View Full Version : Prc Fl
15-08-2006, 10:58 PM
I got 1 PRC FL working in KL, name AXX. Looks 7/10, GFE 8/10. Any bro would like to try please PM me for her contact, but she only entertain Chinese. Sorry for that, but still need to respect her choice. Would hope to exchange for other FL contacts. :D
16-08-2006, 12:09 PM
hi dude
what aboout the rating for other aspects such as body and BBBJ? :)
i have to admit i am a sucker for that.
if she is good (at least 8/10), then i am most interested. plus i hope she got a nice complexion and a reasonable body.
I got 1 PRC FL working in KL, name AXX. Looks 7/10, GFE 8/10. Any bro would like to try please PM me for her contact, but she only entertain Chinese. Sorry for that, but still need to respect her choice. Would hope to exchange for other FL contacts. :D
16-08-2006, 05:49 PM
Took her today, got there about 2:30pm, she just woke up, drove her to a
Look : 8/10 : Cute and wild (i like that a lot)
DATY : Yes
GFE : 9/10.. she really knows how to tease you.
Tits : 7/10 (C cup I think)
FJ : 7/10
17-08-2006, 09:50 AM
Bro, what's the damage like ?! Can elaborate in more details? In fact, i hope there will be more ppl posting on FL here like what they did in Singapore but it may be impossible in M'sia........thanks for sharing anyway
17-08-2006, 11:52 AM
actually i like to bonk a fl like housewife and office lady(ol) more than those prc. When i fark them i can always got a greater satisfaction than normal prc. However, it is quite hard to determine if they are really housewife type of ol type of fl or they are ex-prc. After a few tried (been cheated 3 times), finally i found one who is a sallon girl. Anyone want to exchage ??
17-08-2006, 01:59 PM
Bros... SBF mainly is about sharing... exchanging is frowned upon as many flame wars and debates have happened cos of so called exchanges... i see ur points are still intact ... to keep it dat way... steer clear of the contact exchange topic...
17-08-2006, 02:20 PM
bro since u r quite new to here (same as me), there r some unwritten rules which u wanna take note
u r , in a way, required to contribute first (whether it's FR, or contacts) and gain some respect before they share their contacts with you
because some ppl scared the lobang will be broken and they most probably will not entertain newbies so pls gain some points by contributing to this board first
yeah do not "trade" contacts as somebody mentioned, cos it is very complicated
17-08-2006, 05:16 PM
bro since u r quite new to here (same as me), there r some unwritten rules which u wanna take note
u r , in a way, required to contribute first (whether it's FR, or contacts) and gain some respect before they share their contacts with you
because some ppl scared the lobang will be broken and they most probably will not entertain newbies so pls gain some points by contributing to this board first
yeah do not "trade" contacts as somebody mentioned, cos it is very complicated
totally agree with what you said........ newby like us wont be able to benefits much at here during beginner stage. Sigh....... :(
18-08-2006, 11:57 AM
thanks for all the advices to me.. i am really new here. will not repeat the same mistake again
18-08-2006, 02:27 PM
thanks for all the advices to me.. i am really new here. will not repeat the same mistake again
No worries... everyone here is learning... some of us have the benefit of being more exposed to our senior brothers from SG... cheers...
18-08-2006, 02:42 PM
For all Newbies... Rep points are just a yardstick... dun read too much into it... To create an effective sharing network... we have the TCSS... once bros know each other... points and rep dun matter... Please take the time to join the TCSS.../ Gathering...
Online differences aside... we are here only for one thing... share and enjoy sexual encounters... cheers :D
18-08-2006, 04:46 PM
thanks for all the advices to me.. i am really new here. will not repeat the same mistake again
if u won't repeat the mistake, how about sharing then? :rolleyes:
20-08-2006, 09:07 PM
if u won't repeat the mistake, how about sharing then? :rolleyes:
yo bro how was the ONE(PRC) i intro to U on sunday? Was it good:D ? Pls dont post the location ok Bro! Thanx in advance! For members only
20-08-2006, 09:29 PM
yo bro how was the ONE(PRC) i intro to U on sunday? Was it good:D ? Pls dont post the location ok Bro! Thanx in advance! For members only
bro what PRC you didnt tell me one?:eek:
21-08-2006, 12:34 AM
bro what PRC you didnt tell me one?:eek:
see you here so fast...your visa already approved har.
21-08-2006, 12:35 AM
Due to Strong winds pls be caution while
Posting in tis Forum :cool:
Pls do not review name and location to those not in The circle!
21-08-2006, 04:18 PM
yo bro how was the ONE(PRC) i intro to U on sunday? Was it good:D ? Pls dont post the location ok Bro! Thanx in advance! For members only
she was a major disappointment. talk about wanting to get the job done in a hurry! and her massage didnt last until the full hour.
21-08-2006, 10:52 PM
Darn!!!:( That Bad ah?
