View Full Version : Reputation system update - 3 July 2024

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02-01-2014, 11:32 PM
Just caught sight of this post...excellent stuff bro, cld not agree wif u more:cool:!

Compliments of the season & a happy new year to all:)

Thanks to the ignore button function. Had added menace clone forbidden87 to my ignore list & I cannot see his posts haha ;):D

Happy new year huat ah

03-01-2014, 11:31 PM
Thanks to the ignore button function. Had added menace clone forbidden87 to my ignore list & I cannot see his posts haha ;):D

Happy new year huat ah

But other people still can see how I humiliate you le. :D

Btw, I'm not a menace clone. Watch what you're saying. :rolleyes:

04-01-2014, 12:11 AM
But other people still can see how I humiliate you le. :D

Btw, I'm not a menace clone. Watch what you're saying. :rolleyes:

I heard barking sound :D

Wonder y ur master hiding sigh.

04-01-2014, 06:54 PM
My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,

Still no shame, i see...even after Sammyboyfor said the following. ..

Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. :p

The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. :D

Those who want to take on the Keewee gang need to start the groundwork now.

It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers.

The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power.

I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. :D

04-01-2014, 07:03 PM
My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,

You just keep on killing yrself wif yr hypocrisy eh?!....:rolleyes::D

First u luv rep points...

I dun agree with your mantra.. Yes, we are all immoral to fuck whores behind our love ones and we critisize them like no body business and we pay whores to spread their legs for us to sextis5 our lust, but why do we have to mass or gang zap other samsters to de-motivate fellow samsters to share info and intel?? It is easy for u to say u can open a new account when u gotten moderated. U forgot one pt, it is ppl hard work to earn pt though it may not be impt to me. Unlike some samsters who earn pt easily w/o contributing.. So did u earn your pt easily thats why u said that?? Earning pt in sbf has become something like earning recognition in working world.. This kind of mentality has become embledded in each & every samsters unless he is a newbies and do not know the meaning behind of earning pts.

And then later on you scorn rep points...?!

Of course! But how you answer the question and how u conduct yourself here tell us what kind of samster u belong to! U are fucking naive to thought that rep pt equate respect.. There r so many fellows in the Flaming thread exchange pts like no body business. Do u think they care a fuck on respect and contribution? They treating the rep pts something like some sort of precious ranking or rare gems or stones.. Wakakaka! What a fucking joke this is! Childish!

Let me repeat what I told BG last time, it is not how much rep pt u have that command respect, it is how you conduct yourself & more importantly what u said here that matters!

So which is which?!...Guess u r the flip flopper hypocrite#1 in SBF now eh?!

Btw King_Cobra...yr talk is the cheapest of the cheap...get yr master Alejandro88 to post in the main threads eg. Gl threads and I will naturally reply;)

04-01-2014, 07:47 PM
Well done bro! How much do you win? Btw 1836 also jump LOL

4d 1835 jump number lol.

Are you afraid to post comme... 03-01-2014 02:17 PM tipspecialist buy 18, 36 and 25

Good good, have fun here.

Lucky number 18, 35 and i forget what from a bro who up me.

Swee swee no run water.

1835 also swee.... 4d tmr

sorry is 18,36,25.

but this number i accidentally put one. try abit. will buy tomorrow. 1835 XX big XX small....

05-01-2014, 05:51 AM
My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,

Oh my, looks like I hv got u reaching boiling point once again, nerves bulging, knickers all twisted?!...4 rants, raves n foaming at the mouth?!....

After Sammyboyfor blew up yr huge egomaniac twisted bubble, still not enuff for the shameless frustrated dumbo masochist that you are is it, my dear Alejandro88?!...

So long I know what I want to achieve and I have achieved what I set up for.... Do you know the art of fighting a War?? If u not so strong and u need to win a war, what u do? Tink lah, dun just open your blardy big to bark without tinking. My fucking goodness.. .
I dun need to tell u my plan wor! If u keen, u can be a Mr Sherlock Holmes and see if u can fucking unlock the truth, tio boh? I knoe what I am doing wor and I have achieved what I setup to achieve wor?.
We are arguing clone and gang zapping since the bery first topic & post. It is perfectly ok to group together so long they dun gang or clone zap! Tis is abuse of the system , understand? ?..If those buggars like Omnia cannot accept this system and critisize the logic flaw in it, by all means, he can migrate to other forum for his own sake and fucking stop preaching here like a mad Priest!! No one point a gun at his fucking head to remain here..

Those who want to take on the Keewee gang need to start the groundwork now.

It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers.

The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power.

I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. :D

Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. :p

The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. :D

05-01-2014, 06:02 AM
My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,

Let me make it v simple n easy for you...

Get ALL those samsters whom you claim I hv allegedly "offended" n who are allegedly my "enemies" to post in the main threads "daring" me to post replies and I will oblige...;)

As it now stands you on your own dont have a leg to stand on...:rolleyes::D

Hey, why u dun dare to post in other thread arh nowadays? Izzit bcos u scare kenna zap to moderation arh? I noticed U offended a number of ppl wor. I can tell what you preached is not what want to do in your heart! U onli talk nia. C'mon, walk the talk and show us u are not a coward! I dare you to post in other threads like you used to do if you are not a coward! Wakakaka..

05-01-2014, 02:22 PM
Can anyone advise me that how come my points from hundred over point become negative overnight?? And the point deduction don't show on my user cp??

Big Sexy
05-01-2014, 02:34 PM
you must have broken one of the rules then..
read the first few post of this thread.
esp this point.
HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.

Can anyone advise me that how come my points from hundred over point become negative overnight?? And the point deduction don't show on my user cp??

05-01-2014, 05:49 PM
you must have broken one of the rules then..
read the first few post of this thread.
esp this point.
HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.

Thks for the reply. So how do we rectrified this issue?

05-01-2014, 08:43 PM
Sign up Premium Member to regain your 5 powers. With that you can upz +10. Then exchange points with powerful and steady samster.

05-01-2014, 08:46 PM
Should read

Sign up Premium Member to regain your 6 powers. With that you can upz +12. Then exchange points with powerful and steady samster.

Sign up Premium Member to regain your 5 powers. With that you can upz +10. Then exchange points with powerful and steady samster.

06-01-2014, 05:51 AM
Should read

Sign up Premium Member to regain your 6 powers. With that you can upz +12. Then exchange points with powerful and steady samster.

Ha, ok thks

06-01-2014, 09:23 PM

Wah! Effective leh!

Ha, ok thks

06-01-2014, 10:08 PM

Wah! Effective leh!

Win-win situation. He gets more than his original points back, and SBF/boss gets some $$$. ;)

07-01-2014, 08:39 AM
.. Wah! Effective .. !
Join PM, you will not regret - only US$17.95: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10275971&postcount=506 . :D I will Upz U. Your nick is OK - not to worry. U asked me to zap U before (Petain) - did not (:p rather Upz someone else) . :) Cheers.

07-01-2014, 09:15 AM
Thank you very much!

Already have hundreds of combined reputation power but mostly not in use. Don't have the amount of time to click.
Moreover i have no business in this forum. Only reading a small portion of the forum. Not much thing to agree or disagree

Join PM, you will not regret - only US$17.95: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10275971&postcount=506 . :D I will Upz U. Your nick is OK - not to worry. U asked me to zap U before (Petain) - did not (:p rather Upz someone else) . :) Cheers.

08-01-2014, 01:56 PM

Wah! Effective leh!

Bro, thks for the advise. So what do you want? Up or zap?? Can I choose up for you?

09-01-2014, 12:18 AM

Thanks. No need to up me. I am reading and posting for fun only.

Bro, thks for the advise. So what do you want? Up or zap?? Can I choose up for you?

10-01-2014, 09:29 AM

Thanks. No need to up me. I am reading and posting for fun only.

Ok thks btw

12-01-2014, 03:45 PM
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.
Im here for 4 years but my rep power is still 0. Know why? :confused:

12-01-2014, 04:07 PM
You need 40 points, not 14 points. OMG!:eek:

Im here for 4 years but my rep power is still 0. Know why? :confused:

12-01-2014, 04:11 PM
Join PM, you will not regret - only US$17.95: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10275971&postcount=506 . :D I will Upz U. Your nick is OK - not to worry. U asked me to zap U before (Petain) - did not (:p rather Upz someone else) . :) Cheers.

Does joining PM protects one from being mass/gang zapped by some powerful gangs for no reason? :D

12-01-2014, 05:11 PM
Im here for 4 years but my rep power is still 0. Know why? :confused:

Read the very first para of http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407

12-01-2014, 07:18 PM
Don't think so.

Member iojr in this thread "Auctioning of virginity" was a premium member having 220points. While his membership is valid he was mass zapped from 220 points to -29 points.

Does joining PM protects one from being mass/gang zapped by some powerful gangs for no reason? :D

12-01-2014, 08:47 PM
Does joining PM protects one from being mass/gang zapped by some powerful gangs for no reason? :D

Boss, want to consider offering zap immunity for premium members? You sure get more members signing up, including myself :D

12-01-2014, 09:28 PM
Boss, want to consider offering zap immunity for premium members? You sure get more members signing up, including myself :D

This will definitely attract me & many samsters to sign up PM :D

13-01-2014, 01:41 PM
This will definitely attract me & many samsters to sign up PM :D

Boss, want to consider offering zap immunity for premium members? You sure get more members signing up, including myself :D

That is as good as defeating the essence of the rep pt system that is in-place ... I doubt the owner of SBF will implement this suggestion of yours ... :cool:

13-01-2014, 04:10 PM
Boss, want to consider offering zap immunity for premium members? You sure get more members signing up, including myself :D

I'll write a script for that. It will be ready in a few days and I look forward to your sign up. ;)

13-01-2014, 05:46 PM
I'll write a script for that. It will be ready in a few days and I look forward to your sign up. ;)

Hi Sammy boss,

While we're on the topic of mass or what people call gang zapping, I hope you will investigate some clone gang zaps that I received earlier last year, which included vulgarities.

This is against forum rules, so the nicks should be exposed, banned or put into moderation. I do not need to have my points restored, though that would certainly be nice.

What I want is for the clones to be banned or put into moderation for breaking forum rules. If you can ban or put their master into moderation, that would be good too.

I had sent you a few messages before with screenshots of some these zaps, but you may have overlooked it. You will see that the zaps came in rapid succession (especially between 10-08-2013 10:06 PM and 10-08-2013 10:38 PM - 9 zaps within 30 minutes ), so I believe they are clones.

The vulgarities were used on three occasions with similar message of "fuck your daughter smelly chee bye" on the below zaps:

Thread for... 08-09-2013 07:53 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:08 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:45 PM - The fun is , someone fuck your daughter smelly chee bye

You may want to investigate the below gang or clone zaps and put the nicks responsible into moderation or ban them.

It's obviously clone zaps as many of the zaps happened one after the other within a short time.

