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29-09-2006, 02:07 PM
In honor of our brother Drydust... Afternoon King... start new thread to share experiences for places that cater to ppl like him... open very early...

Recently... we went to one... beer... RM22 a bottle... Bonk... RM130 in a back room... for more info... must ask CBM... kekeke... tips... RM 30-50...

This kind of joints are very fun... our closest comparison to BS during HH... hehehe

But expedition groups should be kept to about 4 people... our last group of 8... not enough gers to go around... hehehe...

So ... today recce anyone... :p

BTW... what i say in terms of stock... 1 thai, 1 viet, 5 PRC, 1 indo...

29-09-2006, 02:15 PM
This kind of joints are very fun... our closest comparison to BS during HH... heheheHehehe... my kind of joint.:p

So ... today recce anyone...Today I cannot lah. Shall we confirm another outing next week, let's say Wed. Onzzz boh??:p

sexy rabbit
29-09-2006, 02:19 PM
Hehehe... my kind of joint.:p

KEKEKE,...SSH missed the smell of BS.....:D

29-09-2006, 02:22 PM
KEKEKE,...SSH missed the smell of BS.....:D
As if u got smell BS ytd... inside room less than half hour and already bring your CCK to 8+1 at Fuji liaoz.... :p

29-09-2006, 02:30 PM
Hehehe... my kind of joint

Today I cannot lah. Shall we confirm another outing next week, let's say Wed. Onzzz boh??:p

mahai... u forgot next week i got danok expedition arr ... :rolleyes: .. or u puposely suggest one...

29-09-2006, 02:35 PM
As if u got smell BS ytd... inside room less than half hour and already bring your CCK to 8+1 at Fuji liaoz.... :pKekeke.... lobang pechar. Nowadays our Mr Rabbit become permanent resident of 8+1. Sooner or later will have one room dedicated to him.:p

29-09-2006, 02:36 PM
mahai... u forgot next week i got danok expedition arr ... :rolleyes: .. or u puposely suggest one...OOpppsss.... really forgot. Then no choice lor. Just have to ask if Bro DD free or not. Dun forget to pass me the location.:D

sexy rabbit
29-09-2006, 03:12 PM
As if u got smell BS ytd... inside room less than half hour and already bring your CCK to 8+1 at Fuji liaoz.... :p
Ok, u say liddat goot meh....U oso missed BS too.....5 days in a row.... and miss ur bare butt show ytd..sigh....

30-09-2006, 08:36 AM
hi, care to share where is the place? is it in JB? tks..

30-09-2006, 11:48 PM
OOpppsss.... really forgot. Then no choice lor. Just have to ask if Bro DD free or not. Dun forget to pass me the location.:D
Its in PJ. Can pass u d location but need to contact our introducer to gain access :D

30-09-2006, 11:50 PM
hi, care to share where is the place? is it in JB? tks..
sorry, its in Petaling Jaya....Selangor...

01-10-2006, 01:05 PM
Its in PJ. Can pass u d location but need to contact our introducer to gain access :DHehehe.... looks like no choice must wait for you to return cos I dun know the introducer yet.:p

01-10-2006, 10:19 PM
Bro shiok,
let me know when. I take leave and we go see in afternoon, K?

02-10-2006, 11:22 AM
Bro shiok,
let me know when. I take leave and we go see in afternoon, K?I also dun know where is the place. Must wait for Bro KLKOOL.

Take leave to go and see??:eek: Dun need lah. This place if not wrong also opens till about 11 plus at nite. Can always go after work. Let me go test out first in the afternoon lah. If you go first, then very likely confirm got one girl less that will be out of action cos of your big drill. Kekeke...........

Just joking bro. Most likely next week cos this week Bro KLKOOL tired of screwing in KL so he is going out-station to screw.:rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 11:29 AM
Recently... we went to one... beer... RM22 a bottle... Bonk... RM130 in a back room... for more info... must ask CBM... kekeke... tips... RM 30-50...


Kinda regret taking the back room kekeke surprisingly it's just a small room with a matress on the floor :eek: I don't know whether the back room or the toilet in Deboss is better quality.... must ask GTM to follow next trip so we can compare kekeke

02-10-2006, 11:49 AM
Kinda regret taking the back room kekeke surprisingly it's just a small room with a matress on the floor :eek: I don't know whether the back room or the toilet in Deboss is better quality.... must ask GTM to follow next trip so we can compare kekekeThanks for the info bro. As usual, it must be "Horny already mah... so what the FARK CAN I DO??":p

02-10-2006, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the info bro. As usual, it must be "Horny already mah... so what the FARK CAN I DO??":p

So today commando mission on boh ?:rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 12:55 PM
So today commando mission on boh ?:rolleyes: Later part of the day can or not? How about evening time?:p

02-10-2006, 03:15 PM
Bro DD's PC is on MC for almost a week, so he is not able to reply yet.

But he still passed me the latest new joins...

This 1 i received few hours ago..

Puchong Pub got 10+ Sexy NL's Give 1/2 Ball.

Bro Shiok, when u wanna have fun?

02-10-2006, 03:22 PM
Puchong Pub got 10+ Sexy NL's Give 1/2 Ball.

Bro Shiok, when u wanna have fun?Me waiting from 3.15pm till now for your call. KNN.... forget my number already??:mad: :rolleyes:

02-10-2006, 05:12 PM
Me waiting from 3.15pm till now for your call. KNN.... forget my number already?? :rolleyes:

Anytime except monday and thursday coz i use to have yum cha with my none samsters frens... but if these 2 days u wanna join us can oso since u know all my best frens oredi.. :)

02-10-2006, 10:26 PM
Reporting from our cave,.. certified by SSH :p who was tortured by 2 gers. one was the-Commando-that subdued our koala. Me captured-by a PRC, and YSH tortured by a-Thai. .. Another sextified trip.

03-10-2006, 08:02 AM
Reporting from our cave,.. certified by SSH who was tortured by 2 gers. one was the-Commando-that subdued our koala. Me captured-by a PRC, and YSH tortured by a-Thai. .. Another sextified trip.KNN..... my only regret is "Why only now did I discover this place".:(

Next aim is to bring my Sifu DD (that is if he has not been yet) and my braveheart squad member Boinker to this place. Can quite confirm that you guys will like. Prices same as Strawberry but quality confirmed better. :D

03-10-2006, 08:24 AM
Next aim is to bring my Sifu DD (that is if he has not been yet) and my braveheart squad member Boinker to this place. Can quite confirm that you guys will like. Prices same as Strawberry but quality confirmed better.

Bro Shiok,

Aren't u forgotten some1? :rolleyes: Oh.. not me hor...

Yesterday i was having diner with with a bro who is actually the chairman of Brave Elite Group... u guess who? It was all started from him long time ago...

He still owe us many FR's, he told me abt the gers he has farked in HK, Macau, Singapore, India and Langkawi tarma...

Still dunno who he is arr? :p

03-10-2006, 08:49 AM
Still dunno who he is arr? :pMe think until head want to burst leow.... but still dun know who you referring about? Just tell me lah.:confused:

03-10-2006, 10:19 AM
Time for another FR from last nite's mission.

Late afternoon, received a call from SSH asking to attack enemy's territory. willing soldiers reporting for duty will be TSH and Horny Koala Bear, TD0620G. Only the 4 of us as KLKOOL commented that the enemy base was "lightly" guarded and no heavy artillery is required. Not enough kills to spread around.

Set up our own base and had dinner nearby army camp. After a sumptuous dinner, proceeded to ambush enemy base. Arrived at enemy base camp gate and was contemplating whether to call our infiltrator to open the gate or make a charge for it. Luckily, the gate opened itself and out came bro dr_shivan with his friend and both with sextisfied look.

Hmmm....luck is on our side. Free entrance but we still have to watch our steps carefully due to numerous booby traps and darkened pathways. Again, our presence was quickly discovered by their Female Captain and we were captured yet again. Bundled into the same interrogation sofa cubicle as during our last visit. Was given a choice of interrogation method and we chose the easiest way out....two bottles of Large Carlsberg. :D

Then, our torturer was sent. TSH got a PRC army, CBM was tortured by a sweet young PRC, while I was happily enduring the torture from my commando Thai girl. SSH was straddled and attacked by a SYT PRC at first. However, this SYT keeps on dissapearing for long periods to interrogate other POWs....... so, he lan-lan have to endure a second interrogator; the same Viet (okok, not Thai) who subdued CBM the last trip.

I was basically stripped naked from waist up and hard, sharp tongue-lashing was being inflicted on my naked body. Right, left, up and down she goes. Leaving trails of saliva on me body....I was actually feeling effect of the cold air-cond wind freezing my wet skin. So, that is her means of torture. Meanwhile, her hand was all over me unzipped pants...rubbing and stroking inside. Pure torture.

Meanwhile, can see CBM was really fighting back.....with his tongue while hands were all over her butt!! KLKOOL was being his usual self.....submissive. Heads up, eyes closed while his PRC torturer was sniffing for traces of hair on his nipples. Haizz.....weak soldier. kekekekekekekeke....

SSH keep on lamenting..... "Why didn't I know of this place earlier...why...why??? in between the double attack from his Thai and PRC interrogators. Alternating between two, he had to experience the best of both countries' torture methods. I think he commented that the Thai won but YOUTH certainly was on the PRC's side. (SSH horrrrrrrrr...????) And how old was she again??? Broke CBM's record horrr?? kekekekekekekekek...

Negotiated for our early release and sum agreed was for RM 140 (including tips to the female Captain). Paid and left the place around 11pm.

Drove straight away looking for our "release" to another HC. KLKOOL went for his RTF and came down legs wobbling. CBM went for a traditional Thai massage while me had a pretty PRC for release. She was really pretty but alas, SOP service altho GFE is quite alrite. Overall, a 6.5 (just for her pretty face).

End of Report. 1,000th posts. :D

ps. cibai Shiok1968... please change your siggie.

03-10-2006, 10:24 AM
KNN..... my only regret is "Why only now did I discover this place".

Next aim is to bring my Sifu DD (that is if he has not been yet) and my braveheart squad member Boinker to this place. Can quite confirm that you guys will like. Prices same as Strawberry but quality confirmed better. :D

Remember... this place has to be protected horr.. :p ... must make a last stand here to defend to the last man...

03-10-2006, 10:26 AM
YSH blurr liao... SSHs second interrogator... the Queen Commando is a Viet leh... hehehe...

