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06-06-2019, 01:41 PM
Without being linked or shared, then theres no way spore could know who is that foreigner. With this, then its v obvious spore ICA is just checking for fake passports and bad records from its own database and those from interpol. I doubt spore is keen to know whether a foreigner hold single or multiple citizenship.
Passport data of arrivals and departures is never shared among countries. However, airlines will share the passengers data as required by aviation law. Leave by passport A and enter by passport B without being noticed is only possible through non-registered, non commercial transport. E.g walk through causeway or private driving.
Each country will exercise its own discretion dealing with people who use multiple passports.
That interesting ;)
Could use for ferry..?
Using passport to check in for ferry, not KTP / NRIC leh :D
Bro NDND, are you Indonesian ?. How did you get Indo KTP ?. Just curious !
No, Im not Indonesian.
Last time just give a photograph, there are agents to do it.
Last time one Indonesian can have 10 KTP with 10 different names and all were legitimate :p
06-06-2019, 02:05 PM
Side note, Hari Raya season, most girls arent back yet. Then again, there's never a lack of girls in Batam. May just have a lack on varieties for the time being.
Enjoy your Batam trip.
Money changer give S$ rate less <=10300
Last saturday...
Forseen bank is closing for 9 days.
I check remitance, rate was quoted 10375 (think its base in last friday closing)
Ni sure is money still using kast friday rate as referance.
06-06-2019, 02:18 PM
Using passport to check in for ferry, not KTP / NRIC leh :D
555 just thought can use INDO KTP with SgPP to get boalding pass :p
06-06-2019, 02:25 PM
When a country gets too advance/high tech/modern, the cost of living will also increase. Therefore retiring in a less developed country gives your savings a higher purchasing power.
I agreed with this point. Its just like same S$1 can be use to buy more things in Batam as compared to Singapore. Which is why the S$5 survivor challenge which i took in past while in Batam has shown me what i have missed.
5. In spore, strata units (condo/Apt) are managed by professional managing agent. However, Batam may not have sufficient qualified people to maintain the building. :)
In my next few trips to batam, i am more likely to spend more time in the developer's office. I already went to a few in my last trip and gather quite a handful amount of information and one of those information involved the people who would be managing the condo's facilities.
06-06-2019, 02:26 PM
@ NONO, solar system for landed house is ok. For apartment, i doubt the management will approve even you own the unit. Better double check before purchase.
Thanks, thanks...yea, i notice some land house roof top got those satellite dish,hehehe...but i never see solar panel in Batam before.
I now need to consider buying a studio unit with balcony and also to watch out for the size of its balcony. The solar panel wont be too big tho and the size i plan to bring in were unlikely able to power up appliances such as air-con and refrigerator. But for television,some simple household appliances and computers, shouldnt be a problem. Hehehe...i wont be turning on air-con thru out the day,round the clock either.
Solve the constant black out issue too. I am not using apartment block space, but my own living space (inside balcony) to fit the solar panel, hence i dont plan to seek the condo's management's approval.
The electrical bill and apartment management cost in Batam condominium is really scary. Save here ,save there, might still need to fork out about 2.5 juta per month and that amount of money already can use to rent a small no-window unit in Lai Lai apartment already. :(
Nono pls also dun forget Batam have certain times Water rationing & Power Shutdown..hahahaha
Thank you for sharing.
Water rationing i hear of it before. One taxi driver every once told me before, his water tap at home actually came out air instead of water. Not so much of a problem for me.
I used to stay in Jakarta for a bit as a kid before, those days where the tap came out clear water on the bath tub but after being filled up to about half, the water was actually dark greenish in color. So dark that when you drop a 50 rupiah coin into it, you will unlikely be able to find it. After leaving the bath tub of water for a day or 2 unattended, i was able to see one or 2 worms crawling out from it. And i have to use those greenish water to shower myself EVERYDAY! :o
This has left me a very deep impression back then. So the people staying with me uses bottled mineral water to cook their food and for drinking. Over the many years, Indonesia water system has made tremendous improvement, but their electricity supply system still almost the same. I still see some black-outs in Batam every once a blue moon (no less than a dozen time over my 5 years in Batam).
You mean there are electricity rationing in Batam?
If thats the case, there may be a problem...haiz...a lot of things cant go w/o electricity (fridge etc) and a diesel power-ed generator definitely cannot fit into a studio unit. :(
I believe most apartment condo should have a back up generator tho.
From all the aspect i look at Batam's property on the whole, be it any brand new condo apartment or a new landed property, give them say about 10 years, the place would be pretty much quite rundown. My view on the whole is much wider after the discussion (info) and am looking at the buying of apartment more differently.
I should be able to ask the property agent/s and the developer/s better questions in my upcoming trip to Batam. Being a 1st time Batam would-be property buyer, most time when i see them also dont know what kind/type of key question to ask.
Sincerely thank you all.
06-06-2019, 02:26 PM
Hmm...BCC hotel now offer free shuttle service,hehehe...but not to Harbour Bay or Batam Center ferry sad. :(
Still a need to book from their website directly to get the discounted.
06-06-2019, 02:30 PM
KFC Harbour bay opedned
Hehehe...this is good news. I hope they have smoking area, otherwise i am sticking to Morning Bakery.
Money changer give S$ rate less <=10300
Last saturday...
Forseen bank is closing for 9 days.
I check remitance, rate was quoted 10375 (think its base in last friday closing)
Ni sure is money still using kast friday rate as referance.
10300/SGD ??!! :eek:
Now, this is the kind of time where Singapore money changer at Raffles place Arcade mall or Chinatown area would have given a better than Batam rate. Otherwise, under normal days, Batam money changer would have offer better exchange rates.
Yes, i notice that many Indonesians were talking about having super duper ultra long weekends from 1st June onward until 9th June 2019 hence i am NOT expecting the richer girls in Batam to be back until after 10th June 2019 tho,hehehe..
I definitely wont be there during those time tho,hehehe...becos its too crowded and lesser girls to choose from. :D
06-06-2019, 03:07 PM
No, Im not Indonesian.
Last time just give a photograph, there are agents to do it.
Last time one Indonesian can have 10 KTP with 10 different names and all were legitimate :p
With the right people (not money) now also can apply for ktp, indo pp included om. :)
06-06-2019, 03:47 PM
With the right people (not money) now also can apply for ktp, indo pp included om. :)
I think it is difficult now, my Indo friend told me they are now using E-KTP. Not sure what it means LOL
06-06-2019, 05:17 PM
Total newbie with very little experience here. Spent hours reading this thread and decided to come to batam solo to look see.
Getting cold feet, though, as it's a foreign place and I don't speak the language. Have read thru all of the beginner guides, but still a bit scared to venture out and explore :(
Any tips on how to 'motivate' myself and get over my cold feet?
06-06-2019, 05:51 PM
I think it is difficult now, my Indo friend told me they are now using E-KTP. Not sure what it means LOL
Can bro no issue. My friend got it 2 months ago. Now renting a bungalow, with 3 rooms plus 2 toilets, huge garden too. Monthly rentel 2.5 mil. All in. Told me his fortunate to know me. I just laugh. Lol
06-06-2019, 06:57 PM
Can bro no issue. My friend got it 2 months ago. Now renting a bungalow, with 3 rooms plus 2 toilets, huge garden too. Monthly rentel 2.5 mil. All in. Told me his fortunate to know me. I just laugh. Lol
Cash/ money is King!
06-06-2019, 07:11 PM
Can bro no issue. My friend got it 2 months ago. Now renting a bungalow, with 3 rooms plus 2 toilets, huge garden too. Monthly rentel 2.5 mil. All in. Told me his fortunate to know me. I just laugh. Lol
wow,,, $250 only a month !!!!!
06-06-2019, 11:45 PM
I used to have one batam KTP. Those provinsi type which valid for 5 years. The old KTP. Just 300k that time.
Understand that in indonesia, the law requires every foreign resident to possess identity documents issued by the Civil Registry.
However, many foreigners are not aware of this and may face penalties for non-compliance..
There are two types of Identity cards for foreigners staying in Indonesia or Batam namely the SKTT and KTP-OA
SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) is an identity card that is issued to foreigners who hold a KITAS - Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (Temporary Residency Permit)
KTP-OA (Kartu Tanda Penduduk - Orang Asing) is an identity card that is issued to foreigner who hold a KITAP - Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap (Permanent Residency Permit)
The ID cards (SKTT and KTP-OA) will have the same validity period as the KITAS and KITAP respectively that the applicant is holding.
After the foreigner hold the KITAS for 5 consecutive years, he/she will be given the KITAP. After some period of time, the KITAP holders will then be eligible to apply to become an Indonesian Citizen.
The difference between the 3 types of identity cards is the colour:
SKTT for foreigner - Green
KTP-OA for foreigner -Pink
KTP for indonesian - Blue
Bro ndnd, I guess the ID card you have is batam SKTT (Temporary Residency Permit) for KITAS holder since you did not apply for any long term stay in indonesia.
Therefore foreigner can stay long term in batam in 3 legal ways:
1)Apply for KITAS (Temporary Residency Permit) - identity card SKTT
2)Apply for KITAP (Permanent Residency Permit) - identity card KTP-OA
3)U-turn method. Enter Batam given one month stay, before expiry go back Spore or JB and then return back to Batam again, and the cycle goes on..
06-06-2019, 11:53 PM
I used it as a discount card as i used to travel JKT and Jawa area. Many hotels charge lower rate if using an Indo KTP to check in.
Pintar banget..bisa hemat banyak duit untuk jangka panjang :)
Smart move to save lots of money in the long run ...:p
07-06-2019, 12:05 AM
No, i didnt apply for any long term stay in indonesia.
Just make an U turn will do.
Go back SG once awhile for KTV session :p or go malaysia for holiday.
Oic… That means when you enter batam, you will be given one month stay and before the one month stay expiry, you will take ferry from batam centre back to either singapore or JB stulang laut / pasir gudang ferry terminal before u-turn back to batam again ya ?
Understand that all ASEAN nations do not need to apply visa for traveling within ASEAN countries for unlimited number of times and each time will be given 2 weeks or 1 month depends on the mode of transport like by land, by sea or by air.
ASEAN nation include spore, msia, indon, cambodia, myanmar, thailand, philippine, Laos, vietnam and brunei
07-06-2019, 12:28 AM
I doubt anyone will renounce SG citizenship for Indonesia citizenship.
I have some Malaysian friends who are unwilling to take up spore citizenship although they were invited to apply because they have properties and plantation lands in Malaysia which they cannot afford to lose.
Same applies to giving up singapore citizenship. Some Singaporeans may still want to keep their HDB flat in order to rent out to earn some passive income. :)
Some may still want to come back to spore just in case Plan A failed and may need to come back to cari makan again. :D
Back to your questions, you’re rite, majority will not renounce SG citizenship except three groups of people:
1) Those people who have lots of CPF money in their CPF accounts and decided to withdraw all the CPF money out at one go to retire in a lower cost of living country.
2) Decided to leave spore for good means no intention to come back spore anymore.
3) Those people who has no relatives or family members in singapore but has established a family in Batam...(accidentally bought the cow) :D
07-06-2019, 12:52 AM
Landed house pay to PLN. Base on PLN rate.
Apartment pay to property management. Base on the property's rate. Thats the different.
Since PLN is a govt-owned company and generates the majority of the country's electrical power, because of economic of scale, the electricity bill to the landed house owner will be cheap and affordable. :)
On the other hand, condo/apartment management buy electricity from PLN and charge higher electricity bill to individual apartment resident since the management need to handle the power distribution and to install individual electrical meter at the electrical riser for the apartments.
Whereas in Malaysia, regardless of whether it is for high rise apartment or landed house or commercial properties, the payment of electrical bill is to the same malaysia electricity company TNB (Tenaga National Berhad). However, commercial property electricity bill is more costly than residential electricity bill.
07-06-2019, 01:12 AM
@ NONO, solar system for landed house is ok. For apartment, i doubt the management will approve even you own the unit. Better double check before purchase.
The land in the landed house belong to the individual owner, therefore he/she can install solar panel in his garden or on the roof of his house.
On the other hand, condo / apartment is considered as strata unit therefore any area outside the apartment unit is considered as a common area which is under the management.
Example: rooftop, corridors, staircases, lobbies, etc
Unless the management allowed the residents to use the outdoor space for placing solar panel, if not by placing solar panel inside the apartment no point because cannot receive enough sunlight and solar energy.
Condo/Apartment management are more concern with the uniformity and consistency on the outlook of the building.
Therefore any proposal by resident to install anything at the balcony (example:awning/solar panel,etc) or at other prominent common area is subjected to the management review and approval. But then again, with money, nothing is impossible :D
07-06-2019, 01:31 AM
I think it is difficult now, my Indo friend told me they are now using E-KTP. Not sure what it means LOL
Previously long time ago, the KTP for indonesian is only valid for 5 years.
But during year 2011 onwards, indonesian were issued e-KTP which is valid for a lifetime and this KTP electronik contains an embedded microchip.
However, for non-Indonesian citizens, the KTP card's expiry date is the same as that of their residency permit.
Which means that expiry date of identity card (SKTT) will follow (KITAS) whereas identity card (KTP-OA) will follow (KITAP)
07-06-2019, 03:57 AM
On the other hand, condo/apartment management buy electricity from PLN and charge higher electricity bill to individual apartment resident since the management need to handle the power distribution and to install individual electrical meter at the electrical riser for the apartments.
Whereas in Malaysia, regardless of whether it is for high rise apartment or landed house or commercial properties, the payment of electrical bill is to the same malaysia electricity company TNB (Tenaga National Berhad). However, commercial property electricity bill is more costly than residential electricity bill.[/QUOTe
Thanks for bringing this up bro now i know why my electricity bill is higher than my friends...knn cibai my condo is listed as service apartment that why...haiya....
07-06-2019, 09:42 AM
Have cinema guide? Was wondering how many there are. Will be planning to stay at Radisson and want to know where the closest cinema is. TIA.
kepri mall is the closest. Radisson also have free shuttle to the newest mall in batam, Grand Batam Mall which also has a cinema.
07-06-2019, 10:20 AM
Whereas in Malaysia, regardless of whether it is for high rise apartment or landed house or commercial properties, the payment of electrical bill is to the same malaysia electricity company TNB (Tenaga National Berhad). However, commercial property electricity bill is more costly than residential electricity bill.
My stay in JB most of the time are weekends. So usage of electricity low. So if below m$20 mthly usage, my bill is
07-06-2019, 10:34 AM
My stay in JB most of the time are weekends. So usage of electricity low. So if below m$20 mthly usage, my bill is
If I am not mistaken, no "waive" anymore for electrical bill ..
07-06-2019, 11:24 AM
If I am not mistaken, no "waive" anymore for electrical bill ..
Three years been enjoying such privileges. After Pakatan too over so much changes. Hope the medical privileges extended to non residents stand stands. Cheap cheap:D
07-06-2019, 11:58 AM
Hmm...Queen Victoria apartment unit also going for rental at S$54 a night stay. Perhaps i should one day should try to stay in such apartments for a night or 2, just to get how its gonna feel like staying in it.
The S$57 a night is actually a 3 bed room unit.
...and how's the living room looks like.
...and how's the kitchen can be like...
Nope, i wasnt thinking about buying any of the units in Queen Victoria. 1st of all, its nearer to Batam Center area and somewhere in the middle of nowhere when it comes to strategic location. This place wasnt even able to fetch any good rental yield.
Then again, its only good for me to stay in just for the sake of knowing how its gonna feel like in an apartment unit and as well as designing the layout unit itself. The stay is definitely value for money but one has to factor in the transport cost and be bearing of the inconvenience of getting groceries. However, there is a small provision shop and restaurant at the void deck of the apartment block tho,hehehe...not forgetting a gym and small pool.
3 bed room type is 55 square meter (around S$57 a night) and 2 bed room type is between 35 to 40 square meter (about S$40 to S$52 a night). Selling between 390 juta to 556 juta,hehehe...unit with 4 bed room at 1040 juta tho.
Surprisingly to me, yearly rental is about S$7k for a 3 bed room unit. :D
Next year, i guess i should be looking forward to see the rental for Formosa Residence,hehehe...
07-06-2019, 12:26 PM
For about S$765, one can now stay in a boat/yacht with 3 bed room in Batam thats parked around Nongsa,hehehe...interesting, isnt it? At the least thats whats in Batam that not many people has seen before or even heard about.
I guess due to limited space, the yacht has to be fully use of every space available,hehehe...
...and there's how small the kitchen is like...
...and thats the space for my big/small business talk,hehehe...
...followed by the outside of the yacht,hehehe...
Hmm...i notice something, there's no queen size bed. Every bed in the boat itself were single bed. So while bringing girls there can be fun but well, end of the night there may be some problem,hehehe...
S$765.00 can be quite a lot of money for one person like me to rent a boat for a night, hmm...maybe can consider having a friend or 2 to tag along and each of us bringing one girl each,and be sharing the one single bed. I can only hope the bed could stand the weight of 2 person in it on this one. Or well...we can do what we wish to outside at the yacht dock, view of the moon and stars during the night. :D
Living space is around 80 square meter.
If i gonna stay there, its gonan be at least 2 nights..otherwise there might not be time for all the fun,hehehe...and by the way,all rooms shown are air-conditioned. It is equipped with Wifi 237365 too.
Just sharing.
07-06-2019, 07:53 PM
For that price, does it sail? :confused: Then breakfast/meals included? :confused:
I guess nope...becos you need to hire cook and butler...also to sail need to hire Capt and crew...unless you can handle yourself...:)
BTW, troll no longer trolling you ha...:)
08-06-2019, 01:09 AM
Can someone give me the location of these booking joint in Google Map location? Can't seems to find them as I'm staying at Harmoni Suites
Gold Bird (aka Hai Lai)
Sekar (aka ex New Berry)
With the right people (not money) now also can apply for ktp, indo pp included om. :)
Can make E-KTP also, but need to have the right calo (agent) to handle.
He must really have people in that department. Need to do full set with Akte (birth cert.) and Kartu Keluarga (Family Card :rolleyes:) All the document must be link and match. They have a centralise system now.
And the main problem now is shortage of Blanko (the card of E-KTP), not only batam, many province in Indonesia shortage of that, out of stock :D
Some waited one year also still cant get their E-KTP.
alamak... Om pulah :o:o
Bro ndnd, I guess the ID card you have is batam SKTT (Temporary Residency Permit) for KITAS holder since you did not apply for any long term stay in indonesia.
No, the one i used to hold is Indonesian KTP under Batam Province, valid for 5 years.
08-06-2019, 05:50 PM many good girls in Batam, but i only have one little bro,hehehe... so must really take good of it.
Play safe, always wear a "helmet"...hehehe...
