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18-09-2011, 05:47 AM
Boss.can you check this guy that zap me on 03-12-2010 09:14AM.
Zapped U Mr Bastard for being a Nuisance here!!!Thank You:)

Big Boss.give kumsiatiko a answer:)
Thank you:)

22-09-2011, 05:05 PM
Boss, a simple request from me.

As of today I had decided to call it a day and yes, abandone my SBF account. It had been a roller-coaster ride for the past 2 years of dabbling in SBF, and thanks for the memories.

Not being noble or watever, and I really do not know the 2 fellow samsters quoted below, my request would be to deduct my points and distribute to these 2 samsters. Perhaps 475 pts to samster surbana, and remaining 17 to samster angal.

The thought of giving a final zap and making a stupid comment including F-word and thus violating rule 8 did cross my mind, but no, i wouldn't resort to this idiotic act.

Kindly consider my request.


Hi Boss...What has happen to me? I had never zap anyone from the 1st day I step into this forum...I always up others . Hope u can help me boss.

Boss, are you sure?

Please reveal those nick as per your normal practice.

22-09-2011, 05:24 PM
It doesn't work that way. :D However, you are free to hand over your account to whoever you deem deserving.;)

Not being noble or watever, and I really do not know the 2 fellow samsters quoted below, my request would be to deduct my points and distribute to these 2 samsters. Perhaps 475 pts to samster surbana, and remaining 17 to samster angal.

22-09-2011, 09:25 PM
Boss, a simple request from me.

As of today I had decided to call it a day and yes, abandone my SBF account. It had been a roller-coaster ride for the past 2 years of dabbling in SBF, and thanks for the memories.

Not being noble or watever, and I really do not know the 2 fellow samsters quoted below, my request would be to deduct my points and distribute to these 2 samsters. Perhaps 475 pts to samster surbana, and remaining 17 to samster angal.

The thought of giving a final zap and making a stupid comment including F-word and thus violating rule 8 did cross my mind, but no, i wouldn't resort to this idiotic act.

Kindly consider my request.


wah bro, wat happen to make u give up ur acct?? :confused:

24-09-2011, 10:22 AM
Boss... decided to ... abandone my SBF account.... a roller-coaster ride for the past 2 years..do not know the 2 fellow samsters ... deduct my points and distribute ... 475 pts... surbana, ...17 ... angal.... final zap ... including F-word and thus violating rule 8 ... cross my mind... idiotic act...

:(Really serious - cute/sweet avatar gone!!! :p No point final zap with F-word - only result in reverse zap - account still exists. As you have decided to give up - nothing to lose. Suggest you give blunt feedbacks on your unhappiness/grouses on your "roller-coaster ride" which could be interpreted positively as "exciting" or negatively as "terrifying" for info of others and Sammboyfor. Believe you also disagree with reverse zap for using F word without nick or other reasons (clone?).

Boss; to me. Using F-word is nothing in a sex forum. I will not feel anything if anyone use it on me when they zap me - whether nick or no nick. Using F word with mother, wife, sister, etc is serious, should not be allowed in SBF (both in posts/zaps) - nothing to do with nick. Script should be more discerning - if not too much cost/efforts required to fine tune. MHO for your consideration again.

Disclaimer: I do not know anyone reverse zapped by Boss

25-09-2011, 12:40 AM
Wow so the system seems fair

25-09-2011, 04:57 AM
Wow so the system seems fair

No system is fair.

25-09-2011, 06:00 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8 :

XTEME2314 zaps hiro_nakamura 09:38, 25th Sep 2011 -4 fuck you

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

27-09-2011, 03:50 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8.

phantomboyz zaps Wuluwulubangala 00:40, 27th Sep 2011 -4 fuck off bastard

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

30-09-2011, 02:46 PM
Another violation of rule 8 :

DIDI zaps KINGLOVEBRA 00:07, 22nd Aug 2011 -4 fuck u

DIDI zaps mainplay 14:58, 30th Sep 2011 -4 why dont u post ur mum pic fucker!

The nick has been placed under moderation for the offense.

04-10-2011, 08:52 AM
No Sir, not at all. ;)

But I think the thing you should ask here is, "Do they know that such 'simple rule' exists?". :rolleyes:

Cheers. :D

Yet ANOTHER violation of rule 8. Is it so hard to understand such a simple rule????:confused:

04-10-2011, 11:31 AM
No Sir, not at all. ;)

But I think the thing you should ask here is, "Do they know that such 'simple rule' exists?". :rolleyes:

Cheers. :D

They should. The rule has been there for the last 7 years. :D The old birds will definitely be aware of it and all new sign ups go through the stickies.

04-10-2011, 04:26 PM
One more violation of rule 8

king bong zaps Puki69 15:26, 4th Oct 2011 -1 Idiot! Fuck you filipino!

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

07-10-2011, 08:18 AM
... should ask.., "Do they know that such 'simple rule' exists?"...

They should. The rule has been there for the last 7 years. :D The old birds will definitely be aware of it and all new sign ups go through the stickies.

Definitely no excuse for not knowing Rule 8 - also no reason not to abide. Unfortunately, those who were reversed zapped appeared not to be aware of the rule. Just wondering whether Sammyboyfor can send a one time reminder to all - for those not aware/forgotten. Some fine tuning of rule might help also. Cheers :D.

07-10-2011, 10:05 AM
Boss, a simple request from me.

As of today I had decided to call it a day and yes, abandone my SBF account. It had been a roller-coaster ride for the past 2 years of dabbling in SBF, and thanks for the memories.

Not being noble or watever, and I really do not know the 2 fellow samsters quoted below, my request would be to deduct my points and distribute to these 2 samsters. Perhaps 475 pts to samster surbana, and remaining 17 to samster angal.


Tis chap look like si RK bo??:p:D

Big Sexy
07-10-2011, 10:08 AM
RC.. you MIA so long.. now finally appear huh???..
where did u go man??? no sound no picture..:mad:
how have you been??? :)

not sure whether that nick belongs to RK.. very long never see him here also..;)


Tis chap look like si RK bo??:p

07-10-2011, 10:19 AM
RC.. you MIA so long.. now finally appear huh???..
where did u go man??? no sound no picture..:mad:
how have you been???

not sure whether that nick belongs to RK.. very long never see him here also..;)
No MIA, just busy with work and other things
Once in a while catching up with those buggas still but also lower frequency.

thought I come in to see what's up w the rep system mah
C whether I will get a 16RP, the 20k pts not relevant:D

mai hot hot la, anytime u free lets meet, my no. no chg

Big Sexy
07-10-2011, 10:34 AM
must go get ms, rk and those buggas to come here more often
ms visits sammyboy.com more than here..;)

my rp 16, still no change, waiting for sam for give me more power...
then i can zap you more :D

No MIA, just busy with work and other things
Once in a while catching up with those buggas still but also lower frequency.

thought I come in to see what's up w the rep system mah
C whether I will get a 16RP, the 20k pts not relevant:D

mai hot hot la, anytime u free lets meet, my no. no chg

08-10-2011, 03:46 PM

Please let us know how hendri2 got zap more than 40 points in a few hours

As you don't condone mass zaps pls englighten us with an answer


Big Sexy
08-10-2011, 04:02 PM
how is it that you reminds me of the school bully who loves picking on kids till
one of their big brothers come along and give him a pasting.
Then he rushes off to the teacher crying about being bullied.:D:D

mate, you guy should give sam a break..
i see alot of you guy 'demanding' him for an answer..
when he doesnt need to give any :)


Please let us know how hendri2 got zap more than 40 points in a few hours

As you don't condone mass zaps pls englighten us with an answer


08-10-2011, 04:07 PM
how is it that you reminds me of the school bully who loves picking on kids till
one of their big brothers come along and give him a pasting.
Then he rushes off to the teacher crying about being bullied.

He is indeed one big bully himself . :p :D ;)

08-10-2011, 04:15 PM

Please let us know how hendri2 got zap more than 40 points in a few hours

As you don't condone mass zaps pls englighten us with an answer


I can't stop mass zapping. What I try to prevent is clone zapping and clone upping.

In this case, I did a check and found that although he has been zapped numerous times over the past few hours, I cannot see any link between the various nicks that have zapped him. They come from an assortment of IP addresses/ISPs.

Members shouldn't ask to be zapped or complain about zapping. You know what samsters are like. In this instance, the member is just asking for trouble. I guess quite a number of people are only too happy to oblige when he asked to be zapped to zero. :p

08-10-2011, 04:18 PM
mate, you guy should give sam a break..
i see alot of you guy 'demanding' him for an answer..
when he doesnt need to give any :)

Could this "hendr2" character be one of SBY1's clones? Why has SBY1 got involved?:eek:

Loads of people get zapped on a daily basis. Why the concern for this particular nick?:confused:

Big Sexy
08-10-2011, 04:30 PM
i was wondering 'why' too..:D


Why the concern for this particular nick?:confused:

08-10-2011, 05:38 PM
Hendri2 is a supporter of Batam thread and Indo Cewe thread

Did I cOmplained abt RI 1

Anyway thanks for your reply


08-10-2011, 05:49 PM
Hendri2 is a supporter of Batam thread and Indo Cewe thread

Did I cOmplained abt RI 1

Anyway thanks for your reply


I hate this herd mentality. You have a gang. Whitesnake has a gang. Instead of waging warfare in my forum, can't you guys meet in real life in some dark alley and kill each other there instead. :rolleyes:

I don't want to have to waste any time dealing with all these zapping wars. Perhaps the best way is to remove rep power from both sides so there is no more ammo to shoot at each other.

All I need to do is go back 24 hours and see who mass added to his points and who mass zapped him and I pretty much have all the culprits. :D

08-10-2011, 06:27 PM
I hate this herd mentality. You have a gang. Whitesnake has a gang. Instead of waging warfare in my forum, can't you guys meet in real life in some dark alley and kill each other there instead. :rolleyes:

Boss I would like to meet S.B.Y.1 with my gang to beat him up. But he is located in Batam . :eek: He has been bullying members in this forum for quite some time. If he stop what he is doing I promise I will stop what I am doing.

