View Full Version : Julia, Malay FL is back!!!!
15-08-2006, 05:19 PM
This one is no new girl but has ask me to help her out again. Check her previous threads on her and I know many are asking for her contact. She jus appeared and left me with her new contact. The rule is leave ur hp number for verification and sammy nick to get in touch with her when u PM me.
Damage is still the same. $80 per shot and $150 for 2 shots. Hotel u pay and u may have to fetch her from Yew Tee hahahaha, Cheers!
If I have time will post her rear view photo to let bros salivate as what could have been. Plus, she does gang bang too. Ahaa!
Small petite girls with ample boobs, bbbj, wet pussy. What can u ask for more.
15-08-2006, 05:28 PM
Wah laaaa...Julia is back!...hmmm...hmmmm....very interesting...
15-08-2006, 09:43 PM
She jus appeared and left me with her new contact. The rule is leave ur hp number for verification and sammy nick to get in touch with her when u PM me..
Well. Like what the man say, she's back. Do not PM me. I do not have her number. Please Pm threadstarter.:cool:
15-08-2006, 09:53 PM
woohoo~ u are the bomb! and she's the nuclear! *slurp slurp*
17-08-2006, 05:24 PM
Slowly slowly ma. I dun open my PM often. Once in few days. So be patient ok. Some will get the number. Abt the pic, wait ahh, its still in my camera phone hehehe. Haven't got chance to download yet. Patience is the key. Cheers!
17-08-2006, 06:03 PM
Hi Bro Proprimate...can i hav her new no...Thanks....see u tonite in TCSS k...oh ya i hav bonk Yanti last month...she looks great...thanks for her no...
17-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Ok boys, I have cleared my PM. If u din get the number, pls PM me again but remember...leave ur hp number for verification.
Sorry can't be at tcss tonight, working. Mebe come late after 9.30pm. Anione will be there? Cheers!
17-08-2006, 08:56 PM
Please provide FRs after trying, then I will release other golden numbers u might not want to miss in future. She will keep in contact with me on her progress. No mention of hotels here, pls bring ur own caps, and please no asking for discount and such. Don't smear my reputation ok? Cheers!
17-08-2006, 09:03 PM
18-08-2006, 09:49 AM
Woooooo nice view......:D
18-08-2006, 10:42 AM
looks really good...hmm......
18-08-2006, 11:38 AM
Bro PROPRIMATE thks for your contact .. call her once i saw your PM ... wow very friendly girl chat for long time and confrim our appointment on next wed .. will do a posting once finish mission .. thks again bro PROPRIMATE
18-08-2006, 11:55 AM
hi bro im keen...can pm me contact?:)
18-08-2006, 04:20 PM
I guess salivating by now with the rear view pic. Doggie....wooo...woooo. Don't miss it!!! Ok let her number of bros out there. Too overwhelming even before she starts??!!!! Remeber, pref wed, thurs and fri. Contact her in the morning or mid day and let her know ur appointment. She said she might take in only 2 or 3 in a day, so book in advance ok.
By the way, she is a local 21 yr old gal laa. Those who dun bother to leave ur hp number, dun waste ur time and if cannot be verified, oso dun waste ur time. Plus remeber, she's gonna do this till b4 Hari Raya, or 1 or 2 weeks before the festive period and then she will go into hibernation again until god knows when.
Sat and sun and mon I wun be checking my PMs. Only on Tuesdays. Cheers!
PS: wait till I post the front view!!!!!! Full tits man!!!
18-08-2006, 04:23 PM
Bro cant view the photo..can repost?tks :D
18-08-2006, 04:28 PM
Ok bros,
Request for contacts is CLOSED!!!!!!!! for the moment. What to be seen is FRs. Good response, then it will open again.
Bros with her contact, not to be distributed. Coz I get one unknown dick who calls her and not from the list, her number will be changed!!!! U know how I operate, dun cross the line. If need be, u PM me for such requests, it will be on a case by case basis.
We are here to have nice clean fun and not collectors for trade or personal gains. I hope we understand each other. Thank u. Cheers!
big dick
18-08-2006, 04:59 PM
must faster tell the other bros of LOME now
18-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Alamak Bro n sms her since this morning but no response from her lehh...
18-08-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the number. But just got SMS from Julia, she is not in FL anymore because of illness.:(
18-08-2006, 11:44 PM
I also try to sms her, but no reply..
Gosh.. was happy when get her number....
19-08-2006, 12:20 PM
must faster tell the other bros of LOME now
its ok bro big dick.. the chief has noticed.. haha
21-08-2006, 09:02 AM
must faster tell the other bros of LOME now
But she is not doing FL anymore. So are you telling to become OKT for Minah?
23-08-2006, 07:24 PM
Many who have the pleasure of knowing her will know that she is very fickle. I for one know her better bcoz everytime she pulls such stunts as quiting, bcoz she is in shocked and emotional feelings take over, she feels like to be out of the scene. This is where the challenge comes in! To convince her.
How u think I get to bonk her now and then, sheer persistence and the element of challenge I will take to get her to go out, have a good time and then bonk her.
Bros, dun despair, coz some managed to get her, sweet talk, and walah! U r in her good books and u can cheong her now and then. So the word is patience, sure to get. But dun be irritating or annoying. Come on, take it as a challenge.
I put up this challenge to all bros, if u manage and write ur FR. I up ur points. How's that? Kekekeke. Up to u guys. I jus share wat I think is good. Cheers!
24-08-2006, 12:33 AM
hi bros.....mixmaster here,wanna join LOME...
24-08-2006, 02:09 AM
Many who have the pleasure of knowing her will know that she is very fickle. I for one know her better bcoz everytime she pulls such stunts as quiting, bcoz she is in shocked and emotional feelings take over, she feels like to be out of the scene. This is where the challenge comes in! To convince her.
I concur. Been doing her off and on and each time when I call she will tcss for a bit. Always says that she is not in the line anymore etc etc, got illness. Then I invited her out for dinner first and that was that. I guess you need to sweet talk her, and after that watch out for a great evening!!
She is like a chilli padi - small and hot when she gets going.
24-08-2006, 09:16 AM
Comments from bro proprimate and clover makes it sound so tempting, gian already. Managed to speak with her yesterday, hopefully will connect next week, coz this week tight, travelling and deadlines.
Will post if deed gets done, ke ke:D
Thanks to bro proprimate for updating her number for me.
24-08-2006, 02:06 PM
Bros, dun despair, coz some managed to get her, sweet talk, and walah! U r in her good books and u can cheong her now and then. So the word is patience, sure to get. But dun be irritating or annoying. Come on, take it as a challenge.
I put up this challenge to all bros, if u manage and write ur FR. I up ur points. How's that? Kekekeke. Up to u guys. I jus share wat I think is good. Cheers!
Sweet Talk then boonk her, halfway cried rape....My career gone??
Then she bring out the dreaded word, "illness". Touchwood, God know what illness she is suffering from?
I give you the benefit of doubt. Then she must be a FL from another arena. That is we have to buy her food, go pub and bonk. Trust me, I love that when I was in the 20s. But at late 30s, I am too old for this stuff. Work already killing me and I have no energy for clubbing. Just prefer walk straight to room and finish off.
25-08-2006, 07:16 PM
Sweet Talk then boonk her, halfway cried rape....My career gone??
Then she bring out the dreaded word, "illness". Touchwood, God know what illness she is suffering from?
Dun wori, she's not that sort. If not all of us would be in ruins by now kekekeke. "disease" is not wat u think it is. It is more of those inside the stomach-kind-of illness which stopped her now and then from working.
And bro, u never too old for this sort of curry flavor approach. No need to go thru the whole process, jus chit chat have a drink, get to know each other, warm up and u gonna get a treat in the room. Heard of chemistry? Connection? Making love feeling like u got a gal of ur own cept the paying part kekekeke. Cheers!
14-09-2006, 05:20 PM
Those with her number recently is still valid and she does on and off if u not the sort play play and not serious. Pte numbers will not be answered by her. If she can't verify u, oso too bad. She put on good flesh and shaved pussy and very horny, So far I know a number had tried but no FR leh? Do her a favor please. Cheers!
14-09-2006, 05:27 PM
The long forgotten rear view
14-09-2006, 05:52 PM
The long forgotten rear view
nice view from the back. good for doggie.
Bro Proprimate, please sent me the contact. thanks will do a FR once i ups her.
14-09-2006, 06:08 PM
me no chance to try her yet :p
16-09-2006, 03:21 AM
The long forgotten rear view
cannot c pic leh.... :(
16-09-2006, 09:27 AM
Hi bro proprimate......
care to share her contact......
Pls pm me......
was her client last time.....
16-09-2006, 10:24 AM
me too, me too! :D
still cant see her pic eh? :confused:
19-09-2006, 02:21 AM
bro can pm pic and contact... i also want to try out malay girl... thanks
02-04-2007, 08:25 PM
Limited Period Only, while offer stock lasts!!!!!!
Only comes out when in need. For a month only. Fantasies can be arranged through her mutual consent. U deal with her. I just help out. Only reliable bros with intentions or those who have been faithful to me. The deal is more or less the same. Read thru this thread for information. Oni difference is working time is 1pm to 7 pm weekdays. Rare offer. not to be missed! Cheers.
ps: btw, i oni check my PM in tha evening, so be patient.
02-04-2007, 11:50 PM
Limited Period Only, while offer stock lasts!!!!!!
Only comes out when in need. For a month only. Fantasies can be arranged through her mutual consent. U deal with her. I just help out. Only reliable bros with intentions or those who have been faithful to me. The deal is more or less the same. Read thru this thread for information. Oni difference is working time is 1pm to 7 pm weekdays. Rare offer. not to be missed! Cheers.
ps: btw, i oni check my PM in tha evening, so be patient.
her pic linl no more liao.pls post again.thanks
03-04-2007, 12:34 AM
Bro, she do BBBJ in car??
If she does, i definately pick her up at yew tee straight away.. Lolz... ;)
03-04-2007, 07:10 PM
Bro, she do BBBJ in car??
If she does, i definately pick her up at yew tee straight away.. Lolz... ;)
Bro, jus tell her n I am sure she will oblige. Many desrted car parks down there. Enjoy!
Golden numbers out alredi to bros with guts to leave ur hp and name in my PM. Tha rest without or lack of it, dun bother.
Reminder, no tattoos at all. Clean, perky breasts n very contagious conversations. Cheers!
03-04-2007, 10:04 PM
bro proprimate,
is her number still the same, can i contact her if the number still the same or do i inform u first before contacting her?
03-04-2007, 10:11 PM
bro proprimate,
is her number still the same, can i contact her if the number still the same or do i inform u first before contacting her?
Tha gates are open liao. If u still hv her valid hp, but all means feast on it. It starts with 822***** then u r on tha rite track my friend. Cheers!
05-04-2007, 09:38 PM
More numbers out. Me will b out of town this weekend to Thailand for a relaxing chill out sessions. Till then, enjoy, hope to hear some FRs soon from bros out there. Cheers!
08-04-2007, 04:16 PM
Wah, eyes blurring, knees soft, testicles empty after my trip from the land of smiles, thailand. Wat can I say, money well-spent lor.
Ok back to our FL. Some of u might encounter offline mode, so b patient as those who tried her b4 wud noticed. Remember, she not hard core type who wans all tha time, so u cud rest assure that u will always have a well-rested pussy and service wen ur time cums.
I am trying to find her photos for tha benefit of some bros here who missed her rear end view. Oso b patient hor. Me recuperating fis kekekeke. Cheers!
08-04-2007, 04:29 PM
Wah, eyes blurring, knees soft, testicles empty after my trip from the land of smiles, thailand. Wat can I say, money well-spent lor.
Ok back to our FL. Some of u might encounter offline mode, so b patient as those who tried her b4 wud noticed. Remember, she not hard core type who wans all tha time, so u cud rest assure that u will always have a well-rested pussy and service wen ur time cums.
I am trying to find her photos for tha benefit of some bros here who missed her rear end view. Oso b patient hor. Me recuperating fis kekekeke. Cheers!
So bro, can i take a queue number from u??:D
10-04-2007, 10:38 PM
So bro, can i take a queue number from u??:D
U dun need to take que number lor...all u need is to ask n it shall b given kekekeke. Cheers!
11-04-2007, 12:07 AM
U dun need to take que number lor...all u need is to ask n it shall b given kekekeke. Cheers!
You've got mail!!:D
11-04-2007, 07:31 PM
You've got mail!!:D
Hahaha u got mail too. Cheers!
11-04-2007, 07:51 PM
Hahaha u got mail too. Cheers!
bro hor seh bo how life?...:D
12-04-2007, 07:10 PM
bro hor seh bo how life?...:D
Yo bro, yeah thinks are ok, jus here and there, see see look look, help here n there. Not that sexciting yet. Wat abt u?
BTW, where FRs, no haf wan ah???? Cheers!
12-04-2007, 09:06 PM
Hey bro,
How to give FR when she doesn't reply to sms? :(
gave up on her liao
13-04-2007, 12:14 AM
Yo bro, yeah thinks are ok, jus here and there, see see look look, help here n there. Not that sexciting yet. Wat abt u?
BTW, where FRs, no haf wan ah???? Cheers!
dear bro noted your pm thanks for the no. will post fr after i meet up with her :)
13-04-2007, 01:25 AM
Hey bro,
How to give FR when she doesn't reply to sms? :(
gave up on her liao
Bro, if no reply to sms, can't you pick up the phone and call?? I've called her today and managed to get her. But timing was not right as she has something to attend to. Told her will try contacting her these 2 days again. Thanks to bro proprimate for the contact, will post FR once I tried. Cheerz!
