View Full Version : New wechat scam?

29-03-2016, 07:45 AM
Hi guys, i dont know if this is a new scam or not but its very similar to the old type of wechat scam... The apple card! just that this time they dont even need you to scratch the bar code behind and send them a picture of it like what i read from the post here... The guy who call you just want you to send a picture of the front of the apple card... No idea how they would do it but i m not willing to try my luck... Told the china man off and he got angry and threatened me saying he will track my hp number for my address and come find me... I told him i will be waiting and please make sure you come! he got angry and hung up... Lolz... Anyway just rem no cash = no deal! Hope this help... Cheers guys :)

27-05-2016, 09:58 AM
Thanks bro, we need to keep each other's informed whenever there's such scams around. I came to the FL scene just recently and nearly fell for one. Luckily I checked Sammy first!

29-05-2016, 12:07 PM
I also kenna from L*****o into engagaing one prc or taiwan mm.
Initially we use wechat & she ask for hp no.
When agreed to meet in hotel,she ask me whether i am near any AXN machine.
At the juncture,i sense something weird & seem like a scam.
I have known this tactic from online sharing & crimewatch.
After i ignore the wechat messages,a stupid chinaman call my hp & ask whether i have booked her gal.
1st time i tell him don't have.
2nd time i tell him i am police inspector & i can help him to lodge police case.
This motherfucker threaten want to beat me up.
(From china send his troops of armies - only got sperms only).

I have learned all this tactic & countermeasure from here.
Don't let overseas fucker take us as easy meat.
We need to have some awareness.
Insist not pay any $$$ upfront before seeing the goods.

29-05-2016, 02:47 PM
you can try googling of the apple card and send it to them? see what they want. normally i'll troll them with all the image found online. haha.

03-06-2016, 08:40 PM
you can try googling of the apple card and send it to them? see what they want. normally i'll troll them with all the image found online. haha.
I was told that the WeChat Scam syndicate is located in China targeting Asia people. Also, they can't finish catching those people even though they catch a few groups. There will be always a new group coming up as they have a Master of Cheat behind giving them training. Beware and be alert about these We Chat Scam. If something wrong, quickly stop communicating with them and block them.