View Full Version : KK-Pls Share Info and Share Experience

05-10-2006, 03:06 PM
To all pros,bros and cheong bros.

I decided to open a new thread for Sabah as i don't see that around this forum there is not much thread or FR regarding sabah .

So to all the people that are travelling to sabah please share what information you have or write a FR here and I will try and give you more info or OKT numbers and FL numbers and share with all you people coming down to KK . No worries as I understand the policy of this forum . .. nothing will be reveal in public like no. and places but will send you information if anyone of you people are coming down here.

Plus people who knows around sabah kk area please share.


05-10-2006, 04:00 PM
Hmmm.....suitable nick for you. You have searched around the Forum??

There's at least TWO (2) threads dedicated to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. You may say not for the whole of Sabah; so you have lubangs for Kudat, Tenom, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Jemborgan or Kota Belud??

For the more informative thread, click here:


You can contribute and share your lubangs there (if you so wish).

Cheers. :)

05-10-2006, 04:58 PM
CibLover is also known as KukuLover!! kekekeke...

05-10-2006, 05:02 PM
Hmmm.....suitable nick for you. You have searched around the Forum??

There's at least TWO (2) threads dedicated to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. You may say not for the whole of Sabah; so you have lubangs for Kudat, Tenom, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Jemborgan or Kota Belud??

For the more informative thread, click here:


You can contribute and share your lubangs there (if you so wish).

Cheers. :)

I see... well i apparently saw the thread there as well but not as interesting. .. well for the places you mention well apparently i can get info and lubang about the places around there..

Besides .. not to be proud of myself or anything but I would say a few people only know in KK where there is a budget sweet and sexy clean Pinoy and Indon for a price of RM 50 till 60 a shot ...

but i do have the OKT contact no. plus these girls are actually FL and usually go for check up at least 1 week once..

and the thread you posted apparently don't seem to be active anymore.

05-10-2006, 05:03 PM
CibLover is also known as KukuLover!! kekekeke...

hahaha OMG . . . well good to know he is a lover:D

05-10-2006, 05:48 PM
CibLover is also known as KukuLover!! kekekeke...

Yes, I'm a kukuLover. I love my kuku too much. Unlike you, nowadays like to use your kuku to talk. Talk co*k lar you. Ma Hai!!

...and the thread you posted apparently don't seem to be active anymore.

Bro, thread inactive because people choose to open NEW threads. Sounds familiar?? :rolleyes:

05-10-2006, 07:38 PM
Yes, I'm a kukuLover. I love my kuku too much. Unlike you, nowadays like to use your kuku to talk. Talk co*k lar you. Ma Hai!!

YSH is back!! hehehe... Must fark hor, if not no fun. :p

06-10-2006, 04:10 AM
Besides .. not to be proud of myself or anything but I would say a few people only know in KK where there is a budget sweet and sexy clean Pinoy and Indon for a price of RM 50 till 60 a shot ...

but i do have the OKT contact no. plus these girls are actually FL and usually go for check up at least 1 week once..

and the thread you posted apparently don't seem to be active anymore.

Wah how to true is that lar!! or Bah!! Check up at LEAST onces a WEEK!!(yes i believe pregnancy test)Most of these FL (Pinay) usually MIB does them RAW!

i been know such cases where FL caught by them! After releasing them out! MIB will call them and woo them to be their GF!

As for 50-60 a shot i dont think i

wanna try!! seen them during midnights standing 2-3 ladies back lanes

(shoplots) town areas!I usually hang my butt at penampang area! R n B pub where huge selection of PINAY to choose from!As for locals KK gers some MP

mamasan will intro for ON rm350-400!(kazas and dusun)! some FL does just $120-200 ON only!Bervely appartments have plently! Ask my Regular Taxi Driver and

he shall bring to u!Sometimes Stocks limited !have 2 call if FL to check if need extra cash they will work!

06-10-2006, 08:42 AM
Wah how to true is that lar!! or Bah!! Check up at LEAST onces a WEEK!!(yes i believe pregnancy test)Most of these FL (Pinay) usually MIB does them RAW!

i been know such cases where FL caught by them! After releasing them out! MIB will call them and woo them to be their GF!

As for 50-60 a shot i dont think i

wanna try!! seen them during midnights standing 2-3 ladies back lanes

(shoplots) town areas!I usually hang my butt at penampang area! R n B pub where huge selection of PINAY to choose from!As for locals KK gers some MP

mamasan will intro for ON rm350-400!(kazas and dusun)! some FL does just $120-200 ON only!Bervely appartments have plently! Ask my Regular Taxi Driver and

he shall bring to u!Sometimes Stocks limited !have 2 call if FL to check if need extra cash they will work!

Wow they must have really Ripped you off with the price of RM 350-400! a shot?? and FL from 120- 200?? << well thats a normal price... and yes R n B pub does have a lot of pinoy but now a days they get raided so often that they usually go into hidings. Plus RM 50 till Rm 60 a shots these FL don't hang out near the back lane and when your asking for a back lane for RM 50 to 60 per shot your over the price usually they will only charge RM 35 till 40 thats it because they are very lowlow quality. plus RM 50 to 60 these FL waits for you in the rooms and just like normal people do when they stay over night and stuff so these pimps will give you the ROom no. and you just knock on the door and walah!!! you find these chicks around plus ..... you don't need to be afraid about anything.. don't like the chicks just walk away and customer service is very good whenever there are new chicks on the block they will actually SMS you or Call you for new stocks have arrive plus.. sometimes lucky you get PRC for RM 100 a shot and the rest behind it nego with them you might even get RM 200 for over night.. haha cheers:D

Plus there are a few FL located near "Fire Fire" area as well which goes for RM 150 a shot.


06-10-2006, 06:31 PM
Hey threadstarter... if u know so much then contribute lorr... WTF wanna ask... and when ppl share... tell them they have been ripped off.. :confused:

Like CIB say... how to have active thread unless ppl stop starting new thread... no special treatment for threadstarters u know... :cool:

06-10-2006, 07:29 PM
Hey threadstarter... if u know so much then contribute lorr... WTF wanna ask... and when ppl share... tell them they have been ripped off.. :confused:

Like CIB say... how to have active thread unless ppl stop starting new thread... no special treatment for threadstarters u know... :cool:
Tai SE HENG! Now i know your frustration hehehe so many Bro to please and so many SoHai to teach!

07-10-2006, 12:55 AM
Welcome newbie desperadobig,

Looks like you have started things off on the wrong foot here. But all will come to past if you post some nice juicy KK field reports. :D

Just share what you know first. You would be better off if you shared without having any expectations of what might be posted in return.

leeman mentioned RM350-400 ON, that's OverNight. Not one shot. :rolleyes:

07-10-2006, 11:55 AM
hi all,

i'm a newbie ....... jst wan 2 say hi :D

i was jst transferred 2 kk for abt 2 mths n found kk a nice place 4 all cheongsters. Pinoy / local going for 300 to 350 overnite only n can join u as early as 8pm onward. i hv arranged few 4 my clients fr outstation n overseas n they r quite impressed with the service offered. Hang out in place like Cocoon n u may b offered by sm OKT there is u r alone or with a group of guys esp if u r regular liao !!!!!

as my family is with me, i hv 2 cheong outstation like in tawau. PRC is highly recommended as only 400 - 450 overnite. U can go 2 the mp in m**** p***, k******* n k*** p****.......

last but nt least, u can go 2 places like the bed in waterfront where u can easily hook up w sm girls or even their waitresses ...... vr open minded ladies :p

10-10-2006, 01:51 AM
hi all,

i'm a newbie ....... jst wan 2 say hi
i was jst transferred 2 kk for abt 2 mths n found kk a nice place 4 all cheongsters. Pinoy / local going for 300 to 350 overnite only n can join u as early as 8pm onward. i hv arranged few 4 my clients fr outstation n overseas n they r quite impressed with the service offered. Hang out in place like Cocoon n u may b offered by sm OKT there is u r alone or with a group of guys esp if u r regular liao !!!!!

as my family is with me, i hv 2 cheong outstation like in tawau. PRC is highly recommended as only 400 - 450 overnite. U can go 2 the mp in m**** p***, k******* n k*** p****.......

last but nt least, u can go 2 places like the bed in waterfront where u can easily hook up w sm girls or even their waitresses ...... vr open minded ladies

Nah nah....see thats the real damages currently in KK! I ll bet that! Thats true infor :D

Cheers skyx and have fun!

