View Full Version : Does your PRC girlfriend bother you after she return to PRC for good?

25-09-2006, 09:16 PM
After she return for some time, will she :

a. ask you to send money
b. ask you whether she can fake marriage to return here.\
c. keep blaming you for wasting her "youth"
d. ask you go over see her regularly.
e. etc........

25-09-2006, 09:26 PM
After she return for some time, will she :

a. ask you to send money
b. ask you whether she can fake marriage to return here.\
c. keep blaming you for wasting her "youth"
d. ask you go over see her regularly.
e. etc........

a and d very common lah! unless u r a total gone case or a bankrupt.

b not so common becos if u r classify as carrot, she wont ask u 2 marry her becos marry means she have 2 pay u.

c is when the charbor qee xiao liao. this 1 better avoid.

26-09-2006, 12:59 AM
All points include, also add in

e) miss ML
f) moody and dull life at hometown
g) high expenses
h) find all mean of way to come S'pore

26-09-2006, 11:10 PM
Should beware of PRC charbor...nowadays seems to have so many bad incidents connected to them. Just look at the recent case involving the NTU lecturer, a PRC KTV gal and her "husband"....
Play and fark around is okay, but shouldn't try to get too close to PRC women...usually no good end will come of it...

27-09-2006, 07:16 PM
A friend of mine got himself into a relationship with a prc. always asking for $$ and he give like 90% of his salary to her every month and still not enuff!! finally broke it off but i think it also left him a broken man. now...he is a kept man of a rich married thai woman. may sound ok but i think he lost all his self respect, cannot see but can sense that he is changed man...and not for the better.:(

27-09-2006, 10:37 PM
the NTU case, she demanded S$100,000.. hungry sia! :(