So many gers in btm but onli one yes,mus r'ber 2 wear helmet 2 protect our ownself in the :D
nxt week gng bk btm :D
08-06-2019, 09:01 PM
So many gers in btm but onli one yes,mus r'ber 2 wear helmet 2 protect our ownself in the
This is what i often tells my friend. Wanna play Batam, make sure to play safe.
nxt week gng bk btm
Hehehe...thought those girls hasnt return back to work? :p
08-06-2019, 09:01 PM
For that price, does it sail? :confused:
I imagine myself taking Horizon Ferry from Harbour Front to Harbour Bay, I board the ferry from land, the ferry needs to sail out to reach Batam Harbour Bay,hehehe...its the same theory that if i board that Yacht, i need to board it from land. It has to move out of dock somehow...but they should just be around the coastline for a couple of hours.
Due to their yacht size, they will need to anchor themselves out at sea, away from shore to prevent themselves from grounding during low tide.
Then breakfast/meals included?
Yes, they do provide breakfast, just basic ham, bread, and butter ,like those western-type breakfast. Lunch and dinner not provided so need to either self-cook, or buy back on boat in advance or just pay for food like ordering room service. I doubt any Go-food sender would DARE to take my order from the boat tho,hehehe... :D
There's a kitchen and they also do provide life-jacket when the boat is on the move. And kind of compulsory to wear them.
I guess nope...becos you need to hire cook and butler...also to sail need to hire Capt and crew...unless you can handle yourself...
I doubt there's a butler but i believe the chef is also the captain of the yacht and probably 1 or 2 staffs who would double as crew.
They really knows how to conserve space... and this yacht can take in up to 9 person (excluding the crews and captain) for a night stay. :p
I do have a license to drive on the coastline of Singapore, i wonder if they will allow me to drive that boat tho,hehehe...
08-06-2019, 10:14 PM
Can someone give me the location of these booking joint in Google Map location? Can't seems to find them as I'm staying at Harmoni Suites
Gold Bird (aka Hai Lai)
Sekar (aka ex New Berry)
Look for New berry still can get Sekar even it stated Closed
Gold bird just at this "Sambal Mentah Bude Ida" locations
09-06-2019, 12:03 PM
I thought i saw X-Men Dark Phoenix was screening in Batam 2 to 3 days ago at CGV theaters in Grand Batam and Harbour Bay Mall, then suddenly the screening disappears...hmm...
The Trailer :
The storyline :
In DARK PHOENIX, the X-MEN face their most formidable and powerful foe: one of their own, Jean Grey. During a rescue mission in space, Jean is nearly killed when she is hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. Wrestling with this entity inside her, Jean unleashes her powers in ways she can neither comprehend nor contain. With Jean spiraling out of control, and hurting the ones she loves most, she begins to unravel the very fabric that holds the X-Men together. Now, with this family falling apart, they must find a way to unite -- not only to save Jean's soul, but to save our very planet from aliens who wish to weaponize this force and rule the galaxy.
Not really a movie that i have been looking forward to watch tho but i guess its technically a fairly alright movie. This movie has been delayed for quite a bit due to issue from its production company and nonetheless, its finally gonna start screening soon.
Its suppose to start screening before Avenger Endgame but well...
Godzilla and Alladdin is still screening in Batam tho, Pokemon no more. ;)
Enjoy the movie, enjoy Batam.
This is what i often do...dont bother, dont see, dont hear...dont even argue back, when its not beneficial to myself (or on my objective) nor the titled thread ; and avoid using strong words (which is why i NEVER reply to any troublemaker or trolls online, the word Never is a strong word).
Note : i also observe nicks who "feed" the troublemakers too.
Nobody really wins online. Take away the face-value of any argument, all should be good.
Below is my attitude when i am online :
That not counting their culture of paying less to get better service and paying more for not-so-good service i mentioned in the past,hehehe... thats my very own understanding of Batam.
Crazily amazing indeed. :D
Due to the many Chinese proverbs used on the video, hence understanding on the translation can be different for different people. Meaning it can mean differently to people who read the lyrics. Below is solely my own understanding and attitude whenever i am online,hehehe...
Hey! Hey!
What's the use of heaven and earth, when you can't use it as bed and blanket to rest well,
What's the use of wind and the moon, when you can't eat with it or fill yourself.
What's the use of dust and ashes, when one day everything is going to become like it,
What's the use of changes, when all changes would finally form and set itself.
What's the use of facing the wall (a kind of punishment in old days), when you can't see the mistake (problem),
What's the use of scolding and hammering down, when eventually both side will end up hurt.
What's the use of me being around ,when i cannot be happy and smiling,
What's the use of crashing me, when i am still standing here with my head up, proud.
(can't explain)
(can't explain)
(can't explain)
(can't explain)
Hey! Hey! Hey! Carefreely i move around....
Those higher up there, cannot affect me!
* avoid quoting my whole post if anyone is replying to my post, thank you.
Staying on board for 24hrs do nothing just looking at the sky or sea or whatever i think kinda boring. (Those hanky panky stuff aside :p)
If the boat can sail out and include minimal program like fishing, catch some crab or lobster seafood etc be great then can either cook on board or sail to some nice beach then go on camp fire tent also not bad. Otherwise 555 i guess really must buy all the ingredients to have a "sea feel meal party".
If i am booking that yacht or boat, i will surely need to arrange my own program, eg fishing, photoshoot , BBQ, family gathering etc. So i doubt it will be bore tho.
It would be a good experience for those on board,hehehe...
09-06-2019, 11:34 PM
My stay in JB most of the time are weekends. So usage of electricity low. So if below m$20 mthly usage, my bill is
If I am not mistaken, no "waive" anymore for electrical bill ..
Yes, you are rite.
The RM20 Electricity Bill Rebate Programme has ended on last year december.
This is because there are many rich people having bungalows, terrace houses and condominiums but do not live in the house and the electricity bill is below RM20. In fact this rebate is meant for the poor but the rich also enjoy.
A new RM40 Electricity Bill Rebate Programme replaced the old rebate and implemented effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2019 only for the lower income people and the poor people. :p
New garmen new policy...Malaysia boleh:D
10-06-2019, 10:15 AM
Hehehe...thought those girls hasnt return back to work? :p
no, i go tere celebrate hari raya wit em em all go cookin 4 me wen i cummin :D
otw liao....
10-06-2019, 10:19 AM
otw liao....
Wahlau eeh....:p:D
10-06-2019, 08:00 PM
Bros, whats the exchange rate in batam now
10-06-2019, 08:23 PM
no, i go tere celebrate hari raya wit em em all go cookin 4 me wen i cummin :D
otw liao....
wah nice! i would tell her to stop cooking and let me fry her eggs instead. :D
Yes, just next to this pacific disco are the jackpot room, inside many people play the jackpot machines. When u enter pacific disco, u see high sofas , so surely can rabba rabba the girls, no more a disco, mummy will approach u.
Not a rabba rabba bar. (VG the local call it)
This place also under Octopuss Spa.
They shift the TH2 Cat. Sliver cewek to this place.
So level 8, no more Cat. Sliver. Only Gold and above.
Damage 550k.
11-06-2019, 04:24 PM
Go batu/Urung for durian....
At the end got to stay in Balai.
11-06-2019, 09:34 PM
Go batu/Urung for durian....
At the end got to stay in Balai.
How is the quality of durian ?
Better? Cheaper?
In Batam island seller going for s$7 /kg
11-06-2019, 09:49 PM
Thought it was lup sup bar style and wanted to try. Sigh hard to find this type of bar liao
Not a rabba rabba bar. (VG the local call it)
This place also under Octopuss Spa.
They shift the TH2 Cat. Sliver cewek to this place.
So level 8, no more Cat. Sliver. Only Gold and above.
Damage 550k.
12-06-2019, 01:11 PM
Be careful of batam wechat scam, a man will mascarade as a lady okt and will sent you a list of his girls to choose. You may select any girl listed and he will tell you its available. All the girls listed are fake. He will sent you other girls and then force you to take.
This is the details of the fake okt
12-06-2019, 06:29 PM
Durian season start, Food Festival 21 June to 22 June from 5pm to 11pm near bayfront mall parking. Best from indonesia n Singpore, also can get 50k voucher lo. Faster go ya
12-06-2019, 10:38 PM
Hehehe...good thing is, there is actually a 24 hour massage shop in Batam.
The bad part would be, it cost higher than most conventional massage places,hehehe...
This place seems to has been around for a while but with that price, not many would wish to take the risk. Anyway, it's "clean",hehehe... :D
There should be better ones somewhere else.
12-06-2019, 11:06 PM
The 1st hotel i have been to that stated clearly no online taxi is allowed but at the least, they do provide a solution if one wish to book online taxis. And on my way in, i hear a few did (thumbs up to that).
Taxi fare isnt cheap in this hotel. 70k rupiah minimum charges to go from hotel to any point, regardless how near. Hehehe...i guess most Sillyporean staying in this place not being very intelligent. Being bad on the part of taxi traveling doesnt mean there's no good point in it tho.
Or the least, the breakfast scores a good 7.5/10, almost on par with Formosa. And why do i give Formosa a 8/10 and BCC a 7.5 on breakfast? Hehehe...formosa breakfast area has a a smoking area, BCC doesnt. So, it ultimately depends on how one looks at the whole picture. ;)
There are of course other parts of good and bad, and i shall come to that on a later time, if fate allows.
Enjoying Batam...
13-06-2019, 12:30 AM
Hi bro,
You may walk further down to Sushi Tae for private hired taxi.
Turn right when you exit the hotel main entrance and walk for 2-3 mins. The private hired taxi is able to pick up outside the restaurant.
13-06-2019, 11:14 AM
Bro... I am planning to go batam next month. May i know how did u find girl A,B and C? Thank you :)
Went to Batam this week. Cheapo trip actually
Total cost:
1) ferry and low cost hotel, sgd65
2) food and gojek, sgd 30
3) girls, sgd 77
Enjoy Batam, stay healthy.
13-06-2019, 02:04 PM
Hey guys whats the exchange rate in batam. Sg here at most only 10330 lei. Some not even enough to exchange more than $200
13-06-2019, 03:17 PM
Which ktv is that.
On my previous trip, i did peep at pacific disco, its no more a disco but hv turned into something that look like a spacious dirty bar. The mummy told us that those girls are for booking.
Any Bro tried already? what is the damage like? Long time didn't go Batam liao. Will be there on 18 June 2019. :)
13-06-2019, 06:05 PM
OMG.. for so long, from the outside i keep thinking it was defunct.. and never ventured in or made any contact!
Hehehe...good thing is, there is actually a 24 hour massage shop in Batam.
The bad part would be, it cost higher than most conventional massage places,hehehe...
This place seems to has been around for a while but with that price, not many would wish to take the risk. Anyway, it's "clean",hehehe... :D
There should be better ones somewhere else.
13-06-2019, 10:44 PM
Anyone can advise how to bring durian from SG to Batam?
I saw no durain sign at the custom.
Thank you
13-06-2019, 10:44 PM
Bro... I am planning to go batam next month. May i know how did u find girl A,B and C? Thank you :)
You mean, how I know them in advance. Nowaday got social media apps. Just make yourself appear in Batam by changing location of your phone, your phone location can change to Batam if you are using android phone.
Black Page
13-06-2019, 11:38 PM
Anyone can advise how to bring durian from SG to Batam?
I saw no durain sign at the custom.
Thank you
You must be kidding. You think there are no durians in Batam? :confused:
A few years ago I brought a durian with me from Batam to my home town in Europe. Procedure:
1) Buy durian at street market in the middle between Formosa and Newton.
2) Put durian in a bag in my bathroom at Formosa.
3) Deeply regret that just 1 hour after.
4) Put the durian in a backpack, with dirty clothes from my 10 days trip away from home.
5) Put 10 kg of mangos, mangiss, 1 papaya, various fruit in my luggage with other things things.
6) Have 2 hours fun (last fun in Batam before leaving) in my room with a girl hired from some massage joint
7) Collect my stuff, checkout, taxi, go to Harbour Bay, all with my durian-enhanced backpack, 25-kg luggage, laptop bag.
8) Pass immigration, take ferry, arrive to Harbour Front
9) Pass immigration and customs. They seek alcohol and tobacco, do not care about a durian in a backpack.
10) Take MRT from Harbour Front, change at Outram Park, reach Changi. Total one hour in MRT, having the durian in the backpack. Someine smells it, but how can they know where is the durian?
11) Reach Terminal 1, drop-off my luggage and durian-enhanced backpack at Air France checkin desk
12) 18 hours later, I reach my home town. I do not go to my home, of course. I go to my parent's home, to show them the durian and to cut it THERE.
14-06-2019, 08:21 AM
You must be kidding. You think there are no durians in Batam.
12) 16 hours later, I reach my home town. I do not go to my home, of course. I go to my parent's home, to show them the durian and to cut it THERE.
14-06-2019, 09:18 AM
You mean, how I know them in advance. Nowaday got social media apps. Just make yourself appear in Batam by changing location of your phone, your phone location can change to Batam if you are using android phone.
I use wechat but can't change leh
14-06-2019, 09:02 PM
You must be kidding. You think there are no durians in Batam? :confused:
A few years ago I brought a durian with me from Batam to my home town in Europe. Procedure:
1) Buy durian at street market in the middle between Formosa and Newton.
2) Put durian in a bag in my bathroom at Formosa.
Très intelligent...:D
In fact, buy durian in spore or msia, the durian seller will help customer to extract out the durians and place it in the styrofoam packaging seal many time to prevent the smell coming out upon request.
The 5 Types of popular durians mainly come from Johor and Pahang
D24 - Pale yellow, bitter & creamy
Mao Shan Wang - Bright yellow, bittersweet & creamy
Red prawn - Orangy Red, sweet aftertaste
D13 - Deep orange, mildly sweet
XO - Pale yellow, bitter & soft
14-06-2019, 09:37 PM
Durian is ok, cant wait for rambutan season. Now every 5 mins along the road many2 sell durian, love it
Black Page
14-06-2019, 09:58 PM
Durian is ok, cant wait for rambutan season. Now every 5 mins along the road many2 sell durian, love it
Anybody can explain me why the choice of fresh fruit in Batam is so poor compared to Malaysia? Yes, Malaysia and Thailand are the farms of South East Asia, but why Batam cannot have fresh fruit?
I see fresh rambutan almost every time I go to KL, right season or not, but in Batam it seems always off season. Not to say about jambu air. Most of the times, at the market in Jodoh jambu air are old and damaged, when I see them.
Black Page
14-06-2019, 09:59 PM
Très intelligent...:D
I am not French :D
15-06-2019, 12:00 AM
Anybody can explain me why the choice of fresh fruit in Batam is so poor compared to Malaysia? Yes, Malaysia and Thailand are the farms of South East Asia, but why Batam cannot have fresh fruit?
I see fresh rambutan almost every time I go to KL, right season or not, but in Batam it seems always off season. Not to say about jambu air. Most of the times, at the market in Jodoh jambu air are old and damaged, when I see them.
We all know Batam have durains. But MSW only in Malaysia . And SG is selling.
15-06-2019, 12:11 AM
Très intelligent...:D
In fact, buy durian in spore or msia, the durian seller will help customer to extract out the durians and place it in the styrofoam packaging seal many time to prevent the smell coming out upon request.
The 5 Types of popular durians mainly come from Johor and Pahang
D24 - Pale yellow, bitter & creamy
Mao Shan Wang - Bright yellow, bittersweet & creamy
Red prawn - Orangy Red, sweet aftertaste
D13 - Deep orange, mildly sweet
XO - Pale yellow, bitter & soft
I see. Does it mean sealed tight can bring into ferry?
15-06-2019, 12:49 AM
Anybody can explain me why the choice of fresh fruit in Batam is so poor compared to Malaysia? Yes, Malaysia and Thailand are the farms of South East Asia, but why Batam cannot have fresh fruit?.
Batam is an industralised island city and has one of the busiest port. It has limited land for plantation and agriculture farming as it is only twice the size of singapore.
Therefore most of the fruits are imported either from java or sumatra and therefore it is not as fresh as when it was harvested.
I see fresh rambutan almost every time I go to KL, right season or not, but in Batam it seems always off season. Not to say about jambu air. Most of the times, at the market in Jodoh jambu air are old and damaged, when I see them.
Most of the rambutans in the world are produced in Peninsular Malaysia and West Java and also Thailand.
Because these areas has vast amount of land for cultivation and the warm tropical climate are favourable to the growth of rambutan. :p
15-06-2019, 12:54 AM
I see. Does it mean sealed tight can bring into ferry?
Ever brought in to MRT inside but could not smell anything when it was sealed with several layers of wrapping plastic..保鲜纸
Black Page
15-06-2019, 01:12 AM
Ever brought in to MRT inside but could not smell anything when it was sealed with several layers of wrapping plastic..保鲜纸
Mine was NOT sealed. :D:D
It was in the backpack, just in a plastic bag. :rolleyes:
Batam is an industralised island city and has one of the busiest port. It has limited land for plantation and agriculture farming as it is only twice the size of singapore.
That's right, but why they don't import them from Malaysia?? The ones I see at Hypermart (when there are) are NOT cheap :mad:
15-06-2019, 01:21 AM
I thought i saw X-Men Dark Phoenix was screening in Batam 2 to 3 days ago at CGV theaters in Grand Batam and Harbour Bay Mall, then suddenly the screening disappears...hmm...
The Trailer :
The storyline :
In DARK PHOENIX, the X-MEN face their most formidable and powerful foe: one of their own, Jean Grey. During a rescue mission in space, Jean is nearly killed when she is hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. Wrestling with this entity inside her, Jean unleashes her powers in ways she can neither comprehend nor contain. With Jean spiraling out of control, and hurting the ones she loves most, she begins to unravel the very fabric that holds the X-Men together. Now, with this family falling apart, they must find a way to unite -- not only to save Jean's soul, but to save our very planet from aliens who wish to weaponize this force and rule the galaxy.
Not really a movie that i have been looking forward to watch tho but i guess its technically a fairly alright movie. This movie has been delayed for quite a bit due to issue from its production company and nonetheless, its finally gonna start screening soon.
Its suppose to start screening before Avenger Endgame but well...
Godzilla and Alladdin is still screening in Batam tho, Pokemon no more. ;)
Enjoy the movie, enjoy Batam.
It finally start screening,hehehe...learned that the normal theater room at Grand Batam Mall (not in those satin theater room) also has couple seats that cost 85k rupiah for 2 person to sit in,hehehe...a bit clamp tho.
Exchange rate on 12th June 2019, Wednesday is...
Harbour Bay : 10250/SGD
Grand Batam Mall : 10380/SGD
Opposite Formosa : 10400/SGD
Nagoya Hill Mall : 10200/SGD
Hehehe...each place change S$100,just for the fun of it. :D
(note, i did went back to those shops with higher exchange rate on later time to exchange more tho)
Rate on Friday and Saturday should have been worsened a little as compared to Wednesday (just a guess). :(
15-06-2019, 01:59 AM
OMG.. for so long, from the outside i keep thinking it was defunct.. and never ventured in or made any contact!