My PRC... quite nice... so RTF mission today arr ... :p

sexy rabbit
03-10-2006, 10:57 AM
KNN..... my only regret is "Why only now did I discover this place".:(

Next aim is to bring my Sifu DD (that is if he has not been yet) and my braveheart squad member Boinker to this place. Can quite confirm that you guys will like. Prices same as Strawberry but quality confirmed better. :D
What about me.....Why NEVER BRING ME THERE

03-10-2006, 11:05 AM
What about me.....Why NEVER BRING ME THERE

Bro SR,

Next time i bring u there for the appreciation u upped me.....:D

Regards n cheers

03-10-2006, 11:20 AM
ps. cibai Shiok1968... please change your siggie.Kekeke....... In appreciation for your FR, I will change my siggie. However still waiting for you to bring me to new lobangs. Yesterday never count cos it's TSH that bring me and not you.:rolleyes: :p

03-10-2006, 11:25 AM
MA HAI!!!!

See, lah.... told TSH to wait for me at the mamak. Said I will drive you guys coz I already know this SSH will try to wriggle out.

Should have drop you out in the rain yesterday... :mad:

03-10-2006, 11:25 AM
Remember... this place has to be protected horr.. :p ... must make a last stand here to defend to the last man...Dun worry cos I will sure protect this place. I have finally found a place that can equal BS. :D

03-10-2006, 11:28 AM
MA HAI!!!!

See, lah.... told TSH to wait for me at the mamak. Said I will drive you guys coz I already know this SSH will try to wriggle out.

Should have drop you out in the rain yesterday... :mad:Kekeke.....thanks for the ride home yesterday.

Will change siggie when I am free. Now not free cos must surf SBF, read newspaper and later bring my cicak for a walk.:rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 11:39 AM
What about me.....Why NEVER BRING ME THERE

Cos this one newly discovered... kekeke... u come here fast fast lorr... :p

03-10-2006, 11:40 AM
What about me.....Why NEVER BRING ME THEREBro, I finally found the KL version of BS.

Plus points are stock's standard almost on par with BS. All very playable and they will responds back with skill and effort. Prices also very reasonable with 1 large bottle at RM22. Tips range from RM30 to RM50.

Down points is that this place abit too dark. The sofas can see very old already but at least no smell. Stock not alot so if big crowd, then can expect the girls to butterfly alot.:cool:

03-10-2006, 11:40 AM
Bro SR,

Next time i bring u there for the appreciation u upped me.....:D

Regards n cheers

make sure you return the favour and up him back horr :D

03-10-2006, 11:42 AM
MA HAI!!!!

See, lah.... told TSH to wait for me at the mamak. Said I will drive you guys coz I already know this SSH will try to wriggle out.

Should have drop you out in the rain yesterday... :mad:

Wah... YSH so desperate for recognition meh... ok lorr.. i put tq ad in Nanyang Siang Pau with your photo... swee boh :p

03-10-2006, 11:44 AM
Kekeke.....thanks for the ride home yesterday.

Will change siggie when I am free. Now not free cos must surf SBF, read newspaper and later bring my cicak for a walk.:rolleyes:

Dun remember... got another siggy waiting mah...

CBM no longer my IDOL... lose to Kalimantan Gurl :p

03-10-2006, 11:57 AM
make sure you return the favour and up him back horr :D

Hey bro.

up someone who hav high point than me is not a BEST return in the favour.

The BEST return the favour is bring them banyak banyak lubang, let them feel SHIOKKKKKK......:D

Say sorry 1st to Bro Shiok......bcos......

Regards n cheers

03-10-2006, 12:01 PM
Hey bro.

up someone who hav high point than me is not a BEST return in the favour.

The BEST return the favour is bring them banyak banyak lubang, let them feel SHIOKKKKKK......:D Like that please dun up me back. Better still zap me. Then you can bring me banyak banyak lobang and make me even more shiookkk.......:D

sexy rabbit
03-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Bro, I finally found the KL version of BS.

Plus points are stock's standard almost on par with BS. All very playable and they will responds back with skill and effort. Prices also very reasonable with 1 large bottle at RM22. Tips range from RM30 to RM50.

Down points is that this place abit too dark. The sofas can see very old already but at least no smell. Stock not alot so if big crowd, then can expect the girls to butterfly alot.:cool:
Wha.......liddat our SSH wun be homesick liao.....but he will still mizzed the smell of BS. Pls PM me when r u coming back......need to book classroom at Boy's Schools as room are hard to come by..kekeke

03-10-2006, 12:09 PM
Wha.......liddat our SSH wun be homesick liao.....but he will still mizzed the smell of BS. Pls PM me when r u coming back......need to book classroom at Boy's Schools as room are hard to come by..kekeke

Only diff between this place and your BS is no room :p ... kekeke ... YTD my ger opened my pants and show SSH... kns... but i checked out his Viet tomentors tits and ass... creamy and pink... swee :P

sexy rabbit
03-10-2006, 12:09 PM
Wah... YSH so desperate for recognition meh... ok lorr.. i put tq ad in Nanyang Siang Pau with your photo... swee boh :p
Must be very careful horr...wait come out in diff section and choy....Tai Kat lai See

sexy rabbit
03-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Only diff between this place and your BS is no room :p ... kekeke ... YTD my ger opened my pants and show SSH... kns... but i checked out his Viet tomentors tits and ass... creamy and pink... swee :P
Wah, liddat, alot of ONE EYE MONSTER will be running lose liao...wait fight inside no goot leh....:D

03-10-2006, 12:13 PM
Wha.......liddat our SSH wun be homesick liao.....but he will still mizzed the smell of BS. Pls PM me when r u coming back......need to book classroom at Boy's Schools as room are hard to come by..kekekeNow thinking about it, realise that I dun miss the smell of BS that much anymore. Maybe after a few more visits to new place, then will start missing BS smell again. Dun worry confirm will let you know cos maybe must borrow the permanent suite that you have at 8+1.:rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 12:16 PM
Now thinking about it, realise that I dun miss the smell of BS that much anymore. Maybe after a few more visits to new place, then will start missing BS smell again. Dun worry confirm will let you know cos maybe must borrow the permanent suite that you have at 8+1
I am wondering when is my dear senior coming back huh :D :rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 12:20 PM
I am wondering when is my dear senior coming back huh When you stop calling me senior, I will be back. :rolleyes: :p

sexy rabbit
03-10-2006, 12:51 PM
Now thinking about it, realise that I dun miss the smell of BS that much anymore. Maybe after a few more visits to new place, then will start missing BS smell again. Dun worry confirm will let you know cos maybe must borrow the permanent suite that you have at 8+1.:rolleyes:
I dun hv a suite there, but can pass u some magic no....:D

03-10-2006, 05:04 PM
Hey brudders,

Dun forget to take me there oso hor when I go there.......soli lah...now not much kang tau to go KL....:(

But dun forget little brother here hor.....;)

Kam Sia, Thank You...

03-10-2006, 05:16 PM
Dun forget to take me there oso hor when I go there.......soli lah...now not much kang tau to go KL....:( Come down here first then see how first. Maybe by then got better place to bring you.:p

03-10-2006, 05:23 PM
[QUOTE=shiok1968]Come down here first then see how first. Maybe by then got better place to bring you.

Ok lor...will try to korek some time to go coz my tomyam is oso calling for me for so long liao...

SMS until I scared to reply...:eek:

Miss u guys too...hehehehe :p

03-10-2006, 06:32 PM
I dun hv a suite there, but can pass u some magic no....:D
Err... for Sillyporean only or anyone also can request one ...-hehe

03-10-2006, 06:36 PM
Err... for Sillyporean only or anyone also can request one ...-heheAlso meant for people who ask stupid questions.:rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 06:37 PM
Ok lor...will try to korek some time to go coz my tomyam is oso calling for me for so long liao...

SMS until I scared to reply...:eek:

Miss u guys too...hehehehe

Haha, dis called tirakship :p.. u come KL also got CO. meet us in Danuk la...kekeke.

03-10-2006, 06:39 PM
Also meant for people who ask stupid questions.:rolleyes:
hehe... like dat will attract lots of noobies worr...

04-10-2006, 10:44 AM
Post ops report

Yesterdays Operation was a complete success...

Intel gathered from interrogation of our pervious captors was enough to plan next mission... probably a rendezvous at an undisclosed hotel with PRC Double Agent :p

Was there for 4.30 - 10.30 yesterday... Agent Koala and Bigdrill [first experience in this kind of joint and really enjoyed himself with YSHs first Girl]

Total expenditure was RM 180+ ... 132 for drinks (and noticed there was a charge of RM8 per girl [we had 6 girls :P] ...

Maybe another intel collection exercise later to nite to build up to invasion of LOS...

Out... //

sexy rabbit
04-10-2006, 02:30 PM
Post ops report

Yesterdays Operation was a complete success...

Intel gathered from interrogation of our pervious captors was enough to plan next mission... probably a rendezvous at an undisclosed hotel with PRC Double Agent :p

Was there for 4.30 - 10.30 yesterday... Agent Koala and Bigdrill [first experience in this kind of joint and really enjoyed himself with YSHs first Girl]

Total expenditure was RM 180+ ... 132 for drinks (and noticed there was a charge of RM8 per girl [we had 6 girls :P] ...

Maybe another intel collection exercise later to nite to build up to invasion of LOS...

Out... //
PLS STOP..........
This intel report id driving me MAD:mad:

04-10-2006, 02:49 PM
Post ops report

Yesterdays Operation was a complete success...

Was there for 4.30 - 10.30 yesterday... Agent Koala and Bigdrill [first experience in this kind of joint and really enjoyed himself with YSHs first Girl]

Total expenditure was RM 180+ ... 132 for drinks (and noticed there was a charge of RM8 per girl [we had 6 girls :P] ...

Out... //
Ggggrrrrrrrrrrr.......... Commander Rabbit pls organise another convoy up North ASAP !!!!!!!!!! :(

My turn to tempt u....

BOYs SCH Intel (last Thu)
Was a big turn out... 11 bros all stuck in one med room.

Gals a plenty... and half of our battlelion were into MILFs so leaves more SYT for the rest. Soon everyone had a gal and was the room was quickly swept into darkness.

BS Had three new stocks - all 20 yrs old syts.
First was long and curly hair with bod to die for. Playful and likes to nipple ears w her tongue.
2nd was shoulder length bod with model thin figure. Eraser nips and bushy down under..but too bad dun like to kiss (guess who she sat with ??)
3rd not the prettiest but chatty and very good tongue action from my obervations.

Much happenings were done in the darkest corner of theroom.. heard sucking of cocks (one bro got BBBJ plus CIM).. heard wet wet gush sounds (KFZ fingering gal till sofa was WET !!)... Muck Muck sound (Rabbit kissing passionately his CKC!!)....

