View Full Version : this is not about sex. should you date a Christian. while you are a Buddhist?
12-04-2016, 10:53 AM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
12-04-2016, 11:17 AM
Cannot marry, only can fuck.
12-04-2016, 11:22 AM
Please see Bible "1 Corinthians 7". Hope it helps.
But pretty much the decision lies on your other half. :)
12-04-2016, 01:30 PM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
Tiagong you think too much...
Piak 1st Talk later...
If cannot Piak then don't waste time to date...
12-04-2016, 02:07 PM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
y the girl u love cannot convert to Buddhist? she dun love u?
12-04-2016, 03:08 PM
dont think Christian can convert to Buddhist leh. somemore her family also Christian
haiz.. stress.. i got pick a Buddhist girl over her before but after few months of dating. i dont hv feeling for the Buddhist girl. instead thinking of this Christian girl
12-04-2016, 03:15 PM
It's all up to individual and how committed are you in your beliefs. Some well maybe like me beliefs are beliefs and relationship is another thing. I'm a Catholic but not those die hard kind and most of my ex bfs are Buddhist. They didn't care too that I'm not Buddhist .
12-04-2016, 08:14 PM
It's all up to individual and how committed are you in your beliefs. Some well maybe like me beliefs are beliefs and relationship is another thing. I'm a Catholic but not those die hard kind and most of my ex bfs are Buddhist. They didn't care too that I'm not Buddhist .
My ex-gf also Catholic...
Tiagong I'm also Buddhist...
Lai we also Forever Friends leh...
12-04-2016, 10:15 PM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
If she's tat type very qian cheng 1, devoted Christian n her family oso, then there will b lots of barriers for u to pursue this r/s. Unless u get touched by her religion n try to accept this despite family objection since I believe u r above 21 yrs old adult, u hv d freedom to choose ur own religion n belief.
To avoid conflict, better move out n set up a home belongs to u & her only. But it's still too early to talk abt. Your family might nt accept her oso. A very tough journey for u both if the love is nt strong enough to withstand all d ordeals (kao yan) .;)
Since u juz fall in love wif her, nt yet date her, try nt to think so much n too far away like marriage as everything nt start yet. U dun understand her at all. Try to make friend wif her first, from there slowly get to understand each other, mayb later on discover tat her character incompatible wif u, hobbies, interest n thinking r quite different from u, then u may wan to give up oso.
12-04-2016, 11:18 PM
If she's tat type very qian cheng 1, devoted Christian n her family oso, then there will b lots of barriers for u to pursue this r/s. Unless u get touched by her religion n try to accept this despite family objection since I believe u r above 21 yrs old adult, u hv d freedom to choose ur own religion n belief.
To avoid conflict, better move out n set up a home belongs to u & her only. But it's still too early to talk abt. Your family might nt accept her oso. A very tough journey for u both if the love is nt strong enough to withstand all d ordeals (kao yan) .;)
Since u juz fall in love wif her, nt yet date her, try nt to think so much n too far away like marriage as everything nt start yet. U dun understand her at all. Try to make friend wif her first, from there slowly get to understand each other, mayb later on discover tat her character incompatible wif u, hobbies, interest n thinking r quite different from u, then u may wan to give up oso.
thanks for sharing your thought... think i will just start a relationship with her.. i have feel for her and i love her.. think for this time i will just follow my heart and see how much obstacles that i will face as we go on in this relationship
13-04-2016, 12:25 AM
Dear TS
I dont think that religion should be a factor. I find that religions r just out to do good and that it shouldn't hinder one's love for another. Go for it bro...but remember to give and take..
13-04-2016, 08:12 AM
Convert or what is all up to the individual. Not by force or influence. This kind of thing best is to settle and agreement before the relationship even start, it is pointless to have conflicts over such matter, as all the religions are to be preach peace and compassion.
That's why I ditched my religion now and became a free thinker. Only pray for respect if I were to near to a temple. As I don't want such situation to happen to me in future.
14-04-2016, 12:30 AM
Better dont....
14-04-2016, 12:43 AM
If she doesn't force you to convert that is. Buddhism is more like a philosophy than a religion in my opinion. Relationships should not have religion as a variable but the truth is sometimes it is not.
Like you said, get into it and see where it takes you. If you feel that she wants you to convert, and there is some resistance coming from you, you know what to do.
14-04-2016, 01:05 AM
Must you convert? And actually you also haven't together with her yet why think of marriage liao
14-04-2016, 04:05 AM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
The idea of dating is to test water to see if she is the potential wife.
No one knows what would happen if you don't try... So, green light ahead, just go. :D
14-04-2016, 09:07 AM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
If the reason you can't remain a Buddhist is coz of family objections, maybe you have not really considered whether you want to be one. It sounds like it's not your choice, much less a firm conviction of your religion.
In that case, if you do continue with her, you will convert eventually. We'll just say bye to you in advance.