Hehehe...never try, never know. On top of that, trial and error isnt expensive in Batam, bro.
Actually , this type of shops were cater for SG aunties and uncles from Sillypore who joined some tour group/s. And for your info, when i used the word "clean", its not exactly clean given the fact one of their branch was from Biz Hotel, as according to the banner stated. And their Biz hotel shop is only clean when i dont pop the golden question (likewise for the BCC one too).
Yes, its i who should pop that golden question and not the other way around. Which is why i didnt return there to massage again. Shops in Batam whereby i need to pop the golden question shows the girls were mainly not hungry enough and those shops were mainly "clean". Usually, such shops with such girls,service wouldnt be rendered much good,hehehe... However, i like to visit "clean" massage shops over the last 1 year plus,hehehe..."clean" and cheap ones, of course. :p
One of the main reason why i wouldnt return to massage on Biz and BCC were being becos the girls lion opening mouth (and i am talking about 800k rupiah a pop after bargaining). And i do not have the need (or feel) to oblige to my own golden question becos i usually already have at least one booking girl with me inside room,hehehe... :D
My aim is quite simple, good quality massage, hopefully like those thats from Sports Massage and even hopefully with some good happy ending (or bonk) but it MUST be at "my kind of pricing". Which i believe is most man's dream in any massage shops in any parts of the world. :D
Enjoy Batam.
15-06-2019, 08:18 AM
I see. Does it mean sealed tight can bring into ferry?
Bro how many u tend to bring in? is it safe to eat after going x tray machine.
15-06-2019, 10:38 AM
At least it adds on to the list in the penuin area other than batam city hotel... the area really has limted choices!
Never did get to try the other pink colored princess hair salon thou.. wonder how it was back then..
Hehehe...never try, never know. On top of that, trial and error isnt expensive in Batam, bro.
Enjoy Batam.
15-06-2019, 12:41 PM ( ( ( ( ( (
15-06-2019, 02:07 PM
hows havana
Black Page
15-06-2019, 04:45 PM
hows havana
I am curious to know.
Havana (pronounced HAPANA) was PERSISTENTLY recommended by one of the ojek drivers who stay out of Formosa. Every nite "Hapana Hapana gooood!"
I never went, but I remained with curiosity if it is another Morena or better.
15-06-2019, 06:20 PM (
If tats honey i will never trust their words again. Fake!:mad:
Black Page
16-06-2019, 02:47 AM
If tats honey i will never trust their words again. Fake!:mad:
I bought a bottle of that "forest honey" from a guy, who was soliciting people at tables of Aneka Selera restoran at Barelang #4, on one of my first visits to Batam long time ago. Yes, I was more naive than now.
Indeed, it was something very liquid. At best, honey with water. Who knows the origin of the water and of the honey.
16-06-2019, 04:04 AM
Indeed, it was something very liquid. At best, honey with water. Who knows the origin of the water and of the honey.
Mind if i ask, were they sold in glass bottle or plastic bottle? And how much does it cost back then?
Many i hear add water with sugar and perhaps some honey. There used to be an old lady selling it just outside formosa hotel few years back tho and at 50k rupiah per bottle in glass bottle (its non-organic too).
16-06-2019, 04:22 AM
At least it adds on to the list in the penuin area other than batam city hotel... the area really has limted choices!
Recently i hear there are actually quite a handful of massage girls who work in dirty massage shop switched side to those "clean" shops. So, sometime it really depends on luck if you could locate these girls in those clean massage shops. Massage girls in clean massage shops seems to earn a more stable and a bit higher income (in general) as compare to those who work in the dirty massage shops. But they have to work hard on more customers a day,got to go through some sort of training and pass some tests (before getting enlisted).
*shops mention here do not include massage parlor inside hotel.
** there are also many clean massage shops whereby their massage quality is not-that-good, eg Eska, Reborn, Alamanda, Rejuv-a etc (my personal view when i compare clean versus clean).
One thing surprising in my June trip is that clean massage shops has many girls as young as 18 onward,below 21. But most looks about 6/10 at best in looks.
Black Page
16-06-2019, 05:11 AM
Mind if i ask, were they sold in glass bottle or plastic bottle? And how much does it cost back then?
Many i hear add water with sugar and perhaps some honey. There used to be an old lady selling it just outside formosa hotel few years back tho and at 50k rupiah per bottle in glass bottle (its non-organic too).
Plastic bottle, which made it look "more natural", as just extracted from the forest. LOL
It was not so expensive, something like 50k maybe. I thought to buy something really characteristic of this new strange place (to me, Batam was something really exotic and unusual, as it was my first time or nearly first time) to bring back home as souvenir.
I did not eat it, of course. Just tried a few spoons.
It was honey indeed, but not good quality, and with water added.
16-06-2019, 09:39 AM
about the Himalaya Salt candy, just few days ago in the news.. TOO MANY FAKE one exposed in Malaysia. I believe it will be the same in Batam !! Just my thinking.
16-06-2019, 10:37 AM
I bought a bottle of that "forest honey" from a guy, who was soliciting people at tables of Aneka Selera restoran at Barelang #4, on one of my first visits to Batam long time ago. Yes, I was more naive than now.
Indeed, it was something very liquid. At best, honey with water. Who knows the origin of the water and of the honey.
I m health freak. I have tis feeling they added sugar too. Cost pure madu cant be cheap. Then again if is mkt value also cant guarantee is madu asli. I did visit a dusun lebah at Pontian sm 2 decades ago. Right under my nose the pakcik extracted the honey fm several man made bee "hive" compartments. 100% pure honey. Tat was my 1st n last encounter/visit.:( Guess the only way to confirm is pure honey is to visit those Honey farm n have it extracted on the spot. But tat could prove as a challenge too cos most of the time tere will be some stocks available n on display already.
16-06-2019, 11:20 AM
about the Himalaya Salt candy
Bro, those selling in batam?
16-06-2019, 06:08 PM
Bro, those selling in batam?
I dont know bro, I just brought the issue up and I personally think it will be found in Batam as well.
Hello,anyone knew trusted booking girl in twitter or others app in batam? One who dont ask for DP, abd can do exclude hotel. Thank you
16-06-2019, 10:54 PM
I m health freak. I have tis feeling they added sugar too. Cost pure madu cant be cheap. Then again if is mkt value also cant guarantee is madu asli. I did visit a dusun lebah at Pontian sm 2 decades ago. Right under my nose the pakcik extracted the honey fm several man made bee "hive" compartments. 100% pure honey. Tat was my 1st n last encounter/visit.:( Guess the only way to confirm is pure honey is to visit those Honey farm n have it extracted on the spot. But tat could prove as a challenge too cos most of the time tere will be some stocks available n on display already.
I also say don’t buy. It is a scam. Got two kind. The one with the pollen one also bluff people one. Price is about 100 to 150K per bottle. This is adulterated. If at best sugar mix with honey, if contaminated can lousai till weak knee. Even buy from bee farm no guarantee unless the farmer is an honest guy
17-06-2019, 02:09 AM
Mind if i ask, were they sold in glass bottle or plastic bottle? And how much does it cost back then?
Many i hear add water with sugar and perhaps some honey. There used to be an old lady selling it just outside formosa hotel few years back tho and at 50k rupiah per bottle in glass bottle (its non-organic too).
The honey is fake mostly made of 麦芽糖
Black Page
17-06-2019, 05:23 AM
I live in a European country where we appreciate good honey. Leaving aside the industrial honey widely sold in supermarkets (mix of cheap honeys from EU and extraEU), we can choose honey from mix flowers or single flower species (like single-malt whiskey!).
You can taste the difference of honeys made by bees taking pollen from flowers of thyme , pine, rhododendron, heather, acacia, chestnut, etc etc. Not less than 20 different flowers are available in a specialized shop, each with its flavour and price.
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
I m health freak. I have tis feeling they added sugar too. Cost pure madu cant be cheap. Then again if is mkt value also cant guarantee is madu asli. I did visit a dusun lebah at Pontian sm 2 decades ago. Right under my nose the pakcik extracted the honey fm several man made bee "hive" compartments. 100% pure honey. Tat was my 1st n last encounter/visit.:( Guess the only way to confirm is pure honey is to visit those Honey farm n have it extracted on the spot. But tat could prove as a challenge too cos most of the time tere will be some stocks available n on display already.
17-06-2019, 07:52 AM
I live in a European country where we appreciate good honey. Leaving aside the industrial honey widely sold in supermarkets (mix of cheap honeys from EU and extraEU), we can choose honey from mix flowers or single flower species (like single-malt whiskey!).
You can taste the difference of honeys made by bees taking pollen from flowers of thyme , pine, rhododendron, heather, acacia, chestnut, etc etc. Not less than 20 different flowers are available in a specialized shop, each with its flavour and price.
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
Yup and that guy from barelang who sold you the bottle of adulterated honey had scammed many tourists with his red pail of fake honey. A piece of honey comb to make it looks real and some dead bee to make it more believable. Real honey will last for years even decades. An adulterated one will become sour after a month.
17-06-2019, 09:49 AM
I dont know bro, I just brought the issue up and I personally think it will be found in Batam as well.
i just bought 6 boxes of 12 from batam
17-06-2019, 09:52 AM ( (
This one cost me 70,000 for a box of 12 pkts
17-06-2019, 09:53 AM
i bought 2 bottles of this at 250,000 ea ( (
17-06-2019, 09:56 AM
book a young lady for 1.2 million
23 yo
she is from central java
very horny n pretty, can anal too
too bad today she text me and flying back to her hometown due to family matters
I realise the joint HAVANA got many young girls. All in 20s
The joint is very near to Newton
17-06-2019, 09:56 AM
Quality has a price: 1 kg good honey cost 15 EUR upwards. Say 30 EUR (45 SGD) for special flowers.
I don't think Indonesia is famous for honey... Also the tropical weather is not suitable for bees.
I bought that honey not to make a deal but to try the exotic experience. I suggest those who like honey to be selective and pay the price of quality at a shop with reputation.
1kg at S$45 consider cheap leow. To me quite doubtful....chances are they are mixed with chemicals, water or/and sugar.
As for quality honey, even from NZ also cant be trusted 100%.:o
17-06-2019, 10:00 AM ( ( ( ( (
Are you craving for seafood?? lol
Wey Wey
17-06-2019, 10:04 AM
Havana, ST, 500k
Booking ard 1.2 million
Age of girls - 21 to 26
OKT told me at night after 9pm, got sexy dance but not sure got stripped or not. Only pay for drinks, no entrance fee.
17-06-2019, 10:08 AM
i bought 2 bottles of this at 250,000 ea
Only S$50. Frankly, u give me foc i will say tks but no tks. :D U know how difficult to get honey? Weather very important. If it rains means no honey. Bees will stay indoors:D
17-06-2019, 10:09 AM
Hey guys whats the exchange rate in batam. Sg here at most only 10330 lei. Some not even enough to exchange more than $200
Opposite Formosa Hotel, next to Starbox Barber shop, the chinese money changer give a rate 10400
book a young lady for 1.2 million
23 yo
she is from central java
very horny n pretty, can anal too
too bad today she text me and flying back to her hometown due to family matters
I realise the joint HAVANA got many young girls. All in 20s
The joint is very near to Newton
How did you manage to take this photo? :confused:
17-06-2019, 02:46 PM
think either video mode or timer selfie mode. :confused: There must be a camera pointing at them.
This style of kissing very hot leh. :o
Yes, and very stylish too. He looks young too, like in his early 30s.
I want to go havana to book the same girl and take the same type of picture with similar posture, so how to tell the okt, apa nama.
Black Page
17-06-2019, 04:13 PM
1kg at S$45 consider cheap leow. To me quite doubtful....chances are they are mixed with chemicals, water or/and sugar.
In Singapore, because they don't produce but must import from far away.
A durian in Europe can cost 100 SGD, but I don't say that a durian costing few SGD in Singapore is fake :p
Joking apart, in Europe real organic honey comes from small producers based on mountains. From producer to consumer there is a small van and max 1 intermediator.
17-06-2019, 04:38 PM
The honey is fake mostly made of 麦芽糖
I see, thanks for the info.
I did bought a 50k rupiah in small green glass bottle type from outside Formosa before, to be brought back to Singapore for some lab test few years ago, but even the ladies doing the test couldnt tell me if they were real or fake,hehehe...
The only known honey with consistent nutrients were from Manuka whereby the bees were kept by farmers to get the honey from some certain type of flower.
Raw honey in the wild (untouched my bee farmers) do not have consistent nutrients, even if they were harvest from the same lot of bees. Which means the honey taken from Hive A today, the nutrients from it is "this much" but few months later from the same Hive A, the nutrients from from it can be more or even lesser at times.
I dont take Manuka honey tho, but i do take unprocessed wild honey that do not have a consistent nutrients. :D
Below are the 3 different types of honey i consume almost daily,hehehe...:p
I believe those who have seen me before knew i actually look much younger than my age,hehehe...and honey could be one of the reason. :D
PS: Hehehe...some 7-11 mini-mart still checks my ID when i buy a pack of cigarette in Singapore today.
17-06-2019, 05:17 PM
Opposite Formosa Hotel, next to Starbox Barber shop, the chinese money changer give a rate 10400
Ditto. Either this shop or 3rd shop from the left (half unit shared with a foot reflexology half unit).
17-06-2019, 07:35 PM
nice figure n legs
18-06-2019, 09:02 AM
In Singapore, because they don't produce but must import from far away.
A durian in Europe can cost 100 SGD, but I don't say that a durian costing few SGD in Singapore is fake :p
Joking apart, in Europe real organic honey comes from small producers based on mountains. From producer to consumer there is a small van and max 1 intermediator.
A kg honey cost s$90 - 100 would be acceptable in sillypore, imo. If is pure honey definitely worth the price. As for durian, how do u fake it?:D I cheapskate. Ate those 3 for $10 or 1 for $5.:D
18-06-2019, 11:40 AM
1kg at S$45 consider cheap leow. To me quite doubtful....chances are they are mixed with chemicals, water or/and sugar.
As for quality honey, even from NZ also cant be trusted 100%.:o
Bro Nitecrawllerr forgive me because I cannot return your points. I realise I am not in you guys’ league because of my low post counts. Many forummers have given points to me twice and I feel so paiseh. Happy fishing
18-06-2019, 11:43 AM
A kg honey cost s$90 - 100 would be acceptable in sillypore, imo. If is pure honey definitely worth the price. As for durian, how do u fake it?:D I cheapskate. Ate those 3 for $10 or 1 for $5.:D
One day in Prasat, Surin Thailand, my host came back from dono what forest with a Honey comb full of honey, grubs and wax. Of course it is a normal event for them to harvest from the forest like we go to 7-11
18-06-2019, 12:06 PM
Exchange rate on 12th June 2019, Wednesday is...
Harbour Bay : 10250/SGD
Grand Batam Mall : 10380/SGD
Opposite Formosa : 10400/SGD
Nagoya Hill Mall : 10200/SGD
Hehehe...each place change S$100,just for the fun of it. :D
(note, i did went back to those shops with higher exchange rate on later time to exchange more tho)
Rate on Friday and Saturday should have been worsened a little as compared to Wednesday (just a guess). :(
wen i come back tat time damn long queue sia...i see harbor bay arrival hall queue all the way until outside the hall i heed yr advise 2 use business class. :D
if harbor bay aldy like that on weekend, i tink gng via btm ctr will be lagi worse. i tink tose by harbor bay will take abt 30 mins 2 clear custom & btm ctr might then probably takes 2 hrs+ to do so....scary sia... :(
this candy eat liao will what? more energetic?
if real one who knws kkj can longer by 1 inch & of fake one might shrink 2 :D
sometime when i ovn girls i will drink 2 cans of redbull. sugar can be burn off later. :p
red bull is sugar brother, short tterm take nvm but long term wen if u grow older tat time kkj can not markita much lei. :D
jking wit u only :D
i just bought 6 boxes of 12 from batam
hw much iz 1 box?
sg online sell iz abt $9 a bx i tink...
This one cost me 70,000 for a box of 12 pkts
ok, 4get i ask, u post price liao, thx
18-06-2019, 12:10 PM
Bro Nitecrawllerr forgive me because I cannot return your points. I realise I am not in you guys’ league because of my low post counts. Many forummers have given points to me twice and I feel so paiseh. Happy fishing
U need to upz 1000 times before u could upz same nick again. Not numbers of post u made. If i dont award points daily then i wont be able to return those points to those who upz me several times. I also paiseh. So fret not ya.:D
18-06-2019, 12:13 PM
:cool:One day in Prasat, Surin Thailand, my host came back from dono what forest with a Honey comb full of honey, grubs and wax. Of course it is a normal event for them to harvest from the forest like we go to 7-11
Oh yes! I love the sight of it. Honey combs with honey, wax, leaves too. Doesnt matter if it look messy cos confirm its fresh. :D Chewing the comb like chewing gums.:cool:
[QUOTE=sohbuckkong;18814238]Be careful of batam wechat scam, a man will mascarade as a lady okt and will sent you a list of his girls to choose. You may select any girl listed and he will tell you its available. All the girls listed are fake. He will sent you other girls and then force you to take.
This is the details of the fake okt
is the same scam okt from this guys instagram check his instagram you will see more detail about scam from there LOL
18-06-2019, 02:19 PM
18-06-2019, 02:21 PM
Hey! Hey!
What's the use of heaven and earth, when you can't use it as bed and blanket to rest well,
What's the use of wind and the moon, when you can't eat with it or fill yourself.
What's the use of dust and ashes, when one day everything is going to become like it,
* avoid quoting my whole post if anyone is replying to my post, thank you.
yr word abv reminds of tis yr words below said......
An old chinese saying goes like that, some pitiful people, surely have something they did not right in their life - 可怜之人,必有可恨之处。
wich then reminds me of tis article frm the tcss below link...
& last trip frm my walkin frm formosa to nagoya mall after crossing the zebra crossing, tere was tis beggar on the street wit no hands askin 4 $, i didn't give him but my fren gif him all his rp coins he got in his pocket & he makes sm grouchy noise wich annoyed my fren a bit. :(
he tells me he wn't be givin him ani thg frm tat day owward as my fren knws tis no hand beggar is a regular beggar in tat area & see him almost everytime he pass by tat side.
i tink i knw reason y nw.... :o
18-06-2019, 03:47 PM
This is the details of the fake okt
is the same scam okt from this guys instagram check his instagram you will see more detail about scam from there LOL
This guy is lurking in this forum. After i exposed him, he then wechat me to fuck me. So who is this fucker masquerading as a sammyboy member.
18-06-2019, 03:57 PM
Hehehe...this is good news. I hope they have smoking area, otherwise i am sticking to Morning Bakery.