Now I am offering peace to him , his clones and his croonies. If he promise to do what he is doing now I promise I will do it too.

Sorry boss to give you a headache. But he is the one who started it all first and he should be man enough to end it and apologise to all bros whom he had bullied.

08-10-2011, 06:32 PM
Could this "hendr2" character be one of SBY1's clones? Why has SBY1 got involved?

Loads of people get zapped on a daily basis. Why the concern for this particular nick?

I also wonder about it too .

09-10-2011, 11:33 AM
which gang? what number and what logo? play where and stand leg where? can i join?

Our gang is called fxxksby1 gang . We have 3000 strong members inside and outside of sbf . Most are in Sillypore , some in JB and some in Batam . Currently there are no vacancies . So maybe I suggest you join s.b.y.1 gang . He definitely got vacancies in his gang. :p :D

09-10-2011, 04:04 PM
my quote to you is simply "JIO MENG" you, you also dont understand :D
stay at hole after school, dont anyhow run, outside world very dangerous :p

It is meant to be very cute reply . I agree with you it is a very dangerous outside and as well as inside .Lots of bullies around . Be careful hoh dun step on any landmines . :D

09-10-2011, 07:54 PM
Boss I would like to meet S.B.Y.1 with my gang to beat him up. But he is located in Batam . :eek: He has been bullying members in this forum for quite some time. If he stop what he is doing I promise I will stop what I am doing.

Now I am offering peace to him , his clones and his croonies. If he promise to do what he is doing now I promise I will do it too.

Sorry boss to give you a headache. But he is the one who started it all first and he should be man enough to end it and apologise to all bros whom he had bullied.

Snakes only bite ppl when hes angry.
Only snake with four leg can beat ppl,bcos he using leg..
Any bros here confrim,can be trust that snake promises wont bike ppl?(google show snake is REPTILE)

snake jinjialuck:D

12-10-2011, 05:27 PM
originally posted by thaivisitor
credit to him
Hi boss and bro over here.. I have read all the helpline here just wanted to let you all know.. Really it helpful.. And I fully understand the rep system.. I have enjoy and support over here..

Big Sexy
12-10-2011, 08:05 PM
lol...funny that you will quote a reply that was so long ago.....

Hi boss and bro over here.. I have read all the helpline here just wanted to let you all know.. Really it helpful.. And I fully understand the rep system.. I have enjoy and support over here..

13-10-2011, 11:54 AM
lol...funny that you will quote a reply that was so long ago.....
Bro big sexy..
Sorry about that my English was not good.
I study until pri 3 only..
Need to take time for read all the post here...

14-10-2011, 04:16 AM
Boss I would like to meet S.B.Y.1 with my gang to beat him up. But he is located in Batam . He has been bullying members in this forum for quite some time. If he stop what he is doing I promise I will stop what I am doing.
Now I am offering peace to him , his clones and his croonies. If he promise to do what he is doing now I promise I will do it too.

Sorry boss to give you a headache. But he is the one who started it all first and he should be man enough to end it and apologise to all bros whom he had bullied.

can tell me what gangs you've join?why gangers scare batam?

snake like to hide inside gang hole;)becouse Whitesnake can talk?[si si si]:D

14-10-2011, 04:24 AM
Another violation of rule 8

MrBombastic zaps rockkerfeller 01:20, 14th Sep 2011 -1 F U!

The nick has been placed under moderation.

14-10-2011, 11:44 AM
Another violation of rule 8

MrBombastic zaps rockkerfeller 01:20, 14th Sep 2011 -1 F U!

The nick has been placed under moderation.

Boss, he did identify himself in his post - "rockkerfeller" fully aware of zap: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6342862&postcount=6 Probably not aware that nick is not auto-generated during zap and seriousness of using F. Will probably lose a good contributor to Petain/Malaysian Scenes. Unfortunately has bad habit of using F words in posts. For your consideration in fine tuning. :) Hope U take positively as feedback not nagging.

Oh I see...talking about himself....KNNBCCB!!!.

si peh kam lan! anyway... i just zap u... good luck sor hai...

14-10-2011, 12:31 PM
Boss, he did identify himself in his post - "rockkerfeller" fully aware of zap:

I have reversed the process.

16-10-2011, 11:55 AM
can tell me what gangs you've join?why gangers scare batam?

snake like to hide inside gang hole;)becouse Whitesnake can talk?[si si si]

Don't you know how to read my previous post ? All information already revealed . Why are you asking again ?

Looks like your master is not willing to make peace with me and to the community in sbf. :rolleyes:

17-10-2011, 07:28 AM
Yet ANOTHER violation of rule 8.

ZhuGeLiang zaps gaytiger 20:03, 16th Oct 2011 -3 Fuck YOU

The offending nick have been placed under moderation.

18-10-2011, 05:27 PM
This joker tried to up an RSS feed bot.:p

miklo adds Sammyboy RSS Feed 22:16, 18th Oct 2011 0 good post

Guess it takes all sorts to make up this world.:rolleyes:

18-10-2011, 06:05 PM
Wah he must be so desperate for points .:eek: :D

Boss the war is still going on in this thread.


19-10-2011, 10:24 AM
.. joker tried to up an RSS feed bot .. "miklo adds Sammyboy RSS Feed"

... so desperate for points ...

"miklo" is newbie (June 11; 15 pts). RSS feed with power = 3344 - got most points in SBF. How pts obtained if cannot upz?? If RSS feed also got auto returns - each Upz = 3344 pts - good try (not desperate). Quite a few newbies upz me too - hoping to get returns. :D Cheers.

19-10-2011, 10:50 AM
How pts obtained if cannot upz??

I wrote the bot and assigned the rep score. The bot posts updates every 20 minutes. It's not human.

19-10-2011, 07:12 PM
I wrote the bot and assigned the rep score. .. not human.

:rolleyes::p Discrimination against humans (including Boss/Moderators) - every pt has to be Upz/earned. High power/rep score of bot for reverse zap ? Sorry for being so busy body. :D Thanks.

19-10-2011, 09:35 PM
Boss the war is still going on in this thread.


U also another cb kia. U think sam naive? No need to booth lick sam.

22-10-2011, 11:49 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8.

hidaeki zaps RichBoy 11:59, 22nd Oct 2011 -2 fxxk off

He thought that misspelling "fuck" would enable him to evade my profanity detector but it didn't work. :p

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

22-10-2011, 11:54 AM
Another violation of rule 8.

mic ong zaps skinhead72 02:48, 22nd Oct 2011 -1 fuck u la

The nick is now in moderation.

22-10-2011, 11:56 AM
Yet another.... Must have been a full moon last night! :p

JamesTab zaps raymondhung 23:07, 21st Oct 2011 -1 FUCK U

Another nick bites the dust.

22-10-2011, 01:30 PM
Yet another.... Must have been a full moon last night! :p

Another nick bites the dust.

JamesTab is a sponsor :p

Awaiting for the final results :p

22-10-2011, 04:04 PM
Yet another.... ... full moon last night! :p

JamesTab zaps raymondhung 23:07, 21st Oct 2011 -1 FUCK U

Another nick bites the dust.

fuck u la she is ugly and talk like ah gua. Trying to cheat us
Chee bye. False field report

"JamesTab" is a sponsor. :rolleyes: Got refund ? "raymondhung" also screwed him in post. :p Profanities very common in SBF - sex forum.

22-10-2011, 04:12 PM

"JamesTab" is a sponsor. :rolleyes: Got refund ? "raymondhung" also screwed him in post. :p Profanities very common in SBF - sex forum.

Nothing wrong with profanities in the open forum. :p Those who aren't happy can zap them!

23-10-2011, 06:24 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8 :

77guy zaps thewishingbone 01:08, 23rd Oct 2011 -5 F U

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

23-10-2011, 02:56 PM

relaxguy zaps thewishingbone 18:34, 23rd Oct 2011 -4 fuck you

I can't believe so many are unaware of this rule or assume that it does not apply to them. It's been in place for MANY YEARS!!!

The offending nick has been placed under moderation for this dastardly deed.

24-10-2011, 11:36 AM
.. VIOLATION(s) OF RULE 8!!!!!
77guy zaps thewishingbone 01:08, 23rd Oct 2011 -5 F U
relaxguy zaps thewishingbone 18:34, 23rd Oct 2011 -4 fuck you

I can't believe so many ... unaware of this rule .... in place for MANY YEARS (7)!!!

The offending nick (s) ... placed under moderation for this dastardly deed.

"hewishingbone" post: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6484131&postcount=1

:p Learning Point: Does not pay to be pro SBF - fight for SBF - "dastardly deed" - reversed zapped. "77guy" - Joined July 2003, 225 posts, now -274 pts); "relaxguy" - Joined Dec 2004, 77 posts, now -105 pts. Two more contributors gone (do not know them). Irony: Sammyboyfor most deserving of Upz - but no point Upz - as probably no return (:rolleyes: might even get zapped for currying favour).

Most unfortunate, many unaware of Rule 8. Quite a number of my Upz are without nicks (not aware that nicks not auto generated like for massages and posts). Many clone accounts (newbies with 20 pts) now in SBF - creating havoc!!!

"The F Word" - UK Feminist website (http://www.thefword.org.uk/ (http://www.thefword.org.uk) ), with book: "Reclaiming the F Word" - F for feminist. Member (zapping without nick):
..(F member).. 23rd Oct 2011 -4 F .. . :D Will be reverse zapped!!