When time for me to take dark corner.. mai tu liaoz... my new syt commando (is there such a thing ??!?!) quickly took out the serpent and hitched up her skirt. It was just serpent against the thin fabric of her panties.. could not stand it.. broke open a cap.... and entered her now wet wet bush... heave..heave.. rock rock.. still can't cum... Frenched her to keep her from moaning too loud. Had to kick ahh_boi away to make room and then made her lie on the sofa and bangaway. A few more deep strokes later..bombs away... washed up and just veggietate till Billing Time:D

BOYs SCH report OUT

Miss Boy Sch Yetz ???

04-10-2006, 02:53 PM
PLS STOP..........
This intel report id driving me MAD:mad:Now you know why I dun miss BS that much already. Just compare prices enough.:D

04-10-2006, 03:00 PM
AARRGGGG After seeing OP last FR, must now retrack my last statement about not missing Boys Sch.:o

KNN.... both you buggers trying to outdo each other. However good for the rest cos got more FRs to read.:p

04-10-2006, 03:58 PM
......When time for me to take dark corner.. mai tu liaoz... .......... could not stand it.. broke open a cap.... and entered her now wet wet bush... heave..heave.. rock rock.. ......Had to kick ahh_boi away to make room and then made her lie on the sofa and bangaway. ....

So, this is when some people gets to watch your bare butt huh??? :p However, no sightings of the one-eyed snake. next time must bring a big stick in case the one-eyed snake of our Transformer makes an appearance....kekekekeke.

04-10-2006, 04:05 PM
So, this is when some people gets to watch your bare butt huh??? :p However, no sightings of the one-eyed snake. next time must bring a big stick in case the one-eyed snake of our Transformer makes an appearance....kekekekeke.
U, Kool and shiok bring me to this new place.. I confirm show u my one-eye snake and bare bum... :D

04-10-2006, 04:16 PM
Aiyah....for you, sure no problem lah to bring you there. Definitely need more foreign back-ups to attack enemy base coz they also dun play fair by having Vietcongs, Thais and PRC armies. :D

However, need to state that we only recruit trusted soldiers to prevent any unwanted attention. Afraid that the enemy base will be attacked first before our return.

04-10-2006, 04:58 PM
U, Kool and shiok bring me to this new place.. I confirm show u my one-eye snake and bare bum... :DOooohhhh.... me scared of snakes. Still having phobia from the last one-eye snake I saw at XTD.

Better bring my bow and arrow to protect myself. If one-eye snake appear, shoot immediately.:p

sexy rabbit
05-10-2006, 01:58 PM
Oooohhhh.... me scared of snakes. Still having phobia from the last one-eye snake I saw at XTD.

Better bring my bow and arrow to protect myself. If one-eye snake appear, shoot immediately.:p
Liddat, I cannot go lah......wait kenna SSH arrow and stray bullets...:p

sexy rabbit
05-10-2006, 02:27 PM
OKIE, another attemp to temp our KL bros.

ytd was at Boys Schools with...regular troops mate....Ahh_Boi, KFZ, SZ, Mebirdie, Timax.

Me happen to get a SUPER COMMANDO. So super that I got trashed and taken aback. After that, gotto to passs the the buck and send her away.....

Battle = Only 1 round.:rolleyes:

05-10-2006, 02:39 PM
OKIE, another attemp to temp our KL bros.

ytd was at Boys Schools with...regular troops mate....Ahh_Boi, KFZ, SZ, Mebirdie, Timax.

Me happen to get a SUPER COMMANDO. So super that I got trashed and taken aback. After that, gotto to passs the the buck and send her away.....

Battle = Only 1 round.:rolleyes:
Super Commando ?? Do tell wat she did ??

sexy rabbit
05-10-2006, 02:59 PM
Super Commando ?? Do tell wat she did ??
Ok, got her while I was standing outside the door. Saw her walk pass, not bad looking so I ask her "wanna sit wif me?" she replied "Sure". I asked again "Can PLAY". her replied " Sure" (really regret asking this).

Walk in to room, no seat. she said nevermind lets stand. Ok. where? slowly she led me to the corner just behind the door.. and the moment she reach there, she sprang into action. She rubbed me with her bum..than followed by her hand raoming and unzipping me. Next, she pull out my C**K and keep asking if I wanna a HJ. I said NO and asked her to put it back....After that, she was all over me and me also rabba here and there. Than as I tried to finger her, she stopped me and said that my finger are dirty..w/o a word, she open a packet of wet tissue and start cleanning both my hand and fingers...The Bros are taking this opportunity and start teasing me. So paiseh... Next Bro Timax gave up his seat at the far corner as his gal has left and we move towards the seat. When we are there, she was grinding me non stop...after about 15mins, she leave the room and I thank GOD for it. the next time she came back, I just pass the $ and ask her to go away.....SCARED LIAO...:eek:

05-10-2006, 04:19 PM
...Walk in to room, no seat. ...She rubbed me with her bum..than followed by her hand raoming and unzipping me. Next, she pull out my C**K and keep asking if I wanna a HJ. I said NO ....she was all over me and me also rabba here and there. ...she was grinding me non stop...after about 15mins, she leave the room and I thank GOD for it. ....... just pass the $ and ask her to go away.....SCARED LIAO...

Sexy Rabbit scared liao? Huh?? I thought you dunnoe the word "SCARE"??? Wah!!! So commando also you let go arh?? Then next time dun bring you to the new enemy base, liao. We need strong and courageous recruits..... not scary ones, leh!!! :rolleyes:

No need to tempt us, lah.... the KL Battalion is enjoying themselves (oopppss....I meant attacking) now in another enemy camp. :D Leave me alone working in office. Sighhh....... I wanna go Boys School, liao.

05-10-2006, 06:45 PM
. the next time she came back, I just pass the $ and ask her to go away.....SCARED LIAO...:eek:

What he left out was ... then i asked her to meet me at my suite in H81 for a rematch :D

sexy rabbit
06-10-2006, 09:54 AM
Sexy Rabbit scared liao?
Sighhh....... I wanna go Boys School, liao.

Originally Posted by KLKool
What he left out was ... then i asked her to meet me at my suite in H81 for a rematch

Aiya, not to really temp us guys la....
Serious,...really scared...
1st, if she can do this that quick and wanted to do HJ, how many has she done on that day alone....

2nd, her swift action for the kill kills my mood. simply no exchange of words, small talk...straight into action type....

Tis not my type.. At least, when at XTD, there was some small talk and slowly leading into the action...just like when u watch porn, the straight away action type, not story line type sianz....U koe what I mean....:cool:

06-10-2006, 11:11 AM
That's why nowadays, someone has become the KL Casanova. Going to usual places no more "kick" for him. Now likes to eat CKC!!! :rolleyes:

06-10-2006, 05:59 PM
Our Radio received signal from "Enemy Based" reporting to "Enemy HQ" said that got serious sacrification of soldiers due to our numerous attacking from SPECIAL SBF FORCE -our brave soldiers in the past 2 weeks, Requested the HELP to send in New Soldiers to protest the base....

Due to urgency n no time to call the member of Special SBF Force...A few new soldiers still under trainning lead under 1 "lau chiao" hav 2 take this heavy responsibility and duty 2 prevent enemy base become stronger......

We call ourself " SIN CHIAO KAN SHI TUI" (New Bird Dare to Dead Team)

At the End, We all no longer alive.....................However, we still able to abtain some useful info for our Special SBF Force members.....

1. ard 4 new soldiers hav reported to enemy base... be careful on soldier 36 & 37...........
2. 1 existing viet solder is using fire gun, dare to fire her hair n show us the burn smell...... fark...:eek:
3. Some dead oreli..........

End of report..........

Regards n cheers.........

06-10-2006, 06:13 PM
Eh... Tua Lang... u must specify the codename of members of the special interdiction force... otherwise we will not be able to hold services for them as they are usually tortured beyond recognition... :D

06-10-2006, 06:24 PM
Due to urgency n no time to call the member of Special SBF Force...A few new soldiers still under trainning ....We call ourself " SIN CHIAO KAN SHI TUI" (New Bird Dare to Dead Team)

At the End, We all no longer alive..................
Eh... Tua Lang... u must specify the codename of members of the special interdiction force... otherwise we will not be able to hold services for them as they are usually tortured beyond recognition...
Commander Tua Lang,

As a staunch ally, we are sadden by the heroic sacrifice of your forces. Sillypore is always ready to send in "reinforcements" to booster your ranks. :D Just shine the "Cock-signal*" into the nite and we will be there. (*something like the bat signal except it depicts a cock)

Ur Respectful Ally

06-10-2006, 06:26 PM
Commander Tua Lang,

As a staunch ally, we are sadden by the heroic sacrifice of your forces. Sillypore is always ready to send in "reinforcements" to booster your ranks. :D Just shine the "Cock-signal*" into the nite and we will be there. (*something like the bat signal except it depicts a cock)

Ur Respectful Ally

Supreme Commander OP... KL has not still not exhausted our forces yet. But you are still invited for Joint-Operations.

Ur Respectful Ally

06-10-2006, 10:20 PM
As a staunch ally, we are sadden by the heroic sacrifice of your forces. Sillypore is always ready to send in "reinforcements" to booster your ranks. Just shine the "Cock-signal*" into the nite and we will be there. (*something like the bat signal except it depicts a cock)

Ahh_Boi standing by!!! :D

The 4 Tigers of SYTs
Commander Rolly
Colonel SJG
Captain OP
Sergeant Ahh_boi

Sexy Rabbit scared liao? Huh?? I thought you dunnoe the word "SCARE"??? Wah!!! So commando also you let go arh?? Then next time dun bring you to the new enemy base, liao. We need strong and courageous recruits..... not scary ones, leh!!!Then u must recuit me liaozzz!!! Comando totally no use to me wahahaha Cos i just "Tame" them hee hee :D

07-10-2006, 12:42 AM
Ahh_Boi standing by!!!

The 4 Tigers of SYTs
Commander Rolly
Colonel SJG
Captain OP
Sergeant Ahh_boi

Then u must recuit me liaozzz!!! Comando totally no use to me wahahaha Cos i just "Tame" them hee hee :D

Ahh_Boi very excited horr...

I scared u cannot make it past JB... defensive forces have setup a SYT picket around causeway and second link :p

07-10-2006, 09:52 AM
Commander Tua Lang,

As a staunch ally, we are sadden by the heroic sacrifice of your forces. Sillypore is always ready to send in "reinforcements" to booster your ranks. :D Just shine the "Cock-signal*" into the nite and we will be there. (*something like the bat signal except it depicts a cock)

Ur Respectful Ally


like this can lah : super, super, super cock, cockkkkkkkkkkkk (copy from thunder cat: thunder, thunder, thunder catttttt...) :D

Regards n cheers......

