View Full Version : Reputation system update - 3 July 2024
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21-07-2011, 10:55 AM
Reputation power kicks in at 40 reputation points. [was 35]
New users start off with 20 reputation points [was 15]
Everything else remains the same. ;)
This move is to thwart the clones for a couple of months. It doesn't fix the problem but it makes them work harder.:D
Understand the need to control abusers, but if there is a program to identify, why not target THEM ??
Seems like those of us who started at 15 points and (honestly) earned another 20 to get to 35 are the only ones being hit here !! Starting new profiles at 20 but gaining power at 40 is no change . . right ?? Abusers who could get 20 points from 15 can surely get same from 20 ?? Seems to me this change only dings those of us below 40.
I can't complain as I do not spend the time and energy to manage the forum (which I still appreciate), but it seems to me making examples out of abusers would be a better way.
My two cents . . . .
21-07-2011, 10:57 AM
Can i ask why my power 7 and power 8 clones not affected at all after waiting for a few days oredi ?
Is it because all of them have 40 over points and that's why they are not affected . Not so many of them though , around 700 of them only . :D
Can you guys try harder . :p
There is nothing wrong with having more than one account. You can have 1500 accounts with power 20 if you so choose. The forum thanks you for it as it makes the stats look even better than they actually are.
As long as they aren't used to manipulate the rep system, you're safe. There are a few high pointers on my watch list though so be careful.
dе javu
21-07-2011, 11:41 AM
to make the members of SHP angry and come out to argue with you and attract viewership . :D
It should be SPH you twit. Yes i am from SPH. :D
21-07-2011, 01:22 PM
The anti clone campaign has reduced the abuse of the rep system by more than 60% in the last couple of days. :D
Ah Ken
21-07-2011, 05:42 PM
How come my pts from 52 pts become -52 and power became 0 from 2?
No statement of being zapped leh??
21-07-2011, 06:02 PM
How come my pts from 52 pts become -52 and power became 0 from 2?
No statement of being zapped leh??
Ah Ken zaps mphellosg 19:49, 21st Jul 2011 -1 _|_ you
Violates rule 8. [see first post in this thread]
21-07-2011, 06:06 PM
Understand the need to control abusers, but if there is a program to identify, why not target THEM ??
Seems like those of us who started at 15 points and (honestly) earned another 20 to get to 35 are the only ones being hit here !!
The increase in threshold points affects far more clones than it does those who happen to be caught by the change. Whenever adjustments are made to any scheme, there will be some "innocent" parties that are affected too. That's part and parcel of life.
Ah Ken
21-07-2011, 07:21 PM
Violates rule 8. [see first post in this thread]
How to get back the points?
Big Sexy
21-07-2011, 08:23 PM
constructive contributions will earn you points.
How to get back the points?
21-07-2011, 09:29 PM
oic , actually i need more storage space, i did not zapp ppl.
one nick for one masseuse. easy to use. but i dint cause trouble to other.:confused:
21-07-2011, 10:24 PM
how can power 3 make trouble? power 3 can only zap 1 pt nia. buay Song leh
dе javu
21-07-2011, 11:41 PM
how can power 3 make trouble? power 3 can only zap 1 pt nia. buay Song leh
fornicator and downtown are very good friends. :D
22-07-2011, 12:41 AM
Thanks for the update & a good one indeed! :D I'm not working on anything more at the moment. The scripts are in place to flag clone accounts.
Clones get their points reversed... eg 48 becomes -48, 126 becomes -126.
They are still free to post messages but they no longer have rep power until they get back to +40 points.
22-07-2011, 07:59 AM
fornicator and downtown are very good friends. :D
Allow me to make myself clear. :cool:
I am friends to anyone who wants to be friends with me. You need help, I help you, if within reason. I reside in the "Petain Romps" forum. :p You give positive and good contribution I up you, I try as much to share the points I earned.....the hard way! Ha-ha! Just saying, I am not complaining. Also I don't zap unless provoked.
No need to reiterate who I am good friends with.
But if you insist, I am good friends with my Bros: jacky43, U-Da-Man, alvin36, Kalv, obat22, whacky, lorraine, RAMS75, fixxxer to name a few.
You want to be friends with me Bro de javu? Also can, send me friend notice and I will accept.
Happy weekend to all Bros and bonk safe.
Cheers. :D
dе javu
22-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Allow me to make myself clear. :cool:
No worries. I am no detective here. Almost everyone has clone accounts. And i believe that fornlcator was created to emulate your nick. Genuine samsters will be recognized by the seniors and regulars here. I am just impressed at how downtown's one liners have earned him reputation points. You can find plenty of them in this forum. Cheers. :D
22-07-2011, 09:55 AM
Please do not mixed up fornlcator and bro fornicator.
He is well respected bro in 'Petain romp". I am just a newbie.
I am sorry for the confusion and wil stop using this nick fornlcator.
Inconvenience caused is regret
22-07-2011, 10:12 AM
No worries. I am no detective here. Almost everyone has clone accounts. And i believe that fornlcator was created to emulate your nick. Genuine samsters will be recognized by the seniors and regulars here. I am just impressed at how downtown's one liners have earned him reputation points. You can find plenty of them in this forum. Cheers. :D
One liner, two liner, or even a whole paragraph will not matter as long as the content is helpful and positive. Indeed you should be impressed because I was, some more I ups him.
Thank you Bro de javu for your concern.
Post FR or make helpful and positive contribution so I and other Bros with power can ups you.
Happy weekend.
22-07-2011, 10:20 AM
fornicator and downtown are very good friends. :D
Hi , looking for me ? Early morning ears itchy , no problem if cant get power since owner declared so . Anyway , i am not the only one affected and its only power 1 , those with higher power will feel the pain more than me . :D
22-07-2011, 10:20 AM
Please do not mixed up fornlcator and bro fornicator.
He is well respected bro in 'Petain romp". I am just a newbie.
I am sorry for the confusion and wil stop using this nick fornlcator.
Inconvenience caused is regret
While I agree that your nick can accidentally mix up with mine (just now I was shocked to see my points go down to 20 and realized it was you and not me! :eek:), everyone is entitled to choose and use his own nick. Also, the system accepted it so nothing we can do.
Your option to stop using your nick is up to you and your own decision.
Thanks for the kind words BTW. Pai seh, no need unwanted attention here, he-he! :o
Happy weekend to all Bros and bonk safely. :p
Cheers. :D
23-07-2011, 04:05 PM
The nick "braforme" has been placed under moderation for violating rule 8.
braforme zaps zikmu30 18:50, 23rd Jul 2011 -1 Fuck u asshole!!!! Go and fuck yr mother ass!!!
My new "profanity detector" script is proving very effective. :D
23-07-2011, 06:09 PM
I joined the forum less than 2 weeks ago and contributed two long posts - I was trying to add another dimension to the topic in a thread. My points dropped after the first post and now it is down to 2 at my second post. I don't understand why would someone who had the power to zap get offended by my posts (which were meant to help other bors) ). Isn't still a case of abuse of power?
23-07-2011, 06:16 PM
Don't post in "tagged" threads. The points will be deducted by an autobot for off topic posts.
I joined the forum less than 2 weeks ago and contributed two long posts - I was trying to add another dimension to the topic in a thread. My points dropped after the first post and now it is down to 2 at my second post. I don't understand why would someone who had the power to zap get offended by my posts (which were meant to help other bors) ). Isn't still a case of abuse of power?
23-07-2011, 08:07 PM
what happen if someone zap or up another guys? (not clone)
Big Sexy
23-07-2011, 09:02 PM
your rep points wont be effect until someone up or neg you..
when u add to another person reputation points, his rep points will increase,
when u neg him, his rep points will decrease.
what happen if someone zap or up another guys? (not clone)
23-07-2011, 11:48 PM
The nick "braforme" has been placed under moderation for violating rule 8.
My new "profanity detector" script is proving very effective. :D
Hi Boss
I received this zap:" asshole, what's ur fuckin problem? Start a tread for ur dumb-ass mood? " on 23Oct10.
Is this violating of rule 8 ? May i know the nic of this person please?
Thank you
24-07-2011, 06:48 AM
Hi Boss
I received this zap:" asshole, what's ur fuckin problem? Start a tread for ur dumb-ass mood? " on 23Oct10.
Is this violating of rule 8 ? May i know the nic of this person please?
Thank you
The nick that left those remarks is "Heil Hitler". The nick has been placed under moderation for the crime.
24-07-2011, 02:36 PM
Yet another member, Nottiguy, has been placed under moderation for violating rule 8. This new script is working like a charm!
Nottiguy zaps guy19virgin 17:47, 24th Jul 2011 -4 fuck off
24-07-2011, 10:10 PM
Yet another member, Nottiguy, has been placed under moderation for violating rule 8. This new script is working like a charm!
Someone zap me with this commence "crazy" dated 26 Jun 11. Did the person violate rule 8?
Thanks for your opinion
24-07-2011, 10:17 PM
Hi Boss
I received this zap:" asshole, what's ur fuckin problem? Start a tread for ur dumb-ass mood? " on 23Oct10.