My Post: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6490966&postcount=84http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6490966&postcount=84

24-10-2011, 12:59 PM
Boss Sam, why don't you delete this thread: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=257187&page=6 since this TS - thewishingbone - is trolling and causing upsets among the bros and help reduce the number of casualties. ;)

I agreed many clone accounts (newbies with 20 pts and 17-20 years old kids) now in SBF - creating havoc, especially in the Orgies/Swinging arrangements section :rolleyes:

24-10-2011, 02:10 PM
Boss Sam, why don't you delete this thread: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=257187&page=6 since this TS - thewishingbone - is trolling and causing upsets among the bros and help reduce the number of casualties. ;)

I agreed many clone accounts (newbies with 20 pts and 17-20 years old kids) now in SBF - creating havoc, especially in the Orgies/Swinging arrangements section :rolleyes:

There is nothing wrong with people expressing their displeasure or disapproval of the contents of this forum. I welcome diversity. This place would be extremely boring if everybody marched to the same drumbeat. I don't like the upskirt genre either. Who in his right mind would want to see stained underwear and cunts that haven't been washed for hours. It's gross!

By the same token, the rest of the members are free to zap them into moderation. They're also at liberty to heap abuse upon them via the rep system. All they have to do is leave their nicks. It's not that hard to follow such a simple rule.

However, the most appropriate reaction is to simply place a troll on your ignore list. Trolls who get no response soon lose interest and go away.

24-10-2011, 02:15 PM
They should. The rule has been there for the last 7 years. :D The old birds will definitely be aware of it and all new sign ups go through the stickies.

I can't believe so many are unaware of this rule or assume that it does not apply to them. It's been in place for MANY YEARS!!!

The offending nick has been placed under moderation for this dastardly deed.

(Way Too Fun)

Se-ri-ous-ly, I didn't know about this "rule" until now! :eek::eek:
Yes, I'm here for MANY YEARS....:o

24-10-2011, 02:54 PM
(Way Too Fun)

Se-ri-ous-ly, I didn't know about this "rule" until now! :eek::eek:
Yes, I'm here for MANY YEARS....:o

Surely it's rather risky to operate in an environment without even bothering to find out what is and isn't acceptable.:eek:

Thank goodness you're part of a minority group.

29-10-2011, 02:29 AM
Another violation of rule 8 :

Rally zaps Puki69 21:40, 28th Oct 2011 -4 fuck u

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

29-10-2011, 06:30 PM
Boss Sam, I thought the minimum age for registering a samster account is 18?

I know nowadays many 14-17 kids lied about their ages to create accounts in this forum, and there is no way to stop them unless they are stupid enough like below thread - TS is only 17 years old


Please take necessary action to delete his nic.

Thank you

shawn teo
29-10-2011, 08:58 PM
Boss Sam, I thought the minimum age for registering a samster account is 18?

Sorry bro where did you get this information . I dun seemed to recall having seen it.

30-10-2011, 04:31 AM
Yet another violation of rule 8. This one's a shocker!!!!:eek:

xmensg72 zaps Puki69 01:10, 30th Oct 2011 -4 Yr mum is waiting for me.. but her cb very loose....

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

30-10-2011, 12:07 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8. This one's a shocker!!!!:eek:

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

Very sorry for the ungentlemenly comment. My fren used my acc and did that. Have scolded him... Very sorry.... Will learn not to lend my acc to others again....

30-10-2011, 12:38 PM
Very sorry for the ungentlemenly comment. My fren used my acc and did that. Have scolded him... Very sorry.... Will learn not to lend my acc to others again....

Don't expect anyone here to believe the standard excuse "my friend used my account" bullshit. :D

What about this one back in June ? xmensg72 zaps SuckingNip 14:04, 11th Jun 2011 -4 fuck u!

Your "friend" responsible too???

30-10-2011, 12:49 PM
Boss Sam, I thought the minimum age for registering a samster account is 18?

I know nowadays many 14-17 kids lied about their ages to create accounts in this forum, and there is no way to stop them unless they are stupid enough like below thread - TS is only 17 years old


Please take necessary action to delete his nic.

Thank you

Sorry bro where did you get this information . I dun seemed to recall having seen it.

Bro IK must have acted on my comment about 18yo registration in that thread :D
I did a search in the FAQ, only found a statement that says those 13yo and below need guardian's consent before registration. So it seems there's technically NO AGE LIMIT to access this SEX forum :rolleyes:

Just my bad assumption that all sex related forum esp with loads of lewd photos/videos have a 18yo restriction. Oh well, I'm sure there's a good reason for that...

30-10-2011, 01:11 PM
Found out I got zapped 5 pts on either 23rd or 24th Oct.

Zapper did not leave name or comments.

How do I find out who did it? :mad:

30-10-2011, 01:32 PM
Don't expect anyone here to believe the standard excuse "my friend used my account" bullshit. :D

What about this one back in June ?

Your "friend" responsible too???

yup, same guy. just checked with him. I seldom check the rep point deducted... Anyway, accept that its my fault for this. Its ok abt the points. Jus wanted to apologise, thats all. Very sorry.

30-10-2011, 02:12 PM
How do I find out who did it? :mad:

Reputation votes are secret. :rolleyes:

30-10-2011, 08:00 PM

Why not zap with foul word using a useless nick like BrightDay and leave behind the nick. Then deduct his points using the primary nick. Sure you fuck the cheeby and minus his points but escape from moderation and he don't know that is you.

Hope this help

30-10-2011, 09:01 PM
Bro IK must have acted on my comment about 18yo registration in that thread :D
I did a search in the FAQ, only found a statement that says those 13yo and below need guardian's consent before registration. So it seems there's technically NO AGE LIMIT to access this SEX forum

Ha-Ha, actually yeah. Hehehe :D It's power of suggestions, I thought I read it somewhere that says mininum age is 18. ;) I did see three 13-14 years old kids giggling away while surfing this forum the other day at Mac. Didn't get a chance to see the nic or what section they were viewing that's so amusing......Wahahahahahaha :p

31-10-2011, 03:02 AM

Why not zap with foul word using a useless nick like BrightDay and leave behind the nick. Then deduct his points using the primary nick.

That will be even worse because I can see the actual nick that deducted the points. Nicks that try to pretend to be someone else end up with -999.:D

31-10-2011, 11:03 AM
I like reading this thread. A bit entertaining to read the sorry excuses and rants:)

31-10-2011, 11:16 AM
Ha-Ha, actually yeah. Hehehe It's power of suggestions, I thought I read it somewhere that says mininum age is 18. ;) I did see three 13-14 years old kids giggling away while surfing this forum the other day at Mac. Didn't get a chance to see the nic or what section they were viewing that's so amusing......Wahahahahahaha :p

omg... u actually saw 3x 13-14yo school boys surfin sbf? :eek:

gd thing or bad thing? lol... :p

Big Sexy
31-10-2011, 11:44 AM
might not be a bad thing after all..
adult websites are easily accessible in sg..
if not here, they will still go somewhere else..
one big difference btw sbf and the other adult sites is that
here we have a informative sexual health Issues forum, something you dont find it in alot of other adult website..

and as far as patronizing the fls is concern..
you dont have to worry abt it too as this 13s-14s wont
even be able to get a hotel room..:D

omg... u actually saw 3x 13-14yo school boys surfin sbf? :eek:

gd thing or bad thing? lol... :p

31-10-2011, 11:56 AM
lol.. bro big sexy, u r hilarious... :D

well, i hv to agree wif u... yes, tis website is really informative! thks to all snr & bros who willing to share their knowledge, experience & info.

let's hope the motto: WE CARE, WE SHARE... will pass on... & on... & on...

cheers... :)

might not be a bad thing after all..
adult websites are easily accessible in sg..
if not here, they will still go somewhere else..
one big difference btw sbf and the other adult sites is that
here we have a informative sexual health Issues forum, something you dont find it in alot of other adult website..

and as far as patronizing the fls is concern..
you dont have to worry abt it too as this 13s-14s wont
even be able to get a hotel room..:D

31-10-2011, 12:14 PM
omg... u actually saw 3x 13-14yo school boys surfin sbf? :eek:

gd thing or bad thing? lol... :p

Mixed actually, here's why:

If they are reading or viewing:

Adult Discussions about Sex thread - They will learn that being an adult has it's fun and adventures.

Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos and Welcome to FL Dome 1-3 threads - It will inspire them to study and word hard for a good career to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The journey of sex adventures begins with a good career.

Sexual Health Issues thread - They will learn that sex is not all fun and hard-ons but comes with great responsibility and maintenance as they grow older.

Matters of the Heart thread - They will learn that adults tend to lose their head from time to time,letting small heads to rule over their big heads, making a fool of themselves and their life like marrying foreign talents whores or when they have some spare change, they would want to kick out their wives whom had sticked with them during tough times.

Orgies/Swinging arrangements - They will understand that there's no free lunch in life (free-fuck) and that includes their current recess meals in school ;)

Most importantly: They will understand why sometimes daddies need to perform lotsof overtime, seems tired, uptight, mood swing, hide in toilets or moves away from the living room to the balconies when their phone rings or to text a message, staying up late at nights in front of a monitor but not playing online games and funny torture-like noises coming from their parent's room and attending a SBF gathering is not a Uni-alumni gathering. :D

31-10-2011, 03:23 PM
Mixed actually, here's why:

If they are reading or viewing:

Adult Discussions about Sex thread - They will learn that being an adult has it's fun and adventures.

Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos and Welcome to FL Dome 1-3 threads - It will inspire them to study and word hard for a good career to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The journey of sex adventures begins with a good career.

Sexual Health Issues thread - They will learn that sex is not all fun and hard-ons but comes with great responsibility and maintenance as they grow older.

Matters of the Heart thread - They will learn that adults tend to lose their head from time to time,letting small heads to rule over their big heads, making a fool of themselves and their life like marrying foreign talents whores or when they have some spare change, they would want to kick out their wives whom had sticked with them during tough times.

