u never know...tats the fun of it eh? but i knw very well tat i may get burnt! ....again!....haizzz....wat a foolish old hag i am.....like what bro CBM always say, "steam oredi, wat to do?"...hur hur hur...

22-08-2006, 05:23 AM
[QUOTE=jerrystockton]Dear bro croft_st,
"young man that fall in love with a russian where he met her in Lisa De Inn and later murdered her after he found out that the russian chick pretend to love him in order to dig more money from him"

Gee, so dramatic but so real. Hope not to fall for such trap but just like James Bond "Never say Never".

22-08-2006, 09:41 AM
nono...this is nothing to do with look. i havent try wor..my fren told me he brought 1 client there & reccomended this NL to him...30 mins after the 1st session this guy called the capt. again & asked for the same NL...which is working at that time...but he insist want to wait...after 2nd round totally cannot jalan...coz cummed 4 times mah...2 CIM 2 FJ:eek: ... how?So when we going to check this out? :rolleyes:

22-08-2006, 02:33 PM
Bro, many other seniors in this forum are better qualified to wear this crown...namely CBM, Master and GTM?

....was one of those dreamy eyed teenager who was so captivated by the movie "Pretty Woman"....yet to find tat 0.5...may hav found it in Guilin but u never know...tats the fun of it eh? but i knw very well tat i may get burnt! ....again!....haizzz....wat a foolish old hag i am.....like what bro CBM always say, "steam oredi, wat to do?"...hur hur hur...

Bro Just like Me and the rest SEniors cheongsters!!! Me 2 wannna try to the

extreme! Having fun ST and hangging out MC/HC others joint bored me so i

TaPau my tirak to malaysia like some Bro!Little advice! Prepare to goto ATM machines

often as U normally do!hehehe For LOVE OR MONEY? I say BOTH!Its a gamble

The ladies will have both your $ and your LOVE and prepare yourself...Your

Ger2 might only want one(either LOVE Or MONEY)

22-08-2006, 02:46 PM
I know friends who have married WLs from Viet and Thai couple of years ago. Till now they are still happily married and with kids. My cousin also married a PRC years ago (not WL but hotel receptionist).

I think the issue is this. Situations like this do happen and every now and then you will have guys who falls in love with the SYT that he just bonk. It can be love at first sight(more likely lust at first sight) or it can be developed over the numerous meetings together. That guy must be able to face certain facts if he wants to take the relationship to a higher level.

It's true that WLs will normally tell sob stories to gain your sympathy and then very likely your feelings and assets but then it's also true that there are guys around who will also do such same despicable things. It would be good if you can take everything with a pinch of salt but if you find yourself really falling for a WL, then the best step would be to get her out of the business (if possible). If she listens to you, that would be a first big step. Ultimately everything points down to money and if you can solve the money issue, then maybe you might find happiness at the end of the road.

However the most sound advice would still be bonk and forget. It is always nice to GFE feelings when you are bonking a WL but that feeling can easily be obtainable. After your first meeting, just drop her a very nice tip and I confirm she will remember you the next time you see her. That extra tip might solve you alot of hassle and pain in the future.:rolleyes:

22-08-2006, 04:03 PM
Another point: Correct me if i m WRONG! Let me

ask some Bro here!! Will U marry or Hv a relationship with a Local WL!I guess


BUT WHY ENgage a prostitute from other countries???Play smart

22-08-2006, 05:24 PM
So when we going to check this out? :rolleyes:

when u ready lor...i forgot to mention, CIM+swallow:D

22-08-2006, 08:53 PM
Another point: Correct me if i m WRONG! Let me ask some Bro here!! Will U marry or Hv a relationship with a Local WL!I guess NOT! BUT WHY ENgage a prostitute from other countries??? Play smart
Bro, there hav been many cases of local WLs marrying their clients. a few successful examples even came out in a special feature in Star paper a few yrs ago. i know of at least 2 WL frens who managed to marry their rich clients....one divorced within 5yrs and the other is still happily married. most local WLs tat i tried to "pau" usually decline coz they feel a normal guy like me wud not be suitable....they much prefer to hav relationshp wt the "lou pin" type of guys coz when quarrel, both wud hv sins to be ashamed of and cant point fingers at each other.... tats wat some of these gers told me lah.

