View Full Version : Protecting Your Identity And Personal Info
19-08-2006, 05:40 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Recently in Sam's forum, a member's personal info was posted by another member in the midst of a cyber dispute. Another member whereabout in Hatyai was also being revealed, leading to phone calls being made to the victim's hotel room to harass him.
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
Here are a few tips on how to guard your identity and personal info when seeking assistance on Hatyai:
Correspondence With Acquaintances From The Forum
1. Never ever reveal your identity or any other personal information in your correspondence with acquaintances from the forum.
2. Try to correspond via email. Use your free email account which does not have your real name on it. If you don't have, create one. Avoid using your company's email.
3. If you need to correspond via the forum, you may use your original nick provided you are not going to meet that person later. If you intend to meet him, then it is wise to use a new nick instead. Remember to use that new nick when posting any feedback or report later after the trip, so that you will still remain anonymous with your original nick. Whichever nick you are using, again do not reveal your identity or other personal information.
Meeting With Forum Members
4. Do not fill in any application forms given by forum members where you will reveal your identity, as well as your personal information.
5. Introduce yourself as John, Sam, Mike, or whatever common western names that you can think of, but never your real name. Surnames like Tan, Lim, Lee, etc are alright as they are common enough.
6. Your personal documents like passport, identification card etc should always remain with you and never be handed over to the forum member you met in Hatyai. For hotel check-in or buying of air ticket, please make sure that the no one is not around when you provide the necessary personal info requested. In addition to personal documents, you should ensure that all other documents which contains your real identity or personal info (eg email confirmation letter from airlines or hotels) should not be seen by the forum member that you met there.
7. If you are using your new nick to correspond with any person in Hatyai, remember to use that same nick when you met that person, and not your original nick.
8. Always remain vague and avoid answering questions about your personal life (like your job, your company etc). Talk about anything under the sun except about yourself.
9. If any samster were to pressure you into revealing your identity, then you better stay away from him. For sure he is up to no good in wanting to find out who you are. It is better for you not to know this person, even if you have to roam Hatyai by yourself.
10. Never give your handphone number out to the forum member that you meet in hatyai. Avoid using your handphone for correspondence. Used a local prepaid SIM card instead. If not, then always make use of the hotel phone at the reception, which is free for local calls.
11. Beware of joining or investing in any businesses proposed by the forum member in Hatyai. In such dealings, beside giving out your money, you will also need to divulge your personal details. Beside losing your money, you will also have to deal with your personal info being used against you should relationship turn sour.
There are many forum members who have met with each other without any problems, and some have even become close friends. However, there are a few incidents where revealing one's indentity has become a liability for some. The most serious incident is the recent one in Hatyai. Therefore this is to serve as a general warning to all forum members. It is up to the individual to decide whether he can trust the stranger he knows through the forum, and be comfortable enough to reveal his identity and personal info to him. For newbies, it is advisable to very cautious of the people you meet from the forum, and take all the necessary precaution to protect themselves.
19-08-2006, 05:44 PM
The points you listed are mostly common sense. Treat all cyber-friends as strangers, never be lure into a sense of familiarity just because of contact in cyberspace. Live and Learn.
coconut head
19-08-2006, 05:54 PM
Oh no i have coconut head very easy to recognize....:eek:
20-08-2006, 01:19 PM
thanks for the advice.
20-08-2006, 03:27 PM
Smart move nanog69!!! To post here instead of international forum if not your post will be "spring clean" and newbies can't read them and guard against these hypocritical samsters.
20-08-2006, 03:40 PM
1) Why go through such hassles of protection?
2) Just don't meet up
20-08-2006, 03:50 PM
Correct save the trouble. BTW which lowlife zap me no balls put name? I going moderation soon for speaking my mind cannot zap you back dun have to be an ostrich hide your head. Got balls to zap leave your nick.
20-08-2006, 04:00 PM
Smart move nanog69!!! To post here instead of international forum if not your post will be "spring clean" and newbies can't read them and guard against these hypocritical samsters.
The purpose of posting the whole content here is to alert newbies on this. Currently he is preying on the newbies, as experienced samsters are now more alert to what he is doing. Thats why nowadays, he is only keen to bring newbies to visit KTV farms as it is easier to make money from them.
20-08-2006, 04:04 PM
To post here instead of international forum if not your post will be "spring clean"
I hate spring cleanings.:mad: :D
20-08-2006, 04:06 PM
I have added another point about the danger of falling into the scammer's trap of applying for any discount card or any promotional gimmick that he is promoting in his newly revamped Hatyai website. The additional warning is in red
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Recently in Sam's forum, a member's personal info was posted by another member in the midst of a cyber dispute. Another member whereabout in Hatyai was also being revealed, leading to phone calls being made to the victim's hotel room to harass him.
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
Here are a few tips on how to guard your identity and personal info when seeking assistance on Hatyai:
Correspondence With Acquaintances From The Forum
1. Never ever reveal your identity or any other personal information in your correspondence with acquaintances from the forum.
2. Try to correspond via email. Use your free email account which does not have your real name on it. If you don't have, create one. Avoid using your company's email.
3. If you need to correspond via the forum, you may use your original nick provided you are not going to meet that person later. If you intend to meet him, then it is wise to use a new nick instead. Remember to use that new nick when posting any feedback or report later after the trip, so that you will still remain anonymous with your original nick. Whichever nick you are using, again do not reveal your identity or other personal information.
Meeting With Forum Members
4. Do not fill in any application forms given by forum members where you will reveal your identity, as well as your personal information.
5. Introduce yourself as John, Sam, Mike, or whatever common western names that you can think of, but never your real name. Surnames like Tan, Lim, Lee, etc are alright as they are common enough.
6. Your personal documents like passport, identification card etc should always remain with you and never be handed over to the forum member you met in Hatyai. For hotel check-in or buying of air ticket, please make sure that the no one is not around when you provide the necessary personal info requested. In addition to personal documents, you should ensure that all other documents which contains your real identity or personal info (eg email confirmation letter from airlines or hotels) should not be seen by the forum member that you met there.
7. If you are using your new nick to correspond with any person in Hatyai, remember to use that same nick when you met that person, and not your original nick.
8. Always remain vague and avoid answering questions about your personal life (like your job, your company etc). Talk about anything under the sun except about yourself.
9. If any samster were to pressure you into revealing your identity, then you better stay away from him. For sure he is up to no good in wanting to find out who you are. It is better for you not to know this person, even if you have to roam Hatyai by yourself.
10. Never give your handphone number out to the forum member that you meet in hatyai. Avoid using your handphone for correspondence. Used a local prepaid SIM card instead. If not, then always make use of the hotel phone at the reception, which is free for local calls.
Discount Card Offer And Other Tactics to Get Your Personal Info
11. Should you come across any invitation to apply for discount card or any other promotional gimmick for use in Hatyai, do be wary if you are required to reveal your personal details. It may ask for your identity and address with the excuse that the discount card needs your real name to be imprinted onto it, and will be mailed to your address. If that is made compulsory, then be wary as your personal information may be sold to marketing companies, or being used for undesirable activities. Worse, your name and address may be revealed in the forum, as it has happen to a samster in the Hatyai thread.
12. Beware of joining or investing in any businesses proposed by the forum member in Hatyai. In such dealings, beside giving out your money, you will also need to divulge your personal details. Beside losing your money, you will also have to deal with your personal info being used against you should relationship turn sour.
There are many forum members who have met with each other without any problems, and some have even become close friends. However, there are a few incidents where revealing one's indentity has become a liability for some. The most serious incident is the recent one in Hatyai. Therefore this is to serve as a general warning to all forum members. It is up to the individual to decide whether he can trust the stranger he knows through the forum, and be comfortable enough to reveal his identity and personal info to him. For newbies, it is advisable to very cautious of the people you meet from the forum, and take all the necessary precaution to protect themselves.
20-08-2006, 04:09 PM
The purpose of posting the whole content here is to alert newbies on this. Currently he is preying on the newbies, as experienced samsters are now more alert to what he is doing. Thats why nowadays, he is only keen to bring newbies to visit KTV farms as it is easier to make money from them.
Chinese saying: "Paper cannot wrap fire for long". The truth will come to light sooner or later.
Western saying: "He can fool some of the samsters all of the time and all of the samsters some of the time but he can never fool ALL of the samsters ALL of the time." His game is up, he will have to get his contacts off other forums soon.
20-08-2006, 04:12 PM
I hate spring cleanings.:mad: :DSpring cleaning is worse than censorship, at least with censorship you still can see parts of what's been censored
20-08-2006, 04:17 PM
His game is up, he will have to get his contacts off other forums soon.
He is now doing that in ISG, WSG and Mamak forums. His major customer base is still here, but current business is poor. So do expect another "investment" scam coming up after all the money he recently collected have been used up.
20-08-2006, 04:26 PM
He is now doing that in ISG, WSG and Mamak forums. His major customer base is still here, but current business is poor. So do expect another "investment" scam coming up after all the money he recently collected have been used up.
Nanog69I believe those that come out public is only the tip of the iceberg. Frr some reasons or other many chose to keep quiet. There is no shame being conned, the main thing is to learn the lesson and caution other from the same fate. As long as more come forward he will be expose. High rep points, cronies network and now mod status all make him up to have an cloak of 'respectability". I must admit he is not your average conman but Evil never triumph over Good. We must ensure more newbies wont fall into his trap.
20-08-2006, 04:48 PM
I believe those that come out public is only the tip of the iceberg. Frr some reasons or other many chose to keep quiet. There is no shame being conned, the main thing is to learn the lesson and caution other from the same fate.
They chose to keep quiet because he knows their identity and has their personal data as well. Furthermore he knows all about their sexual romp. He will not hesitate to use it against anyone who dare to expose him. That is why Sam's advice against meeting up with samsters known through the forum is sacrosanct.
20-08-2006, 05:12 PM
thank you for the advice... :)
20-08-2006, 05:43 PM
Good advice. Thank you
20-08-2006, 09:45 PM
I believe those that come out public is only the tip of the iceberg. Frr some reasons or other many chose to keep quiet. There is no shame being conned,
u got coned by him before? :confused: There is no shame in admiting being con:D
20-08-2006, 10:37 PM
The purpose of posting the whole content here is to alert newbies on this. Currently he is preying on the newbies, as experienced samsters are now more alert to what he is doing. Thats why nowadays, he is only keen to bring newbies to visit KTV farms as it is easier to make money from them.
Bro Nanogo69,thanks for alerting and it sound to me someone very familar in this forum :rolleyes:
21-08-2006, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the information...I think is important to protect ourself from the cyber!
Space Godzilla
21-08-2006, 12:17 PM
thanks and take note of.
21-08-2006, 12:53 PM
Thank you for your advice.
21-08-2006, 02:56 PM
Thanks for the advice.
21-08-2006, 03:06 PM
Is the con-man very influential in the forum??