Orgies/Swinging arrangements - They will understand that there's no free lunch in life (free-fuck) and that includes their current recess meals in school

Most importantly: They will understand why sometimes daddies need to perform lotsof overtime, seems tired, uptight, mood swing, hide in toilets or moves away from the living room to the balconies when their phone rings or to text a message, staying up late at nights in front of a monitor but not playing online games and funny torture-like noises coming from their parent's room and attending a SBF gathering is not a Uni-alumni gathering.

u hv learnt well, my bro... graduated phd frm sbf university really no horse run!! :eek:;):D:p

31-10-2011, 07:33 PM
Mixed actually, here's why:

If they are reading or viewing:

And not forgetting time and time again u get free English lesson fm SAM. :D

02-11-2011, 02:03 AM
That will be even worse because I can see the actual nick that deducted the points. Nicks that try to pretend to be someone else end up with -999.:D

Maybe you misunderstood him.

What he meant is to use a useless clone (e.g. new nick) to F the fellow via rep system, and then use a high-power nick to zap the fellow. His assumption is that you/moderator will not be able to "relate" these 2 nicks together as partner in crime ;) Technically, you can do that if you relate 2 nicks using IP address or cookies on their browser, the same way you identify clones.

So please correct me if I'm wrong, we are allowed to use vulgarity in the zap's comment as long as we leave our nick behind and not be anonymous, right?

LoL, then the only exceptions are those users having nicks like FUCKYOU, fuckyouall, fuckyoubitch, fuckyourmother, and fuckyousa....eh...ahem, which are valid nicks in the forum now. E.g. Bro FUCKYOU can simply zap someone 'FUCKYOU' which should not be penalized :rolleyes:

02-11-2011, 10:11 AM
So please correct me if I'm wrong, we are allowed to use vulgarity in the zap's comment as long as we leave our nick behind and not be anonymous, right?

Refer to rule 8.

New nicks and nicks with negative rep have no power and cannot zap.

02-11-2011, 01:26 PM
....zap with foul word using a useless nick like BrightDay(-pts) ...leave ... nick... Then deduct his points using the primary nick. ...fuck the cheeby ..minus his points ...don't know that is you. (the one with power)..
....misunderstood ... use a useless clone (e.g. new nick) to F the fellow via rep system, and then use a high-power nick to zap ....

Script only detect when zapped with deduction of pts. Useless (-pts)/new nick - zap with no pts deducted - so no reverse zap - will show up with grey dot (not red) with profanity message!! :pSmarter Move: Zap with useless/new and Power nicks - :rolleyes:both without leaving nicks- "fuck the cheeby ..minus his points ...don't know who .(both)... "

...are allowed to use vulgarity in the zap's comment as long as we leave our nick behind...exceptions ... nicks like FUCKYOU, fuckyouall, fuckyoubitch, fuckyourmother, and fuckyousa........ not be penalized ..

Fully agree - for now. :)Sammyboyfor can fine tune script as and when required. Cheers :D.

05-11-2011, 12:33 PM
I am disappointed the way "seniors" are penalising "newbies" like myself (this is my one and only ID) for posts made which do not suit their taste.

What's worse is the comments they leave behind leave much to wonder.
Clone who tell u ************* will give cim? Kekeke
haha, try other okt

seems like this system encourages more new members to be created since they start off positive. i started off with 15 btw

05-11-2011, 01:29 PM
seems like this system encourages more new members to be created since they start off positive. i started off with 15 btw

You're not a newbie. You've been a member for the last 6 years. :eek:

All you have to do is reach 40 points and you'll be able to zap them back with a vengeance. They'll be begging you for mercy!:p

06-11-2011, 04:49 PM
The nick papabearmickey has been placed under moderation for impersonating Travelcraze88

07-11-2011, 01:26 PM
All those nicks have already been placed under moderation. This occured before I had the script running so I did in manually in the good old days.

Dear Boss, Kindly there are a few folks violate your RULE no 8. Please uphold justices to this forum.

17-05-2011 07:58 AM Angal
East coast park- very... 05-05-2011 03:23 PM Fuck you
East coast park- very... 27-04-2011 01:03 PM To hell with you!
East coast park- very... 27-04-2011 02:38 AM you fucktar go poon location
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 09:10 PM What an ass?
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 01:41 PM Thanks for the info!
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 12:47 PM zapped
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 09:21 AM fucker
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 08:02 AM u are truly the most kuku fool fucker i've ever seen - wateva
East coast park- very... 26-04-2011 12:21 AM d f.
East coast park- very... 25-04-2011 11:57 PM thanks for saying it ASSHOLE - putra80
East coast park- very... 25-04-2011 10:07 PM fuck u

07-11-2011, 10:44 PM
Yet ANOTHER violation of rule 8.

ZhuGeLiang zaps gaytiger 20:03, 16th Oct 2011 -3 Fuck YOU

The offending nick have been placed under moderation.

Finally, I am out of moderation and have power now. The feeling like just got released from prison.

BTW Boss, I cannot understand how this violated the rules here

The nick papabearmickey has been placed under moderation for impersonating Travelcraze88

How the 'offending' nick impersonate the other nick. Thought it is already 2 nicks, right? Or what being refer here is, the 2 nicks are of the same person? And which rules did it got violated?

I am trying to know more here, so that I am clear and not to cause any violations set.

07-11-2011, 11:17 PM
How the 'offending' nick impersonate the other nick.

Probably means papabearmickey zapped someone else but leaves behind the nick Travelcraze88, perhaps trying to frame him. Thus papabearmickey has impersonated Travelcraze88.

07-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Probably means papabearmickey zapped someone else but leaves behind the nick Travelcraze88, perhaps trying to frame him. Thus papabearmickey has impersonated Travelcraze88.

Oh .... I see I see ... ok ok, then noted on the violation. Thanks bro!

08-11-2011, 04:26 AM
I am trying to know more here, so that I am clear and not to cause any violations set.

The info in your nick is NOT CORRECT. There is no requirement to leave your nick when zapping. Reputation votes are secret. Refer to the very first para of rule 8 http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407

Please edit your signature to reflect this.

08-11-2011, 06:53 AM
The info in your nick is NOT CORRECT. There is no requirement to leave your nick when zapping. Reputation votes are secret. Refer to the very first para of rule 8 http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407

Please edit your signature to reflect this.

Yeah, done.

08-11-2011, 10:58 AM
.. system encourages .. new members.. i started off with 15 ...

Sammyboyfor knows best - many new clones around - higher viewership. You actually started off with +10 in 2006 ( like me). Gone up +5 twice. Now +20 for new accounts - :D You can also get a new clone account at +20 (instead of present +13). Cheers.

.. not a newbie... 6 years. .. reach 40 points ... zap them back with a vengeance. ..begging you for mercy..

Unfortunately zappers will not leave their nicks (unlike upz). :p Poor others will be zapped with vengeance!! I have been zapped many times - understand the lousy feeling - that is why I have only zapped one so far (inspite of my repeated warnings) - he is aware of my zap.

.. papabearmickey ... moderation for impersonating ...
..Nicks .. pretend to be someone else end up with -999..

;)How come not -999??

...Signature: Thanks all bro/sis ... upped me .. -97 all the way till now +44 .. (6 Nov 2011)

Congratulations. :) Your are a survivor - not many around. Feel free to PM me if you need further clarifications. All the best. Cheers.

08-11-2011, 11:14 AM
;)How come not[B] -999??

It's all done by a script now.

08-11-2011, 12:43 PM
When zapped, there are those who will curse and swear. They also curse the nick-less zapper as no balls, ball-less, no seed and so on. But they zap, they also 'forget' their nick and use vulgarities somemore. Seems like it takes a eunuch to call another eunuch :D

Just a curious question, what is the purpose of asking for the nick of zapper? To zap back or to thank him/her/shim? What say you all you here?

09-11-2011, 08:54 AM
When zapped, there are those who will curse and swear. They also curse the nick-less zapper as no balls, ball-less, no seed and so on. But they zap, they also 'forget' their nick and use vulgarities somemore. Seems like it takes a eunuch to call another eunuch :D

Just a curious question, what is the purpose of asking for the nick of zapper? To zap back or to thank him/her/shim? What say you all you here?

To quote boss " Reputation votes are secret " .There is no requirement for the upper/zapper to leave down nick unless you are spewing vulgarities you need to leave down your nick.

09-11-2011, 12:12 PM
Another violation of rule 8 :

tookara zaps dysfunkt 07:13, 8th Nov 2011 -6 fuck your mother

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

09-11-2011, 02:04 PM
Another violation of rule 8 :
The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

Ouch! Tookara was a 10 pointer with 1700+ rep points...

See!? I think there's more "old bird" who doesn't know about this rule other than me...

I think you should consider giving those who registered their nick BEFORE the implementation date a one-time warning, since really, can't expect all of them to know this new rule. The "script" can be modified to compare the registration dates and issue a warning first.

09-11-2011, 02:35 PM
Ignorance of the rule is secondary issue. Of primary concern is the fact that there are people out there who are obnoxious enough to curse innocent parents while at the same time, are cowardly enough to do it without revealing themselves.

This is not the first time this particular nick has used profanities liberally.

Here's a few more....

tookara zaps ice_mit_devil 14:58, 21st Oct 2011 -6 go fuck yourself

tookara zaps CarbineCanuck 21:00, 2nd Sep 2011 10 how about you go fuck yourself

tookara zaps lovelygirls 01:54, 20th Aug 2011 -6 fuck your mother try and con ppl

tookara zaps kellytan 19:43, 24th May 2011 -6 go fuck yourself

tookara zaps massaman 10:15, 2nd May 2011 -6 go fuck yourself

Ouch! Tookara was a 10 pointer with 1700+ rep points...

See!? I think there's more "old bird" who doesn't know about this rule other than me...

I think you should consider giving those who registered their nick BEFORE the implementation date a one-time warning, since really, can't expect all of them to know this new rule. The "script" can be modified to compare the registration dates and issue a warning first.