Thread for... 08-09-2013 07:53 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
westerhout road house 19. 11-08-2013 06:24 PM Since points meant so much to you, I zap you for your unethical method for soliciting points
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:38 PM How are you ?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:26 PM Please undo what you done!
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:23 PM since when become my problem?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:18 PM Now how?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:16 PM i am not involve you know or not ?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:11 PM Yesterday also! I don't know why they so angry
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:08 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:07 PM tio zap must tell whole world ar? begging for more pity points this way?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:06 PM You deserve to get it
Thread for... 10-08-2013 02:08 PM deduct
Thread for... 10-08-2013 12:00 PM point beggar not welcome here
Nothing but SUPER HOT n... 10-08-2013 08:10 AM lousy video
Thread for... 10-08-2013 06:34 AM you super clone master?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 06:17 AM pls practice what you preach
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 10-08-2013 12:23 AM - Do I need to provide you a reason to zap you?
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 11:18 PM - thanks for the update
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:53 PM - go around begging for points and yet have cheek to act noble and offer advise?
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:45 PM - The fun is , someone fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 09:40 PM - Happy Kee Lan ??? Zap a useless new nic to waste time. people can re-register a new nic anyway
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 07:49 PM - what's so happy about the holiday
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 07:24 PM Don't go around asking them to up your points. You think you very big shot? must up your points 1st then you return as and when you like? Anyway why you want so many pts for? can change for happy meal in macdonald??

13-01-2014, 05:51 PM
.. script .. will be ready in a few days ..look forward .. your sign up. ..
Great business decision. Many Newbies/Samsters will join Premium Membership with this enhancement - better than revealing nicks (of Zappers). All the best. :) Cheers.

13-01-2014, 06:19 PM
Great business decision. Many Newbies/Samsters will join Premium Membership with this enhancement - better than revealing nicks (of Zappers). All the best. :) Cheers.

If police (joins PM) and thief (stay anonymous)... both gets immunity, then no need play catching liao right?
Where got fun?

13-01-2014, 08:13 PM
Great business decision. Many Newbies/Samsters will join Premium Membership with this enhancement - better than revealing nicks (of Zappers).

Yeah, awesome business decision ain't it ?

Will you be joining since you have been enthusiastically marketing the Premium Membership ?

13-01-2014, 08:14 PM
I'll write a script for that. It will be ready in a few days and I look forward to your sign up. ;)

Fruity fruit .... Ur face really big .... Request only and SBF boss see to ur request .....
Dun U turn hor ..... :D .... Lols


13-01-2014, 09:05 PM
I'll write a script for that. It will be ready in a few days and I look forward to your sign up. ;)

Many samsters will fast hand fast leg go sign up PM:D brilliant biz idea :D

13-01-2014, 09:40 PM
Any deduction in membership fee since many clones sign up ?

I'll write a script for that. It will be ready in a few days and I look forward to your sign up. ;)

14-01-2014, 07:43 AM
Any deduction in membership fee since many clones sign up ?

If you think about it, who will sign up premium for clones?

US17.95 per month a clone, 10 clones US$170.95, 100 clones US1700.95.. you very rich ah :D

14-01-2014, 08:57 AM
Like that no fun.

Sammyboyfor will be offering "Zap Immunity for Premium Members" soon: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10344287&postcount=2320

This is a win-win enhancement of PM : 1) no need to be upset with zaps, 2) waste time/ammo to zap back 3) reduce/prevent gang wars & 4) $$$ to run/maintain/enhance SBF further.

Better than 1) revealing zappers' nicks or 2) selling points.

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

14-01-2014, 10:12 AM
Kalv, tiagong you got shares in sbf ah?

Zaps/reputations are just 1 part of the $$ equation.
How much $$ does PM contribute?
Not much I guess.

Ask what the sponsors want.

14-01-2014, 10:46 AM
Tiagong our ruling party is in the same predicament.
Trying to please everyone, but end up pleasing none.
So just please those paying higher taxes?

14-01-2014, 10:55 AM
This is why some people See Peh Too Lang.

14-01-2014, 11:04 AM
What is zap immunity? Does it mean no deduction of points but unwanted remarks still appear on UserCP ?

What is zap immunity? Does it mean no one can click "Disapprove" on recent post?

14-01-2014, 02:46 PM

If you think about it, who will sign up premium for clones?

USD17.95 per month a clone, 10 clones USD179.50, 100 clones USD1795.00. you very rich ah :D

If you think about it, who will sign up premium for clones?

US17.95 per month a clone, 10 clones US$170.95, 100 clones US1700.95.. you very rich ah :D

14-01-2014, 07:46 PM

If you think about it, who will sign up premium for clones?

USD17.95 per month a clone, 10 clones USD179.50, 100 clones USD1795.00. you very rich ah :D

You are right :D

15-01-2014, 12:32 AM
Boss i was ganged zapped for no reason, the person who did this is the same
person with multiple account building a war chest boss, can please intervene

15-01-2014, 03:56 PM
Dear Boss Sammyboyfor,

I know u are busy and already have many headaches managing the forum and wanted peace. Not sure if you will investigate the following if the group are clone zapping me.

Otherwise just note that these people aren't out for peace or proper contribution to your forum. They whacked anyone they don't like, or their post, and only support their own agenda, for eg promoting certain GL house. and no one is stopping them.

Makes me now wonder who is really the boss of this forum. They seemed to be trying to usurp the boss position and control the content of what's being posted etc, while Boss you relegated to only administer the server? Apologies for any offense, maybe I don't know how to phrase myself properly.

suprisingly nowadays clones also come here to complain :eek: no wonder boss is busy

you want boss to help, why not support boss in buying the premium? In that way its more productive

15-01-2014, 04:03 PM
What is zap immunity? Does it mean no deduction of points but unwanted remarks still appear on UserCP ?

What is zap immunity? Does it mean no one can click "Disapprove" on recent post?

if he 'Allowed' that, must as well Scrapped this system when No war and Peace, u think this is a forum for man? or sissy? Nowadays more and more AhGua around

15-01-2014, 08:02 PM
U are oso a clone created just to make a fool of him.. U aka Forbidden87 lah! :D:p:rolleyes:

N U aka Alejandro88, TheGreenLantern, TheRoyalChimp n many many more....

Why dun U say that too??

15-01-2014, 09:42 PM
Ha ha ha LOL

if he 'Allowed' that, must as well Scrapped this system when No war and Peace, u think this is a forum for man? or sissy? Nowadays more and more AhGua around

16-01-2014, 08:14 AM
Keewee -> bbqchiz -> Haizdie -> Tinhamodek -> AlejandroAHBU -> Smallbro -> many many more clones at large!

pot calling kettle black. hahaha. Clone come complain, that's funny.

16-01-2014, 01:20 PM
pot calling kettle black. hahaha. Clone come complain, that's funny.

Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....

16-01-2014, 02:07 PM
The thread was a mess. Just start another one and I'll try to keep it tidy.

Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....

16-01-2014, 04:47 PM
am i the only facing all this pop up windows with advertisements when you reading a thread...haizzzz...:)

16-01-2014, 05:45 PM
If you not guilty of selling things n purely sharing, then don't worry. As boss just mention, he will start a tidier thread. Thumbs up!

Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....

16-01-2014, 06:33 PM
My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF....

You are truly SHAMELESS eh?!....You still hv the gall n audacity to show yr head in here?!...

Remember all this crap fm you recently....?!

Well, now that I hv posted in the open forum (GL threads) following yr abv crap...where does this leave you Alejandro88??...never mind, let me tell u by using yr own crap words!!...

Btw hor, I eat salt more then u eat rice, so I knoe the sbf game very well!! U wan to challenge me??

Yeah u know the "sbf game" so well that you now got yr own crap in yr face + u r eating yr own crap as well, eh Alejandro88!!....

I can tell what you preached is not what want to do in your heart! U onli talk nia. C'mon, walk the talk and show us u are not a coward! I dare you to post in other threads like you used to do if you are not a coward! Wakakaka..

Tku so much for describing yrself, Alejandro88! !

Confirm u are another rep pt desperado although u pretend that u are not! C'mon Omnia the coward, prove me wrong u are not so that I will swallow my words!Prove to us u dare to post in this thread and not afraid of the samsters u have offended! Wakakaka! Dun just talk nia, talk is cheap! Walk the talk now, Mr Coward!!! Wakakaka!!

How do yr crap words taste now, Alejandro88?!....mmmmm, yummy right, Alejandro88?!...

Be a real man and tell us the truth lah! So limpeh dun need to waste time to ridicule u lah!
Caught u with your pants down! Coward like U only dare to post in the newbie that no one can zap u! Wakakakaka!!!

Tku so much for describing yrself, Alejandro88....yr pants down...u crapping...and now eating yr own crap words!!...

No wonder Boss Sammy said rep pt system force up the real character of the samsters here.. Wakakaka! Everyone now can see what kinda coward and hypocrite liar Omnia is.. Wakakakaka!!

Tku for actually talking abt yrself, Alejandro88....the rep pts mean so much to you, that u still gotta HIDE and rely on yr clones!!...

I am who I am and not what I am. I call it if I see it.. I dun give the fuck who u are or u have high rep pt or u have been a veteran here.. If u wan me to respect u, show me your worth! Confirm u r not on my respect list bcos u are an useless dummy.. Beside tat, so far the real you who is your master acted like a no life clown here!

Actually it is a privilege NOT to be on yr "respect list", Alejandro88. ..and Tku so much for describing yrself so accurately as "a NO LIFE CLOWN"!!...

Lastly, I proclaim Omnia as the coward + liar + hypocrite + rep pt desperado of the Year 2013!!!!!! Wakakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!

Again many tks for describing yrself so accurately Alejandro88....but do let me add on 2014 n beyond as wel!!...

16-01-2014, 06:36 PM
As I said b4, rep pt does not represent the character of the samsters here. It is how the rep pt function here bring on the true colour and characters of the samsters.]/U] I said this bcos rep pt can be traded easily among rep pt hungry samsters. [U]]Hence it does not make sense 2 determine a samster character by the rep pt he has. What I want to say is not the amount of rep pt u have that command respect and that suggest what kind of samster u are.. What u post and how u carry yourself here are a function of your character here and that actualli command respect. Rep pts system will make him exposes their true color when they express their thoughts here. Do you understand boh, Mr clone??!

Hmmmm...interesting words Alejandro88....but it looks like u were actually following what u said below instead...

Ppl who said something proudly and openly usually do not think that way deep inside his heart.. .

Becuz deep in yr "heart" u actually crave n lust for rep points...n thus remain in hiding...and that is why you actually spoke fm yr "heart" when you revealed yr own pov when u said "earning rep points" was something like "earning recognition in the working world"...right Alejandro88! !

why do we have to mass or gang zap other samsters to de-motivate fellow samsters to share info and intel?? It is easy for u to say u can open a new account when u gotten moderated. U forgot one pt, it is ppl hard work to earn pt though it may not be impt to me. Unlike some samsters who earn pt easily w/o contributing.. So did u earn your pt easily thats why u said that?? Earning pt in sbf has become something like earning recognition in working world.. This kind of mentality has become embledded in each & every samsters unless he is a newbies and do not know the meaning behind of earning pts.

17-01-2014, 07:22 AM
Even blind can see I am not a seller

Although i never commented in your thread, it was really obvious you wereadvertising, but some of us never say anything because don't want to find trouble

Every single page was a shop address from Joo Chiat, there was no other names or businesses but only products from a single particular shop, samsters here are not dumb in any sense

Plus can see that you treat the sexual health section like your personal playground zapping all users in the section who say anything bad about the products from "a particular shop in Joo Chiat"

Since the advertising moderator saw fit to delete your thread it probably was true then else why would the moderator have deleted right?