22-08-2006, 09:52 AM
Thanks you for the advice :)
22-08-2006, 03:16 PM
Is the con-man very influential in the forum??He is non other than our big brother cum moderator THAIVISITOR. Soon he will take over this forum. You scare? Scare than worship him and let him make u his lapdog then you safe.
22-08-2006, 04:06 PM
He is non other than our big brother cum moderator THAIVISITOR. Soon he will take over this forum. You scare? Scare than worship him and let him make u his lapdog then you safe.
So,in my heart, I knew that I kana cheated liao. How can saddleup wrote such a beautiful FR to cheat bros here. Best part is I was told Saddleup was just a middleman, he had never tried Ah Jie and for every bro he intro to Ah Jie, he got a commission (amount I should not disclose).
Full post in this thread here
After that you tried to promote a girl whom you did RAW!!! Wow!
Xiao Yan: 24yrs old. 34C. fair n smooth skin. Nicely trimmed pussy hair + tight pussy. No rush job, loves to oral n enjoy being licked. Enjoy frenching while fxxking. I did her raw, if u know what I mean.
Looks like you tried to be an OKT but failed. After that not happy start to vent out your anger? kekekekekekekeke
Then since nobody really bother about you, you cannot take it so vent more frustration? kekekekekekeke
Wow!!!! No need to threaten to quit lah... stay around leh.. you really add color to the forums!:D
Tee Vee
23-08-2006, 01:35 AM
Is tat true, bro TV?? I was thinking of going hdy to lim kopi with u next month.. :o
Tee Vee
23-08-2006, 04:36 PM
Is tat true, bro TV?? I was thinking of going hdy to lim kopi with u next month.. :o
like bro saddleup said, drink at own risk. The coffee might cost you 100x more
24-08-2006, 08:26 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
Here are a few tips on how to guard your identity and personal info when seeking assistance on Hatyai:
Correspondence With Acquaintances From The Forum
1. Never ever reveal your identity or any other personal information in your correspondence with acquaintances from the forum.
2. Try to correspond via email. Use your free email account which does not have your real name on it. If you don't have, create one. Avoid using your company's email.
3. If you need to correspond via the forum, you may use your original nick provided you are not going to meet that person later. If you intend to meet him, then it is wise to use a new nick instead. Remember to use that new nick when posting any feedback or report later after the trip, so that you will still remain anonymous with your original nick. Whichever nick you are using, again do not reveal your identity or other personal information.
This is an excellent example of what you should be alert to if you decide to use the services provided by any website. Here, you are required to fill in your real name, contact no and email address. In such instances, you are advised never ever to reveal your sammyboy or any forum nick in this website or to the webmaster, or do anything that could possibility lead your real identity to be linked to your forums' nick.
The Defender
24-08-2006, 08:30 PM
good info, thank you.
25-08-2006, 02:17 PM
Right, i will be careful on this. Thank you.
25-08-2006, 10:39 PM
this forum so dangerous??? how abt giving details to okts??
Emperor Red
26-08-2006, 10:31 AM
info noted will caution against these lowlife scumbags...
26-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Boss, I am a little confused, care to enlighten this matter? :confused:
Does it mean that it is ok to have clone, as long as it is not use to built war chest?
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
3. If you need to correspond via the forum, you may use your original nick provided you are not going to meet that person later. If you intend to meet him, then it is wise to use a new nick instead. Remember to use that new nick when posting any feedback or report later after the trip, so that you will still remain anonymous with your original nick. Whichever nick you are using, again do not reveal your identity or other personal information.
11. Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in deep moderation mode (-999 reputation points)
26-08-2006, 04:20 PM
Why you bother and worry so much? Unless you have clones or are a clone yourself! DIE CLONE DIE!!!:mad:
26-08-2006, 04:24 PM
Why you bother and worry so much? Unless you have clones or are a clone yourself! DIE CLONE DIE!!!:mad:
Why you bother so much also? Yeah CLONE yeah!!! :D
26-08-2006, 05:38 PM
Why you bother and worry so much? Unless you have clones or are a clone yourself! DIE CLONE DIE!!!:mad:
I bother becos i saw u bother about it very much. U even start a thread to ask who is a master clone :rolleyes:
27-08-2006, 12:26 PM
this forum so dangerous??? how abt giving details to okts??
No lah... they are safe lah...
What nanog69 is trying to imply is not to use the services that i provide in my website on Hatyai at
You can use all other people's services like OKTs in SG, or any other country but if you are a visitor to Hatyai, you should not in anyway contact me because he also have a website, kekekekekeke
Tee Vee
27-08-2006, 05:57 PM
Hello TeeVee you spring clean until here ah? So i see now is not war of the okts but war of the website owners? BOSS already said no discussion of other sites here. Stick to the program to discuss commercial sex only. Thank you very much.
27-08-2006, 06:02 PM
Hello TeeVee you spring clean until here ah? So i see now is not war of the okts but war of the website owners? BOSS already said no discussion of other sites here. Stick to the program to discuss commercial sex only. Thank you very much.
Mr IndoVisitor,
WHY you so kapoh ? Have Sam appointed you as his moderator ? seen to me that you are poking your dick into any holes.
27-08-2006, 06:06 PM
Mr IndoVisitor,
Can you so kapoh ? Have Sam appointed you as his moderator ? seen to me that you are poking your dick into any holes.
Yes my dick is for poking into holes, yours sadly only can use for urinating and nothing else:rolleyes:
27-08-2006, 06:08 PM
Yes my dick is for poking into holes,
Mr IndoVisitor,
You know what kinds of HOLES....:D , dont tell you !!!! :p
28-08-2006, 08:43 PM
good job! good english used!
29-08-2006, 09:13 PM
Stick to the topic and dun hijack this sticky please thank you
30-08-2006, 05:20 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Recently in Sam's forum, a member's personal info was posted by another member in the midst of a cyber dispute. Another member whereabout in Hatyai was also being revealed, leading to phone calls being made to the victim's hotel room to harass him.
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
This is certainly good advise 4 new samsters like me, However i interested to knoe wat incident r u refering to dat had prompted Sam to come up with this 3 advice? Can u shed some light so we can be aware too?
31-08-2006, 12:51 PM
This is certainly good advise 4 new samsters like me, However i interested to knoe wat incident r u refering to dat had prompted Sam to come up with this 3 advice? Can u shed some light so we can be aware too?
Dont ask anymore lah..nobody will talk abt it ...dont wanto start another war here...if u wanto knoe the full detail on the Hadyai incident, read it in this link :
03-09-2006, 08:59 PM
i think this is impoirtant info. thanks alot bro will be beware of such people.
03-09-2006, 09:20 PM
if really so noble i cant say anything, this is more like smear campaign
03-09-2006, 09:23 PM
after reading the thread i think it is good to post what he did here as a warning to all newbie like us. i am disgust that a senior is taking advantage of us, but will wait and see what;s the outcome to be fair to him.
03-09-2006, 09:26 PM
after reading the thread i think it is good to post what he did here as a warning to all newbie like us. i am disgust that a senior is taking advantage of us, but will wait and see what;s the outcome to be fair to him.
each side got their own versions, who is right who is wrong only GOD knows. see from they way they smear you know who is out for revenge and who is innoccent party.
Noni Juice
05-09-2006, 10:44 PM
thanks bro nanog69 for this valuable advice!
06-09-2006, 10:34 AM
Thanks bro nanog69 , point noted!
06-09-2006, 02:10 PM
Thank you for the information and guidance.
06-09-2006, 11:33 PM
each side got their own versions, who is right who is wrong only GOD knows. see from they way they smear you know who is out for revenge and who is innoccent party.
knnbccb you suchinda turncoat bastard! read back what you use to post. now PLP? all the visitors nicks all same kind good for nothing only conmen
06-09-2006, 11:37 PM
Dont ask anymore lah..nobody will talk abt it ...dont wanto start another war here...if u wanto knoe the full detail on the Hadyai incident, read it in this link :
this is not flame war, its the victims coming out to tell the truth and warn newbies about this moderator Thaivisitor who is pimp cum conmen here and other forums
20-09-2006, 06:16 PM
The accused is TV. He is a senior samster and has also been appointed as moderator in the international forum. If you feel more confident about dubious characters spreading rumours and lies about him, you can always visit HDY on your own without consulting or referring to TV for assistance. TV does not volunteer help to bros and will only help out if you seek his assistance.
If you meet with trouble in HDY, you can still seek TV's help. Those dubious characters are unlikely to help you because they do not dare to meet any samsters and they are not based in HDY.
Anyway, most samsters are able to have a good time at HDY without trouble.
thank you for this great warning brother nanog69 and indovisitor too! expose more on conmen here!!!
20-09-2006, 06:24 PM
thank you for this great warning brother nanog69 and indovisitor too! expose more on conmen here!!!
y u talk to urself? u wan to see dr suteerak?:D
22-09-2006, 02:32 AM
The accused is TV. He is a senior samster and has also been appointed as moderator in the international forum.
so what?
If you feel more confident about dubious characters spreading rumours and lies about him, you can always visit HDY on your own without consulting or referring to TV for assistance. TV does not volunteer help to bros and will only help out if you seek his assistance.
Even if bros, especially newbies seek out his assistance, he will not VOLUNTEER his services. He will earn commission for rendering his assistance, unknown to the people asking for his assistance. :rolleyes:
22-09-2006, 03:15 AM
DIE!!! with my nick like this people will know what i do for a living...lucky i out of changi liao..if not get my details, in the middle of the nite come my cell to visit me or call me...but let you guys know...visit me got timing one..dun be late...i cannot get phone calls...
22-09-2006, 07:47 PM
Senior samsters have higher reputation points that was earned from the history of contributions that was made in the forum. In addition, the BOSS has appointed him as the moderator. Hence, he is someone that is probably more reliable to answer your query of so what.
so what?
You have accused TV of earning commission but you have not provided any evidence. Without sufficient evidence, you cannot win the support of discerning and reasonable bros. Although I am TV's friend, I will only take the side with truth, logic and reason. Cheers.
so what?
Even if bros, especially newbies seek out his assistance, he will not VOLUNTEER his services. He will earn commission for rendering his assistance, unknown to the people asking for his assistance. :rolleyes:
23-09-2006, 12:23 AM
Senior samsters have higher reputation points that was earned from the history of contributions that was made in the forum. In addition, the BOSS has appointed him as the moderator. Hence, he is someone that is probably more reliable to answer your query of so what.
Now we know what a gullible person you are. Do you know how peterfish got 1000+ points? you must be thinking he had contributed heaps. :rolleyes:
You have accused TV of earning commission but you have not provided any evidence. Without sufficient evidence, you cannot win the support of discerning and reasonable bros. Although I am TV's friend, I will only take the side with truth, logic and reason. Cheers.
You are more like his lappy dog cos I dont see his other so called friends coming to his defense when some one "frames" him.
Did thaivisitor mention the 25 shots man in his blog? hahaha :p
cheers to you too.
