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13-02-2019, 12:08 AM
Cheaper option for quickie trip would be going to the opposite area of DC mall for massage w special. Watch out for the mozzies though! :eek:
Thanks biostar for the reply, any idea on the damage?
For massage + special opposite DC mall
13-02-2019, 12:43 AM
@leoric, ur reply tldr.. I was gonna stop after nitecrawller reply.. but u lo so, so I go short.. I say sorry if I attributed unintended meanings to nitecrawller earlier post, n if u wanna keep ur secret it's ur perogative since only few of u know it.. as I said before, ocean so big, fishes so many , visit one less joint also no loss lo.. chill man, dun get offended or defensive so quick.. this is sbf , all different opinions r welcome even if u dun agree with it..
13-02-2019, 02:32 AM
Was woken up by noise of firecracker minutes ago. went out too a look. just realized that tonight 初九拜天公
There ware fireworks fired from all temples around the area too.
(Sorry hp cam no good)
14-02-2019, 12:05 PM
@other bros who were there with ice & nono, thank u all for all yr help in the bahasa translation & recommending of the gals in the joints.
May u guys have a happy & prosperous lunar new year.
i tell em yr message here,they ask me tel u nxt time if u got go btm agn & if they r tere,can go lim kopi nxt trip is shld b beginning mar. :D
Can always request by PM Mod to delete the name since Leoric wish to keep it a secret. Mod may just oblige.:D
see la, see la, u call out mod so loud nw he pop out & hang out the 'do no disturb' sign outside door liao
din see anything wrong...dun anyhow disturb mod hor...:)
me 2 no see nothg 2 pax bickering ovr rite place & left :p
14-02-2019, 12:17 PM
see la, see la, u call out mod so loud nw he pop out & hang out the 'do no disturb' sign outside door liao
me 2 no see nothg 2 pax bickering ovr rite place & left :p
Just helping out Leonic lah cos he want to keep tat place a secret. Name was mentioned by him. There wasnt an "edit" button. So only way was to PM Mod help to edit
14-02-2019, 12:27 PM
What to do, this is sammyboy forum. A place like u said, "i have the rights not to remain silence & whatever i said will not be taken against me".. i have no feud with that guy. I kept thinking there, trying to figure out what makes him think i was bother abt the place Hai Yang ,is it because i said..
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out
u knw la, nobody actualli 'win' on the year or 2 later wen u cum back 2 tis tread & read all the comment here agn,u'll realise mani of u r like kindergarten
Thank you bro, i did took the "pill" & ram that girl in my review for 2 nites,costing me total of 1600k. :D
First 2 rounds usually quite good,thereafter stamina starts to drop. My guess is she's probably tired out (i am too). :cool:
I'll go for the 2 milk gals next trip. ;)
Oh, u took the pill ah? lol...cum 2 tink of it, hw mani u take? :D
if u heng heng tat day & manage 2 get the twin sis pill wn't be enuff 4 dare bet wit u no mani in the forum knw tis exact place where they got twin gers inside another one is 2 sis who looks nearly alike but no twins.
tis one in btm wil be quite,no believe u go ask nono la...i tink he shld knw ba. :rolleyes:
The last time i got twin fuck is in wetnam mani pony yrs ago lo, tat time stil dn't knw wat is sbf :p
so my suggestion is, slowly slowly explorin btm, u surely can find yr ownself adventure de. ;)
It's stil cny, so be sure 2 stay happy! :D
happy valantine 2 ya!
14-02-2019, 12:38 PM
Here,i just got back from Batam not long ago and am pretty much quite tired,so am not always online. I scratched the lucky number on my "birthday" yesterday and hopefully will win "something" this coming Wednesday or perhaps the weekend,hehehe... :D
knn, me suay suay wed bo tio :(
luck no with me, so i hopeful 4 tis cummin weekend liao i tio tis weekend i buy u 2 way horizon ferry ticket 4 free. :D
I will reply the rest at a later time, i am pretty worn out as i typed this,hehehe...after having my good time in Batam, hence i probably come back after i have my rest.
cum back soon sure got mani ppl miss u :p
He should have follow me to go Tua Pek Kong Temple ,Bai Tai Shui instead of coming to SBF to share an FR.
I reli cn't help laughing wen i see tis post mean he fan tai shui izzit? :D
Next time can just PM me the FRs, better than sharing here. These group of people's target is not him but me. I bet that with you my 2k rupiah in the ang bao from the temple,hehehe...every FR with my name on it, sure to get smash. :p
ah...u notti notti ya...u like tat say may endin up most fr & btm experience posts all go 2 yr pm box :D
14-02-2019, 01:12 PM
I am planning to go for a same day go same day return, batam trip. Going for cable-ski in the morning, then hopefully lunch then some massage place with BJ.
I actually planned to do a 2D1N trip and follow NoNo advice on his Area A / Area B guide. But after reading Leoric's Post, which he shared on his Trip with Ice & NoNo.
I am more keen towards massage + special service. Crazy good FR he shared btw. Got me turned on!
I am thinking of going to Octupus Spa, I know this is not the best option. So i was hoping someone can advice me on better options available.
brother, if u reli follow nono's guide frm step 1 - step 10,u reli wn't fail veri hard de + got small chance 2 catch his btm long u do step one correct,u shld b aldy near heaven unless u yrself cock up smwhere. :o
sm more, u onli gng 2d1n,no plan 2 much ya...u cn't hv evrythg on time as u sm more gng 4 cable 4 rush rush & stress yrself up wen u on a holyday? :confused:
if u gng 2 btm men's spa in btm, make sure u hv few hrs time 2 spare 2 relax tere ,otherwise can skip. Knw wat u wan first & go 4 it brother!! :D
do one thg @ a time!
u reli no hv time 2 explore 2 much de, so no b ovr-ambistious :p
14-02-2019, 01:40 PM
Just helping out Leonic lah cos he want to keep tat place a secret. Name was mentioned by him.
tere mus b reason y bro leo say no need edit, so no worries brother. No one readin tat post can find the left pl knws, mayb will hv got ppl kena chop sm more? ;)
it's jus a pity la,it's good fr & exp he share wich nobodi can deny & yet he tio zap by dn't knw,notice his pts drop frm last time 580 until 577 :D
lol...wat 2 do,onli can say he suay in begining of cny post fr in :D
Was woken up by noise of firecracker minutes ago. went out too a look. just realized that tonight 初九拜天公
wah! i reli sua ku liao lei, it's 玉皇大帝誕辰 no wonder y'day got hear so mani firecracker durin on day time,more than the first few days of :p
thx u 4 sharin ya...
14-02-2019, 05:23 PM
i tell em yr message here,they ask me tel u nxt time if u got go btm agn & if they r tere,can go lim kopi nxt trip is shld b beginning mar. :D
Sure bro, let the guys know makan on me next round. I think uncle harry's gal going to miss him a lot.
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out
I always do that, if they know who i really is online,they will know my review were true & btw, the grapes we found by the seaside were "sour", because i don't get to eat it. :p
And i'll need to read yr post in order for me to reply to it or even send an apology,isn't it so...hahaha... ;)
ok,ok...since u explain yr words u said & meanin 2 me liao,then the rest jus take it like one ear in one ear out
u knw la, nobody actualli 'win' on the year or 2 later wen u cum back 2 tis tread & read all the comment here agn,u'll realise mani of u r like kindergarten
However, it does tell the character of the man behind the screen when the words were flip flopped. I have a 101 ways to rebut, but guess i'll choose not to this time round. ;)
Live & let live.
if u heng heng tat day & manage 2 get the twin sis pill wn't be enuff 4 dare bet wit u no mani in the forum knw tis exact place where they got twin gers inside another one is 2 sis who looks nearly alike but no twins.
tis one in btm wil be quite,no believe u go ask nono la...i tink he shld knw ba. :rolleyes:
The last time i got twin fuck is in wetnam mani pony yrs ago lo, tat time stil dn't knw wat is sbf :p
so my suggestion is, slowly slowly explorin btm, u surely can find yr ownself adventure de.
Shall see u guys on March then.
Bye for now! ;)
15-02-2019, 11:00 AM
Went to Batam this week. Cheapo trip actually
Total cost:
1) ferry and low cost hotel, sgd65
2) food and gojek, sgd 30
3) girls, sgd 77
Day 1,
HBF to HBB, noon ferry, meet girl A,for the first time in HBB terminal, she worked as office clerk and took the afternoon leave to meet me at the terminal, we proceed to eat local nasi lunch and then check in to cheap hotel. During lunch, execute SSI and she followed for check in procedures. Get into room and managed to score. Batam normal girls are still less sophisticated then Jakarta girls, so need little convincing to score. Watch tv and go for second round. Teach her to do proper bbbj which she complain a lot but nevertheless continue to do as she said she feel bad to reject my request for pleasure LOL.
Went for nasi dinner and she left after that. A bit tired so sleep early.
Day 2,
Met girl B at 10.30 am at dc mall, she worked at supermarket noon shift, so she has to leave by 2.30pm. Near noon, suggest to her to eat nasi for lunch near my hotel. She obliged cos she also hungry having skipped breakfast haha. After lunch, saw a fruit stall nearby and bought some fruits, suggest to her to eat in my room. In the room, we forgot about the fruits once we enter the door. She is more enthuthiastic than me. Later I find out why. We did all positions, and she seemed experienced. Anyway enjoyed the session and when she is leaving she asked for taxi fares to her work place, gave her 200 ribu and she asked for more. At this time, it is very easy for unexperienced bros to cave in and give more, dont fall for that, I did add 50 ribu but thats about all that I would give to normal girls who earn money part time this way.
At 4pm meet girl C at dc mall again. Disaster, she brought her friend with her. After having a drink with them for 30 minutes I retreated back to my hotel.,
After dinner went to Formosa king massage. Opted for 60 minutes, 120 ribu and select a Javanese girl. In cubicle, start to SSI with her but soon find out she has been working there for more than 10 years. No point wasting time on this lao jiao, so immediately asked for special before massage start. She asked for 500k FJ which I refused. Asked her for HJ instead, her price is 200k and I accepted as no point bargaining with a lao jiao. During HJ just grab her tetek inside her clothes as she wont took off her clothes fully. Anyway it took some time for my soldiers to come out, since I already has quite a number of shot since arriving the day before.
After massage, went back by gojek, rp4000 only hehehe.
Day 3,
Woken up by girl A calling, say she free to come. My initial intention is to go hotel utama for last massage, since ferry is afternoon, but dont mind for her to come as she didnt ask for anything when meet her. Went for a quick breakfast and wait for her to come, while I packed my stuff.
She came 10.30, enough time for a parting gift of ngentot. Feeling that she is genuinely happy with me, I gave her 200 ribu for taxi fares without her asking. She thanked me and left. After that check out and left Batam. Gojek ride to HBB rp6000.
Batam playability option still lower in comparison with Jakarta, but for a short time getaway it is still good. FL ST price is about 500k, so if normal girls do part time in between her day job, thats the max bro here should give. But then local men can get FJ for 200k, so thats the minimum you can give to her (called it her taxi fares).
If you are used to the high Quality of Jakarta girls, Batam girls can be shockingly low in quality standard but for a short getaway or last minute cheonging. It is still a playable place, but need to lower expectation.
For exploring hidden gems, Batam is definitely a more excellent area for those seeking the hidden trails of local sensual massage for vitality. But expect to pay foreigners pricing if you are not fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta sensual massage is openly advertised and not for those seeking the thrill of finding hidden gems.
Lastly, while I am not into booking joints due to the high pricing of 1.2 to 1.5 juta, it is still an option for those who cant hunt girls on his own. For Batam there are many normal girls willing to do part time to supplement income just to survive and eat a plate of rice. As long as bro here reasonably pay (200k to 500k), you will have a willing girl.
Enjoy Batam, stay healthy.
15-02-2019, 11:06 AM
My friend went to 3 booking joints today (6th Feb,Wed), open mouth price is 1.5 juta in all of them for some so-so girl. Big fat old ugly cost about 1.3 juta on 1st quote,hehehe...prettier ones all above 1.6 juta (i am talking about close or around 2 juta ones,hehehe...). 1st 2 days of CNY, most booking joint were able to clear most of their girls. And by the way, the later one goes to booking, the 1st quote would be lower too, but i hear they were mostly girls who run or got rejected.
My friend didnt take anyone from booking joint today (6th Feb). He camped at a popular KTV and got a 19 year old syt at 1.8 juta,hehehe...then again,time was around about 8pm already. :D
Price probably wont normalize until after Sunday, 10th Feb.
Wow, the inflation is madness! 1.8 for SYT LOL.
15-02-2019, 11:10 AM
hi to all lao jiao,
Was planning a 2D1N trip following NoNo's guide. But after reading Leoric's Post:
I am going to do a 1D trip instead, Leroic's description got me very tempted to visit a massage parlour with special (BJ) service instead of the standard LT package. I was hoping if i am lucky enough i can experience something similar to the one he had, from my research, the high end places to visit are Octopus Spa and New Spa, i hope the service there is good. If any lao jiao have better advice on what massage parlour i should visit instead please share them with me!
This is my second post, no idea why the first one i posted didnt show on the forum.
You going to do a 1 day trip? Most good ladies come in around 6-7pm for Octopus spa, you can catch some in the afternoon but I recommend you to come in the evening, but after the deed you need to rush back to the ferry terminal.
15-02-2019, 11:58 AM
Wait till u try their indo track-dick-tional mandi susu on the bed @ 360k rp entrace fee (no inside bath tub kind of milk bath hor) plus 500k rp of fresh milk'll let u in for what's 2 cum wen uncle tom & uncle hairy got another kind of masage in tere wit no massage oil at all but onli wit 'milk' frm their 2 gers wit 2 pairs of neh
so u can imagine hw much susu they use 2 massage on yr
tat's my favorite kind of massage of cos,bcs i get 2 drink em all. Nono 'way' of healthy life style in MILK! so mus em drink wen during fresh....
no worry no enuff milk, 2 gers tere jus had their babies no long ago & no their first time birth la,so they got provide tis out of world service.
Had a chance to try out this susu massage by the 2 girls in my last trip. Thx to bro ice for bringing me to this place & was lucky to be able to grab them during the early noon hours.
There's actually nothing to shout abt on these 2 girls as they are not those very pretty kind (but not ugly either) but both of them sure have huge boobs!! :eek: A big fat size girl with huge boobs is quite a norm in batam, a small built average looking girl with boobs almost the same size like a human head with lots of milk isn't. :D
Basically, after paying up at the entrance for both girls, was led to a big room where the air-con isn't on until i enter. Undress myself & few mins later, 2 GND looking girls walked in, they were all less than 1.6m in height. We intro ourself & follow by the massage. Abt 20 mins later , they pop the special serv question,asking me if i want special. Was first quote 800k for that special service & later, intro to me what both their special serv was abt.
As i already knew abt their kind of services beforehand & it's pricing, i tried to halve their their price to 400k, & in the end some small haggling ,settled with 500k. Yeh, each girl will take 250k for special service & suppose to come with 4 hands HJ in nude with full roaming.
They stripped themselves completely naked & then pull me over for shower in the bath tub with their breast brushing all over me throughout the whole 5 min showering session. I also take the chance to squeeze their big boobs but due to the slippery soap, i really couldn't grab any 1 of them with 1 hand. :D
Shower together over, each girl holding one of my hand led me to the bed. At this point, how i wish the bed was at least queen size bed. The whole susu massage or milk massage session was quite simple. Start with 2 girls using towel 4 hands to massage me ,also to dry my wet body after the shower, later become 1 girl massage,another girl squeezing me milk from her boobs to my my body while the other girl do the massage. The girl just rotate their boobs & hands until the HJ time whereby no oil except their own boobs milk were used. :p
While 1 girl were doing the HJ,the other girl were either doing a boobs massage for me on my body,face & legs or is kissing my nipple,my neck,my ear or my other body parts. All these were done in rotation between the 2 girls,so it took me quite a while to cum as both girl's hand strength during HJ were different. Taking a longer time to cum also means i get to enjoy their service for a longer period of time & getting to drink more milk from their boobs. Oh, i forget to mention, there's bbbj as well,since only they use their own milk to do the job. :cool: Only 1 of the girl were better at bbbj with lots of nerve licking touch near my cock & balls sucking,the other girl was less experience at it. :o
According to the girls's word by word, they can only do max of 2-3 customers a day due to their limited production of milk & on that day,i happen to be their first customer. After the session, i tip them each extra 50k more for their hardwork. :p
This is a good experience getting pampered by 2 girls, hopefully next time i'll get the chance to try them again & i hear from the girls they have 2 twin girls in their shop. I'm guessing they should be worth a try as well. :D
Thk u all for reading & not forgetting thking bro nono & bro ice for showing the way.
15-02-2019, 12:44 PM
Just curious, what are the average salary for girls working in hair salon, shopping mall and foot massage centre etc..?
15-02-2019, 08:31 PM
Hmm...visit this new Excelso cafe just beside Starbuck in Harbour Bay, learned that the shop owner employed someone to actually drew the wall of the luwak cat on the wall rather than simply using wall paper to paste over it.
Very innovative and seems that he did quite a good job on the picture (i am impressed). They even recycled the used coffee powder to be reuse cigarette extinguisher on their ash tray.
If i dont remember wrong, their Luwak coffee cost around S$10 a cup,hehehe...i took their Ice Mocha instead at around S$4 tho (a little more expensive than Jco's Mocha of the same cup size).
No receipt,becos they didnt give me one. :(
15-02-2019, 08:40 PM
This is a good experience getting pampered by 2 girls, hopefully next time i'll get the chance to try them again & i hear from the girls they have 2 twin girls in their shop. I'm guessing they should be worth a try as well. :D
Thk u all for reading & not forgetting thking bro nono & bro ice for showing the way.
Wahlou. With 4 hands...2 mouths...4 boobs....hw u guys can tahan so long ya? Tongkat Ali ya.:D:(
15-02-2019, 08:45 PM
Ground floor of Formosa hotel has a new game shop,hehehe...
...i guess its meant as an extra entertainment for those who has no girls with them and yet couldnt get to sleep during night hours. :p
(i dont see any girls inside it tho)
Photo was taken on Jan 2019 tho, today..the front door of the shop is becoming more decorative compare to last month. Directly opposite the game shop entrance is the 4 faced buddha altar. (Out of Formosa front door,turn left,keep left and walk within the hotel building perimeter to find them,its just beside Tea Story back entrance)
Due to the building of Formosa Residence, the short-cut back lane leading from formosa hotel to Nagoya City walk has been blocked. :(
15-02-2019, 09:36 PM
Day 1,
HBF to HBB, noon ferry, meet girl A,for the first time in HBB terminal, she worked as office clerk and took the afternoon leave to meet me at the terminal, we proceed to eat local nasi lunch and then check in to cheap hotel. During lunch, execute SSI and she followed for check in procedures. Get into room and managed to score. Batam normal girls are still less sophisticated then Jakarta girls, so need little convincing to score. Watch tv and go for second round. Teach her to do proper bbbj which she complain a lot but nevertheless continue to do as she said she feel bad to reject my request for pleasure LOL.
Went for nasi dinner and she left after that. A bit tired so sleep early.
Day 2,
Met girl B at 10.30 am at dc mall, she worked at supermarket noon shift, so she has to leave by 2.30pm. Near noon, suggest to her to eat nasi for lunch near my hotel. She obliged cos she also hungry having skipped breakfast haha. After lunch, saw a fruit stall nearby and bought some fruits, suggest to her to eat in my room. In the room, we forgot about the fruits once we enter the door. She is more enthuthiastic than me. Later I find out why. We did all positions, and she seemed experienced. Anyway enjoyed the session and when she is leaving she asked for taxi fares to her work place, gave her 200 ribu and she asked for more. At this time, it is very easy for unexperienced bros to cave in and give more, dont fall for that, I did add 50 ribu but thats about all that I would give to normal girls who earn money part time this way.
At 4pm meet girl C at dc mall again. Disaster, she brought her friend with her. After having a drink with them for 30 minutes I retreated back to my hotel.,
After dinner went to Formosa king massage. Opted for 60 minutes, 120 ribu and select a Javanese girl. In cubicle, start to SSI with her but soon find out she has been working there for more than 10 years. No point wasting time on this lao jiao, so immediately asked for special before massage start. She asked for 500k FJ which I refused. Asked her for HJ instead, her price is 200k and I accepted as no point bargaining with a lao jiao. During HJ just grab her tetek inside her clothes as she wont took off her clothes fully. Anyway it took some time for my soldiers to come out, since I already has quite a number of shot since arriving the day before.
