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24-11-2007, 04:20 PM
I for one will NOT be upset if Rafa leaves. Honestly, i dun tink he's gonna achieve any more than he already has. Certainly not gonna get the title this year. Last year, home form good, away bad, this year its the other way around. sigh, we solve one problem to replace it with another so in the end we are always back to square one.
Dun know why rafa wants to buy more players. He already rotates so often. With new players coming in, rotation will increase even more than ever. Whenever i see team lineups, we have just about the best around yet we re doing so poorly. When u look at arsenal, man to man, we should be superior but we're not hence i tinkH&G are right to say rafa should spend more time *coaching* the team, not buying his way to success, we're not chealski (nor do i want us to be)...
Look at sven and wat he is achieving at Man City with a fraction of the transfer budget that rafa has! That's wat i call a brilliant mgr (serves the English right for pushing him out and not qualifying for Euro 08).
I'm sick of rafa's rotations and!!
24-11-2007, 10:46 PM
oh man we were awesome. 3-0 away frm home:D cld have been more.hope big sam shut up now:p
24-11-2007, 10:59 PM
oh man we were awesome. 3-0 away frm home:D cld have been more.hope big sam shut up now
Maybe "I am focused on training and coaching my team" really took effect :)
2nd half simply looked like a training session.
sex crusader
24-11-2007, 11:01 PM
It's a brilliant decision to sell sisoko.I wonder why he bought him in the first place.Always give away the ball..........:mad:
24-11-2007, 11:47 PM
but arent u guys worry?
the bad relationship part between the owners and rafa?
25-11-2007, 12:00 AM
Great result today against Newcastle but actually they're pretty lousy at the moment.
Would have been happier if Torres had scored but its ok la...most important is he scores when we NEED it. But....WHY IS KEWELL STILL IN OUR TEAM???
Before Momo or anybody else goes, kewell should go first. He should have gone long long ago....
sex crusader
25-11-2007, 12:25 AM
I think Kewell still has not lost much of his former touches.He played well against the magpies.Lucas look a bit like the younger Robbie savage.:D
25-11-2007, 08:59 AM
Toons kana thunderbolt 1st half...
and it went on and on and on...
Goody performance by the mighty reds... ;)
Next stop...
Champ league.. :D
Good game and result. Somehow I find that we never score easily against Newcastle away. Shay Given is often the reason.
And many moons ago, don't know if you guys remember, there was a game in which we played them off the park but still lost 2-1 to a late goal. Rushie and Redders were still in the team then so it must been Souness or Evans I think.
And much of the game last night went the same way except that we managed to continue scoring and keep Viduka and Co at bay. That's progress for me.
Good to see the Momo and Lucas dominate the midfield. Pretty impressive particularly Lucas for a young lad and a thin physique but he really pulled the strings out there. ;)
25-11-2007, 10:17 AM
Good game and result. Somehow I find that we never score easily against Newcastle away. Shay Given is often the reason.
Shay was only half the reason we didn't win any bigger last nite.
For the other half, one quarter was due to a certain pair of dutch legs who only know how to tread on every blade of grass at St James, but was too wobbly to sweep the ball into the goal from 6 yards!! The other quarter was due to Torres' lack of luck, as his attempted tap-in from 35 yards only managed to find the upright. ;)
And much of the game last night went the same way except that we managed to continue scoring and keep Viduka and Co at bay. That's progress for me.
Yes, most definitely ... no matter what the press think they know, I've always been of the opinion that (for the next 5 years, at least) Rafa is THE man to bring LFC back to the top again.
Actually, us coming from the little red dot, I just cannot understand WHY we cannot appreciate that Rafa need not & should not respond to opinions coming from the armchair fans ... I'm very certain LKY did things all in his own way, but look where we are today - the little red dot is even exporting expertise to big cities now!!
On the other hand, I have absolutely no pity for a certain England manager who knows only how to play to the crowds & pick the obvious armchair choices ... sticking by 2 centre-backs only throughout his tenure, how he must be wishing he had the guts (like Rafa) to tinker!! :rolleyes:
Good to see the Momo and Lucas dominate the midfield. Pretty impressive particularly Lucas for a young lad and a thin physique but he really pulled the strings out there.
Was watching the game at my sister's place last nite ... & was explaining to my BIL that Leiva was the Player of the Season in the Brazilian league last year & is the current Brazilian U21 captain. His immediate response was HOW did Rafa managed to buy him ... so, before going on to compare with other Big4 managers, the rest of the noisemakers here should really think through a wee bit first. In short, the only other manager who won the league while given only the same time as Rafa is the whiner from Stamford Bridge ... but he managed to get his club owner to buy him all the best players in the world!!
Uncle Rahl ... you're the only one (in the last 10 postings or so) to warrant sufficient respect for me to post a reply, but rest assured that I know you have nothing against Rafa.
YNWA ... hahaha.
25-11-2007, 10:30 AM
yapz, yesterday was a great result for us, should have score more though.
hope we can carry-on from here onwards...
Uncle Rahl ... you're the only one (in the last 10 postings or so) to warrant sufficient respect for me to post a reply, but rest assured that I know you have nothing against Rafa.
YNWA ... hahaha.
Thanks bro for the endorsement heheh. Let's not fret. The chants of Rafa, Rafa rang out loud and clear last night. There are still true-red (can't use the other word!) Liverpool supporters on this forum, at Anfield and in the away fixtures. ;)
25-11-2007, 01:09 PM
Good performance! Though I have to say Newcastle made us look better than it should be! :D
But 1 or 2 points, Sisokko is still at times so clumsy its painful to watch! But his tackling seems to be improving...
Good to see Kewell back! Perhaps still rusty but looking forward to see more action from him..
And how on earth did Torres not get onto the score sheet is a mystery! :D
25-11-2007, 03:36 PM
Yes, any win against a team coach by BFS is good, especially when BFS former team has always been a thorn to Rafa.
Steveie G score a great powerful goal, but Torres seems to have a bad day, missing those chances, hopefully he can score against Porto this thurs morning.
Momo still as clumsy, but was better as the games goes on, and if he can fetch 8mil, guess will be good business isnt it? but of course need to secure Javier Mascherano.
well hope pool can continue with the winning ways.
25-11-2007, 03:38 PM
It's a brilliant decision to sell sisoko.I wonder why he bought him in the first place.Always give away the ball..........:mad:
I know I'll get stick for saying this...But bro, give Momo time... Look at how well he combined in the centre with Lucas last nite... So much so that Stevie G had so much freedom on the right, and was even able to switch flanks with Kewell... All these without worrying about giving defensive cover... ;)
25-11-2007, 05:21 PM
It's a brilliant decision to sell sisoko. I wonder why he bought him in the first place.
I know I'll get stick for saying this... But bro, give Momo time... Look at how well he combined in the centre with Lucas last nite...
Whatever else the rest of the noisemakers do to you, rest assured you wun get any stick from me ... :D
Momo isn't ALL that bad, he's just made to look bad becoz we now have Mascherano to provide direct competition to him ... & who happens to be well ahead of him, both in terms of ability & composure.
In addition, Momo's been lackig some self-belief since that eye injury.
However, until we know Mascherano is ours in the long run, only the noisemakers will think that Rafa is in a hurry to sell anybody.
Trust me, if Rafa is thinking of letting go talents (albeit lesser ones) to raise funds for bringing in better players, then there wouldn't have been a need to bang heads against the Yank owners, is there?
So, no ... come 31 Jan, Momo, Crouchy & Riise will all still be playing in their famous red shirts. Side bets, anyone? :rolleyes:
Momo still as clumsy, but was better as the games goes on, and if he can fetch 8mil, guess will be good business isnt it? but of course need to secure Javier Mascherano.
8 million pounds is definitely a lot of money to you & me, but let's look at it this way ... assuming we secure the services of Mascherano for the long term, after pocketing the 8 million pounds, who do you intend to buy as cover for Mascherano?
No answers? Arhhh ... pocketing that 8 million pounds is not that irresistably good a business deal after all, no?
I know I'll get stick for saying this...But bro, give Momo time... Look at how well he combined in the centre with Lucas last nite... So much so that Stevie G had so much freedom on the right, and was even able to switch flanks with Kewell... All these without worrying about giving defensive cover... ;)
Yeah seconded bro. ;)
26-11-2007, 01:16 AM
It's a brilliant decision to sell sisoko.I wonder why he bought him in the first place.Always give away the ball..........:mad:
Momo playing standard start to drop after his eye injury...... if only you had seen him at valencia back then.... you'd realise why rafa seems to like this guy.
Wonder if the eye is still affecting him?..... if it is..... then is better to let him go :(
bro snakehead
26-11-2007, 04:38 AM
sound serious!!how serious?watch the link below..
26-11-2007, 07:20 AM
sound serious!!how serious?watch the link below..
It doesn't make sense.
Yes,it sounds alarming becasue the article was written by someone who used to have good connections with Anfield. Anyway as he is writing for a tabloid paper now,many will just take this with a pinch of salt,who actually knows what happens behind the scenes ?
Wait till 16 Dec then,fingers crossed .....
26-11-2007, 08:22 AM
Look at the stats, seriously it is against him now.
Giving ball possession easily and bad tackles.
How much time does he need to prove himself?
Mascherano is the one we need to keep.
If you compare Momo and Mascherano, who is better?
That is an answer which a Pool fan can answer easily.
Cut the loss and get better players.
26-11-2007, 08:32 AM
I think it's possible that Rafa gets sacked. He keeps asking for money to buy players. Yet he benches these players or rotates them. Plus his team draw games or play boring football when he does so.
26-11-2007, 08:57 AM
I like the way these two men respond to the article above...
ive cut and paste here..logical ?
zahar // Nov 25, 2007 at 1:45 pm
If Rafa goes, the owners will lose even more than any amount Rafa is asking for during this transfer window. won’t be now, but definitely by summer. All the spanish (speaking) players will leave, therefore the americans will have to look into replacing reina, arbeloa, alonso, torres, mascherano, lucas, and the others. Then, there is the 6mil reported buyout of the manager’s contract. Players have come to Liverpool on the strength of one man’s reputation and ability, and a lot won’t stay when the person they came to work for is gone. Europe is not monogenous like in America. something the owners have to come to grips with. i.e. the nationality of the manager is an important factor for which players will come with him. sacking the best manager this club has had in recent memory, to be replaced by who exactly?
Not to forget that new manager will need new players to compensate for the ones leaving, then further wait for that elusive title as new players need time to bed into the side.
John Silva // Nov 25, 2007 at 10:21 pm
The only information we have comes from claims made by the owners, Benitez, and outsiders. There is absolutely no actual proof that Hicks and Gillett want to sack Benitez, but sadly this has not stopped the majority of people with an internet connection acting as if there is. What is sadder is the anti-American bigotry on this page, from using the pejorative ‘yank’ onwards. What is clearly true, and is shameful, is the public petulance displayed by both sides. On the plus side, performances are improving. I think Benitez, Hicks and the supporters should all calm down, show more respect to each other, and react to actual events, rather than speculative hearsay.
what say you.... :)
Rather than continue to panic about the manager or bash our players, I thought it was really funny Rafa's response to the Yankee owners telling him to just coach the players. And Rafa of course repeated the phrase 10 times or so in 2 separate interviews to the press. There's a petulant boy in the Spaniard! :p
And of course in the video clip which was posted, Rafa is mentioned to have been in his tracksuit in the Newcastle game (?) instead of the usual tie and suit. Of course being the model 'coach' rather than manager. Who says Rafa is dry and boring? :p
26-11-2007, 09:03 AM
I certainly hope the owners know what they are doing, Rafa has indeed a tough reputation, he shows it during his time in Valencia, when the owner mess with him, he walk away.
Or maybe its just some rumours that is doing their rounds. Just hope it wont be a Chelsea situation replayed at Anfield.
I think it's possible that Rafa gets sacked. He keeps asking for money to buy players. Yet he benches these players or rotates them. Plus his team draw games or play boring football when he does so.
Apparently you haven't read what Rafa said about money and transfers.
sex crusader
26-11-2007, 09:04 AM
I think Rafa will continue to stay.Lets not forget that Alex Ferguson was having problem with the American owner as well when they took over MU.I have to agree that he has to sell inorder to buy. Stanley Park Stadium cost a bomb.
26-11-2007, 09:07 AM
8 million pounds is definitely a lot of money to you & me, but let's look at it this way ... assuming we secure the services of Mascherano for the long term, after pocketing the 8 million pounds, who do you intend to buy as cover for Mascherano?
No answers? Arhhh ... pocketing that 8 million pounds is not that irresistably good a business deal after all, no?[/COLOR]
well true, maybe i was just looking at the 8mil pounds haha. Hopefully Momo will play better, just like in the second half of the newcastle, he was much more composed. Well just hope this is going to be our season.
cheers bro.:p
26-11-2007, 09:08 AM
It doesn't make sense.
Of course it doesn't ...
1) those 4 people are nobodies in football paid to drag airtime on SkySports
2) whatever underground connections with Anfield claimed by them, this tabloid reporter name is totally new to me
3) if you were the money men, would you sack Rafa but hire Mourinho ... who just got sacked by Abramovich becoz he was constantly bitching about Shevchenko & Ballack not being in his marketing list, in the first place?
4) the only factor which could be true is Rafa making this whole thing up ... so that he can still leave Anfield with his reputation & credibility intact - but wait a minute, which other club manager across Europe has made 2 Champions League finals, winning one? Nobody in continental Europe really care if he had won the BPL before, do they? So, what does he need to protect?
In my humble opinion, this is all trash-talk by Englishmen against the foreign talents who have broken their iron ricebowls ... even after not making the finals of Euro 08, the country cannot recognise in unison that they dun have any Englishman good enough to lead this English team, that they have to consider another foreigner to lead them to glory (if there ever will be)!!
But mark my words, IF the day come for the Yanks to sack Rafa ... that will be the day I quit supporting LFC too. Dun see no point in worshipping a club now in the control of dim-witted moneymen. :eek:
26-11-2007, 09:10 AM
I think Rafa will continue to stay.Lets not forget that Alex Ferguson was having problem with the American owner as well when they took over MU.I have to agree that he has to sell inorder to buy. Stanley Park Stadium cost a bomb.
In a way, we need the new stadium, so rather then wait till we are really out of the race, guess its better to bite the bullet now, then later rite? Of course, hopefully we wont be in the newcastle situation, big stadium, passion fans, but then team is not going anywhere......
26-11-2007, 02:05 PM
Liverpool co-Chairmen George Gillett and Tom Hicks have today released the following statement.
"Despite speculation in today's newspapers, there is nothing new to say.
"We had a good win yesterday and have got some very important games coming up starting with Porto on Wednesday, followed by Bolton and Reading, before Marseille and Manchester United in a few weeks.
"Both of us, together with Chief Executive Rick Parry, plan to meet with Rafa when we come over mid December to make decisions on the team's requirements at that time."
im not fans of rafa,but sacking him is the last thing i wanna see..Both parties should sit down and talk things out,besides every game looks very crucial from now on.
26-11-2007, 05:56 PM
Apparently you haven't read what Rafa said about money and transfers.
I understand he's talking abt free transfers, not buying players outright. But free transfers do tend to want more wages, since the club had saved on the transfer fee. More wages may be an issue to 2 stingy, ignorant owners.
The main problem is that after asking for new players, Rafa benches them for rotation, even when the team play sucks. If you are the American owner, you will wonder why after spending so much money, these players aren't fully utilised. Babbel and Benyaoun starts more games on the bench than on the pitch.
2) whatever underground connections with Anfield claimed by them, this tabloid reporter name is totally new to me
He has been writing quite a lot of articles on Liverpool. Been reading this articles on many occasions on He doesn't write trash or give wild opinions.
From Soccernet: Reds row escalates as owners hit back at Rafa
Liverpool's American owners have again pointed out that they do not intend to discuss future transfer targets with manager Rafael Benitez until mid-December.
Co-owner Tom Hicks last week told Benitez to 'quit talking' and concentrate on coaching after the Spaniard publicly revealed frustrations at a lack of progress in planning for January recruitment.
Yet Benitez again alluded to his desire to make headway well in advance of the opening of the transfer window after Saturday's victory at Newcastle and suggested Hicks and partner George Gillett did not understand the football transfer market.
Hicks and Gillett, however, seem equally defiant and say they will not be discussing future funding until they next travel to Liverpool for the Premier League clash with Manchester United on December 16.
A statement posted on the club's official website,, on Sunday evening read: 'Despite speculation in today's newspapers, there is nothing new to say.
'We had a good win yesterday and have got some very important games coming up starting with Porto on Wednesday, followed by Bolton and Reading, before Marseille and Manchester United in a few weeks.
'Both of us, together with chief executive Rick Parry, plan to meet with Rafa when we come over mid December to make decisions on the team's requirements at that time.'
Reports have claimed that Benitez's relationship with Hicks and Gillett has broken down and that he could soon be set to leave Anfield.
Benitez called on the pair to back him with funding in the summer and they responded, allowing the club to recruit the likes of Fernando Torres, Ryan Babel and Yossi Benayoun at a combined cost of around £45million.
Former Valencia boss Benitez has been in charge at Anfield since 2004 and has twice guided the club to the Champions League final, winning it in 2005. They also won the FA Cup in 2006 but the club's wait for a first title since 1990 continues.
They are currently six points behind Barclays Premier League leaders Arsenal and face a crucial Champions League group game against Porto on Wednesday, when defeat could end their hopes of reaching the last 16.
He has been writing quite a lot of articles on Liverpool. Been reading this articles on many occasions on He doesn't write trash or give wild opinions.
Bro, don't you realise that all those people - fans, media and enemies - who dislike Rafa or hate Liverpool are having a go at it now that there is something they can stir up against the club?
All these posts on SB don't say anything about Liverpool or what is really happening out there between the manager and owners; it says a whole lot about the fans.
Is there nothing more about supporting Liverpool other than over-scrutinising and over-analysing every bit of information and misinformation out there in the press and Net?
26-11-2007, 09:41 PM
Bro, don't you realise that all those people - fans, media and enemies - who dislike Rafa or hate Liverpool are having a go at it now that there is something they can stir up against the club?
Is there nothing more about supporting Liverpool other than over-scrutinising and over-analysing every bit of information and misinformation out there in the press and Net?
Bro, Rafa himself voiced his dis-satisfaction at the pre and post match interviews. We didn't hear from someone close to him or some enemy/fan/media that he is unhappy. We hear it straight off from his mouth. The replies from the owners are official replies, not made up by some reporter. So how is it possible to dismiss the news as gossip? This rift isn't gossip.
As a liverpool supporter, shouldn't we be concerned that the manager is having difficulty with the owners? Look at Jose. He did well as a manager yet got sacked for being at odds with the owner. Shouldn't we be concerned that 2 jokers who dun understand the transfer window bought our club? Shouldn't we be concerned that the americans are far and slow to react to the needs of the club?
26-11-2007, 10:50 PM
Sorry... Double-post...
26-11-2007, 10:54 PM
Got this off RAWK... As usual, an extremely well-written piece from Paul Tomkins:
An Open Letter to George Gillett and Tom Hicks, 26.11.07
Dear George and Tom,
I'd just like to express how depressed and upset I am at the continuing uncertainty surrounding the club, and say that I'd love to hear some reassurances that the differences will be settled ASAP - and that Rafa Benítez has your full support and backing.
While I do think there are two sides to any story, and I appreciate the difficulties of running any club (balancing the books, keeping fans happy, and dealing with opinionated, strong-minded individuals), what I've heard these past few days leads me increasingly to believe you might be missing the point regarding football transfers, and in so doing, undermining the manager, whether you meant to or not.
You may not have realised, perhaps through cultural differences, that telling a manager of an English football team to 'just coach the side' is a kind of insult.
I am not about to make accusations, or go on some personal tirade against you both. Particularly with a welter of hearsay and little actual hard evidence (as yet) fuelling the media frenzy. Clearly all is not well, but at the same time, is it all 'lost'?
I just want to know that the club I love is in safe hands; I feel that is the case on the pitch, but that's something relatively easy to assess; assessing how a club is being run behind the scenes from our side of the fence is much more difficult, because we don't get to see what happens, and only hear snippets of information which is often wrapped up in rumour and hearsay.
I felt Rafa's tone after the Newcastle game was fairly conciliatory, in saying you had the best interests of the club at heart, and that as you were new you needed time to settle into the roles, like he'd expect with a new player.You are no strangers to running sports teams, but you cannot match Rafa's knowledge when it comes to football. Few men can. In this sense, you are the rookies, and you would surely acknowledge that.
And if it is indeed true that you don't (yet) fully understand how the transfer system in Europe works, then it seems to me that this needs to be remedied as soon as possible. This is a fundamental basic of the game. I would like to think it's a misunderstanding, and that there's been some transatlantic miscommunication. I hope I'm not being naive in holding out some hope that this is the case.
Also, I understood that Foster Gillett was going to be acting as your eyes, ears and the in-house go-between in Liverpool, but reports suggest that he is not in place?
For the record, I can't think of one successful English club who has chopped and changed its managers, and which hasn't given the man in charge of the team full control. A club like Newcastle has become a laughing stock because of this short-sighted approach. Continuity and stability are paramount to football success.
There have been some woeful attempts at Director of Football-type affairs, and the only time I know that this type of arrangement has worked was when David Dein bought players at Arsenal, but + crucially - at Arsene Wenger's behest.
Across North London, Spurs + whose net spend this summer was greater than Liverpool's (as was Manchester United and Manchester City's) - were spectacularly undone by the appointment of a Technical Director whose views differed from the manager's. Too many cooks...
I understand a natural fear you might have - that of sensing the head of the team possesses too much power - but English football works this way. You need one man with one vision to hold the wheel and steer the ship; not rule by committee. And he needs to be so much more than just a coach.
And any manager worth his salt a) will be wary of working for a club that does not give him full power in all football matters, and b) will likely be as difficult a character as Benítez, if not more so.
Top managers are not easy men to work with. Ferguson, Mourinho, Shankly - none made life easy for the board, and none took kindly to being told what to do, but each delivered the goods in the end. Arsene Wenger is the same, although he was able to build his Arsenal empire with the full backing of David Dein. Had he been told otherwise, he would not have hung around.
Stability is key for any successful club. Rafa Benítez is doing far, far, far better at this stage of his tenure than Alex Ferguson was at United. You cannot imagine how much better he is doing. Ferguson failed to win a trophy until the end of his 4th season, and his average league position after five seasons was a woeful 9th. His finishes were 11th, 13th, 2nd, 13th and 6th. Compare this with 5th, 3rd, 3rd, plus an FA Cup and two Champions League Finals, one of which was so famously won, and you can see the chasm.
Replacing Rafa now, when he has assembled his best squad and had his best league start, really would make no sense to me - win the game in hand and the Reds would be 2nd, and still unbeaten. The team is set up to work in his methods. The players fit his mould. And from what I can tell, they have the utmost respect for him. This is crucial.
And while I do think there are perhaps a handful of managers in football who are in the same league as Rafa, I do not think their methods are necessarily suited to Liverpool FC, while I definitely don't think they could make as much of this particular squad as Rafa can. They would want to bring in their own new players, which will be costly, and introduce new systems, which will put things back.
In terms of money spent, Benítez's overall transfer record is outstanding. All managers make mistakes, but most of his have been cheap ones who were quickly traded. What he has got for his money has been top-rate. The squads of United and Chelsea cost at least twice as much as Liverpool's, and are full of £15m-£30m players, yet is there really much of a gap in class? Meanwhile, Arsenal are making use of young players they procured many years ago.
Fan opinion is almost exclusively siding with Rafa. While there has also been some unhelpful, xenophobic anti-American rhetoric, which just clouds the issue, you need to understand how unpopular this situation is making you amongst the Anfield faithful, and how high spirits are running.
When you took over the club there was a surprising amount of goodwill. I don't mean surprising in that I felt at the time that you deserved anything less, but surprising in that any new owners could perhaps have expected a rougher ride. As fans it seems our patience had been worn down with almost three years without a solution to the investment issue, and a series of desperately unsuitable suitors chancing their arms. Compared with Thaksin Shinawatra, you seemed a good bet.
Maybe there are very valid reasons, and I will try to keep as open a mind as possible, but I am struggling to know why the matter cannot be discussed and an attempt at resolving it made before the 16th December.
I have to admit that such a delay worries me. The issues at hand - be it laying the foundations for transfers well ahead of the window (as all teams do), or repairing the relationship with Rafa - seem rather too pressing for that. I don't see how it can wait....(cont'd next post...)
26-11-2007, 10:57 PM
...(cont'd here...) If failure to get through the league stage of the Champions League is crucial to the financial planning for the transfer window, I can understand that part of your thinking. On the other hand, if it is crucial as to whether or not Benítez is fired, I cannot understand that for one minute. Before Rafa was here, we weren't even qualifying for the competition, let alone reaching two finals.
Rafa spoke out after Athens, but you seemed to understand his frustrations. You went on to help the club secure some fantastic players over the summer, although the net spend - while healthy - was not remarkable. One further £7m target - Gabriel Heinze - was missed very late in the day, so it's clear from the summer that such a defender was needed, while any manager will always be assessing his squad as to how he can strengthen it.