10-10-2006, 10:53 AM
hi leeman,

r u fr kk ? i jst went to wave lately n the charges r 50 per hr n the girls there r really wild n kinky ..... pull me 2 t toilet n blew me up :D
t drinks there r std pricing .... abt 40++ per jug n they charge based on per hour unless special svs offered where they may demand an addn hour or 2. highly recommended for cheongster who love ktv scene.

also went to Bee Kim lounge bt their price is vr high n prc need min 6 hours. 1 shot irrespective of race cost 500 n overnite 1k :eek:
luckily, others paid under entertainment

10-10-2006, 04:45 PM
hi leeman,

r u fr kk ? i jst went to wave lately n the charges r 50 per hr n the girls there r really wild n kinky ..... pull me 2 t toilet n blew me up
t drinks there r std pricing .... abt 40++ per jug n they charge based on per hour unless special svs offered where they may demand an addn hour or 2. highly recommended for cheongster who love ktv scene.

also went to Bee Kim lounge bt their price is vr high n prc need min 6 hours. 1 shot irrespective of race cost 500 n overnite 1k
luckily, others paid under entertainment

i hv a small office in Lintas plaza(2004-2006 mid) close down already! i goes there onces a month! :D Good infor there!(KTV) i dont go KTV only a couple in Berverly area( Near HOTspa)hey exchange contact ya! If i come to KK we meet up later for tea!

10-10-2006, 05:15 PM
no prob, bro leeman ...... when u r abt 2 come back 2 kk, jst pm me ;)
good thgs must share ...... esp abalony :D
btw, read thru t batin post in kl ...... understand u gt sm outlet 2 recommend. i am actually fr kl ...... wil definately support u when i m back there next mth !!!!!!

11-10-2006, 02:45 PM
Btw, anyone hv contact or knw where i can find jap/korean/ang moh WL in KK ? If gt FL, much much better :D

11-10-2006, 07:40 PM
Btw, anyone hv contact or knw where i can find jap/korean/ang moh WL in KK ? If gt FL, much much better :D
hehehe been 6 months i not in KK liew!! Call my Taxi Driver Ah fong and he might know! PM u his contact in a JIFFY!!

13-10-2006, 11:16 AM
last month i went KK near Pusat Bandaraya SAN FRANCISSO SALOON -

Name : Janneth
Age : 20+
Look: 8/10
Breast: 5/10 (small)
Skin: not too fair but not dark either
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 8/10 (very cooperative)
Damage : RM 350 overnight 2 shots (expansive)

Hot Spa
massage girl was 40+ look old
RM 60/hour
mamasan introduce prc are not pretty enough (not my taste) somemore expensive RM200/shot overnight RM 700.
Any ideal about the price??

next week will go KK again, any pretty girl introduce??
Got any contact?? Where to get good quality girl with retionable price??

18-10-2006, 08:25 PM
leeman & skyx brother, that taxi driver Ah Fong contact no.also PM me ok? This friday i will go back to Penang liao still got nothing special here. Maybe tonight i will try my luck at Beverly appartment there. He...He...

19-10-2006, 02:01 PM
just to share...

Just met up a 14 years old gal.. damm crazy for sex..

'Eat' her this morning,, (our first met only)

request to go to my room herself.

Looks : 6/10 (very young so should be 7/10)
Boobs: A+ only,, (still a lot time to grown, haha)
Body :42 kg. 155cm. small built.
Skin : nice and fair... (again.. young ,mar..)
BJ + AR:yes,, 10/10 (like so teasty and hungry for days, she going to eat my whole down part body.. if can.. haha)
FJ: 3 holes also try out... (fuck for 3 times, almost 'BO LAT'... haha)
lucky she got class at 1pm,, if not she going to have few more round,, (i will die... haha)

We 69 first,, to warm up.. and then put up condom, and then go in, almost 100% can confirm she is virgin (but still use condom,, make sure wont prenant lar),,

I try CM first (vrigin,, had to go in very very gentle)
slowy slowy go in,, the gal keep said "so pain so pain"
go half way,, cannt bear to go in further,, wanna pull out first.. to let her have a rest.
but suddently, she use let push my ass.. is IN!!! damm shock!!

start pumping,, after give her some kisses as encourge,

,, and then doggie,, since she is in pain,, then i had to service her lor.. but she insist wanna try cowboy,, then she clim up lar...
after around 10 minits, 1st shoot CIM, she eat all my sperm.

2nd shoot in a**hole, and 3rd shoot at the pees hole (she insist wanna try this hole).
(still virgin, moan like i am killing her, haha)

ASK me to join her 3P with her best friend (another virgin, who also wish to f*ck by guy) ,,, i will conseider lar.. (worry cannt sastify them,, haha, then will be very 'pai seh')

Just to share,,

I had to said young gal, nowdays is really.... crazy.....


20-10-2006, 10:19 PM
im in kk till next week, any good latest place should I go with a reasonable price? thx bros.

20-10-2006, 10:28 PM
hello tailo/bros,

will be in KK until next week. any good latest place should I go with a reasonable price? any recommendation will be appreciated. thx guys!

PM will help. :D

22-10-2006, 11:14 PM
just to share...

Just met up a 14 years old gal.. damm crazy for sex..

... this is really bad ... 14 yrs old is RAPE no matter what it is... :mad:

22-10-2006, 11:34 PM
yo bros..

any place in kk to recommend?..should be staying at promenade hotel..i think...


23-10-2006, 12:47 AM
... this is really bad ... 14 yrs old is RAPE no matter what it is... :mad:

Bro KLKOOL in KK i hv seen Player cheongster That is dont care altitude!Seen A lot Doing Raw also!Yup 14 year old 16 dont matter to some in KK! DANGEROUS

23-10-2006, 03:05 AM
Bro KLKOOL in KK i hv seen Player cheongster That is dont care altitude!Seen A lot Doing Raw also!Yup 14 year old 16 dont matter to some in KK! DANGEROUS

16 yrs is legal age for consensual sex... 14 is way under... :cool:

28-10-2006, 12:28 PM
hi all,

i would sincerely like to warn all bro abt young girl in kk ...... my fren kena trapped by tis gal whereby they go for drinks, f... in the hotel n next day he woke up surrounded by all the gal family members ...... was forced 2 gt married or thrown 2 jail :eek: ...... of course there r those who genuinely like 2 party coz most of them r vr friendly by nature. Whatever it is, 14 yrs is definately a no-no:mad:

29-10-2006, 04:49 AM
hi all,

i would sincerely like to warn all bro abt young girl in kk ...... my fren kena trapped by tis gal whereby they go for drinks, f... in the hotel n next day he woke up surrounded by all the gal family members ...... was forced 2 gt married or thrown 2 jail :eek: ...... of course there r those who genuinely like 2 party coz most of them r vr friendly by nature. Whatever it is, 14 yrs is definately a no-no:

Wah like that....trap! worst than holding a knife right at your NECK!So how settle? paid tribute to family or Really kena the ceremony??:eek:

ps: small advice dont Play2 KK ger ger! They are good!!! Crying and wanting to die in front of you(Wayang Kulit)....Next show....The paramount pictures!
Wild and restless! Yup Agreed Dangerous! ones u kena Hook...and THATS IT!!!

30-10-2006, 02:50 PM
hi leeman,

sad 2 say my fren kena go ceremony loh :(
wan fun, better pay ..... nothing is FOC tis world

30-10-2006, 02:57 PM
hi leeman,

sad 2 say my fren kena go ceremony loh :(
wan fun, better pay ..... nothing is FOC tis world

Is a good lesson to our Bro Alex_KL_JB as well...:rolleyes:

30-10-2006, 08:47 PM
... this is really bad ... 14 yrs old is RAPE no matter what it is... :mad:

I had my first sex experience at around the age of 14 or 15(cant really recall as it was ages ago by now). Was i being rape too? I believe most of us here were :p (or perhaps some are).

Cheonging is illegal too (in our country) if i am not mistaken.

Dunno, just feel that it is unfair if Bro Alex_KL_JB's points were deducted merely becasue he had sex with a 14 year old girl. This is just not the way of encouraging other cheongster to share their experiences.

just my 2 cents.

30-10-2006, 09:41 PM
I had my first sex experience at around the age of 14 or 15(cant really recall as it was ages ago by now). Was i being rape too? I believe most of us here were :p (or perhaps some are).

Cheonging is illegal too (in our country) if i am not mistaken.

Dunno, just feel that it is unfair if Bro Alex_KL_JB's points were deducted merely becasue he had sex with a 14 year old girl. This is just not the way of encouraging other cheongster to share their experiences.

just my 2 cents.

The way he posted Thats why! Sick! Keep young innocent child out of the picture! To those bro had 1st or thousand of times with a MINOR Pls keep it to yourself!

02-11-2006, 10:35 AM
hi all,

jst wanna update u guys on the 1 of the kk scene ..... h** v*****. yday my fen wen there at around 11 pm n b4 he can finish t 1st drink, alredi gt checkin. worst is t guy ( hs fren ) tat don drink n smoke was thrown into jail coz hs urine sample gt a bit of red taint which they suspect he consumed drug. another middle age lady workin there who doesnt smoke nor drink also kn lookup bcoz of t so called suspicious urine sample n t outlet boss with so called connection also cannot gt her out...... t poor lady was crying uncontrobally:( . lately there hv bn many checkin around kk n i wld advise u guys 2 patronise outlet like cocoon, shenigan or the bed if u wan 2 go 4 a drink.

