View Full Version : Hiv fear
15-04-2016, 07:32 PM
Last year oct exposure. Took pep till nov. Test almost every month till last week of March. The tests done by quest lab reliable? Mine all negative but I see leisions scatter every where. Help me... I am damn stress. Nov got chills lasted for days.
15-04-2016, 09:58 PM
i would say u are very safe, no need 2 worry abt HIV
did you also check for stds? i suggest u check for Stds if you have not done so
Last year oct exposure. Took pep till nov. Test almost every month till last week of March. The tests done by quest lab reliable? Mine all negative but I see leisions scatter every where. Help me... I am damn stress. Nov got chills lasted for days.
17-04-2016, 01:52 PM
Last year oct exposure. Took pep till nov. Test almost every month till last week of March. The tests done by quest lab reliable? Mine all negative but I see leisions scatter every where. Help me... I am damn stress. Nov got chills lasted for days.
not reliable. go test somemore. test till you are positive then you will be relieved.
keep us updated once you are hiv positive ok.
17-04-2016, 04:22 PM
Last year oct exposure. Took pep till nov. Test almost every month till last week of March. The tests done by quest lab reliable? Mine all negative but I see leisions scatter every where. Help me... I am damn stress. Nov got chills lasted for days.
i think you are fine from HIV. maybe you kena other std :) good luck
17-04-2016, 04:58 PM
Just go see psychiatrist already.
21-04-2016, 02:32 AM
Last year oct exposure. Took pep till nov. Test almost every month till last week of March. The tests done by quest lab reliable? Mine all negative but I see leisions scatter every where. Help me... I am damn stress. Nov got chills lasted for days.
You have hiv. So what's next:p
You will probably be healthier if diagnosed with HIV. And you can be an advocate for IMH too
25-04-2016, 05:46 PM
I did all the comprehensive tests. But question is they draw one tube of blood. The tests they do include everything. Quest lab standards there or not? I fucking scared leh I really have red lesions. All std test came out non reactive.
27-04-2016, 06:18 AM
Bro you over worrying already, don't let your mind run wild
27-04-2016, 10:17 AM
I did all the comprehensive tests. But question is they draw one tube of blood. The tests they do include everything. Quest lab standards there or not? I fucking scared leh I really have red lesions. All std test came out non reactive.
Having red lesions does not necessary means you are infected by HIV.
Firstly, lets understand that the HIV test nowadays is detect if a person is infected by looking for HIV antibody. Unless those tests you did are done by unqualified medical person, (like somebody just buy HIV test paper online and DIY), likely you are not infected
I do not know your age, but there is no harm to do a full body check up. Just to find out if there is any hidden illnesses.
If you prefer it not to be known by your close one, you can always visit a new medical clinic. Pay cash and throw away the receipt.
If you read our forum Doctor, Doctor Tan's blog, the fear of getting HIV can be more damaging than getting HIV itself.
Wish that you are well, both physically and mentally. Hope to see you come back to post and inform us that you are alright.
02-05-2016, 12:18 PM
i think you should see a skin specialist to see what happen to your skin,
04-05-2016, 06:40 PM
Having red lesions does not necessary means you are infected by HIV
Agree could be other things as well
17-05-2016, 09:46 PM Window period 6 months still valid?
18-05-2016, 01:52 PM Window period 6 months still valid?
Nobody can be bothered about you anymore because it is obvious you need psychiatric help rather than STD advice.
22-05-2016, 06:03 PM
the fear of getting HIV can be more damaging than getting HIV itself
This is actually very true if you read around
24-06-2016, 11:03 AM
Save me.
24-06-2016, 12:03 PM
Only you can save yourself
Save me.
24-06-2016, 03:08 PM
Save me.
you still positive you have HIV now?
24-06-2016, 11:11 PM
TS, better u put an end to ur suffering n ours. Find those 40 story blocks in toa payoh n jump down.
26-06-2016, 08:47 AM
Save me.
Maybe Prophet Muhammad can save you.
"Use the Black Seed for indeed, it is a cure for all diseases except death." Saheeh al-Bukharee 7:591
07-09-2016, 07:15 PM
i had protected oral and pussy sex 3 days ago
now my cock a lil bit pain at the tip
and a lil bit fever
what should i do??
does this mean going to have hiv?