Foreign gers on the other hand, most are purely out for the money...even to the extent of supporting their toyboys while a very minute some hope to find a decent guy to marry and hopefully hv an ok life away from the poverty at home....majority fail coz most of the guys wanna "pau" these gers as 2nd or 3rd wives/gf/tirak....so after a while, they get fed up and think, what the heck, if cant get the guy as hubby, dig money lah...this part i m speaking from experience. Women will always be like tat, in the beginning, they like you, fall in love, anything goes...after a while, they start wanting u all for herself...tats when trouble starts...but a sad thing about loving WLs is they hav so much pride, inferiority complex, insecurities, bad temper, uncontrollable spending habits, love of all things expensive, etc, etc & etc tat it is such a huge challenge to bring them down to earth to appreciate you and what you do for them...seems like nothin is good enuf at times and you wear yourself out trying to prove you "love" them instead of "lust" them. It is such a major hurdle...tats y, many ppl who go out to tackle WLs by putting on a show of wealth end up broke in all areas of their lives esp when the ger finally discover tat she is not goin to live happily ever after like siti nurhaliza!!! tats y i changed tactic now...show her how ordinary and poor u are and if she can appreciate sincere care and affection then there's a glitter of hope. otherwise, just continue cheonging and have a good time lah....
....just sharing my 2 cents worth...no offence to any1.

23-08-2006, 04:30 AM

Wow! Very insightful man. I think WL or OL, they are girls la. Only wit different jobs. All out to make a living. So I guess if one really 'love' than 'love' overcomes all.

We just hv to tread carefully when dealing wit girls (not only WL but OL too). Stories, family problems, bla bla bla bla. . . . . Some true, some story, some wit tears rolling witin seconds to gain simpathy.

23-08-2006, 07:55 AM
when u ready lor...i forgot to mention, CIM+swallow:DLike that... what we waiting for? Stand-by for sms later today.:p

23-08-2006, 08:10 AM
Bro, there hav been many cases of local WLs marrying their clients. a few successful examples even came out in a special feature in Star paper a few yrs ago. i know of at least 2 WL frens who managed to marry their rich clients....one divorced within 5yrs and the other is still happily married. most local WLs tat i tried to "pau" usually decline coz they feel a normal guy like me wud not be suitable....they much prefer to hav relationshp wt the "lou pin" type of guys coz when quarrel, both wud hv sins to be ashamed of and cant point fingers at each other.... tats wat some of these gers told me lah.

Foreign gers on the other hand, most are purely out for the money...even to the extent of supporting their toyboys while a very minute some hope to find a decent guy to marry and hopefully hv an ok life away from the poverty at home....majority fail coz most of the guys wanna "pau" these gers as 2nd or 3rd wives/gf/tirak....so after a while, they get fed up and think, what the heck, if cant get the guy as hubby, dig money lah...this part i m speaking from experience. Women will always be like tat, in the beginning, they like you, fall in love, anything goes...after a while, they start wanting u all for herself...tats when trouble starts...but a sad thing about loving WLs is they hav so much pride, inferiority complex, insecurities, bad temper, uncontrollable spending habits, love of all things expensive, etc, etc & etc tat it is such a huge challenge to bring them down to earth to appreciate you and what you do for them...seems like nothin is good enuf at times and you wear yourself out trying to prove you "love" them instead of "lust" them. It is such a major hurdle...tats y, many ppl who go out to tackle WLs by putting on a show of wealth end up broke in all areas of their lives esp when the ger finally discover tat she is not goin to live happily ever after like siti nurhaliza!!! tats y i changed tactic now...show her how ordinary and poor u are and if she can appreciate sincere care and affection then there's a glitter of hope. otherwise, just continue cheonging and have a good time lah....
....just sharing my 2 cents worth...no offence to any1.

yo bro...very true. thanks for the comment. frankly speaking, normally those chicks will follow rich elderly guys. as for young punk...they can forget about it. the reason is because common sensely, most of them are not financially stable. so, those chicks if they wanna retire, they also want a stable source of income. the only difference is, they only service one man, instead of hundreds of men... :rolleyes:

