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17-10-2013, 10:20 PM
Si lu Kena zap meh ?
Kan kan keo!

30minutes 11 zaps.
The chee bye comment should be from one chee bye lan jiao lang.
Fuck all his female relatives' smelly chee bye
Chee bye kia him. He is bastard.
Chao lan jiao.

17-10-2013, 10:43 PM
You all can complain and complain until the durian drop from the sky or until money drop from the sky but the person will never feel any pain at all but laughing away behind his pc :eek:

Live with it if not .....pay for premium like what bro sexy said and hope Uncle Sam do something about it...hope.... :D

17-10-2013, 10:55 PM
Fuck the bastard zapper openly = shiok
He know he kena fuck can already. No care he laugh.

18-10-2013, 11:26 AM
How I wish to do that. Anyway I know my zapper liao. I rest my case. I fuck him in public no give other face. So I tease him a little in my pm. Haha. You really c!g this time. Lol.

18-10-2013, 11:50 AM
How I wish to do that. Anyway I know my zapper liao. I rest my case. I fuck him in public no give other face. So I tease him a little in my pm. Haha. You really c!g this time. Lol.

ctchua is the other one.

18-10-2013, 10:07 PM
Boss why in the world is the spammer MrStyleKing back??? I understand you
need sponsors for your forum, but is there no standard to uphold?

18-10-2013, 10:26 PM
Could be to zap me. This sex forum is also a zap forum

19-10-2013, 10:56 AM

In the absence of useful information, money talks.;)

:D :D

19-10-2013, 02:32 PM
Boss some evidence of the spammer king MrStyleKing, pls see the below


He spammed continously for 2 hrs without stop pls boss pls intervene

Big Sexy
19-10-2013, 02:39 PM
boss already take care of that.
let us know if he spam again. :)
Boss some evidence of the spammer king MrStyleKing, pls see the below


He spammed continously for 2 hrs without stop pls boss pls intervene

19-10-2013, 03:33 PM
Boss some evidence of the spammer king MrStyleKing, pls see the below


He spammed continously for 2 hrs without stop pls boss pls intervene

Your spamming is almost as bad as his. Carry on like that and both of you will be history. :rolleyes:

19-10-2013, 03:44 PM
From the peanuts u make from that moron, it better be worth all the cleaning duties u hv to partake after he shits all over the forum cos this is the 2nd time in 2days though less than 48hrs I notice you had to perform area cleaning lol :D

19-10-2013, 03:59 PM
From the peanuts u make from that moron, it better be worth all the cleaning duties u hv to partake after he shits all over the forum cos this is the 2nd time in 2days though less than 48hrs I notice you had to perform area cleaning lol :D

It takes me less than 10 seconds to delete all his posts.

It takes me much longer to track down all the idiots who are complaining about his posts and deleting their spam too.

19-10-2013, 04:13 PM
Boss, me u not on bad terms. No advertiser wud Gv u this added work. Like the saying goes, it u dun plant the seed, the plant wont grow. Plant it, u gotta do pruning ltr. So if u look at ur reply to me, u already hv to do pruning. Name another revenue generator that requires u to wear ur gardening gloves boss. Think u get wat I mean. Ur forum, ur call. I respect ur decision n u, like I always did n do. Hv a gd weekend

19-10-2013, 07:00 PM
boss already take care of that.
let us know if he spam again. :)Hi mate, do you mean that MrStyleKing will be back soon? So his account was kinda liked a temp ban? Anyway no matter what you guys did, he still has other means to come back to spam. Root of problem is him. So removing him will restore peace.

However due to shit stirers who co exist in this cyber area. Some will love to seek pleasure from this chance. Is there any plans to kick those as well? :D

19-10-2013, 07:20 PM
It takes me less than 10 seconds to delete all his posts.

It takes me much longer to track down all the idiots who are complaining about his posts and deleting their spam too.

No creation of nicks containing "mrstyleking" and that will most prob add another 5s more. Maybe due to reserving that nick for him, he will drop the idea of coming back in similar form.

Placing a rotten egg in a basket of good eggs. Soon you might find that there are no more eggs to use and the worst thing that can happen is a massive culling.

Killing one to warn others might be a good call.
Totally's worthless pov :D

19-10-2013, 09:09 PM
8. Reputation votes are secret. In other words, you can vote either way without fear or favour. HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.


Boss, someone zap me recently with profanities and vulgarities directed at my mother.

He did not put down his nick.
He got the guts to curse someone's mother but no guts to put down his nick.

I dun care abt the points but I think this is unethical and coward behaviour.
I did not do anything to offend him.

Can you do something?


19-10-2013, 09:26 PM
How to mask the zap comment without seeing it and to to get zap but point not deducted?

Can pay to buy this option?

We want perfect

Big Sexy
20-10-2013, 08:13 AM
how much can u offer?:D

How to mask the zap comment without seeing it and to to get zap but point not deducted?

Can pay to buy this option?

We want perfect

20-10-2013, 12:46 PM
Boss, someone zap me recently with profanities and vulgarities directed at my mother.

He did not put down his nick.
He got the guts to curse someone's mother but no guts to put down his nick.

Haiz. Mine sama sama. As to consider it as profanities or vulgarities or both.
My POV is as long as it is a zap comment which contain mother related content. It will be offensive to me.
Below is one example.
Anyone wan lim kopi at... 15-10-2013 01:39 PM
ask yr lao bu who zap u. yr lao bu knows.

Is the zapper referring to boss as my lao bu for boss is the one who know who zap. :rolleyes:
"Lao bu" boss, pls advice. :eek:

How to mask the zap comment without seeing it and to to get zap but point not deducted?

Can pay to buy this option?They can offer but are you able to pay. The cheapo method is by masking the screen that displayed the portion under the comment area with masking tape. :D

20-10-2013, 12:56 PM
I can afford but not willing to afford. I never read zap comment and never bother the lost point.

Other may need this feature. They die die must read zap comment despite they don't need to read. I believe they can afford alot more. Some can afford $900\hr 1 shot.

20-10-2013, 01:00 PM
oei! Do you know how many moderated account i have ? I post and ready for zap but never read the cheeby comment one.

20-10-2013, 02:47 PM
Then you should ask yourself why are you so unpopular in this world...cannot even survive in a virtual forum ..I'm sure you are a loser in the real-world :(

Sad but true..you need some consultation, PM uncle gemini..I will help you :D

20-10-2013, 04:28 PM

Nothing to loose. So many lost reputation points all given by Sam. 20 points per new account times thousands of accounts. Sam given the points for free.

No need to return the points to Sam.

20-10-2013, 08:57 PM
how much can u offer?:D

Is boss serious about offering it? :D

Zap immunity, sure have some takers.

Then again, boss might have stronger principles about reputation being a reflection of a person's quality of posts.

But if you think further about it, clones are abound in this forum. There are many accounts with bo liao one-liner posts that have high reputation points.

Like it or not, the clones are here to stay, just like the inevitable war against FLs and reputation points are no longer a true reflection of a person's worth.

Why not use "zap immunity" as an opportunity to generate more money, just like for the case of FLs? :D :D

20-10-2013, 09:18 PM
Impossible one lah

OKTs contributed significantly to running this forum loh

System should favour OKTs so that they pay i don't pay

Cannot be boss collect membership fee from all samsters to run the forum

Teo bo ?

Is boss serious about offering it? :D

Zap immunity, sure have some takers.

Then again, boss might have stronger principles about reputation being a reflection of a person's quality of posts.

But if you think further about it, clones are abound in this forum. There are many accounts with bo liao one-liner posts that have high reputation points.

Like it or not, the clones are here to stay, just like the inevitable war against FLs and reputation points are no longer a true reflection of a person's worth.

Why not use "zap immunity" as an opportunity to generate more money, just like for the case of FLs? :D :D

28-10-2013, 01:50 PM
Impossible one lah

OKTs contributed significantly to running this forum loh

System should favour OKTs so that they pay i don't pay

Cannot be boss collect membership fee from all samsters to run the forum

Teo bo ?

Boss, Somehow manage to have a great idea for you. Why dun you give all ur premium member a zapproof vest of 20 pts each month. Haha. That will further increase your premium membership.
Dun forget to give me some commission for this idea given to you. :D

29-10-2013, 11:11 PM
Boss i sent you a pm, do look through it and let me know if anything can be
done, thanks

29-10-2013, 11:43 PM
I got zapped with vulgarities but the zapper never left his nick. He used the
word "fucking", this is clear violation of the rules

30-10-2013, 10:42 AM
i think zappers must have their nick exposed

too little ppl bother to up and too many mysterious zaps for all the 101 silly reasons

Big Sexy
30-10-2013, 11:20 AM
mate, there will be more problem if zappers nicks are reveal
we have been thru that..
i think zappers must have their nick exposed

too little ppl bother to up and too many mysterious zaps for all the 101 silly reasons

30-10-2013, 11:30 AM
i guess more ppl arguing...lol...

i keep getting zap for stupid reason and never get up for fr...its a decay of the sharing system

luckily still got buddies to up my points

Big Sexy
30-10-2013, 11:41 AM
that is life mate,
there are more downs than ups..;)

i guess more ppl arguing...lol...

i keep getting zap for stupid reason and never get up for fr...its a decay of the sharing system

luckily still got buddies to up my points

30-10-2013, 02:24 PM
i guess more ppl arguing...lol...

i keep getting zap for stupid reason and never get up for fr...its a decay of the sharing system

luckily still got buddies to up my points

Bro you mostly in geylang section.
If you write fr and get zap mostly cos you may have up someone else 'gf'
Even if not gf, it could be someone they like and don't like to share. haha
However don't bother abt it, because losers are like this, they whine, get frustrated and complain.
Sharing a good wl sometimes have its cons, however try to spread your post / frs in different camps / sections.
As i believe contributions always the core reason for approvals. cheers

30-10-2013, 07:06 PM
Thxs for the well meaning advice bro

I just feel this system does not reward sharing for the geylang section, and actually encourages ppl to keep info to themselves

Big Sexy
30-10-2013, 08:05 PM
mate, forget about those useless points and continue to contribute
there will be good souls who will up you. :)

forget about the points

Thxs for the well meaning advice bro

I just feel this system does not reward sharing for the geylang section, and actually encourages ppl to keep info to themselves

30-10-2013, 11:03 PM
ok bro...thxs for the up

06-11-2013, 07:59 PM
Hmm just say if my this current account is joined in 2006.. if I now start to contribute and hit more than 10 post and my rep points were to hit 40 or more..

Do I get 7 points? Or I will start from 1 point?

Thinking whether to start from a new account since this account left 9 points =(

06-11-2013, 08:12 PM
Hmm just say if my this current account is joined in 2006.. if I now start to contribute and hit more than 10 post and my rep points were to hit 40 or more..

Do I get 7 points? Or I will start from 1 point?

Thinking whether to start from a new account since this account left 9 points =(

you will get power of 8 if you have 40 points or more....:)

see mine...same thing...2006...:)

06-11-2013, 08:23 PM
Ahh thanks.. I tot the 1 point a year will only kick in after I fufill the requirement and does not count the years which I did not fufill..

Guess I will start to contribute actively and earn my 8 points!

Thank you!

Big Sexy
06-11-2013, 08:26 PM
you will need to have enough post besides the min of 40 rep points
start posting ;)
Ahh thanks.. I tot the 1 point a year will only kick in after I fufill the requirement and does not count the years which I did not fufill..

Guess I will start to contribute actively and earn my 8 points!

Thank you!

06-11-2013, 08:47 PM
Yes boss, will start posting and share some videos..

Was just thinking whether to create new account and start from fresh as I thought the power is only given at every eligible year

12-11-2013, 06:29 PM
Hi bros,

Can I check how come my points change from +88 to -88 out of sudden?

It was still at +88 yesterday before the site is down? is that the reason?

you will need to have enough post besides the min of 40 rep points
start posting ;)

Big Sexy
12-11-2013, 06:44 PM
u must have violate one of the rules
go to page 1 of this thread and read the first few post.

Hi bros,

Can I check how come my points change from +88 to -88 out of sudden?

It was still at +88 yesterday before the site is down? is that the reason?

12-11-2013, 07:22 PM
Hi bros,

Can I check how come my points change from +88 to -88 out of sudden?

It was still at +88 yesterday before the site is down? is that the reason?

Fugup zaps max_priest 16:17, 11th Nov 2013 -1 f u [Post]

Detected by my auto script. :D

Big Sexy
12-11-2013, 07:36 PM
another one down.
well done autoscript :D

Fugup zaps max_priest 16:17, 11th Nov 2013 -1 f u [Post]

Detected by my auto script. :D

13-11-2013, 08:21 PM
Justice shall be served :D :D

14-11-2013, 10:23 AM
Fugup zaps max_priest 16:17, 11th Nov 2013 -1 f u [Post]

Detected by my auto script. :D

Hi boss,

I was zapped sometime back with followings comment.
Could you let me know who zapped me.?
Thanks alot :)

L6h66 15-03-2013 03:39 PM f u

15-11-2013, 03:24 AM
thanks ah bros.

appreciate it.

15-11-2013, 09:06 AM
Bro now I negative anyway I can get back my points? Ridiculous

think you must had breached one of the rules of the reputation points...:)

BTW, I tried reply your pm but cannot because your mailbox full...so remember to clear old pm...:)

Boss - am I correct that this samster breached one rule...:confused:

Big Sexy
15-11-2013, 09:54 AM
those in moderation have limited pm..

BTW, I tried reply your pm but cannot because your mailbox full...so remember to clear old pm...:)

15-11-2013, 11:28 AM
Boss - am I correct that this samster breached one rule...:confused:

Clone zapping.

15-11-2013, 11:29 AM
Fugup zaps max_priest 16:17, 11th Nov 2013 -1 f u [Post]

Detected by my auto script. :D

SBF boss, Big Sexy,

Jus curious .... For such cases, what does it take to reinstate his/her points?
Or permanent allocation to cellar?


15-11-2013, 11:51 AM
SBF boss, Big Sexy,

Jus curious .... For such cases, what does it take to reinstate his/her points?
Or permanent allocation to cellar?