Having spent the past three years studiously observing Rafa's methods, I've come to realise just how good he is. I believe he is a football visionary, and what he is building at Liverpool will be something really special.
For instance, it's now seven months since we conceded a goal from a corner or free-kick delivered into the box (excluding the 'reserve' team fielded in the Carling Cup). Zonal marking was widely mocked in 2004, and now we see other teams conceding lame goals with man-to-man marking every week. It's just one area where Rafa made a controversial change, stuck with it, and now is reaping the rewards.
My instincts tell me that you are too smart to dispense with a man like Rafa, and that for all the tension you do really respect him. My instincts tell me you have too much to lose, both in terms of talent, squad morale, financial resources and fan backing, by making such a drastic move - if, indeed, that is what you are considering.
If one good thing has come of this, it's that it's made the fans unite behind the manager and his team. The fear of losing Rafa, which may be just paper talk but all the same seems very real, has made many realise just what it is we have to be grateful for.
So, please reassure me, and all other nervous Reds, that it's all one big (unfortunate) misunderstanding, and that yourselves, Rick Parry and Rafa can get together for a group hug sooner rather than later. I'll even buy the coffee and donuts.
Think this pretty much covers all the questions that fans want answering. Not surprisingly this hasnt been picked up on the LFC.TV website like Paul's other articles!
I, for one, am hoping that they'll make up... not that it'll be the end of the world if Rafa leaves, but it definitely will take us backwards to the dark years once again... And imagine the exodus of players too... I tremble at the mere thought of it... :(
Bro, Rafa himself voiced his dis-satisfaction at the pre and post match interviews. We didn't hear from someone close to him or some enemy/fan/media that he is unhappy. We hear it straight off from his mouth. The replies from the owners are official replies, not made up by some reporter. So how is it possible to dismiss the news as gossip? This rift isn't gossip.
As a liverpool supporter, shouldn't we be concerned that the manager is having difficulty with the owners? Look at Jose. He did well as a manager yet got sacked for being at odds with the owner. Shouldn't we be concerned that 2 jokers who dun understand the transfer window bought our club? Shouldn't we be concerned that the americans are far and slow to react to the needs of the club?
Are we living in a fantasy world where there is no tension or conflict? Look at our real lives. It is tension and conflict that drive us forward to achieve success. And this coming in the early phase of American ownership is hardly surprising. So why jump on the bandwagon and chatter about the worst? We got to get some perspective here. I'm happy to wait and see what happens and in the meantime talk about football. We are football fans, not rumour-mongers.
27-11-2007, 09:32 AM
Guys. Why are we so concerned about what the media is reporting ??? We are very very far away from the going ons of anfield.
There is always bound to be friction between managers and the board. Nothing new. So lets not read too much into it and just support our team.
27-11-2007, 11:25 PM
Liverpool Football Club's very own statto Ged Rea has compiled all manner of facts and figures ahead of Wednesday's make or break clash with Porto.
So, sit back and soak up his latest effort including where Peter Crouch stands in the club's European goalscoring charts and which period of a game Fernando Torres is most likely to score in.
Liverpool's European Record (overall): Pld 280 Won 159 Drawn 59 Lost 62.
Liverpool's record in European Cup: Pld 149 Won 87 Drawn 30 Lost 32.
This is Liverpool's 150th game in the European Cup. The clubs they have played most are Benfica (8 times), followed by CSKA Sofia and Chelsea (6 each).
Steve Finnan could become the 17th player to appear 50 times for Liverpool in Europe. The last man to achieve the feat was John Arne Riise in August 2005.
This is the second time the Reds have been drawn to play Porto. In 2000-01 they drew 0-0 here in the UEFA Cup Quarter Final before winning 2-0 at Anfield in the return with first half goals from Danny Murphy and Michael Owen.
Only Sami Hyypia, Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard who played in those games are still at the club.
In 2005 Rafa Benitez became only the fourth Spaniard to lead a team to victory in a European Cup Final following Jose Villalonga, Miguel Munoz and Vicente Del Bosque who all coached Real Madrid to success.
When scoring against Besiktas earlier this month Ryan Babel became the 100th different Liverpool player to score for the club in Europe.
Steven Gerrard will equal Michael Owen's club record of 22 goals in Europe with his next goal.
Peter Crouch has now scored ten times for Liverpool in the European Cup. Only Steven Gerrard (17), Ian Rush (14) and Terry McDermott (12) have scored more.
Those ten goals have been scored in Crouch's last dozen starts in Europe.
Against Besiktas on Matchday 4 Liverpool not only recorded the biggest ever Champions League win they became the first team to score six goals in one half.
Against Besiktas Yossi Benayoun scored Liverpool's 16th European hat-trick. In doing so he became the first overseas player to achieve the feat with the Reds.
All of Peter Crouch's three goals this season have been scored in Europe.
Since being substituted in the Merseyside derby Steven Gerrard has scored in six of Liverpool's seven games.
Only Pepe Reina and Sami Hyypia have played in all six of the Reds' European games this season.
Seven of Fernando Torres's eight goals for Liverpool have been scored from the 50th minute onwards. He is yet to open his account in Europe.
Steve Finnan could become the 17th player to appear 50 times for Liverpool in Europe. The last man to achieve the feat was John Arne Riise in August 2005.
Riise's last goal for Liverpool came in Europe against PSV Eindhoven back in April.
Porto's European Record (overall): Pld 259 Won 119 Drawn 57 Lost 83.
Porto's record in European Cup: Pld 155 Won 66 Drawn 39 Lost 50.
The Portuguese side will qualify for the knockout stages if they secure a draw at Anfield.
The club was founded in 1893 and they are known as the Dragons.
Their colours of blue and white were chosen as a meaning of pureness, calmness and stillness of mind.
They have won the league title in Portugal 22 times and the Cup on 13 occasions.
When they won their domestic Championship in 1996 they were managed by Bobby Robson.
Last season Porto won the league title by one point from Sporting with Benfica a further point behind in third place.
In the last 25 league seasons Porto have finished in the top two on 24 occasions -15 as Champions and nine as runners-up. The only blemish on that record was in 2001-02 when they finished third.
Like Liverpool, Porto have won the European Cup and UEFA Cup but lost in the Cup Winners Cup Final. They won the European Cup in 1987 and repeated the feat under Jose Mourinho in 2004 a year after beating Celtic to lift the UEFA Cup.
This is their 13th season in the Champions League, equalling the record of Manchester United. They won it under its current format in 2004 beating Monaco 3-0 in Gelsenkirchen with a team that included Ricardo Carvalho, Paulo Ferreira, Nuno Valente, Pedro Mendes, Benni McCarthy and Deco.
They are one of seven teams to have won the trophy on two occasions. The others are Benfica, Inter Milan, Nottingham Forest, Juventus, Manchester United and Barcelona.
They have only missed out on the Champions League in three seasons (1994-95, 2000-01 and 2002-03).
Porto have finished as group winners only once (in 1996-97) and runners up six times at the first Group Stage.
Last season they finished as runners-up to Arsenal in Group G before losing 3-2 to Chelsea in the last 16.
At the club is a player who has scored against Liverpool in the Premiership. Helder Postiga scored for Tottenham in a 2-1 win at White Hart Lane in January 2004. Injury however is likely to rule him out of this match.
Porto have played ten times in England in European competition and lost nine. The only time they avoided defeat was the infamous draw at Old Trafford in 2004. They have yet to keep a clean sheet on English soil conceding 26 goals.
Scorers this season (Europe in brackets) :
Liverpool: Torres 8 (0), Gerrard 7 (2), Kuyt 6 (3), Benayoun 5 (3), Babel 4 (2), Voronin 4 (1), Crouch 3 (3), Alonso 2 (0), El Zhar 1 (0), Hyypia 1 (1), Sissoko 1 (0), own goals 1 (0).
Porto: Lisandro 11 (1), Quaresma 4 (1), Lucho Gonzalez 3 (2), Sektioui 3 (1), Raul Meireles 2 (0), Joao Paulo 1 (0), Postiga 1 (0).
28-11-2007, 03:01 AM
I look at it this way
The Yanks are used to the way American Teams are managed, and that is Management and Coaching is separate. Look at American Football and NBA, the coach does not choose what players to have, The owner does and the manager/coach work with what they are given.
In soccer this can be disastrous in the long term. Look at Chelski ... vs Arsenal To me, they should rid the team of Rick Parry and let Rafa choose the players rather than the Rick Parry...
Can someone tell me what is Rick's contribution to Liverpool FC ?
28-11-2007, 07:23 AM
Can someone tell me what is Rick's contribution to Liverpool FC ?
Rick Parry did get us Rafa :)
Anyway don't know what happen to him & Gillett,have been keeping quiet recently. Expect the fans to chant Rafa's name at Anfiled in the Porto match,
showing the owners how much they love this man,who is capable & has given his heart & soul to our beloved LFC.
Hopefully the storm will blow over soon.
28-11-2007, 08:41 AM
Saw ESPN yesterday, the commentator was saying that Rafa mentioned "coaching and training" 14 times....:eek:
Sign of fragility in the man himself...
Hope he can just focus on the job tonite and nail those buggers.... :D
1 thing for sure.
He will never walk alone. Liverpool fans and players are backing him up 2nite.cant wait to see tonite's game.:)
29-11-2007, 06:02 AM
Just like Gerrad said after the match,we could have played better.
Good win & let's march on.
Anyone find Rafa did look a bit emaciated ?
29-11-2007, 07:15 AM
oh yeah, thatz was a good game...
after going 1-0 in the 19 minutes, we were dominating the game but cannot increase our total. And then the equaliser by Lopez in the 33rd minutes, I thought, oh no not again...
Then the 2nd half started with the same momentum but also no goal to show until the 78th minutes, another goal by Torres, followed by a penalty by Gerrard.
I was hoping that the scoreline of 3-1 will stay till the end as I played a small bet at Pools, 1st time betting on Liverpool for so long.
But Crouch scored a 4th goal in the 87th minutes...there went my bet.
It is alright, as we won the match and still have a chance to go thru the next stage...In fact all 4 teams in the group have a chance with Besiktas winning against Marseille..
We must get a win against Marseille on 11 Dec 07, a draw will not be good enough, as head-to-head, Marseille will go thru, consider that Porto against Besiktas is at their home.
29-11-2007, 08:54 AM
Rafael Benitez expressed an emotional message of thanks to the club's supporters after Liverpool stormed to an emphatic 4-1 win over Porto in the Champions League.
The Reds boss was delighted with the performance of his players as they ensured that progress to the latter stages of the competition will be assured if they beat Marseille in two weeks' time.
But it was the impact made by the club's fans that struck the most significant chord with the Reds boss as Anfield once again rose to the occasion in Europe.
"I want to say thank you to our supporters because I think that they were as always magnificent," said Benitez.
"The most important thing is the team so I say thank you for the support. To the players it was important as I said before the game and it was also for me, so I say a thank you, a big thank you."
Fernando Torres hit a double and Steven Gerrard (penalty) and substitute Peter Crouch added other late goals to give the scoreline a more flattering look.
And Benitez was pleased to see the club's record signing back among the goals after his impressive display got the Reds back on track following Lisandro's equaliser.
"For me it doesn't matter the price," said Benitez.
"Sometimes people say you spent this money, but Voronin was a Bosman transfer and he has been really good so it is not important the money.
"Torres is a player who can score goals. He missed three or four chances the other day against Newcastle but today he scored and sometimes this is how it happens."
29-11-2007, 08:55 AM
double postings :)
29-11-2007, 08:56 AM
so hapy today.........
next game...Bolton... :)
29-11-2007, 09:14 AM
oh yeah, thatz was a good game...
after going 1-0 in the 19 minutes, we were dominating the game but cannot increase our total. And then the equaliser by Lopez in the 33rd minutes, I thought, oh no not again...
Then the 2nd half started with the same momentum but also no goal to show until the 78th minutes, another goal by Torres, followed by a penalty by Gerrard.
I was hoping that the scoreline of 3-1 will stay till the end as I played a small bet at Pools, 1st time betting on Liverpool for so long.
But Crouch scored a 4th goal in the 87th minutes...there went my bet..
during the last liverpool home game against bestikas i was thinking of betting AOS too, but did not and when they got the 6th goals......i was cursing my luck sighz.....
It is alright, as we won the match and still have a chance to go thru the next stage...In fact all 4 teams in the group have a chance with Besiktas winning against Marseille..
We must get a win against Marseille on 11 Dec 07, a draw will not be good enough, as head-to-head, Marseille will go thru, consider that Porto against Besiktas is at their home.
imagine if both liverpool and bestikas were to win their last game, both will qualify.....
certainly hope liverpool to win against marseille, the other game in the group, not a concern.
29-11-2007, 11:45 PM
Benitez planning clear-the-air talks with owners
Rafael Benitez hopes to have clear-the-air talks with Liverpool's American owners before the Premier League showdown with Manchester United next month.
The Anfield boss, with his position strengthened by the Champions League victory over Porto, experienced a week of acrimony with owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett that threatened his job.
Benitez had been told by the US sports moguls that they would not discuss transfers until they made their next trip to Merseyside for the clash with Sir Alex Ferguson's men on December 16.
That is after Liverpool's last group match in Marseille and would leave Benitez precious little time to plan ahead for the January transfer window.
But Benitez, while being careful not to upset the Americans with his transfer kitty demands, revealed today: 'I would hope to speak to the owners before the Manchester United game.
'I don't know if that is possible but we will try. But I don't know for sure.'
His answer to a question regarding whether he still had a January shopping list was met with the now familiar line: 'I am enjoying this result and concentrating on coaching and training my players.'
But Benitez, who has stopped short of apologising in public for his outbursts, was prepared to underline his own stance.
He added: 'My relationship with them was good before. Now we need to talk about what the problem was and move on.
'Maybe my English is not that good, maybe that was the problem. But it is clear we have to understand the situation and talk to each other.
'We must decide what is best for the future of the club, we can manage that. We will, I am sure, try to do that.
'I prefer only to say that as a manager you can only think about your squad. So January is nearly here and next summer is close also.
'So you must do your job, and I was trying to do this. Maybe we should talk now and analyse the situation. But I only want to talk, it is easier to talk face to face rather than to send e-mails or talk by phone.'
Benitez had received astonishing backing from the Liverpool fans before, during and after the 4-1 mauling of Porto, and they chanted 'Rafa's going nowhere' as they celebrated a victory that keeps alive the club's Champions League dreams.
But the row with the Americans, and how Benitez continues to handle the volatile situation, has become key to the club's immediate future.
Benitez added: 'We knew the fans were preparing something, I was being told about the petition on the internet. But all I wanted was for everyone to calm down, in particular the players.
'They had to prepare for the game properly. But you hear and see the support, but then I have always known that our fans are the best in the world.
'We have talked (with the owners) bout different issues, but we did not have the same opinion at this moment.
'But I am sure we will talk again, they will understand and I will also understand their ideas.
'But I was hearing it was all about my ego. That is not true, the team is my responsibility. I can stay around and at the end of the month just go to collect my wages.
'But I cannot be like that, I want to improve my team and my squad. That is what I was trying to do. But I can only repeat that I do not have any personal problems with the owners.'
Benitez has also received support from Fernando Torres, the Spanish international who produced two fine goals against Porto that went a long way towards lifting the pressure on his manager.
He said: 'The atmosphere was amazing. For many reasons, because all that was going on this week with Rafa, the people here really got behind the team when we needed their backing most.
'They really support you as much as they can and that is a gift for all of us.
'It was great for those that had never enjoyed a night like this before, and especially for Rafa because we have seen that the supporters are really behind him.
'I think Benitez is more than a manager. He is one of the greats in their history and people feel that way about him and they show it.
'We all had an idea that he is special here but, honestly, what I saw at Anfield was really impressive.
'I am really impressed at how much he is loved by the people, above anything else, even the players.
'I feel their affection, the support for my team-mates, and with each passing day I am feeling more a part of this and happier with everything. In the end those things are reflected on the pitch.' -soccernet
01-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Now Liverpool will go on to win more games until mid Jan. where they will starts to cool down again which i've notice it during Rafa's previous 2 season with the club. This period Liverpool most of the time can perform very well.
03-12-2007, 01:15 AM
another thumping win,guess all the focus on training is paying off,well its abt time the rest took notice.:D
03-12-2007, 02:11 AM
another thumping win,guess all the focus on training is paying off,well its abt time the rest took notice.:D
IMHO, Babel played better than Kewel, should Babel had been deployed earlier, the scoreline could have been better.
03-12-2007, 04:19 AM
IMHO, Babel played better than Kewel, should Babel had been deployed earlier, the scoreline could have been better.
i tot kewell had a fair game,he s coming back frm a long layoff n it showed when he started to tire but wat a player to bring on,babel gave us something different.bring on the scums:D
03-12-2007, 07:17 AM
IMHO, Babel played better than Kewel, should Babel had been deployed earlier, the scoreline could have been better.
Babel is not a natural winger,I really hope to see him play as a striker in the future. Rafa is building up a real good team, Babel,Torres,Mascherano,
Lucas....imagine what they will bring to the team when they approach their prime years,frightening !
sex crusader
03-12-2007, 08:50 AM
Yes...babel has the same killer instinct as torres.Both were magnificent in that game.;)
03-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Babel is not a natural winger,I really hope to see him play as a striker in the future. Rafa is building up a real good team, Babel,Torres,Mascherano,
Lucas....imagine what they will bring to the team when they approach their prime years,frightening !
Babel reminds me of Robben when he burst onto the scene. The dutch and Portuguese make some great wingers. This team will only continue to improve.
I haven't seen us play Bolton off the park in recent years as we did yesterday. Even last season, when we won 3-0, we didn't have that complete domination and crisp attacking football.
And we know (if we didn't already) who is the manager we really want at Anfield:
"It wasn't a fantastic performance from us but we scored four goals, could have had a lot more and we must be pleased," enthused Benitez.
What a bloke. ;)
03-12-2007, 10:18 AM
Yes...babel has the same killer instinct as torres
You sure you know what you are saying?
Did you not see Babel miss that other sitter from 6 yards?
To me, his only instinct is to whack the ball as hard as he can, not unlike a certain Mr Cisse ... on the other hand, Torres would have the instinct to place the ball to where the lobang is, so much like a certain Mr Fowler. ;)
Right now, it is not exactly the number of goals from Torres that turns me on ... but the type of goals he can score - left foot, right foot, headers, venomous shots, deft touches ... totally unpredictable, how to defend??
One more thing from the commentators last night that turned me on ... finally they mentioned something truly in honour of God: "LFC need a 20-league-goals-a-season striker for the longest time ... the last time they had one was Folwer, not even Owen has manged to achieve that!!!"
Precisely so, for all the hype about Owen being better than Fowler blah blah blah, that shortie has never managed to score more than 20 league goals in any single season. :rolleyes:
03-12-2007, 10:36 AM
One more thing from the commentators last night that turned me on ... finally they mentioned something truly in honour of God: "LFC need a 20-league-goals-a-season striker for the longest time ... the last time they had one was Folwer, not even Owen has manged to achieve that!!!"
Precisely so, for all the hype about Owen being better than Fowler blah blah blah, that shortie has never managed to score more than 20 league goals in any single season. :rolleyes:
Bro, it is not nice to say about someone who at certain point of time serve Liverpool well.
Even though they did not score as much as God, we should give them credit when credit is due.
Torres is not exactly a fox-in-the-box like Fowler and Owen.
At least, "shortie" score more goals than Cisse. :D
03-12-2007, 10:41 AM
i tot kewell had a fair game, he's coming back frm a long layoff n it showed when he started to tire but wat a player to bring on, babel gave us something different. bring on the scums
IMHO, it goes without saying that Gerrard was the man-of-the-match.
But, both Kewell & Benayoun were splendidly making the flanks their own ... with the good old overlapping support from both Riise & Aberloa of course.
As for Babel being the inspirational substitution, I'm not so sure ... I just dun think it can be seen in the same light like those made against Porto a few nights ago.
Afterall, the Reds were already leading 3-0 & comfortably running circles round Megson's foot soldiers by then ... if anything, it was actually Kuyt's powerful shot that led to the simple tap-in presented to Babel - remember, this was not anoter Robinson howler but a fully-stretched Jaaskelainen tipping the ball from heading into the goal. :eek:
03-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Bro, it is not nice to say about someone who at certain point of time serve Liverpool well.
Even though they did not score as much as God, we should give them credit when credit is due.
At least, "shortie" score more goals than Cisse. :D
It is exactly this spirit I have, that's why I could never forgive & foget ... on how Houllier conspired with Thompson to get Fowler out of the club, all becoz they think Owen was doing a better job!!! :rolleyes:
03-12-2007, 10:47 AM
It is exactly this spirit I have, that's why I could never forgive & foget ... on how Houllier conspired with Thompson to get Fowler out of the club, all becoz they think Owen was doing a better job!!! :rolleyes:
All i can say is, it was great having Fowler back.
He shown us the legend he is.
We never know if Owen will do likewise.
At least we know, Fowler is a Red thru and thru who give us beautiful memories. :D
03-12-2007, 10:58 AM
Rafa is building up a real good team, Babel, Torres, Mascherano, Lucas.... imagine what they will bring to the team when they approach their prime years, frightening!
2 other things I noticed from last night ...
1) That Lucas gets the nod over Mascherano ... I think Rafa is really fearing the possibility of losing Mascherano this summer - no doing of Mascherano but his own agents/owners of course. :rolleyes:
2) The blooding of Hobbs (no idea still, if it was just precautionary or mandatory, where Carra's injury is concerned) ... I also think Rafa is prepared for the Yank's ego problems - that he'll not be sacked but he'll not be getting any more funds to strengthen this squad any further. :eek:
03-12-2007, 11:02 AM
And we know (if we didn't already) who is the manager we really want at Anfield:
"It wasn't a fantastic performance from us but we scored four goals, could have had a lot more and we must be pleased," enthused Benitez.
Yes, we all know by now ... some willingly, soe not so willing. ;)
I'm also waiting to see if what Rafa has been stoutly (stubbornly to others) defending is right ... that his rotation policy will ensure his team runs & jumps half a pace higher & faster than the other teams, when the league proceed into 2008.
& when he's proven right, let's see what praises the press will be unashamedly & unabashedly singing of him then ... :rolleyes:
03-12-2007, 11:28 AM
Jamie Carragher claimed prior to kick-off that the pass and move football Sammy Lee tried to introduce at Bolton was alien to the players. Well, if it was when the little Scouser was sacked last month, it isn't anymore.
Gary Megson's men were taken apart at Anfield on Sunday by a side in championship form. They were dispatched by goals from Fernando Torres, Sami Hyypia, Ryan Babel and Steven Gerrard - and it could easily have been more.
The win took Liverpool to third in the Premier League table, and it's worth noting that only twice in their 18 title-winning seasons did they have more points at this stage of the season.
The only sour note was the sight of Carragher leaving the field early in the second half. Rafa Benitez will be keeping his fingers firmly crossed that his defensive stalwart is not due a spell on the sidelines as the season enters a crucial stage.
His side, purring throughout here, should have gone in front after five minutes when Harry Kewell fed Yossi Benayoun through on goal. The Israeli evaded Jussi Jaaskelainen's lunge brilliantly before cutting back to Peter Crouch, who with almost the whole net gaping managed to find the outstretched leg of Lubomir Michalik.
Two minutes later Benayoun was again the provider when Torres burst into the box. Unfortunately, the angle was too acute for the Spaniard to bag his 11th goal of the season.
The dramatic start continued when El Hadji Diouf incurred the wrath of the people he used to 'entertain' with an ugly challenge that could have broken Alvaro Arbeloa's ankle. Ref Steve Bennett flashed a yellow card but it might have been more.
Jaaskelainen was again called into action when Crouch turned and shot from the edge of the box. It was comfortable enough for the Finn, but the Reds were at least showing the kind of thrust missing in previous home games against the likes of Birmingham and Marseille.
Then came the opener. With 17 minutes showing on the Anfield scoreboard the skipper swung in an almost unplayable free-kick. Megson will be furious at the space afforded to Hyypia in the box but the defender still had to finish the job. He gave his countryman no chance with a towering header.
It could have been 2-0 on 28 minutes when Crouch connected with a Gerrard corner but the big man's header flew narrowly over. Kewell, who aside from an unnecessary kick on Ivan Campo was excellent, then came close with a nice touch and half volley from the edge of the box.
Liverpool were firmly in command, with the visitors restricted to the odd chance from set pieces.
Next up for a crack at goal was Torres, who shot through the Bolton defence with ease after latching on to a loose ball. Again he found himself just a little too wide to convert. Shame.
One moment of danger came on 37 minutes when Nicolas Anelka drove a fierce ball across the face of goal. Thankfully Arbeloa got there before the onrushing Diouf.
Seconds later Bolton again nearly snatched an unlikely equaliser when a mix up between Carragher and Pepe Reina left Anelka with an open goal from 12 yards. His subsequent miss might have made Ronny Rosenthal blush.