Yes, i finally know that they do have a smoking area but w/o an ash tray...hehehe...
This is their side door...
Just looking at their seats,hehehe...and having no ashtray on the table.
Oh, and their small-sized ordering counter.
Didnt stay around for very long as there was too many people walking in and out due to the taxi stand being just around the corner. So i moved to my usual favorite spot,hehehe...
...even tho it cost me more than 4 times more for a drink.
1 bottle of Ocha tea in KFC cost 9k rupiah and 1 glass of Ice Mocha cost me around 47k rupiah. But, well...i was waiting for ferry to return back to Singapore,so i chose comfort over being stingy,hehehe... :D
Black Page
18-06-2019, 09:37 PM
(sexy girls photos removed)
You made me cry today, because I am so far from there :(:(
What place is that? This girl drives me crazy
19-06-2019, 10:49 AM
ok, 4get i ask, u post price liao, thx
You need to see a doctor & get yr eye tested. :D
For bros who's going to batam this weekend via HB terminal.
You coming? :p
19-06-2019, 08:58 PM
Utama area update
1. New money changer beside Bunga
2. Lavender (opposite kupu2) reno/closed
3. New coffee shop CenXing opposite H18, Ex New Barry's tamu should see a familiar face there. :D
19-06-2019, 09:26 PM
Hi..anyone has a legit genuine chicks wechat over at batam?
19-06-2019, 09:39 PM
Hi..anyone has a legit genuine chicks wechat over at batam?
Yes, it really depend on the due diligence made by you.
Do a video chat to confirm.
19-06-2019, 10:21 PM
Hey bros, recently had a bad exp in Sedonna with this girl name Elia. Beware of this scammer bitch. She looks young abit xmm type. Becareful of her cos she will take full advantage of u n im usually the very careful type.
Paid 1.2m IDR for her, the deal was 3 shots morning zao. She only let me do her once, fake fake sleep all the way. Even during sex she act like she play fighting then just hug n not move then act sleeping. The whole exp was a frustrating nightmare. Dilly dally want u to treat her stuff buy her stuff shopping, order in whatever. Now if ur desperate for that kinda attention n ur the kinda guy that will expend all cost just to "make her happy" then sry u will be sucked dry, i feel bad for ur naivety.
But for me, when i book girls, i look for genuine fun n connection, we don even need to fk 3 times, we jus nid to sincerely enjoy each other's company, chat n don try to have ulterior motive in deceiving me then we would have the time of our lives. I always treat my girls w respect n take gd care of their wellbeing. This Elia, believe me i tried to put it in 5, 6 times, she die die contract her vaginal passageway, then act like she fell sleep, touch her she say ticklish, aircon very cold all sorts of excuse. I respect boundaries so ok fine let her be, then when i ignore her she sudd act needy, want u want sex all. Her play to hard game v strong i swear, i nvr get so turned off by a girl b4, to the pt i tell her jus go back sedonna la huh fk. Fking frustrating, she obv wanted to get the btr end of the deal, by just getting away w 1 shot while earning the 1.2m with her okt. I told her if ur not comfortable w sex maybe u shld change job, theres plenty of ways to make ends meet, n trust me she's done plenty of jobs, hop from jakarta to bali to bandung to batam, she coming singapore soon.
The pt is, what i hate abt batam is that everyone here is a cheap fk, dishonest and full of ulterior motives. Im by far not a naive person which is why i always got a sense of their pattern by seeing their body lang n what theyre hinting at everytime we converse, like wanting to zao in the middle of the night, or sudd say 2 shots max when okt says 3, leave at morning. I cant even have the most basic of fun here bc everyone keeps wanting to get the btr end of deal, theyre not happy w a fair deal they want to extract as much as they can which really sickens me. Thailand is so so much btr, idk why yr uncles kip running to batam for some cheap subpar minimum fun. Even geylang is so much btr, well maybe bc i visited the thai girls. Its not even that cheap here, i understand its convenient to take a 50min ferry to batam n unload, but come on la guys u can do btr than that.
19-06-2019, 10:22 PM
3. New coffee shop CenXing opposite H18, Ex New Barry's tamu should see a familiar face there. :D
Any idea if any stalls from the coffeeshop beside H18 moved there?
19-06-2019, 10:28 PM
This is the scammer im talking abt. Even tho i v buaylun, its her body i cannot force, so jus wanna let yr know dont book her sedonna. She only fk u if u buy her bags n stuff n bring her eat exp food.
19-06-2019, 11:01 PM
How is MB2? Any good? Ayam jerit by titi kamal. Good taste.
19-06-2019, 11:30 PM
Any idea if any stalls from the coffeeshop beside H18 moved there?
Don't think so.
Btw hv tried....
Chicken Rice Rp18k normal
19-06-2019, 11:39 PM
Hey, planning to go Batam this few weeks. Anybody got good outcall services to recommend?
20-06-2019, 12:27 AM
Yes, it really depend on the due diligence made by you.
Do a video chat to confirm.
U have a contact bro?
20-06-2019, 07:07 AM
U have a contact bro?
Sorry, use and forget. Always get fresh stock. No contact
20-06-2019, 08:38 AM
pls do not post contact numbers, wechat id of anyone including FL , OKT, etc...:)
20-06-2019, 09:09 AM
Don't think so.
Btw hv tried....
Chicken Rice Rp18k normal
Ok, thanks for the FR.
20-06-2019, 11:05 AM
wen i come back tat time damn long queue sia...i see harbor bay arrival hall queue all the way until outside the hall i heed yr advise 2 use business class.
Huh? Which day you go to Batam? And how come business class still need to queue? I was there on a Monday,hehehe...Arrival Hall was jam pack but at the least not until out of the Hall area.
When i see that kind of crowd, i would feel so lucky having already taken up the Business class seat and the privilege to take the priority queue. While it may cost another S$12 more, but well...we already saved some money when we buy our Horizon ferry tickets at S$38 or 380k rupiah,hehehe....
i can imagine you queuing at Harbour Bay ferry terminal normal queue line for over 30 mins just to clear custom,hehehe...worse, if you are at Batam Center ferry terminal. On a personal scale, i dont like crowd or having to squeeze with others, hence an extra S$12 is well-worth my money.
if harbor bay aldy like that on weekend, i tink gng via btm ctr will be lagi worse. i tink tose by harbor bay will take abt 30 mins 2 clear custom & btm ctr might then probably takes 2 hrs+ to do so....scary sia...
Upon arriving to Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal, i learned something...hehehe...
Its school holiday!!! :eek:
So many kids playing around the queue from the ferry before mine while i am the 1st guy (or was it 2nd guy?) there to get my passport chopped,hehehe... those w/o the business class ticket were drooling with envy. :p
if real one who knws kkj can longer by 1 inch & of fake one might shrink 2
The salt i bought from Gogo supermarket last week....
...cost me 2500 rupiah, or was it 2000 rupiah, if i didnt remember wrong. :D
In the old days, older generation will tell the younger generation, too much salt would cause kidney failure. And kidney is linked to a man's sexual performance base on some Traditional Chinese Medication theories,hehehe... they also tell the younger generation that they ate more salt than we eat rice too.
Next time round, i will use the Himalaya pink salt instead. i did read about it, and seems like a healthier choice. Its just that i dont see it in Batam, might need to bring from Singapore to Batam. :p
20-06-2019, 05:22 PM
[QUOTE=sohbuckkong;18814238]Be careful of batam wechat scam, a man will mascarade as a lady okt and will sent you a list of his girls to choose. You may select any girl listed and he will tell you its available. All the girls listed are fake. He will sent you other girls and then force you to take.
This is the details of the fake okt
(edited by mod - any reason to quote entire forum}
is the same scam okt from this guys instagram check his instagram you will see more detail about scam from there LOL
Tis is the OKT that serve me. I do notice he bullshit alot, but so far no bad experience since its my first time dealing with him. But it is also a fact that his girls are very young.. and I believe he uses those girls to scam people after reading your post.
After I came back from SG, the girl which I book overnight text me to borrow money from me. Not a big amount, just $3 million rupiah = $sgd 300.
She claims her mom is in hospital and she need to rush back the next day. Her mom needs surgery due to kidney failure, so I transferred 300 to her.
Not many people will do that knowing that it could be a scam. However, this girl is not afraid to send me her indonesian identity card with her details and gave me her bank account. She beg me to help her and I make up my mind. What the heck, she is not cheating me sgd$3000, small sum to me but if itsa genuine case, then the money means to her alot and can help her tie over this difficult period. I always believe if a person really wants to con you, its very difficult to tell. Moreover, she could have ask money from me the day I booked her but she didn't. Might be a trap, and I let myself fall into it somehow. But if its real, then good for her. God Bless her.
She keep telling me she will pay me back over whatsapp. I told her, no need.... just make sure your mom is OK. :)
By the way, I am not the type of person who trust people easily , not even borrow money to people.
20-06-2019, 05:42 PM
How did you manage to take this photo? :confused:
Use this app
You can set front camera recording or back camera recording..
I just place my hp in front in recording activated mode but the screen is showing something else, so she wont suspect
anyway, i record her moaning during sex
20-06-2019, 08:10 PM
.........But it is also a fact that his girls are very young.. and I believe he uses those girls to scam people after reading your post........e of person who trust people easily , not even borrow money to people.
His girls are not young, he will give you a long long list of fake wls to choose, all solid looking. His idea was clearly to entice, then when we agree, he will sent a different gals to you and he will start his nonsense.
Thats how he operates. Its not a she, its a he.
20-06-2019, 08:42 PM
Finally found abalone in Batam,hehehe...just that its in an instant noodle pack. True enough, there's not 1 but 2 pieces of mini abalone (looks like scallop tho) in it,hehehe...soup taste not bad but the noodle taste like...erm....shit...hehehe... :D
(its an offer price,hehehe..)
After the opening of Grand Batam Mall, BCS Mall seems quieter and this is a good sign for me,hehehe...went to the JC supermarket in there during one of the weekdays, there are more staffs in it than customers. Same weekday as i visited the supermarket Top 100 in Grand Batam Mall, there was much bigger crowd. I prefer less crowded.
The 2 malls were about 10 to 15 mins walk apart.
Now that there is an almost direct competition between the 2 mall's supermarket, varieties-wise i suppose there would be more and at perhaps a lower pricing. I noticed more special offers as well,hehehe...which is a good sign for consumers. :p
20-06-2019, 10:58 PM
Bros nono can advice what is the in house taxi price for bcc to hBay?
(Sorry cant do search on my hand phone)
20-06-2019, 11:48 PM
Bros nono can advice what is the in house taxi price for bcc to hBay?
Its 70k rupiah, if i didnt remember wrong.
(there's a taxi fare price list at the lobby area)
20-06-2019, 11:53 PM
Another new shop opens in Harbour Bay Mall. It sells things like what Sun Boss is selling, except this one has lesser varieties. Price wise not really fantastic as compare to Sun Boss i Citywalk Mall.
Shop's name is called Golden Truly,hehehe...wonder how long this Golden Truly gonna last tho if they retain their same amount of varieties of things to sell in their shop. Its a very big shop with practically no customer in it when i was there, in fact they took over the 8k shop that was closed for business. A very big shop w/o a complete range of stuffs to sell, would likely end with winding up.
I really hope they were able to sell as many things as Sun Boss is selling in Citywalk Mall tho. Then they will at least have one customer like me,hehehe...:D
21-06-2019, 10:44 AM
no, i go tere celebrate hari raya wit em em all go cookin 4 me wen i cummin :D
otw liao....
gifts exchge, aso my first time receiving gift frm the ger. She said she buy tis 4 me specially in
so i bought her tis...cos same color as her gift
seems like mani indo gers like the color pink i post share share 4 the fun of it!
ger so shy
21-06-2019, 11:50 AM
gifts exchge, aso my first time receiving gift frm the ger. She said she buy tis 4 me specially in
so i bought her tis...cos same color as her gift
seems like mani indo gers like the color pink i post share share 4 the fun of it!
ger so shy
A pretty girl you have.
21-06-2019, 11:58 AM
I think u good heart lah help her. If she genuine case next time she will remember u n good back to u surely. Even don't return but got contact maybe end up so call free fuck return u.
i tink hor, mani sinkies aso got good heart of compassion base on news on the funeral of hw mani ppl donate 2 huang na's funeral, in case nobody r'ber her so here her pic...
i hid her pic out of respect liao onli tose who find it ok or dn't knw who huang na is jus click on the spoiler abv.
a good compassion heart read by mani sm time is aso classified as STUPIDITY.
Its good to have their ID n whatever info. Cuz scam chance lower but doesn't mean no. Girls who very sincere genuine one will even follow up with pictures or bills lah etc to show they no scam but return or not is another story.
Cuz in my life got cases sign documents copy ID etc till today still no news about return 555 even we still in contact.
to me is wen ger say borrow, means borrow...i aso no care abt 300 dollar or 3000 dollar, but 'borrow' is means 'borrow'. Borrow means must return. Got few gers borrow frm me b4 too & i aso lent though not all of em i will lent. But i will ask ger hw they gng 2 pay me back. They usually wil say pay me onli wen able, so i suggest beter 2 pay by mth 10 dollar, 30 mths finish liao lor....they aso say ok. Sm is pay 20-30 dollar a
So every time i go btm, i meet up the gers to collect my $ back...other ppl might tink i stupid cos i waste time wait 4 em 2 cum my hotel pay me but 2 me it's ok. Tose aso not ugly gers, all can bring out let ppl see type so i reli no mind wen they cum my rm even wen i aldy got gers
so far so good, they pay me finish liao & today i can dare put my head up here 2 tell ppl on internet sbf public forum btm tread, my gers who borrow frm me is no a Beggar , NOT a Scammers or Cheaters openly. Few hundred onli, i tink no sinkies will put in the eye & if they one day decide no return me then ok lor...i no more trust tat ger ani more but so far all gers i lent 2 got pay & sm more pay
i tink mayb due 2 my action, mani gers i knw nwday wen they go back kampung cum back btm tat time wil buy me small gifts frm their home twn & sm even cook 4 me 2 eat 2 shw their other word, we aso built a small genuine friendship tere. :p
I always feel i sin a lot maybe last life or this life thats why this life need to repay FL in many ways. :o
y brother? u cheated fl in yr last life ah? lol...jking onli
i often believe do good thg mayb wn't get good return but do bad thgs, surely wil hv bad returns in one way or other ways. My ownself tinking is tat, fl is commercial deal & i shld go by the commercial way. i can pay 4 fl bills if they got face 2 open mouth 2 ask me 4 it but if they open mouth say borrow it means is borrow. Borrow means must return even though return or no return no mean much 2 me as they are jus small $ 2 me.
chines proverbs says, 有借有还上等人,有借无还下等人..meanin of Chinese words is got borrow got return is 'good' ppl, got borrow no return is 'no good' ppl. i tink like u 2 mayb it's karma...& no wonder i can find 'good' fl while others find 'no good' fl in btm. At least i giv em the chance 2 be 上等人 wich is 'good ppl' but others nvr giv em a chance 2 be one & yet aldy categolize em as cheats or scams.
i believe in all kind of trade, most indo ppl r good ppl, especially tose not veri rich ones.
abv is my ownself view onli offendin meant 2 any brothers out tere. ;)
21-06-2019, 12:17 PM
It have been 6 years since my last visit to Batam. I was in batam on 18 June 2019 and stayed overnight. Went back the next day. I stayed at Harris Hotel at batam centre. I wish to go Nagoya to have some fun. After work, I have headache and straight back to hotel and sleep. Wake up quite late already. So dinner at Batam Centre Mega Mall. And go through some social media to get some girl. I always think there will be scam through this method or difficult to get a good service as well. However, I think is my lucky day.
Here my FR;
Name: Cha
Age: 32
Nationality: Indo
Faces: 6.5/10 …
Breast: 32 A …I checked with my hands…. small
Body: 8/10… hot…nice to see and nice to touch….boobs is small but small size and good for carried here and there to fuck
Attitude: 8/10 Good attitude
Service: 8/10 Very shiok
Bath : NA
Licking: 6/10 seduces eyes contact…
BBBJ: 8/10 Lick a lot… and with Deep throat...she did well
HJ: Nil
FJ: 5/10 ….Position 1with girl top….men on below
FJ: 8/10 ….Position 2with girl top….I carry her 45 degree ---super
FJ: 8/10 ….Position 3 with girl on corner bed with leg up….men on top---supper---she scream.....and maybe a bit too excited for me....she scream a lot
GF: 7.5/10 Good ---maybe I am good at malay
Minus point : Maybe breast too small
Summary : I ram so hard during position 2. She scream a lot. (sometime said "mak")
RTF: Yes... if I got chance to go Batam again
Damage: 150 ringgit (Long time didn't go, I do not know the market price. )
21-06-2019, 12:59 PM
i tink hor, mani sinkies aso got good heart of compassion base on news on the funeral of hw mani ppl........eant 2 any brothers out tere. ;)
Latest i have a wechat indo lady in batam who have a very good heart and she is willing to let me fuck free because i bluff her i got no money. I bluff her just to tease and test her.
She did sent me her photos and honestly, i believe there could be something wrong with her mentally.
Shes young in her early 20s, not pretty, body ok. Not retarded, whole body ok but maybe iq slightly lower, shes not retarded though. I have not met her personally but i saw her thru wechat web cam.
When i told her that im coming to batam but could not afford to pay her, she agree to let me have her for free but ask me buy her a box of chocolate.
I am very touch by her innocence and her generosity. Of course if i see her, i will pass her money but i will not exploit her.
21-06-2019, 01:00 PM
Hi bros. I will be doing my first trip into Batam sometime next week. Most of the info in this thread and from nono’s signature has been helpful and I’m all set except for one thing.
Is anyone able to recommend me a money changer? Will be getting off at Batam Center(never been there before).
My main concern is that I will be changing a bigger amount, as such I’d prefer to have to do it at a money changer that’s not too crowded or has lurkers hanging around like some places in indo. If anyone can be as kind to enlighten me on such a counter with better rates, I would be thankful. Will also up your points. TIA.
21-06-2019, 01:36 PM
This guy is lurking in this forum. After i exposed him, he then wechat me to fuck me. So who is this fucker masquerading as a sammyboy member.
good qn but i tink nobody or not mani wil knw. bside just okts, the gers in indo land is aso lookin at tis tread myself in btm, i avoid wechat gers, i avoid bunga bking joint, i avoid anythg 2 do wit Morena. If i go 2 tose place, it's like if it's gambling,then tere's a pretty higher chance i mayb lugi. :D
i no like 2 risk so :p
my beliefs is good experience or ani good gers 2 share or no 2 share is up 2 ani individual but BAD experience die die mus need 2 share so at lest can let other ppl avoid hitting the wall head on.