There is an amnesty declared periodically where those who want their old nicks back can negotiate a return to former glory. ;)

This happened 3 years ago on the 10th anniversary of the forum and again when Premium membership was introduced a the beginning of the year.

15-11-2013, 12:31 PM
There is an amnesty declared periodically where those who want their old nicks back can negotiate a return to former glory. ;)

This happened 3 years ago on the 10th anniversary of the forum and again when Premium membership was introduced a the beginning of the year.

Noted SBF boss.
That's a very nice gesture .... A lifeline thrown ... Somewhat similar to the recent death sentence being commuted to life sentence ..... :)
Thanks for the sharing.


15-11-2013, 01:47 PM
thanks ah bros.

appreciate it.

Hi bros,

Can I check how come my points change from +88 to -88 out of sudden?

It was still at +88 yesterday before the site is down? is that the reason?

Why did my points suddenly became negative overnight? I didn't used any abusive language on any other user or anything what. May i know why?

This is the truth ...

Keewee has instigated the 3 of you to zap me in exchange for a set of Jocelyn Wee nude photos ... You have not only zapped me but hurled vulgarity at me as well ... :)

I hope this serves as a good lesson for you guys and plz do not zap people blindly juz because you're desperate for that set of nude photos. One should zap or up in good faith ... Keewee is a malicious samster who is trying to "assasinate" my online persona, so to speak ...

SBF Auto-Script rocks! Thanks a bunch to the Boss of SBF for the kind assistance to date ... :cool:


15-11-2013, 02:19 PM
SBF Auto-Script rocks! Thanks a bunch to the Boss of SBF for the kind assistance to date ... :cool:


I wish everyone could just get along. Those who have a lot of time and energy should use it to help keep the forum going instead of trying to destroy the harmony.

15-11-2013, 02:50 PM
Thanks bro. Appericate it.

HUAT AH!!!!!!!!

15-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Clone zapping. I wish everyone could just get along. Those who have a lot of time and energy should use it to help keep the forum going instead of trying to destroy the harmony.
.xxxx. instigated .. 3 of you to zap me in exchange for a set .. nude photos ... have .. zapped me ... hurled vulgarity ..
xxxx told me to zap someone for a set. ended up being suspended. nothing will happen to him as boss say he didnt do anything wrong. haizz *sighz* truly disappointing bro.
Auto-script has done well to catch violations/clones etc. :(Masters /masterminds /"shit stirrers" - root causes of problems - free/done nothing wrong ?? :rolleyes: Police will forever be busy catching illegals immigrants if "snakeheads" (with evidences of PMs/SMS etc) are not prosecuted. :p Wishes - meaningless/useless without good enforcements - forever busy. SBF - Virtual Wild, Wild West - truly disappointing.

Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.

15-11-2013, 08:32 PM
This is the truth ...

Keewee has instigated the 3 of you to zap me in exchange for a set of Jocelyn Wee nude photos ... You have not only zapped me but hurled vulgarity at me as well ... :)

I hope this serves as a good lesson for you guys and plz do not zap people blindly juz because you're desperate for that set of nude photos. One should zap or up in good faith ... Keewee is a malicious samster who is trying to "assasinate" my online persona, so to speak ...

SBF Auto-Script rocks! Thanks a bunch to the Boss of SBF for the kind assistance to date ... :cool:


I received a similar PM to zap you to get Jocelyn Wee set but decided against it. So no Jocelyn Wee set 4 for me.

15-11-2013, 10:41 PM
I received a similar PM to zap you to get Jocelyn Wee set but decided against it. So no Jocelyn Wee set 4 for me.

Bro, thanks for your kind gesture ... If you up me, I shall reciprocate out of goodwill ... OK? This is to promote harmony among us in order to be in-line with SBF Boss desire ... :)

16-11-2013, 02:32 AM
There is an amnesty declared periodically where those who want their old nicks back can negotiate a return to former glory. ;)

This happened 3 years ago on the 10th anniversary of the forum and again when Premium membership was introduced a the beginning of the year.

包大人Boss.....i also kanna zap on 3rd Nov 2013 1.01am with comments "go fuck yourself la asshole ".........n on 1st Oct 2013 8.48am with comments " i fuck ur whore mom u trash boy "

Can borrow yr 虎头闸 n chop chop chop samsters leaving these types of comments or not ? Zap can not scold bad words right ? You can reveal to us who leave these types of comments right ? Thank u very much !!!:D:D

ah rat
16-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Haha,Sam become 包大人 :D

16-11-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi boss,

I was zapped sometime back with followings comment.
Could you let me know who zapped me.?
Thanks alot :)

L6h66 15-03-2013 03:39 PM f u

包大人Boss.....i also kanna zap on 3rd Nov 2013 1.01am with comments "go fuck yourself la asshole ".........n on 1st Oct 2013 8.48am with comments " i fuck ur whore mom u trash boy "

Can borrow yr 虎头闸 n chop chop chop samsters leaving these types of comments or not ? Zap can not scold bad words right ? You can reveal to us who leave these types of comments right ? Thank u very much !!!:D:D

Boss me too kana zapped with this comments
L6h66 22-10-2013 07:56 AM f u

Please reveal who left such comments.
Thanks very much.

16-11-2013, 11:22 AM
Hi big boss just wondering y instigating or masterminding mass zap is not part of the rules or regulations? It's an act of creating disharmony in sbf.

Just my 2cents worth of curiosity. :)

16-11-2013, 12:41 PM
Hi big boss just wondering y instigating or masterminding mass zap is not part of the rules or regulations? It's an act of creating disharmony in sbf.

Just my 2cents worth of curiosity. :)

That would require that I become a hacker and monitor all private emails and messages. Haven't you heard about the importance of privacy.

16-11-2013, 02:23 PM
That would require that I become a hacker and monitor all private emails and messages. Haven't you heard about the importance of privacy.

Thanks boss for the reply. Indeed it's hard to trace the mastermind. :)

16-11-2013, 06:58 PM
Haha,Sam become 包大人 :D

Bo bian.....we no way to see the.....only Sam has......:D

18-11-2013, 11:50 AM
Hi big boss I have been mass zapped

WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 01:05 AM every time zap people ..
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:55 AM no need act blur act ...
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:51 AM don't test my patient
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:49 AM didnt i tell u to try harder ..
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:47 AM you still haven't give ...

Within 18 minutes 5 anonymous continuously zaps

Could you please check it and do something about it? thanks and happy Monday :D

18-11-2013, 12:32 PM
Hi big boss I have been mass zapped

WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 01:05 AM every time zap people ..
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:55 AM no need act blur act ...
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:51 AM don't test my patient
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:49 AM didnt i tell u to try harder ..
WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 12:47 AM you still haven't give ...

Within 18 minutes 5 anonymous continuously zaps

Could you please check it and do something about it? thanks and happy Monday :D

Thanks big boss, i saw my point has become positive now, may I know who are the 5 Samsters and will they be punished for such action?

18-11-2013, 07:22 PM
Hi big boss just wondering y instigating or masterminding mass zap is not part of the rules or regulations? It's an act of creating disharmony in sbf.

Just my 2cents worth of curiosity. :)

yeah boss

once I asked about zapping here and you said no one needs a reason to zap a person when I was zapped and I accepted it as that.

as long as they are zapping without vulgar words, they don't need to leave a name...

are the rules changing now? just asking don't penalise me....

18-11-2013, 08:43 PM
I will try here too to report funny zaps that threaten....so weird....

WeChat Lady 18-11-2013 08:12 PM Your evil past is haunting u! Better Watch your front!

this was my post


18-11-2013, 09:32 PM
Say, someone with power of 12 up me (green bottle not red bottle), but Im deducted 6 pts instead? What gives? Anyone knows? Thanks

18-11-2013, 11:16 PM
yeah boss

once I asked about zapping here and you said no one needs a reason to zap a person when I was zapped and I accepted it as that.

as long as they are zapping without vulgar words, they don't need to leave a name...

are the rules changing now? just asking don't penalise me....

Plz allow me to ask you one question - Tell us honestly, have you ever zapped or upped people in Good Faith? Those samsters who mass zapped Uniman were done in bad faith and Boss therefore restore his rep pts out of fairness ...

Big Sexy
18-11-2013, 11:53 PM
it only means he zapped you instead of adding to your points.
someone with 12 rep points, can only add 12 points( no more, no less) and deduct 6 points.

Say, someone with power of 12 up me (green bottle not red bottle), but Im deducted 6 pts instead? What gives? Anyone knows? Thanks

19-11-2013, 12:02 AM
it only means he zapped you instead of adding to your points.
someone with 12 rep points, can only add 12 points( no more, no less) and deduct 6 points.

Its a green bottle and not red bottle as I mentioned.
He even show me a pic of his control panel 2 show its a green bottle too

19-11-2013, 01:12 AM
Plz allow me to ask you one question - Tell us honestly, have you ever zapped or upped people in Good Faith? Those samsters who mass zapped Uniman were done in bad faith and Boss therefore restore his rep pts out of fairness ...

Lots of people have zapped me in bad faith. Mass zapping also

In fact was just zapped for uniman post today

So what I do? As I have come to know its the way things work here in sbf

No need reason or name to zap just no vulgar message

If everyone complain think boss super busy

I think I just concentrate on adding value to the forum

19-11-2013, 09:29 AM
Lots of people have zapped me in bad faith. Mass zapping also

In fact was just zapped for uniman post today

I still dont know who clone mass zapped me, but somehow related to keewee. It doesn't matter now. Lets continue to post here safely :D:D

19-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Morning Big Boss, just saw this post and information here today.

I also got two mass clone zap last month, like to know if it is too late or something can be done ?

Detailed information here:

1st mass zap:

WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:37 PM -20
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:34 PM up
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:32 PM if topup also can't afford then you stay at home pcc better
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:29 PM reading go library and not come to sbf
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:24 PM so powerful

2nd mass zap

Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 11:02 PM don't believe you try
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 11:01 PM see u 1 time zap u 1 time
Screwing maids 12-10-2013 10:57 PM gong simi??
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:53 PM reading football club is it?
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:52 PM why you so concern?
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:48 PM nonsense
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:47 PM send my regards to your

Hope can hear something here!
Thanks and Regards

19-11-2013, 02:53 PM
Morning Big Boss, just saw this post and information here today.

I also got two mass clone zap last month, like to know if it is too late or something can be done ?

Detailed information here:

1st mass zap:

WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:37 PM -20
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:34 PM up
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:32 PM if topup also can't afford then you stay at home pcc better
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:29 PM reading go library and not come to sbf
WeChat Lady 17-10-2013 11:24 PM so powerful

2nd mass zap

Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 11:02 PM don't believe you try
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 11:01 PM see u 1 time zap u 1 time
Screwing maids 12-10-2013 10:57 PM gong simi??
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:53 PM reading football club is it?
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:52 PM why you so concern?
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:48 PM nonsense
Bubbles 2.0 12-10-2013 10:47 PM send my regards to your

Hope can hear something here!
Thanks and Regards

after reporting the above information, got another two zap related to the above mass zaps, details as follows:

WeChat Lady 19-11-2013 01:38 PM faster go complain ..
WeChat Lady 19-11-2013 01:34 PM good luck to you ...

Big boss, can do some investigation here?

19-11-2013, 03:58 PM
Lots of people have zapped me in bad faith. Mass zapping also

In fact was just zapped for uniman post today

I think I just concentrate on adding value to the forum

Bro just notices, sorry to hear that, dont know how my post is related to your zap.

But agree we just concentrate on adding value to the forum here :)

19-11-2013, 06:40 PM
after reporting the above information, got another two zap related to the above mass zaps, details as follows:

WeChat Lady 19-11-2013 01:38 PM faster go complain ..
WeChat Lady 19-11-2013 01:34 PM good luck to you ...

Big boss, can do some investigation here?

just notices two more zap this morning, not sure if it is considered "mass clone zap" type, exposed here for reference

advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:26 AM zap
advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:24 AM clone!!!!!!!

19-11-2013, 08:13 PM
it only means he zapped you instead of adding to your points.
someone with 12 rep points, can only add 12 points( no more, no less) and deduct 6 points.

Its a green bottle and not red bottle as I mentioned.
He even show me a pic of his control panel 2 show its a green bottle too

To make it easy for boss to investigate. I am the one who has up bro sadfa but he said his points were deducted instead.

Here is the image of my User CP.


19-11-2013, 08:28 PM
Try request for boss to undo all the zaps.

just notices two more zap this morning, not sure if it is considered "mass clone zap" type, exposed here for reference

advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:26 AM zap
advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:24 AM clone!!!!!!!

20-11-2013, 02:35 AM
The community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.

20-11-2013, 11:54 AM
The community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.

Hey pcb don_juan, you shut up lah, don't preach here. you yourself go around pm people asking to be upped. You think you very holy and people up you because of the stupid pictures you posted. Fuck you lah, cheebye mouth. Here is some prove of the pm you send to others. I remove the name of the person you pm.

Samster Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: 夜店DJ
Posts: 1,968
My Reputation:Points: 6487 / Power: 6

Hi bro xxxxx

Hi bro xxxxx, abt clear uplist just wonder if you can upz me also will kindly return your good support. pls leave your nick have a good day bro really appreciate and thanks alot cheers
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life

正妹我最爱 DJ's mei mei collection

20-11-2013, 01:00 PM
The community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.

cb kia like you wouldn't do things without expecting anything in return. You typical lanjiao lang + lanjiao face + plenty of lanjiao way. Hypocrite!

20-11-2013, 01:06 PM
the community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.

说的比唱的还要好听。你说话简直和放屁没什么两样。就好像有人形容你那样,爱装逼,满口大道理,其实自己连 一坨屎都不如。哈哈哈。

20-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Don't fight. This is a virtual space nia. I don't know you you don't know me.