Bolton were starting to get into it, and Benitez would doubtless have been the happier of the managers to hear the half-time whistle had Torres not doubled his side's lead with a minute to go.
The number nine dinked a delicate shot past the despairing Jaaskelainen after a fabulous throughball from, you've guessed it, Gerrard.
With just two points away from home all season, and an Anfield record which has seen them fail to win since 1954, it looked like job done.
The second half began in the same way as the first, with Crouch missing when he might have done better. The England striker's close-range header from a John Arne Riise cross was just inches wide but it really should have been 3-0.
It definitely should have been three on 50 minutes when Gerrard sliced through Bolton's defence before being denied by the legs of Jaaskelainen.
If the misses weren't yet worrying the home faithful, the sight Carragher being taken off for 20-year-old Jack Hobbs definitely did. Kopites will be keeping their fingers crossed their vice-captain stays in fine health ahead of season-defining games against Marseille and Man Utd.
The substitution was still the talk of the stands when, on 56 minutes, Gerrard made it game over with his eighth goal in nine games. Like his midweek strike against Porto it came from the penalty spot after Crouch was tripped in the box; and like his strike against Porto it was unstoppable.
All that was left was a world-class dribble and shot from Torres and a tap-in from Babel on 85 minutes after the hapless Jaaskelainen parried Dirk Kuyt's low drive.
It is exactly this spirit I have, that's why I could never forgive & foget ... on how Houllier conspired with Thompson to get Fowler out of the club, all becoz they think Owen was doing a better job!!! :rolleyes:
Bro, it is not nice to say about someone who at certain point of time serve Liverpool well.
Even though they did not score as much as God, we should give them credit when credit is due.
Torres is not exactly a fox-in-the-box like Fowler and Owen.
At least, "shortie" score more goals than Cisse. :D
King, I go with Exciter on this one. heheh. Mickey would have surely hit 20 if he had stayed fit. Oh well, he did leave us for Real but if it was GH who got Fowler out of the team, then it's surely not Mickey's fault.
1) That Lucas gets the nod over Mascherano ... I think Rafa is really fearing the possibility of losing Mascherano this summer - no doing of Mascherano but his own agents/owners of course. :rolleyes:
I thought young Leiva was again magnificent in the centre of midfield and let's hope he can grow into that Fabregas role over the course of the season. ;)
03-12-2007, 11:30 AM
Steve Hunter 02 December 2007
Rafael Benitez claims there is a lot more to come from his team despite seeing Liverpool thrash Bolton Wanderers 4-0 at Anfield.
The Reds climbed to third place in the Barclays Premier League table this weekend and Benitez is confident his team can keep up the pressure on Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United.
The Liverpool manager also revealed Jamie Carragher was substituted as a precaution because of bruised ribs, and added the Reds defender will be okay for next Saturday's trip to Reading.
"It wasn't a fantastic performance from us but we scored four goals, could have had a lot more and we must be pleased," enthused Benitez.
"To score four goals against a tough team is really good and in Fernando Torres we have a player who keeps defenders very busy throughout the game.
"We are much closer now to the top of the table than we have been in recent years and we have a much better squad. We are scoring a lot of goals and I think we can still improve and get even better. We still have the likes of Xabi Alonso, Daniel Agger, Jermaine Pennant, Fabio Aurelio and Steve Finnan to come back and they are all important players for us.
"We have a lot of confidence and we need to keep our form going and see if the other teams will make mistakes and drop points.
"December and January are important months because we have to play a lot of games, but I have confidence in my team and I think we will be stronger in the second half of the season."
03-12-2007, 11:33 AM
King, I go with Exciter on this one. heheh. Mickey would have surely hit 20 if he had stayed fit. Oh well, he did leave us for Real but if it was GH who got Fowler out of the team, then it's surely not Mickey's fault.
Ok, ok ... I wun push, since you already took the mickey out of him. :D
I thought young Leiva was again magnificent in the centre of midfield and let's hope he can grow into that Fabregas role over the course of the season.
Yes, yes ... he is, for me, the capture of the season!!
Without being condescending it is DIFFICULT for MOST fans to appreciate the full value of the KEY MIDFIELD role fulfilled by a MASCHERANO, HAMANN or MAKELELE - what chance a couple of guys involved in less subtle 'Blood & Thunder' sports like Ice Hockey, Baseball etc?
Real Madrid had ALL the Galacticos, Zidane, Figo, Carlos, Raul, et al. So why did they go 3 years(almost 4 years apart from last game of the 4th season)from winning ANYTHING?
The manager at the time said it was the Directors taking the cash and NOT appreciating Makelele's unsung workhorse activities in allowing the 'flair' players to do what comes naturally.
Makelele left. Real Madrid reortedly got £17m. Chelsea got 2 Premier League Titles. Did Makelele REALLY make such a difference at both these clubs ... YES!!! He was the missing cog in both machines.Ranieri got Chelsea into 2nd place and almost the Champions League final. Real Madrid thought the Galacticos could do 'anything'.
What Mascherano brings is what Makelele did at his peak a few years ago in what the ex Evertonian Andy Gray Christened as 'The HAMANN Role'.
Liverpool have the BEST defence in the League and are UNBEATEN - unlike Man U. Hargreaves reportedly cost £17m to be a shadow of a player the Graet Maradona calls 'A Monster'. LFC's current position is not a coincidence.
If Hicks & Gillet are REALLY smart they will give Benitez the freedom to optimise the transfer opportunities that Rafa's network of scouts have unearthed - starting with tying down the ROCK on which Liverpool's future success will be built - Mascherano.
If H & G 'learn about SOCCER' and more importantly 'The Liverpool Way' they will appreciate that Rafa can put Liverpool TOP of the Premiership AND Europe ...... Imagine the Marketing possibilities then, Messrs H & G ???
Comments A
Rafa should have handled this more quietly. We do not wash our dirty linen in public and that will not have endear him to the Board or the new owners. The fact remains that we Liverpool are getting better under Rafa, we have spent a lot less than Manu or Chelsea and rightly the fans are behind Rafa - all our rivals are desperate to emulate his European success, no matter what happens this year.
Plus, Rafa is right, Masch and a centre back are needed if we are to compete for the Premiership. Last year Jose did not get his centre half and Chelsea did not win the league. I despair the Americans not understanding the game! :confused:
Comments B
Incompetent journalism. Torres did not cost liverpool £26.5M. Liverpool are challenging for the title. Win the game in hand, they are in second place. Or are Manchester United and Chelsea also not challenging?
Wondering why a £26.5m player only managed to score twice?? That's as many as £40m Shevchenko has managed all season. Remember, this was against a very successful European club, which has won as many European Cups as Manchester United, or Barcelona ie not very many. Although they have won it far more recently than United.
Typical incompetent journalism based on prejudice. They hate Liverpool because they know that when they win the premier league, it won't stop. Another 18 titles in the trots again for Liverpool FC next wave of English Premier League Champions !!!
Comments C
The owners did not spend any of their own money in financing the summer signings. It was money generated by the club and was about £20m net, Liverpool's normal spend. The Americans reluctance to finance much need and sensible signings, has turned them into ignorant looking fools. They are the ones who have bridges to build, and they'd better get on with it. By the way, Torres cost £18m, with add ons, £20.5m. torres did not cost 26.5million. Rafa actually referred to this in his press conference this week; and he did not spend anything like 100million US dollars this summer either. that would infer 50million pounds sterling.
taking sales of players such as cisse, bellamy garcia etc into account he spent around 20 million pounds. or 40 million US. or about 5 million more than we usually spend in a summer. other than the sensationalist bits its not a bad piece.
03-12-2007, 01:55 PM
REDs has everything it takes to be at the top..... the only problem.... is Consistency
thats the only thing lacking..... u look at the other big clubs..... when they not playing well they still can get a 1-0 win..... i hope this season Reds will be better... so far so good.... :D..... pls dont break my heart like hwta you have did for the past few years :(
Without being condescending it is DIFFICULT for MOST fans to appreciate the full value of the KEY MIDFIELD role fulfilled by a MASCHERANO, HAMANN or MAKELELE [/U][/B]then, Messrs H & G ???
Actually all this talk about the so called Makelele Factor only conceals the fact that football has gotten much more defensive in the last 10-15 years. Teams when playing opponents of similar or higher level seldom defend with the 'four' defenders of the 4-4-2 but require a fifth, who is nominally a midfielder but in fact a fifth defender who plays in the forward point of defence.
sex crusader
03-12-2007, 02:47 PM
You sure you know what you are saying?
Did you not see Babel miss that other sitter from 6 yards?
To me, his only instinct is to whack the ball as hard as he can, not unlike a certain Mr Cisse ... on the other hand, Torres would have the instinct to place the ball to where the lobang is, so much like a certain Mr Fowler. ;)
Right now, it is not exactly the number of goals from Torres that turns me on ... but the type of goals he can score - left foot, right foot, headers, venomous shots, deft touches ... totally unpredictable, how to defend??
One more thing from the commentators last night that turned me on ... finally they mentioned something truly in honour of God: "LFC need a 20-league-goals-a-season striker for the longest time ... the last time they had one was Folwer, not even Owen has manged to achieve that!!!"
Precisely so, for all the hype about Owen being better than Fowler blah blah blah, that shortie has never managed to score more than 20 league goals in any single season. :rolleyes:
Can't you read?:rolleyes:
sex crusader
03-12-2007, 02:49 PM
Bro, it is not nice to say about someone who at certain point of time serve Liverpool well.
Even though they did not score as much as God, we should give them credit when credit is due.
Torres is not exactly a fox-in-the-box like Fowler and Owen.
At least, "shortie" score more goals than Cisse. :D
Agreed! I 'm suprised that someone talk so much about Liverpool has turned on a blind eye whenever torres misses.
03-12-2007, 02:56 PM
Just wanna add, Torres is indeed showing off his skills and finishing but at times, it seems that he need plenty of chances to score.. (Think Newcastle game)
Last night, he was giving Bolton's defenders nightmare with all the running and dribbling but he only managed to shoot on target once which is the goal he scored( Unless there is more, I cant recall..)
Lets just say he is still not the finished article, which really makes me excitied to see him grow further! :D
Steve Hunter 03 December 2007
Steven Gerrard's net breaking free-kick against Newcastle United has been voted Liverpool's Goal of the Month for November by fans on the official voting.
There was a good selection of goals in our vote as Liverpool's first team put the ball into the back of the opposition's net 17 times during November.
Gerrard's strike picked up more than 54 per cent of vote, finishing ahead of Fernando Torres' second goal against Porto (15 per cent) and Ryan Babel's goal during the 3-0 win at Newcastle (9 per cent).
Liverpool's Goal of the Month so far 2007/2008
August: Steven Gerrard v Aston Villa.
September: Ryan Babel v Derby County.
October: Steven Gerrard v Arsenal.
November: Steven Gerrard v Newcastle United.
December: Steven Gerard again ?????? :D
03-12-2007, 09:27 PM
You sure you know what you are saying?
Did you not see Babel miss that other sitter from 6 yards?
To me, his only instinct is to whack the ball as hard as he can, not unlike a certain Mr Cisse ... on the other hand, Torres would have the instinct to place the ball to where the lobang is, so much like a certain Mr Fowler. ;)
Right now, it is not exactly the number of goals from Torres that turns me on ... but the type of goals he can score - left foot, right foot, headers, venomous shots, deft touches ... totally unpredictable, how to defend??
One more thing from the commentators last night that turned me on ... finally they mentioned something truly in honour of God: "LFC need a 20-league-goals-a-season striker for the longest time ... the last time they had one was Folwer, not even Owen has manged to achieve that!!!"
Precisely so, for all the hype about Owen being better than Fowler blah blah blah, that shortie has never managed to score more than 20 league goals in any single season. :rolleyes:
mo better than god,god will still put him his side pocket now.long live fowler.don t care much for mo now,he left us when we needed him.:p
03-12-2007, 09:28 PM
i just like the way stevie takes his penalty nowadays...
and torres sublime chip...
03-12-2007, 09:35 PM
IMHO, it goes without saying that Gerrard was the man-of-the-match.
But, both Kewell & Benayoun were splendidly making the flanks their own ... with the good old overlapping support from both Riise & Aberloa of course.
As for Babel being the inspirational substitution, I'm not so sure ... I just dun think it can be seen in the same light like those made against Porto a few nights ago.
Afterall, the Reds were already leading 3-0 & comfortably running circles round Megson's foot soldiers by then ... if anything, it was actually Kuyt's powerful shot that led to the simple tap-in presented to Babel - remember, this was not anoter Robinson howler but a fully-stretched Jaaskelainen tipping the ball from heading into the goal. :eek:
wat inspirational sub u talking abt we were 3-0 up n to bring on sumone like babel shows the depth in the squad,yes he missed frm 6yds so did for the goal he scored he was at the right plc to compare him with torres is unfair cos this boy cld give us something different in approach.i never mentinoned it was a inspirational substituion.
sex crusader
03-12-2007, 10:09 PM
Luckily that'expert' did not say hyppia's goal was a fluke too.:rolleyes:
03-12-2007, 11:02 PM
Can't you read?
Agreed! I 'm suprised that someone talk so much about Liverpool has turned on a blind eye whenever torres misses.
Luckily that 'expert' did not say hyppia's goal was a fluke too.
Damned ... there now exist a belief that YNWA means hiding behind others' asses to beef up his own arguments??
Why can't he just put forth his own stand ... when his own argument is being justifiably challenged??
But, then again ... what could really be expected from the authentic noise-maker?? :eek:
03-12-2007, 11:51 PM
Paul Tomkins 03 December 2007
Liverpool must be the luckiest team in the country. After all, every comprehensive victory this season has been against opposition subsequently labelled as 'rubbish'.
Why are Liverpool playing only 'rubbish' teams, when Arsenal and Manchester United beat only good teams with their 'sparkling' football?
Toulouse were beaten 4-0; but they were rubbish. Derby were beaten 6-0; but they were rubbish. Besiktas were beaten 8-0; but they were rubbish. You see the pattern. Also rubbish were Porto, Newcastle and Bolton.
To read the majority of press reports, Liverpool have not once been excellent this season –– often it's about how bad the opposition were. It's been "Liverpool played fairly well, but they didn't need to be great to beat ...”.
It's funny, but Liverpool are developing a nice habit of giving teams a bit of a pasting this season. Perhaps it could just be that Benítez's side is consistently making the opposition look bad?
Many seem to miss the point about one of Benítez's greatest strengths: namely that he's very good at planning to nullify the opposition, from which point his team can play their football.
He has often been criticised for paying too much attention to the opposition’s strengths and weaknesses, and not just sticking to his own team's strengths, but this is his way; and over the years, it's worked very impressively on the whole. It doesn't mean it will never backfire here or there, but then even the 'same every week' Reds teams of yore never won every game.
Knowledge is power, and Benítez makes sure he knows the opposition. With rotation, he also makes sure the opposition does not know what Liverpool they will be facing, which has great benefits, particularly if they are planning on stopping the Reds playing. Liverpool are never predictable, and that's a trait that should be celebrated and not, as is mostly the case, criticised.
The counter argument is that, as a result, Benítez's own players don't know each other well enough. But that's where training comes in, and the many hours spent each day working together at Melwood. It's not like the players just meet up on match-day, arriving as virtual strangers.
The criticisms of rotation have been conspicuous by their absence of late, with 21 goals scored in five games to none in reply, despite four and five changes in most of these games; only the Fulham game saw an unchanged team, and it was 0-0 until that line-up was altered with three substitutions, on the way to a 2-0 victory.
And, of course, when it comes to playing only 'rubbish' opposition, there's the fact that any Benítez team, at its best, does not allow the other side to settle for one moment on the ball, as we first saw five years ago.
Let's not forget, Liverpool hadn't suddenly become a really bad side in November 2002, but that's what Benítez's Valencia made them look. In all my years as a regular at Anfield, they were the side that impressed me the most, in that they appeared as this amazing collective –– eleven men in total unison, attacking and defending as a team; hunting in packs, attacking in clusters.
Visiting this weekend was a Bolton team unbeaten under Gary Megson, which had drawn away at Bayern Munich and last week beaten Manchester United at home. But of course, I'm forgetting something: they're rubbish.
All season long, the Reds have not had too many fixtures against teams in disarray –– at least not before the game, anyway. (A few have ended the game that way.) A shell-shocked, Mourinho-less Chelsea stumbed about in a daze at Old Trafford, but they had a 100% record, and their Portuguese boss, when they pitched up at Anfield.
Liverpool went to Blackburn when Rovers were in a long winning-run. Arsenal were unbeaten in all competitions and on a run of 12 wins in a row. Portsmouth had already got a good result at home to Man United, and had started the campaign well, as had Everton. Sunderland had that early-season zest to their play in August, and Wigan, now in the relegation zone, were in the top-half of the table at the time.
Besiktas were an experienced Champions League team who had just beaten the Reds, while Toulouse were from one of the top-five European leagues. Porto had conceded only four league goals all season before the Reds put as many past their 'rubbish' defence last week.
Only Derby were really there for the taking, and taken-apart they were. Newcastle away, even after their previous home defeat, is never an easy fixture, but the Reds started so brightly they forced the home crowd to turn against their own.
Spurs and Birmingham remain the only league results that should definitely have been better, while those games coincided with a min-slump that also included Besitkas away and Marseilles at home in the Champions League. Even then, the Besiktas fans made their home arena a tough place to visit.
All top teams have a slump (or two) at some stage of the season, but the timing is often the crucial factor.
In terms of the league, the autumn shortfall, while frustrating, hasn't been too detrimental to the campaign. The Reds are in a great position, and averaging more than two points per game, with the joint-best goal difference, suggesting that things are right at both ends of the pitch.
But it proved more costly in Europe –– lose form between December and February, or have a poor August (as United did) and you have no such worries; the same cannot be said when you have a difficult September or October.
However, playing like this, the Reds can get a result in Marseilles next week, with the French team faced with that awkward mindset of needing only a draw. I always like games where the Reds have to win, as the intensity is rarely absent in the play.
03-12-2007, 11:52 PM
Collectively Benítez's side is clicking, and individuals are also finding their best form.
Steven Gerrard's form has been improving game-by-game for some weeks now. Sunday's game was the captain at about as good as he gets: winning tackles, bursting forward, and with his pass to Torres he recalled the days when he had Michael Owen as a willing runner for his 50-yard slide-rule through-balls. (Except, or course, Torres is an even better forward, with more skill and a greater physical presence, as well as a great capacity to work hard for the team.)
One area where Gerrard has been a little inconsistent in the past is in his set-piece deliveries, given the quality he possesses in that right boot.
But in the last three games the Reds have scored from three of his corners and a free-kick delivered into the box, as well as an indirect free-kick struck ferociously against Newcastle, followed by two penalties. The shape on his deliveries into the box, and the pace when whipping in the ball is perfect right now, allowing players like Crouch and Hyypia the advantage when attacking them.
Gerrard is also a good penalty taker, but he's never been up there with Matt Le Tissier, who missed only one from 49 attempts, or Jan Molby, who notched 42 from 45. His overall record is a little better than two scored out of every three.
However, he's striking some unstoppable ones right now, to either side of the keeper, and after a start to the season where the Reds couldn't win a penalty for love nor money (purely a saying, I hasten to add) and yet could concede them for merely looking at an opponent, it helps towards getting three points.
Another bonus against Bolton came from the substitutes, which is a growing trend this season. Jack Hobbs is progressing nicely, and he enjoyed an assured league debut when replacing Jamie Carragher.
I hate it when I see people suggesting throwing in the youngsters as there's "nothing to lose". There are games to lose and, if the kid in question is not yet ready, there's his confidence –– and, subsequently, his career at Liverpool –– to lose, too. Managers know when the time is right; they work with these players every day. They monitor their development to the nth degree.
Equally, I hate seeing youngsters instantly written off after a bad display. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that was said about Hobbs not being good enough when he struggled in pre-season a couple of years back ... at the age of 17!
Along with goalkeeper, centre-back is the position where it's hardest for youngsters, because so much of the role is about learning from experience and from not making any errors. A teenage Michael Owen could miss three sitters but if he scored a goal, it was job done; a teenage Jamie Carragher only had to make one or two mistakes in a game to see his credentials doubted.
And while it's harder to get the ball past the goalkeeper and into that small area between the posts than it is to get the ball out of harm's way (in that you can boot the ball pretty much anywhere), if a forward mis-controls the ball there's no harm done; if a centre-back does so, it can quickly lead to disaster.
Sami Hyppia was rejected by a number of English clubs in his early twenties, including Oldham. Hyypia, who has been around so long it feels like he was also born in the early '20s, is currently showing that, even with zero pace, the accumulation of experience, and how it adds to the art of positioning, can keep you at the top-level at an age when most forwards have long-since retired.
In Carragher, Agger and Hyypia, Hobbs has some excellent colleagues to learn from, and from what I've seen he has some of the qualities of each. He has Hyypia's height, Carragher's determination and leadership skills, and some of Agger's quality on the ball. It's early days, but he has the potential to one day be up there with his illustrious elders. And at this stage of his career, that's the best anyone can expect.
Elsewhere, Ryan Babel, at just 20, is looking less like a prospect and more like someone who's nearly ready to take the league by storm, while Lucas, also 20, is settling very nicely into the midfield. And I don't think that Emiliano Insua, who made his league debut last season aged 17, is that far away from pushing for a place in the first-team squad. And that's not even mentioning some of the youngsters doing so well out on loan.
It seems that, at long last, the Reds have some top-quality youngsters capable of gracing the team for years to come.
When you consider that Torres and Mascherano are just 23, Agger and Sissoko are still only 22, and the plethora of top Premiership players in their mid-20s (Reina, Alonso, Arbeloa, Crouch, Gerrard and Benayoun, to name just a few), any current optimism should stretch well beyond the end of this season.
04-12-2007, 12:04 AM
Latest odds:
Manure as BPL champs this summer
$2.00 >> $3.60 >> $2.25 >> $2.70
Chelsea as BPL champs this summer
$2.25 >> $5.50 >> $8.00 >> $5.50
Liverpool as BPL champs this summer
$6.00 >> $2.60 >> $7.50 >> $5.00
Arsenal as BPL champs this summer
$13.00 >> $6.20 >> $1.98
Man City as BPL champs this summer
$180.00 >> $40.00 >> $60.00 ... worth a $50 investment? :D
sex crusader
04-12-2007, 08:01 AM
I guessed the ego is just too high when being challenged.Instead posting some irrelevant news to spam this thread.Just give your so called 'expert' reply on those misses by torres even on close range.:rolleyes:
I guessed the ego is just too high when being challenged.Instead posting some irrelevant news to spam this thread.Just give your so called 'expert' reply on those misses by torres even on close range.:rolleyes:
I'm not sure if you are trying to criticise Torres (which is fine) or debunk King as an 'expert' on LFC/football. If you read his post on the 20-goal striker, King was saying something totally different about Torres, that he is a complete striker. Of course Torres misses easy chances (and so does Rooney) but he is impossible to defend (unlike Mickey).
I have no doubt about King as an expert on LFC. Of course I have also no doubt he is blinkered and biased in some of his views. Has he said anything unbecoming of a Pool fan? I don't think so.
04-12-2007, 01:29 PM
I'm not sure if you are trying to criticise Torres (which is fine) or debunk King as an 'expert' on LFC/football. If you read his post on the 20-goal striker, King was saying something totally different about Torres, that he is a complete striker. Of course Torres misses easy chances (and so does Rooney) but he is impossible to defend (unlike Mickey).
I have no doubt about King as an expert on LFC. Of course I have also no doubt he is blinkered and biased in some of his views. Has he said anything unbecoming of a Pool fan? I don't think so.
I beg to differ....opinions are still opinions unless scientifically proven to be otherwise, thats why you see so many conflicts noways or even from the begining of civilizations, had been mainly caused by "difference in opinions". Anyone may offer or express his opinions based on his viewpoints. There are at least 6 sides of a coin depending on what perspective you are viewing it. For instance, I often feel that Momo Sisoko had been far from being satisfactory while playing for Liverpool, yet there have been many "expert" opinions that had said otherwise. I dont argue with them as they do have their ways in evaluating him, so their opinion counts, just like some many be willing to buy certain goods and some will rather die than to buy them.
Soory to have quoted him: But, then again ... what could really be expected from the authentic noise-maker??
was rather over-the-line, for whoever had been branded as such. Certainly the word "authentic noise maker" may not go down well with many.
If in a mere expression of "opinions" based on subjectiveness, then everyone's opionion is VALID to a certain degree unless proven wrong. Can those experts prove them wrong objectively, I am afraid it is rather futile.
04-12-2007, 03:03 PM
Sorry to have quoted him: But, then again ... what could really be expected from the authentic noise-maker??
was rather over-the-line, for whoever had been branded as such. Certainly the word "authentic noise maker" may not go down well with many.
Please take the context of the whole issue into consideration (see quotes below for details).
1) there was only one (THE) authentic noise-maker I was referring to ... so whereabout did the issue of "may not go down well with many" come from??
2) after reading through the quotes from below, dun you agree that there was nothing more than just noise from this authentic noise-maker??