After massage, went back by gojek, rp4000 only hehehe.
Day 3,
Woken up by girl A calling, say she free to come. My initial intention is to go hotel utama for last massage, since ferry is afternoon, but dont mind for her to come as she didnt ask for anything when meet her. Went for a quick breakfast and wait for her to come, while I packed my stuff.
She came 10.30, enough time for a parting gift of ngentot. Feeling that she is genuinely happy with me, I gave her 200 ribu for taxi fares without her asking. She thanked me and left. After that check out and left Batam. Gojek ride to HBB rp6000.
Batam playability option still lower in comparison with Jakarta, but for a short time getaway it is still good. FL ST price is about 500k, so if normal girls do part time in between her day job, thats the max bro here should give. But then local men can get FJ for 200k, so thats the minimum you can give to her (called it her taxi fares).
Now you know these girls in advance bro?
15-02-2019, 09:59 PM
Maybe in batam for a few days soon.
Anyone has info on Grand I hotel? or the nearby Nagoya Hill Hotel?
I'm talking about hotel review, inhouse spa/massage or nearby walking distance
15-02-2019, 10:49 PM
Hmm...visit this new Excelso cafe just beside Starbuck in Harbour Bay, learned that the shop owner employed someone to actually drew the wall of the luwak cat on the wall rather than simply using wall paper to paste over it.
Very innovative and seems that he did quite a good job on the picture (i am impressed). They even recycled the used coffee powder to be reuse cigarette extinguisher on their ash tray.
If i dont remember wrong, their Luwak coffee cost around S$10 a cup,hehehe...i took their Ice Mocha instead at around S$4 tho (a little more expensive than Jco's Mocha of the same cup size).
No receipt,becos they didnt give me one. :(
Indonesia, many shops/restaurants gives refund if you complain to management about no receipt.
15-02-2019, 11:06 PM
Now you know these girls in advance bro?
You mean, how I know them in advance. Nowaday got social media apps. Just make yourself appear in Batam, your phone location can change to Batam if you stop using iphone LOL.
16-02-2019, 12:14 AM
@nono , u are right with the gals there, as u said 男女搭配,干活不累!哈哈....
Hehehe...isnt that true for all the guys? Good coordination between a man and a girl (or more) makes making love untiring and the motion can just go on and on and on and on.... :p
no worry no enuff milk, 2 gers tere jus had their babies no long ago & no their first time birth la,so they got provide tis out of world service. ;)
The girls still need to reserve some milk for their babies. :D
brother,u 4got harbor bay octupussy men spa @ pacific palace hotel
Drop at Batam Center, go for Venus.
Drop at Harbour Bay, go for Octopuss.
Drop at any other ferry terminal, well...bring your own girlfriends/wives,hehehe...
btw, hv yr guys tried the new berlian gers...yet?
Not yet,but the message has been pass down, hope to hear some result soon.
if onli every1 do their parts, btm will be a so much beter place 2 play
Its the year of the pig, Batam,i devise my own game. ;)
Indonesia, many shops/restaurants gives refund if you complain to management about no receipt.
Oh,i have not hear of such regulation before in Batam.
But i am now trying to buy stuffs (in Batam), and have the girls bringing to Jakarta ,Bandung and Surabaya to help me sell off online,hehehe... :D
Check it out, profit is surprisingly high! (and fast too!) :p
*can do me a favor? help me edit your post. Not necessary to quote my whole post to make a one/two liner reply,hehehe... thanks! (quoting the entire post to make a reply stands a high chance of it being remove by the mod)
16-02-2019, 12:28 AM
Oh,i have not hear of such regulation before in Batam.
Actually you'll see this kind of notice in many places.
Just happen to find one for Indomaret.
Free if cashier never give receipt (struk belanja)
16-02-2019, 12:49 AM
luck no with me, so i hopeful 4 tis cummin weekend liao i tio tis weekend i buy u 2 way horizon ferry ticket 4 free.
Noted on this,hehehe...i want the white and blue color version on the below photo,not the orange version one,hehehe... (i hope you win!)
Come to talk about the orange color version of the Horizon ferry ticket. Around 2 years ago just before CNY, i got the exact same orange version of ticket too. I think Horizon fast must have had lots of leftover stock about 2 years ago,hence they are now selling off at 380k rupiah,hehehe...manage to grab one that expires on 30th April 2019 for fun tho. :D
Too bad, the latest expiry is on April 2019,otherwise next round when i bring those uncles and aunties (non-sbf members) to Batam, can make profit of an extra of about S$10 plus per head,hehehe... :D
Notice how profitable is information to me now? Hehehe...and my Batam trips become almost free.
I reli cn't help laughing wen i see tis post mean he fan tai shui izzit?
Who knows?! Anyway, he dont believe in such...hehehe...
ah...u notti notti ya...u like tat say may endin up most fr & btm experience posts all go 2 yr pm box :D
What to do, heaven only give me a dick, 1 dick dont stand a chance against so many "cats" ,hence i can only devise my own game to find the best available. Call it exchange of information or anything you want it, we all have sow hard (and much) in Batam and i only hope to look for the best of the best harvest to reap,hehehe.... :p
And i took down important key notes.
16-02-2019, 01:58 AM
Actually you'll see this kind of notice in many places.
Just happen to find one for Indomaret.
Free if cashier never give receipt (struk belanja)
In the city I'm going to be staying at, free coffee if no smile from cashier.
For the receipt thingy, I believe is to combat staff from pocketing the money received. In the foodcourts, all the stalls do not handle payment. They take my order and pass me the slip to make payment at a central cashier. After, bring the receipt back to the stall for cooking and delivery. No such thing as self service, like in sg. But, very inefficient though. Just imagine, having a meal need to walk how many rounds.
16-02-2019, 02:01 AM
But i am now trying to buy stuffs (in Batam), and have the girls bringing to Jakarta ,Bandung and Surabaya to help me sell off online,hehehe... :D
Check it out, profit is surprisingly high! (and fast too!) :p
Hey heh... Need to meet you for coffee soon...
16-02-2019, 09:05 AM
Sorry deleted pls
16-02-2019, 09:11 AM
Noted on this,hehehe...i want the white and blue color version on the below photo,not the orange version one,hehehe... (i hope you win!)
Ya oso make sure u don't get the green one or the white-and-pink one. :p
.... expires on 30th April 2019 for fun tho...
Remember at first it was February then March now you got the April one...
Looks like the promotion will go on as the expiry extended.
16-02-2019, 10:01 AM
You mean, how I know them in advance. Nowaday got social media apps. Just make yourself appear in Batam, your phone location can change to Batam if you stop using iphone LOL.
Thanks man, is it WeChat? I’m a iPhone user. Damn
16-02-2019, 10:36 AM
Ya oso make sure u don't get the green one or the white-and-pink one. :p
The green one can be as cheap as 32 bucks.
Lucky I can use :D
16-02-2019, 12:21 PM
Very interesting, today I join a new group of guys to batam. Exchange info, it seems like it's easy to score even in "clean" spas . Just bang 1 in VIP room while next room was a pretty young lady SG from a tour group!. Next will be Delta, info can bang bang them also. Seems to have develop a new thingy....
16-02-2019, 06:31 PM
Day 3,
Woken up by girl A calling, say she free to come. My initial intention is to go hotel utama for last massage, since ferry is afternoon, but dont mind for her to come as she didnt ask for anything when meet her. Went for a quick breakfast and wait for her to come, while I packed my stuff.
She came 10.30, enough time for a parting gift of ngentot. Feeling that she is genuinely happy with me, I gave her 200 ribu for taxi fares without her asking. She thanked me and left. After that check out and left Batam. Gojek ride to HBB rp6000.
bro, so girl A is also a part time working girl :confused:
16-02-2019, 08:34 PM
bro, so girl A is also a part time working girl :confused:
It really doesn't matter if she is or she is not. What matter is I gave her 200k. If she is doing part time, she will be happy with that 200k, if she is genuinely want to have a good time, she will take it as ang bao gift or taxi fares compensation. It works both way.
What is important here is that there are tonnes of willing girls in Batam. Genuine or part time.
16-02-2019, 08:37 PM
Thanks man, is it WeChat? I’m a iPhone user. Damn
Wechat can not be used to relocate your location when your hp is made to change your location, but other apps can. Tonnes of social media apps out there for dating purposes. Anyone will do.
16-02-2019, 09:12 PM seems like it's easy to score even in "clean" spas . Just bang 1 in VIP room while next room was a pretty young lady SG from a tour group!. Next will be Delta, info can bang bang them also....
Easy to score not only in Batam, but everywhere in Indonesia spas.....with the exception of Delta Spa. Possible to do so in Delta Spa but chances are very slim, however if you manage to score in delta, please dont announce her name and number openly as she will be sacked. That is delta spa rule.
But for other spas, yes easy to score.
17-02-2019, 12:40 AM
Had a chance to try out this susu massage by the 2 girls in my last trip. Thx to bro ice for bringing me to this place & was lucky to be able to grab them during the early noon hours.
U are indeed lucky to be able to grab 2 of em at one time. The last time i was there,only the younger girl is available,so i didn't get those milk service. However, I did get to drink some of her susu though. :D
But i am now trying to buy stuffs (in Batam), and have the girls bringing to Jakarta ,Bandung and Surabaya to help me sell off online,hehehe... :D
Check it out, profit is surprisingly high! (and fast too!) :p
U not scare the girls ran away with yr things & money when they reach home? :cool:
17-02-2019, 09:10 AM
Actually you'll see this kind of notice in many places.
Just happen to find one for Indomaret.
Free if cashier never give receipt (struk belanja)
Thx for sharing and now, that is the problem with me, being unable to understand bahasa. :(
The menu price is however different from the price i have to foot tho,my guess is the price on menu isnt tax inclusive.
In the city I'm going to be staying at, free coffee if no smile from cashier.
Wow! This is truly unique indeed,hehehe...
I dont know if you still remember, we went for a movie at Harbour Bay Mall once before, few years back, you asked the male cashier why their officially online say CGV is suppose to screen A movie but when we turn up at the theater, there was no A movie screening at all? You gave that cashier a piece of your mind and he is still smiling at us "hypocritically". :eek:
That kind of smile really scare me and that kind of situation might have tick me off if i am in Singapore. Just imagine, i am launching a verbal complain to the guy in charge how come A movie is post on CGV website but yet no such titled movie was screening and the person whom i talked to actually smiled so very happily at me apologizing. :rolleyes:
Anyway,i dont see that same guy working there anymore. :D
Hey heh... Need to meet you for coffee soon...
Sure, if you are free, feel free to look into Indonesia's version of carousel-kind of sites, might just be surprise many items shown in those sites were relatively higher priced as compare to retail shops. Especially so for 2nd hand stuffs, is big and demands were high. :p
Ya oso make sure u don't get the green one or the white-and-pink one.
Noted..i test out the orange ticket upon my return and it works! :p
Remember at first it was February then March now you got the April one...
Looks like the promotion will go on as the expiry extended.
I did ask them for any May/June/July ones, but they didnt have. I would love to buy more but i rarely visit Batam more than twice a month.
Best part of it all , they spoke my language, communication is a breeze. :D
17-02-2019, 09:57 AM
First time posting. Dont know what username to use, so use the ferry name LOL.
I have just read 40 over pages of the thread over few days, got myself very interested in joining you all, but still very new Batam. Hope one day got chance to follow seniors here.
Got one question most Singaporean ask. Is it safe to walk alone in Batam after dark. What time the roadside shop close normally?
Also if take the last ferry back, any chance the ferry got delayed? Worried miss the last train from harbourfront MRT.
17-02-2019, 12:27 PM
Thx for sharing and now, that is the problem with me, being unable to understand bahasa. :(
Come I'll tag along and be your translator :D
Confirm plus chop better than Google
17-02-2019, 03:04 PM
Thx for sharing and now, that is the problem with me, being unable to understand bahasa. :(
The menu price is however different from the price i have to foot tho,my guess is the price on menu isnt tax inclusive.
When I used to roam Joo Chiat's pubs & ktvs, long hair dictionaries are easily available for translation.
Wow! This is truly unique indeed,hehehe...
I dont know if you still remember, we went for a movie at Harbour Bay Mall once before, few years back, you asked the male cashier why their officially online say CGV is suppose to screen A movie but when we turn up at the theater, there was no A movie screening at all? You gave that cashier a piece of your mind and he is still smiling at us "hypocritically". :eek:
That kind of smile really scare me and that kind of situation might have tick me off if i am in Singapore. Just imagine, i am launching a verbal complain to the guy in charge how come A movie is post on CGV website but yet no such titled movie was screening and the person whom i talked to actually smiled so very happily at me apologizing. :rolleyes:
Anyway,i dont see that same guy working there anymore. :D
Totally remember that incident.
I did the same thing to a waitress at Richeese. Been queuing for 15 mins and she chose to serve an Indonesian who just wanted to buy mineral water. I gave her a piece of my mind. After that incident, my girl always volunteer to help place orders, afraid that I'll get into trouble with the locals.
Sure, if you are free, feel free to look into Indonesia's version of carousel-kind of sites, might just be surprise many items shown in those sites were relatively higher priced as compare to retail shops. Especially so for 2nd hand stuffs, is big and demands were high. :p
I'm doing it the offline way now. Having my girls extended family do the sales and customer service while I just mark up a bit. Buying from Batam can't mark up too much if have "distributors".
Next, looking into buying direct from China.
17-02-2019, 09:36 PM
I did ask them for any May/June/July ones, but they didnt have. I would love to buy more but i rarely visit Batam more than twice a month.
Most likely they hv to clear off the early stocks.
I paid 378k (2k discount) last week for the ticket that expires on 31st March.
18-02-2019, 11:34 AM
Going batam again this tuesday. Pm me if u guys want to join me and a few bros
18-02-2019, 04:33 PM
What is the price for ticket to Batam?
18-02-2019, 04:35 PM
What is the price for booking overnight?
18-02-2019, 11:44 PM
What is the price for ticket to Batam?
If you pay cash, it’s $2.50. Use ezlink better, you save $0.30 and only need to pay $2.20.
18-02-2019, 11:47 PM
What is the price for booking overnight?
Depending on the quality of the gals, it can range between $15 - $25...
For samsters with more than 1000 rep points, can get 20% discount. Just log in to SBF and show your rep points to the OKT.
19-02-2019, 01:02 AM
If you pay cash, it’s $2.50. Use ezlink better, you save $0.30 and only need to pay $2.20.
ya, must go 2 tanah merah ferry terminal, look 4 sin do ferry company @ #01-15 tere...
...reach the sin do ferry company just do as their promo instructed...
...simply flash mrt card 2 get their promo price & wil b issue a boring pass. :D
19-02-2019, 10:04 AM
Leave your nick when zapped me. Zapped like a man. What is the problem of asking questions here?
19-02-2019, 10:25 AM
Wahlou. With 4 hands...2 mouths...4 boobs....hw u guys can tahan so long ya? Tongkat Ali ya.:D:(
i already fuck 2 rounds with my booking joint girl then i go to the shop for another shot,that's why can last longer than usual. :o
At that time when i was there, if the 2 girls not good skill,i might even have trouble coming another round. :(
i used levitra :D
19-02-2019, 10:27 AM
U are indeed lucky to be able to grab 2 of em at one time. The last time i was there,only the younger girl is available,so i didn't get those milk service. However, I did get to drink some of her susu though. :D
yep, not all the time, the 2 girls will be book at same time. If the girls not enough milk sometime they can only take in 1 customer each but no susu massage. That's what they tell me. :p
I went there for 2nd helping next day & couldn't even get any 1 of them & cashier tells me if i still want, need wait 1 hour for it. i didn't try the rest.
19-02-2019, 10:37 AM
i already fuck 2 rounds with my booking joint girl then i go to the shop for another shot,that's why can last longer than usual. :o
At that time when i was there, if the 2 girls not good skill,i might even have trouble coming another round. :(
i used levitra :D
Wahlou! Wonder pill. My friend (uncle leow) told me after 2nd round his dick still mari kita...ready for the next round. KNN no wonder his cewek keep watsapp him.:D
Important is how long can one hold? Sekali before 5 mins game over...:(:o
19-02-2019, 10:45 AM
U not scare the girls ran away with yr things & money when they reach home? :cool:
Let them then,hehehe...i dont put all eggs inside one basket. If they knows how to think wisely, they 100% wouldnt do that.
This is how my plans going to work.
I buy around a juta rupiah worth of 1 item for each girl, in hope they sell it off for at least 1.5 juta rupiah and hopefully at 2 juta rupiah or more.
Their air ticket from those Indonesia cities coming to Batam cost between 1.6 juta to 2 juta normally, so i was already prepared to lose those money anyway, AFTER they manage to sell off those item and turning it into air tickets.
If they are smart enough, they will use those money they make (for me) to buy the tickets to come to Batam to look for me, any amount they sell off above the 2 juta rupiah mark is then considered extra profit to me (which can work it out to be a tip for them or a cover for damages for girls who ranaway with my "eggs"). But when they come to Batam to find me, they ALSO get booking fee plus tips,hehehe....the difference is, i get to pay less (or may even profit from it) from the air ticket they use to fly from their cities to Batam.
All in all, its a win-win situation for both the girls and myself,hehehe...of course, having said all of the above, those girls need to be able to 1st SELL those "eggs" away for me, hence i am now looking into those sure-sell-sure-profit "eggs" from batam to other parts of Indonesia.
Innovative, isnt it? :D
With the ever increasing Indonesia domestic air ticket pricing, i need to find simple easy ways to combat them. I dont like to pay for my ferry ticket, i dont like to pay for hotel rooms, i barely pay for food in Batam and i do stinge on the girls,hehehe...i hope one day i can stop paying for my girls air tickets too. Go to Batam, to have my fun all for FREE! Hehehe...
I start this game few years ago with the air ticket price starting at around 1.5 juta, followed by 1.6 juta to 1.8 juta rupiah . Recently,over the last few months just before cny, the air ticket pricing has been hovering around 1.8 juta to 2.2 juta...situation turned for the worst during CNY 2019 at around 3 juta rupiah and more.
Perhaps can make this my lunar new year resolution,hehehe...hopefully next year CNY2020, i can pay less than this CNY2019 for air tickets. Best is, i pay nothing,hehehe... i mean ,can pay less who wants to pay more, can dont pay it would be even best for me,hehehe...(i am not so greedy as to make a profit out of this tho)
Next year CNY2020 would be on a Saturday,25th January 2020....hehehe....
...26th January is a Sunday and also a public holiday, hence Monday,27th is going to be a public holiday. 24th January , Friday is CNY eve,hehehe... :D
I looked into a more complete calendar and also notice Ramadan 2019 could very likely starts from 5th May and ends 4th June 2019. Have to take note on that too. :p
19-02-2019, 10:53 AM
ya, must go 2 tanah merah ferry terminal, look 4 sin do ferry company @ #01-15 tere...
...reach the sin do ferry company just do as their promo instructed...
...simply flash mrt card 2 get their promo price & wil b issue a boring pass. :D
Lol bro Ice, u power, I salute u... Still got the time and effort to “search” for the promo pic for him... Salute...!!! Haha
19-02-2019, 11:03 AM
Confirm plus chop better than Google
Hehehe...thank you for the offer. Much often, i have my so call "long-haired translator" with me as well wherever i go.
Nonetheless, if fate allows, we can still meet up for coffee or tea in Batam tho. ;)
When I used to roam Joo Chiat's pubs & ktvs, long hair dictionaries are easily available for translation.
Those cost money,hehehe...
Totally remember that incident.
Then you should be able remember that smiling face. I think if i am in your position, i might tick too. I am already very unhappy and yet what i get is no solution but a happy smiling face. Makes me feel as if i am the stupid one becos i went to a shop that says they are selling apples but when i reach there, they tell me they ONLY sell grapes and they still very happily tell me they dont sell apples at all. :(
His type of happy smiling face easily makes customer more angry.
I did the same thing to a waitress at Richeese. Been queuing for 15 mins and she chose to serve an Indonesian who just wanted to buy mineral water. I gave her a piece of my mind. After that incident, my girl always volunteer to help place orders, afraid that I'll get into trouble with the locals.