21-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.
I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'
That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead :D

21-11-2013, 10:29 AM
Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.
I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead

There goes your chee bye mouth again. So what you trying to tell us? Zapped 500 over points doesn't bite and you not OVERLY concern then why do you go around sending private messages that I have shown above to so many people asking them to up your points? Your fucked LANG-GA face you think mei mei like you? They are only concern how much can they dig out of your pocket. Given the fact that you go around abusing FL but hitting them, I think now no FL want your business so you have no choice but to stay at home and post picture and pcc :D

By the way, I was told you go around telling people you drive a Ferrari, is it those miniature in matchbox type? :confused: Pui! Drive a Japanese car yet so fucking thick skinned say drive Ferrari, I think your skin is so thick that atomic bomb also cannot blast through. :cool:

21-11-2013, 10:36 AM
just notices two more zap this morning, not sure if it is considered "mass clone zap" type, exposed here for reference

advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:26 AM zap
advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:24 AM clone!!!!!!!

Big Boss, i got another zap reated to the above clone gang zap

"WeChat Lady 20-11-2013 11:34 AM mass zap complain huh? then you mass up you no complain? self up points is also wrong here leh. try up more points for urself la"

just want to let big boss know, hope boss can do something so rules for gang zap can be enforced, and forum is safe for normal samster to post and contribute

I know this is keewee's gangster / clone, now this Keewee is really become forum's monster. he really want to control forum via gang zap other Samsters

21-11-2013, 10:44 AM
Following is keewee's email to me in September,

" bro if u have noticed, im the highest rep normal samster ard ... if i got master, my master should have even higher rep, am i wrong to say dat?

im the master heee ... so whois yr master bro? "

After told him im just normal samster and dont have / not interest in any master staff , he has instigated his gangsters to gang zap me

I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?

21-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Following is keewee's email to me in September,

" bro if u have noticed, im the highest rep normal samster ard ... if i got master, my master should have even higher rep, am i wrong to say dat?

im the master heee ... so whois yr master bro? "

After told him im just normal samster and dont have / not interest in any master staff , he has instigated his gangsters to gang zap me

I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?

Not only one clone master, one result in exchanging points with another master.
The points traded are in thousands.
If you count the actual samsters standing up to each individual, one can also look into the profile views to determine popularity.
But most of time, he will hiding behind the keyboard and using another clone.
There some samsters who has lower rep pts but with high profile views <50,000. What got this shows ? samsters are interested in his girls / products / something he offer.
You can ask people/ supporters to assist you if you been clone zap, is a valid reason and if you are contributing via field reports/ matter of hearts/ or other sections , they had a choice to determine the quality of the posts.
Irregardless, don't worry abt clone zap, there always someone around looking, thinking with a clear frame of mind whether to up you or not.
Say the truth as you see it and try to help people. Try to keep your mind open and learn. That's more important than any rep points.
But if the person really believe they are their online virtual self and it's a sad psychological state to be in. :D

21-11-2013, 11:59 AM
I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?

You were massaged by another man??? :eek: Are you gay???

21-11-2013, 12:05 PM
You were massaged by another man??? :eek: Are you gay???

hehehehe big boss, i mean his email message, typo la :D:D

Thanks for your reply, hope you can do something to the gang zappers and gang master, and make this place better lol

21-11-2013, 01:52 PM
hehehehe big boss, i mean his email message, typo la :D:D

Thanks for your reply, hope you can do something to the gang zappers and gang master, and make this place better lol

It is not an offense to gang zap. It is only an offense to clone zap.

If I were to take action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum. :p

22-11-2013, 12:13 PM
After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him:D!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out:)

22-11-2013, 12:16 PM
just read this:


Finally the clone zap / gang zap master is out, hopefully big boss will do something for a better sbf :D

22-11-2013, 12:20 PM
After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him:D!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out:)

this reminds me of the following: what goes around comes around :p

22-11-2013, 01:19 PM
this reminds me of the following: what goes around comes around :p

Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

If u hv something of 'value' to offer u shall hv 'power'...that appears to be the bottom line...

For eg. say I am put into moderation for whatever reason...all I need do is create a fresh account and hv something of 'value' to offer to other samsters, especially those wif high power pts and I wld prolly reach 4 figure rep pts in no time...particularly if I were to offer reliable quality info/ things like say: which WLs/FLs offer raw sex n anal sex; which relatively pretty young WLs/FLs generally provide vgd sex n vgd gfe; rare local model nude pics/videos etc...

So what I am trying to say is that base self interest appears to be the name of the game in SBF...all this talk of "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc is flawed logic...this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...

22-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

If u hv something of 'value' to offer u shall hv 'power'...that appears to be the bottom line...

For eg. say I am put into moderation for whatever reason...all I need do is create a fresh account and hv something of 'value' to offer to other samsters, especially those wif high power pts and I wld prolly reach 4 figure rep pts in no time...particularly if I were to offer reliable quality info/ things like say: which WLs/FLs offer raw sex n anal sex; which relatively pretty young WLs/FLs generally provide vgd sex n vgd gfe; rare local model nude pics/videos etc...

So what I am trying to say is that base self interest appears to be the name of the game in SBF...all this talk of "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc is flawed logic...this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...

Yes I totally agree.
Took a while for me to realise... As a newbie :D
Just trying to test how dark the dark side is.

22-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

..this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...

bro yes you are right, really more like animal playground as the topic is more "intercourse" action + false GFE feeling

Thanks for sharing ...

22-11-2013, 06:04 PM
..action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum...
IMHO (no need to agree), if action taken against one gang, rest of the gangs will "disappear (go underground)" - SBF will be less virtual Wild, Wild West - more harmonious. :p If no action against gang zappers/uppers - only gangs left; no others (join gangs or zapped dead)!!

Question: 10 birds in the tree. Shoot one, how many left ??
Answer: None - one dead on the ground; rest flew away.

Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.

22-11-2013, 10:21 PM
It is not an offense to gang zap. It is only an offense to clone zap.

If I were to take action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum. :p

Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap :confused::confused::confused:

22-11-2013, 10:26 PM
Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap :confused::confused::confused:

Clone zap is by the same people using different nicks to zap.

Gang zap is different people with different nicks to zap...

Ask you abang adik uncle auntie papa mama to zap belongs to the 2nd category :D

22-11-2013, 10:46 PM
In my personal interpretation as a Mod of another forum I believe Sam means Gang zap is allowed as they are more then 1 person zapping but it is done by a gang meaning a group with a leader or initiator but when it comes to a clone zap it is done by many nicks but they are actually clones of an individual & thus is deemed wrong! Hope this helps :) Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap :confused::confused::confused:

23-11-2013, 01:39 AM
1....Do you really come in Good Faith?...Samsters can draw their own conclusions...

2...Clearly you hv failed to understand what I said in posts #2107 n 2110 abv...

3....Why the extreme obsession over reputation points?...This is virtual reality only or perhaps yr extreme obsession has clouded yr judgment....

4....Have you never ever "attacked" me before?...Yes!....Again yr extreme obsession appears to hv clouded yr judgment/memory....

5....When you allege that I was "involved in making (you) moderated", what is yr basis for making such an allegation?...Have I not upped you before?...Yes...Did I request you to up me back?...No...In any event, did you up me back?...No...

Moreover, I hv never ever solicited for reputation points from anyone before...

Let me also make one thing v clear...I hv never ever requested anyone to zap you or anyone else for that matter nor hv I ever instigated anyone to send you or anyone else into moderation...that is not my style...I engage by pure simple logic...and my collective posts will bear me out on this one...

6....You appear to luv to name drop, time n again...Why do you keep doing this?....Moreover, when you, Alejandro88 n The GreenLantern were zapped (with you n The GreenLantern going into moderation n Alejandro88 going into hiding) did anyone speak up on your behalf?...No..I wonder why?...

In any event, when Max_Priest was recently attacked by another samster in the 1856 thread...did I not stand up n speak out?....Yes...Why?...Becuz under those circumstances I thought it was necessary to say something....http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=9770321&postcount=290....

7...Let me end by going back to the beginning....Hv you never before, ever zapped and/or requested some other samster(s) to zap another samster?...If yr answer is "No" then I would agree that you may "cast the first stone"...However if your answer is "Yes" then I would say please stop being a hypocrite/self-righteous...Why?...becuz by taking part in zapping you are agreeing to play this game which Sammyboy created...which clearly plays on human emotions...whether it is a single individual zap or a group/gang zap makes no difference...its all part n parcel of this game, regardless of the reason for zapping...and perhaps that is why Sammyboy has thus far taken no action agst Keewee...

If you you dont like this game, then perhaps you sld take the advice that Sammyboy gave to yr 'friend' Alejandro88, leave this forum n find another one that is more suitable to you...

In any event like what yr 'friends' Alejandro88 n The GreenLantern n maybe even you (cant recall now as you keep getting yr archived posts deleted!) said previously...you cant buy/trade for anything with reputation points neither can you get money...so why all the aggro n frustration??...

I dun agree with your mantra.. ..

I can be the first to cast the first stone ..

.In addition, u still dare to breach rubbish here!

23-11-2013, 01:52 AM
After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him:D!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out:)

Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.

23-11-2013, 02:17 AM
Kindly dont twist my words...!!

Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...

Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...

Not sure if u recall PMing me sometime back unsolicited, requesting to exchange points n also requesting to add u to my friends lists?...

Well I did both gladly, but u never got back to me...not even a thank you!!...

I let the matter rest n just removed u fm my friends list as clearly u had no intention of being my friend in sbf...not a big deal to me as I aint bothered abt cyber friends nor am I bothered abt rep points...

However I was taken aback by your gall n audacity in yr recent posts in the rep points thread...particularly this one....http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10076415&postcount=2094

You are nothing but a hypocrite, liar and a reputation points desperado....:rolleyes:

I suggest u stop yr sanctimonious pontificating in sbf...if not I may need to show the forum your true colours;)

Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.

23-11-2013, 02:32 AM
Actually this other post of yours even more hypocritical!!...yr sanctimonious attitude really takes the cake!...

Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
]I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.
I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'
That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
[]What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead

Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.

23-11-2013, 02:46 AM
7...Let me end by going back to the beginning....Hv you never before, ever zapped and/or requested some other samster(s) to zap another samster?...If yr answer is "No" then I would agree that you may "cast the first stone"...However if your answer is "Yes" then I would say please stop being a hypocrite/self-righteous...Why?...becuz by taking part in zapping you are agreeing to play this game which Sammyboy created...which clearly plays on human emotions...whether it is a single individual zap or a group/gang zap makes no difference...its all part n parcel of this game, regardless of the reason for zapping...

Samsters in moderation are still allowed to post and contribute.
Noone is deny the right to post unless if you being a troll and that you have to force the community to zap you.
However then, king.cobra is gang zap to moderation, he still have every right to ask the much bigger community to approve him.

Kindly dont twist my words...!!

Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...

Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...

Of cos it will be appropriate for you to post it openly rather than PM me.
You can't deny the fact that you are part of a gang whereas i'm neither a clone nor a member.
Thus am i right to throw the first stone on you where you did somehow encourage another person to zap others.
This is the first PM you send to mean start accusing me of being a hyprocrite.
According to your above post in bold, no i had never once encourage samsters to zap another samsters.
My question to you -- if you deny being a gang / clone zapper , " why all the hatred (your first PM) towards someone you don't know?"?

23-11-2013, 03:01 AM
What gibberish is this??...I suggest u read my post again...

Samsters in moderation are still allowed to post and contribute.
Noone is deny the right to post unless if you being a troll and that you have to force the community to zap you.
However then, king.cobra is gang zap to moderation, he still have every right to ask the much bigger community to approve him.

Check yr facts before you shoot ok!!...

Which bloody "gang" am I suppose to be a member of??...and did I ever allege u were part of a "gang or clone"?!...And since when did I ever "encourage another person to zap others"?!...

The reasons for my PM n posts are as clear as daylight...it follows on fm PointsBeggar's quotation fm you soliciting for reputation points in his post abv...

Of cos it will be appropriate for you to post it openly rather than PM me.
You can't deny the fact that you are part of a gang whereas i'm neither a clone nor a member.
Thus am i right to throw the first stone on you where you did somehow encourage another person to zap others.
This is the first PM you send to mean start accusing me of being a hyprocrite.
According to your above post in bold, no i had never once encourage samsters to zap another samsters.
My question to you -- if you deny being a gang / clone zapper , " why all the hatred (your first PM) towards someone you don't know?"?

23-11-2013, 03:29 AM
What gibberish is this??...I suggest u read my post again...

Check yr facts before you shoot ok!!...

Which bloody "gang" am I suppose to be a member of??...and did I ever allege u were part of a "gang or clone"?!...And since when did I ever "encourage another person to zap others"?!...

The reasons for my PM n posts are as clear as daylight...it follows on fm PointsBeggar's quotation fm you soliciting for reputation points in his post abv...

It's perfectly ok if you deny that if you being a member.
But your posts show that you encouraging gang zaps and all the games you had i seriously not interested in.
It's not an offence to get involved in gang uppings / zappings so i don't know what's your goddammed issue ? :p

ah rat
23-11-2013, 07:23 AM
Clone zap is by the same people using different nicks to zap.

Gang zap is different people with different nicks to zap...

Ask you abang adik uncle auntie papa mama to zap belongs to the 2nd category :D

Bro, very good explanation :D

23-11-2013, 07:45 AM
Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap :confused::confused::confused:

Clone zap is cheating. Gang zap is community cooperation. :D

23-11-2013, 10:08 AM
You are either stupid or shameless...Take yr pick...

The reason behind my PM to you n the posts in here r clear as daylight like I said before...

It has nothing yo do with Max_Priest, Keewee, King.Cobra or zapping per se...But it has everything to do with yr hypocritical, lying, sanctimonious character as exhibited in yr recent posts abv...

Yr hypocritical, lying, sanctimonious character was first correctly raised by PointsBeggar...and how you previously dealt with me further cements this truth/fact...

Are you now denying that you requested reputation points exchange fm me, unsolicited?....

Are you now denying that I upped you thereafter? ..

Are you now denying that you once requested to be put on my friends list?....

Are you now denying that you never replied to me after I upped you?...