& of course wen ppl share bad or no good experience tat time, i no like ppl criticize tose who sharing lor....:(
You need to see a doctor & get yr eye tested. :D
age up liao, eyes no must eye test abit...2 help improve my sight. :D
tose brother eye sight no so good feel free 2 also do sm eye
You coming?
aldy here
Finally found abalone in Batam,hehehe...just that its in an instant noodle pack. True enough, there's not 1 but 2 pieces of mini abalone (looks like scallop tho) in it,hehehe...soup taste not bad but the noodle taste like...erm....shit...hehehe...
no wonder la...they put up on :D
GF: 7.5/10 Good ---maybe I am good at malay
Minus point : Maybe breast too small
Summary : I ram so hard during position 2. She scream a lot. (sometime said "mak")
RTF: Yes... if I got chance to go Batam again
Damage: 150 ringgit (Long time didn't go, I do not know the market price. )
veri good deal & well worth the $ ,brother & thk u 4 yr'm full of envy rite nw wen i readin yr fr. :p
*saliva dripping*
jus up u my bigger than cow car wheel 6
jking onli ya...hope u no offence. :D
21-06-2019, 02:03 PM
Latest i have a wechat indo lady in batam who have a very good heart and she is willing to let me fuck free because i bluff her i got no money. I bluff her just to tease and test her.
She did sent me her photos and honestly, i believe there could be something wrong with her mentally.
i no tink yr ger mental got problem even though brother Nono & me hv met quite a few age 20 yo out a bit of btm gers whom we tink rely abit kee siao one...they will laugh out of nothg, meanin is they will jus laugh out loud out in the middle of a meal or wen they were jus practically doin nothg. Tis i tink brother who join us in out past trips can witness de. i even got suspect these gers mayb tio possessed
i suspect yr ger mayb is naive...either is quite new 2 btm or new 2 tis kind of trade so mus congrats 2 brother sohbuckkong tat u might hv caught a rare :D
When i told her that im coming to batam but could not afford to pay her, she agree to let me have her for free but ask me buy her a box of chocolate.
I am very touch by her innocence and her generosity. Of course if i see her, i will pass her money but i will not exploit her.
*pat* *pat* on brother sohbuckkong shoulder :p
thk u 4 u no bullying her....
Is anyone able to recommend me a money changer? Will be getting off at Batam Center(never been there before).
brother, y not u chging a bit in sg or btm ctr ani money chger tere first, then later if u gng 2 formosa hotel as stated in nono's guide then u cross opp formosa money chger 2 chge agn better.
chge 50 or 100 dollar first if u wan then chge the rest later wit beter deal @ other shp.
my suggestion onli :D
21-06-2019, 02:24 PM
brother, y not u chging a bit in sg or btm ctr ani money chger tere first, then later if u gng 2 formosa hotel as stated in nono's guide then u cross opp formosa money chger 2 chge agn better.
chge 50 or 100 dollar first if u wan then chge the rest later wit beter deal @ other shp.
my suggestion onli :D
Won’t be going to Formosa. Quite out of the way since I will be staying at Radisson.
21-06-2019, 03:31 PM
Won’t be going to Formosa. Quite out of the way since I will be staying at Radisson.
Out of arrival, turn right and walk all the way to the end, last counter. This counter is manned by all ladies. Walk inside a bit and they have a separate window that gives you some privacy. Although at the ferry terminal, I get quite good rates there, as compared to fat girl money changer opposite Formosa.
21-06-2019, 03:37 PM
About changing money.. just wondering, I dont see worth going places just to look for better rates. The diff is not much. UNLESS you are changing lot lot lot of SGD to Rp.
Just my opinion !!
21-06-2019, 03:53 PM
Out of arrival, turn right and walk all the way to the end, last counter. This counter is manned by all ladies. Walk inside a bit and they have a separate window that gives you some privacy. Although at the ferry terminal, I get quite good rates there, as compared to fat girl money changer opposite Formosa.
Thank you! Upped you my lousy 8pts
21-06-2019, 04:32 PM
The new Astro Food Court,hehehe...
...still have my favorite char siew and siok bak rice,hehehe...
...all my favorite food stall also under the same row. :p
Seems like their business isnt as good as before. Think i might go there to support them more in future,hehehe... :D
Black Page
21-06-2019, 04:48 PM
When i told her that im coming to batam but could not afford to pay her, she agree to let me have her for free but ask me buy her a box of chocolate.
I hope she's not one of my girls?? :p
(cf. the old discussion about chocolate or not chocolate)
21-06-2019, 05:38 PM
About changing money.. just wondering, I dont see worth going places just to look for better rates. The diff is not much. UNLESS you are changing lot lot lot of SGD to Rp.
Just my opinion !!
He did mention changing big amount of sgd.
22-06-2019, 07:04 AM
Hi bros. I will be doing my first trip into Batam sometime next week. Most of the info in this thread and from nono’s signature has been helpful and I’m all set except for one thing.
Is anyone able to recommend me a money changer? Will be getting off at Batam Center(never been there before).
My main concern is that I will be changing a bigger amount, as such I’d prefer to have to do it at a money changer that’s not too crowded or has lurkers hanging around like some places in indo. If anyone can be as kind to enlighten me on such a counter with better rates, I would be thankful. Will also up your points. TIA.
Once you exit the immigration doors, turn right and walk to the last moneychanger, it’s next to Kaha Travel counter.
I’m a regular and I usually change more than 1k, so they give me a good rate whenever they see me. What they offer me is very close to the published rate on XE currency app.
Let them know that u are changing a lot and ask them to give u the best possible rate; they will always quote a little lower for newbies, so remember to bargain..
22-06-2019, 08:28 AM
Once you exit the immigration doors, turn right and walk to the last moneychanger, it’s next to Kaha Travel counter.
I’m a regular and I usually change more than 1k, so they give me a good rate whenever they see me. What they offer me is very close to the published rate on XE currency app.
Let them know that u are changing a lot and ask them to give u the best possible rate; they will always quote a little lower for newbies, so remember to bargain..
Ha ha.. same supporter. But, I always avoid changing with the specky rabbit tooth girl. She a bit ngiao one.
22-06-2019, 09:08 AM
Ha ha.. same supporter. But, I always avoid changing with the specky rabbit tooth girl. She a bit ngiao one.
That is also my regular money changer in BCFT. Thanks.
22-06-2019, 03:31 PM
You coming? :p
aldy here
u guys see beh eng, every week also see u all there... :D
i'll be there this coming sunday evening, got time for tea or not? :p
22-06-2019, 05:15 PM
Anybody know the damage for outcall at Batam?
22-06-2019, 07:34 PM
I have been to Batam a couple of times now, besides those massage places near dc mall, there are also some massage places at the adjacent street besides rumah makan Indorasa, near nagoya hill.
I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way
Just to share. Sorry if writing is too Batam newbie.
22-06-2019, 10:35 PM
Recently i hear there are actually quite a handful of massage girls who work in dirty massage shop switched side to those "clean" shops. So, sometime it really depends on luck if you could locate these girls in those clean massage shops. Massage girls in clean massage shops seems to earn a more stable and a bit higher income (in general) as compare to those who work in the dirty massage shops. But they have to work hard on more customers a day,got to go through some sort of training and pass some tests (before getting enlisted).
*shops mention here do not include massage parlor inside hotel.
** there are also many clean massage shops whereby their massage quality is not-that-good, eg Eska, Reborn, Alamanda, Rejuv-a etc (my personal view when i compare clean versus clean).
One thing surprising in my June trip is that clean massage shops has many girls as young as 18 onward,below 21. But most looks about 6/10 at best in looks.
Bro NoNo
Where is this area?
22-06-2019, 11:18 PM
Bro NoNo
Where is this area?
Its just opposite bcs mall if im not wrong...At penuin area
Black Page
23-06-2019, 03:52 AM
I have been to Batam a couple of times now, besides those massage places near dc mall, there are also some massage places at the adjacent street besides rumah makan Indorasa, near nagoya hill.
I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way
Basically, you offer ladies money and they are happy of that. Wow! :eek:
23-06-2019, 04:10 AM
tose brother eye sight no so good feel free 2 also do sm eye
555 long time no test urh :p
23-06-2019, 04:12 AM
QUOTE=nono1973;18850838]Its 70k rupiah, if i didnt remember wrong.
(there's a taxi fare price list at the lobby area)[/QUOTE]
23-06-2019, 04:50 AM
Another new shop opens in Harbour Bay Mall...
Last Thursday return via HBB.... found that they hv block the passage between the old horizon counter building and the ferry terminal. That means.. can't turn right and get out fr the Balai terminal side.
Think there is a new exit/entrance at the opposite end of the long "hall"(where we took the escalator up to Hor counter.)
Look like the old counter building and the link bridges will be gone...
Together with the touting taxi/ojet.
23-06-2019, 11:42 AM
Hmm...Men in Black movie, is it any good? They are now screening all over Batam as i typed,hehehe...
Storyline :
The Men in Black have expanded to cover the globe but so have the villains of the universe. To keep everyone safe, decorated Agent H and determined rookie M join forces -- an unlikely pairing that just might work. When aliens that can take the form of any human arrive on Earth, H and M embark on a globe-trotting adventure to save the agency -- and ultimately the world -- from their mischievous plans.
Trailer :
Its a comedy, so be expecting a lot of families (tourist/s) going to Grand Batam there to watch. I think i had better move from Grand Batam Mall to somewhere quieter. Aladdin (2019) was not bad, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) was alright but i preferred Aladdin better which is a musical styled movie. The girls however like Godzilla more than Aladdin tho....hehehe.... :D
Well...enjoy the movie, enjoy Batam...
Look here!
23-06-2019, 12:14 PM
to me is wen ger say borrow, means borrow...i aso no care abt 300 dollar or 3000 dollar, but 'borrow' is means 'borrow'. Borrow means must return. Got few gers borrow frm me b4 too & i aso lent though not all of em i will lent. But i will ask ger hw they gng 2 pay me back. They usually wil say pay me onli wen able, so i suggest beter 2 pay by mth 10 dollar, 30 mths finish liao lor....they aso say ok. Sm is pay 20-30 dollar a
Actually, no one likes to borrow money from another but like yourself, i dont usually lent to someone as i rarely trust anyone. So if i were to lent someone money, i dont expect that one who borrows to return.
Borrow and return, its a cycle. To return or not to return tells a person's character too. So far i have only lent one Batam girl money and she returned, and that tells me she has got good character.
My own perspective.
so far so good, they pay me finish liao & today i can dare put my head up here 2 tell ppl on internet sbf public forum btm tread, my gers who borrow frm me is no a Beggar , NOT a Scammers or Cheaters openly. Few hundred onli, i tink no sinkies will put in the eye & if they one day decide no return me then ok lor...i no more trust tat ger ani more but so far all gers i lent 2 got pay & sm more pay
i tink mayb due 2 my action, mani gers i knw nwday wen they go back kampung cum back btm tat time wil buy me small gifts frm their home twn & sm even cook 4 me 2 eat 2 shw their other word, we aso built a small genuine friendship tere.
It is still money, we all have to work for it which is parts of our sweat and blood,hehehe...if can work why beg? :D
i often believe do good thg mayb wn't get good return but do bad thgs, surely wil hv bad returns in one way or other ways. My ownself tinking is tat, fl is commercial deal & i shld go by the commercial way. i can pay 4 fl bills if they got face 2 open mouth 2 ask me 4 it but if they open mouth say borrow it means is borrow. Borrow means must return even though return or no return no mean much 2 me as they are jus small $ 2 me.
chines proverbs says, 有借有还上等人,有借无还下等人..meanin of Chinese words is got borrow got return is 'good' ppl, got borrow no return is 'no good' ppl. i tink like u 2 mayb it's karma...& no wonder i can find 'good' fl while others find 'no good' fl in btm. At least i giv em the chance 2 be 上等人 wich is 'good ppl' but others nvr giv em a chance 2 be one & yet aldy categolize em as cheats or scams.
Yes, i agreed with your point.
Someone from another culture, another country, another place of brought up borrowed from me, i didnt give them a chance to return or any suggested means to return, i come out to public to shout out that they "could be" scammers or cheats even tho i dont care of how little it "could have been" scams or cheated. I have already indirectly given them a not-very-good name,hehehe...:p
I would say it this way, the Batam girls try to borrow money from me, i didnt lent them a dime. I "gave" what they ask for to help them get through their urgent needs (since i dont expect them to return). Its a happy and willing thing, right? I fell for their KC-ing becos i cant stand the sight of girls in need and yet not helping them. I have a soft-heart,hehehe...and lack self-control. :D
Now, change the gender to Batam MEN o Batam Grandmothers instead of Batam girls...will my heart still be as soft as mentioned on above paragraph? Hehehe... hope you get my message. :cool:
i believe in all kind of trade, most indo ppl r good ppl, especially tose not veri rich ones.
Any country,any types of culture also will have good and bad people,hehehe...let alone girls in Batam. i could be a bad person the view of the girls too, much as i knew i am a stingy person in most the girls i have met in Batam. :D
23-06-2019, 09:46 PM
Been reading for some time. Thought I contribute by sharing my recent experience on a weekday.
Used the guides provides by fellow forummers here, esp Nono. TY.
Started from Formosa at about 1.30pm. Went to Happy 8. About 10 girls but they either were abit big size (not fat though), had tatoos or looked fierce. Prefer the demure petite type.
Went over to a one unknown (not mentioned in this forum before) shop where the tender said the girls are not in so early. Went over to Havana which seems like a club.
There were about 3 men outside who seem unrelated to the joint but one followed us in, likely in a bid to get some commission. Only 1 girl downstairs. It was like a club that was not opened yet. The staff didn't seem to mind when he brought us upstairs. It was the girls' quarters. He started knocking on the door and one young girl came out in a daze. Quite pretty, big eye with her fake lashes still on. Another woke up too. But we felt uncomfortable waking the girls up so we left.
We wanted to walk on our own but one of the guys followed us. Brought us to MM but no girls there. Staff said the girls are back in kampung for Raya. Went over to Sri Kandy (less than 5 min from Havana). The mami rang the bell and about 8 girls appeared. We were uncomfortable with the guy around and left. Then entered again when he left. Chose a girl named Stephanie. Slim, fair skinned, quite big eyes and a beautiful smile (she was joking with her friend about something). She was a in a tight low cut dress and her boobs, not too big, probably a B, were pushed up very nicely. Was quoted 1.4 juta. Offered 1.3. The mami asked her and she agreed. I later found out from her that she splits 50-50 with the joint. Paid and mami said that I need to collect her later. Told her about 7pm as we planned to go Octopuss and then have dinner.
23-06-2019, 09:47 PM
Ended up collecting her only at about 7.30pm. She had removed her make up and fake lashes but still pretty and looks the same except that that her slight freckles were visible. She was smiling and we boarded the Grab. About 1.65m without heels. 26 yo. Back at Formosa, she switched on the TV and watched a drama serial while we held hands and lay next to each other. Not a phone addict... nice. After about 20 min, during an advertisement, we started the deed. She was quite passive and I was not very demanding. It was me servicing her more. Ok with FK and neck nibbles but said nipple licking is too itchy. Ok with DATY too. She was very nice to cuddle; nice boob size and perky butt while being slim. Finished off in missionary.
It went downhill from there. We watched tv for awhile more and I noticed her falling asleep. Then she fell asleep. I went to Alishan to find my friend. She said she's too sleepy and I left her in the room. So I came back at about 1am, she was still sleeping (never bath, never brush teeth). Next morning, we went for breakfast. During breakfast, her cleavage was like... wow when she was sitting opposite. I was expecting another round after breakfast so didn't ask for one after waking and I prefer to undress her again rather than start naked. When we returned, she was texting on her phone and told me she needs to leave because her sister is sick. I said one more time, quick one but she said something about medicine and die. She looked really worried. No point forcing her to stay so I said ok. She said sorry and left without even asking for tips. I'm also noob... should have woken her up in the middle of the night for 1 round.
In case any of you want to try, poor service but pretty and really hot body. It really depends how you KC her. Maybe go out for makan before the deed or if you can speak bahasa indonesia, it will be better (mine is very elementary). She's leaving back home for Bandung in early July for long-term.
The quality of the girls in the joints I visited is really not good. Geylang Cat 50/80/150 is really much much better (I know cannot compare but it's just give you get a gauge). This Stephanie was really way above the others in the 2 joints I visited.
Some info about Alishan KTV
the KTV room+ nuts+ fruits + 1 girl + about 20 cans of beer was about S$110. To tapow is S$190 more. If you stay late enough, can negotiate with the girl to bypass the bar fine, reducing tapow cost to $130, depending on negotiation. In that case, you leave first then the girl meet you somewhere. About 14 girls came into the room. Girl quality was *slightly* better than the joints but no lookers. Except for the one my friend called. really difficult to choose. I didn't choose since I already had one sleeping in the room :(
For newbies, the manager is a soft spoken Chinese man man in his 50s who can speak Mandarin.
23-06-2019, 09:47 PM
Some info about Alishan KTV
the KTV room+ nuts+ fruits + 1 girl + about 20 cans of beer was about S$110. To tapow is S$190 more. If you stay late enough, can negotiate with the girl to bypass the bar fine, reducing tapow cost to $130, depending on negotiation. In that case, you leave first then the girl meet you somewhere. About 14 girls came into the room. Girl quality was *slightly* better than the joints but no lookers. Except for the one my friend called. really difficult to choose. I didn't choose since I already had one sleeping in the room :(
For newbies, the manager is a soft spoken Chinese man man in his 50s who can speak Mandarin.
About Formosa
Spacious and clean room and friendly service but doubt I will stay there again. Aircon was not working well in the afternoon and the room service guy said he will settle it. Was fine at night but later in the night, it hovered at around 27 degrees. Sometimes it was about 25 which was still bearable. There was also a smell in the room. Not really mouldy smell but that of an old hotel. The smell lingers in your clothes even when you reach Singapore.
Bed was hard. Low quality bed that you can feel a little bit of the springs.
It was about S$50nett and I found that Agoda has the cheapest price. However, I think you can find better hotels at this price range.
Location is very good but with $1.10 to $1.40 Grab rides, location is not so important.
About Octopuss
Like previous FRs stated, there are FJ options here with tiers of girls at different prices.
The basic package is $48nett for 1.5 hour massage with HJ thrown in. Facilities- suana, jacuzzi, steam room included. No food and drinks like Malaysia spa. Just one type of keropok and one type of cake. A bottle of plain water is around S$2.
The massage is really hit and miss. You don't get to see and choose the ladies. I had a very good massage the previous time but a bad one this time. This time, the girl was dressed in a sailormoon style uniform with very short skirt. When she sat on my back... wow. Not sure how open the girls are to groping but when massaging my hand, she put my hand on her thigh and my fingers were slightly touching her chest area.
A little basic bahasa will go a long way when getting around or when communicating with girls. Despite the grouses above, honestly, I don't know where else you can find a social escort for S100+ for the whole day and night. It's my first visit to the joints too so it may be a one off "not so good" experience at the joints. I also explored only a few joints so more coverage may have helped.