09-11-2011, 05:27 PM
... obnoxious enough to curse innocent parents .....
tookara zaps lovelygirls 01:54, 20th Aug 2011 -6 fuck your mother try and con ppl - (3rd zap)

Very Sad/Bad - another contributor gone. IMHO - innocent parents[/B] not allowed to be dragged in - [B]even in post. (That is why many prefers to zap anonymously.) The other zaps are simply F U which is OK in a sex forum - nick/no nick. Would appear, script is not always effective - only detected on 5th zap. Probably some lucky (or unlucky - as not aware) ones around waiting to be caught on their next zap. :DCheers.

09-11-2011, 07:56 PM
To quote boss " Reputation votes are secret " .There is no requirement for the upper/zapper to leave down nick unless you are spewing vulgarities you need to leave down your nick.

That is not what I am asking. My question is if the zapper leaves his nick or if you know who he is, will you zap back, with or without vengeance? Because I know of some who would curse the nickless zapper as ball-less when they themselves are not any better.

09-11-2011, 10:17 PM
Because I know of some who would curse the nickless zapper as ball-less when they themselves are not any better.

I beg to differ ;)
The nickless zapper is a coward, but the one who cursed him in the OPEN is not :rolleyes:
Get it?

System's rules are defined by human, in this case the human brain behind it is thinking this way:
Of primary concern is the fact that there are people out there who are obnoxious enough to curse innocent parents while at the same time, are cowardly enough to do it without revealing themselves.

Meaning, you won't get penalized if you swear and curse someone else in the normal post OR curse/swear in the zap remarks AS LONG AS your identity is made known and not be a coward.

Does this answer your question?

10-11-2011, 06:46 AM
I beg to differ ;)
The nickless zapper is a coward, but the one who cursed him in the OPEN is not :rolleyes:
Get it?

System's rules are defined by human, in this case the human brain behind it is thinking this way:

Meaning, you won't get penalized if you swear and curse someone else in the normal post OR curse/swear in the zap remarks AS LONG AS your identity is made known and not be a coward.

Does this answer your question?
No, you have not. I also will not roll eyes like you. My question is, will you zap back the person who zapped you? And I know of some who would curse in the open but are just as coward when they zapped back (without leaving his nick and using vulgarities somemore) the suspected zapper or the zapper who identified himself.

10-11-2011, 06:48 AM
Apology, double posting.

10-11-2011, 01:17 PM
I also will not roll eyes like you.
I wish there were more emoticons available too. LoL
My question is, will you zap back the person who zapped you?
Of course! And a big fucking YES!!!!
If the zapper zapped me and leaves a nick, I'll zap him back (and also leaves my nick), unless I'm really at wrong. I think I can speak for majority of people on this YES. I'm just a human ;)

Again, zapping someone AND leaving the nick is not looked upon as cowardly action - as defined by this board.

And I know of some who would curse in the open but are just as coward when they zapped back (without leaving his nick and using vulgarities somemore) the suspected zapper or the zapper who identified himself.
Zap with vulgarities and no nick - this is what this system will penalize - so if you're the one being zapped this way, u ought to be happy.

If the zapper ID himself in the comments or a post after zapping, read the above 2nd paragraph again (the one with "YES").

So is your question answered now?

Like most will feel, this system is not perfect. So how else should it be u think?

10-11-2011, 05:25 PM
Another violation of rule 8 :

ah_jo zaps kazumakiryu 19:25, 9th Nov 2011 -6 go fuck urself

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

10-11-2011, 05:45 PM
That is not what I am asking. My question is if the zapper leaves his nick or if you know who he is, will you zap back, with or without vengeance? Because I know of some who would curse the nickless zapper as ball-less when they themselves are not any better.

In my case definitely a resounding yes. When a zapper leave his nick behind I will defintely return favour and leave my nick too. :D :p

I simply detests cyberbullies.

10-11-2011, 08:12 PM
Of course! And a big fucking YES!!!!
If the zapper zapped me and leaves a nick, I'll zap him back (and also leaves my nick), unless I'm really at wrong. I think I can speak for majority of people on this YES. I'm just a human ;)

In my case definitely a resounding yes. When a zapper leave his nick behind I will defintely return favour and leave my nick too. :D :p

I simply detests cyberbullies.

Yes, an honest answer

Again, zapping someone AND leaving the nick is not looked upon as cowardly action - as defined by this board.

When did i say that zapping with nick or cursing in the open is cowardly? I was saying that there are those who would curse the nickless zapper in the open but they themselves also zapped without leaving their nick and with profanities somemore. Are they not any better?

Like most will feel, this system is not perfect. So how else should it be u think?

I have no answer but i do know that this system has interestingly helped to exposure the ugly side of human. And of course, also the helpful side :)

10-11-2011, 09:51 PM
I was saying that there are those who would curse the nickless zapper in the open but they themselves also zapped without leaving their nick and with profanities somemore. Are they not any better?

How do you know that nickless zapper who cursed in the open also zap others anonymously? :rolleyes: (sorri had to use this emoticon :D)

If I read into why you have such strong feeling towards this, I can only deduce that you were a "victim" of being cursed in the open before and also kenna zapped with/without nick at the same time?

11-11-2011, 04:05 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8 :

Libra zaps BrianC83 19:04, 11th Nov 2011 -4 CCB

CCB was one of the first to be included in the script along with fuck u etc.:p

11-11-2011, 08:52 PM
How do you know that nickless zapper who cursed in the open also zap others anonymously? :rolleyes: (sorri had to use this emoticon :D)

I do not wish to quote anybody. But if you were to run a check on the posts from some of those in deep red, you may know why. Not to quote name again, I have tracked at least two guys who cursed the nickless zappers as ball-less but later got their positive points reversed e.g. +100 to -100..obviously not due to mass zap but violation of rule number 8.

You definitely sound patronizing and come on, i have been in this forum long enough like you to know the rules and culture here :emoticonless (not meant to be patronising or sarcastic like yours)

11-11-2011, 09:06 PM
I see how you can discover these ball-less zappers who openly curse AND zap others anonymously now ;)

Everyone has a writing style and mine happened to be full of expression; again too bad there's not enough emoticons to represent every instances. I'm sorry this style is not your favorite. I've had at least one other samsters who said he hated the use of the big grin :D but ended up saw him use it.

11-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Since when that person said that he hated it? It is more of how it is being used and the intent behind it. And I think that i also find at least one who uses it with a sarcastic as well as patronising intent, 'forgetting' to delete the rolling eyes some more.

11-11-2011, 10:07 PM
Since you ask...

But, the lady was really pretty and I'll meet up her once she's back in Singapore. :DHey, what's that with the usage of the BIG GRIN?
For some reasons unknown, I really hate the "Big grin" or the "EEK" smiley.
So you DO know how to get out of your comfort zone and appreciate/employ a little sarcastic humour after all ;):cool:

Now, maybe this is also another type of example equivalent to those cursing zappers which gets on yo..eh....the nerves when someone says something but do something else? :rolleyes:

11-11-2011, 10:21 PM
Okay my friend, can we shake hands?

11-11-2011, 10:28 PM
Ofcoz!!! :D

Wanted to upz u somemore, but realize this section cannot upz and u don't have a post within 2 days ;)


BTw, that rolling eye emoticon, although is stated as "sarcastic" when you mouse-over it, is not always my intent to be sarcastic literally. It's just an expression to mean "in thought", "thinking", or maybe "in doubts"...

11-11-2011, 10:38 PM
Okay my friend...peace. I think i read too much :) a more appropriate emoticon i suppose.

12-11-2011, 12:41 AM
Well done !!!!

12-11-2011, 03:05 PM
BTw, that rolling eye emoticon, although is stated as "sarcastic" when you mouse-over it, is not always my intent to be sarcastic literally. It's just an expression to mean "in thought", "thinking", or maybe "in doubts"...

Bro, maybe next time to avoid "misunderstanding" from the other party, u may use "sarcastic" emoticon and at the same time use "smiley" emoticon too. Something like this...:rolleyes::D

Not teaching seniors here. Paiseh.

12-11-2011, 03:35 PM
After receiving a series of abusive PMs from this "ah_jo" character who was placed in moderation a couple of days ago for using profanities anonymously, I did a bit of investigation and went back a few months to review his reputation activity before the automatic script was implemented.

What I found was truly shocking! Here's a tabulation :

ah_jo zaps zhenxiang 21:15, 28th Mar 2011 -5 FUCK OFF Kiddo.... KNNBCCB

ah_jo zaps jefflim84c 02:55, 4th Apr 2011 -5 Ask your mum lor. It may cost you nothing. IDIOT!

ah_jo zaps cooldudedz 05:36, 9th Apr 2011 -5 Fuck ur mum it doesnt need pictures CCB

ah_jo zaps sgroadking 21:35, 12th Apr 2011 -5 Stop lying you bastard

ah_jo zaps Ricking 16:59, 19th Apr 2011 -5 KAN NIN LAO BU EH JIBY. NIN LAOBU ZO KUAY, NIN LAO PEH OR KUI TAO. JIBY KIA

ah_jo zaps Doriemus 20:50, 30th Apr 2011 0 fuck

ah_jo zaps RealEstateGuy 23:12, 28th Oct 2011 -6 Fuck off you piece of shit. Trying to act high class.

This guy must be one of the most spineless, cowardly pieces of shit I have ever come across. Not once did he have the balls to leave his nick behind. All his insults, including bringing innocent parents into the equation were made under the cloak of anonymity.

However, whenever he added points, he suddenly remembered to leave his nick.:p


ah_jo adds imaginative 17:08, 1st Nov 2011 10 Up You Back. ah_jo (ask somemore of ur friends to up me so that i can up them back too)

ah_jo adds Presto6969 21:13, 25th Oct 2011 10 Well done bro.... Envy you.... ah_jo UPZ

ah_jo adds jasdude 03:32, 31st Oct 2011 10 Up me back (ah_jo)

He's a serious disgrace to the human race. :D Whoever his "friends" are they should honestly consider disowning him. :p

12-11-2011, 03:59 PM
more interested in the abusive pms to boss leh :D :D

12-11-2011, 04:01 PM
more interested in the abusive pms leh :D

PM stands for PRIVATE messages.