13-04-2007, 01:39 AM
waiting for FR...
14-04-2007, 04:53 PM
Just came back from a session with julia. My FR as follow:-
Was feeling bored at home this morning after OC left for work. So decided to try my luck and see whether can reach Julia. Called her at about 11am but no answer phone. Sian liao :( On computer and surf net, then after 10mins she sms me. Ask me who am I, how i got her number blah blah blah. So i called her on her hp and managed to speak to her. Told me the norms, pick her up at CCK, so we arranged for a 1.30pm session as she needs to settle some issues at home.
Reach her place, sms her. 5mins later, this cute minah walk towards my car and open the door, verify my identity, then hop into my car and "Vroom..........." off to hotel. While driving, we tcss a while, told me about her family, her house blah blah blah. Finally reach destination and check into hotel. Both of us had a smoke, then proceed to shower, then action begins. She gave me a solid bbbj follow by 69. Lick till she buay tahan liao so she cap me and ride me. Change to missionery, reverse cow girl, doggie and finally when about to cum, pull of the rubber and she bbbj for me again till i cim.:D My rating for her are:-
Look : 6 / 10
Age : approximately 24 or 25.
V-stat: 34B-25-34
Sound system: yes, soft moans, no hurry
BBBJ : 7/10
Frenching : allowed
FJ : 7/10 (pattern more than badminton)
CIM : Yes!!! My favourite!!
Fingering : Allowed
Gfe : Yes, keep calling me DEER (dear)! how arh?
Damage : $80/1hr/1 shot
Thanks again to bro proprimate for her contact. Those interested to have her svc pls PM proprimate and not me.
15-04-2007, 10:27 PM
Just came back from a session with julia. My FR as follow:-
Look : 6 / 10
Age : approximately 24 or 25.
V-stat: 34B-25-34
Sound system: yes, soft moans, no hurry
BBBJ : 7/10
Frenching : allowed
FJ : 7/10 (pattern more than badminton)
CIM : Yes!!! My favourite!!
Fingering : Allowed
Gfe : Yes, keep calling me DEER (dear)! how arh?
Damage : $80/1hr/1 shot
Thanks again to bro proprimate for her contact. Those interested to have her svc pls PM proprimate and not me.
Bro, u reali fast man. I know there are a few who had their sessions...come on, u know tha deal.....FRs man.
Some ask whether she accepts malay bros....good news, she does, unlike the other Malay FLs that have rules against their own race.
Numbers are out slowly, dun wan to wear her out so fast if u know wat I mean. Cheers!
15-04-2007, 11:37 PM
Bro, u reali fast man. I know there are a few who had their sessions...come on, u know tha deal.....FRs man.
Some ask whether she accepts malay bros....good news, she does, unlike the other Malay FLs that have rules against their own race.
Numbers are out slowly, dun wan to wear her out so fast if u know wat I mean. Cheers!
No problem lah bro. We've been in the forum long enuff and understanding the rules of the game. Get contact, bonk and post FR. If not wait ppl say I number collector ah! :D :p Cheerz!
15-04-2007, 11:51 PM
I number collector ah! Cheerz!
No 1 nos collector no need to announce to the world world one :D
16-04-2007, 12:06 AM
No 1 nos collector no need to announce to the world world one
Nbzz...Bawang didi come here zee zee siao siao wait i poke your kc then u know :p :D
16-04-2007, 12:25 AM
Nbzz...Bawang didi come here zee zee siao siao Bro what zee siao? I guan xin u mah...Nos collector later kana zap den u know :D
16-04-2007, 12:30 AM
Bro what zee siao? I guan xin u mah...Nos collector later kana zap den u know :D
Heng ah! i got post FR liao, so cfm not number collector. so wun kenna zap right??:confused:
16-04-2007, 12:33 AM
Heng ah! i got post FR liao, so cfm not number collector. so wun kenna zap right??
Yes bro, heng u got post FR so won't tio zap but tcss in here with me dunno will get it bo :p :D
16-04-2007, 12:35 AM
Yes bro, heng u got post FR so won't tio zap but tcss in here with me dunno will get it bo
Oops! Sorry bro proprimate, don't zap me hor, me NEWBIE :p Points beri low, wanna zap u zap bro bawang can liao :p
16-04-2007, 12:43 AM
wanna zap u zap bro bawang can liao :p
Nbzz bro i so guan xin u & now u tua me??? hahah:D Cheers n gd nite ai koon liao!!!
21-04-2007, 05:05 PM
Aiyo, some r real greehorns one down here. I alredi tell u, I no okt, u deal direct wit tha ger lar. She got her own bf to look after her mah. Anyway more of her numbers out to bros out there. Keep those FRs coming in. Cheers!
23-04-2007, 04:46 PM
Thanks bro Proprimate...
Fr as follows:
Stat :34b -25 -34
Ht : 150cm
Look :7/10
Fj :7.5/10
Bbbj :7.5/10
Anal :NA
Damage :$100/60/1
Thank you
24-04-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks bro Proprimate...
Fr as follows:
Stat :34b -25 -34
Ht : 150cm
Look :7/10
Fj :7.5/10
Bbbj :7.5/10
Anal :NA
Damage :$100/60/1
Thank you
Thanks bro,
Word of advise for other bros....avoid lending her any money other than the services provided. She got a sad story to tell but u r not obligated to help. If u do, it is at ur own risk...dun say I neber warn u guys. Cheers!
25-04-2007, 11:47 PM
Thanks to bro proprimate for the contact!!
Got to meet up with Julia this afternoon
below a brief fr
looks 7/10(small size with big boobs)
frenching yes
fingering yes
bbbj 7/10
fj 7/10
damage $100
Rtf maybe
26-04-2007, 07:02 PM
THose who sms her dun get reply, my advise is call direct. She may not hav enuf in her prepaid to reply, my guess. Cheers!
28-04-2007, 08:17 PM
Please dun waste time to PM me if u dun give tha details that is required. Sorry. Cheers!
28-04-2007, 08:29 PM
Julia on off on off kind of attitude very hard to catch up. I old man out of breath. Bro....C u this monday!! TCSS samster gathering.
Ya mas, gue pasti ke sana dong. Gerenti gratis deh! Cheers!
30-04-2007, 12:35 PM
Thanks to bro proprimate for her contact. Been trying to call her but her handphone is off most of the time. Sms her also no reply. Maybe its my luck. Maybe like you said she didnt have enough on her prepaid card to sms back. But I will continue to try :)
11-05-2007, 07:45 PM
Thanks to bro proprimate for her contact. Been trying to call her but her handphone is off most of the time. Sms her also no reply. Maybe its my luck. Maybe like you said she didnt have enough on her prepaid card to sms back. But I will continue to try :)
She gave her signal that she has topped up her card and there are few things she can do and canot. At the moment no FJ but can bbbj or massage for the next 2 weeks or so. SO bros, u can give her a call, preferably call her direct n u negotiate wit her. Hope that helps. Cheers!
04-06-2007, 10:03 PM
thks to bro proprimate for contact,after 2 aborted attempts met up with her on sun,this gal needs a bit of wooing so guys u got to be patient n u will be rewarded with great sex.thks again to bro proprimate.up u my 2 humble pts when u post next.:)
11-06-2007, 08:56 AM
thks to bro proprimate for contact,after 2 aborted attempts met up with her on sun,this gal needs a bit of wooing so guys u got to be patient n u will be rewarded with great sex.thks again to bro proprimate.up u my 2 humble pts when u post next.:)
Hi all,
Sorry been out of action for a while due to work committments and busy schedule. For those who managed to get her, good on u. Others, well.....keep on trying. Those elusive ones, makes u more u wan it kekekeke. Cheers!
09-07-2007, 09:26 PM
For your info, she is back on duty for 3 mths w.e.f. today. Cheers!
10-07-2007, 09:43 AM
Hi Bro proprimate,
Just to check with you. You said she's back for 3 months. So she's a Malay from Malaysia?
Also, we serious must fetch her from Yew Tee?
10-07-2007, 11:51 AM
NO.She a local,now staying in ang mo kio.You can call her to you hotel,no need to fetch her from YEW TEE.
Just have a good time with her at my place.You can go for 100/60/1 or 150/90/2.
10-07-2007, 02:00 PM
KAI@U;2136240]NO.She[/email] a local,now staying in ang mo kio.You can call her to you hotel,no need to fetch her from YEW TEE.
Just have a good time with her at my place.You can go for 100/60/1 or 150/90/2.
Bro, not too good to disclose the whereabout of this girl lar. Anyway, no need to fetch but does we need to pay her cab fare? :D
10-07-2007, 02:07 PM
I live alone and this is her 2nd time(RTF)
I like house call only and she do'nt mind.
MEL from Loadi12345 also come to my place(RTF 5 time)
So izzit good time(feel good cause at home,girlfriend feeling):)
10-07-2007, 05:16 PM
Can anyone post the pic of her backview? And any min pts b4 I can get her contacts?
31-07-2007, 04:05 PM
SOrry bros for the long absence. She has changed her number. SO bros with her old number, will be used as verification before the new number is released via PM. She is even located closer than we thought, so no need to fetch from Yew Tee animore or AMK. Rates apply.
Be patient as I will try to reply as many as possible. Again, this is a short term proposition, 1 or 2 mths oni. Cheers!
01-08-2007, 07:14 PM
Numbers are out for this syt who is 'fresh' nearly a month, untouched, water many many, hungri for ur.....eeemmmm. Thank you for those regular samsters who know the rules. I give u my salute and respect fro following instructions.
Newbies, better learn some manners in asking contacts. At least give genuine reasons and intent. I dun earn a cent, so I dun easily share prized possessions. I would rather share for those who really appreciate such good deals coz u pay for wat u get n not pay extra for the okt's work. My world is still on goodwill.
I do check individual postings n wat they r up to n plus gers always feedback to me as to those who jus window shopping. If u do, I get sbf members to zap u out of this forum to timbuktu n u will never smell a contact again.
I hope we learn. Cheers!
01-08-2007, 07:31 PM
Hw to gt julia's cntct??:cool:
01-08-2007, 08:15 PM
bro, pls share her cttd. thks.
01-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Bro do u have her operation hours?Numbers are out for this syt who is 'fresh' nearly a month, untouched, water many many, hungri for ur.....eeemmmm. Thank you for those regular samsters who know the rules. I give u my salute and respect fro following instructions.
Newbies, better learn some manners in asking contacts. At least give genuine reasons and intent. I dun earn a cent, so I dun easily share prized possessions. I would rather share for those who really appreciate such good deals coz u pay for wat u get n not pay extra for the okt's work. My world is still on goodwill.
I do check individual postings n wat they r up to n plus gers always feedback to me as to those who jus window shopping. If u do, I get sbf members to zap u out of this forum to timbuktu n u will never smell a contact again.
I hope we learn. Cheers!
03-08-2007, 11:59 AM
This one is no new girl but has ask me to help her out again. Check her previous threads on her and I know many are asking for her contact. She jus appeared and left me with her new contact. The rule is leave ur hp number for verification and sammy nick to get in touch with her when u PM me.
Damage is still the same. $80 per shot and $150 for 2 shots. Hotel u pay and u may have to fetch her from Yew Tee hahahaha, Cheers!
If I have time will post her rear view photo to let bros salivate as what could have been. Plus, she does gang bang too. Ahaa!
Small petite girls with ample boobs, bbbj, wet pussy. What can u ask for more.
bro is her number still end wit 40???
03-08-2007, 04:41 PM
Jus got word she oso offering backdoor for a limited period. Jus imagine that nice round ass in doggie position, and then waiting for anal action....eeemmmm. The cost u negotiate wit her. Cheers!
03-08-2007, 04:49 PM
Oh one more thing, long lost brown sugar (JT u shud know) oso in the action and me bumped into her and she has oso a couple of brown sugar on her wagon to be filled with semen. Many part timers. I oni help if I can coz this not my full-time job ma. Cheers!
05-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Yes, she is offering the backdoor service. So u got bbbj, fingering, frenching, cim, cof, fj and now anal action from a cute school girl look alike and remeber, no tattoos brown sugar. Plus u deal direct, no middle man. Cheers!
Mickey Mouse
05-08-2007, 11:00 PM
Nice to see the thread back minus those incriminating postings:rolleyes:
08-08-2007, 08:25 PM
Yup as usual, we have many collectors here. So far oni 1 bro visited her. I would suggest u give a call and show ur support. Plus, give some intention as to when u gonna give her a shot. I gave her all the nicks n gonna tell her after 1 week, no response or intention, scrap the person coz it was YOU who genuinely asked for her number with sad sob pathetic stories of wanting to try a minah, but.......
Plus with my my network, u r going to have a hard time in future to get contacts as I will publish the full list of bogus samsters for all to see. Even if u dun intend to try now, as I say, tell her u r so n so n u will make an appt with her soon or something like that.
I had a very bad day, dun make it worse. My intentions have always been genuine. Your request as I take it to be genuine too. Cheers!
And for God's sake, leave ur number in my PM. And no guarantee of getting it as I have to see wat u have been posting n blah blah blah.
08-08-2007, 09:02 PM
can pm me her ctc no..thx
11-08-2007, 04:21 PM
Yup as usual, we have many collectors here. So far oni 1 bro visited her. I would suggest u give a call and show ur support. Plus, give some intention as to when u gonna give her a shot. I gave her all the nicks n gonna tell her after 1 week, no response or intention, scrap the person coz it was YOU who genuinely asked for her number with sad sob pathetic stories of wanting to try a minah, but.......