Is this violating of rule 8 ? May i know the nic of this person please?
Thank you
Hi Mr Sammyboyfor
In my case the person zap me with commence "boo" on 26 Jun 11. I don't understand the commence at all. Can it be treated as scold me and therefore violate rule 8 ?
24-07-2011, 11:35 PM
Eh what happens to those registered earlier than 17 july where they get only 15 rep point ?
Big Sexy
25-07-2011, 07:26 AM
oh man..
the 2 of you sounds like the boy i saw in the candy shop yesterday
Someone zap me with this commence "crazy" dated 26 Jun 11. Did the person violate rule 8?
In my case the person zap me with commence "boo" on 26 Jun 11. I don't understand the commence at all. Can it be treated as scold me and therefore violate rule 8 ?
no changes in their rep points unless sam decide otherwise..
Eh what happens to those registered earlier than 17 july where they get only 15 rep point ?
25-07-2011, 07:29 AM
Hi Mr Sammyboyfor
In my case the person zap me with commence "boo" on 26 Jun 11. I don't understand the commence at all. Can it be treated as scold me and therefore violate rule 8 ?
It's "comments" not "commence".
Since when is "boo" considered to be a profanity?:confused:
25-07-2011, 07:30 AM
Someone zap me with this commence "crazy" dated 26 Jun 11. Did the person violate rule 8?
Thanks for your opinion
"Crazy" is not a profanity. "Crazy" is a mental condition you are suffering from. :p
26-07-2011, 05:00 AM
There is no evidence of clone zapping.
And zap by clones nicks :eek:
Good deals do not come... 23-07-2011 10:39 PM Useless OKT! Useless clone! Yes i want to collect numbers for fun. What can you do to me???????????????? ROFL
BIG BOOBS MILF prv... 23-07-2011 10:37 PM Yes i'm trying to be funny. What can you do to me? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Good deals do not come... 23-07-2011 10:35 PM Lousy clone! Lousy OKT! Lousy fellow... have to resort to being OKT to earn money. Go find a proper job lah. Shame on you!
26-07-2011, 05:20 AM
Profanity detector script has just scored another hit! :D
hornymarthafock has been placed under moderation for breaking rule 8.
hornymarthafock zaps martinnguyen82 05:31, 26th Jul 2011 -1 fuck off, you stupid loser
26-07-2011, 04:49 PM
Yet another caught by the almighty profanity dedector script...:D The nick walle has been placed under moderation for his dastardly deeds!
walle zaps RealEstateGuy 18:07, 26th Jul 2011 -1 fuck off lah...wat a crab....
de javu
26-07-2011, 07:57 PM
fornicator and downtown are very good friends. :D
Rather suprise your nick and mine look alike? :confused:
27-07-2011, 01:41 PM
Yet another caught by the almighty profanity dedector script...:D The nick walle has been placed under moderation for his dastardly deeds!
Tips for ALL samsters.
Keep your identity secret.????s
So what this? Double standard. u dunpractice what u preach????
I been zapped by ppls who never put their name too....big deal??? Fuck off sam...
27-07-2011, 01:43 PM
Yet another caught by the almighty profanity dedector script...:D The nick walle has been placed under moderation for his dastardly deeds!
dont act smart, and dont be kaypoh, fl want to raw, is their problem, who are u to kaypoh ( this is another fucker zap me without putting names, so what will u do????):mad:
27-07-2011, 01:44 PM
How about zap and put other people nick? :eek:
Good deals do not come... 23-07-2011 10:39 PM Useless OKT! Useless clone! Yes i want to collect numbers for fun. What can you do to me???????????????? ROFL
then u better go fuck yourself, knn ccb
27-07-2011, 03:57 PM
Tips for ALL samsters.
Keep your identity secret.????s
So what this? Double standard. u dunpractice what u preach????
I been zapped by ppls who never put their name too....big deal??? Fuck off sam...
If someone has used profanities and zapped your points without leaving his nick, copy and paste the offending zap here and I'll take the necessary action.
Before the introduction of the profanity detector script which was installed just 5 days ago, I had to rely on members who were victims of foul mouthed zappers reporting the offense to me.
Cheers and thanks very much for supporting this forum. :p Have a great day.
27-07-2011, 03:59 PM
dont act smart, and dont be kaypoh, fl want to raw, is their problem, who are u to kaypoh ( this is another fucker zap me without putting names, so what will u do????):mad:
Members don't have to identify themselves when zapping. They only need to identify themselves if they use profanities... eg "fuck off" "chow chee bye" "fuck u" "fuck your mother" etc. :p "Don't act smart... don't be kaypoh etc is rude but it isn't vulgar.
Read rule 8..first post of this thread. The rule is very clear. It was drafted by a lawyer. :D
27-07-2011, 04:15 PM
Members don't have to identify themselves when zapping. They only need to identify themselves if they use profanities... eg "fuck off" "chow chee bye" "fuck u" "fuck your mother" etc. :p "Don't act smart... don't be kaypoh etc is rude but it isn't vulgar.
Read rule 8..first post of this thread. The rule is very clear. It was drafted by a lawyer. :D
Hi sam, is "tiu hai" consider a profanity in your context?
Here a question, what if someone add another member points, but in the remarks put something like "good day, and fuck you :D "
Does that violate rule 8 as well?
27-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Hi sam, is "tiu hai" consider a profanity in your context?
Here a question, what if someone add another member points, but in the remarks put something like "good day, and fuck you :D "
Does that violate rule 8 as well?
It doesn't matter what dialect it is, "fuck", "tiu", "kan" etc. It's still a profanity.
I have programmed in all the common terms used.
"Good day and fuck you" with points ADDED will not be detected by the script. It is programmed only to check zaps.
29-07-2011, 04:37 AM
Hi Boss
I received this zap:" SHE SAID she did not CRY!!! DON'T COME HERE TO BULLSHIT!!! " on 29-07-2011 01:00 AM.
Is this violating of rule 8 ? May i know the nick of this person please?
Thank you for your time.
29-07-2011, 04:38 AM
Hi Boss
I received this zap:" SHE SAID she did not CRY!!! DON'T COME HERE TO BULLSHIT!!! " on 29-07-2011 01:00 AM.
Is this violating of rule 8 ? May i know the nick of this person please?
Thank you for your time.
Where is the profanity?
29-07-2011, 09:37 AM
Where is the profanity?
Ok Boss, my bad. I thought 'bullshit' was classified under but maybe it only sound crude to you.
Anyway thanks for your time again.
29-07-2011, 10:23 AM
Ok Boss, my bad. I thought 'bullshit' was classified under but maybe it only sound crude to you.
Anyway thanks for your time again.
"Bullshit" is just another word for "nonsense", "lies" etc.
29-07-2011, 05:54 PM
"Bullshit" is just another word for "nonsense", "lies" etc.
Boss, how about these 5 Bros violating rule no. 9? Please advised.
Thank you for your time...
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 03:29 PM You are very funny.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 03:20 PM Talk cock, rubbish!!!!!! Disgrace.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 12:26 PM you mean you are a hero? YOU USELESS BUM!!!
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 07:00 AM then maybe you should explain urself why you and her say different.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 01:00 AM SHE SAID she did not CRY!!! DON'T COME HERE TO BULLSHIT!!!
29-07-2011, 06:40 PM
The nick that left those remarks is Akin. The nick has been placed under moderation for the offense.
Boss this bro zap me and leave people's nick! :(
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 05:40 PM Check the truth before commenting. Fugly.
How can Fugly zap me 1 point???
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 168
My Reputation:Points: 36 / Power: 0
29-07-2011, 06:40 PM
There is no evidence of clone zapping.
Boss, how about these 5 Bros violating rule no. 9? Please advised.
Thank you for your time...
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 03:29 PM You are very funny.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 03:20 PM Talk cock, rubbish!!!!!! Disgrace.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 12:26 PM you mean you are a hero? YOU USELESS BUM!!!
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 07:00 AM then maybe you should explain urself why you and her say different.
100% GFE An Qi is back... 29-07-2011 01:00 AM SHE SAID she did not CRY!!! DON'T COME HERE TO BULLSHIT!!!
29-07-2011, 07:11 PM
There is no evidence of clone zapping.
Ok Boss, thanks anyway...
29-07-2011, 07:51 PM about this bro..:)
30-07-2011, 03:16 AM about this bro..:)
I cannot read the PMs of other members.
30-07-2011, 07:41 PM
Hi Boss
Sorry to waste your time here.
I notice that this nic S.B.Y has 585 reputation points yet no reputation power. Would you mind to explain how come he has no power please.
Thank you boss
30-07-2011, 09:27 PM
Hi Boss
Sorry to waste your time here.
I notice that this nic S.B.Y has 585 reputation points yet no reputation power. Would you mind to explain how come he has no power please.
Why are you so interested in S.B.Y ? You also got no power .
31-07-2011, 04:26 AM
Hi Boss
Sorry to waste your time here.