07-10-2006, 09:58 AM
Eh... Tua Lang... u must specify the codename of members of the special interdiction force... otherwise we will not be able to hold services for them as they are usually tortured beyond recognition... :D


I tho they supposed should be classified themselve as " SECRET AGENT"

07-10-2006, 10:25 AM
That's why nowadays, someone has become the KL Casanova. Going to usual places no more "kick" for him. Now likes to eat CKC!!! :rolleyes:Knn.... just bcos I am not around, you talk behind my back. Shoot bullet at me somemore. Time to change my siggie again.:rolleyes:

07-10-2006, 11:15 AM
Knn.... , you talk behind my back. Shoot bullet at me .....Time to change my siggie .....

No names/nicks were mentioned in my posting. Did I?? :rolleyes:
There's a Malay saying, those who eats chillies will feel the "heat". I can't help people who pecah their own lubangs.

BTW, change what siggie?? Dun forget me still has secret ammo siggie, horrr!!! :p

07-10-2006, 11:44 AM
BTW, change what siggie?? Dun forget me still has secret ammo siggie, horrr!!! :pOOppppsss...... forgot about that. hehehe..... you and me good bros. Let's shake hands and forget about what I said.:p

07-10-2006, 12:54 PM

I tho they supposed should be classified themselve as " SECRET AGENT"
Then can only bury in Unknown Hero's grave worr... hehehehe...

sexy rabbit
09-10-2006, 10:07 AM
Ahh_Boi standing by!!! :D

The 4 Tigers of SYTs
Commander Rolly
Colonel SJG
Captain OP
Sergeant Ahh_boi

Then u must recuit me liaozzz!!! Comando totally no use to me wahahaha Cos i just "Tame" them hee hee :D

SGT labbit from Recon available for attachment........(not really into SYT, milf oso can de...kekeke)

09-10-2006, 11:56 AM
Mahai everybody! I am home:D

09-10-2006, 12:06 PM
Mahai everybody! I am home:DWelcum back Sifu. So when you going to bring me to see more lobangs in the aft.:p

09-10-2006, 12:42 PM
Welcum back Sifu. So when you going to bring me to see more lobangs in the aft.:p

i stil havnt been to the place u all mentioned:mad:

09-10-2006, 01:01 PM
i stil havnt been to the place u all mentioned:mad:Hehehe.... that place must wait for TSH cos I also dun know how to go there. However the place only starts at 4pm. Dun know enough time for you to enjoy or not?:rolleyes:

09-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Hehehe.... that place must wait for TSH cos I also dun know how to go there. However the place only starts at 4pm. Dun know enough time for you to enjoy or not?:rolleyes:

dont wana bring say so lar...TSH scare i take his girl leh, mahai...u all eat alone hor:p 4pm drink 2 beer = 4.30pm, masok lobang = 5pm...then stil can reach home at 6pm leh...

09-10-2006, 05:13 PM
4pm drink 2 beer = 4.30pm, masok lobang = 5pm...then stil can reach home at 6pm leh...You okay, I okay. However these few days too farking busy. If want then maybe thurs aft. Just drop me a sms.:p

10-10-2006, 09:59 AM
Ma Hai DD... :mad: ... brother say like dat meh??? Tomorrow recce mission onz boh... since SSH busy... we go first lorr...:p

10-10-2006, 10:06 AM
Ma Hai DD... :mad: ... brother say like dat meh??? Tomorrow recce mission onz boh... since SSH busy... we go first lorr...:p

can, what to do...u sound alredy...must follow lor...tmrw with u...THUR with SSH.....YSH! with u on FRI?

10-10-2006, 10:12 AM
can, what to do...u sound alredy...must follow lor...tmrw with u...THUR with SSH.....YSH! with u on FRI?

wah... u say like dis goot meh... this week u want to go how many times ??? :confused:

10-10-2006, 10:19 AM
wah... u say like dis goot meh... this week u want to go how many times ??? :confused:

tiu...i not like u leh...must leave at 5pm, so if 1 day cannot finish the business then must followup on the nex day mah:D

10-10-2006, 10:25 AM
Was there yesterday..................with SexC, Shivan, RedP and 2 other guys....

Found that the enemy base nowaday also attract other forces attention. Enemy soldiers look that unable to hold on the pressure oreli..... 10 vs 30 allied soldiers....:rolleyes:

So, advise to all the Bro: "Early Bird get worm to eat"

My favorite ToTo No: 31, 32, 36, 37, ? & ?

10-10-2006, 10:37 AM
Was there yesterday..................with SexC, Shivan, RedP and 3 other guys....

Found that the enemy base nowaday also attract other forces attention. Enemy soldiers look that unable to hold on the pressure oreli..... 10 vs 30 allied soldiers....:rolleyes:

So, advise to all the Bro: "Early Bird got worm to eat"

My favorite ToTo No: 31, 32, 36, 37, ? & ?
now left 10 only ah !?!!?! :eek:

sexy rabbit
10-10-2006, 10:39 AM
Was there yesterday..................with SexC, Shivan, RedP and 3 other guys....

Found that the enemy base nowaday also attract other forces attention. Enemy soldiers look that unable to hold on the pressure oreli..... 10 vs 30 allied soldiers....:rolleyes:

So, advise to all the Bro: "Early Bird got worm to eat"

My favorite ToTo No: 31, 32, 36, 37, ? & ?
Oi....Quick quick, 2 more nos.....but too late liao....The mid autumn toto draw in SG is $5.6 mil......maybe next 1 ok...:cool:

10-10-2006, 10:48 AM
now left 10 only ah !?!!?! :eek:

Not said only left 10 lah....

Should be said always maintence at 10-15.... Small base mah......:D

Regards n cheers............

10-10-2006, 10:53 AM
Oi....Quick quick, 2 more nos.....but too late liao....The mid autumn toto draw in SG is $5.6 mil......maybe next 1 ok...:cool:

Sorry lah bro.....This is Malaysia Thread lah, sure target for MY toto lah :D

10-10-2006, 11:01 AM
can, what to do...u sound alredy...must follow lor...tmrw with u...THUR with SSH.....YSH! with u on FRI?

don't forget me too :D need to wait till Raya holidays before next trip leh..

10-10-2006, 11:29 AM
don't forget me too :D need to wait till Raya holidays before next trip leh..

Hahaha... u sure boh... someone need to stamp passport on 20th mah :p

10-10-2006, 11:32 AM
Was there yesterday..................with SexC, Shivan, RedP and 2 other guys....

Found that the enemy base nowaday also attract other forces attention. Enemy soldiers look that unable to hold on the pressure oreli..... 10 vs 30 allied soldiers....:rolleyes:

So, advise to all the Bro: "Early Bird get worm to eat"

My favorite ToTo No: 31, 32, 36, 37, ? & ?
Optimal size of group is 4 leh... 6 is too many ... hehehe ... your forces will be discovered too soon and neutralised../. BTW... anyone used the backroom :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 11:48 AM
Optimal size of group is 4 leh... 6 is too many ... hehehe ... your forces will be discovered too soon and neutralised../. BTW... anyone used the backroom :rolleyes:

At the begining, only 2 of us called for service, later found that got another 2 allied member joining in..........until almost end of the war, shivan n member called for back up.....:D

Nobody used the backroom bcos of " LONG QUEUE". (i think so ??, not sure ??)

10-10-2006, 11:49 AM
Nobody used the backroom bcos of " LONG QUEUE".

:eek: Like dat also can arr :eek:

10-10-2006, 12:33 PM
don't forget me too :D need to wait till Raya holidays before next trip leh..

ehhh... dont forget me also leh. :D

11-10-2006, 09:50 AM
don't forget me too :D need to wait till Raya holidays before next trip leh..
need to queue wor...if unlucky need to do MPPJ job leh...no mood liao:(

11-10-2006, 09:58 AM
ehhh... dont forget me also leh. :D

Which mission :confused: ... LOS or Enemy Base in PJ ???

11-10-2006, 10:04 AM
need to queue wor...if unlucky need to do MPPJ job leh...no mood liao:(

So today recce mission on boh... I free by 4pm...

13-10-2006, 09:14 AM
million thanks to TSH YSH & SSH.... i have a favorite no. now;)

13-10-2006, 09:26 AM
million thanks to TSH YSH & SSH.... i have a favorite no. now;)

hihi....Did u realise she look alike Maggie Q (Hong Kong Movie Star)

She got a cousin sister work there also. No:36 also SYT.:D

13-10-2006, 09:36 AM
hihi....Did u realise she look alike Maggie Q (Hong Kong Movie Star)

She got a cousin sister work there also. No:36 also SYT.:D

huh? i was there for about 40mins, 1st 10mins was like a blind man...i cant quite remember her look...but will double confirm if i get her again today:D
FYI her cousin no longer there...working in k-ok she said

13-10-2006, 09:43 AM
huh? i was there for about 40mins, 1st 10mins was like a blind man...i cant quite remember her look...but will double confirm if i get her again today:D
FYI her cousin no longer there...working in k-ok she said

Bad news.... i tho wan 2 look for her 2day..:(

I confirmed will be there ard 5.30pm........

13-10-2006, 12:25 PM
Bad news.... i tho wan 2 look for her 2day..:(
I confirmed will be there ard 5.30pm........

wah....ok ok...i oso goin leh....DD....u goin ornot? TSH? CBM? YSH?...tat day missed...today must kena 1 round...

14-10-2006, 09:11 AM
Frineds came back from Sin......Brought them to our mal unique LSB....

May be due to Wednesday big wind......only got 5 gals working, luckly customer also not many......

Same things happen for 1st comer, culture shock, blind for 10 min and the end - Wah, the stocks are ok loh......

I hav to leave early n all friend still hav't decided whether wan to on the gals or not....... Ask them deal directly with mamasan if they want it....

When i settled down myself at home, felt worry about them.....then SMS them loh....

My SMS: Hi, U on boh

Friend SMS: On lei

My SMS: XXX neh, on boh....How, good boh?

Friend SMS: XXX on also...XXX said shiok n got spring but still fresh. Not much techique but do whatever u ask.

My SMS: U neh....shiok boh?

Friend SMS: ok lah, a bit old when light on, she enjoy more than me. shouted. after finish, she mention got big wind recently. Wei, U better careful nex time..