Plus with my my network, u r going to have a hard time in future to get contacts as I will publish the full list of bogus samsters for all to see. Even if u dun intend to try now, as I say, tell her u r so n so n u will make an appt with her soon or something like that.
I had a very bad day, dun make it worse. My intentions have always been genuine. Your request as I take it to be genuine too. Cheers!
And for God's sake, leave ur number in my PM. And no guarantee of getting it as I have to see wat u have been posting n blah blah blah.
hi bro i would like to try her also pm me her contact pls...
11-08-2007, 04:49 PM
bro i have PMed u but no reply yet anyway thks
16-08-2007, 09:57 AM
Thanks to Bro Proprimate for the contact.
Contacted Julia on Tue morning and managed to secure a slot at 3pm on the same day after a couple of SMS exchanges.
Reached hotel, sms-ed Julia & within 5 mins she appeared at the door. Invited her in and the first thing she did was to make me a cup of Milo, while I proceed with my shower. Julia went in the bathroom next and reappeared with just a towel wrapped around her. She came near the bed and climbed & sat on me. Before any action... Julia suddenly sat up and asked if I can pay her first... well, i'm ok wif that & got out of bed to get her the money.
We both climbed back to bed and continued where we left off.... started with a little tongue fight, before Julia took my little bro and gave me a BBBJ. We then switched to 69-position where I started to paint her and occassionally probed her asshole with one of my fingers. That went on for awhile before she capped me and requested me to enter her doggie (seems to me most minahs like doggie?! wonder bros here have the same experience?). Well, I grab hold of her ass (which unfortunately a bit flabby) and start bonking her with both her hands pressed against the bed headboard. Her moaning was quite alright but I dun like when she claimed that she is cumming after only a short while... sounds fake lor. I then paused for awhile and ask if I can enter her from the 'backdoor'. She quoted me a price which I later decided to give it a miss.
Continue with doggie.. I then lifted her left leg so that I could penetrate her deeper and harder. I released my load in that position and guess what? We both burst into laughters after realising that the bed has "moved" abt a foot away from the wall where it originally was! So no choice got to push back the bed. Damn... after bonking still need to do work :o
After washing up, Julia left and I took a short nap in the room since there are still plenty of time left.
Name: Julia
Race: Malay
Looks: 6/10 (I think due to her petite figure and playfulness, she don't really look like a 24 y/o divorcee with 2 kids)
Boobs: 6/10 (B-cup and perky but a tad too soft to my liking)
Frenching: Yes
AJ: Didn’t try
FJ: 6/10 (1 position)
Damage: $100 FJ, $20 room, $3 ‘raincoat'
17-08-2007, 09:24 PM
Name: Julia
Race: Malay
Looks: 6/10 (I think due to her petite figure and playfulness, she don't really look like a 24 y/o divorcee with 2 kids)
Boobs: 6/10 (B-cup and perky but a tad too soft to my liking)
Frenching: Yes
AJ: Didn’t try
FJ: 6/10 (1 position)
Damage: $100 FJ, $20 room, $3 ‘raincoat'
Thks bro for ur frank opinion. Cheers!
22-08-2007, 09:57 AM
Last time people complain coz got to pik her up from Yew Tee, now she even nearer in geylang and can pop up to ur room in 5 mins. She shiok one wen drunk. So go hotel, bring some beers and u c wat i mean oooh ohhhh. Cheers!
01-09-2007, 12:30 PM
HI bro.. Thanks for the contacts that u gave me..
But I had been conatcting her the past whole week and try sms her also no reply and call cannot get through wat happen ??:confused:
01-09-2007, 08:44 PM
I dun know wats happening as me outstation for some time.
17-09-2007, 08:09 PM
Hari Raya Special
Julia is going for $60 per shot excluding room & $100 for 2 shots. No need to fetch her far far as she is now residing in our red light district for convenience and is available 24/7. Dun miss out on this petite malay local delight. Bonus, this one can do ANAL too.
Clean, no tattoo, soft full tits, good service.
Catch is, she changed her number again. Those interested, pls PM me. U know the drill, regulars please verify with her previous number. Newbies, try convincing me. Cheers!
Offer while stock lasts hehehehe
17-09-2007, 11:28 PM
Hari Raya Special
Julia is going for $60 per shot excluding room & $100 for 2 shots. No need to fetch her far far as she is now residing in our red light district for convenience and is available 24/7. Dun miss out on this petite malay local delight. Bonus, this one can do ANAL too.
Clean, no tattoo, soft full tits, good service.
Catch is, she changed her number again. Those interested, pls PM me. U know the drill, regulars please verify with her previous number. Newbies, try convincing me. Cheers!
Offer while stock lasts hehehehe
am not that noobie. can pm her contact. can exchange another
2 milfs massage you.
18-09-2007, 07:52 PM
am not that noobie. can pm her contact. can exchange another
2 milfs massage you.
Sure, no problem bro, jus PM me. Cheers!
18-09-2007, 08:24 PM
change num again!!! the special offer til when? Will PM u the old nm
21-09-2007, 06:36 PM
Slow down on the booze on her man. U guys jus like seeing woman drink n be tipsy n have great sex. But she can really drink. Looks like fast n furious now. Cheers!
22-09-2007, 11:07 AM
Wah now must que wan ahhh. Like Geylang bazaar, many many people oso wan.........lagi she can 24/7. Kekekekeke. Cheers!
22-09-2007, 08:47 PM
Many many numbers out liao but NO FRs:mad: Asked her and she said quite a number had seen her. How to give other brown sugars like that in my diary??? She will always feedback to me if this bro good or not before I release other young sweet things. Pls support leh. Cheers!
22-09-2007, 09:05 PM
Back by popular demand, her rear view on my avatar. Enjoy. Cheers!
22-09-2007, 09:20 PM
hey proprimate.. dunt worry will b writing one fr soon.. chat wif her already. quite a friendly n sweet gal..... by friday orite.... if got anymore malay FLs do intro to me..haha thx again bro
23-09-2007, 05:42 PM
wah bro...ur avatar so small, how to let fellow samsters fully enjoy her rear view... :D
24-09-2007, 05:12 AM
Bro, I though she is Julie? Not only change number but also changed name ah?
:D btw pm you for her new number already..
24-09-2007, 08:28 PM
She was from the 'Hate Tattoos....' thread, she is the same Julie or julia. Now more accessable than before and nearer too. Try to call her direct and after her beauty sleeplah abt 12 plus or so. People oso need to sleep mah. She can do even overnite and so on. Limited period oni coz dunno wen she would be going to hibernation again. Cheers!
25-09-2007, 03:05 AM
Thanks to Bro Proprimate for the contact.
heres a simple fr.
Jz had a session wif julia...
A very petite gal... chatty n friendly....
A very customer oriented gal...
u treat her gd, n she reli treat u good....
Name: Julia
Race: Malay
Looks: 7/10 (i luv small n petite gals)
Boobs: 6/10 (too soft for my liking)
BBBJ: 6/10 (need more suction)
Frenching: Yes, reli gf feeling
AJ: Didn’t try
FJ: 6/10 (3 position) (missionary is best wif petite gals)
Damage: $100 FJ, $40 room, $3 cds
RTF: yes, coz luv petite gals
thx again bro proprimate for da contact.... anyway if u got any more malay fl do imtro aite......
25-09-2007, 07:52 AM
Sms her but no reply :(
25-09-2007, 12:09 PM
hey like wat bro proprimate has written....
some bros here sms or call her way after 12am.. how to giv u all gd service if she not hav enuf sleep siah. lucky in da hotel i go, no reception, if not u guy wud disturb my session wif her...... hahaha
dunt angry2
25-09-2007, 12:12 PM
hey like wat bro proprimate has written....
some bros here sms or call her way after 12am.. how to giv u all gd service if she not hav enuf sleep siah. lucky in da hotel i go, no reception, if not u guy wud disturb my session wif her...... hahaha
dunt angry2
25-09-2007, 07:43 PM
hey like wat bro proprimate has written....
some bros here sms or call her way after 12am.. how to giv u all gd service if she not hav enuf sleep siah. lucky in da hotel i go, no reception, if not u guy wud disturb my session wif her...... hahaha
dunt angry2
Thanks bro for the FR. I was thinking when the next FR coming out with all the numbers alredi out. More to cum I hope.
Bro, will let u to my pandora box if ur vit M can take it. Cheers!
25-09-2007, 07:47 PM
Tried Julia last week, a very friendly oriented gal and try her best to please you.
Race: Malay
Looks: 5.5/10 (i prefer fairer minah =)
Body: Size size, think ard 1.5
Boobs: 6/10 not firm enough
BBBJ: 7/10
Frenching: Yes
FJ: 6/10
25-09-2007, 10:42 PM
hey bro proprimate...
vit m can easily get bro..
will share wif u some fl if i get some...
happy hunting...
29-09-2007, 01:15 PM
The number I gave IS the number. Patience is the key; Planning ur time is the essence. WHy no answer? Why no reply? If me, I pik the weekdays, early in the week, non-peak hrs to get my maximum 2 hrs, 2 shots target. She has a life too mah, she wans to party during the weekends or go out with anyone, she has every rite to do so.
BTW, she said that those who try to USE her, like, thinking u bring her out for lunch, shopping, jalan2, entitles u 2 free shots? Think again. Well spend many many but still get burnt at the end is my advise to those bros who try to sianz her. Infact applies to all FLs. Trust me. I know. Cheers!
29-09-2007, 03:40 PM
Thks bro Proprimate
Just finish a session with Julia and return home to write FR.
Sms her for a slot, check into htl n sms rm no.
Within 5 mins, she was at the door. She is veri friendly n chatty n the smile was always there. Told her I want Aj, she said "no problem", asked to pay her first.
Shower n clean up together, then went to bed, she gave me a veri nice catbath, n work her way down to my rod. Her bbbj was also good n after sometime capped me n bend herself down for doggie. I asked her for KY but she said she dont have. So forced my rod in her round hole n i can see she is enjoying, manage to go in fully, but feel movement restricted without lubricant. After abt few mins removed from the round hole n she HJ me until exploded on to her boobs. As for stats, same as what is said here
Thks Proprimate again for the contact
BTW, she said biz is not so good, so hope bros here can help her. Pls contact thread starter for her contact.
29-09-2007, 10:23 PM
Any bros knows whether her Hari Raya promo is still on? Haven't tried local minah b4 :D
30-09-2007, 06:23 AM
Any bros knows whether her Hari Raya promo is still on? Haven't tried local minah b4 :D
Yes promo still on, tried her ytd.
01-10-2007, 06:24 PM
Thank Bro Proprimate for the Julia contacts... Just finish our session wit her at 3.30pm and back home to put this FR.
Today, itchy already wit my friend also itchy.. Call tis Julia contacts given by Bro Proprimate.. Ha, a nice sexy voice answer.. Ask free ?? she says ok and quote for 1/60 2/100. than I enquire wat about me , my friend togteher 2 each /150 is it ok.. To my surprise.. she giggle a little and say ok.. But problem with those bro no cars.. Got to fetch her at Clementi than to yr own destination.
Ok reach hotel my friend book a room went up wit her first and I follow in a while later to the room. And in the room wow.. imagine man I am a director ha ha wanderful wat I see in the orgy can try it myself heee. cut short a enjoyable sessions. but due to me and my friends old liao.. second time cannot stand but up down up down so just leave when times up. haiz.
Julia @ 23yrs , small built and small soft boobs which i likes the small built girl.Recommend bro who like small built. very very friendly and horny girl. she told me that she ever do wit three man.. ha . I think if vitamin allows, i will sure have another sessions with her again with more friends, hee,
Damage( me and Friends total)- 150 for session, hotel 30, cd 10, taxi about 10.
03-10-2007, 06:24 PM
Yes promo still on, tried her ytd.
Thanks! Was in G-area in the afternoon and tried to arrange for a session with her today but was told that she has shifted homebase and is not free today. Spoke to her briefly over the phone and seems like a polite and nice person. Seems like may be more difficult to arrange a session cos' I stay on the other end of the island :o
03-10-2007, 08:12 PM
Yup bros, promo still on. Yah she did mention abt shifting to clementi but will still base in Geylang if there r customers. And yah she does 2 to 3 men at one time. She likes the attention and the orgasm she will get. hehehehe. Cheers!
05-10-2007, 08:30 PM
After several failed attempts due to timing issue, finally managed to arrange for a session with Julia today. A young, petite and friendly girl who will keep calling u dear, dear ;)
Won't go into details but sufficient to say it was a good bonk with a nice and service-oriented girl.
Looks: 6.5/10 (pretty but heavy makeup)
Boobs: 6/10 (B-cup but too soft)
Body: 7/10 (petite and slim)
BBBJ: 7/10 (wet and wild but can still improve)
Frenching: Yes (lotz ... - point is got smoker's breath)
CIM/COB: 1st shot / 2nd shot
Service: 8/10 (will always ask wat u like)
AJ: Didn’t try
FJ: 7/10 (tight and she will high until 翻白眼 but moaning abit scripted, onie got I'm cummin, I'm cummin :D )
Thanks to bro proprimate for contact. Quite a good value bonk especially with the current promotion!
05-10-2007, 10:46 PM
Managed to sms her. Very friendly over sms.Can't wait to meet her.