I think thats more of different culture in different countries. I have been observing myself and others (Indonesians) whenever i am in Batam.
Once when i was in Tea story, upon sitting down on a table, i notice the table was a bit wet and have some small scrap pieces of food leftover by previous customers, just barely visible to the human eyes (meaning the waiter previous clearing the leftover eating utensils from previous customer didnt clean the table clean enough). Immediately,i called the waiter to come over and was about to ask him to help me clean up the table.
Before the waiter could reach my table (when i called him to come over), my girls who were siting near me already starts pulling out a few pieces of tissue paper from the tissue box and start cleaning up the table,hehehe...
What i am trying to say is, a situation met by 2 people from a different culture and brought up, they both probably react differently.
All the time while i am in Batam, i have been observing these behavioral culture. What would probably piss a Singaporean off in Indonesia (Batam in this case) might just be a normal thing they do on a daily basis.
Just share a little more since we are on this topic.
I remember some time ago when i brought some aunties over to Diana Layer Cake home factory. I got a surprise when none of these aunties actually buy any of the layer cakes after tasting the samples. Do you what reason they gave me?
They tell me becos the worker making the cake didnt wear gloves when they handle the cakes....hehehe....and one of them was digging their nose,didnt wash hand and continue to handle those cakes.
(note : the girl who dug her nose is not in the photo) and some uncles who tagged along kept laughing at them (those aunties).
Next, looking into buying direct from China.
Whenever i am in China, i look for what i wish to buy from the respective province's export market(批发市场).
Example, i wish to buy souvenirs for my colleagues, i saw those items in some shopping mall, i will take a photo of it and head down to the export market to hunt for it.
A hedgehog bag like below cost around S$99 in Singapore.
China shopping mall probably cost S$40 to S$50 or so, but in the export market, it most likely cost about S$10 to S$20, but need to buy minimum 10 pieces. And if i buy 1 or 2 pieces, the pricing usually cost about S$25 each after bargaining,hehehe...
(price stated above were just illustration)
My friend is now trying to test this out, buying an "apple" for S$242.80 in Batam and be trying to sell it for at least S$350. If it works, its gonna be cool,hehehe...and we got this "inspiration" from a girl who bought a "dont-know-how-many-hand" electronic item at S$120,use it for around 2 years and manage to sell it off at S$S87.40 within less than an hour on Feb 2019....hehehe... :D
19-02-2019, 11:48 AM
... Still got the time and effort to “search” for the promo pic for him... Salute...!!! Haha
aiyo, no say until like tat la...u're the one wit good heart ma...share a veri good offer in public. U contagious me ma, tat's y i aso follow u 2 have a good heart, & same time scare ppl here said u lying so i jus postin poof onli Since ppl here always like 2 see poof 2 nono always say, ppl ask qns i knw here i @ least offer mus nvr do or say bad thgs in sbf forum,especially inside tis btm tread. :p
If handicap old man sittin inside wheel chair tryin cross traffic light in sg,i believe ani good heart man aso wil minimum help push him across one tio bo? :D
jus add on hor, the offer state i hear is 4 walk in customer 2 sin do ferry counter @ tanah merah onli hor, no applicable 4 online bking de, as mus need 2 flash yr ownself's ezy link card :cool:
Today is cny last day,happy 元旦 2 all brothers today ya!
19-02-2019, 12:56 PM
Today is cny last day,happy 元旦 2 all brothers today ya!
CNY last day is call 元宵,not 元旦...元旦 signifies the beginning of the year 1st January. :rolleyes:
20-02-2019, 12:11 PM
yep, not all the time, the 2 girls will be book at same time. If the girls not enough milk sometime they can only take in 1 customer each but no susu massage. That's what they tell me.
Ha! I used to the take both girls together, recently i only took one of them. That time u were there, i could possibly be the one who has book her for that session. :p
I went there for 2nd helping next day & couldn't even get any 1 of them & cashier tells me if i still want, need wait 1 hour for it. i didn't try the rest.
i understand it's quite expensive to get other girls in there as compare to other mp ,there's a risk there in case the service lvl wasn't rendered as good. But still, i think u should try the other girls that're in the shops too. If a few certain girls get very good business, their service lvl might drop during future visits.
Also as the saying goes, never try,never know (other girls could be just as good if not better). :cool:
20-02-2019, 12:19 PM
Let them then,hehehe...i dont put all eggs inside one basket. If they knows how to think wisely, they 100% wouldnt do that.
This is how my plans going to work.
I buy around a juta rupiah worth of 1 item for each girl, in hope they sell it off for at least 1.5 juta rupiah and hopefully at 2 juta rupiah or more.
Their air ticket from those Indonesia cities coming to Batam cost between 1.6 juta to 2 juta normally, so i was already prepared to lose those money anyway, AFTER they manage to sell off those item and turning it into air tickets.
If they are smart enough, they will use those money they make (for me) to buy the tickets to come to Batam to look for me, any amount they sell off above the 2 juta rupiah mark is then considered extra profit to me (which can work it out to be a tip for them or a cover for damages for girls who ranaway with my "eggs"). But when they come to Batam to find me, they ALSO get booking fee plus tips,hehehe....the difference is, i get to pay less (or may even profit from it) from the air ticket they use to fly from their cities to Batam.
All in all, its a win-win situation for both the girls and myself,hehehe...of course, having said all of the above, those girls need to be able to 1st SELL those "eggs" away for me, hence i am now looking into those sure-sell-sure-profit "eggs" from batam to other parts of Indonesia.
Innovative, isnt it? :D
Smart move, the girls in yr collection suddenly all become yr workers. :rolleyes:
& u use them to work for u to feed yr cravings.
If yr girls are really smart enough, they should not runway from u but use the money they earn to do what u do in btm. :D
21-02-2019, 01:59 PM
yep, not all the time, the 2 girls will be book at same time. If the girls not enough milk sometime they can only take in 1 customer each but no susu massage. That's what they tell me.
actualli hor, tere's 3 milk ger in the shp, jus tat 2 of em work together beter with one customer.
I went there for 2nd helping next day & couldn't even get any 1 of them & cashier tells me if i still want, need wait 1 hour for it. i didn't try the rest.
u happen 2 b suay tat day la,nxt time get their phone no & sms b4 hand 2 avoid disappointment nxt mth wan go agn? I tink brother leo beside join us nxt mth, he cn't tahan & ownself go tere y'day :D
hope u no cum back sg disppointed bcs i not tere
21-02-2019, 02:07 PM
Noted on this,hehehe...i want the white and blue color version on the below photo,not the orange version one,hehehe... (i hope you win!)
i suay tis time, nvr win.... :(
hopefully cummin weekend got sm
Too bad, the latest expiry is on April 2019,otherwise next round when i bring those uncles and aunties (non-sbf members) to Batam, can make profit of an extra of about S$10 plus per head,hehehe... :D
Notice how profitable is information to me now? Hehehe...and my Batam trips become almost free.
acualli hor, u can try ask auntie & uncles see if they wan 2 go on april la, try entice em wit sm special special hw mani u can jio & then buy tickets later... of cos, if can hv may/june tickets lagi beter. :p
auntie & uncle usualli wn't fly u aeroplane like tose internet ppl can b safe 2 buy ticket 4 em. :D
21-02-2019, 02:22 PM
i already fuck 2 rounds with my booking joint girl then i go to the shop for another shot,that's why can last longer than usual. :o
or izzit cos nono bring u go drink tat smthg call 'emperor ginseng thg'? :D
food 4 the emperor de emperor is got 3 palace & 6 gardens of wives, mistresses & concubines mus b can handle all these girls then :p
Next year CNY2020 would be on a Saturday,25th January 2020....hehehe....
...26th January is a Sunday and also a public holiday, hence Monday,27th is going to be a public holiday. 24th January , Friday is CNY eve,hehehe...
Look like u enjoy yr cny 19 trip ya, tat's y u make u start lookin @ cny 2020 liao
I looked into a more complete calendar and also notice Ramadan 2019 could very likely starts from 5th May and ends 4th June 2019. Have to take note on that too. :p
qing ming stil hvn't cum u start lookin @ ramadan liao ah? lol....
22-02-2019, 02:05 AM
Hi guys i’m going on a batam trip this 27th february anyone who wants to join can pm me the bigger the group would be better so we can drink and have fun together with girls in batam
22-02-2019, 02:11 AM
Seemed like many changes happening in Batam.....:D
22-02-2019, 03:47 PM
I tink brother leo beside join us nxt mth, he cn't tahan & ownself go tere y'day :D
Hahaha...i just for back, yes..1 more week will be next month, 6 more days to go,so i really not mind going again. :D
Think i'm getting addicted already. :p
or izzit cos nono bring u go drink tat smthg call 'emperor ginseng thg'? :D
Where to eat this Emperor ginseng thing in btm? How come i don't know? :confused:
Seemed like many changes happening in Batam.....:D
Other than the girl's age keeps going lower, new faces keep popping up, service level keeps getting better & more innovative, nothing much really changes in btm. :D
Pricing wise, a little up as compare to before permata closes down 3 years ago. As long as i skip all the same boss bking joint shps,like Sri Kandy, JV Happy 8, Link's & Bunga, pricing is pretty much the same compare to during the permata era. :p
23-02-2019, 08:06 AM
Hello Gents,
I am new to the forum, never been to Batam before but I like it already thanks to your information (read 50+ pages from the most recent ones plus some golden collections from nono).
I will be there March 1-3 and would be fun to meet up with any of you.
Will be in Formosa as suggested by Mr nono.
The plan is to visit many booking joints an massage places and book someone overnight if I fall in love :D. Is it normal to ask for the selection of girls at dirty massage places or would they feel offended? I do not really feel comfortable signing up and wait for the lucky draw.:rolleyes:
Otherwise I would visit 1-2 KTVs and Disco scene for FLs. Even take 2 FL if get lucky. :cool:
I do not read much about KTVs other than they are the most expensive ones and the a recommendation about the a few good ones: Alishan, Hawaii, Memory. I guess these 3 maybe enough unless you have other recommendations.
I read pretty much nothing about the Disco scene other than the music is terrible :eek:. Which Discos are the best to pick up FLs or even regular girls? (I am close to 40 but could say 30 based on my innocent look :p)
I also read nothing about bars. Are girls (FLs) not hanging around the bars at Kampung Bule? If there are some, are they good looking? The price is the same 1-1,5 juta?
Talking about visiting all these joints I plan to do it on foot. I read everyone is taking gojek or taxi, is it really dangerous walking around alone at night? Not recommended?:confused:
I plan to visit some of the best professional massage places as well and avoid men's spa as I feel these are convenient but most expensive options.
Last but not least, there is a lot of reference to picking up girls online but I have no idea how to set the location to Batam and I have not found the page sharing the knowledge. Would anyone mind to point me to the right direction? (best chat app, how to set it up, considering I speak English only)
I guess that's good for first post. I am sure I will be back with some stupid questions and of course with the FR to contribute to the community.:D
23-02-2019, 01:11 PM
Hello Gents,
I am new to the forum, never been to Batam before but I like it already thanks to your information (read 50+ pages from the most recent ones plus some golden collections from nono).
see you pm bro.
23-02-2019, 02:43 PM
Christmas tree in Batam, with ang bao! Unique,isnt it?
Hehehe...thats during CNY at BCS mall this 2019 year....hehehe...
My 1st Korean Food in Batam BCS Mall,hehehe...
...and its being served in a Black Box!! :eek:
Whats in the box?
Additional food below,in case the serving on the above picture couldnt fill up 2 person,hehehe...
...meantime trying to learn to take better photograph,or at the least trying to make the food look tasty from my photo shot,hehehe...
...and finally, the bill for this Korea meal...
Something i learn about going to BCS mall itself this CNY 2019 trip.
Want to buy a pair of good ,nice and cheap shoe? Go to BCS mall. More varieties to choose from as compare to Citywalk Mall,hehehe...and we are not allow to bring bottled drinks (and food not purchase from the theater itself) into BCS mall's cinema 21 theater premises, and that includes the standing area where movie tickets were sold. The security outside the theater's glass stop us (i forget to take a photo of it,hehehe...) and ask us to leave out bottled water and/or outside at a security table beside entrance,hehehe...
23-02-2019, 02:45 PM
Most likely they hv to clear off the early stocks.
I paid 378k (2k discount) last week for the ticket that expires on 31st March.
I just learned that some Singapore website is selling those orange tickets expiring on 31st March 2019 at S$40 and the site were selling them pretty fast. I notice the quantity starts from 400 plus last month to their current 40+ tickets left,hehehe...see, i told you before. Horizon Ferry tickets has a good resell value becos the company control its own market's value very well (just like Sony in Singapore,hehehe...).
How i wish they have those that expires on May/June/July (or further dates) to sell to sister try to give me 2 Majestic Fast 2-way ferry ticket yesterday which was given to her by her boss but was turned down by me,hehehe...still need to pay tax even when ferry ticket to travel there is free. If it is totally free, i might just take it from her. :D
The reason i gave her, i rarely travel via Batam Center ferry terminal, its too far from most places i often visit and probably too crowded a place to keep my mind ,my body and soul at rest too (sounds more like an excuse tho,hehehe...).
I just learned that some Singapore website is selling those orange tickets expiring on 31st March 2019 at S$40 and the site were selling them pretty fast. I notice the quantity starts from 400 plus last month to their current 40+ tickets left,hehehe...see, i told you before. Horizon Ferry tickets has a good resell value becos the company control its own market's value very well (just like Sony in Singapore,hehehe...).
How i wish they have those that expires on May/June/July (or further dates) to sell to sister try to give me 2 Majestic Fast 2-way ferry ticket yesterday which was given to her by her boss but was turned down by me,hehehe...still need to pay tax even when ferry ticket to travel there is free. If it is totally free, i might just take it from her. :D
The reason i gave her, i rarely travel via Batam Center ferry terminal, its too far from most places i often visit and probably too crowded a place to keep my mind ,my body and soul at rest too (sounds more like an excuse tho,hehehe...).
If you go in Batam, maybe can go to BCS Mall and get travel voucher from one of the money changer at cheaper price. Batamfast (to Sekupang and Batam Center only) at 370k and Horizon Ferry at 380K for international passport. Usually expiry date is within 3 months. Or maybe other money changer seller these kind of travel voucher too.
24-02-2019, 08:37 AM
Went to Batam last Thursday alone for the first time, could not find anyone to go with. I follow nono instructions found here in this Batam thread.
Initially it is confusing when I reach the front main door of hotel Utama. The picture found here is actually taken at the back door. So after a few while searching a kind local teochew ah pek show me the back door and it looks the same as the picture given by nono.
Following the entire street full of massage shops, I found goodone massage at the end of the street.
Name:Utari or Atari
Hj: 6
Bj: 6
Fj: 8
This girl masaage is so so only. Hj and bj also a bit rush, but she can moan a lot. Loves her moaning, I came just less than 10 mins into action. Can do many positions, but missionary get her moaning louder. 400k tips.
After that I walk to Dc mall nearby to eat and shop. Thr supermarket is well stocked and food is cheap.
I took the same day ferry back. It was a good start in Batam for me, but going alone is a bit boring, better to go with a few like minded bros. Git chance maybe can follow a few Batam regulars.
24-02-2019, 04:25 PM
Stoopid sg couple, when your wive is done having her pedi n medi, don't just woke up form your weak ass afternoon nap, clarify with your fat ass wive that u already paid for the session. Don't just act blur and stomp off the shop. Pity this gals have to clean your gross toes and yet still have to chase you 2 hippos around the mall for payment. Rant over.
25-02-2019, 02:04 AM
actualli hor, tere's 3 milk ger in the shp, jus tat 2 of em work together beter with one customer.
oh, that i didn't know...nw u say it, i know. :p
u happen 2 b suay tat day la,nxt time get their phone no & sms b4 hand 2 avoid disappointment nxt mth wan go agn? I tink brother leo beside join us nxt mth, he cn't tahan & ownself go tere y'day :D
Think i'm getting addicted already.
b4 i come back, i also think i won't "diao" that place...come back after a while, now i'm looking fwd to next mth already. :D
won't be too long ,only 1 more week to go.
Where to eat this Emperor ginseng thing in btm? How come i don't know? :confused:
bro, u forget so fast? It's at tes story formosa..that's the emperor chicken noodle la,haha..can still see real ginseng inside the bowl. :p
good for sending blood to yr head but which head it's being send to for yr case, i don't know :D
25-02-2019, 02:07 AM
Wahlou! Wonder pill. My friend (uncle leow) told me after 2nd round his dick still mari kita...ready for the next round. KNN no wonder his cewek keep watsapp him.:D
Important is how long can one hold? Sekali before 5 mins game over...
bro nite, ever got watch LB (ladyboy) in blue film, after they cum already, their cock still on hard erection mode. :D
guess what they eat? Eat what also nvm, just rest 30min, can go for round 2. Usually 2nd round confirm can cum later than 1st round. :p
bro nite, ever got watch LB (ladyboy) in blue film, after they cum already, their cock still on hard erection mode. :D
guess what they eat? Eat what also nvm, just rest 30min, can go for round 2. Usually 2nd round confirm can cum later than 1st round. :p
Bro did you drink the girl milk?
25-02-2019, 11:51 PM
Hi guys newbie here.. I went to batam for the 1st time on CNY but did not get to go to many place to find girls..i am planning to go again next month so i hope i could get good places to bring back girls for LT.. Thanks in Advance :)
26-02-2019, 12:20 AM
Hi guys..I am a newbie here..i went to batam on cny this year for the 1st the place but as a newbie there I am not sure of where to get LT girls. Heading there with my brothers next month 15 March..would love to get helping hand on where can I find girls for LT and also massage joints with beautiful ladies..I will sure to post on my experience once I am back..thanks in Advance
26-02-2019, 02:43 PM
Hi bros, anyone know if using WeChat in batam to look for ST reliable? Any things we need to look out for?
26-02-2019, 03:31 PM
Hi bros, anyone know if using WeChat in batam to look for ST reliable? Any things we need to look out for?
Check your pm bro.
26-02-2019, 04:00 PM
bro nite, ever got watch LB (ladyboy) in blue film, after they cum already, their cock still on hard erection mode. :D
guess what they eat? Eat what also nvm, just rest 30min, can go for round 2. Usually 2nd round confirm can cum later than 1st round. :p
No lah. I dont watch LB in action. Dont tink my didi can matikata lah. But if is chiobu sure erect..:D
26-02-2019, 04:44 PM
Hi bros, anyone know if using WeChat in batam to look for ST reliable? Any things we need to look out for?
I have written on this matter several times, you may wish to read these matters on previous threads.
Just, to update, there seems to be fewer ceweks using WeChat to sell their services in recent months in Batam, maybe due to clampdown by the authorities.You can definitely get ceweks offering ST even LT using social media such as WeChat, Tantan, DIA, OKCupid,... etc. Just exercise extreme due diligence to ensure personal safety, protect your assets, ensure what you want is what you get, weed out the LBs (unless you are targeting for them). You may chat with them using audio or better, video, to weed out those not comforming to your specs. Meet them in the lobby of your hotel and just reject those not comforming with your specs with at most taxi the fares back.
On the other hand, by investing time and patience, you can someone get gems like WLs in WeChat. Cheers and enjoy.
26-02-2019, 10:52 PM
Been to batam quite awhile and getting girls there is not the main concern anymore cause i have a few joint and a few papis that is reliable when i go batam, what i’m looking for is bros with the same interest cause going alone can be quite would be better to meet up in batam with our own cewek to drink and talk cock hahaha do tell me if u guys are interested maybe can add you guys to the group.
27-02-2019, 10:44 AM
Smart move, the girls in yr collection suddenly all become yr workers. :rolleyes:
At the least, i dont treat them like "workers". They are just helping me out as a "friend", or should i just say i am turning them to one day become fisherman (who knows,right?), rather than simply just giving them the fish. Its like a cycle thingy or i just call it, self-sustainable on my part (or at least i try to),hehehe... :D
If yr girls are really smart enough, they should not runway from u but use the money they earn to do what u do in btm. :D
If i buy an apple S$0.50 and if they can sell it for me at S$0.80 or more, then they can also do the same (by buying another apple or 2) whenever they are in Batam, their air ticket already paid by me.
The worst case scenario (on the sales side), i expect my apple to be sold at a lost of S$0.35,whereby i will lose S$0.15. Do note that i also do factor in that i might lose the whole apple when they become greedy (hungry) and eat away the whole apple. Again, that would be the end of "our" friendship. :p
i believe,i can afford to lose a S$0.50 friendship tho (even a couple of them).
