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11-01-2019, 04:54 PM
Stop feeding the trolls,stop feeding the clones.

They'll thk u all for supporting trouble makers.

There goes again (happens all the time,hehehe...), there will be some that i will reply to, there will be some that i wouldnt bother to even read. Reason as in, most if not all basic info meant for 1st timer/s and newbie/s were already on my signature (and page 1 of the thread),hehehe...almost like a hold-hand service.


I think i even updated my signature recently with a small booking joint list and Men's spa listing. There are too many massage shops in Batam,hence i didnt do a list of it.


I got used to the above-said of my own already. I eventually came to a conclusion that everyone in a public forum has the right to ask any question,post anything or share anything. Just like anyone and everyone has the right to reply to anything and everything (versa not to reply too). And if anyone do not like anyone's sharing,posting and questioning, they can "ban" them on a personally scale whereby i guess thats what the "ignore button" on the left-hand side of each post is for.


Hehehe...in any case if you wish to ignore me,here's how to :


...and i hope you are not thinking that i didnt keep a troll/clone-feeder list,wont you? ;)

I created a post on how to search someone's post on 2017....


...i dont do that becos i have nothing better else to do. And i use that "search" function quite often (not all the time tho) in this thread before i made a reply. :rolleyes:

Hmm...wonder what new movie is coming to Batam this coming CNY 2019 now...hehehe... :p

11-01-2019, 05:03 PM
I have add-on and compile the Ramadan Info and the Chinese New year info into my signature under :

Some Batam Basic Info Update
(up till Dec 2018)


The Batam Food List
(Updated on Jan 2016) (http://bit.do/eAarZ)

Beginner's Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor (http://bit.do/eAaqU)


Some Batam Basic Info Update
(up till Dec 2018) (http://bit.do/eCtp9)


Batam Places to avoid :
Morena series of joints,Delta Spa & MM

My latest 40th Batam Trip Summary
(for June 2017) (http://bit.do/eAatc)

...on my signature.

So much for 2018. Now to head towards serious-mode in preparation for my upcoming CNY 2019 trip,hehehe... :D

Hmm...after re-reading the CNY Info that was compiled,i realized that i might need to add on more info into it. I missed out the CNY money changer portion and hotel booking part....*sob* ...and i have about 20 days to do so. :(

Boss should give you some kind of recognition for your time, effort and contribution.

11-01-2019, 05:08 PM
Indonesia domestic flight air ticket during CNY 2018 was about 1.9 juta for 2 way,today its like around 3.25 juta. :(

Surabaya is far...... :p

11-01-2019, 05:24 PM
Boss should give you some kind of recognition for your time, effort and contribution.

Info collected is meant mainly for myself,others were secondary...hehehe...:D

When i have collected the amount of info, i can then make comparison of the year to year,month to month on what changes and what hasnt. ;)

Mainly use for pricing,service level,exchange rate,market survey, girl quality etc. I didnt lose out ,so i am doing things that eventually benefits me,hehehe...

Surabaya is far...... :p

Surabaya isnt the only place where the girls can come from,hehehe... :D

Horniest girl i knew in Batam were from Bandung (wet-easy). Tightest pussy however were from Surabaya tho. And Jakarta girls were where i can expect consistency,like those from Thailand,China etc. Girls from Bali is most customer orientated.

I learned not to put all eggs in one basket. :p

Just a personal preference. ;)

11-01-2019, 09:24 PM
To all bros,

In Batam l, close to Foreplay club, any contacts for picking up girl for drinks and clubbing, not interested in any other services, where can I find one for tonight or tomorrow, if anyone has any contcts, please help me out...

12-01-2019, 08:25 AM
Indonesia domestic flight air ticket during CNY 2018 was about 1.9 juta for 2 way,today its like around 3.25 juta. :(

Lion Air used to not charge extra for passenger bringing more than 7kg on-board (for hand carry bags),Jan 2018 they start to impose extra charges.

CNY time, horizon ferry ticket going to Batam cost an extra S$12.00 over the regular S$48.00...i believe hotel room wont be low too (which is why i book them few months in advance).

Looks like Hang Nadim price is going up,not a good sign.

I have updated the CNY info link :


...on my signature.


With things about money changers during CNY. Its the only time of the year where one can notice Singapore money changer's exchange rate could possibly beat Batam's money changer,hehehe...during my last 4 CNYs, it has been like that.

Just keeping record.

Next, to go shop for CNY goodies in Batam,hehehe...Uncles and aunties kept telling me Sea Cucumbers 海参 is cheap in Batam but the problem is,i dont even know about the market price in Singapore and do not have experience on how to pick good ones. :D

12-01-2019, 12:45 PM
Hi Bros, need to ask something about the continental breakfast displayed on Booking.com

They have 2 options. 1 is Breakfast included and the other is breakfast at S$13. Does this mean I could just pay the $13 at the counter on the day i'm at the hotel if I want to have the breakfast there?

12-01-2019, 01:25 PM
Hi Bros, need to ask something about the continental breakfast displayed on Booking.com

They have 2 options. 1 is Breakfast included and the other is breakfast at S$13. Does this mean I could just pay the $13 at the counter on the day i'm at the hotel if I want to have the breakfast there?

Yes . One is inclusive of BF while other is pay on daily basis if you do require

12-01-2019, 04:58 PM
Hi guys, i'm going to batam from 14-15th with a friend. Previously have only been going to happy8 and sri kandy. Read all the lists of places from nono and the rest but i can't seem to find a location for Da Hai or Yue Guang. Anyone knows whereabouts are the above mentioned places?

Many thanks in advance

12-01-2019, 06:52 PM
Yes . One is inclusive of BF while other is pay on daily basis if you do require

Thanks. Its funny that it actually cost more when the Breakfast is included compare when I just pay at the counter if I choose too eat in.

12-01-2019, 07:49 PM
Thanks. Its funny that it actually cost more when the Breakfast is included compare when I just pay at the counter if I choose too eat in.

It depend on one / two paxs.
The price is on per person and exclude taxs.
So breakfast included may be cheaper if for two paxs.

13-01-2019, 11:43 AM
I have updated the CNY info link :


A little update on the Horizon Ferry ticket pricing. Horizon wont be charging an extra S$12 for the CNY 2019 ferry trip as according to Horizon fast ferry counter staff/s.

Horizon also giving away 2 x 50k rupiah Eska massage voucher too (for ferry ticket purchase).


King Massage per hour massage has gone up by 10k rupiah. From 110k rupiah to 120k per hour. Shall update its full pricing at a later time.

Luckily i have a membership discount card,hehehe...but still,the price is an 8k rupiah increase for me (with a 20% off). Price increase is never a good thing for me. :(

Just sharing.

13-01-2019, 12:39 PM
Sorry for asking noob qns. Will my passport gets chopped when going to Batam?

13-01-2019, 12:53 PM
Hi guys, i'm going to batam from 14-15th with a friend. Previously have only been going to happy8 and sri kandy. Read all the lists of places from nono and the rest but i can't seem to find a location for Da Hai or Yue Guang. Anyone knows whereabouts are the above mentioned places?

Many thanks in advance

avoid happy

13-01-2019, 05:04 PM
avoid happy

What happen to happy8? Why avoid??

Heil Hitler
13-01-2019, 05:57 PM
Walked into Happy 8 on Friday. Visit lasted less than a minute. A quick scan of the stocks and all I saw was the whole lot more interested in their handphones than working. Even the mami seemed to be in a world of her own.

General rule of thumb for newbies is to put your identified target through an “interview”. By that I mean you should ask them certain questions which you feel may affect the outcome of your trip. If you expect them to shower with you, ask them if they will do so. Some believe in taking separate showers. Others may want all the lights out when getting down to biz. Nothing worse than getting back into the room and have the WL tell you the mouth is for eating only not BJ or I don’t do this or that.

Lay the cards out on the table and minimize your risk of running into any surprises with your choice for the trip. Just to share my two rupiah worth.

14-01-2019, 12:13 AM
Sorry for asking noob qns. Will my passport gets chopped when going to Batam?

You'll get a green stamp on your passport upon arrival.

14-01-2019, 12:59 AM
Sorry for asking noob qns. Will my passport gets chopped when going to Batam?

I have been rendered speechless... :eek:

14-01-2019, 01:22 AM
I have been rendered speechless... :eek:

Likely he is worried that his wifey/GF will see the indonesia stamp on his passport. :D Just joking...
But if really so, Best solution is slip a $10 inside the passport and request the immigration officer to stamp on the earlier page. Hide the stamp somewhere not so obvious. :p

14-01-2019, 02:26 AM
I have been rendered speechless... :eek:

i double speechless after he gets a reply....lol :D

Likely he is worried that his wifey/GF will see the indonesia stamp on his passport. :D Just joking...

ppl r wil b more worried if pp is no being chopped lei...lol...r'ber the m'sia jb custom case where tose who go into jb witout their pp being chopped, then wen cummin out tat time is a big problem & got extorted....lol...came out in news big big on papers sm more. :p

solution simple,jus tear the chopped page away lor... :rolleyes:

14-01-2019, 02:45 AM
The girls still working there,hehehe...but switch side to the salon beside the joint in alternate days,hehehe...and price same,700k rupiah (plus her friend, also at the same price). Mami give her 350k rupiah,i book 3 nights straight. Few Ramadan ago,she can only send back 1 juta to her parents,but top her up another 1 juta,hehehe...one year once,so its justifiable,hehehe...

wa! big clue lei....lol

tat's y rich ger say u stingy,poor ger say u generous man ma....lol :D

Give out clue? What for? But i itchy now,hehehe...so i type this see if you can understand,hehehe...

1/14 = 700k rupiah

2/14 = 800k rupiah

3/14 = 900k rupiah

All in all is 6/14. 15 and 16 is pretty good but i prefer to keep them away from the radar.

got it,got it....lol,i add on a bit more...area a & yr area b aso play impotent role. Recently try haiyang,ger serv lvl still nt bad...got free time u can drop in 2 look look see see...onli bad thg is tat chao ah gua recept keep pesterin 4 tips lei...

nxt 2 try is btm sufei....lol :D

Some things are better not replied. Example,i tell you Batam has S$0.50 apple when almost everyone is paying S$1 for it,then your next question to me will be, which shop sells those apples at S$0.50? The apple must be sour apple thats why its S$0.50...so how am i to answer the next question that follows? I choose to ignore your very 1st words telling me Batam only have S$1 apple left,nothing else is cheaper. Cheaper apple at S$1 or lesser must definitely be sour, wont taste good. i agree with you, i am out-dated and the apple is sour,hehehe...you win,i lost. You feeling happier now? Hehehe...just let me enjoy my own S$0.50 apple....ok? Peace out....


aiyo,where got sour apple de...onli got sour grape....lol

Thank you for your suggestion,i already did...hehehe...updating info is an ongoing work for me,to benefit myself.

Click on the spoiler button below to see my signature link (i hide it,hehehe...) ,the one that says "Some Batam Basic Info Update" is the link i consolidate those info.

The Batam Food List
(Updated on Jan 2016) (http://bit.do/eAarZ)

Beginner's Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor (http://bit.do/eAaqU)


Some Batam Basic Info Update
(up till Dec 2018) (http://bit.do/eCtp9)


Batam Places to avoid :
Morena series of joints,Delta Spa & MM

My latest 40th Batam Trip Summary
(for June 2017) (http://bit.do/eAatc)

yea,i notice liao...luckily u drop ah gao off the list...lol,not a place worth listin.

i might direct aq them all go yie leng 2 try one time,hopefully their serv lvl stil maintain like last time....lol....1 hr massage got free facewash lei...cannot find tat in btm liao....lol...but entry price is 100k 1 hr hor.

14-01-2019, 02:59 AM
There goes again (happens all the time,hehehe...), there will be some that i will reply to, there will be some that i wouldnt bother to even read. Reason as in, most if not all basic info meant for 1st timer/s and newbie/s were already on my signature (and page 1 of the thread),hehehe...almost like a hold-hand service.


I think i even updated my signature recently with a small booking joint list and Men's spa listing. There are too many massage shops in Batam,hence i didnt do a list of it.


I got used to the above-said of my own already. I eventually came to a conclusion that everyone in a public forum has the right to ask any question,post anything or share anything. Just like anyone and everyone has the right to reply to anything and everything (versa not to reply too). And if anyone do not like anyone's sharing,posting and questioning, they can "ban" them on a personally scale whereby i guess thats what the "ignore button" on the left-hand side of each post is for.


jus look @ groot tryin 2 hit the rite button instead of left button....lol...good info u jus share,i tis year cny i gng second day 2 btm & be chaging money in btm on jan rather than durin feb wen i'm tere.

mp in btm sure chui on the first few days one...ani where u plan 2 target on those first few days?

Hehehe...in any case if you wish to ignore me,here's how to :


...and i hope you are not thinking that i didnt keep a troll/clone-feeder list,wont you? ;)

I created a post on how to search someone's post on 2017....


...i dont do that becos i have nothing better else to do. And i use that "search" function quite often (not all the time tho) in this thread before i made a reply. :rolleyes:

Hmm...wonder what new movie is coming to Batam this coming CNY 2019 now...hehehe... :p

u got notice ppl's postin & replyin nw day? smthg tat make me double speechless came out....lol....so u can always follow up on the person who reply tat make me double speechless....lol

oh, march is qing meng time,it's time 2 prepare 4 my p galang trip nw....lol...u cumin? :p

14-01-2019, 03:06 AM
This sentence seem very familiar. Maybe i should charge plagiarize fees...

Hey I will sue you for plagiarism!

wa!! nwday more & more ppl start chargin & sueing ah?! :D

tis sbf is like u've the rite NOT 2 remain silence,& watevr u say wil b taken against u....lol...weather it's rite or no rite.

scroll all the way dwn on ani forum page,u all wil see....

Copywrong © Samuel Leong 2006 ~ 2017 ph :D

Boss should give you some kind of recognition for your time, effort and contribution.

ya hor,i tink he shld hv free lifetime forum premium membership as a token of depreciation ,tio bo....lol :D

Girls from Bali is most customer orientated.

u got try the new bali ger in yr reg place? her kkj massage nt bad lei... i tink u wil like her style....lol :D

seems more gers frm bali cumin 2 btm...lol

14-01-2019, 05:22 AM
Sorry for asking noob qns. Will my passport gets chopped when going to Batam?

Batam immigrations is now more advance then in the past. To answer your question - no, your passport don’t get chopped! This requires a chopper and is noisy and time consuming, your passport gets shredded. :D

14-01-2019, 02:45 PM
Hi Friends,

Writing my first FR here.

I went with m friend to Batam on Saturday morning. After passing immigration we reached Formosa Hotel. Relaxed had lunch and then went for massage. Had nice full-body scrub massage at Indo Thai. Was very good, but expensive, but worth.

On returning back to hotel, a few taxi driver near the hotel approached us for taking us to joint. Being new to batam we thought it is a good idea. The driver bring us to a few joint. Me and my friend both took one girl for full night for 800K. Mine was very modern and young with nice boobs...and giving lots of smile. perfect for to my dick hard. My friend's one was a bit mature but he liked her so good for him.

We bought some wine and went in our room. Had one shot in missionary style. the girl was really awesome with full gf experience. good for the first timer... then i called my friend for dinner..I realize that he was a bit disappointed as he was not able to make even a single shot. The girl was asking him straight away to fuck and removed her clothes..no gf experience. also telling her sad story and showing her kids pics..etc.. he then decide to send her back...we had nice dinner and i went back to my room with my girl...again had one shot...cum on her face this time..i knw she didnt like it much but who cares...we slept for a while till mine is hard again...i wake up her after few hrs...and fuck her again in doggy..the good part was she was again showing the same gf experience and like she is really enjoying me fucking her...wow...her boobs was so awesome..i did spank her as in between while fucking...worth it...and finally cum on her ass....and clean and ask her to go as i was then wanna go back to my friends who was alone ...had drink with him and sleep...next day morning we go to Delta spa... for the first time..really worth...girls are super beautiful and trained there and knows what we want and how to please us...overall. good experience for the first time..

14-01-2019, 05:32 PM
Hi Friends,

Writing my first FR here.

I went with m friend to Batam on Saturday morning. After passing immigration we reached Formosa Hotel. Relaxed had lunch and then went for massage. Had nice full-body scrub massage at Indo Thai. Was very good, but expensive, but worth.

On returning back to hotel, a few taxi driver near the hotel approached us for taking us to joint. Being new to batam we thought it is a good idea. The driver bring us to a few joint. Me and my friend both took one girl for full night for 800K. Mine was very modern and young with nice boobs...and giving lots of smile. perfect for to my dick hard. My friend's one was a bit mature but he liked her so good for him.

We bought some wine and went in our room. Had one shot in missionary style. the girl was really awesome with full gf experience. good for the first timer... then i called my friend for dinner..I realize that he was a bit disappointed as he was not able to make even a single shot. The girl was asking him straight away to fuck and removed her clothes..no gf experience. also telling her sad story and showing her kids pics..etc.. he then decide to send her back...we had nice dinner and i went back to my room with my girl...again had one shot...cum on her face this time..i knw she didnt like it much but who cares...we slept for a while till mine is hard again...i wake up her after few hrs...and fuck her again in doggy..the good part was she was again showing the same gf experience and like she is really enjoying me fucking her...wow...her boobs was so awesome..i did spank her as in between while fucking...worth it...and finally cum on her ass....and clean and ask her to go as i was then wanna go back to my friends who was alone ...had drink with him and sleep...next day morning we go to Delta spa... for the first time..really worth...girls are super beautiful and trained there and knows what we want and how to please us...overall. good experience for the first time..
bro which booking joint to booked girl you and your friend? 800k young n syt hard to get this prize

14-01-2019, 06:26 PM
bro which booking joint to booked girl you and your friend? 800k young n syt hard to get this prize

Not to mention they were with the taxi driver. Even if he doesnt get a cut, 800k is a good deal.

14-01-2019, 07:03 PM
Not to mention they were with the taxi driver. Even if he doesnt get a cut, 800k is a good deal.

The guy was just seating near taxi stand bring us near by joint by walking only...as we are new..sorry can't really share what is the exact location but it was not more than 7 min walking from formosa.

14-01-2019, 07:08 PM
The guy was just seating near taxi stand bring us near by joint by walking only...as we are new..sorry can't really share what is the exact location but it was not more than 7 min walking from formosa.

I do believe that girls are trained to return after 2-3 shots even we took for full night..is there a reason for a bit lower rate?

14-01-2019, 07:35 PM
I do believe that girls are trained to return after 2-3 shots even we took for full night..is there a reason for a bit lower rate?
i beleive you book from Mxxxxx Join, as bro nono mention to avoid this joint.

14-01-2019, 10:31 PM
Guys, apart from Utama where else got those MP and what pubs nice to play ah? :P

14-01-2019, 11:17 PM
bro which booking joint to booked girl you and your friend? 800k young n syt hard to get this prize

Power 20 pts n story too good to be true, u believe? 800k cewek ON w driver tag along? Can cof, coa, pretty ,syt..lol..Show me another joint got same offer?..lol..

14-01-2019, 11:39 PM
Power 20 pts n story too good to be true, u believe? 800k cewek ON w driver tag along? Can cof, coa, pretty ,syt..lol..Show me another joint got same offer?..lol..
not beleive, even balai girl young n syt oso can get this prize, in balai at least 1.1 juta

15-01-2019, 12:07 AM
Yes, almost all hotels,booking joints, MPs and spas will be packed. Unless you can find those places that rarely has anyone going to or you already had "someone" in mind, and reserved in advance.

Over the last 4 years, i have never go to Batam during Christmas eve nor New Year eve before,hehehe... :p ..