Hope the above is useful info.
24-06-2019, 12:03 PM
Last Thursday return via HBB.... found that they hv block the passage between the old horizon counter building and the ferry terminal.
How i wish i have read ur post earlier...
That means.. can't turn right and get out fr the Balai terminal side.
Think there is a new exit/entrance at the opposite end of the long "hall"(where we took the escalator up to Hor counter.)
Look like the old counter building and the link bridges will be gone...
Together with the touting taxi/ojet.
With the closure of that right side entrance leading to the old taxi stand & harbour mart, it greatly affects the taxi drivers & food/retail shop business at the old departure/arrival hall.
Coming out of the new entrance is a piece of waste land under construction
Tourist has to walk a very long way out...
Cutting through the car park is a short cut but it might be dangerous for tourists with children or be carrying heavy luggage when there's a high no. of vehicles moving in & out of the carpark.
So now many touring in the premises area do not have much choice but to use this entrance on the left hand side after exiting from immigration bag scanning when they arrive btm or they can take a longer way out of the terminal.
If bro blackpage arrive btm, he will not be able to use his usual entrance to get out of the terminal to pay 50k rp to the taxi drivers anymore. :D
This small change has cause a big inconvenience to lots of unknowing tourists who planned to stay around hotels within harbour bay or be shopping at Harbour Bay mall,other than Zest hotel. Those who stays in Nine Days hotel,Swissbel,Amir hotel, Ggi hotel & Harbor boutique hotel will be like myself, have to exercise our legs more.
Better hope it doesn't rain upon arriving btm,& that's so much for sharing my yesterday's arrival.
24-06-2019, 05:11 PM
veri good deal & well worth the $ ,brother & thk u 4 yr'm full of envy rite nw wen i readin yr fr. :p
*saliva dripping*
jus up u my bigger than cow car wheel 6
jking onli ya...hope u no offence. :D
Thanks for the verification on $$$ and thanks for the points :D:D:D
24-06-2019, 07:37 PM
Hi Likley Buddies,
Im goling solo to BTM tmr, it had been years since there, thereby a newbie now. Anybody kind soul there and able to walk around together?...I am staying at Fomosa Hotel...
25-06-2019, 02:51 AM
It has taken well over a month to read through all the post and everything. I started with nono's and went through all of that, then I started reading the thread. I am finally down to less than 100 post to the end, and decided that I will finally book a trip to batam. I will be going next week, so that leaves me a week to finish the last few posts.
Obviously being the first trip I will stick with nono's advise (even though his beginner guide is a bit dated). I have booked my ferry tickets according to his guide, and have booked the formosa hotel. I will compile a list of locations and just start plugging away.
Hopefully I will have something to report about my trip later.
Black Page
25-06-2019, 07:20 AM
If bro blackpage arrive btm, he will not be able to use his usual entrance to get out of the terminal to pay 50k rp to the taxi drivers anymore. :D
I already upgraded to Batam 2.0.
Last time I took the secondary exit (the nearest to the Horizon Ferry counter) and I asked confirmation to the taxi driver that the fare to Formosa was 30k. :D
However, once arrived, I left tip and I paid 40k. After all, he helped me with the heavy luggage and did not offer his service to find ladies in town. Much appreciated.
25-06-2019, 09:36 AM
Hopefully I will have something to report about my trip later.
All the best and good luck
25-06-2019, 10:48 AM
I already upgraded to Batam 2.0.
Last time I took the secondary exit (the nearest to the Horizon Ferry counter) and I asked confirmation to the taxi driver that the fare to Formosa was 30k.
:D It's truly good habit of u to confirm the price before hopping up any taxis in btm & i suppose u mean u took the taxi from around the old horizon ferry counter, which is no more. The new horizon counter is on the second floor of the ferry terminal today.
If that were the case, since the closure of the Harbour bay terminal old entrance previously stated on post #14138, it's going to be a real pain for u to walk to reach the above photo with all that heavy luggage of urs. A rough gauge on the distance would be at least 3 times longer than usual,twice if u are cutting through the car park,braving through some traffic along the way. :D
U will need to turn left (instead of ur usual right side) upon exiting out after getting ur luggage scan, to the new taxi stand. Not sure if they'll reopen the old entrance on a later time though.
25-06-2019, 04:31 PM
Well for new...
Theres a small Shorttime joint inside pasific palace
Its behind the elevator right door. Open at 6pm +
Silver cost about 500k and gold 650k
1 hours only.
A hidden joint in the lift beside the vg, right lift, theres one call pasific club, which provide local chinese gals with 2200k for shorttime and 3500k for longtime. And she provide some vietnams too. Availble from 6pm - 8 or 9 pm until the girls been booked.
Its on 6th floor from that
25-06-2019, 04:51 PM
Looks it will take some time to revemp the area on the right.
Hope they fast fast build a walk way cross the waste land soon.
Now LL got to walk the long way.
Black Page
25-06-2019, 05:07 PM
:D It's truly good habit of u to confirm the price before hopping up any taxis in btm & i suppose u mean u took the taxi from around the old horizon ferry counter, which is no more. The new horizon counter is on the second floor of the ferry terminal.
I confirm before going on taxi for courtesy to the driver, so that he does not get the wrong idea.
However, I know what is the correct price and that is what I pay. Several times I did not bother to speak about price before. I just take the taxi, we go, we arrive, I get out of taxi, I give him 50k.
I never had a single problem, because He knows that is generous enough. In case he complains and wants more, I simply ignore him and leave him alone.
He knows he is wrong.He should feel stupid shouting at me because he wants more money than the correct amount.
I think it is a matter of self confidence.
Thr only times I had problems with taxi in Batam was from Newton to Formosa. Those are gangsters. I did not mind to shout back when they wanted 70k or more. Scammers.
25-06-2019, 05:20 PM
Whatever standard price list they can hv. If you didn't have the exact amount. .. the Will play the "no small change" game:D
Black Page
25-06-2019, 05:40 PM
Whatever standard price list they can hv. If you didn't have the exact amount. .. the Will play the "no small change" game:D
Black Page
25-06-2019, 05:43 PM
A hidden joint in the lift beside the vg, right lift, theres one call pasific club, which provide local chinese gals with 2200k for shorttime and 3500k for longtime. And she provide some vietnams too.
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
25-06-2019, 05:58 PM
Went to Batam few weeks back. Guess, I should start to write a FR to document and share my own experiences.
Bought my tickets via online platform, and landed around 11.40 indo time (weekday) at Batam Center Ferry Terminal. Went for money changer shopping after exiting, the 1st few mentioned 10.3k (Rate:10.44k based on google), and walked further in, and had the changer mentioning 10.35k for $200, (I believe as long as the change is around 100+, the changer will give that rate. While I was changing, I saw another passenger asking, and was quoted 10.2k :eek:, and the eventually chopped by them. Best to ask them about the rate before changing, gives u the best options, since there are so many options over there.
After being a millionaire, walked out of the ferry terminal towards the Harris Hotel side, until BP, where I managed to snag onto free wifi, and ordered a gojek to Golden Bay Hotel (costing 11k). Reached the hotel, and spotted the FREE shuttle that was going to the malls (BCS and Nagoya Hill). Managed to check in chop chop, unpack, and bring a small bag before boarding the shuttle (leaves at scheduled timings - and also free return trip from the malls) and deciding to return on 7pmish from Nagoya Hill.
Chose to alight at BCS Mall, because I wanted to get a indo SIM, paid abt 45k (which could have been cheaper like 20k-1gb data), with 2gb data, which is more than enough... Went around the mall to take a look and select some choices to eat around the mall, before going to the supermarket to purchase some water.
Next, wanted to scout the joints for cewek, but was distracted by the new mall (Grand Batam Mall) and went shopping for shoes, clothes and snacks. Quite alot of nice options to eat, especially if you're more than just alone. In the end, spend a few hours shopping, before going cewek shopping.
Continued walking from the Grand Batam Mall towards the DC Mall area (its quite a walk, but I'm keen to see how much has changed since my last visit around 4 months ago.) Walked pass Hawaii Karaoke, but didn't found any to my liking. Continued on to the stretch of massage parlours, and decided to be more adventurous, and asked if there was LT. (Always walked pass, but never walked into them)
The staffs were fairly straightforward to mention that there was no outcall, and was jioing me to opt for a massage, since it was only 70k for an hour. Almost wanted to, but since I was deciding to book a LT, decided against it. Casually asked if there are any cewek bookings, and was directed to Bunga (had went before, and generally, it was the more expensive joint, but the girls were generally accomodating to whatever you requested, so it really depends on what you're looking for). Didn't follow the advice, but went on forward to jalan jalan amongst different massage parlours before stopping at Kupu, and was recognised by the Papi, from prior visit.
Saw 2 that caught my eye, and was immediately offered a straight up 200k discount since I don't have a driver. Don't know whether that's a sales tactic nowadays or what. Stalled for a while to see if a further discount can be given. Eventually, what was quoted as 1.5Juta, was reduced to 1.2, and 1.3 to 1Juta. Picked up the 1 Juta one, who had some command of english, and was more of a girl next door, with tshirt and jeans than the 1st candidate, who was dressed more pretty. Informed to be sent at around 8pm, since I was intending to take the shuttle back, and was informed by Papi that remember to pay for the cewek's ride to hotel. (from quoted 50k, to showing the gojek app of 12k), and mentioned that will pay based on the app.
Since I've secured for the day, I decided to get a normal rub via sports massage (1hr foot reflex and 1hr body) at 2xxk, quite cheap for 2 hours, and decided to tip the reflex guy with 5k, cause i didn't have any notes, while I wanted to tip the masseur, but couldn't find her after I went to the toilet after my massage. Prefer to do reflex before massage, cause seems cleaner with feets washed.
Due to the delay of the starting of the massage, and having rushed from Sports Massage to Nagoya Hill, I still missed the shuttle..... Haiz.....
In the end, since it was around 7.40pm, I booked a gojek ride from Nagoya, and was directed by the rider to meet at the storefront outside of the mall, cause they can't directly pick up people from the mall. went down and get picked up and sent to the hotel.
Ding Dong, and came the girl, around 8.20. Wanted to be slightly cheeky this time round, as compared to my previous visits. so teased her a little, and asked if she's hungry, and ordered some food and juices via gofood. Fairly reasonably priced and was happy to have the delivery discount applied. (Approximately 60k in total for 2 meals + 2 juice).
After dinner, asked for shower together, but was rejected. So individually showered, and asked to remove the only makeup of hers which was lipstick. Started with BJ, and was very surprised that the cewek gave very good BJ, which was similar to the BJ joints in BKK. (one of the bests that I've had, and I'm a fan of BJ) Shot out, she siammed, and sprayed a little on myself. She went on to washup, before coming back to clean me up, and shower me. Sorta gave a very good GFE. and we talked alittle, which she mentioned where she was from, and that she was new in this line. I happen to be her 1st chinese customer. She was married, with a child, and a christian. Its great that she has watched porn before, and knows what guys wants. Seems like the ramadan month was slightly slower for her too (1st month here).
After 20 mins or so, went on for another round and she was very proactive with cowgirl, for a while, and we switched positions after i felt that she would be tired, and pumped her with pillows raising the position so that its easier for the height entry. Towards to the end of the session, could see that she was genuinely aroused as she started starting herself, but too bad, I was at my end and shot out, but still continued to pump a while more, before the stick subsides. Chit chatted a bit more and teased a little. Played mobile games, and was sort of preparing the 3rd shot to be morning, so didn't really disturbed her. On hindsight, should have gone on for 3rd shot, because she was prepared to stay for the night. (My previous experience with another stable, the cewek didn't even come with any bags or clothings for overnight stay - Tip: You will know if the cewek will play punk if there aren't any clothes for overnight stay.
Over the night, wanted to do another shot, but didn't really want to wake her up (sort of regretted), When it was near to the time to go back at around 7am, showered, and wanted to leave without any shots. Managed to convinced her to do another BBBJ, and was rewarded with a CIM. Tipped her 200k for her service.
Relaxed and went for Gym before checking out.
To be continued for Part 2 and Day 2 of the trip.
25-06-2019, 06:04 PM
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
Fret not. There will still be suckers willing to pay that price!:D
25-06-2019, 07:50 PM
Basically, you offer ladies money and they are happy of that. Wow! :eek:
Not really directly offer them money. Need some conversation going and masking the offer of money for sex with something nicer like helping them with their cash flow problems. Basically the same thing as offer money for sex,but ladies prefer it to be discreet and saying it in sort of not so obvious way. That probably makes them feels better with their self value. If you dont try asking, you wont know the answer. Some are okay, most others are not okay, obviously.
25-06-2019, 09:08 PM
If you didn't have the exact amount. .. they Will play the "no small change" game
Same can be said with online taxies.
25-06-2019, 11:28 PM
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
Out of the same shop that sells at 2.2 million rupiah, i only need to pay for what the girls get out from the 2.2 million rupiah,hehehe...thats the "cost price" whereby they are willing to work for. :D
1.5 million rupiah booking girl in a booking joint, how much does the girls get paid from the 1.5 miliion rupiah? How much the joint is getting? The manager or mami's commission? And Taxi drivers? Customer/s is often at the top of the Pyramid and the girls were much often right at the bottom of it. Somewhere in the middle of it, took the lion's share. :cool:
Beside shanghai, SBF dome 1, dome 2, dome 3 and dome L is a good place to make price comparison too,hehehe... :p
Fret not. There will still be suckers willing to pay that price!:D
Agreed with your words, there will be suckers...hehehe...
Thats my "apple theory", that cost 250k to 300k rupiah, if one is willing to pay over 2 million rupiah for it, then the price will be more than 2 million rupiah,hehehe...if no one's paying that price, than the value would be "up to me". Either they accept "my price" or they can leave the apple for the next better buyer...or maybe for it to start rotting away when the evening ends,hehehe...
The theory can be applied to taxi fare and other stuffs too, which makes Batam Indonesia unique in its own way. :D
I also learned how to approach those ladies working in boutiques, and after some conversation and finding out that they are just working there with low salary. I will ask if they need help with additional income. Some actually accept the proposition. And now instead of just going to massage places. I also frequent the malls and boutiques. Happy to know that Batam ladies can be approached this way
I notice some almost similar frequency in your action in Batam with me and my small group of friends,hehehe...i have been frequenting "clean" massage places in Batam for last couple of years to date,hehehe...
You shared something and thank you.
Enjoy Batam....
26-06-2019, 12:08 AM
:D It's truly good habit of u to confirm the price before hopping up any taxis in btm & i suppose u mean u took the taxi from around the old horizon ferry counter, which is no more. The new horizon counter is on the second floor of the ferry terminal today.
Its often good habit to confirm the price 1st before getting up any taxis in Batam that has no taxi meter...hehehe...otherwise like the sign you posted below, it can claim that taxi fare is like the below 30k rupiah price :
How i wish i have read ur post earlier...
But after reaching your destination, they will ask you for 50k rupiah. This has happened to my friend during CNY and thats the last straw...he showed them the photo above and pay driver 30k rupiah nett and ran into formosa hotel (special thanks to bro Blackpage's advise on stepping out of the taxi 1st before making taxi payment).
Taxi driver was cursing and swearing at my friend,hehehe... (imagine being cursed and sweared at during CNY time,and my friend was quite mad)
Anyone notice the Harbour Bay Ferry terminal OFFICIAL taxi stand signage below? Now, make a guess, what has been ERASED from it? Hehehe.. (or was it scratch off?) And why is the taxi stand sign hidden beside a metal pillar? Whereby people walking pass KFC can barely see it...hehehe...
Today, once again, i have to avoid taking taxi from any of the Harbour Bay terminal taxi stand. If i desperately need a taxi in Harbour Bay, i simply walked a bit to either Zest Hotel or Harbour Boutique hotel and ask them to get me a taxi at 35k rupiah instead. I usually pay the taxi driver 40k rupiah upon reaching my destination.
Then again, most time the respective hotels i stayed in will pick me up for free,hehehe... and they comes with VERY good polite service as well.
End of the trip upon reaching hotel, i tipped the hotel driver 10k to 20k rupiah,hehehe...and he's so thankful to me (or the least he makes me feel that he's thankful enough),hehehe...
So i barely need to use the taxis in Harbour Bay ferry terminal anyway.
Taxi drivers in Ferry Terminals and shopping mall (especially Nagoya Hill Mall ones) are some of the WORST people in Batam. And worst is a strong word.
26-06-2019, 02:54 PM
I hope you made a mistake writing. 2.2 millions for short time?? This is not Shanghai. This is Batam.
and i hope i make a mistake too, but too bad....its not...
they put local chinese with dat pretty high prices , and push em to do LT instead of ST.
@nono : usually half of it for the store and taxi on stores
and i found out new re-opening massage , no LT , ST only with 450k-550k each round call good one , its nearby srikandi and u can google it LOL
will go to this place later
26-06-2019, 06:22 PM
different from old gd1 massage and now is that they package st, choose gals using tab dont need to nego with the gals like the old days. 580k vip room, full serrvice all in, 430k is hj only, no bj (nego with the gal when inside if u want). G1 had the reno during month of May. Expect other massage place around that area to follow this system.
Looks like 500k for st is a norm in batam, market is going higher and most are willingly paying it. Both wins
26-06-2019, 06:59 PM
I confirm before going on taxi for courtesy to the driver, so that he does not get the wrong idea.
However, I know what is the correct price and that is what I pay. Several times I did not bother to speak about price before. I just take the taxi, we go, we arrive, I get out of taxi, I give him 50k.
I never had a single problem, because He knows that is generous enough. In case he complains and wants more, I simply ignore him and leave him alone.
He knows he is wrong.He should feel stupid shouting at me because he wants more money than the correct amount.
I think it is a matter of self confidence.
Thr only times I had problems with taxi in Batam was from Newton to Formosa. Those are gangsters. I did not mind to shout back when they wanted 70k or more. Scammers.
totally agree with this. confirming sometimes also no use. There was this taxi driver, who once confirmed with me before my ride that it was 30k, ended my trip and demanded 50k, said that he never said it was 30k. win liao lor
27-06-2019, 06:49 AM
totally agree with this. confirming sometimes also no use. There was this taxi driver, who once confirmed with me before my ride that it was 30k, ended my trip and demanded 50k, said that he never said it was 30k. win liao lor
I think BP has illustrated at few post b4.
Prepared the exact fare in advance
Get off the taxi
Hand the Rp. And dont look back
You WIN.;)
27-06-2019, 08:35 AM
I did mention somewhere there is a massage shop as good as Sports Massage around Goodway hotel and this is the one called Aiko Spot Massage,hehehe...near to A2 Food court.
The shopfront....
...and the price list below.The reason for the 2 price list below is becos one of them was taken by me and the other one was from online.