02-11-2006, 02:49 PM
Just for your updates and info.. :D sorry to the bros that i have started from the wrong foot. . . i apologize. . . regarding to the bro that got ripped off and not reading it correctly..

By the way for you guys info:- Pls becareful when going to B$v$ly H#l@s apparently now its a hot spot for MIB's...

Plus new stocks has just arrived near RM 60 area... a place near atas bintang.. should check it out ,... this place is safe and races are mostly indons and mix. .

The other place is called F#D#RAL H#$%L

only operation from 6pm till 11pm.

RM 50 ... rooms are perfect clean and awsome! :D

.... Lastly you guys should check out V$R$O and Pelangi.. ..

good PRC stocks!


03-11-2006, 09:55 AM
Ok i would like to contribute my thanks to Baria King... which I had promised to write down the report.

Heres the report..

It was just after work when I was too damn horny couldn't figure out why but then I guess since its been a while since my last cheonging around so I decided to give a call to all the FL that i've known from Bariaking and my FL which i've got. One after another I called. started from 6pm till 7.30pm apparently most of them being transferred to Tawau some have gone home some have even being posted to Ranau as well.... Wow apparently its good business around those places.. haha . Well apparently I got lucky by one of the FL that I called and it was from Baria's FL. . . when i called her she was apparently in Tawau and (BK " the Jenny you gave me was in ranau as well this FL was Lea, if you can still remember who she is.. ") when i asked her nicely .,... which most of you bros should actually try to be sincere act honest and be nice. . . they will lead you to all the goodS~~!!! trust me i just experienced it last night hahaa... good advice from again.. BK.

Cont.. . . report.

So called the number that Lea gave me to a friend of hers and by the way her name was also Jenny Baria.. by the way i've never seen "Lea" before or her friends before. so its a like a 50% 50 chance of losing hope of looks and also service.. well what the heck its worth the try... So when she gave me her friends number and call and ask them and telling them that I was Lea's friend wow all of the FL was so damn nice to me over the phone so as i said again. . be nice to them and they will reward you with goods. As i had made an appointment with them was around 9 something... the best part I get to GO TO THEIR PLACE~~!!!! hahehehe.

So as I faster rush home, took shower and had my dinner .. . . after that RUSH out and quickly called this girl name Jenny .. so since she thinks i'm Lea's friend so directed me to their house please be informed that they are a few girls staying in this house.... So dropped by 7-11 bought drinks and CD ./ . . I always play safe. oo ya as i was saying after buying drinks and CD went directly to their house..

Now the best part is coming . .. . . . As i entered the place ( sorry just to inform all you bro's out there i can't tell you guys where is the place they are staying as they only reveal it out if your nice to them and well if i bring you guys over to them hahaha.. feel like a sugar daddy !!! ) Ok. . so when i was entering the place. . I finally saw their Gang!! there were 3 girls staying in the house.. and i finally met jenny. . she was a pinoy , cute a bit dark but nice hell body~!! . . . , and she introduce me to her friends which are Juliet, and Vianny.

Status for these girls from my point of view..

Name : Jenny
Looks : 7/10
Body : 7/10
Friendly : Yes
Tall/Short : Average 5" 4
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim (HOT) even thought she is a bit dark but nice~
Age: 27 (but look really young)

Name : Juliet (they also call her Ging Ging)
Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10
Friendly : not sure didn't talk much but always smiling
Tall/Short : Tall at least a 5 feet 9
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim plump but not shaggy( meaning you won't see movement around her body)
Age : 23

Name : Vianny
Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10
Friendly : YESss
Tall/Short : Average 5' 4
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim
Age: 22

These are the status which I see but you know some people have different point of view and status. . . . and keep in mind I did not try any of these girls yet at this time it was all just mostly talking and joking and teasing .. DAMN man it was fun just by doing so . . . I get to choose anyone of them .. hahaha.. but sorry they don't do threesome I've asked them before but some are quite shy. So it was time for the game as i got too horny playing around and chit chatting..

I tell you they service you as if you are one of their fuck buddies.. meaning like when you enter the door and be nice to them they just treat you as if you've known them for a long time and they will practically be really friendly with you and treat you nice and well they talked abit quite loud sometiems.. which kinda turn me off..

So apparently i wanted to pick Jenny of course because i called her and chit chat with her and stuff most of the time but apparently Aunty was visiting her. . . so tough luck so apparently Jenny asked me to go for Vianny... Remember we are all in the same house discussing all these things like who should go and pick and whatever you want to do its like better then a SPA or you know all those places we bros all went in because you basically totally IN safe area and you feel totally like home and like having fuck buddies.

So no hesitation I choose Vianny besides i didn't make the decision to choose vianny it was all done for. meaning like . . it was all being serviced. . its like you enter the Blue Film where they actually do some acting in the beginning and suddenly it got into action it was that kind of feeling when especially you can sit down and chit chat with them and plus no rush and no limit and can hang out there as long as you wanted and like just sit and chat about anything.... ok sorry . . . continue. .. as i was directed from Jenny to go in the room as Vianny was in the shower getting ready and Juliet was giggling in the living room ... wow i was in their bed room where 3 girls sleep on. . but you know while imagination . . . poping in my head.. so as Vianny came out of the Shower. ...

Went to the room and she was a bit wet not down there but apparently because she just came out of the shower.. . hair and all so after watiing for her to dry up we started the show...

started off with slowlly kissing and touching and laughing and all these begins it feels like your with your fuck buddy .. damnit!! wild experience... so slowly i serviced her from top playing with her breast and her nipple really erected~~! wow nice and not that big or small just nice for her size.. licking my was from the top till the "V" haha.. she won't stop you and she was damn horny she was wet and she could stand it kept pushing my head off and keep pulling it near to her its like pumping my head against her pussy so many times.. after that it was her turn and she did a slow start and she really can work with her lips and her tongue,... damn you feel like heaven~!!! and apparently i forgot to tell you she off the lights as she said she is a bit shy. . . so but no doubt you enjoy the service~!! so continue. . . after 10 minutes or so didn't look at the time but i know i got in the room at 10 something .. so after she finish with her bj skills.. she wanted to ride me but she asked her friends for CD. .. hahaha. . guess what . .. not to waste time bring your CD~!!!! hehehe... so told her i got CD already. and she was ahhh thank you... hehe she giggleed.. so before she put it on. . . i told her lets do 69 it wouldn't be fair as for me all hard and you all dry i said.. and she said sure why not.. so we did 69... Licked her ASS to the pussy damn man. . . I felt like she sucked my dick off i was totally like a horny dog~!!! I could not control what i was doing as I felt like my dick was sucked off like a superb vacumm or something. .. hahah.. so fingering her from the ass and to the pusyy and well just to let you guys know . . all of the licking i've done to her ass and pussy tasted awsome~~~ maybe because just after shower and you know these girls wash very clean inside their pussy and their ass~!!

hahaha.. after don't know how long of that 69 service.. we perform the cowboy style. . the riding woman on the horse..

wow she can really move and kept moaning so loud and i don't know how many times she came because she kept holding my chest and arms so tightly... as she was riding my dick and she kept smiling and said sorry as she was holding me tight with her hands... then started doggy style wow was she tight and looks of it she didn't get enough sex..~~ hahah moaning like there is no tomorrow .... and not long after that i came~~~~ only manage two style as the cowboy style took pretty long hahaah...

after it was done she helped me take out the CD and showed me the toilet if i wanted to use it well of course la right~~ haha.. and she gave me her towel to use it was like your in Penthouse hahahaha.. but a budgeted penthouse...

So after all those action really got tired .. and sleepy so just i just chatted with them for a while and ask this and that normal talking and i said what if i come back the next time to hang out.. and all of them said SURE why not~~ come by anytime hahaha.... then as i wanted to leave...

Vianny,.. asked: so where is my service pay.. giggle...
I : ooo ya forgot ... (me pura2 la hehehe..)
Vianny... : ya, why you do this to me so bad. . giggle
I: here. . RM 50 ( i laugh but in the heart)
Vianny : what?~ only RM 50 no . . no . . . 150 . . . she said because you first time...
I : ok la. . .( one by one i handed over the notes) here 50, 50, 10 . . . .
Vianny : why you haha. so slow and like this give me 10 , 10 10 ,
I : sorry la me not rich mah.. haha

So everything went well but damage was RM 150 and she said that money is for her family which she is sending back home ...

so as you can see the senario and what i would say is that I MIGHT BE GOING BACK THERE AGAIN~~~ Hahahah.a.. maybe can get discount who knows maybe you buy drinks or stuff and party over hahaha...

Cheers to all bros hope you like the FR.


03-11-2006, 10:42 AM
.............Cheers to all bros hope you like the FR.