My SMS: Noted TQ

No of girls they took is 30 & 32

The above is FR thru SMS, not so details due to hp word space constraint...:D

15-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Looks like this place already become our fav chill out area. kekekeke :rolleyes:

monday & tuesday i'm free... *hint*

sexy rabbit
16-10-2006, 10:07 AM
Looks like this place already become our fav chill out area. kekekeke :rolleyes:

monday & tuesday i'm free... *hint*
WOW, KL BOYS SCHOOL. Why u all dun discover this joint earlier......*sad*
Looks like it is going to be a very good Afternoon Delights..:D

16-10-2006, 10:10 AM
WOW, KL BOYS SCHOOL. Why u all dun discover this joint earlier......*sad*
Looks like it is going to be a very good Afternoon Delights..:D
aiya.. dun envious la... we have our own BOYS SCHOOL.. and ours got 40-50+ stocks on a gd day... but of cus price cannot beat this place la.

So when u going north again.. I hitch a ride to see MAY and oso this place kekeke...

16-10-2006, 10:15 AM
Hey, you two!!

Father and son cannot talk at home (home here means your Boys School) or on the phone arh?? Have to TCSS here, meh? Kekekekeke :rolleyes: :D

16-10-2006, 10:19 AM
Hey, you two!!

Father and son cannot talk at home (home here means your Boys School) or on the phone arh?? Have to TCSS here, meh? Kekekekeke
At BOYS SCHOOL... my "father" where got time to talk to me... his hands..lips will be very busy one... :p

so Lang Lang..can only talk to him away from home..hehe

sexy rabbit
16-10-2006, 10:34 AM
At BOYS SCHOOL... my "father" where got time to talk to me... his hands..lips will be very busy one... :p

so Lang Lang..can only talk to him away from home..hehe
Oei, U are talking about yourself arh........:D

16-10-2006, 11:11 AM
Oei, U are talking about yourself arh........Please.... the two of u also same pattern lah!! :D

sexy rabbit
16-10-2006, 11:29 AM
Please.... the two of u also same pattern lah!! :D
Ok, Cya at boys school today.:p

16-10-2006, 12:32 PM
Based on reliable source of info....

Nowaday, only ard 5 enemy soldiers station at the base due to big typhoon happenned recently......

also got rumour said other enemy base attacked by goverment soldiers...

So, Is better let our forces hav a rest now, waiting for further info....

17-10-2006, 05:08 PM
okt shifted new place...must test new tilam
prc name fly2, can speak canto, xo bottle shape with red cock, long & silky hair, HK actress lookalike.

was the 1st bird to arrive, still very early so tc+drink+smoke...no rush, total 2 hrs 2 shots, (1 CIM) coz cant stand her 'still' BJ, just swallow the mushroom head & by just moving her tongue make me xplode in 5 mins. she didnt spit maybe coz of the new tilam.

lite up another ciga & started to xplore the xo bottle until xo cum out...great taste of >22 yrs xo. became dizzy soon after so started the cocktail mixing process...shake shake, twist turn, with the sound of ice cubes smashing inside...finally its ready to be served, not much left in the 2nd pouring, just like those 'test tube babe' or 'b52'...rm150 for 2 rounds...very the reasonable...ahhh i forgot, 50 tips...(upgraded)

i didnt ask for her contact

17-10-2006, 05:47 PM
okt shifted new place......prc name fly2, can speak canto, xo bottle shape with red cock, long & silky hair, HK actress lookalike............

KNN!! Didn't know you nowadays into this!! :eek:
I don't care f he/she looks like an actress or Miss Universe, if got cock, me not interested!!

Must bring you out more and lead you back to the correct path. :rolleyes:

17-10-2006, 05:52 PM
KNN!! Didn't know you nowadays into this!! :eek:
I don't care f he/she looks like an actress or Miss Universe, if got cock, me not interested!!

Must bring you out more and lead you back to the correct path. :rolleyes:

He 'TUKAR SELARA MAH" bro. All the time eat same menu can be tough for some.

17-10-2006, 06:11 PM
i didnt ask for her contact

ya ya.. u din asked but she gave u mah.

Me drop by to collect her contact later, ma hai.. dont play 'Tai Kek' with me ok? :D

18-10-2006, 02:31 AM
.....xo bottle shape with red cock, ....
Is this the bottle? (http://www.sendspace.com/file/901jpn)

......tc+drink+smoke...no rush, total 2 hrs 2 shots, .
wahh what a good bargain...
.....sound of ice cubes smashing inside...
as long as not boinker Jr been smash I dont care
......rm150 for 2 rounds...very the reasonable...ahhh i forgot, 50 tips...(upgraded)
Even with tips its still 100/shot..

.....i didnt ask for her contact
I dont want her contact I want the OKT contact

18-10-2006, 08:35 AM
must test new tilam..xo bottle shape with red cock,.Sifu.... I also want to test new tilam but I dun want to test the red cock.:rolleyes:

total 2 hrs 2 shots, (1 CIM) coz cant stand her 'still' BJ, just swallow the mushroom head & by just moving her tongue make me xplode in 5 mins. she didnt spit maybe coz of the new tilam.Knn... she only need 5 mins to make you explode. Like that really must try cos standard damn high.

rm150 for 2 rounds...very the reasonable...ahhh i forgot, 50 tips...(upgraded).i didnt ask for her contact I agree....very reasonable for rm200. Shhh.... I know you saving this lobang for me. Just tell me when you are free. I buy you kopi or maybe a cold nice beer.:p

18-10-2006, 10:16 AM
sorry YSH, i mean cork, but fingers used to type cock mah...

BM! if i tukar selera will sure let u know 1st leh...then i join Nickygirl forum, anyway i think they r the sexiest

Dk, u want the no. for what...she has very fair skin, very chinese looking, the only attraction to u are the thick lips....maybe

Bk, not the martell xo la...our standard's richard hennessy. okt no. cant get her, she is under an agent...goin places around KL

SSH, sorry unable to lead u to this lobang...she's no longer there, actually i simply doesnt want to get her contact...sometimes the best feeling is best kept in memories, rtf will only loose that sooner or later...anyway u can still try those WL with similiar names...heard that the agent is supplying to SDP, SR etc. i buy u beer ok!

18-10-2006, 10:20 AM
SSH, sorry unable to lead u to this lobang...she's no longer there, actually i simply doesnt want to get her contact...sometimes the best feeling is best kept in memories, rtf will only loose that sooner or later...anyway u can still try those WL with similiar names...heard that the agent is supplying to SDP, SR etc. i buy u beer ok! Kekeke.... dun worry sifu... let's buy each other beer when free. I will be away from this Fri till the 30th of this month. Let's go again for afternoon delights when I am back.:D

18-10-2006, 10:35 AM
Dk, u want the no. for what...she has very fair skin, very chinese looking, the only attraction to u are the thick lips....maybe


Hmmm... this one also i curious leh... he cannot be have a change of taste rite ??? Maybe he starting his own personal harem and is recruiting now...

18-10-2006, 10:40 AM
Hmmm... this one also i curious leh... he cannot be have a change of taste rite ??? Maybe he starting his own personal harem and is recruiting now...He never change taste lah... just that maybe he also curious and once in awhile just change diet.:rolleyes:

18-10-2006, 10:56 AM
He never change taste lah... just that maybe he also curious and once in awhile just change diet.:rolleyes:
Hmmm... but dis one like eating Rat Poison worr

18-10-2006, 05:00 PM
Hmmm... but dis one like eating Rat Poison worr

meh rat poison:confused: ...till that serious ah?...i paid 50 tips leh:D , next time must tip more

20-10-2006, 04:09 PM
meh rat poison...till that serious ah?...i paid 50 tips leh:D , next time must tip more
I think u better cheong less in the afternoon lorr... your big head and small head damaged under the sun liao...

What I mean is PRC to GTM is like Rat Poison to Rat... leads to foaming of the mouth... convulsions and DEATH :p

01-11-2006, 10:07 AM
Yesterday was at LSB with 2 guys.........shiok until miss going fishing together with TSH....Was there from 5.30p.m till closed shop...quite drunk n sextifaction...

1st LSB got 6 gals working yesterday, 3 PRC, 2 Viet n 1 Indon but full of ppl, each gal got 4 tables....shit, so decided went 2 opposite 1....This 1 got 5 viet, 3 PRC n 2 Indon....best part not many ppl.....Quality not as good as 1st LSB, most of them (especially viet gals) CMI, although young but a bit over weight leh.....Only 3-4 gals consider above average.....

Statement from my gal:
to others
she does not do mouth to mouth kissing.
she does not show her neh neh.
she does not wan to play with any DiDi
she does not allow fingering.
she does not fark with customer.

to me
She said we got "yian fen" met each other, she like me very much, she wan me 2 become her bf n i free to do anything on her...:eek:

The above statement made me confuse :rolleyes: , how come i became so attractive meh, i suppose should be sweet talk to the gal, how come she did my part?? somemore with my king kong look, still got gal sweet talk with me meh??

Think over a nite, Finally got my answer " I NEED TO PAY MORE ", tiu nia seng, every beautiful word cost me RM10.....

01-11-2006, 12:43 PM
Think over a nite, Finally got my answer " I NEED TO PAY MORE ", tiu nia seng, every beautiful word cost me RM10.....

hehhehehheh.... good deduction... lets see what my gal will tell me today! hehehehh

01-11-2006, 12:54 PM
hehhehehheh.... good deduction... lets see what my gal will tell me today! hehehehh


01-11-2006, 05:07 PM
Hahaha... our dear TL... we were fishing until about 11.30... then went HC and eat Teochew Porridge... I reached home at about 3am...

So when we gonna cheong together leh ... hehehe... its been a while since SW leh...:p

sexy rabbit
01-11-2006, 05:19 PM
Hahaha... our dear TL... we were fishing until about 11.30... then went HC and eat Teochew Porridge... I reached home at about 3am...

So when we gonna cheong together leh ... hehehe... its been a while since SW leh...
So the fishing trip was good la.......:cool:

01-11-2006, 05:41 PM
So the fishing trip was good la.......

Go and read my FR in the KL After Dusk thread. You and your "son" will like to go. Kekekekeke.... :p

02-11-2006, 08:57 AM
So when we gonna cheong together leh ... hehehe... its been a while since SW leh...:p

Haha, Next week my HM outstation a few days.............:D

So, bro know wat 2 do..............


02-11-2006, 04:03 PM
Went 2 2nd LSB with SexC again n later joined by Poester.......