14-04-2016, 09:25 AM
TS, your thinking is not much difference to a ISIS terrorist. why you need to mix your religious into love life. your life should not be rule by your religious or anyone religious, you should rule your own life.
And if i married a muslim and she ask me to convert, then i will ask back the same question, why don YOU convert instead to expect other to give in, NB!!
14-04-2016, 09:44 PM
TS, frankly speaking I'm not quite sure whether you can be considered a full fledged Buddhist at all. Buddhism doesn't forbid the beliefs of Christianity and is in fact just a path towards enlightenment. The main goal is a ticket out of Saṃsāra. The "theistic" version of Buddhism many locals practice is not authentic Buddhism, its Chinese folk religion.
Matter of the fact is you're very much involved in the mundane, trapped by bounds of kinship and personal love. I tend to think you're very much trapped along with the rest of us in Saṃsāra. If you aren't thinking of attaining enlightenment through rigorous Buddhist practices, why are you so vexed by the titles of differing "religions"?
Live a life for yourself. Give it a chance & try out with the Christian girl.
Cheers from Mara's Advocate:D
18-04-2016, 08:18 PM
it depends?
i have a frend who has a christian wife but he is a helper in buddhist temple
most impt is she leave u be on religions matters and dun force u to convert. then i guess its ok to go ahead with the rs
19-04-2016, 06:53 PM
I have a colleague who is a Buddhist and his wife is a Catholic. They are happily married with 2 teenage boys. Am amazed by their religious harmony at home and from what I know, he fetches his wife to church every Sunday while she follows him to temple too. :cool:
19-04-2016, 10:48 PM
I have a colleague who is a Buddhist and his wife is a Catholic. They are happily married with 2 teenage boys. Am amazed by their religious harmony at home and from what I know, he fetches his wife to church every Sunday while she follows him to temple too. :cool:
Buddhists and Catholics are usually quite compatible and get along quite fine. Part of it is influenced by how both worship a female divinity in Kwan I'm and Mary respectively. Of course compatibility varies on a case by case basis if we are trying to do counselling here, but generally speaking, a probable Singaporean Buddhist is one that abstains from beef, while a probable Catholic does without red meat on Fridays. The sentimental reasoning of both Buddhism and Catholicism is often super similar. Literally it is about a mother, Mother Mary, Mother Kwan I'm, in both cases the feminine gender is depicted as very wholesome and pure, in as far as Mary is a virgin when She gave birth to Jesus, so too Kwan I'm is a celibate. In both Buddhism and Catholicism, they have got a male 'hero' or champion in a central teaching, such as Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gautama, in both cases the male 'hero' is supposed to go through ridiculous suffering in order to win hearts of followers.
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
So back to the TS concern, if the two parties involved are Mahayana Buddhists and Catholic Christians, imho this is an even better match on some days than having Buddhists marrying Buddhists or Christians marrying Christians. During a phase when I was exploring Theravada Buddhism myself, I ever tried dating a Methodist Christian girl. It was also very compatible, comfortable and reassuring. She needed a guy that could be staked on a cross, I needed a gal who could keep her clothes on whenever she was with me. As it turns out, because we were so compatible, she ended up marrying a Christian like herself instead, and because we did almost everything right from the Christian commandments till the Buddhist precepts, we ended up getting good degrees and good employments instead of families of football teams, in fact the problem we separately are facing today is because our faith regimes are so ingrained, in other words we are so God-damned till Buddha-blessed pious, if we have to be such goodie two shoes abstaining from any form of screwing around, that is why fertility rates from pandas at Zoological Gardens till degree holders islandwide have been getting really low islandwide since we first met more than a decade ago.
Cannot marry, only can fuck.
Let me go a little profound in case mason is 5 years my junior as his nick may suggest. In some Christian views, you are created for God's amusement. If he wants you to eat shit you have to eat shit; so if you are asking questions whether you may marry a Christian or otherwise, you should be eating shit first instead of asking a question like this. Don't doubt the Creator.
y the girl u love cannot convert to Buddhist? she dun love u?If the TS doubts the Creator, that is why the girl he likes is also better off marrying a Christian instead of a Buddhist. Today, there are 30% nearly 40% Singaporeans that are Buddhists, 20% or iirc 30% who are Christians, so go do your math properly if you are Buddhist. There are 30,000+ babies born per year in Singapore, 15,000+ of the opposite gender of the same age as TS, ah, now this is where you can draw the line: "Are you suffering?" :)
Buddhists love suffering. Buddhists don't die at 33 to save the world, we do five things which is a lot shorter than other major textbooks in the market, we don't kill ourselves and others, we don't rob ourselves and others, we don't screw ourselves and others - if you lack a vagina when you have a penis, that is a 'product feature', you don't necessarily fix it by marrying a woman who has one or recycling a dog or a cat that has one - again, we don't deceive ourselves and others, we don't intoxicate ourselves and others.