23-09-2006, 01:54 AM
I do not know peterfish. You have accused me as a gullible person. Well, I supposed I am a trusting person and will believe you until your actions and words are proven to be unreliable.
Now we know what a gullible person you are. Do you know how peterfish got 1000+ points? you must be thinking he had contributed heaps.
You have reduced to name calling. Why do you have to brand me as TV's lappy dog? I am TV's friend and all bros can be my friends too, if they allow me to be their friend. More importantly, I consider myself a friend of the truth and reason.
Why does TV has to mention the 25 shots in his blog? If you meet TV's other contacts, you will know that 25 shots is no big deal. Besides, there are samsters who disbelieve and I have asked them to treat it as a fantasy. You can treat it as a fantasy too.
Really cannot figure out how you could end up laughing after calling me names. I would have felt miserable if I have done what you did.
Is it really so pleasurable to take it out at me? Nonetheless, have a good weekend and have no worries because I bear no grudges against you.
er.. you have not given any evidences of TV earning commission. If you don't wish to share or have no evidence to share, we can end the discussion because there is no point for anyone or me to enquire further on your accusations. Cheers.
You are more like his lappy dog cos I dont see his other so called friends coming to his defense when some one "frames" him.
Did thaivisitor mention the 25 shots man in his blog? hahaha :p
cheers to you too.
bang bang
23-09-2006, 08:31 AM
Fat29 you are a loyal friend but you is supporting thaivisitor blindly, maybe this is because he is the first contact and probably the only OKT which you have in hatyai. Go and explore hatyai more and you will know that the other OKT think about thaivisitor.
The best evidence is for you to go to other OKT in hatyai and hear what they say about your dear friend thaivisitor and also listen to those who have been cheated by him before
don;t be a stubborn bull lantern and refuse to listen to others.
More importantly, I consider myself a friend of the truth and reason.
If you don't wish to share or have no evidence to share, we can end the discussion because there is no point for anyone or me to enquire further on your accusations. Cheers.
23-09-2006, 11:27 AM
Mr Bang Bang,
I have checked with the WLs and the OKT when I was in HDY, including cross checking with a samster who booked from another brothel during my last trip. So far, there is no evidence that suggest TV earn commission.
To the contrary, with TV's introduction, the other samster got the gal at a discount from the standard booking charges, leading to some of the other WLs asking the OKT there for the reason of treating TV with special privilege. For me, there is a slight surcharge imposed because of my unique demands on the WL and my expectations on WLs' performance.
If you feel that TV has done you any disservice, why don't you pm him to clarify? At least, both of you could have a conversation to resolve differences in a peaceful manner. I don't think TV will volunteer to help bring samsters to brothels, etc... unless samsters request for his assistance.
Have you requested for his assistance before? What did the OKTs in the brothels said about him behind his back? When I was there, a lot of the WLs and OKTs welcomed him openly and were quite affectionate towards him. It seemed to me that TV is a very popular and is a well liked person there.
Just sharing my observations. Hope you are not offended. You can share your experience in HDY too.
I certainly do not want to be a stubbon bull lantern, whatever that means. In terms of loyalty, my first loyalty is my loyalty to the truth and to show kindness and friendship to my friends and detractors. Have a good weekend.
Fat29 you are a loyal friend but you is supporting thaivisitor blindly, maybe this is because he is the first contact and probably the only OKT which you have in hatyai. Go and explore hatyai more and you will know that the other OKT think about thaivisitor.
The best evidence is for you to go to other OKT in hatyai and hear what they say about your dear friend thaivisitor and also listen to those who have been cheated by him before
don;t be a stubborn bull lantern and refuse to listen to others.
23-09-2006, 12:31 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
i just read this.....thanks for the advice....
23-09-2006, 12:46 PM
Senior samsters have higher reputation points that was earned from the history of contributions that was made in the forum. In addition, the BOSS has appointed him as the moderator. Hence, he is someone that is probably more reliable to answer your query of so what.
No lah... a guy who can't even come out with his own nick and has to use 2 other samsters' nicks (Red Perrier & Suteerak1099) to come out with his nick, and has SOME rep points from his own kakis is definitely more trustworthy.
I'm sure he has tons of contributions which is reflected in his rep pts since those with high rep pts are not known to contribute.
Tee Vee
23-09-2006, 04:03 PM
Someone who kept screwing his best friend's wife again and again is a trustworthy person? :rolleyes:
23-09-2006, 08:27 PM
Ms Nanog69,
Is it friend (ie acquaintance type) or has it changed to best friend now? Treat it as a fantasy so that you need not be bothered by it.
I am shocked when I heard that your nick means pussy in another language. Do you want me to acknowledge you as a guy or a ladyboy or Miss/ Mrs. ??? Most guys will not want to have such a unique nick like yours. I supposed you are one very special person.
Someone who kept screwing his best friend's wife again and again is a trustworthy person? :rolleyes:
24-09-2006, 01:29 AM
You have reduced to name calling. Why do you have to brand me as TV's lappy dog? I am TV's friend and all bros can be my friends too, if they allow me to be their friend. More importantly, I consider myself a friend of the truth and reason.
Because you always have to come to his defense. Can't he do it on his own? What do you get for upholding his name in this forum? Free noni juice, power underwear or you get to be at the top of his MLM business?
Why does TV has to mention the 25 shots in his blog? If you meet TV's other contacts, you will know that 25 shots is no big deal. Besides, there are samsters who disbelieve and I have asked them to treat it as a fantasy. You can treat it as a fantasy too.
I am not sure if it's a big or small deal. But the poll and discussion on your feat definitely shown that it's a big deal!!
Really cannot figure out how you could end up laughing after calling me names. I would have felt miserable if I have done what you did.
You ask TV loh. he also like to call people names like nonok and pariah dog and then goes kekekek....So he must have felt good lah...where got miserable???
er.. you have not given any evidences of TV earning commission. If you don't wish to share or have no evidence to share, we can end the discussion because there is no point for anyone or me to enquire further on your accusations. Cheers.
All we need is TV to swear (with his 18 generation) that he never takes commission, end of discussion. He got balls to do that? :rolleyes: All he knows how to do is roti prata here and there.
24-09-2006, 01:38 AM
. Have you requested for his assistance before? What did the OKTs in the brothels said about him behind his back? When I was there, a lot of the WLs and OKTs welcomed him openly and were quite affectionate towards him. It seemed to me that TV is a very popular and is a well liked person there.
That is why I say you are a gullible person. TV is bringing business and $$ to those OKT and WLs , of course they welcome him openly and AFFECTIONATELY lah.
When people bring customers (=additional income) to me, I also welcome him with open arms. Does that mean my customer who bring more customers to me is a very popular and well liked person? :rolleyes:
25-09-2006, 08:51 AM
Because you always have to come to his defense. Can't he do it on his own? What do you get for upholding his name in this forum? Free noni juice, power underwear or you get to be at the top of his MLM business? .
I just speak the truth as I know it and is only defending the truth by sharing my experience and reasoning.
When accusations were being made without evidence, I feel that it is fair comment to share. I do not know of MLM business or power underwear that you wrote. As for Noni Juice, I did purchase a bottle of it from TV last year, partly to try it and partly to help the Tsunami victims. The purchase was entirely optional.
I am not sure if it's a big or small deal. But the poll and discussion on your feat definitely shown that it's a big deal!!.
I understand that most bros could do only a few shots within a day and having the ability to do more will cause bros to either envy or reject with disbelief. Humility and logic dictate that I put what I have managed to do, behind and move on. I rather put this "perceived private big deal act" behind because there are many more things that could be bigger deals that I have not achieved. A really big deal act has to benefit others by improving their lives.
You ask TV loh. he also like to call people names like nonok and pariah dog and then goes kekekek....So he must have felt good lah...where got miserable???.
It is between TV and you in the name calling. I have not called you names but you have done that to me. As for Nanog69, it is really quite puzzling that he had chosen this nick; he is certainly one very special person.
All we need is TV to swear (with his 18 generation) that he never takes commission, end of discussion. He got balls to do that? :rolleyes: All he knows how to do is roti prata here and there.
Whether TV decides to swear and what he swears to his 18 generation, it is his perogative. Does it mean that TV has the right to demand that Bro """" swears to his 18 generation that he does not have any clone nicks in the forum?
If you decide to make this demand on TV such as swearing to his 18 generations, you should pm him directly. Writing to tell me your demands on him is liken to sending your demands to the wrong addressee. I am not TV and does not represent him. I only seek to share the truth as I know it.
I do not believe in cursing and swearing. Live and let live. Always give others a chance and show a little more kindness than you would otherwise.
25-09-2006, 08:57 AM
When I was there, we visited almost every brothel. They welcomed him and there do not seem to be any enmity between the OKT and him. I shared this because you mentioned that OKTs talked badly about TV behind his back. If these OKTs do that, I think they are not upright.
If I dislike a person, I will tell him the reasons and give him a chance of self defence and I will not be pretentious. Nonetheless, I will try to forgive the person and will not engage in acts that seek to harm him. If he is successful, I will also share his joy and will not be jealous.
I don't think it is about being gullible, we just see things from very different lenses. Cheers.
That is why I say you are a gullible person. TV is bringing business and $$ to those OKT and WLs , of course they welcome him openly and AFFECTIONATELY lah.
When people bring customers (=additional income) to me, I also welcome him with open arms. Does that mean my customer who bring more customers to me is a very popular and well liked person? :rolleyes:
bang bang
25-09-2006, 07:59 PM
your observation is wrong then, when i say conact with OKT i meant those that you know after you cheong for a while, not those that you go with Thaivisitor. Some of them are very good friend with him (e.g axxxxx) Would they tell you the truth? I have been cheonging hatyai since 1998( longer than thaivisitor stationed there) and know many OKT there. I can assure you that thaivisitor collect commission, i am willing to give you the contact of the OKTs who can vierfy that, if you are proven wrong will you still defend your friend Thaivisitor here and will you shoot him down here? if you are willing to shoot him down if proven wrong, i will be glad to bring you to the OKT.
you have only been cheonging hatyai for a while and Thaivisitor is your first contact in hatyai accordingly to the postings i read. How many time have you been to hatyai without going through Thaivisitor? I suggest you defend him after a few more outing in hatyai( not with him but with some other bros here) and after meeting more OKT.
Mr Bang Bang,
I have checked with the WLs and the OKT when I was in HDY, including cross checking with a samster who booked from another brothel during my last trip. So far, there is no evidence that suggest TV earn commission.
Just sharing my observations. Hope you are not offended. You can share your experience in HDY too.
I certainly do not want to be a stubbon bull lantern, whatever that means. In terms of loyalty, my first loyalty is my loyalty to the truth and to show kindness and friendship to my friends and detractors. Have a good weekend.