I notice that this nic S.B.Y has 585 reputation points yet no reputation power. Would you mind to explain how come he has no power please.
Thank you boss
His power has been disabled.
02-08-2011, 01:06 AM
Please help to clear the air.
1 year = 1 rep am i rite?
If so why do i have no rep?
Is it because i post too little?
If I need to post more how many post is more?
02-08-2011, 01:16 AM
Please help to clear the air.
1 year = 1 rep am i rite?
If so why do i have no rep?
Is it because i post too little?
If I need to post more how many post is more?
why would u want the rep points and power for? y are u so concerned?
02-08-2011, 04:44 AM
If so why do i have no rep?
Is it because i post too little?
Big Sexy
02-08-2011, 07:17 AM
you can find all the answers on the first post of this thread.
If I need to post more how many post is more?
03-08-2011, 10:27 PM
Here's another Bro who zap and leave other's Samster nick :(
100% GFE An Qi is back... 03-08-2011 09:17 PM markngsiongboon
Date Given To Comment
100% GFE An Qi is back to se... 03-08-2011 09:17 PM ibadboy markngsiongboon
Busty+Slutty+CFM 36'C' prett... 01-08-2011 06:47 PM loneyheart markngsiongboon
20yo Sex Demon to fullfil yo... 28-07-2011 11:31 PM Swagelock markngsiongboon
Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee ... 27-07-2011 10:39 PM Don28 markngsiongboon
100% GFE An Qi is back to se... 26-07-2011 04:12 PM Fugly markngsiongboon
You post what to me zap you ...I already told you I not the one zap dont believe pm sammyboss ,you makes hell of remark scolding me .
you and fugly problem nothing do with me ,I never support both ,never remark a word -why you post this way?
04-08-2011, 12:11 AM
updated by Big Sexy (17 July 2010)
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR.
Curious about this point. Was my account excluded for this or there's something that I need to set to let this happen?
04-08-2011, 02:15 AM
Curious about this point. Was my account excluded for this or there's something that I need to set to let this happen?
Why u skip
"1. Everyone starts with 20 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 40 is reached, reputation power becomes 1."
and jump straight to point 4? :D
You'll have power 10 once you get 40 points....
Big Sexy
04-08-2011, 08:52 AM
when u hit 40 rep points.. the rep power will kick in..
Curious about this point. Was my account excluded for this or there's something that I need to set to let this happen?
04-08-2011, 11:53 PM
Why u skip
"1. Everyone starts with 20 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 40 is reached, reputation power becomes 1."
and jump straight to point 4? :D
You'll have power 10 once you get 40 points....
when u hit 40 rep points.. the rep power will kick in..
Ah ok. it was a little confusing to me as i comprehended it differently. Thus, skipping the earlier points.
06-08-2011, 04:15 PM
The profanity detector has revealed another violation of rule 8.
thesituation zaps hotmale24 19:12, 6th Aug 2011 -1 you are full of shit. FUCK OFF!
The offending nick has been placed under moderation as a result.
08-08-2011, 12:22 PM
The profanity detector uncovers yet another violation of rule 8.
goddammit76 zaps liew 16:12, 8th Aug 2011 -1 another stupid fuck asking for contacts. can i know ur mom so i can fuck her in the ass and pimp her out after that?
The nick has been placed under moderation for the offense.
09-08-2011, 05:10 AM
The profanity detector uncovers yet another violation of rule 8.
beetlebum zaps tasmania 04:30, 9th Aug 2011 -4 Fucking CB!
10-08-2011, 12:33 PM
I logged in a few days ago and realized I lost my power. Logged in again 2 days later and had my power restored. And finally I lost it again and even had my points reversed. Very strange system. I don't know how it works. Anyway, there's still alot of fun here and I am still enjoying it thoroughly.
10-08-2011, 12:57 PM
Clone nick RI 1 has been placed under moderation for repeatedly manipulating the rep system.
The other clones of this nick are now being put on notice as are the recipients of the points awarded.
10-08-2011, 05:31 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8
lonely_spirit zaps RealEstateGuy 21:16, 10th Aug 2011 -3 FU
The offending nick has been placed under moderation.
12-08-2011, 09:15 AM
Yet one more violation of rule 8!
ch18 zaps wins1973 10:42, 12th Aug 2011 -3 Fuck you!!!
The nick ch18 has been placed under moderation for the offense.
12-08-2011, 10:23 AM
The nick fazer6s has been placed under moderation.
Confirmed clone of S.B.Y.1
Next on the watch list laoliao.
The automated scripts are making the policing of the rep system much easier. In the old days, I had to manually scan through the system.
12-08-2011, 10:48 AM
The nick fazer6s has been placed under moderation.
Confirmed clone of S.B.Y.1
Next on the watch list laoliao.
The automated scripts are making the policing of the rep system much easier. In the old days, I had to manually scan through the system.
Then why did you not investigate this nick
I had been zapping him few hundred points and he still can managed to recover very fast . :eek:
Could it be he have more clones than me :eek:
Or the owner is you aka sammyboy thats why cant put him in negative zone ? :confused:
12-08-2011, 11:44 AM
Then why did you not investigate this nick
I had been zapping him few hundred points and he still can managed to recover very fast .
Could it be he have more clones than me
Or the owner is you aka sammyboy thats why cant put him in negative zone ? :confused:
My goodness you got so many clones . Maybe boss should also investigate you too . :)
By the way can I know why you want so much to zap this guy into negative ? What wrong has he done ?
12-08-2011, 12:15 PM
This guy's points have been going up and down for a long time. There's no point zapping him. He doesn't bother. He carries on posting regardless.
Then why did you not investigate this nick
I had been zapping him few hundred points and he still can managed to recover very fast . :eek:
Could it be he have more clones than me :eek:
Or the owner is you aka sammyboy thats why cant put him in negative zone ? :confused:
12-08-2011, 03:02 PM
This guy's points have been going up and down for a long time. There's no point zapping him. He doesn't bother. He carries on posting regardless.
Well said. I will keep posting then.
12-08-2011, 03:51 PM
Well said. I will keep posting then.
Moderation isn't a death sentence. Many in moderation simply carry on regardless and before you know it, they've accumulated sufficient points to recover every point they lost.:D
12-08-2011, 04:27 PM
The automated scripts are making the policing of the rep system much easier. In the old days, I had to manually scan through the system.
Boss, lidat you have made me out of job liao :eek: :D
12-08-2011, 05:26 PM
Boss, lidat you have made me out of job liao :eek: :D
You can team up with cloneking.
12-08-2011, 05:46 PM
Moderation isn't a death sentence. Many in moderation simply carry on regardless and before you know it, they've accumulated sufficient points to recover every point they lost.:D
Thanks for the encouragement.
12-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Lately Pak's nick keeps appearing everywhere in this forum ;) Pak's not contesting in the President of Singapore election even and all the buzz is there - What an honor
Sam wanna change it to SBY forum instead :p
PM Pak your address and Pak will give you Paks SARONG that you've always wanted for Christmas
Ps Have you had the ink done yet :D
12-08-2011, 09:48 PM
Then why did you not investigate this nick
I had been zapping him few hundred points and he still can managed to recover very fast . :eek:
Could it be he have more clones than me :eek:
Or the owner is you aka sammyboy thats why cant put him in negative zone ? :confused:
this guy is boss clone to catch clone army zapper. go figure it out.....haha.......joking only:D
12-08-2011, 10:58 PM
Boss, I believe this guy violate rule #8.
Micky 23yo syt serve... 12-08-2011 09:42 AM Fucking balls carrier
Please advise. Thank you... :)
13-08-2011, 12:52 AM
The nick fazer6s has been placed under moderation.
Confirmed clone of S.B.Y.1
Next on the watch list laoliao.
The automated scripts are making the policing of the rep system much easier. In the old days, I had to manually scan through the system.
Boss,my advice is to check IP adress..
anyway i'm NOT clones of S.B.Y.1:mad:
13-08-2011, 01:22 AM
Boss, lidat you have made me out of job liao :eek: :D
The nick fazer6s has been placed under moderation.
Confirmed clone of S.B.Y.1
Next on the watch list laoliao.
The automated scripts are making the policing of the rep system much easier. In the old days, I had to manually scan through the system.
Boss,can You explain why 12 posts can get 60 points:D
13-08-2011, 08:51 AM
My goodness you got so many clones . Maybe boss should also investigate you too . :)
By the way can I know why you want so much to zap this guy into negative ? What wrong has he done ?
Still not getting a reply from bro cloneking to my questions. :(
13-08-2011, 08:54 AM
this guy is boss clone to catch clone army zapper. go figure it out.....haha.......joking only:D
I thing I must admit though despite his heavy zapping he did not even complain about being zapped . As what boss had said he just continued with his postings . What a hero . :D
PS . I am in no way related to REG . I am just a neutral party.
13-08-2011, 08:56 AM
Boss,can You explain why 12 posts can get 60 points:
I am also speechless about you too . Having checked your past postings how did you amassed 188 points with just only 51 posts ? :eek: You must have some very powerful backers . :eek:
No wonder boss is watching your account.