12-11-2011, 04:04 PM
PM stands for PRIVATE messages.


oops, then i mistaken, tot it means post on mainboard :D

have a nice weekend :D

12-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Well done !!!!

Congratulations on your promotion to power 2 :D Now you can zap people yourself instead of relying on your clones and croonies to do the dirty work for you.:p

12-11-2011, 11:26 PM
one interesting pic i found for this purpose.


Dun zap me cos of this.. :)

12-11-2011, 11:27 PM
Tried to post new sexual pictures but some how been advised i no longer enjoy the rights to look at the sexual escape section.

Please advise, even if i start posting i will not be allowed in the section?

13-11-2011, 01:26 PM
What happen if "ah_jo, ah_jo1, ah_jo2" zaps someone? What happen if "ah_jo1, ah_jo2" up "ah_jo"?

13-11-2011, 04:25 PM
Yet another violation of rule 8 :


The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

14-11-2011, 03:57 AM
Another violation of rule 8 :

nerdynut zaps F-boy 22:16, 13th Nov 2011 -4 F*** U

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

14-11-2011, 01:52 PM
Another violation of rule 8:

Loser--- zaps rmc2ue 17:52, 14th Nov 2011 -3 fuck u stupid ang moh go back to where u r from

The offending nick has been placed under moderation.

15-11-2011, 01:08 AM
can some big bro enlighten me? zap minus how many points? then up adds twice that?

i got zap 4 points so is it from someone with high power? yet the weird thing is that the comment says "UP". so is it up or down? :confused:

i'm keen to know what i wrote wrongly to make someone unhappy so next time dun repeat.

15-11-2011, 02:00 AM
i'm keen to know what i wrote wrongly to make someone unhappy so next time dun repeat.

Small bro, just relax and let it be lah...no wonder you're so tired.

15-11-2011, 06:24 AM
... enlighten me? zap minus how many points? then up adds twice that? .....

All Upz will be at full power. Zaps will be at half power. The Samster who zaps you has a power of 8. You will get 8 pts if he upz but -4 pts if he zaps. Normally a zapper will not reveal his nick. For learning points - the comment should tell you the reason for the Upz/Zap - unfortunately not so in your case.

Suggests be more careful in your posts - be more sensitive in your comments and do not offend. You have started off "VERY TIRED" - no need to get worse. Just carry on posting, avoiding controversies and points will come your way. All the best. :D Cheers

15-11-2011, 03:38 PM
Well said. I also like 1 of the pm I got regarding this issue about medicine & poison.
Thanks bros

15-11-2011, 11:16 PM
All Upz will be at full power. Zaps will be at half power. The Samster who zaps you has a power of 8. You will get 8 pts if he upz but -4 pts if he zaps. Normally a zapper will not reveal his nick. For learning points - the comment should tell you the reason for the Upz/Zap - unfortunately not so in your case.

Suggests be more careful in your posts - be more sensitive in your comments and do not offend. You have started off "VERY TIRED" - no need to get worse. Just carry on posting, avoiding controversies and points will come your way. All the best. :D Cheers

So the Samster who zaps me has a power of 1. I will get 1 pts if he upz but -0.5 pts if he zaps???

16-11-2011, 12:35 AM
So the Samster who zaps me has a power of 1. I will get 1 pts if he upz but -0.5 pts if he zaps???

Power of 1 will deduct 0 points, the decimal point is round down to the nearest integer. 0.5 become 0.

16-11-2011, 03:47 AM

Jackboy zaps mutantchicken 04:57, 16th Nov 2011 -4 Zap you - Hurricane

The nick Jackboy has been placed under moderation for the offense.

16-11-2011, 03:56 AM
Wow. Now I get it why boss said it's like a cyberspace game. And here, "up yours!" is actually a good thing.

But then again, with zero power, I can't up or zap right? Whatever multiply by zero is still zero. Hmmm.... No game for me for now then. Gonna work harder to earn ammo.

16-11-2011, 08:14 PM
Sorry. Post deleted.

21-11-2011, 11:08 AM
Hello Sammyboyfor and all the moderators,

Just a matter of curiosity and SBF knowledge, may I know why the following fella has no executive power considering that he has accumulated more than 500 rep points and has been a member of SBF for 10 years? :D

Samster Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: St. Kitts
Posts: 602
My Reputation:Points: 557 / Power: 0

Re: girls in 1654A


Originally Posted by sailsingapore
Yes Senior Bruddah : MH is great & Miko is great too
I am yet to up the great XM but whenever I see her she too looks awesome

Bro sail,

I'm upgrade my tasting from mh to miko n yoyo they both are superb!!
I'm planning for a tarma wid miko and yoyo ultimate love making babes....

21-11-2011, 11:18 AM
may I know why the following fella has no executive power considering that he has accumulated more than 500 rep points and has been a member of SBF for 10 years? :D

Samster Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: St. Kitts
Posts: 602
My Reputation:Points: 557 / Power: 0

He changed his email address but has yet to re activate his account to verify that the amended email address is valid.

23-11-2011, 06:21 PM
Just checking why my reputation power suddenly bcme zero?

23-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Just checking why my reputation power suddenly bcme zero?

Read the first post of this thread.

23-11-2011, 08:18 PM
.. why my reputation power suddenly bcme zero?

Minimum Reputation Points for having power has been raised to +40 in July 2011 (Was raised to +35 in July 2010 from +30). You will need only +4 pts to get back your power of 7. :D Cheers.

26-11-2011, 09:07 PM

The nick Jackboy has been placed under moderation for the offense.

Hurricane pmed me to zap Mutantchicken. Thats why I put Hurricane

28-11-2011, 03:48 PM
Hurricane pmed me to zap Mutantchicken. Thats why I put Hurricane
Lolz...if Hurricane ask u 2 up some1, u also put Hurricane?

28-11-2011, 06:11 PM
Hurricane pmed me to zap Mutantchicken. Thats why I put Hurricane name.:confused:

Suggests you produce PM from Hurricane (must be prior to zap) (here) for Sammyboyfor considerations - 2 x 698 pts at stake. Get Hurricane to post in support (here) too. May not be acceptable for "gang zaps". Believe that Sammyboyfor has no accessibility to PMs - confidential.

Lolz...if Hurricane ask u 2 up some1, u also put Hurricane?

Cases when Samsters request for zap on behalf:

1) Already Upz someone. Cannot zap him in the next 3 yrs.

2) Already zap him. Got more upset by him. Requesting help to zap on his behalf as unable to zap again.

I do have cases of Upz on behalf eg:

............... 07-11-2011 01:23 AM xxx request to upz u
............... 06-11-2011 11:22 PM +2 from bro yyyy

However very clear in Comments. Also pts different from power of xxxx, yyyy.

This may be for cases when the post is expiring (just upz someone else) or do not wish to give too many pts. or wish to give more pts.

Sammyboyfor only critical on zaps - not upz. :DCheers.

01-12-2011, 01:50 AM
This is the pm from Hurricane telling me to zap Mutantchicken for his lewd remarks.

Please help to zap this guy mutantchicken...he is getting too arrogant and trying to be nasty...making lewd remarks and flaming us...please click here to zap for his latest post...

Pls ask your friends to zap too.

01-12-2011, 01:52 AM
Lolz...if Hurricane ask u 2 up some1, u also put Hurricane?

Yes, I will.

01-12-2011, 02:50 AM
This is the pm from Hurricane telling me to zap Mutantchicken for his lewd remarks.

Are you mutant chicken's side kick?:p

This will be a lesson never to do the dirty work of others. :D

01-12-2011, 12:25 PM
Boss, someone zap me by violating your rule no 8.

Please do me justice...

The nick that left those remarks is mannuyap.

The nick has been placed under moderation for the offence.

01-12-2011, 04:50 PM
HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY Sammyboyfor






01-12-2011, 05:03 PM
Hurricane pmed me to zap Mutantchicken. Thats why I put Hurricane

sorry bro...din know got into trouble...let me know how i can help...:)

Boss, can i appeal on his behalf...:)

01-12-2011, 05:38 PM
HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY Sammyboyfor

Yeah Sam, time passes fast, SBF already 10 years now :cool:


01-12-2011, 05:40 PM
Are you mutant chicken's side kick?:p

This will be a lesson never to do the dirty work of others. :D

sorry bro... got into trouble....Boss, can i appeal on his behalf...:)

Boss, he zapped mutantchicken on general request from Hurricane88. "Rule 9 - Those who use the reputation system to frame innocent parties will be exposed and placed under moderation." He did not frame Hurricane88 .

Probably deserve a lesson (zap appropriately) but not a death penalty (reverse zap). How about a "Presidential Pardon" to mark SBF 10th Anniversary? Your kind consideration please. :D Cheers.

Disclaimer: I do not know Jackboy or Hurricane88.

ice meltg
01-12-2011, 06:06 PM
Boss, he zapped mutantchicken on general request from Hurricane88. "Rule 9 - Those who use the reputation system to frame innocent parties will be exposed and placed under moderation." He did not frame Hurricane88 .

Probably deserve a lesson (zap appropriately) but not a death penalty (reverse zap). How about a "Presidential Pardon" to mark SBF 10th Anniversary? Your kind consideration please. Cheers.

Disclaimer: I do not know Jackboy or Hurricane88.

BOSS, I second Bro Kalv for his kind intent, I dun think Bro Jackboy deserve such a harsh penalty !! U may like to read thru his previous contributions to reconsider yr decision & treat this as a special case !! He could have zapped the person w/o leaving any nicks & he would not be penalized at all !! Of cos, these pts doesnt carry any monetary value though but it serves as an appreciation & recognition for his effort in the past for his willingness to share with all which is tat principle for having this forum !!! :)

And also to highlight, I dunno Bros Jackboy or Hurricane88 in person nor have I ever pm them or received any help from them in the past !! & I dun forsee I would in the future bcos I will nvr wan to set foot in Vietnam !! Tats another world !!! lol :p

Just expressing my humble 2 cents !! ;)

01-12-2011, 06:10 PM
Yes, I will.