26-09-2006, 12:22 AM
your observation is wrong then, when i say conact with OKT i meant those that you know after you cheong for a while, not those that you go with Thaivisitor.
you have only been cheonging hatyai for a while and Thaivisitor is your first contact in hatyai accordingly to the postings i read. How many time have you been to hatyai without going through Thaivisitor? I suggest you defend him after a few more outing in hatyai( not with him but with some other bros here) and after meeting more OKT.
Papasan PeeWee is the only person who approve of bastardly act of forcing his best friend's wife to be subjected to all kinds of perverse and vile sexual act that one can ever imagine. They even had a private discussion on how to make this real account look like a fake story. Now he wants to act like a saint here and say he never lie or tell untrue. Well, didn't he lie to his best friend in order to take advantage of his wife? Didn't he lie here by trying to say that this is just a fantasy story? Sick bastard with an evil heart trying to act holy and uprighteous here. :rolleyes:
26-09-2006, 07:47 AM
Mr Bang Bang,
I will not be visiting HDY anytime soon and may only be accessing this forum infrequently in the next few weeks. If there is a chance to meet in HDY, we can discuss more. As I said, I will only be on the side of the truth. If anyone has done wrong, be it wrongly accusing others or otherwise, let us not take a confrontational approach but work on peaceful solutions.
When persons like Nanog69 who has been repeatedly spinning lies, selectively presenting half truths, etc.. I have decided not to explain and correct the inaccuracies. I have tried my best to meet his/her demands such as the demand that Nanog69 be termed as a guy. However, he/ she is still not satisfied. There are some things that I can change and some things that I can't change. Live and let live.
your observation is wrong then, when i say conact with OKT i meant those that you know after you cheong for a while, not those that you go with Thaivisitor. Some of them are very good friend with him (e.g axxxxx) Would they tell you the truth? I have been cheonging hatyai since 1998( longer than thaivisitor stationed there) and know many OKT there. I can assure you that thaivisitor collect commission, i am willing to give you the contact of the OKTs who can vierfy that, if you are proven wrong will you still defend your friend Thaivisitor here and will you shoot him down here? if you are willing to shoot him down if proven wrong, i will be glad to bring you to the OKT.
you have only been cheonging hatyai for a while and Thaivisitor is your first contact in hatyai accordingly to the postings i read. How many time have you been to hatyai without going through Thaivisitor? I suggest you defend him after a few more outing in hatyai( not with him but with some other bros here) and after meeting more OKT.
26-09-2006, 06:34 PM
We have actually sat down and discussed about this thread. We were actually discussing on "How to make this thread look like a fake story now?" as bro fat was also troubled by the "morality" accusation thrown at him.
26-09-2006, 06:54 PM
No lah... a guy who can't even come out with his own nick and has to use 2 other samsters' nicks (Red Perrier & Suteerak1099) to come out with his nick, and has SOME rep points from his own kakis is definitely more trustworthy.
I'm sure he has tons of contributions which is reflected in his rep pts since those with high rep pts are not known to contribute.
Tee Vee
Right! sometimes those who contribute rubbish and non-sense will get their rep points zapped until moderation. This is why that sad fuck, Red Perrier 1099 had to use combo of other samster's nick to "contribute" in this forum.
What a sad fuck! So many of his previous nicks have been cancelled. This clearly shows what a loser RP1099 is.:eek:
One more thing: Red Perrier 1099 doesn't dare to come out for samster meetings. Wonder why? This type of people who act hero behind PC hardly have any credibility. Only can spout B/S
26-09-2006, 07:00 PM
Now we know what a gullible person you are. Do you know how peterfish got 1000+ points? you must be thinking he had contributed heaps. :rolleyes:
wow! I must have hurt you so badly that you constantly think of me and my 1000+ rep pt. You so gian for it then ask Sammyboy for it lor. Since you love to contribute so much rubbish, I am sure he will consider. What a sad fuck!:eek:
26-09-2006, 07:25 PM
wow! I must have hurt you so badly that you constantly think of me and my 1000+ rep pt. You so gian for it then ask Sammyboy for it lor. Since you love to contribute so much rubbish, I am sure he will consider. What a sad fuck!:eek:
bro, not eveyone so gian perng like you ask for points. they would rather earn it themselves, thru real contribution :p
i think you are the real SF, needing high rep points to boost your low self esteem. keke..
26-09-2006, 07:39 PM
One more thing: Red Perrier 1099 doesn't dare to come out for samster meetings. Wonder why? This type of people who act hero behind PC hardly have any credibility. Only can spout B/S
Look who's talking big here. :eek:
Next time anyone has problem go look for tai gor peterfish at samster meetings, he is a real hero.
27-09-2006, 09:42 PM
y u talk to urself? u wan to see dr suteerak?:D
better than you fucking yourself you stupid prick!
28-09-2006, 05:04 PM
I will not be visiting HDY anytime soon and may only be accessing this forum infrequently in the next few weeks.]
Last Activity: Today 05:03 PM
Viewing Forum The Sammyboy link exchange Plaza @ 05:03 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
28-09-2006, 05:14 PM
I will not be visiting HDY anytime soon and may only be accessing this forum infrequently in the next few weeks :rolleyes:
Any news from AgentT on my needs? I am not looking for cheap bargains during this difficult time in HDY, just superb services.
I just speak the truth as I know it...... :rolleyes:
28-09-2006, 06:16 PM
u quote never put name who know u talking abt who???:confused: :confused:
29-09-2006, 12:21 AM
u quote never put name who know u talking abt who???:confused: :confused:
Some people has understanding disability.
She fail to understand that fat29 is trying to put in a nice way that he does not wish to communicate with losers anymore.
Tee Vee
29-09-2006, 11:38 AM
Some people has understanding disability.
She fail to understand that fat29 is trying to put in a nice way that he does not wish to communicate with losers anymore.
Wonder who is the one cannot read properly without his reading glasses :rolleyes: kekekekkek Both tagteam partners kena caught trying to spin a lie to samsters here :rolleyes:
We have actually sat down and discussed about this thread. We were actually discussing on "How to make this thread look like a fake story now?" as bro fat was also troubled by the "morality" accusation thrown at him.
30-09-2006, 06:17 PM
Waaaa, it's really too bad I didn't took Sammyboy's advice and also paid little attention to Nonok69's thread.
All you guys please do take this advice seriously as Nonok69 now knows where I lived and has intentionally put my street in his "location" of his profile. Maybe he's trying to impress others of his ability tthat he can get my address, or maybe he's trying to warn or frighten me that he is able to "get" me? Especially as my pictures are out for everyone to see who I am and she's hiding behind the computer.
I don't know. So here's the girl who tell others of the seriousness or danger of letting others know your personal particulars and now showed you an example of who you should be wary of.
Tee Vee
30-09-2006, 08:40 PM
All you guys please do take this advice seriously as Nonok69 now knows where I lived and has intentionally put my street in his "location" of his profile. Maybe he's trying to impress others of his ability tthat he can get my address, or maybe he's trying to warn or frighten me that he is able to "get" me? Especially as my pictures are out for everyone to see who I am and she's hiding behind the computer.
Please refer to my reply to thaivisitor in this thread:
30-09-2006, 08:46 PM
Please refer to my reply to thaivisitor in this thread:
Nanog69Why is everybody hate the moderators for nothing? 1st Teevee now Cheri_popper turn.
01-10-2006, 01:32 AM
Please refer to my reply to thaivisitor in this thread:
Good try by quickly changing it to soi 15.
Whether my office address is publicly available or not is not the point. The point is that you put it in your "location" to try to intimidate me and you have just proven yourself to be a roti prata king by quickly changing to Soi 15 so that anyone who have not seen it will not know what you have done.
So day by day, post by post, you start to reveal your true character although most already know what kind of pussy you are.
Tee Vee
01-10-2006, 03:19 AM
Waaaa, it's really too bad I didn't took Sammyboy's advice and also paid little attention to Nonok69's thread.
All you guys please do take this advice seriously as Nonok69 now knows where I lived and has intentionally put my street in his "location" of his profile. Maybe he's trying to impress others of his ability tthat he can get my address, or maybe he's trying to warn or frighten me that he is able to "get" me? Especially as my pictures are out for everyone to see who I am and she's hiding behind the computer.
Tee Vee
So you live in soi 15 or 23? I thought you told me it's soi 23? :)
02-10-2006, 08:45 PM
yes noted, thanks for the info and advise.. :)
02-10-2006, 08:46 PM
of course will keep it privacy, thanks for the info..
hello, good to see you here..
03-10-2006, 01:21 AM
So you live in soi 15 or 23? I thought you told me it's soi 23? :)
Use this Doman Name Lookup: and search for ".org", and not ".net". That should answer your question lah. Better not say anymore, some people in "fucking bad mood", fuck here and there. :D
No comments
05-10-2006, 07:42 PM
will do so, means the email address must be the fake..? no real info to be posted here? PM means private message?
06-10-2006, 01:14 PM
will do so, means the email address must be the fake..? no real info to be posted here? PM means private message?
If you provide your real info to conster like thaivisitor, he might reveal them as he had done so to some samsters. Read here for what happened recently:
This was an incident that happened in hatyai threads on Sammyboy Forum. You will not be able to read it now as all relevant postings have been deleted by thaivisitor, as well as getting Cyberaid ban from the forum to prevent any witness against him.
It started with disagreements between some samsters over information posted about an entertainment nightspot in Hatyai called WaterBar. Situation quickly deteriorated, when physical threats were made in the forum, and personal information (name, date of birth, identity card no) of a samster, TD0620G, was posted publicly by ex-samster Cyberaid. Furthermore, it was revealed that one of the samsters involved received a phone call in his hotel room from an anonymous person to harrass him on this matter. Athough the feud has ended, the current concern is about the source of these information. All evidences and testimonies point to this samster, thaivisitor.
Here are the evidences which supports the claim that thaivisitor is the cuplrit behind revealing samsters' personal particulars to other parties:
1. Only TD0620G's personal information was revealed, while three other samsters involved in the feud remain anonymous. This is because only thaivisitor has such information about TD0620G, and not the rest. In the past when both TD0620G and thaivisitor were on good terms, the latter tried to get TD0620G into his MLM business. TD0620G had filled in his personal particulars on the MLM application form and returned it to thaivisitor together with his name card. Therefore no one knows such intimate details about TD0620G, including his home and office address, except thaivisitor. When their relationship sours last year because of the discovery that thaivisitor has been taken commission from the KTV brothels behind their back, thaivisitor blame TD0620G solely for breaking up his relationship with Dekuip which has been a cash cow to him. When the opportunity arises for him to take his revenge, thaivisitor readily provide all the personal info about TD0620G to Cyberaid. That is why Cyberaid can only post TD0620G's personal details, and not the others involved.