Above photo was taken on June 2019 by me, below is from online when they were having promotion some time ago.
Happy hour is from shop opening until 4pm on Monday to Thursday whereby customer gets something like a 30% off from the listed price. After happy hours, i talked to the cashier w/o any expectation and got a 15% off,hehehe...
And the room with trousers standing by on the bed,hehehe....
Place is clean,hehehe...its pretty new (less than 2 years old, i think), hence its pretty clean in terms of hygiene and i look around that area, its also near A2 food court, so my 1st thought would be, who would go for a massage dinner or lunch but the crowd of Singaporean customers surprised me during non-Happy-hours, for those like me who likes to have peace of mind and quiet time, go only during happy hours. Can save myself some money too.
Its a good experience for myself as what i am getting were some really good quality massage. In future, i might just use this Aiko Spot Massage to bench mark Batam's massage quality,hehehe...oh, and one more thing...quite a handful of girls were very young (looks wise max is 6/10,maybe due to minimum make-up). ;)
Enjoy Batam...
27-06-2019, 10:39 AM
Anyone notice the Harbour Bay Ferry terminal OFFICIAL taxi stand signage below? Now, make a guess, what has been ERASED from it? Hehehe.. (or was it scratch off?) And why is the taxi stand sign hidden beside a metal pillar? Whereby people walking pass KFC can barely see it...hehehe...
Someone vandalized the taxi sign board below the phone no. by taking out the 30k rp price. :p
27-06-2019, 12:23 PM
Anyone notice the Harbour Bay Ferry terminal OFFICIAL taxi stand signage below? Now, make a guess, what has been ERASED from it? Hehehe.. (or was it scratch off?) And why is the taxi stand sign hidden beside a metal pillar? Whereby people walking pass KFC can barely see it...hehehe...
That means i am at the mercy of the taxi drivers? Can just suka suka ask for 50K and above to Nagoya. :mad:Since the price at signboard been erased.
27-06-2019, 12:48 PM
they set the price pretty high on taxi's , dats why pretty annoying from harbour bay ....
been overcharge to 50k too
27-06-2019, 01:17 PM
This photo below was taken on last year 2018 around October/November at Harbour Bay Ferry terminal official taxi stand. Back then it was still new and just launched the 30k rupiah taxi fare due to a commotion of un-metered taxi driver beating up a GoCar/Grab driver which went viral on the internet (so far i have only heard of one such case in Harbour Bay ferry terminal).
(notice the 30k at the bottom of the phone number?)
Now,make a comparison between the 2 taxi signs taken from the same place at different time/year (2018 and 2019).
Anyone notice the Harbour Bay Ferry terminal OFFICIAL taxi stand signage below? Now, make a guess, what has been ERASED from it? Hehehe.. (or was it scratch off?) And why is the taxi stand sign hidden beside a metal pillar? Whereby people walking pass KFC can barely see it...hehehe...
Today, once again, i have to avoid taking taxi from any of the Harbour Bay terminal taxi stand. If i desperately need a taxi in Harbour Bay, i simply walked a bit to either Zest Hotel or Harbour Boutique hotel and ask them to get me a taxi at 35k rupiah instead. I usually pay the taxi driver 40k rupiah upon reaching my destination.
Below the taxi sign outside Harbour Bay Mall. Which is the same as the one at the taxi stand outside the new official Harbour Bay Ferry terminal taxi stand, posted here for a clearer justification.
I am sure there was no surveillance camera to catch the culprit (very likely to be a no-good taxi driver,hehehe..) who scratch off the 30k rupiah price,hence the ferry management also got not much of a choice,hehehe...
My solution/s :
1. Help one another, spread the words around, to my friends, relatives etc etc...i have already send in my reviews on this one to Trip Advisor, hehehe...later i shall go see other sites, see if there are other travel sites worthy of my time to spread my word.
2. Use only hotels with free pick up (and hopefully have free drop off when returning back to Singapore).
3. Call the hotel i booked my stay from to pick me up with a fee,hehehe... i buy a sim card in Batam in my every Batam trip anyway. Cost only between 50k to 100k rupiah (depending on needs).
4. Go to Zest Hotel reception (only 30secs walk from Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal's official taxi stand), ask them get me a taxi. Cost would be 35k rupiah according to their open official price listed. Yes, its 5k rupiah more but well...believe me, MOST Sillyporean can afford the extra 5k rupiah,hehehe...
Note : i mind paying the 5k rupiah extra, but i am calculating convenience versus dollar here. Giver to corrupted personnel in my view is more guilty than the receiver.
5. Go to Harbour Boutique Hotel, but well...since the entrance of the old Harbour Bay ferry terminal entrance has been blocked, this solution is going to exercise my 2 legs a lot more,hehehe...usual walk takes about 3 mins, now probably take 7 mins or more.
6. The last option, walk out of Harbour Bay area,opposite Ggi hotel to order Grab/GoCar. Why is this the last option? Well...hehehe...believe me, walking out from the Arrival area (the door after my luggage were scanned) to the outside area of Harbour Bay gantry area gonna cost me about 15mins, braving the sunny weather (worse if it rains). So, this is the last option for me.
Finally, dont forget bro Blackpage's golden advise. Confirm price for any taxis in Batam, and pay the driver ONLY AFTER i physically get off the taxi. In June 2019, i did so in person as advised and it works well for me. I paid 30k rupiah nett. Believe me, almost all who works in the Batam Tourism industry like bellboys, hotel securities and receptionists etc knows Official Price from Harbour Bay Ferry terminal to Nagoya area up to BCS cost 30k rupiah. Prepare exactly 30k rupiah, reach destination, step out, pay and go. i didnt do the wrong thing...right? (so i have no fear of their cursing and swearing,hehehe..)
I advise my friend/s to Save a copy or 2 of the photo/s i posted on the taxi pricing above on their mobile phone for their future dispute (if any),hehehe... :D
Just my sharing about things that happened recently and hopefully provide some solutions to it.
* next upcoming, (if time and situation allows me) i might do a write up on corrupted immigration officers which is happening at Batam Center ferry terminal during 2019, which i have read.
Enjoy Batam... ;)
PS : Photos were taken from my past Batam trips, i do keep record , as to compare then and now or vice versa.
27-06-2019, 02:19 PM
@nono : usually half of it for the store and taxi on stores
What i learned was that most of the girls took about or around 1/3 of the total amount.
And what i find out further from various different girls and from different joints, was for girl's pricing which was "low", its usually halved. But when it comes to a "bigger" amount, its usually about 1/3 of the total amount.
Customer/s is often at the top of the Pyramid and the girls were much often right at the bottom of it. Somewhere in the middle of it, took the lion's share. :
There may be some variant on the calculation from different people, and above was solely what i learned base on my own research/findings over the years.
There is definitely a minimum Set price. There is no maximum Set price. So highest can be an infinity amount if there are takers (or suckers),hehehe...but the girls will still get the minimum set price.
I have an apple i wish to sell at S$0.30...i ask Charlie to help sell it off for me. Charlie seeks Tom and Jerry's help to tell the world there's an apple for sale. Regardless of how much Tom and Jerry sells it, they need to make some profit out of it. No matter how much Charlie charge to Tom and Jerry, he also makes a profit.
And no matter how much its being priced by Charlie to Tom and Dick and then to the end-user, i will still get S$0.30 at the end of the day. Which is what i mean by there is no maximum set price but there's definitely a minimum,hehehe...and of course if the apple is being sold by Charlie w/o Tom and Jerry involved, the price to end user can possibly be lowered.
When Tom see bro Xhuuya walks by, he call out to him and quote him S$1 for an apple, when Jerry saw bro Xhuuya talks to Tom, and walk off w/o buying, he remember Xhuuya's face and when he walks back again, Jerry approach him and tells Charlie can get the same apple at S$0.90. Charlie finds that he has gotten a better deal from Tom and decide he will buy from Jerry instead (of buying from Tom). Tom and Jerry called Charlie about the deal, and Charlie says he will sell the apple to the 2 at S$0.50...Tom and Jerry makes S$0.40 from the S$0.90 deal from bro Xhuuya, now i have my S$0.30, Charlie, Tom and Dick all makes about S$0.20 each,hehehe...
And if i can sell the apple off myself,and if someone willing to buy from me directly at S$0.35 (or more), i will sell it off w/o 2nd thoughts, hehehe... if Charlie, Tom and Jerry has no buyers towards the end of the day, and someone pop out offering S$0.25, i will have to sell it too. Or else my apple will have an even lesser or no value after sunset.
The whole illustration above were like the Batam scene i talk about and i am that end-user guy who looks forward to getting that "apple" for S$0.25,hehehe...even tho i dont mind paying S$0.30 or little bit more. Paying S$1 or S$0.90 is just not so much "me". :p
Sorry a bit long-winded here. :D
27-06-2019, 09:25 PM
Aiko Spot Massage to bench mark Batam's massage quality,hehehe...oh, and one more thing...quite a handful of girls were very young (looks wise max is 6/10,maybe due to minimum make-up). ;)
Enjoy Batam...
If you eat at A2 or shop at BCS,
that the place for u to call and wait for GoCar pickup.
27-06-2019, 10:45 PM
Bro can pm
28-06-2019, 01:03 AM
any hotel recommend? I will chiong batam with few colleague. Anyone recommend a safe and comfort hotel?
Tonite batam razia nite. Those goyang and jackpot kaki beware.
Black Page
29-06-2019, 06:04 AM
I think BP has illustrated at few post b4.
Prepared the exact fare in advance
Get off the taxi
Hand the Rp. And dont look back
You WIN.;)
I also say BYE and TERIMA KASIH, smiling of course :D
29-06-2019, 08:38 AM
Anyone going batam today , want meetup and chill at night?
Just 2 young chaps with 2 young girls . enjoying a good time.
29-06-2019, 10:32 AM
Heading to Batam later in the evening. Good suggestions to get massages and girls please? :P
About Octopuss
Like previous FRs stated, there are FJ options here with tiers of girls at different prices.
The basic package is $48nett for 1.5 hour massage with HJ thrown in. Facilities- suana, jacuzzi, steam room included. No food and drinks like Malaysia spa. Just one type of keropok and one type of cake. A bottle of plain water is around S$2.
The massage is really hit and miss. You don't get to see and choose the ladies. I had a very good massage the previous time but a bad one this time. This time, the girl was dressed in a sailormoon style uniform with very short skirt. When she sat on my back... wow. Not sure how open the girls are to groping but when massaging my hand, she put my hand on her thigh and my fingers were slightly touching her chest area.
A little basic bahasa will go a long way when getting around or when communicating with girls. Despite the grouses above, honestly, I don't know where else you can find a social escort for S100+ for the whole day and night. It's my first visit to the joints too so it may be a one off "not so good" experience at the joints. I also explored only a few joints so more coverage may have helped.
Hope the above is useful info.
Thanks for the info,
I find that their massage are still consistently good, not yet experienced with a bad one so far. From my knowledge, most ladies have gone through proper training before been in this line.
Some ML are able to take away if the price is right.
I was quoted around 1M for overnight after her shift.
29-06-2019, 11:28 AM
I notice some almost similar frequency in your action in Batam with me and my small group of friends,hehehe...i have been frequenting "clean" massage places in Batam for last couple of years to date,hehehe...
You shared something and thank you.
Enjoy Batam....
There are probably many people who travels to Batam with the same mindset and frequencies. I walked a lot in Batam and slowly searching for places and negotiate directly with the girls or the shop owners for more affordable prices. Unfortunately we dont know each other and hence I continue to explore on foot and reinvent the wheels the slow arduous ways.
I met many similar minded solo travellers while in the ferry. They too explore on their own quietly because no one knows their frequent trips to Batam and probably no one guide them along so they just go.
But since everyone is of the same frequency, it would be better to travel together and when it is no longer feasible to travel together, a nice amicable parting can be agreed.
You enjoy Batam too. As a chin chye and easygoing traveller, I have enjoyed most of my solo trips in Batam, albeit still a newbie. Take care and be safe.
29-06-2019, 11:54 AM
So, reading through the thread, it seems like Havana has some good girls to pick up. Any other places you guys would suggest? Thanks!!
29-06-2019, 03:32 PM
Iya boz
29-06-2019, 03:46 PM
So, reading through the thread, it seems like Havana has some good girls to pick up. Any other places you guys would suggest? Thanks!!
Havana is just one if the many booking joints to pick up ceweks. Others include, Bunga, Sri Kandy, MM, Kapu Kapu, Happy 8, Sekar, Gold Bird, Morena (sister co of Havana)..... Enjoy.
29-06-2019, 04:32 PM
Havana is just one if the many booking joints to pick up ceweks. Others include, Bunga, Sri Kandy, MM, Kapu Kapu, Happy 8, Sekar, Gold Bird, Morena (sister co of Havana)..... Enjoy.
Thank you! As a newbie going there for a first time, I appreciate it!!
29-06-2019, 05:09 PM
Someone vandalized the taxi sign board below the phone no. by taking out the 30k rp price. :p
The thing is, no one knows if thats under the permission of Harbour Bay management as yet tho. Anyway, somewhere somehow something not right there,hehehe...and as a tourist, i would have think from a tourist perspective thats in favor of myself.
That means i am at the mercy of the taxi drivers? Can just suka suka ask for 50K and above to Nagoya. :mad:
Hehehe...this is batam, the drivers not happy, they cant do anything about it w/o hurting their rice bowl, so there will be a bit frustration which they took on something to vent on.
If 1 to 2 out of my 10 friends complained about the 30k rupiah turned 50k rupiah issue to me, it goes to show not all of them were paying 50k rupiah to taxi drivers at Harbour Bay Ferry terminal taxi stand. It could just be a small group of bad eggs.
I even hear those drivers who charge 30k to those who "bargained" dont turn on air-con for their passengers through out their rides and only those who pays 50k rupiah got to enjoy air-con in their vehicle,hehehe...and how do i know that? Becos I am that "person" who once took the ride with that 30k rupiah taxi driver without air-con to my hotel.
If i didnt remember wrong, there was one bro here who got a 30k taxi vehicle with a cracked glass wind screen too.
I dared say, MOST Sillyporean travelling to Batam would pay those taxi drivers 50k when they insisted, even tho they clearly saw and knows that the fare is 30k rupiah. Mainly because they didnt confirm the price with the taxi driver before getting on board. :D
Many hotels nowaday has free pick up service, so i dont see the reason not use it.
Formosa hotel is however charging 2 way round trip ,from Harbour Bay to Formosa Hotel and vice versa for 50k rupiah tho.
Sound like book from the OKT cost $xxx then cut away the OKT book direct from the girl cost $xx then KC the girl liao become cost $x ...
Almost, but what i wish to elaborate is, Apple is not expensive in Batam. Just that people prefer to pay 3 times more for that very same Apple and comes back grumbling saying Batam is expensive,hehehe... :D
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
..then make the girl lost her mind over you liao become FREE. :o
FREE is at times, the most expensive of it all. :p
I prefer to pay, and yet get a less-commercial style of service while in Batam. ;)
If you eat at A2 or shop at BCS,
that the place for u to call and wait for GoCar pickup.
Yes, Aiko is a good pick up point for Grab and Go Car user.
Just like for those staying at BCC Hotel or around it.
Hehehe...i believe no tourist likes the below video incident happening to themselves when touring Batam. It happens at Batam Center ferry terminal during 2019 tho.
So its better to know and keep a commonly known list of the GoCar/Grab pick up points well,hehehe...i might try to compile one tho,hopefully with some photo/s for a better indication. :p
29-06-2019, 09:33 PM
Becos I am that "person" who once took the ride with that 30k rupiah taxi driver without air-con to my hotel.
If i didnt remember wrong, there was one bro here who got a 30k taxi vehicle with a cracked glass wind screen too.
I dared say, MOST Sillyporean travelling to Batam would pay those taxi drivers 50k when they insisted, even tho they clearly saw and knows that the fare is 30k rupiah. Mainly because they didnt confirm the price with the taxi driver before getting on board. :D
Many hotels nowaday has free pick up service, so i dont see the reason not use it.
Formosa hotel is however charging 2 way round trip ,from Harbour Bay to Formosa Hotel and vice versa for 50k rupiah tho. Aiyah. Looks like now have to bargain. And they are never please with it.
Last time used to pay 50k fm HBB to penuin. Some of the taxis aircond also not strong. Condition of the cab also then chialat. I cant wait to get to my love nest asap. :D Aiyah, looks like nowadays need to bargain with them..and i am sure they didnt like it too.
I click ur link. Over at Swiss Inn. Any idea they provide two way tpt service i.e. HBB to hotel?
29-06-2019, 11:53 PM
I click ur link. Over at Swiss Inn. Any idea they provide two way tpt service i.e. HBB to hotel?
Ok, Swissbel is the one at Harbour Bay.
(Friday,Saturday and Sunday only)
(their schedule is rather tricky, base on your question,answer can be a Yes and No)
Swiss Inn on below photo is the one nearer to BCS Mall.
I dont think Swiss Inn hotel have free direct 2-way shuttle service but they do allow guest to order online taxi. But the thing is Harbour Bay itself do not allow online taxis, unless you wish to walk out outside Harbour Bay to wait for one,hence i suggest you walk to Zest at Harbour Bay to grab their 35k taxi to get to your desire taxi or bargain with the official taxi stand (opposite KFC as pictured) for 30k rupiah.
Swiss-Belinn (Jodoh) is the not in Harbour Bay but is rather close by to Harbour Bay.
They do not have free shuttle service, but they do provide free drop off service from their hotel to Harbour Bay ferry terminal.
However, i am not sure if the below promotion whereby all of the hotels stated above is still on.
Note that all the 3 Swiss-whatever hotels in Batam's taxi fare isnt cheap, to their respective hotel's receptionist/s for confirmation of their shuttle services.
Meaning to say, if i were to book my stay in Swiss Inn and wish to use their shuttle service, i go to Swiss-Bel Harbour Bay 1st and then reach Kepril Mall, followed by another trip from Kepril Mall to Swiss Inn,hehehe...since they do not provide direct transportation. :D
Hope you see the picture. A direct 35k rupiah taxi trip from Zest to Swiss Inn and then comes back to Harbour Bay free via Kepril mall when my trip ends during a Friday,Saturday or Sunday, if i am standing in your position. ;)
Another option would be, 35k rupiah from Harbour Bay Zest to Swiss Inn, and return via Grab/GoCar at about 12k rupiah, since online taxi is allowed there.
30-06-2019, 12:53 AM
I will be going to Batam next month, Solo trip.I'm now torn between the cheap Barelang Hotel Batam and expensive Harmoni Hotel. Both are located at NED from what I see on the map.
Can any kind souls tell me which of these 2 do you recommend? And how much is the taxi fare from the ferry terminal to either of these 2 hotels?
30-06-2019, 09:26 AM
...Both are located at NED from what I see on the map.