You surely would have known the moderator would have acted sooner or later right?

Now please i do not intend to find trouble with you or anyone else, i am just saying what i observed, i hope you understand

Please have a good weekend

17-01-2014, 09:30 AM
Welcome! CNY coming need Red reputation point. Good luck

17-01-2014, 12:28 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

17-01-2014, 12:37 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

wow wow wee...really Premium Membership privileges...haha...well done BOSS...:)

ah rat
17-01-2014, 01:38 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

U are telling Premium Members won't get zap :)

17-01-2014, 01:42 PM
U are telling Premium Members won't get zap :)

yes...so long pay monthly immune from zap...haha...no points deduction...:)

17-01-2014, 03:38 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

Huat ah!

17-01-2014, 03:43 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

Hip hip hooray :D brilliant biz idea! :D mass or gang zap is useless on premium members ;)

17-01-2014, 06:27 PM
at USD17.95 per month ?

Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

17-01-2014, 07:13 PM
Boss, want to consider offering zap immunity for premium members? You sure get more members signing up, including myself :D

Fruity fruit,

zap immunity in place!
Signing up liao? Pls don't use mouth talk and testicles feel shiok hor .... :D


17-01-2014, 07:35 PM
Premium member cannot receive negative reputation


17-01-2014, 09:33 PM
Latest feature added to the long list of privileges for Premium Members... immunity from zapping!

You can zap others x2 of your rep power. However, nobody can zap you in return! :D However, you can still receive points from others.

Money buys privileges at sammyboyforum. ;)

Brilliant idea to make money off rep point desperadoes. Now let's see who will rush to join that exclusive club.

Just kidding by the way. Hehehe :p

17-01-2014, 09:43 PM
Brilliant idea to make money off rep point desperadoes. Now let's see who will rush to join that exclusive club.

Just kidding by the way. Hehehe :p

If i were the owner i would do the same...
Businessman need to do it isnt it..this forum is created to show the reality of human nature...nevertheless, even if the premium member have high pts, but no character, ppl in here will still show no respect, no point also :D

18-01-2014, 02:02 AM
But Boss have script to find out the clone nick from the original nick, so if you use original nick & credit card to buy premium account, you can be traced too. IP address can be traced too whether u use original nick or clone nick, there is nothing secure in internet.

I do not have any script which can detect clones. If I could invent such a script, I'd be a very rich man. :p

I don't log IP addresses and the cloudflare network that this forum goes through for DDoS protection strips away all the originating IP addresses so there is no way that I can trace anyone via IP address.

Credit Card details are not available to me either. They are kept encrypted by the credit card processing company ie DPS or Verotel. No webmaster would be crazy enough to store CC details. It would be a huge security risk and would open the webmaster to lawsuits if security was breached.

18-01-2014, 03:08 PM
Bull waste!

Premium member cannot receive negative reputation. How on earth he manage to zap a premium member ?

No zap occurred. 0 points added.

30-01-2014, 02:09 PM
Wishing All

(Sammyboyfor/Moderators/Samsters etc)


Happy & Prosperous

Chinese New Year





Year of the Horse

Big Sexy
01-02-2014, 09:05 AM
ppl.. pls keep this sticky neat.
no flaming and accusation in this thread please.

01-02-2014, 10:08 AM
Wishing All A Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year

07-02-2014, 03:06 PM
ppl.. pls keep this sticky neat.
no flaming and accusation in this thread please.

Mr Mod, the samster Omnia is flaming posts all over here including some of the threads in the GL section. Please fix this terrible samster. He still got the gall to call himself a snr samster! :rolleyes:

kumsiah Mod!

26-02-2014, 11:42 PM
thankyou for the info.
didnt know about it till now

03-03-2014, 11:31 AM
`-.;*Horny MILF(with... 03-03-2014 03:19 AM lame
`-.;*Horny MILF(with... 03-03-2014 03:17 AM :P
Bubbles 2.0 02-03-2014 10:35 AM Not funny at all

Eh Boss, why ABNN zaps so powerful?
3 zaps= minus 60 points
What's the secret?
He/They got pay premium membership fees a not?


05-03-2014, 09:50 AM
Hi Boss, same here. 1 zap = 20 points.

`-.;*Horny MILF(with... 04-03-2014 04:22 PM disapprove

Just wondering.

Big Sexy
05-03-2014, 11:28 AM
that is the power and advantage of being a premium member ;)

1 zap = 20 points.
Just wondering.

06-04-2014, 12:33 PM
Hi boss & moderator, someone zapped me with vulgarities without leaving his nick

Thread for... 06-04-2014 10:33 AM fuck off u troll!

Kindly assist to run ur script as I am curious to know the identity of this zapper. Thanks. :)

06-04-2014, 04:47 PM
Hi boss & moderator, someone zapped me with vulgarities without leaving his nick

Thread for... 06-04-2014 10:33 AM fuck off u troll!

Kindly assist to run ur script as I am curious to know the identity of this zapper. Thanks. :)

Thanks boss for revealing the zapper :)

09-04-2014, 08:48 PM
wah liao, with your massive buffer repute points, i think the zap isn't even a tiny itch to you, why want to know who and pressing on some more with your second post.

10-04-2014, 09:22 PM
wah liao, with your massive buffer repute points, i think the zap isn't even a tiny itch to you, why want to know who and pressing on some more with your second post.

It's not about how many points one has. It's about knowing the truth. One should abide by the forum rules & regulations. Zapping with vulgarities without a nick is a breach of rule.

If this happens to u how will u react? :rolleyes:

10-04-2014, 09:51 PM
It's not about how many points one has. It's about knowing the truth. One should abide by the forum rules & regulations. Zapping with vulgarities without a nick is a breach of rule.

If this happens to u how will u react? :rolleyes:

Agree with your thots, slyer bro :) ... Well said :)


10-04-2014, 10:49 PM
You made me read sbf rules for the 1st time...
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Haha! Those haters don't know flout the rules how many times liao. Must take ruler and beat their hand liao.

But saw some changes on the visibility of users... not bad.
Oops! They see me now.

10-04-2014, 11:29 PM
Agree with your thots, slyer bro :) ... Well said :)


Thanks for the support :D

11-04-2014, 01:14 AM
Hi boss & moderator, one account zap me & left this comment.

on 11-04-2014 12:49 AM / HAHAHA YOUR MOTHER DIE

11-04-2014, 11:15 AM
Eh Boss, you owe me 1 hor.
I'll take the blame for you.


Originally Posted by ColdBlood99
You didn't know koji is John clones?

I received 200pm and most probably 150 is his clone

11-04-2014, 10:09 PM
Eh Boss, you owe me 1 hor.
I'll take the blame for you.


A poddle calling a schnauzer dog..

12-04-2014, 12:05 AM
It's not about how many points one has. It's about knowing the truth. One should abide by the forum rules & regulations. Zapping with vulgarities without a nick is a breach of rule.

If this happens to u how will u react? :rolleyes:

Did it work for you?
Let me try too...

Hi Boss,
Kindly assist to run ur script as I am curious to know the identity of this zapper. Thanks.

Brown and British 11-04-2014 11:12 PM fuck off

14-04-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi boss & moderator, one account zap me & left this comment.

on 11-04-2014 12:49 AM / HAHAHA YOUR MOTHER DIE

Dear boss & moderator,

can request find out who zap me? and scold my mother.:(

14-04-2014, 07:09 PM
Dear boss & moderator,

can request find out who zap me? and scold my mother.:(


15-04-2014, 08:46 AM

thanks boss.:D

22-04-2014, 07:26 PM
im newbie, how do i up my points?

22-04-2014, 07:35 PM
im newbie, how do i up my points?

You can't up your own points. Someone else has to add to your score.

22-04-2014, 09:33 PM
I have no idea I am under Moderation again with 0 rep 0 power points after making 80 over posts and replies. Is there someone who zapped me causing me to lose some rep or how does this work if i am around for a while but just not active posting. If someone is against me or what i said, able to find out who?

I've been around since 2007, how does this work??
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.

Big Sexy
23-04-2014, 06:12 AM
you need a minimum reputation score of 40 to gain reputation power.. once u have enough rep points(40), the rep power will automatically kicks in..

u currently have 26 rep points. you need to be more active and do some constructive post to gain the extra points.

I have no idea I am under Moderation again with 0 rep 0 power points after making 80 over posts and replies.

23-04-2014, 04:57 PM
Hi Sammy boss,

I hope you will investigate some clone gang zaps that I received earlier last year, which included vulgarities.

This is against forum rules, so the nicks should be exposed, banned or put into moderation. I do not need to have my points restored, though that would certainly be nice.

What I want is for the clones to be banned or put into moderation for breaking forum rules. If you can ban or put their master into moderation, that would be good too.

I had sent you a few messages before with screenshots of some these zaps, but you may have overlooked it. You will see that the zaps came in rapid succession (especially between 10-08-2013 10:06 PM and 10-08-2013 10:38 PM - 9 zaps within 30 minutes ), so I believe they are clones.

The vulgarities were used on three occasions with similar message of "fuck your daughter smelly chee bye" on the below zaps:

Thread for... 08-09-2013 07:53 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:08 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:45 PM - The fun is , someone fuck your daughter smelly chee bye

You may want to investigate the below gang or clone zaps and put the nicks responsible into moderation or ban them.

It's obviously clone zaps as many of the zaps happened one after the other within a short time.

Thread for... 08-09-2013 07:53 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
westerhout road house 19. 11-08-2013 06:24 PM Since points meant so much to you, I zap you for your unethical method for soliciting points
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:38 PM How are you ?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:26 PM Please undo what you done!
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:23 PM since when become my problem?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:18 PM Now how?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:16 PM i am not involve you know or not ?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:11 PM Yesterday also! I don't know why they so angry
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:08 PM Fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:07 PM tio zap must tell whole world ar? begging for more pity points this way?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 10:06 PM You deserve to get it
Thread for... 10-08-2013 02:08 PM deduct
Thread for... 10-08-2013 12:00 PM point beggar not welcome here
Nothing but SUPER HOT n... 10-08-2013 08:10 AM lousy video
Thread for... 10-08-2013 06:34 AM you super clone master?
Thread for... 10-08-2013 06:17 AM pls practice what you preach
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 10-08-2013 12:23 AM - Do I need to provide you a reason to zap you?
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 11:18 PM - thanks for the update
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:53 PM - go around begging for points and yet have cheek to act noble and offer advise?
L16h51 09-08-2013 09:45 PM - The fun is , someone fuck your daughter smelly chee bye
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 09:40 PM - Happy Kee Lan ??? Zap a useless new nic to waste time. people can re-register a new nic anyway
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 07:49 PM - what's so happy about the holiday
Geylang PRC Cat 150... 09-08-2013 07:24 PM Don't go around asking them to up your points. You think you very big shot? must up your points 1st then you return as and when you like? Anyway why you want so many pts for? can change for happy meal in macdonald??

23-04-2014, 07:22 PM
you need a minimum reputation score of 40 to gain reputation power.. once u have enough rep points(40), the rep power will automatically kicks in..

u currently have 26 rep points. you need to be more active and do some constructive post to gain the extra points.