26-08-2006, 01:10 AM
Any bros here got lucky? ;)
(巴生訊)“先生,我從中國來找朋友,沒找到,錢反花光了,說來真慚愧,希望你不要見笑,想請你幫個忙…… ”
“昨天在雲頂不知怎麼地,玩玩一下就把錢花光了,現在想去國際機場又不知怎麼去,有沒有車站是可以去的啊… …”
也許是大馬華人普遍具有愛心,自稱來自中國的女子以落魄形象,向單獨行走的華裔男子“訴說”自己“窮困潦倒 ”的情況后,借詞向人開口借錢,更暗示可以用金錢來換取性服務。
《大都會》讀者楊先生在一週內先後2次遇上向他托詞借錢的中國女子,由於她們都拒絕接受他所提出的援助建議 ,因此讓他起疑,並在分析2名女子的談話後,發現她們有相當明顯的說話破綻。
楊先生表示,他在8月12日晚上與朋友到吉隆坡的日航酒店用餐后,獨自步行前往吉隆坡城中城時,在路邊被1 名女子攔下。
“該女子年約25歲,穿得相當得體。她趨前與我說話時,還有一名女子在附近徘徊。女子說話挺有禮貌,確定我 會聽華語後才說她的處境。”
“女子說她來吉隆坡找朋友卻沒有找到,並暗示說她已經沒有錢,想要我幫助她。那時我以是一名學生,並且趕時 間的借口,拒絕再與她攀談。”
他在受訪時表示,該名口操流利北京腔的女子表現十分淡定,過程中不斷尷尬地笑,還一直說“不好意思”,幸好 他拒絕對方的要求後,對方沒有繼續糾纏他。
他說,這名女子也同樣頻頻表示“不好意思”,並確定他會聽華語後才開始提出要求。女子說她日前到雲頂時,看 到賭場的賭具“相當好玩”,因此不知不覺便花光了錢。
“她說她要到吉隆坡國際機場搭飛機回國,但不知道如何去機場。當時女子穿著便裝,撐著一把陽傘,但沒有攜帶 任何行李。”
“那時我發現星洲日報辦事處就在附近,因此建議她和我一齊到報館求援。她聽後態度突然改變,拒絕到報館去, 說這只是她向我問路借錢而已,為什麼要去報館?”
“我謊稱自己不是本地人,不知道去機場的巴士站,或許可以詢問報館職員。她見我堅持要帶她去報館後,匆匆說 她還有事,不要我的協助,就往酒店方向走去。”
“如果她賭光了錢,又怎麼從雲頂到巴生?若是急著想回國,為什麼沒有帶行李?我建議她向報館求援,若真的急 欲援助為什麼她要拒絕。”
楊先生認為,這或許是中國女子在大馬行騙的新招術,即利用大馬華裔的同情心騙取金錢,若遇到好色者更會利用 美色的誘惑,進行變相賣淫勾當。
他希望在公佈自己的遭遇後,公眾能在遇上類似的女子上前求援時多加留意,判斷對方的談話是否有破綻,最好是 向第三者如警察或附近的華人求援,以查證該名女子是否在行騙。
3.只要稍加分析,即能發現女子都是臨時“東拉西扯”制造謊言,如在雲頂賭光了旅費,卻又能夠回到巴生;到 大馬找朋友卻找不到,更花光了旅費,但是卻聲稱自己住在城中城附近的高檔酒店。
4.女子一般打扮朴素,沒有濃妝豔抹,但在“求援”過程時卻暗示可以提供性服務,或其它服務來換取 金錢。
5.一般上都是單獨行動,並向獨行的男子“求援”,若在發現對方不肯施援,或有進一步查詢時都會托 詞離開。
26-08-2006, 02:18 PM
For bros who do not read Chinese, the above news report is about PRCs selling their services on the streets of Klang Valley by pretending to seek help in times of distress.
26-08-2006, 02:35 PM
Intresting err..are they selling cheap?
09-12-2006, 07:32 PM
I currently have few prc contacts no. PM if you guys need any PRC contact. Please note that this is an exchange. As i currently looking for college students or any NL FL contact or you have any other PRC contact no to swap with me. It would be great if you got photos as well so i know whether she's ok for my standard or not. OVerall, i had tested these PRC but not all.. I would say they are up to standard
11-12-2006, 03:21 PM
I currently have few prc contacts no. PM if you guys need any PRC contact. Please note that this is an exchange. As i currently looking for college students or any NL FL contact or you have any other PRC contact no to swap with me. It would be great if you got photos as well so i know whether she's ok for my standard or not. OVerall, i had tested these PRC but not all.. I would say they are up to standard
Can we view the photo first before we decide to pass to you? Luckily, in Singapore have a lot of PRC & able to view on the spot too :eek:
11-12-2006, 03:23 PM
Sorry...double post
18-03-2008, 07:54 AM
any CKT or college girl contact to share?
18-03-2008, 09:26 PM
A junior bro here looking to exchange contacts for PRC FL that can communicate in English? PM with details. Thx.
18-03-2008, 09:43 PM
I currently have few prc contacts no. PM if you guys need any PRC contact. Please note that this is an exchange. As i currently looking for college students or any NL FL contact or you have any other PRC contact no to swap with me. It would be great if you got photos as well so i know whether she's ok for my standard or not. OVerall, i had tested these PRC but not all.. I would say they are up to standard
pm me and send me the pcr photo to view 1st
i got 1 NL to exchange..but no photo..
19-03-2008, 08:13 AM
Two years posts you all also able to dig? Pei Fu Pei Fu....:p
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