06-10-2007, 02:31 AM
Had her on fri evening
Looks: 4/10 (heavy make up,the look doesnt grow on me,indian muslim looks which she say she gt india mum)
Boobs: 5/10 (soft B cup wif dark nipples)
Body: 5/10 (short gal about 1.5m wif unbother nail polish & stretch mark on her leg)
Pussy: 5/10 (short tirmmed hair, duno gt smell or not cos nv pussy painting)
french: 5/10 (dun mind frenching wif u)
FJ: 5/10 (dun hv loosen feeling)
Heavy smoker cos she say she like to smoke alot during drinking.Like to call u 'dear or darling' during conversation, mooing abit fake cos will say 'come on baby, cant stand it'.Offer me a massage aft 1st session,massage wif strength but not veri pro & aft awhile her hand wil sweaty plam.2nd session nv eject due to tireness & will offer HJ to make u eject out,she like to be doggy.After everything is done will ask u if she can go off after shower.
Damage: $100/2/1, hotel $20 & CD ownself bring
06-10-2007, 02:33 AM
Had her on fri evening
Looks: 4/10 (heavy make up,the look doesnt grow on me,indian muslim looks which she say she gt india mum)
Boobs: 5/10 (soft B cup wif dark nipples)
Body: 5/10 (short gal about 1.5m wif unbother nail polish & stretch mark on her leg)
Pussy: 5/10 (short tirmmed hair, duno gt smell or not cos nv pussy painting)
french: 5/10 (dun mind frenching wif u)
FJ: 5/10 (dun hv loosen feeling)
Heavy smoker cos she say she like to smoke alot during drinking.Like to call u 'dear or darling' during conversation, mooing abit fake,will say 'come on baby, cant stand it'.Offer me a massage aft 1st session,massage wif strength but not veri pro & aft awhile her hand wil sweaty plam.2nd session nv eject due to tireness & will offer HJ to make u eject out,she like to be doggy.After everything is done will ask u if she can go off after shower cos she got other customer.
Damage: $100/2/1, hotel $20 & CD ownself bring
15-10-2007, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the all FRs. Her promo will be on-going for the festive season throughout. Might convince her to keep to the rates all the way.
Bonus: Those who had tried Julia may want to try other gems but the others are in charge by another of my gem who had taken upon herself to take charge of several mouth watering malay gers under her wings. Will let u guys know when these gers are on duty as they are in the Hari Raya mood still,
So dun flood my inbox as yet. Patience is the key. To all my Muslim bros, Happy Hari Raya.
Pls Note: Sorry I was outstation for 2 weeks. Anyway, please check your messages for Julia's number for those who asked for it. Cheers!
15-10-2007, 09:23 AM
This is for those who like older woman. Got one by the name Z. Not a looker but makes up for her wonderful hands in massage, superb, must try if you r not into the bonking mode but she still can release u just as well. $30 for the 2 hrs massage and bonus point is.....she is related to Julia and wen u see her, u can tell me who she looks like hehehehe. Oni tried her hj for $20. Will rtf if I need a good massage. Take note, not a looker but I go for my body fix oni and feel good after, tats all. Cheers!
20-10-2007, 07:52 AM
Veri quiet leh many numbers out but not mani FRs mah. Heard she was down with the flu last week but shud b ok now, i think. Cheers! Those who wans Z's number, get it from Julia n not me. Cheers!
23-10-2007, 08:19 PM
OK Bros, now is the chance to give feedback on her. She wants to know how to better serve u guys. What needs to be improved, what u guys like her to do, pricing, whatever or anything hehehehe. All inputs would be told to her and lets see what she can do for us and not what we can do for her! Julia wants U.... Cheers!
25-10-2007, 11:59 AM
eh julia changed number issit? cant seem to get her siah....
28-10-2007, 08:05 AM
Dun know wat is going on coz some bros canot contact her. Will find out and update cheers!
29-10-2007, 09:20 PM
Ok found out wat the problem was. Her line is temporary down. She said the number would be working in a day or 2. So bros can try it out. She's looking hot n horni coz nearly a week no work liaow. So better watch out! Cheers!
02-11-2007, 01:23 PM
Yup confirm she is up and about and her hp working with the existing number that start with 9174****. Where all the FRs nia? More numbers out. Cheers!
02-11-2007, 01:54 PM
6th October was the last FR received. I know I gave out a lot of numbers to bros out there. She has the list of numbers to verify but u have my word she wun call until i give out the green light for her to do so. Plus those trusted ones, I have ur sbf nicks all ready to be blacklisted for all to see. Plus will spread the word around to all my kakis in here to give u a miss.
If u say u wan, I give. Coz u sound so desperate. But wat I get? Nothing!!!! Its a matter of courtesy to at least PM me that u will try her soon and FR will be put up. Those shy wan, can PM me or ask her to verify with me so and so did pay me a visit.
This is to ensure, bros that gets her service, I will lead u to the next level of gems which is very very exclusive. Cheers!
02-11-2007, 01:54 PM
Bro call her and she infd she didnt do fl anymore and bang the phone down...hehe
02-11-2007, 03:56 PM
Bro call her and she infd she didnt do fl anymore and bang the phone down...hehe
Bro Propimate so which is which now is she still working? if yes then i'll pm you for her contact
05-11-2007, 11:09 AM
YES, the answer is YES, she is still doing FL. Probable causes for her to deny are:
- Her mum could have answered the phone and was pissed off
- Dickless pricks who call and put down phone
- Pte number calls who oso put down
- Freebies hoping for a free fuck
- I-wan-2-b-ur-friend dickheads
- i wan to see u first pricks
- Make appt but neber cum
- outcalls but bogus addresses
- ask too many questions
Bros, everything is in here, rates, specs, services. Those who are in here. I'm sure not naive. Too many warnings have been given but people jus dun understand the simple rules in sbf.
The ger is trying to make a living, the hard way, but dun put through hell for ur selfish wants. Does she charge exorbitant prices to u, she has to live up 2 ur expectations, many things I'm sure u dun want to experience it urself or for that matter your own daughters!!!!
U wan fun, I giv u fun. Give me some respect and I give mine to u. Anyway her last client was JT. a few days ago and after that, quiet......
I am collecting numbers from those bogus bros from her now. Too bad, very sad for u. Cheers!
Steed 4
05-11-2007, 11:53 AM
Bro....Glad to see U're still going Strong.....:D
06-11-2007, 07:18 AM
Bro....Glad to see U're still going Strong.....:D
Yo bro, long time no hear. How everiting? Tom yum? Nasi lemak? or nasi ayam penyet? So wat is the flavor of the mth? hehehehe. Cheers!
06-11-2007, 08:55 PM
YES, the answer is YES, she is still doing FL. Probable causes for her to deny are:
- Her mum could have answered the phone and was pissed off
- Dickless pricks who call and put down phone
- Pte number calls who oso put down
- Freebies hoping for a free fuck
- I-wan-2-b-ur-friend dickheads
- i wan to see u first pricks
- Make appt but neber cum
- outcalls but bogus addresses
- ask too many questions
Bros, everything is in here, rates, specs, services. Those who are in here. I'm sure not naive. Too many warnings have been given but people jus dun understand the simple rules in sbf.
The ger is trying to make a living, the hard way, but dun put through hell for ur selfish wants. Does she charge exorbitant prices to u, she has to live up 2 ur expectations, many things I'm sure u dun want to experience it urself or for that matter your own daughters!!!!
U wan fun, I giv u fun. Give me some respect and I give mine to u. Anyway her last client was JT. a few days ago and after that, quiet......
I am collecting numbers from those bogus bros from her now. Too bad, very sad for u. Cheers!
its abt time sumone gave this guys a HAIR DRYER treatment :p
06-11-2007, 11:54 PM
Bro, I booked her 4 days in advance once, during the Hari Raya period. She said ok. But when I called her on that day, she said cannot and have to change day. Left me high and dry. I tried to book her 1 week later but she was also busy. She's also not easy to get. I've moved on to another FL. Not sure if you should listen fully to what she said. But I must say she was always friendly on the phone. Just posting my honest comments. I will still like to try her but need to find a right time...
07-11-2007, 03:17 AM
came back from a session with julia. My FR as follow:-
had booked her a day before: on the phone she was very sweet, sounded young. i had mixed feelings! why? often sweet voice = big figure. but what the hell, take the risk.
meet her at 2pm below her block. standby an excuse if turn out to be baby elephant. but WTF, came out a blonde beauty... minah of course. had a very good figure. so felt wow BRO PROPRIMATE quite power recommend me a power minah. TKSS all the way to hotel. of course being a gentleman asked which hotel she prefer; hotel 81 or fragrance. chose 81.
went in took shower with her and gave me a power blow. my god;;;;; i cum in her mouth. yes guys she likes it. but of course didnt swallow, just washed up , had a very nice and relaxing massage. she does magic with her fingers. played around after that and proceeded to round 2. i mean she was in no hurry, just want to give u more than your moneys worth.
had a milo with her and TKSS with her while driving her back.
*** pls note she does 2 or 3 customers a day. reason being she doesnt want to be tired while serving customers... i mean thats service man.
so pls dont complain if cant book her soon. she is quite a rarity in this market, just treat her well, and find a good hotel.
Look : 7 / 10
Age : 23
V-stat: 34B-25-34
Sound system: yes, soft moans, no hurry
BBBJ : 8/10
Frenching : allowed GF feeling
FJ : 8/10
CIM : Yes!!! I loooove
Fingering : yes
Gfe : Yes, just wanna hug her all the time
Damage : $100/2hr/2 shot
Thanks again to BRO PROPRIMATE for her contact. Those interested to have her svc pls PM proprimate and not me.
07-11-2007, 05:27 AM
not again,got zapped for posting sumtin honest,engaged her sometime back, even helped her with some cash despite bro proprimate warnings as she was going thru a difficult period.i even told her she don t have to return the cash, so i don t get it.if u guys can t engage her services or help her in other ways wat rite do u have to zap.anyway i don t care for the points so if u guys wanna zap pls leave ur nick so i can up u my 2 humble the bro who zapped sori i can t up u cos u did leave ur gutless nick.:p
07-11-2007, 10:12 AM
Thank you sir for the contact.
Finally get to try Julia. Petite nice looking minah.
Long hair, dress in jeans and blouse.
In the room requested here to sit on my lap.
Took her jeans off and G string.
Sttng and with back facing me, I was fingering her and at the same time teasing her ears and breast. Soon her blouse was off. Nice boobs for her petite body. Turning her around, sucking and licking her boobs andmy fingers was at her clits. Very wet wet wet. Can see she was enjoying with her eyes rolling back. Her hands was also very naughty. Attacking my bird.
Soon we were naked and on the bed. Nice butt and decides to go for doggie. Cap on and pump. She is very wet and good. Signal to her waited anal. Give me a slutty look and I pump away. Sure is very tight. Worry that she might be in pain and stop. Finished off in doggie.
Overall a good session. Julia is a very service oriented girl.
Thanks TS for contact. Paid up and send her home.
Residence is quite near geylang is all I can say.:)
09-11-2007, 07:47 AM
Many thanks for the FRs and that is more like it. She keeps asking me what more can be improved in her services. So me jus give her the feedback of bros out there. She is really an eager beaver all I can say.
More numbers are out, please check your PM. Please note, book her on the day itself and not in advance. Easier for her and avoid any unnecessary aeroplanes. Fetching her is more central now and cost less plus this is also to avoid her wasting time going to the hotel with no show by some bros.
Thanks again for the wonderful FRs. Keep it cumming. Cheers!
11-11-2007, 08:47 AM
More numbers out alredi liaow. Thanks again for explaining as to why u cun book her for now. As for the others please leave ur name n number if u reali wan to try, oni genuine samsters considered. Cheers!
12-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Hey Bro Proprimate.......I've sent U a PM.
Thanx bro
14-11-2007, 07:45 PM
1st and foremost, thanks to bro proprimate for her contact. juz came back from a session with julia earlier this afternoon. My FR as follows :-
had a little bit of vit M left for this month but enough for juz 1 bonk. had a choice of between thai apple and minah julia. hmmm .... decisions, decisions :rolleyes:
decided to actually sms both of them to try my luck and see if anyone of them are available. both replied but julia took it 1 step further. she actually called me and had a small chit chat with her. with her sweet voice and lovey dovey words, that's it, i had to try her. (to bro midnightiger : thanx for apple's contact but sorry lah bro, money no enuf lah to cheong her this month. will definitely try her next month after vit M recharge)
tot of meeting her at noon but was delayed due to work. she was nice enuf to say that it was ok and finally met her at 12.30pm at her void deck. was looking around when spotted a blondie sitting on the chair. wah .... not bad, quite sweet but was initially shocked by her blonde hair. but after composing myself, a naughty tot came to mind - wah, can imagine i doing it to an ang moh .. hehe
we got into a cab and went down to balestier. throughout the journey, tried making small talk and julia was nice enuf to return the favour. went into the room, sat on the edge of the bed and the chit-chat became even more lively. wah ... can really click with this girl man. we ended up talking for a good 30 minutes before starting any actions ... hehehe
but no regret coz i really enjoyed the conversation. she shared a lot of things, her background, her life etc ... overall, it made the whole session more feeling and passionate. sorry if some bros feel i'm being long winded but i juz like my FL session to have more girl friend feeling then juz SOPs. makes it more enjoyable.
once chit chat out of the way, she started by attacking my mouth. good tongue fighting that carried on for a what seemed a long 5 minutes. she offered to take off my clothes but i told her that i prefer to be the one stripping her. continued with the deep frenching before i carried her off the bed and backed her against the wall, lips still interlocking.
my shirt was off as with her top. that's when i remembered. "eh, my 1 shot with you means our session by right only half hour rite?" i asked. she juz smiled and told me its ok. ho say liao ... on lah.
i will leave the intricate detailing to the imagination of bros here but one shot turned to two and our session actually dragged on for a good 3 hours! :D
Looks : 6.5-7.5 / 10 (her looks grew onto me)
Age : 23
V-stat: 34B-25-34
BBBJ : 7/10 (not that powerful as compared to mila)
Frenching : 9/10 (really GF)
FJ : 9/10 (tight with nice moans)
CIM : for the 1st shot. cannot tahan ... hehehe
Gfe : most definitely! when even went out of the room and the hotel holding hands
Damage : $100/2 shot/ 3 hrs ... overshot ... hehehe
RTF : most likely, yes!
got julia's number from bro proprimate some time back but tried her yesterday.just did a bbbj in car as i was rushing for time.she has very good attitude and service.rates has been posted b4 so i wun dwell on that.
looks for me is arnd 6.5/10.
service is 9/10!