From yr recent posts abv aren't you trying to potray to the forum that reputation points aren't that important to you, notwithstanding the fact that you hv been actively seeking reputation points fm other samsters unsolicited?....

Its ok to wanna seek reputatation points, since that appears to be yr desire...

However dont be a hypocrite and a liar and act all self righteous pontificating yr drivel at the same time...

It's perfectly ok if you deny that if you being a member.
But your posts show that you encouraging gang zaps and all the games you had i seriously not interested in.
It's not an offence to get involved in gang uppings / zappings so i don't know what's your goddammed issue ? :p

23-11-2013, 10:41 AM
Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.

SERIOUSLY I was not wrong to call you a CHEEBYE mouth. You are always contradicting your own words and when confronted, you never admit you are in the wrong. When you lost in an argument, you'll just say you don't care blah blah blah n evade those questions thrown at you. You keep saying you are not concerned of virtual points, then may I ask you why do you have to send pm to others to up you when you claimed you are being mass zapped? And you claim that you rally your SUPPORTERS to up your points. Can you name us a few of your so-called supporters? Do they up you with only their original accounts or do they also up you with their clone account? You cheebye thick skinned dumbass! Let me tell you and those reading this post here straight into your face, the pm that you have sent to the person I mentioned in my earlier post, this person doesn't even have a single pm exchange with you prior to you asking him to up your points! So how the fuck does he turns out to be your so-called supporter? :rolleyes:

Kindly dont twist my words...!!

Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...

Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...

Bro, don't waste your breathe talking or reasoning out with a mule cum dumb ass who repeatedly contradicts his own words. he will never admit he said or post something wrong. An good example was the recent incident when some bros here posted the wechat content of a prc girl who says that this dumb ass, for no reason, physical abused her after engaging her for service. Man who lay their hands on woman are nothing better than a MOTHERLESS GOAT'S SON :D

23-11-2013, 11:55 AM
Why all this mass/gang zap story keep going on and never end ? :confused:

So what we are somebody with high power/high pointers in here , does that really matters ?

23-11-2013, 12:11 PM
You are either stupid or shameless...Take yr pick...

The reason behind my PM to you n the posts in here r clear as daylight like I said before...

It has nothing yo do with Max_Priest, Keewee, King.Cobra or zapping per se...But it has everything to do with yr hypocritical, lying, sanctimonious character as exhibited in yr recent posts abv...

Yr hypocritical, lying, sanctimonious character was first correctly raised by PointsBeggar...and how you previously dealt with me further cements this truth/fact...

Are you now denying that you requested reputation points exchange fm me, unsolicited?....

Are you now denying that I upped you thereafter? ..

Are you now denying that you once requested to be put on my friends list?....

Are you now denying that you never replied to me after I upped you?...

From yr recent posts abv aren't you trying to potray to the forum that reputation points aren't that important to you, notwithstanding the fact that you hv been actively seeking reputation points fm other samsters unsolicited?....

Its ok to wanna seek reputatation points, since that appears to be yr desire...

However dont be a hypocrite and a liar and act all self righteous pontificating yr drivel at the same time...

Normally when i recieve such requests then i will check the quality of posts.
There is an option for you to approve or disapprove.
However if you did up someone, you should aware that you did it out of your own accord. Noone put a gun on your head and force you to up / zap someone.
If i so concern about points, i will have whine and cry just like you 1+ year back for mass zapping.
Just like if you give a present to a babe, u expect her to reciprocate, she can choose to ignore you or tell you ' i simply NOT interested in you"
Then you start crying papa/ mama that she cheat you of your love. money or even like what it seems to me virtual points.
There is flaming thread for personal attacks, there is no real character or identities in the virtual world.
If you base your identity and self worth on a line of dots under your virtual name, what does that truly say about the real you?:D

23-11-2013, 12:14 PM
These makes the forum more interesting and less boring ...virtual forum also got its powderful influence one hor :p

23-11-2013, 01:55 PM
There is in fact no need for me to deny that I am a gang zapper or zapper instigator in the first place....as so wrongly alleged by you...

My abv post to King.Cobra sld suffice...in any event my collective posts will show that I am not necessarily in favour of zapping...and hv never asked anyone to zap nor hv I zapped anyone on someone's behalf, although I hv been asked on several occasions to zap by others...unlike you n people like King.Cobra, all hypocrites when it comes to reputation points...I can honestly say that I am neutral on the same...

Furthermore those who hv followed my earlier engagements with King.Cobra n his 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp...and also wif BronzeGod...wld know that I aint necessarily in favour of zapping period n that I prefer to up others without any interest in return favours...so I wld say you owe me an apology for all yr scurrilous allegations which are totally unfounded...

Now as for my posts #2107 n # 2110...I was just expressing my honest opinion on the entire reputation points system as it stands...i call it like I see it...and it is clear to me that so long as a zapping system exists in particular and the reputation points system exists as it now stands in general...then what follows is exactly what you see now, which also happened in the past n shall continue in the future...it is an amoral system...which is ok as this appears to be what Sammyboy intended n it is his forum...

So when chaps talk about "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc...I say this is flawed logic as the reputation points system as it now stands is amoral...you cannot hv yr cake n eat it in this case...

It's perfectly ok if you deny that if you being a member.
But your posts show that you encouraging gang zaps and all the games you had i seriously not interested in.
It's not an offence to get involved in gang uppings / zappings so i don't know what's your goddammed issue ? :p

It's perfectly ok if you deny that if you being a member.
But your posts show that you encouraging gang zaps and all the games you had i seriously not interested in.
It's not an offence to get involved in gang uppings / zappings so i don't know what's your goddammed issue ? :p

23-11-2013, 03:57 PM
Is there any more amnesty ?? I been in moderation for so long period liaoz....:(

23-11-2013, 04:10 PM
IMHO (no need to agree), if action taken against one gang, rest of the gangs will "disappear (go underground)" - SBF will be less virtual Wild, Wild West - more harmonious. :p If no action against gang zappers/uppers - only gangs left; no others (join gangs or zapped dead)!!

Question: 10 birds in the tree. Shoot one, how many left ??
Answer: None - one dead on the ground; rest flew away.

Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.

bro you are right, no action this place will become gangland ... Keewee will become the monster gang leader

think it another way, from management point of view, most big bosses like to have several gang groups fight each other so the place is more exciting; in sbf case specially it maybe could attract more traffic, and get more revenues ... :confused:

23-11-2013, 04:43 PM
bro you are right, no action this place will become gangland ... Keewee will become the monster gang leader

think it another way, from management point of view, most big bosses like to have several gang groups fight each other so the place is more exciting; in sbf case specially it maybe could attract more traffic, and get more revenues ... :confused:

You want meet the real life gang leader ? :cool:
Use your head to think lah.
I only a henchman but already can see wider picture than you.
Don't just think within your own perspective.
Look beyond your desktop.
By now if you still do not get hints of how Sam manages this forum, then it reflects on the standard of your thoughts process.
Sorry I no study high high, hope you understand my English :)

23-11-2013, 05:25 PM
You want meet the real life gang leader ? :cool:
Use your head to think lah.
I only a henchman but already can see wider picture than you.
Don't just think within your own perspective.
Look beyond your desktop.
By now if you still do not get hints of how Sam manages this forum, then it reflects on the standard of your thoughts process.
Sorry I no study high high, hope you understand my English :)

thanks bro, saw it, experienced it (i been clone/gang zapped here), and read all the post here hehe ...

just have fun here bro :D ...

23-11-2013, 05:44 PM
thanks bro, saw it, experienced it (i been clone/gang zapped here), and read all the post here hehe ...

just have fun here bro :D ...

Thats good bro.
Sam is a businessman. So do all that manage their business in our Red light districts.
Sam has given all samsters free access to this forum and all of us benefitted from the sharings here.
There is no gangland in SBF nor gangfights as in zappings.
So throw this mindset away once and for all.
If you think there is gangmonster leader directing the zappings, wait till you see the real thing. :D
So all bros, think businessman mindset.
Think of how to boost the forum.
The better the forum, I strongly believe Sam will have better goodies for everyone of us.
My 2 claws worth :D

23-11-2013, 06:02 PM
Thats good bro.
Sam is a businessman. So do all that manage their business in our Red light districts.
There is no gangland in SBF or even gangfights as in zappings.
So throw this mindset away once and for all.
My 2 claws worth :D

thanks bro agree Sam is doing business here, so he thinks differently.
Not agree "no gangland in SBF or even gangfights as in zappings"
there are one or two sharks here in this little sam-pond

Better the forum, more goodies for shark hehe
I saw some businessman here already, trying make $$ from here, good
most people kill their time here

Shark is ok, everywhere has
if shark too greed like keewee, it become monster then different story lao
it will want to control the whole pond hehe.

dont need be too serious hehe :p

23-11-2013, 06:11 PM
you are the worst kinda of liar going ard in here!...

you PMed me for points unsolicited, not me, you rep pts desperado...

i never ever had contact wif u before or after that...did i whinge n whine abt u not even bothering to reply after i upped u, let alone u upping me back?...No!...

i hv only raised this matter now becuz of yr clear hypocrisy, lies n self righteous behaviour...

you clearly lust and crave for rep pts...yet u try to act all cool n say otherwise...hypocrite #1 i wld say...

anyways let me put my money where my mouth is...

i hv all along stated that i am neutral on rep pts...so since you now claim that you are not "so concerned" abt rep pts....and talk so big abt the difference between reality and cybersapce...listen up real good...

i shall request Sammyboy to delete all my rep pts, save for the number of rep pts which allows/enables me to stay out of moderation and allows me to up rep pts as well, plus use the PM system as presently enabled...in return you do likewise...

now let us see if you really walk the talk...!

Normally when i recieve such requests then i will check the quality of posts.
There is an option for you to approve or disapprove.
However if you did up someone, you should aware that you did it out of your own accord. Noone put a gun on your head and force you to up / zap someone.
If i so concern about points, i will have whine and cry just like you 1+ year back for mass zapping.
Just like if you give a present to a babe, u expect her to reciprocate, she can choose to ignore you or tell you ' i simply NOT interested in you"
Then you start crying papa/ mama that she cheat you of your love. money or even like what it seems to me virtual points.
There is flaming thread for personal attacks, there is no real character or identities in the virtual world.
If you base your identity and self worth on a line of dots under your virtual name, what does that truly say about the real you?:D

23-11-2013, 06:12 PM
Boss , its been a long time since i log on , can i ask why i never use my clones to zap others or up myself but i realise that i have almost 60 nicks become negative points ? :confused:

23-11-2013, 06:17 PM
thanks bro agree Sam is doing business here, so he thinks differently.
Not agree "no gangland in SBF or even gangfights as in zappings"
there are one or two sharks here in this little sam-pond

Better the forum, more goodies for shark hehe
I saw some businessman here already, trying make $$ from here, good
most people kill their time here

Shark is ok, everywhere has
if shark too greed like keewee, it become monster then different story lao
it will want to control the whole pond hehe.

dont need be too serious hehe :p

Your worries are unfounded anyway :D
Think success of LOTR , of former WWF etc.
Main plot sub plot part of the excitments which catches attention of the audiences.
Got the drift now ? :D

23-11-2013, 07:08 PM
Just like yr other 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp...when legitimate facts/issues are put to you...you always fail to answer them...and just distract and evade...why?...becuz you cant answer them period...!...Therefore what i hv stated in my post #2119 clearly stands...

The fact that you now implicitly admit that you do indeed zap means that you hv no right to cast any stone period (you prolly even zapped me i guess?!...whereas i had only upped u!))...sorry but u cant hv yr cake n eat it...no doubt u r entitled to yr opinion...but that is as far as it goes...particularly since u lamely try n potray yrself as mr high n mighty of laws n morals, which u clearly are not...more like the opposite as you do not come in here in good faith n with clean hands...

deliberately misconstrue n misrepresent all u like wrt my posts #2107 n #2110...unlike you my conscience is clear...moreover i hv further amplified my pov on these issues in post# 2134...in a nutshell, as i see it, the entire reputation points system as it now stands is amoral...but i guess Sammyboy intended it to be like that, for obvious commercial reasons, i suspect...Sammyboy has created it and this is his forum...it is not my forum...it is for him to do what he wishes, not me...

again you luv to drop names...i suggest u go ask them what they think of me...they ought to know, by my actions not words, what type of character i am...unlike u, my conscience is clear...

must say though that i find it v strange that u keep ranting n raving on in various threads on this matter...when it does not appear to hv any direct relevance to u...and you also appear to be the prime SBF spokesman for one of them..i wonder why?...

ironically, all those involved in this matter appear to hv come out trumps or thereabouts...particularly Max_Priest, Slyer n Keewee...but what about you...the one who has clearly made the most noise in here?...you and yr 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp are still stuck out in the wilderness of SBF land...now i wonder why is that so??...

No need to cum up with such a long post to reply lah.. I am referring to gang zapping.. I dun gang zap or clone zap, so I can be the first one to cast the stone at him!

To put in one sentence, all the posts u made so far in this thread made me think u are siding that keewee the coward.. Am I correct? So u think Slyer, MaxP, Friendlyface, Influx, and the rest of the innocents samster deserve to be zapped as they oso no angel in sbf? It is ok for them to be zapped to moderation as they can open another account?? This is how I understand your post athough u tried to put it in a neutral form but I can read betw the lines.

All the posts u made in this thread pointed to the fact u side keewee and I oso think u are either his bud or his secret gang member like tat Bronzegod who now MIA..

23-11-2013, 08:24 PM
Boss , its been a long time since i log on , can i ask why i never use my clones to zap others or up myself but i realise that i have almost 60 nicks become negative points ? :confused:

Maybe it is because of the last zapping that your clone made?