So does everyone else reading,hehehe... ;)
Reference Link :
Just a thought.
27-02-2019, 11:05 AM
Any bros know of any good/clean MP with sauna and jacuzzi? Been to Indo Thai a few times, but they dont have the facilities.. Thanks
27-02-2019, 11:49 AM
acualli hor, u can try ask auntie & uncles see if they wan 2 go on april la, try entice em wit sm special special hw mani u can jio & then buy tickets later... of cos, if can hv may/june tickets lagi beter.
CNY just over, aunties and uncles all almost bankrupt already,hehehe... i heard they just took the 3D2N Dream Cruise for less than S$100 each and lost quite a bit of money in the casino in it,hehehe... (they got the free membership tho)
auntie & uncle usualli wn't fly u aeroplane like tose internet ppl can b safe 2 buy ticket 4 em. :D
Yes, the problem now is i need to pay upfront for these promotional orange tickets and in the event if they "fly aeroplane", i will have to absorb the cost of those ferry ticket/s (even if its gonna be a 1/1000 chance). Something which i am quite reluctant to do.
I am just being careful. But i am holding up my hope for April tho...which is your time of the month,hehehe...hopefully by then, the shop/s have May/June tickets for sale. :p
27-02-2019, 12:19 PM
Any bros know of any good/clean MP with sauna and jacuzzi? Been to Indo Thai a few times, but they dont have the facilities.. Thanks
Sport Massage has treatment rooms with jacuzzi & sauna, but they are not communal types, just big enough for 1pax only
27-02-2019, 04:09 PM
I going to batam 07-09march anyway fun recommendation (fuck, massage) place near BCS mall?
27-02-2019, 05:09 PM
Hi guys..I am a newbie here..i went to batam on cny this year for the 1st the place but as a newbie there I am not sure of where to get LT girls. Heading there with my brothers next month 15 March..would love to get helping hand on where can I find girls for LT and also massage joints with beautiful ladies..I will sure to post on my experience once I am back..thanks in Advance
Hi guys hope to get some info...trying to read all the post no clear location to go. I hope would get more info where to get LT girls.. can PM me also thank you
27-02-2019, 07:24 PM
I going to batam 07-09march anyway fun recommendation (fuck, massage) place near BCS mall?
Just get one of the many taxis to bring you to a massage or booking joint for your selection. If you bother to do a walking tour, use the map provided by nono1973.
You may also wish to discover the joy or distress of booking a cewek from Wechat. Cheers.
27-02-2019, 07:39 PM
Hi guys hope to get some info...trying to read all the post no clear location to go. I hope would get more info where to get LT girls.. can PM me also thank you
You may get your LT ceweks from these booking joints, JV Happy 8, MM, Havana, Sri Kandy, Kapu Kapu, Bunga, Morena......etc. Select, negotiate and settle the terms before taking the cewek back to your place. Use a taxi and pay the extra commission of 300k IDR if you do not know the place. You may also consult the map provided by nono1973. Cheers and enjoy.
27-02-2019, 10:00 PM
New join? in small lane beside biz hotel.
Name something like "happy168" IIRC.
27-02-2019, 10:47 PM
Look like u enjoy yr cny 19 trip ya, tat's y u make u start lookin @ cny 2020 liao
I definitely enjoyed my CNY Batam trip this year,hehehe...just look at the amount of leftovers i had when i leave the hotel...hehehe...
One of my other more expensive meal in Batam during CNY period,hehehe...
I ate this in their restaurant
Panties Pizza!! Hehehe...highly recommended for myself who didnt quite like those conventional European-styled pizza (eg, Pizza hut, Domino pizza etc). ;)
Why so? Becos i am not a pizza fan myself but the taste of it impressed me. When i 1st try it, i ordered them via Go Food to my hotel room, found them quite good and so i pay their restaurant in Nagoya Hill Mall a visit,hehehe...below is what i ordered into my room when i am in Batam during CNY.
Note that when i ordered the pizza into room, there was no drinks inclusive and it cost almost the same (around 100k rupiah) as i have ate in their restaurant.
Taste wise? Cheesy + Crispy, hehehe...
qing ming stil hvn't cum u start lookin @ ramadan liao ah? lol....
Qing Ming falls on 4th April, Ramadan month starts 5th May, not very far apart. CNY 2020 fall on 25th January, which is about...10 months later? You knew me well enough to know that i often prepare....early,hehehe...especially so for CNY.
Going to start looking for a suitable hotel to stay in Batam soon....hehehe...:p
27-02-2019, 11:29 PM
If you go in Batam, maybe can go to BCS Mall and get travel voucher from one of the money changer at cheaper price.
Thank you for sharing,bro. I kind of like your nick becos it shows one of the character in the A Date with a Vampire HK drama many years ago,hehehe...its one of my favourite HK drama. :D
Batamfast (to Sekupang and Batam Center only) at 370k and Horizon Ferry at 380K for international passport. Usually expiry date is within 3 months. Or maybe other money changer seller these kind of travel voucher too.
For ferry tickets going via Sekupang and Batam Center, i think there will be other places selling lower than 370k rupiah for international passport.
380k rupiah for horizon ferry ticket will however be harder to come by. Practically only happen once or at max is twice a year for around a month or 2 period only (and i am not talking about E-Tickets here).
However, the chance of getting Batamfast ferry tickets at around 380k to 420k rupiah for international passport which can be use to travel via Harbour Front to Harbour Bay (vice-versa both way) is higher than getting Horizon Ferry ticket at 380k rupiah (which can also be quoted at 400k rupiah by other money changers in Batam),hehehe... :p
Batamfast ferry only make 4 trips a day to Harbour Bay ferry terminal tho. Horizon Ferry travel via Harbour Bay would be way more times than Batamfast ferry (12 trips a day). However, Horizon ferry dont do their ferrying business in other ferry ports of batam, except Harbour Bay.
28-02-2019, 10:52 AM
New join? in small lane beside biz hotel.
Name something like "happy168" IIRC.
Good.. Will recce this Sunday.. 😴
Thank you for sharing,bro. I kind of like your nick becos it shows one of the character in the A Date with a Vampire HK drama many years ago,hehehe...its one of my favourite HK drama. :D
For ferry tickets going via Sekupang and Batam Center, i think there will be other places selling lower than 370k rupiah for international passport.
380k rupiah for horizon ferry ticket will however be harder to come by. Practically only happen once or at max is twice a year for around a month or 2 period only (and i am not talking about E-Tickets here).
However, the chance of getting Batamfast ferry tickets at around 380k to 420k rupiah for international passport which can be use to travel via Harbour Front to Harbour Bay (vice-versa both way) is higher than getting Horizon Ferry ticket at 380k rupiah (which can also be quoted at 400k rupiah by other money changers in Batam),hehehe... :p
Batamfast ferry only make 4 trips a day to Harbour Bay ferry terminal tho. Horizon Ferry travel via Harbour Bay would be way more times than Batamfast ferry (12 trips a day). However, Horizon ferry dont do their ferrying business in other ferry ports of batam, except Harbour Bay.
Yes bro. I like that vampire drama too...i mean i like ma xiao ling...
I know other money changer will sell cheaper Batamfast for BTC & SKP... but dont know the lobangs.
The Horizon at 380K. I always see this price at that money changer at BCS mall. You can check it out
01-03-2019, 05:16 PM
b4 i come back, i also think i won't "diao" that place...come back after a while, now i'm looking fwd to next mth already. :D
won't be too long ,only 1 more week to go.
Hahaha...i just for back, yes..1 more week will be next month, 6 more days to go,so i really not mind going again. :D
heading off there tonite on 815 pm ferry, cya u guys 2morow. ;)
Black Page
01-03-2019, 11:58 PM
I have a question to our colleagues of Muslim faith or local experts.
Ramadan this year will be May 6 - June 4.
Am I understanding correct that in practice Ramadan will begin on the sunset of May 5 (Sunday)? Therefore, the night of Saturday May 4 all business in Batam should be as usual, correct? Even the afternoon of Sunday we might find joints operating as usual?
Thank you!
02-03-2019, 12:34 AM
I have a question to our colleagues of Muslim faith or local experts.
Ramadan this year will be May 6 - June 4.
Am I understanding correct that in practice Ramadan will begin on the sunset of May 5 (Sunday)? Therefore, the night of Saturday May 4 all business in Batam should be as usual, correct? Even the afternoon of Sunday we might find joints operating as usual?
Thank you!
Last year eve many early release, some closed the whole day, 1st day closed.
I think nobody can tell u what they gg to do, open or closed, few yrs back, they cloesd for 1st 3 days fasting month and last day plus 2 days after the fasting month. They can change every now and then. Last yr 1st night, mid month and last night of the fasting month no drinking of alcoholic at all food court. During the fasting month certain night, can't leave the beer bottle on the table, must put inside container and place on chair or on the floor. Even the food court personnel dun know what the rule for tomorrow, must wait until the next day then will be told.
Black Page
02-03-2019, 08:29 AM
Last year eve many early release, some closed the whole day, 1st day closed.
I think nobody can tell u what they gg to do, open or closed, few yrs back, they cloesd for 1st 3 days fasting month and last day plus 2 days after the fasting month. They can change every now and then. Last yr 1st night, mid month and last night of the fasting month no drinking of alcoholic at all food court. During the fasting month certain night, can't leave the beer bottle on the table, must put inside container and place on chair or on the floor. Even the food court personnel dun know what the rule for tomorrow, must wait until the next day then will be told.
Yes, I know, first 3 days closed. But first night of closure will be sunset of 5 May or 6 May??
02-03-2019, 10:55 AM
Yes, I know, first 3 days closed. But first night of closure will be sunset of 5 May or 6 May??
Nite of 5 May considered as 1st day or Ramadhan.:D
Black Page
02-03-2019, 05:57 PM
Nite of 5 May considered as 1st day or Ramadhan.:D
I was planning a trip with return from SIN on the night of 7. Fortunately, some alarm blinked in my head and I checked Ramadan dates. Ramadan is like a floating mine always at risk of collision with my plans.
I will have to plan to leave Batam on the afternoon of Sunday 5, missing two more days of fun. Maybe long queues at Harbour Bay?
I went to Batam on Ramadan many times, and I always had fun, but the 3 days of total closure of all entertainment are a NO-NO period.
03-03-2019, 12:17 AM
heading off there tonite on 815 pm ferry, cya u guys 2morow. ;)
Hopefully u guys are safe!
03-03-2019, 08:16 AM
I will have to plan to leave Batam on the afternoon of Sunday 5, missing two more days of fun. Maybe long queues at Harbour Bay?
I went to Batam on Ramadan many times, and I always had fun, but the 3 days of total closure of all entertainment are a NO-NO period.
Normal Sunday Queue only
5/5 and 6/5 are not holiday.
03-03-2019, 07:40 PM
Any kind bro here can recommend me a place for a good manhood massage in Batam?
Thank you so much in advance.
03-03-2019, 10:58 PM
Hi bros, tomorrow I will be going Batam to chiong for the first time. Any playable joints to recommend? Would like to seek senior bros for recommendations and damages as well. Thanks in advance.
04-03-2019, 07:37 AM
Hi bros, tomorrow I will be going Batam to chiong for the first time. Any playable joints to recommend? Would like to seek senior bros for recommendations and damages as well. Thanks in advance.
Start with Bunga, next Sri Kandy, Kapu Kapu, MM, Havanna, then Happy8. Ceweks will range from about 1 juta to 1.5 juta for LT without any accompanying minder. Pay 300k IDR more with minder. Enjoy.
Black Page
04-03-2019, 08:28 AM
Start with Bunga, next Sri Kandy, Kapu Kapu, MM, Havanna, then Happy8. Ceweks will range from about 1 juta to 1.5 juta for LT without any accompanying minder. Pay 300k IDR more with minder. Enjoy.
I think he was asking for massage with specials, more than for a booking joint.
What is a "minder"? A taxi driver pretending to be a "tourist guide"? ;)
04-03-2019, 12:00 PM
Hmm...something that caught my attention recently,hehehe...especially the pricing for booking a whole day taxi versus hiring a bus. :D
i had this thought tho, if i am going to pay 400k to 500k rupiah for a taxi to drive me and a few other of my friends to Pulau Galang/Sekupang etc, why not i just book the entire bus at around 1.1 juta (to 1.5 juta) ?
I am just imagining bringing around 20 people on a bus to an overnight booking joint,hehehe... its gonna be fun! (probably shake the wits out of the OKT,hehehe...). Or perhaps about 20 uncles and aunties into a massage parlor/temple etc. :p
Its just a thought and could be an option for my future reference.
04-03-2019, 12:19 PM
Hopefully u guys are safe!
The ferry is from Bintan to Sg.
04-03-2019, 01:13 PM
Cant help sharing future new toy in Batam, which do not require wifi and can insert sim card in it,hehehe...i remembered someone here ever ask about surveillance camera before tho and here it is, an interesting piece that is super easy to install.
The specification i found :
4G Wireless CCTV IP Camera
1. HD 1080P video record
2. Audio record
3. Night IR vision
4. Wifi connection
5. Can use handphone to turn 360° and monitor multiple sets of this camera
6. Two-way talk
7. Motion detection
8. English and Chinese
9. Can insert SIM card for the place no wifi
Dont misunderstand my posting here, i am not selling the item above. And as a matter of fact, i am planning to buy it!! please do not PM me to ask me where and how to get it, i wont reply to your PM at all.
This is going to be one of my new toy in Batam during 2019.
While looking at the above, i am also looking at Digital Voice Translator which i plan to use it in Batam. I mean, since i cant converse in Bahasa with the Indonesian locals, i thought it may come useful for day,hehehe...
No need for wifi too. Amazing toy, isnt it? :D
These new toys can be bought in China tho,hehehe....i am on "test mode" now, meaning i am buying the cheaper China version, test-play them before planning to buy the more expensive version,hehehe...which can amount to a few hundred USD each.
Simply lovin it!
04-03-2019, 02:19 PM
Yes bro. I like that vampire drama too...i mean i like ma xiao ling...
Hehehe...i believe nobody who likes that drama wont like Ma Xiao Ling,hehehe...:D
I know other money changer will sell cheaper Batamfast for BTC & SKP... but dont know the lobangs.
I think those ferry tickets going via Batam Center/Sekupang/Nongsa ferry terminal is cheaper at around 300k to 320k rupiah plus minus. Those for Singapore passport ones were at around 50k rupiah extra tho.
The Horizon at 380K. I always see this price at that money changer at BCS mall. You can check it out
I did so some years back, and what i was told at that point of time was ,it meant for indonesia passport and not Singapore passport (for Horizonfast tickets).
Online E-ticket i just learned, required at least 2 pax to go tho. Not forgetting buyer need to submit to seller their passport number and some personal particulars. Cheap but not worth taking the "risk".
04-03-2019, 02:21 PM
Hopefully u guys are safe!
I dont think they use that ferry company stated in the news article tho,hehehe...:p
The ferry is from Bintan to Sg.
The captain or whoever driving that ferry is not-experience enough or MOST probably drunk,hehehe...its day time when the incident happens. A ferry that size who went onto shallow water, not the 1st of such incident that happens.
The last one i knew happens to batamfast but then that can still be forgiven becos it happens during sunset (night time) and when one is out at sea, night-time vision out at sea were usually way way poorer when compare to day time. I would say all those mentioned were simply man-made careless mistake/s.
04-03-2019, 06:30 PM
[QUOTE=Black Page;18422228]I think he was asking for massage with specials, more than for a booking joint.
What is a "minder"? A taxi driver pretending to be a "tourist guide"? ;)[/QUOTE
A minder is just anybody, like taxi drivers, guides, touts, local hooligans etc..., either bringing you or pretending to bring you into the booking joints to claim the commission from the joints.
Black Page
04-03-2019, 06:33 PM
Cant help sharing future new toy in Batam, !
Internet is full of videos stolen from surveillance cams installed in private apartments, connected to Internet to allow owners to monitor their home when they are out, but working 24/24 and with some security bug on their software, which allows expert people (call them "hackers") to access recorded data without legitimate users realizing that.
Curious people may search for "IP surveillance cams", especially on the deep web :cool:
I guess that before seeing something interesting one should screen thousands hours of housewives simply walking back and forth while doing their homework, kids playing, empty rooms. However, someone is very patient. I would not install any of such cams in my apartment, imagine in my room in Batam :p
05-03-2019, 01:18 AM
Hopefully u guys are safe!
We are all safe & sound back to sg ;)
Cant help sharing future new toy in Batam, which do not require wifi and can insert sim card in it,hehehe...i remembered someone here ever ask about surveillance camera before tho and here it is, an interesting piece that is super easy to install.
Hw much u play to buy & sell it for? :rolleyes:
Another of yr free ferry ticket,free hotel rm idea, again? :cool:
Wow, long time never pop in here, so many interesting development. Haven't got time go anywhere for away due to new work commitment. I will be heading to Batam(with family) for a short break. No LT but hope to sneak out for some fun if possible. Haha.
05-03-2019, 10:38 PM
Anyone knows where to eat good and cheap chilli crab with mantou or their version of fried carrot cake near Nagoya hill mall? I tried to Google and the recommendations are mostly near batam city
06-03-2019, 11:22 AM
I will be heading to Batam(with family) for a short break. No LT but hope to sneak out for some fun if possible. Haha.
so long u are in nagoya area, there'll be every possible chance to have fun.
enjoy! ;)
06-03-2019, 05:19 PM
Heading to batam next week with group of friends, need some advice is there any hang flower joint or lupsup ktv with affordable pricing? Tried to google it majority of the Vlog / Post is 2016/2017. Any regular bro can advice?
06-03-2019, 05:58 PM
Heading to batam next week with group of friends, need some advice is there any hang flower joint or lupsup ktv with affordable pricing? Tried to google it majority of the Vlog / Post is 2016/2017. Any regular bro can advice?
If I am not mistaken,, Flower Joint is not common in Indonesia !! and most of KTVs are lupsup inside !! :)
06-03-2019, 07:44 PM
If I am not mistaken,, Flower Joint is not common in Indonesia !! and most of KTVs are lupsup inside !! :)
Have you been to any ktv that you can recommend?
06-03-2019, 07:46 PM
Been to batam quite awhile and getting girls there is not the main concern anymore cause i have a few joint and a few papis that is reliable when i go batam, what i’m looking for is bros with the same interest cause going alone can be quite would be better to meet up in batam with our own cewek to drink and talk cock hahaha do tell me if u guys are interested maybe can add you guys to the group.
Sign me up boss
so long u are in nagoya area, there'll be every possible chance to have fun.
enjoy! ;)
Thanks.. Long time never go. the landscape might change but the games should be the same.
If anyone can share where to try tarma dick massage, thst would be something off my bucket list. Lol.
Just a quick check. Horizon got no offers right? TIA.
Sign me up boss
Me Uncle can join?
06-03-2019, 08:10 PM
Me Uncle can join?
The more The merrier 😁
06-03-2019, 09:44 PM
Me Uncle can join?
Haha, how do we define 'Uncle' these days, age 60, 70, 80,....?
During our visits to the booking joints, once a while we will see some older men, not very mobile and equipped with a tongkat, together with a minder choosing ceweks in the joints.
These days, due to better medical cares and availability of medications, older men can still satisfy their sexual needs in Batam. The age limit is becoming more elastic and can be stretched to a high level. Just take care of your health and enjoy to a ripe old age. Cheers.
06-03-2019, 10:31 PM
Just a quick check. Horizon got no offers right? TIA.
Yes no offer at the horizon counters.
But can get cheaper from btm ticket agents.
07-03-2019, 12:40 AM
Me Uncle can join?
Uncle or not come and join like he said the more the merrier :D
[QUOTE=BFOMF5;18432388]Yes no offer at the horizon counters.
But can get cheaper from btm ticket agents.[/QU
I guess will get from qoo10 batamfast tickets. Tot try the biz class on horizonl but at $68.. I think pass lah.
Haha, how do we define 'Uncle' these days, age 60, 70, 80,....?
During our visits to the booking joints, once a while we will see some older men, not very mobile and equipped with a tongkat, together with a minder choosing ceweks in the joints.
These days, due to better medical cares and availability of medications, older men can still satisfy their sexual needs in Batam. The age limit is becoming more elastic and can be stretched to a high level. Just take care of your health and enjoy to a ripe old age. Cheers.