In my entire cheonging life, have never been to batam on a new year eve and spend the new year in batam. On 31/12/18, I arrived at harbourbay morning and took the 30k taxi to formosa. To my surprise many massage joints are either pack or fully book or closes. To me, going to batam on new year eve is the worst and most disappointed trip I ever experience. Ask for king massage girl to room during noon time but was told all the massage cewek was fully book until close shop but luckily only manage to have one session only.

The following day which is new year day many massage cewek did not report for work at king massage. After check out, went to DC mall area and was surprise many massage joints were also close and manage to get one session of massage beside helo kitty.

Ordering food in nagoya hill also have to wait for more than half hour as there are too many people in the mall as new year day is a public holiday in indonesia (unlike JB which new year day is not a holiday)

Even during ramadan period, there is no issue getting booking cewek and massage service. Massage is still plentiful during ramadan as most cewek need money to celebrate hari raya.

Therefore my list of days to avoid going to batam is as follows:

1) All the saturdays. (price of hotels for sat is the most expensive)

2) The eves of public holidays which falls on weekdays

3) First few days of hari raya

4) New year eve / CNY eve / christmas eve

Yes, and be reminded to book the return ferry seat back to Singapore upon the day of arrival to Batam so that one wont end up having no return seat back to Singapore.

Longer queue,longer wait happens in all ferry terminals..

The ferry trip going back to spore on 1 Jan 2019 at 7.15pm (second last ferry) from harbourbay was full house

15-01-2019, 12:17 AM
Seems like King massage up their massage price list again, but could not recall exactly.

1 hour - 110k up 10k
2 hour - 200k up 20k
1.5 hour - ?????
Any bro confirm is it correct?

With the devaluation of the rupiah, now many joints try to increase their price, but when the rupiah recovers never see the price being adjusted back.

Nowadays everything goes up seems never comes down...defy the law of physics :D

15-01-2019, 12:20 AM
aiyo,where got sour apple de...onli got sour grape....lol

For one who paid around 900k rupiah for an in-hotel HJ,grape would most likely be sour. I dont wish to take sides hence i shant comment on the cheaper syt (simple becos i dont trust people anymore,yes i mean both sides who are talking). Makes me feel like someone trying to force information out of me now,hehehe...if i say it exist, i will have to point them to where to find it,if i dont,i am wrong. Let me be wrong in all cases (i'm stingy to those i do not know,hehehe...).

My dinner for 2 pax at Batam Baba Street food court,hehehe... :D


Mutarbak at 13k rupiah
Kosong prata at 7k rupiah
Chicken rice at 21k rupiah
10 sticks chicken satay at 18k rupiah
3 cans of drinks at 27k rupiah (+2.7 k rupiah dont know whats that for)
Fish and chips at 25k rupiah

Total : 113.7k rupiah


Just keeping record in case over time,i may forget the exact price...hehehe...

15-01-2019, 12:43 AM
wa! big clue lei....lol

tat's y rich ger say u stingy,poor ger say u generous man ma....lol

Me? Generous? You must be joking,hehehe...

got it,got it....lol,i add on a bit more...area a & yr area b aso play impotent role. Recently try haiyang,ger serv lvl still nt bad...got free time u can drop in 2 look look see see...onli bad thg is tat chao ah gua recept keep pesterin 4 tips lei...

Yep,they are dying to take overnight booking nowaday too,hehehe...but price is still "affordable",hence i priced the lowest price overnight booking in Batam at 700k rupiah,hehehe...


nxt 2 try is btm sufei....lol

Keep me posted and continue to farm,hehehe...this is the shop that change soup but not their med. :p

yea,i notice liao...luckily u drop ah gao off the list...lol,not a place worth listin.

i might direct aq them all go yie leng 2 try one time,hopefully their serv lvl stil maintain like last time....lol....1 hr massage got free facewash lei...cannot find tat in btm liao....lol...but entry price is 100k 1 hr hor.

Price still the same,i just visited them. They are one of the place that can produce those pure breed,hence i still RTM,hehehe... i only show a few person how to get there,and if some guy post it out here,i know in the forum who are those people i cannot trust anymore.

Its a kind of test which i put them to and a small test of trust easily tells the character of a living human. I like keeping "records" at most time,remember? Hehehe...trustable people earns the info in the AQW and as a Man, TRUST is an important issue,i value it. :p

(if you ever hear me talk on sensitive issue on friend A when friend B is an foe of friend A,let me know,hehehe..then its not me :D )

15-01-2019, 12:51 AM
Seems like King massage up their massage price list again, but could not recall exactly.

1 hour - 110k up 10k
2 hour - 200k up 20k
1.5 hour - ?????
Any bro confirm is it correct?

No, its not correct. I have King Massage's price list from around 3 years ago till today. I shall do a proper update at a later time (when time allows).

Here's the 2015 to 2016 price list,hehehe...:D


I think i also have the around 2014's pricing but i am too lazy to find now,hehehe...this is what i am talking about when i say i keep records and also why i write summaries for the 1st few years.

15-01-2019, 01:11 AM
3 cans of drinks at 27k rupiah (+2.7 k rupiah dont know whats that for)
I think is
10% VAT (GST in sg)

15-01-2019, 06:09 AM
Hi Friends,

Writing my first FR here.

I went with m friend to Batam on Saturday morning. After passing immigration we reached Formosa Hotel. Relaxed had lunch and then went for massage. Had nice full-body scrub massage at Indo Thai. Was very good, but expensive, but worth.

On returning back to hotel, a few taxi driver near the hotel approached us for taking us to joint. Being new to batam we thought it is a good idea. The driver bring us to a few joint. Me and my friend both took one girl for full night for 800K. Mine was very modern and young with nice boobs...and giving lots of smile. perfect for to my dick hard. My friend's one was a bit mature but he liked her so good for him.

We bought some wine and went in our room. Had one shot in missionary style. the girl was really awesome with full gf experience. good for the first timer... then i called my friend for dinner..I realize that he was a bit disappointed as he was not able to make even a single shot. The girl was asking him straight away to fuck and removed her clothes..no gf experience. also telling her sad story and showing her kids pics..etc.. he then decide to send her back...we had nice dinner and i went back to my room with my girl...again had one shot...cum on her face this time..i knw she didnt like it much but who cares...we slept for a while till mine is hard again...i wake up her after few hrs...and fuck her again in doggy..the good part was she was again showing the same gf experience and like she is really enjoying me fucking her...wow...her boobs was so awesome..i did spank her as in between while fucking...worth it...and finally cum on her ass....and clean and ask her to go as i was then wanna go back to my friends who was alone ...had drink with him and sleep...next day morning we go to Delta spa... for the first time..really worth...girls are super beautiful and trained there and knows what we want and how to please us...overall. good experience for the first time..

Hey bro!!is any info to share on delta spa? The gerls can bring back to hotel for LT? Tot of going there.. plz do share if u have more reviews or tips.. cheers!!

15-01-2019, 08:56 AM
For one who paid around 900k rupiah for an in-hotel HJ,grape would most likely be sour. I dont wish to take sides hence i shant comment on the cheaper syt (simple becos i dont trust people anymore,yes i mean both sides who are talking). Makes me feel like someone trying to force information out of me now,hehehe...if i say it exist, i will have to point them to where to find it,if i dont,i am wrong. Let me be wrong in all cases (i'm stingy to those i do not know,hehehe...).

tere r at least 4/14 in list i knw tat has gers with 800k price lor....lol...700k aso hv one but nt syt of cos,bcs she is 24 yo....lol :p

2 of em has syt in em. Sm time it's nt the mami tat has the final say on pricing but the ger herself,so if ger interested in me, the mami wil help me neg wit the ger 4 a beter price.

i wonder hor...22 yo wit 7.5/10 kind look is consider syt or no? :D

talk abt grape, hw's yr grape u buy the other day @ hypermart? :p

15-01-2019, 07:03 PM
Hey bro!!is any info to share on delta spa? The gerls can bring back to hotel for LT? Tot of going there.. plz do share if u have more reviews or tips.. cheers!!
Went there last year and it was my first time. Aside from their hard selling, the girls werent that bad. Exchanged contct with my assigned ML and coincidently the next day was her off day. So we jalan jalan and went back to my hotel. Not sure if it's true but she told me all the girls resides above Delta Spa so they have a curfew and only go out during their off days.

15-01-2019, 07:57 PM
Horizon 2 ways All PP now can be purchase @ Rp380k.
But it only valid till 28/2/2019.


15-01-2019, 09:06 PM
For the Batam explorer.
Newly opened "Carnival Market" at Pasir Putih.
Ikan bakar Acia is there too.
Weekend crowded.

15-01-2019, 09:11 PM
Seems like King massage up their massage price list again, but could not recall exactly.

1 hour - 110k up 10k
2 hour - 200k up 20k
1.5 hour - ?????
Any bro confirm is it correct?

No, its not correct. I have King Massage's price list from around 3 years ago till today. I shall do a proper update at a later time (when time allows).

Here's the 2015 to 2016 price list,hehehe...:D

I think i also have the around 2014's pricing but i am too lazy to find now,hehehe...this is what i am talking about when i say i keep records and also why i write summaries for the 1st few years.

Bro Nono, when I massage 3 months ago in October 2018, king massage price list was as follows:
1 hour - 110k
1.5 hours - 155k
2 hours - 200k

But on 1 Jan 2019 (2 weeks ago), the massage cewek told me that price already increase :
1 hour - 120k
2 hours - 220k

The price listed above is before the 10% or 15% or 20% membership discount...

I recall during year 2010 king massage per hour is only 80k
then every 2-3 years was up by 10k
Now year 2019 is 120k per hour (up 4 times since year 2010)

15-01-2019, 09:39 PM
Bro Nono, when I massage 3 months ago in October 2018, king massage price list was as follows:
1 hour - 110k
1.5 hours - 155k
2 hours - 200k

Thats the end of 2018 old price list :


But on 1 Jan 2019 (2 weeks ago), the massage cewek told me that price already increase :
1 hour - 120k
2 hours - 220k

My apologize, and you were right. Price gone up to 2 hours at 220k rupiah. I mis-read cos i thought i read price went up to 240k rupiah for 2 hours. I just went upstairs to take a photo of the price list few hours ago.


Sorry about that... :(

I recall during year 2010 king massage per hour is only 80k
then every 2-3 years was up by 10k
Now year 2019 is 120k per hour (up 4 times since year 2010)

Hehehe...2010,i havent step into Batam yet.

Now, i can start to make comparison. Let's not forget 2010 to 2016 mid, they have start the membership thingy yet,hehehe...price is up but isnt that much as yet.

What makes me worry now is the food prices in Formosa Hotel, Vienna and Tea Story...:(

Seems like its price up every 2 years or so...even Bento Tei Japanese restaurant at Citywalk also price up, grrr... :mad:

15-01-2019, 09:55 PM
Thats the end of 2018 old price list :

My apologize, and you were right. Price gone up to 2 hours at 220k rupiah. I mis-read cos i thought i read price went up to 240k rupiah for 2 hours. I just went upstairs to take a photo of the price list few hours ago.

Sorry about that... :(

Hehehe...2010,i havent step into Batam yet.

Now, i can start to make comparison. Let's not forget 2010 to 2016 mid, they have start the membership thingy yet,hehehe...price is up but isnt that much as yet.

What makes me worry now is the food prices in Formosa Hotel, Vienna and Tea Story...:(

Seems like its price up every 2 years or so...even Bento Tei Japanese restaurant at Citywalk also price up, grrr... :mad:

Thanks bro nono for the latest king massage price list..

Luckily for us, the formosa membership thingy and the devaluation of the rupiah did help to cushion off the effect of the increase in massage price..hehe:D

Formosa is like your second home...enjoy..:)

15-01-2019, 10:26 PM
Went there last year and it was my first time. Aside from their hard selling, the girls werent that bad. Exchanged contct with my assigned ML and coincidently the next day was her off day. So we jalan jalan and went back to my hotel. Not sure if it's true but she told me all the girls resides above Delta Spa so they have a curfew and only go out during their off days.

Yeah man!! The girls are quite hotz. My fren bring me there before last year. Tot of going again n ask if they got LT. Juz worried the price might b too steep. Thks for the info bro!!

15-01-2019, 10:33 PM
I think is
10% VAT (GST in sg)

Now my next question (which i definitely wont go and ask the food court,hehehe...) is, why only the the drinks got those VAT thingy? How come other stall's food absorbed it? :D

Just a bit curious.

Horizon 2 ways All PP now can be purchase @ Rp380k.
But it only valid till 28/2/2019.

Huh? Bro, you mean the ticket expiring after 28th Feb? or offer ends 28 Feb? :p


2 way Horizon tickets price at 380k rupiah (about S$36.50 base on 10400/SGD exchange rate),no need you to be an agent to sell them,hehehe...it gets snap up fast the moment people hear of it.

Horizon is like Sony in Singapore. Their product has a fix priced value as the company protect its brand itself,hence they are the MOST expensive ferry ticket among all other ferry companies,hehehe... :D

A normal Sony product that sells at S$1k suddenly drop its price by around 20%,many who knows its value will grab it as soon as possible. Iphone can be another example too,hehehe...

15-01-2019, 10:58 PM
Power 20 pts n story too good to be true, u believe? 800k cewek ON w driver tag along? Can cof, coa, pretty ,syt..lol..Show me another joint got same offer?..lol..

All men perspective of SYT may be very different :D
This thread some wrote average looking girl start from 1.1juta
Some wrote can get SYT at 800k.
Can tell perspective of SYT may be great different.

For certain joint with rules of 2 shots only for LT with SYT @800k to 1juta. The SYT get 400k to 500k.
This seem justify. Few hours and Tio fuck twice earn 400k/500k.

For normal joint that ensure their SYT stay through out the booking until next morning. Lets say 3-4 shots. And if sell at 800k. The SYT will get 320k to 360k. For one day one nite to please one stranger and tio fuck 3-4 times and earn 360k. I will pity that SYT. Or maybe she dont know how to count rupia.

But this still possible, as the perspective of SYT of each maybe different.

Two days ago i bought a friend to joint to try his luck. See can get SYT.
First to Happy8, all below average, not even one decent looking.
Mami point to one girl say ini cantik, 1.3juta. I replied her, 1.3juta dia bayar aku ya.
2nd to sekar, only have 3 cewek. My friend got a shock there :eek:
3rd to Sri krandy, also jialat.. My friend almost wanted to give up. I told him, lets see one more place..
4th to MM.. Only one can make it, papi say in chinese, this one good, very fresh and green, just started work one week, young and sweet and new to this trade, 1.5juta. I turn to my friend told him, 1.5juta take lah. This one sure good service and big breast and can do BBBJ. OKT then ask me how i know. I told him this girl i tried before, 5 years ago. This time the OKT got shocked :D
In the end, my friend took that girl and she still remember me :p

15-01-2019, 11:10 PM
tere r at least 4/14 in list i knw tat has gers with 800k price lor....lol...700k aso hv one but nt syt of cos,bcs she is 24 yo....lol :p

24 years old,i used to descirbe them as semi-SYT,hehehe...the 28+ as semi-MILF. :D

2 of em has syt in em. Sm time it's nt the mami tat has the final say on pricing but the ger herself,so if ger interested in me, the mami wil help me neg wit the ger 4 a beter price.

i wonder hor...22 yo wit 7.5/10 kind look is consider syt or no? :D

Hmm...comes to think of it,i suddenly remember there was once i notice mami signalling the girls on something,its like asking "the price i ask for",if she is agreeable,hehehe...then the mami came to tell me, "she's ok,since she likes me",hehehe...i guess what you said does exist.

Thats the problem with being unable to speak bahasa, as i dont really understand what the mami and the girls were talking about. :o

talk abt grape, hw's yr grape u buy the other day @ hypermart? :p

You talking about the grape i bought? Hehehe... the girls over the last few nights has been peeling off the skin of them and feeding me with it,hehehe...while my 2 hands were "VERY busy". :D


15-01-2019, 11:11 PM
My apologize, and you were right. Price gone up to 2 hours at 220k rupiah. I mis-read cos i thought i read price went up to 240k rupiah for 2 hours. I just went upstairs to take a photo of the price list few hours ago.

actually u weren't wrong to say that the price isn't 2hrs for 220k. Look closely, one hour is 120k,additional 60 min is another 90k,so total is 210k. i point it out with red arrow on yr pix :


try comparing previous year's pricing, it's a small mistake they made on their latest price list,for 3 hours onward but would not be worth to use that 'mistake' they made.

16-01-2019, 12:00 PM
Horizon 2 ways All PP now can be purchase @ Rp380k.
But it only valid till 28/2/2019.


Its common

(All In) HORIZON FAST FERRY TO BATAM HARBOURBAY 2 WAYS ALL TAX INCLUDED ALL PASSPORT for S$39 https://sg.carousell.com/p/203406170 on #carousell

16-01-2019, 12:10 PM
Hi guys,

I had a pleasure to bonk this Angmoh-indo cewek. Her dad is british & mom is obviously indo. She is fun to be with and really had a good time with her. Her nene also pink color. Definitely will RTF. I took her from bunga. U ask papi for the orang bule mix. Her name is ita.

How do i attach photo here? Sorry noob

Never believe a newbie with 20 points. Lol

16-01-2019, 09:52 PM
All men perspective of SYT may be very different :D
This thread some wrote average looking girl start from 1.1juta
Some wrote can get SYT at 800k.
Can tell perspective of SYT may be great different.

But this still possible, as the perspective of SYT of each maybe different.


Lol, yes agree on the perspective angle..to 80 year old man, a 50 year old cewek also can be syt..lol..then 800k boleh dapat la.. hahaha..

16-01-2019, 11:58 PM
Huh? Bro, you mean the ticket expiring after 28th Feb? or offer ends 28 Feb? :p
2 way Horizon tickets price at 380k rupiah (about S$36.50 base on 10400/SGD exchange rate),no need you to be an agent to sell them,hehehe...it gets snap up fast the moment people hear of it.
I bought one today... Noted that the ticket is not the usual white background (blue line at bottom for all PP, pink line for INDO)...
Instead is orange background with no indication of "ALL PASSPORT"...

Also the expiry date of a normal tix is PRINTED...
This one is not but stamped with a common date stamp that can buy fr any stationary shop.
(My tix exp on 31 March 2019.)

This afternoon when I return fr Btm.
HBB n HBF counter told me... that the promotion tix and they don't sell off the counter. :(

17-01-2019, 12:07 AM
4th to MM.. Only one can make it, papi say in chinese, this one good, very fresh and green, just started work one week, young and sweet and new to this trade, 1.5juta. I turn to my friend told him, 1.5juta take lah. This one sure good service and big breast and can do BBBJ. OKT then ask me how i know. I told him this girl i tried before, 5 years ago. This time the OKT got shocked :D
In the end, my friend took that girl and she still remember me :p
555 555 555

Lol, yes agree on the perspective angle..to 80 year old man, a 50 year old cewek also can be syt..lol..then 800k boleh dapat la.. hahaha..
555 agree agree...
Under this logic
I paid only 600K for my "SYT" :D

17-01-2019, 12:23 AM
Its common

(All In) HORIZON FAST FERRY TO BATAM HARBOURBAY 2 WAYS ALL TAX INCLUDED ALL PASSPORT for S$39 https://sg.carousell.com/p/203406170 on #carousell
Not the same lah.
E-tix less flexible.
This promotion tix hv about 3 months open date both ways.

17-01-2019, 12:29 AM

17-01-2019, 07:02 AM
I bought one today... Noted that the ticket is not the usual white background (blue line at bottom for all PP, pink line for INDO)...
Instead is orange background with no indication of "ALL PASSPORT"...

Also the expiry date of a normal tix is PRINTED...
This one is not but stamped with a common date stamp that can buy fr any stationary shop.
(My tix exp on 31 March 2019.)