If you can love suffering, if I tell you don't have pre-marital sex with the Christian girl before your Buddhist marriage, yet you still go ahead and do it, it's again called suffering, or specifically dukkha, anatta, and anicca - you suffer because your body is designed to mate, your penis arises and falls, it cums and goes, if you read SBF's banner slogan it tells you everything about what I went through "there is not enough blood to use both brain and penis at the same time", more than that while the Christians may say you are God's toy, I am telling you that's what happens in life there is no Creator it is just a fucked up world from the pointless beginning that is without anybody in charge, it will end up fucked up eventually so you are just trying to delay the inevitable, even if you worship a prehistoric European Dinosaur or an American F-35000 Donkey instead of a God or Buddha the dinosaur will still die for you and the donkey will still crash for you to see as a sublime religious teaching.
Of as my mentor ended up teaching me after I completed my first million dollar project, "Have fun.."
23-04-2016, 11:31 AM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
Nothing wrong with dating one I feel, if both parties set their priorities right. This means to say, both parties do not interfere with each other's religious practicing. In theory,this seems easier said than done.
You can think of the long run, what happens when you two have an offspring? Do you let your offspring choose his/her own religious beliefs? Or would you rather he/she followed your spouse's religion and this might result in you being the one facing the backlash of your family (assuming your parents are staunch believers in your religion)? How do you raise the kids on different beliefs? I have not seen it but bros here have seen real life examples so maybe they can give us some insight.
True though all religions are good in that they are supposed to keep us on the right track but somehow, I feel they are still different in their own ways. It's because of these differences, that's why we still have wars arising from religious differences. I might be wrong but this is just my pinhole point of view.
Personally, I prefer not to if I have a choice.
23-04-2016, 02:51 PM
Nothing wrong with dating one I feel, if both parties set their priorities right. This means to say, both parties do not interfere with each other's religious practicing. In theory,this seems easier said than done.
You can think of the long run, what happens when you two have an offspring? Do you let your offspring choose his/her own religious beliefs? Or would you rather he/she followed your spouse's religion and this might result in you being the one facing the backlash of your family (assuming your parents are staunch believers in your religion)? How do you raise the kids on different beliefs? I have not seen it but bros here have seen real life examples so maybe they can give us some insight.
True though all religions are good in that they are supposed to keep us on the right track but somehow, I feel they are still different in their own ways. It's because of these differences, that's why we still have wars arising from religious differences. I might be wrong but this is just my pinhole point of view.
Personally, I prefer not to if I have a choice.
hi bro. this is the point that im quite worried too... haiz.. why we have so many religions
23-04-2016, 11:54 PM
if you go ahead and date her... you will be writing a korean drama script in 2 years time when it comes to marriage... either you convert to her faith or the issue of faith will destroy the relationship.
so best to discuss the issue now.
24-04-2016, 11:25 AM
hi bro. this is the point that im quite worried too... haiz.. why we have so many religions
Hey bro, don't fret too much over it, life's too short for such trivial matters. As I said, you can give it a shot. It's just dating, it might or might not work out. But if you have been hanging around together for a while *depends on your own definition of a while*, I feel it's best to start the ball rolling on this topic. Don't wait till you want to shit, then find a toilet. Always know where the toilet is when you step into a mall, restaurant. :D
24-04-2016, 07:13 PM
TS, just fuck her n get her pregnant. She will marry u irregardless of any religion u are. :D
27-04-2016, 01:30 AM
My ex-gf also Catholic...
Tiagong I'm also Buddhist...
Lai we also Forever Friends leh...
I am a female but not chio. :p
27-04-2016, 01:34 AM
TS, just fuck her n get her pregnant. She will marry u irregardless of any religion u are. :D
that's a good idea but will backfire with consequences maybe possibly probably:D
27-04-2016, 05:24 AM
that's a good idea but will backfire with consequences maybe possibly probably:D
Thats the worst scenario... entrapment of beta males.
18-05-2016, 03:22 AM
A girl with genuine feelings for you wouldn't care about religion all that much.
18-05-2016, 02:33 PM
hi bro.
this is not a sex questions sorry about that.
im a Buddhist and i fall in love with a girl and she is a Christian. should i date her and possible to marry her if i not a Christian and i cannot convert due to family objections? ?
Do you know what Christianity is? Why not join her for a session of Sunday worship and see how it goes if you are serious into her, but not the "piak piak piak" kind but the kind you want to "piak" for your lifetime. If the religion touches your heart and you wish to convert then so be it. If the family does't think you need to convert then so be it also.
If she is the die hard Christian and believe that Christians cannot date non-Christian then just move on lah. If she is the CHC or those mega church charismatic one just piak her until you sian liao then walk off. Meantime, make more friends from those churches and piak all of them. Shortlist your piak girls.:D:D:D:D
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