Haha.. Taking things slow recently, hitting 50 makes you look at things differently. Lol. Maybe just emo. Anyway thanks for the encouragement. Will remember you 1 day when I need a tongkat. Hahha
Uncle or not come and join like he said the more the merrier :D
Thanks. Trying to work out the itenary for my family, and see if I can sneak out for some fun.
07-03-2019, 09:55 AM
Will be heading to Batam end of this month, my first time going and will be going solo. THanks for all the info in this thread, will post FR once I get back :D
08-03-2019, 12:21 PM
If I am not mistaken,, Flower Joint is not common in Indonesia !!
Yes,not common in Batam but few years ago,i manage to find in i-Hotel Nagoya,called something like i-Club or something. A pretty higher-end place in Indo term for a hang flower joint (refer to page 1 of this thread).
..and most of KTVs are lupsup inside !! :)
Recently there seems to be quite a number of family KTV popping out too,hehehe...if one is looking Lup Sup bar style of KTV as in like those in Singapore's Da Lu, Sin Peng etc (can sing song in there in open concept), then i doubt Batam has this type of market. Practically, KTV girls in Batam rarely butterfly around from room to room,Lup Sup Bar girls in Singapore "butterfly" in flock and they are w/o mamis.
To call for girl, will need to have a lighter,hehehe... its almost total darkness in there,so whoever's getting a bbbj might not even know what "kind" or "type" of girl is giving that to the man. :D
Looks like SBF staff fixed a certain bug in the forum recently, the search function works!
Brilliant job done and thumbs up for SBF's staff/s !! ;)
08-03-2019, 01:05 PM
Hmm...looks like Captain Marvel has reach Batam,hehehe...who the hell is Captain Marvel? Oh well, in case no one knows, she's Marvel comics most powerful super hero (and Superman is DC comics most powerful super hero,for your info).
Beside just Cinema 21's theater at BCS and Nagoya Hill that is screening Captain Marvel right at the point of this post, CGV's theater in Harbour Bay is also doing so.
Below is BCS and Nagoya Hill's screen time and pricing for the movie in the next 3 days,hehehe...its a weekend,i believe many will be heading over to Batam.
BCS Mall
Nagoya Hill Mall
The Storyline in the Movie
In 1995, on the Kree Empire's capital planet of Hala, warrior and Starforce member Vers suffers from recurring nightmares involving an older woman. She is trained to control her abilities by her mentor and commander Yon-Rogg, while the Supreme Intelligence, an organic artificial intelligence who acts as the ruler of the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check.
During a mission to rescue an undercover Kree operative infiltrating a group of Skrulls, alien shapeshifters with whom the Kree have been fighting for centuries, Vers is captured by commander Talos and forcibly subjected to memory probing. She escapes and inadvertently pilots a pod to Earth, crashing in Los Angeles. Her presence attracts the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, whose investigation is interrupted by a Skrull attack. In the ensuing chase, Vers recovers a crystal containing her extracted memories and Fury kills a Skrull impersonating Coulson. Talos, disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D. operative Keller, convinces Fury to meet and work with Vers.
Using Fury's security clearance, Vers discovers she was a U.S. Air Force pilot who was presumed dead after testing an experimental engine designed by Dr. Wendy Lawson, whom she recognizes as the older woman from her nightmares and a friend of former fellow pilot Maria Rambeau. The two escape from Talos in a cargo jet with Lawson's cat Goose stowing away, and fly to New Orleans, Louisiana to meet Rambeau.
A pursuing Talos arrives at the Rambeau house, as Vers learns her real name is Carol Danvers. He reveals the Skrulls are refugees searching for a new home, and Lawson was a Kree agent helping them. He plays the recovered black box from Lawson's plane, prompting Danvers' memories of the crash: Lawson told Danvers to destroy the engine's energy-core before being killed by Yon-Rogg, and Danvers absorbed the energy from the ensuing explosion at the cost of losing all her memories. Talos then leads the group to a cloaked ship orbiting Earth, where several Skrulls are protecting the Tesseract, the source of the energy-core.
Starforce captures Danvers and forces her into the virtual reality where the Supreme Intelligence resides. During their conversation, Danvers removes her Kree implant, gaining access to all of her abilities. In the ensuing battle, Fury retrieves the Tesseract, which is then consumed by Goose, who is revealed to be not a cat but an alien whose insides are a pocket dimension. Danvers singlehandedly destroys multiple ballistic missiles fired by Kree official Ronan the Accuser, forcing him and his forces to retreat. She then overpowers Yon-Rogg on Earth and sends him back to Hala with a warning to the Supreme Intelligence.
I'm just doing a kind of like a test post here now, i might redo the same category of info in a different format in future tho.
Enjoy Batam, enjoying life... ;)
08-03-2019, 03:56 PM
Going with Family during March sch holidays and staying at nagoya hill hotel.
Probably can sneak out for a 1-2 hour massage + HJ ?
Which are the best places that are near Nagoya shopping (opposite?) or inside the shopping center itself (even better) ?
I probably cannot get away for more than 2 hours.
Thank you in advance for any kind brothers who provide info.
Going with Family during March sch holidays and staying at nagoya hill hotel.
Probably can sneak out for a 1-2 hour massage + HJ ?
Which are the best places that are near Nagoya shopping (opposite?) or inside the shopping center itself (even better) ?
I probably cannot get away for more than 2 hours.
Thank you in advance for any kind brothers who provide info.
If I'm not wrong, the nearest one is delta spa, which is less then 5mins walk from your hotel. And if I'm not wrong there is no 60mins package, it's 90mins.
08-03-2019, 08:26 PM
Anyone heading this month or next month? Been atleast half a year i never go
09-03-2019, 12:02 AM
Heading to batam next week with group of friends, need some advice is there any hang flower joint or lupsup ktv with affordable pricing? Tried to google it majority of the Vlog / Post is 2016/2017. Any regular bro can advice?
]U can try BC( Billiard Center), lvl 2 main hall, dun go to KTV room stay at the main hall, will hv artists come and entertain u guys and sing together, also ask u to hang ribbons as flower. Watch ur hand, Btm is a muslim country.[/B]
09-03-2019, 12:06 AM
Thanks Bro Gaze and Bro supremesex for the info
I did read Brother Nono says Delta spa not recommended but I understand if this is the nearest available choice then guess I have no choice.
I did some research and seems Spa Secret is in Nagoya Hill shopping itself.
Is Spa secret strictly family regular massage place ? or some might do some HJ for u too ? I can bring my 80 year old mum for foot massage too :D
09-03-2019, 01:25 AM
I did read Brother Nono says Delta spa not recommended but I understand if this is the nearest available choice then guess I have no choice.
Delta is a men's spa, doubt you can bring your mum there tho. You will need to be in the spa for around 2 hours too.
I did some research and seems Spa Secret is in Nagoya Hill shopping itself.
Is Spa secret strictly family regular massage place ? or some might do some HJ for u too ? I can bring my 80 year old mum for foot massage too :D
Spa secret is not in Nagoya Hill Mall itself, its actually quite a distance away from it.
If you look at the map above, you might probably notice Formosa hotel and Spa Secret is almost similar distance away. So you might wish to keep Formosa hotel 4th floor's King Massage in mind,since they are normally around 5 mins walk away (with your mum,might take around 10 plus mins).
They do have foot reflexology (yes,they have 2 massage chairs there for doing foot reflexology in the shop). They also have individual room for massage too.
And you can opt for an hour massage there which gives you enough time to go and be back to Nagoya Hill Mall in time. Since you are already considering paying Spa Secret/Delta Spa pricing (HJ 1st quote usually S$80 in spa secret,if you meet the right girl / Delta is 3 x package for free hj w/o roaming = 500k plus), you may choose to take a taxi (about 50k to go and another 50k rupiah back) to reach Formosa and then be back as well.
Save you around 12 mins time and almost guarantee yourself a release. If you are lucky, you might get the girl who do a fairly good dick massage there if the right receptionist is there to recommend you (clue : its a male receptionist). There's a photo album in the shop,hehehe...4 girls there do foot reflexology. Dont forget to bargain down if special service is offered tho (important!).
Best time to be there is 3pm to 6pm. Why so? Becos thats the time ALL the girls working on that day will be there and also the time with the least customers. Keep expectation low.
Just my little suggestion, base on standing in your shoe. ;)
(you did read,hence my reply..hehehe..enjoy!)
09-03-2019, 03:51 AM
Real manhood massage never come across
HJ yes, Octupuss Spa Pacific Hotel Lv 8
Thanks bro. Shall consider it.
09-03-2019, 01:32 PM
Thanks Bro Gaze and Bro supremesex for the info
I did read Brother Nono says Delta spa not recommended but I understand if this is the nearest available choice then guess I have no choice.
I did some research and seems Spa Secret is in Nagoya Hill shopping itself.
Is Spa secret strictly family regular massage place ? or some might do some HJ for u too ? I can bring my 80 year old mum for foot massage too :D
Spa Secret is not within the Nagoya Hill compound, it’s opposite Nagoya Hill hotel separated by a main road.
It’s a 100% clean spa
09-03-2019, 03:01 PM
]U can try BC( Billiard Center), lvl 2 main hall, dun go to KTV room stay at the main hall, will hv artists come and entertain u guys and sing together, also ask u to hang ribbons as flower. Watch ur hand, Btm is a muslim country.[/B]
U mean my hand would be chopped?:D kiddin......:D
]U can try BC( Billiard Center), lvl 2 main hall, dun go to KTV room stay at the main hall, will hv artists come and entertain u guys and sing together, also ask u to hang ribbons as flower. Watch ur hand, Btm is a muslim country.[/B]
Quite a few pubs in batam have hang flower, even J8 foodcourt
Actually no hang flower joints. Even KTV is expensive and girls limited playabili
Compare to SG and Malaysia KTV, batam KTV is consider cheap.
And here dont practise butterfly system. Once choosen will sit until customer go back and the ladies HP will be kept by mami throughout the session.
Playability depend on which KTV and who you go with :D
09-03-2019, 05:04 PM
To bros here I am going Batam with family staying along at Nagoya Jalan bunga mawar.
It’s my first time there and can I ask any bro to help me with spa with nice room i ? Want spa with good body massage and happy ending HJ.
Been reading a few but can’t decide wheee to go.
Please help bros
09-03-2019, 05:18 PM
To bros here I am going Batam with family staying along at Nagoya Jalan bunga mawar.
It’s my first time there and can I ask any bro to help me with spa with nice room i ? Want spa with good body massage and happy ending HJ.
Been reading a few but can’t decide wheee to go.
If u are staying near to BCS mall, u really don't have much choice except New Spa which is walking distance away. The rest just read.......
I bold out yr request in yr post & seems like only New Spa inside Batam City Hotel fits yr criteria. ;)
09-03-2019, 05:30 PM
If u are staying near to BCS mall, u really don't have much choice except New Spa which is walking distance away. The rest just read.......
I bold out yr request in yr post & seems like only New Spa inside Batam City Hotel fits yr criteria. ;)
Lol if the spa is good I don’t mind traveling. So any other than new spa? Cause I see new spa is unisex, later family wanna go I die...
09-03-2019, 05:38 PM
Lol if the spa is good I don’t mind traveling. So any other than new spa?
Most good spa meant for men is already on that link.
Cause I see new spa is unisex, later family wanna go I die...
U mean yr family allows u to go alone to a men's spa in batam? :confused:
Isn't unisex spa better where u can bring along yr family with u? :D
(it's individual room,not shared room)
09-03-2019, 05:41 PM
Most good spa meant for men is already on that link.
U mean yr family allows u to go alone to a men's spa in batam? :confused:
Isn't unisex spa better where u can bring along yr family with u? :D
(it's individual room,not shared room)
I see, so those delta spa etc gal is good?
Ya family allow me to go alone to spa and massage hahaha...
09-03-2019, 05:41 PM
Something good, something nice...from my perspective, a place i likely look forward to go in Batam,hehehe...
Seaforest Adventure, Nuvasa Bay, Batam
Looks like a fun place to kill half my day,hehehe...
Where is this place located in Batam? Hehehe....
Entry of this place isnt expensive...
...but most other activities can cost quite a bit tho,hehehe...
To me, the most important of all about this place isnt on the countless outdoor/water activities...hehehe....
What is more important...hehehe...
...and by the way, this place isnt a resort but its just next to the Palm Spring Golf resort at Nongsa,hehehe....
This is one of Batam's newer tourist attraction that is barely 1.5 years old, so the things in it are pretty new to play with. Pricing wise is still pretty much alright at the point of this post, other than the activity price. Still worth a visit for me if i am bringing along a small group of people to Batam,hehehe...
This post is just a reference post for myself to take note on.
Please DO NOT quote my whole long post if you are replying to this post. Better still, do not quote my post at all if you are replying to me. My most sincere thanks.
Quoting of the whole post might result in it being removed by a mod before i could reply to it.
09-03-2019, 05:43 PM
Something interesting i notice in the online market place recently...hehehe...
Someone's been trying to sell off voucher/s from Horizonfast ferry at S$10 and i was trying to work the total cost of it out,hehehe...
(expiring 16th May 2019)
If i were to buy this S$10 voucher from him/her, i will still need to pay all the plus plus like PDF and fuel surcharge of S$21 and the terminal fee in Batam for S$7. So my total cost would be S$10 + S$21 + S$7 = S$38
And if i were to travel on weekends, i need to fork out another S$10 extra,hehehe...this is a really LPPL deal to me if i were to travel on weekend tho. I mean the ferry ticket can be purchase DIRECTLY at the Horizonfast Ferry shop at Harbourfront at S$48 ,so whats the point getting that deal for?
Of course,if i were to travel on weekdays, the cost to me would be at S$38. Still a pretty good deal as compare to the below orange ticket....
...which is gonna cost S$40 buying from online site in Singapore (not E-Ticket type,its an open ticket for 2 way trip meant for all passport). Of course if buying from batam at "dont-know-where" would cost 380k rupiah (about S$36.72 base on 10350/SGD exchange rate). Note that the orange ticket expires on 31st March 2019. The one sold in Batam expires 30th April 2019.
Being someone stingy, i recently manage to pick up some "scattered around" one way Horizonfast ferry ticket at S$10 each from the online market place,hehehe...
(below are the tickets i physically have with me now,hehehe..)
When buying ferry tickets online, i would often check if its...
1. ..for all countries passport or was it for Indonesia passport only.
2. ..E-ticket where i need to submit my personal particulars to a complete stranger and need at least 2 or more person-to-go.
3. ..expiry date of the ticket itself is very close by to the date of my travel
4. ..way cheaper than buying directly from the ferry company itself.
Example, Horizonfast ferry ticket usually cost about S$38 to S$40 online (open ticket,not E-ticket) and direct from Horizonfast company itself cost S$48, so deal is quite fair if you buy from seller's ticket nearby where you stay (its not a good deal if you stay too far from seller tho, calculating the transport cost factor).
5. ..its an open ticket,where i can go on any dates within the expiry of the ferry ticket and come back to my country on any dates (of course,"any dates" stated here is within the date where respective visa allows).
Its a learning experience for me on the above which i tested recently,hence sharing it here. For all to know, i dont sell those ferry tickets stated but on the contrary, will buy them (Horizonfast ferry ticket only) if i chance upon a really good deal,hehehe...and even if i have more good deal tickets on hand on a later date,i wouldnt sell lower than buying from Horizonfast ferry company itself either.
Reason? I will be better off selling to those aunties and uncles at full price,hehehe...or simply keep it for my own use while i collect cash from the people who pays for my trip. :D
09-03-2019, 07:06 PM
Actually no hang flower joints. Even KTV is expensive and girls limited playability.
Some of them you have to forcefully touch them and tickle them so that it looks like you are playing with them, so they wont mind. :D
Sad, Thanks for the info! Will share some fr after my trip if I mange to find or encounter any gems.
09-03-2019, 07:07 PM
]U can try BC( Billiard Center), lvl 2 main hall, dun go to KTV room stay at the main hall, will hv artists come and entertain u guys and sing together, also ask u to hang ribbons as flower. Watch ur hand, Btm is a muslim country.[/B]
Thank you! Noted
09-03-2019, 10:10 PM
Most good spa meant for men is already on that link.
U mean yr family allows u to go alone to a men's spa in batam? :confused:
Isn't unisex spa better where u can bring along yr family with u? :D
(it's individual room,not shared room)
Bro I change my staying place... change to Jalan lmam bonjol nagoya hill
U know any spa to recommend there other than delta spa Please
10-03-2019, 10:48 AM
Sign me up boss
Can uncle joint too?:rolleyes:
10-03-2019, 01:00 PM
Couldn't find any info on boyzillian waxing in Batam. Going to stay around Harbour Bay area. If you know of any good ones, please let me know. Appreciate it.
10-03-2019, 04:35 PM
Beside just Cinema 21's theater at BCS and Nagoya Hill that is screening Captain Marvel right at the point of this post, CGV's theater in Harbour Bay is also doing so.
the movie is in english right? :D
10-03-2019, 04:38 PM
Any bros here stay before m one hotel? How was it, whats the ktv pricing?
10-03-2019, 05:43 PM
(you did read,hence my reply..hehehe..enjoy!)
Thanks bro nono
I think I will take your recommendation and go to Kings spa with my mum haha...
Thanks bro nono
I think I will take your recommendation and go to Kings spa with my mum haha...
If you have a room in Formosa, get the girl to come to you room, more fun.
Had a good looking petite 29 year old girl, nice body for a mum with 2 kids. Hardworking girl, massage was pretty good.
Judging from the breakfast patrons in Formosa, I think I am not that old. Hahaha..
Mickey mouse BKT is closed till 19 march.. Anyone got good recommendation for 1 near formosa?
Can uncle joint too?:rolleyes:
How old are you uncle? Lol.
11-03-2019, 09:33 AM
How old are you uncle? Lol.
Coming 56 liao....gotta to do while I still can hehehe...
Due to family tagging along, I have little time to explore, Hope to get a dick massage or some massage with bj, best is if I can visit the haiyang place. Will be greatful if anyone can share. TIA.
11-03-2019, 10:08 AM
Mickey mouse BKT is closed till 19 march.. Anyone got good recommendation for 1 near formosa?
Indo rasa bkt not bad also..can give it a try
11-03-2019, 10:22 AM
Bro I change my staying place... change to Jalan lmam bonjol nagoya hill
U know any spa to recommend there other than delta spa Please
Welcome back, have upped you my humble 117 points.
Indo rasa bkt not bad also..can give it a try
Thanks. Will try.
Coming 56 liao....gotta to do while I still can hehehe...
Hahaha. OK. Will ask you on the next trip.
Met a guy at the lift, keep asking. E if I want "talis" or something.. Anyone knows what it is?
11-03-2019, 11:42 AM
Hmm...Hai Kee Coffee shop behind Utama closed down? I was about to share about this shop's Bak Kut Teh but...well...i guess no need already (google info). :(
There's no best Bak Kut Teh other than the one at Astro Hotel area (base on my own taste bud),hehehe...i think this place has been renovated and its no longer what it looks like on the photo already (below).
Near Formosa has another Bak Kut Tek Store, just at the outside perimeter of Nagoya City Walk Mall,along Baba Street Food court.
And there it is, in my own view...this is Batam's worst Bak Kut Teh store at Nagoya Hill Mall. One time, they serve me uncooked Bak Kut Teh pork in the soup, i have not step in to the shop since,hehehe...
The Bak Kut Teh Store (down stair of Sinar Bulan Hotel)in Sinar Bulan food court opposite Formosa is only average.
Oh, and the photo above also shows Indo Rasa Massage, it no longer exist (its closed down). It used to be one of the best place for dick massage for myself. So where is my next alternative today? Hehehe...its even nearer than Indo Rasa now, coming out from Formosa. When Permata Indah closes down, i kind of expected Indo Rasa to close too,hehehe...
Like i often tells my friends with me, sometime the shops may have close down...the girls in it cannot be "close down",hehehe...tho few of them might be big fat old ugly, but they do have some level of skills there. :p
Temple might have close, monks/nuns might just still be around...hehehe...
Additional add-on info for Panties Pizza restaurant at Nagoya Hill Mall for my own future reference below.
Previous collected info :
Lower priced Horizon Ferry ticket info :
Bus or Mini-van info for my June/July/August 2019 trip/s to Batam with uncles and aunties :
Hawker center washing for 3 to 5 days,aunties and uncles must be bore,hehehe...