13-08-2011, 10:00 AM
Care to share what amuses you about lauliao and cloneking as well as the rep points and all when Pak didn't see you contributing positively to this forum.
Are you aka whitesnake or Ah Tay behind the keyboard :rolleyes:
#567 & 568
Let Sam take charge of it NOT you :mad:
Why did my point became -145 from 145 overnight sia? Anyone can advise?
13-08-2011, 10:18 AM
Did you use profanaties at anyone without leaving your nick
Sam's now clamping on it
13-08-2011, 10:23 AM
Why did my point became -145 from 145 overnight sia? Anyone can advise?
read post #587.......the answer is there. :)
13-08-2011, 11:00 AM
Why did my point became -145 from 145 overnight sia? Anyone can advise?
Here is your ANSWER dude: :D
Yet one more violation of rule 8!
“ch18 zaps wins1973 10:42, 12th Aug 2011 -3 Fuck you!!!”
The nick ch18 has been placed under moderation for the offense.
Boss,can You explain why 12 posts can get 60 points:D
Boss say….you are on his watching list……You have been watched, take care :rolleyes:
13-08-2011, 11:28 AM
Boss, I believe this guy violate rule #8.
Micky 23yo syt serve... 12-08-2011 09:42 AM Fucking balls carrier
Please advise. Thank you... :)
Boss, any advice? :)
13-08-2011, 12:14 PM
Like to zap newbie ?
I am willing to get zap
Please zap me
13-08-2011, 12:37 PM
Another violation of rule 8 detected :
janu zaps Fugly 13:42, 12th Aug 2011 -1 Fucking balls carrier
13-08-2011, 03:00 PM
... Ah Tay behind the keyboard :rolleyes:
Calling no use. No chance for anyone(except forum admin) to zap me.
13-08-2011, 03:03 PM
Like to zap newbie ?
I am willing to get zap
Please zap me
Your nick is very irritating. You kiam teo zap
13-08-2011, 03:22 PM
bro, cant give one more chance?? from +172 to -182 overnight is super harsh leh :(
i now realise my mistake! i initially had no idea why my points kena zap until like that, but now that i read this thread, i know and acknowledge my mistake! my hard earned points and my ability to exchange info with other bros is gone! pleaseeee bro one more chance!!!!
Now i know why my points went to negative.......
Moderator please open your eyes and go check if i did contribute (thought not as much as some Bros) lah.
A forum is for all to contribute and have fun (be it zapping or upping other's point), a form of past-time and relaxation, since Moderator cannot accept what i did that's fine with me man.......
13-08-2011, 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=ch18;6228231]Now i know why my points went to negative.......
Moderator please open your eyes and go check if i did contribute (thought not as much as some Bros) lah. [QUOTE]
7K plus posts and yet power all gone overnight too :(
As you mentioned it's all about FUN :D :cool: and soon you'll take it in your stride
13-08-2011, 04:16 PM
A forum is for all to contribute and have fun (be it zapping or upping other's point), a form of past-time and relaxation,
Yes the forum is about having fun and zapping and adding points is part and parcel of the game. However, when you use the rep system to fuck people without having the balls to leave your nick but stab them in the back with profanities, it may be fun for you but it is NOT FUN for the person you zapped.
When points are added, everyone leaves their nick with a "please up me back" request. You should therefore leave your nick so that those you fuck have the option to FUCK YOU BACK!:D
FUN needs to be a two way street and should not be at the expense of others.
13-08-2011, 04:18 PM
7K plus posts and yet power all gone overnight too :(
As you mentioned it's all about FUN :D :cool: and soon you'll take it in your stride
You may be trying to garner sympathy here but you have conveniently left out the reason your previous nick was neutralised. I'll give you an opportunity to tell everyone what you and your gang tried to do to :rolleyes:
13-08-2011, 04:27 PM
bro, can give me another chance and give my points back please? i admit my mistake and it was a stupid thing to do! but i also have contributed and shared a lot of this forum too! now i cant do much of that! PLEASE BRO! wont happen again!
+172 to -182 overnight is a HUGE punishment for one mistake! please consider that i'm an active contributor to this forum, and without my reputation points which i worked hard to get, i cant exchange info as much :(
13-08-2011, 04:32 PM
The profanity detector has revealed another violation of rule 8.
thesituation zaps hotmale24 19:12, 6th Aug 2011 -1 you are full of shit. FUCK OFF!
The offending nick has been placed under moderation as a result.
i admit my mistake, and it was terrible of me to do such a thing. wont happen again, promise! lesson learnt after losing all my hard earned reputation points. please consider that i am an active contributor and always share and exchange info with other bros.
because of my one unfortunate and stupid mistake, i am unable to do so now! PLEASE may i have another chance and get my hard earned points and power back?
13-08-2011, 04:50 PM
i admit my mistake, and it was terrible of me to do such a thing. wont happen again, promise! lesson learnt after losing all my hard earned reputation points. please consider that i am an active contributor and always share and exchange info with other bros.
because of my one unfortunate and stupid mistake, i am unable to do so now! PLEASE may i have another chance and get my hard earned points and power back?
You can still post. The only difference is that there'll be a slight delay before your posts appear. If you continue your contributions, you'll be back in positive territory in no time at all.
Alternatively, you can register a new nick and start at 20 points. It's a lot faster than working your way back from -171. :p You should consider yourself lucky that you seem to gain points very easily. You posted 75 messages and earned 171 points. I've posted 6145 messages over 10 years and only have 619 points.
There are periods where my points remain stagnant for months even though I've tried my best to be helpful.
13-08-2011, 04:51 PM
Why make for "something ideally zero occurence" to have an occurence ? Then say don't do it again ?
13-08-2011, 04:52 PM
Pak dont need sympathy mind you
Pak quest for viewership in Pak's thread
Pak shared a new forum to Pak's friend list and Sam block nick SBY - sharing is caring right
So there you have it
Anything Pak missed out Sam
13-08-2011, 05:03 PM
Anything Pak missed out Sam
Yes. You left out the fact that you were part of a syndicate that sent out thousands of PMs advertising a new forum to compete with this one. The mistake they made was to send a copy to ME too. Otherwise, I never would have known.
Mind you I'm not afraid of competition. There are many competing forums where the webmasters behave like gentlemen and purchase space for advertising. I have even provided publicity FOC to start up sites after they requested my help.
If decent owners had simply sent me a PM or email, we could easily have worked something out to the benefit of both parties.
Instead, they chose to recruit members covertly to send SPAM via the PM system instead so they could maximise publicity without having to pay a cent while costing me money in bandwidth and server resources.
13-08-2011, 05:14 PM
The nick Elson has been placed under moderation. Clone of MaiDuaKang.
13-08-2011, 05:24 PM
Pak dont need sympathy mind you
Pak quest for viewership in Pak's thread
Pak shared a new forum to Pak's friend list and Sam block nick SBY - sharing is caring right
In Indo's culture, the title Bapak (Pak) & Ibu are accorded to people of high stature or seniority. it's a form of address; part of a respectful title.
However, here, day in day out i see someone calling himself Pak. That's sheer THICK-SKINNED. :rolleyes:
13-08-2011, 05:28 PM
Care to share what amuses you about lauliao and cloneking as well as the rep points and all when Pak didn't see you contributing positively to this forum.
Why should I explain to you ? If I remember correctly I am talking to lauliao and cloneking. I am waiting for them to reply. Why are you replying ? Could they be your clones too ? :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
I am redant and not related to anyone in this forum. You sure have a good imagination . :p
13-08-2011, 05:29 PM
In Indo's culture, the title Bapak (Pak) & Ibu are accorded to people of high stature or seniority. it's a form of address; part of a respectful title.
However, here, day in day out i see someone calling himself Pak. That's sheer THICK-SKINNED. :rolleyes:
Well said bro . :D :) He thinks very highly of himself.
13-08-2011, 05:30 PM
Goodness Sam when is Pak into any syndicate
Pak dished out merely for sharing purpose and Pak dont gain anything from it
Guessedd you mis-judged Pak and Pak neednt go to a war of words with you
Whats done is done lets move on
13-08-2011, 05:38 PM
Goodness Sam when is Pak into any syndicate
Pak dished out merely for sharing purpose and Pak dont gain anything from it
Guessedd you mis-judged Pak and Pak neednt go to a war of words with you
Whats done is done lets move on
Your dirty deeds are slowly being exposed in this forum. Still trying to act innocent.? :confused: You still do not understand of giving respect to the owner of this forum where it is due.
13-08-2011, 06:10 PM
Goodness Sam when is Pak into any syndicate
Pak dished out merely for sharing purpose and Pak dont gain anything from it
If you had nothing to gain, why didn't you report the SPAM to me when you were recruited to help "spread the word".
Your part in the "sharing" is done at my expense. You may only have sent out 20 PMs but 200 members x 20 PMs each = 4000 PMs all of which I had to pay for in one way or another.