09-09-2016, 01:50 PM
Get urself tested to see if positive or one here can tell u also...end of the day if you get HIV...wipe away the tears and face death like a real MAN....:p
09-09-2016, 01:55 PM
i had protected oral and pussy sex 3 days ago
now my cock a lil bit pain at the tip
and a lil bit fever
what should i do??
does this mean going to have hiv?
If both were protected I doubt you've caught anything.
However if you're worried go and get yourself tested just to be sure.
09-09-2016, 06:56 PM
If both were protected I doubt you've caught anything
Would concur with this assessment as well
21-09-2016, 11:44 PM
i had protected oral and pussy sex 3 days ago
now my cock a lil bit pain at the tip
and a lil bit fever
what should i do??
does this mean going to have hiv?
Done both many times. Never tested positive for HIV. If you consistently use condoms before any sexual activity and it didn't break, you are more likely to die from electrocution than to catch HIV. Just ask yourself how many people around you or your friends have died from electrocution.
22-09-2016, 09:50 AM
Walau bonk once and test repeatedly.
That must be one hell of an expensive bonk. One bonk is ~$100? Then all the followup tests and treatments >$1,000?!
First are you sure they are lesions? If so also lesions everywhere could mean many types of skin disease. Maybe you got new strain of zika, ha ha.
I think TS just trying to play with our minds. Anyway here are some stats to set the record straight:
From the USA Center for Disease Control who have run the tests:
Your risk of catching HIV from 10,000 exposure of unprotected sex from someone who is HIV positive
1) insertive penile-vaginal intercourse (i.e. your dick in her pussy) is 4 out of 10,000
2) receptive penile-vaginal intercourse (i.e. his dick in your pussy) is 8/10,000
3) receptive anal intercourse (i.e. his dick in your ass) is 138/10,000 much higher
4) oral sex is listed as low, which means its so low they do not have any stats for it
The incidence rate above is per act however note that risk is cumulative over lifetime, which means if you fuck raw all the time, your chances of striking the HIV lottery is grows higher. The stats above are also general averages and does not take into account virus load which fluctuates. You decide to raw with someone with high virus load, nobody has any stats on your chances.
This is just for HIV, any other STD the incidence is much higher.
Bottom line is proper use of condom all the time is the safest route for those who cannot resist sampling the wildflowers on the roadside. Stringent lab tests have shown that latex condoms are impermeable to all STD bacteria, viruses, etc. They tested the condoms with hundreds of million nano-balls each smaller than the size of a HIV virus under high pressure pumped into the condom. Nothing got through. The structure of the condom is too small for these STD to pass through.
04-10-2016, 02:13 AM
Highly unlikely. Cock pain can be due to over-rigorous sex. Fever can be due to almost anything.
Also, the flu-like symptoms of HIV infection usually comes after weeks, not 3 days. If it's 3 days, it's probably just a normal fever.
When I first started cheonging, I was also damn paranoid. After I had a BJ, I suay suay next day kenna flu. I was also worried like fuck and went for HIV test immediately, and then every month for the next 3 months, and one more test after 6 months.
Looking back, it was funny how naive and paranoid I was, so I totally understand how you feel. One thing I discovered is that sometimes, the fear and anxiety will actually make you feel things that aren't there. Once you get over the fear, the symptoms magically disappear as well.
So, relax. If you kiasu, go for test after a month, but I would say you don't have to worry about HIV.
i had protected oral and pussy sex 3 days ago
now my cock a lil bit pain at the tip
and a lil bit fever
what should i do??
does this mean going to have hiv?
04-10-2016, 07:12 AM
Tahan for 3 months. After 3 months go test. I done my test after 9 months capped sex with prc fl. That time damn suay... fk too vigorous le. Her teeth hit my gum and bleed. I scared like shit.
05-10-2016, 07:02 PM
you don't have to worry about HIV
I believe similarly as well
10-10-2016, 11:03 AM
i had protected oral and pussy sex 3 days ago
now my cock a lil bit pain at the tip
and a lil bit fever
what should i do??
does this mean going to have hiv?
Siao liao la bro, u better pray hard la.. pray ur mind don fck u hard
11-10-2016, 01:07 PM
Best way, stay at home and DIY - No Risk
Otherwise, find a virgin wife and do it just as often as you like - No Risk
Or keep a girl as FB from young - No Risk
Or bring the girl for screen then keep it as FB - No Risk
Any paid sex, there is always RISK. Even nowadays, MAIDs are also risky even they have 6 months checkup. Imagine, they fucked just 1 or 2 weeks before the checkup, don't think they can pick up HIV virus.