Yes... babel has the same killer instinct as torres. Both were magnificent in that game.
You sure you know what you are saying?
Did you not see Babel miss that other sitter from 6 yards?
To me, his only instinct is to whack the ball as hard as he can, not unlike a certain Mr Cisse ... on the other hand, Torres would have the instinct to place the ball to where the lobang is, so much like a certain Mr Fowler. ;)
Right now, it is not exactly the number of goals from Torres that turns me on ... but the type of goals he can score - left foot, right foot, headers, venomous shots, deft touches ... totally unpredictable, how to defend??
Can't you read? :rolleyes:
Damned ... there now exist a belief that YNWA means hiding behind others' asses to beef up his own arguments??
Why can't he just put forth his own stand ... when his own argument is being justifiably challenged??
But, then again ... what could really be expected from the authentic noise-maker?? :eek:
See my point now?
If in a mere expression of "opinions" based on subjectiveness, then everyone's opionion is VALID to a certain degree unless proven wrong. Can those experts prove them wrong objectively, I am afraid it is rather futile.
Sure, to a certain extent, you have your point ... that's why I also shut up WHENEVER others counter with an alternative argument which I may have missed totally.
On the other hand, if I voice out this particular opinion: "Nor Alam Shah should be the next 20m-pound striker that Rafa must buy" ... would you sit back & let this beautiful day just pass us by?? ;)
I beg to differ....opinions are still opinions unless scientifically proven to be otherwise, thats why you see so many conflicts noways or even from the begining of civilizations, had been mainly caused by "difference in opinions". Anyone may offer or express his opinions based on his viewpoints. There are at least 6 sides of a coin depending on what perspective you are viewing it. For instance, I often feel that Momo Sisoko had been far from being satisfactory while playing for Liverpool, yet there have been many "expert" opinions that had said otherwise. I dont argue with them as they do have their ways in evaluating him, so their opinion counts, just like some many be willing to buy certain goods and some will rather die than to buy them.
Prof, no need to start a treatise on opinions heheh. If you read my posts, you will find that I share an aversion to ill-formed and populist opinions.
If sex crusader was offended by King's off hand remark about 'noise', he should just say so rather than go tit for tat. I didn't notice that remark to be honest but I agree with King's observations about Torres and Babel from a footballing perspective. Mind you, I don't always agree with him (see Mickey comments heheh).
sex crusader
04-12-2007, 05:34 PM
I do agree with you and prof. on individual opinion. But to pin down other's opinion and passing remarks just because others got different view point would view as ............well? If you read my post, i have never criticised Torres but rather MOMO.This guy will pin whoever down if one choose to express opinion that differ from his.If some of the suppporters chose to support Babel, that's their right.Who is this 'King' fellow to tell ppl otherwise?
04-12-2007, 06:57 PM
Yeah, we shouldn't be bothered too much by others' opinions. In this region, perhaps due to our cultural backgrounds and upbringing, we are, usually as norm, quite diffident in expressing "unacceptance" to remarks [then again, it is the opinions of others playing havoc] that one has deemed to be offensive. According to my sociology-based research on such acceptance or rejection, many Asians [it maybe truncated, as my studies were done on a comparative study on ethnic Thais as compared to the Japanese] would exhibit a tendency to go for tit-for-tat activities in order to hide their rightful outward expressions of disapproval to some remarks that they deemed as not correct and offensive. They may use ways and means to show defiance, spread malicious rumours, send out poison letters, and even sabotaging your job....but will never stand up aganist such opinions.
Rarely an Asian [maybe I am guilty of stereotyping] will stand out and say: "I am not amused with what you had said...may I know why did you say that? Can you retract the remark if it is wrong?" There you are...with this, there ends all animosities with a clearer exchange of opinions and view points. One thing about the Japanese, aside from their heirachial obedience, they do value all sorts of opinions [eventhough they may sound silly]. Afterall, a "silly" opinion from a cleaner lady helped to solve AJINOMOTO's sales problems, and the Swiss's watch manufacturers' rejection of a "silly" invention using quartz to time the watches had made the Japanese watch maker CITIZEN capturing a sizeable market share by adopting the "silly" opinion that quartz could be used to time watches!
Afterall, even betting is based on one's own opinion until the outcome proved likewise or otherwise. Some predicted Liverpool to beat Bolton by 2-0, some said 3-0, some said 4-0....then everyone's opinion had been valid until the final whistle!
Anyway it is healthy to express opinions and listen to other's opinions too. You never know its validity until the final whistle. At my age, the final whistle in my life is not far away....
Hey...lets get back to football and sex :D dont play play ah..
05-12-2007, 05:10 AM
Yeah, we shouldn't be bothered too much by others' opinions. In this region, perhaps due to our cultural backgrounds and upbringing, we are, usually as norm, quite diffident in expressing "unacceptance" to remarks [then again, it is the opinions of others playing havoc] that one has deemed to be offensive. According to my sociology-based research on such acceptance or rejection, many Asians [it maybe truncated, as my studies were done on a comparative study on ethnic Thais as compared to the Japanese] would exhibit a tendency to go for tit-for-tat activities in order to hide their rightful outward expressions of disapproval to some remarks that they deemed as not correct and offensive. They may use ways and means to show defiance, spread malicious rumours, send out poison letters, and even sabotaging your job....but will never stand up aganist such opinions.
Rarely an Asian [maybe I am guilty of stereotyping] will stand out and say: "I am not amused with what you had said...may I know why did you say that? Can you retract the remark if it is wrong?" There you are...with this, there ends all animosities with a clearer exchange of opinions and view points. One thing about the Japanese, aside from their heirachial obedience, they do value all sorts of opinions [eventhough they may sound silly]. Afterall, a "silly" opinion from a cleaner lady helped to solve AJINOMOTO's sales problems, and the Swiss's watch manufacturers' rejection of a "silly" invention using quartz to time the watches had made the Japanese watch maker CITIZEN capturing a sizeable market share by adopting the "silly" opinion that quartz could be used to time watches!
Afterall, even betting is based on one's own opinion until the outcome proved likewise or otherwise. Some predicted Liverpool to beat Bolton by 2-0, some said 3-0, some said 4-0....then everyone's opinion had been valid until the final whistle!
Anyway it is healthy to express opinions and listen to other's opinions too. You never know its validity until the final whistle. At my age, the final whistle in my life is not far away....
Hey...lets get back to football and sex :D dont play play ah..
yes prof, lets get to football and sex:D:D
Eversince Torres arrived at Liverpool in the summer, the game that Liverpool played seemed to be very entertaining. The way Torres dummied the defenders, run at defenders, when he runs with the ball, is just a beauty to watch. I just love the way he scored goals. Torres seldom hits with power when he scored goals. It is more like placing the balls. I had keep watching his past 11 goals again & again. It is just a beauty to watch his score. Most goals he scored is a real beauty.
His first goal for Liverpool against Chelsea and his last goal against Bolton, had quite similar effect, both thru a long & accurate pass from Gerrard. The first goal against Chelsea Torres scored from the right side of opponent goal, after beating Israelis defender. The last goal against Bolton, Torres scored from the left of opponent goal post. Both are beautiful pass that are accurate & defence splitting pass from captain marvel.
Steven Gerrard performance, since beating Besiktas is breathtaking. His passes r very effective, his freekicks is very dangerous and penalty is so assured. Last time I never had confidence in Gerrard penalty kick. Now is so good, full of confidence. Always sends the goalkeeper to a wrong side. Dun know why suddenly he become so good in penalty kicks n free kicks that resulted in some goals. Even his corner kicks will also results in goals.
Another player that is a beauty to watch is Ryan Babel. I enjoyed watching his at left or right wings, which he usually switch to suit the opponents.His run with the ball on his feet against defenders is always breathtaking. Two of the goals he scored is really mesmerizing. I remember the goals against Derby County and another against Besiktas (with a toe-flick with his back facing the keeper). While Babel dun seem very effective wen on starting line-up till now, but his performance is really good as a substitute in the last 30 mins. Think he scored many goals as substitute.
While most Liverpool players played well this season, the above 3 players deserves special mention, bcos it is so enjoyable to watch them play as an individual player in the strong Liverpoll line-up. Somehow, the only set-back recently is that, I observed that senior players like Riise and Momo Sisoko performance had not been effective The same with Kuyt & Veronin as well. Luckily Torres & Crouch r on fire now.
Next game i look forward to is against Mersailes and follow-up with a clash on Dec16 agsint ManUtd. These two games I will NOT miss even if I have to miss work the following day. On the same day Chelsea will play Arsenal. Mouth watering game ahead. Hope Liverpool wins but Arsenal & Chelsea draw...:D
You'll Never Walk Alone....
Published: 05 December 2007
City preparing £17m move for Mascherano as Liverpool stall By Jason Burt
Manchester City are attempting to take advantage of the continuing uncertainty at Liverpool by lining up a surprise £17m bid for Javier Mascherano. City are expected to be the Premier League's big spenders in what could be an otherwise quiet January with owner Thaksin Shinawatra having already pledging substantial funds as the club pushes for European football. They want to recruit one leading striker, and possibly two, as well as a holding midfielder while discussions have been held about a new goalkeeper.
The favourite for the striking role remains Afonso Alves, the free-scoring Brazilian who plays for the Dutch club Heerenveen, with Peter Crouch and Nicolas Anelka having also been discussed by Shinawatra, his advisers and manager Sven Goran Eriksson. Much of City's transfer strategy is being led by the agent Pini Zahavi and he is believed to be keen to push through a deal involving Mascherano. It is thought that a meeting with City may have already taken place.
A new name on City's list is the Newcastle United striker Obafemi Martins who is understood to be unhappy at St James' Park and has a £13m release clause, although negotiations have taken place to remove that from his contract.
The future of Mascherano has been one of the points of conflict between Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez and the club's owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett. Benitez has urged the Americans to quickly provide the funds to sign the 23-year-old Argentine, who is only effectively on an 18-month loan, on a permanent transfer.
Mascherano, whose personal terms do not provide a stumbling block, and his advisers want to tie up a deal as quickly as possible with Liverpool also risking the midfielder signing a pre-contract agreement elsewhere if they do not offer him permanent terms by next month. It's thought that he would prefer to stay at Liverpool.
Mascherano is already one of the players at Anfield most valued by Benitez, and has a clause in his contract setting a fee of £17m if he leaves the club – which would cause further strain with the owners. Benitez is believed to have already made clear he would rather sell John Arne Riise, who has only 18 months left on his contract, or Momo Sissoko who attracted interest from Italy last summer.
Mascherano is also believed to be wanted in Italy although he is thought to be more likely to move to Spain, and Barcelona, should he leave this country. Liverpool would not receive a fee for Mascherano who is, it is believed, still effectively owned by the sports media company MSI.
If City fail in a bid for Mascherano they are likely to turn their attention to Marcelo Mattos who, at around £3m, would provide a cut-price alternative. The 23-year-old Brazilian is also a holding midfielder and only joined the Greek club Panathinaikos earlier this year, from Corinthians. Mattos has been in impressive form and Portsmouth are also believed to be interested. Although not an international Mattos would be able to move to England because he has an Italian passport. Despite the impressive form of Dietmar Hamann, he is 34 and City have identified a new holding midfielder as a priority.
City spent heavily last summer, with almost £40m worth of players arriving in a whirlwind spree following Shinawatra's takeover and the appointment of Eriksson. The Swede is believed to have petitioned the owner last month urging him to spend more cash and claiming that beyond his first XI he lacks the strength and depth to sustain a challenge this campaign.
City's impressive performances have helped his cause – as have the resounding success of a number of his signings, particularly Elano and Martin Petrov.
City are also expected to receive further good news soon with the likelihood that Micah Richards will finally sign a new contract before the end of this month. The 19-year-old has stalled partly because he is in the process of changing his advisers but has assured City that he has no intention of not signing. A host of leading clubs are monitoring the situation and it is likely that, despite the new contract, City will face a battle to hold on to him next summer.
Liverpool's 8-0 hammering of Besiktas investigated by UEFA as part of match-fixing scandal
4th December 2007
There are reports that the 8-0 Champions League win over Besiktas last month is considered suspicious because of irregular betting patterns. UEFA officials refused to confirm or deny the allegations.
Only last weekend UEFA president Michel Platini said the 'criminal phenomena' in sport had become a 'big problem' after confirming that the European governing body were looking into matches in Eastern Europe that may have been fixed by gangster-run betting syndicates.
UEFA are working with Europol, the pan-European police force. Platini plans to hold a conference with From Back Page European Commission vice-president Franco Frattini to look at moneylaundering, match-fixing and illegal betting in football.
William Gaillard, UEFA's director of communications, said last night that an InterToto Cup game between Makedonija and Cherno More in July was the only game being officially investigated. Others were simply considered suspicious because of irregular betting patterns.
One look at Liverpool's group is enough to raise concern. Besiktas have a goal difference of minus nine — compared to Liverpool's of plus nine — but go into next week's final game against Porto still able to qualify ahead of the 2005 champions.
After losing 8-0 at Anfield on November 6, with Yossi Benayoun scoring a hattrick, players and staff from the Turkish club said how 'ashamed' they were.
Investigators for Sueddeutsche Zeitung, a Munich daily, claim that there was 'frenzied betting on a high-score victory' prior to the game. UEFA have made no contact with Liverpool and last night officials at Anfield said they could not comment because they had no knowledge of any controversy.
But reports in Germany suggest that Besiktas players, on a fraction of the salaries earned by Liverpool stars, could have been targeted by Asian betting syndicates.
"At this stage I can neither confirm nor deny the reports," Gaillard told Sportsmail. "There has to be a certain amount of confidentiality with these things because we could risk a source of information drying up."
05-12-2007, 11:38 AM
Score 8 only match fixing -_-" frankly speaking..Singapore-vietnam match i think match fixing :D 2 own goals :(
Eversince Torres arrived at Liverpool in the summer, the game that Liverpool played seemed to be very entertaining.
Steven Gerrard performance, since beating Besiktas is breathtaking. His passes r very effective, his freekicks is very dangerous and penalty is so assured.
Another player that is a beauty to watch is Ryan Babel. I enjoyed watching his at left or right wings, which he usually switch to suit the opponents.
Torres and Stevie, of course, no quarrel but at the risk of reigniting the argument heheheh, Babel? If he's a winger, I have never seen him beat a wingback.
I prefer to admire the quiet players in the team who go about their work in a subtle, effective way. First there was Carra, then Finnan, and now hopefully Lucas Leiva. They are just as important as the flair players.
05-12-2007, 06:09 PM
Torres and Stevie, of course, no quarrel but at the risk of reigniting the argument heheheh, Babel? If he's a winger, I have never seen him beat a wingback.
Honestly, in the current stable ... I'd only give the nod to Benayoun.
He's a smarter player ... less often caught losing possession & most likely to cover back, fighting for that lost ball.
Babel & Pennant are the same ... nice to watch but not fighters, when chips are down.
As for Kewell, I just keep my fingers crossed that he will stay free of injuries until his impending retirement ... think he has had more than his fair share already. Personally, I also rate him higher than Babel or Pennant ... in terms of effective contributions.
The only solace for Babel is that he's still young & has got time on his side. :D
I prefer to admire the quiet players in the team who go about their work in a subtle, effective way. First there was Carra, then Finnan, and now hopefully Lucas Leiva. They are just as important as the flair players.
Becoz there is Steven Gerrard, both Alonso & Leiva have sacrificed their natural attacking flair to play much deeper in midfield ... yes, we need to constantly recognise such efforts as loyal servants to the club.
In the history of YNWA, there've been plenty of such loyal servants (eg Steve Nicol) ... that's why this is such a great club!! ;)
[B][COLOR="royalblue"]Becoz there is Steven Gerrard, both Alonso & Leiva have sacrificed their natural attacking flair to play much deeper in midfield ... yes, we need to constantly recognise such efforts as loyal servants to the club.
In the history of YNWA, there've been plenty of such loyal servants (eg Steve Nicol) ... that's why this is such a great club!! ;)
You know, the time when Stevie was nearly off to Real Madrid, I believe Rafa was already planning a whole new midfield which would not be built around Stevie. And then of course Stevie made a U-turn. So perhaps the current midfield is not necessarily what Rafa had in mind and he's had to have Alonso and others play more defensively! Of course we will never know unless he writes his autobiography. ;)
Torres and Stevie, of course, no quarrel but at the risk of reigniting the argument heheheh, Babel? If he's a winger, I have never seen him beat a wingback.
I prefer to admire the quiet players in the team who go about their work in a subtle, effective way. First there was Carra, then Finnan, and now hopefully Lucas Leiva. They are just as important as the flair players.
I agree with u, sometimes it is those quiet players, who dun gain much publicity yet go about & get the job done effectively. Is true the players u mentioned, like Finnan, Leiva. Another few players in this quiet group will be Arbeloa, Aurellio, Alonso. They r usually publicity shy. They let a few main characters gain all the publicity esp like Gerrard, Crouch, Torres, Carragher.
But from Marketing sense of view, quiet players will not generate publicity. To advertisers that need publicity to generate attention for the players & team. If the players from the team get lots of publicity, esp like ManUtd & Chelsea; the main sponsor will be willing to pay above the board for sponsorship of shirts, boots, A-boards, Corporate boxes etc. This is what Liverpool lacked today compare to the other big 3. Carlsberg pay Liverpool peanuts for Jersey sponsorship compare to wat Chelsea & ManUtd gets. Team need players that generate publicity. Liverpool in the past only have 3 players in this category, in the last 8 years - Gerrard, Owen & Fowler only.
In present team, only Gerrard, Crouch, and mayb Torres will enjoy that superstar status publicity. Liverpool needs more stylish superstar players like Beckham in the past or Rooney, Scholes, Giggs, Ronaldo, Rio Ferdinand etc.
Football Teams gain supporters thru:
1) The Team eg Liverpool FC
2) Teams also get supporters by having stylish & good players of superstar status, off course with some good look like Owen (Liverpool/Newcastle), Gerrard...mayb next is Torres. If Liverpool managed to sign Kaka, overnite Liverpool supporters will increased by another million.
3) Teams gains supporters wen the team were televised in match regularly ( esp MU, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea) in every match they play.
4)Teams gain supporters by playing good football (Arsenal), being Champions (ManUtd, Chelsea) or winning in important match like d Istanbul Fighback from 3-0 down in first half. Liverpool wins many new supporters after thatmatch esp among the neutrals.
Supporters is important bcos it generates revenue to the teams & advertiser as well as publicity.
The reasons i supported Liverpool is bcos They always win in the 80's, 90's and Liverpool plays entertaining attacking football in 00's as well. I had spend a lot on Liverpool merchandise ike bags, scarves, towels, jersey (home & away every year), watch, DVD...all bcos of "LOVE" for Liverpool. Another reasons I supported Liverpool is bcos of the classy players that have like Barnes, Fowler, Keegen, Dalgish, Rush, McMahon, Clemence, Heighwey, Hansen, Kennedy (Alan & Ray), Whelan, Molby,,,,,many more, which i can still remember the name. When Liverpool is playing, i would rather watch the game live than have sex!!! That is my opportunity cost... haha. This is the excitement of football.
Finally Arsenal drops 2 points with a draw (1 - 1) against Newcastle, this morning. Too bad, no live telecast, so only managed to follow on bbc online while watching the Everton's UEFA game.
Sometimes, being a Liverpool supporters is never easy!!
We watch Liverpool game with hope to see Liverpool win.
If Liverpool draw.....may feel extra moody at work for at least a day.
Sometimes we watch Arsenal, Manchester Utd & Chelsea game, with hope to see them lose or draw so that they lose points. In other words, their dropping of points will be Liverpool gain, if Liverpool win the game in hand.
So, if Liverpool win on Sat against Reading, then the gap between Liverpool & Arsenal will be 4 points instead of 7 points now; unless Arsenal win again on Sun. When ManUtd beat Fulham 2 days ago, i was damn upset. Was hoping for a draw !! :p
You know, the time when Stevie was nearly off to Real Madrid, I believe Rafa was already planning a whole new midfield which would not be built around Stevie. And then of course Stevie made a U-turn. So perhaps the current midfield is not necessarily what Rafa had in mind and he's had to have Alonso and others play more defensively! Of course we will never know unless he writes his autobiography. ;)
THANK GOD...Gerrard is still around. The truly world class player in Liverpool team. Alonso plays well in his first season in Liverpool shirt (2004/05), but after that his performance had drifted in & out a bit. Sisoko also seems less effective thios year. Yes, I love to see him steals the ball from opponent players ....but in the next minutes he loses the ball easily to another opponent players. I really dun know how to comment about him, but if playing as defensive player, I will anytime rank Mascherano and Lucas Leiva ahead of Momo. Alonso distribution of ball is fantastic, i believe he is an intelligent player, the way he spray his passes.
"When Gerrard plays well, Liverpool teams will play well". I believe I had to agree with that statement, esp like now, Gerrard plays well, scores goals, n dictate the game with his passes. Off curse his team play well too, esp striker like Torres, Benayoun, Kewell, Babel (as substitute) & Crouch. Hope Kuyt & Veronin regain their earlier season form again, in case Torres is injured. ;)
06-12-2007, 11:31 AM Liverpool Football Club today rubbished reports linking Fabio Capello with a move to Anfield.
Newspaper speculation on Wednesday suggested the former Juventus and AC Milan coach had been approached by the club.
But spokesman Ian Cotton said: "This story is complete nonsense." wind yet the tree swaying?
06-12-2007, 12:14 PM
You know, the time when Stevie was nearly off to Real Madrid, I believe Rafa was already planning a whole new midfield which would not be built around Stevie. And then of course Stevie made a U-turn. So perhaps the current midfield is not necessarily what Rafa had in mind and he's had to have Alonso and others play more defensively! Of course we will never know unless he writes his autobiography. ;)
Yes, yes ... that's why Gerrard was sent to play on the right last 2 seasons. :rolleyes:
06-12-2007, 12:30 PM
Finally Arsenal drops 2 points with a draw (1 - 1) against Newcastle, this morning. Too bad, no live telecast, so only managed to follow on bbc online while watching the Everton's UEFA game.
bro,ru in sg??or u wake up middle of the nite stone stone and turn to chn 23 or 24 instead??hehe..
i watched the match in fb chn at 4am leh..
06-12-2007, 01:01 PM
Supporters is important bcos it generates revenue to the teams & advertiser as well as publicity.
I'm not so sure ... if revenue will be so simply increased, as you put it. ;)
1) in terms of ticket sales in Anfield, even the season tickets are over-subscribed ... that's why there is a rush to build the new stadium to accommodate the annual overwhelming demand.
2) in terms of sponsorship, Carlsberg & Adidas are already paying top money ... in the sense that when the long-term (yes, such contracts last for 8-10 years) contract was signed, they were the highest bidder & fully in tune with market currency then.
3) in terms of player endorsement, what they secure through their agents are solely their own - the club only gets to approve if the player gets the necessary time-off for such activities ... if I dun remember wrongly, only Beckham conceded part of his marketing rights to Madrid (& LA Galaxy too) in that multi-million contract.
4) in terms of television rights (both Champions League & Premier League), the club gets their share ... regardless of whether you & I signed on with StarHub or Setanta. I wun even talk about the tips mentioned here previously on how to stream matches for free.
5) in terms of merchandise, I agree fully with you ... though I've been virtually with the Kop long enough to think harder than you before parting with my money nowadays - what you now do is what I used to do in the 80s: jerseys, posters, keychains, casualwear etc.
Yes, players need to be reminded that THEY MUST NOT BITE THE HAND THAT FEED THEM ... ie, respect the existence & contributions of the supporters.
However, for a club like LFC which is well-followed all over the world, the revenue brought in through the supporters is not what is gonna make or break the club. In contrast, for clubs like Derby & Sunderland, fanatical support on the terraces & in the gift shop is critical for survival.
Let's just bring the situation closer to us ...
Like you, I wun miss a single LFC match on my TV (yes, die-hard "supporter" of StarHub) ... but besides contributing the time & energy in supporting LFC, I confess I hardly even bring even 2p to the club's coffer.
Despite all the opinions we throw forth in this thread, in the capacity of life-long die-hard supporters, how many of us really contribute to the club's accounts?
At the end of the day, it's still about performing well on the pitch & not have another bunch of "spice boys" ... to draw the correct investors (like the current pair of Yanks) & their financial support, as well as ensure the big money from consistent good runs in both the Champions League & the Premier League. :rolleyes:
06-12-2007, 01:03 PM
bro, ru in sg?? or u wake up middle of the nite stone stone and turn to chn 23 or 24 instead?? hehe..
i watched the match in fb chn at 4am leh..
Yup, it was televised live on Ch27 ... Arsenal was a bit complacent, which is good.
So, I think the chap is not based in Sillypore lor. :rolleyes:
06-12-2007, 03:06 PM
Yup, it was televised live on Ch27 ... Arsenal was a bit complacent, which is good.
So, I think the chap is not based in Sillypore lor. :rolleyes:
know wat bro king,actually this game is none of my facking business..i sacrifice my sleep just wanna to see Arsenal drop points,hehe...