16-11-2007, 08:09 AM
Thanks for the FRs. Keep it cumming. Great action and my PM jus wen near full. Sorry for not replying the PMs soon coz I was outstation for a week and the damn place has no internet at all.
Pls check ur PM, the numbers are out to a dozen bros out there. Enjoy. Cheers!
16-11-2007, 08:20 AM
hey bro's. This is my first FR, so please don't have high expectations okay.
Firstly, i would like to thank bro Proprimate for the contact. Although i'm new here, he still gave me a chance to appreciate the gorgeous Julia! I called her to make appointment and as some bro's might find, she is sometimes busy. But reading all the previous FR's, i was determined to try her and finally got a slot. Her voice is so sweet and she calls you 'sayang'. Listening to that itself got my heart pumping harder :D But as bro stashsg said, a bit scary because most girls with a sweet voice are usually butt ugly!
Anyways, got to GL, booked the room and sms to her. *Ding dong* i didn't want to peep and spoil the surprise so i opened the door and in walked this petite *HOT* girl. She smiled and gave me a peck on my cheek. We sat on the bed and spoke for a while, telling me about her life etc. (Although i was advised against it, i got her a top up card for her mobile, just trying to help where i can lar) Standing next to her (i'm 193 cm) i felt like a giant. Since we both had showered, I carried her and put her on the bed and we got down to business.
She doesn't rush and certainly takes her time. We kissed and caressed till she reached down and started massaging my member. The first girl i know who can unbutton my pants with one hand WHILE kissing me! :) Her catbath was erotic! She spends time nibbling your ears and down your neck. She has a way of teasing you by kissing your inner thighs and then licking your nuts. The best part of her BBBJ is that she's always looking at your expression to accomodate. She goes slow when she knows you're enjoying it and faster when she knows you need more stimulation. I'm no pro in BBBJ's so i didn't really last all that long. This is where i think attitude counts. Knowing this, she stopped and started playing with my nips and nuts, trying to prolong it as long as she could. After 20 minutes of this, she decided to take it in and sucked every last drop i had! I almost passed out.
After that session, even thinking of round 2 was almost impossible. She had a fag and then we watched a bit of Seinfield. Lying there with my strong stick turned into a cacing i knew there wasn't going to be round two. But alas, i was wrong. After 20 mins of chit chatting, she lied on my chest and started playing with my chest hair. He warm body lying on my cacing must have woken it up from slumber! Seeing this, she took it in her mouth and sucked it till it was a proud stick again then capped it. She suggested doggy, and looking at her ass - i didn't complain one bit! I lasted about 10 mins before i collapsed! I don't think she reached her peak, but i was too tired to go on. We had a shower together - memorable experience by itself - and left. I kissed her before leaving the hotel, promising to meet again soon.
Looks : 7.5 / 10 (sweet)
Age : 23 (looks a little more like 25)
BBBJ : 8.5/10
Frenching : 9/10
FJ : 9/10
GFE : very much so
Damage : $100 / 2 shot
RTF : Yessss!
16-11-2007, 07:51 PM
:D Wah~~ look like this minah not bad... Hope can get a try
16-11-2007, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the FRs. Keep it cumming. Great action and my PM jus wen near full. Sorry for not replying the PMs soon coz I was outstation for a week and !
U couldn't find the internet cafe in Batam huh bro ?
17-11-2007, 11:53 PM
here's my humble FR on Julia.. Gonna keep it short and sweet..
My session with her was @ 3.30pm in the afternoon, today..
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 7/10
BBBJ: 10/10 ( CIM, yeah )
FJ: 8/10 ( never do many positions, probably she tired liao as she had a customer right before she had me )
RTF: Why not!!!!!!!
Bro Proprimate, thanks for hooking me up with this gem of yours.. Now, can't wait to try your other gems in the bag... Hahahahahahah
18-11-2007, 05:38 PM
Had a session with Julia on Saturday, thanks to bro Proprimate for the contact and intro and his online advice.
Quite fun so will include details.
Called her hp abt 9.30am; she was already up. Eventually met up with her at a GL81 at 1.00pm. Few mins later, she called already in lift.
Opened door, she came in smiling. Julia’s your typical small frame sexy Malay girl with svelte body that we all so want to shag, and a face that we all know what she’d be like in bed. She asked to smoke to relax her rush, and we tokkok a while, as she rubbed my groin area.
Five mins later, we showered together, I said not to bother catbath, AR, but would like BBBJ now. Whereupon she gave me a good one.
Continued bbb on bed. She used hand same time, told her not to else will cum real quick. She said that’s alright, we will have a second shot. But she listened and carried on handsfree. Damn good, slow and shiok till almost cum.
At bedside, I returned favour. Her cb was goodlooking, with hair trimmed short, no odour, very wet. She enjoyed being licked, with soft moans, and slight movements of legs and wiggles of bum, and jerks at times.
I pulled upwards to suck her small boobs, same time press body and cock against her cb and grind her there. Then I held cock in hand and use it to rub her cb lips sideways and up-down, and rub her clit with tip and underside of cock. Sideways rubbing lips was like pushing curtains apart, and up-down was like rubbibg her slit with finger. A slight misjudgement in navigation and cock would have entered cb. Aaargh! So wanted to, but had better judgement. She knew my suffering, quickly put on cd. Used hands, not mouth; not easy as cock real swollen headed.
Slide in, tight, man, her eyes closed as she and her cb experience cock insertion. Then eyes opened big as cock head pushed against tunnel dead end wall. She like, so I went up-down scraping that wall which got her rocking her buttocks. Fj took a very very long time, we kept it slow and lazy, enjoying the good-fit. Every now and then stop pumping, but giving her bursts of cockhead which she at first thot “you come..?” but I assured her not yet, and she reciprocated with vaginal squeezes. Not strong enough I said, so she put in greater effort and gave some good contractions. Finally shot first load.
Washed, tokkok, she asked if I had eaten, etc I said you go ahead and she boiled the instant noodles and ate. Once nourished 10 minutes later, we started on seconds. She got lil bro up quickly, this time told her to use hands to help it up! Quite a longtime bj. I put on cd (faster than if she did it) and got her into doggy. Like earlier, she did doggy with knees on bedside while I stand on floor. Then I got her to stand on floor. Much better and deeper penetration. Great and easy to do the scrape back wall.
Then I suggested we do it standing, and we moved together , positioned her facing wall, and that was one fierce one because she being short and me tall, can really go up deep, lagi shiok watching ourselves in mirror on wall to our right.
Moved onto bed for missionary, then scissors and when almost cum, took off cd and she bbbj me once again, this time with more vigour and deepthroat action and I shot off a freaking mindblowing cim which she held but not swallow as I kept squirting action in her mouth. She spat it out in the bathroom. We washed up together.
Julia’s very accommodating. Asked if she had any bad johns. She said only one or two who bargain and pay for ‘one shot’ but go for two. But most were very nice people as they were ‘introduced’ by Proprimate. She was quite eager to know how to give better service; so I gave some points. This gal’s worth her price.
Looks : 6
Bod : 7
Boobs : 4
BBBJ : 8
FJ : 10
AJ : didn’t try as it’ll cost extra
Catbath : didn’t want
AR : didn’t want
Connectivity : 10
RTF : definitely.
20-11-2007, 02:43 PM
Wow, excellent FRs. Keep it cumming!!!! As JT would say, this is NO HORSE RUN. U get GREAT service. Please do give her more good sex advise so tat she cud do even a better job. This is the list of wat she has done so far:
allows clit licking
all positions accommodated
gang bang
bf feeling
no rush
money's worth
Wat more can u ask for. Remember no passing of numbers for this gem. Coz it will be changed and many bros would not be happy. Lets keep it as it is now. It oni needs one bro to spoil the joy. Many many numbers are out alredi. Check ur PM. If no reply is bcoz u neber leave ur contact and neber trust me! Bonus for those in the high rep category coz u alredi know me. Enjoy. Cheers!
20-11-2007, 07:23 PM
oh, thats so sad....:p
always i wait without turning up or cannot turn up, Poor Julia waiting and waiting and waiting.
21-11-2007, 02:23 AM
Thanx bro Proprimate for the intro.
A short FR guys. Basically a very nice gal. Pleasant and easy to talk to.
I'm not gonna repeat what the other bros have said , so just gonna add on couple of things.
Body....damn gd.(to my taste) Proportionate body. Nice soft Boobs. Very smooth skin, esp, the bums.
Service........Very customer orientated. Lots of GFE. She offered me basically anything I wanted to do but damn tired as just got back from BKK few hrs earlier. Did the usual multiple positions and finished off with CIM. i didn't go for 2nds, even though she was game. Nice BBBJ with she lookin up to me when doin it...shiok.
Overall........7/10 ( Chili padi, small but HOT)
RTF..........for sure............treat her nice guys. :)
22-11-2007, 05:09 AM
Bonus for those in the high rep category coz u alredi know me. Enjoy. Cheers!
Like me ?
PM me her number lah !
22-11-2007, 12:19 PM
Like me ?
PM me her number lah !
U need oni to ask and u shall b given kekekeke esp those who know me lah. As for others, case by case basis, terms and conditions apply. Cheers!
PS: Applications are until end of November coz I wil b outstation for the whole month in Dec.
25-11-2007, 11:32 PM
Well... Had a session with Julia last Friday... thnx bro Proprimate.
Nothing more or less to be said, since almost all of our brothers here have
already presented her points.
One thing can say is.. she is very accomodating, friendly and tries to sextify you
in what ever you want, if she can.
26-11-2007, 12:47 AM
Can PM me her number?
26-11-2007, 10:00 AM
More numbers out. Check ur PM. FRs required as proof of genuine samsters. Cheers!
27-11-2007, 12:06 AM
hey bro can i have her contact no??
27-11-2007, 08:42 AM
Details are required from u to safeguard girl's interest. U genuine, she will b genuine, no trouble. So kindly leave ur details in the PM as required like: name, contact, age n race. Ur number is kept discreet if u r genuine, period.
No need to fetch her from Yew Tee lah. Pls read earlier posts for more details. Tired of repeating like broken recorder. Cheers!
27-11-2007, 11:54 AM
Hi Blooder,
if you happy, dun mind pass me her contact la. :)
thanks for share
29-11-2007, 01:45 AM
Hi brudder, pls help me, pls pls provide contact number.
29-11-2007, 06:00 AM
:( Have try to sms Julia today, but no reply. Try to call, no pickup.
Brother, if she still working FL?
30-11-2007, 01:25 AM
Tried calling many times. No reply also.
Can't wait to try her AJ. Any idea what happen??
30-11-2007, 12:39 PM
just to update TS,
i tried making an appt with her ytd but was told she just came back from overnight booking so not able to handle bookings for the rest of the day.
was told to make appt with her on monday which i think is quite far fetched. fellow bros in heat should know :) but nonetheless, thanks TS for the unselfish sharing spirit. will call again on monday and see if we are fated to meet.
02-12-2007, 12:03 PM
i tried making an appt with her ytd but was told she just came back from overnight booking so not able to handle bookings for the rest of the day.
:( No wonder how many time i try to SMS or try to call. No reply and pickup. that only can wait lo... bo bian..
04-12-2007, 12:46 PM
proprimate bro is not around? I'll be in Singapore tomorrow and sure would like to check out Julia!
04-12-2007, 04:31 PM
I've been on the phone with her since last week so apparently phone calls are not a problem for me. She sounds really sweet over the phone ... nice voice, always calling you "Dear".
Unfortunately meeting up with her seems to be the problem. Seems really hard to make a mutual appointment stick ... have also just been told she won't be available till next Monday :(
Oh well ... with a voice like that ... will just have to suck it up and keep trying. :D
04-12-2007, 09:24 PM
:( still not pickup my call nei... = = haiz.... Brother... she will start working on this next monday?
04-12-2007, 10:57 PM
Oh no!!! There goes my chance for the year... :(
Thanks EAN100, for the update. I was really hoping to hook her up on Thursday morning. Sigh...
05-12-2007, 05:52 PM
I've been on the phone with her since last week so apparently phone calls are not a problem for me. She sounds really sweet over the phone ... nice voice, always calling you "Dear".
Unfortunately meeting up with her seems to be the problem. Seems really hard to make a mutual appointment stick ... have also just been told she won't be available till next Monday :(
Oh well ... with a voice like that ... will just have to suck it up and keep trying. :D
same here...she was really friendly over the phone but our timings jus can't disappointing...:o
06-12-2007, 08:47 AM
met up with julia last week, very friendly lady, her bbbj is very hardworking, sometimes even gag on it
her massage is almost on par with the legendary sherry, really relaxes the whole muscles :D
06-12-2007, 02:04 PM
Err ... apparently she's back to work?!?! :confused:
Just got a call from her saying she's free today at 3.30pm ...bugger. She free, I not free ... I free, she not free.