This afternoon when I return fr Btm.
HBB n HBF counter told me... that the promotion tix and they don't sell off the counter. :(

So bro there is no issues for spore passport usage?All good if not i also going to purchase it.

17-01-2019, 12:03 PM
Hv used fr HBB and checked with HBF Counter

17-01-2019, 01:06 PM
Anyone can share what are the few joints that one can visit for LT? And i saw a lot of posts saying abt king massage, what service do they lffer?

17-01-2019, 07:49 PM

good price! :D
hope I can go batam soon :(

18-01-2019, 05:53 PM
Hi bro any one going tomorrow .

I want to go for a short trip

18-01-2019, 10:40 PM
At batam now, this afternoon when i enter batam, i notice the custom officer lady, never stamp my passport. After i go out, i make a uturn to tell her. She looks blurr
Heng ahh

19-01-2019, 09:48 AM
Anyone can share what are the few joints that one can visit for LT? And i saw a lot of posts saying abt king massage, what service do they lffer?
look for bro nono1973 postings. go to his signature and open link from there. lots of information there.

change to desktop to open sbf. mobile phone doesnt show signature.

19-01-2019, 05:16 PM
Hmm..i kept searching for a certain Batam CNY photos in Formosa Hotel during 2015,only to realize that i wasnt staying in that hotel during then (after reading my own summaries),hehehe...due to my poor memory,therefore i have been keeping tabs on my trips. :D

i stayed in Goodway hotel during 2015 becos there was no suitable room due to the peak season.

However i found the photo for 2016,hehehe...


..and the one on 2017...


...and another one for 2018.


This is the upcoming 2019 one,hehehe...the hotel just got its CNY decoration readied,hehehe... :p


17 more days to CNY and i am looking forward to it already. :D

Oh,and air ticket prices has come down from around 3.5 juta to around 2.4 juta,or so i heard...hehehe... (many Indonesian were complaining,hehehe...)

Enjoy Batam..bringing back good times,good memories and still doing so... ;)

19-01-2019, 10:24 PM
Yup, my ticket usually cost between 500k to 700k Rose to 1.2 juta during this period. I had to search around before finally managed to get at 750k. Still expensive, but it could be worst. LOL...

19-01-2019, 10:58 PM
Yup, my ticket usually cost between 500k to 700k Rose to 1.2 juta during this period. I had to search around before finally managed to get at 750k. Still expensive, but it could be worst. LOL...

And which site u used bro care to share.thank you.

20-01-2019, 01:28 AM
Anyone going next Tuesday?

20-01-2019, 02:07 AM
exchange rate is 10,300 and some place 10,350
rate not so attractive

20-01-2019, 02:10 AM
Avoid Happy8
This place is like pig farm, i think the maid in SG is better looking than their girls

Cant believe the standard drop so much
Dont think I will ever visit that place again

20-01-2019, 02:11 AM
And which site u used bro care to share.thank you.

Traveloka, Trip.com, Skyscanner, Via.com, wego

Do my search in these apps, including airlines websites.

20-01-2019, 02:29 AM
Saw a chio milf chinese indonesian
She looks like the owner of the spa


{too many photos of same gal - edited by mod}

20-01-2019, 09:25 AM
Thanks bro nono for the latest king massage price list..

Luckily for us, the formosa membership thingy and the devaluation of the rupiah did help to cushion off the effect of the increase in massage price..hehe

Actually for hotel massage, Formosa in-house MP is still some of the cheapest i have known so far. I am still looking for in-hotel massage that could match the price of King. I mean massage place with special service,yet as closely priced as those around Utama area. And most time,they are non-piano quality massage.

Looks like nearby Formosa,about 2 mins walk has a few new MPs...hehehe.... :p

Formosa is like your second home...enjoy..:)

Its actually more than 6 months since i last visit Formosa,hehehe... :D

20-01-2019, 09:30 AM
Yup, my ticket usually cost between 500k to 700k Rose to 1.2 juta during this period. I had to search around before finally managed to get at 750k. Still expensive, but it could be worst. LOL...

Is 750k rupiah one way or 2 way ticket? Whats the price for 2 way? :confused:

Air ticket prices in indonesia has been rather unstable over the whole of the last 2 weeks but luckily exchange rate opposite formosa has been rather stable at about 10400/SGD over the whole of this week. :p

20-01-2019, 12:38 PM
I only buy 1 way nowadays. Cos always not sure when going back SG. Lol... Got once, kena called into office due to no return ticket. Didn't get asked for coffee money though, but that fellow was going on about how he was questioned left and right when he went Singapore, and here I was, arriving in Indonesia without a return ticket. Haha...

Nowadays, no such problem already. Managed to get a long stay permit now.

22-01-2019, 10:55 AM
change to desktop to open sbf. mobile phone doesnt show signature.

Page one of this thread helps too,hehehe...:p

I only buy 1 way nowadays. Cos always not sure when going back SG. Lol...

I asked becos the Indo news came up with people from Indonesia travelling from Jakarta to Malaysia KL and then back to their hometown to save between 1juta to 1.5 juta,hehehe...may be time consuming for at the least it save them quite a bit (from their perspective),hehehe... :D

22-01-2019, 10:57 AM
Its a good thing that this coming CNY, Formosa starts spring-cleaning up their room curtain,hehehe....actually they didnt really clean up all of them,they just change most of it to a new one.


Good thing is they change/clean it. The bad thing is, its no longer a blackout curtain for those that has been changed. The photo shows sunlights penetrating through the curtain during the early morning hours.

So much has change since i last step into this room more than 6 months ago,hehehe...14 more days to CNY. ;)

23-01-2019, 12:35 AM
Yep,they are dying to take overnight booking nowaday too,hehehe...but price is still "affordable",hence i priced the lowest price overnight booking in Batam at 700k rupiah,hehehe...


Keep me posted and continue to farm,hehehe...this is the shop that change soup but not their med.

Lol...i stood by two gers 4 cny liao loh....lol...u arrangin reunion dinner tis yr in btm? :p

Its a kind of test which i put them to and a small test of trust easily tells the character of a living human. I like keeping "records" at most time,remember? Hehehe...trustable people earns the info in the AQW and as a Man, TRUST is an important issue,i value it. :p

(if you ever hear me talk on sensitive issue on friend A when friend B is an foe of friend A,let me know,hehehe..then its not me :D )

brother,u ever got hear b4 hw the donkey die? :rolleyes:

one day wen the donkey was tired after wking in the farm 4 the day,he tells the piggie he's especially tired today & wan 2 go home 2 rest well,& u knw wat? Piggie wen 2 tell the dog the donkey is especially tired today & no wan 2 go workin 2morow....lol...& then the dog go & tel the chicken,donkey is nw tired of his owner, no wan 2 work ani more...chicken later go tel the duck, donkey nw hates his owner & is prepare 2 leave at the first chance available....then agn the duck tellin the cat, donkey is not gng 2 give face 2 his owner ani more & is prepare 2 sabotage his owner @ first chance...

then the cat brings the words 2 the farmer who is aso owner of the farm & got piss off after hearin tat & in fit of his angry, slaughter the donkey the nxt morning....lol. :D

the most poor thg is nt the donkey but is the farmer nw,he kill one of his able animal jus bcs his ear is light & mind no wise by judgin sm ppl lightly who carrying words ard & nw he hv 2 work extra harder bcs he's shorhanded....lol :D

23-01-2019, 12:46 AM
You talking about the grape i bought? Hehehe... the girls over the last few nights has been peeling off the skin of them and feeding me with it,hehehe...while my 2 hands were "VERY busy". :D

Lol,i nw drinkin milk in btm...lol

looks like u enjoy yrself last trip ya? left right both busy...lol :D

actually u weren't wrong to say that the price isn't 2hrs for 220k. Look closely, one hour is 120k,additional 60 min is another 90k,so total is 210k. i point it out with red arrow on yr pix :


try comparing previous year's pricing, it's a small mistake they made on their latest price list,for 3 hours onward but would not be worth to use that 'mistake' they made.

wa,brother...yr eye sight sibei good lei, like tat aso can spot the mistake....lol :D

i jus visit tere & inside nw got a new ger quite good wit kkj massage...lol...u shld try,but cost same as hj. :(

indo rasa tere nw seems like got new shp open aso,maybe cny time can go try. :D

wil u be comin? :cool:

23-01-2019, 04:24 PM
This morning go penuin for my usual Bailong mee pansit. Just realize that the whole coffee shop all cook food prices have increased.
Ask if it due to CNY coming?
They said rental increased.
That means the price is going to stay after CNY.

23-01-2019, 08:03 PM
Any bros want to go together

Black Page
23-01-2019, 09:14 PM
Good thing is they change/clean it. The bad thing is, its no longer a blackout curtain for those that has been changed. The photo shows sunlights penetrating through the curtain during the early morning hours.
Maybe they just washed it?:p

23-01-2019, 09:48 PM
Majestic added a few more trips

23-01-2019, 10:54 PM
Any bros want to go together

Earliest I can go is next Tue.

24-01-2019, 11:46 AM
any bros know if majesty spa offer extra services?? if other MP there, where is a good place where it is a proper but secretly can ask extra? thanx!!! havent go batam for 5 years. dont know currently good places liao

24-01-2019, 03:54 PM
any bros know if majesty spa offer extra services?? if other MP there, where is a good place where it is a proper but secretly can ask extra? thanx!!! havent go batam for 5 years. dont know currently good places liao

From what I know, Majesty Spa doesn’t offer any extras. Unless you can somehow convince the masseur to give it to you. I’ve switched from Secret Soa to Majesty Spa due to the good service. But all in all, the boss of Majesty Spa is a really nice chap. He will answer your WhatsApp or email quite promptly and he’s quite accommodating.

With that, I want to thank bro Nono for replying my PM when I had asked for a little help on the scene in Batam. Am heading over tomorrow and coming back on Sunday. Wish me luck! Been to Batam for the typical stuff. This is the first time heading for the “other” stuff. Staying at Amir. Any bros going over, just PM me. Maybe can meet. Will write an FR or post pictures if successful.

25-01-2019, 01:20 AM
Actually for hotel massage, Formosa in-house MP is still some of the cheapest i have known so far. I am still looking for in-hotel massage that could match the price of King. I mean massage place with special service,yet as closely priced as those around Utama area. And most time,they are non-piano quality massage.

Looks like nearby Formosa,about 2 mins walk has a few new MPs...hehehe.... :p

Tiil date hardly can find a hotel with in-house massage (call to the room) that can match king massage formosa in terms of the number of massage cewek and economical massage price

Biz hotel room massage is quite expensive and the massage lady quoted my friend 500k for quickie fj.

Batam city hotel massage has many cewek but the price for special in room massage also too expensive.

25-01-2019, 04:28 AM
Anybody want to go batam together? Do pm me

25-01-2019, 07:26 AM
Kupu kupu had closed down..

25-01-2019, 06:57 PM
Kupu kupu had closed down..

I give you a lead in batam

There is a massage shop at Suka Gadi Golf club. A nice masseur named Chimpaka, nice looking and can go to the hotel. I overnight her twice. She is good. Cheers

25-01-2019, 07:00 PM
Tiil date hardly can find a hotel with in-house massage (call to the room) that can match king massage formosa in terms of the number of massage cewek and economical massage price

Biz hotel room massage is quite expensive and the massage lady quoted my friend 500k for quickie fj.

Batam city hotel massage has many cewek but the price for special in room massage also too expensive.

Why u so fuck up

At I - grand hotel on 2nd floor there is a karaok where there a 100 girls to choose from. Cheers. Let me know happening

25-01-2019, 07:30 PM
Ask if it due to CNY coming?
They said rental increased.
That means the price is going to stay after CNY.

The almost same thing happening at City Walk Mall, Bento Tei Restaurant too.


Used to cost around or less than 150k rupiah just couple of months ago,but now....


...luckily my friends didnt join me there in that trip (i invited them),hehehe...otherwise it wont become a value for money meal anymore. :D

The price becomes almost the same as the Japanese restaurant in Nagoya Hill Mall which is more authentic in terms of cooking and taste. I am unlikely to visit Bento Tei anytime in my coming days in Batam unless someone plan to pay for that meal,hehehe... :p

25-01-2019, 07:40 PM
Maybe they just washed it?:p

I "washed" them...hehehe...remember,i have 3 times free laundry per day at hotel and i "wash" them once every other months for that same few rooms i often stayed in,for hygiene reasons. :o

I was about to do the same in my last trip and only to realize that the texture of the curtain is now different when i had them send to the laundry. It becomes thinner....did i "over-wash" it? Hehehehe...no, i didnt... it was replaced (my guess). :p

I am glad the usual hotel staffs still remember "that" stingy guy after MIA for around 6 months,hehehe... :D

25-01-2019, 07:47 PM
With that, I want to thank bro Nono for replying my PM when I had asked for a little help on the scene in Batam. Am heading over tomorrow and coming back on Sunday. Wish me luck! Been to Batam for the typical stuff. This is the first time heading for the “other” stuff. Staying at Amir. Any bros going over, just PM me. Maybe can meet. Will write an FR or post pictures if successful.

There's a massage spa at the hotel. I think its still quite new,i havent got the time to try it yet. Since you are there,maybe can give it a try if it isnt too expensive,hehehe... :D

The reason why many of my friends didnt like to stay there becos to walk up and down the hotel entrance slope can be a real pain (maybe we are no longer young,hehehe..). Another reason is the service level of the hotel in the past is not up to par. The final 3rd reason is,...well...i will tell you when you get back from Batam,hehehe...since you are already there today,i dont want to scare you. :p

If you have an overnight girl with you,she might tell you the "final reason",if she's already been working in Batam for a while. :D

Nonetheless, i wish and hope you will have a safe and enjoyable Batam trip.


25-01-2019, 08:29 PM
Tiil date hardly can find a hotel with in-house massage (call to the room) that can match king massage formosa in terms of the number of massage cewek and economical massage price

100% agree. I have been asking the same old question over the last few years. :p

Anyone knows any hotel where the in-house "per hour massage" service cost close to or same as of those massage parlors around Utama massage parlor?

King Massage price list as of 2019 for reference :


Biz hotel room massage is quite expensive and the massage lady quoted my friend 500k for quickie fj.

Hehehe...wait till you try Gideon hotel,a HJ can cost 500k rupiah and she give me a "take it or leave it" look. :D

Lai Lai one is not bad,but too bad the hotel room is a bit off my expectation and location not ideal for me.

Goodway one also not bad, the massage parlor per hour cost can be a bit higher than King but their plus plus is close to Utama massage parlor pricing. A handful of MP around that area is actually not bad too.

City Central however has a new Family massage place that is worth looking into. My friend tells me ex Indo Rasa MP 20 meter radius has a new shop,hehehe... nowaday i visit more often on Bridge and Relax. ;)

I just tried Eska recently and it didnt live up to my expectation. :(

May share a small review later.

PS : just notice i am mostly at Area B


Batam city hotel massage has many cewek but the price for special in room massage also too expensive.

That was becos you havent try their "in-house" massage (not in-room massage) and remember the girls name. Their pricing should be just a bit higher than those in Kings and not exorbitantly high like those in Blue Bayou and Justme.

Simply test drive at their in-house (not in-room) massage 1st, and if you think they are good. Next time order them in-room,hehehe...applies for weekdays only becos i tried them out during weekdays.

Total cost plus their entrance fee however still cost higher than Kings tho. :p

If compare base on Men spa to Men spa, it should still be the lowest priced.


Kupu kupu had closed down..

This is not a good news for me in 2019. :(

25-01-2019, 11:29 PM
City Central however has a new Family massage place that is worth looking into. My friend tells me ex Indo Rasa MP 20 meter radius has a new shop,hehehe... nowaday i visit more often on Bridge and Relax. ;):(

Bridge mp and Relax mp near formosa but no album to choose. Relax mp is curtain cubicle if not wrong like not much privacy.

That was becos you havent try their "in-house" massage (not in-room massage) and remember the girls name. Their pricing should be just a bit higher than those in Kings and not exorbitantly high like those in Blue Bayou and Justme.

Simply test drive at their in-house (not in-room) massage 1st, and if you think they are good. Next time order them in-room,hehehe...applies for weekdays only becos i tried them out during weekdays.

Total cost plus their entrance fee however still cost higher than Kings tho. :p


Thanks for the tips at batam city hotel. Is there a kind of cheap promotion rate for in-house massage there ? :)

26-01-2019, 02:39 AM
There's a massage spa at the hotel. I think its still quite new,i havent got the time to try it yet. Since you are there,maybe can give it a try if it isnt too expensive,hehehe... :D

Nonetheless, i wish and hope you will have a safe and enjoyable Batam trip.


Thanks boss nono! So it’s close to 1:00AM (IDT) here, as I’m typing this and I can safely say my first day in Batam wasn’t too bad. Could have been better but so far it’s not too bad.

Took the 7:00PM (SGT) ferry (Batam Fast) from TMFT and alighted at HBFT at 6:30PM (IDT). Not much passenger in the ferry today, so going through customs was a breeze. As me and my friend were hungry, we straightaway went to Wey Wey Seafood. Price wasn’t that bad though I’m certain there’s cheaper and better alternative.

We ordered a few dishes (medium size) comprising of 2 plates of veggies, 1 bowl of soup, 1 plate of egg, 1 plate of squid and 1 big plate of grouper. Had a big bottle of Bintang each. Total bill was Rp570,200. We weren’t complaining as it was absolutely filling.

After that we went to our accommodation. This trip’s accommodation is Harbour Bay Amir Hotel. It cost SGD48.00 for two nights (booked through Agoda) with Rp200,000 a deposit. Checked in at 8:30PM (IDT). And thanks to boss nono for not telling me the history of the hotel. Haha! Probably when I’m back then you can tell me what is with the hotel.

The only complain I currently have is that it’s old, aircon is somewhat crazy and doesn’t seem to cool the room fast enough. And I hate the slope that boss nono mentioned. It’s steep! That aside, has the opportunity to check out the in-house spa. It’s called Aaram Spa. Some of pricing is as follow,

Traditional Heritage Massage (60 mins) - Rp198,000
Gentleman Deep Relaxing Massage (60 mins) - Rp225,000
Aaram Twin Girls (60 mins) - Rp325,000

Will try to snap a picture of the brochure and upload it when I’m able to. So there was a bit of hard selling for the Gentleman Deep Relaxing Massage which me and my buddy ended up taking. We booked for a session at 11:00PM (IDT). Paid a Rp100,000 deposit for each of us to secure the session and we head out after that.

We went to a pub called Bar Galérie located along the stretch of Batam Harbour Boutique Hotel. It was quite empty when we went in. There were 6 ladies waiting to entertain customers. Ordered 6 bottles of tiger (Rp280,000) and bought cocktails (Rp200,000/cocktail) for 2 of the ladies. Total bill was Rp735,000. Steep but each of us managed to get the number of our respective lady. So meeting them once they are done later at 3:00AM (IDT).

Once we were done with that, we headed back to the hotel for our session. My masseur came 5 minutes after I got into the room. Short lady and a little on the chubby side. But overall she wasn’t that bad looking. Was told to strip and just wear a towel for the session. Made small talk, turned out she’s 31 year old with a 4 year old daughter. Her name’s Amel. She started the session by asking how long did I book the session for. Teased her and said that I booked until morning.

Good rapport but sadly she couldn’t stay overnight due to having to head home to her daughter. Massage was surprisingly good. She was tender but yet managed to release the tension on my shoulders and back. While massaging, I popped the question whether or not there’s other services and then she asked me what do I want as she provides everything. I asked her how much for “main” and she asked how much am I willing to pay. I insisted that she told how much she’s chsging and she opened at Rp600,000.