06-12-2007, 03:56 PM
know wat bro king,actually this game is none of my facking business... i sacrifice my sleep just wanna to see Arsenal drop points, hehe...
Hahaha ... same here.
When Arsenal scored within the first 5 minutes, I fell asleep within the next 5 minutes ... then miraculously, at the 85th minute, I woke up & "lun" until the end of the 95th minute.
All that a LFC die-hard would go through for his club. :D
Important thing is for LFC to get a result at Anfield against the Scums on 16 Dec, while Chelsea get a draw at the Emirates ... that would mean LFC will only be 5 points behind Arsenal with a game in hand, going into the series of festive fixtures.
Over the last decade or so, we have never managed to stay so close to the league leaders ... & we usually finish the season pretty strongly. So, my money is still on LFC to win the Premier League this season.
Keeping my fingers irreversibly crossed. :D
know wat bro king,actually this game is none of my facking business..i sacrifice my sleep just wanna to see Arsenal drop points,hehe...
haha...reading yr comment is like hitting the right nail. i sacrifice normal sleep hours just to watch Liverpool's opponents lose or draw. I know ManUtd and Arsenal Match had nothing to do with Liverpool, but I will be smiling just to see them lose points. "tong beh tiau" when ManUtd beat Fulham, but so happy happy when Arsenal draw this morning.
I m sure there are many Liverpool supporters like us who watch the non-Liverpool game with the hope Chelsea, arsenal & MU will draw if not lose.
When Bolton beat MU, I was more happy than Liverpool win against Newcastle. Cos, thatis a big & surprise upset. Totally unexpected result. Early Xmas gift to all Liverpool supporters........
06-12-2007, 09:06 PM
yes, yes, yes, Liverpool all the way!:D
06-12-2007, 11:37 PM
Ian Rush has paid two of Rafa Benitez's squad the ultimate compliment – comparing them to himself and Kenny Dalglish.
The goalscoring legend claims the sight of Steven Gerrard threading throughballs to Fernando Torres - as well as the pair's workrate - rolls back the years.
"I think Torres has been fantastic," said Rush. "The way he has been closing players down, that's what I like about him. People don't realise the work he does.
"Liverpool's midfielders and defenders must love him because he is making their job easier.
"It is a team game. Once the others see Torres doing that they do it as well.
"Gerrard also does that, Kenny Dalglish and myself did that.
"Steven Gerrard is such a great passer he will put the ball in the path of Torres. They are maybe on a better wavelength than other players because they are such quality players. I think they complement each other very well."
Liverpool remain unbeaten in the Barclays Premier League as they chase a first league title since 1990.
One stat worth noting is that only twice in the club's 18 title-winning seasons have they amassed more points at this stage of the season.
So what's changed since last year when Liverpool were effectively out of the championship race by Christmas?
For Rush the answer is easy: "The difference between this season and last season is Torres.
"He wasn't prolific in Spain but I think he has scored 11 in 17 now for Liverpool. To adapt so quickly has been fantastic.
"The goal against Chelsea was his best. It was his first goal and the way he clinically knocked it past Petr Cech - I think that gave him his confidence.
"When you look at that goal against Bolton he is making it look easy now - and it isn't very easy. I think he is filled with confidence now. He is big and strong.
"If he can get 20-25 goals a season - that is what they have been lacking - maybe we have a chance of winning it."
Rush worked under three of the greatest managers in Liverpool's history: Dalglish, Bob Paisley and Joe Fagan.
He's an open admirer of the current regime and believes Benitez is just one trophy away from standing alongside anyone in Anfield folklore.
"The supporters want to win the league and if Rafa can do that then you can start to compare him with Bill Shankly, Bob Paisley, Kenny Dalglish.
"They may not win the league but if you can go into the last month of the season with a chance of winning it I think supporters can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Quoted frm
06-12-2007, 11:41 PM
Steven Gerrard believes the combination of lethal finishing and hard work has made Fernando Torres one of the most 'frightening' strikers in the Premier League.
The skipper has been delighted by the way the Spaniard has adapted to life in England since his summer move from Atletico Madrid and revealed that it is is not just the forward's goals that have won him the admiration of his new teammates.
"Fernando is getting a lot of praise at the moment and rightly so because the way he has settled into English football has been amazing and the way he has played is frightening," said Gerrard.
"It can be difficult for players from abroad to settle into English football but at the moment Fernando looks like he's been playing here for years.
"Everyone is talking about the goals he has scored and the way he has scored them but I don't think we should lose sight of all the hard work he is putting in off the ball as well.
"He defends from the front and doesn't allow defenders to have a second on the ball. If they even think of dwelling on it he is on to them straight away.
"He is always looking to help the midfielders and the defenders and that makes a big difference.
"I've got to be honest, I'm made up to have him in our team."
In recent seasons the Reds have lacked the pace to seriously expose Premier League defences on a regular basis, but Gerrard reckons those days are now over, and is relishing the prospect of laying on more chances for 'El Nino' in the years to come.
"It is great to have someone who gives us that different option," he said. "Fernando loves running in behind defenders and that gives us the option of hitting him early before defences have even had a chance to react.
"He's had a great start to his career and long may it continue."
Quoted frm
IF you want to see what made Rafael Benitez smile :), visit and type ‘Mourinho Benitez Impressions’ in the search box.
09-12-2007, 03:43 AM
I told Rob Style was the worst referee we had this season...
Tonight's ref just show prove me wrong.. He was 10 times worse! :mad:
3 clear penalty denied!
It hurts to lose like that...but:
Let's give credit to Reading who are short of players and took revenge for the Carling Cup game.
I'm not happy with Rafa's attitude at all. Once again he gives a slap in the face to the travelling Pool supporters. Takes out Torres (OK, he's got a knock), Stevie and Carra (both saved for Marseillie) and basically throws the game at 3-1. Granted I can understand his frustration at the officiating but this is not the Liverpool way of doing things. I don't mind losing but certainly not without putting out the best team with the best chance of turning round the match. :mad:
09-12-2007, 09:10 AM
It hurts to lose like that...but:
Let's give credit to Reading who are short of players and took revenge for the Carling Cup game.
I'm not happy with Rafa's attitude at all. Once again he gives a slap in the face to the travelling Pool supporters. Takes out Torres (OK, he's got a knock), Stevie and Carra (both saved for Marseillie) and basically throws the game at 3-1. Granted I can understand his frustration at the officiating but this is not the Liverpool way of doing things. I don't mind losing but certainly not without putting out the best team with the best chance of turning round the match. :mad:
Beg to differ ... I was even expecting him to start with neither Gerrard nor Torres, simply becoz of the Marseille game.
It does tell you something when Hobbs was started, ahead of Hyypia (as I correctly predicted) ... even Coppell conceded that if he were in Rafa's shoes, he would also prioritise the following as such:
1) Marseille
2) Scums
3) Reading
Honestly, if LFC managed to beat both Marseille & Scums (but Reading) ... would it not be easier to swallow?
Or you mean you rather they wallop Reading but lose to Marseille & Scums ... ;)
Of course, getting beaten by another "crap team" (sent out by LFC) at home last time around stirred up everything they had in their groins ...
Surely, the ref screwed up by giving a penalty that wasn't (just like the time Reina was penalised for taking his drop-kick outside of the box) ... plus the ref screwed up more by denying LFC 3 other blatant penalties.
BUT, if Sissoko, Arbeloa & Voronin turned out to be your Top 3 players in that match ... you know there's gonna be no way your side will go away with another 3 points. :eek:
09-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Paul Hassall at the Madejski Stadium 08 December 2007
Rafa Benitez blamed a combination of poor refereeing and missed opportunities as Liverpool slumped to their first Premier League defeat of the season at Reading.
The hosts took the lead courtesy of a controversial Stephen Hunt penalty and after Steven Gerrard levelled for the Reds, they were denied a spot-kick of their own when Fernando Torres was brought down by Ibrahima Sonko.
It was a moment that Benitez felt turned the game as Reading went on to secure the points with second-half goals from Kevin Doyle and James Harper.
"I'm not happy with the decisions," said Benitez.
"But we also had chances that we didn't take and maybe that was the key."
"The difference was that one penalty was given and one was not. But we had the chances and we needed to take them, but in the end we didn't."
The Reds manager also defended his decision to substitute both Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard, admitting that with the Reds trailing late in the match, his thoughts had switched towards the key Champions League clash with Marseille on Tuesday.
"We were losing 3-1 and so I was trying to protect the key players for the next game," he said.
"We had quality on the bench and we tried to change things with different players who had pace.
"It is an important week for us now and we have the Champions League match to look forward to. We must approach it with confidence and try to win.
"Only then can we think about Manchester United because you know my idea is to take one game at a time. The target is now Marseille."
Well, some may think he's just being diplomatic or even finding excuses ... but seriously, a manager (especially not Rafa, especially when he's no longer the Yanks' blue-eyed boy) will not throw away a game ... furthermore, a manager can only do so much.
I honestly believe Rafa was of the opinion that playing most of his 2nd stringers would still overcome Reading at the Madjeski, especially since his other 2nd team did exactly that in the Carling Cup, earlier this season.
Again, as in the memorable Bury game, his players let him down on the pitch. :( :(
09-12-2007, 11:39 AM
I'd rather we lost to Reading than lose to the mancs or marseille...
And it's true, bro KingEros, the players sorta let Rafa down... granted though that the bloody ref was shite.... :mad:
Beg to differ ... I was even expecting him to start with neither Gerrard nor Torres, simply becoz of the Marseille game.
It does tell you something when Hobbs was started, ahead of Hyypia (as I correctly predicted) ... even Coppell conceded that if he were in Rafa's shoes, he would also prioritise the following as such:
1) Marseille
2) Scums
3) Reading
Honestly, if LFC managed to beat both Marseille & Scums (but Reading) ... would it not be easier to swallow?
Or you mean you rather they wallop Reading but lose to Marseille & Scums ... ;)
Bro, I'm not beating the old chestnut about what is more important, league or Europe. Neither am I denying that the officials once again had a horrid game of epic proportions.
My point is, having started with a strong team (it was not a crap team as Steve Copell put it) that could beat Reading, Rafa decided to throw the game at 3-1 down. He had given up. That's petulance and contempt for the game and for what Pool stands for. I will not be siding with Rafa on this one.
PS. If the consequences were not so dire, I would have been amused at the Fox Sports commentary (I watch online lah) - the Americans certainly like Pool, complimented them as the best passing team in England after Arse (bye bye Scum!) and lamented that we should have had 3 penalties in the game. ;)
09-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Yawnnn.................. Fools Make Me Sleepy!
Weak Weak Weak Lose 3-1 ??? Wtf! Buay Gan Pui
09-12-2007, 11:28 PM
My point is, having started with a strong team (it was not a crap team as Steve Copell put it) that could beat Reading, Rafa decided to throw the game at 3-1 down. He had given up. That's petulance and contempt for the game and for what Pool stands for. I will not be siding with Rafa on this one.
Yes, Rafa started with a team he thought was good enough to put Reading away at the Madjeski & pocket the 3 points ... whether it was a strong team (your thoughts) or a crap team (Coppell's & my thoughts), doesn't really matter.
That the team didn't pocket the 3 points (or even 1), I certainly dun think he was wrong to give up at 1-3 down ... making sure Gerrard & Carragher dun end up injured (or unfresh) for the Marseille game was of utmost importance.
For the record, at 1-2 down, he did put in Kewell for Torres to balance the team better for a 2nd equaliser ...
I thought it was a crap team Rafa put up becoz he played Torres, Crouch & Voronin in attack and Gerrard, Sissoko & Marscherano in midfield - think as hard as I could, but I still couldn't fathom here the crosses were gonna come from & how to play it down the middle on a narrow pitch like the Madjeskis??
Perhaps, I didn't see it as "petulence & contempt for the game" ... becoz I'm an advocate for "living to fight another day"??
Especially after running into the troops like Reading's ... or like tonight's Boro vs Gunners. When teams like theirs get an early break, it's really a very big motivation for them to suddenly all put in 120% on the pitch ... to ensure that they get to enjoy one of their rare wins. :D
09-12-2007, 11:39 PM
But i feel we must concentrate on wining instead of depending on others to slip up..
10-12-2007, 12:03 AM
But i feel we must concentrate on winning instead of depending on others to slip up...
IMHO, it just tells a lot on the competitiveness in the Premier League ... this is not a fluke (banana skin), as they also managed to pocket 1 single point at St James earlier this week.
What I am trying to say is ... you let your guard down for 1 week against any opposition, you lose ground. :eek:
This is why I have nothing against Rafa's rotation policy, amidst the barrage of criticisms from press & past players alike.
I buy his reason that it's his way of keeping everyone on their toes ... the singular onus being Rafa's ability to identify the best 11 on the day, afetr working them through at Melwood the week through. :cool:
11-12-2007, 02:36 PM
11-12-2007, 09:47 PM Benitez has backed Steven Gerrard to inspire another memorable European victory in Marseille.
The Spaniard admits Liverpool's recent good run has been in no small part down to the form of his number eight, who's bagged nine goals in 10 games.
Benitez is confident the skipper will continue his scoring spree in France and ensure the Reds are in the hat when the draw for the Champions League last 16 is made later this month.
He said: "If Stevie is playing well, we normally play better. He has been playing well for us in a lot of games now, that is clear.
"During that time we have been winning games and he has been scoring and creating goals. He is an important player for us."
Benitez also hinted Harry Kewell could be involved at the Stade Velodrome after missing out on a starting role against Reading.
"Harry is fit and doing well and he could be involved," he said. -liverpoolfctv
a) They win by any score in Marseille. In the group stages head to head record takes precedence. A 1-0 win for Liverpool would mean the two sides have the same head-to-head record, so it would go down to goal difference. Liverpool's is better than the French side's.
b) If Besiktas win in Porto, a Marseille-Liverpool draw would also see the Reds progress, along with Besiktas. Porto, Liverpool and Marseille would all have eight points, Marseille's head to head is better than Liverpool's, but Porto's head to head is better than Marseille's - so goal difference would again come into the equation and Liverpool have the best goal difference in Group A.
-liverpoolfctv Fernando Torres has no intention of allowing his dream of playing on Europe's top stage come to a premature end.
The Spain international is enjoying what is his first season in the Champions League and is determined to ensure his adventure continues into the New Year.
"For us, this match is the match of the season so far," said Torres ahead of tonight's Group A decider in Marseille. "Victory or being knocked out will all be decided in 90 minutes.
"We know we are playing for our future in Europe, but the team is optimistic and I believe we will get through into the knockout rounds."
The 23-year-old, a revelation since joining the Reds in a record transfer deal during the summer, admits that he's tuned into some of Liverpool's classic European encounters to provide inspiration for the clash in the Stade Velodrome.
"In the last months I have looked at some videos of the big historical Liverpool games with the big stars from the club," he said. "We need this same spirit to win in Marseille.
"If we are out of the Champions League, then the players will be the ones to blame. This is evident.
"We all know this match is not easy, but I believe Liverpool will be able to win in France. It will take a lot of effort.
"I have always wanted to play in Europe, so if I can score the winner in this game and help get us through then it will be fantastic for me and Liverpool.
"I always dreamed of playing in the Champions League final stages and I want to do that with Liverpool now.
"Marseille have a little advantage as they are at home, but we want to get revenge for the defeat at Anfield." -liverpoolfctv Ryan Babel insists there is more to come from both him and Liverpool this season as the Reds prepare for the all-or-nothing Champions League clash with Marseille tonight.
The Dutch forward endured a mixed start to his Anfield career but has recently begun to flourish, scoring four goals in six matches as Rafa Benitez's men have recaptured their form.
He is keen to build on his progress and is confident he can add to his tally as he slowly adapts to life in England.
"I'm still learning and now the team is playing much better than a few months ago," he said.
"So it is easier to develop and in time I think there will be more to come from me.
"In Ajax we played 4-3-3 and I was a left winger. But here we play 4-4-2 and there is more defending to do, so that part in the beginning was a little bit difficult. I am doing better now but there is still some things I need to improve and I talk about this with the manager."
The 20-year-old, who celebrates his birthday on December 19, came off the bench to hit two goals in the 8-0 victory over Besiktas on Matchday four of the Champions League, and while he admits the Reds have made life difficult for themselves in Group A, he is confident they can put it right with a win in Marseille.
"We have to win so it is important that we prepare right for the game and I think we will be alright," he continued.
"I think when you play at Anfield you have a better feeling as the home team and that's why it was disappointing that we lost to Marseille at home. We know the situation now, so we'll go for it.
"If we win against Marseille I hope there is more to come from us. We started badly and now it is much better so I think we can grow in the tournament and if we get the right result against Marseille then in the next round it will be a different Liverpool."
It was in Europe's premier competition that Babel began his recent purple patch in front of goal, a double that included a wonderful back-heel flick reminiscent of the great John Barnes.
He admits the strike has given him the confidence to add to his tally and has even set himself a target for the season.
"I think eight out of 10 players would have tried it," he says modestly.
"That's because it was the only option. But it was a nice goal to score and gives me confidence that I hope to build upon.
"I hope I reach 10 Premier League goals. I'm now on three, so I will have to get seven more. If I can get even more than that it, then it would be a very good first season for me." -liverpoolfctv
12-12-2007, 04:46 AM
No comments as at this time ... means nobody stayed up to watch??
Anyways, brilliant blitzkrieg start ... & lucky Gerrard, who needed a second chance before slotting in the penalty.
Wonderful individual brilliance by Torres to calmly tread the ball into the bottom corner for the second.
Let's hope there's no nasty surprise from this Nasri boy ... :D
12-12-2007, 04:53 AM
Liverpool have become our way of life, how can the die hard fans not stay up to watch ? together with many many red devils fans :D
we are 3 up....:)
so to the one who zap me...
so tis time u going to zap me for Off Topic Discussion......!!!
or u coming out with another X-cus.....
Tanjong Pager REBORN -... 12-12-2007 04:42 AM Off Topic Discussion!!!
12-12-2007, 05:58 AM
Torres's beautiful goal,enjoy
12-12-2007, 05:59 AM
SHIT! ..... Babel just cost me 750 bucks :(
Had $50 on Liverpool winning 3-0 (at $1 : $15)
Still was a good win from the Reds...... hopefully they can repaet the performance this weekend against the Devils.
bro snakehead
12-12-2007, 06:28 AM
Well taken goal frm el nino...:p
Next stop....
Man Utd :):D
12-12-2007, 06:39 AM
what a great performance, the match was practically over in the first half...
obviously, UEFA will go thru the videos and check to see if this is a kelong match..
Our fantastic captain Steven Gerrard leads by example.
Quote "Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard believes a 'cup final' mentality helped the Reds into the knockout stages of the Champions League."
Hope we can repeat this performance against the Devils this weekend and continue from here....
Go Reds Go, Go Go Go
Many must be asking Y Liverpool's shirts r missing d sponsor's "CARLSBERG" name.
It's to comply with "French law" on advertising alcohol. too MANY MUSLIMS IN FRANCE, THAT FORCE ENFORCING THAT LAW. Let's hear no more about it.
4 - nil. Good WIN !!! :D
Congratulation to Liverpool & to all supporters.
I particularly like that 2nd Torres goal, beating a packed penalty box. Easily 5 defenders trying to crowd out Torres but his sublime skills really is mesmerising to watch. Good pass from Kewell thou Torres. After the goal, Liverpool a bit defensive & trying to hit on the break.
Now, d knock-out stage.
The draw for the knockout stage is on Friday 21 December - which is also the day of the winter solstice as I'm sure you're aware. As it stands, Liverpool will play one of the teams finishing top of their group. Three English teams will sit on the top of the table of their respective groups (Arsenal, Chelsea, ManUtd). Liverpool can't face another English opposition; ...... so could face the likes of AC Milan, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Inter Milan (?)etc. ... :eek:
Facing Barcelona or Real Madrid look like a Titan clash indeed, lots of publicity.
Rafa Benitez seem always perform better tactically against Spanish team; compare to facing Italian team. But then Liverpool beat Juventus in 2004/05; Barcelona 2006/07........
So, who you fancy Liverpool next opponent on te 1st "KNOCK-OUT" stage in January?
12-12-2007, 06:58 AM
So, who you fancy Liverpool next opponent on te 1st "KNOCK-OUT" stage in January?
i would like to see them vs sevilla :)
Liverpool now await the draw on December 21 knowing they'll face either Seville, Real Madrid, Inter, AC Milan or Barcelona.
Sissoko angered by Reds axeMidfielder hints at January exit
By Patrick Haond Last updated: 11th December 2007
Liverpool midfielder Mohamed Sissoko has hit out at manager Rafael Benitez and hinted he could be set to leave Anfield in January.
Sissoko has been left out of the Reds' squad for their crucial UEFA Champions League showdown against Marseille at the Stade Velodrome.
The Mali international, who started his career with Auxerre, has made just one appearance in the Anfield outfit's group stage fixtures, the 1-0 home defeat by the French side.
Former Valencia player Sissoko insists he plans to hold talks with Benitez once the transfer window opens and wants to be a regular in the first-team.
He told radio station RMC: "I am really mad. The match is played in France, all my family is there and wanted to see me on the pitch.
"I respect that choice, but we will talk in January. "That is quite a long time for me to ask myself the question (about leaving). I am not attracted to play one match in five.
12-12-2007, 09:30 AM
So, who you fancy Liverpool next opponent on te 1st "KNOCK-OUT" stage in January?
We are giants as well.... Why should we avoid who and who?
At this stage, all are good teams...
So let the other 'giants' sweat about drawing Liverpool in the next round instead!! :D
We are giants as well.... Why should we avoid who and who?
At this stage, all are good teams...
So let the other 'giants' sweat about drawing Liverpool in the next round instead!! :D
YE!!!!!! I definitely agree with yr s/ment.......Liverpool is an "European Giant" too. Dun forget, 5 times Champion of Europe. The 3rd most successful winner of the Champion Leage. Only Real Madrid (10 times) and AC Milan (7 times) won more Champion League title than our beloved Liverpool. Liverpool is far stronger as team & superior individually compare to 2004/05 season.
Right now most managers r fearful to be drawn against Liverpool then Rafa Benitez against them. Liverpool always plays better facing the giant than lighweight opponents during knock-out. For example, last year they were knock-out by Portuguese team.
While Sevilla look the weakest among the potential group winners, I would look forward to "Liverpool - Real Madrid Clash". That is as good as "Cup Final", the match the whole world will look forward with greatest interest. Real Madrid has far too many "galacticos" or superstars. Will be interesting to watch. I hate those ridicule comments by MU or Chelsea supporters comment abt Liverpool beating lightweight teams only. Just like last season, Liverpool beat two favorites, BARCELONA & CHELSEA,...they recived so much rave review but unfortunately stumbles on last hurdle against AC Milan.
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
Milan of course ;)
12-12-2007, 01:03 PM
[QUOTE=lls8;2452838]YE!!!!!! I definitely agree with yr s/ment.......Liverpool is an "European Giant" too. Dun forget, 5 times Champion of Europe. The 3rd most successful winner of the Champion Leage. Only Real Madrid (10 times) and AC Milan (7 times) won more Champion League title than our beloved Liverpool. Liverpool is far stronger as team & superior individually compare to 2004/05 season.
Also not to forget we got ban from europe for 10 season,if not because of this we should have win more..
12-12-2007, 01:52 PM
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
For sweet vengeance, of course Liverpool v Milan would be the tie I want.
However, I also agree that Sevilla would be the easiest of the lot there ... sure, I have no fear if the match is gonna be played before X'mas but the fact remains that the knock-out stage wun start until after the continental winter break in Feb. So, what form would we be in by then?
Lastly, it's also important which other major powers LFC end up together in the same half of the draw. Keeping my fingers crossed until this Fri. :D
12-12-2007, 02:38 PM
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
i would love to avenge the lost last season against AC, and hope to avoid Inter.....they are on a roll......and still got players who are out injury, if not wrong......
12-12-2007, 03:39 PM
Any Team oso can la...reds hot fav..they shd scare reds..Dun wan AC Milan..too early to knock them out..Wan final again them and have our revenge!:cool:
>>>this is some response from fan poll among Liverpool Supporters in UK. Wish to share with brothers here. :D
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
Jimmy Rice 12 December 2007
Liverpool fans want their side to be drawn against AC Milan in the Champions League second round.
A majority of supporters who posted on our message boards earlier today said they'd relish the chance to avenge last season's defeat in Athens.
Inter and Real Madrid were also popular choices, though surprisingly fans don't seem as keen on a trip to Seville.
Not one poster at the time of writing plumped for a tie against the only other team the Reds could face - Barcelona.
Here's a selection of views posted ahead of the draw on December 21:
Robbie1983 says:
Sevilla are probably the weakest out of the lot but I'm not worried about any team, to be honest. None of the group winners will want to get us, though.
Dantd says:
AC Milan, for me, because revenge is due and because their domestic form has been so poor of late.
Roadsweeper says:
Facing Barcelona is not something I'd choose now that they have Thierry Henry. Henry has a history of playing well against us and has bettered both Carragher and Agger in the past. Beating AC Milan would give the players a great feeling and it seems that they are weaker this year than last. However, they really know how to play in Europe and are still capable of beating anyone.