06-12-2007, 02:09 PM
Bro,is she Chineese or Muslim ?
06-12-2007, 06:33 PM
Err ... apparently she's back to work?!?! :confused:
Just got a call from her saying she's free today at 3.30pm ...bugger. She free, I not free ... I free, she not free.
Muahahah~~~ Brother.. you are just same as me. I call her last night at 630pm. She told me latest only can be on 1030pm. I than said, call you later, coz i still got some thing to do. After work call her, she said only can it be today.
I have already confirm with her for the app. Arrrrr come to work morning, receive call from boss, need to go for company dinner... so cancel again..
sian.... 1/2:(
07-12-2007, 12:11 PM
Firstly wanna thanx Bro proprimate who share the contacts with me
Pai seh of the late FR on Julia.
Book her last week of Tuesday on 1400hrs. And she arrived around 1345pm. (very eariler for a minah) Book a 2hr room at Lavander and was greeted by a 1.55cm Girl (est. height) with dye blonde fade hair who keep calling "Dear". Was kinda short for me as i'm 1.8m but still who cares anyway. :-) Bath tgt and opted a massage 1st since she says she wanna try on me and still on learning stage. Well massage i don't know how to grade good or bad so i skipped on that. Then follow by hanky panky and blah blah and etc etc.
Overall, was staisfied thou again i can't shoot my load due to tiredness from work. But her GFE attitude was there. Paid her and we went seprated ways and there goes her "Dear". :-)
Anyway thanx again TS for the contacts. :-)
13-12-2007, 08:07 AM
I'm back!!!!!!!!! Wah wat happened??!! Need to do QC inspection on her liaow and see wats going on. Cheers!
15-12-2007, 10:51 PM
I'm back!!!!!!!!! Wah wat happened??!! Need to do QC inspection on her liaow and see wats going on. Cheers!
hi bro,
tried julia few days back, thanks for the contact...
first thing first, I have to admit she is another value for money bonk....for $100 2 shots and if she gets friendly with you which I beilieve that is most of the case if all bro treat her like a gentleman, she will not watch her clock....unless of course she has other appointment to rush to...
she is as most FR has described...typical minah look, redish hair (dye her hair again?), petite, keep calling you dear with a smiling and jolly face....a cup boobs, nice butt and sweet face....only let down is her tummy and the birth mark....
but her service is really top notch....her bbbj and nipple licking while constantly looking at you in the eyes is really worth die for...her very naturally moan and pillow grabbing, bedsheet pulling made you feel like you are rocco (my all time favourite porn star) in making......
she is someone who can strike a conversation with, unlike normal thai or prc fl that I encountered....
I brought along with me some beers and she enjoy having it with me, that adds onto the fun we have afte she got high...but unfortunately some other bro had to be disappointed coz she rejects some other later appointments citing she was high and afraid unable to bad....
all in all, good monies spent and good fun for 2 hours....pls dun blame me for spoiling the market coz I tip her $50....
16-12-2007, 08:26 PM
She will be back in full force from Monday onwards after red flag is clear. So now is all green which means she is gonna be horny or hungry for ur lil bros plus juices are gonna flow like tap plus she gonna get her orgasm after orgasm.Go for it for its the season to be jolly hohoho. Enjoy. If u drink, dun drive. Cheers!
24-12-2007, 10:00 PM
Wah pianz, now can request for sch uniform and u shud see her in one, really like 16 yr old student with skirt n tie n all. Jus imagine screwing one. U can request her to use one. She will cum n change in the toilet for u n then enjoy tha show brothers.....
She can dance and strip and entice u until u buay tahan..... U can strip this student or she strip u and let u screw her in sch uniform. Will update pics of her in sch uniform wen hv tha time.
Suggestion is u give her some tip if u wan the sch uniform n showdance. How much? up to u lah.
But u r sure not gona regret it. Trust me, it got me 2 rounds without any prob. many will know me, to get 2 shots not easy mah.
Somore price remains tha same even though gst and other prices go up. Where can find mah.....
Merry Christmas to all and cheers!
24-12-2007, 11:25 PM
First of all, I would like to thank the TS for the contact. Managed to meet her on last Saturday (22.12.2007) and wanted to post FR but can't find this thread (Still new about the system even though joined in 2005)...
Managed to met her in the afternoon after been nearly flied aeroplane twice (First time, I think she forgot. Second time she forgot it is Hari Raya...) When I saw her, she is small in size and will make you think if she is a minor. Her facial feature and make-up clear the doubt that she is an adult. One thing is for sure, she is polite and will ask your permission before she does anything...
Both of us took off our "restraints" and went to bath together. The washing was quite SOP and she does a short bbbj on me before we dried ourselves.
On the bed, everything was quite sop and I had to cap myself as she said she had problem doing it for me. I done her in missionary and ended with a "froggy" (Lying flat on her chest lah) style. She asked for my permission to light a cigarette while I lied there resting. Thereafter, she asked if I wanted a massage and I said ok. The massage was alright and she told me that she had learned it from a friend's parent. When the massage ended, she asked if I wanted another shot and I said ok. She then said that I had to top up another $60/- (Huh? I thought I paid $100/- for 2 shots). In the end, it was made known to me the price list: $100/- (2 shots or 1 shot with massage), $160/- (2 shots with massage) and lastly $200/- (1 shot for AJ).
Had to scolded myself for an idiot as I thought massage came with her service, wasted 1 shot. She then excused herself and left while I told her that I will still rest in the room as I had booked for 2 hrs.
When she left, I checked the time and I still has about 1 hr to go, had to lie there and watch tv until the rest of the time is up.
Stats: A cup (Not for boobs lovers)
Ht: 1.52m
Wt: 45kg
Size: Petite
Hair: Light brown and curly
Pricelist: Stated above
RTF: Don't know
Bbbj/Bj: Cannot recall liao
FJ: 7/10
GFE: N.A (Maybe no chemistry)
No offence to TS for this FR. Maybe no chemistry with Julia. However, she mentioned that she thanked all the brothers who had "tried" her as she said that we are all gentlemen in treating her. She also mentioned TS is good in introducing good gentlemen like brothers to her...
29-12-2007, 11:16 AM
Will reply to all bros after the new year coz me havin my last burst of fire in indonesia. Cheers!
Yah, please make known ur wants to her. If wan 2 shots, i think no massage, or 1 shot 1 massage. Anal different.
31-12-2007, 02:49 AM
Come on more reports leh. So many give but few write FRs. Managed to squeeze and reply for her contacts. Check ur PM. This hotel got no internet so go internet shop and the bloody net was crawling like wait long long then appear whilst this cewek beside me rubbing mu inner thighs, shit gave her 3 rounds alredi still not enuff, jialat like that me until squeeze me dry. I think no water left but sure chiong again tonight plus she wan to bring friend over to my hotel for 2 ger i guy session. Hahahaha u guys enjoy ok, I know I will cheers for a sexaton 2008......
04-01-2008, 08:47 PM
It's good to be back to Sillypore after my sex romp in Batam recently. Check mail and seem very quiet leh. Anyway she still in the line waiting to serve ur lil bro for the year 2008.
Happy New Year to ALL. Cheers!
18-01-2008, 09:46 AM
My little girl is still available for bookings. Cheers!
mystic dragon
25-01-2008, 01:57 PM
Thanks bro proprimate for the contact and sorry for the late late FR.
First Look
She looked haggard. Probably the weight of life has ravaged her youth. I would rate her as slightly above average in terms of looks. As previously reported, she has a little bit of tummy but her butt is fascinating. See proprimate's avatar for yourself.
She doesn't seem comfortable in small talks. I put it down to our first meeting. She is really accomodating and she asked for premission for almost everything. she bathed me and soon it was catbath and BBBJ. Pretty decent skills in both. I especially like her deep-throats. Hardworking girl.
Minor complain: she don't do cowgirl. But that's just me.
As I expected 2 rounds, I just worked my way up to frenzy in missionary. Her moans sounded genuine.
She washed up alone and I did the same. Maybe she saw that I looked tired so she offered me a massage. I didn't complain. I would say her skills are average, at least not like playing the piano. I think she can provide oil if requested in advance. One thing I don't like, though, is that she massaged my feet and then went up to my head last. Hygiene is a concern for me.
I didn't think I can do a 2nd that day. Stress is really getting me down. Kudos to her for diligently coaxing my limp shoot to life. I had difficulty staying hard after all the condom putting exercise but she dutifully work her tongue on me without complain. Eventually I could do her in doggie and see that ass. Finally I summoned all my reserve stamina and finished off in missionary again. I learned that it is exhausting to cum twice when you're not at your horny peak.
She is value for money at $100 for 2 shots. Just don't have high expectations in the body department. For me it's tough to find the motivation to RTF but I think she might be a good backup plan.
BTW she asks for payment upfront.
Sorry for the short and uninteresting FR. Really busy with stuff these days.
25-01-2008, 03:39 PM
Nice FR.....i was also a bit disappointed with her tummy but overall, her perky ass is the main selling point.....most prc, singaporean or malaysian chinese gals i tried has flabby butt....
One thing I don't like, though, is that she massaged my feet and then went up to my head last. Hygiene is a concern for me.
I think it's not much of a hygiene issue must be accustomed to only prc massage or those in the HC........which start the massage from shoulder back....if u are used to thai, malay, javanese massage....the style all start from the leg and work upward to the head....just that for thai, they will wash their hands before massaging your head....
25-01-2008, 10:05 PM
I think it's not much of a hygiene issue must be accustomed to only prc massage or those in the HC........which start the massage from shoulder back....if u are used to thai, malay, javanese massage....the style all start from the leg and work upward to the head....just that for thai, they will wash their hands before massaging your head....
Fascinating. I like...... Massage the lil bro oso more shiok kekekeke. Cheers!
26-01-2008, 07:11 PM
Is Julia still available. I have smsed her a couple of times since yesterday, but still there was no reply...
27-01-2008, 06:32 PM
hihi can i have her contact too ??
Would like to try ! :D
31-01-2008, 07:42 PM
Hi Bro TS !
Is Julia still available ? Pls give us her contacts leh ! :confused:
10-02-2008, 02:34 PM
A Happy chinese New Year to all bros.........................Cheers!
11-02-2008, 02:22 PM
Hi bros,
met up with Julia about 3 weeks ago, forgot to post FR so here goes
have been smsing Julia for a while, our schedules just didn't seem to click until one friday. she asked me to book a room at g81 (she was staying nearby there) & smsed her once i got into room
first impression of her, definitely milf in appearance, short gal, fairly shapely body. we showered together, then started the fun stuff
Looks : 6.5 / 10 (lots of makeup on)
Age : seems like in early 30s
boobs: 34B
Sound system: yes, soft moans, no hurry
BBBJ : 7/10
Frenching : allowed
FJ : 7/10
CIM : didn't try
Fingering : Allowed
Gfe : 8/10 (despite some other bros experience, she treated me quite well)
Damage : $100 for 2 shots
RTF: probably not since lots of fish in the sea
I have tried calling her many times. Always says "Hi card user is not available"
14-02-2008, 02:41 AM
first n foremost..thanks to Bro Proprimate for the contact...actually got her contact since dec last yr...but decided to msg her only 2 days repsonse till here's my FR on Julia...
so..quickly fixed appt with her at 2.30pm lavender81....checked into the room and waited for her... i was there at 2pm..she was there around 1.55pm...told me to msg her when I am in room...
after msg...within few mins..doorbell....first impression... sweet face...very friendly.... GFE very2 good..chatty...won't make u stop talkin...will try her best to make u feel comfortable...TCSS for abt 10 mins... n decided to go for bath...
bathed together..french kissed...played with soap...licked her breasts...(juz nice for her body la..she not very tall...) nice....she reallie2 made me feel special n wanted xia...
proceeded to bed....and she BBBJ me...n was one of the best BBBJ i had...deep suction..deep throat...even licked my balls n my she reallie took her time..never rushed for anything....
after abt 10 mins of BBBJ....she capped me n did her missionary....we were at it for abt 10 - 15 mins and i cannot tahan n unload...very good moans oso.... she cleaned me up....and rested for about 30 mins...asked me can go on for 2nd shot anot...i said...see how...loL!
then we hug2..TCSS again...and she started to play with my didi again..and my didi start to mari kita....action for 2nd round begins....this time.... she still BBBJ me for abt 10 mins...and then capped me...and she wanted me to go missionary then doggy....
ahhhh....finally get to do doggy...the sight of her nice round ass in front of me... SYIOK! been wanting to have that ass ever since i saw it on bro ProPrimate's Avatar...
pumped n pumped her doggy style for a good 20 mins bfore i unload again... this time both cannot tahan..tired xia...i very2 sextisfied with her service..and will definitely RTF her again...thanks TS for the contact!
Name: Julia
Age: 24..thats what she told me...but she looked a bit older..
Height: 1.55
Weight: not sure..but she pretty slim...abit of tummy oni
Boobs: Probably A...but due to her body size..its reasonable.. :) suits her.
CIM: dunno..didnt try
French Kiss: Yes
Fingering: Yes
Looks: 7/10 (she's sweet looking)
Body: 7/10 (everything about her body suits her)
GFE: 9/10 (reallie make me feel special)
Damage: $100 for 2 shots + $10 tip + $30 room
16-02-2008, 12:09 PM
Hi Bro. Please can i have her number? thank you.