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you personally. This sort of cloak and dagger stuff is part and parcel of running a forum. SPAM is a problem throughout cyberspace.
Neither should you take it personally when I take measures to make it as hard as possible for the spammers to freeload.
13-08-2011, 06:22 PM
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you personally. This sort of cloak and dagger stuff is part and parcel of running a forum. SPAM is a problem throughout cyberspace.
Neither should you take it personally when I take measures to make it as hard as possible for the spammers to freeload.
Sam after reading this I have a question - if u have nothing against him why his previous nick S.B.Y power was removed ?
13-08-2011, 06:29 PM
Sam after reading this I have a question - if u have nothing against him why his previous nick S.B.Y power was removed ?
The nick was used to spread spam messages so I dealt with it accordingly. I don't deal with people behind the nicks. I deal only with the accounts which are misused.
If I had something against him personally, I would remove the power of the nick S.B.Y.1 too since it's 100% obvious that it's the same person behind the keyboard.
Same goes with clones. If a person has account A, B and C which he used to zap others, I'll disable 2 of the 3 accounts and leave what I believe to be the main account as it is.
A good example is MaiDuaKang. He obviously has many accounts and I have caught 2 so far but I've left his main account alone.
13-08-2011, 06:40 PM
The nick was used to spread spam messages so I dealt with it accordingly. I don't deal with people behind the nicks. I deal only with the accounts which are misused.
If I had something against him personally, I would remove the power of the nick S.B.Y.1 too since it's 100% obvious that it's the same person behind the keyboard.
Boss I trongly support this move. :D
13-08-2011, 06:44 PM
In Indo's culture, the title Bapak (Pak) & Ibu are accorded to people of high stature or seniority. it's a form of address; part of a respectful title.
However, here, day in day out i see someone calling himself Pak. That's sheer THICK-SKINNED. :rolleyes:
Hi bro dozer long time no see you post liao :) I think is more appropriate to call himself Anak laki-laki or Pelayan. I feel embarrass to call myself "Pak" :eek: :D
13-08-2011, 06:49 PM
Boss I trongly support this move. :D
Ah look what crawled out of the hole a whitesnake Paks nombor one supporter :D
13-08-2011, 06:56 PM
As mentioned many times Sam , Pak dont gain anything from anyone nor know what was spammin even if Pak reports it to you
It was merely about sharing
Okay Sam its time to end this understanding
13-08-2011, 07:30 PM
My goodness you got so many clones . Maybe boss should also investigate you too . :)
By the way can I know why you want so much to zap this guy into negative ? What wrong has he done ?
When you meet a samster so powerful that can withstand all my zaps ( almost 4 figure )excluding other samsters zaps then you will feel more like taking him down :D
And the last time i did zap him till 0 points , and less than 15 minutes he already had 16 points . Very surprising and makes me think its SAMMYBOYS clone .
Also just take it as i dont like people who are screwing high class maids cuz i dont have . :D
Lastly , SAM wont be able to catch all my clones though he did some how kill a few hundred of them . Lucky i still have 800 plus left .
This guy's points have been going up and down for a long time. There's no point zapping him. He doesn't bother. He carries on posting regardless.
I seriously thought is your clone after last encounter . His point just went up straight 16 points when i put him to 0 point. Or could it be a samster with power 16 up him . :eek:
13-08-2011, 07:34 PM
You can team up with cloneking.
He wont like me cuz i will only make him more busy :D
13-08-2011, 07:36 PM
Why should I explain to you ? If I remember correctly I am talking to lauliao and cloneking. I am waiting for them to reply. Why are you replying ? Could they be your clones too ? :confused:
I am redant and not related to anyone in this forum. You sure have a good imagination . :p
Hey dont implicate CLONEKING with his few pathetic clones ! :mad:
I dont think anyone can have more clones than me . :D
13-08-2011, 07:38 PM
A good example is MaiDuaKang. He obviously has many accounts and I have caught 2 so far but I've left his main account alone.
Hi SAM , does this MAIDUAKANG have more clones than me ? :confused:
I have 800 plus left after you destroyed 300 over of them . :mad:
13-08-2011, 07:41 PM
Senior mopiko and bulldozer since Pak is a pelayan then Pak extend invitation to you bOth to come play2 in either JKT or Batam
Pak have to Really layan Seniors from SBF
It will be an honor
Then you both can see how we Indo anak laki laki really party
Hope Pak not too thick- skinned into inviting you both
13-08-2011, 07:42 PM
Still not getting a reply from bro cloneking to my questions. :(
Hey i replied already to your questions and logging off for dinner and watching soccer . Please leave your message here and i will be back to reply . Not so fast though since i need to escape from SAM's radar :D
13-08-2011, 08:38 PM
Hi SAM , does this MAIDUAKANG have more clones than me ? :confused:
I have 800 plus left after you destroyed 300 over of them . :mad:
If all your clones zap me, may i request your favour to estimate how negative my points will be, roughly
Hope you don't mind
13-08-2011, 09:29 PM
When you meet a samster so powerful that can withstand all my zaps ( almost 4 figure )excluding other samsters zaps then you will feel more like taking him down :D
And the last time i did zap him till 0 points , and less than 15 minutes he already had 16 points . Very surprising and makes me think its SAMMYBOYS clone .
Also just take it as i dont like people who are screwing high class maids cuz i dont have
Lastly , SAM wont be able to catch all my clones though he did some how kill a few hundred of them . Lucky i still have 800 plus left .
I seriously thought is your clone after last encounter . His point just went up straight 16 points when i put him to 0 point. Or could it be a samster with power 16 up him .
Thanks bro for your reply . At least I hear your side of the story.
Just a suggestion though won't be much better if you would put him on your ignor list then you get to see his posts. Why waste all the effort to zap this guy ? I would rather you help to up those who are contributing to this forum.
By the way since you got so many clones by any chance can up me a bit of the points ? :D
13-08-2011, 09:32 PM
As mentioned many times Sam , Pak dont gain anything from anyone nor know what was spammin even if Pak reports it to you
It was merely about sharing
Okay Sam its time to end this understanding
You sure it is about sharing ? :rolleyes: Then why need to go via pm ? Why not put it up for everyone to see ? You are one of the moderators there too from what I know.
13-08-2011, 09:33 PM
Hey dont implicate CLONEKING with his few pathetic clones ! :mad:
I dont think anyone can have more clones than me .
Thanks for clarifying that you are not related anyway to S.B.Y.1 . :D
13-08-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi bro dozer long time no see you post liao
eh orang tua, ada seseorang yang kulit tebal sedang mencoba untuk mengajarkan cara ber-kongkek. :rolleyes:
It was merely about sharing
Okay Sam its time to end this understanding
Okay Sam, take a deep breathe, don't vomit blood hor. :D
13-08-2011, 09:37 PM
If all your clones zap me, may i request your favour to estimate how negative my points will be, roughly
Hope you don't mind
Why you want bros to zap you ? :confused:
13-08-2011, 10:09 PM
Why you want bros to zap you ? :confused:
i have 21 pts only leh. 1 pt higher than new account.
Teo zap to heaven ? Just throw away this nick. Register a new one. No pain at all.
Thanks for concern. Pls don't waste time here. There are many unfortunate people waiting to get help
14-08-2011, 07:56 AM
Boss I trongly support this move. :D
You are right !
Boss is doing the right thing
14-08-2011, 08:39 AM
The profanity detector uncovers yet another violation of rule 8.
jus curious.. does all the examples given in the url below r ALL considered as profanity in sbf? or it's mainly the f-words?
14-08-2011, 01:29 PM
Senior mopiko and bulldozer since Pak is a pelayan then Pak extend invitation to you bOth to come play2 in either JKT or Batam
Thanks lah...I am nobody to be invited to JKT or Batam by "Pak" ;) Anyway, I visits Indonesia at least twice a month so don't be bother :D
eh orang tua, ada seseorang yang kulit tebal sedang mencoba untuk mengajarkan cara ber-kongkek
You mean there are ppl who have thicker skin than African Elephant? :eek: OMG! :D
14-08-2011, 01:32 PM
Trims Mas bulldozer and mopiko for your replies
Anyway Pak dedicate this song for you both :D
14-08-2011, 05:34 PM
You mean there are ppl who have thicker skin than African Elephant? OMG!
Yah got one here in this forum. He is above my post . :D :p
16-08-2011, 04:59 AM
hi i'd like to know why i kanna moderation? :confused:
16-08-2011, 05:03 AM
hi i'd like to know why i kanna moderation? :confused:
You've only posted 2 messages in 6 years. You'll need to get your posting stats up before your moderation status is automatically lifted.
Kuan Aik Hong
16-08-2011, 10:35 AM
Hi I wanna know when can I leave the moderation? Is been more than a year since I been lock here.
16-08-2011, 11:13 AM
Hi I wanna know when can I leave the moderation? Is been more than a year since I been lock here.
Moderation ends when your points return to positive territory. As long as they remain negative, moderation is part and parcel of life. :D
16-08-2011, 11:14 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8
4eyemonk zaps King.Cobra 13:48, 16th Aug 2011 -1 fuck u la king.cobra aka jason2179
The nick 4eyemonk has been placed under moderation for the offense.