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23-08-2006, 10:58 AM
Will U marry or Hv a relationship with a Local WL!I guess NOT! BUT WHY ENgage a prostitute from other countries???Play smart
Bro, another answer to this question....local gers/WLs easily available ma...bonk until sianz oredi ma, tired of listening to their same old grouses, wants and demands....foreign gers...on the other hand ah, offers a fresh and new adventure...can explore different culture, eat different foods, listen to different kinds of complaints and demands and bragging rights to family and friends.."see? i got foreign wife worrrr"...he he he...but at the end of the day, women will still be women no matter wat nationality lah..."u cant live with them but you cant live without them"!! but thru experience ah, these lowly educated foreign women has 1 advantage....most of them knows the way to a man's heart...they always know when to cook up a great meal for the hubby...just before they ask for monthly funds transfer to their beloved mummy and daddy!!! ha ha ha !! ;)

23-08-2006, 11:00 AM
Walau!! i oso wanna folo!!! can or not?

23-08-2006, 11:17 AM
Cibai Shiok and DD,

Check what out? :confused: If u are not talking abt NL's pls ignore me.


But the problem with u is every WL u have screwed u wanna them to become ur tirak! U talk what cock now? :rolleyes:

23-08-2006, 12:39 PM
m-cibai-z, But the problem with u is every WL u have screwed u wanna them to become ur tirak! U talk what cock now?
tai ko, big wind, cannot share FR so talk kok loh...but horr...where got every WL i screw oso i tirak? so far only kena hooked on 1 only mah...the others r jz playing psychological games wt them to get better natural GFE for the RTF sessions...where got so much $ to tirak all the gers leh? unless u wanna gimme a job lah? he he he

23-08-2006, 12:40 PM
Cibai Shiok and DD,

Check what out? If u are not talking abt NL's pls ignore meTell you later after I have checked it out. If good confirm pass to you since owe you so many already:o

If no good then you dun have to waste the money.:rolleyes:

23-08-2006, 02:01 PM
tai ko, big wind, cannot share FR so talk kok loh...but horr...where got every WL i screw oso i tirak? so far only kena hooked on 1 only mah...the others r jz playing psychological games wt them to get better natural GFE for the RTF sessions...where got so much $ to tirak all the gers leh? unless u wanna gimme a job lah? he he he

Nowadays Toilet Business so bad meh? Change trend lah... u saw the High Tech toilet in Bukit Bintang boh? Send a few to ur tirak will save u time for more bonks. :rolleyes:

23-08-2006, 02:09 PM
Tell you later after I have checked it out. If good confirm pass to you since owe you so many already:o

If no good then you dun have to waste the money.:rolleyes:

Received bro DD sms few hours ago, so u are with him lah? Thanks hururhurur...

U owe me what?? So far i know u din owe me anything woh!!! U farking busy nowadays.. commando arr?

EPL started liao, wanna bet again? Every position differences will cost the loser a jug of beer... 1st result count with wnter break.

Me take: Arsenal
CibLover: farking MU
Shiok: CheeByePool
KLKOOL: Fulham
CBM: Blackburn
Burns: Chelsea
Puk Kai: Newcastle

How?? Think the team i take quite safe kua.. kekeke...

23-08-2006, 03:22 PM
High Tech toilet in Bukit Bintang boh? Send a few to ur tirak will save u time for more bonks. :rolleyes:
Danger oh do there...times up the door automatic open how???:eek:

23-08-2006, 04:48 PM

But the problem with u is every WL u have screwed u wanna them to become ur tirak! U talk what cock now? :rolleyes:

haha... he now trying reverse psychology mah... scared u all tirak all the girls... he got no one left to build toilets for ... later have to donate to World Health Organisation :p

23-08-2006, 05:33 PM
wahhh...GTM u must get the contact from SSH...i'll wait for his comment here later, just now live comments made me wanna go for 2nd round:p
mbz...not ngam u la...NL wor, later i bring u to 13 yr prc:eek: , sure no tirakship mah.

24-08-2006, 01:15 AM
later i bring u to 13 yr prc:eek: , sure no tirakship mah.
Hah!!!??? Dangerous loh....nanti kena charge for juvenile rape leh...20yrs + 8 rotan....