17-02-2008, 04:15 AM
to bros who PMed me asking for Julia's no. sorry to dissapoint u guys coz I can't... :) Do PM bro Proprimate instead...respect the threadstarter ok? :) thats how it works around here..unless bro Proprimate gives permission for others to share..if not..message him ya? :)
05-03-2008, 08:08 PM
Can I have the no. pls? she stays quite near me, at nite cant slp can go pick her up and bonk.. :D
06-03-2008, 07:22 AM
bro can share the brown sugar.thk
17-03-2008, 11:38 PM
bro...can i hav her contacts??
im reli interested in her..=)
do pm me soon aite
18-03-2008, 12:43 AM
Hey bro.. can PM me her contacts... wld love to try...
will post FR afterwhich..
thx in advance..
18-03-2008, 02:04 AM
Hey bro..
Pls PM me contacts as id love to try..
Fr is definately..
many thx in advance..
04-04-2008, 04:34 PM
Heard that she not been feeling too well lately, so I din bother to give her the numbers. Plus me clearing backlog work that keeps me up nearly every other day. I will let Julia know who can pass the contacts with my permission soon. So jus b patient, once she is good n ready, will start the ball rolling for sure. Cheers!
04-04-2008, 10:39 PM
Queuing here, and Malay girls always give me surprises, hehe :D
04-04-2008, 11:43 PM
Ok bro..
queing up oso for Julia, ze FL............. :D
07-04-2008, 06:20 PM
Bro can you PM me her number
07-04-2008, 08:29 PM
Heard that she not been feeling too well lately
Yo bro..u r rite..she is not well. I actually met her last week for a session. In fact, that was my first session with her after many failed attempts. We had a good session , but the fact that she was not well dampened the shiokness a bit...poor gal. Hope she gets better soon...thanks bro for the contact.
10-04-2008, 09:09 AM
Hi TS,
Pls update if she is ok & well?
Do share her contact :
[email protected].
FR will be written.
13-04-2008, 08:32 PM
hi bro, can pm the number?
thanks alot...
48 SAR
13-04-2008, 11:09 PM
Bro, can give me the number, will write FR.
26-04-2008, 11:04 AM
She's getting better and I've cleared my PM. I Pmed the contact to over 30 bros out there, way back from early Feb. Sorry for the delay. Well, like they say, good things cum to those who wait. Kekekekekeke. Cheers!
26-04-2008, 01:17 PM
good things cum to those who wait. Kekekekekeke. Cheers!
Bros, I do have one FR under me, not sure do i qualify for her number, if yes, hope to hear from you soon in my PM. Thanks.
Sensory Sniper
30-04-2008, 09:53 AM
Thanks ts for her contact. Had a round with Julia. My 1st impression is she's cute & very chatty and got the mood going while I fetch her, way before we reached the hotel. Very friendly and after 20mins of driving to the hotel, we're like we've known each other for ages.
I actually forgot when I asked for her contact but good things need to wait. :) After refreshing why I asked for her contact from the thread, it occured to me that she was absent once due to sickness. I've asked her more than once and in different ways, just to make sure that it isn't those sickness we dreaded. Well, you can rest assure that it isn't sexual. For a young gal of 25yrs, she have gone through hell. The sickness that ppl speculate and didn't get the truth from the horse's mouth is that she got Cancer but cured... therefore she was absent for a monent. The treatments caused her to aged a little but thankfully rather gracious.
The only setback about her is her missing teeth at the far end of her right side. Especially obvious when she's sitting at the passenger side smiling at you. But being a joker she is, she claims that its due too much erected dicks pushing her teeth till it dropped off.
After bonking her, she gave a a massage.... not playing some musical instrument but a real good massage. Told me that she once worked in a massage saloon and that's where she learned the skill.
Overall, very satisfying.
Look : 7 / 10
Age : 25
V-stat: 34B-25-34 her whole figure is proporational to her height, in fact bust was above average for someone of her cute petite size
Sound system: soft gf sortta moans
BBBJ : 8/10
Frenching : allowed GF feeling
FJ : 8/10
CIM : Yes!!! I loooove
Fingering : yes
Gfe : Yes
30-04-2008, 10:40 AM
She's getting better and I've cleared my PM. I Pmed the contact to over 30 bros out there, way back from early Feb. Sorry for the delay. Well, like they say, good things cum to those who wait. Kekekekekeke. Cheers!
I have sent you a pm on her contact. Hope you can link up.
Just came back from a session with Julia yesterday. My FR as follow:-
Look : 7.5- 8/10 (Looks like a clubbing girl)
Age : approximately 24 or 25.
Sound system: yes, soft moans.
BBBJ :8.5/10 (its was the longest i had...simply fabulous
Frenching : allowed
FJ : 8/10. Tried a couple & she is willing to please.
CIM : Yes... One word. Happening!
Fingering : Allowed
Gfe : Yes, in fact more than my expectations.. sayang here, sayang there..
Thanks again to bro proprimate for her contact. Those interested to have her services,pls PM proprimate and not me.
Now body all aching after a heavy workout late night....hahaha
27-05-2008, 04:28 AM
Hi TS,
Pls check your mailbox....hehhehe.....waiting for ur reply for julia's contact.....yum yum. :)
31-05-2008, 12:18 AM
This one is no new girl but has ask me to help her out again. Check her previous threads on her and I know many are asking for her contact. She jus appeared and left me with her new contact. The rule is leave ur hp number for verification and sammy nick to get in touch with her when u PM me.
Damage is still the same. $80 per shot and $150 for 2 shots. Hotel u pay and u may have to fetch her from Yew Tee hahahaha, Cheers!
If I have time will post her rear view photo to let bros salivate as what could have been. Plus, she does gang bang too. Ahaa!
Small petite girls with ample boobs, bbbj, wet pussy. What can u ask for more.
Hmm I'm gonna try since she is living nearby. PM me for her details can?
01-06-2008, 05:37 AM
bro pls email her contact my email
[email protected] thks
01-06-2008, 02:22 PM
hi bro proprimate,
can share her contact..thks.
02-06-2008, 01:46 PM
Hi bro care 2 share the contact???Thnks...
16-06-2008, 10:24 AM
Thank you for those who wrote FRs on Julia. I know she is a little elusive to get. Who says good customer service oriented girls are easy to find????? If u do get her, better savour the moment. She is going slow to take it easy and YES her massage skills are good which I din highlight much as the focus is on her sexual skills.
Sent out to more than 30 bros out there from way back in the late April till now. Clear until fingers cramp. So have the number, go get her. Cheers!
31-10-2008, 11:02 PM
Halo halo halo bros,
Jus got back from a session with Julia. Yup this petite woman is back after a long disappearance. Sugar daddy dump her, maybe coz stock market crashed. So she is back in her good old fashion-value-for-money job.....entertaining us of course still at the same price of $100 for 2 shots and no rush job in a hotel for 2 hrs with me. Service is still top notch or in fact even hungrier than before.
Will give her numbers to genuine bros with good reps. Those who still have her number, it is still valid.
I tell u feel like fucking a teenager especially when both of us had downed a few beers together, sex was fantastic when a little tipsy....fucking shiok!
Well, she has been my fantastic regular all these years. No way am I gonna give to some lame people out there. For those who know me, you know lah. Me no bluff wan. Enjoy.........
01-11-2008, 03:27 PM
Gave out her numbers to bros out there. GIve her a try and post your FRs. Getting her number, fis u hav to comply with the terms & conditions. Read through the thread for the requirements. Cheers!
02-11-2008, 11:16 PM
Thank you Bro Proprimate for sharing Julia's contact.
Smsed her today and was pleasantly surprised when she called back. Set up a session for 6.30pm. Made my way to where she is currently staying to fetch her and was met by a sweet and cute girl who extremely friendly and chatty. After our introductions, made out way to the hotel (K81). Stopped by at a petrol station to buy some drinks along the way.
Checked in and relaxed with ciggies and a couple of Tigers - she said it helps to set the mood. Before long we were kissing and soon it became all out frenching and our hands all over each other - mind you we were still fully dressed and had ciggies in one hand. Her tits and ass are really nice to grope, and her ass is soooo bootylicious.
Soon we began to undress each other and she made a bee-line for my cigar in addition to the ciggie already in her hand. Shiok is the word - imagine ciggie in one hand, beer in the other and your rod experiencing a solid BBBJ. What more can a man ask for.
Before long we had stripped each other and after more BBBJ, decided to adjourn to have our shower. In the shower, engaged in more frenching and groping each other down below. Tempted to take her there and then but common sense prevailed.
After our shower, got into bed and resumed our savoring of each other's bodies. She was hungry for my rod and resumed her BBBJ. After a while decided to return the favor and proceeded to give her a total paint job. I think she enjoyed it from the way she was moaning and the way her body was reacting.
Before long she was asking me to get in her. Capped myself and mounted her missionary. After some pumping, switched to doggy and proceeded to give her what she wants - deep thrust with pressure on her g-spot. She was moaning in ecstacy and asking for more. It was great that the room had wall-to-wall mirrors so could see ourselves and we sextify ourselves.
I really wanted it to last but after a while succumb to the whole experience and unloaded while in her (of course with cap on). Rested a while and then had our shower - where once again we frenched like long lost lovers.
Overall, a very satisfying session.
Look : 8 / 10 - could pass for your girl next door and dressed sensibly enough that you wouldn't mind bringing her out for supper.
Age : 25
Sizde : Petite
V-stat: 34B-25-34 - nice tits and ass, a handful and great to handle
Sound system: She really gets into it
BBBJ : 8/10
Frenching : Yes with GF feeling
FJ : 8/10
CIM : Did not try
Fingering : Yes
GF feeling : Yes - can get addicted to her
RTF : Yes
Damage: 100/1/1 - TS may want to check if Julia has upped her rate.
03-11-2008, 10:03 AM
Bro Maverick,
Great FR. Will check with her abt rates. There may be some confusion. Ok guys, gave out more numbers until finger crammed. The sharing stops now temporaarily until the earlier bros with her numbers have tried her out and post FRs.
Fof those who have her number much earlier, it starts with 917XXXXX. Thks for your support and u can be sure tat I dun get even a cent from this.....but I sure get a hell out of her sessions plus a discount for long membership wit her hehehehe. Cheers!
03-11-2008, 10:11 AM
Hi Bro Proprimate,
can share her contact ...
Will make FR after my first try with Julia, hope so ! :0)
Thanks :)
06-11-2008, 05:05 PM
Jus a reminder, the number I gave out is genuine, no need to test test anymore. Best bet is if u hv the urge, book her on the day itself and see if u r lucky. Advance booking to her is useless coz many usually cancel at the last minute and thus denying others of a chance to taste her fruits. Those alredi try her, pls do put up an FR is the least I ask for giving you the contact. Its a matter of courtesy.
If there is need for improvement or dissatisfaction, please do give your feedback.
No distribution of number is allowed without threadstarter's permission. Your co-operation in this matter will benefit many others and coz less inconviniences. Thank you. Cheers!
06-11-2008, 05:21 PM
Rates are as follows:
$100 for 2 shots for 2 hours. Sorry for earlier confusion. Just clarified with her. Hotel u pay, cd u bring. Extra specials u negotiate with her.
06-11-2008, 06:52 PM
Really need lotsa patience for this babe..
n im still waiting for her reply..lolz
07-11-2008, 12:49 AM
Rates are as follows:
$100 for 2 shots for 2 hours. Sorry for earlier confusion. Just clarified with her. Hotel u pay, cd u bring. Extra specials u negotiate with her.
Bro, thanks for the clarification. Will remind her the next time I book a session with her.
07-11-2008, 03:31 AM
Hey... Wassup guys..
Had a session with her earlier this week
You guys know the SOP mentioned by TS. also thanks TS for sharing no.
First time i bonk local, so decided to try Julia seeing all the solid FR on her, but sadly i think me and her no chemistry la.. so the sexperience not that great. i also non smoker, non drinker.. hehe...
Looks: 7/10
boobs: Bs (fit her size)
Massage: 5/10
BJ: 5/10 (she say she got toothache)
FJ: 5/10 (you will have to do most of the work)
GFE: 2/10 (no chemistry laaa)
Damage: 100 + 30 + 10 + cd
RTF: not for me man... one man's meat is another man's poison..
Overall: but her 100/2/2 is reallie a DAMN GOOD deal man...
I pick her up but give her $10 for her to take cab back.
The thing abt her collecting money first... i realised why already... cos if she sian of you, easier for her to zhao lo after the FJ. She got keep on calling me dear la.. kinda irritated me.. haha.. but wadeva that makes her happy man... her massage skills cannot qie MP girls man... my session with her less than 1hr... so i little sian when she request to leave... normally i wont force girl to stay... wanna go den go la.. give excuse that her toothache... not feeling 100%... so i hang alone in the room watch TV.
07-11-2008, 08:12 AM
any pics to see?
10-11-2008, 11:38 AM
Well bros there you have it, the good and the bad side of the gal. You decide. I agree that it is your own personal taste. Chemistry is subjective. For me, got chemistry because I drink and smoke and she shares the same thing with me and me slow slow type coz got to get into the mood mah if nt I sianz veri fast one.
Yah she did mention tat she got toothache. My rule of thumb is get her when she is in tip top condition then u will enjoy session very much one.
More numbers out, check ur PM. THose neber get is bcoz neber comply with my simple rules. Some get coz I chek on them plus mus do research mah b4 anihow give number. And for some, jus gamble, u lucky, u get, I no strike toto, get angri, then u dun get hahaha.
Anyways, enjoy b4 she decides to hibernate or get new sugar daddy hehehe. Cheers!