Can any kind souls tell me which of these 2 do you recommend? And how much is the taxi fare from the ferry terminal to either of these 2 hotels?
There is a big difference btw the 2 hotels, Barelang is a 2 star hotel while Harmoni Hotel is 4 star. So it'll be something like comparing Hotel 81 vs Pan Pacific hotel in SG. :rolleyes:
Barelang's price is abt 3x lower than Harmoni, basic room is abt 3 times smaller as compared to Harmoni's room.
Barelang to NED is abt 5 mins walk while Harmoni is basically a stone throw away but Barelang is closer to Nagoya mall than Harmoni.
Harmoni room service's food & beverage menu is definitely way more expensive than Barelang hotel, more varieties too. No hair dryer/coffee makers in most 2 star hotels.
So picking btw the 2 hotels really depends on ur needs & what u truly want during ur mongering. Basically most ppl just need a good bed. Then again, Barelang hotel is pretty new, so their beds should be quite good for now.
However, if u plan to stay in both to try out, stay in Barelang first then move to Harmoni hotel later. It's easier to manage the hell & heaven feeling that way. I made a mistake by staying in Harmoni hotel first & move to Barelang after 2 nights. My feeling is like falling from heaven to hell. It's easier to accept moving from hell to heaven than the other way round. Expectation also different too. :D
Barelang is just a basic hotel with mostly basic amenities. Harmoni is luxury kind. :)
30-06-2019, 10:31 AM
Going to batam tomorrow
Anyone know where I can rent a pocket wifi for batam?
30-06-2019, 10:59 AM
Going to batam tomorrow
Anyone know where I can rent a pocket wifi for batam?
I think you should be able to rent from horizon ferry without the need to purchase ferry tickets from them.
30-06-2019, 11:00 AM
Going to batam tomorrow
Anyone know where I can rent a pocket wifi for batam?
Available for rental at Majestic Ferry counter... Not sure for the other ferry operators
30-06-2019, 03:40 PM
Guys, a quick question. I bought two bottles of liquor from Singapore ferry terminal duty free shop. But couldn't finish the bottles. While coming back, will I have a problem or need to pay tax in Singapore immigration? Thanks
30-06-2019, 09:57 PM
Note that all the 3 Swiss-whatever hotels in Batam's taxi fare isnt cheap, to their respective hotel's receptionist/s for confirmation of their shuttle services.
Meaning to say, if i were to book my stay in Swiss Inn and wish to use their shuttle service, i go to Swiss-Bel Harbour Bay 1st and then reach Kepril Mall, followed by another trip from Kepril Mall to Swiss Inn,hehehe...since they do not provide direct transportation. :D
Hope you see the picture. A direct 35k rupiah taxi trip from Zest to Swiss Inn and then comes back to Harbour Bay free via Kepril mall when my trip ends during a Friday,Saturday or Sunday, if i am standing in your position. ;)
Another option would be, 35k rupiah from Harbour Bay Zest to Swiss Inn, and return via Grab/GoCar at about 12k rupiah, since online taxi is allowed there.
Yes. Either pay extra 35K fm Zest to Swiss Inn for me. Or fm Swiss harbour to kepri to swiss But only concern is hopefully the shuttle timing is chun.:o Must try ur suggestion using the shuttle service. Never try before. Always in a rush. :D
Just curious. Can any tom dick harry take the shuttle service fm Swiss bel harbourbay to kepri? Or must i be the hotel guest?
30-06-2019, 10:52 PM
Hehehe...there's been some talks about it and tho i arent so much interested in getting an Indonesia’s KITAP, but its definitely something thats good to at least know a little about it for now. And below should be a simpler way of explaining it.
Just sharing my findings and keeping tabs here or can call it as some add-on....
Here it is, i finally found the written list of taxi fare from BCC Hotel to Harbour Bay and/or almost everywhere else within Batam,hehehe...
30-06-2019, 10:55 PM
Hmm...while i was looking into the Harbour Bay ferry terminal taxi stand 30k rupiah issue, i chance upon a non-samster's complain on Batam Center Ferry Terminal immigration officer. I will just extract the whole conversation here for my future reference as well as for readers to get a better picture on whats going on (i dont wish to misdirect readers with only partial conversation as it can means differently for different people who reads it).
The thread title is as follow :
Corruption Batam indonesia immigration
This incident happens not too long ago during the beginning 2019 in Batam and at Batam center ferry terminal. For a while, i thought corruption has already been minimized in Batam (i did not use the word "Indonesia" for reason of my own) but well...i guess i was wrong.
Keeping tabs and sharing it at the same time.
30-06-2019, 11:23 PM
Corruption has not been eradicated in Indonesia, but there are some tourists who will attract questioning.
Since I travel solo fairly frequently, I observe same happenings at Batam immigration. Here some observation.
Ladies from third world countries like phillipines, cambodia and vietnam always called into office for interview. And in rooms it is possible that money is involved.
Singaporeans/Malaysians first time go to Batam alone kana ask why go Batam, and if can not speak Malay or Bahasa Indonesia then Why alone if cant speak. Answer wrongly and sure kena called into room.
Sometimes ask stay which hotels, go how many days, do what in Batam. Give touristy answers normally can clear with this type of question.
Hope it helps, cos I kena ask such question before.
30-06-2019, 11:26 PM
Yes. Either pay extra 35K fm Zest to Swiss Inn for me. Or fm Swiss harbour to kepri to swiss But only concern is hopefully the shuttle timing is chun.:o Must try ur suggestion using the shuttle service. Never try before. Always in a rush. :D
I tried the Zest Hotel method many times, its 35k rupiah every time, so on my own, i will say it works well for me all the time.
Just curious. Can any tom dick harry take the shuttle service fm Swiss bel harbourbay to kepri? Or must i be the hotel guest?
Hehehe...not sure about dick but bro Harry and bro Tom tried it before and they shared that you will have to proof to the receptionist at Swissbel Harbour Bay that you are staying in Swiss Inn tho. It dont work 100% of the time tho (according to them), so i cannot guarantee anything becos i havent tried it out on my own before. However, if it were to fail, Harbour Boutique hotel is just few mins walk away, and taxi fare going at 35k rupiah, just like Zest hotel. So, they were covered in another way. :p
Guys, a quick question. I bought two bottles of liquor from Singapore ferry terminal duty free shop. But couldn't finish the bottles. While coming back, will I have a problem or need to pay tax in Singapore immigration? Thanks
If you are not caught its ok, but if you are caught then it is not,just like some bros who brought one or 2 packs of cigarette from Batam to Singapore...hehehe...i am guessing no one can really answer that question to the dot and my answer is ,as long as both bottle of liquor doesnt adds up to 1 litre, i am almost sure it should be fine. Since the legal quantity that can be brought into Singapore is no more than 1 litre.
If you are staying less than 48 hours in Batam, also take note of the below :
01-07-2019, 11:15 AM
Tonite batam razia nite. Those goyang and jackpot kaki beware.
Goyang dumang om. Lol
01-07-2019, 12:23 PM
I tried the Zest Hotel method many times, its 35k rupiah every time, so on my own, i will say it works well for me all the time.
Hehehe...not sure about dick but bro Harry and bro Tom tried it before and they shared that you will have to proof to the receptionist at Swissbel Harbour Bay that you are staying in Swiss Inn tho. It dont work 100% of the time tho (according to them), so i cannot guarantee anything becos i havent tried it out on my own before. However, if it were to fail, Harbour Boutique hotel is just few mins walk away, and taxi fare going at 35k rupiah, just like Zest hotel. So, they were covered in another way. :p
Ok. Jelas leow. Make sense tat one have to proof one is a guest to get free shuttle service. Only hope the schedule time is chun. Alternatively just top up 5k to 35k to my lovenest at SI.:D
This incident happens not too long ago during the beginning 2019 in Batam and at Batam center ferry terminal. For a while, i thought corruption has already been minimized in Batam (i did not use the word "Indonesia" for reason of my own) but well...i guess i was wrong.
It happened almost every part of Indon. So u are not entirely wrong to assume Indon is a corrupt country. I remember decades ago lah. I knew this imm offr from Batam Ampar. Well, he belanja me. Drove a car. Looked new to me. When asked, he told me his mthly pay pathetic. But can afford to have a new car...cheong here and there.:D
01-07-2019, 04:53 PM
Available for rental at Majestic Ferry counter... Not sure for the other ferry operators
Horizon has it. collection and return point at Harbor Bay. $8.50 per day, unlimited data. Planning to use it on my next trip next week.
01-07-2019, 06:54 PM
Getting to Batam in a couple of weeks....
looking for opinions on GRAND DRAGON KTV which was recommended by my old cewek saying they have the most girls now.
Been to M1 and Alishan KTV, not looking to go back.
other suggestions would be greatly appreciated too! ;)
01-07-2019, 10:43 PM
Horizon has it. collection and return point at Harbor Bay. $8.50 per day, unlimited data. Planning to use it on my next trip next week.
Wifi connection strong?Using which network operator?
01-07-2019, 11:13 PM
Getting to Batam in a couple of weeks....
looking for opinions on GRAND DRAGON KTV which was recommended by my old cewek saying they have the most girls now.
Been to M1 and Alishan KTV, not looking to go back.
other suggestions would be greatly appreciated too! ;)
grand drangon cewek sitting 500k, 600k and 800k, booking from 2.5 juta, 3 juta and 4 juta, yes agree have many cewek but if booking a bit expensive
01-07-2019, 11:44 PM
Hmm...while i was looking into the Harbour Bay ferry terminal taxi stand 30k rupiah issue, i chance upon a non-samster's complain on Batam Center Ferry Terminal immigration officer. I will just extract....
Keeping tabs and sharing it at the same time.
Those do visa runs will be tagged. Common country girls include VN, China and Pinoyland. Batam-nites also will kana from our immigration including outright u-turn. For batam they take coffee money so whatever red flags can settle with coffee money. So the stories in the forum quoted like one sided and whole story not presented. You can be sure the ferry ports got hierarchy. On one end, the immigration officers prefer BC because can makan the most money. You have ferries coming to n fro from johor beside the sg side. Most will not be taxed but if you look funny, you will be scrutinised. Sure benign tourists will get spot check once a while. They may ask where you are going or are in doing business etc. But if a fish is distressed, the sharks will smell it from a mile. If they are successful in getting a hold on your Achilles heels, they will grab what they want. The boss gets the lion’s share and distribute 20% to the lower ranks. The fat one makan the most. He is the same one sitting inside the office. All Indonesian wants to get a job as an immigration man. If can’t will try to be a banker but that is another story, no?
For this reason, the group of officers got pecking order. If you new bird or kana marked, they send you to Nagoya. There got nice tourists but most time damn boring and worse like far from civilisation like that. That side how to eat money? Very little traffic and mostly transits from casino boats. The ok one is Sekupang. If you got a handle, just pay one or two dollar for express services and an angpow for CNY and Hari raya. But familiarity breeds contempt so if you go to Batam be unpredictable like using other ports. For example, Pungol and Sekupang got domestic ports, and Barelang also got stop over to get to other parts of Riau Islands, and more importantly can connect you to sg from other islands like Bintan and TBK. You see all kind of authorities from the polis, the navy and other military detachments on Batam island. Sometimes got to look sometimes they just stare you down. This is my personal, abeit dated causal observations.
grand drangon cewek sitting 500k, 600k and 800k, booking from 2.5 juta, 3 juta and 4 juta, yes agree have many cewek but if booking a bit expensive
seriously this kind of sitting fee in batam??? LOL Better go Jakarta or Vienam anytime the cewek there better then batam KTV sia. paying this kind of amount in batam really spoil market sia.
just my two cent of view no offend guys.
02-07-2019, 09:49 AM
Wifi connection strong?Using which network operator?
So far have not tried it. It should be the same quality as cell carriers there. But after 1st 1gb per day, the network will slow down but still able to use social media and whatsapp. So not advisable to use it to download videos.
I am getting it next week and will give review. :D
You can check it out at the link below:
Beats the $19 per day for my Singtel autoroam with unlimited data.
02-07-2019, 10:28 AM
grand drangon cewek sitting 500k, 600k and 800k, booking from 2.5 juta, 3 juta and 4 juta, yes agree have many cewek but if booking a bit expensive
Thanks! looking at the drink prices it seems on the high end for batam standards
02-07-2019, 05:49 PM
Upcoming new apartment project closeby to Waterfront Ferry Terminal called Opus Bay,hehehe...a ferry terminal not many people here used. Its not launch for sale yet, i think...:p
Not that i am interested to me but i finds that i havent travel via Waterfront City ferry terminal before, so i might one day try out for fun,hehehe...thats if i am looking for some fun at Water Front City area. ;)
Just a note.
02-07-2019, 05:51 PM
Hmm...ANNABELLE COMES HOME is already screening all over Batam theaters and i am guessing tomorrow, Spiderman Far from Home will be coming to Batam too,hehehe...
Spiderman Far from Home
The trailer
...and then there is...
The trailer
Did Annabelle ask Spiderman to come home? :D
Hehehe...thats a joke but the title of the 2 movie were...well...just a little contradicting,hehehe... :D
Oh, if anyone's wishing to eat and drink while watching the movie, you should know which theater to go to...hehehe...
Ok, time to enjoy Batam...
* BCS would be a good place to shop if everyone starts heading over to Grand Batam Mall,hehehe...
02-07-2019, 05:51 PM
It happened almost every part of Indon. So u are not entirely wrong to assume Indon is a corrupt country. I remember decades ago lah. I knew this imm offr from Batam Ampar. Well, he belanja me. Drove a car. Looked new to me. When asked, he told me his mthly pay pathetic. But can afford to have a new car...cheong here and there.:D
Hehehe...reminds me of taxi drivers in Batam. They were not poor people, in fact their monthly income were as high as (if not higher) than many local Singaporean who traveled to Batam.
Took countless taxis in Batam over the last 5 odd years, used to ask them about their monthly income and the least paid taxi drivers i hear earns about S$1.5k a month on average. Highest one was over S$4k a month. And to think most overnight booking girls i talked tends to sympathize taxi drivers...hehehe... :p
Corruption has not been eradicated in Indonesia, but there are some tourists who will attract questioning.
Definitely not completely eradicated but things did improve quite a bit comparing the past which is why i only commented on Batam and avoid using the word, "Indonesia",hehehe...
Singaporeans/Malaysians first time go to Batam alone kana ask why go Batam, and if can not speak Malay or Bahasa Indonesia then Why alone if cant speak. Answer wrongly and sure kena called into room.
I dont speak Indo Bahasa too. Perhaps thats why i am often prompt the "golden question" by the immigration officer/s. Touch wood, i didnt get called to the office before. I mean i do understand that the immigration has the Rights to call anyone into their office w/o any valid reason. Which is why i use to say, staffs working with Indonesia authorities were the very people i feared more than robbers, scammers, thieves, drug sellers/addicts and gangsters whenever i traveled to Batam. :D
My only defense against them, the phone number and address of the Singapore Consulate in Batam.
Sometimes ask stay which hotels, go how many days, do what in Batam. Give touristy answers normally can clear with this type of question.
Hope it helps, cos I kena ask such question before.
Those were some of the common "golden questions" prompted in almost every immigration in all parts of the world,hehehe...
Thank you for sharing.
For this reason, the group of officers got pecking order. If you new bird or kana marked, they send you to Nagoya. There got nice tourists but most time damn boring and worse like far from civilisation like that. That side how to eat money? Very little traffic and mostly transits from casino boats. The ok one is Sekupang. If you got a handle, just pay one or two dollar for express services and an angpow for CNY and Hari raya. But familiarity breeds contempt so if you go to Batam be unpredictable like using other ports. For example, Pungol and Sekupang got domestic ports, and Barelang also got stop over to get to other parts of Riau Islands, and more importantly can connect you to sg from other islands like Bintan and TBK. You see all kind of authorities from the polis, the navy and other military detachments on Batam island. Sometimes got to look sometimes they just stare you down. This is my personal, abeit dated causal observations.
Learned something, thank you for sharing.
Sounds to me like the Indonesia authorities were running on Mafia-management,hehehe... :D
Too many "incidents" happening in Batam Center ferry terminal (not just the corruption part alone), hence this is one port i would try to avoid. Regardless how cheap the ferry fare can be there, safety would be my number 1 priority. As for the other more expensive port/s, i would try to look for means and ways to see if there is any chance for a better than normal price.
Black Page
02-07-2019, 09:47 PM
Double posting for system down
Black Page
02-07-2019, 10:27 PM
Singaporeans/Malaysians first time go to Batam alone kana ask why go Batam, and if can not speak Malay or Bahasa Indonesia then Why alone if cant speak. Answer wrongly and sure kena called into room.
Sometimes ask stay which hotels, go how many days, do what in Batam. Give touristy answers normally can clear with this type of questions
They always ask me why I go to Batam for 1 week.
I respond I stay in Nagoya, to meet friends and do holidays. Period.
02-07-2019, 11:25 PM
Took countless taxis in Batam over the last 5 odd years, used to ask them about their monthly income and the least paid taxi drivers i hear earns about S$1.5k a month on average. Highest one was over S$4k a month. .
Bro, No hard feeling. I think over $4k is far beyond exagerration.
03-07-2019, 12:11 AM
I think over $4k is far beyond exagerration.
No intended offence, i think u feel that it's exaggerating because u haven't met any local chinese taxi driver before or some taxi drivers who owns a small fleet of cars that was rented to other taxi drivers....yet.
I feel the earnings of these drivers were understated.
03-07-2019, 12:26 AM
No intended offence, i think u feel that it's exaggerating because u haven't met any local chinese taxi driver before or some taxi drivers who owns a small fleet of cars that was rented to other taxi drivers....yet.
I feel the earnings of these drivers were understated.
Yup. The original taxi driver I used way back in 2012, he's still doing taxi driving and owns a fleet of Advanza rented to companies executives. And, we have not covered their recurring commission from booking joints yet.
03-07-2019, 12:47 AM
Bro, No hard feeling. I think over $4k is far beyond exagerration.
Its pure BS bro.
03-07-2019, 01:06 AM
At booking joint, do you pay the girl the whole amount the next morning, or at the joint? What if you're only doing a massage?
03-07-2019, 05:09 PM
At booking joint, do you pay the girl the whole amount the next morning, or at the joint? What if you're only doing a massage?
If you are booking overnite, pay the full amount papi/mami at the joint. Either being the girl out directly or give a specific time for her to go to your hotel. Get the phone number of the joint, just in case you need to call. If you just go for massage, usually we have massage at the massage shop, so must pay at the spot.
Hope answer can give you clue and help.Enjoy Batam.
04-07-2019, 12:39 AM
Thanks! looking at the drink prices it seems on the high end for batam standards
Seems like batam is super overpriced now.
Think Philippines more worthwhile.
Me going batam end of this month. Looks like only got massage to do, since price too high. And seems many pubs, disco closed.
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