I checked SIX YEARS of your records and NOT ONCE did you put anyone elses nick when you added points...

Every single one was "up you x points, care to return the favour - JACKBOY".

As you can see, you made sure everyone knew who you were when you added points but when subtracting, you either disclosed nothing or put someone elses nick eg in May this year you pretended to be Gentletouch.

You are one naughty character. Your sins have caught up with you. :p

01-12-2011, 06:20 PM
deleted post

ice meltg
01-12-2011, 06:23 PM
I checked SIX YEARS of your records and NOT ONCE did you put anyone elses nick when you added points...

Every single one was "up you x points, care to return the favour - JACKBOY".

As you can see, you made sure everyone knew who you were when you added points but when subtracting, you either disclosed nothing or put someone elses nick eg in May this year you pretended to be Gentletouch.

You are one naughty character. Your sins have caught up with you. :p

Oh ok, BOSS, if tats the scenario, I understand where u r coming from !!! Thanks very much for yr time & effort for checkg thru all the past records !!! Appreciate !!! :)

01-12-2011, 06:27 PM
Boss Sam, you should consider this as a case of miscarriage of justice cos upon the power of verification from Bro Hurricane88, it would not be ground for mistrusting Bro Jackboy - His testimony is true and he is assumed innocent. ;)

There is no miscarriage of justice.

There is a big difference between "Hurricane asked me to zap you" and "Zap u - Hurricane".

It is a clear cut case of trying to put the blame on someone else for the zap. He's protecting his own ass so he doesn't get zapped in return. However, he has no problems with hurricane88 getting zapped because of the remarks he left.

Even hurricane88 himself doesn't leave his nick when he zaps. He just puts "zap u".

Gee you ask a friend to help you zap and he sabotages you in the process. Some kind "friend" you are.

01-12-2011, 06:41 PM
Deleted posts... clones responding out of the blue....????:confused: How on earth does ice meltg come into the scene?

Something fishy is going on here and I intend to get to the bottom of it. :eek:

ice meltg
01-12-2011, 06:58 PM
Deleted posts... clones responding out of the blue....????:confused: How on earth does ice meltg come into the scene?

Something fishy is going on here and I intend to get to the bottom of it

Haha, BOSS, I am just expressing my humble 2 cents, like I explained earlier! Anyway, I am not their clones :p U may like to check !! May be I too busy body liao :eek: Beri SAD :( Sigh !!!

01-12-2011, 07:07 PM
Deleted posts... clones responding out of the blue....????:confused: How on earth does ice meltg come into the scene?

Something fishy is going on here and I intend to get to the bottom of it. :eek:

deleted post cos ppl nv see ur post above him ma, tats y after seeing liao then delete lor, guess u been watching too many detective movies :D

or maybe its me watching too much movies too :eek:

01-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Bro alan0338, thanks for reminder. I didn't realize Boss Sam was referring to my deleted post. ;)

Deleted posts... clones responding out of the blue....???? How on earth does ice meltg come into the scene?

Something fishy is going on here and I intend to get to the bottom of it.

Boss Sam, I deleted my post cos I didn't see your earlier post below mah.
Ok, I out of this topic cos my intend back-fired.
Think you watched too much of Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior liao la. :D

I checked SIX YEARS of your records and NOT ONCE did you put anyone elses nick when you added points...

Every single one was "up you x points, care to return the favour - JACKBOY".

As you can see, you made sure everyone knew who you were when you added points but when subtracting, you either disclosed nothing or put someone elses nick eg in May this year you pretended to be Gentletouch.

You are one naughty character. Your sins have caught up with you.

Anyway, all the best to all and this forum on it's 10th anniversary ;)

02-12-2011, 07:59 AM
Anyway, all the best to all and this forum on it's 10th anniversary ;)

I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

02-12-2011, 08:45 AM
.... 10th anniversary amnesty.... tomorrow (3.12.11) . All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their will have their points restored as part of the celebrations. There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.






02-12-2011, 09:27 AM
Braddah sammyboyfor, there is another joker violate your rule no 8.

Please uphold justices. Dare to screw but don't dare to leave nick behind.


Just checked. Nobody broke the rules in the last 48 hours.

02-12-2011, 09:40 AM
Dear Bro Sammyboyfor

Happy 10th Year Anniversary in advance.

ice meltg
02-12-2011, 10:07 AM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

wow, Boss, tats great news !!! a BIG THANK YOU !!! :)

Happy 10th Anniversary !!! Congratulations & Well wishes !!! :)

Sammyboyforum has probably changed the life & living habits of many Samsters :p:D Kudos !!!

02-12-2011, 11:03 AM
Yeah Sam, time passes fast, SBF already 10 years now :cool:


Happy anniversary SBF and also to you bro. :)

02-12-2011, 11:05 AM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

Sammyboy Forum & boss, Happy 10th anniversary in advance!

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

Way to go for celebration!

Feel like Xmas (Xmas is around the corner too...), forgive & forget... with Xmas, in tis case, it's SBF presents & gifts! hehe... :D:)

02-12-2011, 12:18 PM
There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

Giving bonus points as a 10year anniversary gift shows samsters that the forum appreciate them, and want them to stick around for another 10 years. It will also inspire samsters to put forth their best efforts to help this forum prosper and expand. It's a great idea to reward faithful samsters while encouraging newbies to invest more time in the forum simultaneously. :p

I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

This is a good gesture.

IMHO, many of these Bros/Sis did it cos of rage spurred (as unlike serial abusers) and they have been supporting this forum for years and have accumulated their well deserved points over many contributions. Mindful of their meritorious deed, it is good to pardon them. 无工也有劳 ;)

Each Moment Of A Happy Hour In SBF Is Worth An Age Of Dull And Common Life :p
Happy 10th Anniversay, SBF !
Best Wishes, IK :D

02-12-2011, 12:39 PM
Wow!!! Special treat for members at 10th Anniversary.

More good years!

Thank you!

02-12-2011, 01:25 PM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

Thank you boss for this wonderful forum. SBF will always be number 1 . Wish you many good years ahead .

I know someone will be very happy with your rep points. :rolleyes: ;) :p

02-12-2011, 01:34 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary SBF!!!

U will always b our no. 1 SEX Forum.;)


02-12-2011, 01:47 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary SammyBoy Forum!

I registered on 3rd December so I am 10 years old.....hahaha :D

Sexy Under
02-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary SammyBoy Forum!

I registered on 3rd December so I am 10 years old.....hahaha :D

Member since Sep 2010, only 15 mths old... haiz...

No wonder I still looking high and low for big (.)(.) :D

A great forum that lasted for 10 solid years & hopefully many more ahead! Thanks Boss!

02-12-2011, 04:07 PM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.
Sam, no need to give me bonus rep pt, cant redeem it for presents, cant encash it and definitely no discounts at any joints
N I kinda like my current no. 748 (去死吧!) :D
Just do a double/triple zap or up valid for 3 uses in the next 24hrs

02-12-2011, 04:12 PM
Cases when Samsters request for zap on behalf:

1) Already Upz someone. Cannot zap him in the next 3 yrs.

2) Already zap him. Got more upset by him. Requesting help to zap on his behalf as unable to zap again.

I do have cases of Upz on behalf eg:

............... 07-11-2011 01:23 AM xxx request to upz u
............... 06-11-2011 11:22 PM +2 from bro yyyy

However very clear in Comments. Also pts different from power of xxxx, yyyy.

This may be for cases when the post is expiring (just upz someone else) or do not wish to give too many pts. or wish to give more pts.

Sammyboyfor only critical on zaps - not upz. :DCheers.
I am retorting him on a scenerio if other ppl ask him to help someone else.
I have received fair share of such requests, if I find that particular guy obnoxious or annoying, I don't give 2 hoots. But even if I do click on appreciate posts, I will normally leave additional comments such as "requested by so & so" or jus "Others requests"

02-12-2011, 05:03 PM
Happy anniversary SBF and to sammyboyfor, thnks for yur bonus rep points..

More good years!ahead SBF:)

eh just now was power 2 now become 4..anyway Thnks a million and good luck to all SBF Bro's

02-12-2011, 05:31 PM
Hi boss hope you can remove me from being placed under moderation. Thanks. Happy 10th Anniversary everyone! Cheers

02-12-2011, 05:38 PM
waa....Sam in good mood
But how cum rep 17 for me for 24hrs??

I only got 1 more request - can u bump up Roberking post and let me zap him 10times?:p If not DNAT also can

02-12-2011, 05:44 PM
waa....Sam in good mood
But how cum rep 17 for me for 24hrs??

I only got 1 more request - can u bump up Roberking post and let me zap him 10times?:p If not DNAT also can

rofl... bro, u r really funny... i almost fell frm chair rollin of floor laughing out loud! :)

btw boss, the 24hrs duration, ends at when & wat time?

02-12-2011, 05:44 PM
A very happy 10 Years Anniversary to SBF and all bros/sistas here! :)

Thanks for this forum and many more good years to cum!:D

02-12-2011, 05:47 PM
Wow...my power like already 13 yrs in sbf :D

Happy Anniversary people :p

May all of you have more sexciting journey ahead :D:p

02-12-2011, 05:47 PM

May you go on and on and on!

02-12-2011, 05:48 PM
rofl... bro, u r really funny... i almost fell frm chair rollin of floor laughing out loud! :)

btw boss, the 24hrs duration, ends at when & wat time?
I thk jus activated, so most probably tml 5pm?
but hor, in case ah Sam chg his mind (which he normally does for such instances) u better hoot whoeva or up whoeva u want 1st

I 2day also siao w him....who wants pts, jus pm me, 10 users 1st cum 1st up or 1st down:p

Doran Gray
02-12-2011, 05:52 PM
All for One, One for All. Happy Happy 10th SBF Anniversary....like wishing Sinkapore yappy bird-day on 9 Aug eberyear likedat ! ;)

Long-live SBF !!!