16-08-2011, 03:47 PM
You've only posted 2 messages in 6 years. You'll need to get your posting stats up before your moderation status is automatically lifted.
haiz kk thx for info, was overseas for quite awhile thats why didnt come in see see look look...
16-08-2011, 04:26 PM
haiz kk thx for info, was overseas for quite awhile thats why didnt come in see see look look...
Unless you were sent to a part of deepest Africa which civilisation has yet to touch, being overseas is no excuse for not logging on regularly.:rolleyes:
17-08-2011, 05:10 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8...
newby010 zaps assrammer 07:04, 17th Aug 2011 -4 Yo momma must be a whore in her past and current lives..
The offender has been placed under moderation.
This is a cop-out.
Else it is cronyism.
This guy's points have been going up and down for a long time. There's no point zapping him. He doesn't bother. He carries on posting regardless.
17-08-2011, 03:45 PM
This is a cop-out.
Else it is cronyism.
There is no evidence of cronyism at the moment. If there is a pattern, it will be detected by my trusty scripts.
17-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8...
The offender has been placed under moderation.
good job boss! thanks for yet again exposing those with no balls
not only did you exposed an rule violator, you have successfully identified a money grabbing whore........ he must have been offended by my comments cause he obviously is one......... what a shame........ a man with that kind of mentality.........
Boss what about my case?
Consolidated "looking... 16-05-2009 08:16 AM fuck u zap u ass hole
Consolidated "looking... 15-05-2009 03:22 AM i zap u bcoz u talking cock...knnaccb
Consolidated "looking... 12-05-2009 09:34 PM BASTARD...
19-08-2011, 08:36 AM
Boss what about my case?
Consolidated "looking... 16-05-2009 08:16 AM fuck u zap u ass hole
Consolidated "looking... 15-05-2009 03:22 AM i zap u bcoz u talking cock...knnaccb
Consolidated "looking... 12-05-2009 09:34 PM BASTARD...
I have very strong feeling....tis 1 sure gone case.
ah rat
19-08-2011, 12:16 PM
Boss what about my case?
Consolidated "looking... 16-05-2009 08:16 AM fuck u zap u ass hole
Consolidated "looking... 15-05-2009 03:22 AM i zap u bcoz u talking cock...knnaccb
Consolidated "looking... 12-05-2009 09:34 PM BASTARD...
Bro,tis sure gone case if it is zap 2011. :D
19-08-2011, 12:22 PM
Boss what about my case?
Consolidated "looking... 16-05-2009 08:16 AM fuck u zap u ass hole
Consolidated "looking... 15-05-2009 03:22 AM i zap u bcoz u talking cock...knnaccb
Consolidated "looking... 12-05-2009 09:34 PM BASTARD...
The statute of limitations ( prevents action from being taken for something that happened more than 2 years ago.
There was not automatic script in those days. You should have PM me immediately when it happened.
19-08-2011, 01:17 PM
The statute of limitations ( prevents action from being taken for something that happened more than 2 years ago.
There was not automatic script in those days. You should have PM me immediately when it happened.
The Limitation Act talks about commencement of action in Court. With due respect, kindly enlighten us as to how this piece of legislation becomes applicable to this forum?
19-08-2011, 01:34 PM
The Limitation Act talks about commencement of action in Court. With due respect, kindly enlighten us as to how this piece of legislation becomes applicable to this forum?
It's applicable because, I, Samuel Leong, the supreme commander & chief and owner of this little corner of cyberspace, issued a decree stating that I was not going to bother about stuff that happened so long ago.
19-08-2011, 01:42 PM
It's applicable because, I, Samuel Leong, the supreme commander & chief and owner of this little corner of cyberspace, issued a decree stating that I was not going to bother about stuff that happened so long ago.
Then its all about your prerogative powers and not by the statute of limitation.
19-08-2011, 02:06 PM
Then its all about your prerogative powers and not by the statute of limitation.
Are you some kind of moron?:rolleyes: Every rule is here is my prerogative. I'm simply using the term "statute of limitations" to explain why I'm not going to bother doing anything about a zap that occured in Aug 2009.
19-08-2011, 03:15 PM
Are you some kind of moron?:rolleyes: Every rule is here is my prerogative. I'm simply using the term "statute of limitations" to explain why I'm not going to bother doing anything about a zap that occured in Aug 2009.
Thanks for the clarification, Boss.
There are two kinds of people in the world: people who divide people into 2 kinds of people, and people who don't.
22-08-2011, 12:44 PM
Hi Boss...What has happen to me? I had never zap anyone from the 1st day I step into this forum...I always up others . Hope u can help me boss.
22-08-2011, 03:43 PM
Hi Boss...What has happen to me? I had never zap anyone from the 1st day I step into this forum...I always up others . Hope u can help me boss.
Upping others is what got you into trouble.:D You used too many of your clones to do the job. I let you keep your primary account so you can continue adding points with that account in a fair and decent manner. ;)
23-08-2011, 03:37 PM
Hi bro,just wana ask, how do i get power and reputation?
thanks alot
ah rat
23-08-2011, 04:17 PM
Hi bro,just wana ask, how do i get power and reputation?
thanks alot
Contribute pixs or story.U may get ur pts up or zap :D
24-08-2011, 12:58 PM
Why my points become negative instantly?
24-08-2011, 01:42 PM
Why my points become negative instantly?
Yo! It's for the same reason that your other clone nicks have been placed under moderation. It's to stop you from distorting the rep points system by using multiple nicks to add points.
Each member should only use ONE account to add or subtract points. Using multiple accounts is unfair to those who follow the rules.
Big Sexy
24-08-2011, 04:00 PM
sam...seems like rep point and rep power are in high demand here...
it is time you consider selling them..... it helps build samsters' self esteem and provide an easier path for them to get contacts..:D:D
i am not joking anyone interested in buying some rep points? pm me please..;)
Hi bro,just wana ask, how do i get power and reputation?
thanks alot
24-08-2011, 04:06 PM
sam...seems like rep point and rep power are in high demand here...
If I sold rep points and then removed them because of some misdemeanor, the member would then demand his money back!:p
This forum is already more commercial than I ever intended it to be so rep points is one area where I'll maintain the status quo. ;)
24-08-2011, 04:42 PM
If I sold rep points and then removed them because of some misdemeanor, the member would then demand his money back!:p
This forum is already more commercial than I ever intended it to be so rep points is one area where I'll maintain the status quo. ;)
I am with you on this, Boss.
26-08-2011, 08:31 AM
Hi boss, what happened to my account? All of a sudden it turns negative rep points.
I am a new member and never offend anyone.
Kindly advice. Thank you.
29-08-2011, 04:55 AM
Kindly advice. Thank you.
Should be "Kindly ADVISE.".
"Advice" is a noun.
29-08-2011, 04:56 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8 detected.
Largeville zaps Greencard 02:49, 29th Aug 2011 -1 fucker... your points not even 20 and you doing this? WTF? ...
The nick has been placed under moderation for the offence.
29-08-2011, 12:47 PM
Largeville is not fucking Greencard. he called Greencard as "fucker" only. May boss give him a chance !
29-08-2011, 01:17 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8
kimoze1 zaps catchyou 13:05, 29th Aug 2011 -4 fuck yr mother
The offending nick has been placed under moderation.
31-08-2011, 05:06 PM
Hi Sammy boss, may I know why am I unable to zap points when I disagree with the post?
Kindly advise.
Thank you.
31-08-2011, 05:20 PM
Hi Sammy boss, may I know why am I unable to zap points when I disagree with the post?
Kindly advise.
Thank you.
You only have a power of 1 so you can't zap yet. You need at least a power of 2 before you can zap 1 point.
01-09-2011, 12:05 AM
I wanna zap ppl but cannot also. What wrong is there when I was asking the TS to remove my GF's photo from his post, then next thing I know I was -100. Yeah I scolded him, but it was at PM not publicly, so what's wrong here?
01-09-2011, 04:10 AM
I wanna zap ppl but cannot also. What wrong is there when I was asking the TS to remove my GF's photo from his post, then next thing I know I was -100. Yeah I scolded him, but it was at PM not publicly, so what's wrong here?
This hasn't just happened. You were placed under moderation way back in 2009 for violating rule 8.
superk92 zaps naturegreen 05:32, 29th Nov 2009 -3 ur f***king lame to post this without knowing her. Im more than close to her, shes not what ppl thanks, lame geeks!
01-09-2011, 04:12 AM
Boss Sammyboyfor, May I ask what am I negative?
Please restore me back in positive NOW!!!.
Thank You.
Violation of rule 8 :
arsehole zaps geylangbonker 00:58, 29th Dec 2010 0 FUCKER....FUCK YOUR MOTHER CHEE BY.
05-09-2011, 05:31 AM
Sammyboy Boss,
Please do me justices as I was ZAPed by a few senior that violate RULE no. 8
Please investigate.