I rejected her because I remembered the golden rule, don’t accept the first two offers. So I told her Rp600,00 was too steep and she asked me to counter offer. I said I’m willing to pay a certain amount only but will not reveal yet. So she then counter offered Rp500,000 which I rejected too. I then counter offered Rp350,00 for the fun of it only to get shot down because she find it weird to have the Rp50,000 and somehow we agreed on Rp300,000. The best part, I got two shots for what I feel is a low amount. She started with a HJ and then she cleaned me up when I came the first round.

After which she put on a condom and ride me. Changed a couple of positions. It was absolutely fulfilling and I came for the second time. Before she left, I gave her Rp500,000. Rp300,000 for her service and Rp200,000 for the balance of the session which I told her to keep the change for herself. FJ was also, good GFE. Could see that she aimed to please as she was still giving me a HJ up until the time she wanted to leave. And now I’m in the room alone typing this out while waiting for 3:00AM (IDT). This marks the end of the first day and looking forward for the next one. Will try to post more!

26-01-2019, 09:18 AM

No more Telkomsel Point Discount Promo?

26-01-2019, 10:42 AM
Thanks boss nono! So it’s close to

We went to a pub called Bar Galérie located along the stretch of Batam Harbour Boutique Hotel. It was quite empty when we went in. There were 6 ladies waiting to entertain customers. Ordered 6 bottles of tiger (Rp280,000) and bought cocktails (Rp200,000/cocktail) for 2 of the ladies. Total bill was Rp735,000. Steep but each of us managed to get the number of our respective lady. So meeting them once they are done later at 3:00AM (IDT).

After which she put on a condom and ride me. Changed a couple of positions. It was absolutely fulfilling and I came for the second time. Before she left, I gave her Rp500,000. Rp300,000 for her service and Rp200,000 for the balance of the session which I told her to keep the change for herself. FJ was also, good GFE. Could see that she aimed to please as she was still giving me a HJ up until the time she wanted to leave. And now I’m in the room alone typing this out while waiting for 3:00AM (IDT). This marks the end of the first day and looking forward for the next one. Will try to post more!

Nice FR bro, waiting for your 2nd part FR.

26-01-2019, 12:48 PM
Hi bros,

Need urgent advise.
Am planning a day trip next weekday to Batam for some massage and action.
Plan to go about 10am and reach back sg about 6pm.
Can any bros pls recommend which massage parlour and girl to go?
Are all girls there Indonesians? Any tips on transport and rates?

Pls advise?
Anyone bros wanna join me?

Gam sia gam sia!!

26-01-2019, 12:54 PM
Kupu kupu had closed down..
temporary close or permanant? went few time there no much girl

26-01-2019, 02:05 PM
I am looking for people to go Batam on Feb 2nd or Feb 5th. It may be a 2 day 1 night trip. I am a newbie so I want to looking for the person who can go together. Thank you

Anything you can PM me.

26-01-2019, 05:27 PM
Hi bros,

Need urgent advise.
Am planning a day trip next weekday to Batam for some massage and action.

i dn't knw y u choose 2 b no readin page one & nono's signature but since i've a bit time here,i'll jus extract sm nono info on his signature 2 reply u la...

if it's day trip & if u reach btm by bc ferry terminal,upon touch dwn jus take short taxi trip 2 Sahid Batam Center Hotel Venus & enjoy the rest of yr day tere.


4 myself,i no like 2 waste time & $...i jus relax eat shop fuck in one area & after tat go back sg 4 day trip. If u like 2 look see walk walk ,then hv 2 take 10-15min taxi dwn 2 nagoya area lor... :rolleyes:

if u drop on btm hb ferry terminal, then walk 2 octopuss 2 kill the rest of yr day lor...both octopuss & venus r men spa,fyi....lol :D

26-01-2019, 09:09 PM
The final 3rd reason is,...well...i will tell you when you get back from Batam,hehehe...since you are already there today,i dont want to scare you. :p

If you have an overnight girl with you,she might tell you the "final reason",if she's already been working in Batam for a while. :D

Nonetheless, i wish and hope you will have a safe and enjoyable Batam trip.

This should be the mean reason.

27-01-2019, 12:21 AM
i dn't knw y u choose 2 b no readin page one & nono's signature but since i've a bit time here,i'll jus extract sm nono info on his signature 2 reply u la...

if it's day trip & if u reach btm by bc ferry terminal,upon touch dwn jus take short taxi trip 2 Sahid Batam Center Hotel Venus & enjoy the rest of yr day tere.


4 myself,i no like 2 waste time & $...i jus relax eat shop fuck in one area & after tat go back sg 4 day trip. If u like 2 look see walk walk ,then hv 2 take 10-15min taxi dwn 2 nagoya area lor... :rolleyes:

if u drop on btm hb ferry terminal, then walk 2 octopuss 2 kill the rest of yr day lor...both octopuss & venus r men spa,fyi....lol :D

Thanks a lot bro! Ur info help a lot. Hotel Venus got syt? Any advise where got more chio girls?

27-01-2019, 02:56 PM
ANybody wanna go During CNY

27-01-2019, 03:13 PM
Doing my CNY shopping at Gogo supermarket,hehehe...15k rupiah a pack of 18 pieces in 1 box. Good as a small gifts for my colleagues, friends and relatives in Singapore. :p


27-01-2019, 03:22 PM
Bridge mp and Relax mp near formosa but no album to choose. Relax mp is curtain cubicle if not wrong like not much privacy.

Yea,no album. This type of massage shops is like gambling and the bet is usually around 80k to 100k rupiah. :p

Thanks for the tips at batam city hotel. Is there a kind of cheap promotion rate for in-house massage there ?

This one you will have to check with them (the spa's receptionist). I usually suggest my friends to stay in that hotel if going to the spa. I think somewhere last year, guest who stayed there can use the facilities for free and we only pay for the massage. As for call to room (not using facilities), if i dont remember wrong, there's an about 25% off last year.

2 years back, there is a Happy hour promotion,and it last for quite many months. I wonder if its still on? The only thing about this promo is, they shortened the happy hour timing,hehehe...

No more Telkomsel Point Discount Promo?

No more already. Today, i wonder what the Telkomsel point can be use for...its totally useless to me. But i think they are more onto T-cash thingy nowaday. And they are going to lose a lot of customers becos of this. :(

27-01-2019, 03:30 PM
The only complain I currently have is that it’s old, aircon is somewhat crazy and doesn’t seem to cool the room fast enough. And I hate the slope that boss nono mentioned. It’s steep! That aside, has the opportunity to check out the in-house spa. It’s called Aaram Spa. Some of pricing is as follow,

Traditional Heritage Massage (60 mins) - Rp198,000
Gentleman Deep Relaxing Massage (60 mins) - Rp225,000
Aaram Twin Girls (60 mins) - Rp325,000

Good info,and thank you for sharing. Now that i have this info, i will be heading there soon, but not to their branch in Amir,hehehe.... :D

This place is more of a Indian style/culture massage, very unlike the usual thai and indo massage. Its worth a try for me who has not try before. Hopefully it lives up to my expectation,hehehe...

PS : i was targeting to stay in "that" hotel of the other branch,so its more convenient to try there than walking the steep slope up Amir,hehehe... :D

This should be the mean reason.

Looks like a lot of people here knew about it,hehehe...

27-01-2019, 06:46 PM
No more already. Today, i wonder what the Telkomsel point can be use for...its totally useless to me. But i think they are more onto T-cash thingy nowaday. And they are going to lose a lot of customers becos of this. :(

I recall you started using Agoda to book your hotels. Can change the Points for Agoda discount (8%), need to book via desktop browser though.

TCash has 50% cashbacks currently at Alfarmart and Indomaret. Also, on weekends, they have data promo valid for 7 days. For eg, current weekend promo is 25gb for 45k rp. Very worth it if you're there for just 3-5 days.

28-01-2019, 12:32 PM
I recall you started using Agoda to book your hotels. Can change the Points for Agoda discount (8%), need to book via desktop browser though.

Ok,cool...shall go figure out how to use this thing on my later Batam trips,hehehe... :p

TCash has 50% cashbacks currently at Alfarmart and Indomaret. Also, on weekends, they have data promo valid for 7 days. For eg, current weekend promo is 25gb for 45k rp. Very worth it if you're there for just 3-5 days.

I am not so much concern on data recently becos i have bought myself a new toy,hehehe... :D


Other than the Andromax i was talking about in the past,i now had a portable wifi device that takes in all kind of sim cards, even Singapore ones too.


I remember i was talking about andromax just before the CNY 2018 ( https://sbf.net.nz/showthread.php?p=16937227&highlight=andromax#post16937227 ),this year i am kind of upgrading my toy,hehehe....well,i actually screwed my last andromax pretty badly and they are now in "bandage" condition (tho still workable). :p

The portable wifi device this time cost 800k rupiah, and as the original Telkomsel sim card that comes with it required activation,i dump it and bought another sim card (at 100k rupiah) and its just plug and play.

So each time a sim card expires, i just take it out and dump it away (on a monthly basis since i dont like the idea of registration,hehehe...) and buy a new one. Most time, each sim card wont cost me more than 100k rupiah, and i even have a non-Telkomsel sim card that cost around 70k rupiah. I didnt bother to check how many GBs it provides but i remember its enough for me (somewhere more or around 10GBs).

Now,i can finally work on having surveillance camera all over "my room" and be able to monitor "my room condition" wherever i am outside of my room,hehehe...safety 1st. Beside camera, there are also other "toys" which i can add-on to my game play too. ;)

Hmm...now i have surveillance camera outside my room, i also have camera inside my room. I finally feel safe enough (thats just a joke),hehehe... :p

PS : There is actually a Hua Wei version, and at a little lower price but i choose not to buy it (at least not for now).

28-01-2019, 02:11 PM
Show me the device if I happen to be in Batam during CNY.

I myself is using this device, Glocalme G3. In addition to having dual SIM slots, it also comes with cloudsim feature. What happens is, once in a new area, it will log on to the local telco with the strongest signal and you get internet access through it. This cloudsim feature is great for me when I'm still doing my part time job that requires me to travel overseas. Instant internet access on landing, no need to fuss around with Sim cards.

Comes with 5000 mAh battery too, so can double up as powerbank for your phone. FYI.

29-01-2019, 12:40 AM
So much has change since i last step into this room more than 6 months ago,hehehe...14 more days to CNY. ;)

i tink tis cny19,lesser ppl wil be gng btm....lol...i aldy bk rm liao.

hopefully no as mani indian & bangalah like last 2 year cny....lol :p

29-01-2019, 06:16 AM

29-01-2019, 01:12 PM
anybody going Batam for CNY 2019 next week

29-01-2019, 03:30 PM
Goodway Hotel had closed down

29-01-2019, 03:38 PM
Just searched Agoda... hotel room rates for 6 Feb (2nd day CNY) are generally the same price as normal weekday rates. Formosa superior sold out though. :D

29-01-2019, 08:15 PM
WeChat so dead.. any idea what is the new app the FLs are using?

29-01-2019, 08:49 PM
Kupu kupu had closed down..

They r back in action since last night when I past by there.

29-01-2019, 11:36 PM

im new to batam, and theres too many posts to read.

im going to batam for 2D1N trip, arriving there around 2pm.

can some experts here recommend me the below:

1. hotel to stay
2. good place for massage with special service
3. where are the places i can find escort for overnight service? and rough price?

ty to anyone who can tell me all this info.

30-01-2019, 04:56 AM

im new to batam, and theres too many posts to read.

im going to batam for 2D1N trip, arriving there around 2pm.

can some experts here recommend me the below:

1. hotel to stay
2. good place for massage with special service
3. where are the places i can find escort for overnight service? and rough price?

ty to anyone who can tell me all this info.

Please allow me to enlighten you since “there are too many posts to read”.

1. Ritz-Carlton Nagoya Hill
2. Capella Spa (need to negotiate - therapist will quote 5m rupiah for HJ)
3. Raffles Massage and Escort Services - prices start from 10m rupiah

You are welcome...

30-01-2019, 09:05 AM
WeChat so dead.. any idea what is the new app the FLs are using?

Bro all move to Michat, share a little trick with you guys. You could actually use fake GPS apps to pin a location than open your Michat app to scan that area without being there!!

30-01-2019, 11:37 AM

im new to batam, and theres too many posts to read.

at least read from oct 2018 onward

30-01-2019, 11:47 AM
anybody going during chinese new year

30-01-2019, 11:48 AM

im new to batam, and theres too many posts to read.

im going to batam for 2D1N trip, arriving there around 2pm.

can some experts here recommend me the below:

1. hotel to stay
2. good place for massage with special service
3. where are the places i can find escort for overnight service? and rough price?

ty to anyone who can tell me all this info.

Hmm... Ok.

To save you guys from "too many pages to read", I shall not post anymore fr on Batam anymore. Let this thread just consist of chit chatting.

Checking into Ritz Carlton Nagoya for CNY. Being a new hotel, hope they are at least as good as their Singapore one.

30-01-2019, 02:13 PM
WeChat so dead.. any idea what is the new app the FLs are using?

WeChat is not really dead, just untrustworthy to me. Got chatted up by a few OKTs and independent FLs but did not proceed with any as there's too much hard selling. Price ranged from Rp800,000 to Rp1,500,000 for LT with the promise of 3 shots. I did an impromptu video call with one of the so called independent FL, the person who picked up didn’t look anywhere near to the picture she sent. So a hard pass for me. But if you want their contacts, drop me a PM and I'll share what I can.

That aside, I highly recommend TanTan. Which was also recommended by one of the brothers here. Not so much of FLs but filled with Indonesian ladies who's willing to go out on a date with you. But since it's about socialising, it requires a lot of work on your end. I will share my experience shortly. With that being said, I survived staying 2 nights at “that” hotel that boss nono said has a history and I survived Batam!

So would I recommend staying at Harbour Bay Amir Hotel? I’m honestly 50-50 on this. The aircon was still hopeless, the room was not cool enough. Had complains about that from the masseuse and even the girl I brought back. Carpet was filled with burnt marks. But other than that, if you just need a place to sleep and bring girl or girls to, then its good enough as it comes with a King sized bed. But wait for boss nono to update what the history is behind the hotel before you decide.

Now, it's time to continue on from my previous FR. I had a short nap after the last FR and then woke up at about 3:15AM (IDT) to freshen up as I was heading back to Bar Galérie to meet the girl that I had chatted up earlier. The pub closes at 4:00AM (IDT). After washing up, me and my friend made our way to the pub. They were closing up when we reached. The girls gave us a bottle of tiger each, which was on the house before we proceed to grab supper.

Went to a roadside stall that was like 10 minutes away. Haven’t got a clue what it’s called or its exact location but food wasn’t that bad, it was surprisingly good. Had Mee Bakso that cost Rp12,500 and a few drinks. Total cost for me and my girl was Rp65,500. We talked for a little bit to know each other better and then we went our separate ways. It was already 7:00AM (IDT), the girls were tired and they are working again that day and further, we weren't expecting anything to happen as me and my friend just wanted to build up on the “friendship”.

The next day adventure started at about 11:00AM (IDT). Upon reaching the hotel’s lobby, saw the “poster girl” for Aaram Spa and decided to book her for an 11:00PM (IDT) massage session. As the previous night, we did a Rp100,000 deposit and I took the Gentleman Deep Relaxing Massage yet again. I’ve also attached the price brochure of the in-house spa for the hotel for all the brothers reference.


It was a bad decision but will get back to that. So we headed out proper after making our bookings. Had breakfast at a nearby restaurant called Sederhana. It was Padang cuisine. Absolutely love that place. A bit pricey as compared to normal road side stalls but absolutely worth it. Meal for 2 cost Rp220,800. Went to BCS and Nagoya. All in all, spent about roughly Rp200,000 on taxis with tips for the 3 days, 2 nights whole trip. I don’t recommend taking Grab unless you’re at a secluded place and away from places with taxi operators.

At one point, I was checking my Google map to look for a particular shop and had refused service from the taxi operators. One of them actually followed us from a distant for quite a distance and accused us of wanting to take Grab. After a few tense minutes, we convinced him we weren’t booking Grab but instead was looking for a particular place to buy some stuff. Which of course ended up with him helping us find the place. Survived that particular ordeal.

Nothing much to report on. Walked around the booking places but not much ladies were available maybe seeing how it was already about roughly 5:30PM (IDT). Skipped the entire trying to find a lady for the night. Throughout the entire trip I was on TanTan. Chatted with a lot of Indonesian ladies. But somehow got close to this 19 year old GND type. So I had asked her if she wanted to meet up for a movie or something. Had to promise no hanky panky of course. She agreed after thinking for a while. So went to Blitz Theatre at Harbour Bay Mall. Mind you, this shopping centre is like a ghost town.

Watched Escape Room and ticket cost Rp75,000 for a really awesome couple seat. Movie was so-so but it was the only thing on at that time. Not able to provide a detailed review like boss nono. Of course during the movie, there was some hanky panky. Started out lightly. Held each other’s hand. Then moved on to touching her thigh. And the rest of the movie was spent on us making out. As the hotel was near, I had invited her over for a drink and to chat. She initially refused but eventually agreed when I said I needed to change and I will send her back in a taxi.

So went to the room and somehow when the door closes, the hanky panky started. Managed 1 shot and then sent her packing. Gave her Rp100,000 for the taxi ride back to her place and also promising her that I would continue to message her. Washed up, rest and then waited for my massage appointment. At about 11:05PM (IDT), there was a knocked at the door. True enough, the lady on the brochure came. Name’s Regina, 41 year old with 2 kids. Minus the fact that she told me her age, she looked nothing like a 40 year old does.

Massage was extremely well. Then she popped the golden question, what do I want to do next. As before, I said anything is good. Overnight works too. She quoted me SGD500. Not even Rp5,000,000 but straight away SGD500. Seeing how shocked I was, she then lowered to SGD200 which I politely rejected. Her reason is that she doesn’t do such a thing. After I rejected her, she asked if I wanted another HJ for Rp500,000. I again politely rejected her and sent her packing after paying the balance Rp200,000 inclusive of tips.

Time was already 12:30AM (IDT) when the massage ended. Me and my friend decided to go back to the pub to meet the girls. Got there, ordered two towers for Rp500,000. Played drinking games and a few rounds of pool while hanging out with the girls. Stayed until 4:00AM (IDT) and was presented with a bill of Rp400,000 after “friends” discount. This time round, the girl I’m with wanted to crash at my room as she was too dizzy to ride back and she wasn’t working on Sunday. Attached the drink promotion for easy reference.


So we somehow ended up at my room. Managed 1 shot that night and another shot in the morning before check out. Packed my bags with her in the room, acted like long lost lovers. Gave her Rp300,000 for breakfast and then she sent me to the ferry terminal. Ferry departing to TMFT was at 1:30PM (IDT). Kissed her goodbye and that was the last thing I did in Batam. Am still in contact with her and already planning for next trip. She is one of the girl in this picture.


Sorry that my FR this time is a bit long. Just trying to get everything down as this was the first trip where it was specifically with the intention of doing the “other stuff”. To the brothers who have upped me, thank you. Please send me a DM of your latest post and I will be more than glad to return the favour. Take my FR with a pinch of salt and hope it helps other brothers on their quest.

30-01-2019, 02:36 PM
Please allow me to enlighten you since “there are too many posts to read”.

1. Ritz-Carlton Nagoya Hill
2. Capella Spa (need to negotiate - therapist will quote 5m rupiah for HJ)
3. Raffles Massage and Escort Services - prices start from 10m rupiah

You are welcome...

Hi, you mean 500k and 1m rupiah? Typo?