11-10-2016, 05:40 PM
Tahan for 3 months. After 3 months go test. I done my test after 9 months capped sex with prc fl
Main thing is that things are all fine now for you :)
Why everyone scare of HIV but still wanna go fuck around with different girls including engaging raw sex. I always tell my friends, 要玩就不要怕.
14-10-2016, 10:14 AM
I now nvr engage any fl unless she is damn chio till make me itchy. Most guys include me f le think later and scare. If scare dont play. If play dont scare. But need to do all safety measures la.
15-10-2016, 11:48 AM
Sometimes the dick takes control rather den the brain.. what to do.. unless the girl damn chio if not it is just a moment of dick itchy.. just go pcc la.. u save 100 liao
16-10-2016, 09:50 PM
Every Month check up is a lot of money
28-10-2016, 02:05 PM
even if every month check, what's the use?
checking does not mean you won't contract the disease. More like only when you stop fucking around or maybe wear protection then can maybe limit HIV transmission.
still, get yourself tested especially if you feel you have been exposed.
31-10-2016, 06:43 PM
The "use" is that you can start treatment as soon as possible. Like all infections, treatment is more effective when started early. You can't cure HIV, but you can prevent it from developing into AIDS. Magic Johnson announced he had HIV in 1991, and he's still alive and well today, 25 years later.
Checkup once a month is too excessive. Once every 6 months is good enough.
even if every month check, what's the use?
checking does not mean you won't contract the disease. More like only when you stop fucking around or maybe wear protection then can maybe limit HIV transmission.
still, get yourself tested especially if you feel you have been exposed.
31-10-2016, 11:50 PM
How accurate by doing HIV oral test?
01-11-2016, 09:49 AM
if you google/research, rapid HIV test by oraquick is actually a second generation HIV test.
Do go for third generation or fourth generation test instead.
Are you at risk?
02-11-2016, 01:23 AM
All oralswab are 3rd generation, which require 28 days window period. It should have 90 odds % accuracy if you test after 28 days.
4th gen requires 14 window period and you can test on the 15th day with 99% accuracy.
i strongly encourage those who would like to take the anonymous hiv test to visit Action For Aids Mobile Testing Service. Their van go around the island twice or thrice a week.
It costs only $40 for a 4th gen test.
A 4th gen HIV test at any anonymous clinic can cost anything from $100 to $150.
There are one or two clinic doing anonymous testing that operates on Sunday as well.
02-11-2016, 08:14 AM
enough said. oraquick/oral swabs are 2nd generation. Not 3rd generation
02-11-2016, 11:32 AM
agreed. in fact always go for the more accurate test - like the 4th generation.
what for test and then later have a lingering suspicion whether it is accurate or not.
06-11-2016, 04:30 PM
right, better go for 4th gen. my advice is to for for AFA MTS. $40 per test.
just last mth alone, i went for 3 test.
1st test on 11th day, damn doctor just gave me the oralswab, which need at least 28 days window period. it was at anteh, and my first visit with the male doctor was supposedly quite good, did some questionaire to find out the appropriate test. but for that visit, it was a female doctor who was rushing out for her lunch.
2nd visit on the 15th day, it was on a Sunday, i really can't contain my anxiety, hence went down to serangoon garden for a test. though the result was negative, but the doctor actually took out the kit from a open package. i guess when you're anxious and worry, you just want to carry on testing.
3rd test with AFA MTS on 25th day, the staff were professional and thorough. they go through with you a standard set of questionaire. my first visit was much better though, they even advised where i can pep if i am really exposed.
agreed. in fact always go for the more accurate test - like the 4th generation.
what for test and then later have a lingering suspicion whether it is accurate or not.
06-11-2016, 11:43 PM
Rich go for prep lahh ment for people that like raw reduce ur chances till like 95%
07-11-2016, 02:07 AM
You can't cure HIV, but you can prevent it from developing into AIDS. Magic Johnson announced he had HIV in 1991, and he's still alive and well today, 25 years later.
Very well said bro especially the magic johnson part
07-11-2016, 08:40 AM
i don't think there is really a need to go thru so many tests.
Yes bearing the anxiety, you can see that going thru so many tests just goes on to reinforce the anxiety. As long as the tests are done but still within the window periods, don't think it is conclusive enough.