Please uphold law and order and restore back the points.
Thank You.
Points are not restored. That's not how it looks. However, the nick "bonk'em all"has been placed under moderation for the offence.
bonk'em all zaps Angal 18:23, 5th May 2011 -4 Fuck you
This Sammyboy nerd is an asshole himself le.....
Jensen Ang
05-09-2011, 10:19 PM
Hi sammy boss,
Someone dare to zap me but dont dare to leave a nick.
Is he violating your RULE 8?
Please punish him if he breaks the law.
Jensen Ang
05-09-2011, 11:21 PM
sammy boss, please ensure law and order, so many samsters zap me violating YOUR RULE NO. 8
05-09-2011, 11:45 PM
If SAM can't do justice maybe you can take it a step further :D
bonk'em all
06-09-2011, 07:40 AM
Points are not restored. That's not how it looks. However, the nick "bonk'em all"has been placed under moderation for the offence.
Sammyboy Guru,
Please kindly reinstate my points. The reason I zapped "Angal" was because this bro was posting information blatantly about a joint, and in the process inviting the AV to raid this place. You can check from his history. I believe that we bros of SBF should uphold a code of honor by sharing information, but yet protecting the safety of these joints so all bros can enjoy them.
Please reconsider.
Thank you in advance, sir.
bonk'em all
06-09-2011, 12:30 PM
Sammyboy Guru,
Please kindly reinstate my points. The reason I zapped "Angal" was because this bro was posting information blatantly about a joint, and in the process inviting the AV to raid this place. You can check from his history. I believe that we bros of SBF should uphold a code of honor by sharing information, but yet protecting the safety of these joints so all bros can enjoy them.
Please reconsider.
Thank you in advance, sir.
bonk'em all
You have every right to zap Angal. What he did was terrible and he should honor the code.
I will be zapping him too later.
However, the fact that you did not leave your nick means that you violated rule 8 and the penalty has to apply.
06-09-2011, 02:58 PM
If SAM can't do justice maybe you can take it a step further
Another intelligent post from you :rolleyes:
06-09-2011, 05:59 PM
Another intelligent post from you :rolleyes:
Makaseh ya :p
Jensen Ang
06-09-2011, 09:19 PM
Sammyboy boss, please check my account. I want to report people who violate RULE no 8.
Jensen Ang
07-09-2011, 03:06 PM
Sammyboy boss, please check my account. I want to report people who violate RULE no 8.
Boss where are u?
07-09-2011, 05:26 PM
The nick Elson has been placed under moderation. Clone of MaiDuaKang.
Boss Sam, can't you do anything to remove this Elson and his master MaiDuaKang?
He is spamming most of the threads in Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos
Jensen Ang
07-09-2011, 07:45 PM
MoralEpitome = MoralEthics = Ichigo Kurosaki = Kurosaki Ichigo = Big Foot = berma = Loving Dickhead = clones
sammyboyfor, please investigate those clones, once there is a compliant you need to provide an answer as the big boss.
You are one step nearer in compacting those clone.
07-09-2011, 08:23 PM
sammyboyfor, please investigate those clones, once there is a compliant you need to provide an answer as the big boss.
You are one step nearer in compacting those clone.
You are not a newbie anymore, please read and open your eyes. What is it all about before jumping into conclusion :D:p
07-09-2011, 08:57 PM
bro elson, when flaming time, dun bring parents in leh, wan to flame also up to certain standard ma.. bringing parents/family members in really buay steady leh..
nobody's parents deserve tat tio bo.. ;)
07-09-2011, 09:07 PM
lan lan right whahahahhahahaha
lan lan right whahahahhahahaha
sighs, another ill bred bastard, even me an ex convict can behave better than u, better ask ur mum and dad to teach u more manners, u have a lot more to learn ... or u need a step father :D
07-09-2011, 09:09 PM
Alan0338, when flaming time, must bring parents in leh, wan to flame also must swear at lao pek and bu mah... bringing parents/family members is really steady leh..
you deserve tat tio bo..
then should play bigger ma... ai mai... :)
07-09-2011, 09:10 PM
sighs, another ill bred bastard, even me billgates can behave better than u, better ask ur mum and dad to teach u more manners, u have a lot more to learn ... or u need a step father :rolleyes::D
last reply, sian with u liao... pity ur parents ... rather have a char siew bao than have u... total sia suay to ur mum and dad...
bye bye :p
07-09-2011, 09:11 PM
sighs, another ill bred bastard, even me an ex convict can behave better than u, better ask ur mum and dad to teach u more manners, u have a lot more to learn ...
Bro alan0338, this guy hang around Mask 51 and GM. Smelly leg.
He just want us to response to his posts, ignore him and he will die off. :D
Let Boss Sam and moderators to play with him :p
He is only afraid of Boss Sam and moderators. :D
07-09-2011, 09:17 PM
Bro alan0338, this guy hang around Mask 51 and GM. Smelly leg.
He just want us to response to his posts, ignore him and he will die off. :D
Let Boss Sam and moderators to play with him :p
He is only afraid of Boss Sam and moderators. :D
ok noted liao ... :D
Buffon Lee
07-09-2011, 09:36 PM
Bro alan0338, this guy hang around Mask 51 and GM. Smelly leg.
He just want us to response to his posts, ignore him and he will die off. :D
Let Boss Sam and moderators to play with him :p
He is only afraid of Boss Sam and moderators. :D
Oh I see.. this guy like those vietnamese whores. He must the smelly leg who cheated the vietnamese whores in 81 and run off without paying these whores :D
Buffon Lee
08-09-2011, 12:57 AM
Bro Yam Ah Mee, this dog clone Buffon Lee hang around DM and CD. Smelly leg.
Buffon Lee this clone faggot just want us to response to his posts, ignore him and he will die off.
Let Boss Yam Ah Mee and moderators to play with that faggot.
Buffon Lee this clone faggot is only afraid of DUA PAO and CANNONS.
Oh I see.. this faggot asshole bastard Buffon Lee likes those china cheena whores. He must the smelly leg who cheated the china cheena sluts and whores in 81 and run off without paying these whores :rolleyes::D
Your father is looking for you :D
Buffon Lee
08-09-2011, 03:59 AM
Your faggot father just died :eek::eek:
Nope your PRC mother whore die first :D
Jensen Ang
08-09-2011, 10:18 AM
Sammyboy boss, where are u??? MIA?
Please come back and do me justice. Investigate my account and moderate those fellow that violate your rule no 8.
Jensen Ang
08-09-2011, 11:26 AM
Samuel Leong, so many people hunting for u. Come out NOW!
08-09-2011, 06:51 PM
Nope your PRC mother whore die first
Your faggot father just died
Di Di only -115 and said that bros mother,father died!
please Open your bigbig eyes look at my points;)
hope that this monday went back to school think it again!!!
Points can't buy anything..:)
09-09-2011, 10:27 AM
For every 600points collected from petrol station, i redeem $20/- worth of petrol.
However, for every 600 reputation i collected from forum, i can't redeem anything !
Don't feel angry on loosing reputation points please!
09-09-2011, 10:44 AM
Sammyboy boss, where are u??? MIA?
Please come back and do me justice. Investigate my account and moderate those fellow that violate your rule no 8.
Samuel Leong, so many people hunting for u. Come out NOW!
Boss Sam, why you been ignoring this crying child? :D
He been crying begging for points for many days now :p
Boss Sam, where are you? ;)
09-09-2011, 10:53 AM
School holiday!
Boss bring child and wife for tour. Try calling him on next monday onward
Boss Sam, why you been ignoring this crying child? :D
He been crying begging for points for many days now :p
Boss Sam, where are you? ;)
09-09-2011, 11:02 AM
School holiday!
Boss bring child and wife for tour. Try calling him on next monday onward
I also think so cos he was saying he wanting to go US for 9/11 anniversary followed by a Caribbean tour.
Hope he bring back a nice fruit cake from one of the shop in Jamaica :p
09-09-2011, 11:03 AM
Sam on vacation here
Where there is no clubbing :p
09-09-2011, 11:18 AM
Sam on vacation here
Where there is no clubbing :p
Ha-Ha....Simple and nice resort
09-09-2011, 11:44 AM
Sam on vacation here
Where there is no clubbing :p
Your post are sure getting smarter and smarter by the day . :p :rolleyes:
09-09-2011, 11:53 AM
Your post are sure getting smarter and smarter by the day . :p :rolleyes:
Pak UlarPuteh
Wanna come learn from Pak :p
You still not done with your grudge with the past well Pak diagnose it as "too much spemies in the head" :D
So do get it release to avoid flooding your brain cells for failure to do so might lead to ischemic stroke (burst of the brain veins)
If you decide to release them, just before ejaculation SHOUT PAK's name threee times so that the tension goes away.
Do it at least 5 times and you be at peace with the world
09-09-2011, 12:55 PM
Pak UlarPuteh
If you decide to release them, just before ejaculation SHOUT PAK's name threee times so that the tension goes away.