Em-inleam says:
We struggle against the lesser sides as we underestimate them. If we draw a big team then it would maybe be to our benefit as it'll raise our level. So, for me, it has to be AC Milan.
Vern says:
We've beaten Barcelona in the Nou Camp and held Juve to a draw on their own turf. We can beat any team in Europe on our day so let's not vote who we would like, but let's ask the five teams left who wants to play us! Bet they all so no.
Fernandothe kid says:
Either Milan or Inter. Should get flights there easy enough or a few days in Spain would be nice, too. Not really worried about who we get. After our last three games in Europe nobody will want to play us!
The12thman says:
Let's do Inter and get some long overdue revenge for Shankly's boys of '65.
NOTE: Barcelonna, Inter NEVER have good record in Europen Cup/Champions League.
Which team should Liverpool fear most in the Champion League Second Round? (as of 13 Dec 2007)
Barcelona - 26%
Real Madrid - 21%
Inter Milan - 16%
AC Milan - 33%
Sevilla - 4%
(Polls conducted online by ESPN Soccernation)
Jimmy Rice 12 December 2007
Fernando Torres admits he'd relish the chance to face Real Madrid in the last 16 of the Champions League. The Spaniard is a boyhood fan of Real's arch rivals, Atletico Madrid, and would love to put one over Bernd Schuster's side.
Torres said: "I hope that we draw Real Madrid, that would be a great tie. We have a chance to play a team from Spain or Italy, but playing Madrid would be really good.
"It would be better to play a Spanish side than an Italian one, although it would not be bad to meet Milan and gain some revenge for the final last season. "It can be a Spanish or Italian team. All the teams are strong and to finish second is not the best.
"But it is all the same really, as we know that the level will be very high.
"Sevilla in the Champions League have been strong and Madrid and Barcelona are teams that aspire to winning the whole competition."
Premier League Liverpool
by Killer_Silver_Bullet 11 December 2007
Bolo Zenden : "Benitez is good at eliminating the opponents' strengths and exploiting the weaknesses. The great example of that was Daniel Agger's goal in the Champions League semi-final last season.
Benitez's rotation system policy, also considers computer analysis of players' fitness".
Now you know why pundits never give us credit for winning saying the opposition just happened to play poorly! tired of these incompetent, computer and science illiterate experts and pundits drumming out the same insipid blind analysis of our tactics on MOTD.
Paul Tompkins should be the man for MOTD all the time.
How come they quiet on zonal marking?
Most of the goals we've conceded so far have been due to bad refereeing. How come we've been scoring high with rotation?
How come manure and arsenal cant cope with rotation but raffa does?
Reason is that he knows what he's doing. These are modern methods that the epl managers will one day start to copy bcoz Rafa is upgrading the game here. From our old NAIVE pass and move of the 80s (which is where arsenal's are at and therefore outdated bcoz the game is faster, mor physical and more defenive), to pass and move in dynamic balance with defensive astuteness and scientific managment(what Rafa is working on). Dont be surprised if we do the quadruple this season my fellow Mighty Reds.
Who do you want in second roundEuropean Football Liverpool
by BigKop 11 December 2007
I'm delighted we're through to the next round, even more delighted that we finish second, that means we get one of the big boys who won their group. Real, Barca, Inter, Milan and Sevilla.
I know most of the Liverpool fans would have liked if we finished on top of the group and played a runner up but not me. To show the rest of the world just how good we are we must show them by winning against the best and we are more than good enough to beat any team in europe. Liverpool have proved it in the past 2 or 3 years by beating the like of Juventus, Barca, Chelsea, Milan.
I would love a second round match against real madrid, :p two games with two of the most historical teams in two of the worlds best stadiums with two of the worlds best supporters against each other. now that would be a game.
Come on you reds.
I'm excited about the 2nd Round
European Football Liverpool
by JavierAlonso 11 December 2007
I'm always excited at the prospect of Liverpool playing one of the biggest teams and, we will be playing against one of the European giants.
I always feel that Liverpool play a lot better WHEN we they're not fancied, and they're not always great as favourites e.g. We knocked out Barcelona last year but got knocked out by Benfica the year before, but it's not just about results. I always feel that Liverpool up their game against the top sides and are less convincing against teams we're supposed to beat.
Just think, (as long as they avoid a Scottish side) while Man Utd and Chelsea get drawn against, say, Olympiakos, Rosenborg, Fernebache or Roma, Liverpool will be the ones thrust into the limelight as they play what would most likely be the tie of the round. Only problem is, if Arsenal finish 2nd in their group they may steal the limelight.
I'd like to avoid AC Milan though, more for the hype that would surround the match than anything else.
comment by I've_Been_Tackled_By_Mascherano
I'd like to avoid AC Milan to be honest. We're developing a nice little rivalry with them. I'd like to play Barcelona in all fairness, they haven't looked their sharpest as of lately and look to be scraping wins. Real Madrid or Inter will do me fine either way.
comment by skyred5
none of them, the milans, barca or madrid will want to face us over 2 legs, we fear no one in this comp. And roll on sunday, cant wait
comment by Face_laverne
Yeah it's gonna be a juicy tie no matter who we get by the sounds of it.
If I had to pick one of the big four that i would prefer us to get, it would be Real Madrid, simply because they have the weakest defence out of those. I would ignore AC Milan's poor league form because we know more than anyone else what they are capable of in the CL. :p
I wouldn't mind Inter either as we've hardly played them recently.
13-12-2007, 02:36 PM
Premier League Liverpool
by Killer_Silver_Bullet 11 December 2007
Reason is that he knows what he's doing. These are modern methods that the epl managers will one day start to copy bcoz Rafa is upgrading the game here. From our old NAIVE pass and move of the 80s (which is where arsenal's are at and therefore outdated bcoz the game is faster, mor physical and more defenive), to pass and move in dynamic balance with defensive astuteness and scientific managment(what Rafa is working on). Dont be surprised if we do the quadruple this season my fellow Mighty Reds.
me like this fellow statement...logic :D
13-12-2007, 03:52 PM
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ???
me pefer sevilla, real mad n inter ... think dey r nt dat strong ... :p
oso can't remember wen last played dem ... like 2 hv sumthing diff ...
13-12-2007, 09:44 PM
For sweet vengeance, of course Liverpool v Milan would be the tie I want.
However, I also agree that Sevilla would be the easiest of the lot there ... sure, I have no fear if the match is gonna be played before X'mas but the fact remains that the knock-out stage wun start until after the continental winter break in Feb. So, what form would we be in by then?
Lastly, it's also important which other major powers LFC end up together in the same half of the draw. Keeping my fingers crossed until this Fri. :D
in top form as usual,if u go by the the last 2 seasons we seem to be hitting top form during this period of time,sevilla the easiest i beg to differ cos they gonna make life difficult for most teams,they r pretty gd in knockout stages.
13-12-2007, 09:46 PM
Sissoko angered by Reds axeMidfielder hints at January exit
By Patrick Haond Last updated: 11th December 2007
Liverpool midfielder Mohamed Sissoko has hit out at manager Rafael Benitez and hinted he could be set to leave Anfield in January.
Sissoko has been left out of the Reds' squad for their crucial UEFA Champions League showdown against Marseille at the Stade Velodrome.
The Mali international, who started his career with Auxerre, has made just one appearance in the Anfield outfit's group stage fixtures, the 1-0 home defeat by the French side.
Former Valencia player Sissoko insists he plans to hold talks with Benitez once the transfer window opens and wants to be a regular in the first-team.
He told radio station RMC: "I am really mad. The match is played in France, all my family is there and wanted to see me on the pitch.
"I respect that choice, but we will talk in January. "That is quite a long time for me to ask myself the question (about leaving). I am not attracted to play one match in five.
if i was rafa i wld let him go,recover some money n sign mash on a long term deal.:D
13-12-2007, 09:48 PM
YE!!!!!! I definitely agree with yr s/ment.......Liverpool is an "European Giant" too. Dun forget, 5 times Champion of Europe. The 3rd most successful winner of the Champion Leage. Only Real Madrid (10 times) and AC Milan (7 times) won more Champion League title than our beloved Liverpool. Liverpool is far stronger as team & superior individually compare to 2004/05 season.
Right now most managers r fearful to be drawn against Liverpool then Rafa Benitez against them. Liverpool always plays better facing the giant than lighweight opponents during knock-out. For example, last year they were knock-out by Portuguese team.
While Sevilla look the weakest among the potential group winners, I would look forward to "Liverpool - Real Madrid Clash". That is as good as "Cup Final", the match the whole world will look forward with greatest interest. Real Madrid has far too many "galacticos" or superstars. Will be interesting to watch. I hate those ridicule comments by MU or Chelsea supporters comment abt Liverpool beating lightweight teams only. Just like last season, Liverpool beat two favorites, BARCELONA & CHELSEA,...they recived so much rave review but unfortunately stumbles on last hurdle against AC Milan.
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
does t matter who we face,cos we gonna kick some ass.let the other clubs worry abt us.:D
13-12-2007, 09:58 PM
Premier League Liverpool
by Killer_Silver_Bullet 11 December 2007
Bolo Zenden : "Benitez is good at eliminating the opponents' strengths and exploiting the weaknesses. The great example of that was Daniel Agger's goal in the Champions League semi-final last season.
Benitez's rotation system policy, also considers computer analysis of players' fitness".
Now you know why pundits never give us credit for winning saying the opposition just happened to play poorly! tired of these incompetent, computer and science illiterate experts and pundits drumming out the same insipid blind analysis of our tactics on MOTD.
Paul Tompkins should be the man for MOTD all the time.
How come they quiet on zonal marking?
Most of the goals we've conceded so far have been due to bad refereeing. How come we've been scoring high with rotation?
How come manure and arsenal cant cope with rotation but raffa does?
Reason is that he knows what he's doing. These are modern methods that the epl managers will one day start to copy bcoz Rafa is upgrading the game here. From our old NAIVE pass and move of the 80s (which is where arsenal's are at and therefore outdated bcoz the game is faster, mor physical and more defenive), to pass and move in dynamic balance with defensive astuteness and scientific managment(what Rafa is working on). Dont be surprised if we do the quadruple this season my fellow Mighty Reds.
spot on bro,very intresting indeed,nobody seems to be grumbling whenever we win.he was hammered when he took off sg,el nino n carra,now they say good tactical move,i think rafa felt his team was good enough to win at reading but things did not go our way.
13-12-2007, 10:04 PM
Liverpool have become our way of life, how can the die hard fans not stay up to watch ? together with many many red devils fans :D
liverpool our way of life,its more than that bro:D
14-12-2007, 12:35 AM
Potential First Knock-Out Stage of
Champion League
a) Liverpool - Sevilla
b) Liverpool - Real Madrid
c) Liverpool - AC Milan
d) Liverpool - Inter Milan
e) Liverpool - Barcelona
So which one you guys fancy ??? :) :D
Ok bro,maybe i make a prediction on the 1st knock-out stage fixtures before the draw,see zun or not ya..:D
15-12-2007, 07:00 PM
Anybody going down to Hard Rock Cafe to catch the game ??
I looking for kakis....
Any takers ??
Ok bro,maybe i make a prediction on the 1st knock-out stage fixtures before the draw,see zun or not ya..:D
> > > If your prediction come true, ARSENAL will take away some spotlight on Liverpool match then....:D
> > > The 3 main spotlight will be on popularity might be:
1) Liverpool v Real Madrid > Liverpool to win
2) Arsenal v Barcelona > Barcelona to win
3) Chelsea v Roma > Chelsea to win
Actually I would prefer the "scum(MU) versus Fenerbache", cos no one will pay attention to that tie.
I think yr prediction possiblilities is very high. I m hoping to see Real facing Liverpool. The whole world will look out for this tie as well. Torres for sure will put one away. Rafa will also want to upstage his old club against Bernd Schuster. :p
John Arne Riise is on his way to Aston Villa if not in January then in the Summer. This is to help raise funds for Javier Mascherano and free up space on the Wings for Ryan Bable and Emiliano Insua a promising youngster in the Reserves.
Expect Momo Sissoko to leave as he has moved down the pecking order with Lucas making leaps and bounds in the first team.
Voronin might be sold next summer to raise cash.
Expect Jermain Pennant to Leave the club next summer also.
Herenveen for Afonso Alves
> > > If Liverpool sells Voronin, should try to sign Afonso Alves from Herenveen in Holland. Read he was Rafa target last summer. Manchester City had offered 5m pound to guy Afonso.
> > > Luckily Rafa didnt sign Darren Bent (Charlton). He is struggling at Spurs now. Small fish can't survive in big pond !!
Celtic to sign Anton Ferdinand in January for 4 million pound to bolster defence for champions league. Also Maloney and Mcfadden are coming to Parkhead. Glory days at Parkhead
>>> Just 5m Pound.....? Then Liverpool should consider buying Anton Ferdinand. In fact he was under Rafa radar about 2 years ago. But read he had some attitude problems.
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar & Miguel Veloso to join ManUtd before the start of next season with brown, saha and possibly carrick departing .... ??
Sir Alex Ferguson will swoop for Miguel Veloso in the January transfer window. It is reported he will cost the club round about 10 million pounds. SAF hopes to sign the Portuguese international for his versatility and he's expected to provide cover in midfield, at centre back and left-back (he has a good left foot). The club are not expected to sign any new strikers, with Sir Alex wishing to wait on the Luis Saha injury situation until the summer, and the emergence of youngster Danny Welbeck.
Wes Brown will leave the club in January for Newcastle, Everton or Aston Villa for a fee of around 5 million pounds.
Liverpool have already agreed a deal for Macherano, only the fee being ironed out but should be 13.5 million pounds.
Australian's Harry Kewell is being offered a new 3 year contract to which he's expected to sign.
Garray is the C/B Rafa wants but the £13+ million fee is a problem so expect Scott Carson and Sissoko to be sold to raise the funds.
Peter Crouch is staying.....for now and at least till the end of the season. No other big signings will be made but a couple of younger players will be joining to boost the reserves and under 18's.
....some latest news leak from Anfield, here's the latest.
Sissoko & Voronin are off to Juventus in part of a deal with David Trézéguet coming to Anfield maybe in Jan or summer window.
Also Lucas Leiva is going to Pompey on loan for three months. And it's been heard that Raúl Meireles is on it's way to Liverpool to solve the winger problem that is there.
> > Weird rumours ! Why Juventus wan to buy Voronin (an Anfield flops) !! Maybe Juventus might buy Sissoko to solve their defensive midfield area.
Lucas Leiva going to Portsmouth didnt look likely possibility. No such thing as 3 months loan, senior player loan usually is 6 months or one year.
Hope Liverpool can go & get classy players like David Villa (25m pounds..?? :p ).
Afonso Alves might cost only 5-8m pounds but NOT sure he can get a work permit as he is not in Brazil national squad yet.
Quaresma (Porto) look a classy player who can dribbles & score goals while playing along the flanks; comparable to C. Ronaldo (MU) but might be expensive.
I would love Daniel Alves in Liverpool, a long term Rafa target (last time only 12m pounds, but now mayb plus another 3m pound). Alves can play as RB or RM, a good replacement for Steve Finnan (31 yrs already)
I would really love to see Liverpool buy B]Micah Richards (ManCity) [/B]who can play as right-back & centreback, where Liverpool lack reinforcement NOW & near future; with both slow & ageing players in Sami Hyppia and Jamie Carragher (31 yrs); as long term replacement. He is an English player. Future player to partner Daniel Agger (22 yrs) with Jack Hobbs (19 yrs) (another one of the future). Micah Richards is only 21 years old.
If Liverpool can get four of these five players mentioned, I dare to put a bet on Liverpool winning EPL &/or Champions League or even both.
Another 2 "world Class" players I like very much to see them in Liverpool's jersey are KAKA (but he mentioned his preference for ManUtd once b4) and Ronaldinho (who prefer Chelsea for money as main reason). I know the chance of this two players joining Liverpool is almost an impossible possibility. Too expensive for Liverpool. Only Chelsea or ManUtd can afford them in England.
Benitez on the brink:
American owners gamble by warning Liverpool boss he can't have any money for new players
16 Dec 2007
Liverpool's American owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, will today take a huge gamble by telling manager Rafael Benitez he has no money for the January transfer window.
The multi-millionaires will break the news to Benitez at long-awaited showdown talks after Liverpool’s crunch Premier League clash with Manchester United at Anfield. :mad:
REF: Daily News, UK
16-12-2007, 07:28 AM
In the UCL,our fav top goal machine has voiced out that he is desperate for Liverpool to draw his old adversaries Real Madrid in the knockout stages of the Champions League.
Liverpool is expected to draw either Real Madrid,Barcelona,Sevilla,AC Milan or Inter Milan in the last 16.
read that the new Anfield stadium plan at Stanley Park is now in disarray due to sky-rocketing cost.
from 80m pound it increase to 250m pounds last year.
the latest forecast based on the new stadium plan, the cost had snowballed to like 450m ponds. :mad:
seem like the owner is reviewing whether to downsize the capacity below 60,000 instead of the 80,000 capacity that they planned now, despite the project being approved last month by Liverpool City Council.
dun know if the owners are making up story to sell the club o DIC (Dubai) at a profit. Tom Hicks valued the club at 1.0 billion pounds now, from the 415m pounds they bought last year. So they are making 100% profit then? This is real investors!
I work so hard like "ai si beh si" even to make a meagre S$60,000 per annum (b4 tax). Should be better we become investors then....mayb asked if Elton John wanna sell Watford FC... :p. Then sell it to Russian billionaire or Arab sheiks after 12-24 months at 100% profits.
read that the new Anfield stadium plan at Stanley Park is now in disarray due to sky-rocketing cost.
At the time you posted, Rick Parry's response has been released.
16-12-2007, 12:52 PM
thanks fellow Kop for those updates...
tonight, we will surely going to win....
Go Reds Go !
Dirk Kuyt
16-12-2007, 04:05 PM
....mayb asked if Elton John wanna sell Watford FC...
Ms Ethan Johnny no longer owns Watford FC :D
16-12-2007, 09:43 PM
match started liao, so far so good...
16-12-2007, 10:33 PM
attack attack, so may chances but cannot get a goal...
in the end, from a corner, Tevez scored a lucky goal...
look at the statistics of shooting, same old story...
dominating but cannot get a goal and in the end, opponent strikes...
come on Reds !!!
16-12-2007, 10:34 PM
Haizzz ...
Why do these lucky bastards never run out of luck??
Totally against the run of play ... & 1 bloody soft goal!!
45 minutes more ... let's see some character now.
HAIYO...why tonight most reliable Liverpool players all off-form.
Torres hardly had a sniff at the goal. :mad:
Kuyt first touch is so bad.
Gerrard is not so commanding.
Kewell & Benayoun did nothing much on the flanks.
But I guess the Scum midfielder & defence played rather well tactically.
Torres is hardly in the game.
But then Ronaldo is also hardly involved.
Ronaldo play damn well today, with that sucker pass to Tevez. :(
Look like scum is going to keep the title is they play at this same level as tonight.
Liverpool best hope again is Champion League, FA CUP and League Cup again...?
Liverpool need to sort out their strike-force this January window. Torres alone is not enuf, in case he has his off-day. At least the scum has Ronaldo, Rooney, Tevez & Saha, all capable of scoring goals, whereas Liverpool depend heavily on Torres alone.
Bad day & sad day till the next match. Whenever scum wins, it hurts me for a few days..........!!!
17-12-2007, 12:52 AM
No passion, no idea in attack, no passing.. Nothing!
1 of the poor performance this season... Crappy to be more harsh...
We have yet to win the other big 4, and all the games are at home...
17-12-2007, 02:41 AM
1 silly mistake by ze rite postman ... :(
17-12-2007, 02:59 AM
Haizzz ...
Why do these lucky bastards never run out of luck??
Totally against the run of play ... & 1 bloody soft goal!!
45 minutes more ... let's see some character now.
pls dun be a sore loser like we know u are hehe.. luck? i guess u need it more and look at the chances ur team had... how many chances do a team need to score a goal? 20 ? 50? 80? LOL... Top teams punished u for it
ur comments made me rofl sometimes :)
No passion, no idea in attack, no passing.. Nothing!
1 of the poor performance this season... Crappy to be more harsh...
We have yet to win the other big 4, and all the games are at home...
u sum it up.. pool still not up there
17-12-2007, 03:19 AM
HAIYO...why tonight most reliable Liverpool players all off-form.
Torres hardly had a sniff at the goal. :mad:
Kuyt first touch is so bad.
Gerrard is not so commanding.
Kewell & Benayoun did nothing much on the flanks.
Liverpool need to sort out their strike-force this January window. Torres alone is not enuf, in case he has his off-day. At least the scum has Ronaldo, Rooney, Tevez & Saha, all capable of scoring goals, whereas Liverpool depend heavily on Torres alone.
Bad day & sad day till the next match. Whenever scum wins, it hurts me for a few days..........!!!
Yes bro,i agree of wat u said..
1st touch was bad,not only kuyt
Gerrard dont perform,no one able to turn the game ard
defend against set piece..thats how we lost the game
obviously,we need some world class flanks player who is technically sound wif pace and penetration run.
btw,i was zap fr 1 of the unname and unknown supporter by calling scum scum..this was like hitting under the belt.
obviously,we need some world class flanks player who is technically sound wif pace and penetration run.
Why is it that everytime we lose the first response is to go out there and buy success? When does it stop?
I will put aside being a Pool fan for now and say this - this is the state of football today. It is not a Pool problem but a universal problem. You can win a game with a piece of luck no matter how hard your opponent tries. And truth be told Scum have had it handed to them in Europe many times. Football today is hit and run, smash and grab. Defence over attack, teamwork over individual brilliance. We can't complain cos we are part of the problem in the way we play under Rafa (and previously Houllier). The epic stories that football used to tell may soon dry up.
Someday maybe we will all give up on the game. Except for the glory-hunters.
17-12-2007, 10:40 PM
Look like scum is going to keep the title is they play at this same level as tonight.....
There's no rivalry here in SBF between Man U fans and Liverpool fans, we are all grown ups, please dun post any childish comments here ya? dun be a loser and starts cursing other team.
Good game for both teams, Man U was lucky to get the 3 points :)
18-12-2007, 09:40 AM
Hyypia refuses to throw towel in
Veteran Sami Hyypia has denied Liverpool are now facing mission impossible in the title race following Sunday's defeat by Manchester United.
The Reds started the campaign with high hopes of ending their 17-year championship drought and despite some inconsistent form on home soil were well placed to make their move until 10 days ago.
Although Rafael Benitez's side have secured a financially imperative place in the knock-out phase of the Champions League, the outstanding four-goal win in Marseille has been sandwiched by the loss of Liverpool's unbeaten Premier League record at Reading and yet another defeat to United at Anfield.
The latest loss against their fierce rivals - their fifth in six seasons - has left the Merseyside giants nine points behind United and 10 adrift of leaders Arsenal.
Admittedly, Liverpool do have a game in hand but, after picking up just two points in three meetings with their fellow 'Big Four' members this term, the evidence is not pointing towards the end of that long wait for a 19th title.
Nevertheless, Hyypia is refusing to be downcast.
The Finland star is convinced Liverpool proved they were United's equals.
And, while he accepts his team-mates have a lot to do in order to haul themselves back into contention, Hyypia believes they are up to the task.
"It is not the end of the world," he said. "Of course, if you think about 10 points it is quite a lot but I don't believe it is a major obstacle to clear and it is certainly not impossible.
"It would have been an important game to win but we didn't manage it, so we have to remained focused on each individual game and see where we are in May."
For the second season running, Liverpool were undone by a set piece, fatally failing to pick up Wayne Rooney on the edge of the area when Ryan Giggs took a corner and then leaving Carlos Tevez on his own too as he turned home the England striker's shot.
It is the kind of mistake that Benitez must eradicate if his team are to stand a chance of getting themselves back into the championship fight, although Hyypia feels there are plenty of positives to draw from the defeat as well.
"Manchester United achieved what they came for; a clean sheet and they also managed to sneak a goal," he said. "But there were lots of positives for us too."
The worry for Liverpool fans is that while Arsenal, Chelsea and, now, United have all been to Anfield, they are still to play away from home against any of their major rivals.
Hyypia acknowledges it is imperative to inflict some damage when the Merseysiders go on their travels and is optimistic they can do just that.
"Our away form has been better than the home form so I am confident we will get something out of those games away," he said.
"The matches against the other teams in the big four are very important. We have to catch them and we know for sure if we win those games our rivals cannot get any points."
Ironically, Liverpool face one of their major rivals on Wednesday when they visit Chelsea looking to book a place in the Carling Cup semi-finals.
The Reds have enjoyed plenty of success against the Londoners in cup combat over recent times, including two thrilling Champions League semi-final wins.
However, Hyypia accepts history will count for nothing at Stamford Bridge.
"I don't want to look at the records at all," he said. "Every game is different - we go there to win and do our best."