Thanks for your understanding and help. Will try to be more active.

23-04-2014, 09:54 PM
Hi Sammy boss,

I hope you will investigate some clone gang zaps that I received earlier last year, which included vulgarities.

ooo i also have several clone zaps last year but i didn't record down, can the system trace back to last year's activity ???

Big Sexy
24-04-2014, 07:30 AM
last year? mate, you have enough points.
what is past is past. let it go
you will be happier.

ooo i also have several clone zaps last year but i didn't record down, can the system trace back to last year's activity ???

01-05-2014, 11:13 PM
Hi moderators, please do help me take a look at who is this mysterious zapper in this thread http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=439241&page=8 commenting "GO FUCK SPIDER LAH STUPID ASSHOLE" after I posted a FR. Thanks :D

02-05-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi moderators, please do help me take a look at who is this mysterious zapper in this thread http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=439241&page=8 commenting "GO FUCK SPIDER LAH STUPID ASSHOLE" after I posted a FR. Thanks :D

Poor you .... Maybe the zapper had zapped you because of your 1 line asking ppl to zap all they want ... Lols

02-05-2014, 09:01 AM
Poor you .... Maybe the zapper had zapped you because of your 1 line asking ppl to zap all they want ... Lols

Haha bro, Ikr... Well haters gonna hate. But well for most of the bros out there im sure they had bad experiences too. ;)

02-05-2014, 09:29 AM
Haha bro, Ikr... Well haters gonna hate. But well for most of the bros out there im sure they had bad experiences too. ;)

I like your sig :)
And your points going in the rite direction for the past hour .... Way to gooooooo ;)

02-05-2014, 10:49 AM
I like your sig :)
And your points going in the rite direction for the past hour .... Way to gooooooo ;)

Haha, dk which guy upped me from 19 points to 32 points. Thanks to him, I won't have to keep waiting my post to be moderated before it comes up :D I dun mind getting zapped if some guy replied with a more reasonable type of logical response to my FR, but asking me to "GO FUCK SPIDER LAH STUPID ASSHOLE" which I am like what is this guy trying to say lol. I assume that everybody who access SBF is well above 18 and my age so I believe that people here have a matured mindset, but that guy who zapped me proved me wrong lol.

02-05-2014, 01:27 PM
Haha, dk which guy upped me from 19 points to 32 points. Thanks to him, I won't have to keep waiting my post to be moderated before it comes up ....
Sammyboyfor has upz U with 13 pts. SBF will return points for unfair zaps without leaving nick. (:D I am on his "Ignore List" - :p busybody).

Do not give him too much credits. Minimum number of posts required (to get out of moderation) = 10 (you have posted 13 ).

Do not ask for trouble. A more sensitive signature will help.

:D By the way who has approved you to be a member of the " Lick PussY TEAM " (Chairman: fornicator - in Philipines, Secretary: austin 69 - MIA) ? :) Cheers.

02-05-2014, 03:35 PM
Sammyboyfor has upz U with 13 pts. SBF will return points for unfair zaps without leaving nick. (:D I am on his "Ignore List" - :p busybody).

Do not give him too much credits. Minimum number of posts required (to get out of modertion) = 10 (you have posted 13 ).

Do not ask for trouble. A more sensitive signature will help.

By the way who has approved you to be a member of the " Lick PussY TEAM " (Chairman: fornicator - in Philipines), Secretary: austin 69 - MIA) ? Cheers.

Thanks for the useful info Bro Kalv. Thumbs up for you although I can't upz you yet because currently have 0 power... :( Nobody approved me to join LPT but if I am not mistaken there is a thread about it somewhere in SBF? (This is the link >>> http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=238715)

Haha! Anybody is free to join! As long as you enjoy "finger licking good" pussy.

Bro Austin69 also said that anybody is free to join as long as you love to eat some XD

Not sure whether Kico would allow me to do it because I quite young lah.. Gonna try Chris as soon as she comes back from her leave :D

02-05-2014, 04:56 PM
Boss, why cannot up (> 24hrs already) ? Last up: 01-05-2014 04:41 PM. Thanks.

02-05-2014, 05:33 PM
Boss, why cannot up (> 24hrs already) ? Last up: 01-05-2014 04:41 PM. Thanks.
Just tried again: http://www.sammyboysexforum.com/showpost.php?p=10948120&postcount=32151
Message (again): "You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hrs. Try again later"
Tried another nick: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=10947145&highlight=#post10947145
Can Up! Tried the earlier one again - same message.

Cannot understand. Just up the 2nd nick.

02-05-2014, 05:58 PM
Just tried again: http://www.sammyboysexforum.com/showpost.php?p=10948120&postcount=32151
Message (again): "You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hrs. Try again later"
Tried another nick: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=10947145&highlight=#post10947145
Can Up! Tried the earlier one again - same message.

Cannot understand. Just up the 2nd nick.

I checked and I see no problem whatsoever. You have added points daily including today.

02-05-2014, 07:15 PM
I checked and I see no problem whatsoever. You have added points daily including today.


Cannot play cheat one hor :D
Peace out :D

02-05-2014, 07:18 PM
I checked and I see no problem whatsoever. You have added points daily including today.
Boss, I also tried to up "SiaoGao" like him, same problem: http://www.sammyboysexforum.com/showpost.php?p=10948120&postcount=32151
In the end up another nick. Why cannot up "SiaoGao" ? Please do not waste your precious time. Many others to up.

PS - Boss, thanks for 13 pts up (unfair zap). Very kind of you.

Big Sexy
02-05-2014, 07:37 PM
if you cannot up a user, it is mostly likelt that you have use the rep system on him before. you need to use the rep system on 1000 other users before u can use it on him again.

Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.
alrBoss, I also tried to up "SiaoGao" like him, same problem: http://www.sammyboysexforum.com/showpost.php?p=10948120&postcount=32151
In the end up another nick. Why cannot up "SiaoGao" ? Please do not waste your precious time. Many others to up.

PS - Boss, thanks for 13 pts up (unfair zap). Very kind of you.

02-05-2014, 07:41 PM
I checked and I see no problem whatsoever. You have added points daily including today.
Sorry Boss for inconveniencing you. Tried to up "SiaoGao" from 4.41pm to 5.23pm - unsuccessfully. Can up other nick. Thought maybe due to daylight saving adjustment.

Will just drop him from my up list. :p Many to up; for newbie. Do not waste your precious time. Thanks again.

02-05-2014, 07:49 PM
if you cannot up a user, it is mostly likelt that you have use the rep system on him before. you need to use the rep system on 1000 other users before u can use it on him again.
Newbie here. Only a few ups, so far. Message is: "Not yet 24 hrs (already>24), try later"; not "Must spread reputations". Hope this clarify. Just for info only. Thanks.

03-05-2014, 05:29 PM
Newbie here. Only a few ups, so far. Message is: "Not yet 24 hrs (already>24), try later"; not "Must spread reputations". Hope this clarify. Just for info only. Thanks.
Just tried again to up "SiaoGao". OK / successful.

Only to update. Thanks for help.

05-05-2014, 06:27 AM
Boss i am being zapped continously, i don't know what is happening, it seems these are clones, boss please help me,
down from nearly 60++ pts boss, i have not said or done anything boss

05-05-2014, 06:35 AM
Boss i am being zapped continously, i don't know what is happening, it seems these are clones, boss please help me,
down from nearly 60++ pts boss, i have not said or done anything boss

What about all the points that you gained at the beginning? Weren't all of those from clones too?:D

05-05-2014, 07:00 AM
What about all the points that you gained at the beginning? Weren't all of
those from clones too?:D

I upped him boss together with help from others boss, because i felt responsible for his lost of points, myself we don't want to create fear so that
people don't want to write FRs due to fear of being zapped, we want people to be free to post.

This is done by a competitor no doubt boss, certain advertisers don't realise we are all here to earn, but just like to create unneccessary problems

DudusCoke is the second guy that has pmed me on this issue, the other nick is ManUFiredMe, he pmed me on the same issue as well before.

I know this is a juvenile issue, sorry if any inconvinience was caused

05-05-2014, 07:33 AM
Everyone is free to add or deduct points.

I'm just pointing out that whenever someone complains about being zapped by clones, the investigation invariably reveals that they had more clones adding than subtracting so if was to do anything, I'd have to remove those added points too and the member would end up with even less points.

I upped him boss together with help from others boss, because i felt responsible for his lost of points, myself we don't want to create fear so that
people don't want to write FRs due to fear of being zapped, we want people to be free to post.

This is done by a competitor no doubt boss, certain advertisers don't realise we are all here to earn, but just like to create unneccessary problems

DudusCoke is the second guy that has pmed me on this issue, the other nick is ManUFiredMe, he pmed me on the same issue as well before.

I know this is a juvenile issue, sorry if any inconvinience was caused

05-05-2014, 09:00 AM
Boss i am being zapped continously, i don't know what is happening, it seems these are clones, boss please help me,
down from nearly 60++ pts boss, i have not said or done anything boss

I had wanted to up you points. Looks like your points went up pretty fast to 44 :eek: You seemed to be doing well. :rolleyes: :p

05-05-2014, 11:41 PM
I had wanted to up you points. Looks like your points went up pretty fast to 44 :eek: You seemed to be doing well. :rolleyes: :p

Stock market. Up n down....

08-05-2014, 11:18 PM
how to increase power? im only at level 3

09-05-2014, 05:08 AM
how to increase power? im only at level 3

You can start off by reading the very first post in this thread.


09-05-2014, 06:11 AM
how to increase power? im only at level 3
See (4) and (6): http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10675637&postcount=1243

Join Premium Membership for Upz/Zap = 2 x power = 6 pts each. Also zap immunity. :) Cheers.

09-05-2014, 06:55 PM
Hi Boss,

I've been zapped by a 6 pointer with a claim he is the thread starter...but TS is a newbie and -9 rep.....thus, I can only assume another forumer is using his nick. Does this constitute a violation of the rules here??

Fyi, it is under posting Virgin Wife by TS Lido84.

23-05-2014, 06:02 PM
Boss, "Search" function like not working. Posts after 6.5.14 disappeared.

For info/necessary actions. Thanks.

Big Sexy
23-05-2014, 06:52 PM
both search and advance search works fine for me..
what were u searching for? :confused:

Boss, "Search" function like not working. Posts after 6.5.14 disappeared.

For info/necessary actions. Thanks.

23-05-2014, 08:06 PM
both search and advance search works fine for me..
what were u searching for? :confused:
Advance search for posts by nick. Eg just tried "UbErZoNe" . He has been posting daily. However cannot find his posts: after 7.5.14 to yesterday. Same for mine (got daily postings), cannot find posts after 6.5.14 to yesterday. Today's posts OK (in search lists). :) Cheers.

PS: Just saw this post: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=11092015&postcount=34057

Big Sexy
23-05-2014, 08:35 PM
ok noted.. we will get the tech guy to look into it..
thanks for the feedback ;)

Advance search for posts by nick. Eg just tried "UbErZoNe" . He has been posting daily. However cannot find his posts: after 7.5.14 to yesterday. Same for mine (got daily postings), cannot find posts after 6.5.14 to yesterday. Today's posts OK (in search lists). :) Cheers.