Went there with 1 main objective:- "To check whether Bro KLKool is on commandor mission there boh"..........:cool:

New info obtained from this visit, found some chun viet/prc. so, the number for those above average should be 5-6 nos......

We hav small party there with gal n mamasan, served with roasted duck n cake....:D

I believed Mamasan oreli categised us as "VIP Customer" (in nice word) or"Big Shui Yee"

Yesterday quite crowded, however, got 1 shi zhuan malat mei accompany us till the end. she also said that mamasan treat us well, bcos did not ask her sit with others. (i think bcos of duck effect, haha)

I left ard 8 p.m later known that they also closed early on 10 p.m due to wind blew........

02-11-2006, 04:58 PM
sorry bros for keep u all waiting, must work leh...if not always say me so cock free:rolleyes: tomolo 1 bucket kfc on me:D

bro TL, your hormones very active hor...

02-11-2006, 05:12 PM
sorry bros for keep u all waiting, must work leh...if not always say me so cock free:rolleyes: tomolo 1 bucket kfc on me

U better write ur SA FR!! Ma Hai me wait so long u still farking!! The place not 45 min session meh? :confused:

02-11-2006, 06:15 PM
bro TL, your hormones very active hor...

actualy is not good sign....too many lubang, too much damages....:(

Hav 2 learn from sifu like u, How to

1. Reduce our horniness; and
2. Keep our budget of RM200 per month....

Beside HM & PCC, still got any other solution lah.......:rolleyes:

03-11-2006, 11:52 AM
Hav 2 learn from sifu like u, How to

1. Reduce our horniness; and
2. Keep our budget of RM200 per month.... Actually my Sifu DD means RM200 is per time. One week 3 Times and monthly average 10 times.

Overall budget per month about RM2000. If not why I call him Sifu.:p

03-11-2006, 11:55 AM
1. Reduce our horniness; and
2. Keep our budget of RM200 per month....

Beside HM & PCC, still got any other solution lah.......:rolleyes:

haha...to reduce horniness u must always drink,wash or whatever activity with cold/ice water. dont eat hot or spicy food....sleep/work in airconed room etc

i never keep budget of 200/mth.... its 200/trip....but usually 1 month i also go 1 trip leh...sometimes dont:o

03-11-2006, 11:57 AM
Overall budget per month about RM2000. If not why I call him Sifu.:p
u veli free ka today....where wana go poke ah?:D

03-11-2006, 12:17 PM
u veli free ka today....where wana go poke ah?:D

Tonite NL Pub on boh?

03-11-2006, 12:21 PM
Tonite NL Pub on boh?

NL pub ah? not puchong famous roasted goose? where la:confused:

03-11-2006, 01:30 PM
Tonite NL Pub on boh?What time you want to pick me up?:p

03-11-2006, 01:53 PM
What time you want to pick me up?:p

phew! another 1 to share the bill...tonite no mahjong session meh?:p

03-11-2006, 02:07 PM
What time you want to pick me up?:p

I need to confirm something with Puk Kai 1st, after i will call u. :D

03-11-2006, 02:15 PM
I need to confirm something with Puk Kai 1st, after i will call u. :D

Mr lee. please let us now your arrangement on the time,place & where to unload...;)

03-11-2006, 02:15 PM
I ask DD to pick up SSH... (nearer for him mah...) then meet at Puchong lorr.. swee boh ? :P

03-11-2006, 02:18 PM
hey guys, tonite will rain or not ah?:D

03-11-2006, 02:28 PM
hey guys, tonite will rain or not ah?:D

Of cos will rain lah... why ??? if not natural... can we call GTM Dutch witch doctor... snow also can arrange leh :p

03-11-2006, 02:39 PM
phew! another 1 to share the bill...tonite no mahjong session meh?:pTmr then have. Start aft and play til Sun morn.:p

03-11-2006, 02:41 PM
Tmr then have. Start aft and play til Sun morn.:p

Wah... ur CKC NN bery big horr... Raba-Raba can consider play mahjong horr :p

03-11-2006, 02:44 PM
I ask DD to pick up SSH... (nearer for him mah...) then meet at Puchong lorr.. swee boh ? :PDD should be working mah. No worries lah...just point me to the nearest LRT and you can pick me from there.:D

03-11-2006, 02:49 PM
DD should be working mah. No worries lah...just point me to the nearest LRT and you can pick me from there.:D

Hmmmm... actually... I think DD is free liao... u call him and check lah...

03-11-2006, 02:51 PM
Wah... ur CKC NN bery big horr... Raba-Raba can consider play mahjong horr :pReally play mahjong lah. This one not CKC cos already know from SG. Last time also FL but now kenna "bao" so retire. Weekend she bored mah so ask me go and play mahjong at her place.:p

03-11-2006, 03:01 PM
oooo then should be next CKC gonna be. :D

bro DD quick go call your idol. he msg me to join him go MP in Puchong. He should be quite free. hehe

03-11-2006, 04:55 PM
Really play mahjong lah. This one not CKC cos already know from SG. Last time also FL but now kenna "bao" so retire. Weekend she bored mah so ask me go and play mahjong at her place.:p

u dunno i play mahjong too?...taiwan, hongkong, saudi, africa mahjong all i know la...where to meet tomorrow?:D

03-11-2006, 04:59 PM
bro DD quick go call your idol. he msg me to join him go MP in Puchong. He should be quite free. hehe

mahai...he no more my idol la..sms u but not me...:mad: later i c him i squeeze his lintau...

actually i 'up' u la...coz alredy upped gtm b4...i know now u veli close with him mah:p

03-11-2006, 05:36 PM
mahai...he no more my idol la..sms u but not me...:mad: later i c him i squeeze his lintau...

actually i 'up' u la...coz alredy upped gtm b4...i know now u veli close with him mah:p

haha...i dowan u up me hor... up my points ok la.. Thanks bro up your points tomorrow.
u better becareful .... squeeze his lintau. later your idol "steam liao what to do" up u then u got new mahjong to play. Called cowboy mahjong.

Sifu DD next time teach me play other country's mahjong.... now only know play prc mahjong & Mys mahjong.. hehe

make me confuse i tot u wan to up GTM's point mar.....

04-11-2006, 09:38 AM
Plan an adventure trip to 3rd LSB next week..........:rolleyes:

04-11-2006, 09:52 AM
Plan an adventure trip to 3rd LSB next week..........:rolleyes:
Hmmm.... please keep me informed ... :D

04-11-2006, 10:02 AM
Thanks my braveheart sifu DD for yest outing to a NL Pub in Puchong, to show him my respect i have changed my avatar just for DD. :D

Ma hai... this morning wake up i still thinking abt the Nasi Lemak of yest... can anyone tell me why nasi lemak is so tasty food leh? :rolleyes:

I wanna thanks bro CibLover for his kar ch'ng show, hurururhurur... I wanna thanks him for another show with the cigar ger.. i told the ger bro CibLover is rich, everytime he went for WL he oso gave RM50 to RM100 tip... the ger anwsered: mai hai loh!! buy cigar from me lah!!

04-11-2006, 10:19 AM
Thanks my braveheart sifu DD for yest outing to a NL Pub in Puchong, to show him my respect i have changed my avatar just for DD.

Ma hai... this morning wake up i still thinking abt the Nasi Lemak of yest... can anyone tell me why nasi lemak is so tasty food leh? :rolleyes:

Bro DK,

So, when will u bring me to this tasty nasi lemak stall ??

Since u r the 1st bro who upped me.........(dun misunderstanding hoh....upped my point n not my kar ch'ng)

However, sifu DD advised me shall take more "ABC" rather than hot n spicy food..............How neh....:rolleyes:

04-11-2006, 10:21 AM
Hi... was just reading through the thread... I really enjoyed the outing to the LSB in PJ recently :P but i hope they get additional new stock soon cos the popularity is increasing.

The price for the beer is ok, at RM22 a bottle, the rooms behind are kinda scary :p

04-11-2006, 10:29 AM
oooo then should be next CKC gonna be. :D

bro DD quick go call your idol. he msg me to join him go MP in Puchong. He should be quite free. hehe

I called him YTD to join our TCSS... He say call me last night and join us... then aeroplane again... i give up liao... gonna delete his number from my phonebook...

MBZ new title is Guilin Airlines... :P

04-11-2006, 10:30 AM
...... show with the cigar ger.. i told the ger bro CibLover is rich, .....COLOR][/B]

MA HAI!!! I still haven't fark you for last night sabo-ing me with that cigar girl. :mad:
But....she sure smells nice....Kekekeke.

Anyway, your NL sure likes to rock on your "Golden coc..k ", horr.??? Make everyone of us so envious. But luckily she didn't rock our didi... I remember you said your didi was itchy after that!! :eek:

Orh...You reminded me. Congratulations to our new FPK.

BTW, I'm still waiting for Shiok1968 's new siggie about last nite's secret. The secret about some forgetful horny animal!!!

04-11-2006, 10:53 AM
lol.... i was so comfortable meet up with most " Guru/Sifu" in the clan yest..!!

tnx everyone ...i mean EVERYONE for the warm welcome , wanted to join part 2 , but home minister call for duty ...sad :(

looking forward for next ..mmmm .... cough.....cough ... session ..:D

04-11-2006, 11:10 AM
Bro DK,

So, when will u bring me to this tasty nasi lemak stall ??

Since u r the 1st bro who upped me.........(dun misunderstanding hoh....upped my point n not my kar ch'ng)

However, sifu DD advised me shall take more "ABC" rather than hot n spicy food..............How neh....

Bro TL,

Forgotten me being a foreigner in town arr? Me eveytime oso need KL bros to show me thw way, but kena gang like top 3 farker sure sked lah!! Coz they fark at least 5 times a week! I think u suppose to bring me to look see lah.. will buy u famous from my country Heineken. :D

I always up potential top kl farker(s), 1st time i saw ur posting.. aha, he (TL loh) is a potential newbie who can challenge the top 3 lah, like tat fast fast up him loh. hurururhur..

Btw, BH sifu DD din tell u later go look for new indonesia made vacuum cleaner arr? Hopefully not so spicy. hahaha...

04-11-2006, 11:15 AM
[SIZE="5"]Anyway, your NL sure likes to rock on your "[COLOR="Yellow"]Golden coc..k ", horr.??? Make everyone of us so envious. But luckily she didn't rock our didi... I remember you said your didi was itchy after that!! :eek:

Tell u wat... i received her sms when i reach home, fai si tell u what she wrote to me. Ma hai.. if i got her sms b4 DD dropped me of my car in sunway... maybe got FR to write loh.

But dunno how much i need to pay her then.

04-11-2006, 11:29 AM
....But dunno how much i need to pay her then.