30-01-2019, 04:00 PM
Massage was extremely well. Then she popped the golden question, what do I want to do next. As before, I said anything is good. Overnight works too. She quoted me SGD500. Not even Rp5,000,000 but straight away SGD500. Seeing how shocked I was, she then lowered to SGD200 which I politely rejected. Her reason is that she doesn’t do such a thing. After I rejected her, she asked if I wanted another HJ for Rp500,000....

see,see...i knw it,i knw it...btm no impossible 2 see & find gers who'll quote 5jt & up 4 a fj de....lol :D

brother u share nice Fr, i upp u lil of my pts onli....no need 2 up me back the pts....i suka suka see ppl hv share smthg good then i will up ppl de.... :p

hop u hv a enjoyable nxt trip 2 btm ya.... ;)

30-01-2019, 04:36 PM
Please allow me to enlighten you since “there are too many posts to read”.

1. Ritz-Carlton Nagoya Hill

thx u sir 4 yr sharing, Ritz hotel i nvr stay b4,but i stay @ Marina Sentosa hotel b4 lei....


tis hotel sm more got swimmin poo lei....


...frm hotel,can take a pte taxi 2 btm pulau galang tere 2 book tose chio bu cum ssssyt....lol....normal days wan go tere mus need 2 consult the 'good brother' first,unless it's march or aug time....lol :D

2. Capella Spa (need to negotiate - therapist will quote 5m rupiah for HJ)

i go try the pulau galang spa, not bad....hj onli 50k rp, fj onli 100k rp...lol

chip got chip play, ex got ex play ma....lol


3. Raffles Massage and Escort Services - prices start from 10m rupiah

pulau galang bking joint...veri chip onli...ovrnite ger mayb 600k rp or less onli....lol :p

shhh....tis is a secret no mani ppl in ti s forum knws here...hop the person who share wit me wn't get angry with me 4 puttin out the big clues here....lol


if lucky,after midnite sm time can get veri veri young & sweet-lookin wetnam bu dress in white color ao dai 2....lol...& as 4 hw 2 go pulau galang bking joint is simple lor,...during midnite btm time,simply ask taxi driver drive tere...tell supir u wan go 2 pulau galang ex wetnam camp spa can liao lor,wen reach the ex wetnam camp shw on photo abv gate,can ask the taxi supir 2 go back home first,& once inside the area walk one round & sure can find the place de... no believe me? can try lah....since so chip onli....lol

the gers tere....


sorie ya,i cn't post the gers wking in pulau galang spa here in case mod or forum staff say i'm okt & mus pay 4 advert in sbf....

my disclaimer 2 all readers
This abv info is base on my ownself encounter. Yr own encounter may b different frm me base on many factors. I hope abv can give u an idea of what 2 expected & can assist you to make the right choice. Oh, & aso pigture shw here is 4 illustration onli...plz no take wat i post 2 hard 2. :D

4 laugh onli post....lol


30-01-2019, 08:25 PM
About "that" hotel, now i eager to know the history behind it. Bro nono story time, please. Heheh

30-01-2019, 09:48 PM
anybody going during chinese new year
i am going 8feb , pm if interested thx

30-01-2019, 10:58 PM
Hi bros. Heading out tmr on 8am ferry for 1 night stay at harmoni hotel before going back 1 feb 3pm

Looking for massage abd 1 Lt. Any recommendations?

31-01-2019, 01:19 AM
thanks for the Info bro

31-01-2019, 01:20 AM
im also seeking for any LT lobang.. most i find on wechat are LB or inactive ones

31-01-2019, 02:20 AM
i will be going to batam from 9-10th feb with my 2 other colls..As for me, my last trip was like 4 yrs ago..while my 2 other colls are both newbies..we have book harris resort batam center. Any nice massage and also ktv pubs ard?

31-01-2019, 08:11 AM
Boarded 815 ferry for 2d1n. Any bros wanna link up let me know

31-01-2019, 10:47 AM
WeChat is not really dead, just untrustworthy to me. Got chatted up by a few OKTs and independent FLs but did not proceed with any as there's too much hard selling. Price ranged from Rp800,000 to Rp1,500,000 for LT with the promise of 3 shots. I did an impromptu video call with one of the so called independent FL, the person who picked up didn’t look anywhere near to the picture she sent. So a hard pass for me. But if you want their contacts, drop me a PM and I'll share what I can.

That aside, I highly recommend TanTan. Which was also recommended by one of the brothers here. Not so much of FLs but filled with Indonesian ladies who's willing to go out on a date with you. But since it's about socialising, it requires a lot of work on your end. I will share my experience shortly. With that being said, I survived staying 2 nights at “that” hotel that boss nono said has a history and I survived Batam!

So would I recommend staying at Harbour Bay Amir Hotel? I’m honestly 50-50 on this. The aircon was still hopeless, the room was not cool enough. Had complains about that from the masseuse and even the girl I brought back. Carpet was filled with burnt marks. But other than that, if you just need a place to sleep and bring girl or girls to, then its good enough as it comes with a King sized bed. But wait for boss nono to update what the history is behind the hotel before you decide.

Now, it's time to continue on from my previous FR. I had a short nap after the last FR and then woke up at about 3:15AM (IDT) to freshen up as I was heading back to Bar Galérie to meet the girl that I had chatted up earlier. The pub closes at 4:00AM (IDT). After washing up, me and my friend made our way to the pub. They were closing up when we reached. The girls gave us a bottle of tiger each, which was on the house before we proceed to grab supper.

Went to a roadside stall that was like 10 minutes away. Haven’t got a clue what it’s called or its exact location but food wasn’t that bad, it was surprisingly good. Had Mee Bakso that cost Rp12,500 and a few drinks. Total cost for me and my girl was Rp65,500. We talked for a little bit to know each other better and then we went our separate ways. It was already 7:00AM (IDT), the girls were tired and they are working again that day and further, we weren't expecting anything to happen as me and my friend just wanted to build up on the “friendship”.

The next day adventure started at about 11:00AM (IDT). Upon reaching the hotel’s lobby, saw the “poster girl” for Aaram Spa and decided to book her for an 11:00PM (IDT) massage session. As the previous night, we did a Rp100,000 deposit and I took the Gentleman Deep Relaxing Massage yet again. I’ve also attached the price brochure of the in-house spa for the hotel for all the brothers reference.


It was a bad decision but will get back to that. So we headed out proper after making our bookings. Had breakfast at a nearby restaurant called Sederhana. It was Padang cuisine. Absolutely love that place. A bit pricey as compared to normal road side stalls but absolutely worth it. Meal for 2 cost Rp220,800. Went to BCS and Nagoya. All in all, spent about roughly Rp200,000 on taxis with tips for the 3 days, 2 nights whole trip. I don’t recommend taking Grab unless you’re at a secluded place and away from places with taxi operators.

At one point, I was checking my Google map to look for a particular shop and had refused service from the taxi operators. One of them actually followed us from a distant for quite a distance and accused us of wanting to take Grab. After a few tense minutes, we convinced him we weren’t booking Grab but instead was looking for a particular place to buy some stuff. Which of course ended up with him helping us find the place. Survived that particular ordeal.

Nothing much to report on. Walked around the booking places but not much ladies were available maybe seeing how it was already about roughly 5:30PM (IDT). Skipped the entire trying to find a lady for the night. Throughout the entire trip I was on TanTan. Chatted with a lot of Indonesian ladies. But somehow got close to this 19 year old GND type. So I had asked her if she wanted to meet up for a movie or something. Had to promise no hanky panky of course. She agreed after thinking for a while. So went to Blitz Theatre at Harbour Bay Mall. Mind you, this shopping centre is like a ghost town.

Watched Escape Room and ticket cost Rp75,000 for a really awesome couple seat. Movie was so-so but it was the only thing on at that time. Not able to provide a detailed review like boss nono. Of course during the movie, there was some hanky panky. Started out lightly. Held each other’s hand. Then moved on to touching her thigh. And the rest of the movie was spent on us making out. As the hotel was near, I had invited her over for a drink and to chat. She initially refused but eventually agreed when I said I needed to change and I will send her back in a taxi.

So went to the room and somehow when the door closes, the hanky panky started. Managed 1 shot and then sent her packing. Gave her Rp100,000 for the taxi ride back to her place and also promising her that I would continue to message her. Washed up, rest and then waited for my massage appointment. At about 11:05PM (IDT), there was a knocked at the door. True enough, the lady on the brochure came. Name’s Regina, 41 year old with 2 kids. Minus the fact that she told me her age, she looked nothing like a 40 year old does.

Massage was extremely well. Then she popped the golden question, what do I want to do next. As before, I said anything is good. Overnight works too. She quoted me SGD500. Not even Rp5,000,000 but straight away SGD500. Seeing how shocked I was, she then lowered to SGD200 which I politely rejected. Her reason is that she doesn’t do such a thing. After I rejected her, she asked if I wanted another HJ for Rp500,000. I again politely rejected her and sent her packing after paying the balance Rp200,000 inclusive of tips.

Time was already 12:30AM (IDT) when the massage ended. Me and my friend decided to go back to the pub to meet the girls. Got there, ordered two towers for Rp500,000. Played drinking games and a few rounds of pool while hanging out with the girls. Stayed until 4:00AM (IDT) and was presented with a bill of Rp400,000 after “friends” discount. This time round, the girl I’m with wanted to crash at my room as she was too dizzy to ride back and she wasn’t working on Sunday. Attached the drink promotion for easy reference.


So we somehow ended up at my room. Managed 1 shot that night and another shot in the morning before check out. Packed my bags with her in the room, acted like long lost lovers. Gave her Rp300,000 for breakfast and then she sent me to the ferry terminal. Ferry departing to TMFT was at 1:30PM (IDT). Kissed her goodbye and that was the last thing I did in Batam. Am still in contact with her and already planning for next trip. She is one of the girl in this picture.


Sorry that my FR this time is a bit long. Just trying to get everything down as this was the first trip where it was specifically with the intention of doing the “other stuff”. To the brothers who have upped me, thank you. Please send me a DM of your latest post and I will be more than glad to return the favour. Take my FR with a pinch of salt and hope it helps other brothers on their quest.

Hehehe...there is actually no history of the hotel to talk about (from my part), its just that most of the girls i have booked over the years said that the hotel is kind of haunted.

Some told me they saw a lady carry a baby walking in one of the floor's lobby or something like that,hehehe...follow by some sound or something. I mean since you already checked into the hotel that very day, i dont wish to spoil/affect your mood,hehehe...nonetheless, glad to see you have a fairly good time in Batam.

I was kind of surprise when the girls in the hotel didnt mention this to you tho,hehehe....thank you for sharing some good info. :p


Note : I am actually quoting your whole post but have most portion "hidden" to test the forum posting function. Just for knowledge purpose. ;)

31-01-2019, 11:20 AM
Bro all move to Michat, share a little trick with you guys. You could actually use fake GPS apps to pin a location than open your Michat app to scan that area without being there!!

Thnx bro! Indeed FLs have moved to Michat~ Upped U~

31-01-2019, 11:25 AM
Show me the device if I happen to be in Batam during CNY.

Sure,if you are around.

Your toy is pretty unique,maybe next year (2020) i might go look for your kind of toy to play,hehehe...

i tink tis cny19,lesser ppl wil be gng btm....lol...i aldy bk rm liao.

Yep,when i see i can still book rooms from Zest hotel,i know this year's CNY 2019,batam might not be crowded as last year and/or the years before.

Money changer can be a bit of an issue, hence i already change my IDR on Jan in Batam. The rate i got in Batam, 10400/SGD...i think it should be good enough.

hopefully no as mani indian & bangalah like last 2 year cny....lol :p

Hope they already feel bored with Batam,hehehe...ever since the Singapore government allows those under work permit to travel oversea easily, they have been moving our neighboring countries a lot.

I have already beat these competitors since a year or 2 ago tho. ;)

Goodway Hotel had closed down

Yes,they are closed since August 2018.

People keeps using the hotel to commit suicide (there was several news on it over the years).

Hotels may have close, the MP may not be,hehehe... ;)

31-01-2019, 12:01 PM
1. Ritz-Carlton Nagoya Hill

Hehehe...i am still waiting for Marriot Hotel to open for business,the only known Batam's 6 star hotel...not counting Montigo Resort (the other Batam's 6 star hotel),which is well...a Resort hotel far from Nagoya area.

To save you guys from "too many pages to read", I shall not post anymore fr on Batam anymore. Let this thread just consist of chit chatting.

Page 1 of this thread and my signature info works too. They have all the basic Batam info as well as some of the MOST frequently asked questions regarding Batam.


see,see...i knw it,i knw it...btm no impossible 2 see & find gers who'll quote 5jt & up 4 a fj de....lol

Every part of the world will have a high,mid and low range on most "merchandise". That includes 3rd world countries too. :D

Just that the Top price paid in Singapore for a prostitute,i may most likely get a super young model in Batam. And they were just about an hour travel away from Singapore,hehehe...thats just my personal point of view.

I usually tag the price of merchandise with the country's per person minimum income tho. Example, i put myself in the position (mindset) that i am earning around 350USD a month whenever i travel to Batam (hehehe...i often over spend tho). Likewise when i travel to China too. ;)

My own view.

31-01-2019, 12:11 PM
Any Bros want to go M1 KTV tonite?

31-01-2019, 01:47 PM
Saw some from twitter. But not sure if it's legit. Anyone tried before?

31-01-2019, 02:27 PM
About "that" hotel, now i eager to know the history behind it. Bro nono story time, please. Heheh

There isnt any story to talk about,hehehe...becos this year 2019...


Amir hotel is pretty rundown,tho they are still under the 3 star hotel category but according to some friends who stayed there before,the whole hotel's service level is pretty low (friends book room there,by the time reach there say full already,end up 2 of the 5 of them no hotel in that area to stay in). And the steep slope that leads to the hotel's main entrance can be a pain for many bros who wish to do some walking around (just imagine i wish to buy some mineral water, condom, cigarette etc,or grab a bite).

(photo below is just illustration,most time most parts of the hotel's lights are NOT so brightly lighted)

Since its located at the end corner of Harbour Bay,walking from Amir Hotel to Octopuss Spa is longer than walking from any other hotels in Harbour Bay (can be solve by taking Harbour Bay's 30k rupiah EZY taxi tho). Eating out of hotel may be an issue too (this problem can still solve by ordering Go-Food), as this hotel is quite a long walk from MOST eateries around Harbour Bay too. And the air-con issue faced by bro supreme_madness is not a one or 2 day/month problem already,its been around since ages ago (base on TripAdvisor and google reviews). The most complained issue would still be the general cleanliness of the hotel (and its room) tho,hehehe.... :p

The only current key attraction of this hotel is the Indian culture spa (Aaram Spa) which was shared by bro supreme_madness on his FR. Tho,i notice the spa can be relatively expensive compared to other MPs,even to some of Batam Men's spa. And from my perspective, they do have another good thing, they have more smoking rooms than non-smoking rooms. Thats good news for smokers (like myself),hehehe...and service level of the staffs i heard has improved over the years tho but by how much. That,i do not know. :D

Bro supreme_madness's FR :


I guess thats some good reason/s why they have priced the hotel lower than most other 2 star hotel in the same area. So,its not really all bad afterall,right? I mean since all their rooms comes with a King size bed (like those in Formosa),hehehe...its a good bed that REALLY matters for majority cheongsters. On top of all that, breakfast is included,hehehe... :p

One more plus point of Amir is the higher floor sea view,and as it was being located in a lonely corner of Harbor Bay, there was no building blocking the sea view from the highest 2 floors hence a fairly good 180 degree sea view from the room window. During super ultra peak season when there is really no rooms available in Batam, this hotel can be one of the final back up plan for me tho,hehehe... :p

Hehehe...all in all, there is no such as a perfect hotel,hence i wouldnt say this Amir hotel is all good and no bad and vice versa. Wherever there's some "bad",there will definitely be some "good" and wherever there's some "good",surely there will be some "bad" too.

If i am to stay in this hotel one day, i am more likely to pick their executive room or junior suite room to stay in (costing around S$55 to S$60, with one room one hall format),hehehe...their standard room and superior King would cost around S$25 to S$30 tho,with tax inclusive (weekend might cost a bit more).

(executive room and junior suite is in one room ,one hall format)

Just sharing for the sake of sharing. ;)

31-01-2019, 03:07 PM
Any Bros want to go M1 KTV tonite?
Hi bros. I'm newbie here. May I ask I brought a bott of Chvias to Link karaoke n they charge Rp500.000. Is it reasonable price?

31-01-2019, 06:34 PM
Hehehe...there is actually no history of the hotel to talk about (from my part), its just that most of the girls i have booked over the years said that the hotel is kind of haunted.

I was kind of surprise when the girls in the hotel didnt mention this to you tho,hehehe....thank you for sharing some good info.

Actually, I suspected this was the issue! But so far thankfully, nothing happened. Plus the first lady who massaged me did requested that we didn’t turn off all the lights and had asked me to send her to the lift because it was “sunyi” which translates to quiet.

And boss nono wrote a better review about the hotel than me! Additional points to make about the hotel is that their KTV is permanently close. That and I would actually say that the staff service level is not too bad. Attentive and responsive but it being an old hotel, no matter what room you change is pretty much the same. Room service is 24/7, I ordered their cumi goreng for Rp60,000 if I’m not wrong, it was actually quite tasty.

Apart from that, yes, the hotel is a walking distance from a lot of thing. So if any brothers are planning to stay there, please get your supplies first before heading to check in. And let the water run for 2 minutes before using, all taps in the toilet. They even have a label to remind you to do it. So just do it. I brush my teeth with mineral water. And lastly, no safe box. Apart from that, boss nono is quite spot on.

Thanks all for reading my two FRs and also for upping me. I will return the favour as and when I can. If I forgot to, please do remind me. For brothers chionging at Batam, good luck and stay safe! Maybe one of the trips, we can chiong together! I’m planning end of February!

01-02-2019, 01:29 AM
There isnt any story to talk about,hehehe...becos this year 2019...


Lol, no wonder tis year btm no monkey movie shwing....lol :D

Black Page
01-02-2019, 03:13 AM
its just that most of the girls i have booked over the years said that the hotel is kind of haunted.

Supposedly, our level of education is not the same of girls who cannot find any better job than serving in booking joints (and I say this will all respect for girls, as we never know what life is keeping for us and what future will give us).
They may even tell me that the Moon does not exist, and I would not care at all.
Actually, I suspected this was the issue! But so far thankfully, nothing happened!
We are in 2019, 50 years after men having landed on Moon, and you are still afraid of GHOSTS? :eek:
Be happy someone believes the place is haunted. Rooms will be cheaper!

01-02-2019, 04:39 AM
Be happy someone believes the place is haunted. Rooms will be cheaper!
Yes... Think positively that's a good point.

01-02-2019, 08:24 AM
Happy CNY to all the bros here. Anybody going this weekend? Most probably I'll be going Sat morning. Will be staying around A2 food court area. Can pm me for meet up. Thanks n enjoy your long week end!

01-02-2019, 10:49 AM
Anybody going during CNY? Wanna go together? Pm Me cheers :)

01-02-2019, 11:05 AM
Hi bros. I'm newbie here. May I ask I brought a bott of Chvias to Link karaoke n they charge Rp500.000. Is it reasonable price?

Quite reasonable if it cover mixers also taking into consideration that normal price for a bottle cost around 1.8it n moreover yr shld b a litre bottle

01-02-2019, 11:14 AM
To beat that steep slope there a service elevator near the Basement carpark which leads to to kitchen next to the coffeehouse

01-02-2019, 11:39 AM
Quite reasonable if it cover mixers also taking into consideration that normal price for a bottle cost around 1.8it n moreover yr shld b a litre bottle

Tks for replying. Nope rp500.000 purely for bar charge, not include mixers. Sometimes I think might as well spent it on 2 towers of beer instead. But the liquor there is not original so no choice but to pay for the charges. 😀

01-02-2019, 05:30 PM
Hi all,

Thinking of going to batam over the weekend maybe on sat and come back on Monday or Tuesday...How's the scene in batam going to be like...