PS: Just saw this post: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=11092015&postcount=34057

24-05-2014, 07:55 AM
ok noted.. we will get the tech guy to look into it..
thanks for the feedback ;)
Just an update. "Search" OK now. Many thanks for prompt action.

Have a nice weekend.

24-05-2014, 08:41 AM
Just an update. "Search" OK now. Many thanks for prompt action.

Have a nice weekend.

The search will re index once a week so if you search while the process is ongoing, you won't get a complete list.

It takes about an hour.

24-05-2014, 05:49 PM
Thanks Boss.

06-06-2014, 02:37 PM
hi i am newbie here, i try to rate/up others thread but i cant find the icon to do that, is there any restriction or i have to gain certain level to do that?

Big Sexy
06-06-2014, 02:56 PM
yes, u need to get out of moderation first

hi i am newbie here, i try to rate/up others thread but i cant find the icon to do that, is there any restriction or i have to gain certain level to do that?

07-06-2014, 11:01 PM
Hi Sammyboy,

Just today I have been abused rapidly by a senior samster who abused his zapping power on a junior samster like me.

I'm a genuine who writes truthful FRs to support and helping to bump and support the true gems in this FL2 forum.

Apparently, there's this samster who just went on zapping and calling others names and I think this is rather unfair to me.
Furthermore I'm very sure I did not offend anyone to deserve this treatment.

I would appreciate if you could assist to look into this matter, evidence are as below.

Looking forward to your soonest reply.
Thank you.

♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 09:09 PM OKT promoter
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 09:07 PM use the PM function IDIOT
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 09:06 PM waste bandwidth. zap
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 09:04 PM super FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 07:18 PM thks for letting me zap U.. i hate okt runner
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 07:14 PM dog getting free bonk? hard up case
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 07:12 PM stop TCSS
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 07:08 PM dog.. go get a life
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 07:05 PM talk cock
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:54 PM I hate OKT DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:46 PM spamming..............
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:43 PM bitch in heat?
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:39 PM stupid okt
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:36 PM she give U RAW?
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 07-06-2014 12:35 PM dog running for okt

08-06-2014, 09:57 AM
Hi Sam & Big Sexy,

Thanks for your help!

I have my deducted pts restored.

Apparently, the abuser has yet to stop abusing his power.

♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 04:42 AM don'y like your posting

Like the above, even for a mere simple bump post, I get zapped by this samster again.
I suppose he does have multiple nicks in sbf.

I will still continue my bumping, posting & contribute to FL2 forum like before.
Hope this samster doesn't create any more problems/zapping in the my future postings, else I might need to trouble u guys again. :D

Appreciate on the quick actions taken to resolve the zapping issues.
Once again thanks for assisting/investigating in this case.

08-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Hi Sam & Big Sexy,

Thanks for your help!

I have my deducted pts restored.

Apparently, the abuser has yet to stop abusing his power.

♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 04:42 AM don'y like your posting

Like the above, even for a mere simple bump post, I get zapped by this samster again.
I suppose he does have multiple nicks in sbf.

I will still continue my bumping, posting & contribute to FL2 forum like before.
Hope this samster doesn't create any more problems/zapping in the my future postings, else I might need to trouble u guys again. :D

Appreciate on the quick actions taken to resolve the zapping issues.
Once again thanks for assisting/investigating in this case.

There no problem contributing FRs. FRs are most welcome
I always use yr Fr as a guiding light as i find yr FR truthful

But regards to the below thread


This thread was started on 06-06

from 06-06 till 07-06 U make a total of 15 posts in there

tell me please which post of yrs in this thread is constructive?

FL Dome 2 is a paid forum

U did 15 posting in such a short period to promote the TS & if that is not spamming then I do not know what is spamming

U did 15 posting in such a short period to promote the TS & if that not abusing then I do not know what is abusing

If U telling us U did 15 posting to promote the girl

Then I will tell U to go get a life

These are chicken to be bonk. Not to marry & to have kids with

U say U dont deserve to be zap? think thrice. There many TS paying top money to do advertising

They dont need U there to spam & help the TS to advertise

If U really want to help the girl, go pay advertising fees & help promote the girl


post at 1.16pm


post at 2.43pm


post at 3.25pm

Look at the time difference between each post

Even TS got a ruling that they only allow to bump their threads every 2 hourly

No one had spoke about how U spam Annie thread


but that dont give U the god damn right to spam another thread

If u wish to carry on spamming

I wont be surprise U will still be zap

08-06-2014, 12:47 PM
There no problem contributing FRs. FRs are most welcome
I always use yr Fr as a guiding light as i find yr FR truthful

But regards to the below thread


This thread was started on 06-06

from 06-06 till 07-06 U make a total of 15 posts in there

tell me please which post of yrs in this thread is constructive?

FL Dome 2 is a paid forum

U did 15 posting in such a short period to promote the TS & if that is not spamming then I do not know what is spamming

U did 15 posting in such a short period to promote the TS & if that not abusing then I do not know what is abusing

If U telling us U did 15 posting to promote the girl

Then I will tell U to go get a life

These are chicken to be bonk. Not to marry & to have kids with

U say U dont deserve to be zap? think thrice. There many TS paying top money to do advertising

They dont need U there to spam & help the TS to advertise

If U really want to help the girl, go pay advertising fees & help promote the girl


post at 1.16pm


post at 2.43pm


post at 3.25pm

Look at the time difference between each post

Even TS got a ruling that they only allow to bump their threads every 2 hourly

No one had spoke about how U spam Annie thread


but that dont give U the god damn right to spam another thread

If u wish to carry on spamming

I wont be surprise U will still be zap

I'm not here to debate on this issue, since u have spoken up so its either u & your clones have gang up to bully a junior like me, then i dont see a point in debating in this issue further since i'm just a junior member so 1 against so many of u is obviously a abusing/bullying case.

Ok, maybe in that nini thread i did post a little over the limit, apologises on the inconvenience caused.

However, that does NOT give anyone or anybody the right/authority to call me names in return.

That to me is considered as a personal insult, I dun offend ppl even from day 1 since I joined till date neither do I use such insulting words like "okt dog" against another samster.

How would u feel if someone were to insult u in such a way or your family?

Before anyone starts insulting anyone, pls think of retribution or karma that might strike u & your family in return before saying such crude comments.

Lastly whatever relationship I have with them is my own personal issue not up to anyone to judge me.

09-06-2014, 05:00 PM
Hi Sam,

I think the samsters who did all these & the type of comments they made are simply irrelevant and not logical at all..

I have already stopped posting as regularly as before.
All these postings which these abusers have claimed were just mere bump posts & definitely not spamming.

I think these ppl are purely abusing their authority and creating an unhealthy atmosphere in this forum.

Just 2 postings today and got zapped on each bump post.
I really don't understand the rational behind this.
Obviously this is pure abusing of their authority.

Pls assist to take action on these abusers.
Appreciate your kindest help.

♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:26 PM irrelevant post. zap
♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:06 PM dont scold family. zap
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 10:58 PM Sorry, i think you deserve to be zapped. Best regards BB,\
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 12:14 PM stop spamming
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 04:42 AM don'y like your posting

09-06-2014, 06:53 PM
I think these ppl are purely abusing their authority and creating an unhealthy atmosphere in this forum.

They don't have any authority. However they are entitled to express their opinions regarding your posts. It's called freedom of speech. :D

Grounded Eagle
09-06-2014, 07:48 PM
Hi Sam,

I think the samsters who did all these & the type of comments they made are simply irrelevant and not logical at all..

I have already stopped posting as regularly as before.
All these postings which these abusers have claimed were just mere bump posts & definitely not spamming.

I think these ppl are purely abusing their authority and creating an unhealthy atmosphere in this forum.

Just 2 postings today and got zapped on each bump post.
I really don't understand the rational behind this.
Obviously this is pure abusing of their authority.

Pls assist to take action on these abusers.
Appreciate your kindest help.

♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:26 PM irrelevant post. zap
♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:06 PM dont scold family. zap
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 10:58 PM Sorry, i think you deserve to be zapped. Best regards BB,\
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 12:14 PM stop spamming
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 04:42 AM don'y like your posting

And please dun forget to sign up with Boss as a paid advertiser...... bandwidth is expensive so please dun leech for a free ride on the expense of others.

09-06-2014, 08:38 PM
They don't have any authority. However they are entitled to express their opinions regarding your posts. It's called freedom of speech. :D

Noted and I will try my best to follow the forum rules as close as possible.
Nevertheless, thanks for the help.

And please dun forget to sign up with Boss as a paid advertiser...... bandwidth is expensive so please dun leech for a free ride on the expense of others.

Thanks for the kindest reminder, I will take note of this in the future.

09-06-2014, 08:44 PM
They don't have any authority. However they are entitled to express their opinions regarding your posts. It's called freedom of speech. :D

Must go Hong Lim Square and protest "Return My Freedom of Speech!"

They don't have authority... But got power!
LPPL lor... If call me dog, also like this. (Heng, my avatar is not a bitch)

Have a nice day!!


09-06-2014, 09:27 PM
While you point your finger at others, you forgot to point fingers at yourself.
You certainly deserved to be zapped and force down your throat.
I'm surprise you aren't zapped into moderation.
You should count yourself lucky and improve from there, if I were you.

Hi Sam,

I think the samsters who did all these & the type of comments they made are simply irrelevant and not logical at all..

I have already stopped posting as regularly as before.
All these postings which these abusers have claimed were just mere bump posts & definitely not spamming.

I think these ppl are purely abusing their authority and creating an unhealthy atmosphere in this forum.

Just 2 postings today and got zapped on each bump post.
I really don't understand the rational behind this.
Obviously this is pure abusing of their authority.

Pls assist to take action on these abusers.
Appreciate your kindest help.

♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:26 PM irrelevant post. zap
♥ Janet ♥ 9/10分超CHIO... 09-06-2014 04:06 PM dont scold family. zap
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 10:58 PM Sorry, i think you deserve to be zapped. Best regards BB,\
♥ NiNi ♥ 我的完美小情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 12:14 PM stop spamming
♥ ANNIE ♥ 我的完美情人! ♥... 08-06-2014 04:42 AM don'y like your posting

27-06-2014, 01:43 AM


01-07-2014, 09:15 PM
Hi testing :) New here :D

02-07-2014, 09:17 PM
They don't have any authority. However they are entitled to express their opinions regarding your posts. It's called freedom of speech. :D

If i may make a suggestion boss, its better to have a new column in the control panel on the person that zapped/upped your pts.

This way if the person is really responsible for bullying, he can be prepared for retribution

07-07-2014, 03:35 PM
Boss old issue of someone zapping my customers has started again, the person
that reported to me is a person called Banjo. I have since upped back his pts

From the comment my customers showed me it seems to be a single person
with huge number of clones

This person that zaps my customers is becoming a serious menace, any action
is appreciated on this person

Thanks Boss and have a nice day

07-07-2014, 03:40 PM
Boss old issue of someone zapping my customers has started again, the person
that reported to me is a person called Banjo. I have since upped back his pts

From the comment my customers showed me it seems to be a single person
with huge number of clones

This person that zaps my customers is becoming a serious menace, any action
is appreciated on this person

Thanks Boss and have a nice day

This banjo character has far more clone additions than zaps. :D

07-07-2014, 11:24 PM
This banjo character has far more clone additions than zaps. :D

Correct, each time they zapped him, i upped him back up together with help of
another advertiser, its been going on for 3 days.