Hmm...after reading backward of this thread, i think there's another interesting Batam apartment property info (for myself) which i need to pen down later,hehehe...before i forget.
Gentle reminder : Please do not quote my whole long post if you are replying to my post. Better still, dont quote at all during reply. Thank you.
Thanks nono1973.. Walk over to indo rasa to check our the BKT. Friendly guy.
Somehow attachment did not appear.
Oh, and the photo above also shows Indo Rasa Massage, it no longer exist (its closed down). It used to be one of the best place for dick massage for myself. So where is my next alternative today? Hehehe...its even nearer than Indo Rasa now, coming out from Formosa. When Permata Indah closes down, i kind of expected Indo Rasa to close too,hehehe...
Like i often tells my friends with me, sometime the shops may have close down...the girls in it cannot be "close down",hehehe...tho few of them might be big fat old ugly, but they do have some level of skills there. :p
Somehow I am quite dull at guessing the hints you guys drop. Haha. I guess I will have to explore more when I visit on my own without family tagging along. Lol. Thanks anyway.
11-03-2019, 01:54 PM
Quote for point exchange, Thanks.
Welcome back, have upped you my humble 117 points.
11-03-2019, 05:04 PM
Hmm...Hai Kee Coffee shop behind Utama closed down? I was about to share about this shop's Bak Kut Teh but...well...i guess no need already (google info). :(
Damned. There goes my favourite food at this kopitiam. Any idea if they reopen elsewhere?
11-03-2019, 06:36 PM
Lol if the spa is good I don’t mind traveling. So any other than new spa? Cause I see new spa is unisex, later family wanna go I die...
Went down New Spa last week. It now "really" unisex. No more packages. Not sure if the girls inside will still try selling you their services..
12-03-2019, 10:23 AM
Went down New Spa last week. It now "really" unisex. No more packages. Not sure if the girls inside will still try selling you their services..
I see..
haiz now maybe only can go delta spa since I stay at Nagoya hill area.
Any bro out there can help? Other than delta spa still got spa intro?
12-03-2019, 11:08 AM
Any bros here stay before m one hotel? How was it, whats the ktv pricing?
Here's some of my collected info on M1 KTV you might need, posted by bro Ndnd....
Less than a year post,so price difference (if any) wont be too far apart.
Another one would be FR by bro Naka (also not too long ago) :
....for your reference.
Below is M1 Hotel room price.
They renovated their hotel some time back and revamp most of their old rooms, so i believe it should be in an above average quality, since its a 3 star hotel today (they have smoking rooms too).
Anything more ,you may wish to dial the hotel directly.
* you shared some pretty good stuffs in this thread in the past, hence my reply...hehehe... :p
12-03-2019, 11:14 AM
Thanks nono1973.. Walk over to indo rasa to check our the BKT. Friendly guy.
As per shared by bro PowerBenz, Indo Rasa Buk Kut Teh is not bad. I like it too,hehehe...but i prefer the char siew chicken rice store there.
Indo Rasa Food court has quite a lot of other edible good food in it too. i usually try to avoid the lunch time crowd tho, thats are made faster than usual pace ,some time not so "original" in terms of taste. :p
Damned. There goes my favourite food at this kopitiam. Any idea if they reopen elsewhere?
This one i arent too sure, perhaps can wait for bro maddog_mlvn or bro BFOMF5 who often "loiter" in that area,hehehe.... to see if they know anything more about Hai Kee's move.
Any bro out there can help? Other than delta spa still got spa intro?
Most if not all Men's spa available in Batam that offer special, already stated on previous post to you.
12-03-2019, 11:26 AM
Hi bro, saw all the wonderful and informative details that you have posted for batam. (Too much for me to absorb). I'm going to batam alone next Thursday for a one day trip and hope to find a good massage with specials. This is my first time and hope to get good advise from you. Thanks
Standing in your shoe to look at myself going for a day trip in Batam.
If i drop in at Batam Center, i will visit Venus Men Spa nearby Batam Center Ferry terminal. Shopping at Mega Mall.
If i drop in at Harbour Bay Ferry terminal, i will visit Octopuss Men Spa in Pacific Palace Hotel,also nearby to Harbour Bay Ferry terminal. Shopping at Bayfront Mall or Harbour Bay Mall (they are side by side each other at about 5 mins walk apart).
Info on both mentioned Men spa and how to get there is in below link :
Link above can be found on my signature, together with other basic Batam info too. You may wish to do some read up 1st since you are new to the scene.
Both Spa is like, your can stay there to burn half a day there, with sauna, hot pool, cold room etc etc. So you will have at least something to do in it before and after the actual massage session starts. You can plan for few hours of shopping/eating before and after the spa is done as well, before heading back to Singapore.
Budget about S$100 or so, excluding ferry ticket and shopping (i add shopping in this one becos i dont know what you will buy,hehehe...).
12-03-2019, 03:30 PM
Sometime a certain good people in the forum prompt question/s to me, i need to reply with more details , reply may be a bit long and i censor off your nick for privacy reason.
I just planning a trip. Can help update me below. Also there was a forum spa Hai Yang - where is this spa?
I have not been to the new hai yang before,hence i cant provide any info about this place. I believe this place exist becos it came out directly from some good friend's mouth,hehehe...
This reply is going to be super long...hehehe...
Places of interest
Booking joint
Area A :
1. MM
I hear recently that Robert the OKT has move back to MM from Sekar (aka old New Berry booking joint). Robert is a streetwise chinese OKT, ask him for recommendation for some good service SYT but one must be willing to pay the price (will still need to bargain down with him). I usually suggest my friend to still go to him AGAIN for the 2nd time when his 1st recommendation isnt up to their standard,but making him vouch for his 2nd recommendation's girl.
Usually turns out better. But if 2nd time also no good, then can drop his further suggestion/s.
2. Kupukupu
This is the place i find that has the BEST quality service quality girls. Pretty-looking enough and yet provide an above average quality service standard (comparing Batam standard only).
The above said on Kupu kupu is only for girls who came from Bali. I hear last year many of them ran away...either quit or went to another booking joint or simply just go freelance.
Some said this place closed down, but still it opens occasionally.
3. Bunga
This is the only joint in Batam if anyone is willing to pay in full for me to book a girls in there, i will not even book from there. Why so? Becos it is Batam most expensive booking joint,hehehe...remember,i am speaking from my stingy personality. Other bros may be different.
Some bros here and few of my good friends in Batam has gotta some of the top notch service girls from this joint before. This place is where they house many "old birds" aka lau jiao girls. So if one is newbie to Batam, do tread carefully when you go to this joint. Chemistry plays an important role for better girls in this place.
Not recommend to go alone if one is new to the Batam scene. I dont hate nor dislike this joint,its just a place least suitable for me in Batam.
4. JV Happy 8
This joint has many girls. There are as much SYT there as there are young MILF and mid age girls.
The young SYT there in terms of looks if put in an old joint,can anytime compete against their 镇店之宝,hehehe... ever heard of the Chinese proverbs “宁当鸡头,不做凤尾” and this place has many 凤尾.
There is however one thing to take note in this place, there is 2 place to look at the girls. One is the open area fish tank area, the other is the area where those girls who has already been booked but yet to be picked up by their customers. So if there's a chance,ask the papi or mami to bring you to those areas. To see what the other "bros" in Batam has already booked in advance (so you can book them next day or next time).
And usually, those were their top girls aka ang bai...hehehe...and believe me, there are usually at least 10 of them in this shop.
5. Hawaii
This Hawaii is a KTV, usually quite quiet for a booking joint and they open late into the night. Base on my experience, there are many "experience girls" there, occasionally some new girls. Like ex Gold Bird (sedona), its a joint where OKT call the shots rather than the girls themselves ,hehehe...
Service level also like ex gold bird, quite stale. Not recommended for the younger generation of bros in the forum.
6. Sri Kandy
This is the "brother shop" of Link KTV, Bunga, and Happy 8. The difference between this place and their other brother shop is, this place house more younger MILF than SYT tho and comes with more newer girls as well.
This shop's girls and the Link KTV girls hop around quite often, therefore its a bit of a challenge to pin point a certain girls there. Example,if i find a good girl in Sri Kandy, in my next trip the girl high chance no longer will be in the shop anymore as she's most probably in Links KTV (their other "brother shop").
It doesnt mean all good girls there goes to the Link KTV, it just means the girls were replaced in the Links as the Link's girls moved somewhere else or step out as freelance or join other booking joint.
7. (there's one more that took Indah 2's place,wonder if its still around)
Never go before, so i cant comment
Area B :
1. Gold Bird (aka Hai Lai)
The standard of girls were quite about the same as Hawaii KTV. Sometime back,i heard this place was bought over by Happy/Bunga/Sri Kandy's brother shop. A lot of the previous Gold Bird girls still around.
This place like Memory KTV has left me many good memories, and in general their best girls were often behind the "back-door" and not displayed in the main core "fish tank" area.
2. Orchid
Closed down, i heard. If you happen to be there, try to go for a hair cut at Sri Kandy Hair Salon just round the corner. Stupid it may sound, but well...some guys happened to book Orchid's girls from there before.
3. Blue Moon/Moonlight
Its behind Harmoni Hotel. Just remember, there are 3 Harmoni series of hotel, Harmoni One is at Batam Center, Harmoni Suite is near to Da Vienna Hotel. Harmoni Hotel is near Kampong Bule.
This place has very little girls,usually no more than 10 at any one time.
4. Memory
This is a KTV, it opens late. Crazy place with some time very little girls,some time lots of girls. An old management-style booking joint like Hawaii.
Its one of my favorite booking joint,hehehe...i really dont know how to describe this place.
5. Links
Same like Memory KTV, opens late into the night. Near to Kampong Bule and has way more girls as compared to Memory. A good mix of young/old MILF and SYT there.
If i dont remember wrong, this joint is 10 o'clock from Goodway hotel entrance and/or about 3 streets behind Harmoni Hotel.
6. Sekar (aka ex New Berry
An old place which used to call itself New Berry. Most previous younger "ang bai" girls working in New Berry there still in Sekar. The lower range of girls has moved on.
Occasionally (once every 3 months), there will be newer girls there, but they seems to not work there for long tho. I think they might be trying to keep lower profile during year 2018.
7. (there should be one more in that area,but my memory...not working well recently,hehehe..)
Its probably Hai Yang...never been there ,cant comment much...hehehe...
As for how to get to those joints/spa mention above ,below is the link that might help :
Massage and spa
Venus Spa (Batam Center area,not near Nagoya) :
New Spa (Penuin area,near Nagoya):
Opens: 11.00 - 23.00
Combo Massage &
Executive Room Relaxation : Rp. 450,000
Suite Rooms. : Rp. 500,000
ALL TIME / ALL DAY 20% discount
Executive Room: Rp. 360,000
Suite Rooms. : Rp. 400,000
Price update as of Jan 2018. Its a unisex spa,so can also bring girls in. I think i heard somewhere my friend telling me about bringing 2 friends (3pax) to get 30% off and 4 friends (5pax) to get 40% off,hehehe...but only available for weekdays and not weekends.
Fame Men Spa (in a ulu corner closeby to Nagoya area):
Octopuss Men's Spa :
Havana Executive Club & Massage :
Delta Spa (2pm direction from Nagoya Hill Mall front entrance) :
Like the ex Golden Finger in Singapore. Most who visit men's spa with sauna, hot room , cold room, hot pool, cold pool etc has lots of time to kill (at least 3 hours or so). Most of these spa's ambiance is like ex Golden Finger, just that Batam ones were bigger in space and way cheaper.
Every men's spa in Batam has their respective packages and pricing, so do check with the respective spa's GROs. No need to worry about price, so long any Singaporean can afford ex Golden finger in Singapore or New York/Bluewave Spa in Johor Bahru, you can afford any men's spa in Batam.
Just remember to bargain downward for anything priced out of the package deal. Below the link to get to those mentioned Men's spa in Batam :
As for KTV, i dont frequent KTVs much, therefore most of my KTV info were as below :
Here's one price list on Grand Dragon KTV :
...and here's another on their Happy hour list :
I dont drink and if i do have to entertain friends/relatives, i would usually buy liquor from DFS at ferry terminal from Singapore side and have it brought over to Batam and then pay the KTV the 500k rupiah "fine" to have the bottle open up to be serve inside the KTV.
Hope the above info helps.
PM inbox reply can only take in 5000 words, This post has almost double of 5000 words,so can only post my reply here and then send you the link to this post. Hoping for your understanding.
Cheers! :D
My trip over the weekend with my family tagging along.
Non sensual stuff I did.
Ate some street food outside Formosa. Not bad but nothing to shout about.
Ate Teowchew porridge opposite Formosa, Bubur City not too bad.
Had lunch a Kez, food quality is pretty good, not fine dinning standard but good enough for me.
Had a foot and shoulder massage at sawadee, on top of Nagoya hill, surprising good foot massage from a male masseuse. I will likely go there again while I wait for others to shop next time.
Had lunch at Indorasa, the Bakuteh was not bad but a bit over cooked, still prefer Mickey Mouse.
Surprisingly Indorasa have good Roti prata.
Updated Indo Rasa pics for Nono1973..
For the more sexual stuff
call for 90 min in room massage from Kings, masseuse was a chatty 29 year old milf that look much younger. Tight petite body with nice perky boobs. I originally only want a good massage but she teased me and things went beyond what I tot I was in for. Hahaha. Didn't really nego, she just ask me to pay what I want, sorry to the bros here, likely I paid more than market price. Hahaha. She is my type and we had a really good time, so I don't mind paying a bit more.
Went to look for her in the evening, ask her for a BJ but she say she don't do, don't feel like fking so just end with a HJ.
Trying to find time to get a taxi to find hai yang or some dick massage but don't have much time to sneak out. End up going to Kings for another massage on the last day and another HJ by another girl. Previous girl not available.
While waiting for the masseuse, saw a KTV girl buying water and soft drinks from Kings. She was wear a ultra mini shirt, bent over to get the drink from the fridge, boy what a view.. Hahaha. Gave me an instant hard on. I think KTV might be a thing for me to explore on my next trip.
Thanks to all the bro for the info..
*edit to add pic and some editing.. somehow I cannot upload direct to SBF.. so use IMGBB.
12-03-2019, 11:51 PM
Thanks to all the bro for the info..
good sharing,up u my humble few pts, no need return.
exchange rate from sgd-rupiah seems quite good recently,wat's the rate like when u were there? thx
maybe heading there this coming thu. :)
good sharing,up u my humble few pts, no need return.
exchange rate from sgd-rupiah seems quite good recently,wat's the rate like when u were there? thx
maybe heading there this coming thu. :)
Changed at Lai Lai or something like that opposite of Formosa. at Rp1,0300.
Then another at Nagoya mall (next day) Rp10470.. Sorry cannot remember the shop name..
Exchange rate on the board is 10350 at Nagoya.
13-03-2019, 11:05 AM
Just did a remittance of $100 for testing yesterday. And managed to get 10,386 and without processing fee too.
13-03-2019, 01:31 PM
Changed at Lai Lai or something like that opposite of Formosa. at Rp1,0300.
Then another at Nagoya mall (next day) Rp10470.. Sorry cannot remember the shop name..
Exchange rate on the board is 10350 at Nagoya.
Change at innermost Money Changer at Batam Centre Ferry Terminal on 10 Mar 2019 @ 10470IDR for S$100.
13-03-2019, 06:40 PM
My trip over the weekend with my family tagging along.
Non sensual stuff I did.
Ate some street food outside Formosa. Not bad but nothing to shout about.
Ate Teowchew porridge opposite Formosa, Bubur City not too bad.
water and soft drinks from Kings. She was wear a ultra mini shirt, bent over to get the drink from the fridge, boy what a view.. Hahaha. Gave me an instant hard on. I think KTV might be a thing for me to explore on my next trip.
Thanks to all the bro for the info..
*edit to add pic and some editing.. somehow I cannot upload direct to SBF.. so use IMGBB.
Hahah, which KTV?
13-03-2019, 06:42 PM
Gentle reminder : Please do not quote my whole long post if you are replying to my post. Better still, dont quote at all during reply. Thank you.
Somehow attachment did not appear.
You really fans of BKT, should bring me next time...
13-03-2019, 07:22 PM
My trip over the weekend with my family tagging along.
Updated Indo Rasa pics for Nono1973..
Nice! indo rasa would be the most convenient as it is just a stone's throw (ok maybe i exaggerate :D , approx 50-100 metres) away from formosa lobby entrance.
Hope you enjoyed your King's treatment albeit only HJs were the order for that day. :)
13-03-2019, 08:49 PM
Nice! indo rasa would be the most convenient as it is just a stone's throw (ok maybe i exaggerate :D , approx 50-100 metres) away from formosa lobby entrance.
Hope you enjoyed your King's treatment albeit only HJs were the order for that day. :)
Except that the massage centre at indorasa already closed down a year ago.
14-03-2019, 12:37 AM
Usually I bring kids to JB since there are so much places for kids at JB now (Legoland, Hello Kitty, Fanpekka, Angry bird and many other indoor playgrounds)
Always stay at KSL so can sneak out for massage at the Thai and Viet places around KSL (not fantastic but satisfy my needs)
So any brothers interested just PM me especially those who take time to reply my questions about Batam
This time because of parents request, I switch whole family to Batam.
Never been to Batam for at least 6 years (maybe more)
Goggle and find places I wanted to bring my kids - only manage to find 1
1) Nagoya CityWalk fun park is actually 5 minutes taxi ride from Nagoya Hill Mall (staying at Nagoya Hills hotel). I actually thought it is inside the mall. And no aircon (OMG!) and also not much shopping.
Experience brothers please correct me if I am wrong about this.
Then I also realized there is another shopping Mall called Nagoya Hills shopping Mall which is farther away from the hotel - Is that right ? or did goggle maps showed me wrongly ?
So this got me kind of confuse ?
The main shopping center in Batam is Nagoya shopping Mall - 1 minute away from Nagoya Hill Hotel (the website says so).
2) And there is another Nagoya Hills shopping Mall (5 minutes taxi ride away from hotel ? )
So again experience brother help verify if all my info especially point 1 and 2 are correct ?
Thanks 1000 :)
1) Nagoya CityWalk fun park is actually 5 minutes taxi ride from Nagoya Hill Mall (staying at Nagoya Hills hotel). I actually thought it is inside the mall. And no aircon (OMG!) and also not much shopping.
In Nagoya City walk, there is a fun park, some restaurant and J.Co.
The main shopping center in Batam is Nagoya shopping Mall - 1 minute away from Nagoya Hill Hotel (the website says so).
Thanks 1000 :)
This is the most convenient mall from where you live.. you can go to others like BCS or Megamall.
Beside eat and drink, massage, do hair / pedi / mani. you can also watch movies.. the cinema at Nagoya is very good.
14-03-2019, 01:54 AM
Hahah, which KTV?
I believe it should be Alishan KTV girls,hehehe...
You really fans of BKT, should bring me next time...
And those were only the Bak Kut Teh stores near Formosa hotel,hehehe...
* avoid quoting my whole long post bro, chances are why waste time posting when you know it is more likely to be removed by a mod (since its against forum rules).
14-03-2019, 01:57 AM
Updated Indo Rasa pics for Nono1973..
For the more sexual stuff
call for 90 min in room massage from Kings, masseuse was a chatty 29 year old milf that look much younger. Tight petite body with nice perky boobs. I originally only want a good massage but she teased me and things went beyond what I tot I was in for. Hahaha. Didn't really nego, she just ask me to pay what I want, sorry to the bros here, likely I paid more than market price. Hahaha. She is my type and we had a really good time, so I don't mind paying a bit more.
Went to look for her in the evening, ask her for a BJ but she say she don't do, don't feel like fking so just end with a HJ.
Thank you for sharing, i just realize i couldnt up your points anymore as i have upped you some years back,hehehe...You actually have another choice if you are looking for a fairly good dick massage. Indo Rasa Massage Parlor might have closed down today, but couple seconds walk from the entrance of the photo you post above, there is another few more massage massage parlors around. :p
The girls from Indo Rasa moved there,hehehe... yes,its one of those "few seconds walk away" massage shops.