You pay her with your "GOLDEN COC..K" and after she enjoys it, she will pay you money, lor.
THAT has always been the case, right??

You long time didn't eat Nasi Lemak, liao....faster sms back to eat, lah. Then write FR, horrr.... :rolleyes:

04-11-2006, 11:45 AM
Bro TL,

I always up potential top kl farker(s), 1st time i saw ur posting.. aha, he (TL loh) is a potential newbie who can challenge the top 3 lah, like tat fast fast up him loh. hurururhur..

Btw, BH sifu DD din tell u later go look for new indonesia made vacuum cleaner arr? Hopefully not so spicy. hahaha...

Haha....u should known them (top 3 loh) better than me rite...newbie like me although got potential, but also no dare to challenge them leh.....5 times a week

Somemore, newbie like me with less experience felt that this past few months go to fast leh......Fast until everythings start with "O" :(


Might take a few week/month break n try 2 keep myself low profile a bit leh....Until everthings start with "R" again...:rolleyes:


04-11-2006, 11:58 AM
TL also talk a lot horr... anyway... u are by no means a newbie... just new to SBF horr... otherwise why SW/DW/SB and many other KTV mummy know u so well :rolleyes: .. hehehehe

04-11-2006, 12:04 PM
TL also talk a lot horr... anyway... u are by no means a newbie... just new to SBF horr... otherwise why SW/DW/SB and many other KTV mummy know u so well .. hehehehe

Correction.........I only know 2 mummy well......the rest u mentioned they dun know me leh...:cool:

1. Mummy at SW 2. Mummy at my home.......:D

04-11-2006, 12:10 PM
Somemore, newbie like me with less experience felt that this past few months go to fast leh......Fast until everythings start with "O"


Might take a few week/month break n try 2 keep myself low profile a bit leh....Until everthings start with "R" again...


Ma Hai.. only once i asked u bring me around then u come up with this. :(

Correction.........I only know 2 mummy well......the rest u mentioned they dun know me leh...

1. Mummy at SW 2. Mummy at my home.......

Then u mentioned the ABC mummy is which one? :D

06-11-2006, 07:22 AM
Hmmm.... please keep me informed ... :DI thought you not in town?:rolleyes:

06-11-2006, 07:26 AM
forgetful horny animal[/B]!!!Kekeke..... wanted to post my new siggie but then change my mind. Not very nice lah. After all, it's suppose to be a secret.:p

Btw why is that horny animal wearing socks in such a warm climate. Still a mystery to me.:rolleyes:

06-11-2006, 09:10 AM
Hi... was just reading through the thread... I really enjoyed the outing to the LSB in PJ recently :P but i hope they get additional new stock soon cos the popularity is increasing.

The price for the beer is ok, at RM22 a bottle, the rooms behind are kinda scary :p

Haha.....LSB kaki leh.........

So, Bro LSB_Fan, How many LSB hav u try oreli in PJ area?? :D

06-11-2006, 09:43 AM
I thought you not in town?:rolleyes:

Oops... Monday Tuesday ard mah... kekekeke...

06-11-2006, 09:45 AM
haha...i dowan u up me hor... up my points ok la.. Thanks bro up your points tomorrow.
Sifu DD next time teach me play other country's mahjong.... now only know play prc mahjong & Mys mahjong.. hehe

i upped ur point long time ago leh...dont learn mahjong la..i teach u africa 13 flowers:D
my idol sms me on SAT said wana bring me to MP this week, should i go ah...he said only batin no autoroam, me not retire like him mah...

bro TL...since u now starting from "O" then better take ABC la...u cant follow bro Dk's style, PRC spread he also dont want wor...now he like pork mee~

and thanks to all senior & junior bros for the outing last FRI, long time no one bring me out for drinks & for chew keng...unfortunately all are saving bullet to shoot elsewhere.

reasonable amount of drinks(beer) + titbits(nuts) + girl sitting on lap + raba2 all for just RM20!:eek: cigar & having your photo taken for remembrance (additional RM10) YES...this is entertainment, but the damage is real....ekekkek, bros please dont try this on your own...unless you go with the 1 & only GTM...

06-11-2006, 09:49 AM
DD very modest... it is our pleasure to have drinks with you leh... :p

06-11-2006, 10:15 AM
Oops... Monday Tuesday ard mah... kekekeke...

Today adventure mission to 3rd LSB n 4th LSB ard 3.30p.m....

Any1 interested please call me........:D

sexy rabbit
06-11-2006, 10:20 AM
Wa......KL Boleh...
Things are really happening.....But too bad...might not be able to make the trip....Shadow still can't cfm his appt yet.....Bro Bruce, need to trouble you if they are coming up this week, cos me most likely be in SZ.......;)

06-11-2006, 10:33 AM
and thanks to all senior & junior bros for the outing last FRI, long time no one bring me out for drinks & for chew keng...unfortunately all are saving bullet to shoot elsewherThanks bro for the ride home. Next time you free at nite, just give me a call and we can go look for other nice drinking places. I know of some good places at Bangsar. Confirm alot of nice scenery.:D

06-11-2006, 10:35 AM
Today adventure mission to 3rd LSB n 4th LSB ard 3.30p.m....

Any1 interested please call me........:DReally would love to join you but timing not ngiam cos very busy. Must find one day to cheong with you.:D

06-11-2006, 11:20 AM
Today adventure mission to 3rd LSB n 4th LSB ard 3.30p.m....

Any1 interested please call me........:D

Hmmm... will come and look see lorr... and then see how... :P

06-11-2006, 01:04 PM
Thanks bro for the ride home. Next time you free at nite, just give me a call and we can go look for other nice drinking places. I know of some good places at Bangsar. Confirm alot of nice scenery.:D

no pro bro, yes..we should start to recruit more mahjong kakis from there:p

06-11-2006, 01:33 PM
no pro bro, yes..we should start to recruit more mahjong kakis from there:pMahjong kakis must spend time to built up. Alot of effort. Just try to look out for other kind of kaki better.:p

06-11-2006, 01:34 PM
Double post. Deleted. Paiseh

06-11-2006, 01:53 PM
Today adventure mission to 3rd LSB n 4th LSB ard 3.30p.m....

Any1 interested please call me........:D

would love to join but work schedule wont allow...:(

Things are really happening.....But too bad...might not be able to make the trip....Shadow still can't cfm his appt yet.....Bro Bruce, need to trouble you if they are coming up this week, cos me most likely be in SZ..

bro i also cant confirm i will be in kl or not this wednesday till friday. Hopefully i will be around.

Sifu DD teaching africa 13 flower who wanna learn come register :P

06-11-2006, 05:14 PM
Mahjong kakis must spend time to built up. Alot of effort. Just try to look out for other kind of kaki better.:p

oic...like this v find poker kaki...then v poke them:p

07-11-2006, 10:44 AM
oic...like this v find poker kaki...then v poke them:pWhen it comes to poker, you confirm the expert. That's why I call you SIFU :D

07-11-2006, 01:22 PM
Before start the Report on LSBs. Let explain on the LSB numbering.......

1st LSB (the 1 that we normaly go 2)
Opposite 1st LSB get 3 more, i named them (from left to right) as 2nd LSB, 3rd LSB n 4th LSB............

The comments on 1st LSB n 2nd LSB, please refer to previous posts......

Yesterday, SexC n i got the recce mission on 3rd n 4th LSB.......

First 1 we went is 4th LSB, Dinosaur Island - Local old dinos n Indon dinos......This place only ngaim for bravery fellows (who wan 2 proof himself able to survive at whatever situation) n senior fellows (who is the most senior in SBF :rolleyes: )........the End, we able to escape from the dinos attacking.........

next went to 3rd LSB.. Just indon.. but this one have 1 or 2 bonkable .. i think people like the extremely wild chicks here.. u may get free bbbbj or even fj here....Look alike Greatwall standard.............

As a conclusion.........1st LSB n 2nd LSB still the Best.........:D

Recently due big wind.......not many gals station at each LSB, somemore they also close earlier.........Yesterday only got 4 gals at 2nd LSB n they closed at 10..........

07-11-2006, 02:22 PM
Wah....Bro Tua-Lang

Looks like must promote you to LSB SIFU. All these while, the reports only cumming from you so this title really suits you.:D

Too bad these few weeks I too busy in the aft. If not can join you for recce mission.:p

07-11-2006, 04:44 PM
Confirm Tua Lang's report. Had lunch with one of the girl work in LSB 1today.....Most girl is playing majeong at their apartment.....dun waste time visiting there.

07-11-2006, 04:50 PM
Confirm Tua Lang's report. Had lunch with one of the girl work in LSB 1today.....Most girl is playing majeong at their apartment.....dun waste time visiting there.Kekeke.... since you know them and they also play mahjong, can always ask them if need extra kaki or not? We can always buy drinks and makan and then play mahjong.:rolleyes:

07-11-2006, 05:04 PM
Confirm Tua Lang's report. Had lunch with one of the girl work in LSB 1today.....Most girl is playing majeong at their apartment.....dun waste time visiting there.

haha, got interest 2 know which gal hav launch with u leh..........:D

31,32 or 35:rolleyes:

I also got project with 1 of gal for my amnesty outing, just wondering same gal ??

07-11-2006, 05:18 PM
Wah....Bro Tua-Lang

Looks like must promote you to LSB SIFU. All these while, the reports only cumming from you so this title really suits you.

Too bad these few weeks I too busy in the aft. If not can join you for recce mission.

paiseh lah, most of the bro nowaday very busy.......(hope that is not an excuses - just joking)........:D

i got advise from our sifu DD, always control budget for every cheonging mah....LSB definetyly is 1 of the cheap place to learn.......

Just think on it, buy 2 bottles n stay there for 5 hours.....learn sweet talk skill with PRC (exspecially for those without agent 1).......May be next time, really can arrange mahjong / poker game with them [may be need help from U in future on how to set out the mahjong table]...Rite....:rolleyes:

sexy rabbit
07-11-2006, 06:36 PM
Kekeke.... since you know them and they also play mahjong, can always ask them if need extra kaki or not? We can always buy drinks and makan and then play mahjong.:rolleyes:
Planing next attack liao..........:rolleyes:

08-11-2006, 10:05 AM
Can invite them for majeong, but i only play neh neh not majeong ler....


08-11-2006, 10:19 AM

tiu...u took my favo. no., today toto must buy new no.:(

08-11-2006, 10:23 AM
tiu...u took my favo. no., today toto must buy new no.:(

Sifu, u fav no is 37 lah........:rolleyes:

08-11-2006, 10:43 AM
Sifu, u fav no is 37 lah........:rolleyes:

hai meh? sure kah? phew~........then today must add another no. buy system 7.:p ... ehh..can ask them out for lunch meh? how ah my LSB president? gorken!? nowadays nobody accompany me for lunch la...