11-11-2008, 02:02 PM
First of all a big thanks to bro proprimate for introducing this gem to me call her up this morning to book a session with her,n Bingo shes free so arrange to meet up below her hse n then take a cab to the destinated location ...n frs as below
boobs b (ample boobs for me to play ard :P)
bbbj 7/10 veri nice n gentle
fj 8/10
$$-$100/2/2hrs(but as another bro make appt so i let her go eariler to let her rest as to serve the next bro better)
gfe 9/10 (the part i like is when we reach hotel she kiss me n allow me to take off her cloths not like the other fls who will strip all instantly)
overall a veri sweet n lovely gal fun to be with n wont feel boring to be with n tks again to bro proprimate for introducing this great gem to me millions of tks .....
11-11-2008, 02:48 PM
minah! she is popular leh
12-11-2008, 04:58 AM
pt. 1 of 2
got to try julia some time last week. have been very busy and tired so couldn't find the right time to type out an FR. heh, actually, am still very busy and very, very tired...but anyway, having already promised the it is!
obviously, many thanks go out to the TS for so generously sharing the contact so readily and promptly. i only have extremely limited windows of opportunity and also tend to be quite focused on getting particular contacts (with an eye for a quick follow-up; plus i dun really keep the numbers of FLs - it's bad op-sec!, and that stands independent of whether i'm successful in setting something up within the window in question - or not) so it was good that bro proprimate was able to revert within a short while. on the same evening that i had gotten the PM (from the aforementioned bro), i proceeded to make first contact (via SMS). not expecting a reply within six hours of that first message (i guess experience is more often than not life's best pedagogue; plus i had really sent out the message kinda late), i was quite taken aback when i got a text message from julia within 10 minutes. BINGO! i made a casual enquiry about the next day (where i had a half-day 'off-pass' of sorts) and she said no problem so... heheheh...the game was on and i could genuinely feel a slight tinge of anticipation and excitement! anyway, we exchanged quite a few more messages that night and the following morning, as i worked towards the goal of the day. unfortunately, this also meant that i only managed barely two hours of sleep, which was bad in itself, but quite disastrous considering that i had only put in about 3-4 hours of snoozing time on average for the couple of days before that as well. really drained. sigh. i considered my options, which included, most obviously, a postponement to the following week, after a short RnR breather to recharge during the weekend. but it was not to be in the end as i decided to stick to the plans made earlier. maybe mini-me was doing all the decision-making for me. not for the first time... that lil bastard. only cares for it's own welfare. hiak.
i guess setting up a weekday afternoon date is usually easier. for many FLs, it's generally considered offpeak hours and if they're available throughout the day, they'd therefore be quite glad to pick up these sorta engagements. i was running late and still had a couple of errands to attend to so eventually had to do a series of half-hour postponements. thankfully, she had no other jobs to see to and was actually quite gracious and accommodating. that was also the main reason why i told her to make her own way to the motel. anyhow, kudos to julia. by the way, she's currently staying slightly outta town in the northeast so if you drive, make the appropriate arrangements with her - otherwise, you'll have to incur a two-way transport subsidy/charge of $20. i was still slightly late (by about 10 minutes) in the end and after picking up some beer, ciggies, mints, condoms etc. from the convenience store nearby, i could finally give her a ring as i approached the motel on foot. turns out she had already been waiting for a while in the immediate vicinity. what a far cry from the normal practice!?! ooppss... i apologised profusely and said i would go get a room first before calling her back. and as i walked into the motel (via the back door, of course) after finishing the call, i saw a cutesy looking minah seated at the staircase holding her phone there. we exchanged a look and i KNEW it had to be her so i hurriedly introduced myself. pleasantries exchanged, we got the keys to the room and took the lift up (with a very geriatric gentleman and his sexy lil PRC squeeze). must say once again that it's nice to have a punctual local FL. a very pleasant surprise, i dare say. had some lians and (especially) minahs who'd unilaterally shave a third or even half of the 60, 90 or 120 minutes allocated to the session by being unfashionably late. and it always pisses me off. no worries here then, especially as most bros will be doing a personal escort to their choice of a motel via car or cab, no? ok. back to the room. it's a bit spartan and the air-con is a bit weak. the air-con and tv remote controls are also conspicuously missing. never mind. am here to break the ice and not engage in a cold war so screw the air-con! shoved a cig and a 500ml can of lager in her face and we're soon off to a good start! it's like what bro proprimate mentioned...i also enjoy a fag and a pint of bitter (and so does julia)... so it's just easier to 'click'... hmph, mind you, i'm not the sort to go looking for love, companionship and friendship in all the wrong places. i have no illusion about these trysts with WLs. i respect them as human beings but we're still talking about what is primarily a commercial transaction, so let's just get real. and stay there. still, it's good to feel physically and psychologically okay with the person you're going to bonk. yes, you're only there to bonk, not to bond, but the experience is noticeably enhanced if one can find a certain degree of ease and mutual-understanding with the WL in question. such was the case (i enjoyed) with julia. we chatted for about 10-15 minutes (after making full payment, since i understood from the previous posts that this was her preferred practice and i wanted to get this sorta thing outta the way in any case) was mostly TCSS rubbish but it's kinda distracting, relaxing and disarming. heh, c'mon, you're NEVER gonna engage in a debate about quantum oncology, macroeconomic policy in the wake of the global financial meltdown or the salience and soundness of the idea/ideology of american exceptionalism in an era where obama is president in these keep it simple la! having read the previous FRs where many bros mentioned she couldn't stop calling them 'dear', i was a bit apprehensive as i find this sorta put-on GFE very offputting in general (particularly, if performed by PRC nationals...aiyoh, not another '亲爱的', please...ugh!!! tsk...tsk...), i was pleasantly surprised after getting into the groove of things that this wasn't the case...
anyway, statistical breakdown first.
looks - 7/10 (pleasant, cute sorta face.)
body - 6.5-7/10 (very petite, quite shapely...a slightly round tummy does mar things...generally proportionate though.)
tits - 6-6.5/10 (looks alright on her tiny frame but kinda small.)
ass - 7/10 (round and seductive - very typically brown sugar!)
frenching - yes, 8/10
cat bath - yes, both ways (didn't try much though).
BBBJ - 8.5/10
FJ - 6/10 (too sparse to really comment.)
fingering - yes.
CIM - yes.
CoF/CoB - yes (didn't attempt though.)
AR - ?
AJ - ? (not sure, but apparently separate rate tables exist for extras like AJ)
service - 7.5/10
GFE - 7.5/10
damage - S$100/2/2 + S$20 transport reimbursement (note: room, condoms and other frills, e.g. subsidised drinks and cigarettes, excluded.)
overall rating - 7-7.5/10
RTF - might seriously consider.
to be continued...
12-11-2008, 04:59 AM
pt.2 of 2
anyhow, while we were chitchatting and enjoying a few cigarettes and some lager, she had already started stripping (both herself and me). bit by bit. what a tease! all interspersed with a bit of flirting and petting. nice to have someone giving mini-me a slow, titillating HJ (by that point, she had gotten all my clothes off me!) while a sensuous tongue takes to one of my nipples and a sweet pair of eyes stare into yours, and all while i was still holding a cigarette in one hand (the other one was buried in her crotch) and enjoying a fine smoke. she's really petite and i kinda tower over her. body's not great but acceptable. tits are a bit on the loose side and kinda small (if not really mismatched to her featherweight frame). other noteworthy remarks would involve her tummy. was a bit surprised since she looked really slim at first glance and with the clothes still on. her arse is a killer though. damn, it's oozing intent and lethality. a serious weapon of mass distraction, if there ever was one. nice, cutes-sorta face too...might actually be quite pretty to some... personality-wise, she seems playful, unassuming and friendly. so all-in, a good and decent-enough package. anyway, with the booze, fags and clothes outta the way, and after plenty of smooching - from deep french attacks to gentle nuzzling and pecks, it's time to head to the bathroom. pretty SOP and didn't take very long but we did clean each other thoroughly, while enjoying plenty of frenching and ear/neck licking. dried up separately and jumped on the bed after adjusting the lights. started with some light kissing that soon degenerated into wet, slippery, frenzied, tongue-twisting exchanges. she's quite a good kisser and i like the way she worms her tongue inside you. some body painting followed as her mouth made its way down the torso. on to the main course (for her) then! anyway, her BBBJ is really quite something. wet, soft and gentle in a really subtle, turn-on way. and she's customer-oriented enough to ask you from time to time (without becoming too intrusive), what your individual preferences are. for me, i got a BBBJ really tailored to my taste buds. slow, relentless build-ups combined with brief bursts characterised by vigorous pumps. inviting deepthroat drills matched with sensitive application of lips and tongue. okay, again, not the best i had but quite up there la! in between, we tried a 69 for a bit - since i do enjoy doing my bit of muff-diving but after 5 minutes of mutual pleasuring, she moves back to the foot of the bed to continue the BJ solo. heheh, customer first, eh? anyway, condom comes off in a while and to start me off, i requested that she she assume a cowgirl position. unfortunately, during the transition from BJ to FJ, my general fatigue kinda caught up with me and mini-me is soon reeling from a loss of turgidity. no worries, she says, whipping off the condom and placing her mouth where her money is...haha... i let the BBBJ go on and on, holding back many a time from cumming. gosh, it lasted very long leh...i toyed with the idea of pushing her down on her back and mounting her missionary (my favourite position) but the BBBJ was just too good to call an end to. decisions. decisions. i didn't want to think. and didn't want to feel too much, too soon either. anyway, minutes later, i finally gave up and flooded her mouth with an explosive discharge of warm cock sauce. round 1 OVER. cleaned up separately. switched the tv on and engaged in random, pointless banter while enjoying more booze and fags. laughed at the exaggerated moans of some PRC WL from next door. soon, i was kneading her tits and peeling her labia apart while inserting a finger or two up her tight lil love passage (she's tight for someone who has, as she claims, given birth twice! though i didn't ask her if they were delivered naturally...). one thing leads to another and i find myself stuck in the middle of some very enjoyable BBBJ session very soon! nice! after what seemed like eternity...and after getting mini-me to conform to minimal pre-insertion loading limits, she assumes the doggy and i plunge my tool into her. damn! what a view! i pumped away in sheer abandon for like close to 10 minutes, varying the depth of my thrusts sand the speed of the strokes and with my hands moving from her ass cheeks to her tits and back. soon, weariness caught up with me again and even though i really wanted to do another 10 minutes in missionary, i de-coupled and let her coax me back into...what else, another BBBJ position... never mind, there's time!? took a while for me to climax in her warm and moist mouth but i did, eventually. hmph, surprisingly, it felt almost as good as the first. round two also OVER then...and in the same, delicious CIM fashion too... heh, she must have spent at least 25-30 minutes altogether of the whole session just sucking me off! that's hard work la... anyway, cleaned up speedily and to my surprise, found that there was still more than 20 minutes left in the 'lease' of the room. lit another cigarette and opened another can of beer. made some small talk but i could see that she wants to leave. i actually didn't mind some time alone in the room before checking out too so i asked if she wants to make the first move and she said yes so... exchanged some last minute pleasantries. full of compliments for me and praises for samsters as a whole (for being men of honour and grace) too. made special mention of the TS as well, of course. anyway, she's outta the room eventually and finishing another stick, i take my leave too, as i have too many other things to bother with. hmph, i guess she would have wanted to make me a 'regular' but i'm sorry, i'm just not the sort to have a regular WL... whatever it is, this sorta thing can almost never become an FB what's the point? will i RTF, though, maybe after a while? a very different proposition... will definitely give it serious consideration as it's really quite an excellent budget fuck deal...but the truth is that i seldom RTF so... ... anyway, i thoroughly recommend her...physically, she's ok and more-than-passable enough...coupled with the price, the work rate, the level of service and accommodation etc...and to top it off, factor in the bargain price and it'll essentially be a no-brainer, you'll agree... would definitely advocate and endorse her for those who like petite gals, value-for-money deals, decent-looking local sluts, and of course, minahs (especially those who like brown sugar but dun particularly dig tattoos...since julia is ink-free)! i'm definitely a brown sugar fan so i'm already feeling tempted about an RTF expedition in the next fortnight, even if it's against my usual practice... hmph, what to do? watch this space...
anyway, would like to thank bro proprimate again...though it might not mean anything to the bro, i've upped him with my miserable 4 rep points and brought him over the 400 mark. haha, congratulations eh? anyway, to all bros: happy bonking!!!
13-11-2008, 07:06 PM
Bro Tuxe,
I was thoroughly impressed with the detailed FR. My word, with a little research, references, you could actually put up a good thesis hahahaha. Thank you for the rep points! I didn't actually thought abt it, but yeah what the heck I've crossed the 400 mark!!!
Keep those FRs coming. It is sure a good read. Probably, by this weekend I should be able to clear all those who PMed me. Pls be patient. Good things come to those who wait patiently. Cheers!
13-11-2008, 11:50 PM
wow thats a very long FR
anyway i've tried Julia last Sat and i think she is worth the money, cos i sux at writing FR so i just finish this post with a direct comment.
definitely will RTF.
14-11-2008, 03:52 AM
Bro Tuxe,
I was thoroughly impressed with the detailed FR. My word, with a little research, references, you could actually put up a good thesis hahahaha. Thank you for the rep points! I didn't actually thought abt it, but yeah what the heck I've crossed the 400 mark!!!
hahaha, about the points, you're welcome and dun mention it la. yeah, i dun mind writing FRs though i'm not sure if i like it enough to do it for a living, heh...think i was definitely a bit too tired and gone though...i typed 'quantum oncology', when i meant 'quantum ontology'...the former is next to meaningless, kekeke... anyway, shan't TCSS's late, for one! interested bros, please PM the TS, bro proprimate, for julia's contact. she definitely has the vote of most of those she serviced try her before it's too late...
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