I think the more important message which should be brought across is that testing "negative" does not mean that you will not get HIV. it just means that at that moment you are tested, you are negative. that's that
What is more important is to PREVENT or MINIMISE HIV risk by proper protection, and making sure you don't anyhow sleep around.
07-11-2016, 08:45 AM
Very well said bro especially the magic johnson part
Lucky him, he is rich enough to spend thousands of dollars annually for anti viral drugs.
07-11-2016, 05:03 PM
actually generic anti viral drugs is cheap nowadays
was reading up on anti viral, and a thread from blowingwind pops up
and of course, one better consult a doctor for proper diagnosis before even buying the drug.
Lucky him, he is rich enough to spend thousands of dollars annually for anti viral drugs.
09-11-2016, 05:31 PM
you can see that going thru so many tests just goes on to reinforce the anxiety
I think you hit the nail on the head
10-11-2016, 06:50 PM
actually generic anti viral drugs is cheap nowadays
Still few hundred dollars bro :o
11-11-2016, 11:13 AM
The problem with HIV is not just the affordability of anti-viral drug...the fact is there won't be a peaceful death for you on the day you die....Anti-viral drug in a way is extremely toxic to the body itself. Taking it daily for the rest of your life will guarantee that when you grows old and your immune system is are most likely to die from multiple cancers and in great pain....there won't be no peaceful death....:D:D:D
03-01-2017, 11:12 AM
Im terrible frightening now.
On the 25 dec, i went to club with my group of friends. I met a unknown hiv status girl (escort) in the club. Im sure we do not have any sexsual intercourse (bj, anal and viginal).She does light bite and lick my arm, neck and ear. I check the area she bite and i cant find any open wound or bleeding, so i think there is no skin break and i think i be safe from hiv transmission in this situation.
The thing that deeply ghosting me is im had big ulcer around my inner part lips (not sure was it bleeding or in healing process) that moment. We do kissing, of course, mouth to mouth(not a long deep nor France type).
I knew saliva is not a hiv transmit method. But what if her saliva mixed with her blood, will / docummented / is it possible hiv transmit to me in this situation? How much (two to three drops or a tea spoon) of blood in the saliva will allow hiv transmit.
03-01-2017, 11:41 AM
The problem with HIV is not just the affordability of anti-viral drug...the fact is there won't be a peaceful death for you on the day you die....Anti-viral drug in a way is extremely toxic to the body itself. Taking it daily for the rest of your life will guarantee that when you grows old and your immune system is are most likely to die from multiple cancers and in great pain....there won't be no peaceful death....:D:D:D
:rolleyes:what is peaceful death?
05-01-2017, 12:13 AM
I think you r over reacting already.
I understand how u feel. I had this feeling months ago and I don't want another experience liddat again. Go for the test 1 month after exposure and deal with it once and for all. As advice from samsters and Dr Tan.
17-01-2017, 01:22 AM
relax lah. the chances of an infection via kissing is extremely low. Saliva itself inhibits HIV. You need a big enough viral load for infection to happen, so I would not worry about it.
Im terrible frightening now.
On the 25 dec, i went to club with my group of friends. I met a unknown hiv status girl (escort) in the club. Im sure we do not have any sexsual intercourse (bj, anal and viginal).She does light bite and lick my arm, neck and ear. I check the area she bite and i cant find any open wound or bleeding, so i think there is no skin break and i think i be safe from hiv transmission in this situation.
The thing that deeply ghosting me is im had big ulcer around my inner part lips (not sure was it bleeding or in healing process) that moment. We do kissing, of course, mouth to mouth(not a long deep nor France type).
I knew saliva is not a hiv transmit method. But what if her saliva mixed with her blood, will / docummented / is it possible hiv transmit to me in this situation? How much (two to three drops or a tea spoon) of blood in the saliva will allow hiv transmit.
17-01-2017, 01:25 AM
There are lots of non-peaceful deaths: traffic accidents, stroke, cancer, kidney failure, liver failure, etc. Many types deaths are not peaceful. A quick walk through the cancer ward of any hospital will show you many examples. Just have to accept that this is a fact of life.
The problem with HIV is not just the affordability of anti-viral drug...the fact is there won't be a peaceful death for you on the day you die....Anti-viral drug in a way is extremely toxic to the body itself. Taking it daily for the rest of your life will guarantee that when you grows old and your immune system is are most likely to die from multiple cancers and in great pain....there won't be no peaceful death....:D:D:D
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