08-11-2006, 10:46 AM
hai meh? sure kah? phew~........then today must add another no. buy system 7.:p ... ehh..can ask them out for lunch meh? how ah my LSB president? gorken!? nowadays nobody accompany me for lunch la...

Yest i was having lunch with u mah... is it no chee bye no count? :p

08-11-2006, 10:51 AM
Yest i was having lunch with u mah... is it no chee bye no count? :p

thats hightea la..., lunch & dinner no meat eat where got energy to work;)

08-11-2006, 04:21 PM
. ehh..can ask them out for lunch meh?.

That one u open mouth and ask lah... more than lunch also can... but ur president spoil market liao... so the expectation may be out of your budget leh if you include hotel... hehehehe

08-11-2006, 05:16 PM
That one u open mouth and ask lah... more than lunch also can... but ur president spoil market liao... so the expectation may be out of your budget leh if you include hotel... hehehehe

i dunno mah TSH...only been there less than an hour, somemore i m those veli shy type...only know to ask a girl for bonk...but for lunch i think never try b4:D ...so nex time u guide me hor, mahai...another market spoilt ah!...i think 1 time out of budget only no harm la...new experience leh...heh heh

22-11-2006, 07:14 AM
Nowadays everyone seems to be very busy. This thread also disappear to Page 2. Since it is my Sifu's thread, must try to maintain at first page.:D

What happen to the Teh Neh Neh gang? No more afternoon delights?:p

22-11-2006, 08:28 AM
Nowadays everyone seems to be very busy. This thread also disappear to Page 2. Since it is my Sifu's thread, must try to maintain at first page.:D

What happen to the Teh Neh Neh gang? No more afternoon delights?:p

Due to wind.........only a few gals (2-3 nos) working nowaday....

22-11-2006, 09:03 AM
Sorry for missing in action. Not much money and time to waste this month....so no update from me...
lunch arrr....just ask only mar....no skill required...

22-11-2006, 09:24 AM
lunch arrr....just ask only mar....no skill required...The skill would be to get free dessert after lunch. If dun have free dessert, then hopefully lunch was cheap. If expensive, then might as well spend the money at HC.:p

22-11-2006, 09:34 AM
simple and clear, u want free lunch, go back to your wife or gf (not free actually)

if u want quick result then HC lor, but

if u want to have normal lunch and hopefully got candy after that, is all by luck and how to talk to them lorrrr.....

That is y i keep asking you to bring me to drink lor. Actuall i dun expect much...Bonus is normally out of expectation..

22-11-2006, 09:58 AM
simple and clear, u want free lunch, go back to your wife or gf (not free actually)

if u want quick result then HC lor, but

if u want to have normal lunch and hopefully got candy after that, is all by luck and how to talk to them lorrrr.....

That is y i keep asking you to bring me to drink lor. Actuall i dun expect much...Bonus is normally out of expectation.. Nice summary.

Sorry bro but last few weeks busy with work so also never go and drink much. Maybe next week we can arrange to go and recce downtown. Long time never go Thai Club and Rum Jungle. Go down and see see also good. You will never know about the extra bonus.:p

sexy rabbit
22-11-2006, 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gorken
Sorry for missing in action. Not much money and time to waste this month....so no update from me...

Tui.....I tot U gone fishing.......:D

22-11-2006, 12:46 PM
Tui.....I tot U gone fishing.......:DShhh.... dun perchar our lobang. Too many mermaids the last weeks so next week must change diet to wild breasts (opp... I mean beasts) at Rum Jungle.:p

22-11-2006, 12:57 PM
...Long time never go Thai Club and Rum Jungle. Go down and see see also good. You will never know about the extra bonus.

I remember I owe you 'little" monies. So, one jug on me!! :D Gotta learn to drink better before going to meet gwailo customers. :p

22-11-2006, 01:48 PM
I remember I owe you 'little" monies. So, one jug on me!! Gotta learn to drink better before going to meet gwailo customers. Hehehe....with all the interest, should be one bottle already:p You buy me the drinks, I teach you how to drink better. Swee boh?:p

22-11-2006, 02:20 PM
Nice summary.

Sorry bro but last few weeks busy with work so also never go and drink much. Maybe next week we can arrange to go and recce downtown. Long time never go Thai Club and Rum Jungle. Go down and see see also good. You will never know about the extra bonus.:p

okay, next week...on..

We are fisherman/hunter ...like adventure....sometime water, sometime jungle....:D

22-11-2006, 02:30 PM
okay, next week...on..

We are fisherman/hunter ...like adventure....sometime water, sometime jungle..Okie... contact me. Dun forget to bring your equipment like your long fishing rod for water creatures or your thick spear for hunting in the jungle.:rolleyes: :p

22-11-2006, 03:52 PM
Okie... contact me. Dun forget to bring your equipment like your long fishing rod for water creatures or your thick spear for hunting in the jungle.:rolleyes: :p

i will call you... which day in the week is best huh? i know friday and saterday night is not a good pick coz too many competition right?

22-11-2006, 03:59 PM
i will call you... which day in the week is best huh? i know friday and saterday night is not a good pick coz too many competition right?Either Wed or Thurs nite cos ladies nite.:D

22-11-2006, 05:41 PM
..if u want to have normal lunch and hopefully got candy after that, is all by luck and how to talk to them lorrrr.....

That is y i keep asking you to bring me to drink lor. Actuall i dun expect much...Bonus is normally out of expectation..

TNS Gorken, ask u spare some tips only....drink meh?! i buy u 1 bucket KFC la...we slow2 eat slow2 talk:D

or nex month 1 bring u to puchong where u can teh neh neh & drink for only RM20, but must ask my oversea bro to tag along la...

23-11-2006, 09:48 AM
TNS Gorken, ask u spare some tips only....drink meh?! i buy u 1 bucket KFC la...we slow2 eat slow2 talk:D

or nex month 1 bring u to puchong where u can teh neh neh & drink for only RM20, but must ask my oversea bro to tag along la...

No need KFC lar.....but teh neh neh and drink sure on lar....pm you my HP number.....RM 20 sounds good

sexy rabbit
23-11-2006, 10:37 AM
Either Wed or Thurs nite cos ladies nite.
Saturday.....SSH's Mahjong nite....Do not disturb....:p :D

23-11-2006, 11:09 AM
Saturday.....SSH's Mahjong nite....Do not disturb....

Saturday is his mahjong nite. So do not disturb me also cause I'll be busy making tea, coffees, buying cigarrettes, cleaning ashtray and what not. :D

23-11-2006, 07:11 PM
Saturday is his mahjong nite. So do not disturb me also cause I'll be busy making tea, coffees, buying cigarrettes, cleaning ashtray and what not. :D

and servicing their kar ch'ng! :D

28-11-2006, 08:03 AM
or nex month 1 bring u to puchong where u can teh neh neh & drink for only RM20, but must ask my oversea bro to tag along la...Sifu, are you referring to me? Next month means Dec. Next week already Dec. So just tell me which day.:p

28-11-2006, 09:12 AM
Sifu, are you referring to me? Next month means Dec. Next week already Dec. So just tell me which day.:p

ofcoz u la...if not drink with the wall meh...u know our frens all, veli health concious:rolleyes: ...but for the teh neh2 must ask your fren to do the show lor, we sit back & watch, most probably MON or TUE leh...preferably rainy day

29-11-2006, 08:48 AM
Errr... I tag along to puchong can boh :p

29-11-2006, 12:20 PM
Errr... I tag along to puchong can boh :p
Errr....when you visiting KL again?:rolleyes:

29-11-2006, 01:25 PM
ofcoz u la...if not drink with the wall meh...u know our frens all, veli health concious ...but for the teh neh2 must ask your fren to do the show lor, we sit back & watch, most probably MON or TUE leh...preferably rainy day

Funny things of today, guess who said this:

Korean Poh i dunwan, Korean Mui i want lah! :D

Ma hai, who dunno ah ma is a woman? :rolleyes:

29-11-2006, 05:29 PM
Funny things of today, guess who said this:

Korean Poh i dunwan, Korean Mui i want lah! :D

ooi...y didnt put in the 2nd part:mad:
korean poh must pay...korean mui can expect foc, if pretty i dont mind buying her drinks. nex mon or tue hor, dont forget

29-11-2006, 06:33 PM
MahAi... eat kimchi without me arr... cannot wait till next week meh :rolleyes:

30-11-2006, 09:46 AM
ooi...y didnt put in the 2nd part
korean poh must pay...korean mui can expect foc, if pretty i dont mind buying her drinks. nex mon or tue hor, dont forget

U are my second idol, u better dont talk cock.. i think soon i will have multi nationalities to choose from.. u dare to taste all of them boh? :D

Mon shouldn't be a problem... but tuesday i cannot coz i have appointment with a very special female. :D

30-11-2006, 09:48 AM
MahAi... eat kimchi without me arr... cannot wait till next week meh :rolleyes:

Next week i intro her to u, me fren boh? ;)

30-11-2006, 09:59 AM
Next week i intro her to u, me fren boh? ;)
I thought you want me to teach her how to play mahjong.:p

30-11-2006, 10:25 AM
I thought you want me to teach her how to play mahjong.

Confirm she dont know play mahjong and she dun wanna learn oso. :p

But she likes to drink beer... another speciality for u leh... dont worry, i will intro to u guys soon. :D

30-11-2006, 10:37 AM
I think this time u guys have to accept me as the no 4 members of DD's Braveheart Elite Group liao... U know why?

Ok ok... i will give bro DD (ofcoz the chairman 1st) this new form of lobang but i'm still trying to get more info's b4 i can confirm anything... but oso for sure i do have the contacts that we need.

I am talking abt factory workers doing FL, stocks include local NL, thai, vietnamese and burmese (myamar). All the while they contact person is talking abt LT price with me... now i try to get ST price and the way they work. This is really something new to me... but for braveheart members i will share eveything with them. :D

More info's abt this soon...

30-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Mahai... GTM begging to be part of DD's Braveheart Elite meh ??? no need lah... for sure u are one... u just got not enough attendance for training mission i am sure :D

30-11-2006, 10:44 AM
I think this time u guys have to accept me as the no 4 members of DD's Braveheart Elite Group liao... U know why?Like what KLKOOL say, you already part of the BraveHeart squad. Now only need to attend more missions together with us.:p