For me i just want people to feel free to post without fear. Its a single person
that is making the nuisance (as all comments are the same from previous times)


08-07-2014, 01:34 PM
Correct, each time they zapped him, i upped him back up together with help of
another advertiser, its been going on for 3 days.

For me i just want people to feel free to post without fear. Its a single person
that is making the nuisance (as all comments are the same from previous times)


You sure banjo is really your customer or is he your clone ?

08-07-2014, 07:45 PM
Careful. Risk of get zapped into moderation

08-07-2014, 08:09 PM
Hi boss I think I am being mass zapped

Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:11 PM now i stop
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:08 PM should i stop now?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:04 PM pews!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:01 PM revenge is sweet
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:00 PM ahhhhh
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:55 PM oh i see
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:54 PM oops!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:53 PM after yourself first before others
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:51 PM come again?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:50 PM want to up my points still?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:49 PM this is fun!

Can please investigate ? Thank You.

08-07-2014, 08:19 PM
Think or definite? :D
Take care dude ....

Hi boss I think I am being mass zapped

Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:11 PM now i stop
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:08 PM should i stop now?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:04 PM pews!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:01 PM revenge is sweet
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:00 PM ahhhhh
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:55 PM oh i see
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:54 PM oops!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:53 PM after yourself first before others
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:51 PM come again?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:50 PM want to up my points still?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:49 PM this is fun!

Can please investigate ? Thank You.

08-07-2014, 09:25 PM
Don't border about zap. Importantly i strike 4D 1st prize 3 times per week.

08-07-2014, 10:53 PM
Think or definite? :D
Take care dude ....

If you look at the remarks left behind by the zappers what DO You think ?

08-07-2014, 10:54 PM
Don't border about zap. Importantly i strike 4D 1st prize 3 times per week.

I wish you huat ah and if you do strike don't 4get to give me a treat. :p

09-07-2014, 01:49 AM
You sure banjo is really your customer

customer, i have to literally beg some to write frs for fear of being zapped.

They are very smart, they zap my customers without leaving names, this is
a unhappy competitor

By the way boss any action on the troublemakers would be welcomed

09-07-2014, 02:27 AM
I forgot to add, it seems i was able to narrow it down to a which person is
doing this.

Its seems the timings that my customers are zapped are the same time he logs
in as well, difference is 10 minutes each time, but i can't 100% confirm

BTW as suspected he is also another advertiser, hmm

09-07-2014, 01:52 PM
Life can be tough in this forum.

Hi boss I think I am being mass zapped

Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:11 PM now i stop
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:08 PM should i stop now?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:04 PM pews!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:01 PM revenge is sweet
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 04:00 PM ahhhhh
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:55 PM oh i see
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:54 PM oops!
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:53 PM after yourself first before others
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:51 PM come again?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:50 PM want to up my points still?
Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave... 08-07-2014 03:49 PM this is fun!

Can please investigate ? Thank You.

09-07-2014, 04:06 PM
Life can be tough in this forum.
:p For SBF/Mods (too many complains), Advertisers (bad publicities) or those who got zapped? Many zappers in "Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave 2 and AMK Ave 10" thread". Noticed "hayashi72" got zapped about 100pts :http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=11391125&postcount=655

Have a nice day. :) Cheers.

09-07-2014, 07:21 PM
:p For SBF/Mods (too many complains), Advertisers (bad publicities) or those who got zapped? Many zappers in "Rose SPA @ Clementi Ave 2 and AMK Ave 10" thread". Noticed "hayashi72" got zapped about 100pts :http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=11391125&postcount=655

Have a nice day. :) Cheers.

Noticed that boss deleted the thread lioa . A few of us got zapped a lot not just hayashi72. this nick "amkkid" had been stirring shit in the threads.

09-07-2014, 07:26 PM
Life can be tough in this forum.

Life is indeed very tough in this forum. Trying to be a good guy also got zapped. :eek: :(

09-07-2014, 09:12 PM
I got zapped into moderation before. But it's Ok. We move on.

11-07-2014, 10:51 PM
Life can be tough in this forum.

Truth be told among all the other places we place adverts, sammyboyforum.com
is probably the best. It has friendly and efficient moderators/admins. In my own
opinion it easily outclasses its competitors.

Have a great weekend boss

12-07-2014, 05:07 AM
Truth be told among all the other places we place adverts, sammyboyforum.com
is probably the best. It has friendly and efficient moderators/admins. In my own
opinion it easily outclasses its competitors.

Have a great weekend boss

Thanks for the vote of confidence. We try our best and are always fully aware that nothing can be taken for granted. ;)

Balancing the free flow of information vs managing the content is a difficult act to get right. I try to be as liberal as possible while preventing anarchy. :p

13-07-2014, 12:32 PM
Hey Boss:

Here's a suggestion that I hope you find constructive.

You say that you like for sbf to reflect real life; well, IRL I'd think nobody will tolerate any individual whose sole purpose is to cause harm to others.

How about programming your computer to only require everybody to upz more than zap?

I see newbies as well as established samsters just trying to contribute who gets zapped for no reason other than these idiot zappers trying to dominate the free flow of information or just to cause havoc on the board.

Just a suggestion

13-07-2014, 01:21 PM
I've thought about that many times and it can easily be programmed. However, the rep system does help identify scammers, cheats, number collectors etc and they end up in the red.

This in turn helps others sort out who the trustworthy samsters are and who the con jobs are.

For example if you see someone with negative rep giving out some info, people are less likely to trust that nick.

Of course like all systems, it is open to abuse and used to bully and silence differing opinions.

Hey Boss:

Here's a suggestion that I hope you find constructive.

You say that you like for sbf to reflect real life; well, IRL I'd think nobody will tolerate any individual whose sole purpose is to cause harm to others.

How about programming your computer to only require everybody to upz more than zap?

I see newbies as well as established samsters just trying to contribute who gets zapped for no reason other than these idiot zappers trying to dominate the free flow of information or just to cause havoc on the board.

Just a suggestion

13-07-2014, 01:25 PM
Of course like all systems, it is open to abuse and used to bully and silence differing opinions.

Then do you uphold the liberty of speech or let the strongest clone gang prevail? :D

13-07-2014, 02:10 PM
I've thought about that many times and it can easily be programmed. However, the rep system does help identify scammers, cheats, number collectors etc and they end up in the red.

This in turn helps others sort out who the trustworthy samsters are and who the con jobs are.

For example if you see someone with negative rep giving out some info, people are less likely to trust that nick.

Of course like all systems, it is open to abuse and used to bully and silence differing opinions.
Oh wow - so I'm at least not too far off-base this time ! LOL

But I'd think you'd still be able to do the same with limiting zaps - just that I'd think that a genuine member wud think properly first before using his now valuable zaps.

As it is, idiots with nefarious agenda and /or flawed characters dominate!


13-07-2014, 03:04 PM
Then do you uphold the liberty of speech or let the strongest clone gang prevail? :D

Moderated members are not silenced. They are still free to post as much as they want.

14-07-2014, 12:38 PM
Then do you uphold the liberty of speech or let the strongest clone gang prevail? :DNone. The ones who pay for his everything are who he served. :D

Boss still allowed those moderated accounts to post but their posts will take a longer time to surface. But I have a feeling that the liberty of speech you are talking about is not referring to those accounts. Nice diversion move. Haha.

The liberty of speech has a price to pay and those points you lose are payments made. If too expensive, just ignore and skip to something at no cost or cheaper. I have learned it in the hard way too. :D

14-07-2014, 12:49 PM
Oh wow - so I'm at least not too far off-base this time ! LOL

But I'd think you'd still be able to do the same with limiting zaps - just that I'd think that a genuine member wud think properly first before using his now valuable zaps.

As it is, idiots with nefarious agenda and /or flawed characters dominate!

SEAJThere might be a more interesting source of income for boss. The ultimate tool that mortals like us wish for. To identify who is the zapper. One identification at $xx. I believed taking a max of 100 per day. Daily income of $xxk. Boss can considered buying a new house in no time.

Premiere members no longer can be zap so this will not be enable you to dig their pockets further. How about tapping your pool of mortal members. :D

14-07-2014, 12:57 PM
There might be a more interesting source of income for boss. The ultimate tool that mortals like us wish for. To identify who is the zapper. One identification at $xx. I believed taking a max of 100 per day. Daily income of $xxk. Boss can considered buying a new house in no time.

what happened if this feature intro then zappers start to identify themselves..hahah...:p

Big Sexy
14-07-2014, 01:44 PM
i can assure you that if he does tweak the system to allow that..it wont be for the extra money....making money isnt at the top of his priority list, customer service is..

He does cares alot for this forum in which he has invested plenty of time and effort into to make it where it is today. ;)

Daily income of $xxk. Boss can considered buying a new house in no time.

15-07-2014, 05:59 AM
i can assure you that if he does tweak the system to allow that..it wont be for the extra money....making money isnt at the top of his priority list, customer service is..

He does cares alot for this forum in which he has invested plenty of time and effort into to make it where it is today. ;)

Why not just have a third column in the CP showing who zaped/upped you, this way people who zapped unneccesarily will be in a world of trouble as others will know who they are

There was also another forum (this forum is about shares/stocks) quite famous in singapore, anyways they also had the same problem of newbie zapping. Each time someone said something bad about a stock they got zapped.

So the admin did away totally with zappings, you now can only up people, soon after that alot of clones dissapeared and sanity seemed to have restored to that forum

zapping actually serves no purpose at all unless you have alot of clones and etc else it just terrorizes people in the forum

Big Sexy
15-07-2014, 06:57 AM
yea, these lot will then get themselves embroiled in a zap war and there will be flaming threads all over the forums and the admins/moderators will have to clean up the shit... mate, i have better things to do like gardening.

Why not just have a third column in the CP showing who zaped/upped you, this way people who zapped unneccesarily will be in a world of trouble as others will know who they are

15-07-2014, 04:47 PM
yea, these lot will then get themselves embroiled in a zap war, i have better things to do like gardening.It is because of the wars thus give rise to a huge demand of weapons and bullet proof vests. Only the weapon making company that will benefit. There is a price tag for peace.

I liked the way you defend for boss. Seems to me that in time to come, that feature might be available. Cust serve. Of course, how could I forget that priority will be given to the ones that pay. Am I right? :D

15-07-2014, 07:36 PM
May i suggest "Top 10 victim" award. Take away minus sign from reputation point for top 10 in the victim list.

15-07-2014, 08:09 PM
Eh Boss!
How to check anonymous zappers' nicks?
Mai Giam Siap... Share share leh

Then we can have "Top 10 BOJI Zappers" award!!


15-07-2014, 11:30 PM
Boss can check but you cannot. Haha.

16-07-2014, 06:39 AM
Top 10 most get zapped award is honourable

16-07-2014, 11:04 AM
Eh Boss!
How to check anonymous zappers' nicks?
Mai Giam Siap... Share share leh

Then we can have "Top 10 BOJI Zappers" award!!