Source From TeamTalk
18-12-2007, 10:34 AM
Haiz..Basically they jus need mark 3 person..Gerrard,Torres,Kurt is enough...Close down them reds quiet liao..Man u dun play really well too..Edwin Van der sar is lousy -_-" but still cnt get any goals...Wat to do..this is soccer..Hope Ars and Man u will doom with the lower team as they always do..2 horse race is boring through out the whole season..
19-12-2007, 06:56 AM
2 horse race is boring through out the whole season..
I agree to this statement :)
19-12-2007, 10:28 PM’s hopes of progressing to the last four of the Carling Cup have been dealt a blow with the news that Steven Gerrard has been ruled out of Wednesday night’s clash at Chelsea.
The skipper is suffering from a stomach upset and has not travelled with the rest of the squad for the match against Avram Grant’s side, as the Reds go in search of their first win at Stamford Bridge since January 2004.
However, the loss of Gerrard has been counter balanced by the news that Xabi Alonso could be involved following his recovery from the metatarsal injury he sustained in the 1-1 draw at home to Arsenal in October.
-liverpoolfctv Xabi Alonso is desperate to put months of injury frustration behind him by helping Liverpool secure a Carling Cup semi-final berth at the expense of Chelsea on Wednesday night.
The Spanish midfielder's campaign has been disrupted by a recurring metatarsal injury that has seen him feature in just nine matches for the Reds so far this season.
But he is fit again now and with the news that Steven Gerrard has been ruled out of the Stamford Bridge clash with a stomach upset, he is ready to show Reds fans just what they've been missing.
"I would love to be given some minutes on the pitch tonight because I feel I am now ready," said Alonso.
"I have been training for two and a half weeks – both with the first team and the reserves when the first team have been away – and everything has gone fine. But the true test comes in games.
"I have been tackling as normal in training and I am totally pain-free, so I don't expect there to be any problems if I am involved."
Our favourite number 14 was ruled out with the initial fracture against Portsmouth back in September and despite returning to action six weeks later against Arsenal, he suffered a recurrence of the injury in the very same match against Arsene Wenger's side.
It was a heavy blow for the Spain international and one he found difficult to come to terms with. He freely admits it was a frustrating period for him but is confident that he is now finally over his injury nightmare.
"It has been frustrating for me," he said. "No player likes to be injured because you want to be playing and training with your team mates and it is not nice when you cannot do that.
"I have been injured before and you have to accept it when it happens because it is part and parcel of being a footballer, but what made it worse this time was that I had only just returned from the first injury when I was injured again."
Looking back, Alonso accepts his return against Arsenal may have come too soon for him and believes he should have listened to the tell-tale signs his body was giving him as the match with the Gunners wore on.
"It is easy with hindsight but maybe it would have been better if I had come off just before I got injured again," he said.
"I had been feeling a bit tired around that time because it was only my first game back and the match was very fast. But as a player you don't want to come off, particularly when the team is winning and I stayed on."
Having been injured twice already this season it is ironic Alonso's return to action could come face-to-face with a player who broke his ankle during his first season in English football.
However, it is something that holds no relevance for the Spaniard, who says he holds no grudges towards Frank Lampard and is looking forward to a physical battle with the Chelsea man, should he be selected.
"He likes to tackle and so do I," said Alonso. "I really enjoy the physical aspect of the game and I know that because of that I will make tackles and I will also be tackled.
"We have played against each other quite a few times now and we both try to win the ball and to do the best for our own team, but I have no problems with him.
"For me, the most important thing is that I am back in the squad. I am delighted about that and if I can be involved in the game then that will be even better."
The Reds have a less than enviable record at Stamford Bridge having yet to win there under Rafael Benitez. But Alonso feels Liverpool now have a squad capable of winning anywhere, and insists that a victory tonight would be a big achievement, even if it is a Carling Cup tie and not the Premier League.
"Games against Chelsea are always important," he said. "It doesn't matter what the competition is, whether it is the league, the cup or in Europe.
"We have to believe that we can get a good result at Stamford Bridge because if we can win there it would give us the belief that we can beat the big four on their own grounds.
"If we want to be challenging for the big prizes then these are the kind of places where we need to go and get good results."
-liverpoolfctv Rafa Benitez is ready to utilise the full strength of his squad as his Liverpool side begin what promises to be a congested festive period against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
The Reds face the Blues knowing a victory would book their place in the last four of the Carling Cup and further enhance their chances of securing their first trip to the new Wembley.
But with a league match at home to Portsmouth on Saturday beginning a run of four games in 11 days, the boss insists he must make full use of all the players at his disposal, starting at Chelsea tonight.
"We want to win every game but we have Portsmouth on Saturday, so it is important that we use the squad," said Rafa.
"We have players who are tired so we have to analyse which players are tired and which players are ready before deciding on who will play against Chelsea.
"Christmas is a very busy period so we have to use the squad and that means I have to find a balance for each game.
"If I ask the players they tell me they want to win every game but if you have enough players in the squad with quality you should use them."
20-12-2007, 08:51 AM
another disappointing performance by us...
Chelsea 2-0 Liverpool
we will have to bound back with a big performance this weekend...
20-12-2007, 03:29 PM
What has happened to Liverpool? :confused: :eek:
Purely out of luck ... what the Chinese call "luck of the salted vegetable".
Against the scums, the wayward shot had to land at Tevez's feet for a simple tap-in while Benayoun decided not to follow the last man up, to guard the post. :eek:
Against the blues, Carragher's block ended up looping the ball over Itandje, who until that moment was having a blinder of a game ... if this first goal didn't happen, Crouch would never have gone berserk & the 2nd goal would never have come about. :eek:
20-12-2007, 08:58 PM
Seems like the unpredictable form continues..... :(
Never fails to happens....haiz
20-12-2007, 09:23 PM
Purely out of luck ... what the Chinese call "luck of the salted vegetable".
Sometimes I scratched ny head at what is Liverpool's manager trying to do? I was very surprised at yesterday's starting lineup. He make so many changes for such a crucial game. As if he does not know who are his best 11 players by now. I think he is only intersted in champions league and not in the domestic competitions.If you put all yor eggs in 1 basket you might end up not having any trophies at all. Worse still Liverpool might have to fight for the 4th champions league position again. :(
20-12-2007, 10:02 PM
Sometimes I scratched my head at what is Liverpool's manager trying to do? I was very surprised at yesterday's starting lineup. He make so many changes for such a crucial game.
I beg to differ ... it was not a crucial game, not unless we've reached the semi-finals. It's just the League Cup after all ... winning it (or even the FA Cup) gets you only a UEFA place. So, how crucial can it be?
As if he does not know who are his best 11 players by now.
Haizzz ... of course he knows his best 11, but:
1) Gerrard had "lau sai" the whole day before the match
2) ahead of the festive fixtures,
a) Alonso & Aurelio needed games to recover match fitness
b) Kewell need to be eased in again
c) Reina, Hyypia, Torres & Mascherano were rested to maintain their sharpness
Really see no wrong in doing what he did ... ;)
Arsenal certainly didn't play their best 11, but bumped their way over Blackburn.
I think he is only intersted in champions league and not in the domestic competitions.
This I agree with you 50%.
He is still very much interested in the Champions League ... so are the Yanks owners, simply becoz that's where the money is. You dun win those money (by at least getting a very good run, compared to your other domestic rivals), then where got money to buy the players necessary to improve the team any further??
BUT, he is still very much interested in the Premier league too ... he's just not so interested in the domestic cup competitions. Rightly so, coz they're just nothing more than distractions ... only in the Scottish domestic scene, do you still see a clean sweep of league & double cup titles. Everywhere else in Europe, the level of competition has tightened just that much more. :rolleyes:
If you put all yor eggs in 1 basket you might end up not having any trophies at all. Worse still Liverpool might have to fight for the 4th champions league position again. :(
Let me ask you this ... when you buy 4D - with a $10 bet, do you buy $2 big, $8 small or do you buy $8 big, $2 small?
There's really no right or wrong answer ... but if you had ever "hit" 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize before, do you still remember every other occasion you "touch" starter or consolation?
Sometimes I scratched ny head at what is Liverpool's manager trying to do? I was very surprised at yesterday's starting lineup. He make so many changes for such a crucial game. (
I beg to differ ... it was not a crucial game, not unless we've reached the semi-finals. It's just the League Cup after all ... winning it (or even the FA Cup) gets you only a UEFA place. So, how crucial can it be?
I scratch my head reading that Rafa is again being criticised for team selection. Surprise surprise huh.
Can someone offer some proof that we lost because our team was outplayed at Stamford Bridge? Truth be told, I thought we were more outplayed by Scum at home than away at Chelski.
We matched Chelski until the goal/red card and played some good football going forward, if our final ball or shot was not there. Of course some players were not at their best yesterday but these were the ones many fans tend to like - Babel, Voronin, even Crouch.
I thought Momo, the perennial Pool Scapegoat, had a great game and not just tackling but in his support of the attack. Of course, no one would actually say that because...well...we all know he cannot pass right?
I also thought Itandje and to some extent Lucas played well - considering the big names in that Chelsea midfield. Carra was extremely unlucky to be on the losing side - and worse - to have a shot deflected off him into goal - he was a rock in that defence. The one person I was truly disappointed with was Crouch, and let's hope he learns from his mistake. He knows he let the team down.
To sum up - decent performance, disappointing result. Let's move on and prepare for Pompey.
21-12-2007, 12:22 AM
Seems like the unpredictable form continues..... :(
wat unpredictable form? i say it was brilliant strategy by benitez.
No support from the americanos to bring in new players coming so he have to be selective about his games to keep his key players fresh.
His quotes at the pre-match press interview gives a hint of wats on his mind - "we have to make use of the whole squad... my players are feeling tired.... it is a long season.... there is still many games to play.... etc""
21-12-2007, 08:21 AM
wat unpredictable form? i say it was brilliant strategy by benitez.
No support from the americanos to bring in new players coming so he have to be selective about his games to keep his key players fresh.
His quotes at the pre-match press interview gives a hint of wats on his mind - "we have to make use of the whole squad... my players are feeling tired.... it is a long season.... there is still many games to play.... etc""
Just look at the pass few seasons, they can never maintain their form.
Losing to "small" teams when it matters....
That is why the gap is getting bigger and bigger.
If others like Man U or Arsenal can do it, why can't Liverpool do it.
Consistency is the key to the Championship, not with the current form they have now.
They need that "Cup Final" attitude to get them thru.
just take our nearest rival Everton, they are a budget team with small budget for players.
And yet they continue to produce the form day in and day out.
They are level on points with Pool now.
Rafa have spent a fair bit on the transfer market already, moaning about not enough $$ to buy players is not an excuse.
He may be good at CL, but what about BPL?
We have not won the league for a very long time already.
Time for Rafa to deliver and stop complaining.
21-12-2007, 11:57 AM
just take our nearest rival Everton, they are a budget team with small budget for players.
And yet they continue to produce the form day in and day out.
Care to share WHY you have not switched allegiance for this super consistent team yet?? ;)
Rafa have spent a fair bit on the transfer market already, moaning about not enough $$ to buy players is not an excuse.
Nope, it's definitely not an excuse ... it's a good reason.
Has it ever occurred to you that the biggest spender this season is MUFC, who actually just secured the BPL last season??
We have not won the league for a very long time already.
Time for Rafa to deliver and stop complaining.
Just becoz we haven't won it for the longest time, we have a god-given right to win it again??
Then, what should the supporters for clubs like Preston North End, Nottingham Forest & Aston Villa be crying about?? :rolleyes:
21-12-2007, 12:46 PM
If money well spent, there will not be any moanings and grumblings!!!!
Spent wisely and correctly is the key.
Who cares if MU spent the most, they and Arsenal are the team to beat now.
Don't tell me you don't want Liverpool to win the BPL title when they have the resources and capabilities to do it.
They don't call them the Big 4 for nothing.
21-12-2007, 07:22 PM
CL Draw
Celtic vs Barca
Lyon vs Man Utd
Schalke vs Porto
Liverpool vs Inter Milan
Roma vs Real Madrid
Arsenal vs AC Milan
Olympiakos vs Chelsea
Fenerbache vs Sevilla
tough man .....:)
21-12-2007, 07:23 PM
UEFA CL 1st knockout stage
Celtic vs Baca
Lyon vs Scum
Schalke04 vs Porto
Liverpool vs Inter
As Roma vs Real Madrid
Arsenal vs Ac Milian
Olympiakos vs Chelsea
Fenerbahce vs Sevilla
Live - Champs League & Uefa Cup draws
Champions League last 16 draw:
Celtic v Barcelona
Lyon v Manchester United
Schalke v Porto
Olympiakos v Chelsea
Fenerbahce v Sevilla
Liverpool v Inter Milan
Roma v Real Madrid
Arsenal v AC Milan
Chelsea and Scum get an easy tie >>> expected to go through.
Barcelona, Porto and Sevilla will qualify for quarter finals too.
Real Madrid look secure to qualify cause Roma team don't look so strong this season esp when playing away.
AC Milan may scrap through, but very, very tight against Arsenal. It come down to is Fabregras is playing or injured?
Liverpool and Inter Milan is the tighest match of this round. But Inter Milan record in Europe is nothing much to shout off. But then Inter is flying in Italy this two seasons, leaving all opponents in their wake.
As a Liverpool supporter all my life, I will plump for my favorite Liverpool to repeat last season classic win against all odds against Barcelona.
Gerrard and Torres, please dun get serious injury in Jan/Feb 2008, :D
22-12-2007, 12:45 AM
I beg to differ ... it was not a crucial game, not unless we've reached the semi-finals. It's just the League Cup after all ... winning it (or even the FA Cup) gets you only a UEFA place. So, how crucial can it be?
Bro KingEros thanks for shaing your insights . However I only disagree with you on the above point. Hope you don't mind . The way I see it . Every game is crucial for them. Simply because they are professional players. Imagine in every competition they can get to advance to the next game it would also mean extra money for them. When they are palying constantly and winning every game won't you think you want to bet your money on them? Example as wat is happening to Arsenal right now. By losing some important games it only makes them harder to win any silver for this season.
If they continue to drop points when they should have won , it would give the American owners new ammunation to get rid of the manager. Everybody loves to see a winning team.With a winning team , they have every right to ask for more funds to buy new players.What you think? :) I would also love to see Liverpool winning this weekend. But looking at their form now I'm not too sure.
22-12-2007, 12:53 AM
I scratch my head reading that Rafa is again being criticised for team selection. Surprise surprise huh.
Can someone offer some proof that we lost because our team was outplayed at Stamford Bridge? Truth be told, I thought we were more outplayed by Scum at home than away at Chelski.
I also thought Itandje and to some extent Lucas played well - considering the big names in that Chelsea midfield. Carra was extremely unlucky to be on the losing side - and worse - to have a shot deflected off him into goal - he was a rock in that defence. The one person I was truly disappointed with was Crouch, and let's hope he learns from his mistake. He knows he let the team down.
To sum up - decent performance, disappointing result. Let's move on and prepare for Pompey.
It is a decent performance by a team whose players dont get really the chance to play with each other for a long period. Just look at the changes that Rafa made to the team selection you will know the answer. Actually I thought Liverpool could have won because Terry and Drogba are not playing. If Rafa had put his best 11 on the field the result would have been very different. I am surprised that with so many good players we still lost to Reading ; Man U and now Chelsea. Maybe Rafa should stop using the rotation system and have 2 teams instead. 1 for the domestic and 1 for the champions league.
22-12-2007, 07:26 AM
Every game is crucial for them. Simply because they are professional players.
If they continue to drop points when they should have won , it would give the American owners new ammunation to get rid of the manager.
Bro,it's only in the perfect world the players are able to treat every single game as final,they will be exhausted physically & mentally if they do so. We lost to Reading mainly because our players had the crucial Marseille game in mind .
If you were the American owners,would you sack Rafa over his failure to advance into the later stage of CC or CL ? :)
Have faith in Rafa,he is building up his dream team,we are getting nearer.
22-12-2007, 09:07 AM
CL Draw
Celtic vs Barca
Lyon vs Man Utd
Schalke vs Porto
Liverpool vs Inter Milan
Roma vs Real Madrid
Arsenal vs AC Milan
Olympiakos vs Chelsea
Fenerbache vs Sevilla
tough man .....:)
2 questions ...
1) the return leg against Inter at the San Siro will be played on 11 Mar (1 week later than the other 7 matches), instead of 5 Mar ... is it just becoz AC Milan is playing their home leg on 4 Mar??
2) will there be another draw after this round is concluded?? or do these fixtures already determined a certain top & bottom half draw thing??
22-12-2007, 09:47 AM
However I only disagree with you on the above point. Hope you don't mind. The way I see it. Every game is crucial for them. Simply because they are professional players.
What's there to mind ... :D
Ok, let's put it this way ... as professionals, every game is important ... but not every game is crucial. There is indeed a difference. Think about it.
Imagine in every competition they can get to advance to the next game it would also mean extra money for them.
When you have made it into the fringe of the first team of a big club like Liverpool, you are getting a guaranteed S$60k-S$120k per week ... you think a 4-figure win bonus will be enough to entice you into playing better??
If anything, these very well-paid professionals train hard & play harder becoz it's in their competitive nature to wanna win things ...
Still not convinced?? Think Lucas Neill ... he chose West Ham over Liverpool, becoz the basic contract ensures he gets more per week. He certainly wasn't interested in the additional win bonus from playing in Europe, as well as the bonuses from potentially better cup runs.
When they are playing constantly and winning every game won't you think you want to bet your money on them?
This part ... I dun quite get your logic.
If you think Liverpol FC should exist only to win consistently, so that you can lace your own pockets on the side ... then I think you should be supporting Derby County & just bet against them all the time. Isn't that simpler for you??
Yes, I'm a betting man too ... but I dun go around moaning like a spoilt sport when I lose money, certainly not blaming Rafa on his rotation policy for it.
BTW, the concept of "You'll Never Walk Alone" is built on the supporters backing the club, the team out of the love for them ... definitely not the other way around. IMHO, it is about backing the club, the team unconditionally too ... though I know a big majority of the people will disagree. Think about this too.
With a winning team, they have every right to ask for more funds to buy new players.What you think? :)
Again, I think this part of your logic is rather warped.
You belong to the group who trashes Rafa's rotation policy ... meaning you advocate never changing a winning team.
Yet, in the same breath, you believe that with a winning team, then can the owners be convinced to part with their money to get new players.
Perhaps, you should really think hard ... & finally, decide which argument you really advocate.
I would also love to see Liverpool winning this weekend. But looking at their form now I'm not too sure.
On this note, I am adamant that we lost 2 tight matches becoz Lady Luck wasn't smiling on us ... while the Reading match was all due to the anxiety complex (ahead of the Marseille game) poisoning the players' mind. So, I really disagree on "their form" being off.
In any case, my money is on Liverpool to beat Portsmouth by at least 2 clear goals ... as a start to picking up ALL 12 points in the festive fixtures. This would then change the whole look of the league table again ... come back then & join me in cheering for the Reds. :D
22-12-2007, 01:20 PM
will there be another draw after this round is concluded?? or do these fixtures already determined a certain top & bottom half draw thing??
Knockout phase
From the last 16 until the semi-finals, clubs play two matches against each other on a home and away basis with the same rules as the qualifying rounds applied. In the last 16, group winners play runners-up other than teams from their own pool or nation, while from the quarter-finals on the draw is free.
There will be another draw & no more country protections.
Let's do a triple over Chelski in the semis ? :)
22-12-2007, 03:12 PM
we were drawn against Inter Milan, presently the top Italia team.
personally, i feel that when we play those top team in the competition, we seem to play better.
so we will surely go through, provided we can take a sizable lead to Inter for the second leg...
22-12-2007, 05:52 PM
so we will surely go through, provided we can take a sizable lead to Inter for the second leg...
Ball is round....
1965 European Cup Semi-Final
Pool 3 Inter 1 (Anfield)
Inter 3 Pool 0 (San Siro)
Rafa would love to do it for Shankly this time.
22-12-2007, 07:43 PM
If you were the American owners,would you sack Rafa over his failure to advance into the later stage of CC or CL ? :)
Have faith in Rafa,he is building up his dream team,we are getting nearer.
Well if Rafa failed to advance to the next stage in Champions League , guess the American owners would be seriously considering his future at Anfield. I do have faith in Liverpool but somtimes his actions are very confusing. There is an old saying " If it ain't broken don't fix it" So if the team is winning why make so many changes? It is making the players even more confused.But having said that let's hope Liverpool win tonite. They cannot afford to drop any points if not the gap will get wider. Go Liverpool go. :)
22-12-2007, 07:55 PM
What's there to mind ... :D
Ok, let's put it this way ... as professionals, every game is important ... but not every game is crucial. There is indeed a difference. Think about it.
This I can think about it
Again, I think this part of your logic is rather warped.
You belong to the group who trashes Rafa's rotation policy ... meaning you advocate never changing a winning team.
Yet, in the same breath, you believe that with a winning team, then can the owners be convinced to part with their money to get new players.
Perhaps, you should really think hard ... & finally, decide which argument you really advocate.
What I mean is that with a winning team , Rafa will have more bargaining power to request for better players . This will help strenghten the team as they will be involved in more matches. Think about it. As always there is two ways to look at the issues. There is no right or wrong. At the end of the day what matters is that Liverpool can win the Barcally's Premier and the Champions League.
On this note, I am adamant that we lost 2 tight matches becoz Lady Luck wasn't smiling on us ... while the Reading match was all due to the anxiety complex (ahead of the Marseille game) poisoning the players' mind. So, I really disagree on "their form" being off.
I also believe that Lady Luck do play a small part in the matches.But in most cases it is up to the manager and the players to try to win it on their own merit. Of course there are other factors like the refree ; the crowd ; and the field , the weather and the mental state of the players also take into consideration.
In any case, my money is on Liverpool to beat Portsmouth by at least 2 clear goals ... as a start to picking up ALL 12 points in the festive fixtures. This would then change the whole look of the league table again ... come back then & join me in cheering for the Reds.
I also wish you well that you win tonite. I do hope that Liverpool will win being that it is homeground advantage. Lets go Liverpool . :D
BTW, the concept of "You'll Never Walk Alone" is built on the supporters backing the club, the team out of the love for them ... definitely not the other way around. IMHO, it is about backing the club, the team unconditionally too ... though I know a big majority of the people will disagree. Think about this too.
This is one thing I agree with you. We are different from other clubs because we support the club when it's DOWN. Other clubs, fans support only when the team is winning. The Pool way is not for all, I'll say. I will gladly criticise the team and the manager when the performance is poor and the passion lacking but that certainly wasn't the case against Scum and Chelshit.
On the other hand, I get a bit sick of hearing it's due to luck - cos it'd not really saying anything at all. Can we say it's due to Kingeros instead? Hehehe. :D
22-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Kudos to u. Reds Forever!!!
23-12-2007, 08:51 AM
Knockout phase
From the last 16 until the semi-finals, clubs play two matches against each other on a home and away basis with the same rules as the qualifying rounds applied. In the last 16, group winners play runners-up other than teams from their own pool or nation, while from the quarter-finals on the draw is free.
There will be another draw & no more country protections.
Let's do a triple over Chelski in the semis ? :)
Thanks for the enlightenment ...
Searched UEFA.COM high & low ... can see the video of the draw, but this piece of trivial was nowhere to be found. :rolleyes:
23-12-2007, 08:54 AM
On the other hand, I get a bit sick of hearing it's due to luck - cos it'd not really saying anything at all. Can we say it's due to Kingeros instead? Hehehe. :D
All becoz I have been the loudest advocate that luck has not been on our side?
Or is it becoz you know that Mr Giam Chai has been with me all my life?
In any case, you have the merriest of Christmas ... :D :D
23-12-2007, 09:34 AM
Well if Rafa fail to advance to the next stage in Champions League, guess the American owners would be seriously considering his future at Anfield.
You really believe in this??
Whether the press has played up the issue more than what it is really worth, I firmly believe that it was all about American ego ... but then again, would any of us not be just like them, expecting not to be treated like "水鱼" (cantonese) or "海龚" (hokkien) after pouring in millions of dollars to "revive" the club??
At the same time, who is out there they can hire to do a better job?? Juergen Klinsmann ... PLEASE. I love the man, but what has he achieved as his coaching credentials?? He has never even taken on a day-to-day club manager job before, not to mention being tested as one.
Being a successful national team manager is a totally different ball game ... you only have to be an average coach but a very good motivator - after all, you get to summon every good player of a particular nationality to play for you.
At the same time, the Yanks are not stupid ... they are in this to make more money & most significantly, LFC need not be the best-performing club in the world for them to achieve this.
There is an old saying "If it ain't broken don't fix it" So if the team is winning why make so many changes?
First of all, you already said it's an old saying ... :D
More importantly, are you one of those who are still not owning a handphone or using internet banking?? I'm sure the residential phone or the over-the-counter banking services weren't broken too ...
You think Sim Wong Hoo or the OSIM guy will still be the millionaire they are today IF they believe "if it ain't broken, dun fix it"?? In Chinese, there's been these sayings ... "出类拔萃", "鹤立鸡群", etc. :D
I do have faith in Liverpool but somtimes his actions are very confusing. It is making the players even more confused.
