View Full Version : Take a BREAK and Have a Laugh!

18-08-2006, 11:09 AM
Hi all Brothers,

Too much SEX TALKS here will drain your BULLETS and empties your WALLETS!

Let’s take a break and have some fun.

Do contribute some fun materials here for all to laugh away our stresses, worries, sadness and etc etc…

Medical researches did report that daily laughing would prolong lives!
So read this thread everyday if you want to have LOOOOOOOONG LIFE!

Let me start off with this:

Which animal does chicken fear most?

Senior Samsters would up your points if you give cute answers! :)

Do include your reason for your answer!

18-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Confirm HORSE...

more standard ans will b Ma Sha Ji... Massage?

got 1 more becoz they scare of police ?? (MA-da)

Horny Luke
18-08-2006, 11:15 AM
Colonel Sanders....:eek::confused:

18-08-2006, 11:25 AM
Colonel Sanders....:eek::confused:

Good try brother!

You think Colonel Sanders being the originator of KFC slaughtered the most chickens?

Then it differs from mine version! He He He!

18-08-2006, 11:47 AM
Hi all Brothers,

Too much SEX TALKS here will drain your BULLETS and empties your WALLETS!
Think u should post in some other threads in Adult discussion section.;)

18-08-2006, 11:49 AM
cock a doodle doo... :D

18-08-2006, 12:33 PM
Think u should post in some other threads in Adult discussion section.;)

I think he should 'run', non sex related suff post will get 'chop' by Sam :D

18-08-2006, 05:06 PM
Brother nic_h,

I don't agree that Chicken fears cock a doodle doo...

Chicken should love cock a doodle doo... right?

Well, brothers MoonBlaze and QooMilk , thanks for your advice.
But my answer is sex related.
So this thread is still relevant here!

Just like the thread NEW FRUIT STALL at Balestier.
Who talk about fruits there!

Let our AV brothers come in here and join in the fun too!
Hope they can get some release from their stress and work pressure so that they become more tolerant to our postings here and less aggressive to our poor HC girls.

Go on brothers before I let out my version!

19-08-2006, 03:15 AM
Shuld be Pussy Cat ??

19-08-2006, 04:26 AM
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Colonel Sanders : "I missed one?"

19-08-2006, 03:49 PM
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Colonel Sanders : "I missed one?"

heh heh...nice one... :)

19-08-2006, 05:52 PM
Thanks for support!

Now, back to my question:

Which animal does chicken fear most?

My answer is the HORSE.

But why is the HORSE?
Horse don't eat meat, right? :D

19-08-2006, 06:15 PM
Well, brothers MoonBlaze and QooMilk , thanks for your advice.
But my answer is sex related.
So this thread is still relevant here!

My answer is the HORSE.

But why is the HORSE?
Horse don't eat meat, right

Pls pardon my poor english!! Wat has ur ans gotta do w sex?? or related to health centre or ktv??

21-08-2006, 11:00 AM
Brother dc7176,

be patient a little more!

I will let you know why chicken fears HORSE most and indeed it is SEX related!

Now next Question:

Decipher this sentence:

Follow your mother copy vehicle number

If you decipher it right, please don't be offended.
It is just for a LAUGH! :D

21-08-2006, 11:37 AM
Brother dc7176,

be patient a little more!

I will let you know why chicken fears HORSE most and indeed it is SEX related!

U hav been warn by moonblaze n Qoomilk!!
If its nothin gotta do w health centre or ktv, u better stop posting here!!

21-08-2006, 05:34 PM
Brother dc7176,

be patient a little more!

I will let you know why chicken fears HORSE most and indeed it is SEX related!

Now next Question:

Decipher this sentence:

Follow your mother copy vehicle number

If you decipher it right, please don't be offended.
It is just for a LAUGH! :D

Geng Ni Na Bu Chao Che Pai.....

Geng - Follow (Cantonese)
Ni Na Bu - Your mother (Hokkien)
Chao - Copy (Cantonese)
Che Pai - Driving License (Cantonese)


23-08-2006, 02:23 PM
Wah brother Firestarter, your brain works fast for this question!

"Follow your old mother copy Vehicle number", is written in Singlish.

跟你老母抄车牌 is written in Chinese

Gan Nei Lo Mo Chao Chay Pai when pronounced in Cantonese

Ga Ni Lao Bu Chao Chia Pai when pronounced in Hokkien

Don’t be offended, just for a Laugh!

23-08-2006, 02:29 PM
Now, why chicken fears the Horse most?

It is because of the word MASSAGE!

HORSE is pronounced as Ma 马 in Mandarin
KILL is pronounced as Sha 刹 in Mandarin
CHICKEN is pronounced as Ji 鸡 in Mandarin

Massage is pronounced as Ma Sa Ji 马刹鸡 in Mandarin.

And so Massage means 马刹鸡 HORSE KILLS CHICKENS in Mandarin

25-08-2006, 12:55 PM
A boy was talking loudly next to the bus driver,
“If my Mom is a cow and my father is a bull, I will be a cub”.

The bus driver was annoyed and said, “Shuuuuuz, tone down your voice”
The boy continued,
“If my Mom is a hen and my father is a cock, I will be a chicken.

The bus driver then raised his voice and asked,
"If your Mom is a prostitute and you don’t know who is your father, who will you be?”

Guess what the boy replied! ;)

29-08-2006, 05:28 PM
Is it BASTARD?:)

29-08-2006, 06:29 PM
A boy was talking loudly next to the bus driver,
“If my Mom is a cow and my father is a bull, I will be a cub”.

The bus driver was annoyed and said, “Shuuuuuz, tone down your voice”
The boy continued,
“If my Mom is a hen and my father is a cock, I will be a chicken.

The bus driver then raised his voice and asked,
"If your Mom is a prostitute and you don’t know who is your father, who will you be?”

Guess what the boy replied! ;)

bus driver

31-08-2006, 02:31 PM
A boy was talking loudly next to the bus driver,
“If my Mom is a Cow and my father is a Bull, I will be a calf”.

The bus driver was annoyed and said, “Shuuuuuz, tone down your voice”.

The boy continued,
“If my Mom is a Hen and my Father is a Cock, I will be a chicken.

The bus driver then raised his voice and asked,
"If your Mom is a prostitute and you don’t know who your father is, who will you be?”

The boy replied:
I will be a Bust... Bust......BUS DRIVER! ;)

Great answer brother slider_72!

13-09-2006, 01:44 PM
A Bear, A Lion and a Chicken were challenging each other.

The Bear said: “No one can bear my BEAR HUG!”

The Lion said: “When I roar, the whole jungle treble!”

Guess what the Chicken said? :D