01-02-2019, 07:14 PM
We are in 2019, 50 years after men having landed on Moon, and you are still afraid of GHOSTS? :eek:
Be happy someone believes the place is haunted. Rooms will be cheaper!

Hahaha! Not really that I’m afraid of ghosts, more of the fact these ladies might actually believe in it and refuse to head back to the hotel with me. But then again, like you say, must be happy and thankful. 3 stars hotel with 2 stars condition at probably 1.5 stars pricing.

To beat that steep slope there a service elevator near the Basement carpark which leads to to kitchen next to the coffeehouse

Didn’t know that. But good tip! All we did was to look at the KTV. Saw it was close and left it at that.

01-02-2019, 07:40 PM
Hi all,

Thinking of going to batam over the weekend maybe on sat and come back on Monday or Tuesday...How's the scene in batam going to be like...
Cny there nothing much. Only girls n hotels a little more expensive. Can shoot fireworks during cny. Girls wise will be around 1.8 juta in karaoke joints. If I intend to book straight 4days there, maybe I'll try find free lance girls. Might be able to nego. to hopefully 1.4 juta or lesser.

01-02-2019, 09:59 PM
Anybody going during CNY? Wanna go together? Pm Me cheers :)

Which day you planning to go? I am thinking of the coming Wed.

01-02-2019, 10:23 PM
Any bro can help with bahasa? What does it mean "st 1, 5 durasi, 3 jm include room"?

Some other girl quote 800, 900. It means what?

Sorry new to Batam. :D

02-02-2019, 01:21 AM
Any bro can help with bahasa? What does it mean "st 1, 5 durasi, 3 jm include room"?

Some other girl quote 800, 900. It means what?

Sorry new to Batam. :D
durasi = duration
jm = hour

02-02-2019, 06:33 AM
Any bro can help with bahasa? What does it mean "st 1, 5 durasi, 3 jm include room"?

Some other girl quote 800, 900. It means what?

Sorry new to Batam. :D

Means short-time (3hr duration) for 1.5juta (1.5 million rp). Expensive af...

800, 900 means 800k/900k rupiah

02-02-2019, 08:27 AM
Wow, that's expensive. Is that the market price for short time nowadays? It's only as recent as 6 months ago that I'm getting short time for 400k/500k and now it's shot up to 800k/900k?

02-02-2019, 09:49 AM
Supposedly, our level of education is not the same of girls who cannot find any better job than serving in booking joints (and I say this will all respect for girls, as we never know what life is keeping for us and what future will give us).
They may even tell me that the Moon does not exist, and I would not care at all.

In some Chinese folk lore, there was a lady up on the moon with her pet rabbit,hehehe... :D

Only recently, i hear the China Chinese finally after many years landed on "the other side" of the moon (yes,after many years later). Oh, in case no one knows, "the name of spaceship" that help gets the person to land on the other side of the moon was named after the Chinese folklore's lady with her rabbit pet. :D

Her name was Chang Er,hehehe...

Chinese all over the world (whether in China or not), celebrate Moon cake festival. And the folklore about the lady with her rabbit pet were somehow involve in the celebration. Her rabbit was later known in some story book to have help Chang Er make moon cakes too,hehehe... :D

What i wish to say is, growing up in a certain living environment,on a certain culture and the educational system (the process itself) created some kind of beliefs in a person.

We are in 2019, 50 years after men having landed on Moon, and you are still afraid of GHOSTS? :eek:
Be happy someone believes the place is haunted. Rooms will be cheaper!

Science called it a form of energy, imagination of the mind etc.

Some religion call it a reflection of the past life of a human who is already dead.

Hehehe...who knows, next time round some alien might land in one of Batam's hotel and its gonna make their rooms cost more than usual,hehehe...which is not good news.

02-02-2019, 10:14 AM
Most Chinese money changer close at Batam right? So better to change at Singapore?

02-02-2019, 10:16 AM
Wow, that's expensive. Is that the market price for short time nowadays? It's only as recent as 6 months ago that I'm getting short time for 400k/500k and now it's shot up to 800k/900k?

Bro holiday season. Everything up. 😀 BTW which joint you went to?

02-02-2019, 10:19 AM
Most Chinese money changer close at Batam right? So better to change at Singapore?
Don't worry bro. Sure open one. I only scare not enough to change 😆😆😆

02-02-2019, 10:26 AM
Now at harbour front. It's very good that they only allow those boarding to Q up. Otherwise everybody goes in will be dam crowded. 👍

02-02-2019, 10:35 AM
Most Chinese money changer close at Batam right?

Yes, for CNY eve,1st,2nd and 3rd day of Chinese New Year MOST money changer will be closed.

So better to change at Singapore?

If the rate in Batam is same or worse than in Singapore during that 3 to 4 days of CNY, why change in Batam then.

To each his own tho,hehehe...

02-02-2019, 10:49 AM
Actually, I suspected this was the issue! But so far thankfully, nothing happened. Plus the first lady who massaged me did requested that we didn’t turn off all the lights and had asked me to send her to the lift because it was “sunyi” which translates to quiet.

Hehehe...yea, good to hear you are back safe and sound.

And boss nono wrote a better review about the hotel than me! Additional points to make about the hotel is that their KTV is permanently close. That and I would actually say that the staff service level is not too bad. Attentive and responsive but it being an old hotel, no matter what room you change is pretty much the same. Room service is 24/7, I ordered their cumi goreng for Rp60,000 if I’m not wrong, it was actually quite tasty.

Without your FR,i would probably not have a chance to write something involving Amir or learn MORE about the MP in it anyway. The 1st page of this thread tells everyone that i am someone who collect info,compile it and then put it up here so that i am able to reference it in any event if i were to be there in future. ;)

All in all, in order to do what you have seen me do,i need to put myself in your shoe in order to do it,hehehe...

Next time round, try the nasi goreng just opposite Gogo super market. It located at the basement of Harbour Bay Mall.


The cost for 3 person share of food was about 63k rupiah (inclusive of 2 drinks),hehehe...by the way, place is air-con-ed becos its just outside the super market,hehehe...


While the food is good there, there is something that is not very nice from most Singaporean's view. Cockroaches! Yes,i killed at least one before my meal in my every trip there tho, and there can be some flies around too. :p

* sorry,i have the habit of pointing both good and bad about a place,hehehe...die die must find something bad when i say good things or die die must find something good when i found a bad place. :D

Apart from that, yes, the hotel is a walking distance from a lot of thing. So if any brothers are planning to stay there, please get your supplies first before heading to check in. And let the water run for 2 minutes before using, all taps in the toilet. They even have a label to remind you to do it. So just do it. I brush my teeth with mineral water. And lastly, no safe box. Apart from that, boss nono is quite spot on.

Actually, there are more of what i have missed,hehehe...for Amir,i choose to look at their most recent 2018 reviews and prioritize them. 2017 and 2016,i still take them into consideration but not that much tho. Reason is becos during 2018, they changed their furniture and done some make-over,hence i need to allow some "benefit of doubts" in between a period of time to allow them room for improvement.

Its like last year today you go Batam,and this year you go Batam on the same place, surely there will be some mild difference. And this period of time is technically the "room for improvement" period. ;)


I try to give an as fair and as clear as possible review as possible tho. Its meant mainly for my own good,hehehe... i collect info. And by the way, the above photo is taken in Amir hotel.

* please do not quote my whole long post if you are replying to this post, thank you.

02-02-2019, 11:19 AM
Lol, no wonder tis year btm no monkey movie shwing....lol

Ya, this year there is no monkey King movie,hehehe... :o

3 more days to CNY 2019!!


Hmm...2019 upcoming movie, this one seems pretty interesting...i guess most should be able to guess the movie name from the below photo,hehehe...


What so interesting? Actually i find it interesting becos i did bought a lamp similarly like the one above in Jakarta when i was kid and i still own it today,hehehe...that was the 1st time i visit Indonesia (during the time when Jakarta's airport still hasnt install their 1st air-con).

Forget what i said above as the movie is not coming out during CNY 2019 or the 1st quarter of 2019. :D

March 2019, there's Captain Marvel...


I run thru 13 Chinese movies meant for CNY2019,chances are Jackie Chan movie will be screening in Batam. Yes, its on a folklore storyline...hehehe...


...and there's this Stephen Chow's directed 新喜剧之王 (translated into New Comedy King ) movie,whereby the trailer is not out yet. None of the 13 is something i would be looking forward and I am curious, how come no Monkey King movie this 2019 for CNY,hehehe...fact is, there really isnt (maybe the movie producers were bore with it having them every CNY,hehehe...).

If there is anything that comes close to a Monkey King movie this coming CNY, then there's only...八戒传说 (translate into Legend of Piggy - Monkey King's buddy),well...i guess thats the ONLY Chinese movie i really look forward to this CNY. It scores an one expectation-star (out of 5) from the Chinese reviewer website,hehehe....so it can be really crappy. Its the year of the Pig afterall,hehehe...


No really good Chinese movie this coming CNY2019 doesnt mean no good English movie too. I didnt forget....

Alita: Battle Angel


...which is suppose to come into screen end of Jan but seems like the bit of delay dragged it to beginning of Feb which happens to be close to CNY,hehehe....at least there's one here, and i wont have no good movies to watch this coming CNY.

Almost can confirm now there will be 2 movies worth watching in Batam for me,hehehe... i will definitely pick a less crowded theater tho. ;)

* please do not quote my whole long post if you are replying to this post, thank you.

02-02-2019, 01:23 PM
Gonna miss Batam this CNY. First time since the last 2-3 year... Brought my partner from Indo to Sg and this time round have to do the visiting relatives thingy.

But, I should be in Batam about the second week of CNY for stock replenishing. Gonna try some shoppee business in Indonesia...

02-02-2019, 07:39 PM
Ya, this year there is no monkey King movie,hehehe... :o

3 more days to CNY 2019!!


going on 6/2 , wed...hope to see u there. :)

03-02-2019, 08:32 AM
Guys just wanna ask is the typical LT/BOoking in Batam = 2 shot / 3 shot / till u no bullets? Was told by one tat is 2 shot and I rejected

03-02-2019, 11:20 AM
Any know if Horizon is charging extra for today's trip?

03-02-2019, 11:44 AM
Guys just wanna ask is the typical LT/BOoking in Batam = 2 shot / 3 shot / till u no bullets? Was told by one tat is 2 shot and I rejected

It really depends on where you get your ceweks. Ceweks from Happy8, Havana, MM, Sri Kandy, Bunga, etc... will give you 3 shots or more depending on chemistry and tips but ceweks from Morena,... only allow 2 shots for normal LT. WeChat girls will give 1 or more shots if you are able to prevent them from running away. Have a proper understanding from papi, mani or ceweks before booking. Cheers.

03-02-2019, 11:58 AM
Any know if Horizon is charging extra for today's trip?

Base on words from Horizon Ferry counter staffs at Harbour Front when i book my ferry ticket last month (for CNY 2019),....No, they wont be increasing price for the CNY period this year.

Last year, they did. The year before the last too (as well as 3 years ago too).

However,i am not sure if they will increase the frequency of the ferry trips to and back from Batam this CNY year 2019,so be sure to book return ferry trip back to Singapore in advance or upon arrival at Harbour Bay (in case ferry is full).

03-02-2019, 12:00 PM
thanks nono..

03-02-2019, 02:19 PM
Was at 'The Link' last night. Quite a crowd but girls still a lot. Manage to get a freelance girl there for Lt rp1.5. A2 foodcourt was real crowded, waited 10mins for a table.

03-02-2019, 10:00 PM
Base on words from Horizon Ferry counter staffs at Harbour Front when i book my ferry ticket last month (for CNY 2019),....No, they wont be increasing price for the CNY period this year.

Last year, they did. The year before the last too (as well as 3 years ago too).

Actually is a reduction ...
if get fr btm (Rp380k).

03-02-2019, 10:42 PM
Wanna try indo cl there...any contacts or recomendations?

04-02-2019, 09:41 AM
Hello, any bros can share with me the price categories for octopus spa? I saw the room price in an earlier post, but was not able to find any category and price indication.
Thank you and happy cny!

04-02-2019, 10:19 AM
It's the Chinese Lunar New Year eve today, hereby wishes everyone reading this thread and bros who will be or already were in Batam a Happy & Healthy Lunar New Year. ;)


04-02-2019, 10:40 AM
Actually is a reduction ...
if get fr btm (Rp380k).

If only i havent already purchase my ferry ticket before you made your previous post (last month) on the 380k rupiah Horizon Ferry ticket,...if only i am a bit less kiasu (or less excited of my CNY trip,hehehe...)...if only i knew Horizon ferry isnt going to increase the ferry ticket price this year...if only someone would have update me in this thread or via PM (about Horizon not increasing price)...i would have buy the 380k rupiah Horizon ferry ticket in Batam,hehehe....:D

All happens in the wrong timing,hehehe...nonetheless,its always good to see cheaper ferry tickets, cheaper taxi fare, food/groceries pricing and most important of all, cheaper yet younger and prettier-looking girls in Batam (i didnt pay for my Ferry ticket, some else did tho,hehehe...). :p

Tonight, fireworks time...tomorrow, temple time...followed by massage , movie and then reviewing of last year's CNY movie. I think i should be spending about the same as any other regular days when in Batam.


Some basic info i extract from my signature link on Batam for those who arent lazy to read :


It has helped many, hope it can help "you" too (whoever "you" are,hehehe...).

Cheers! ;)

04-02-2019, 11:19 AM
hey bro nono, thank you for your links and info, it helped a lot!

on a side note about ferry tickets, i always purchase mine from qoo10, return at $35.80, plus can use the $2 discount coupon qoo10 gives out almost daily.
Nett price is $33.80.

no surcharge during cny as well.

04-02-2019, 12:35 PM

Those tickets go to Batam Center, which Nono don't prefer using.

On Qoo10 tips, can use their $10 coupon (min spending $50) and 500 qpoints to hit $28.30 per ticket.

04-02-2019, 11:03 PM
Anyone want to go on Wed and return on Thur? PM me.

04-02-2019, 11:04 PM
Brought 2 bros from this forum to batam for 3 days 2 night on the 30th of jan. what i notice from most of the joints is you need to go early and by early i don’t mean 10am as the girls are not ready. 1pm is the ideal timing to look for them, and the 2 bros including me are young chaps so u can really see the cewek looking up in excitement as we are young guys. I’m not saying they won’t look at uncles as they say if u have money anything can happen :) what i’m trying to say is service will be much better if u are young. And 1 advice is try not to bring them straight to hotel. Build up some chemistry with them and i assure u they will treat u guys like kings. And 1 newbie mistake is if u guys are new try not go to to the house alone. Unless your bahasa is fluent then no problem for u but it would be better to have a driver to go inside with u so the papi or mami will not try to scam u. With all that being said i’m planning to go batam again real soon those who want to join can pm me!

05-02-2019, 01:07 PM
hi anyone going 8feb coming friday? thx

05-02-2019, 01:46 PM
Harbour Front, so crowded...hehehe...this CNY, i lost to myself for trying to save money. I need to queue around 10 mins to get my passport chop at Harbour Bay becos i wasnt taking the Business class. 5 out of 6 counter was open from the immigration side,they havent clear,lots Singapore Froeign workers in the queue before my ferry touch down too (so different from my last CNY year,and the one before). :(

Photo below is at Harbour Front waiting area

The only lucky thing is, Horizon Fast Ferry was only 30% full. I strongly believe Batam Center ferry terminal should be ultra crowded (waiting time should be at least doubled mine),hehehe...however taxis at Harbour Bay is trying to increase price to 50k rupiah,so always ask the price to pay before boarding at Harbour Bay.

Saw quite a few sweet-innocent looking (small built,young,no-dye hair,not-fat or ugly type, minimum make-up) girls at New Berlian,hehehe...a place many probably forgot. :D

05-02-2019, 02:06 PM
Harbour Front, so crowded...hehehe...this CNY, i lost to myself for trying to save money. I need to queue around 10 mins to get my passport chop at Harbour Bay becos i wasnt taking the Business class. 5 out of 6 counter was open from the immigration side,they havent clear,lots Singapore Froeign workers in the queue before my ferry touch down too (so different from my last CNY year,and the one before). :(

Photo below is at Harbour Front waiting area

The only lucky thing is, Horizon Fast Ferry was only 30% full. I strongly believe Batam Center ferry terminal should be ultra crowded (waiting time should be at least doubled mine),hehehe...however taxis at Harbour Bay is trying to increase price to 50k rupiah,so always ask the price to pay before boarding at Harbour Bay.

Saw quite a few sweet-innocent looking (small built,young,no-dye hair,not-fat or ugly type, minimum make-up) girls at New Berlian,hehehe...a place many probably forgot. :D

Thanks for the info. Will it be just as crowded tomorrow?

05-02-2019, 09:20 PM
hi, anybody going these 2 day? asking booking joint girl got prize up? thx

06-02-2019, 11:07 AM
Saw quite a few sweet-innocent looking (small built,young,no-dye hair,not-fat or ugly type, minimum make-up) girls at New Berlian,hehehe...a place many probably forgot. :D

Exactly the type I would go for, if I'm not tied down already. Price range? New Berlian, is like, hasil been around for long² time Liao...

06-02-2019, 11:35 AM
Actually, there are more of what i have missed,hehehe...for Amir,i choose to look at their most recent 2018 reviews and prioritize them. 2017 and 2016,i still take them into consideration but not that much tho. Reason is becos during 2018, they changed their furniture and done some make-over,hence i need to allow some "benefit of doubts" in between a period of time to allow them room for improvement.

Its like last year today you go Batam,and this year you go Batam on the same place, surely there will be some mild difference. And this period of time is technically the "room for improvement" period. ;)


Amir, bed bugs! :eek:

06-02-2019, 01:48 PM
Hi Folks,

Long time no come here.....glad to see Bro Nono still here....:)

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy and Prosperous Pig Year!


07-02-2019, 11:29 AM
Thanks for the info. Will it be just as crowded tomorrow?

On the 6th Feb, i was at Harbour Bay ferry terminal. The queue for returning back to Singapore (around 830pm Batam time) was super long,circling the waiting area of Roti O restaurant up till Starbuck almost 1 round in perimeter (roughly about 250 meter in full length).

So its really hard to say. What i notice was most who returns were Singaporean Malays and Chinese. I doubt it would be as crowded in Harbour Front as compare to the 1st 2 days of CNY but still, i am sure there will be some crowd.

1st day of CNY, during breakfast time the restaurant was full but i still manage to get seat on a shared table. Most guest in restaurant were Malays,a handful of Chinese and Indos.

2nd day of CNY, breakfast time was crowded too (full house). But this time, the crowd was mostly indians ,China Chinese and some foreign workers. I got my own table for breakfast.

3rd day of CNY today, same thing,ful house again but manage to get my own table. This time round,crowd was mainly Singapore Chinese as in fact, all of them were Chinese,mainly families,some uncles in group and one or 2 my age. Nearly all of them talking in Singapore slang hokkien,teochews and cantonese ..yes, noise level were highest among the 3 breakfast morning,hehehe...

07-02-2019, 11:32 AM
hi, anybody going these 2 day? asking booking joint girl got prize up? thx

My friend went to 3 booking joints today (6th Feb,Wed), open mouth price is 1.5 juta in all of them for some so-so girl. Big fat old ugly cost about 1.3 juta on 1st quote,hehehe...prettier ones all above 1.6 juta (i am talking about close or around 2 juta ones,hehehe...). 1st 2 days of CNY, most booking joint were able to clear most of their girls. And by the way, the later one goes to booking, the 1st quote would be lower too, but i hear they were mostly girls who run or got rejected.