24-08-2006, 02:18 AM
heheheh noting to say bout NL! maybe worst touch them and have to convert!!!:D

24-08-2006, 07:29 AM
wahhh...GTM u must get the contact from SSH...i'll wait for his comment here later, just now live comments made me wanna go for 2nd round Already given contact to GTM, Boinker,Jtang and Bluesman. For MILF lovers.... this one confirm shiok. Now I understand why your friend can book her twice in a day and have 2 CIM and 2 FJ. The best would be to get her for two hours in a hotel and screw all you can. Press the correct buttons and she is really damn horny. FR will post in the Realm.:p

Btw if not wrong, I dun think I gave you the contact. Paiseh paiseh... will PM you later.:o

24-08-2006, 07:32 AM
heheheh noting to say bout NL! maybe worst touch them and have to convert!!!:DDun know about the "touch them and have to convert" part but some of the best screws in my life so far are from NLs.:rolleyes:

24-08-2006, 09:19 AM
....Btw if not wrong, I dun think I gave you the contact. Paiseh paiseh... will PM you later.:o

dont worry bro, i m not in the mood yet so soon...let all the others try 1st...i m slowly into SYT now;)

24-08-2006, 10:13 AM
dont worry bro, i m not in the mood yet so soon...let all the others try 1st...i m slowly into SYT now;)Hehehe....change direction already. Okie....anytime you need, just drop me a sms.:D

24-08-2006, 02:53 PM
Dun know about the "touch them and have to convert" part but some of the best screws in my life so far are from NLs.
:p Right on. Me too am hook to NL. Fair skin is great but brownish is even better :p

24-08-2006, 04:17 PM
dont worry bro, i m not in the mood yet so soon...let all the others try 1st...i m slowly into SYT now

hahahaha!!!! kekekekeke!!! hurururhurur!! :D

Bro DD very funny nowadays... later i come ur place makan free okay boh? :D

25-08-2006, 10:01 AM
hahahaha!!!! kekekekeke!!! hurururhurur!! :D

Bro DD very funny nowadays... later i come ur place makan free okay boh? :D

what cock? wanna upgrade myself cannot ah?
tonite cum la...yesterday's storm was terrible, but tonite will open no matter what..coz SYT costs more mah, and where to find your YTF FR huh?

25-08-2006, 09:53 PM

When can go hunt for some 'Extra Hot NL'. Hungry already....my NL GF is away. Hu Ha!

26-08-2006, 01:24 AM
Thought nasi lemak is alwyas hot?! (joking :D )

Hi all, i'm newbie in sammyboy. :D

18-09-2006, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE=croft_st]to all bros,
thanks for all the professional advise. i need sometime to digest. in order to get through this, i think i need to get bong more ladies :)

thinking bout it, suddenly it remind me of Apple from The Mint Hotel (now Mint Hotel closed already). but the spa is still running. dunno if any of you try Apple before. been wondering if she still working there or not...hmmm...

Another way to get all these attached feelings is to do a 3some,4some or 5some wif her( u pay la) so in this way u share the love 4 her wif other guys.
Please refer to bro MBZ ..... n he will give u detailed statistics , answers ,quotes , even medical journal stuff etc.etc. on this topic(very learned man)
Cheers :)
__________________________________________________ _______________

19-09-2006, 08:22 AM
Another way to get all these attached feelings is to do a 3some,4some or 5some wif her( u pay la) so in this way u share the love 4 her wif other guys. Please refer to bro MBZ ..... n he will give u detailed statistics , answers ,quotes , even medical journal stuff etc.etc. on this topic(very learned man) Cheers
Halo bro....waiting for your FR in Batin for so long never post suddenly u post and tell ppl i vy learned man?....u hinting to cepat cepat have our long awaited 4/5some with Ping Ping izzit? Coming soon....need to my PRC to settle down 1st...in the meantime...where's your damn exciting FR on the PRC batin lah?!.....dun forget tonite's gathering!!!

19-09-2006, 09:17 AM
Halo bro....waiting for your FR in Batin for so long never post suddenly u post and tell ppl i vy learned man?....u hinting to cepat cepat have our long awaited 4/5some with Ping Ping izzit? Coming soon....need to my PRC to settle down 1st...in the meantime...where's your damn exciting FR on the PRC batin lah?!.....dun forget tonite's gathering!!!

Learned Man, 3some 4some bo jio wa lar.....Ping Ping somemore lar....

19-09-2006, 10:19 AM
Halo bro....dun forget tonite's gathering!!!


Tonite simi (what) gathering?? Why I dunnoe wan??? :o