Haha.....definately a good FR...

after read thru also can felt horny.......:D

Early of next year, i might go to KK..........at that time, might need some guide from u leh......:rolleyes:


03-11-2006, 02:52 PM
Haha.....definately a good FR...

after read thru also can felt horny.......:D

Early of next year, i might go to KK..........at that time, might need some guide from u leh......:rolleyes:


haha.. Tua_lang ... no problem just give me PM once your in KK...

And to who has up my points thank you..

06-11-2006, 02:05 AM
Haha.....definately a good FR...

after read thru also can felt horny
Early of next year, i might go to KK..........at that time, might need some guide from u leh......:rolleyes:

Count me in Bro Tua_Lang! Miss KK already! :p

06-11-2006, 11:38 AM
hi guys,

anyone has contact of PRC overnite w gd service n rate around 450 in kk ???
most of the okt charging btw 550 - 600 n t quality so-so only.
appreciate ur help .... gt sm bro comin down 2 kk for fun ..... plenty pinoy bt they r s****r 4 PRC :D

06-11-2006, 05:02 PM
hi guys,

anyone has contact of PRC overnite w gd service n rate around 450 in kk ???
most of the okt charging btw 550 - 600 n t quality so-so only.
appreciate ur help .... gt sm bro comin down 2 kk for fun ..... plenty pinoy bt they r s****r 4 PRC :D

well sorry bro. I guess thats the best price you'll get for PRC but i maybe can get some contact for you but it will need time for me to give you. . . and if you don't hear from me in a week or two. . then i would say . . . stocks are limited. . because MIB's are really serious now. . .



06-11-2006, 06:31 PM
hi bro des,

appreciate ur help ....... t wind really vr big in kk esp beverly area ...... my fren's staff name also appear in t chinese paper ...... really innocent coz he jst took sm sinseh med & vit :(

16-11-2006, 10:40 AM
i am gonna be in KK next week and would like bros to share with me any good FLs or any good place to go?
The only place i know is Beverly n not interested. Not so keen on Pinoy too unless damn pretty. Want Kadazan or other locals.
PM me if got kangtao.
I got 1 FL pinoy hp too. pretty, petite but with some pimples. 19yrs if not wrong.

17-11-2006, 03:29 PM
i am gonna be in KK next week and would like bros to share with me any good FLs or any good place to go?
The only place i know is Beverly n not interested. Not so keen on Pinoy too unless damn pretty. Want Kadazan or other locals.
PM me if got kangtao.
I got 1 FL pinoy hp too. pretty, petite but with some pimples. 19yrs if not wrong.

Hey bigalow << nice name got it out from me?? haha.. well apparently if you want to look for Kadazan or other locals try going to a bar and pick em up..
Most of these girls are FL but they just don't show it ... plus to find em try going to Beer garden near which we call H#@$ER SE@#Vay SU3permA#Kt
you should find a lot of FL there besides there try going to Shen if your staying at hyatt...

enjoy hope this helps oo oo ya forgot to mention another place is called THE W#ve located at damai . .. should try it a KTV with a lot of action provided and mostly locals there. .. .

26-11-2006, 01:23 AM
Brother desperadobig,

Early next month i plan to KK for 3 days, any recomand place to go? got any pretty FL contact or OKT contact? Any other brothers got suggestion.... please PM me.

I only know the place call pusat bandaraya & The Bed near the sea front.

27-11-2006, 03:00 AM
try to stay at bevery hill hotel at 2nd floor got HC...u can ask the boss to show u all the to u... pick whic ever u like package include msg n special RM200

27-11-2006, 12:03 PM

yobros out there, i jus came back from kk, had an enjoyable session in beverly phrase 2, Hot Spa, they serve local kadazan, indon, pinoy and PRC, of cos dishes are incomparable to singapore . so u jus hav to release n let it go, try the locals and they are really great bitches, they know how to fxxx

27-11-2006, 12:05 PM

yobros out there, i jus came back from kk, had an enjoyable session in beverly phrase 2, Hot Spa, they serve local kadazan, indon, pinoy and PRC, of cos dishes are incomparable to singapore . so u jus hav to release n let it go, try the locals and they are really great bitches, they know how to fxxx

27-11-2006, 03:08 PM
Brother desperadobig,

Early next month i plan to KK for 3 days, any recomand place to go? got any pretty FL contact or OKT contact? Any other brothers got suggestion.... please PM me.

I only know the place call pusat bandaraya & The Bed near the sea front.

i going 2 tawau & kk on 4-5 & 11-12 Dec oso.......
any lobang pls share :D

03-12-2006, 05:18 AM
try out this 1st hotel at tawau. got HC there.
overnight is allow. damage is reasonable too.:cool:

04-12-2006, 09:49 AM
try out this 1st hotel at tawau. got HC there.
overnight is allow. damage is reasonable too.:cool:

i'm taking tis afternoon flight to tawau.
any bro can share whr to pick up LT gal? :D

wats d 1st hotel room rate n overnite rate...

15-12-2006, 11:44 AM
KK bros out there. I will b attacking ur shore on 21/12 but still no clue whr to find Kadazan enemy base leh. No KK bros in this realm meh.
There were a few bros looking for my FL contact since my posting. In order not to get her flooded then i got no kangtao, only 2 reasons i will give out contact.
1. u share ur FL with me.
2. up my point.
Then, u will get Anna's hp no. She is only 18 and would say 1 of the better looking Pinoy around. Shy n girl next door type. Don't expect good service cos she's inexperience.
Kadazan plssss.......

21-03-2007, 03:16 PM
I think i should start back and put some info regarding this thread anyone can try and contact me for more details regarding this two chicks..

as they are base here in KK

i've got pics give me a pm and i'll give you the link~

Here is the report for yesterday..

Went over and nothing to shout about, girls are ok about average most of them... they had over 11 girls now and more to come..

I had one and my fellow buddy had one as well..

Mine was name Joyce very good service and GF feel..

My friend had one as well... can't remember her name but very good service plus gf feel as well..

i got the pics PM me for views..

sorry a very rush report got to go now..

Name: joyce
Age : 21
Looks : 7/10
BJ : 8/10
Body : 9/10
Boobs : 7/10 (Not recommended for boobs lover as she is just nice not too small not too big but just the right size for me)
FJ : 9/10 (Nice and kinky) Licking your nipples while she fucks you on top.. fucking amazing.) Very GF Feel

Over rall : EXCELLENT~~~ and very satisfy

WIR : Yes, For her and others.

for pic pm me and i'll give it you.. and in more detail.

Next my buddies chick.

Name: didn't ask
Age : 23
Looks : 7/10
BJ : 7/10
Body : 9/10
Boobs : 8/10 (Ok very nice and firm according to my friend)
FJ : 9/10 (Very GF Feel)
WIR : Yes, For her and others.
for pic pm me and i'll give it you.. and in more detail.


23-03-2007, 11:31 AM
well just for your more info ... these girls are pinoy and i can hook you guys up only in KK but please for details please pm me...

and i hope that you guys who are coming to kk enjoy your stay..

these are the damage..

Only Pinoys =

Per Shot = RM 190 (Can be arranged futher)
Overnight = RM 380 ( Can be arranged futher)

24-03-2007, 08:46 AM
Ok i would like to contribute my thanks to Baria King... which I had promised to write down the report.

Heres the report..

It was just after work when I was too damn horny couldn't figure out why but then I guess since its been a while since my last cheonging around so I decided to give a call to all the FL that i've known from Bariaking and my FL which i've got. One after another I called. started from 6pm till 7.30pm apparently most of them being transferred to Tawau some have gone home some have even being posted to Ranau as well.... Wow apparently its good business around those places.. haha . Well apparently I got lucky by one of the FL that I called and it was from Baria's FL. . . when i called her she was apparently in Tawau and (BK " the Jenny you gave me was in ranau as well this FL was Lea, if you can still remember who she is.. ") when i asked her nicely .,... which most of you bros should actually try to be sincere act honest and be nice. . . they will lead you to all the goodS~~!!! trust me i just experienced it last night hahaa... good advice from again.. BK.

Cont.. . . report.

So called the number that Lea gave me to a friend of hers and by the way her name was also Jenny Baria.. by the way i've never seen "Lea" before or her friends before. so its a like a 50% 50 chance of losing hope of looks and also service.. well what the heck its worth the try... So when she gave me her friends number and call and ask them and telling them that I was Lea's friend wow all of the FL was so damn nice to me over the phone so as i said again. . be nice to them and they will reward you with goods. As i had made an appointment with them was around 9 something... the best part I get to GO TO THEIR PLACE~~!!!! hahehehe.

So as I faster rush home, took shower and had my dinner .. . . after that RUSH out and quickly called this girl name Jenny .. so since she thinks i'm Lea's friend so directed me to their house please be informed that they are a few girls staying in this house.... So dropped by 7-11 bought drinks and CD ./ . . I always play safe. oo ya as i was saying after buying drinks and CD went directly to their house..