Boss is not interested in mass zapping but he will be interested in checking if you had been scolded vulgarities via the rep system.

16-07-2014, 11:05 AM
Top 10 most get zapped award is honourable

With a nick like yours sure kenna mass zap . :eek: Why not register new nick using "pleaseupme" instead. :)

16-07-2014, 11:23 AM
Being mass zapped is an act. Those who made it are proud of their poor conduct. They are capable of irritating powerful clones who in turn waste precious time for nothing.

With a nick like yours sure kenna mass zap . :eek: Why not register new nick using "pleaseupme" instead. :)

16-07-2014, 11:40 AM
Just noticed Boss got do housekeeping for clones one...
Steady lah!

U all don't create so many clones make Boss busy lah...



Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 0
My Reputation:
Points: 200 / Power: 0

16-07-2014, 11:45 AM
With a nick like yours sure kenna mass zap . Why not register new nick using "pleaseupme" instead. :)I am afraid that such a nick will likely lead to people zapping him too. :D
Because uping a person is based on constructive posting. However there are other reasons for which I dun think there is a need to be make known. :D

16-07-2014, 11:48 AM
Already noticed many samsters are clones one...

U all create so many clones make forum busy lah...

16-07-2014, 12:00 PM
Boss needs to hire a Vice President - Member Services, to manage members database.
I can volunteer free contract service.
I'm very good at pressing delete button.


16-07-2014, 07:43 PM
Heeee also Kanna zap but what the heck this is life.
For those who zapped me are u reading this?
I am still here so ss to keep u busy heeee

16-07-2014, 08:46 PM
Being mass zapped is an act. Those who made it are proud of their poor conduct. They are capable of irritating powerful clones who in turn waste precious time for nothing.

Agree partially with you on the mass zap. I am surprise that Boss did not make an offer to you to sign up as a premium member. :D As a premium member you will be immune to zaps. But what I feel is that you purposely create this account to get people to zap you so that you can find out how powerful they are. You can easily register another nick you know.:)

16-07-2014, 08:47 PM
Just noticed Boss got do housekeeping for clones one...
Steady lah!

U all don't create so many clones make Boss busy lah...


Yap I also noticed many casualties today. :eek:

16-07-2014, 08:49 PM
I am afraid that such a nick will likely lead to people zapping him too. :D
Because uping a person is based on constructive posting. However there are other reasons for which I dun think there is a need to be make known. :D

As long as the person is contributing positively to the forum , his/her points will definitely go up in due time. I am sure many brothers here will appreciate those who contribute as opposed to those who don't contribute.

16-07-2014, 08:50 PM
Boss needs to hire a Vice President - Member Services, to manage members database.
I can volunteer free contract service.
I'm very good at pressing delete button.


I think you are too late , Boss have already a very capable assistant who can do almost anything in this forum.:p

16-07-2014, 09:20 PM
Agree partially with you on the mass zap. I am surprise that Boss did not make an offer to you to sign up as a premium member. :D As a premium member you will be immune to zaps. But what I feel is that you purposely create this account to get people to zap you so that you can find out how powerful they are. You can easily register another nick you know.:)

I know some of the up remark in bro's usercp


16-07-2014, 10:20 PM
I think you are too late , Boss have already a very capable assistant who can do almost anything in this forum.:p
BigSexy. The one and only name that appear in my head. :D

17-07-2014, 03:20 AM
got zapped for being mistaken as a clone:(:(

17-07-2014, 08:16 AM
Eh Boss, now you know why your new memberships are not growing?
Got many zappers/clones showing newbies out the exit door.

17-07-2014, 11:03 AM
Eh Boss, now you know why your new memberships are not growing?
Got many zappers/clones showing newbies out the exit door.

eh...how you know ha...:confused:

17-07-2014, 11:23 AM
eh...how you know ha...:confused:

Erm... Cos' I bet on Germany FTW!!!!

17-07-2014, 11:34 AM
eh...how you know ha...:confused:
I myself of course don't know about membership numbers or growth but one thing I DO notice is that it SEEMS that there is always an inordinate amount of people being zapped - especially newbies and/or members with low reputation points.

Rather dis-ingenious if the aim is to gain membership I'd think.


17-07-2014, 11:51 AM
I myself of course don't know about membership numbers or growth but one thing I DO notice is that it SEEMS that there is always an inordinate amount of people being zapped - especially newbies and/or members with low reputation points.

Rather dis-ingenious if the aim is to gain membership I'd think.


I think those who created clones to go to threads to disturb deserved to zap...so these ppl dun share anything...no membership gain here...:)

dun think anyone knew how large is the membership except the BOSS...so just post without worry...:)

17-07-2014, 02:09 PM
I think those who created clones to go to threads to disturb deserved to zap...so these ppl dun share anything...no membership gain here...:)

dun think anyone knew how large is the membership except the BOSS...so just post without worry...:)
Yes! More than agree about clones - but what I feel is a pity on here is that guys who just want to participate and contribute instead gets zapped for no apparent reason but to cause chaos and/or for some idiots to exert dominance.

Boss has more than once said that he wants to have SBF imitate real life - but IMHO, its life in the ghettoes where gangs with their own purpose and very sinister agenda prevails over all others.

The system of anonymous and unbridled Zap powers have allowed total anarchy to reign supreme on SBF whilst being IMHO, very carefully kept under the radar of you moderators. Not trying to be rude or presumptive - just wanting you all to really reconsider at least limiting Zaps vs Upz - at least as a sensible first step to further strengthen SBF.

Thank you


17-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Yes! More than agree about clones - but what I feel is a pity on here is that guys who just want to participate and contribute instead gets zapped for no apparent reason but to cause chaos and/or for some idiots to exert dominance.

Boss has more than once said that he wants to have SBF imitate real life - but IMHO, its life in the ghettoes where gangs with their own purpose and very sinister agenda prevails over all others.

The system of anonymous and unbridled Zap powers have allowed total anarchy to reign supreme on SBF whilst being IMHO, very carefully kept under the radar of you moderators. Not trying to be rude or presumptive - just wanting you all to really reconsider at least limiting Zaps vs Upz - at least as a sensible first step to further strengthen SBF.

Thank you


easy to comment but if you are in boss shoes then not sure if you can do a better job...:)

many of us had been reading or sharing in this forum for many years...we made many friends and extracted many info in the course...not all are good but we sieved thru them and made our own judgement...:)

this forum is not just about sex...today is also current affairs...look i got more news here than my local newspaper...haha...:)

just my 2 cents worth..:)

17-07-2014, 02:41 PM
easy to comment but if you are in boss shoes then not sure if you can do a better job...:)

many of us had been reading or sharing in this forum for many years...we made many friends and extracted many info in the course...not all are good but we sieved thru them and made our own judgement...:)

this forum is not just about sex...today is also current affairs...look i got more news here than my local newspaper...haha...:)

just my 2 cents worth..:)
DITTO - that's why I still continue to participate as I DO think that this is a great board.

And for sure Boss has done a great job - and all I'm doing is to merely suggest ways to further improve this reputation system thing; I've noticed it has gone through a few changes since its inception and times have now further changed. No way at all that I could do a better job than Boss and you moderators.

I even notice known con men still on the board with great reputation points personae.


17-07-2014, 04:46 PM
DITTO - that's why I still continue to participate as I DO think that this is a great board.

And for sure Boss has done a great job - and all I'm doing is to merely suggest ways to further improve this reputation system thing; I've noticed it has gone through a few changes since its inception and times have now further changed. No way at all that I could do a better job than Boss and you moderators.

I even notice known con men still on the board with great reputation points personae.


I go through the rep system daily and 95% of the entries are adding points. Only 5 percent a zaps and 80% of that the 5% are valid based on my audits.

I'm sure there is some bullying going on but it's not significant.

If you see a newbie that is being unfairly zapped, just let me know.

17-07-2014, 05:00 PM
I go through the rep system daily and 95% of the entries are adding points. Only 5 percent a zaps and 80% of that the 5% are valid based on my audits.

I'm sure there is some bullying going on but it's not significant.

If you see a newbie that is being unfairly zapped, just let me know.

Those are GREAT statistics and confirms my thoughts that most members here are good contributing members. And it's only 1% who's causing all the turmoil and anguish of those bullied.

How about using such statistics to force those who's only purpose here is to cause chaos to fall in line? I rather suspect that an inordinate amount of zaps are probably doled out by a small number of clones? Make them able to only zap once for every 4 upz - and perhaps even make such requirement retroactively to when they first joined! LOL. Make the system self patrolling instead of having to do these tedious auditing and responding to each claim of unfair zapping.

And since 99% of the members are using their Upz/zap powers properly, I would think that this majority will not have any problems at all with such a rule-up-date/computer programming.

Just a suggestion and I thank you for having responded.


17-07-2014, 10:35 PM
Same to me i kena zapped to moderation.

got zapped for being mistaken as a clone:(:(

17-07-2014, 10:45 PM
Same to me i kena zapped to moderation.

Show your nick that got zapped to moderation. Boss wants to know. :D

If you see a newbie that is being unfairly zapped, just let me know.

17-07-2014, 10:48 PM
Laugh Out Loud

17-07-2014, 10:51 PM
DITTO - that's why I still continue to participate as I DO think that this is a great board.

easy to comment but if you are in boss shoes then not sure if you can do a better job...

That's why don't always kaopeh PAP also...
No system is perfect.
Easy to talk and just slap the driver!

18-07-2014, 07:48 PM
Boss can check but you cannot. Haha.

go fuck urself lah chao cheebye. keep talking as if u r some big fuck! Kan Ni Na!! :mad:

18-07-2014, 07:50 PM
I know some of the up remark in bro's usercp


Same to me i kena zapped to moderation.

lai lai lai we see who can get out moderation 1st. hehehe. :D:cool:

18-07-2014, 11:47 PM
Sorry boss - but this to me is beyond the pale


How ANYBODY could disrespect the dead who just lost their lives under such tragic circumstances is too disgusting and a new low for the conduct of some these clones.

Fine, they/he's created multiple clones to hound me - no problem, easy to handle, but this ....!!


19-07-2014, 06:04 AM
heng liao loh! still have 44 points.

got zapped for being mistaken as a clone:(:(

19-07-2014, 10:46 AM
heng liao loh! still have 44 points.

Nice number to buy 4d. I doubt he will post again.

19-07-2014, 11:09 AM
Fine, they/he's created multiple clones to hound me - no problem, easy to handle, but this ....!!


I noticed your stalkers as many as mine!
We should exchange notes for "Top 10 stalkers" award!

19-07-2014, 12:20 PM
Nice number to buy 4d. I doubt he will post again.

I buy. Stay for update

19-07-2014, 02:06 PM
I noticed your stalkers as many as mine!
We should exchange notes for "Top 10 stalkers" award!

Thanks but no thanks!

I ain't proud that I do have so many detractors as I've never set out to antagonize anybody and only ever want to share whatever information/insight I may have. But I guess just doing so I managed to accidentally step on some here who's interest and agenda lies somewhere else.


20-07-2014, 12:29 AM

Thanks but no thanks!