02-12-2011, 05:59 PM
I thk jus activated, so most probably tml 5pm?
but hor, in case ah Sam chg his mind (which he normally does for such instances) u better hoot whoeva or up whoeva u want 1st

I 2day also siao w him....who wants pts, jus pm me, 10 users 1st cum 1st up or 1st down:p

lol.. ya, i also est tat time. but wait, will he considers frm the time we start to up/zap, to cal the 24hrs?

02-12-2011, 06:15 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary to Sammyboy Forum! Long Live the King of Sex Forum!! :D

02-12-2011, 06:18 PM
I am only a few points to get out of moderation.
Will any kind senior bros pls ups me so I can have rep point???
Started a few threads liao with pics and all but bo seng li ;(

shawn teo
02-12-2011, 06:37 PM
Happy Anniversary BOSS & SBF .

Thanks for the added new features . Will continue to reward to those who contribute positively to this forum.

By the way this new feature is it going to be a permanent fixture ?

02-12-2011, 06:40 PM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

Happy anniversary, Mr Sam.

Can you please let me out of the cold? It is terrible without the per ;):D

02-12-2011, 06:59 PM
Happy Anniversary!


May i seek you pardon to restore my reputation points back to positive please

Thank you in advance

02-12-2011, 07:00 PM
Happy 10th anniversary to all bros! ;) Huat ah! :D

02-12-2011, 07:00 PM
I like the idea of a 10th anniversary amnesty.

The actual 10th anniversary date of the forum going live is actually tomorrow.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored as part of the celebrations.

There will also be bonus rep points tomorrow.

oh... please get me out of moderation mode pls...... i'll be a gd gal and not repeat the same mistake again.... Thks boss

02-12-2011, 07:13 PM
Can't believe I also join here 10 yrs liao :cool:

02-12-2011, 07:15 PM
Happy 10th anv boss!

Appericate the favor also looking forward to getting m points back n wouldt

make the same mistake again ;0) Scout's honor

02-12-2011, 07:19 PM

Please help me out of moderation (M) mode!! :D

Happy 10th anniversary!!

02-12-2011, 07:20 PM
Boss i have my pointa restored but still cant post pics in the tread. please help

as i have collected tons while i was in the cold ;0) and Looking forward to

sharing them

02-12-2011, 07:24 PM
Bro Sammyboy may I seek your Pardon and revert me back to become a normal samster Thanks . All the best to sammyboyforum in years to come ! Happy Bday !

02-12-2011, 07:26 PM
Wah how abt those bros who contribute overseas forum...I in meh-bourne but only got one power bro pocket rocket who can up me. Sob sob...post quirw a few liaoz but still 20 rep points cuz most of us cannot up others if got good fr. So how ah? Any solutions?? Quite sianz cuz when I go back sg for holidays alot of gem cannot ask for contact cuz rep points too low.

02-12-2011, 07:28 PM
Happy Birthday SBF!!

Boss appreciate if you could restore my rep points.

Many thanks! :)

02-12-2011, 07:30 PM
Hi, can I apply for the "pardon" n revert back to my old points n power? Hope to hv favorable news from u... Thanks...

02-12-2011, 07:35 PM
Happy "BIRD"Day SammyBoy


02-12-2011, 07:45 PM
Happy Anniversary BOSS & SBF .

....new feature is it going to be a permanent fixture ?

No. it is only for 24 hrs to celebrate SBF 10th Anniversary - 3.12.11 Saturday. :D Cheers.

02-12-2011, 07:49 PM
hi sammyboyfor,

could u kindly reinstate my pts ?

happy 10th anniversary!

02-12-2011, 07:49 PM
Happy birthday SBF forum!!! This forum rocks! Please pardon me... :o

02-12-2011, 07:56 PM
I have received fair share of such requests, ..even if I do click on appreciate posts, I will normally leave additional comments such as "requested by so & so" or jus "Others requests"

Great, you have done the right thing. I also do receive such requests (Upz/Zaps) - however only Upz for deserving cases - not zap. Only zap one so far in SBF (after repeated warnings, he is aware). Have a good weekend. :D Cheers.

ah rat
02-12-2011, 08:11 PM
I up ppl until shiok shiok :D
Happy 10th Anniversary :D
Can my Power remain 14 :D

02-12-2011, 08:16 PM

Thanks for this forum.

Happy 10th Anniversary! ;)

02-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Hi, hope to get the pardon to resume my points which was zap due to unknown reasons.


02-12-2011, 08:29 PM
Wow, all power x2. upz & zap oso double :D

ah rat
02-12-2011, 08:32 PM
Wow, all power x2. upz & zap oso double :D

Bro only 2day :D

02-12-2011, 08:33 PM
Boss Sammy,

Please help me out of this miserable cocoon. I am in the red for a long time.:(

Thank you very much!:)

Last but not least, Happy & Prosperous 10th Anniversay!!!!!!!!!

02-12-2011, 08:43 PM
can pardon me thanks sammyboy.

u see i post a picture the rest dislike so in short my points got cut off...

so i cant post anymore... or comments since

happy 10 anniversary sammyboy

02-12-2011, 08:44 PM
Can i get the pardon too :D

02-12-2011, 09:10 PM
need your kind consideration to revert to positive. regards !

02-12-2011, 09:11 PM
I up ppl until shiok shiok :D
Happy 10th Anniversary :D
Can my Power remain 14 :D

U can, as long as u r willing to pay.... :D

Anyway, happy anniversary to SBF.

02-12-2011, 09:12 PM
So many pleas.

So many asking favours.

Hmmm....remind me of the movie " Bruce Almighty".

02-12-2011, 09:17 PM
wonder when i will get 1 rep.. lol

02-12-2011, 09:26 PM
hi boss congrats on yr 10th anniversary , could u kindly help with my points ? thanks a million

02-12-2011, 09:27 PM

i was zap off all of my point and power. sorry that i didnt know that i need to leave my nick behind after zapping pple. can u pls restore my power and points. thanks a lot.

02-12-2011, 09:27 PM
How about resetting my points...anyway was framed by you and others powerful basters...:mad:

Should restrict point reduction to only moderators.

02-12-2011, 09:33 PM
Woweee!!! I'm 19 pts now! LoL

Hmm... it'll be nice if the system can reset the need to wait 3 years to upz/zap someone, so I can upz/zap them again now :D

02-12-2011, 09:35 PM
I have done nothing much, and got zap for stating the truth and offering helps. So is there anyway anyone could help me out of moderation ???

02-12-2011, 09:35 PM
hi mr sammboy, pl help with my negative pts , i promise to be good :)

02-12-2011, 09:44 PM
Woweee!!! I'm 19 pts now! LoL

Hmm... it'll be nice if the system can reset the need to wait 3 years to upz/zap someone, so I can upz/zap them again now :D

suddenly pts are high up with everyone, i'll use my power to up every one i can today. i think it is only 10 ups right.

02-12-2011, 09:49 PM
yeah bro...10 persons only...i already used up all mine :(

02-12-2011, 09:53 PM
anyone willing to restore my points please? :)

02-12-2011, 10:00 PM
the mighty pls pardon me... I've sinned due to ppl posted my gf's upskirt pic and I merely asked him to remove.

02-12-2011, 10:02 PM
Hi boss. May i please be pardoned?

Thanks in advance...

02-12-2011, 10:05 PM
Hi boss,can pardon me?
Happy 10th Anniversary

Thanks With Warmest Regards

02-12-2011, 10:27 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary to SBF and many thanks to Sammy Boss!
Long Live SBF and Let the Fun continue....

02-12-2011, 10:34 PM
Happy birthday to SBF!! Wish all samster stay healthy and HUAT AR!!!!:D

NNKC!!! :D

02-12-2011, 10:37 PM

02-12-2011, 10:59 PM

I was put into negative mode, sorry that i didnt know that i need to leave my nick after zapping pple. Can u pls restore my power and points. Thanks and will continue to support SBF.

02-12-2011, 11:06 PM
congrats! happy anni...!

02-12-2011, 11:06 PM
I was placed under moderation for using profanities against a fellow forumer. I hv learnt my lesson. Am I eligible for the pardon?

02-12-2011, 11:44 PM
I wish admin can pardon for me. Thank you very much

02-12-2011, 11:53 PM
appreciate it :D

03-12-2011, 12:00 AM
happy holidays to all

03-12-2011, 12:07 AM
i am a better man now so pls revive me!!!
hehe happy 10 yo birthday sammyboy!!

gg reach puberty soon wor!:D

03-12-2011, 12:12 AM
Boss, i was -147.. and 7 points if i am not wrong... am finally out of moderation, all thanks to the kind bros and sisters of the forum.
Just wanna say thumbs up for this gesture! :))

03-12-2011, 12:18 AM
please pardon me , i hope i am not too late for the amnesty.

03-12-2011, 12:21 AM
Mr Sammyboyforum, I was flying high with positive points. Suddenly I saw red. Till now I am not sure what happening.

I am active, dearly sharing info, never zap or even scolded anyone. If the reason was multiple nicks, please do check my ip. Seriously and god sake I have only 1 nick.

Hope u may be able to help me. Really appreciated if you can let me loose and do check my past post to show my innocence.

Thanks in advance.

03-12-2011, 12:23 AM
Boss, pls pardon mi, i was 55pts and power of 2 previously. I have been in moderation for more than a year. I have learnt.

Oink Oink
03-12-2011, 12:34 AM
Does the 10 upz count in the 1000 upz before we can upz the same bro again?

10 Candles for SBF !!!!!!!!!!

03-12-2011, 12:35 AM
can pls help as i still under moderation,

03-12-2011, 12:36 AM
Hope admin can graciously pardon me. Xie Xie

03-12-2011, 12:37 AM
I have been punished for over 2 years....

Hope boss can pardon me as well...

Thanks! :o