23-11-2013, 08:29 PM
Normally when i recieve such requests then i will check the quality of posts.
There is an option for you to approve or disapprove.
However if you did up someone, you should aware that you did it out of your own accord. Noone put a gun on your head and force you to up / zap someone.
If i so concern about points, i will have whine and cry just like you 1+ year back for mass zapping.
Just like if you give a present to a babe, u expect her to reciprocate, she can choose to ignore you or tell you ' i simply NOT interested in you"
Then you start crying papa/ mama that she cheat you of your love. money or even like what it seems to me virtual points.
There is flaming thread for personal attacks, there is no real character or identities in the virtual world.
If you base your identity and self worth on a line of dots under your virtual name, what does that truly say about the real you?:D

Hey CHEEBYE MOUTH. You haven't answer my question why you pm someone that don't even know you to up your points and have the cheek to say those you pmed are your supporter! Don't try to evade topic ok? Not hard up for points then you pm them to up you for what??? Anyway you claim you didn't whine and cry over zap on you, who knws? Maybe you at home sucking pacifier and hugging your hello kitty doll crying and weeping? :D

23-11-2013, 08:43 PM
Boss, how can we prevent clone from being detected again?

Boss , its been a long time since i log on , can i ask why i never use my clones to zap others or up myself but i realise that i have almost 60 nicks become negative points ? :confused:

23-11-2013, 11:17 PM
On the contrary u r the biggest twister of words...not forgetting lamely resorting to deliberate distraction n evasion whenever I put legitimate points/issues to u...

I note you hv deliberately avoided n evaded answering my legitimate points/issues put to u in post#2119 n now also post#2144, except for v limited 'cherry picking' which in any event does u no favours...actually just further cements u coming in here in bad faith n not wif clean hands...

On the zap issue...I need not repeat myself...hv already dealt wif it in posts#2119 n #2144...what u say changes nothing...my position still stands...

On yr allegation abt me instigating others to zap you...also already dealt wif it in posts#2119 n #2144...let me also say this...I aint no twisted frustrated boliao schemer like you...what Keewee n BronzeGod did or did not do to you...that is between you n them...it has nothing to do wif me...
saying that I stand by what I hv said abt you in SBF fm the v beginning...I hv nothing to hide n backed up what I said wif yr v own posts, amongst other things...furthermore at no time did i instigate any one either directly or indirectly to zap you or put u into moderation...that is not my style...I engage by pure simple logic...what others do is beyond my control n i cannot be held responsible for such actions...my conscience is clear unlike yours...

I was aware that you may be indirectly related to this present matter...but it is also clear that yr noise has been the loudest n that u also luv to name drop n also appear to be the prime SBF spokesman for the name u luv to drop the most, in more ways than one...strange n curious indeed....

I never wish for anyone to go into moderation period...thus yr other Qs r redundant.....

Now that I hv once again addressed all the points/issues raised by you and also rebutted the same...are you ever going to reply to my legitimate points/issues put to u in posts#2119, #2114 n in this post as well?...I wonder??...

C'mon dun try to twist and turn your words lah which I knoe u bery good at it.. I am implying gang/clone zap, I m not implying normal zapping by individual samsters wor. So I can cast the first stone at him becos I dun gang/clone zap!

Although u dun zap me physically but what u said to the rest more or less indirectly instigated the rest to zap me or others.. Do I need to spell out clearly boh? Keewee is the one who instigated his gang to zap me, so tis is the opportunity for me to fire a salvo at him. Same for tat buggar Bronzegod who is a gang member of Keewee.. He involvement oso made me kenna zapped.

U have not ans my quest, do you want to see Slyer, maxp, friendlyface and influx in moderation?? These samsters are real contributors. Do u want them to open new acct & start from zero rep pt again? So u support what keewee did so far? I tink u did based on all your posts here.

24-11-2013, 12:09 AM
Sorry but I feel that I hv to repeat this point/issue once again....as it is important for obvious reasons...

Isnt it ironic n strange...that while we are thick in engagement...the 3 main parties in this matter, namely Max_Priest, Slyer n Keewee hv come up trumps and/or unscathed...and hv prolly moved onto better things...rightly so I sld add...

Moreover sld this not make you wonder why you and your 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp are still out cold in the wilderness of SBF...?...Why are you'll still in this pathetic n pitiful position?...

C'mon dun try to twist and turn your words lah which I knoe u bery good at it.. I am implying gang/clone zap, I m not implying normal zapping by individual samsters wor. So I can cast the first stone at him becos I dun gang/clone zap!

Although u dun zap me physically but what u said to the rest more or less indirectly instigated the rest to zap me or others.. Do I need to spell out clearly boh? Keewee is the one who instigated his gang to zap me, so tis is the opportunity for me to fire a salvo at him. Same for tat buggar Bronzegod who is a gang member of Keewee.. He involvement oso made me kenna zapped.

U have not ans my quest, do you want to see Slyer, maxp, friendlyface and influx in moderation?? These samsters are real contributors. Do u want them to open new acct & start from zero rep pt again? So u support what keewee did so far? I tink u did based on all your posts here.

24-11-2013, 02:14 AM
you are the worst kinda of liar going ard in here!...

you PMed me for points unsolicited, not me, you rep pts desperado...

i never ever had contact wif u before or after that...did i whinge n whine abt u not even bothering to reply after i upped u, let alone u upping me back?...No!...

i hv only raised this matter now becuz of yr clear hypocrisy, lies n self righteous behaviour...

you clearly lust and crave for rep pts...yet u try to act all cool n say otherwise...hypocrite #1 i wld say...

anyways let me put my money where my mouth is...

i hv all along stated that i am neutral on rep pts...so since you now claim that you are not "so concerned" abt rep pts....and talk so big abt the difference between reality and cybersapce...listen up real good...

i shall request Sammyboy to delete all my rep pts, save for the number of rep pts which allows/enables me to stay out of moderation and allows me to up rep pts as well, plus use the PM system as presently enabled...in return you do likewise...

now let us see if you really walk the talk...!

You spent the whole day arguing don't you have better things to do.
There are many unsolicated pms going for zaps /ups so does my handphone bombard daily with unsolicated calls from banks and financial advisers. This is what we call strategic marketing.
If against mass zappers, is an art of countering negs hits with support from the community. There nothing offensive about asking people to support you, don't you understand?
The community have every right to vote whom they want to, you can't stop people from upping another samster.
The point i bringing across to you is that i don't know you at all so your comments about my virtual character has nothing to do with who i am in reality. I don't give a flying fuck anyway.
If you did up me (kindly show the time and date), i had to tell you that it's not within my obligations to return you the favor.
Your PM and posts are full of bitterness, anger and hatred, and being an incredible sulk spreading your misery to others.
Everything also want to complain, making a mountain out of a mole hole.

24-11-2013, 03:16 AM
You spent the whole day arguing don't you have better things to do.
There are many unsolicated pms going for zaps /ups so does my handphone bombard daily with unsolicated calls from banks and financial advisers. This is what we call strategic marketing.
If against mass zappers, is an art of countering negs hits with support from the community. There nothing offensive about asking people to support you, don't you understand?
The community have every right to vote whom they want to, you can't stop people from upping another samster.
The point i bringing across to you is that i don't know you at all so your comments about my virtual character has nothing to do with who i am in reality. I don't give a flying fuck anyway.
If you did up me (kindly show the time and date), i had to tell you that it's not within my obligations to return you the favor.
Your PM and posts are full of bitterness, anger and hatred, and being an incredible sulk spreading your misery to others.
Everything also want to complain, making a mountain out of a mole hole.

Eh cheebye mouth, i see your english i wanna laugh. Don't know don't be artificial intelligent la. Its making a mountain out of a molehill and not mole hole. Or is it you wanna make a mountain out of your own ass hole :D

Buay siew tio mai kay kiang, buay siew tio mai kong siew zui kor ka tua tiao. :D

24-11-2013, 04:28 AM
Eh cheebye mouth, i see your english i wanna laugh. Don't know don't be artificial intelligent la. Its making a mountain out of a molehill and not mole hole. Or is it you wanna make a mountain out of your own ass hole :D

Buay siew tio mai kay kiang, buay siew tio mai kong siew zui kor ka tua tiao. :D

Bro the way you put it is really funny :D
Good one bro :)

24-11-2013, 12:20 PM
LOL...what a bloody predictable joke!!....

You are now not only a confirmed proven stupid, self-righteous, hypocritical liar...but a shameless, yellow chicken coward as well...plus double confirmed reputation points desperado to boot...!!

Hey scumbag...like i said fm the outset...i hv never ever had contact wif u before until now...for the umpteenth time, it is you who PMed me ok, totally on yr own accord unsolicited, requesting or sld i now say begging me for reputation points...!!...i deleted that PM of yrs long ago after i upped u becuz it was unnecessarily taking up space in my inbox...thank goodness for PointBeggar's post that has captured n exposed yr typical shameless craven lust for reputation points...

Samster Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: 夜店DJ
Posts: 1,968
My Reputation:Points: 6487 / Power: 6

Hi bro xxxxx

Hi bro xxxxx, abt clear uplist just wonder if you can upz me also will kindly return your good support. pls leave your nick have a good day bro really appreciate and thanks alot cheers>>

However I do indeed hv proof that i upped u as seen below...note the most recent up list on my user cp does not show it, as i upped u along time ago...

<<You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mr_don_juan again.>>

anyways as everyone can now see...i didnt n dont need yr rep points period, scumbag...on the contrary, i stand by my challenge to you in post#2141 abv...but it is clear that since you crave and lust for rep points nowithstanding yr hypocrital lies that it means nothing to you...you hv instead deliberately chosen in a shameless n cowardly manner to avoid and evade my challenge...!!

As for yr claim <<The point i bringing across to you is that i don't know you at all so your comments about my virtual character has nothing to do with who i am in reality. I don't give a flying fuck anyway>>...you stupid shameless lying hypocrite...now if you didnt care abt my posts you wld not even bother to reply to me...the fact that you keep replying, demonstrates for a fact that on the contrary, you do indeed care about yr virtual character and yr pathetic rep points which in turn reflects on yr actual character of who you really are in real life...!!...

Be a mature adult for once scumbag...and just admit that you lust and crave for rep points and that it means the world to you in both virtual reality and in reality as well...becuz this fact has already been proven by me...confirm, double confirm...!!

You spent the whole day arguing don't you have better things to do.
There are many unsolicated pms going for zaps /ups so does my handphone bombard daily with unsolicated calls from banks and financial advisers. This is what we call strategic marketing.
If against mass zappers, is an art of countering negs hits with support from the community. There nothing offensive about asking people to support you, don't you understand?
The community have every right to vote whom they want to, you can't stop people from upping another samster.
The point i bringing across to you is that i don't know you at all so your comments about my virtual character has nothing to do with who i am in reality. I don't give a flying fuck anyway.
If you did up me (kindly show the time and date), i had to tell you that it's not within my obligations to return you the favor.
Your PM and posts are full of bitterness, anger and hatred, and being an incredible sulk spreading your misery to others.
Everything also want to complain, making a mountain out of a mole hole.

24-11-2013, 02:09 PM
\i deleted that PM of yrs long ago after i upped u becuz it was unnecessarily taking up space in my inbox...

<<You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mr_don_juan again.>>

During the point may i ask what is your reasons for upping me ? :p
So after once upping me i did not reciprocate you huh, so means i hurt your feelings sibo.
Or issit becos you join the mass zapping wild wild west, then you tried to zap me in the geylang section then "opps wtf lah how come i cannot zap him then realise up him long time liao" Bang head against wall.
Already mention to you that there no offence as PM to ask people to support.
No why will i want to take your challenge, the very fact is that i enjoying seeing clone / gang masters firing blanks is the core reason that why i ask the community to support me.
Yes i do enjoy seeing innocent samsters increase points and countering neg hits. It's like counterstrike. :D

24-11-2013, 03:19 PM
U have not answered my quest - u think mp, slyer and influx are ok to be moderated by keewee and gang??! And u think they deserve to b moderated and gang zapped?

Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. :p

The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. :D

24-11-2013, 09:24 PM
Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. :p

The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. :D

Basically big boss means just like "the walking dead" drama world, this is walking fucker world ...

IMHO you either join the Keewee gang, or form a new gang like Killkeewee group :) very difficulty to survive along :D

24-11-2013, 11:14 PM
Au contraire my dear sir...but I hv in fact always answered all yr Qs in all yr abv posts...whereas u hv basically answered diddly squat wrt all my legitimate points/issues put to u in all my abv posts...save for the tiny few where all u hv come up wif is pure self serving hogwash...samsters can draw their own conclusions. ..

In any event, u hv clearly raised nothing new at all.. just rehashed yr same old stuff...sorry to say, but all the answers are already contained in my abv posts...just asking the same old same old in this futile manner changes nothing...my position still stands and remains firm...

Let me say this though...I repeat that I do not wish anyone to be put into moderation, period...in addition I dislike zapping of any kind or form, period...my collective posts will bear me out on this one...but then again what I think wrt SBF means nothing becuz it is owned by Sammyboy, not me...n i accept this fact, so long as i wish to continue being a member of this forum....

Finally...it appears to me that you r either stupid r masochistic r come to think of it prolly both!!...why?...becuz you keep ranting n raving n creating all this noise in SBF to the point of ad nauseam. ..but look where this has got u and yr 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp...nothing but a wretched place in the pathetic pitiful cold wilderness of SBF land...

On the other hand the 3 main parties in this present matter hv all come up trumps and/or unscathed...yr apparent 'SBF Idol' Max_Priest, Slyer n Keewee appear to understand how the game is played in SBF...and good luck to them for that...I wld even say that scumbag rep points desperado Mr_don_juan appears to understand the same, going by his egregious sneaky modus operandi in obtaining rep points...

Bottom line, what r u trying to achieve by going down this path of perpetual folly?...becuz thus far, all I see is you banging yr head agst the same old dead end brickwall repeatedly...while others r moving on to bigger n better things, including yr apparent 'SBF Idol' Max_Priest...

<<Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic>>...thus Sammyboy has finally spoken!!...

So do u finally get it now, my dear sir?...if not, I honestly think u sld take Sammboy's earlier advice to yr 'friend' Alejandro88 n go find another forum that may be more suitable to yr character...;)

Omnia, u keep preaching those bull shit things but deep down inside u u in reality supporting keewee although u pretend 2 b neutral lah....And u think they deserve to b moderated and gang zapped?