*hj/dick-massage is between 100k to 200k rupiah, average up about 150k rupiah (if good i do tip a bit more tho,hehehe..and they do appreciate it very much)
** fj-wise i believe the girls in there give you "free-of-charge" you might probably wish to think thrice,hehehe...unless you want to blind-fold yourself throughout the session. :p
*** there is only one younger girl there you might probably want to do fj with, but wont come cheap as she often ask for 300k hj. I talk about “宁当鸡头,不做凤尾” in a previous post before, and this girl is that shop's “鸡头”.
(translation of 宁当"鸡头",不做"凤尾", rather be a "chicken head" than be to be a "phoenix butt")
Trying to find time to get a taxi to find hai yang or some dick massage but don't have much time to sneak out. End up going to Kings for another massage on the last day and another HJ by another girl. Previous girl not available.
If you wish to explore, start with those nearby your hotel 1st. ;)
That would help save you some taxi fare and more time-efficient too. Batam massage shops entrance fee for 1 hour massage is close to 5 times lower in price as compare to Singapore...exploring can be fun. Many of my closer Batam friends massage-shop-hop around ,hence they were able to pin-point to me which shop has what kind of good girls and which one has the not-so-good ones,hehehe.... everyone of my friends only have one dick, hence its kind of tough for them to go for a "massage-marathon".
(which is why i often try making friends in Batam who are willing to try and share with me)
One thing in mind that i have is, i wont brand a certain shop good or no-good if ONLY a single person just try that shop's one/two girls only once or twice. A shop definitely have more than one girl,hehehe...i am sure not all of them were not-good (vice-versa). ;)
While waiting for the masseuse, saw a KTV girl buying water and soft drinks from Kings. She was wear a ultra mini shirt, bent over to get the drink from the fridge, boy what a view.. Hahaha. Gave me an instant hard on. I think KTV might be a thing for me to explore on my next trip.
Wait till one day when you were around the hotel's lobby at 2am. You might have nose bleeding,hehehe... :D
The game is simple, the girls walk out w/o a customer, they get zero rupiah. Its 2 am plus in the morning, staying another few more hours with a willing customer earns them another 1 to 1.5 juta. Win-win for all.
*require some techniques there
*edit to add pic and some editing.. somehow I cannot upload direct to SBF.. so use IMGBB.
Over the last 5 years trial, one of the best image uploading service i got came from :
If the sbf one dont work, the one above can be a good choice.
*believe me, i already have 5 years of "piss-off" situation when the image i upload gets remove by the image uploading sites becos they get shuts down or swap server. And one of the longest lasting image uploading site i use is uploadhouse. (i lost quite a handful of important Batam photos which i took years back to learn that)
See? In whatever kind of situation, whether one is newbie or oldbie, whether one goes to Batam with family ,friend/s, relative/s or just running solo, staying in Formosa (or very near to it) they sure is hard to go wrong when it comes to looking for plus plus in Batam,hehehe... :D
(one will need to REALLY bathe with flower water if they fail to get even one pop,hehehe..)
When step number ONE in my basic Batam guide is already not right, and if ONE unluckily have a certain unforeseen situation, the trip might go busted becos there is no plan B or C catered. The moment i step into Formosa, physically available girls (not those wechat/online girls) were already only couple of seconds away until 2am,hehehe.... :D
14-03-2019, 01:59 AM
1) Nagoya CityWalk fun park is actually 5 minutes taxi ride from Nagoya Hill Mall (staying at Nagoya Hills hotel). I actually thought it is inside the mall. And no aircon (OMG!) and also not much shopping.
Experience brothers please correct me if I am wrong about this.
Then I also realized there is another shopping Mall called Nagoya Hills shopping Mall which is farther away from the hotel - Is that right ? or did goggle maps showed me wrongly ?
So this got me kind of confuse ?
The main shopping center in Batam is Nagoya shopping Mall - 1 minute away from Nagoya Hill Hotel (the website says so).
1. Nagoya Hill hotel is actually few mins walk from Nagoya Hill Mall
2. There is only one Nagoya Hill Mall in Batam (there's a theater in it).
3. Nagoya Citywalk Fun Park is actually inside Citywalk Mall itself,which has no air-con..but its not hot/stuffy in there. There a few gigantic fan inside, when you are there, just look up and you will see it.
4. Nagoya Citywalk fun park is run by an arcade company call Fun World. Its on the 1st floor of Nagoya Citywalk Mall
5. Inside 1st Floor of Nagoya Citywalk Mall there are some restaurants, ranging from Jco, Japanese restaurant (Bento Tei) ,Chinese XO Restaurant, a Indonesian popular yet expensive restaurant ,some small Kiosk-like eating place, a salon called V-salon (quite popular hair salon run by indo-Chinese) and some small shops.
Sunboss 2-storey departmental store is inside the mall too,it sells many cheapo apparels and such.
6. 2nd floor was some 3D photo museum where the entrance fee can cost quite a bit. Dont know still there or not.
7. 3rd floor was a family KTV call Alegro.
The most amazing thing i feel about this place is almost directly behind Formosa hotel,hehehe...:D
8. Outskirt of or perimeter of Nagoya Hill City walk would be Duck King Restaurant, all time popular Baba Street food court (varieties of food), a vegetarian Restaurant, a few western-eating restaurant/cafe-looking eating place with live band and can watch soccer in the evening. ;)
2) And there is another Nagoya Hills shopping Mall (5 minutes taxi ride away from hotel ? )
I guess i answered that question above.
Reaching Formosa hotel equates to almost reaching Nagoya Citywalk Mall.
If you plan to visit Batam Citywalk Mall with your family on weekdays, will practically own the whole funpark that day,hehehe...weekend tends to be quite crowded.
So again experience brother help verify if all my info especially point 1 and 2 are correct ?
Formosa hotel is the same hotel mentioned in my basic batam travelling guide on my signature.
Hope i already answered all your questions.
(Formosa hotel is like my base in Batam,hehehe...)
(my other thousand words below,hehehe...for you to know where you will be)
14-03-2019, 06:15 PM
Thanks to brother Nono and everyone else for replying.
As mentioned, if u need to know about JB, just PM me
Black Page
14-03-2019, 10:01 PM
The main shopping center in Batam is Nagoya shopping Mall - 1 minute away from Nagoya Hill Hotel (the website says so).
1. Nagoya Hill hotel is actually few mins walk from Nagoya Hill Mall
:confused: 1 minute or few minutes? it depends on what are your starting and arriving points!
It might be even 10 seconds door-to-door, because Nagoya Hill Hotel is right on the North car entrance gate of Nagoya Hill Mall (the side of Jco).
Actually, the hotel back entrance is inside the parking perimeter of the mall, beyond the above mentioned car entrance gate.
I had a business meeting located at that hotel one year ago, and that was my single time in my life when I had a reason to travel to Batam with local expenses paid (usually I go to KL for work and expenses are refunded only until KL, but not beyond KL :p).
Needless to say, the meeting was at Nagoya Hill Hotel, all delegates were staying there, but because of some reason, which I did not explain, I was staying at Formosa :p
15-03-2019, 06:18 AM
Heard from a batam Grab driver that the whole of City Walk will be converted to some kind of hotel resort or apartment. How true?
15-03-2019, 09:59 AM
I believe it should be Alishan KTV girls,hehehe...
And those were only the Bak Kut Teh stores near Formosa hotel,hehehe...
* avoid quoting my whole long post bro, chances are why waste time posting when you know it is more likely to be removed by a mod (since its against forum rules).
Oh i see. long time no go Alisan liao, not sure how the stock there
Ok, thanks.
16-03-2019, 12:20 AM
Heard from a batam Grab driver that the whole of City Walk will be converted to some kind of hotel resort or apartment. How true?
Yes they are building blocks of condominium there.
IIRC Cipta group are the developer.
16-03-2019, 12:44 AM
Exchange rate rp10500+-/$.at main road.
Latest expiry date for the orange color Horizon ticket move up to 31May 2019.
Price 380k-375k
16-03-2019, 02:31 PM
Now at Batam... can I check if new spa got happy ending?
16-03-2019, 03:02 PM
Now at Batam... can I check if new spa got happy ending?
call them : +62 778 7418300
16-03-2019, 03:36 PM
call them : +62 778 7418300
Lol I going with family.... cannot call and ask happy ending mah
16-03-2019, 04:33 PM
If u are staying near to BCS mall, u really don't have much choice except New Spa which is walking distance away. The rest just read.......
I bold out yr request in yr post & seems like only New Spa inside Batam City Hotel fits yr criteria. ;)
As bigger words.
16-03-2019, 04:56 PM
As bigger words.
So the 450 000 is with room and massage? I called they say room only.. kinda blur
16-03-2019, 05:38 PM
So the 450 000 is with room and massage? I called they say room only.. kinda blur
I think there could be sm changes nw as they probably took out the package deal from the past. U may wish to still give it a try & the girls if they are still working in there, should pop the GQ during yr session.
To be sure, when u are there, u can ask to confirm again with the cashiering counter there to see if there's deal including plus plus before u commit to anything. No need be shy, if u are man, they'll knw y u go there for.
To make things easier, call them,ask them how much is rm plus massage,since u asked the qn here. If not comfortable,just pop by to octopus at pacific hotel. Dn't have to call, dn't need to enquire..sure have plus plus, only thg left would be pricing which they'll provide u before u choose whether to commit.
16-03-2019, 05:44 PM
I think there could be sm changes nw as they probably took out the package deal from the past. U may wish to still give it a try & the girls if they are still working in there, should pop the GQ during yr session.
To be sure, when u are there, u can ask to confirm again with the cashiering counter there to see if there's deal including plus plus before u commit to anything. No need be shy, if u are man, they'll knw y u go there for.
To make things easier, call them,ask them how much is rm plus massage,since u asked the qn here. If not comfortable,just pop by to octopus at pacific hotel. Dn't have to call, dn't need to enquire..sure have plus plus, only thg left would be pricing which they'll provide u before u choose whether to commit.
Ok thanks bro!
16-03-2019, 05:44 PM
Have been looking at Batam apartment/s that are eligible for foreigners recently and so am doing some comparison in different areas of island. There's one that caught my interest recently...which nearby to Batam Center ferry terminal.
Its location base on google map...
The price is tagged at about 260 juta for the most basic studio apartment,hehehe...guess this price, almost every Singaporean would be able to afford to grab one unit of it.
1 room 1 hall would cost!! :eek:
...and as for 2 room 1 hall...
2 room 1 hall isnt so cheap tho,guess probably its becos its due to its limited number of 806 juta, i would be able to get close to 2 units of studio from Citra Plaza apartment near Formosa hotel tho. :D
Sorry, i wasnt trying to sell those apartment here (i think most reading will not be interested tho), but rather was planning to buy one (not so soon yet), hence i am making comparison now.
My Previous Citra Plaza Info tab :
...and then there's this Harbour Bay Residence one which is ultra expensive.
I found myself lucky recently that i have the habit of keeping tabs on things i am interested in, regarding Batam information tab in this thread as i can constantly refer backward to see information of the past and then compare them with the current ones.
Its afterall my interest,hehehe...sometime useless to me, but useful to me...hehehe... :p
Above would be continue later...over time, i tends to find out more...
16-03-2019, 05:45 PM
Hmm...CGV's new theater at Park Avenue Mall is finally up (its been up a while but i only learn of it recently,hehehe..). Where the hell is Park Avenue Mall? Seriously, i dont even know (probably between nowhere and somewhere,hehehe..)...all i know that its nearer to Batam Center than to Nagoya area.
So ,i guess its not so much of a cheonging destination. But why am i talking about this place on...
Its becos of the new CGV theater in the case no one knows, this theater is the same theater company as the one at Harbour Bay mall (and different from the one at Nagoya and BCS Mall) where they have couple seats, so one can watch a movie with your girl/s.
Here's some info of it...
I believe you probably notice on the picture above, other than the usual theater seat pricing ,the rest of the pricing is quite different...yes, more EXPENSIVE Gold Class 2D and Velvet 2D. And this 2 kind of seat is the highlight of the theater and why it is MORE expensive than the rest of the other CGV theaters or other cinema21 chain theaters...
This is the Gold Class seat...
Cost 55k rupiah on weekdays, 60k rupiah on Fridays and 65k rupiah for weekends and public holidays.
And the best of the best in Batam's the Velvet 2D seats which 2 person can LIE DOWN TOGETHER to watch a movie, about luxury.
Velvet seats for 2 person will cost 110k rupiah on weekdays, 120k rupiah on Fridays,hehehe...and 130k rupiah on weekends and public holidays. :D
Isnt this amazing? By a paying a little more than the price of a Singapore movie ticket meant for a single person,i could actually grab a Velvet seat movie ticket for 2 person in Batam now,hehehe...
ok, above were the pros of this theater,now let's look at the cons...i dont have the habit of writing all the goods or all the bad of something or some places w/o some contrast of its opposite bad/good.
Believe me, nobody or no tourist from anywhere would go to Batam just solely to watch a movie because its cheaper and then go back home. We are all there for some purpose. The con part of this theater would be its location...scroll back up to look at the map above. Its nearer to Batam Center and a matter of fact, further south from Batam Center itself (even further away from Nagoya area compare to Batam Center).
I ask myself this, how much would one probably need to pay to go from Nagoya area to Batam Center? Probably 60k rupiah to 100k rupiah with those conventional taxis (non-online type,like grab, go-car etc) or hotel taxis...and what about further south? Probably average out to be a about 100k rupiah.
While Velvet couple seat tickets for 2 may cost between 110k rupiah to 130k rupiah,i factor-ed in the 2 way transport cost of 100k rupiah x 2 way? So, 2 person's movie for Velvet couple ticket is likely gonna end up more than 300k rupiah,hehehe...while 300k rupiah for 2 person movie ticket is still cheaper than Singapore's theater seats of similar class (if i dont remember wrong, Singapore Gold class movie ticket cost around S$25 plus per pax), but the variances between the 2 has been drawn closer and it is now more expensive than Singapore's normal movie ticket for 2 person. ;)
For myself, if i wish to play King and Queen for a day in batam, i wouldnt mind paying that price for the exclusiveness but definitely not my everyday choice to watch a movie in Batam. :D
Just sharing.
Add-on : Park Avenue Mall is has not been completely built yet,you will probably see a lot of renovation work in the surrounding. And taxis can be hard to hail ,hence there's a choice for go-car or grab to works down there.
16-03-2019, 06:22 PM
I think there could be sm changes nw as they probably took out the package deal from the past. U may wish to still give it a try & the girls if they are still working in there, should pop the GQ during yr session.
To be sure, when u are there, u can ask to confirm again with the cashiering counter there to see if there's deal including plus plus before u commit to anything. No need be shy, if u are man, they'll knw y u go there for.
To make things easier, call them,ask them how much is rm plus massage,since u asked the qn here. If not comfortable,just pop by to octopus at pacific hotel. Dn't have to call, dn't need to enquire..sure have plus plus, only thg left would be pricing which they'll provide u before u choose whether to commit. still same. 360.000(with massage) 50000 hot and cold. 70000 don’t know what... I also blur
17-03-2019, 02:58 AM
Hi bros,
Will appreciate u can help me with some latest info. Going to Batam next week but is has been a while I been there. So I need to ask a few things.
I used to take go by tmft than upon reaching Batam, I buy the hotel voucher after the immigration. So will the hotel be cheaper I booked online? Any difference I go by harbour front?
For booking joint, I am like a normal cheapo uncle so I would like to know which booking joint has quality service girl and is cheap ( not exceeding 1.3 juta ) for syt if possible. I will be staying at formosa hotel, thank u.
Any clean spa to recommended as well? Never beem to the massage there, will be good if can share the damage as well.
17-03-2019, 10:28 AM
I used to take go by tmft than upon reaching Batam, I buy the hotel voucher after the immigration. So will the hotel be cheaper I booked online? Any difference I go by harbour front?
U have a phone? Phone has internet connection? u in sg?
call them or google the various hotel to make comparison. No one can tell u which is cheaper on hotels as this kind of thg is pretty seasonal. Today sm1 tells u 'here' is cheper, 2morow u will see it's not. March is schl holiday time.
Usual time, btm's tour agent shp selling hotel voucher is a bit cheaper.
For booking joint, I am like a normal cheapo uncle so I would like to know which booking joint has quality service girl and is cheap ( not exceeding 1.3 juta ) for syt if possible. I will be staying at formosa hotel, thank u.
Try happy 8 behind formosa for a start & be there as early as 11am before noon for more choices on weekends.
Any clean spa to recommended as well? Never beem to the massage there, will be good if can share the damage as well.
The most consistent good clean massage in btm is still Sports massage for me, less than 10 mins walk from yr hotel. Out of yr hotel turn left & walk straight,or just google formosa hotel for map.
damage abt 200k for 1.5 jam massage.
this is 1 year+ ago price, if it's up today, it wn't be too much either.
17-03-2019, 12:21 PM
U have a phone? Phone has internet connection? u in sg?
call them or google the various hotel to make comparison. No one can tell u which is cheaper on hotels as this kind of thg is pretty seasonal. Today sm1 tells u 'here' is cheper, 2morow u will see it's not. March is schl holiday time.
Usual time, btm's tour agent shp selling hotel voucher is a bit cheaper.
Try happy 8 behind formosa for a start & be there as early as 11am before noon for more choices on weekends.
The most consistent good clean massage in btm is still Sports massage for me, less than 10 mins walk from yr hotel. Out of yr hotel turn left & walk straight,or just google formosa hotel for map.
damage abt 200k for 1.5 jam massage.
this is 1 year+ ago price, if it's up today, it wn't be too much either.
Thanks for the reply and help. No point to up u
17-03-2019, 09:43 PM
Hi Bro's.
going to Nagoya next Friday (Apr22)
First couple times was just hanging out at Kampong Bule.
Want to see more this time.
Anybody experienced ready for a Ang Mo wing man?
17-03-2019, 09:54 PM
Hi Bro's
heading to Batam on Mar22.
Been there twice at Kampung Bule... boring.
Anybody experienced interested to take an Ang Mo wingman?
PM me
17-03-2019, 10:08 PM
Just curious brother Nono
Why would u want buy an apartment there?
To keep your girl or to rent out ?
or for your own stay ?
Does the apt have facilities like the condo in Singapore ?
18-03-2019, 12:38 PM
Just did a remittance of $100 for testing yesterday. And managed to get 10,386 and without processing fee too.
remitance is 4 indo-sg or sg-indo? :confused:
i ask cos usualli i last time trfr $ frm sg to china they charge a comm & aso the xchange frm both way aso different, like indo trfr 2 sg & sg trfr 2 indo.
Nice! indo rasa would be the most convenient as it is just a stone's throw (ok maybe i exaggerate :D , approx 50-100 metres) away from formosa lobby entrance.
actualli if u throw a stone frm formosa rooftop,mayb can reli reach indo
Wait till one day when you were around the hotel's lobby at 2am. You might have nose bleeding,hehehe...
Oooo...weekend 2am lobby see the gers will get nose bleedin if heart no :D
18-03-2019, 12:54 PM
Heard from a batam Grab driver that the whole of City Walk will be converted to some kind of hotel resort or apartment. How true?
tat's their nxt 10-15 yrs in between wil b cock up or no, nobody will
Above would be continue later...over time, i tends to find out more...
i aso tink abt same thg as i tink u beter wait see if formosa residence can fulfill their hand over obligation on end of 2019 first or no. Yr tis one @ btm ctr is aso by the cipta grp....
i tink tere's another cheeper sales @ ard bcs area nw...but no by cipta grp but they advert big big all ard btm more go lucki draw freebies if u :p
18-03-2019, 01:31 PM
remitance is 4 indo-sg or sg-indo? :confused:
i ask cos usualli i last time trfr $ frm sg to china they charge a comm & aso the xchange frm both way aso different, like indo trfr 2 sg & sg trfr 2 indo.
Same as you describe. Exchange rate difference plus a small handling fee. My handling fee is $3 but I got it waived. This service I'm using is totally online (but need identity verification as regulated by MAS) which is good for me as I'm now staying long-term in Indonesia. Hence, almost 1-2 months basis need to do fund remittance. Plus they give a pretty good promo voucher after sending X amount sgd. This brings the cost for sending through them much² cheaper then their competitors.