I ain't proud that I do have so many detractors as I've never set out to antagonize anybody and only ever want to share whatever information/insight I may have. But I guess just doing so I managed to accidentally step on some here who's interest and agenda lies somewhere else.

SEAJYou are on track and keep going. You will be rewarded eventually.

20-07-2014, 08:28 AM
You are on track and keep going. You will be rewarded eventually.

Bro SEAJ, I agree with bro <<totally>>. Will add you to my up list.

20-07-2014, 12:42 PM
Bro SEAJ, I agree with bro <<totally>>. Will add you to my up list.Man with similiar thinking should be united together. You will be rewarded as well. :D

20-07-2014, 09:00 PM
You are on track and keep going. You will be rewarded eventually.
Bro SEAJ, I agree with bro <<totally>>. Will add you to my up list.

Thank you not only for your upz, but more so for your kind words and support.


21-07-2014, 09:49 AM
Dear Mr Sammyboy

I am not sure if here is the correct platform to seek my redresss. As you can see I was zapped to moderation when I just posted in a few threads heeding the advice of a friend to get out of moderation after creating the account.

I am not sure what I can do here although I did nothing wrong.

Best Hi-class Female..21-07-2014 02:59 AM Ahahahaha
vietnam mei mei 21-07-2014 02:48 AM what a comedian
JAV babes 21-07-2014 02:42 AM Arsesome man!
Hot Videos!!! 21-07-2014 02:27 AM Mai hot mai hot
Batam Info Thread 21-07-2014 02:15 AM bottoms up hahahaha

If my nick is the cause of the zapping action then I do not mind to change since it is still very new account.

Your response is greatly appreciated.

21-07-2014, 08:22 PM
Up and Zap are unavoidable in Sammyboyforum. just show your Seh

21-07-2014, 08:55 PM
hi sam i was zapped by 2 suspected clone accounts at the same time and with the same vulgarities. pls ensure justice is done to these rep power abusers. thanks!

Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off
Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off

21-07-2014, 09:30 PM
What is the point?

Those nicks that are delicate for fucking should be of low reputation points and little pain from reverse zap

Let say reserve zap on 40 points account yield -40 points. The loss = -80 points. Those Powerful and full of clones people can easily self-recover with little effort.

Just suck thumb and get fuck

21-07-2014, 09:35 PM
hi sam i was zapped by 2 suspected clone accounts at the same time and with the same vulgarities. pls ensure justice is done to these rep power abusers. thanks!

Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off
Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off

Wa lau u really sia suay ur shifu.. ur shifu still d 1 with seh .
Even in deep red, not a word of complaint from him lolz

21-07-2014, 10:05 PM
hi sam i was zapped by 2 suspected clone accounts at the same time and with the same vulgarities. pls ensure justice is done to these rep power abusers. thanks!

Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off
Clichéd Pierre. 21-07-2014 07:45 PM fuck off
Is there any loss of point? If it is just a neutral comment, likelyhood the boss will give the nick and nothing can be done. I have kanna a fair share of those abuses.
can any kind soul lend... 18-07-2014 11:36 PM spam
Clubbing Session 18-07-2014 08:20 PM go pcc urself lah ........ keep talking as if u r some big pcc! have sex with Ni Na!! But it is not hard to guess who are the ones behind the post. Zapmeplease is certainly one of them. :D

22-07-2014, 09:51 AM
This website is talking about fuck

Fucking is not abnormal

22-07-2014, 12:41 PM
Is there any loss of point? If it is just a neutral comment, likelyhood the boss will give the nick and nothing can be done. I have kanna a fair share of those abuses.
But it is not hard to guess who are the ones behind the post. Zapmeplease is certainly one of them. :D

Cheebye kia cannot see i am negative points how to zap u idiot??? u not only act big but retarded. :mad:

22-07-2014, 12:55 PM
Cheebye kia cannot see i am negative points how to zap u idiot??? u not only act big but retarded. :mad:

Didnt u know those without power or negative pts can also zap pple :D
Just that the zap has no impact on d person u zap lolz

22-07-2014, 02:12 PM
How come negative point cannot click on reputation icon ?:confused:


22-07-2014, 04:11 PM
Didnt u know those without power or negative pts can also zap pple :D
Just that the zap has no impact on d person u zap lolz

hello simi lanjiao u talking? negative pointers cannot even see the up or zap bar lah bodoh!

22-07-2014, 04:35 PM
Dear Mr Sammyboy

I am not sure if here is the correct platform to seek my redresss. As you can see I was zapped to moderation when I just posted in a few threads heeding the advice of a friend to get out of moderation after creating the account.

I am not sure what I can do here although I did nothing wrong.

Best Hi-class Female..21-07-2014 02:59 AM Ahahahaha
vietnam mei mei 21-07-2014 02:48 AM what a comedian
JAV babes 21-07-2014 02:42 AM Arsesome man!
Hot Videos!!! 21-07-2014 02:27 AM Mai hot mai hot
Batam Info Thread 21-07-2014 02:15 AM bottoms up hahahaha

If my nick is the cause of the zapping action then I do not mind to change since it is still very new account.

Your response is greatly appreciated.

Dear Mr Sammyboy

I am sorry to trouble you sir, but am afraid the zapping was relentless after you had reversed 25 points for me. As you can see there is a group of blokes here that obviously do not like my name very much.

Picture of myself 22-07-2014 03:12 PM standing by
vietnam mei mei 22-07-2014 11:25 AM today you are so lucky to be receiveing some red points from me.
Picture of myself 22-07-2014 10:36 AM weeee .... nice to see you red again
Picture of myself 22-07-2014 06:50 AM zap you for quoting the whole msg
Batam Info Thread 22-07-2014 06:11 AM This double confirm our suspicion on u clone
Rare Local Model Pictures 22-07-2014 05:57 AM ha .... that is a good clone
Massage parlours in Bkk 22-07-2014 12:59 AM topcook1 up u 12
Rare Local Model Pictures 21-07-2014 08:35 PM Now waiting will see if you up yourelf
JAV babes 21-07-2014 07:26 PM if you want points start by contributing positively to the forum.Points meant to be earned.
Picture of myself 21-07-2014 07:02 PM the more you complain the more u will be zapped
Rare Local Model Pictures 21-07-2014 06:02 PM are sure about it ?
Batam Info Thread 21-07-2014 04:06 PM how can clone visit Ria Ilses ?
Hot Videos!!! 21-07-2014 03:31 PM Not true
Best Hi-class Female... 21-07-2014 02:15 PM kam sia
vietnam mei mei 21-07-2014 12:32 PM congratulations
Hot Videos!!! 21-07-2014 12:16 PM yap so good to see your points go up

Anyway, I have nothing much to say except I aren't sure what they meant by carrying out this zapping. I am quite flattered by receiving such attention for a 2 day old freshman. It was really an eye opener. Now, I feel for those who had commented on the reputation system and fully understood their plight.

To the person who upped me 12 points, I appreciate very much and thank you for your valuable points. I am sad to say the 12 points wasn't much of a help with their giant warfare and armies of clones.

Best Regards

22-07-2014, 04:35 PM
hello simi lanjiao u talking? negative pointers cannot even see the up or zap bar lah bodoh!

Oops then those without power de can zap but no impact.
paiseh im not so lao jiao n so "powerful" like u :D
That means i still newbie when comes to zapping :p

22-07-2014, 10:32 PM
The pattern looks familiar. Looks like the same chee bye samster that clone zapped my other nicks

Fuck the zapper's father's wife's chao chee bye

23-07-2014, 07:40 AM
Sounds familiar here... Just that the battle has begun...

Malcolm informs Caesar of the impending arrival of human reinforcements. Both lament the lost opportunity for peace. Caesar tells Malcolm the humans will never forgive the apes for the war they started and tells him to leave with his family for safety. As Malcolm slips away into the shadows, Caesar stands before a kneeling mass of apes awaiting the battle to come.

23-07-2014, 09:41 AM
Intangible benefit.

Expose the clones account to auto-script. Get zapped to deep negative (-999).

Please carry on

23-07-2014, 10:21 AM
Intangible benefit.

Expose the clones account to auto-script. Get zapped to deep negative (-999).

Please carry on

Sounds familiar... But Skynet (auto-script) has been compromised... Human intervention is required.

In 2018, John Connor (Christian Bale) leads a Resistance attack on a Skynet base. John discovers human prisoners and schematics for a new type of Terminator, incorporating living tissue. He is the only survivor of the assault after the base is destroyed in a nuclear explosion. Later, and after Connor's departure, Marcus emerges from the base's wreckage and starts walking towards Los Angeles.
Marcus tears out the hardware linking him to Skynet and assists John in battling a new T-800 model 101 Terminator. John is mortally wounded during the fight, but succeeds in destroying the Skynet base by rigging several Terminator fuel cells to explode, detonating them as he, Marcus, Kyle, and Star are airlifted out. Kate attempts to save John's life, but his heart is too badly damaged. Marcus offers his own heart for transplant, sacrificing himself to save John. Recovering, John radios to the other Resistance fighters that though this battle has been won, the war is far from over.

23-07-2014, 02:14 PM
Dear Mr Sammyboy

Thank you very much for your help. Really appreciate it.

Best Regards

23-07-2014, 02:25 PM
Congratulations you are back into positive yet again. :D Maybe you should consider taking up the premium membership.

24-07-2014, 09:24 AM
How does people feel? They spent so much effort for "Zap your point to negative". Now that you attain 1 power with 89 points. You buay kia they tolan mei ?

Dear Mr Sammyboy

Thank you very much for your help. Really appreciate it.

Best Regards

24-07-2014, 11:29 AM
How does people feel? They spent so much effort for "Zap your point to negative". Now that you attain 1 power with 89 points. You buay kia they tolan mei ?

Dear bro ilovefucking,

I do not understand what you meant by "buay kia they tolan mei" but I did asked a local Singaporean friend and he explained to me.

I afraid I cannot explain how the zappers felt. I played by the Boss book and toed the line. I did nothing wrong. My conscience is clear.

I am surprised you bothered to write regarding this.

Best Regards

24-07-2014, 12:23 PM
Think with small head also know that zapper sibei tolan loh! i write to pour oil on fire :)

Zapper zapped me despite i not suppose to get zapped. i hate zapper

Dear bro ilovefucking,

I do not understand what you meant by "buay kia they tolan mei" but I did asked a local Singaporean friend and he explained to me.

I afraid I cannot explain how the zappers felt. I played by the Boss book and toed the line. I did nothing wrong. My conscience is clear.

I am surprised you bothered to write regarding this.

Best Regards

24-07-2014, 01:38 PM
Dear bro ilovefucking,

I do not understand what you meant by "buay kia they tolan mei" but I did asked a local Singaporean friend and he explained to me.

I afraid I cannot explain how the zappers felt. I played by the Boss book and toed the line. I did nothing wrong. My conscience is clear.

I am surprised you bothered to write regarding this.

Best Regards

no need bother with zappers. all these fuckers only got balls online. Pui! :mad:

24-07-2014, 06:18 PM
Think with small head also know that zapper sibei tolan loh! i write to pour oil on fire :)

Zapper zapped me despite i not suppose to get zapped. i hate zapper

What to do ? Harrybottom is lucky to have boss supported him. Zappers are very smart people. They probably will wait for him to post and will most likely zap him again.