My friend didnt take anyone from booking joint today (6th Feb). He camped at a popular KTV and got a 19 year old syt at 1.8 juta,hehehe...then again,time was around about 8pm already. :D

Price probably wont normalize until after Sunday, 10th Feb.

07-02-2019, 11:43 AM
But, I should be in Batam about the second week of CNY for stock replenishing. Gonna try some shoppee business in Indonesia...

You are right not to come on the 1st week since the shop WILL be closed. I dont know when they are opening tho but when i pass by them earlier today (6th Feb) and yesterday (5th Feb) noon time, they arent opened. I doubt the shop's opening tomorrow (7th Feb either) or the following next day.

going on 6/2 , wed...hope to see u there. :)

Meet up tomorrow for coffee on me (7th or 8th of Feb 2019 also can) ? ;)

hey bro nono, thank you for your links and info, it helped a lot!

Thank you for reading. :p

on a side note about ferry tickets, i always purchase mine from qoo10, return at $35.80, plus can use the $2 discount coupon qoo10 gives out almost daily.
Nett price is $33.80.

no surcharge during cny as well.

And thank you for sharing too.

07-02-2019, 11:45 AM
Exactly the type I would go for, if I'm not tied down already. Price range? New Berlian, is like, hasil been around for long² time Liao...

Asking for 1.2 juta onward (before bargain),just arrive, no experience in this trade but confirm not virgin (according to the guy who brought my friends there).

Never tried before. They are girls from other province of Indonesia coming to Batam to look for a job and they are still currently jobless. Or so i heard as i have not try them before. I already got my girls before CNY period so i dont have a chance to try until around April or May.

Friends might be testing them and will come back with some more info later,hehehe...their main consent, the girls could be too young for for my friends. :p

Note to all : My typo in the previous post (my apologize), the place not called New Berlian, its a kost near to New Berlian. Please do not PM me for location, i only see the girls downstairs, and didnt go up their kost. Thank you. (maybe, the OKT loitering downstairs can help you if you know where is New Berlian old location)

Long time no come here.....glad to see Bro Nono still here....:)

Hehehe...i am here becos i still go Batam,bro. ;)

So,when you coming by to Batam again? :p

Wishing you have a good year ahead. :)


07-02-2019, 12:21 PM
Alita: Battle Angel


...which is suppose to come into screen end of Jan but seems like the bit of delay dragged it to beginning of Feb which happens to be close to CNY,hehehe....at least there's one here, and i wont have no good movies to watch this coming CNY.

Almost can confirm now there will be 2 movies worth watching in Batam for me,hehehe... i will definitely pick a less crowded theater tho. ;)

* please do not quote my whole long post if you are replying to this post, thank you.

The best CNY movies as compared to all other previous CNY years (a personal perspective). Non-stop action,good special effect and a good simple-easy-to-understand enough storyline w/o the need to read the synopsis. Not a time of boring moment throughout the entire movie,especially for someone like myself who would doze off on part of it if they are some parts that turn boring (at times),hehehe...i didnt get a chance even to doze off in this one.

The Storyline :

From visionary filmmakers James Cameron (AVATAR) and Robert Rodriguez (SIN CITY), comes ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, an epic adventure of hope and empowerment. When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens with no memory of who she is in a future world she does not recognize, she is taken in by Ido (Christoph Waltz), a compassionate doctor who realizes that somewhere in this abandoned cyborg shell is the heart and soul of a young woman with an extraordinary past. As Alita learns to navigate her new life and the treacherous streets of Iron City, Ido tries to shield her from her mysterious history while her street-smart new friend Hugo (Keean Johnson) offers instead to help trigger her memories. But it is only when the deadly and corrupt forces that run the city come after Alita that she discovers a clue to her past – she has unique fighting abilities that those in power will stop at nothing to control. If she can stay out of their grasp, she could be the key to saving her friends, her family and the world she’s grown to love.

This movie has gone beyond my expectation. There's going to be a part 2 of the same movie at a later year,hehehe...and its well worth the 75k rupiah for the sweet box ticket (for 2 pax).

Oh, and to my surprise, ONLY 8 person (inclusive of myself and my girl) were in the theater when i was inside the cinema,hehehe...i counted. So i break a little of my own rule today, my girl bought a box of siew mai and 2 ice lemon tea w/o ice at 70k rupiah and delivered into the theater for us halfway thru the movie. They actually forgot about it and my girl went after them for it in the middle of the movie. The ice lemon tea came with ice in them, and they brought it back AGAIN to exchange it.

So THAT was some disturbance for myself while watching a good movie. Hmm...a good movie means i didnt get a chance for some bbbj etc etc,hehehe...nevermind tho, more days to come since another tentatively movie was coming up on screen soon (the Jackie Chan one). :D

Jackie Chan movie not yet available at Harbour Blitz theater or Kepril Mall. Only at Mega Mall, Nagoya Hill Mall and BCS Mall.

My last year's Best CNY movie as below (personal perspective) :


Exchange Rate was at 10200/SGD for 1st 2 days of CNY,i changed S$200. Today, i was quoted 10150 but i still manage to get 10200/SGD. I change a bit only as i already change most of my S$ to IDR last month (January 2019) at around 10400/SGD plus minus.

9.5 out of 10 money changers were close on the 1st 2 days of CNY 2019. I changed my bits of S$ opposite formosa hotel (only one opens). Harbour Bay exchange rate is 10100/SGD to 10200/SGD. Surprisingly, the most competition occurs mostly at ferry terminals,hehehe... and this scenario happens only during CNY. Also the only time of the year which i find Singapore money changer offers better than batam's exchange rate.

Heading to Tiban soon....


07-02-2019, 02:20 PM
Apart from horizon price no hike. What's the fuss. Nothing has change during CNY. Later fasting month come also no change.

07-02-2019, 07:11 PM
Meet up tomorrow for coffee on me (7th or 8th of Feb 2019 also can) ? ;)

cya later tonite. Tea on me, i've got my gold recently too. ;)

If ice's with u,tell him to pick up his damn phone. I need to ask him bring me go drink milk (yes, tell him entrance on me :D).

07-02-2019, 08:06 PM
On the 6th Feb, i was at Harbour Bay ferry terminal. The queue for returning back to Singapore (around 830pm Batam time) was super long,circling the waiting area of Roti O restaurant up till Starbuck almost 1 round in perimeter (roughly about 250 meter in full length).

Same for today noon @harbour bay. :(
First time i see more then 10pax at each sg auto gate. :(

07-02-2019, 09:12 PM
My friend went to 3 booking joints today (6th Feb,Wed), open mouth price is 1.5 juta in all of them for some so-so girl. Big fat old ugly cost about 1.3 juta on 1st quote,hehehe...prettier ones all above 1.6 juta (i am talking about close or around 2 juta ones,hehehe...). 1st 2 days of CNY, most booking joint were able to clear most of their girls. And by the way, the later one goes to booking, the 1st quote would be lower too, but i hear they were mostly girls who run or got rejected.

My friend didnt take anyone from booking joint today (6th Feb). He camped at a popular KTV and got a 19 year old syt at 1.8 juta,hehehe...then again,time was around about 8pm already. :D

Price probably wont normalize until after Sunday, 10th Feb.
thx for ur info. going tmr stay formisa 1 night only $42, worth it. go bring one friend usually cheong balai only, hope he will enjoy it , if visit booking joint their prize up too much and quality too bad will consider contact my freelance girl which i booked b4, she prize still remain same at 1.2 juta

07-02-2019, 10:04 PM
Long time nvr go clubs at batam
Those who been before will know, their music is just like the video below


08-02-2019, 12:29 AM
Hello. Im heading to Batam on Sunday to Tuesday. Anyone can recommend a massage place and hotel? I will need to be in the Batam Ctr area due to work committment..

08-02-2019, 01:49 AM
thanks for sharing

08-02-2019, 02:50 AM
Any bros gg to batam this weekend? any nice massage place and bonking place to intro? i stayin at harris batam center...thanks lot..

08-02-2019, 03:50 AM
For someone like myself who dont speak Bahasa,dont have Andy Lau's good looks and popularly known to be "Stingy" among the booking joints and massage girls in MPs,hehehe...i dont have a problem,let alone you or any other male .

Hello Bahasa is NOT a language. Meaning of Bahasa in English is language. So you don't speak LANGUAGE? Makes no sense.
"Bahasa, bhasa, basa, or phasa is the word for "language" in many Asian languages, which derives from the Sanskrit word भाषा bhāṣā "speech, spoken language"."

Malay language is bahasa Melayu (Malay: بهاس ملايو‎)
Malaysian language is bahasa Malaysia
Indonesian language is bahasa Indonesia.

So if u don't speak Bahasa Indonesia, then is correct. What rubbish, don't speak Bahasa..... bahasa what? Bahasa cina? Bahasa tamil? Gunakan la otak sikit tuu pria.....

08-02-2019, 06:53 AM
Any bros gg to batam this weekend? any nice massage place and bonking place to intro? i stayin at harris batam center...thanks lot..
hi i going today, if wanna meet can pm me ur contact no thx

08-02-2019, 10:13 AM
If ice's with u,tell him to pick up his damn phone. I need to ask him bring me go drink milk (yes, tell him entrance on me :D).

I will rather try the new dick massage,hehehe... :p

He will call on you. :D

First time i see more then 10pax at each sg auto gate. :(

Huh? i thought more than 10 person in the queue line on ALL auto gates was pretty normal,hehehe...but more than 10 person in each auto gate is not normal,hehehe... :p

08-02-2019, 10:18 AM
thx for ur info. going tmr stay formisa 1 night only $42, worth it. go bring one friend usually cheong balai only, hope he will enjoy it , if visit booking joint their prize up too much and quality too bad will consider contact my freelance girl which i booked b4, she prize still remain same at 1.2 juta

Good price,usually after 2nd day of CNY they will have some rooms to spare.

Saw quite a few uncles (about 5 of them) with 5 sweetie young girls at the lobby yesterday night at hotel during dinner time and me and my friends was drooling. It was quite a scene with many onlookers looking at them like they (the uncles who are around 60+ of age) were some aliens,hehehe... :D

Have a good time today and may the lucky god (财神) be with you this CNY. ;)

08-02-2019, 10:20 AM
Corridor of Amir Hotel by day....


Corridor of Amir Hotel by night...


....well, at least there's a kettle in the room,hehehe...


Just some add-on information for Amir hotel that are previously posted :



Info on Aaram in Amir Hotel by bro supreme_madness :


Above were meant for my own future reference,all inside one link now.


08-02-2019, 10:21 AM
Amir, bed bugs! :eek:

Yes, but take note the review is on March 2018,nearly a year ago from today. And they have some minor furniture changes over that period of time (tho i cant be sure if they change the beds with bed bugs tho).

Believe me, i am someone who is very concern about insects inside my room.


This one below is taken just mins before i make this post. Meaning i actually have one right now in my room,hehehe...


...and ultimately,i didnt get much chance to use them (some times never at all). Cost me 14k rupiah for pre-caution. The reason why i buy them (insecticide spray) becos i have the tendency to open up my room doors and windows when the room air-con is on. And when i do, insects do fly in at times.

What i am saying is here is ,i am not asking you or anyone to stay in hotels that are known to have bed bugs or insects. But mainly to constantly check for such (even if its not known/shared here) and made it known to the hotel management so "they know" about it. We are in a 3rd world country afterall,hehehe...alternatively, you can just call me Kiasu/Kiasi. :p

08-02-2019, 10:59 AM
Going to Batam on 12 Feb. This is my first time going to Batam. Batam newbie but I used to work in Jakarta and cheong Jakarta before. So hope alls going to be well.

Standard procedures, same with Jakarta, I have lined up a few local girls to meet and hope to score, I am going to use SSI, speak speak Iblis, a local technique to convince Indonesian girls when wanting to score. Also to go to cheap massage parlours behind DC mall when fail to score. I am not into overnight booking joints.

I dont do clubbing or drinking, but instead will indulge and glutton on all the nasi padang, bakmi, es teller, soto lamongan etc.

Have bought discounted ferry tickets through Q10, and will travel in Batam by gojek. M1 prepaid can use data roaming in Indonesia for free. So will top up and get 500Mb free data to use in Batam and communicate with gojek driver thru in apps message or whatsapp. It will be a very thrifty trip because I am planning to be a regular Batam visitor, so need to learn how to minimize expenses. Staying in a cheap hotel <$in 15 per night for a few nights.

Will provide FR after the trip.

08-02-2019, 11:54 AM
The below i shared happens for the 1st time and in Tiban Tua Pek Kong which i visit yesterday noon time....


...its the 1st time i get to collect an ang bao from this temple,hehehe...as in i do not deliberately go there just to collect it or ask for it. They simply came right to me.

To be exact, i got 2 ang bao,hehehe...


The one on the left was given to me by the temple in-charge,the one on the right was found under the statue of the Guan Yin statue...


...the ang bao was place right under the foot area of the statue and one floor upward from the above photo.Yes, i believe someone got it and dump it,then another person picks it up and place it there.

The ang bao under the statue contains a a set of 4 numeric number behind,hehehe...

(can see the 4 numbers on the photo below?)

Tomorrow is Saturday and will follow by Sunday,hehehe...so i am sure you guys know what to do,hehehe....good luck guys! (i am in Batam,so i cant buy it :( )

The ang bao on the left side of the table,i have not scratch it off for the number yet. And by the way, the ang bao contains 2k rupiah in it. The one under the statue contains nothing. My left hand finger got a bit burned by the joss stick at the altar when trying to put the joss stick in it too.

If you are into CNY mood,just read it as a form of sharing...if you are not,just take this post as a 2 rupiah posting, keep a good heart,do good things and avoid seeking trouble (or try making one,hehehe...). May all would be able to reap good returns when doing good things. ;)

Its afterall the beginning of the lunar year. Whatever trouble thats coming up, can siam,just siam...cannot siam,just ignore. :D

God bless.... ;)

08-02-2019, 05:28 PM
cya later tonite. Tea on me, i've got my gold recently too.

Lol, u gold, i gold, nono aso gold,then i later askin mami see if got 90% bo....lol :D

one gold got 30% tio bo?

If ice's with u,tell him to pick up his damn phone. I need to ask him bring me go drink milk (yes, tell him entrance on me :D).

U wan drink milk ah?

Join me 2 hai yang later or 2mrow lor....lol...tere got 2 gers got milk, one 4 u,one 4 me...lol.

I will rather try the new dick massage,hehehe...

kkj massage mus find u ma...find me 4 wat?! :p

u r the expert tere. The one @ GW is on leave,aso dn't knw wen she cummin back lor....lol

The ang bao under the statue contains a a set of 4 numeric number behind,hehehe...

(can see the 4 numbers on the photo below?)

Tomorrow is Saturday and will follow by Sunday,hehehe...so i am sure you guys know what to do,hehehe....good luck guys! (i am in Batam,so i cant buy it :( )

if tio the 3668 hor @ ani time, must r'ber 2 go return favor hor....no 4get ya....lol :D

btw, the no. is quite nice! lol

If you are into CNY mood,just read it as a form of sharing...if you are not,just take this post as a 2 rupiah posting, keep a good heart,do good things and avoid seeking trouble (or try making one,hehehe...). May all would be able to reap good returns when doing good things.

Its afterall the beginning of the lunar year. Whatever trouble thats coming up, can siam,just siam...cannot siam,just ignore.

God bless....

Hope god bless everyone heng heng here ya....lol

yes, ignore ignore ignore, tose who out 2 start trouble & observe tose who feed on it....lol....long holiday wit mani happy moment tis cny, still ppl eng eng cum here plan 2 start trouble...lol...these time of the year, most important is HAPPY!! but no happy @ other ppl's expense la...lol

hope all've good happy year ahead ya.... :D


09-02-2019, 12:16 AM
Any bros gg to batam this weekend? any nice massage place and bonking place to intro? i stayin at harris batam center...thanks lot..

Will be in Batam weekend.
Staying in Batam center too.
Wechat me.

09-02-2019, 02:47 PM
Hello. Im heading to Batam on Sunday to Tuesday. Anyone can recommend a massage place and hotel? I will need to be in the Batam Ctr area due to work committment..

Any bros gg to batam this weekend? any nice massage place and bonking place to intro? i stayin at harris batam center...thanks lot..

Will be in Batam weekend.
Staying in Batam center too.
Wechat me.

Batam centre - Sahid hotel and its neighbour Venus spa.

Nagoya area - Formosa hotel and its in-house King's massage.

09-02-2019, 09:30 PM
Hi guys. Off topic here. You guys dont find it tiring that you always have to play the bargaining game with the FLs/ MLs ? Is there no place in Batam where there are no surprises to the pricing to go too?

09-02-2019, 10:10 PM
Hi guys. Off topic here. You guys dont find it tiring that you always have to play the bargaining game with the FLs/ MLs ? Is there no place in Batam where there are no surprises to the pricing to go too?

It is just market forces at work, a question of supply and demand. Supply and demand are the most fundamental concepts of economics as in Economics 101. Supply goes down, demand goes up and vice versa. What to complain, otherwise you just go to a fixed price shop to pick up your goods. Best advice for you is to keep a cewek at fixed monthly costs without the burden to bargain which could be a joy to others.

10-02-2019, 12:20 AM
Hi guys. Off topic here. You guys dont find it tiring that you always have to play the bargaining game with the FLs/ MLs ? Is there no place in Batam where there are no surprises to the pricing to go too?

If you mean just pay all in 1 massage and shoot , there are actually afew like Delta or "new spa "

10-02-2019, 02:26 AM
Hehehe...1st time see Oppo promoters LIVE doing public dance and they were doing it just outside Lucky Plaza yesterday (9th Feb 2019). It does draw quite a bit of attention and people around the area tho.


Since i was so close, i took a few videos of them,hehehe...i guess these are all the promoters in the plaza itself tho. :D

There are some close up shots,might post it out if time allows...hehehe...reminds me of some booking joint girls dancing at their work place some years ago.

*i have seen such in videos but Live is pretty much rare.

10-02-2019, 10:52 AM
It is just market forces at work, a question of supply and demand. Supply and demand are the most fundamental concepts of economics as in Economics 101. Supply goes down, demand goes up and vice versa. What to complain, otherwise you just go to a fixed price shop to pick up your goods. Best advice for you is to keep a cewek at fixed monthly costs without the burden to bargain which could be a joy to others.

Ya, but what im saying is when the deal turns sour and it destroy the mood when you trying to just enjoy the service with a acceptable pricing. Its a turn off man... is it any better than Malaysia?

10-02-2019, 10:56 AM
If you mean just pay all in 1 massage and shoot , there are actually afew like Delta or "new spa "

Havnt been to those. They dont pop the GQ with the price bargain game ma?

10-02-2019, 12:43 PM
Ya, but what im saying is when the deal turns sour and it destroy the mood when you trying to just enjoy the service with a acceptable pricing. Its a turn off man... is it any better than Malaysia?

Always bargain friendly and jokingly with either the papi/mani or cewek and do not allow it to turn sour to ruin the mood, especially with the cewek who will be providing the service. It is the same everywhere, just switch and move on to another place should the bargain turns sour.

10-02-2019, 01:55 PM
Havnt been to those. They dont pop the GQ with the price bargain game ma?

The massage package is already inclusive of hj for New Spa, whereas for Delta, you need to take 3 sessions to have hj "complimentary". My last visit to Delta is more than 3-4 years ago, so things might change already. At Octopus spa, they have packages for hj as well as fj. All prices listed upfront.

10-02-2019, 02:18 PM
Hehehe...1st time see Oppo promoters LIVE doing public dance and they were doing it just outside Lucky Plaza yesterday (9th Feb 2019). It does draw quite a bit of attention and people around the area tho.