Now the best part is coming . .. . . . As i entered the place ( sorry just to inform all you bro's out there i can't tell you guys where is the place they are staying as they only reveal it out if your nice to them and well if i bring you guys over to them hahaha.. feel like a sugar daddy !!! ) Ok. . so when i was entering the place. . I finally saw their Gang!! there were 3 girls staying in the house.. and i finally met jenny. . she was a pinoy , cute a bit dark but nice hell body~!! . . . , and she introduce me to her friends which are Juliet, and Vianny.

Status for these girls from my point of view..

Name : Jenny
Looks : 7/10
Body : 7/10
Friendly : Yes
Tall/Short : Average 5" 4
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim (HOT) even thought she is a bit dark but nice~
Age: 27 (but look really young)

Name : Juliet (they also call her Ging Ging)
Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10
Friendly : not sure didn't talk much but always smiling
Tall/Short : Tall at least a 5 feet 9
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim plump but not shaggy( meaning you won't see movement around her body)
Age : 23

Name : Vianny
Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10
Friendly : YESss
Tall/Short : Average 5' 4
Fat/Slim/Plump/Shaggy : Slim
Age: 22

These are the status which I see but you know some people have different point of view and status. . . . and keep in mind I did not try any of these girls yet at this time it was all just mostly talking and joking and teasing .. DAMN man it was fun just by doing so . . . I get to choose anyone of them .. hahaha.. but sorry they don't do threesome I've asked them before but some are quite shy. So it was time for the game as i got too horny playing around and chit chatting..

I tell you they service you as if you are one of their fuck buddies.. meaning like when you enter the door and be nice to them they just treat you as if you've known them for a long time and they will practically be really friendly with you and treat you nice and well they talked abit quite loud sometiems.. which kinda turn me off..

So apparently i wanted to pick Jenny of course because i called her and chit chat with her and stuff most of the time but apparently Aunty was visiting her. . . so tough luck so apparently Jenny asked me to go for Vianny... Remember we are all in the same house discussing all these things like who should go and pick and whatever you want to do its like better then a SPA or you know all those places we bros all went in because you basically totally IN safe area and you feel totally like home and like having fuck buddies.

So no hesitation I choose Vianny besides i didn't make the decision to choose vianny it was all done for. meaning like . . it was all being serviced. . its like you enter the Blue Film where they actually do some acting in the beginning and suddenly it got into action it was that kind of feeling when especially you can sit down and chit chat with them and plus no rush and no limit and can hang out there as long as you wanted and like just sit and chat about anything.... ok sorry . . . continue. .. as i was directed from Jenny to go in the room as Vianny was in the shower getting ready and Juliet was giggling in the living room ... wow i was in their bed room where 3 girls sleep on. . but you know while imagination . . . poping in my head.. so as Vianny came out of the Shower. ...

Went to the room and she was a bit wet not down there but apparently because she just came out of the shower.. . hair and all so after watiing for her to dry up we started the show...

started off with slowlly kissing and touching and laughing and all these begins it feels like your with your fuck buddy .. damnit!! wild experience... so slowly i serviced her from top playing with her breast and her nipple really erected~~! wow nice and not that big or small just nice for her size.. licking my was from the top till the "V" haha.. she won't stop you and she was damn horny she was wet and she could stand it kept pushing my head off and keep pulling it near to her its like pumping my head against her pussy so many times.. after that it was her turn and she did a slow start and she really can work with her lips and her tongue,... damn you feel like heaven~!!! and apparently i forgot to tell you she off the lights as she said she is a bit shy. . . so but no doubt you enjoy the service~!! so continue. . . after 10 minutes or so didn't look at the time but i know i got in the room at 10 something .. so after she finish with her bj skills.. she wanted to ride me but she asked her friends for CD. .. hahaha. . guess what . .. not to waste time bring your CD~!!!! hehehe... so told her i got CD already. and she was ahhh thank you... hehe she giggleed.. so before she put it on. . . i told her lets do 69 it wouldn't be fair as for me all hard and you all dry i said.. and she said sure why not.. so we did 69... Licked her ASS to the pussy damn man. . . I felt like she sucked my dick off i was totally like a horny dog~!!! I could not control what i was doing as I felt like my dick was sucked off like a superb vacumm or something. .. hahah.. so fingering her from the ass and to the pusyy and well just to let you guys know . . all of the licking i've done to her ass and pussy tasted awsome~~~ maybe because just after shower and you know these girls wash very clean inside their pussy and their ass~!!

hahaha.. after don't know how long of that 69 service.. we perform the cowboy style. . the riding woman on the horse..

wow she can really move and kept moaning so loud and i don't know how many times she came because she kept holding my chest and arms so tightly... as she was riding my dick and she kept smiling and said sorry as she was holding me tight with her hands... then started doggy style wow was she tight and looks of it she didn't get enough sex..~~ hahah moaning like there is no tomorrow .... and not long after that i came~~~~ only manage two style as the cowboy style took pretty long hahaah...

after it was done she helped me take out the CD and showed me the toilet if i wanted to use it well of course la right~~ haha.. and she gave me her towel to use it was like your in Penthouse hahahaha.. but a budgeted penthouse...

So after all those action really got tired .. and sleepy so just i just chatted with them for a while and ask this and that normal talking and i said what if i come back the next time to hang out.. and all of them said SURE why not~~ come by anytime hahaha.... then as i wanted to leave...

Vianny,.. asked: so where is my service pay.. giggle...
I : ooo ya forgot ... (me pura2 la hehehe..)
Vianny... : ya, why you do this to me so bad. . giggle
I: here. . RM 50 ( i laugh but in the heart)
Vianny : what?~ only RM 50 no . . no . . . 150 . . . she said because you first time...
I : ok la. . .( one by one i handed over the notes) here 50, 50, 10 . . . .
Vianny : why you haha. so slow and like this give me 10 , 10 10 ,
I : sorry la me not rich mah.. haha

So everything went well but damage was RM 150 and she said that money is for her family which she is sending back home ...

so as you can see the senario and what i would say is that I MIGHT BE GOING BACK THERE AGAIN~~~ Hahahah.a.. maybe can get discount who knows maybe you buy drinks or stuff and party over hahaha...

Cheers to all bros hope you like the FR.


Bro can PM the girls Number?
How to find them?

24-03-2007, 09:25 AM
Bro can PM the girls Number?
How to find them?

Give me your location and PM me your details i can hook you up else where unless if your local..


02-04-2007, 08:22 AM
Hi there bros

Read through all the KK reports but kinda lack of the latest info I need:o

Will appreciate some help as will be going there in a few weeks time, looking for something like our local HC style where I can hit & run (not going to ta-pao back to hotel), any kind recommendations on the location, gals and the cost?? Largi best if they have young & petite gals:D

BTW - how do the local kadazans look like?? Any local malaysian chinese to be found there??

Cheerios & thanks a million in advance.....

02-04-2007, 02:25 PM
Hi there bros

Read through all the KK reports but kinda lack of the latest info I need:o

Will appreciate some help as will be going there in a few weeks time, looking for something like our local HC style where I can hit & run (not going to ta-pao back to hotel), any kind recommendations on the location, gals and the cost?? Largi best if they have young & petite gals:D

BTW - how do the local kadazans look like?? Any local malaysian chinese to be found there??

Cheerios & thanks a million in advance.....

Hi Sniper,
u can go to Beverly Hotel near town or if you could venture out a bit, treasures are abundant. Go to a shopping area call Beverly Hill Phase 1, RM20 taxi fares to go there and remember to get taxi number cause not many taxis there. These are where the locals get their meals. Walk around, u will find a few places with "spa" or "reflexology" on it. Those r the one with stocks. Stocks r PRC, Pinoy and 1 or 2 have Kadazan. Go to this H** spa, they hv kadazan. aactually the prc stocks in these area very attractive. My trip last yr landed me a really nice pinoy gal. Mix blood, damn shiok. damage around RM200/shot.

03-04-2007, 05:21 PM
Hi there bros

Read through all the KK reports but kinda lack of the latest info I need:o

Will appreciate some help as will be going there in a few weeks time, looking for something like our local HC style where I can hit & run (not going to ta-pao back to hotel), any kind recommendations on the location, gals and the cost?? Largi best if they have young & petite gals

BTW - how do the local kadazans look like?? Any local malaysian chinese to be found there??

Cheerios & thanks a million in advance.....