18-03-2019, 05:32 PM
....This service I'm using is totally online (but need identity verification as regulated by MAS) which is good for me as I'm now staying long-term in Indonesia. Hence, almost 1-2 months basis need to do fund remittance. Plus they give a pretty good promo voucher after sending X amount sgd. This brings the cost for sending through them much² cheaper then their competitors.,wat u use is online remittance...thx brother 4 sharing. i tink i aso should go look into it 2.
jus drop anther citra plaza ad taken off the btm roadside 4 so much such ads on
18-03-2019, 10:27 PM
Balai also hv
Locates at the future ferry terminal.
Same developer as panbil batam.
19-03-2019, 12:08 AM
1 minute or few minutes? it depends on what are your starting and arriving points!
It might be even 10 seconds door-to-door, because Nagoya Hill Hotel is right on the North car entrance gate of Nagoya Hill Mall (the side of Jco).
Actually, the hotel back entrance is inside the parking perimeter of the mall, beyond the above mentioned car entrance gate.
Yes, i agree with your view, it really depends on how one looks at it.
This scenario is like the Baloi Apartment sale thingy i was looking at recently,hehehe...
In order to "smoke" buyers into believing that their apartment location is just TWO MINUTES walk away, above were how they advertise. i doubt anyone could actually reach BCS in just TWO MINUTES even if he/she is driving (let alone walking). ;)
When it comes to distance in Batam, it really depends on which angle of view of view one is looking from. Which is why in my earlier postings, i prefer to measure short distance by the number of "steps" a normal me will take. Other times, the timing is use to gauge the distance were mainly from someone who has no sense of direction and new to the area, hence the extra time were considered.
I could imagine someone driving from Nagoya Hill Hotel carpark to Nagoya Hill Mall front door, the jam from the mall's carpark would have took more than those few mins of walking. :p
19-03-2019, 12:13 AM
Oh i see. long time no go Alisan liao, not sure how the stock there
If the older previous girls still work there, they are probably fatter...older and might look a little "wrinkled" by now,hehehe... there are some girls there which i notice after a few glasses of liquor down the throat would go a bit wild,hehehe...another yet few more glasses might just make these girls go "drama"...hehehe... :p
Like on the bed, just enough liquor for them, i probably get "raped". Too much of it, i might be getting a dead fish. 2 sides of the coin in KTVs. :D
19-03-2019, 11:25 AM
jus drop anther citra plaza ad taken off the btm roadside 4 so much such ads on
u stil b there nxt week? cos i coming w harry there nxt week either wed or thu. :cool:
19-03-2019, 01:55 PM
u stil b there nxt week? cos i coming w harry there nxt week either wed or thu. :cool:
aiyo, i broke liao la ,so mus come back sg 2 work, after earn $ finish wil go back nxt week thu or fri day agn & then pobably come back after 6 apr wich is after qing meng. :D
share mabuk ger pigture here 4 :p
19-03-2019, 02:01 PM
IIRC Cipta group are the developer.
Yes, together with Supreme Global Investments and Batama Nusa Indah. Big names in this industry,hehehe...
Most likely can only see a little something from that particular part of City Walk around beginning of 2021. Need to wait at least till mid 2022 to see more of Citra Plaza,hehehe...completion date also never state. Citra Plaza adapt the build and grow concept, unlike Formosa Residence where they built and have a deadline for completion.
Latest expiry date for the orange color Horizon ticket move up to 31May 2019.
Price 380k-375k
I hope by somewhere April, they would have tickets that expires on June as i have some aunties and uncle dropping into Batam for a 2D1N trip,hehehe...:D
My friends did buy some orange Horizon tickets and it appears those expiring on March and April were sold out,hehehe...i guess tickets moving exceptionally fast is becos of the school holidays.Well, its Horizonfast ferry tickets afterall...hehehe... :p
19-03-2019, 02:13 PM
Just curious brother Nono
Why would u want buy an apartment there?
Hehehe...i plan to start with 2 units (but not anytime soon) and might expand my fleet over time.
Note that i am not exactly looking to make a profit base investment here as its almost like a loss for me to buy any property in Batam if i were to wait for developer to finish building and then sell it for a profit. People here who play the money making property game is quite different from Singapore.
They buy it before its being built (from ground), when the property were around 70% to 80% finished building, they sell...hehehe...thats where i notice where their profit comes in. But once the property is ready for move in, the price would likely be at the point of coming down and after a few years, if one is still holding on to that property, it might probably turned into something less valuable,hehehe....and with the sudden influx of property developers in Batam, over the 5 years would there be some kind of property bubble? Hehehe...Batam has only about 1.2 million population and probably a few hundred thousand non-Indo residents there.
I checked Formosa residence starts with around 790 juta plus, end of this year is their hand-over date and previous buyers from end 2015 were already selling what they have on hand at around 950 juta (and up),hehehe...pretty cool deal for less than 4 year deal.
To keep your girl or to rent out ?
or for your own stay ?
All of the above. Since most of the girls i book came from Nahim, it would save me quite a bit if i have them at my own place.
Staying in Batam can be quite relaxing as compare to Sillypore. In the near future, its likely i will be going back to Singapore for holiday for a few days instead, rather than the other way round today.
Another good is, i already have on hand a good handful of friends staying on rented property around Batam and i am sure they wouldnt mind paying me a S$250 to S$350 a month rental per unit (for a close to brand new apartment,hehehe...) and thats a few years later, hence market can be quite different. Either way, i can also use it to house those uncles and aunties who come to Batam for tour too.
Wifi connection and surveillance devices would even be easier, if anyone did read my past postings on those wireless sim card toy/s. Baby step a time, i move into Batam,hehehe...i may be slow, but i didnt stop. The frequent bros here in SBF has watch me grow here from "dont-know-anything about Batam" 5 years back, to currently looking at buying some apartments in future. I am growing for sure,hehehe...
Does the apt have facilities like the condo in Singapore ?
So far most of the apartments i am looking at comes with gyms, playground and swimming pool (there are others which i didnt list out). The thing i can be quite picky on is i am more looking into how big these gyms, playgrounds and swimming size is, over the total number of units in blocks that are sharing it.
There's no point having some top notch apartment unit with a swimming pool but they have actually 10000 units there sharing the one and only facility ,hehehe... :D
19-03-2019, 02:26 PM
i aso tink abt same thg as i tink u beter wait see if formosa residence can fulfill their hand over obligation on end of 2019 first or no. Yr tis one @ btm ctr is aso by the cipta grp....
This is what worries me when i wish to put my money there. After seeing so many half-built EMPTY buildings in Batam, i also scare the developer will take my money and run,hehehe...hence while looking at those properties, i also check out on those developers too.
Reference for myself on Cipta Sky Park and Citra Plaza :
I am also looking at Bayerina, which i have some more info to pen down on later date/time. Its ready to move in,hehehe...but they dont come cheap.
i tink tere's another cheeper sales @ ard bcs area nw...but no by cipta grp but they advert big big all ard btm more go lucki draw freebies if u :p
I have seen this Baloi apartment advertised themselves and i even have another article ( written on it too. Its meant for future reference on pricing and information of that particular Baloi apartment.
This place is cheap...but what are the catch?
Batam is like a RPG game,hehehe...and not everyone is being REALLY honest hence i need to do my part of homework. :p
There is actually another low priced one nearby Baloi for sale...wait,i cant remember the name....hmm...and soon to finish building too.
Be back to keep tab on this later...
19-03-2019, 11:24 PM
u stil b there nxt week? cos i coming w harry there nxt week either wed or thu. :cool:
wan to stay other hotel other than formosa? I bringing another fren along this trip... :p
20-03-2019, 08:07 AM
wan to stay other hotel other than formosa? I bringing another fren along this trip... :p
There are many good hotels in vicinity of Formosa, Harmoni Suites Hotel at about $50 is strongly recommended, otherwise you can also try Da Vienna Hotel about a few dollars cheaper.
20-03-2019, 11:25 AM
aiyo, i broke liao la ,so mus come back sg 2 work, after earn $ finish wil go back nxt week thu or fri day agn & then pobably come back after 6 apr wich is after qing meng.
who ask u go so many days to btm? :D
i arrange go with u on same day,cya there..
share mabuk ger pigture here 4 :p
this is yr btm or jkt disco catch? :confused:
20-03-2019, 01:06 PM
wan to stay other hotel other than formosa? I bringing another fren along this trip... :p
sure can, any hotels u got in mind? try not to stay too far from formosa...thx
20-03-2019, 03:38 PM
I suggest Harmoni hotel at KB... :rolleyes:
20-03-2019, 04:23 PM
Thanks for all the awesome information in your sig nono. Up you with my low low power. lol.
I just went through most of the information under your signature.
I went to Batam 2 weeks ago. 3D2N. Stayed at Hotel Bahoi. It was a solo travel just for fun. It was the first time I have been to Batam.
I was interested in booking a girl there but since I am unfamiliar with the culture there, I didn't do it. I didn't dare ask anyone there also. So the whole adventure is just food and sightseeing. Seriously, the street food here is a lot nicer than Singapore. If it wasn't because I am working in Sg, I can just live here just for the food alone. Throughout the trip, I had to use google translate. Heng google translate still can understand.
Anyway, I only started reading this thread after I came back to Singapore. I wanted to explore on my own first like playing game.
Nono's signature is like cheat sheet sia. lol. Anyway, I have some questions about the booking joints. Hope some of you can help me!
1) When I enter the booking joints, what's the whole process like ah? I know I am asking a bloody noob question but all I have been doing is Wechat and FL dome 1. Never ventured outside before. Is it like the receptionist is the OKT or what?
2) What are the reasonable prices of SYT? I am not a cheapskate but I don't want kena chop carrot. I meant as in overnight stay until next morning.
3) What's their SOP like for overnight stay? How many hours or what time they stay until next morning?
4) Who do you pay? The OKT at the joints or the girl? If paid the money for overnight but the girl run away in the middle of night? I am assuming LLST?
5) All the joints that nono listed, can everyone share their experience? I want to plan my route to see which to explore first.
6) Do the girls work on Weekdays? Weekends like damn crowded sia. Later all the good girls kena book liao, sian half.
20-03-2019, 11:25 PM
Hello bro and (hopefully Bro NONO still awake)
Setting off tml to harbour Bay for day trip
Plan to visit octopus spa
Anyone been there recently? Can share details?
Someone mentioned Venus spa as well . How was it?
20-03-2019, 11:38 PM
I just went through most of the information under your signature.
Shall come back to you on a later date...sorry, at work now. :o
Hello bro and (hopefully Bro NONO still awake)
Still at work, if you are travelling via Harbour Bay using Horizon ferry, then Octopuss is good. If you are travelling via Batam Center using the rest of the other ferry companies, Venus should be good.
Both method, dont have to travel too far to get a pop. Pricing quite about similar. Shop, eat, pop...all under one roof (area). :p
Octopus lately have been absolutely trash...even the platinum only 1 out of 4 is actually decent.
Btw, I heard you can do ST with galaxy ladies. Which lately seems to be superio. Damage is 1.5juta. but however I wonder what are the damage from other things like room for example and the time when they are available for ST
21-03-2019, 03:31 PM
There are many good hotels in vicinity of Formosa, Harmoni Suites Hotel at about $50 is strongly recommended, otherwise you can also try Da Vienna Hotel about a few dollars cheaper.
thanks for suggestion. Harmony suite looks neat. :)
sure can, any hotels u got in mind? try not to stay too far from formosa...thx
Wat abt harmony hotel? nearby kanpong bule...near to places we often go. $70 budget ok? if ok, we'll settle for harmony, will book hotel nxt week or this weekend..
I suggest Harmoni hotel at KB... :rolleyes:
looking at harmony hotel nw, looks good on map loc, thanks... :)
21-03-2019, 05:46 PM
Hi brothers, anyone have contact for transport to cater to 7 adults and 6 children? I Long time never go to Batam, lost all my drivers contact.
21-03-2019, 05:52 PM
A past and present of Batam. Watching Batam growing over the years...and i am growing too,hehehe...
Batam by day...
...and its changes over a short frame of few years.
By nightfall...
So much of the building infrastructure has change over such short period of time.
Looking at Harbour Bay ferry terminal from the sky....
No, i didnt take aeroplane to Harbour Bay,hehehe...someone else uses a drone to shoot these photos,hence i pick them up and am sharing it here.
Batam HOT! Hehehe... ;)
* please do not quote my whole post if you are replying, thank you.
21-03-2019, 05:56 PM
Hmm...Goodway hotel has been fenced up, and there are plans to have it torn down somewhere this year (i heard).
Likely a new so-called super block consisting of hotels, malls, apartments and office towers will be built in this area of Batam too. The place technically still belong to the Mandarin Hotel group tho. Keeping watch as i pen this down.
21-03-2019, 08:07 PM
Thanks for all the awesome information in your sig nono. Up you with my low low power. lol.
I just went through most of the information under your signature.
Apologies for the late should have rate this thread 5 star instead,hehehe...i mainly come here to collect info and compile them. So most of what you read from me hereafter would be pretty basic.
1. Ready S$48, go to Harbour Front buy a ferry ticket go Batam ,take a taxi at 30k rupiah from Harbour Bay to Formosa hotel if you are staying over.
For day-tripper : Ready S$48, go to Harbour Front buy a ferry ticket go to Batam Harbour Bay, about 10 mins walk to Pacific Palace hotel and then to Octopuss spa.
2. Reach Formosa, follow map and walk around.
3. Formosa hotel itself has a KTV and MP on the 4th floor, by all means try it. Its not expensive compare to the Singapore cheapest KTV with room that has GROs butterflying around.
End of day, just take a taxi back to Harbour Bay and then home sweet home. ;)
I went to Batam 2 weeks ago. 3D2N. Stayed at Hotel Bahoi. It was a solo travel just for fun. It was the first time I have been to Batam.
As per my usual advise to those who are completely new to Batam. Staying in the right hotel is key to how easy and hard you can move around to find girls.
I was interested in booking a girl there but since I am unfamiliar with the culture there, I didn't do it. I didn't dare ask anyone there also. So the whole adventure is just food and sightseeing. Seriously, the street food here is a lot nicer than Singapore. If it wasn't because I am working in Sg, I can just live here just for the food alone. Throughout the trip, I had to use google translate. Heng google translate still can understand.
The hotel you stayed in, that area is a good place for food and shopping. There are lots of massage shop around in that area too, almost every massage shops there is clean but with the right approach (i dont speak bahasa and use google translate most time), every massage shops can be "dirty",hehehe... not knowing their language can be an advantage. ;)
Anyway, I only started reading this thread after I came back to Singapore. I wanted to explore on my own first like playing game.
Nono's signature is like cheat sheet sia. lol. Anyway, I have some questions about the booking joints. Hope some of you can help me!
Sounds like a gamer,hehehe... i like gamers,especially one who has that heart to shared.
I do have quite a handful of gamer friends in Batam, shared before,hence i replied (and not becos of points and power in the forum).
1) When I enter the booking joints, what's the whole process like ah? I know I am asking a bloody noob question but all I have been doing is Wechat and FL dome 1. Never ventured outside before. Is it like the receptionist is the OKT or what?
Most newbie might get a culture shock when they 1st entered a booking joint,hehehe...during my 1st year Batam trip, one of the "punishment" to newbie/s who joined me in my Batam trips were to enter any booking joint alone and collect a name card from one of the papi or mami w/o booking a girl,hehehe...
When i 1st visit a booking joint, due to the language barrier, i wasnt able to communicate with the papi/mami but yet they welcome me like i am some VIP,hehehe...but i dont know why at that point of time,i would get this feeling that if i am going to step out of the joint w/o a girl from their shop, i will be "eaten alive",hehehe... i dont feel comfortable...not one bit. :D
Basically, i just ask the price, bargain a bit, pay up once price is right ,collect their shop's name card and go (if no name card,ask for papi/mami's number). They will usually send the girls to my hotel room on my designated time. The name card is for in case they didnt come on time. Yes, its a pay 1st and later wait in room for my girl to be brought to me deal.
Alternatively ,i can also pay and collect my girl immediately. Meaning i pick up my girl immediately and then head straight for my hotel room thereafter (together with the girl i paid for).
2) What are the reasonable prices of SYT? I am not a cheapskate but I don't want kena chop carrot. I meant as in overnight stay until next morning.
Everyone has a different "reasonable price" and as for mine...
Weekday : 800k to 1.3 juta
Weekend : 1 juta to 1.6 juta
Public holiday : Most likely higher than weekend unless you are super regular.
Above stated were for booking joint only, not KTVs nor some clubs or pubs.
Overnight girls, usually 3 shots for those joints stated on my signature. Some carrot shop only allow 2 shots. These rules however not necessary apply to ALL booking joints i know, but only to most. Just take it as 3 shots in general.
3) What's their SOP like for overnight stay? How many hours or what time they stay until next morning?
There is no SOP,unlike in Singapore Geylang. After you pay up, you can either take the girl off the shop or have it send to you at your convenient time. If the shop opens at 11am, you are there 11.01am, you pay up at 1102am, the girl will be yours until her next day's working hours or until you give her the green light to leave.
(note : Most joints usually open 10am but not all girls were ready at that time,11am to 1130am should be good,unless its KTV type-of-joint)
However, some girls (especially SYTs) MIGHT play truant with you, tells you she not feeling well or simply do things that makes you feel piss-off so that you ask them to leave. Hence i usually recommend friends i knew in person not to be blind by SYTs, instead just pick those 6/10 to 7/10 girls who are young MILF or semi-SYT.
Talking to papi and mami helps too, asking them the question you just ask above.
(How many hours or what time will they stay until next morning?)
4) Who do you pay? The OKT at the joints or the girl? If paid the money for overnight but the girl run away in the middle of night? I am assuming LLST?
Yes, you pay to either the receptionist or the OKT who intro you the girls. As for, will the girl/s you book run or not is rather subjective. Most girls dont run when they knew they had a good customers. Joints like Helena and Morena is famous for runaway girls where you booked (and pay) for overnight.
Sometime i will ask the papi or mami if they can "guarantee" the girl i book wont run and will stay throughout the whole booking time (which is technically at 1st light the next morning, at about 7am). "Guarantee" mentioned here may not 100% foolproof tho.
Some overnight booking girls who are good or like a certain good customer can stay until 10am or longer.
5) All the joints that nono listed, can everyone share their experience? I want to plan my route to see which to explore first.
Take every words you hear with a pinch of salt, as the girls turn-over rate in any booking joint is on an average of once every 3 months. Meaning to say, girls move around and change around on average once every 3 months. New girls come,old girls go.
Nowaday i usually dont advise friends to visit all the booking joint in one single day as they are likely to miss the "golden timing" to book the girls. Meaning to say,by the time i plan to go back to the previous booking to book the girl i saw 30 mins ago in another joint, she may have already been book by another person (this usually happen mostly on weekends).
So nowaday if i were to bring my friends to booking joint, i only plan a route for 3 to 4 joints in a day and then leave them to decide which girl/s from the 3 or 4 they would pick. From how my friends behave, i will be able to understand their characteristic and if a certain girl is suitable (or not),hehehe...not everyone is suitable for booking joint girls as these places were catered for the oldest to the youngest customers on a general basis.
My golden advise : Keep expectation low for starter.
If all else fail, there's still KTVs (opens after sunset 7pm onward) and MPs (for test water before booking). ;)
6) Do the girls work on Weekdays? Weekends like damn crowded sia. Later all the good girls kena book liao, sian half.
Most girls work throughout the weeks and off only mainly when they "menses" come. Girls who has good and better booking business on weekends will usually takes off on monday (earned enough i guess,hehehe...). Girls who has better and good booking business during weekends were usually ang bai and these includes young MILF. ;)
Girls who are ang bai dont usually get taken off the joint immediately after their customers pay up. They will be loitering around the back balcony or the "make up room",(barely be seen in the open area) to kill time and be pick later and delivered to their customer's hotel at the "right time".
Some girls in some joint/s will reject customer's booking,eg when a very young girl see the man who wish to book her is some ugly old man or they dont like a certain race etc etc (not so common tho).
I guess i have reply to the best i could, hope it helps.
21-03-2019, 08:19 PM
Hi brothers, anyone have contact for transport to cater to 7 adults and 6 children? I Long time never go to Batam, lost all my drivers contact.
Pls chk you pm :)
22-03-2019, 12:04 AM
Wat abt harmony hotel? nearby kanpong bule...near to places we often go. $70 budget ok? if ok, we'll settle for harmony, will book hotel nxt week or this weekend..
can, we'll book our own rm, u just book yours & your frens room will do.
22-03-2019, 10:53 AM
How to post photos by mobile website? There is no option to paste photos.
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