2. It was revealed by one of the samsters involved, KLKOOL that while he was in Hatyai, that he received a telephone call in his hotel room from an anonymous person who asked him check the forum for messages to him. Nobody could possible know which hotel they were staying in Hatyai except for thaivisitor because KLKOOL remembers very clearly that he had told thaivisitor about it in the morning when they met at Deep Point Cafe. Thaivisitor posing as friend, would have gotten their room numbers from hotel receptionist, and passed the information to the person who made that call to KLKOOL.
3. The meeting between Cyberaid, thaivisitor, TD0620G and KLKOOL at Kiss Chanel Pub in Hatyai. Cyberaid's favourite haunt is Water Bar, not Kiss Chanel. Everyone in SBF knows that Kiss Chanel is thaivisitor's favourite night spot. On that night, it was thaivisitor who alerted Cyberaid about the presence of TD0620G at Kiss Chanel, and encourage Cyberaid to get some help to go there and confront him. Cyberaid did not take thaivisitor's suggestion to use physical violence, but instead chose to have a lesser acrimonious but tense meeting with both TD0620D and KLKOOL to settle their cyber squabbles. Thaivisitor attempted to make use of Cyberaid to deal with his nemesis, TD0620G. All parties realised now what kind of person thaivisitor is.
Noni Juice
06-10-2006, 01:46 PM
If you provide your real info to conster like thaivisitor, he might reveal them as he had done so to some samsters. Read here for what happened recently:
sigh...Tee Vee the great noni Juice seller in hatyai...:D
06-10-2006, 03:15 PM
If you provide your real info to conster like thaivisitor, he might reveal them as he had done so to some samsters. Read here for what happened recently:
A good reminder for all unsuspected newbies.
.................................................. ............
thaivisitor is my neighbour at Sakornmongkol soi 23 hatyai thailand!
11-10-2006, 12:49 PM
Got it bro nanog. Thanks so much
12-10-2006, 02:56 PM
i will be careful, thanks.
12-10-2006, 06:07 PM
Why bother to look for any help in d 1st place ?
Just download d map from internet and if you stay at Sakura GV take a 10 min
walk down the road to the farms at Channivate. Have always gone alone and no problems so far at all. :D
13-10-2006, 12:10 PM
Absorbed n digested with care n discreetness is the word...thanx threadstarter:D
13-10-2006, 07:52 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Thanks for the tip. ;)
17-10-2006, 05:16 PM
Is there a strong need to protect personal identity when samsters are meeting up for TCSS and overseas address of samster can be openly exposed?
Does protection means not letting people know your nick or not meeting up with fellow brudders?:confused:
Cyber world. Its good to keep your identity until you know that person well enough, at leaset well enough on line?
04-11-2006, 09:17 PM
Forum boss got to step in this foray if not many people will be conned if wat TV is accussed of is true. So is TV unreliable as claimed by some? Since TV is appointed as moderator by Boss, then is his interest to know the truth and weed out any conster.
07-11-2006, 04:16 PM
the biggest conster cum con star award winner is td0620g. i vote him number one. tv, refrigerator, video are small time conster. only con thai baht 500. damn sia suay you know.
td con pple buy $100,000 air ticket in his robert airline and buy nike shoes to land. like that it is much worse. his clone klkool con super SYT to sleep with him for Baht 500. this is worst than beast.
in con star award, tv at most get the most publicity award but top prize must be given to td and second prize of course his clone klkool must get lah.
Forum boss got to step in this foray if not many people will be conned if wat TV is accussed of is true. So is TV unreliable as claimed by some? Since TV is appointed as moderator by Boss, then is his interest to know the truth and weed out any conster.
04-01-2007, 03:59 AM
the biggest conster cum con star award winner is td0620g. i vote him number one. tv, refrigerator, video are small time conster. only con thai baht 500. damn sia suay you know.
td con pple buy $100,000 air ticket in his robert airline and buy nike shoes to land. like that it is much worse. his clone klkool con super SYT to sleep with him for Baht 500. this is worst than beast.
in con star award, tv at most get the most publicity award but top prize must be given to td and second prize of course his clone klkool must get lah.
04-01-2007, 04:44 PM
wah!!! sbf forums so exciting one arh!
after reading all these warnings, dunno how leh...
seems like cannot trust anybody here one :confused:
anyway, must thank all here for letting newbies read all these advice.
many thanks again to all here.
somehow, i get a feeling that this post is going to get this noob zapped into nothing... :(
08-01-2007, 02:28 PM
Don't be too worried. I was zapped for speaking up. Anyway, thanks to many kind hearted bros, I was also upped in points.
wah!!! sbf forums so exciting one arh!
after reading all these warnings, dunno how leh...
seems like cannot trust anybody here one :confused:
anyway, must thank all here for letting newbies read all these advice.
many thanks again to all here.
somehow, i get a feeling that this post is going to get this noob zapped into nothing... :(
08-01-2007, 02:31 PM
I didn't see much TD posting. Why does Chief Executive hate TD and KLKOOL so much? I think must ask him or the two heroes then you will know.
I see that CE got zapped to negative.
17-01-2007, 11:22 AM
nice info... i guess its better to be safe than sorry ;)
bruce wayne
29-01-2007, 07:24 PM
I agree totally that identity should be kept secret... what's CYBER should stay cyber. ;)
04-02-2007, 05:48 PM
Thanks. I will not reveal my identity in cyberworld.
24-03-2007, 10:46 AM
wow!!! have to be really careful man:eek:
03-04-2007, 07:37 PM
Better not attend those TCSS gathering. Trick to get you out of cyber to expose you. Check Sammyboy signature. Clearly stated.:p
03-04-2007, 07:41 PM
Better not attend those TCSS gathering. Trick to get you out of cyber to expose you. Check Sammyboy signature. Clearly stated.
Ah 1 u eat full nothing better to do come stop samster going to tcss. :rolleyes: :cool:
03-04-2007, 08:42 PM
stop samster going to tcss.
I just passing Sammy message. I know he will revive me again. You just watch. It will be soon. In 2 days time. Gathering for all the old man only.:rolleyes:
07-04-2007, 10:44 AM
Better not attend those TCSS gathering. Trick to get you out of cyber to expose you. Check Sammyboy signature. Clearly stated.:p
This is actually a long story and nothing to do with attending a TCSS leh. It also did not happen in Singapore, but rather Thailand. It was a lesson well learnt by samsters. But we have also made some great friends here, and how to do that if dun take a chance.
08-04-2007, 06:57 PM
The story you tell people is very biased lah. Why not start a thread and tell the world your biased story? Like how your great friend cyberid tell his story of by stating how much he earn, wife divorce and he will hero for all to get investors money. See what joke his story is becoming now?
You join your great friend and tell your joke Thailand story to entertain Mland and Sland bros lah. So long TD and you never tell BIG good joke. Can entertain us by telling your serious story or not? Only when you are serious then we can all have BIG BIG Laugh. :D
This is actually a long story and nothing to do with attending a TCSS leh. It also did not happen in Singapore, but rather Thailand. It was a lesson well learnt by samsters. But we have also made some great friends here, and how to do that if dun take a chance.
09-04-2007, 12:36 PM
CE is such a clown. No free entertainment for you.. Shoo..
No one ask ur good friend to delete all the threads and postings. If he never do so then ppl can read for themselves lorr. But since all is gone, I am not going to reopen old wounds.
Looks like you will just have to wait for the movie :rolleyes:
10-04-2007, 05:35 PM
Ask you be serious so we can all laugh, you angry already. now talk good friend. ask your good friend or should say get your great friends to be serious lah, we long time no laugh.
no wounds, just laugh can??? hope you play movie for all to see soon.
CE is such a clown. No free entertainment for you.. Shoo..
No one ask ur good friend to delete all the threads and postings. If he never do so then ppl can read for themselves lorr. But since all is gone, I am not going to reopen old wounds.
Looks like you will just have to wait for the movie :rolleyes:
21-04-2007, 04:56 PM
never knew things can get so serious. Quite a bit to digest here.
22-04-2007, 09:30 PM
We can never be too careful to protect our identity and personal info, incase they falls into the wrong hands. Here are two recent incidents where two samster's identities were being revealed by this conman, Thaivisitor, one in through his blog, and the second in a group gathering.
In the first case, after falling out with his close friend, Mr Romance, Thaivisitor had used his blog to reveal Mr Romance's real identity, as well as revealing Mr Romance's wife past occupation as a working lady in order to take revenge for being exposed by him as a conman. In case Thaivisitors forgets, his wife is also an ex-working lady, and the first son is not even his.
For the second case, most of you would hv read in the newspapers about this guy, Wai Keen Weng's determination to marry Amue Athu, an ex-working lady from Hatyai who is now in prison for entering Singapore illegally. Now many of us would not know that Wai is well-known samster in SBF, and neither did I. Again, it was Thaivisitor who again open his big mouth revealing that Wai is actually T*****7* in a recent gathering after this case was first reported in the newspaper. A number of ugly remarks where also made by him about Amue Athu for betraying the SKY farm mamasan who was quite close to Thaivisitor in the past. I will not reveal what was said as it is for bro T*****7* to find out for himself why Thaivisitor had revealed out his nick, and what remarks he has made about Amue Athu.
From these two incidents, it important for newbies to protect their real identity and personal info from falling into the hands of unscrupulous person like Thaivisitor.
23-04-2007, 06:17 PM
Read and understooded! taanks!
24-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Sorry for asking this stupid Q.
I understand that the AV are watching this forum.
So can we be arrested for posting as OKT or FR which is actually a bit of a pornography?
25-04-2007, 06:30 PM
We can never be too careful to protect our identity and personal info, incase they falls into the wrong hands. Here are two recent incidents where two samster's identities were being revealed by this conman, Thaivisitor, one in through his blog, and the second in a group gathering.
For the second case, most of you would hv read in the newspapers about this guy, Wai Keen Weng's determination to marry Amue Athu, an ex-working lady from Hatyai who is now in prison for entering Singapore illegally. Now many of us would not know that Wai is well-known samster in SBF, and neither did I. Again, it was Thaivisitor who again open his big mouth revealing that Wai is actually T*****7* in a recent gathering after this case was first reported in the newspaper. A number of ugly remarks where also made by him about Amue Athu for betraying the SKY farm mamasan who was quite close to Thaivisitor in the past. I will not reveal what was said as it is for bro T*****7* to find out for himself why Thaivisitor had revealed out his nick, and what remarks he has made about Amue Athu.
From these two incidents, it important for newbies to protect their real identity and personal info from falling into the hands of unscrupulous person like Thaivisitor.
Can't see anything from Thaivisitor blog that Wai is T*****7* . Nothing mention about SBF or T****7* is Wai in the blog.
You are the bloody BIG MOUTH GUNIANG who is good for nothing and expose T*****7* identity. I believe T*****7* is a good guy from his postings. If the realm bros got some brain and brotherhood, they should gang zap you.
When can you stop your CB mouth and itchy hands from talking and writing half truths and fake stuff? U only good at tell lies lah. This time tell the truth that T*****7* is Wai, so what u gain? Expose good people like Wai and blame others is your favourite trick. Damn buay gan especially when u tell samsters to keep their identity secret and u are the one that expose others.