Firstly, you are confused becoz what Rafa does is not conventional. It'd help your understanding too, if you read less of what conventional has-beens (already an overstatement, considering he hasn't even won a single thing as a local coach) like Tohari Paijan writes on the TNP ...
More significantly, the players are definitely not confused ... BUT being able to bring their own ability to the peak, whenever they are called upon - that is the problem. However, Rafa is certain his "scientifically analytical" methods will reign supreme as we enter the second half of the season.
For this, I have ALL my faith in him ... yes, you may call me daft. :rolleyes:
What I mean is that with a winning team, Rafa will have more bargaining power to request for better players. This will help strenghten the team as they will be involved in more matches.
First, you are advocating "if it ain't broken, dun fix it" ... so why you then advocate "with a winning team, Rafa will have more bargaining power to request for for better players" must remain one of the greatest mystery yet ...
Second, what more matches are you talking about?? Playing in the World Club Championships in Japan??
Lastly, if the Yanks already won't spend a single cent more ... towards making sure this current team be strengthened into a winning one, why would they then wanna spend more money ensuring that a winning team remain a winning one??
Anyway, like I said earlier, it's really an ego issue on the part of the Yanks ... they just needed to let the whole world know who really is the boss.
After that is settled (which is apparently the case now), we will be getting money to sign players come January lah ... with Marscherano & a back-up centre-half as top priority. :D
Liverpool money crisis deepens as American owners miss deadline over £220m debt
Liverpool's American owners George Gillett jnr and Tom Hicks have missed a self-imposed deadline to strike a deal with the Royal Bank of Scotland before Christmas. The bank will not allow the club to go under but the problems facing the pair could hasten their departure — and see Dubai International Capital, the state-backed investment firm who were in pole position to buy Liverpool before the arrival of the Americans, back in the market as potential new owners......................
Adding to the intrigue over the club's future, it is understood that former Germany World Cup coach Jurgen Klinsmann has been sounded out as a replacement for Benitez. It is believed that contact between Klinsmann and the club has taken place at a high level and the German is thought to be interested in taking over at Anfield.
Despite assurances that there is money to spend in the January window, Benitez's public rift with Hicks and Gillett over the club's transfer policy may be beyond repair.
Boardroom backing for Benitez has been lukewarm in the wake of reports linking Klinsmann with the job.
Football, Premiership, FA Cup, World Cup, Champions League | the Daily Mail (
23-12-2007, 08:05 PM
[B][COLOR="royalblue"]First of all, you already said it's an old saying ... :D
More importantly, are you one of those who are still not owning a handphone or using internet banking??
Firstly, you are confused becoz what Rafa does is not conventional. It'd help your understanding too, if you read less of what conventional has-beens (already an overstatement, considering he hasn't even won a single thing as a local coach) like Tohari Paijan writes on the TNP ...
More significantly, the players are definitely not confused ... BUT being able to bring their own ability to the peak, whenever they are called upon - that is the problem. However, Rafa is certain his "scientifically analytical" methods will reign supreme as we enter the second half of the season.
For this, I have ALL my faith in him ... yes, you may call me daft.
Sorry to disppoint you I do use handphone.I am also using wireless internet ; webcam and internet banking and online govt services. I'm able to accept modern technology that helps to make our life much better but not to be a slave to it.
Yes you are right I'm quite confuse as still don't able to understand Rafa's methods.Heng Liverpool win last nite quite convincingly. Just see what will happen next game. He will change players again.
23-12-2007, 08:09 PM
On the other hand, I get a bit sick of hearing it's due to luck - cos it'd not really saying anything at all. Can we say it's due to Kingeros instead? Hehehe.
So was last night win based on luck ? :p
sex crusader
23-12-2007, 11:02 PM
Portsmouth bad luck.OG also kena...:DBut seriously, the reds played well yesterday.Pity Babel didn't score.I thought Kewell played well too.
So was last night win based on luck ? :p
Nah, King probably had a good bonk! :p
24-12-2007, 06:57 PM
大家圣诞快乐 !!!
Wish All Have A Happy & Merry Christmas !!!
24-12-2007, 10:58 PM
Nah, King probably had a good bonk!
Still no sight and sound from the King? :D Anyways Have A Merry Xmas all Liverpool supporters and hope that we can continue winning the next 4 matches. :D
26-12-2007, 11:49 PM
Not the best performance in the 1st half, I feel...
Lack of ideas in attack, passing not crisp or fast enough.. In fact I see to many long balls...
It took a moment of brillance from Torres to give us the lead...
Hopefully we can up a gear in the 2nd half and grab a 2nd goal fast so we can rest key players for the packed xmas matches...
27-12-2007, 01:03 AM
Crappy Liverpool performance! :mad:
We cant even pass properly, let alone attack..
And we are very LUCKY to win it.. Maybe its the kinda luck we need as bro KingEuro mentioned earlier...
But if we need luck to win Derby, we need luck x MANY MANY times to win the league...
Some might say it was a great run and attack by Gerrard but should we need it in the 1st place?
Shouldnt we have played to kill the game early?
Cerdit to Derby but then it was really a poor game by Liverpool standard...
Hope to see an improve side when facing Man City..
27-12-2007, 08:25 AM
Agreed with Bro beck7777, the player can't pass well..Hope Hypia is ok for MC match..
27-12-2007, 09:24 AM
Lucky?? Definitely, coz we could easily have ended with just 1 point ... instead of 3.
Unlucky?? To a certain extent ... coz Torres & company should have put away a couple more goals, if not for that young keeper standing up to the plate (on his own, coz the rest of his defence was more interested in running their own players down) ... not to mention Gerrard hitting only the cross-bar when the keeper was finally beaten. :eek:
But what's really infuriating is that the whole lot of them made the match much much more difficult than it needed to be ... with their lack of zest.
Dunno why Hobbs was not on the bench, but the rot started with Riise having to cover as centre-half for Hyypia ... from there on, the team was never a balanced one.
Other than that, I am still of the opinion that both Gerrard & Alonso cannot play in the middle at the same time. To accommodate Alonso, Gerrard has to drop deep ... that's why there's no thrust.
But there was indeed a most heartening moment ... seeing Mascherano, in his tracksuit, run half the length of the grounds to embrace Gerrard after he put away that deserving winner. The lad is in love with Liverpool FC ... if he's not with us come Feb, it's all the doings of the Yanks. :eek:
27-12-2007, 09:28 AM
So was last night win based on luck?
Nah, King probably had a good bonk!
Still no sight and sound from the King?
Hmmm ... you 2 got me totally lost here. :confused:
& I always thought ... only during 中秋节, the people play 猜灯谜?? :rolleyes:
27-12-2007, 09:31 AM
Crappy Liverpool performance! :mad:
We cant even pass properly, let alone attack..
And we are very LUCKY to win it.. Maybe its the kinda luck we need as bro KingEuro mentioned earlier...
But if we need luck to win Derby, we need luck x MANY MANY times to win the league...
Some might say it was a great run and attack by Gerrard but should we need it in the 1st place?
Shouldnt we have played to kill the game early?
Cerdit to Derby but then it was really a poor game by Liverpool standard...
Hope to see an improve side when facing Man City..
hehe..bro,bag in 3 pts no complain lah..luck is wat they need during their off day,besides derby got a new manager,standing at the basement of the league they need to fight 4 survival also.:D:D:D
Other than that, I am still of the opinion that both Gerrard & Alonso cannot play in the middle at the same time. To accommodate Alonso, Gerrard has to drop deep ... that's why there's no thrust.
Heheh, ok back to business. That's an interesting point about the Gerrard-Alonso axis. Will be sad if it's generally true as both of them are world class players. Alonso played well individually but if the team suffers, then something has to be done.
All credit to Derby for picking themselves up and giving us a hard time. We should have never been in that position, 1-0 up and then having to frantically find a winner in the last 20 mins. Plain to see that we under-estimated them after the opening goal. Voro, Babel, even Torres after his goal, all had days to forget.
27-12-2007, 10:32 AM
standing at the basement of the league they need to fight 4 survival also.:D:D:D
Yeah i oso feel so..Relagation team always fight when its coming 2nd half of the season..and its always they play poorly when meet up with lower team..anyway 3 pts is good..all the best for this sun against Man city
27-12-2007, 11:12 AM
fellow Kop, crappy or lousy performance, a win is still a win.
most important is 3 pts to add to our total points.
sometimes, when we played those exciting and beautiful matches, we dun get the points, we deserved.
it is always not good playing those bottom clubs as they will fight for everything.
to win the EPL, you do need some luck.
27-12-2007, 05:25 PM
It certainly wasn’t a pretty performance. We seldom ever win a game and yet didn’t play good. Normally, it is either -- 1) we play well, we win, or 2) we play well, we lose, or 3) we play badly, we lose. Three points is all that matters. To win the BPL sometimes we just need to win uglily, just like Chelsea do.
Good to see that Alonso is back at his best spreading the ball around. Just love seeing him spraying those accurate passes across the pitch.
Defence was a bit shaky after Hyppia left. A lot of passes from defence went astray. Wonder when Agger is coming back. We really need more cover at the back.
Wonder when is Pennant coming back? We are lacking someone who can pump good balls from the wings. Babel is not doing it well enough.
27-12-2007, 07:37 PM
Crappy Liverpool performance! :mad:
We cant even pass properly, let alone attack..
And we are very LUCKY to win it.. Maybe its the kinda luck we need as bro KingEuro mentioned earlier...
But if we need luck to win Derby, we need luck x MANY MANY times to win the league...
Last night my heart almost stop beating when I see Liverpool like that . Rafa made five changes again. No wonder there was no consistency.:(
Agreed with Bro beck7777, the player can't pass well..Hope Hypia is ok for MC match..
What do you expect when there are so many changes in the team.They don't know each other that well.
Lucky?? Definitely, coz we could easily have ended with just 1 point ... instead of 3.
Unlucky?? To a certain extent ... coz Torres & company should have put away a couple more goals, if not for that young keeper standing up to the plate (on his own, coz the rest of his defence was more interested in running their own players down) ... not to mention Gerrard hitting only the cross-bar when the keeper was finally beaten.
But what's really infuriating is that the whole lot of them made the match much much more difficult than it needed to be ... with their lack of zest.
Again we win by LUCK . Last night game should be an easy game. But Derby really played well at Anfield. They almost got a draw from us.
All credit to Derby for picking themselves up and giving us a hard time. We should have never been in that position, 1-0 up and then having to frantically find a winner in the last 20 mins. Plain to see that we under-estimated them after the opening goal. Voro, Babel, even Torres after his goal, all had days to forget.
LUCKY to win. :rolleyes::p
Yeah i oso feel so..Relagation team always fight when its coming 2nd half of the season..and its always they play poorly when meet up with lower team..anyway 3 pts is good..all the best for this sun against Man city
Bro I also hope they win. But Man City had an unbeaten home record. The way Liverpool played last night should be a wake up call for Liverpool.
27-12-2007, 10:09 PM
Rafa made five changes again.
No wonder there was no consistency.
What do you expect when there are so many changes in the team.
They don't know each other that well.
Why do you keep thinking & saying that huh??
As professionals, they train & eat with each other every single day (except on match days) ... eat, sleep & play together on match days.
You think this is like your Sunday team who doesn't train & just meet up each weekend to play social matches?? :confused:
They know exactly WHAT Rafa wants from each of them.
They also understand WHY Rafa choose to be pioneer this whole concept of rotation.
The only difficult part (not confusing part, as you so frequently call it) is ... for these players to bring it on & play as how Rafa wants, on the infrequent occasions when they are called upon. :rolleyes:
Bro I also hope they win. But Man City had an unbeaten home record. The way Liverpool played last night should be a wake up call for Liverpool.
Wrong ... Man City home record reads played: 9 & won: 9.
It's a 100% home record ... the only one left in the Premier League.
The 9 teams who had no answers at the Man City Stadium are: Derby (1-0), Scums (1-0), Villa (1-0), Newcastle (3-1), Boro (3-1), Birmingham (1-0), Sunderland (1-0), Reading (2-1) & Bolton (4-2) ...
In their most recent home game, Bolton almost clinched it but allowed Man City to crawl back ... other than that, most of their home victories are scrappy 1-0 wins.
So, it's gonna be tough ... but we will win. :D
Last night my heart almost stop beating when I see Liverpool like that . Rafa made five changes again. No wonder there was no consistency.:(
What do you expect when there are so many changes in the team.They don't know each other that well.
Bro, if you are serious about the rotation argument and not just using it as a convenient scapegoat, give us some serious argument and evidence.
- compile a list of our matches this season and the results.
- list player rotations.
- state which 'new' player played well in the team.
- state which 'new' player did poorly in the team.
- state how the rotation might have affected team performance as a whole, citing individual players' team contributions.
Onus of proof lies with the accuser. ;)
Regardless of how good the argument is, if you compile such a list, I will give you credit for that. :D
Why do you keep thinking & saying that huh??
As professionals, they train & eat with each other every single day (except on match days) ... eat, sleep & play together on match days.
You think this is like your Sunday team who doesn't train & just meet up each weekend to play social matches??
Nah, players are isolated in their own cells by the gaffer and only meet up with one another on match day. You don't know Rafa's isolation policy meh? Hehe.
[Sarcasm mode off]
Just to give an idea of the complexity of the whole rotation issue, two players who were not rotated - Stevie and Torres - had mixed games against Derby. Both scored, both were brilliant individual goals.
But Stevie was anonymous for much of the second half and as captain did not effectively organise the team, which was awful until the 70th minute. Torres for much of the game after his goal drifted in and out and his first touch was poor on several occasions.
I agree Voro and Babel, who came into the team as 'rotatees', were poor but would they have played better if given a consistent run in the first XI? Would they have better understanding with their team-mates? I prefer not to speculate with hypothetical situations.
Anyway, I'm just looking forward to the next match with great anticipation. Rotation won't be on my mind. :D
PS. Hopefully everyone realises we are 1 point closer to the top of the table. :D
28-12-2007, 09:38 AM
Wrong ... Man City home record reads played: 9 & won: 9.
It's a 100% home record ... the only one left in the Premier League.
The 9 teams who had no answers at the Man City Stadium are: Derby (1-0), Scums (1-0), Villa (1-0), Newcastle (3-1), Boro (3-1), Birmingham (1-0), Sunderland (1-0), Reading (2-1) & Bolton (4-2) ...
In their most recent home game, Bolton almost clinched it but allowed Man City to crawl back ... other than that, most of their home victories are scrappy 1-0 wins.
So, it's gonna be tough ... but we will win. :D
Sorry king, update now its 10 game, 9 win, 1 draw. Blackburn who was not having a good run in the last few games managed a 2-2 draw at Man C home ground.
28-12-2007, 10:27 PM
In their most recent home game, Bolton almost clinched it but allowed Man City to crawl back ... other than that, most of their home victories are scrappy 1-0 wins.
So, it's gonna be tough ... but we will win. [/COLOR]
Bro KingEros I like your faith in Liverpool. I also want them to win every game and to win it convincingly.:)
Onus of proof lies with the accuser.
Regardless of how good the argument is, if you compile such a list, I will give you credit for that
Bro rahl you really pick a tough assignment for me to do. Or maybe some other bro can do it?
PS. Hopefully everyone realises we are 1 point closer to the top of the table.
I noticed it to. Hopefully we continue to be in top form and not drop any more points. Pray that Arsenal and Man U will drop points along the way . Then maybe we have some hope.
Sorry king, update now its 10 game, 9 win, 1 draw. Blackburn who was not having a good run in the last few games managed a 2-2 draw at Man C home ground.
Good update. Maybe we can have some luck to win.
Go Liverpool Go.
29-12-2007, 09:07 AM
Liverpool have won the battle to sign Alex Cooper, the 16-year-old son of former Aberdeen star Neale Cooper.
The youngster who plays for Ross County, will move to Anfield after the clubs agreed a £100,000 fee.
Cooper, capped by Scotland Under-16s, is a winger and has been chased by a string of English clubs, including Chelsea when Jose Mourinho was still manager.
But Liverpool have beaten all the rivals and have given the teenager a three-and-a-half-year contract.
His father Neale, said: "All his family are delighted Alex has been given the opportunity to sign for Liverpool.
"He could have gone to one or two other clubs but he just loved the way he was treated by Liverpool when he was there."
Another one for the future ... rest assured LFC is back, for decades to come ... only question remains whether we need to wait 1 more year before regaining the English League title. :D
29-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Bro KingEros I like your faith in Liverpool. I also want them to win every game and to win it convincingly. :)
You see, the difference is ... I only wish for them to win EVERY game, not necessary CONVINCINGLY.
In the years when LFC was the team reigning supreme domestically & on European soil, they were constantly winning matches by one solitary goal, scored in the last 10-15 minutes of the game. :D
Actually, as a betting man, you should be wishing the same too ...
Only this way, will the odds be better for LFC supporters. I mean, what's the point of LFC winning 4-0 all the time ... & end up getting odds of $1.50 at -1.5 goals?? Ridiculous right??
Bro rahl you really pick a tough assignment for me to do. Or maybe some other bro can do it?
You still dun get it ...
He's just trying to make you go through the pains yourself, before realising that there's no concrete evidence supporting the theory that Rafa's rotation policy is flawed.
Trust me ... if the other clubs (less the Big 4) have a squad like ours where even internationals are sitting on the bench, their mamagers would be practising the rotation system as well. :D
29-12-2007, 09:35 AM
Mr Rafa had said that 'best is yet to come' fr Liverpool.
Hope that he knws that at the moment in his team,no1 k replace Fernando Torres.
They must overcome ManC on 30/12 at City of Manchester Stadium.
Then comes Wigan at home next Weds,boro away on 12/1,Villa on 21/1 & hammer on 29/1.
U play 2 go 4 winning the big thing.
They shld still think positively till it is mathematically impossible 2 catch the leader.
If they hv the mentality like when they face Marseille,then they will definitely k hv a go @ anything.
29-12-2007, 10:02 AM
And not forgetting Pool has 3 away matches to the top 3, none of whom they managed to beat on home ground...
29-12-2007, 12:06 PM
And not forgetting Pool has 3 away matches to the top 3, none of whom they managed to beat on home ground...
Maybe we can manage to get a point from each of the game? Or our luck holds out maybe can spring a couple of surprises. :D
29-12-2007, 01:55 PM
Maybe we can manage to get a point from each of the game? Or our luck holds out maybe can spring a couple of surprises. :D
It wont be easy but getting a draw from each game doesnt help at all...
We only maintain the gap, not closing it..
29-12-2007, 06:56 PM
And not forgetting Pool has 3 away matches to the top 3, none of whom they managed to beat on home ground...Maybe we can manage to get a point from each of the game? Or our luck holds out maybe can spring a couple of surprises. :D
It wont be easy but getting a draw from each game doesnt help at all...
We only maintain the gap, not closing it..
Actually, I have more faith in their away games ...
2 simple reasons:
1) at home, they are expected to win while away, they are not ... so less pressure
2) at home, with the expectation, they have to initiate the attacking continuously while away, they can play counter-attack ... which is their forte
Actually, I have more faith in their away games ...
2 simple reasons:
1) at home, they are expected to win while away, they are not ... so less pressure
2) at home, with the expectation, they have to initiate the attacking continuously while away, they can play counter-attack ... which is their forte
The problem with Pool when it comes to difficult ties in the league is always one of mentality. When it's a cup game, we have always raised our game and we have beaten the rest of the top four. I just haven't seen the same self-belief and will to win in the league games. The home game against Scum was a good example - we showed them too much respect.
If we can have this 'cup final' mentality, we can win the away games. A big if. But we will need to stay in touch with the leaders till those games come around. So let's take care of Man City first.
29-12-2007, 10:10 PM
It wont be easy but getting a draw from each game doesnt help at all...
We only maintain the gap, not closing it..
If we can have this 'cup final' mentality, we can win the away games. A big if. But we will need to stay in touch with the leaders till those games come around. So let's take care of Man City first.
If the players played like the way they play the Portsmouth game we should have no problem.
29-12-2007, 10:35 PM
Extracted from Liverpool FC
Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez reckons the "best is yet to come" from his side and in particular their goalscoring sensation Fernando Torres.
Benitez knows the Reds must continue their winning ways at Manchester City on Sunday and then against Wigan next Wednesday to retain the momentum they need for a continued Premier League title challenge.
With Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester City all dropping points this week, Benitez can sense an opportunity - starting at Eastlands against Sven-Goran Eriksson's fifth-placed side.
Torres, with 15 goals in 18 games, is a certainty to start - the Spaniard's precision a key element for Liverpool.
Benitez dismisses suggestions that all realistic hope of the title has gone.
With the Reds nine points behind leaders Manchester United - albeit with a game in hand - the Spaniard said: "My team can do better, and so can Fernando.
"He has settled well in England - but he can still learn more.
"Our season has not been bad, but it could be better. We are in a good position. It could be better, but the best of us is still to come."
Benitez sees plenty of signs from his team that they are capable of significant improvement.
"We move the ball quickly; we make a lot of chances - and we must keep doing this but also we must be more clinical," he prescribes.
"We must score in key moments - that has been the area where we can improve more.
"I believe we can still win the league, but we must concentrate on continuing the way we have been over Christmas.
"Before the holiday period we hoped for a good spell; now we have six points and two wins, and we will see what happens against Manchester City and Wigan."
Benitez expects to be without defender Sami Hyypia, who has an ankle injury, and must decide whether to risk Danish youngster Daniel Agger in his first match for three months following a broken metatarsal.
He could alternatively switch Alvaro Arbeloa into the heart of defence alongside Jamie Carragher, or draft in teenage rookie Jack Hobbs.
But even with such problems, Benitez still has confidence in his squad.
"Now we are a little bit closer to the top, at the end of the holiday period we may be a bit closer still," he suggests.
"Others have dropped points - we must make sure we do not.
"We have confidence we can win away games; we have produced good away form. At the moment we cannot make any more mistakes, but if our rivals drop points like they have done we could find ourselves in a fantastic position."
Much will depend on Torres continuing his hot streak, but Benitez still wants more from the ex-Atletico Madrid star.
He says: "Fernando is playing well, scoring goals and showing character and quality. He has settled down really well in England and he is playing well but can play better.
"He is only 23; he can improve and learn. He can play better than we have seen so far."
Meanwhile Benitez maintains he will be able to do business in the transfer window.
"We will try to find the right player at the right price. We have talked - there are no problems, because we do think the same way," he said of himself and Liverpool's owners.
"We will continue to work, like every club, to improve our squad.
"We will try to do the same; if we can find the right players at the right price maybe we can do some business.
"If we cannot, we will try to improve what we have. But I believe I can go to the board and ask if the right player comes along - and I think they would say yes.
"We are not thinking about selling any of our players, because we will need them for the rest of the season.
"We have the FA Cup, the Premier League and the Champions League. We are not thinking about letting anyone leave."
29-12-2007, 10:49 PM
Go Liverpool Go. You Never Walk Alone.
30-12-2007, 12:53 AM
30-12-2007, 01:07 AM
Plus Arsenal only managing a draw at Goodison Park, it means Liverpool is a mere 6 points astern with a game in hand ... after carving out a win at Man City, of course.
So, who says we are out of the race?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
30-12-2007, 04:38 AM
Plus Arsenal only managing a draw at Goodison Park, it means Liverpool is a mere 6 points astern with a game in hand ... after carving out a win at Man City, of course.
So, who says we are out of the race?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Correction bro. Arsenal hammered Everton 4-1 leh... but no worries. Most important is Manure loss...
30-12-2007, 06:54 AM
Correction bro. Arsenal hammered Everton 4-1 leh... but no worries. Most important is Manure loss...
Ok, so my 6th sense was wrong ... :o :o
But it's such a crazy weekend.
End of first half at Goodison, score read Everton 1 Arsenal 0.
Yet, end of the game, score read Everton 1 Arsenal 4.
In between, Bendtner received a 2nd yellow & got sent off in the 74th min ... with the score at 1-2.
Instead of coming back, Everton conceded 2 more goals & lost Arteta with a red card in between.
Other than that, the yellow card score read ... Everton 0 Arsenal 6!!!
So, who says Arsenal plays only pretty football all the time??
Another strange game was enacted at White Hart Lane.
Score read Spurs 6 Reading 4 ... reminds me so much of inter-class matches!!
30-12-2007, 08:37 AM
Salute to the Hammers,they had the right winning mentality ,fighting spirit & level of confidence to upset the defending champion on which IMO we are inferior to them.
A real tricky game against City,interesting to see how Didi try to stop Stevie :)
30-12-2007, 09:30 AM
Salute to the Hammers,they had the right winning mentality ,fighting spirit & level of confidence to upset the defending champion on which IMO we are inferior to them.
A real tricky game against City,interesting to see how Didi try to stop Stevie :)
Didi will just let Stevie thru... Cos he's still a Scouser! :p
30-12-2007, 09:59 AM
Didi will just let Stevie thru... Cos he's still a Scouser! :p
I like ur replied :):D
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