24-11-2013, 11:33 PM
During the point may i ask what is your reasons for upping me ? :p
So after once upping me i did not reciprocate you huh, so means i hurt your feelings sibo.
Or issit becos you join the mass zapping wild wild west, then you tried to zap me in the geylang section then "opps wtf lah how come i cannot zap him then realise up him long time liao" Bang head against wall.
Already mention to you that there no offence as PM to ask people to support.
No why will i want to take your challenge, the very fact is that i enjoying seeing clone / gang masters firing blanks is the core reason that why i ask the community to support me.
Yes i do enjoy seeing innocent samsters increase points and countering neg hits. It's like counterstrike. :D

The SBF legendary CHEE BYE MOUTH strikes again!!! :D

25-11-2013, 12:35 AM
Its contridicting when someone says he's no time to ans each and every question but end up posting and quoting each and every of the person's post ....:eek:

Sibei contradicting :rolleyes:

25-11-2013, 01:24 AM
LOL...you truly r a shameless stupid samster that I believe Sammyboy prolly luvs to bits...!!...

You just dont know when to keep yr trap shut...becuz everytime u open that moronic gob of yrs...u keep digging a larger hole for yr own 'coffin'...!

Look shameless dumbo...if I was so upset by you not upping me back, why did I not raise this issue until now, which is prolly many months later?...more importantly, why did I deliberately and intentionally first choose to PM you with my initial attack, instead of batting off directly agst you in this open thread?...

The answers to the abv are plain n simple...I truly did not n do not give a shit abt yr rep points...like I hv said all along I am neutral when it comes to rep points...if people up me fine n if they dont that is also ok...unlike you, I hv n shall never 'beg' for rep points unsolicited...in addition I dislike zapping of any kind or nature...

However what truly got my goat up wif you, was when you made these posts in this thread :http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10076415&postcount=2094 ; http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10081112&postcount=2099 ; http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10082513&postcount=2103...

By trying to masquerade yrself as some sort of SBF guru, pontificating abt rep points not being important and the big difference between real life n virtual reality etc...

When in fact the real truth is that you r nothing but a shameless self righteous hypocrital lying rep points desperado...as I already knew and now the whole forum also knows as well...since you actually crave and lust for rep points...!...And that was only when I first took action agst you...

In any event, I still was prepared to give you a chance...and only PMed my attack agst you...but like the shameless twit that you are...you went to commit harakiri by raising my PM to you openly in this thread : http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10091302&postcount=2120...i naturally had to reply to yr twisted allegations: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10091382&postcount=2121, and thus began yr own self inflicted spiral into ignominy n ridicule...!!

Oh yes, and tks a bunch for yr statement/claim below...becuz all it does is just further demonstrate yr juvenile sneaky devious odious lame character, prolly both in virtual reality n real life!!...

During the point may i ask what is your reasons for upping me ?
So after once upping me i did not reciprocate you huh, so means i hurt your feelings sibo.
Or issit becos you join the mass zapping wild wild west, then you tried to zap me in the geylang section then "opps wtf lah how come i cannot zap him then realise up him long time liao" Bang head against wall.

25-11-2013, 01:25 AM
You really cant stop LYING can you, you shameless dumbo?!...

On the contrary, the real true "core reason" why you 'beg' for rep points unsolicited, is that you truly crave and lust for rep points period...which is also why you now 101% FEAR taking up my challenge!...

For proof, look no further than yet another odious n egregious unsolicited PM from you to another samster, where you as per yr normal stinky sly modus operandi 'beg' for rep points....!!

[img=http://img185.imagevenue.com/loc181/th_73807_Capture_122_181lo.JPG] (http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73807_Capture_122_181lo.JPG)

The irony of it all that I am using yr v own PM to show you up for what you truly are...makes it all the more sweeter!!...

I'd say you hv now been "counterstruck" eh!!....

Already mention to you that there no offence as PM to ask people to support.
No why will i want to take your challenge, the very fact is that i enjoying seeing clone / gang masters firing blanks is the core reason that why i ask the community to support me.
Yes i do enjoy seeing innocent samsters increase points and countering neg hits. It's like counterstrike.

25-11-2013, 01:47 AM
Lastly, Omnia, dun act like a hypocrite lah and contradict yourself lah. In your first fucking post, u said u dun accept this SBF system and there are logic flaws. Now u quoted Sammyboyfor post like a pathetic parrot and worship it even. Aren't u contradicting your believes? No need to act like a angel and hero here.. There is no hero here except the samster with the nick Heroseven. Dun pretend to be a neutral player as I knoe u supporter of Keewee and u oso attack M-P and Slyer behind the scene. U are one evil buggar!

Wow, i really can't talk to him, this omnia is extremely grumpy person.
It's hard to live with this type of person, totally communication barrier.
I recall the same PM send to heroseven was responsed in good faith, in fact you can't compare him with hero lah, he is the godslayer and he is kind and helpful in fact he responded to me to continue help the forum and contribute.
In fact there are many good samsters around who imitate the nature of the dragon.
Just one simple pm, he can write a book and haven give a simple answer to why does he want to up me ? :p

25-11-2013, 02:10 AM
LOL...you shameless hypocritical liar who lusts n craves for rep points, what happened to you all of a sudden?!...

Cant talk to me or more like "counterstruck" until u cant talk to me is it?!!...

Now add another nail to yr 'coffin'!!

Wow, i really can't talk to him, this omnia is extremely grumpy person.
It's hard to live with this type of person, totally communication barrier.

25-11-2013, 02:36 AM
LOL...you shameless hypocritical liar who lusts n craves for rep points, what happened to you all of a sudden?!...

Cant talk to me or more like "counterstruck" until u cant talk to me is it?!!...

Now add another nail to yr 'coffin'!!

It's not that i don't want to talk to you.
But you totally repel me, you argue with unusual tenacity, excessively judgmental.
You talk a lot and most of time is about yourself lah, the more you talk it fuels your windbaggery. That's why i don't want argue with you.
Sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves a little, if i tell you a little joke, you don't get it. you are prone to whining and complaining.
And your posts way too sensitive, not to people around you but to your own ego.
I find this very repulsive, that why i avoiding you because i feel suffocated and feel like catching a flu. :D

25-11-2013, 03:26 AM
Yeah right...more like you hv been caught with yr hand in the till...and now exposed for what u truly are...a stupid, shameless, self righteous hypocritical liar who craves n lusts for rep points...

Sorry that you cant handle the truth...!!

Btw so sorry but you hv caused yr own "flu" by outing my PM to you in this thread...the consequences that hv followed are thus 101% yr responsibility & liability....!!!


I find this very repulsive, that why i avoiding you because i feel suffocated and feel like catching a flu.

25-11-2013, 04:17 AM
Oh my...8 posts fm u in one go in reply to my 1 itsy bitsy post??!!...

There is no need to reply as you are basically on a 'lost fishing expedition'...making yr typical sinister unfounded allegations along the way...

Samsters can draw their own conclusions thus far...

Saying that, if u hv something to share, then go ahead n share it...talk is cheap...

Likewise I shall hv my turn to reply as well...

So let the chips fall where they may...

Oh yes there is one unfounded allegation of yrs below that requires yr clarification now though.....

State exactly in which part of my "first post" supports yr claim?..and thereafter how it supports the same?...

I ask becuz as it now stands what you assert clearly has no basis whatsoever...

Lastly, Omnia, dun act like a hypocrite lah and contradict yourself lah. In your first fucking post, u said u dun accept this SBF system and there are logic flaws. Now u quoted Sammyboyfor post like a pathetic parrot and worship it even. Aren't u contradicting your believes? Dun pretend to be a neutral player as I knoe u supporter of Keewee and u oso attack M-P and Slyer behind the scene. U are one evil buggar!

25-11-2013, 11:49 AM
Suggests a SBF 12th Anniversary Amnesty on 3rd Dec '13. "Killing 2 birds with one stone" win-win part of Celebration.

All those who had their points reversed for using expletives without revealing their nicks will have their points restored by joining Premium Membership.

IMHO, most are simplistic / ignorant / non-political offenders. Masters / Masterminds / Instigators - root causes of problems - mostly free/:p done nothing wrong.

For your considerations. :) Cheers.

25-11-2013, 01:11 PM
4 of u... have been arguing since 22 Nov till now..still not enough ah??

this thread is for samsters to bring up doubts abt their rep points n not for arguing.

All these arguing..makes u all look ugly only.
After arguing got more pts or not?

If want to argue more, pls bring it back to the section where u all come from?

i think boss still seeing show :D

25-11-2013, 01:56 PM
What so called "truth" is this?...are u saying that everyone who participates in the SBF pics thread is connected to Keewee??...u gotta be kidding me...!!..

this is a typical wild brash style of 101% unfounded allegations or sld I say lies...that is par for the course when dealing wif King.Cobra & his 'friends' Alejandro88, The GreenLantern n Royal.Chimp...

Below is the PM fm an old mate who forwarded DJ's post to me...I hv removed his name for obvious reasons...samsters can draw their own conclusions...;)

stumble upon rep thread and saw the engagement thought it might come in handy for ya. no offense but i scrubbed my nick to not involve myself in an argument with those intellectually handicapped.

i pushed off his request diplomatically, i mean if you like my stuff upz me than ask to reciprocate, his statement was full of shit.

[img=http://img185.imagevenue.com/loc181/th_73807_Capture_122_181lo.JPG] (http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=73807_Capture_122_181lo.JPG)

Looking at the screen shot above, tis further proved my point that this Omnia buggar is connected to the pic exchange thread gang where coward keewee is the gang leader. This screen shot shown a PM communication of DJ to a samster from pic exchange.

MaxP, slyer, friendlyface and influx, be very the careful of tis Omnia joker who is one of the culprits in cahoot with keewee to try to bring u chaps down!!!

Haha! The truth is out!!

25-11-2013, 02:27 PM
4 of u... have been arguing since 22 Nov till now..still not enough ah??

this thread is for samsters to bring up doubts abt their rep points n not for arguing.

All these arguing..makes u all look ugly only.
After arguing got more pts or not?

Actually a v insightful point...I hv got nothing but King.Cobra's unfounded allegations n lies thrown abt at me and for what?...just that I wanted to express my pov?!...

Whereas the 3 main parties in the matter appear to hv moved on to bigger n better things, coming up trumps and/or unscathed...perhaps wisely chosing not to get involved in here at the moment...and good luck to them...

So let me end it here n now...compare the similarity of views (the substance not form) between my earlier post n Sammyboy's latest post....we are in effect saying the samething abt the rep points system...samster's can draw their own conclusions. ..

Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

If u hv something of 'value' to offer u shall hv 'power'...that appears to be the bottom line...

For eg. say I am put into moderation for whatever reason...all I need do is create a fresh account and hv something of 'value' to offer to other samsters, especially those wif high power pts and I wld prolly reach 4 figure rep pts in no time...particularly if I were to offer reliable quality info/ things like say: which WLs/FLs offer raw sex n anal sex; which relatively pretty young WLs/FLs generally provide vgd sex n vgd gfe; rare local model nude pics/videos etc...

So what I am trying to say is that base self interest appears to be the name of the game in SBF...all this talk of "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc is flawed logic...this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...

Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one. :p

The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. :D

25-11-2013, 02:33 PM
Seriously from a neutral pov...y are you so upset whether they are a group...a individual or etc.....i cannot get it...

Uncle sammy forum did not mentioned these are nv allowed :rolleyes:
If you have the ability...get your own...if not..live with it...is it anyway disturbing you...knn..:D

Uncle sam built this forum to reflect true human nature...and apparently you fall into it :p

Btw..dont bother to quote me and saying grandfather mother story...becuz i dont usually give a shit and response :D

25-11-2013, 03:29 PM
Seriously from a neutral pov...y are you so upset whether they are a group...a individual or etc.....i cannot get it...

Those who want to take on the Keewee gang need to start the groundwork now.

It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers.

The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power.

I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. :D

ah rat
25-11-2013, 03:35 PM
Sam,so there will a war in SBF :D

25-11-2013, 03:39 PM
Sam,so there will a war in SBF :D

Wars have been part and parcel of life here since day one.

However, in the early days, the reputation system wasn't installed to warfare was confined to flaming each other.

25-11-2013, 04:35 PM
So hor .... If I wanna start a gang here, anyone wanna join my camp?
Let's call it "Gang Bang!" :D


Ps: I'm serious u know? ;)

25-11-2013, 05:28 PM
I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. :D

BOSS! You mean you want to STIR SHIT if necessary? :D

25-11-2013, 05:34 PM
BOSS! You mean you want to STIR SHIT if necessary? :D

As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, I am happy too. ;)

25-11-2013, 06:17 PM
Lai Lai , who want to join my gang , can get 100 points up ,

then if loyal to our clan will get another 200 more . Maximum can up 550 only since i am retired and sick of creating new accounts . :D

Membership fees applies . :D

26-11-2013, 09:17 AM
Those who want to take on the Keewee gang need to start the groundwork now.

It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers.

The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power.

I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. :D

Boss, I doubt any samster has the guts to challenge the most formidable gang in sbf. :D
He is one of the very few samsters with more than 10,000 Pts, with hundreds to thousands of buddies.

Those samsters who were reverse zapped by u their Pts increased at an alarming rate :eek:

I'm tired of the office politics at my work place. Therefore I wan to steer clear of the politics or cyber ware fare in sbf. So I hope the gang will leave me alone.

I'm just myself, nt anyone's clone. I'm just a normal samster who wan to look for gd wl or fl lobang in sbf, have a great bonk & share my FR with like minded samsters.