Can vote you as the most GUNIANG idiot in the forum. U want to kill TV, go to his website lah. Don't fark here. Maybe KLKOOL will like to smell this kind of fart, go meet him lah and tell each other lies and joke. don't come here and fark, nobody can stand your buay gan character!:mad:
07-05-2007, 11:50 AM
I understand the caution needed, tks good advice irregardless:)
07-10-2007, 10:16 AM
i tink protecting our personal info online is v impt too.. thks all bros who enlighten me =)
14-11-2007, 04:44 PM
I see the dangers now. Thanks for the warning, sam.
Roger Lim
03-01-2008, 12:58 PM
This thread is so interesting, why no one bring this thread up again for discusson? :cool:
03-02-2008, 12:46 PM
Thank you for the advice!!! :)
10-02-2008, 05:04 PM
Done with the read. I had the impression most forumers here know each other....
15-02-2008, 06:07 AM
Thank you for the advices senior
Hope u always give us good infos before we got con larr
Thank you :)
18-02-2008, 01:25 PM
Possible to change Nicks/Usernames? Sorry for this new question, this is the newb forum.
18-02-2008, 02:04 PM
Thank you for the advices senior
Should be "Thank you for the ADVICE...".
"Advice" is a non countable noun. You do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) ( and take the test.
18-02-2008, 02:05 PM
Possible to change Nicks/Usernames? Sorry for this new question, this is the newb forum.
You can register a new nick anytime you want. Just abandon the old one and it will automatically expire.
18-02-2008, 02:14 PM
You can register a new nick anytime you want. Just abandon the old one and it will automatically expire.
How long's the expiry date for an inactive account?
18-02-2008, 04:12 PM
How long's the expiry date for an inactive account?
I do housekeeping every 3 to 6 months.
02-03-2008, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the info... :)
03-04-2008, 07:43 PM
Good advice..Thank you:)
13-04-2008, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the update.:)
24-05-2008, 07:45 PM
Thank u 4 e advice.:) It pay 2 b cautious than sorry.:cool:
28-05-2008, 03:29 AM
Thks for the info, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.
02-07-2008, 10:47 AM
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
its general common sense to take precaution when meeting strangers. thanks!
04-09-2008, 01:06 AM
Thanks Bro for the info...very important...especially newbies like me..very kam sia.
17-12-2008, 02:14 PM
Hi, i wrote my ctc in one of the post by mistake, it was in April this year, i wanted to use the edit button and delete it but could not find any 'edit' icon by the post, how can i go about it or can the moderator helps me out? I have been receivng several calls of late and i really want to put a stop to it, thanking you in advanced.
10-02-2009, 05:40 PM
Thanx bro for the advice.
Will take note not to reveal any personnal info.
17-04-2009, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
15-05-2009, 01:44 AM
Got the message alright . Many Thanks for the heads up .
05-06-2009, 09:45 AM
Good info, we must learn to protect ourselves :D
09-06-2009, 08:20 PM
Hi thks for the advice.
12-06-2009, 12:08 PM
Hi thankys for the guide.
20-09-2009, 11:12 PM
not only to protect our ID but our little brother too.
12-10-2009, 09:17 AM
What if the agent wants your SMF nick?
29-10-2009, 01:31 AM
Newbies sure have alot to learn before going out to the WORLD
08-12-2009, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the info bro.
09-12-2009, 01:41 AM
any admin or bro here can help? i have purchase the verotel but i cant view those pic post in the "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" can someone help me?
Buffon Lee
16-01-2010, 03:58 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Recently in Sam's forum, a member's personal info was posted by another member in the midst of a cyber dispute. Another member whereabout in Hatyai was also being revealed, leading to phone calls being made to the victim's hotel room to harass him.
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
Here are a few tips on how to guard your identity and personal info when seeking assistance on Hatyai:
Correspondence With Acquaintances From The Forum
1. Never ever reveal your identity or any other personal information in your correspondence with acquaintances from the forum.
2. Try to correspond via email. Use your free email account which does not have your real name on it. If you don't have, create one. Avoid using your company's email.
3. If you need to correspond via the forum, you may use your original nick provided you are not going to meet that person later. If you intend to meet him, then it is wise to use a new nick instead. Remember to use that new nick when posting any feedback or report later after the trip, so that you will still remain anonymous with your original nick. Whichever nick you are using, again do not reveal your identity or other personal information.
Meeting With Forum Members
4. Do not fill in any application forms given by forum members where you will reveal your identity, as well as your personal information.
5. Introduce yourself as John, Sam, Mike, or whatever common western names that you can think of, but never your real name. Surnames like Tan, Lim, Lee, etc are alright as they are common enough.
6. Your personal documents like passport, identification card etc should always remain with you and never be handed over to the forum member you met in Hatyai. For hotel check-in or buying of air ticket, please make sure that the no one is not around when you provide the necessary personal info requested. In addition to personal documents, you should ensure that all other documents which contains your real identity or personal info (eg email confirmation letter from airlines or hotels) should not be seen by the forum member that you met there.
7. If you are using your new nick to correspond with any person in Hatyai, remember to use that same nick when you met that person, and not your original nick.
8. Always remain vague and avoid answering questions about your personal life (like your job, your company etc). Talk about anything under the sun except about yourself.
9. If any samster were to pressure you into revealing your identity, then you better stay away from him. For sure he is up to no good in wanting to find out who you are. It is better for you not to know this person, even if you have to roam Hatyai by yourself.
10. Never give your handphone number out to the forum member that you meet in hatyai. Avoid using your handphone for correspondence. Used a local prepaid SIM card instead. If not, then always make use of the hotel phone at the reception, which is free for local calls.
11. Beware of joining or investing in any businesses proposed by the forum member in Hatyai. In such dealings, beside giving out your money, you will also need to divulge your personal details. Beside losing your money, you will also have to deal with your personal info being used against you should relationship turn sour.
There are many forum members who have met with each other without any problems, and some have even become close friends. However, there are a few incidents where revealing one's indentity has become a liability for some. The most serious incident is the recent one in Hatyai. Therefore this is to serve as a general warning to all forum members. It is up to the individual to decide whether he can trust the stranger he knows through the forum, and be comfortable enough to reveal his identity and personal info to him. For newbies, it is advisable to very cautious of the people you meet from the forum, and take all the necessary precaution to protect themselves.
Very important reminder again :D
25-01-2010, 06:30 PM
Thanks for the reminder! :)
01-02-2010, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the info!!!!
09-03-2010, 11:08 AM
very great info...thank you!
26-09-2010, 03:05 AM
any bro can advise me on how to change my username?
26-09-2010, 03:36 AM
any bro can advise me on how to change my username?
Usernames cannot be changed but you can simply register a new account.
26-09-2010, 01:51 PM
how can i delete this current acct then? thank you! i super noob here. haha!
26-09-2010, 03:37 PM
how can i delete this current acct then? thank you! i super noob here. haha!
Accounts that have not been used for more than 6 months are automatically purged whenever I do database housekeeping so just register your new account and abandon this one.
16-03-2011, 11:40 PM
thank for your information! I'm a new and hope to get many support!
08-07-2011, 03:30 AM
Noted, thanks for the advices. People need to ensure that their personal info is confidential to protect ourselves from cyberworld.
08-07-2011, 06:01 AM
Noted, thanks for the advices.
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "Advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) ( and take the test.
08-09-2011, 08:59 PM
thanks for the advise and will keep it in mind
13-10-2011, 12:45 PM
I need help with changing my sammyboyforum nick. Can that be done? Anyone? Boss?
Thanks. =)
13-10-2011, 01:01 PM
how do i get out of moderation ?
Big Sexy
13-10-2011, 03:30 PM
you cannot change the can register a new nick though..
I need help with changing my sammyboyforum nick. Can that be done? Anyone? Boss?
Thanks. =)
first of all, visit a optical shop.
get a pair of reading glasses and read the forum preamble
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.
how do i get out of moderation ?
27-08-2012, 04:14 PM
Thank you for the tips. Will keep them in mind. :)
27-08-2012, 05:11 PM
thanks for the advise and will keep it in mind
Should be thanks for the ADVICE and not advise. The former is a noun and the latter is a verb. :D
27-08-2012, 07:23 PM
I notice there are some alphabets in brackets under the nicks.
What do they represent? For example mine is (M).
The others which I noticed are (C), (V), (E).
Big Sexy
27-08-2012, 08:07 PM
M - users who are under moderation.
V - supporters who paid a nominal fees to bypass moderation.
C- chatroom moderator i rekcon
P - users who have access to the PRIVATE SECTION
EP - expired PRIVATE SECTION members..
E?? is there any nick with (E) besides??
I notice there are some alphabets in brackets under the nicks.
What do they represent? For example mine is (M).
The others which I noticed are (C), (V), (E).
27-08-2012, 11:35 PM
M - users who are under moderation.
V - supporters who paid a nominal fees to bypass moderation.
C- chatroom moderator i rekcon
P - users who have access to the PRIVATE SECTION
EP - expired PRIVATE SECTION members..
E?? is there any nick with (E) besides??
my mistake. it should be (eP).
19-09-2012, 06:53 PM
Thanks for the advices. Very useful indeed. :)
19-09-2012, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the advices. Very useful indeed. :)
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "Advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J) ( and take the test.
23-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the heads up..
26-02-2013, 07:40 PM
Thanks to TS for this and all the bad stories. Should certainly server as a hard reminder to the rest of the people who thinks the cyber world is "harmless". :cool:
18-03-2013, 09:59 PM
Read and understooded.
Will protect my identity and personal info with care.
19-03-2013, 10:02 PM
Mmm..I am just revealing my place,JB...common enough right?
21-06-2013, 05:04 AM
Good rules here.
18-07-2014, 01:00 PM
awesome info!
10-05-2015, 01:32 PM
Is this acceptable as a Moderator behaviour, who stoop so low, and want to spread his photos in this sex forum.
which sentence in my post stated i going to spread his photos...:)
already told you to go back to school to re-learn your english..:)
10-05-2015, 01:35 PM
which sentence in my post stated i going to spread his photos...:)
already told you to go back to school to re-learn your english..:)
You are getting yourself into unnecessary trouble. :)
Looks like you have forgotten the past. :)
10-05-2015, 04:14 PM
which sentence in my post stated i going to spread his photos...:)
already told you to go back to school to re-learn your english..:)
You think you can twist your words? You the one who should re learn your english.
You deleted my posts why? You pussy moderator!!
10-05-2015, 04:19 PM
Hi Sam
As a owner in this forum you encourage not to reveal you personal info. However today you Moderator threaten one user to reveal his personal info if he were to do foolish.
And I don't see this user cause him any harm, but he choose to threaten him
Is this acceptable as a Moderator behaviour, who stoop so low, and want to spread his photos in this sex forum.
