View Full Version : pure massage, better to do it in the shop or hotel room?

19-08-2006, 01:46 AM
I'm just curious, the massage bed in the shop is usually harder, hotel bed is soft soft one, so which one is actually more suitable for pure massage? What are the advantages for both?

19-08-2006, 04:09 AM
I prefer to do it in hotel room, more cosy.

19-08-2006, 09:14 AM
me too. more privacy also.

the advantage of doing it at shop is that, it have the proper bed with the hole for your face.

hotel, only bed.

19-08-2006, 09:56 AM
Shop bed is meant for massage and i prefer the shop type. But now, the hotel bed wil have to do.

19-08-2006, 11:13 AM
Hotel bed soft, better for FJ. Massage Parlours bed harder, better for massage. Depend on what you want loh. :D

Personally, if I am out for FJ plus massage, I usually go for hotel rooms. Usually in batam here, the massage palours in hotels have good beds, suitable for massage and FJ, THe beds are big and not too hard. Like the one in Bali Spring( Putri garden) and Good way hotel( tai ji massage).

Some other cleaner joints have beds, but not so nice beds. As they are into massage only.

Good DAy

19-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Hotel bed soft, better for FJ. Massage Parlours bed harder, better for massage. Depend on what you want loh. :D

Personally, if I am out for FJ plus massage, I usually go for hotel rooms. Usually in batam here, the massage palours in hotels have good beds, suitable for massage and FJ, THe beds are big and not too hard. Like the one in Bali Spring( Putri garden) and Good way hotel( tai ji massage).

Some other cleaner joints have beds, but not so nice beds. As they are into massage only.

Good DAy

19-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Hotel bed soft, better for FJ. Massage Parlours bed harder, better for massage. Depend on what you want loh. :D

Personally, if I am out for FJ plus massage, I usually go for hotel rooms. Usually in batam here, the massage palours in hotels have good beds, suitable for massage and FJ, THe beds are big and not too hard. Like the one in Bali Spring( Putri garden) and Good way hotel( tai ji massage).

Some other cleaner joints have beds, but not so nice beds. As they are into massage only.

Good DAy

19-08-2006, 11:18 AM
quality of bed, actually not much diff lah. TN beds onli got that additional 'hole' for u to sink yr head in. hotel beds r bigger n more comfy.

well, if hygiene is an issue, hotel beds r any time better. find that many of d beds in TN shops STINKS, esp those 'unclean ones'. imagine how many guys have used d beds, even with d protection of towels d smell n perspiration may still get into them. n d gals normally do not even bother to chg d towels unless custmrs complain. in hotels of cos d hygiene level r many many times better.

19-08-2006, 11:58 AM
I prefer at shop,provided the shop is cosy and spacious.:)

GL joe
19-08-2006, 01:19 PM
pure massage i think at the shop better because of the bed is specifically designed formassag.the hole to sink ur head in so that the massuse can used more strength on ur shoulder,back and the neck area.:D

but i have to agree with the hygiene issue at the shoplah.some really dun bother to change the towel!:mad:

19-08-2006, 01:40 PM
It all depend on wat U want, for pure massage I always have it on high bed wif hole and pillow for support....U can feel the proper massage and strength, but I never like FJ on high bed....

Hotel are like your personal space (unlike shophouse) and there a lot of privacy, gal can moan wat they want and washing up is oso very accessable..

Wondering why no Bros mention abt HC leh...maybe Bro Max_priest can comment?

20-08-2006, 01:54 AM
just consult my menssuer today. she said her house's one best lol!

okay, me not into paid sex.

20-08-2006, 07:32 PM
i'm actually looking for pure massage during my lunch time... prefer to do it in hotel where i get to have privacy and also comfort.. any bros here know any gals here that provide good massage services?

thanks for any intro...

21-08-2006, 06:17 PM
just consult my menssuer today. she said her house's one best lol!

okay, me not into paid sex.

Good reply brother.

We are in the SAME BOAT! ;)

Let me point out a frequent typo error.

A lady who performs massage is call a MASSEUSE.

A MAN who performs massage is call a MASSEUR. :)

Correct use of ENGLISH words and careful typings will avoid giving wrong interpretation!