Hey Snipeshot08,

Yes you can find local HC style but the cost is a bit on the high side.. if you get to stay at 90210 Hills Hotel you can try out their spa with extra service ~ mostly Pinoy and you may choose up to 10 to 20 girls.. damage wise is RM 250 including massage and spa use i think~. the next one is called Prom me nade hotel which also does the same thing.. mostly pinoys as well but you may find FL around the lobby.. KDM.. price is about RM 200 above.. the rest like bigalow said take a cab to 90210 area ( Not hotel) the area where you will find a lot of karoke bar and spa.. over there with extra too.. range of price you may get is RM 198 - RM 200 depends on the chicks. Pinoy, PRC, Viet, Locals, sorry no local chinese at the moment ... but you may ask them.. hope all of this info helps.. but at the moment strong wind blowing at 90210 ARE Apartments but not the hotels.. :)

Forgot to let you know one more thing.. make sure when you get a taxi to beverly area.. make sure you have a taxi contact no. because that area no taxis'


08-04-2007, 09:30 AM
I was over in KK recently on a business trip. I didn't plan to cheong at first so I didn't do any research before coming over but when I was here, the urge just came. haha. So did some reading up on the KK threads but to not much help as I do not want to travel over to the 90210 area and since I was staying at the waterfront area, I thought my best bet was to check out the Fire-Fire area.

But having to scout the area for one night, I couldn't find any leads so I decided to ask the bellboy at the hotel to help out. Through his contact, I got some last minute action going on. And as always, had to pay him some tip for the help la. Thought can save on that.

Anyways, the contact was a pinoy... not too bad looking la, I was expecting better since the fella was telling me she was young and good looking. So the fella drove me back to my hotel and everything else was pretty SOP.

Thankfully, the pinoy was quite friendly, talkative. Good GFE la. Once in the room, took separate bath then started the mission with most of the lights off. Gave me a short nipple licking, slow and good suction. Then capped me and gave me a good BJ.

Dunno if she was faking it or what but she was riding me cowgirl style real aggresive which I liked but I had difficultly trying to get into the same movement as her. Tried to change positions but she said she liked cowgirl style more so we kept at it and after awhile she cummed. That just made me go faster and I also blew my load.

Think the whole thing didn't last more than 1/2 hour. Should have just PCC lar to get the urge away. KK scene seems to be more expensive compared to KL.

Name: Didn't ask [Pinoy]
Age : 30
Face : 6/10 [Okla, never try pinoy before]
Boobs : 7/10 [Good size, nice to hold and squeeze]
Body : 6/10 [A bit of fat but all nice]
Catbath : 3/10 [Just some nipple licking and body kissing]
AR : nil [Dont have]
BJ : 7/10 [Good suction and took her time]
FJ : 7/10 [Cowgirl style all the way and got sound effect also]
RTF: Might try to ask her to intro her frens instead. Wanna try out all the selections.

Total Damage : RM 200 [pinoy] + RM 30 [Tip to the bellboy] = RM 230

Overall, I think it if I don't have any leads for good overnight FL, better just PCC la. Save money. hahaha.

09-04-2007, 03:03 PM
I was over in KK recently on a business trip. I didn't plan to cheong at first so I didn't do any research before coming over but when I was here, the urge just came. haha. So did some reading up on the KK threads but to not much help as I do not want to travel over to the 90210 area and since I was staying at the waterfront area, I thought my best bet was to check out the Fire-Fire area.

But having to scout the area for one night, I couldn't find any leads so I decided to ask the bellboy at the hotel to help out. Through his contact, I got some last minute action going on. And as always, had to pay him some tip for the help la. Thought can save on that.

Anyways, the contact was a pinoy... not too bad looking la, I was expecting better since the fella was telling me she was young and good looking. So the fella drove me back to my hotel and everything else was pretty SOP.

Thankfully, the pinoy was quite friendly, talkative. Good GFE la. Once in the room, took separate bath then started the mission with most of the lights off. Gave me a short nipple licking, slow and good suction. Then capped me and gave me a good BJ.

Dunno if she was faking it or what but she was riding me cowgirl style real aggresive which I liked but I had difficultly trying to get into the same movement as her. Tried to change positions but she said she liked cowgirl style more so we kept at it and after awhile she cummed. That just made me go faster and I also blew my load.

Think the whole thing didn't last more than 1/2 hour. Should have just PCC lar to get the urge away. KK scene seems to be more expensive compared to KL.

Name: Didn't ask [Pinoy]
Age : 30
Face : 6/10 [Okla, never try pinoy before]
Boobs : 7/10 [Good size, nice to hold and squeeze]
Body : 6/10 [A bit of fat but all nice]
Catbath : 3/10 [Just some nipple licking and body kissing]
AR : nil [Dont have]
BJ : 7/10 [Good suction and took her time]
FJ : 7/10 [Cowgirl style all the way and got sound effect also]
RTF: Might try to ask her to intro her frens instead. Wanna try out all the selections.

Total Damage : RM 200 [pinoy] + RM 30 [Tip to the bellboy] = RM 230

Overall, I think it if I don't have any leads for good overnight FL, better just PCC la. Save money. hahaha.

Not bad~! keep it up.. check your PM message send you a couple of details.. besides.. hmm. don't mind PM me the no. of that FL? and you may nego FL pinoys to RM 150 a shot...

sometimes they over price it ..

09-04-2007, 07:53 PM
Not bad~! keep it up.. check your PM message send you a couple of details.. besides.. hmm. don't mind PM me the no. of that FL? and you may nego FL pinoys to RM 150 a shot...

sometimes they over price it ..

Thanks bro. But too bad la, I'm already back in KL. Took the early morning flight today.

Problem was, I followed the bellboy out to see the pinoy FL... so the dealing was through him la. Couldn't even nego anything. Think he took some of the cash instead la.

Anyways, it was good experience la. Next round when I'm in KK, I'll come look for you la for guide. :cool:

12-04-2007, 05:38 PM
Hey Snipeshot08,

Yes you can find local HC style but the cost is a bit on the high side.. if you get to stay at 90210 Hills Hotel you can try out their spa with extra service ~


Thanks bro for the information, will up you 6 points for your kind help (you will need a fresh post in order for me to do that cause cannot up you after the post is more than 2 days).

Any other bros with latest information on the Spas in KK?? Any kind recommendation on Viets there?? Names, places, contacts will be deeply appreciated:D

12-04-2007, 08:52 PM
Use to KK back 2005-2006 for recuritment for ML! Been to Berverly and Penampang! Wats New lately? Hows the Pinoy There?

13-04-2007, 10:47 AM
Thanks bro for the information, will up you 6 points for your kind help (you will need a fresh post in order for me to do that cause cannot up you after the post is more than 2 days).

Any other bros with latest information on the Spas in KK?? Any kind recommendation on Viets there?? Names, places, contacts will be deeply appreciated:D

No problem bro.. your always welcome..

besides.. Spas in KK i can bet with you.. that you will be satisfied~ :) try go to those information as i pass to you before.. with no regards and gurantee satisfaction.


13-04-2007, 10:51 AM
Use to KK back 2005-2006 for recuritment for ML! Been to Berverly and Penampang! Wats New lately? Hows the Pinoy There?

well to be honest there is a big wind blowing at that direction at the moment and well i can say the pinoys here are getting better everytime.. new stocks and new taste ..



13-04-2007, 10:52 AM
Thanks bro. But too bad la, I'm already back in KL. Took the early morning flight today.

Problem was, I followed the bellboy out to see the pinoy FL... so the dealing was through him la. Couldn't even nego anything. Think he took some of the cash instead la.

Anyways, it was good experience la. Next round when I'm in KK, I'll come look for you la for guide. :cool:

No problem bro.. and it was nice to hear that you enjoyed it

13-04-2007, 11:53 AM
No problem bro.. and it was nice to hear that you enjoyed it

Yeah, it was good experience. Now wanting to see got what else to try. haha.

By the way, I didn't get the FLs number la. After finish, she was kinda in a rush to go party with her friends. So didn't really get to TCSS and get her number.

14-04-2007, 09:43 AM
Yeah, it was good experience. Now wanting to see got what else to try. haha.

By the way, I didn't get the FLs number la. After finish, she was kinda in a rush to go party with her friends. So didn't really get to TCSS and get her number.

No worries bro. .

18-04-2007, 01:54 PM
Cool, will look you up when I'm in KK again. :)

So got any FRs lately to share ar? Would love to find out more about the KK scene!

18-04-2007, 04:02 PM
Cool, will look you up when I'm in KK again. :)

So got any FRs lately to share ar? Would love to find out more about the KK scene!

actually they are tons of action here just the matter of money.. hahahaha.. :) and well especially when this thread is not so much alive like the others which i can recommend you.. i'll pm you the details and go have a look see which you will get all the info you neededd~!


19-04-2007, 12:39 PM
actually they are tons of action here just the matter of money.. hahahaha.. :) and well especially when this thread is not so much alive like the others which i can recommend you.. i'll pm you the details and go have a look see which you will get all the info you neededd~!


Hahaha... I know what you mean. Oh well, at least hear about it also good la.

Yeah,got the message already.
Good stuff man. Thanks a lot.

20-04-2007, 08:16 AM
Hiya bros

Any lobangs on viets there in the Spas?? How's their quality??