Privacy is paramount in this forum. Any moderator who reveals identities against the wishes of the person concerned would be dealt with accordingly.
However at the end of the day I cannot protect people from their own stupidity. No member here should reveal his/her real identity. I cannot be responsible for the consequences because I have emphasised many times NEVER to allow anyone to find out the person behind the nick.
10-05-2015, 04:26 PM
Privacy is paramount in this forum. Any moderator who reveals identities against the wishes of the person concerned would be dealt with accordingly.
Thanks. I hope you look into this matter. A Moderator shouldn't behaves this way, and now he deleted several of my posts, which is not spam. Wonder why he did this. Pls also look into this matter. Like you said we entitle our own opinions, so he shouldn't delete what I posted. Right. He treat it as the board were his.
10-05-2015, 04:34 PM
Thanks. I hope you look into this matter. A Moderator shouldn't behaves this way, and now he deleted several of my posts, which is not spam. Wonder why he did this. Pls also look into this matter. Thanks once again.
Your posts are mostly garbage. I feel like deleting them too. ;)
If you don't like the moderator here, why do you persist? Isn't there any other forum where you would be a lot happier?
10-05-2015, 04:34 PM
Privacy is paramount in this forum. Any moderator who reveals identities against the wishes of the person concerned would be dealt with accordingly.
However at the end of the day I cannot protect people from their own stupidity. No member here should reveal his/her real identity. I cannot be responsible for the consequences because I have emphasised many times NEVER to allow anyone to find out the person behind the nick.
Boss, could you explain the below:
1) Under what circumstances should a sub-forum moderator delete a user's post?
2) In the chat room when should the moderator exercise his / her authority to kick and / or ban a user.
Thank you.
10-05-2015, 04:44 PM
Boss, could you explain the below:
1) Under what circumstances should a sub-forum moderator delete a user's post?
let me explain
1. A attacks B sharing some info on a certain city regards to chiong and A went on attacking B for several days in various sharing threads
2. if a person creates a clone and personally attacks mod then mod has the right to delete his mod allow such things...mod dun engage in long winded arguments because we have other better things to do
10-05-2015, 04:44 PM
Boss, could you explain the below:
1) Under what circumstances should a sub-forum moderator delete a user's post?
2) In the chat room when should the moderator exercise his / her authority to kick and / or ban a user.
Thank you.
I don't get involved in such matters. Each moderator acts independently. If I had to set the criteria, I might as well do the job myself.
If you want to know what criteria a moderator uses, why don't you ask the moderator concerned directly.
10-05-2015, 04:47 PM
Your posts are mostly garbage. I feel like deleting them too. ;)
If you don't like the moderator here, why do you persist? Isn't there any other forum where you would be a lot happier?
Garbage, because you didn't want to remove the rubbish bin aka SEAJ.;)
So is this double standard? Theres so many garbage post, and the mod removed mine. You open this forum for public. So its my choice to stay or to leave. But your mod should have standard. At least. ;)
10-05-2015, 04:50 PM
Garbage, because you didn't want to remove the rubbish bin aka SEAJ.;)
So is this double standard? Theres so many garbage post, and the mod removed mine. You open this forum for public. So its my choice to stay or to leave. But your mod should have standard. At least. ;)
One man's garbage is another man's treasure. :cool:
You asked me to check the posts which were deleted to find out whether the deletion was valid. I did just that and I've expressed my opinion that I would have deleted them too.
I have not read 99.9% of what SEAJ has posted. If I did investigate further I might feel the same way about his posts too.
However, since I am not the moderator of that section, I'm not involved in deciding what stays and what goes. I have someone else to do that job.
10-05-2015, 04:50 PM
Boss, could you explain the below:
2) In the chat room when should the moderator exercise his / her authority to kick and / or ban a user.
Thank you.
JiBye... This part I can answer!
10-05-2015, 04:51 PM
I don't get involved in such matters. Each moderator acts independently. If I had to set the criteria, I might as well do the job myself.
If you want to know what criteria a moderator uses, why don't you ask the moderator concerned directly.
If I did what you had suggested I doubt I would receive a reply.
When I was new last year, I sent a PM to the chat room moderators to ask why I was unable to participate in the main chat.
To my surprise none chose to reply but they were actively chatting in the main. :rolleyes:
I could be a saint on the front and a devil behind.
10-05-2015, 04:51 PM
let me explain
2. if a person creates a clone and personally attacks mod then mod has the right to delete his mod allow such things...mod dun engage in long winded arguments because we have other better things to do
Clone? How to prove if its a clone?
Attack you? If you were to moderate fairly, then nobody will against you. Simple right. ;)
Ya right, but you engaged in long winded arguments with me, and when cock got your tongue, you decide to delete my posts. Thats cowardly act.
10-05-2015, 04:52 PM
JiBye... This part I can answer!
:D came too time I wait for you to answer...:)
Tigaong tonight you strike jackpot on Chelsea vs Liverpool and 4D...:)
10-05-2015, 04:56 PM
So is this double standard? Theres so many garbage post, and the mod removed mine. You open this forum for public. So its my choice to stay or to leave. But your mod should have standard. At least. ;)
see choice is yours...but also mod to decide to ban you for creating nothing but trouble in the forum...for days you had not shared any useful info...but rather wasting time created more clones...:)
dun be naive...who are you we knew...your standard of english straight away we can tell...:p
today your english had improved slightly....see you learned something here...improving english....:)
10-05-2015, 04:56 PM
If I did what you had suggested I doubt I would receive a reply.
When I was new last year, I sent a PM to the chat room moderators to ask why I was unable to participate in the main chat.
To my surprise none chose to reply but they were actively chatting in the main. :rolleyes:
I could be a saint on the front and a devil behind.
Farking Serious...
And I thought I'm the only who had problems with CR mods...
Very long never see u in CR liao.
10-05-2015, 04:57 PM
One man's garbage is another man's treasure. :cool:
You asked me to check the posts which were deleted to find out whether the deletion was valid. I did just that and I've expressed my opinion that I would have deleted them too.
I have not read 99.9% of what SEAJ has posted. If I did investigate further I might feel the same way about his posts too.
However, since I am not the moderator of that section, I'm not involved in deciding what stays and what goes. I have someone else to do that job.
Precisely, one man's garbage and another man's treasure.
If your mod were to moderate fairly, you think others will say about him.
Then its double standard, he can say about others, but others cant say about him. If he doesn't want others to say about him, then he should jolly well do his job properly and don't get involve in such matters.
Ya you have someone who is double standard to do the job. I know a particular user who had exposed him of scamming newbies, last 2 weeks ago, and the post all were deleted. ;)
10-05-2015, 04:57 PM
There are always going to be warring factions and power struggles in every community. It's human nature.
No matter who I appoint as moderator, there will be a group that is not happy.
My suggestion, if you feel that Hurricane88 is not doing a good job, is to take the most obvious solution available and that is to not log on to this forum anymore or to not take part in any of discussion in the international section which he presides over.
If you persist, I can only assume that participating here must be beneficial to you in one way or another. If that is the case, then you have made your choice and weighed the pros and cons of having to deal with the "biased" moderater and decided it is still worth your while. :D
Clone? How to prove if its a clone?
Attack you? If you were to moderate fairly, then nobody will against you. Simple right. ;)
Ya right, but you engaged in long winded arguments with me, and when cock got your tongue, you decide to delete my posts. Thats cowardly act.
10-05-2015, 05:03 PM
see choice is yours...but also mod to decide to ban you for creating nothing but trouble in the forum...for days you had not shared any useful info...but rather wasting time created more clones...:)
dun be naive...who are you we knew...your standard of english straight away we can tell...
today your english had improved slightly....see you learned something here...
I see, When I first come here, what I'm doing were to share informations. If you were to stop SEAJ going around falsely accusing others, I think this matter will not happened right.
It's all started with your SEAJ the apple polisher. If you want to ban me, so be it. At least I already did my part as a righteous people.
Creating more clones? For real? Ya my standard of my english is far better than yours. ;)
And pls spend more time on reading. You making fool out of yourself seriously.
10-05-2015, 05:05 PM
My suggestion, if you feel that Hurricane88 is not doing a good job, is to take the most obvious solution available and that is to not log on to this forum anymore or to not take part in any of discussion in the international section which he presides over.
I will wait for the day to happen...if he gets fed up with SBF means at least 10 clones will not log in...will be so peaceful and no longer need to moderate so much...:)
10-05-2015, 05:07 PM
If your mod were to moderate fairly, you think others will say about him.
Let me tell you that there is not a single Mod in the history of the internet that has not been accused of being biased.
There is a character in the adult discussions section that has been copying and pasting stuff from other political sites and starting new threads for each article and embedding numerous videos in each post.
I requested that he refrain from doing so but he persisted.
When I decided that enough was enough I banned him from posting in that section. As a result I received a vicious PM stating that I was a PAP stooge and against the opposition movement and against free speech.
Nothing could be further from the truth. However, in his eyes I am the devil incarnate. The day a mod in an internet forum is labelled as being fair to everyone is the day of the second coming of christ. :p
10-05-2015, 05:07 PM
My suggestion, if you feel that Hurricane88 is not doing a good job, is to take the most obvious solution available and that is to not log on to this forum anymore or to not take part in any of discussion in the international section which he presides over.
Noted, thats why you don't see me giving out informations anymore. ;)
I'm just doing a lil bit of my part by trying to get a fair moderator. If you think Hurricane88 doesn't breach himself as a Moderator, then who am I to say right.
If he cant leave, then I shall leave. :D
10-05-2015, 05:10 PM
I see, When I first come here, what I'm doing were to share informations. If you were to stop SEAJ going around falsely accusing others, I think this matter will not happened right.
I was registered in 1 March 2015...and all the events in the past before 1 March 2015 you seem to know...also those deleted info too...haha...:)
I had helped to approve your posts when you were in moderation...:p
see if you come with nefarious agenda very fast your fox tail reveal...currently 20387 members logged in...why only you have problem with mod...:)
10-05-2015, 05:15 PM
If he cant leave, then I shall leave. :D
Just leave lah:confused:
Talk so much for what?
10-05-2015, 05:15 PM
I was registered in 1 March 2015...and all the events in the past before 1 March 2015 you seem to know...also those deleted info too...haha...:)
I had helped to approve your posts when you were in moderation...
see if you come with nefarious agenda very fast your fox tail reveal...currently 20387 members logged in...why only you have problem with mod...
Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I'm an avid reader. So being an avid reader will know whats happening. And it was SEAJ who stepped my tail first. You always can check, as you know I'm always careful with what I'm going to say.
Yup, you helped to approve my posts because all contains useful information right.
And you said me only have problem with mod. Are you insane. Pls go to the poll thread. Theres many others who wants your position as a mod to be remove. And you said i'm alone have problem with you. ;)
10-05-2015, 05:16 PM
Just leave lah:confused:
Talk so much for what?