Still so thick skin calling yourself PAK . What a joke . hahaha ... :p No need to worry about me I can take care of myself . In fact you should worry about your clones and your croonies . By the way how come your points still keep on going up ?
09-09-2011, 02:40 PM
The only person that I know who really care less of points is REG :D:p
He earned my respect for this alone only. :D
09-09-2011, 03:01 PM
Still so thick skin calling yourself PAK . What a joke . hahaha ... :p No need to worry about me I can take care of myself . In fact you should worry about your clones and your croonies . By the way how come your points still keep on going up ?
To gain points Pak UlarPuteh you must come out to the open field and not hide like a true blue banci :D
Dont forget your prescribed regime that is to shout Pak SBY1 5 times whenever you ejaculate thats is if you can
Udah lah Pak UlarPuteh km diam2 aje dong jik2 tau aso
09-09-2011, 04:57 PM
To gain points Pak UlarPuteh you must come out to the open field and not hide like a true blue banci :D
Dont forget your prescribed regime that is to shout Pak SBY1 5 times whenever you ejaculate thats is if you can
Udah lah Pak UlarPuteh km diam2 aje dong jik2 tau aso
Wah didn't know you like sperm to be sprayed over that face of yours . You must be an ah gua :eek: So brothers who got spare sperms to spray over him please do this to help him Own target own timing . :)
09-09-2011, 08:25 PM
Hi i am yourfucker
10-09-2011, 01:12 AM
Pak sby n white snake. Chill la. I gather u guys from indo. Pa kabar.
10-09-2011, 01:22 AM
Pak sby n white snake. Chill la. I gather u guys from indo. Pa kabar.
Kbr baik Mas Scooby007 :cool:
Pak from Indo and UlarPuteh from ZOO :D
10-09-2011, 10:25 PM
I need more zap. Hope you can help
Thank you very much
11-09-2011, 09:30 AM
Pak sby n white snake. Chill la. I gather u guys from indo. Pa kabar.
Sorry me no from indo . Me from sbf . :D
I need more zap. Hope you can help
Thank you very much
Kindly please contact the one above your post . He sure got a lot of firepower. He should be able to assist you . :p
By the way why you want to be zapped ? :confused:
Kbr baik Mas Scooby007
Pak from Indo and UlarPuteh from ZOO
You are DEAD WRONG . Me from sbf . Wahwahwah .
11-09-2011, 10:42 AM
He (nicehusband) rather get Zap than be bitten by UlarPuteh :D
11-09-2011, 12:05 PM
He (nicehusband) rather get Zap than be bitten by UlarPuteh
So are you going to help him fulfill his wish ? My zap and if I have really have any poison would only be solely reserve for you , your clones and your croonies . WahWahWah . :D :p
11-09-2011, 12:44 PM
What an Honor
Do reserve the MOST potent poison for Pak :p but promise don't bite Pak's backside if not later Pak FART at your face
11-09-2011, 06:41 PM
I wonder how come your points went up so fast from 288 this morning to now 296 :rolleyes:
I wonder how come your points went up so fast from 288 this morning to now 296 :rolleyes:
Snakes never study in school ? :confused:
296 - 288 = Got 8 points up . :D
11-09-2011, 08:20 PM
Boss.can you check this guy that zap me on 03-12-2010 09:14AM.
Zapped U Mr Bastard for being a Nuisance here!!!Thank You:)
11-09-2011, 08:53 PM
forgot to inform you that i am yourfucker
12-09-2011, 03:41 AM
forgot to inform you that i am yourfucker
Kumsiatiko yourfucker.i also forget to thank you your mom ass:p
cim also:)
Do you check your DNA?;)
Don't tell me I am your father:eek:
12-09-2011, 05:32 AM
You want to be zapped??? That's a rather odd request??? People mya actually come & zap you??? :DBros
I need more zap. Hope you can help
Thank you very much
12-09-2011, 07:07 AM
Kumsiatiko i also forget to thank you your mom ass
cim also
Do you check your DNA?
Don't tell me I am your father
12-09-2011, 12:26 PM
Snakes never study in school ?
296 - 288 = Got 8 points up .
By the way my name not snakes . Did your teacher never teach you how to read properly ? :p
If you are referring to me yes I never go school . But the greatest school in the world is right here in sbf . :D
12-09-2011, 03:58 PM
Bro Yam Ah Mee, this faggot Buffon Lee clone of Ichigo Kurosaki and MoralEpitome hang around DM and CD. Smelly leg.
Buffon Lee that faggot just want us to response to his posts, ignore him and he will die off.
Let Boss Sam and moderators to play with that faggot.
Buffon Lee clone of ICHIGO KUROSAKI and MoralEpitome is only afraid of DUA PAO and CANNONS. :rolleyes::D
Didnt I tell you in my post a few days ago to crawl back into your hole? I see you are making a nuisance of youself in other threads.
Nothing but rants and hatred in your posts
Sammyboy boss, where are u??? MIA?
Please come back and do me justice. Investigate my account and moderate those fellow that violate your rule no 8.
You seem to be a like image of Elson. The manner you conduct yourself in this forum speaks volumes for your maturity and character. If you were a school boy, I would slap you and make you sit in a corner :).
Whitesnake, I am going to give you the same advice I gave Elson. Go crawl back in your hole...
13-09-2011, 02:20 AM
I don't know why I kena zap until red. Can good brothers pls up me some points so that I can be out from DB.
change your nick=femaletiger:D
posted some without Teeth Tiger then Pm me:D
13-09-2011, 11:15 AM
Everybody looking for Boss Sam :confused:
He's still around but seems like he's letting this forum to run wild (relexing on spammers - Elson and school kid begger - Jensen Ang begging for points) for a while to hype up readership :D
13-09-2011, 03:24 PM
Sgp is a democratic society :)...public debate is good for the system
bonk'em all
14-09-2011, 12:12 PM
You have every right to zap Angal. What he did was terrible and he should honor the code.
I will be zapping him too later.
However, the fact that you did not leave your nick means that you violated rule 8 and the penalty has to apply.
Hi Sammyboy Guru,
May I ask how long will my moderation last for? I would need to post some information soon.
14-09-2011, 08:18 PM
Hi Sammyboy Guru,
May I ask how long will my moderation last for? I would need to post some information soon.
You are free to post in any section. The only difference is that there will be a delay before your post appears.
Your moderation is lifted when once your rep points get back into positive territory.
14-09-2011, 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Points are not restored. That's not how it looks. However, the nick "bonk'em all"has been placed under moderation for the offence.
boss, u never do me justice. What about those below?
05-05-2011 02:23 PM Fuck you
27-04-2011 12:03 PM To hell with you!
7-04-2011 01:38 AM you fucktar go poon location
26-04-2011 08:21 AM fucker
25-04-2011 09:07 PM fuck u
08-03-2011 10:57 PM Fuck u asshole !!!
May I ask Boss if they all had violated your RULE no. 8???
All those were dealt with when they happened.
bonk'em all
14-09-2011, 11:58 PM
You are free to post in any section. The only difference is that there will be a delay before your post appears.
Your moderation is lifted when once your rep points get back into positive territory.
Noted. But my points are currently -151! So I have to wait till other bros up me at least 152 points??? And what about my previous 7 power?
Big Sexy
15-09-2011, 02:04 PM
U get the 7 rep power only after your rep points hit 40 and above... Noted. But my points are currently -151! So I have to wait till other bros up me at least 152 points??? And what about my previous 7 power?
15-09-2011, 03:47 PM
sam...seems like rep point and rep power are in high demand here...
it is time you consider selling them..... it helps build samsters' self esteem and provide an easier path for them to get contacts..
i am not joking anyone interested in buying some rep points? pm me please..
If I sold rep points and then removed them because of some misdemeanor, the member would then demand his money back!
This forum is already more commercial than I ever intended it to be so rep points is one area where I'll maintain the status quo.
If you people cant sell points then can i sell my clones ? :confused: :D
Too many on hand need to get rid of some :D
Power 2 $20 with almost 50 points
Power 3 $30 with almost 50 points
Power 4 $35 with almost 50 points
Power 5 $40 with almost 50 points
Power 6 $50 with almost 50 points
Power 7 and 8 $ 200 , more expensive due to very high pointers almost 900 points .
Please keep me informed if its ok or not . Thanks ;)
Jensen Ang
15-09-2011, 05:03 PM
Hey sammyboyfor,
Please investigate my account. Did any one violate your rule no 8?
Please uphold your law.
Big Sexy
15-09-2011, 05:11 PM
you could see the remarks in your usercp.
report ONLY if someone has violates the rules..
Hey sammyboyfor,
Please investigate my account. Did any one violate your rule no 8?
Please uphold your law.
15-09-2011, 06:24 PM
you could see the remarks in your usercp.
report ONLY if someone has violates the rules..
Bro Big Sexy, I really salute you for taking the time attending to this cry baby :D
Accordingly, he has violated an offence under the Destitute Persons Act. :p
15-09-2011, 06:43 PM
Can i redeem money with points? if not, i will fuck you
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