Cheerios and many thanks in advance:p

20-04-2007, 03:49 PM
Hiya bros

Any lobangs on viets there in the Spas?? How's their quality??

Cheerios and many thanks in advance:p

hey bro as far as i know the only place they have viet now is at 90210 location,.. going rm 198 till above.. :)

hope this helps and also new PRC stocks avaible in these area too 90210 location and name is HXT SXA

21-04-2007, 01:09 PM
Just for your updates and info.. :D sorry to the bros that i have started from the wrong foot. . . i apologize. . . regarding to the bro that got ripped off and not reading it correctly..

By the way for you guys info:- Pls becareful when going to B$v$ly H#l@s apparently now its a hot spot for MIB's...

Plus new stocks has just arrived near RM 60 area... a place near atas bintang.. should check it out ,... this place is safe and races are mostly indons and mix. .

The other place is called F#D#RAL H#$%L

only operation from 6pm till 11pm.

RM 50 ... rooms are perfect clean and awsome! :D

.... Lastly you guys should check out V$R$O and Pelangi.. ..

good PRC stocks!


The Place near atas bintang i know its the U***r S*** but can u please give me the exact place( the name of the rm 60 chicks place) cause i don want to at wrong place. Very shameful larrrr

23-04-2007, 09:23 AM
The Place near atas bintang i know its the U***r S*** but can u please give me the exact place( the name of the rm 60 chicks place) cause i don want to at wrong place. Very shameful larrrr

Ok.. go up near the place you said U***R S*** and after that you will see people hanging around the hotel Japanese Moutain... its called Mt F*Ji....

you just go near by there and they will ask you if you want kereta or ah moi..

for sure you wont miss it..

23-04-2007, 06:43 PM
Thanks bros I appreaciate it a lot. Your info's are so... soo.... VALUABLE.

But, hehehehe 1 more favour. How about in 90210 ? Can u give me the infos.

Anyway, If u want me to BELANJA or anything please do ask me. For u, no

problem bros.

24-04-2007, 04:03 PM
Thanks bros I appreaciate it a lot. Your info's are so... soo.... VALUABLE.

But, hehehehe 1 more favour. How about in 90210 ? Can u give me the infos.

Anyway, If u want me to BELANJA or anything please do ask me. For u, no

problem bros.

hahaha Belanja.. well see la one day who knows.. maybe we can go TT first la.. good luck with the info

10-05-2007, 01:56 PM
Just for your bros updates..

MIBS are being very hush on 90210 areas now.. especially WL apartments..

3 PRC got caught in their aparments in 90210 areas..

better watch out.. will update on the next posting!

but so far our pelangi is still ok!

20-05-2007, 01:36 AM
Any gd spots for LD, SDK, and TWU towns?:D

21-05-2007, 03:56 AM
dunno man but tawau damage damm ex lor then girl there are not fun as most tawau guy got gf mah so tawau biz bad so boss think price ax can survive lor.... oh philipino got hor dunno legal stay or not...

28-05-2007, 01:21 AM
my only exp is at the R#k#D# salon... the boss intro a pinoy to me, quite good looking like a hongkong movie star "hu ding xin", only got little pimple there. we just went inot the room, have a separate bath, chitchat for a while and we start the journey with kiss, then bj, then the main course.... tyhe girl is quite rush cos she say they're off at 1, i went there around 12.... the service is ok but better if no rush...

look : 8/10
body : 8/10 (nice figure, boobs got around b to c)
service : 5 / 10 (cos rush)
dmg : 150.... i know it's too enspensive rite?

anyway... i need bros help on fl and other cheap and good intro... any bros willing to share with me?... that will be a very very thank you.....

28-05-2007, 04:51 PM
my only exp is at the R#k#D# salon... the boss intro a pinoy to me, quite good looking like a hongkong movie star "hu ding xin", only got little pimple there. we just went inot the room, have a separate bath, chitchat for a while and we start the journey with kiss, then bj, then the main course.... tyhe girl is quite rush cos she say they're off at 1, i went there around 12.... the service is ok but better if no rush...

look : 8/10
body : 8/10 (nice figure, boobs got around b to c)
service : 5 / 10 (cos rush)
dmg : 150.... i know it's too enspensive rite?

anyway... i need bros help on fl and other cheap and good intro... any bros willing to share with me?... that will be a very very thank you.....

bro if you have any problems with the girls you can always tell the OKT.. he will want all his customer to be satisfied so don't be afraid to complaint to him ... the next time he will give you better girls.. :)

well got your pm and sorry to say that place in the house no more in business i heard the girls some of them got caught and some changed their no.


29-05-2007, 12:14 AM
bro if you have any problems with the girls you can always tell the OKT.. he will want all his customer to be satisfied so don't be afraid to complaint to him ... the next time he will give you better girls.. :)

well got your pm and sorry to say that place in the house no more in business i heard the girls some of them got caught and some changed their no.


thanks bro about the info... if like that bro you got any good fl to intro to me?

06-06-2007, 01:47 PM
Woah seems like KK got some interesting places to visit. Well I will be in KK for a night (flight transit) in mid-june. I have no idea where will be a good n not too ex place to stay (near action of course;) ). Any experts can suggest where to stay n where to go. Only one precious night man no one to waste it. Dun have any clue to most places referred to in this tread or the other threads on KK. Only can find Beverly and Bandaran Berjaya on the map. Any KK personnels or experts can help?

Thanks a million. Pls dun zap me for my ignorance.


16-06-2007, 01:47 AM
hello bros,

Haven't posted for a long time. I'm going with a group of friends to KK early next month. Would appreciate some details for girls , pinoy and Kadazan dusun. How much and where? We'll be staying at the Promenade. I thank you all in advance as any info would really help make this trip memorable.


02-07-2007, 10:29 PM
Leeman aka Steven Greeting! I will be there at KK on the 6th-13! Pls do contact VIA PM and would like to TCSS with Sabahan and meet new buddies!

see ya all soon!


29-07-2007, 01:38 AM
Its been 2 an half years tak pi sabah KK! Use to cheong till i m total BROKE! Hehehehe
But this time dah ada Control POWER! 1st day TT Dgn Member WSG! A sabahan and sama2 Kaki La....1st night tak ada action! This time have to be careful cause This trip BZ and staff Ms wanni(Floor Manageress Ikut sama! )

2nd night action comes! Meet up my buddy The Taxi Driver for TT! Chit Chatz and all! Was noting to do so follow him to angkat dia punya regular customers! There The Fun starts! Got a call from his regular Ms Ati(kadazan) 23YO FL

Rupa rupanya FL nak minta ICE(shabu)! Taxi driver minta maaf and told me he been a ICE dealer for couple years already! Economy Tak berapa Baik di KK! So i said NO PROBLEM cari Makan aje BUT Intro Kat I la.... Tu FL! I follow Driver di Jalan Gaya KK
and there....5 of them! Street FLs(kadazan,Kota belut and some from Keningau)

After driver deliver package(ICE) we sit together and chitChatz! Damage 80 for ST! Cantik juga 5 out of 2(not bad looking) as tak pernah cuba Kadazan my heart pumps.....Taxi driver suggest Bro why not ON of Short Time? Well one condition i said! U ask the gals to my hotel and smoke ICE so i want to look how they does it! Took ATI and we 3 orang left and we were at my Hotel room in just 5!

Taxi buddy show me and he pots couple puffs and Fl Ati does too! They were offering me so i refuse Me no Drugs punya kaki! Driver left and here we are together! Ati and me......She was high...talking and talking about her life as a street gal....Staying in a Motel day use! All gals mostly take Ice to blind themself working this kindda JOB and to support Sisters but what i see WORK TO POT ICE....hahahaha! We shower together she was so sexy and high! Good body 1st Sabah Gal i ever sink in my Brudder into this lovely Kadazan Love Box!

We were Kissing in Bed so darn hardcore sex and rough FK! Doggie/mission/cow! She was so darn high! My hands was grabbing her Buts and thrusting her from behind! Unload and she shower and starts her 2nd session of ICE again! Hahahaha

Name: Ati
Body: 7/10
Daty: No way
FK: yup
FJ: 10/10
BBBJ: 9/10
Damage: 80

30-07-2007, 03:21 AM
bro leeman... mind to pm the contact of ati with me? i very gatal at kk oledi la....

31-07-2007, 02:50 AM
bro leeman... mind to pm the contact of ati with me? i very gatal at kk oledi la....

Aftermath! The next day ATI called up asking we should meet! As i would like to recuit her as well at my PUB as a PR lady! She came....she need money....asking me if i can Help to borrow 250 bucks for her sister back in Keningau! She says needs money badly to support her sisters to buy BUKU SEKOLAH etc...I decline and she left!

I m not gonnna share this One brothers! They are drug addits! They might pick your wallet during the Short Time in their place or in your Hotel during the Game!