From your post, I can sense you are someone's clone. Simple. I'm got nothing against you, but if you insist, I'm good to go. ;)
10-05-2015, 05:22 PM
From your post, I can sense you are someone's clone. Simple. I'm got nothing against you, but if you insist, I'm good to go. ;)
H88 is my friend and I knew him for several years.
He is unassuming person and somebody I do look up to. So do not ruin his good name. He is above board and taught me many things in life.
if you think anyone here against you then you will go WAR with the person.
10-05-2015, 05:25 PM
Noted, thats why you don't see me giving out informations anymore. ;)
I'm just doing a lil bit of my part by trying to get a fair moderator. If you think Hurricane88 doesn't breach himself as a Moderator, then who am I to say right.
If he cant leave, then I shall leave. :D
There's no such thing as a fair moderator. Everybody forms opinions as to which members are "contributors" and which are "trouble makers".
I too have my opinions but I'm too busy with the technical side of things to get involved in the massive job of overseeing the content of a large forum where 5000 messages are posted daily.
I therefore get others to help out in this area and whoever I appoint will have biases too depending on what sort of alliances are formed in the day to day interaction here.
Had I taken on the role of moderator of the international section, I might have ended up with the same opinion of the current mod as you have but then again I might not have. It would have depended upon whether he rubbed me the right way or the wrong way. :D
Such is life.
10-05-2015, 05:25 PM
Noted, thats why you don't see me giving out informations anymore. ;)
I'm just doing a lil bit of my part by trying to get a fair moderator. If you think Hurricane88 doesn't breach himself as a Moderator, then who am I to say right.
If he cant leave, then I shall leave. :D
Hey you.
So you want to take on all of us ha?
Just get our of this forum and stop causing all the troubles under International Section.
You guys are the reason I don't post anymore.
10-05-2015, 05:25 PM
if you think anyone here against you then you will go WAR with the person.
I don't understand what your meant here. You want to war with me? Are you insane.
10-05-2015, 05:28 PM
Hey you.
So you want to take on all of us ha?
Just get our of this forum and stop causing all the troubles under International Section.
You guys are the reason I don't post anymore.
HAHAHA! Another clone of Hurricane88.
You don't post anymore? But all your posts concerning about points. Been trading points.
If you want, just use Hurricane88 will do. Why he need to use clone to talk to me?
10-05-2015, 05:29 PM
H88 is my friend and I knew him for several years.
He is unassuming person and somebody I do look up to. So do not ruin his good name. He is above board and taught me many things in life.
if you think anyone here against you then you will go WAR with the person.
If I was a mod here, based upon your post, I would draw one of the following conclusions :
1. You are a clone of Hurricane88.
2. You are an unbiased friend who is giving an honest assessment of him.
3. You are one of his stooges.
Which conclusion I draw would depend on what sort of mood I was in when I read the post. ;)
10-05-2015, 05:30 PM
There's no such thing as a fair moderator. Everybody forms opinions as to which members are "contributors" and which are "trouble makers".
Initially was a contributors, but after SEAJ the shit stirrer come and stir shit, I choose to take the shit that he had stirred earlier on and throw at him. ;)
10-05-2015, 05:31 PM
H88 is also my friend.
He had contributed extensively on this SBF.
Sometimes I wonder why he gets himself involved with such thankless job. He was not paid and given absolutely no power except can delete.
Just today, he posted to share in HCM thread, compiled the Liverpool game tonight, moderated the section and still saw he playing candy crush games:confused:
10-05-2015, 05:32 PM
Tiagong hearsay Liverpool fc pick the score prediction thread have many clones.
It is easy to draw a conclusion whose clones are those.
I passing by nia...
10-05-2015, 05:36 PM
Finally you speak up. Thats the way Sam. Thats the way. He thought he doesn't know, but the way he writes easily give way that he is Hurrcane88's clone. ;)
Erm... I thought Boss was trying to be sarcastic?
Or my angmoh no good?
That's the problem with communicating in forum...
1 sentence can have many different interpretations...
Not happy go CR settle faster...
10-05-2015, 05:38 PM
Tiagong hearsay Liverpool fc pick the score prediction thread have many clones.
It is easy to draw a conclusion whose clones are those.
I passing by nia...
Tiagong those who bet same scores are clones?
10-05-2015, 05:38 PM
Finally you speak up. Thats the way Sam. Thats the way. He thought he doesn't know, but the way he writes easily give way that he is Hurrcane88's clone. ;)
Same applies to you. That's why at the end of the day, what is the point.
10-05-2015, 05:40 PM
Another clone of Hurricane88 appeared. Ya from what I see, why he became mod because he got other motives which will benefits him.
Deleting post is another way which benefits him.;)
I checked and that is not a clone account.
10-05-2015, 05:40 PM
Tiagong those who bet same scores are clones?
Tiagong u also know that thread got clones one ah?
Never SIC earlier...
10-05-2015, 10:09 PM
Tiagong u also know that thread got clones one ah?
Never SIC earlier...
Which thread don't have clones one?
HUAT you tonight!
11-05-2015, 09:38 AM
Which thread don't have clones one?
HUAT you tonight!
FH is also why bother...:)
11-05-2015, 10:22 AM
FH is also why bother...:)
My nick sammyboyfor is a clone of another nick too.
11-05-2015, 12:05 PM
FH is also why bother...:)
XDD jiak ba buey?
Treat u jiak banana, ai mai?
11-05-2015, 01:14 PM
My nick sammyboyfor is a clone of another nick too.
I knew long ago...:p
Dear Readers:
Another thread that is participated by Samsters who normally do not go to the International section!
And delighted that the spotlight of the discussion is the nefarious manipulations of crook stealth agents on the international threads. And never mind if they insist on portraying honorable members (and I) as being anything but, the important thing is to let more Samsters be aware of how sinister and manipulative these crooks are.
Samsters who do not normally go to the international threads please be aware of the real dangers and traps set by crooks/scammers on these foreign destination threads.
Especially If you are planning an overseas CHEONG trip, I suggest you read the following thread to better equip yourselves against these crooks.
These crooks are not only skilled conmen who'd have lots of practice conning unsuspecting Samsters, they have prospered in their crooked trade and will as such persist at all costs.
Most important - do NOT engage in PM contact with anybody but those you 100% trust - as you will invariably be suckered into their scams. There is no reason for anyone genuine to insist on only sharing information privately/not want to share publicly.
Watch out!
Ps edit - can someone please direct me to other Singapore-centric threads where these scammers and clones are kpkb'ing and trying to convince Samsters that they are honorable? Want to also participate in those threads. LOL
Noted, thats why you don't see me giving out informations anymore. your supposedly informative posts are all salacious, tempting BUT incomplete and designed just to elicit questions and eventually PM contact when you will reel in your unsuspecting prey.
No loss and instead I say thank goodness!
If he cant leave, then I shall leave. :D
Lmfao - and just use another nick or one of your many clones; in fact, I see vbkk back and have been actively posting on the Bangkok thread past couple days.
Guess you already see the writing on the wall with this 880088 clone huh?!
11-05-2015, 07:35 PM
Lmfao - and just use another nick or one of your many clones; in fact, I see vbkk back and have been actively posting on the Bangkok thread past couple days.
Guess you already see the writing on the wall with this 880088 clone huh?!
I will be reading every posts...any side steps I arrest the situation...:)
see he depends on no choice thick skin lose face also must login...:)
11-05-2015, 08:18 PM
I will be reading every posts...any side steps I arrest the situation...:)
see he depends on no choice thick skin lose face also must login...:)
Brother, you also have to fall back on SBF...:)
You have shamed our family by abusing your authority...:)
This thread is about protecting one's identity and personal info. As usual, being an idiot, you C+P your nonsense about crooks. Matter of fact you the biggest crook here. Beside being a crook, you stoop low by using others picture as your avatar.
And it seems you just cant honour your words. Keep on saying wasted time on me, but come and chase me until this thread.
Ask me if I care whatever it is you think or state!
And YES - Thank you for creating various threads/posting on the Singapore threads!
The more you bleat, the more it gives me the opportunity to make Samsters who do not normally read the International threads, to be more aware of you crooks preying on the unsuspecting whilst venturing forth to foreign lands to monger.
Guys, please go to this thread which should better arm you against these crooks:
Brother, you also have to fall back on SBF...:)
You have shamed our family by abusing your authority...:)
How is just doing his job well by clearing out traps and nonsense from our pages "abusing authority?"
Nonsensical postings which practically makes it impossible to know if a post is genuine or just some more traps.
Oh right - you're gonna bleat about posts that attacks him? Those posts which not only confuses the issue but further trash the threads?
Please go to my latest postings on how to easier spot these crooks on SBF:
28-05-2015, 08:24 AM
My nick sammyboyfor is a clone of another nick too.
04-07-2015, 06:21 PM
Someone is releasing personal information. Seems like a sour grape.
04-07-2015, 07:45 PM
Tiagong Boss has to OT on Saturday...
Jiak Ba Buey?
This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between reporting posts. Please try again in 55 seconds.
25-08-2015, 06:49 PM
Warning Against Revealing Your Identity and/or Personal Information To Forum Members
Recently in Sam's forum, a member's personal info was posted by another member in the midst of a cyber dispute. Another member whereabout in Hatyai was also being revealed, leading to phone calls being made to the victim's hotel room to harass him.
In view of these incidents, there are 3 advice from Sam, which I think is important and applicable to all other forums:
* Keep your identity secret.
* Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers & addresses.
* If you do arrange meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your sammyboy nick
Here are a few tips on how to guard your identity and personal info when seeking assistance on Hatyai:
Correspondence With Acquaintances From The Forum
There are many forum members who have met with each other without any problems, and some have even become close friends. However, there are a few incidents where revealing one's indentity has become a liability for some. The most serious incident is the recent one in Hatyai. Therefore this is to serve as a general warning to all forum members. It is up to the individual to decide whether Paris Airport Limousine Service ( he can trust the stranger he knows through the forum, and be comfortable enough to reveal his identity and personal info to him. For newbies, it is advisable to very cautious of the people you meet from the forum, and take all the necessary precaution to protect themselves.
The power of a man is his present means to obtain some future apparent good.
27-11-2015, 03:06 PM
Seems like a sour grape.
13-12-2015, 12:55 PM
Thanks for all the information appreciated it.
25-04-2016, 05:06 PM
just curious. does sbf website stores user information? like user device public ip address, what device user use to connect to this site. device mac address or any other electronic digital information that can be use to track user?
Big Sexy
25-04-2016, 06:56 PM
Sam has said this many times. The forum does not log any IP address
just curious. does sbf website stores user information? like user device public ip address, what device user use to connect to this site. device mac address or any other electronic digital information that can be use to track user?
25-04-2016, 08:03 PM
Tiagong only your SBF frenemies will store your information and use against you next time...
Luckily I got more enemies instead...
25-08-2016, 07:57 AM
Hi mod,
how do we delete our account ?
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