Boss thanks for implementing the 2 days expiry rule to all posts. Without that rule one would have been zapped to moderation within days. :(

26-11-2013, 10:40 AM
So hor .... If I wanna start a gang here, anyone wanna join my camp?
Let's call it "Gang Bang!" :D

OK, bro ... Let me be your first member, am I qualify? What is the life membership or monthly protection fee? What are the benefits? Make sure it is not higher than SBF Premium Membership fee, ya? Bwahahaha ... Juz kiddin' ... Me don't have the luxury of time involving in and forming gang membership here ... Juz wanna use this useful portal to exchange and share intel on good "lobangs' to sextisfy my lust ... :p

As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, I am happy too. ;)

SBF's Boss is an enterprising businessman and he therefore may perceive things from a different standpoint & has different objectives versus samsters like us ... Afterall this is a profit-making commercial portal ... The ever growing membership is a good testimony that the existing protocols in-place are effective, interesting, the rep points add spice & life virtually to an otherwise mundane sex forum ... Most importantly, it is rather fun-filling, at least to me ... However, on a more serious note, I believe it is the common agenda that continue to attract the core-group of people to this portal in general ...

Anyway, it is great to see SBF's boss also wanna join in to stir "things up" a little wherever the situation calls for it all for the fun of it ... :D


26-11-2013, 11:16 AM
OK, bro ... Let me be your first member, am I qualify? What is the life membership or monthly protection fee? What are the benefits? Make sure it is not higher than SBF Premium Membership fee, ya? Bwahahaha ... Juz kiddin' ... Me don't have the luxury of time involving in and forming gang membership here ... Juz wanna use this useful portal to exchange and share intel on good "lobangs' to sextisfy my lust ... :p

SBF's Boss is an enterprising businessman and he therefore may perceive things from a different standpoint & has different objectives versus samsters like us ... Afterall this is a profit-making commercial portal ... The ever growing membership is a good testimony that the existing protocols in-place are effective, interesting, the rep points add spice & life virtually to an otherwise mundane sex forum ... Most importantly, it is rather fun-filling, at least to me ... However, on a more serious note, I believe it is the common agenda that continue to attract the core-group of people to this portal in general ...

Anyway, it is great to see SBF's boss also wanna join in to stir "things up" a little wherever the situation calls for it all for the fun of it ... :D


MP bro,

I was kidding .... I dun have the inate ability to form gangs .... Jus not my cuppa tea.
I'll continue to be wat I am ... Lols ... Cheers! :D
And yes bro, agree with u that SBF boss is an enterprising biz man .... I would say to a certain extent shrewd with solid EQ traits ....
I'm waiting for him to implement certain things ...... Waiting for u, SBF Boss! :D


26-11-2013, 01:31 PM

I hv said this to you n Max_Priest before, when Max_Priest asked me whether I tot u were his clone...my answer then was NO...

I wld now like to re-emphasize that answer in this open forum...you are definitely NOT a clone of Max_Priest, bro...

Furthermore, I wld also like to say that I believe NEITHER FriendlyFace NOR Influx are clones of Max_Priest as well...

Hv fun on yr next trip to GL mate:)

I'm tired of the office politics at my work place. Therefore I wan to steer clear of the politics or cyber ware fare in sbf. So I hope the gang will leave me alone.

I'm just myself, nt anyone's clone. I'm just a normal samster who wan to look for gd wl or fl lobang in sbf, have a great bonk & share my FR with like minded samsters.

26-11-2013, 01:50 PM

I hv said this to you n Max_Priest before, when Max_Priest asked me whether I tot u were his clone...my answer then was NO...

I wld now like to re-emphasize that answer in this open forum...you are definitely NOT a clone of Max_Priest, bro...

Furthermore, I wld also like to say that I believe NEITHER FriendlyFace NOR Influx are clones of Max_Priest as well...

Hv fun on yr next trip to GL mate:)

Thanks bro for trusting me I'm not anyone's clone ;)

cheers look forward to sbf 12th anniversary :D

26-11-2013, 03:27 PM
Thanks bro for trusting me I'm not anyone's clone ;)

No worries buddy...I may make mistakes at times...but on this occasion I can honestly say I am definitely correct...;)

Do you know the art of fighting a War?? If u not so strong and u need to win a war, what u do? Tink lah, dun just open your blardy big to bark without tinking. .

To my dear King.Cobra & 'friends',

I am also definitely sure u r still following this thread...guess its back to drawing board for u eh?!:rolleyes:....or better yet, go get an ouija board to try n summon help fm the spirits of Sun Tzu n Machiavelli...becuz thus far it looks like u hv been taking advice fm Gomer Pyle, Sgt. Bilko n the characters in Dad's Army:D!

26-11-2013, 06:58 PM
... high rep power ... Premium members .. extremely valuable gang members .double power... I will watch .. and stir things up . .. once in a while ...

:p Boss, Paradigm Shift (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/paradigm-shift.html). No need to dirty your fingers/work so hard (yet make shareholders very happy).

Gang zaps about 500 pts:#2099 (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10081112&postcount=2099). Police 400 pts (?): #64 (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=9247259&postcount=64). (Upz double). Reverse zaps no more effective against clone/gang.

Suggests increasing/enhancing/fine-tuning Premium Membership with followings:

1) Amnesty: #2178 (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10102143&postcount=2178). All affected will receive PMs on offer. Result: More PMs/gangs. Doubly powerful wars !! More shits will be stirred !!

2) PMs will not be reverse zapped (already on ?) /zapped by others for a one time fee.

3) Non PMs can buy points to negate zap points - back to power . No purchase allowed if > 40 pts. No need to be at mercy of gang zaps. $$$$ is power in SBF !!

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

26-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Boss, are you sure you want to stir shit and incite wars in your own forum? :D :D

It is possible to do clone zapping and make it look like mass zapping, you know ;)

26-11-2013, 09:25 PM
$$$$ is power in SBF !!

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

this really mimic the real world. $ is king :D premium members will b punished if they violated rules?

27-11-2013, 12:39 AM
As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, I am happy too. ;)

I think u are the one most enjoying :cool:

27-11-2013, 07:06 AM
GL 150cats FRs list 26-11-2013 10:55 PM renovation is FR?
GL 150cats FRs list 26-11-2013 06:37 PM Zap
L14h31 26-11-2013 06:15 PM Not fair to NaNa

are such zaps justifiable? this is plain cyber bullying.

27-11-2013, 07:54 AM
.. possible to do clone zapping .. like mass zapping, ..
:p Agree, not easy to catch clone/differentiate. Join PM.
.. the real world. $ is king premium members will b punished if they violated rules?
Everywhere! $$ is King!! With enhancement (proposal) PMs will not be reverse zapped. PM offers full protection, no need to join other gangs. Sammyboyfor is always the Boss/ "biggest gang chief" . PM will be the biggest gang with double firing power !!
I think u (Boss) are the one most enjoying..
"When in Rome do as the Roman does". Join in the fun. If no fun, "abandon ship", go elsewhere (London etc).
.. zaps justifiable? .. plain cyber bullying.
Even gang zaps OK in SBF. "Edit your signature" or join a gang. PM best.

Life is short/tough (real world) - enjoy when you can. Join PM (:Dadvertising for SBF) , gangs or "abandon ship". Have fun. :) Cheers.

PS - :D Boss never listen to me. Proposal will be trashed.

27-11-2013, 08:33 AM
are such zaps justifiable? this is plain cyber bullying.

Zaps don't need justification anymore than adding points need justification.

30-11-2013, 03:48 AM
Boss, What is the current stand on mass zap by clone? I was zapped by 4 accounts in a span of 4 minutes at a minute per interval in a TCSS thread by an Advertiser. If no rules were breached then I just let it be.

30-11-2013, 01:28 PM
Zap others lah! Make this place a zap forum.

Boss, What is the current stand on mass zap by clone? I was zapped by 4 accounts in a span of 4 minutes at a minute per interval in a TCSS thread by an Advertiser. If no rules were breached then I just let it be.

30-11-2013, 08:08 PM
Mass zap is allow. Bo pian one.

More over money payer are boss of boss. Free use are not.

no justice here. just zap back

Hi boss i was mass zapped too by same grp of people and comments ^^

01-12-2013, 10:51 PM
Since you go to other people thread and make nasty remarks as well as gather ppl to zap others. The same thing will happen to you too. So why come here cry? You reap what you sow isnt it? Lol
Getting zap make the going more exciting. Thats whats the rep point system is all about.

Hi boss i was mass zapped too by same grp of people and comments ^^

02-12-2013, 09:07 AM
Bote (http://img2.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/18720/18720982-100x100-3a10982bb4a91f6e35c725bfeeec795a.jpg)

03-12-2013, 08:05 AM
Happy 12th Anniversary to Sammyboyfor

(Sammyboyfor/Moderators/All Samsters)





Happy Birthday - 3.12.13

03-12-2013, 09:11 AM
Happy Birthday!

Got birthday gift from BOSS boh:confused: :D

03-12-2013, 09:59 AM
Happy Birthday BOSS...^^

Happy 12th Anniversary to Sammyboyfor

(Sammyboyfor/Moderators/All Samsters)





Happy Birthday - 3.12.13

ah rat
03-12-2013, 10:24 AM
Happy Birthday!

Got birthday gift from BOSS boh:confused: :D

Only changes in the Title of the forum :D
The words 'Singapore' was removed :D

05-12-2013, 01:37 AM
Boss someone is advertising a product called black diety and priligy all over the
forum, i can't even read in peace without seeing the trash advertising.

I don't think they are advertisers

Please see the below threads boss






The abusers are Happy555, comefuckme, workoutbabe, cumaster, Hapi555,
hayabusa2407, RedSpider, krombacher

They are all clones boss, please intervene boss its seriously irritating, please

12-12-2013, 09:14 PM
2day I Up ppl until shiok shiok :D

can up me also? :D:D I merely spoke the truth for one of the soccer agents bet2huat, say his service not like the others.

and he used his clone to zap me till negative...

Big Sexy
12-12-2013, 10:02 PM
your nick is just a month old. why not register a new one?:confused:

can up me also? :D:D I merely spoke the truth for one of the soccer agents bet2huat, say his service not like the others.

and he used his clone to zap me till negative...

12-12-2013, 10:05 PM
Seow lah!

New nic where kia teo zap!

Should consider give up this and register new one

can up me also? :D:D I merely spoke the truth for one of the soccer agents bet2huat, say his service not like the others.

and he used his clone to zap me till negative...

15-12-2013, 10:48 AM


I have been reading the comments around. I couldn't find the reputation icon in the thread. I have followed the above link instruction and just couldn't see the icon.

Do I have to achieve a reputation point of 40 before the reputation icon appeared?


Big Sexy
15-12-2013, 11:09 AM
mate, did u read the message in that post?
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

make sure you are out of moderation too.


I have been reading the comments around. I couldn't find the reputation icon in the thread. I have followed the above link instruction and just couldn't see the icon.

Do I have to achieve a reputation point of 40 before the reputation icon appeared?


17-12-2013, 12:55 AM
was searching through what points are for.. saw that they are something like for fun la. but then so what if i up 1 power? got really super power? or is it same as rep points? Not sure if im wrong but i think that that having some point is good because you are making contributions and ppl appreciate that, so in future when you post for help its easier to get replies and all. is that true?

Dont zap me please, thank you very much...

Big Sexy
17-12-2013, 07:00 AM
in a way, you are correct.
others are more willing to share with you if you have got a good reputation.

Not sure if im wrong but i think that that having some point is good because you are making contributions and ppl appreciate that, so in future when you post for help its easier to get replies and all. is that true?

Dont zap me please, thank you very much...

21-12-2013, 12:47 AM
Mod, Does this consider abuse the system? Use clones up others and claimed another nick. If it ok then I will do that to get myself out of mod too.




21-12-2013, 02:06 PM
Happy Birthday Boss....Is there any amnesty this year??Can pardon me? Pls...:(

21-12-2013, 03:30 PM

How did you get back positive reputation points? Mind to teach seow dee ? thanks a million

Happy Birthday Boss....Is there any amnesty this year??Can pardon me? Pls...:(

Big Sexy
21-12-2013, 03:46 PM
sign up for the premium membership


How did you get back positive reputation points? Mind to teach seow dee ? thanks a million

21-12-2013, 05:20 PM
Thank you very much

sign up for the premium membership

21-12-2013, 09:34 PM

How did you get back positive reputation points? Mind to teach seow dee ? thanks a million

Go and get a new nickname. Else we would have to help you to zap you as per your current nickname.

21-12-2013, 10:12 PM
People have been helping my new nickname. I kena zapped until seow liao. Join them by all being

Go and get a new nickname. Else we would have to help you to zap you as per your current nickname.

22-12-2013, 01:06 AM
Go and get a new nickname. Else we would have to help you to zap you as per your current nickname.

Lols ..... :D


22-12-2013, 01:36 AM
Boss, I want to complain severe breach of regulations. Someone zap me with all these profanities. Please bring justice to this matter. Appreciated

Marrying or Buying a... 21-12-2013 09:13 PM My dog fucked your prostitute whore mother an you this bastard dog ate my feces! you this bastard retarded yao siu dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents tomorrow!

22-12-2013, 05:52 AM
Boss, I want to complain severe breach of regulations. Someone zap me with all these profanities. Please bring justice to this matter. Appreciated

Marrying or Buying a... 21-12-2013 09:13 PM My dog fucked your prostitute whore mother an you this bastard dog ate my feces! you this bastard retarded yao siu dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents tomorrow!

The nick that left those comments is waint

The nick has been placed under moderation.

22-12-2013, 02:27 PM
Thank you boss for serving justice to the perpetrator. Here's wishing You a Merry Xmas

22-12-2013, 05:07 PM
Marrying or Buying a... 20-12-2013 10:32 PM brainless moronic clone got nothing new to write keep pasting old post. what a retarded moron
Marrying or Buying a... 20-12-2013 02:27 PM waste my time
Marrying or Buying a... 20-12-2013 03:19 AM the niam geng zapper clone appears. cfm retard
Marrying or Buying a... 20-12-2013 12:55 AM stupid retard
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 10:43 PM I zap u
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 10:42 PM u r a damn irritating retard
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 10:23 PM U got a lot of points rite?
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 09:42 PM U r damn irritating
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 09:01 PM
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 06:19 PM up u bro
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 11:33 AM
Marrying or Buying a... 19-12-2013 04:14 AM here's more u retard
Marrying or Buying a... 18-12-2013 01:31 AM You are nuts

There are no vulgarities in any of those remarks.