02-08-2007, 01:52 AM
Aftermath! The next day ATI called up asking we should meet! As i would like to recuit her as well at my PUB as a PR lady! She came....she need money....asking me if i can Help to borrow 250 bucks for her sister back in Keningau! She says needs money badly to support her sisters to buy BUKU SEKOLAH etc...I decline and she left!

I m not gonnna share this One brothers! They are drug addits! They might pick your wallet during the Short Time in their place or in your Hotel during the Game!

ok bro... you still got any to intro me? i really need sum....

11-08-2007, 04:01 AM
here is the fr....

i went there this afternoon and surprised they are operating at day time too... the okt approach me and ask me if i wan leng lui, i juz follow him... he lead me to a indon girl... ok look on the face, he say very cheap liao, usually 70, count me 60 oni.... i juz giv a try lo.....

what i can say is wtf..... the girl front is ok, the back is like got hundreds of pimple scars on the back! - turn off 10%

tcss for a while, her name is eka, from indon and here oni for one month.... then he ask me 'cepat la...' - turn off20%

after bath separately, we started.... i ask her to take off cloth... she say tak mahu...$%&$*&%$$%??? - turn off 30%

a barely acceptable bj, then ask her go deeper into the mouth... tak mahu again - turn off 40%

start by askking her to cowboy me..... she say dunno, what? a fucking bitch dunno how to cowboy? she tot i'm idiot? - turn off 50%

go by msiionary style then... life dead fish, wif no sound and feeling at all... - turn off 60%

after long time no fun cannot cum, so ask her to cowboy me.... finally she say ok.... haiz.. tot will be better, still deadfish - turn off 70%

after sum time cannot cum oso, she say tired.... ok, go back mission and doggy, still no cum cos no effect at all, now she ay very hurt o bottom.... #$%#$$^&%$??? - turn off 80%

i was quite furious right then, i juz ask her to either bj me till i cum or hj me la.... she say "TAK MAHU"..... turn off completely.....

what to say? i can only say what can you get out of 60 ringgit? nothing but a fucking hole.... totally disappointed

i tell the okt after the business, he even dare to sya "it's like that lor... they still new ma....." BLOODY HELL!!!!!!

Name : Eka (She said)
Age : 19 (she said, but i think she near 30 liao)
Build : 33b / 34 / 35 (got tummy)
looks : (3/10)
Service : (1/10)
Atitude : (0/10) - i explained liao...
dmg : rm60
eat back? NEVER!!!

for all cheongster out there..... i seriously... NOT recommend here!!!

bro desperadobig and leeman.... can pls share sum okt number or fl number with me? i rather pay better price for better quality...... pls.....

11-08-2007, 10:59 AM
Sorry to read that you had such a bad experience.

There is a chinese proverb that says something like "How much you pay will be how much you get". I guess this would apply in your situation cos like you say "Only RM60 so what would you expect"?;)

11-08-2007, 03:13 PM
Hi all n especially bro despradobig...... Where hav u been ??? Long time no post... YYY???? Anyway bro desperadobig thanks for all the tips. they r all good n valuable. I like to go TT with u someday. Just contactme...

Bro leeman.... hehehehe... ade sikit ja permintaan (small but big actually) ..
Any gal info to share??? Pls ba bro... sharing is caring ...hehehe:D :)

11-08-2007, 06:10 PM
There is a chinese proverb that says something like "How much you pay will be how much you get". I guess this would apply in your situation cos like you say "Only RM60 so what would you expect"?;)

Truly agree....... thanks bro....

14-08-2007, 03:13 AM
Last min Last Game in KK! Yesterday Mirror Gals in a Salon Gunting Rambut! Meet up OKT Tony! Mirror 5-6 Pinoy So-so only so decided to let Okt Tony Intro! He intro me a Bakso 20 YO sweet and busty WL! Took her and paid her Rm250 for a LT!

I went back and wait for mine DHL package delivery! Sharp 12 Midnight OKT hantar! Right on time! We chitChatz she from Pontiank Indon! Been here for almost 5-6 months! I suggest we shower and she strip down review her beauty figure! C cup and her arse! Solid like i like it! Not a Drug user! Body was solid! We lay in bed and she starts to BBBJ slowly at least 15-20 mins! I FK her and little daty as well! Cowgal, Mission and i was ramming my tool inside! Tight and juicy! Finish unload and shower! Took her to R n B disco for couple beers! She was happy and me as her customers the 1st ever took her sight-seeing and disco!

She was high and vomited...we head back to hotel! I was thinking habis ler...so drunk she might sleep right in our doorstep hotel room! I was wrong! She undress all wear my XL Tshirts! She was so horny and sexy! We had another round or SHE HAD me another round! Hell yeaaa....! She BBBJ while i was standing just inch away i grab my CD tear it off Clap CD and FK her! we were fast asleep than! Work up morning and had another round before noon! She left and we still SMS-ing and hopefully i can ask her to come to KL for holiday!

Date: 1/08/07
Name: Vera
origin: Pontiank(indon)
Age 20
Body 10/10
FK yes
Daty Yes
FJ 10/10
Gfe: 10/10
Damage: 250(3 rounds)

ps: WSG Forum member Nick Minding88 under the Sabah Thread! Pls do PM him to get Okts Contacts! A local Sabahan do contact him direct!

15-08-2007, 08:28 AM
bro leeman.... good fr o... make me mouth watering......

i tried on that wsg forum, cannot find minding88 leh? how? you have his direct contact, i am local...

16-08-2007, 09:43 PM
Hot Spa...any news?Im a regular there, havent been to KK for 3 months, so it would be great if anyone can post latest updates on this place...thanks

20-08-2007, 03:29 PM
I was in KK for the weekend... feeling like having some booze... called up some kakis in KK, and off we go heading to 90210 area for some karaoke action... gunung api is the place.

checked into VIP room... was shocked to see the mamasan was an old friend of mine who used to work in R & B, penampang (when they still have karaoke). she intro few... all quite skinny... choose apple... my friend got an orrange.... (fruit stall)

then it was action time...... turn on the Disco music...i think the sub at least is bout 24 inch and it was rubbing and venturing all the way through......

My apple was- skinny, small sizes and was only upto my chest height, she kept rejecting me when I wanted to venture south (didnot get anything) but was OK when I venture north... (but also only for a while) most of the time was Fk and body dancing...( which is OK for me) should hav had the orange which i thought will be much more better whom comparable fairer... bigger boobs, know abit more chinese, sporting and always revealing her undies to us.. pity my friend did not charm her all the way through...

had 2 bottle of chivas and 6 botols of beer .... & was totalled!!

the bill came in 1400 +(share among 3) after discount..... did not went further in conning the gals to bed... though I was sleeping alone in the nicest room u can find in KK.... as I recently have not have any urge for extra-maritial activities.

12-09-2007, 03:27 PM
bros and fellow cheongsters... any new stuff in kk? can share with us?

12-09-2007, 04:11 PM
bro leeman,

r u goin arrange a special cheong trip over to KK, ask all brudder in KL raid KK city for a night or two....:D

12-10-2007, 12:21 PM
To all, newbie here, please forgive and correct if I say anything wrong. :p

I from KK, but working in KL, really miss a lot fun in KK when I was there. Nowaday miss all my contact there, need help from all taiko here to have fun.

I tell you they service you as if you are one of their fuck buddies.. meaning like when you enter the door and be nice to them they just treat you as if you've known them for a long time and they will practically be really friendly with you and treat you nice and well they talked abit quite loud sometiems.. which kinda turn me off..


Bro Desperado, this is exactly what I am looking for!! GF and home feeling!! Proud of u having this kind of contact!! :D

I going back Dec, mind be my guide? Or maybe a happy hour season for some sharing ya? I not able find this kind of lubang in KL...

13-10-2007, 11:27 AM
Hi all bros and sifu here! I am newly join here, feel like "home"... what a nice forum... if sie luo make any mistake, plz correct me ya :D

I from KK, but now working in west msia, wao, never know KK also got so many nice nice place to have fun... hohoho... bros, post more, I learning...

I tell you they service you as if you are one of their fuck buddies.. meaning like when you enter the door and be nice to them they just treat you as if you've known them for a long time and they will practically be really friendly with you and treat you nice and well they talked abit quite loud sometiems.. which kinda turn me off..


Bro Desperadobig, this fantastic, I looking for this kind of services long long time, I going back soon, might to have a happy hour for sharing? hehe (anyone know where is bro Desperado... long time no reply de)

Last min Last Game in KK! Yesterday Mirror Gals in a Salon Gunting Rambut! Meet up OKT Tony! Mirror 5-6 Pinoy So-so only so decided to let Okt Tony Intro! He intro me a Bakso 20 YO sweet and busty WL! Took her and paid her Rm250 for a LT!

Bro Leeman, this one also interesting... seen like u having lot of fun... hoho

Sorry for not FR yet, my last "field game" is too far, cant recall much... will catch up soon. :D