Since i was so close, i took a few videos of them,hehehe...i guess these are all the promoters in the plaza itself tho. :D

There are some close up shots,might post it out if time allows...hehehe...reminds me of some booking joint girls dancing at their work place some years ago.

*i have seen such in videos but Live is pretty much rare.

Hehehe...they have the same thing AGAIN today! :D

Took some close up video but havent been able to upload to youtube yet.

Their background music caught my attention tho... Little Apple 小苹果


Yesterday version has more girls, shall edit more for version 1 on the right time,hehehe...this below is today's version tho (as version 2).



Heading out for lunch soon...its already 120pm batam time. Took me a while to set this up. :D

Today's exchange rate is 10250/SGD tho. Still not higher than what i changed last month. More money changers opening for business since yesterday.

10-02-2019, 03:37 PM
enjoy the service with a acceptable pricing

With the right gals and tips, it be better. Have a great weekend and enjoy batam.

11-02-2019, 04:43 PM
Just thought i should be the one to share my cny batam trip review after meeting up with bro ice & bro Nono1973.

Met up with bro nono on the 3rd & 5th day of cny,met up with bro ice & friends on the 4th day. Both of them recommended Hai Yang for the first time & i make an appointment with bro ice to led me there on the 4th & 5th day.

Entrance was 180k for 1.5 hr of massage as written on menu,paid up at counter & cashier say no change,so lan lan 1.5 hr massage becomes 200k. I'm not piss off at all as i have been told by bro ice of this scene. With the extra 20k paid,ice told the cashier he better recommend a good massage gal for me or else next time i won't return to fuck anymore. :cool:

Was brought inside a shaddy room with bath tub,the bed & floor were clean,so just wait there for the massage gal to come. 5 mins later, a sweet indo gal wearing a white tight T & black mini skirt turn up. My 1st impression, she's friendly...& all smiling. But i suspect she's quite lao jiao in this trade,so it kind of turn me a bit off there.

Before making payment, i have told the cashier i want some solid massage & there she was, giving me an one hour solid no oil massage. An hour later comes the GQ for dick massage cum HJ, i was quoted 300k so i did what bro nono & bro ice told me to do, bargain down to 200k. I expected to lose in this bargaining (again been forewarned beforehand), so i end up knowing i have to pay 300k & be expecting a good dick massage + HJ with her in full nude.

Remember , at this point my heart already sank down the drain as i was EXPECTING HJ with full nude & a dick massage yet be paying 300k.

Once we settled down with the 300k price, she stripped herself,pull me over to tub & start to shower me together with her. She even soap my dick with soap on her E-cup (it was big,i think it could be an F) & start licking my ears during the shower. I was "make" to gargle my mouth with Listerine mouthwash during the showering session too,after which followed by some deep french tongue kissing.

After showering, we head to bed & she starts her licking bath starting from my ear,my face,my neck,my chest down to dick level but at this point of time,there was no bbbj YET,just a light outer-lips-touching kiss on my dick head ,followed by kissing down to my shin area & then the foot area. There was a few mins she did some breast massage through out my front body too.

Here on,she starts her dick massage. Have anyone here EVER try dick massage WITHOUT using oil here? :p I just did! & for the 1st time in Batam, i was surprise throughout the dick massage session ,there was no need for her to use oil/cream. :eek:

She uses her mouth!! Soak my dick in it with her saliva which substitute as oil & then continue to massage my dick. Every time her saliva on my dick dry up during massage, she will soak inside her mouth again & this went on for more than 5 mins+. At this point, my big head already cannot think whether if she's giving me a good dick massage or not. :p

Next is the HJ..yes,this time, she mixed a bit of oil/cream there,so this time round, no more soaking into her mouth for saliva. Instead, her tongue (& her big breast) landed on my body followed by some deep french kiss while her hands work were on my dick. At some point during her HJ, i was also finger her tight pussy too. i truly wasn't expecting anything more from her until i eventually cum on her hands BUT here, i got yet another surprise. She suddenly pull my tiring fingers which was fingering her when i cummed & put them in her own mouth to clean it! :eek:

Holy shit! I have not have this kind of service level in Batam before,not even in Malaysia nor SG (i have had something close in Thai & Japan). It's a big turn on for me!

We both rest in bed for a bit before heading again to the bath tub for shower. Again,this part was like the previous showering session whereby she will use her E cupper to shower me both front & back of my body,as well as my dick too. She dry me up before going back to shower herself again.

Paid her 300k + i tip her another 100k even though she never ask. Reason why i tip her extra because her service level has gone way beyond my expectation. Here onward, i booked her for overnight at 800k. Before i booked her, i jokingly ask her if her booking price can be 300k also, she immediately say NO! She keeps telling me 2 jt for overnite verbally while her finger shows 1 finger (she's trying to tell me she cost 1 jt in joking manner) & i tell her how abt 400k for overnite booking? :D

Anyway, we settle for 800k in the end.

Bro nono says cannot always say only good thing in a review, here's the good & bad. Her overnight booking starts from 11pm,so by the time she reach my room is abt 1130pm. The good thing abt her overnite booking is,she stays until abt 2pm the next day.

Thx bro ice for bringing me there, i will SURELY drop by there again. Now i will be looking forward to my next trip to "drink milk" :D (another gal). After this 3d2n session, i feel so greedy to the extend that i hope to book up ALL their girls there at one go. Just too bad i only have one dick, so i can only work on one @ a time. :o

The place is so prominently located & yet so secluded that no one seems to really notice. Good to see that u guys kept quite a handful of these good places discreet. At the least preventing it from getting raid by the Indo police & preventing the market from turning sour.

Is 200k (or 180k) entry fee + 300k HJ a worthy deal? & the 800k for overnight booking? Lookwise she's a 7.5 (bro ice rate her 7), massage-wise is a 7 (not piano type), lots of foreplay, showering together before & after sweet deal with lots of deep french kissing. She's 24 according to what she tells me, so she's not really that young. Same place also got girls who are 19 too but whether same price or not,i did not ask.

While i wrote this review word for word according to what i have experienced ,i also don't believe what i wrote is true as this is the first time i gotten such experience in Batam. So don't believe it...only those who has been there will understand as i dont plan to share the loc. So don't need to ask me or PM me for it.

It's a good experience i had & i just wish to share it (yes,i'm very excited abt my batam trip experience even right now,after i already come back sg).

@nono , u are right with the gals there, as u said 男女搭配,干活不累!哈哈....

@ice , thx for taking yr precious time to take me there during cny & helping me talk to the okt.

@other bros who were there with ice & nono, thank u all for all yr help in the bahasa translation & recommending of the gals in the joints.

May u guys have a happy & prosperous lunar new year.

11-02-2019, 05:16 PM
Hi All. im a newbie here.
just would like to ask the seniors here on my upcoming trip to batam. i will be going batam with 2 colleagues of mine. the 3 of us first time going for 3D2N. anyone willing to help answer my few questions.

1) any good booking joints around biz hotel.

2) how much to pay driver for 2 days.

3) $500SGD enough for 3D2N?

4) I have eczema does it affect me?


11-02-2019, 05:38 PM
Just thought i should be the one to share my cny batam trip review after meeting up with bro ice & bro Nono1973.

i dont plan to share the loc. So don't need to ask me or PM me for it.

It's a good experience i had & i just wish to share it (yes,i'm very excited abt my batam trip experience even right now,after i already come back sg).

May u guys have a happy & prosperous lunar new year.

Alamak. Like found a new eatery place selling my favourite dish char kway teow. But dont intend to share. Geram ya.:D

Anyway if shared here i think need to place a reserve in advance. Hot Ah.:D

Tks for the juicy fr.:cool:

11-02-2019, 07:41 PM
Just thought i should be the one to share my cny batam trip review after meeting up with bro ice & bro Nono1973.

Met up with bro nono on the 3rd & 5th day of cny,met up with bro ice & friends on the 4th day. Both of them recommended Hai Yang for the first time & i make an appointment with bro.

Is it me, or you picha lobang urself? Hai Yang? Ocean massage??

11-02-2019, 07:59 PM
Quickly alert mod to edit...

11-02-2019, 08:26 PM
Alamak. Like found a new eatery place selling my favourite dish char kway teow. But dont intend to share. Geram ya.:D

Anyway if shared here i think need to place a reserve in advance. Hot Ah.:D

I was brought there & place not found by me. :D

As u have quoted what i stated, i'm only sharing my experience. :)

Is it me, or you picha lobang urself? Hai Yang? Ocean massage??

U really think u or i has picha lobang?

If u think what it is the place u said above,then let it be then & if u think it isn't then be it not then. :D

Quickly alert mod to edit...

Why the need to edit for? :confused:

If anyone can find the stated gals there or reach the place stated by bro lurpsexx whom he think is rite place, let them then. The ocean place he mention is at the blink of closing down, base on their level of business. Should state here so more people here would go there to try to bring in more business there,rite? :p

11-02-2019, 09:06 PM
Why the need to edit for? :confused:

If anyone can find the stated gals there or reach the place stated by bro lurpsexx whom he think is rite place, let them then. The ocean place he mention is at the blink of closing down, base on their level of business. Should state here so more people here would go there to try to bring in more business there,rite? :p

If tat was the place then can alert Mod to delete/edit it to safeguard the place. Since is diff place then no worry.:D

11-02-2019, 10:51 PM
It's a good experience i had & i just wish to share it (yes,i'm very excited abt my batam trip experience even right now,after i already come back sg).

So fast so excited liao ah,brother? lol :D

Wait till u try their indo track-dick-tional mandi susu on the bed @ 360k rp entrace fee (no inside bath tub kind of milk bath hor) plus 500k rp of fresh milk fee....lol...i'll let u in for what's 2 cum wen uncle tom & uncle hairy got another kind of masage in tere wit no massage oil at all but onli wit 'milk' frm their 2 gers wit 2 pairs of neh neh...lol :D

so u can imagine hw much susu they use 2 massage on yr body....lol :p

tat's my favorite kind of massage of cos,bcs i get 2 drink em all. Nono 'way' of healthy life style in btm....lol....FRESH MILK! so mus em drink wen during fresh.... :p

no worry no enuff milk, 2 gers tere jus had their babies no long ago & no their first time birth la,so they got provide tis out of world service. ;)

to me it's 1.5 jam of heaven! LOL

11-02-2019, 11:33 PM
If tat was the place then can alert Mod to delete/edit it to safeguard the place. Since is diff place then no worry.:D

Lol..leoric..no need so kan cheong people find out about "your" hideout..lol..nitecrawller already say not Ocean, so relac la ..

It's just another cheong place that other men also tried before, n u r not the only customer they serve..it's a brothel for crying out loud..lol..

If u wanna keep it a secret to prolong your own enjoyment, by all means man.. Batam so many joints & ceweks that's enough for all of us to enjoy.. take a chill pill..relac..lol..

12-02-2019, 12:02 AM
The ang bao on the left side of the table,i have not scratch it off for the number yet. And by the way, the ang bao contains 2k rupiah in it. The one under the statue contains nothing. My left hand finger got a bit burned by the joss stick at the altar when trying to put the joss stick in it too.

brother, scratch liao let me knw the no. ok? :D

Batam centre - Sahid hotel and its neighbour Venus spa.

Nagoya area - Formosa hotel and its in-house King's massage.

brother,u 4got harbor bay octupussy men spa @ pacific palace hotel lei...lol :D

There are some close up shots,might post it out if time allows...hehehe...reminds me of some booking joint girls dancing at their work place some years ago.

i like the all gers oppo version beter,i'm waiting.....

btw, hv yr guys tried the new berlian gers...yet? :p

Good to see that u guys kept quite a handful of these good places discreet. At the least preventing it from getting raid by the Indo police & preventing the market from turning sour.

if onli every1 do their parts, btm will be a so much beter place 2 play in....lol :rolleyes:

too bad lor.... :D

nxt mth is my fav month, wan join me to galang 2 look for vb? Lol.... :D


jokin onli ya

Quickly alert mod to edit...

Lol, i no tink mod will bother by tis kind of thg 2 edit lor....lol....no breach forum rules ma. :D

12-02-2019, 12:33 AM
I was brought there & place not found by me. :D

As u have quoted what i stated, i'm only sharing my experience. :)

nwday sharing yr ownself good exp report aso got ppl can say until u bcum gan jiong other pple find out a hideout tat u were being brought 2 & no found by yr ownself...& endin up mus need 2 take chill pill...lol (reli sibei cham lei...lol) :cool:

tsk..tsk..tsk..talk abt being the expert in putting words in other ppl's mouth....& btw, aso welcum 2 the upside dwn of internet world....lol :p

hope u enjoy yr cny in btm ya... :D

12-02-2019, 12:48 AM
After seen so many bro posting, I decided to try this Friday just to see see walk walk. If the experience is good than there another play ground for me. Is $100sgd enough just for a day?

12-02-2019, 02:24 PM
Lol, i no tink mod will bother by tis kind of thg 2 edit lor....lol....no breach forum rules ma. :D

Can always request by PM Mod to delete the name since Leoric wish to keep it a secret. Mod may just oblige.:D

12-02-2019, 02:29 PM
If u wanna keep it a secret to prolong your own enjoyment, by all means man.. Batam so many joints & ceweks that's enough for all of us to enjoy.. take a chill pill..relac..lol..

I myself also dont know wheres the place. But we respect Leoric wishes lah. Tat place could be a gem. So i ming pai lah.:D

12-02-2019, 02:56 PM
Hi to all the 大师,

I am planning to go for a same day go same day return, batam trip. Going for cable-ski in the morning, then hopefully lunch then some massage place with BJ.

I actually planned to do a 2D1N trip and follow NoNo advice on his Area A / Area B guide. But after reading Leoric's Post, which he shared on his Trip with Ice & NoNo.

I am more keen towards massage + special service. Crazy good FR he shared btw. Got me turned on!

I am thinking of going to Octupus Spa, I know this is not the best option. So i was hoping someone can advice me on better options available.

12-02-2019, 03:10 PM
Can always request by PM Mod to delete the name since Leoric wish to keep it a secret. Mod may just oblige.:D

din see anything wrong...dun anyhow disturb mod hor...:)

btw...anyone can still edit own posts within few days to a week...:)

12-02-2019, 03:24 PM
hi to all lao jiao,

Was planning a 2D1N trip following NoNo's guide. But after reading Leoric's Post: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=18342555&postcount=13008

I am going to do a 1D trip instead, Leroic's description got me very tempted to visit a massage parlour with special (BJ) service instead of the standard LT package. I was hoping if i am lucky enough i can experience something similar to the one he had, from my research, the high end places to visit are Octopus Spa and New Spa, i hope the service there is good. If any lao jiao have better advice on what massage parlour i should visit instead please share them with me!

This is my second post, no idea why the first one i posted didnt show on the forum.

12-02-2019, 03:31 PM
din see anything wrong...dun anyhow disturb mod hor...:)

btw...anyone can still edit own posts within few days to a week...:)

Just saw ur nick. Pig can fly ya. :D

12-02-2019, 04:34 PM
nwday sharing yr ownself good exp report aso got ppl can say until u bcum gan jiong other pple find out a hideout tat u were being brought 2 & no found by yr ownself...& endin up mus need 2 take chill pill...lol (reli sibei cham lei...lol)

What to do, this is sammyboy forum. A place like u said, "i have the rights not to remain silence & whatever i said will not be taken against me".. i have no feud with that guy. I kept thinking there, trying to figure out what makes him think i was bother abt the place Hai Yang ,is it because i said..

...only those who has been there will understand as i dont plan to share the loc. So don't need to ask me or PM me for it.

I don't plan to share loc in my review in public,it's my choice isn't it? (i mean in all respect to the guys who brought me there & it's not my call to share it openly) i said, don't need to ask me or PM me because who in sbf would wants their inbox burst? :confused:

Or was the reason because i said this??

U really think u or i has picha lobang?

If u think what it is the place u said above,then let it be then & if u think it isn't then be it not then.

But that was my way telling him i'm not a bit bothered. If my friend Ice & Nono can bring me to a good place today when i'm in btm, next time when i'm there again, they can still bring me to a 2nd good place & follow by a 3rd one & so one (they will bring me instead of him). Be it he guessed the loc from my reviews correctly (or not), it's still my rights NOT to be tricked into revealing the loc by speaking in public whether the loc he guess IS correct or NOT, rite? :D

And if his guess is NOT right, then he will be indirectly directing others to the WRONG shop that are in the blink of shutting dwn anytime.

If anyone can find the stated gals there or reach the place stated by bro lurpsexx whom he think is rite place, let them then. The ocean place he mention is at the blink of closing down, base on their level of business. Should state here so more people here would go there to try to bring in more business there,rite?

...which will in turn helps the shop to survive for a longer period of time.

So i why the need to ask mod to edit?

Why the need to edit for?

Since a right/wrong guess eventually does more good than harm.

tsk..tsk..tsk..talk abt being the expert in putting words in other ppl's mouth....& btw, aso welcum 2 the upside dwn of internet world....lol

I guess i'm not that "expert". If someone can pull a non-related person who doesn't knw the place Hai Yang.

I myself also dont know wheres the place.lah.:D

...claiming he says...

..nitecrawller already say not Ocean, so relac la ..

This is called "putting words into other people's mouth" by yr term, i guess.

I am here to share my review when i travel to btm, i also don't know how i end up getting my mouth stuffs with words i didn't mean by another person.

I analysis that it could probably be Jealousy at work. :D

Here's my analysis, for someone who knows only to pay 500k (& abv) for a HJ & 800k (& abv) for a FJ in Btm & when another person got something better & cheaper than him, somewhere deep down there ,it probably makes his twisted imbalance mind goes amok. ;)

hope u enjoy yr cny in btm ya...

Thank you bro, i did took the "pill" & ram that girl in my review for 2 nites,costing me total of 1600k. :D


First 2 rounds usually quite good,thereafter stamina starts to drop. My guess is she's probably tired out (i am too). :cool:

I'll go for the 2 milk gals next trip. ;)

12-02-2019, 11:24 PM
Hi to all the 大师,

I am planning to go for a same day go same day return, batam trip. Going for cable-ski in the morning, then hopefully lunch then some massage place with BJ.

I actually planned to do a 2D1N trip and follow NoNo advice on his Area A / Area B guide. But after reading Leoric's Post, which he shared on his Trip with Ice & NoNo.

I am more keen towards massage + special service. Crazy good FR he shared btw. Got me turned on!

I am thinking of going to Octupus Spa, I know this is not the best option. So i was hoping someone can advice me on better options available.

Cheaper option for quickie trip would be going to the opposite area of DC mall for massage w special. Watch out for the mozzies though! :eek:

12-02-2019, 11:36 PM
brother, scratch liao let me knw the no. ok? :D

Here,i just got back from Batam not long ago and am pretty much quite tired,so am not always online. I scratched the lucky number on my "birthday" yesterday and hopefully will win "something" this coming Wednesday or perhaps the weekend,hehehe... :D

(what a nice set of number,hehehe...)

I will reply the rest at a later time, i am pretty worn out as i typed this,hehehe...after having my good time in Batam, hence i probably come back after i have my rest. ;)

nwday sharing yr ownself good exp report aso got ppl can say until u bcum gan jiong other pple find out a hideout tat u were being brought 2 & no found by yr ownself...& endin up mus need 2 take chill pill...lol (reli sibei cham lei...lol) :cool:

He should have follow me to go Tua Pek Kong Temple ,Bai Tai Shui instead of coming to SBF to share an FR. :D


Next time can just PM me the FRs, better than sharing here. These group of people's target is not him but me. I bet that with you my 2k rupiah in the ang bao from the temple,hehehe...every FR with my name on it, sure to get smash. :p