They may be rather rude but there is a difference between being rude and being vulgar.:D

You are free to scold vulgarities in the open forum. You are also free to hurl vulgarities via the reputation remarks system as long as you leave your nick. ;)

Cheers and a very Merry Xmas to you. ;)

22-12-2013, 05:14 PM
Merry Xmas to everyone here. :)


Cheers and a very Merry Xmas to you. ;)

22-12-2013, 05:29 PM
you are dead wrong!

you are very unfair!

the word DAMN is a vulgar word! They got sent the DAMN word to my user CP and zapped me without leaving down their nicks!

you must ban him too or esle you must return my points back to my this waint nick!

Damned is not vulgar in my books. I have never penalised anyone for using that word. If I did, 50% of the forum members would be in moderation. :p

22-12-2013, 05:54 PM
you this penniless low-income pauper bastard retarded chao chee bye loser dog 死全家 hum ka chan!

As the saying goes, when you're in a hole, for goodness sake stop digging. :D

22-12-2013, 06:03 PM
you are a crazy retarded damn moron!

It's obvious you handled the matter wrongly and unfairly!

The rules are stated clearly. You flouted them, your victim complained and you got caught.

Accept your punishment like a man instead of throwing a tantrum like a spoilt little girl. :)

If you want your points back, ask your victim for forgiveness for dragging his innocent family members into your quarrel without even having the balls to leave your nick.

22-12-2013, 06:06 PM
you are a crazy retarded damn bastard moronic dog!

you handled the matter very unfairly and very wrongly!

Yes and a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you too. :D

May you and your family have a great 2014. Peace to the world. :p

22-12-2013, 06:24 PM
hahahaha sipeh funny sia, stupid retard waint cry lao beh cry lao boo 输不起 oh for heavens sake

22-12-2013, 06:26 PM
that bastard racist loser PRC-hater scum bastard dog Wa1nt is already quarralling with Linpeh openly in the forum's threads and both sides are openly cursing vulgar words with each other hence when Linpeh sent that bastard dogs remarks into his User CP, it is common sense it is sent by me becos both of us are already quarraling with each other openly hence what for write down nick again when it is already so obvious it is sent by me???!!!

Your argument has some merit. However, you'll have to check with your victim to see whether he agrees with your logic. :D

22-12-2013, 06:26 PM
Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you retard boy boy waint :D :D :D :D

22-12-2013, 06:34 PM
I too have recieved numerous uncalled for vulgarities involving family members and freak accidents from waint. It is very troubling especially during this festive spirit of sharing and giving.

Sammboyfor, would it be possible to probablybam his ip address until this joyous occassion is over?

I come in to see my mailbox filled with obsencities and it somewhat kills my mood.

I think waint is also using another username micheall. The vulgarities are similarly one dimensional and tasteless.

22-12-2013, 06:35 PM
I wish everyone a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year

May you and your family have a great 2014.


22-12-2013, 06:44 PM
I too have recieved numerous uncalled for vulgarities involving family members and freak accidents from waint. It is very troubling especially during this festive spirit of sharing and giving.

Sammboyfor, would it be possible to probablybam his ip address until this joyous occassion is over?

I come in to see my mailbox filled with obsencities and it somewhat kills my mood.

I think waint is also using another username micheall. The vulgarities are similarly one dimensional and tasteless.

waint has been cursing family members without leaving his nick since the day he joined. I checked and his zaps and curses are 7 pages long starting from 2012.

He's a very angry person... hardly ever adds points... 95% of his rep clicks are zaps. I feel sorry for him. It's not good to go through life with so much anger in your heart.

22-12-2013, 07:53 PM
waint has been cursing family members without leaving his nick since the day he joined. I checked and his zaps and curses are 7 pages long starting from 2012.

He's a very angry person... hardly ever adds points... 95% of his rep clicks are zaps. I feel sorry for him. It's not good to go through life with so much anger in your heart.

Can you do something about him?

He's been sending me close to 20 PMs, once, many PMs in 1 day juz so he can spew his non stop curses. There's something seriously mentally wrong with this guy.

22-12-2013, 07:59 PM
I have a question regarding reputation system. We can buy reputation points by signing up premium membership but can we buy reputation power?

23-12-2013, 02:34 PM
waint has been cursing family members without leaving his nick since the day he joined. I checked and his zaps and curses are 7 pages long starting from 2012.

He's a very angry person... hardly ever adds points... 95% of his rep clicks are zaps. I feel sorry for him. It's not good to go through life with so much anger in your heart.

Wah! Hahaha! Seriously?! Thats really one determined individual! Still, can there be an ip ban? That seems to be the only way to stop him from signing up endlessly and humiliating himself.

23-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Can you do something about him?

He's been sending me close to 20 PMs, once, many PMs in 1 day juz so he can spew his non stop curses. There's something seriously mentally wrong with this guy.

Yea me too hahahaha

23-12-2013, 03:24 PM
Wah! Hahaha! Seriously?! Thats really one determined individual! Still, can there be an ip ban? That seems to be the only way to stop him from signing up endlessly and humiliating himself.

IP bans don't work because ISPs assign a new IP for each session. If I banned the IP he used yesterday, it could well be assigned to you today and you'd be locked out of the forum instead.

23-12-2013, 10:32 PM
Sounds like copy fron Game of Thrones. Totally no originality.

24-12-2013, 12:57 AM
Oh my oh my!

Now waint is insulting Sam Leong and his parents! Haha

24-12-2013, 07:44 AM
IP bans don't work because ISPs assign a new IP for each session. If I banned the IP he used yesterday, it could well be assigned to you today and you'd be locked out of the forum instead.

Icic thanks for the clarification. Hahaha!

24-12-2013, 12:17 PM
Good riddance off his very personal posts.


24-12-2013, 12:29 PM
Wishing all






24-12-2013, 03:20 PM
Merry XMAS to all. Thanks to the boss for removing the MAGGOT :D

24-12-2013, 09:07 PM
Boss, Merry Xmas to you & the team. I was just wondering, since I got 2 friend requests from
1) IFuckYourMother
2) YouAreABastard
I thought profanity was not allowed to be used as nicks? Has this ruling been lifted?
Thanks in advance

25-12-2013, 12:56 AM
Boss, Merry Xmas to you & the team. I was just wondering, since I got 2 friend requests from
1) IFuckYourMother
2) YouAreABastard
I thought profanity was not allowed to be used as nicks? Has this ruling been lifted?
Thanks in advance

Lols .... Guess I'm not alone to have received those imbecile friend requests ..... :D .... If he/she is a young kid, grow up faster. If he/she is an adult, very likely he/she had a deprived childhood .... Sadness.


25-12-2013, 01:41 AM
Boss, Merry Xmas to you & the team. I was just wondering, since I got 2 friend requests from
1) IFuckYourMother
2) YouAreABastard
I thought profanity was not allowed to be used as nicks? Has this ruling been lifted?
Thanks in advance

There is no such rule. You can use anything you want when registering nicks.

If you do a search on usernames, you'll find 474 nicks with the word "fuck" in them.

25-12-2013, 02:50 AM
Tks boss for your clarification :D

25-12-2013, 12:18 PM
Merry Christmas to all. :D

26-12-2013, 11:01 AM
Mod, Does this consider abuse the system? Use clones up others and claimed another nick. If it ok then I will do that to get myself out of mod too.




Icic thanks for the clarification. Hahaha!

Boss don't clarify my enquires. May be it is not valid

26-12-2013, 12:00 PM
Boss don't clarify my enquires. May be it is not valid

i also tio mass zap by clone accounts so very soon i will surpass you.

haha :D:D:D

29-12-2013, 11:40 PM
What if I don't want anyone to see my reputation?

You can disable the display of your reputation by going to your User CP and selecting Edit Options. On this page you will find a check box labelled 'Show Your Reputation Level'. Un-checking this box will remove the display of your reputation and replace it with the Reputation Disabled icon. You can still give and receive reputation while your reputation display is disabled.

I don't see this option in CP. Need admin to enable?
Tiagong many here are more obsessed with my reputation points than myself.

30-12-2013, 12:20 AM
Hi Sammy boss,

I need your help to investigate something and clear my name.

Someone called Forbidden87 has been attacking another samster called Slyer.

And now a clone called Forbidden88 is framing me for it and making wrongful accusations that Forbidden87 is my clone, when this is obviously NOT true.

Please see below the wrongful accusations and LIES made by the clone Forbidden88:




I hope you can investigate and clear my name. As you are the boss and moderator of this forum, you would know if Forbidden87 is my clone or not.

As such, since he is NOT my clone, I hope you will step forward and lay this matter to rest by stating clearly to everyone that Forbidden87 is NOT my clone.

Could you also run your clone script and find out whose clone is Forbidden88?

It is not right for Forbidden88 to frame me and make wrongful accusations against me by LYING that Forbidden87 is my clone when it is not.

I can understand if people use clones to exchange points or whatever, BUT they should not be using clones to harass or hurt other samsters or spread lies.

Hope you can investigate this matter immediately ban any clones related to this.

Also, please help clear my name of this wrongful accusation made by Forbidden88, because I am confirmed NOT Forbidden87.

Appreciate your immediate attention as this is causing me serious distress, and I should not be lynched by the mob for something I did not do.


30-12-2013, 12:25 AM
Appreciate your immediate attention as this is causing me serious distress, and I should not be lynched by the mob for something I did not do.


I can honestly tell you, Uncle Sam will not do anything about this.
Basically there are all sorts of people in this virtual forum.
Some are genuine nice, some are just out to make a nuisance as they enjoy doing so.
There is no right or wrong.

That's why there is a ignore button...use that function if it is bothering you.

No need clear your name of whatever, because since you do not know him/her, he/she does not know you - why is it impacting your life?

There are better things in life than be bothered what people say about you in this forum isn't it..

I hope you do not get frustrated at my post, because this forum is created to show the true human faces..:rolleyes:

30-12-2013, 12:33 AM
That's why there is a ignore button...use that function if it is bothering you...

Can I use the ignore button as I do not want to see their posts or receive their zaps?


30-12-2013, 12:39 AM
Can I use the ignore button as I do not want to see their posts or receive their zaps?


You will not see their post (I think) but zap I dunno..

I have never ignore anyone before and will not use this function ever, even tough I have many people who dislike me and make many friend in here.

Reason is, since I do not know them, then I just read their comments with a pinch of salt, it doesn't bother me, most of the times, their anger, their words will make my day rather than opposite..just think like that , then it will be world peace la :D

30-12-2013, 12:42 AM
You will not see their post (I think) but zap I dunno..

I have never ignore anyone before and will not use this function ever, even tough I have many people who dislike me and make many friend in here.

Reason is, since I do not know them, then I just read their comments with a pinch of salt, it doesn't bother me, most of the times, their anger, their words will make my day rather than opposite..just think like that , then it will be world peace la :D

Tiagong if I am (Points: 1798 / Power: 9) like you... I will also post comments like yours.

30-12-2013, 12:44 AM
Tiagong if I am (Points: 1798 / Power: 9) like you... I will also post comments like yours.

I can actually predict you will say something like that :rolleyes:

People who fall into red zone or about there after a few years, blame who?
Blame themselves la, don't keep complaining when they haven't even look at themselves 1st :)
Got mass zap is their fault, got zap even if they did nth wrong is also their fault...
It's like the outside world and business world, boss scold you for nth, it is your fault, not happy resign...here same, not happy, leave the forum lo...not as if you pay to come in here :)

30-12-2013, 12:59 AM
No. I believe boss has banned clones that have created trouble in forum or who are spamming nonsense.

I believe this is one clear example of such behavior.

So I hope he will look into it.

I can honestly tell you, Uncle Sam will not do anything about this.
Basically there are all sorts of people in this virtual forum.
Some are genuine nice, some are just out to make a nuisance as they enjoy doing so.
There is no right or wrong.

That's why there is a ignore button...use that function if it is bothering you.

No need clear your name of whatever, because since you do not know him/her, he/she does not know you - why is it impacting your life?

There are better things in life than be bothered what people say about you in this forum isn't it..

I hope you do not get frustrated at my post, because this forum is created to show the true human faces..:rolleyes:

30-12-2013, 01:02 AM
I can actually predict you will say something like that :rolleyes:

People who fall into red zone or about there after a few years, blame who?
Blame themselves la, don't keep complaining when they haven't even look at themselves 1st :)
Got mass zap is their fault, got zap even if they did nth wrong is also their fault...
It's like the outside world and business world, boss scold you for nth, it is your fault, not happy resign...here same, not happy, leave the forum lo...not as if you pay to come in here :)

Agree... if after few years still in red zone, is 自找 one... (Hope it's not me)
Just like officer tekan sergeant tekan private... it's a vicious cycle.
Heng I MR liao.

31-12-2013, 11:32 AM
Wishing All









31-12-2013, 11:57 PM
Hi boss,

Ever since this menace clone forbidden87 joined sbf, he has been flaming samsters who are constantly contributing positively to GL section. Forbidden87 did not contribute positively to GL section at all. Kindly remove this clone so that GL section will be cleaner. Thanks.

A sample of his nonsensical post:


Happy new year! Have a great 2014! :D

01-01-2014, 07:35 AM
Happy New Year to Everyone!

02-01-2014, 02:13 PM
Just caught sight of this post...excellent stuff bro, cld not agree wif u more:cool:!

Compliments of the season & a happy new year to all:)

I can honestly tell you, Uncle Sam will not do anything about this.
Basically there are all sorts of people in this virtual forum.
Some are genuine nice, some are just out to make a nuisance as they enjoy doing so.
There is no right or wrong.

That's why there is a ignore button...use that function if it is bothering you.

No need clear your name of whatever, because since you do not know him/her, he/she does not know you - why is it impacting your life?

There are better things in life than be bothered what people say about you in this forum isn't it..

I hope you do not get frustrated at my post, because this forum is created to show the true human faces..:rolleyes: