View Full Version : FAQ on the standing street walkers
16-10-2006, 02:20 PM
There shld be an FAQ on info of the street walkers and their price at various lanes etc. This way, we wont be cheated.
Ok, I add what I know, which is very little here:
L8--$90-100 Mostly fair skinned PRC.
Others just add on to this.
16-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Hi bro
I dun really know much abt streetwalkers...
But i do know, when u ask for price, do ask if room is included or excluded. Some may charge u at $80, and room u pay, or some may charge u $100 including room... end state, its ur $$$, ur choice...
most PRC... may be sweet on the outside? bitter in the inside... look ard more before u choose ok? cos' u never know how bad it is till u tasted inside the room....
happy scouting!!
16-10-2006, 03:18 PM
most PRC... may be sweet on the outside? bitter in the inside...
So bonking a prc can be equal to drinking a stout..."sian tian ho ku"...
16-10-2006, 03:35 PM
So bonking a prc can be equal to drinking a stout..."sian tian ho ku"...
HAHA!!! i tot a stout is all the way ku? where got tian...:D
16-10-2006, 03:40 PM
HAHA!!! i tot a stout is all the way ku? where got tian...:D
but our taste bud is build such that we taste sweetness first before even if stout is actually bitter..there is a tinge of sweetness in it...
16-10-2006, 03:46 PM
but our taste bud is build such that we taste sweetness first before even if stout is actually bitter..there is a tinge of sweetness in it...
Hmm... yess!
long long long time ago, during science lesson....i learnt tt the tongue will taste sweetness before bitter.. cos' bitter buds are inside? sweetness is at the centre.. if i am not wrong? i forgot..
but somehow, if i drink stout, eat bitter gourd, drink those herbal brew... YUCKZ~
Ah Dac
17-10-2006, 08:26 AM
Although they claimed to have the same rate at the same area, I do encounter different gal quoting me different prices.
So it's might biols down to the first sight and the business on that day itself.
17-10-2006, 08:29 AM
Ad, Prc????
Ah Dac
17-10-2006, 08:36 AM
Yeah yeah!!
Ad, Prc????
17-10-2006, 09:33 AM
Although they claimed to have the same rate at the same area, I do encounter different gal quoting me different prices.
So it's might biols down to the first sight and the business on that day itself.
Somebody told me that he never go GL one. Today I just realise that he always bullshit!!! :eek:
17-10-2006, 09:36 AM
Wah AD, u see not just me........ hahahaha :D
18-10-2006, 12:07 AM
There shld be an FAQ on info of the street walkers and their price at various lanes etc. This way, we wont be cheated.
Ok, I add what I know, which is very little here:
L8--$90-100 Mostly fair skinned PRC.
Others just add on to this.
No updates?
I offer to add rep pts of pple who contribute. This will after all b a useful guide.
18-10-2006, 12:58 AM
There shld be an FAQ on info of the street walkers and their price at various lanes etc. This way, we wont be cheated.
Ok, I add what I know, which is very little here:
L8--$90-100 Mostly fair skinned PRC.
L14 -- $60 -70. Quality varies.Sometimes SYT but mostly 25 yrs+
L16/L18 --$50 -60. Mostly MILF but better dressed than L15/17 ones
L19/L21-- $50-60. Just a bit below L16/L18 in terms of looks/dressing
L15/L17-- $30-40. Older MILF. Usually farmers dotters or wives. Dressing/looks not that attractive though occasionally can find a GEM or two. Male PRCs like to hang out here...
18-10-2006, 01:23 AM
Allow me to contribute my 0.02:
Upper Lorongs (even)
L26 -- Hit and miss, quieter now compared to before. Mostly MILFs but the occasional gem. $50-$60
L28 -- starts with SYTs with their keepers as you enter the street, quality drops as you approach Guillermard but the occasional gem can be found. mostly $60
L30 -- Mostly quiet street but with occasional strollers. Usually at the Geylang Rd. side one or two younger MILFs. Never partaken.
L32 -- Interesting street with traffic/activity to the private condos on your left as you enter the street. Sometimes a nice surprise at the end of the street at Guillermard. Mostly $60 but I've had one SYT ask for more at the Guillermard end.
L34 -- Occasional strollers with some at the Geylang Rd. end of the street due to cheap hotel at the corner. Never seen anyone I like here so never tried.
L36 -- no info
L40 -- I've seen really hot girls being dropped off at the 2 condos on either side of this street before the bridge, but never actually seen any walkers. At least none that seemed like they were 'working'. Anyone with any info?
29-10-2006, 04:27 PM
L23 facing the main road. Lots MILF.
$50-60 .
29-10-2006, 04:42 PM
L40 -- I've seen really hot girls being dropped off at the 2 condos on either side of this street before the bridge, but never actually seen any walkers. At least none that seemed like they were 'working'. Anyone with any info?
They actually live there, bro.
29-10-2006, 04:52 PM
Darlene hotel? :rolleyes:
29-10-2006, 05:04 PM
Is this the FAQ for newbies, or just the location for the WLs/FLs for easy lookout? :rolleyes:
Anyway, this is what I felt....
Lor 6/8 - The qualities seems to drop alot as compared to WCup season. Even those late 30s, pants-wearing MILFs can be spotted there. Service-wise I shall not elaborate, although I have used the hotels nearby there often. :D
Lor 12/14, and along tarma road - The MMs there still trying their best to win your $$$. Some service-oriented MMs still can be found, although OKT-controlled. Lanes opp. amazing hotel still have new gems of $60/$70 occasionally, heard they are also OKTs controlled, and time restrained.
Lane behind of the infamous grass patch selling contraband cigarettes - MMs there are pretty-looking, with big protuding boobs, but service are mediocre, always rushing you for time.
The best found in terms of $$$ and value-added services should be the one behind shell station, L19 carcark behind brightstar H, MILFs or FLs sitting around Lor 21 KPT, Lor 23 KPT also a great place for eye-feasting. GL is really a great place for venturing man.... please bring a compass around if you lose your way.
29-10-2006, 06:21 PM
There shld be an FAQ on info of the street walkers and their price at various lanes etc. This way, we wont be cheated.
Here are some other FAQs and As (plus tips and tricks). Some of these may be useful for you to appreciate their mentality and thus helps you to clique well with them (for better service/GFE).
1) Why do they pick to "work" in Singapore?
I was told they won't get jailed if being caught in Singapore (just deport back to PRC), unlike Malaysia, Hong Kong, etc. The "quality" of guys here are better too; mostly gentlemen, unlike those elsewhere who don't pay-up if they can't cum (even on alcohol). Of course, SGD is bigger here. Some may even be looking out for BF or Hubby here; Sgp passport good lor...
2) Are they here by force or being cheated?
Apart from those lau-ciao who FL here on their own, most 1st-timers may need to pay around SGD7000-8000 just to get the arrangement to be here (visa, coffee$, etc). My heart goes out to them when actually it can be done with a cheap SGD$20 online VISA application at Since they are "in debt" before they start work here, most do not have freedoms to go out with clients (unless pay OKT by hours) or do any sight-seeing. There are few who may be "cheated" by their friends (for referral$) to come here thinking they only work in MP or KTV and not street-standing.
3) Do their service really sucks and not value-for-money?
I would like to say it depends. After all, they are ladies serving gentlemen ya? Communications help A LOT if you speak mandarin. Looks matter too; I mean if you dress and look nice to them. This is where you can have some bargaining power. They DO choose their clients (most prefers only their own skin colour) and if they pull you in among a passing group, that usually means they like you (and you can play a bit hard-to-get and start to bargin for lower price, include room charge, special/extra service like massage or even bbbj...)
4) What so exciting about PRC compare to the rest?
Well, at least for me, I get the kick out of befriend-ing them. It's like putting my courting skill to test. Since they usually have more free-time at hand (due to raids, morning/afternoons) and have somewhat more control over what they can/cannot do, I strive to make them WANT to be with me. Seriously, some are good to be acquantance as friends; imagin the possibilities when they're back home (PRC), all willing to be your personal escort when you do visit their town in future. Don't forget the next 40 years will be the rise of the dragon... :D
5) How can we get their likings?
Assuming that you have all the chemistry with them, here are some things you can do to get "closer" and earn their trust:
- Get their H/P, patronize them at least a few times to show you like them.
- Do whatever you know to be a nice guy trying to court them; sweet SMS, care, concern, etc.
- If they are here on a 14-day visa, they usually need to extend it by visiting Malaysia, Thailand (less often) or take a boat ride out to Indonesia. So if you can spare the time, this is the BEST time to get close to them. For those who drive, offer to drive them to JB (stay over midnight) and drive back - they're paying ard $200 for this service anyway, so here's your chance to help them in return for... better GFE ;)
- Offer to see them off at the airport when they leave. At this stage, you can be sure who she REALLY like since only one person has this "honour". Again, it'll bring a great sense of accomplishment if you're the chosen one.
It's not just s-x when it comes to PRC... at least not for me.
Even if it's about s-x, I can assure you that MANY erotic fantasies can be fulfilled OUTSIDE of the usual four walls if they like you... Don't under estimate these MeiMei... Look beyond the 30-40min for value. (Note: I'm not suggesting any cheating of feelings - by all means go serious if you want to. Make friends, not enemies.)
Okie, that's it for now. The usual caveats applies. YMMV.
29-10-2006, 06:41 PM
please bring a compass around if you lose your way.
and dun forget a map too!
29-10-2006, 07:32 PM
They actually live there, bro.
I don't doubt it, I only wish I knew where they worked!
29-10-2006, 07:38 PM
Here are some other FAQs and As (plus tips and tricks). Some of these may be useful for you to appreciate their mentality and thus helps you to clique well with them (for better service/GFE).
Up you for the FAQ.
and dun forget a map too!
So when you wanna bring me go gai gai?? :rolleyes:
29-10-2006, 08:34 PM
So when you wanna bring me go gai gai?
we bring our partner along? my dar dar said he itiching to have a look there ler.. kekeke :D
29-10-2006, 10:15 PM
Here are some other FAQs and As (plus tips and tricks). Some of these may be useful for you to appreciate their mentality and thus helps you to clique well with them (for better service/GFE).
1) Why do they pick to "work" in Singapore?
... Look beyond the 30-40min for value. (Note: I'm not suggesting any cheating of feelings - by all means go serious if you want to. Make friends, not enemies.)
Okie, that's it for now. The usual caveats applies. YMMV.
Caveats ... dun end up as roberts. But one must invest then can get return, right? So far the GL FLs aren't as bad as the ktv girls though.
30-10-2006, 01:43 AM
i think i have same frequency with bro goodpartner. (i love to hunt for a prc gem):p
very detail from bro camelot:
L14 -- $60 -70. Quality varies.Sometimes SYT but mostly 25 yrs+
L16/L18 --$50 -60. Mostly MILF but better dressed than L15/17 ones
L19/L21-- $50-60. Just a bit below L16/L18 in terms of looks/dressing
L15/L17-- $30-40. Older MILF. Usually farmers dotters or wives. Dressing/looks not that attractive though occasionally can find a GEM or two. Male PRCs like to hang out here...
i add on abit:
L14,12 -- you can get value for money. i feel much safer as in chances of cheating is lower then L10,8,6. back lane linking L12 to 14 can find good gems. recently they are some MILF standing along L14 ignore them if u don like..
TALMA RD -- linking from L14 to L12 also can find Gems (SYT). mostly $80 BUT my own experiance is they are mostly student on student pass intro by friends to work there as part time. their turnover rate is higher. today u see a gem 2molo she missing. some student are quite shy n very green. dont kno how to "work" but i find it ok.
L10,8,6 -- Where the Chio Prc are located. but lots of bad exp from my friends n i. mostly $90-100 or MORE!! stuck up attitude although some are good. Usually dont service you, in short: went in room, take off, ask u bath, sit on u, cum, byebye. but like i said some are good..hope u r lucky..
L28,30,32,34 -- if you have a car, it is interesting to roam here.. you can get all kinds of prc here,can chat wif them in car verbal QC first, $50-60 got cheapo rooms if u dont mind, the prc will bring u go. ----------->Type range: Prc OL(due to work), prc ktv girls(after work 3am+/-. sometimes when they abit drunk, u can request lots of stuff:D ), mostly on holidays as n excuse to work here. Turnover rate is also higher. today u see a gem 2molo she missing Most of them inexperiance. This section is more suitable for HUNTERS like me.
Newest place in upper LORs:
L29,31 -- due to competition, some of them shifted here. $50-60. abt the same comment wif L28,30,32,34. BUT TAKE NOTE: i spotted many gems here.
i also see quite alot of PRC walk from lower LORs to the Upper ones.
someone ask abt Lor 40 to 44:
there are some pubs over that area, those chio prc work there some after work will walk over. most of them are expensive if u approach them THERE.
most PRC non FLs also leave there.
My experiance is as long as is in geylang wif fancy dress or when u look at them n they look at u, hee FL liao.. i ever ask someone who is not FLs say waiting for friend then i gave no. n offer 70(chio, SYT). she CALL ME BACK.
above is truely my experiance as a discreet bonkers, dont zap me if u experiance different things. pls high light to me if seniors finds above info wrong.
30-10-2006, 02:20 AM
1) Why do they pick to "work" in Singapore?
Let me add a bit here. Those older or average looking gers will come to SG but sometimes there r still some pretty young gers. Most of the prettier will still prefer to work in China, Macau n HK.
30-10-2006, 01:15 PM
i think i have same frequency with bro goodpartner. (i love to hunt for a prc gem):p
i add on abit:
nice tips, upp you.
30-10-2006, 04:34 PM
my 2-cents worth
For drivers, can 'drive-thru' darlene hotel from lor 8 most of the chio prc are here. They are normally younger and prettier than the other prc outside the othe Lorong.You can negotiate from inside the car and then park inside the hotel at lor 6(i think it is called fragrance hotel if i am not wrong) Quite discreet dun need to walk around and risk being recognize
However the standard of service depends a bit on your luck or charisma.
Price normally is around $100 inclusive or exclusive of hotel depends on your negotiation. Take note those outside darlene hotel at the junction also have some gems but it really depends on your luck, i have met some who are very pretty but when it comes to service they simply don't qualify.
For non-drivers, i will recommend the back lanes at lor 8, 10 and 12. Standard here not bad not as pretty as those at darlene hotel but you still can find some syt(young and not bad looking) and chio prc in their late 20s.
I will rate their service quality overall as better than those near lor 8.
Along lor 14 is all the milf.sometimes have 1 or 2 chio milf and good figures with big breast.
For young guys please dun go to the lor 19, 21 and 23 side. The prc here are all old milf in the late 30s, 40s and even 50s. Their target are all those lau ah pek and their cpf savings i beleive. So dun waste your time.
Another point to take note. Avoid Lor 14(if i am not wrong or lor 16)near guillemard road side there are transexuals over there so don't be mistaken :eek:
Hope you find the information useful.
Happy Roaming ;)
31-10-2006, 02:35 AM
Glad to know a few bros who shared the same freq on PRCs from this thread. So I'll keep this going with more FAQs. To those who up-ed me, pls be patience as I can only return favour every 24hrs.
Okie, here are more FAQs & As from my personal experiences and perspective. Newbies feel free to ask questions here even if you can't contribute to this thread.
- How best to date the MeiMei out?
For those controlled by OKT, the most direct way is to buy time out. I think the cost vary, just ask the MM to check with their OKT (as much as $100/hr). I know of loaded bros who pay something like $600 for an afternoon out and bring MM to orchard rd or tcss in coffeeshop!? Tips here is to check the resting time of the MM, let them have enough rest from the previous night's work else they'll sleep on your date. Of course, if your MM has her own freedom, then it's up to your jiojio power (courting skill) to get the date; this is a whole different topic man... but most exciting IMHO because you don't have to pay for the time (some may even skip days of work just to be with you). My best accomplishments are to jio MMs who are controlled by OKT to sneak out with me w/o me incurring any damage :rolleyes: (I've many funny stories to tell...)
Tricks: Those first-timer MM are afraid of OKT since they are new here (most think Singapore is just football size area big!). You'll be amaze at some of the B.S. that OKT tell to scare them. You job then is to listen and find out their fear, assure them, take side with them (to handle the OKT), and have fun being their HERO.
- Where to bring them for outing?
The short answer is... it depends on WHAT you want to do during the date.
If the MM does not clique with you and you paid for her time, then most probably it's the usual shopping and tcss sessions (bundle with FJ maybe) - the usual make-your-deal and pay for it thingy. If you managed to jio her to like you w/o any monetary gains in between, that's where the real fun is. Go where hot loving couples go in Singapore - but be [very] daring during the date since she-know-and-you-know how both meet each other... Note: this is the biggest different from your usual date.
For drivers, places (to name a few) like the usual Sentosa - the beach with that hanging bridge, Mount Faber (bring mosquito repellent), etc. Basically any places that you can drive to quiet dark parking place for you-know-what. My greatest accomplishments (sorry, my man ego want to boast a bit) are to have s-x on sentosa beaches (nice sky), in & on the car, garden benches (exciting not to get caught), and even have bbbj while I'm on the wheel! Also, I'm lucky to be staying alone and had many ON with MeiMei... All these are spontaneous w/o paying for any services; well OK, I've "invested" upfront with my "generosities" during the earlier part of the date and courtship to earn their likings.
Wow... so much to share (boast) just two points along. haha... will continue next time.
p.s. A little advertisement for my PRC likings here; my intention is to connect with more bros with interest on the same type of PRC gems: I'm a sucker for looks, I'll hunt around for lookers (SYT type) and as long as they are also slim, the other factors (GFE, service, attitude) I can somewhat influence. So if any PRC cheongsters spotted any killer lookers (those that really stand-out) please PM me and we can also exchange contacts if same freq. If you don't mind competitions, maybe we can see who will be the chosen one to send her to airport... :D
31-10-2006, 02:37 AM
dup deleted this thread pls.
31-10-2006, 03:20 AM
Caveats ... dun end up as roberts. But one must invest then can get return, right? So far the GL FLs aren't as bad as the ktv girls though.
What you mean by roberts?
And yes, investments needed to get return. With practices the ROI will be +ve! kekeke... To the frank, it sometimes do cost me more than if I were to patronize them the usual way, but well it's good fun and MeiMei are sharp too.
As for KTV gals, I've little experiences with them but if you are refering to those that works here on a mid/long-term basis (like on a student pass), it'll be harder to jio them, compare to street standers who are mostly new here and where you can easily become a "hero" in their mind.
So if that's the case, yes GL FLs are better in this aspect. Just my opinion.
31-10-2006, 03:23 AM
from lor6-40,
Singapore infested with PRC women
31-10-2006, 07:17 AM
Click here for the full sized version (
Some PRC area and price range that I have personally gathered. This is a rough guide, not 100% though since some do move around and yandao customers sometimes get a slight discount :D Still gathering more info, will update constantly.
31-10-2006, 10:53 AM
bro goodpartner ..
impressive strategy you have huh!!!
you are the man .... :D
31-10-2006, 12:02 PM
Some PRC area and price range that I have personally gathered. This is a rough guide, not 100% though since some do move around and yandao customers sometimes get a slight discount :D Still gathering more info, will update constantly.
hahaha bro u even took the time to put in the damages for each bros can refresh their topo skills from their army days and find each chkpts..:D
31-10-2006, 02:53 PM
Glad to know a few bros who shared the same freq on PRCs from this thread. So I'll keep this going with more FAQs. To those who up-ed me, pls be patience as I can only return favour every 24hrs.
upp you for yours info
31-10-2006, 06:48 PM
From my experience, I think the day of the week when you patronise the lorong is also very important. Monday nite is the best nite as you will probably get lalong price for beautiful ladies at higher lorong.
Just last nite (Monday) when I drove around Lor 25-36, wow, there were too simply too much choice. There was this really SYT in her early 20s asking for only $60.
Her dressing and posture does not give you a impression that she is a hooker but someone who is attending D&D.
Last Saturday, when I was doing my rounds, there was hardly any solid ladies.
In conclusion, Monday nite is the best time to get good & cheap service.:D
31-10-2006, 06:55 PM
Interesting findings bro.
Any theory why they laylong on Monday nite?
This one is new for me ;)
31-10-2006, 07:03 PM
Interesting findings bro.
Any theory why they laylong on Monday nite?
This one is new for me ;)
The theory is simple. Demand & Supply. :rolleyes:
Fri & Sat Nite may not be a good time to get good gems at lalong price.
But Sunday & Monday is definitely the BEST.
Trust me. Just have to drive around midnight at the upper lor you will see.
31-10-2006, 08:19 PM
Hahahaa...been talking about making a map like this for ages....seems like you beat my silly lazybum to it..
Upz !!!
Some PRC area and price range that I have personally gathered. This is a rough guide, not 100% though since some do move around and yandao customers sometimes get a slight discount :D Still gathering more info, will update constantly.
31-10-2006, 08:21 PM
Hahahaa...been talking about making a map like this for ages....seems like you beat my silly lazybum to it..
Upz !!!
Heh heh some newbie work from me, all seniors duo1 duo1 bao1 han2. :D
31-10-2006, 08:34 PM
Heh heh some newbie work from me, all seniors duo1 duo1 bao1 han2. :D
Bro, great work but if you don't mind can extend the map all the way to cover all lorongs mentioned by other bros here? If unsure can further check with them with the exact location. I think that'll be super useful even for lau-jiao here. Lots of good information I didn't know even though I've been driving around.
BTW, where you get such maps from? Looks like google earth to me but I don't think got such details including building names; unless you did those extra work too.
31-10-2006, 08:35 PM
I have managed to jio quite a few FLs for outings before, but it is normally during their "downtime" (i.e period), and usually to Sentosa/parks/other dark places. Only problem is, can only rubba/kiss but cannot bonk them.....hahaha
Always offer to do the visa runs with FLs that you think is comfortable with you. (if you don't drive, can always go Indonesia or changi ferry to Malaysia).
I like spending time with them this way since it feels a lot like going for holidays with your GF...
31-10-2006, 08:36 PM
Click here for the full sized version (
Some PRC area and price range that I have personally gathered. This is a rough guide, not 100% though since some do move around and yandao customers sometimes get a slight discount Still gathering more info, will update constantly.
AMAZING GREAT WORK, bro.... Cheers~! upz you once already...:D
31-10-2006, 09:44 PM
AMAZING GREAT WORK, bro.... Cheers~! upz you once already...:D
Thanks bro :)
31-10-2006, 09:46 PM
Bro, great work but if you don't mind can extend the map all the way to cover all lorongs mentioned by other bros here? If unsure can further check with them with the exact location. I think that'll be super useful even for lau-jiao here. Lots of good information I didn't know even though I've been driving around.
BTW, where you get such maps from? Looks like google earth to me but I don't think got such details including building names; unless you did those extra work too.
Yeah bro, I do have hotel information all the way up to Lor 30+ but just that I didn't have the price ranges so didn't include in the map. Maybe the bros here can share their "stock market" information here so I can update the other higher numbered lorongs :) And yes bro, its from google earth. Added the building descriptions myself.
31-10-2006, 09:52 PM
Yeah bro, I do have hotel information all the way up to Lor 30+ but just that I didn't have the price ranges so didn't include in the map. Maybe the bros here can share their "stock market" information here so I can update the other higher numbered lorongs :) And yes bro, its from google earth. Added the building descriptions myself.
Bravo man, like your effort. Will put you in my up list.
I think if you look back the pages, some price ranges are mentioned there. Just that some of the location may not be obvious, depend on how you interpret those text.
Once you put up a map with the hotel and road names, bros here can point out and you can update along the way.
Again, well done and your work will be appreciated by many.
01-11-2006, 02:07 AM
Bravo man, like your effort. Will put you in my up list.
I think if you look back the pages, some price ranges are mentioned there. Just that some of the location may not be obvious, depend on how you interpret those text.
Once you put up a map with the hotel and road names, bros here can point out and you can update along the way.
Again, well done and your work will be appreciated by many.
Yeah bro, gathering some prices from previous post on SBF also. Trying to piece them all together. And to those bros who up my rep, thanks a lot man. Too bad I ain't have no power yet, can't return the favour yet :)
01-11-2006, 09:23 AM
Yeah bro, gathering some prices from previous post on SBF also. Trying to piece them all together. And to those bros who up my rep, thanks a lot man. Too bad I ain't have no power yet, can't return the favour yet :)
very soon, bro.. cos' of ur contribution.
Bros here recognise samster's hard work in contributing. And u have done a great job in preparing a map and consolidating the relevant details tog. great job, well done~
01-11-2006, 09:56 PM
I have managed to jio quite a few FLs for outings before, but it is normally during their "downtime" (i.e period), and usually to Sentosa/parks/other dark places. Only problem is, can only rubba/kiss but cannot bonk them.....hahaha
Always offer to do the visa runs with FLs that you think is comfortable with you. (if you don't drive, can always go Indonesia or changi ferry to Malaysia).
I like spending time with them this way since it feels a lot like going for holidays with your GF...
Just spotted your post. Bro, why don't you date them outside of that window period so you can bonk them on the date? Of course downtime cannot bonk mah!
Your experience on taking ferry over to Indonesia or Malaysia can be a good FAQ here. Care to share more the detail step-by-step how to do that? Where exactly to go, cost, and do they need VISA for Indo? I've no experience here.
I'll start with the FAQ on Malaysia:
- What to expect if you offer to drive PRC over the courseway?
For Malaysia, they need to first get a visa (from travel agencies) before the trip. Usually their OKT would do that for them as part of the package. Otherwise you can also get VISA "on-the-spot" but can be done only via the 2nd courseway (Tuas), not woodlands. Park you car at the TUAS custom carpark, then walk up to the office with her; cost around 50 ringgit I think and you get the VISA chop immediately. The important thing is to stay over in Malaysia till the NEXT DAY, at least after mid-night! The first time I blur blur brought a MM over, and U-turn back at the woodlands checkpoint on the SAME day - kanna summon to the immigration office and questioned by the ICA staffs like criminal! They KNOW all these tricks and asked for my relationship with the MM, etc. Wah-biang my balls almost dropped thinking I gone case and at the end they only gave the MM extra 3-days. That was years back, now lau-jiao; as long as it's past midnight it's OK - no questions ask and get 14 days extension at the drive-thru counter. Of course, make the trip worth by checking into a cheap hotel for ON lah...
For Thailand, VISA is granted to the PRC on the spot at the destination Thai airport. Remember to bring 2 passport-size photo for her! (Same for malaysia) No problem on return at custom as I'm sure the trip usually last 2-3 days - looks more like a "real" trip. Nowdays budget airlines got cheap tickets to phukets and bangkok - can be heck of a sexscapade and scoring points with the MM who rely on you (language) to move around that country.
Last but not least... I realize that those PRCs who are open to looking for boyfriends always ask the question "Are you married?", or more indirectly "...blah blah... your wife will scold..." during your first bonking session, just to test if you're attached.
Depending on your response, that usually set the "stage" for the rest of your experience with her in Singapore. Obviously, things will be fun if you're (really) available - after that it's your usual BGR skills/strategies to get her hooked but like I say, we can be much more daring during dates. Don't be shy...
01-11-2006, 10:01 PM
The theory is simple. Demand & Supply. :rolleyes:
Fri & Sat Nite may not be a good time to get good gems at lalong price.
But Sunday & Monday is definitely the BEST.
Trust me. Just have to drive around midnight at the upper lor you will see.
Sunday/Monday may be best for lalong price...
but what about choices? i think limited..
sooo.. guys which are the best day/time for choices & gd price?
:D ...
this one need senior cheongsters to advise liao
01-11-2006, 11:46 PM
that was a big contribution to this forum.. please put up the skin so we can access the map from the comfort of our home.. i notice that the covered area is only a small portion of GL.. any one interested to do a full size orbat chart? :rolleyes:
good effort from you and well done.. upz!
02-11-2006, 12:15 AM
Wonderful contributions by all the bros here...
very enriching indeed.
But i think the best way is still to go down there and do your own field research .. it would be much better than all our talking here. But the temptation may be too great .. sometimes.. kekke :D
02-11-2006, 12:29 AM
one of these days can go down and take pictures and then upload.. greatly help newbies.. what bros think?
02-11-2006, 02:34 AM
great idea~ meow
02-11-2006, 06:01 AM
one of these days can go down and take pictures and then upload.. greatly help newbies.. what bros think?
Taking pictures there is definitely a great idea but I think must be done discreetly else might invite unnecessary trouble. ie. OKTs thinking you trying to be funny. Just my opinion :D
02-11-2006, 09:24 PM
Sunday/Monday may be best for lalong price...
but what about choices? i think limited..
sooo.. guys which are the best day/time for choices & gd price?
:D ...
this one need senior cheongsters to advise liao
This is a difficult one to answer; it's still supply/demand driven like day of the week.
FL also know the best time to start the parade, so unlikely they'll waste effort during the time of the day where the demand is low (generally office hours).
Not sure what you mean by choices; quality or quantity? Anyway, it'll be hard to answer for both. Quality usually goes along with price (see the map). Quantity depends partly on the AV activities.
As for taking pictures, I love to see it happening too; like in the other agent/OKT threads where there are yahoo groups and photo ablums. But who so eng do that with no incentive tie to it?
Also, I guess we're talking about pictures taken with permission from the FL in close doors (not snapped from the street right!?). In any case, this may put the FL into trouble since the AV/ICA may identify them?
I've the same thought why those legel houses (cat40/80/150) do not post gal's photos for online shopping too, but this is OT.
02-11-2006, 09:41 PM
congratulations bro ChokDeeDee! for geting ur first power by posting valuable and sharing good stuff with bros here
03-11-2006, 11:41 AM
I'll start with the FAQ on Malaysia:
- What to expect if you offer to drive PRC over the courseway?
For Malaysia, they need to first get a visa (from travel agencies) before the trip. Usually their OKT would do that for them as part of the package. Otherwise you can also get VISA "on-the-spot" but can be done only via the 2nd courseway (Tuas), not woodlands. Park you car at the TUAS custom carpark, then walk up to the office with her; cost around 50 ringgit I think and you get the VISA chop immediately. The important thing is to stay over in Malaysia till the NEXT DAY, at least after mid-night! The first time I blur blur brought a MM over, and U-turn back at the woodlands checkpoint on the SAME day - kanna summon to the immigration office and questioned by the ICA staffs like criminal! They KNOW all these tricks and asked for my relationship with the MM, etc. Wah-biang my balls almost dropped thinking I gone case and at the end they only gave the MM extra 3-days. That was years back, now lau-jiao; as long as it's past midnight it's OK - no questions ask and get 14 days extension at the drive-thru counter. Of course, make the trip worth by checking into a cheap hotel for ON lah....
Please permit me to add my own experience to bro goodpartner's comments above. Several days ago a friend of mine asked me if I could take him and 2 Phillipina FL to JB as the girls visas will expire on 31st Oct and they wanted to extend their stay in Singapore for another 2 weeks. Out of curiousity to see how the immigration system works, I agreed to do so.
So evening of 31st Oct at abour 10pm we set out for JB, I took not Tuas but the Causeway route. We arrived at JB immigration. Our Singapore passports did not present a problem but when it came to those Phillipina girls passports the immigration officer demanded to see their air tickets so we showed him. He then began acting up by saying that the ticket is not regular and he could not grant the girls' entry. This went on for a few minutes and finally my friend got out of the car to speak to the officer. The officer said that the girls must have with them a minimun of US$1000/- before he could grant us entry and if we don't like it, we have to see his senior officer. After a few more minutes of hassle it was clear that he wanted a bribe and initially he wanted MR 50/- a head but my friend argued that two of us hold Singapore passports. Finally he agreed to MR 70/- for the 2 girls so we slipped the money into a passport and gave it to him.
We spent the night in the Tropical Inn for MR 125/- per room including breakfast. The hotel has seen better days and there was no courtesy bottled water in the room only tea and coffee and no instant noodles...:( . I chatted with one of the girls and she told me that business is very bad, there are more FLs' than customers. Of the 14 days she was in Singapore 9 of the days were without customers. She hangs out at People's Park complex early evenings then go down to the bars in Orchard Towers around midnight. The bars in OT are very quiet. I bonked her that night and it is nothing to shout about, she was a lousy lay. I've had much better service from China girls in Geylang.
The next morning we headed back for Singapore and to my surprise we encountered the same problem again at JB immigration. The officer demanded to see the girls' air tickets and it was the same crap all over again. This time my friend refused to offer a bribe and he was told to see the senior immigration officer and his office was located some 300 to 400 meters before the immigration booths. I moved my car to one side. My friend was away for some 20 minutes and when he returned he said the officer wanted to see the girls so they accompanied him. After another 15-20 minutes, they returned and I asked my friend what happened. He said he told the immigration officer that we are leaving Malaysia and not entering the country, if the girls' passports or air tickets are not regular then it is for the Singapore immigration side to deal with the matter and the officer had no reply to this comment so he stamped the passports. My heart was in my mouth when we reached Singapore check-point. I did not know what to expect when we handed our passports over. The immigration officer went through them and checked the return dates on the air tickets of the Phillipina and he gave them a 14 day visa.
I hope my experience will be of help to bros. It is obvious that whenever you present a foreign passport especially a China or Phillipine one, JB immigration officers seek a bribe. The question is - do you slip some money into the passport to avoid the hassle I described above and if so how much? I hope some bros here who are experienced in such matters can comment.
duan yu
03-11-2006, 12:14 PM
From my experiences, i find when the FL approach you on the street, they're very friendly and eager. However, once inside the room, it's a different story. Most of time the feeling is that they're rushing for time and very fake. Somemore, no BBBJ and no fingering. This is especially for those at the lower Lors (8,10). For those at Lor 12, they're much better in service but their quality is lower. I guess stick to HC much better, cos the quality of gals and service is more guaranteed.
03-11-2006, 04:57 PM
...I hope my experience will be of help to bros. It is obvious that whenever you present a foreign passport especially a China or Phillipine one, JB immigration officers seek a bribe. The question is - do you slip some money into the passport to avoid the hassle I described above and if so how much? I hope some bros here who are experienced in such matters can comment.
Those "heart in the mouth" feelings when passing the customs... they really drives adrenalines to the brains huh! I get them even nowadays. It's part and parcel of playing with fire, just have to take or leave it. However, I've not heard anyone got apprehended for being the one sending them to/fro. They are after the FL and even then, it's specific only on immigration matters (they can't prove anything about their FL work).
However, point to note is that the issue can get messy if fako passports are involved. If they've been to Singapore before (and got their finger prints stamped), they better be using the SAME passport they've used before. ICA nowadays stamp all these suspects in Singapore either at the customs and especially at the ICA building when you help them extend their VISA over the counters. It's illegal to use another passport without declaration & they find out via the finger prints system. But again, even if get caught, they are the ones that get jailed, not you.
Yes, having a return air-ticket with confirmed date is a must; good point to highlight.
Finally, the JB customs experience... yours are typical. TCSS with the officer and when you sense what they really wanted, just slip in the RM50 later as mentioned (Note: Only later, don't be the one who initiate). I never tried helping more than 1 FL at a time but RM70 for 2 sounds like a bargain:D I believe there may be some ways you can avoid it, maybe other bros can share.
03-11-2006, 05:14 PM
From my experiences, i find when the FL approach you on the street, they're very friendly and eager. However, once inside the room, it's a different story. Most of time the feeling is that they're rushing for time and very fake. Somemore, no BBBJ and no fingering. This is especially for those at the lower Lors (8,10). For those at Lor 12, they're much better in service but their quality is lower. I guess stick to HC much better, cos the quality of gals and service is more guaranteed.
You know, I've been asking myself the same question why I still patronize street-walkers given what you mentioned too. It's a question of addressing different "needs". Over time, I know where all these different type of services stand for me; cat40/street-walkers/FL/HC/KTV (Didn't try cat80/150 yet).
For street-walkers, "looks" is the main element for me. I get to see the real thing live, AND with some chemistry gather from the quick chit-chat, then I'll decide if I want to commit w/o any obligations. You can't get that from all the other categories. Of course, if you rank services above all, the other cat will fit the bill.
I can bonk just based on looks alone; good missionary bonk is good enuff along with some TCSS to set the mood. The meat and poison theory applies.
03-11-2006, 05:20 PM
good experience.. must go check with ISD about the procedures.. :cool:
Da Vinci
03-11-2006, 05:28 PM
You know, I've been asking myself the same question why I still patronize street-walkers given what you mentioned too. It's a question of addressing different "needs". Over time, I know where all these different type of services stand for me; cat40/street-walkers/FL/HC/KTV (Didn't try cat80/150 yet).
For street-walkers, "looks" is the main element for me. I get to see the real thing live, AND with some chemistry gather from the quick chit-chat, then I'll decide if I want to commit w/o any obligations. You can't get that from all the other categories. Of course, if you rank services above all, the other cat will fit the bill.
I can bonk just based on looks alone; good missionary bonk is good enuff along with some TCSS to set the mood. The meat and poison theory applies.
Bro, sometimes, looks does not equals service. Most streetwalkers, on the streets.. esp pretty one.. they are good in seducing and chatting leh!!! but once u hook them up, bring up to nearby hotel.... *PUFF* everything disappear? as in....their service drop, they just wan a fast one.... one shot over, they will put on and leave... GL streetwalkers standard are deproving..maybe hard earn money.. so they rather they spend more time on the streets to have more cust than in the hotel...?
any comments?
03-11-2006, 05:46 PM
Bro, sometimes, looks does not equals service.
Totally agree! In fact, looks OFTEN (not only sometimes) does not equate services :p
If they have great looks, demand usually high, therefore spending more time on the street can hook more businesses lor. These street-walkers are in Singapore for one-shot-deals and may never come back again, so they don't bother about repeat business as much as the other categories. That's just the way it is.
For cheap and good service: Cat40
For looks and services : Spend more (Agent FL, Cat 80/150 I believe. Do research from FR)
For niche services : HC/KTV
For looks (that instant turn-on thingy): pick one from the street!
I did write a bit about "looking beyond" the 30-45min for street-walkers earlier, so that's another plus point for them, IMHO.
So if services are really important to you, don't risk it on street-walkers lor.
Da Vinci
03-11-2006, 05:49 PM
Totally agree! In fact, looks OFTEN (not only sometimes) does not equate services :p
If they have great looks, demand usually high, therefore spending more time on the street can hook more businesses lor. These street-walkers are in Singapore for one-shot-deals and may never come back again, so they don't bother about repeat business as much as the other categories. That's just the way it is.
For cheap and good service: Cat40
For looks and services : Spend more (Agent FL, Cat 80/150 I believe)
For niche services : HC/KTV
For looks (that instant turn-on thingy): pick one from the street!
I did write a bit about "looking beyond" the 30-45min for street-walkers earlier, so that's another plus point for them, IMHO.
So if services is really important to you, don't risk it on street-walkers lor.
YES! a very good thesis.. how about online OKTs? where do they get placed? in fact, this forum is a good place for sharing. Street walkers... they dun normally have FRs... cos' one day they standing at Lorong 8, another day at Lorong 18... haha! they are on the move everyday. FRs will not be able to trace them unless they have passed their no. to the FR writer.
For that sharing, bro, i will add you to my up list(good pple), but wait till i have the power to add u... :D
03-11-2006, 06:01 PM
Thanks bro for the promised support.
My "Agent FL" mentioned above actually refers to your reference of "online OKTs". This cat have loads of FR and photo; very good for research. A bit expensive but I think it's priced nicely in that category (looks and services).
03-11-2006, 06:08 PM
Agent FLs... are the main bulk found here, each with yahoo groups and own style of operations. lots choices for consumers as well
03-11-2006, 07:39 PM
congratulations bro ChokDeeDee! for geting ur first power by posting valuable and sharing good stuff with bros here
Thanks bro, time to return some reps :)
04-11-2006, 05:26 AM
Thanks bro, time to return some reps :)
yup bro..good attitude! u will rise faster... cheers~
04-11-2006, 10:07 AM
Buy once u hook them up, bring up to nearby hotel.... *PUFF* everything disappear? as in....their service drop, they just wan a fast one.... one shot over, they will put on and leave... GL streetwalkers standard are deproving..maybe hard earn money.. so they rather they spend more time on the streets to have more cust than in the hotel...?
Any comments?
Exactly.... some of them changed face even faster den the Sichuan 变脸大师. :D They promise you the eveything also can can, but when ended up in bed, say cannot, scare of itchiness... blar blar... :D
04-11-2006, 01:08 PM
Exactly.... some of them changed face even faster den the Sichuan 变脸大师. :D They promise you the eveything also can can, but when ended up in bed, say cannot, scare of itchiness... blar blar...
Good basis for another FAQ, very commonly asked indeed!
- What strategies are there to increase the probability of getting a good bonk with PRC?
These are just from personal experiences and to be added by other bros. What I'll do in my approach are listed in these detail steps for really newbies:
1) Spot a chio-bu that turns me on; if she's standing there looking out for biz, I ke-ke walk pass in normal pace and see if she grabs me or not (Note: don't even look at her in the eyes when walking pass, act like you're there not for bonks)
2) If she literally grabs you in and wanted you so much, then u got better bargaining power; skip step 3. If not, after you've done your rounds, come back to the spot but this time walk pass slower and ensure eye contact. She should response with "want to go or not?" (in mandarin).
3) If she don't, then something must be wrong with the impression you give her! I mentioned earlier dressing up for the event helps; just look at most of the by-passers there, they are sloppy and doesn't "stand out". The trick is to somehow stand-out from the crowd (oh yes, alone is better than group).
4) During the crucial few seconds of conversation; remain kool. First, stop and look into her eyes (send some electricity if you can) but keep quiet don't say a word for 3.25 seconds - just pretend to be admiring her. Smile a bit, don't show ur teeth and don't smile like a chee-ko-peh!:D She should say something else within that time (let her say first!). Probably she'll smile back and ask why are you not saying anything, blah blah...
5) Then continue with some casual chit-chat. Ask open-eneded questions like "Why of all people passing here you grab me?", or BS like "I'm staring at you because you're quite pretty. <silent pause again>". TCSS until she ask the "want to go or not?" question again; the trick really is to sound like you can do w/o her. At this junction you should have decided if you still want her or walk off; (for me, sometimes the way the gal speak/sound turn me off)
6) If you still game and want to bite, ask "How much?", let her answer whatever price, then go to the slient pause again (this time 2.15 sec enuff) - I can bet she'll be thinking that she's asking for too much and start justifying her asking price with things like "I'll provide good services... blah blah". This is where you can say things like "...I suppose it includes the hotel room..." (Don't ask this as a question, but use "assume closed" statements!). And if you want to be certain about her promised extra services, joke a bit by saying that you have had bad experiences before, and if she don't do it you won't pay - but do it tactfully! (Now, this will have some psychological impact on her to perform, or else...)
7) Walk to the hotel. After paying up, start the action in the lift going up. Look at her, smile, stretch out your arms to signal you want to embrace her gently - do embrace her like a long lost GF, usually from behind for me. Ask her for name and tcss. This sets the mood man, crucial step... don't wait till you're inside the room! If she bo-chap, be prepared to skip to step 9.
8) Open the door and get into the room first, hold her hands and guide her in. Close the door, then stand at the doorway for more mood setting. Use the stare+slient method as much as possible. Touch her hair, face, rest your hands on her shoulders. Ask caring questions like izit too cold or do you like to wash up first - but look out for signals that you can start REAL actions right from here! Remember that PRC all thinks that Sillyporean as very "cultured" and gentle kind and they will fall easily for you if you appear so. If you do "prepare" yourself to the extend of having a listering mouth wash or take a mint, smells good, etc. Then possibilities from here alone are endless...
9) Okay, if you got those bo-chap PRC who are not interested in tcss or any mood thingy, here's what you can do. Once in the room, she'll probably be asking for money first. I usually act blur and suan her by jokingly asking "Why? Do I look like someone who'll not pay up?". She'll say it's the norm in this trade, but just carry on the conversation saying things like "Why other gals only ask at the end... you so special... what if your services no good?.... blah blah" - the whole idea here is to make her feel a bit guilty of accepting money first. This is also where you can re-affirm the "promised extra services (if any)" while at the street.
10) Hmm.... wanted to round this off with a step 10, but really that's it. Enjoy the sexxion, if you can clique with her, get her phone#, patronize her a few more times, read my other FAQ on how to squeeze more value out of this encounter. Why of so many PRCs, you finally pick her is probably because you really like her looks/assets, and if couple with the present of KC, don't waste the opportunity to bring this to the next level!
Kyser Soze
04-11-2006, 02:22 PM
What strategies are there to increase the probability of getting a good bonk with PRC?
These are just from personal experiences and to be added by other bros. What I'll do in my approach are listed in these detail steps for really newbies:
Well said. Must try these strategies liao. Probably it may work for some but not the others. But at least newbies must start off with something. :D Time to chiong GL...
04-11-2006, 02:43 PM
Ya... a lot of it depends on individual courting skills to get the gal to like you; which will follow by better services. So it's unfair to have blanket statement saying that all PRC are lousy in services. Although I must agree most are lousy.
I know these will help newbies to get started and get the confidence knowing what to expect along the whole "process"; I was once there! So bro remember to post your fr on using these strategies and help improve it :)
04-11-2006, 03:57 PM
Good basis for another FAQ, very commonly asked indeed!
very good of you to share with us.. another wonderful piece yet again in this thread! thumbs up! :D
04-11-2006, 04:21 PM
very good of you to share with us.. another wonderful piece yet again in this thread! thumbs up! :D
Yes indeed.. maybee boss should consider it a sticky. Great contributions, bro goodpartner! Cheers~
04-11-2006, 06:28 PM
if couple with the present of KC, don't waste the opportunity to bring this to the next level!
Heh heh, bro I recommend step 10 can bo? Can play KC but just make sure dun fall into their KC trap can liaoz else sure become big roberto. :D
04-11-2006, 10:16 PM
not because threadstarter promised to up whoever post here with 3 points... :p
GEYLANG streetwalkers are ever changing due to raids, or new intake. one day, u might see this gal here? next moment, u will not see her anymore. Its hard to ever RTF if u scout ard GL.. Maybe that explains why the standard and service is not often seen in GL, esp among the pretty ones.
As for Pretty = No good service. Cannot stereotype! got some pretty, and yet got good service.. but of cos' thats the minority. Continue searching. I doubt even if bros FR here, and state which Lor they found the gem, it will be easy for chiongsters to go that exact location and find. Thats why i dun FR for gals in GL. Look at my signature, u will see FRs on other gals found in this forum instead. End of the day, most of it boils down to luck in GL... i have stopped chionging there... dues to frequencies of raids.
Happy chionging bros!!!
*will appreciate the points upwards... heehee*
05-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Bro m0n3ym1nd$$$ is rite!
Cannot stereotype FLs in GL, but it is a hit and miss affair. Though one actually can see wat one is getting and get a first impression when "negotiating" the deal.
Must be a bit thick-skinned though and walk away when things do not seem rite :)
I have had some "good" luck (if one can call it tat) in the past and still maintain contact with some GL friends who have gone back home.
For that matter, not all OKT girls are tat great - also a bit of a hit and miss!
06-11-2006, 11:48 PM
actually i tink fls on street really cant tell whether service good not..out of ard 10 time i go for street 1s, i got like only 3 or 4 time with gd attitude and service. i tink it depends on ur heng-ness and chemstry ba..some gal got chem with you they service good, but when we intro to bro sometimes bro being servived not as good. but i do realise something(what i tink la..if bros got other view share also..haha) usually those stand there then quiet quiet nv go ard pull you service and attitude better? thtats what i encounter la=x..normally those gals that come and pull me wan i nv go for them haha
07-11-2006, 12:18 AM
Yo Goodpartner...
You can compile book and sell liao.
Sure best seller!!!!!
Critically acclaimed bonking guide.
Cheers and many good fcuks ahead!!
07-11-2006, 12:20 AM
... usually those stand there then quiet quiet nv go ard pull you service and attitude better?
This observation got some basis; I agree.
One possibility why quiet gals have better attitude maybe because they are more "green" and not as lau-jiao (read: cunning) - so treat customers like customers.
In my experiences, most of these quiet type is also working here quite unwillingly & each has a story - so with a bit of KC from us, we can up the chemistry a lot and that somewhat improves the attitude (if not service).
As pointed out time and again, service level and "chemistry" fall on the same side of the sine curve for FL (street standers) - they can choose who they like to service, even though money can buy their body & time.
07-11-2006, 12:24 AM
Yo Goodpartner...
You can compile book and sell liao.
Sure best seller!!!!!
Critically acclaimed bonking guide.
You know what... this idea actually did come across my mind recently :D
Very "niche" market - maybe can put it as a form of ebook with accompanying "sales pitch" to sell online like all those internet marketing ebooks out there. haha...
Will come back to this idea when this thread is more mature. Maybe need a co-author who specializes in the GL houses to have a complete "Idiot Guide To Bonking in GL".
09-11-2006, 03:16 PM
Raverboy, Sboard and D Yu, do make some posts coz with the new system, I can't can up the pts.
09-11-2006, 09:08 PM
"(Note: don't even look at her in the eyes when walking pass, act like you're there not for bonks)"
Bro goodpartner
You have rightfully suggested "act like you're there not for bonks" ... in fact, (when asked) I usually give some excuses such as I am there " .... waiting for a friend to have dinner" or "...just passing by to pump petrol, buy cheap groceries", but once she thinks that is so, she will move onto another potential target. seems game over for me.
What's your take? Thanks
10-11-2006, 01:30 AM
indo cewek FAQ can be found in my siggy :)
11-11-2006, 01:20 AM
Bro goodpartner
You have rightfully suggested "act like you're there not for bonks" ... in fact, (when asked) I usually give some excuses such as I am there " .... waiting for a friend to have dinner" or "...just passing by to pump petrol, buy cheap groceries", but once she thinks that is so, she will move onto another potential target. seems game over for me.
What's your take? Thanks
Hey Bro, sorry for the disappearance act on this thread (and answering your question). Would you believe that I was kidnapped by a super-chio PRC and have been busy fighting off rescuers all these while? :D
What you described is only the step 1 of my "10 steps for a good PRC bonk" strategy. Did you try step 2? I mean, if you've zoomed in on a target, even though she may not come forward to grab you by your arm, then you should really be doing the "stop and eye contact" thingy (see step 2). Skip the step 1 (acting like not interested in bonking).
Hope this helps. Or did I miss something?
11-11-2006, 01:50 AM
Would you believe that I was kidnapped by a super-chio PRC and have been busy fighting off rescuers all these while? :D
Wow bro, you are one blessed man! so envy....where do you get this lady from? GL ? Need us to rescue you without ransom paid?
You must be damn good-looking and hunk to be kidnapped....:D
11-11-2006, 09:03 PM
For L19/L21 (especially at the car park), go after 10pm ... you can find some gems there :)
At L19, try looking around or next to 丰华 apartments .. 1 or 2 SYT can be found there
Cheers ...
Da Vinci
11-11-2006, 11:20 PM
yes... alot of gems can be found if u open ur eyes...
u dun need to actually surf SBF to know the gems...
OPEN BIG BIG!!! :p ;)
11-11-2006, 11:55 PM
10) Hmm.... wanted to round this off with a step 10, but really that's it. Enjoy the sexxion, if you can clique with her, get her phone#, patronize her a few more times, read my other FAQ on how to squeeze more value out of this encounter. Why of so many PRCs, you finally pick her is probably because you really like her looks/assets, and if couple with the present of KC, don't waste the opportunity to bring this to the next level!
Just to add on...if you like her service, show your appreciation with a small tip, or better still bring along some fruit or dessert like kwei lin gao on your next visit. It may work wonders!
12-11-2006, 01:11 AM
Just to add on...if you like her service, show your appreciation with a small tip, or better still bring along some fruit or dessert like kwei lin gao on your next visit. It may work wonders!
Bro, ever since I have any inklings that advocate going "further" with the WL (cat40 or PRC) with KC tactics; including buying of gifts, sponsoring the gal whatever, giving them extra, etc. I kanna wacked either via zap or words leh.
But what the heck, YES this does work wonders. As long as you know what you're doing to get what you want, go Nike... eh.. I mean adidas! :cool:
12-11-2006, 06:32 PM
Raverboy, Sboard and D Yu, do make some posts coz with the new system, I can't can up the pts.
Thanks Bro!
14-11-2006, 09:45 AM
Lorong 25A corner fairly new coffee shop is getting hotter, initially PDMMs and MILF, now SYTs :D are also joining in ! :cool:
15-11-2006, 01:02 AM
nobody started a poll for standard PRC FL tipping rates yet?
Good information. I like it.
I think you can find some very nice one near Lorong 31.
15-11-2006, 10:24 AM
Bro, ever since I have any inklings that advocate going "further" with the WL (cat40 or PRC) with KC tactics; including buying of gifts, sponsoring the gal whatever, giving them extra, etc. I kanna wacked either via zap or words leh.
Two possibilitities:
1) The methods you wrote about are guaranteed to work and these guys are afraid that too many people try the same thing, thus their lobang tio pichak.
2) The methods you wrote about are pure 100% rubbish.
For me, the truth lies somewhere between the two. Just as there is no one method that always works, there is no one method that never works.
Two things bring about the ruin of chiongsters very quickly:
- wanting to appear to be a hero in the eyes of PRCs
- thinking that dating WLs is an accomplishment
Hope you don't think I am flaming you. I believe your intentions are benign and you sincerely want to share. But I also believe that there are plenty of naive chiongsters who aren't prepared for this kind of thing and may feel tempted to play games they're not cut out for.
15-11-2006, 11:25 AM
9) Okay, if you got those bo-chap PRC who are not interested in tcss or any mood thingy, here's what you can do. Once in the room, she'll probably be asking for money first. I usually act blur and suan her by jokingly asking "Why? Do I look like someone who'll not pay up?". She'll say it's the norm in this trade, but just carry on the conversation saying things like "Why other gals only ask at the end... you so special... what if your services no good?.... blah blah" - the whole idea here is to make her feel a bit guilty of accepting money first. This is also where you can re-affirm the "promised extra services (if any)" while at the street.
Good effort bro,
Would like to ask about the step 9 u mentioned, so if the gal ask for $ first in the room (which is the norm case), after the method u describe, so do u still pay first in the end? or ensure her that u will pay after u are satisfied with her services?
15-11-2006, 01:21 PM
...But I also believe that there are plenty of naive chiongsters who aren't prepared for this kind of thing and may feel tempted to play games they're not cut out for.
Bro, given your sig I can understand your perspective of life (or at least this aspect of life) and therefore your views here. No hard feelings, that's just the way it is in open forums with participations from different life's experiences, principles, culture, etc.
Only wish that quotes are not taken out of context, else have to "defend" every point; very siong.
For e.g. your point above, I did end off in the same post:
But what the heck, YES this does work wonders. As long as you know what you're doing to get what you want, go Nike... eh.. I mean adidas!
Also for every FAQ I shared, I did try as much as possible to have disclaimers upfront. Well, yes there are boasting involved (which I think I candidly admit too) but so what? Come'on man, this is part of what make "sharing" here fun; given that some amount of boasting satisfy men's ego (and perhaps some sort of incentive for sharing by bros here).
...My greatest accomplishments (sorry, my man ego want to boast a bit) are to have...yada yada yada (
Ah like dat laugh at oneself also cannot then it'll be damn stressful contributing anything here isn't it? If I want to share (boast tactfully) about money, kids, saved lifes, I will visit other forums. Hope I'm making sense. :)
15-11-2006, 01:39 PM
Good effort bro,
Would like to ask about the step 9 u mentioned, so if the gal ask for $ first in the room (which is the norm case), after the method u describe, so do u still pay first in the end? or ensure her that u will pay after u are satisfied with her services?
For me, I'll still pay up first before the actions. No choice as perhaps she's either taught to do that by OKT, or her "common" practice back home where she's also a WL (as I mentioned, some say that those men they serve back home not as "gentlemen" as Sillyporeans)
Again, the idea is to take on those conversations in Step 9 so as to re-affirm the services (or anything extra) you've bargained for on the street.
We can also look at this as an advantage: If we pay upfront, then we can save on tips (or any obligations to give) at the end.
Sometimes, I may even turn that into a "disadvantage" for them and tell them why. I'll then jio them saying that I'll pay them MORE (with tips) if they allow me to pay at the end - jokingly saying that I must see how good they are first. Some will accept this arrangement and thus give better service - which is the whole point of my FAQ contribution althought I did boast a lot there too. :D
p.s. Make sure you have the EXACT change (e.g. $90) for payment; else it'll be difficult to get back any change at the end usually. If you have $50 notes, use that to pay the hotel room and get $10's change.
15-11-2006, 02:08 PM
Also for every FAQ I shared, I did try as much as possible to have disclaimers upfront. Well, yes there are boasting involved (which I think I candidly admit too) but so what? Come'on man, this is part of what make "sharing" here fun; given that some amount of boasting satisfy men's ego (and perhaps some sort of incentive for sharing by bros here).
I understand completely. Your tongue-in-cheek comments had already been noted and appreciated, but I obviously did not make it clear enough in my post.
If I were not aware of your tongue-in-cheek, my response would have been considerably more sarcarstic and hostile. Early this year, I seem to remember taking to task one silly fella who set up a thread just to boast about his FOCs. :D
Nevertheless, though we operate on different wavelengths, please allow me to say that I respect your ability to poke fun at yourself and your self-awareness. Too few people have it.
15-11-2006, 02:39 PM
If I were not aware of your tongue-in-cheek, my response would have been considerably more sarcarstic and hostile.
You can say that again! Exactly where and why I find it quite challenging sharing views in SBF. Won't be surprised some samsters got bitten by these and decided to stay away from posting anymore.
I mean, can't blame anyone really. Threads will get lengthy over time, and most people don't read from the begining to get full context but instead are quick to jump on any recent posts/statements that sound negative. Then we get into tick-n-tack arguments to justify one another's view points. If not tactfully handled, flames will burst out. That's just the life here I guess.
15-11-2006, 06:01 PM
Just to add on...if you like her service, show your appreciation with a small tip, or better still bring along some fruit or dessert like kwei lin gao on your next visit. It may work wonders!
yes!! treat the lady good... she will auto service u good good..... thts why i alwiz treat the gals i pay to bonk well! its 2-way service...:D
15-11-2006, 06:45 PM
For me, I'll still pay up first before the actions. No choice as perhaps she's either taught to do that by OKT, or her "common" practice back home where she's also a WL (as I mentioned, some say that those men they serve back home not as "gentlemen" as Sillyporeans)
ok thks bro, will try some of the steps out when I have the chance :D
16-11-2006, 06:07 PM
hey bro goodpartner
been checking out the threads you frequent and just finished reading this thread.
I'm just new into the local scene, no car yet. Does it in anyway hinder exploring FLs? I would like to tour and see all the FLs and choose a good pretty one but the distance is not short to explore the whole place and also might kenna dragged in. Maybe wait till have car is a better idea?
17-11-2006, 02:25 PM
I'm just new into the local scene, no car yet. Does it in anyway hinder exploring FLs?
I think the only way to savour in the true flavors and variety that GL can offer is to beat the street by a car dun you can get round fast but you can't really stop anywhere along the way to make enquiries..
hey bro goodpartner
been checking out the threads you frequent and just finished reading this thread.
I'm just new into the local scene, no car yet. Does it in anyway hinder exploring FLs? I would like to tour and see all the FLs and choose a good pretty one but the distance is not short to explore the whole place and also might kenna dragged in. Maybe wait till have car is a better idea?
I think it is ok to walk around. It is safe.
22-11-2006, 07:26 PM
thanx bro frankeistien and cscs
read thru the thread, but still not sure where to find choi SYTs. At Lor 8-10 or at upper Lors during Sunday or Monday nites?
22-11-2006, 09:29 PM
I'm just new into the local scene, no car yet. Does it in anyway hinder exploring FLs? I would like to tour and see all the FLs and choose a good pretty one but the distance is not short to explore the whole place and also might kenna dragged in. Maybe wait till have car is a better idea?
I drive, but still get off to do ground recce for various reasons. Got pros/cons with either car or foot tour. Best is a combo method.
Talking about car tour, I actually do have a "preferred" route to get "maximum coverage" given that many of the streets are one-way; since a wrong turn and you'll hit the main roads and have to battle the traffic & make unnecessary U-turns back to the lorongs again :D
Going under & around Darlene Hotel is probably one of the key spot; it being the most scenic and "close-range" encounter you'll get in the tour. Come in by Talma Road and back on to it. Try to visualize with the map here (
On foot, I like cutting across the alley between Lor 12 and 10, then down along lor 10 to Talma Road. Take the usual car-route under Darlene Hotel, U-turn there and back on Talma Road all the way straight to Lor 12. North along lor 12 and turn right into the alley towards lor 14.
I bet there're better routes to take so as to minimize "exposure" but maximize viewings; maybe other bros can share. Perhaps we should draw some arrows on the map too! hehe...
23-11-2006, 03:15 PM
wow someone actually make a map... haha it looks very cute too
23-11-2006, 10:24 PM
I'm new to FL.. have been cheonging cat40 most of the time...
but saw quite a few "gd lookin" PRCs.. real tempting... although heard quite some bad stories abt them...
anyway.. for those $80/100... generally how longs the service? 1hr right?
23-11-2006, 10:51 PM
I drive, but still get off to do ground recce for various reasons. Got pros/cons with either car or foot tour. Best is a combo method.
Talking about car tour, I actually do have a "preferred" route to get "maximum coverage" given that many of the streets are one-way; since a wrong turn and you'll hit the main roads and have to battle the traffic & make unnecessary U-turns back to the lorongs again :D
Going under & around Darlene Hotel is probably one of the key spot; it being the most scenic and "close-range" encounter you'll get in the tour. Come in by Talma Road and back on to it. Try to visualize with the map here (
On foot, I like cutting across the alley between Lor 12 and 10, then down along lor 10 to Talma Road. Take the usual car-route under Darlene Hotel, U-turn there and back on Talma Road all the way straight to Lor 12. North along lor 12 and turn right into the alley towards lor 14.
I bet there're better routes to take so as to minimize "exposure" but maximize viewings; maybe other bros can share. Perhaps we should draw some arrows on the map too! hehe...
thanx for info bro
look forward to your guidance in the future hehe. my future cheonging is just starting :D
will try out the route you suggest and recount my experience here
23-11-2006, 11:03 PM
sorry to disappoint u.. those at lor 6-8 or lor 10, use to be 45-60mins.. but dun know why... recently, most of them all change to 30mins... maybe under the mafu's control all change liao.. knn..
what is more furtrating is that the mafu will sms or worse call to inform the gals that time is up.. kns paying $100 to get this kind of attidue..
but the gals standing behind delene hotel at the carpark 1, the gals there can nego the time(most is 1hrs).. hee hee a little tips to bros out there who like to take u'r own sweet time.. maybe the mafu there more freedom.. n also most important no call from them.:)
then the gals at lor 12-14 backlane also 30mins. here is even worse 90% the gals there start the time rolling when the deal is done.. that means that is even b4 the gals has step into the hotel with u.. also confirm got call to inform the gals time's up n the gals will stop all action. but here is cheaper($60-80)
oh yes no need to nego the gals on the time. all under mafu. unless u cn call them out for service.. hee hee but to tell u the true, very hard. but u can try any way..:D
but this 2 place has the most younger gals there most of the time.. mostly all below 24yrs so more SYT. ha ha.. enjoy.. hope this help.
23-11-2006, 11:07 PM
sorry to disappoint u.. those at lor 6-8 or lor 10, use to be 45-60mins.. but dun know why... recently, most of them all change to 30mins... maybe under the mafu's control all change liao.. knn..
what is more furtrating is that the mafu will sms or worse call to inform the gals that time is up.. kns paying $100 to get this kind of attidue..
but the gals standing behind delene hotel at the carpark 1, the gals there can nego the time(most is 1hrs).. hee hee a little tips to bros out there who like to take u'r own sweet time.. maybe the mafu there more freedom.. n also most important no call from them.:)
then the gals at lor 12-14 backlane also 30mins. here is even worse 90% the gals there start the time rolling when the deal is done.. that means that is even b4 the gals has step into the hotel with u.. also confirm got call to inform the gals time's up n the gals will stop all action. but here is cheaper($60-80)
oh yes no need to nego the gals on the time. all under mafu. unless u cn call them out for service.. hee hee but to tell u the true, very hard. but u can try any way..:D
but this 2 place has the most younger gals there most of the time.. mostly all below 24yrs so more SYT. ha ha.. enjoy.. hope this help.
23-11-2006, 11:19 PM
sorry to disappoint u.. those at lor 6-8 or lor 10, use to be 45-60mins.. but dun know why... recently, most of them all change to 30mins... maybe under the mafu's control all change liao.. knn..
what is more furtrating is that the mafu will sms or worse call to inform the gals that time is up.. kns paying $100 to get this kind of attidue..
but the gals standing behind delene hotel at the carpark 1, the gals there can nego the time(most is 1hrs).. hee hee a little tips to bros out there who like to take u'r own sweet time.. maybe the mafu there more freedom.. n also most important no call from them.:)
then the gals at lor 12-14 backlane also 30mins. here is even worse 90% the gals there start the time rolling when the deal is done.. that means that is even b4 the gals has step into the hotel with u.. also confirm got call to inform the gals time's up n the gals will stop all action. but here is cheaper($60-80)
oh yes no need to nego the gals on the time. all under mafu. unless u cn call them out for service.. hee hee but to tell u the true, very hard. but u can try any way..:D
but this 2 place has the most younger gals there most of the time.. mostly all below 24yrs so more SYT. ha ha.. enjoy.. hope this help.
24-11-2006, 12:16 AM
bo pian.. now economy not good.. 30 mins also sianz half liao ler.. :o
24-11-2006, 08:32 AM
bo pian.. now economy not good.. 30 mins also sianz half liao ler.. :o
cannot be what gov paying themselve total 2.7 months bonus say ecock veri good this year....or is it becos only all the gov pple nowadays visit GL becos they the only one making money from pple, biz become better for mafu and gangs so cut down timing to 30 mins only...
24-11-2006, 11:12 AM
I bet there're better routes to take so as to minimize "exposure" but maximize viewings; maybe other bros can share. Perhaps we should draw some arrows on the map too! hehe...
Bro, thanks for a fine walking guide. Such simple practical tools are most useful for beginners/newbies or for visitors to our geyland IR. Thanks again.
Having read thru all the posts, which by the way is most useful and helpful, filled with useful tips and information, I have some questions/quries to pose. Not exactly looking for solutions, but would like to know how other bros here would react to such situations.
I was invited by some frends [3 of us] down to geyland IR for supper some weeks back. As we sat by the road side in one of the coffee shops along the smaller # lorongs, we could view all the human traffic as well as partake in admiring the passer bys. However, fortunately or unfortunately, one of the FLs recognised my friend, who i think had upped her before [unbeknownst to us]. It put him in a very embarassing situation or not knowing wether to acknowledge her or to ignore her, and she had the temerity or audacity to speak pretty loudly, such that people around us could hear the conversation, or rather her loud voice.She was pretty decently dressed and looked good, not a milf or a pdmm type look. I felt uncomfortable for my friend as well as our other friends when that happened.
How would experienced bros here have dealt with such a situation?:eek:
Another time, me and my friend [only 2 of us] was walking along Talma, and he was trying to upz one chio SYT. As they were in the "negotiations" mode, another SYT recognized my friend, and came up to us, and asked my friend why he hasn't called her or come to vist her for a while already etc, etc.[this was explained to me much later by my friend as i am not conversant with mandarin, only bits and pieces, as they say "ting putong", so am very limited when trying to upz prcs].
Is such behaviour normal? Any bros here faced such situations before? I thought, maybe wrongly, that in such business, descretion was a necessity, so that all relevant parties would not be embarassed? :o
Anyway, apologies for being long winded, but wanted to share my experience relating to FL street walkers in our geyland IR.
24-11-2006, 12:14 PM
sorry to disappoint u.. those at lor 6-8 or lor 10, use to be 45-60mins.. but dun know why... recently, most of them all change to 30mins... maybe under the mafu's control all change liao.. knn..
what is more furtrating is that the mafu will sms or worse call to inform the gals that time is up.. kns paying $100 to get this kind of attidue..
then the gals at lor 12-14 backlane also 30mins. here is even worse 90% the gals there start the time rolling when the deal is done.. that means that is even b4 the gals has step into the hotel with u.. also confirm got call to inform the gals time's up n the gals will stop all action.
Yes that was my experience with one gal at the lor 12-14 backlane as well, 30 minutes later her phone rang and time is up, I was pretty annoyed but I keep my peace. The next day I called to her and asked if she would like to have me again, she said yes. I said then I want my full hour, tell your mafu not to call when I am with you. She did and now time with her is never an issue. I guess one can get lucky on occassions.
24-11-2006, 12:22 PM
I'm new to FL.. have been cheonging cat40 most of the time...
but saw quite a few "gd lookin" PRCs.. real tempting... although heard quite some bad stories abt them...
anyway.. for those $80/100... generally how longs the service? 1hr right?aiyah, same here, started with cat40; you may try the PRCs, service only half hour as they are look after by mafu. service about the same as cat40, but they are at least young and prettier
24-11-2006, 12:45 PM
How would experienced bros here have dealt with such a situation?
never ignore them.. the new girl will know and then you will have trouble on both ends..
25-11-2006, 12:40 AM
aiyah, same here, started with cat40; you may try the PRCs, service only half hour as they are look after by mafu. service about the same as cat40, but they are at least young and prettier
loh, i agree some quite pretty.. but service...hmmm.. duno man..
if 100 bucks.. must well go for cat150.. at least service wont be a too big risk...:)
cat40 damn sian already... cant tahan their service liao.. somemore only 25mins.
25-11-2006, 10:58 PM
There's one thing i rely dun understand about the PRC mafus... it's known that most of the FLs provide rather poor services, and on top of that, their phone'll be bombarded by calls the moment time's up.. i'm sure many of us have experiences of that.
Why are the stupid mafus so concerned that the gals are down in time (other than for sercurity reason) ? It's not as thou the gal will have higher chance of hitching another customer the sooner they resume standing. Usually, even the better gals spend an average of 30-45min before they get another customer. And i've seen many standing for like 2-3 hours without any business during my tour there.
Isn't it wiser to actually allow the gals proivde service to customer at a more comfortable pace, and consequently get RTF business.
Jus a point which has always puzzled me as the mafu apparently would rather the gal stand mindlessly (& also risk AV) than spend more time with the customer.
25-11-2006, 11:00 PM
There's one thing i rely dun understand about the PRC mafus... it's known that most of the FLs provide rather poor services, and on top of that, their phone'll be bombarded by calls the moment time's up.. i'm sure many of us have experiences of that.
Why are the stupid mafus so concerned that the gals are down in time (other than for sercurity reason) ? It's not as thou the gal will have higher chance of hitching another customer the sooner they resume standing. Usually, even the better gals spend an average of 30-45min before they get another customer. And i've seen many standing for like 2-3 hours without any business during my tour there.
Isn't it wiser to actually allow the gals proivde service to customer at a more comfortable pace, and consequently get RTF business.
Jus a point which has always puzzled me as the mafu apparently would rather the gal stand mindlessly (& also risk AV) than spend more time with the customer.
25-11-2006, 11:58 PM
so which r the places where mafu allow full 45min to 1hr service arh?
cant wait to start my action on prcs! hopefully wont get disappointed :D
else.. cat150 more worth it liao
Kyser Soze
26-11-2006, 10:58 AM
Why are the stupid mafus so concerned that the gals are down in time (other than for sercurity reason) ? It's not as thou the gal will have higher chance of hitching another customer the sooner they resume standing. Usually, even the better gals spend an average of 30-45min before they get another customer. And i've seen many standing for like 2-3 hours without any business during my tour there.
Isn't it wiser to actually allow the gals proivde service to customer at a more comfortable pace, and consequently get RTF business.
That's what I feel also. If a girl can hitch up a new customer within minutes after her previous bonk, probably that's reasonable in the view business. High turnover rate, that is. But the fact is (like you say) their waiting time is sooooo long. Providing lesser than satisfactory service may not result in return customer. Perhaps that's not their concern. Perhaps they do not know about business administration. Perhaps flesh trade is about hit-and-run money.
On the other hand, the one reason I can think of is that the OKTs afraid their girls kenna caught in the hotel room, and get themselves at risk to the AVs. Whereas on streets, they have plenty of room to run. Well, that's just my view.
21-12-2006, 01:41 AM
Noticed that due to the good efforts of STB, there are more and more PRC FLs in GL and prices have dropped. Can easily get a MILF for $40 to $ 50 now whilst just graduated SYT starts at $60! Happy bonking!
21-12-2006, 03:40 AM
Hi all samster,
I hav been active in KTV, but recently went to up one FL along GL.
According to my findings, it is best to exclude room as the girls will add extras $20 to include room but in fact the room only cost $12/hr. Mine was $100 include CD w/o room.
According to the girl I hav, she was told she is here to work in KTV and not standing along the street for being window shop by pple. She got also no freedom as she is controlled by OKT.
As for my experience with this FL, she is truly SYT, (pretty and 19yrs old) and the service is not like the rumour like they SMS or play with HP when bonking. However the session is only 30mins and when once u r in the room for 20mins, the OKT will call them to finish her job and go down.
After my first experience, I feel pity for them.........
21-12-2006, 03:54 AM
Forget to add-in for those who like to bring them to our neighbour country (MY) for them to extend their passport is to bring some extra cash to be slot into their passport (u shld know wat i mean).
95% of the girls need to slot when getting out from MY into S'pore. Normally RM50 shld be enough. However if the girl is not the first time goin to MY to extend passport, do ask them did they encounter any problem at MY custom the previous time. If got, (like goin in the office) pls prepare to slot even for goin in MY.
21-12-2006, 04:00 AM
Forget to add-in for those who like to bring them to our neighbour country (MY) for them to extend their passport is to bring some extra cash to be slot into their passport (u shld know wat i mean).
95% of the girls need to slot when getting out from MY into S'pore. Normally RM50 shld be enough. However if the girl is not the first time goin to MY to extend passport, do ask them did they encounter any problem at MY custom the previous time. If got, (like goin in the office) pls prepare to slot even for goin in MY.
21-12-2006, 04:10 AM
Forget to add-in for those who like to bring them to our neighbour country (MY) for them to extend their passport is to bring some extra cash to be slot into their passport (u shld know wat i mean).
95% of the girls need to slot when getting out from MY into S'pore. Normally RM50 shld be enough. However if the girl is not the first time goin to MY to extend passport, do ask them did they encounter any problem at MY custom the previous time. If got, (like goin in the office) pls prepare to slot even for goin in MY. And finally remember to settle the air ticket, it must not be a open ticket and best is to have the air ticket depart before the 14-days extend. (eg.. 1/10/2006 extend to 14/10/2006, air ticket best to depart b4 14/10/2006).
03-02-2007, 02:48 AM
Another thread that's almost dead! :D
Nowadays, can extend 14 days via online website and NO sponsor is needed. So that means we'll miss the chance to have the pleasure to bring these mei-mei to MY... :(
03-02-2007, 01:15 PM
really? which website can we go to for the extention?
28-02-2007, 12:44 PM
I am european and I was yesterday night in Geylang.
Who can tell me how it works with the girls on the street on Talma road. I saw a lot of pretty girls Talma / Lorong 6 and in the passage between Lor 6 and 4.
What is the price ? Room included ? DO they have a godd VFM especially for european guy ?
Thnaks for info
28-02-2007, 09:20 PM
I am european and I was yesterday night in Geylang.
Who can tell me how it works with the girls on the street on Talma road. I saw a lot of pretty girls Talma / Lorong 6 and in the passage between Lor 6 and 4.
What is the price ? Room included ? DO they have a godd VFM especially for european guy ?
Thnaks for info
Mate, you are looking at the wrong place. Those girls hardly speak any english at all! And the service are known to be really bad unless you get very very lucky! You can note that it only takes 15mins for the girl to step into nearby hotel with a guy and back to the street again.
Your best bet is to walk further to Lor 12. Those girls are wilder and most can speak some english too.
Have a good time bonking! Remember to wear condom but if you don't like it, it is fine so long as the girl agrees. Cheers!
28-02-2007, 09:31 PM
I am european and I was yesterday night in Geylang.
Who can tell me how it works with the girls on the street on Talma road. I saw a lot of pretty girls Talma / Lorong 6 and in the passage between Lor 6 and 4.
What is the price ? Room included ? DO they have a godd VFM especially for european guy ?
Thnaks for info
Dude, being a European browsing along GL, man you gonna end up like bait for the sharks...they going to slaughter you and milk you for your cash..make sure you get a local to tag along if possible..
28-02-2007, 09:43 PM
sorry if my post sounds stupid, but i started frequently GL recently and a few months back i paid $80 for a PRC FL (with a small dirty room /w toilet) at L8.
However, my recent bonk with the PRC is $100 excluding room (which cost another $14).
Am I overpaying?
Or is it the CNY price?
Or does it depend on the quality of the girl (i.e. quality SYT FL on the street cost $100, while MILF cost $50? - I never get to know the MILF price as I am a sucker for SYT and only approach them to ask for services)? :confused:
Sorry if this post is stupid but I can't find a recent article on the pricing of the street FL during CNY period.
01-03-2007, 10:01 AM
I dunno abt the streetwalkers in GL but the legal house during CNY, some might exercise option to charge full rate of $100 and $200....or cut down timing by half..
but honestly, if you have been paying $100 regularly to bonk young prc then i feel you might have been taken for a ride...should bargain with them down to at least $80...
12-07-2007, 03:08 AM
Any more questions?
newbies, blur blokes, lazy bros all are welcome!
oh, questions from our overseas friends too :D
Trival updates: I just had a not-too-bad bonk with a cute PRC picked from the small lane ( lor 12 and 14. There were at least two very very nice SYT ( when I was there - was a tough decision to make before picking one! Will try the other one soon...heiheihei
It seems this batch just came back from a visa run over the border, will be another couple weeks here so mai tu liao!
13-07-2007, 05:39 PM
Below is my exp..
Lor8 PRC gals especially they stand below darlene hotel most of them are worst service .. they end up the session within 15-20min.
BJ it depends mood of the gal. they charge 100 excluding hotel.
Lor8 PRC gals they stand infront of hotel 81, few gals ok. but they charge xtra for kissing, painting, BJ etc services.
Original rate for the gal $ 100
kissing & painting $20
BBBJ $20 ( some gals allow)
room $10
Total 150$ session lessthan or equal to 30mins
Lor6 PRC also same .. but few gals are good. hardly to find that type gals.
Lor10 most of them are student pass holders.. average looking.. service not bad. they charge $80.
Lor 12 / Lor14 .gals looks wise pretty but service wise worst.
14-07-2007, 04:46 PM
but they charge xtra for kissing, painting, BJ etc services.
Original rate for the gal $ 100
kissing & painting $20
BBBJ $20 ( some gals allow)
room $10
Wa... this is new to me; they now adopt the macdonald "up-sell" (sell the fries) tactics huh?
Or perhaps they've learn from those budget airlines pricing strategy; anything extra also charge :rolleyes:
One way to fight back is that during the price negotiation, always ask for $20-$30 less of what they quote, then quickly add on by saying that IF the service is good you'll pay them what they ask for. This'll bring a few benefits:
1) Indirectly, this will make it such that payment is done last, not first thing.
2) They'll be more motivate to give good service, or else the lighting god.
3) Obligations to give any more tips is less! Even if the service is good!
Try it and FR here; it works for me. It's hard for them to reject as we do have the intention to give them what they ask for!
15-07-2007, 02:44 AM
Well bros, allow xiao di me to share my opinions on this. I feel that nowadays FLs in GL are mostly OKT-controlled. So they will employ other tatics like 'upsize' for particular services or the usual sob stories about how they got cheated or owe people money or give OKT how much of their cut blah blah blah.
What I usually do is walk around a few times, maybe about 2 or 3, walk past her, see reaction. If she is the kind standing there all day making eyes at you calling you 'liang zai' for the sake of calling, dont take. If she starts undercutting her colleagues, dont take. If she starts to pull you over and paint you a picture of Heaven, dont take. Cos most likely you r going to Hell. These FL will finish you off in time to catch the next bus.
My opinion of some one who can maybe provide good service. If she is quiet and responds only on eye contact, take. From my exp, success rate is about 60-70%.
I wont proclaim that I will always bonk gems. I also have my dry period like now where I can't find any that can satisfy my desires. Try these methods together with bro goodpartner's tips. Maybe that will land you a gem. Meantime, I am still depending on bro soberguy for help.
Da Vinci
15-07-2007, 03:03 AM
this thread is super informative! keep up the great jobs
15-07-2007, 04:48 AM
I wont proclaim that I will always bonk gems. I also have my dry period like now where I can't find any that can satisfy my desires. Try these methods together with bro goodpartner's tips. Maybe that will land you a gem. Meantime, I am still depending on bro soberguy for help.
Bro... well, I am going on abit of low key but I do have one recommendation for you then again, price is on the high side but definitely worthwhile. You short of lobang? Hehe..
Outside this H81 @ L8, the green top still there... beautiful eyes and she kept smiling at me.. Managed to talk to her not long ago!
15-07-2007, 04:57 AM
My opinion of some one who can maybe provide good service. If she is quiet and responds only on eye contact, take. From my exp, success rate is about 60-70%.
Bro, I can't agree with you more on this point; statiscally this has been true to me too. The shy-shy type are typically more honest in their transaction - even if just an SOP bonk, she'll at least not make us feel cheated like the others.
So the hunt is on spotting a pretty face (that's why we go for prc) that's also "shy" - more difficult to find as "Pretty" is directly proportional to "experienced & canning". Still, there are occasional gems around & frankly, that's part of the fun in patronizing street walkers/standers ;)
Also, not forgetting the Indos.... they fall in the same category too! I've just came back from a SUPER sextisfactory indo bonk at just $35 including room + CD! It's my first (daring) time trying and I must say the VALUE is super! BBBJ + all kind of obliging positions (w/ initiatives) + massage + 30mins. The indo wl seems to be very service-oriented too - similar to the cat40 standard. Unlike the PRCs, there's no feeling of any risk in being chopped.
Ya, the room that came with the deal sucks - dirty, wet and all - no hot shower and don't even provide a proper towel machiam like a thin face towel. I'll spend extra for hotel room next time man. There are a few SYT around - I picked one outside Hotel 12 who looks so much like a chinese (very fair skin like the pic in my sig & pretty face) with a sexy curvage + solid boobs. Too bad she's going back home town in a few hours time else I'm sure to rtf every day for the next week! (serious) At $35 nett... phew!
So, it's not just PRC :D
p.s. There are two more super cute indo SYT always standing beside that red fire hydrant at the junction; have been eyeing them for a while too... ya, they look like school girls to me especially the smaller build one. The oni thing I don't like about them is that they smoke too much.
I'm a very happy man tonight!
15-07-2007, 08:39 AM
welcome back, goodpartner! :D
still on SYT hunting???
15-07-2007, 01:38 PM
Hey good bro, thx for the welcome!
Was been hunted by oversea's syt the last few months, different kind of fun :D
Now back to hunting instead, so far those fell prey are 4 cat40, 3 prcs, 1 indo and 1 from fl okts here (Tatiana ( c/o Thaiboy). Almost a fornight event... dunno why s-x drive damn high maybe it's the weather here.
BTW, juz visited your album; your SASSY looks like the sort I like from the pic, but got live pics or not? PM me leh. Nowadays I very particular about first impression/looks, so mostly shopping on the street.
And about the price tags on okt FLs.... :( I miss the older days... that's another topic.
15-07-2007, 02:01 PM
i thought u disappear or overseas.... or forgotten about FRANK. :D
glad to hear u back in action...
waiting to hear from you real soon! FAIRY... STACIA all your type
28-07-2007, 04:18 PM
[QUOTE=goodpartner;1729362]......4) During the crucial few seconds of conversation; remain kool. First, stop and look into her eyes (send some electricity if you can) but keep quiet don't say a word for 3.25 seconds - just pretend to be admiring her. Smile a bit, don't show ur teeth and don't smile like a chee-ko-peh!:D She should say something else within that time (let her say first!). Probably she'll smile back and ask why are you not saying anything, blah blah...
5) Then continue with some casual chit-chat. Ask open-eneded questions like "Why of all people passing here you grab me?", or BS like "I'm staring at you because you're quite pretty. <silent pause again>". TCSS until she ask the "want to go or not?" question again; the trick really is to sound like you can do w/o her. At this junction you should have decided if you still want her or walk off; (for me, sometimes the way the gal speak/sound turn me off)
6) If you still game and want to bite, ask "How much?", let her answer whatever price, then go to the slient pause again (this time 2.15 sec enuff) - I can bet she'll be thinking that she's asking for too much and start justifying her asking price with things like "I'll provide good services... blah blah". This is where you can say things like "...I suppose it includes the hotel room..." (Don't ask this as a question, but use "assume closed" statements!). And if you want to be certain about her promised extra services, joke a bit by saying that you have had bad experiences before, and if she don't do it you won't pay - but do it tactfully! (Now, this will have some psychological impact on her to perform, or else...)
wah.. very strategic le...
I was wondering how the whole session goes from onlooking to approaching to concluding the sales and receiving the goods..
Bro Goodpartner.. thanks for sharing in such details.. thanks..
totally agree. This is very good mind/sales game. I like :)
will try it next time
[QUOTE=goodpartner;1729362]......4) During the crucial few seconds of conversation; remain kool. First, stop and look into her eyes (send some electricity if you can) but keep quiet don't say a word for 3.25 seconds - just pretend to be admiring her. Smile a bit, don't show ur teeth and don't smile like a chee-ko-peh!:D She should say something else within that time (let her say first!). Probably she'll smile back and ask why are you not saying anything, blah blah...
5) Then continue with some casual chit-chat. Ask open-eneded questions like "Why of all people passing here you grab me?", or BS like "I'm staring at you because you're quite pretty. <silent pause again>". TCSS until she ask the "want to go or not?" question again; the trick really is to sound like you can do w/o her. At this junction you should have decided if you still want her or walk off; (for me, sometimes the way the gal speak/sound turn me off)
6) If you still game and want to bite, ask "How much?", let her answer whatever price, then go to the slient pause again (this time 2.15 sec enuff) - I can bet she'll be thinking that she's asking for too much and start justifying her asking price with things like "I'll provide good services... blah blah". This is where you can say things like "...I suppose it includes the hotel room..." (Don't ask this as a question, but use "assume closed" statements!). And if you want to be certain about her promised extra services, joke a bit by saying that you have had bad experiences before, and if she don't do it you won't pay - but do it tactfully! (Now, this will have some psychological impact on her to perform, or else...)
wah.. very strategic le...
I was wondering how the whole session goes from onlooking to approaching to concluding the sales and receiving the goods..
Bro Goodpartner.. thanks for sharing in such details.. thanks..
04-08-2007, 11:28 PM
last week is PRC week for me..:>
hee... but didnt get to use the tactic..
my first attempt asked for 100S$... found too ex.. so I walk around some more.. then I just anyhow.. ya anyhow just pick one and ask how much.. 80S$.. price is market so I think can try la..
below is my FR..
name:- never ask
age:- est bout 28
height :- bout 1.8m (that's why I try her.. as had not try anyone bout that height..)
skin complexion and condition:- normal.. not very fair
damage:- S$80/1/1 room CD excluded
wont say much bout the experience as it doesn render for a RTF..
just usual process.. bath->BJ (no BBBJ :< ) -> cat bath-> FJ..
overall experience is OK la.. but I am a bit turn off when I couldn smell clean hair shampoo smell.. hahahaha...
bit weirdo you may think.. but I like it clean lor..
I will post my next experience which I like better in another post.. :>
05-08-2007, 01:47 AM
Any idea if they do over night? and wats the damage like?
12-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Will they be willing to be driven to a town located hotel ? Where the sheets are clean and the place is nice ? :p
18-08-2007, 03:09 AM
First of all, I hope TS won't be mind if I posted this message here, although this thread sounds more for PRC street walkers, but I find some of the infos shared here since the first message, can be applied on other FL races.
Anyway, let me share with you something which I had just encountered lately, and I hope others can share with me (or rather share with us), as I feel like helping this Indon FL whom I know her few months ago. Refer to this thread for more info about her :
Cewek found in Geylang (
Last week I received a call from her (Tarin), telling me that she wants to return to Sg for her FL job. At first, she told me that she's already sourced out a new OKT, and she'll be meeting the OKT when she reaches Sg. I thought it was a wonderful news, as we can RTF her again!
Just a day before she came down to Sg, she called me again asking me if I can jemput her (to fetch her) when she reaches Sg or not, as her OKT was stucked with something (unable to fetch her).
Unfortunately, I can't make it, as it was kinda last minute arrangement, I guess it will be difficult for me to take urgent leave! And I thought it would be fine when she called me at a later stage stating there'll be somebody to fetch her.
After she has reached here that day, she didn't called me nor sms me until I SMSed her then only she replied. After replying to me, I called her straight away, but she sounds uneasy. And once we hang up the phone, she SMSed me telling that she's with the customer whom fetched her. I was then SMSed her to request her inform me once she's FREE or started her job later in the evening, as I will be going to RTF her on that night.
On my way back home I tried to call her, but no respond. I was then SMSed her again, and waited for couple of hours before she replied me! In her reply she said the customer "banyak cemburu"!! I don't understand what's the meaning of the word "cemburu", but I guess it should be something like "fussy"!
Few hours later, she SMSed me again told me this customer pretty weird, he'll be giving her an amount of money and expect her NOT TO WORK but to stay beside him for whole day!
A short moment later, she said she wants to meet me for makan (supper), cause the customer went out without her knowing. But when she walked down to flag a cab, the customer came back. No choice but to cancel our meet up.
During the conversation she also told me, she wanted to meet the OKT & another friend of her, but failed to do so!
Already few days have gone, and she's still stucked with this weirdo guy! I have two extreme assumptions : Either she's very lucky to meet this rich guy who will give her a big lumsump of money to book her for few days (or even two weeks); OR..... she's freaking bad luck to meet this cheapo weirdo guy who's cheating her!
By the way, for those bros who have been waiting for Tarin's actions, please be patient. I myself also kinda pissed off with Tarin in the beginning, but now I think I should pitty her instead as I got a feeling that she kena cheated by this weirdo guy who claimed that he will take care of her (I doubt so now)! I hope we still have the chance to meet Tarin before she's going back to Jakarta on either 27-Aug or 28-Aug (she only managed to get two weeks stay here).
I just received SMSes from Tarin about two hours ago, but it was rather a sad news from her! Her first SMS was : "Abang, Tarin sedih!" Means = I'm sad!
I replied her telling her that I also got the feeling she may be kena tipu (cheated), and asked her if he still doesn't want to release her! She said she will try to talk to him tomorrow, cause she's extremely bored, she wanted to work FL out there! She added, that guy refused to release her, always make her feeling sad & cried!
Well....I'm sure you guys will warn me that it could be a KC Trap for me! Frankly speaking, I do take this possibility into my consideration too, just in case she's really acting!
But what if all the things she told are TRUE, then I think I better try my best to help her without creating any trouble to both Tarin and the guy who "booked" her for few days!
Do you guys have any suggestion? How to help up this cewek from being stucked by the guy who has been "booking" her for few days?
One thing I have learned from this incident is that, if you came across any FL who are coming back to Sg for FL jobs, try to fetch her by yourself if she doesn't have anyone who can fetch her up. Who knows she could be fetched by a cheapo guy who will "book" her for few days or weeks!!!
Worst still, she hasn't told me where are they staying now!
Looking forward to your suggestions, and please don't flame me as I just trying to be a nice guy to help up this Indon cewek (just in case her encounter is TRUE ENOUGH)! Of course I have drawn a line to protect myself from being trapped by her too.
Cheers & have fun with care.
18-08-2007, 03:46 AM
Any idea if they do over night? and wats the damage like?
lor 8 to 12 prc will depend what time you pick them(at least 300 n above to 800).i dont think its worth it as they will leave at abt 7 or 8 in the morning n the most you can go is 2 to 3 shots nia.:)
26-09-2007, 08:01 PM
Click here for the full sized version (
Some PRC area and price range that I have personally gathered. This is a rough guide, not 100% though since some do move around and yandao customers sometimes get a slight discount :D Still gathering more info, will update constantly.
anyone has this map? + points to anyone who can upload it again! thanks! :cool:
26-09-2007, 09:40 PM
is this the map?
26-09-2007, 10:43 PM
goot man.. upload to a new site for archive purpose.. kekeke
27-09-2007, 12:38 AM
goot man.. upload to a new site for archive purpose.. kekeke
this will be better for viewing
27-09-2007, 08:16 AM
In her reply she said the customer "banyak cemburu"!! I don't understand what's the meaning of the word "cemburu", but I guess it should be something like "fussy"!
Bro "cemburu" means jealous and from your description of the guy treatment, it seems he wants only exclusiveness to this indon gal...
27-09-2007, 06:05 PM
by the way, is this map the largest so far? anyone attempted to cover the whole GL?
27-09-2007, 06:31 PM
Bro "cemburu" means jealous and from your description of the guy treatment, it seems he wants only exclusiveness to this indon gal...
Thanks for the explanation. My bahasa/basa getting worst for the past few years, malu la. Hee hee.... :o I actually found out the meaning of "cemburu" from the said Indon girl too. Thanks anyway.
But again, bahasa Melayu and basa Java/Indon are also different from each other, so sometimes I find it difficult to understand some Indon's conversation though.
I'm not too sure about the guy, but I got a feeling he's actually interested on the Indon girl. Maybe he really loves her, but he uses extreme tactics/methods to love her, making others have a bad impression on him. Whether he's good or devil, only he and God know the fact!!
Cheers and have fun with care.
27-09-2007, 06:40 PM
That is a very helpful map! Thx for posting bro!
27-09-2007, 06:53 PM
For all the info here....this thread should be made into a sticky. Well done! :)
27-09-2007, 09:46 PM
I have a question about the FL's in GL. I am rather new to the scene. I have been frequenting the main okt's on the site and I just recently started going to geylang. I am an American so I have mainly stuck to the FL's instead of the legal houses due to advice I have gotten on many legal houses not serving foreigners. My question is I have a thing for Indian girls. Only younger (18-25) girls. I have not seen any on the streets and I have searched high and low on this site and found nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for me? Please don't flame me for this post. I have really tried to do my homework on this one and came up empty.
15-10-2007, 02:37 AM
Since the treadstarter has started this wonderful topic, i have yet to see a mention on indon streetwalkers. Well anyways, there are many nationality streetwalkers that can be found. Seasoned GLand bros here would probably have had a gal from all over the world cheonging in Gland . Ok on to the topic at hand.
Indon streetwalkers are usually found at Talma and between lorong 12 and 14. Range is $35 fer a quickie with room. Lorong 24 yields the $25 quickie types.
U can opt to take ur bonk to any nearby hotel if u wish as the bonking rooms with the price range is really gross.Mostly SYT's and u can come across many service oriented brown sugars. Note that most of the lower priced street walkers are catered to the foreign workers working here, but hey a pussy is a pussy so just get the deed done if u fancy the girl.
My question is I have a thing for Indian girls. Only younger (18-25) girls. I have not seen any on the streets and I have searched high and low on this site and found nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for me?
I believe I have seen Indian ladies in the back alleys behind the shops. But I am not sure about their ages though. You could start walking from L22 onwards to the smaller numbered lorongs. Hope this helps.If not, try to see if there is are any Indian FLs in this forum.
Was just wondering if I can find Euro WL streetwalkers in Geylang? If so, where can I find them, how much and what time do they start?
Thanks man
30-10-2007, 02:36 PM
My fav thread :D
Euro WLs, or who they seem to me, can usually be found sitting under the shelter of the adjacant block north of Frangrance Hotel Sapphire, see map above (at the small T-junction along L10 and small alley). Watched over by OKT.
A couple of them sometimes sit/stand outsite the blocks opposite Hotel 88 Int'l (still along Lor 10).
So far, all of them looked big-boned to me, not my fancy so never enquire about price. I usually see them there late at night >9pm.
30-10-2007, 02:43 PM
My fav thread :D
Euro WLs, or who they seem to me, can usually be found sitting under the shelter of the adjacant block north of Frangrance Hotel....
From which country bro? Did not know GL has Euro even now.....going international :)
30-10-2007, 03:01 PM
Question : How to tell who are those street walkers? u cant simply see one PRC and ask them how much right? :D what if she is not?? very malu 1 lor :o
30-10-2007, 03:03 PM
Question : How to tell who are those street walkers? u cant simply see one PRC and ask them how much right? :D what if she is not?? very malu 1 lor :o
Decent PRCs wont be walking the streets of GL at night
30-10-2007, 03:44 PM
Decent PRCs wont be walking the streets of GL at night
Bro, last Sat i went Gxxxx in the afternoon, and saw quite a number of PRCs walking ard, some looks really tempting ... but dare not ask, scare kanna slap for nothing :) Any tips to ask?
Then when I was standing near a bridge, saw one gal standing there, look delicious too, but dare not ask ... and i saw one man approach her to negoitate the price, i guess she muz be of hi-end, the man walk away.
30-10-2007, 03:44 PM
duplicated post deleted.
30-10-2007, 03:48 PM
From which country bro? Did not know GL has Euro even now.....going international
Frankly, i dunno man... never even bother to ask since it's not my game.
However, those sitting opposite them on the same alley are viets and thai asking for $40-$50 only. So I won't be surprised if they are affordable too.
Question : How to tell who are those street walkers? u cant simply see one PRC and ask them how much right? :D what if she is not?? very malu 1 lor
The term "street walkers" is used by the thread starter but I guess majority of the FL there are "street standers". Some do "walk" around, but still petrol around the same area.
Well, if you do see one PRC walking around whom you like, just follow her behind discreetly and see where she stops (stands) eventually, if she's "working". Then, do the usual dance ( as mentioned in the older posts :D
30-10-2007, 05:00 PM
From which country bro? Did not know GL has Euro even now.....going international :)
Don't think they're euro. Likely Colombian or Venezuelan with bleached blonde hair. Some of them might say theyre Spanish but... they can't fool me.
31-10-2007, 04:29 AM
Oh pai-sei, I've simply classify and assumed "euro" to be those you mentioned; bleached blonde hair.
I can maybe still tell the difference between Americans and "euro", but it's hard to differentiate nationalities like Colombian, Venezuelan, Spanish...etc... Wow! All of them look "euro" to me.
It's like they think all "asians" (korean, japs, chinese, thai, etc.) look alike and hard to differentiate.
Anyway, feeling is the same if I can't differentiate right? :rolleyes:
Actually I don't mind trying them, if only I can find those that are petite and girl-next-door type. In fact, I've yet & love to try an American ang-mo SYT too! Anywhere in sillypore can get? Any lobangs from our American brothers here? :D
31-10-2007, 05:40 AM
Hi, bros, got one question on the map provided in Bro Nuglut's pic posted in page 11,
for lor 14 and the small road between lor 12 and 14,besides the 81 cherry, the price is 60 only??? i always took it as 80 and never bargain with the gals there...
pls help me to clear this doubt..becos that is my fav place to hunt streetwalker...thx..
31-10-2007, 05:07 PM
Hello everyone. There was a few posts on this thread earlier on dating PRC Fls. I can see why they would be interested in local guys. But they are here to work. How would you go about getting them away from work for a whole night in exchange for dinner and maybe a few drinks?
31-10-2007, 09:43 PM
Hi, bros, got one question on the map provided in Bro Nuglut's pic posted in page 11,
for lor 14 and the small road between lor 12 and 14,besides the 81 cherry, the price is 60 only??? i always took it as 80 and never bargain with the gals there...
pls help me to clear this doubt..becos that is my fav place to hunt streetwalker...thx..
Maybe the pricing is out-dated or wrong. For me, the asking price always starts at $80 for stocks in that alley. This is one of my favorite alley too, sometimes can get quality similar to the $100 ;)
Hello everyone. There was a few posts on this thread earlier on dating PRC Fls. I can see why they would be interested in local guys. But they are here to work. How would you go about getting them away from work for a whole night in exchange for dinner and maybe a few drinks?
Unless you meet one that "want" you more than the other way round, then the answer lies in your own question above; i.e. they are here to work (money), therefore to get their time, just cover that for them.
Then the next question is how much; this depends on various factors around opportunity cost for them. Perhaps the same cost (& duration) as you would have taken her for FJ.
Not worth it imho, but I heard some kind soul even gone to the extend of paying for the time just to chit-chat or counsel the WLs! :rolleyes: I've ever asked the WL who in-turn asked the OKT how much, he quoted $300-$500 for a few hours out.
Even then, most OKTs will NOT allow that to happen - for fear of you getting the WL into trouble, which may implicate them too.
If you really want, take it like you would have approach a regular women; earn her respect/willingness to go on a date with you. Try a couple of sexxions with her and plant KC (kam-cheng), etc. WLs are women afterall.
If any, best time to "date" them is after they wake up (late afternoons usually) till they need to start work, or during the days when her aunty visit. Maybe you can still get these for "free", but be warned: if she is the closely guarded type I ever got into a situation where the OKT was threatening me with vulgarity (and more) over her phone while we were dating & ignored the curfew. It was an interesting experience for me though, now I visit her & get free f*ck whenever I go to cheng-du...
23-11-2007, 12:42 PM
wrong post -----deleted----
09-12-2007, 11:14 PM
Hi senior brothers...
I normally go to TN/Health Centres but last week walked pass Talma Road, see a lot of pretty PRCs.. so tried one street walker there..
Negotiated the price.. initially quoted me 100 then she said give me discount, give me 80.. thought the price reasonable so went into the hotel..
Bath and went straight into sex.. 30mins later.. her phone rings.. it is her OKT.. she said time is up! Oh.. but i keep telling her in Chinese "ke shi wo hai mei she!" -meaning - i haven even shoot yet!! But she just said sorry.. $80 is only 30mins... and she said if i want another 30mins.. then pay her another $80! I was like WTF?! She keeps saying no choice, cos she is controlled by her OKT.. and her phone just keep ringing.. So, we packed up and left the hotel..
Super disappointed..
Just to ask the senior brothers here - is it true that $80 is only for 30mins?
09-12-2007, 11:29 PM
Street walker usually $60 can get good good ones liao. Can stay for 2hr oso can, but must have chemistry and she comfortable with you la. Dun go for those under mafu 1 la. All rush rush type, hardly can enjoy.
09-12-2007, 11:35 PM
Street walker usually $60 can get good good ones liao. Can stay for 2hr oso can, but must have chemistry and she comfortable with you la. Dun go for those under mafu 1 la. All rush rush type, hardly can enjoy.
brother thanks for the advice..
how do we know which girl is under mafu.. and which is not?
10-12-2007, 12:22 AM
Err...think L14 and below,L18 there also, L19 also, L28 also. Dont know if correct or not.
10-12-2007, 02:53 AM
brother thanks for the advice..
how do we know which girl is under mafu.. and which is not?
I always go with senior bros, they more or less know who are the mafu and their girls.
14-12-2007, 04:01 AM
erm, nobody mention the prc aunties at GL22 ah? near sbh n the corner single hotel. mostly onli quote $30 with room somemore :D
14-12-2007, 08:06 AM
Hi senior brothers...
Super disappointed..
Just to ask the senior brothers here - is it true that $80 is only for 30mins?
Let this be a lesson, always ask:
1) how much?
2) how long?
3) what can i get?
can even ask if can 2 shots or something.
i think usually $80 is for higher end, up to $120. they usually tell u 40mins, but can bargin to 1hr. my usually ones are $60
think u got the ones opp hotel 81 princess? think they tend to be higher end.
14-12-2007, 11:45 AM
I'm quite new here.. wanna ask.. anyone ever approached the gals standing there for a quickie in the car before? Maybe a BJ or a FJ in the car.. Which are those without OKT, how can I approach them to ask if they can come out?
Any ideas? Any lorongs to recommend with those that can come out one?
Thanks in advance!
14-12-2007, 12:35 PM
If you are looking for China PRC girls, the streets near "Darlene Hotel are full of HIGH-quality ones
Its at the junction of Lor 8 and Talma Road...
Girls there range from $80 to $100 depending on the market sentiment :D
The whole stretch is full of good quality girls...I think some of the best ever!
If you walk along Talma Road (away from Darlene Hotel), a few more good quality ones at junction of Lor 10 and Talma roads, and more at the junction between Lor 12 and 14. The china girls at this this stretch is usually cheaper by $10 - $20....usually not as pretty..but sometime u just get that kinda girl that others may not like but you like (one man's meat is another's poison).
So its a good bargain.
Also, if you go at around 4am plus to 5plus, the girls usually offer discount coz business starts to get slow. I got a girl at Darlene's hotel for like $60...tall and busty.....damn good bargain.
she gave such a good service I tipped her another $20 later......
Also a lot of Thai girls along Lor 12....although I find them really ugly (sorry!), i don't like those thai girls, but I think should be quite cheap to bonk.
If you pick up girls along that stretch, u can go to the small shophouses at the end of Talma Road (walk away from Darlene Hotel), the small houses there offer rooms thats cheap and FULL OF MIRRORS.
oh gawd, i love mirrors. :p:p
one of the girl took me there on a slow night and we had lots of fun experimenting in front of the mirrors....
14-12-2007, 12:39 PM
Hope these helps for the sammybros here....see whether I can help to share information.
Also you can drive through (or walk through) Darlene hotel.
There are more girls standing there, and AFTER Darlene hotel.
The best girl I've ever seen stood just outside Darlene hotel. Very exotic totally don't look chinese (but she's PRC). I got a shock at first and I was thinking is she chinese. Within 10 secs (I kid you not), another guy went to her and they disappeared.
Along Lor 14 also got some girls that dressed differently....1 dressed up like taitai (still there last week), super elegent and high class.
I saw 1 in sailormoon uniform (kinda funny to me)
and 1 in high boots and sexy top....
Hope these help.:D
20-12-2007, 01:57 PM
i have yet to see a mention on indon streetwalkers.
Some there look fucking delicious. And up close it just improves. Riri (wearing glasses, a bit rough in sexy way), Alisa (SYT from top to toe, little pointy tits). But they let u do the work ..
Range is $35 fer a quickie with room.
Hey, I get screwed again! Better bargain next time :-/
30-12-2007, 05:02 PM
anyone tried the PRC FLs in lorong 12 and 14? service good or not?
31-12-2007, 02:20 PM
Happen to be despatching some personal errand to area G yesterday afternoon, so make a short detour into talma road side, but was treated to some eye candy. no need to say, faster park the car to get down for closer look. easily 2 or 3 girls crowd around to get attention.
find the sweetest looking 1 that catch my eyes, negotiate for price for a quick session. can't remember her name, but i will never forget how her super tight hot shorts make my cock stand. damage $80
01-01-2008, 08:02 AM
any bro here tried thos malay.. donno malay or indo at outside the soccer field?? at night go too dark cant see their face :eek: services good?? damage??
01-01-2008, 02:34 PM
HI everyone, still a newbie in this street walkers thing, but how do u see whether 1 is those type where u can ask for more "information"?
01-01-2008, 04:13 PM
how do u see whether 1 is those type where u can ask for more "information"?
Do you mean how do you know who is working? If you're in the even-numbered Lorongs in Geylang they'll ask you, you don't have to ask them.
01-01-2008, 06:39 PM
any bro here tried thos malay.. donno malay or indo at outside the soccer field?? at night go too dark cant see their face :eek: services good?? damage??
Bro, tried them many times. If you're rushed and / or want a quick, inexpensive, lobang, then would recommend. Girls are generally young, fresh and fun to be with. It's $35 for a 30 min slot, although this means you go to a cheap, rather dingy room across the street. Better to pay another $10 for a decent hotel room, which is what I do.
Have tried a 2-on-1 a few times. Not all girls want to do so need to find the right combination.
If you like / want Indo girls at a great price, this is a great spot.
Bro Nuglut.
01-01-2008, 10:05 PM
Do you mean how do you know who is working? If you're in the even-numbered Lorongs in Geylang they'll ask you, you don't have to ask them.
That 1 i know, even u just walk past them they will pull u 1 ^^ but i saw some other bro write in other thread that, they ask walk past them then ask how much etc etc...
01-01-2008, 10:40 PM
any bro here tried thos malay.. donno malay or indo at outside the soccer field?? at night go too dark cant see their face :eek: services good?? damage??
they are all indos. wif indos FLs, its like a box of chocolates. u never knw wat u gona get..haha. i personally never tried one from there but a fren related a very disappointing experienced he had n i totally shut any chances of me trying them. they can sometime get so desperate n competition was hot they even served banglas, indians n old apeks... wat a turn off for me!
21-03-2008, 02:10 AM
The last few posts on indomee, which I often eat too. So here's a bit of sharing.
Along the corner of Talma Rd and Lor 12, most are from Batam. Lately I found the quality has gone up. I can always find a few irresistible ones with cute slim figures w/ matching pretty face. Some really have shapely model figures!
If you can look past who they serve or whatever that may turn you off, it can be a value for money sexperience. For $35 including room and CD, where else can you find a SYT (+/- 20yo) to serve you? To me, they feel, look and speak like minahs; where otherwise you need to pay over 100 bucks in the local FL scene.
Always opt to pay/go to the hotel instead of using the dingy room included; in which case you'll save $5. That is, $30 for the FJ + Hotel Room cost (~$10) for a total damage of $40. Their dingy rooms really CMI; no hot water, dirty bedsheet that never get changed, and a thin face towel oni.
Service level varies; some are like dead fishes (inexperienced), but it's possible to get full-service ones. I feel there's no rush and no pressure from OKTs (which really don't bother you at all).
Most will be around for a couple of weeks only, so plan to RTF as often within this period if you find a gem, else may be your last.
And of course, beware... on safety as always. I got a feeling that these young gals get abused easily and may not have control over their own destiny.
21-03-2008, 03:01 AM
The last few posts on indomee, which I often eat too. So here's a bit of sharing.
Along the corner of Talma Rd and Lor 12, most are from Batam. Lately I found the quality has gone up. I can always find a few irresistible ones with cute slim figures w/ matching pretty face. Some really have shapely model figures!
If you can look past who they serve or whatever that may turn you off, it can be a value for money sexperience. For $35 including room and CD, where else can you find a SYT (+/- 20yo) to serve you? To me, they feel, look and speak like minahs; where otherwise you need to pay over 100 bucks in the local FL scene.
Always opt to pay/go to the hotel instead of using the dingy room included; in which case you'll save $5. That is, $30 for the FJ + Hotel Room cost (~$10) for a total damage of $40. Their dingy rooms really CMI; no hot water, dirty bedsheet that never get changed, and a thin face towel oni.
Service level varies; some are like dead fishes (inexperienced), but it's possible to get full-service ones. I feel there's no rush and no pressure from OKTs (which really don't bother you at all).
Most will be around for a couple of weeks only, so plan to RTF as often within this period if you find a gem, else may be your last.
And of course, beware... on safety as always. I got a feeling that these young gals get abused easily and may not have control over their own destiny.
are they clean? i don know how i got the impression or whatever that they're not "clean" and with ur argument on cost wise. $40 might as well go FishTank? No?
21-03-2008, 09:45 PM
are they clean? i don know how i got the impression or whatever that they're not "clean" and with ur argument on cost wise. $40 might as well go FishTank? No?
Clean? No, they are not clean but I suppose this hold true for any WL ;)
With so many reports on Sillyporean men getting STD infections from Batam sex trips... I won't be surprise these are the same WLs who make the trip here. Still, who has good statistics for infections from other type of WLs?
FishTank ones could be "cleaner" but it's harder to find such young ones with slim figures in tanks (if any); and I won't bet how much cleaner they are. I believe they can't choose their customers be they blangah or dirty old men too? So for me, indoomee are just another flavour I'll take when I'm sick of maggie mee.
Besides, I find FishTank window-shopping very stressful. I'm the kind that can't make up my mind on 1 viewing, but most OKTs won't like to see you again after rejecting once & walking off.
BTW, most of the FishTank has increased their prices to $50 nowadays.
The least "clean" ones are those selling for $25 or less along the lorongs further up, imho. I agree that price does set the stage for what kind of customers will or can afford to bite.
Perhaps to alleviate any extreme concerns, try spending some time hanging around that street corner and watch what kind of customers approach these indo; then decide if you can stomach it. Personally, I think it's not that bad... didn't really spot any blangahs, at least.
04-05-2008, 07:33 PM
Good basis for another FAQ, very commonly asked indeed!
- What strategies are there to increase the probability of getting a good bonk with PRC?
These are just from personal experiences and to be added by other bros. What I'll do in my approach are listed in these detail steps for really newbies:
1) Spot a chio-bu that turns me on; if she's standing there looking out for biz, I ke-ke walk pass in normal pace and see if she grabs me or not (Note: don't even look at her in the eyes when walking pass, act like you're there not for bonks)
2) If she literally grabs you in and wanted you so much, then u got better bargaining power; skip step 3. If not, after you've done your rounds, come back to the spot but this time walk pass slower and ensure eye contact. She should response with "want to go or not?" (in mandarin).
3) If she don't, then something must be wrong with the impression you give her! I mentioned earlier dressing up for the event helps; just look at most of the by-passers there, they are sloppy and doesn't "stand out". The trick is to somehow stand-out from the crowd (oh yes, alone is better than group).
4) During the crucial few seconds of conversation; remain kool. First, stop and look into her eyes (send some electricity if you can) but keep quiet don't say a word for 3.25 seconds - just pretend to be admiring her. Smile a bit, don't show ur teeth and don't smile like a chee-ko-peh!:D She should say something else within that time (let her say first!). Probably she'll smile back and ask why are you not saying anything, blah blah...
5) Then continue with some casual chit-chat. Ask open-eneded questions like "Why of all people passing here you grab me?", or BS like "I'm staring at you because you're quite pretty. <silent pause again>". TCSS until she ask the "want to go or not?" question again; the trick really is to sound like you can do w/o her. At this junction you should have decided if you still want her or walk off; (for me, sometimes the way the gal speak/sound turn me off)
6) If you still game and want to bite, ask "How much?", let her answer whatever price, then go to the slient pause again (this time 2.15 sec enuff) - I can bet she'll be thinking that she's asking for too much and start justifying her asking price with things like "I'll provide good services... blah blah". This is where you can say things like "...I suppose it includes the hotel room..." (Don't ask this as a question, but use "assume closed" statements!). And if you want to be certain about her promised extra services, joke a bit by saying that you have had bad experiences before, and if she don't do it you won't pay - but do it tactfully! (Now, this will have some psychological impact on her to perform, or else...)
7) Walk to the hotel. After paying up, start the action in the lift going up. Look at her, smile, stretch out your arms to signal you want to embrace her gently - do embrace her like a long lost GF, usually from behind for me. Ask her for name and tcss. This sets the mood man, crucial step... don't wait till you're inside the room! If she bo-chap, be prepared to skip to step 9.
8) Open the door and get into the room first, hold her hands and guide her in. Close the door, then stand at the doorway for more mood setting. Use the stare+slient method as much as possible. Touch her hair, face, rest your hands on her shoulders. Ask caring questions like izit too cold or do you like to wash up first - but look out for signals that you can start REAL actions right from here! Remember that PRC all thinks that Sillyporean as very "cultured" and gentle kind and they will fall easily for you if you appear so. If you do "prepare" yourself to the extend of having a listering mouth wash or take a mint, smells good, etc. Then possibilities from here alone are endless...
9) Okay, if you got those bo-chap PRC who are not interested in tcss or any mood thingy, here's what you can do. Once in the room, she'll probably be asking for money first. I usually act blur and suan her by jokingly asking "Why? Do I look like someone who'll not pay up?". She'll say it's the norm in this trade, but just carry on the conversation saying things like "Why other gals only ask at the end... you so special... what if your services no good?.... blah blah" - the whole idea here is to make her feel a bit guilty of accepting money first. This is also where you can re-affirm the "promised extra services (if any)" while at the street.
10) Hmm.... wanted to round this off with a step 10, but really that's it. Enjoy the sexxion, if you can clique with her, get her phone#, patronize her a few more times, read my other FAQ on how to squeeze more value out of this encounter. Why of so many PRCs, you finally pick her is probably because you really like her looks/assets, and if couple with the present of KC, don't waste the opportunity to bring this to the next level!
Thumb up for you, a good GL-bonk mini - MBA course :D
04-05-2008, 08:38 PM
Thumb up for you, a good GL-bonk mini - MBA course :D
Kum sia.... :D
Ya when I retire from bonking, I'll consider writing a "Memoirs of Goodpartner"... :rolleyes:
04-05-2008, 09:10 PM
Happened to chance upon this thread. Recently of late, I'm began switching from HCs to GL Lor 14 girls. Price cheaper, standard about the same. However, with my recent walkabouts (not PAP :p) I'm came to realise I have 2 problems when walking around in GL choosing a suitable girl.
1) When walking around, the girls, due to my small build, tend to tug me and ask if I wanna go up to the hotel with them. Very often, I'd rather walk and survey the whole scene before I make the decision. But being small-sized (skinny and not so much arm strength), I find it hard to reject them and at the same time, remove their hands from me. Any bros here can advise me how to reject girls here that throw themselves at you? Haha...
2) Again due to my small build, sometimes when I walk along the further lorongs (18 onwards), I get approached by OKTs to ask me view their girls. So I'd go over, scan through the girls, and most of the time, I'd find them not suitable to my taste. Here comes the tough part, I almost always don't know how to talk my way out. The OKTs will be demeaning, convincing at first, then when I don't want, they'll either be threatening or cursing. Any bros here share similar experiences and would advise me on this? :)
04-05-2008, 09:49 PM
Ya, some PRCs can be quite/too aggressive the way they grab.
Some advice for you is that during the first round look-see, either walk further than an arm's length or wait till a small group of ppl walk in front of you, then walk behind/beside them such that they become your "shield". The PRC will be too busy with the closer one (usually), u can then take more time to view and assess :D
The former (arm's length) works only for those PRCs who are more discipline and seldom walk away from their standing spot (i.e. Tarma Rd, Darlene, Lor 8/12, etc.) so they can't grab u being far enuff.
Use the latter approach for the rest. Can also apply for those with aggressive OKTs - just blend/hide behind a group of ppl if you really wanna closer looks. If can't find a group of ppl, then walk past fast, ignore the OKT (don't ever start a conversation with them even if you stop to look). Take the chance to view as you walk past fast, be firm if you pause and look, but again, don't talk to the OKT... walk away if you don't like, this way the OKT can't scold you. At most smile at them and act like you don't know the local language...:D
The thing is that once you start asking questions or talk to OKT, they assume you're interested. What's there to ask? We all know the market rate here already, and no point asking about services as everything they also say can one. Only if you really interested, then confirm if the price includes room.
Btw, avoid those OKT groups at Lor 18++. There is a thread on "Beware Of Lor 20 Dark street OKT And Gals (" you can read about it. U small size, will luggi.... :rolleyes:
07-05-2008, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the advice bro. I did a recce mission earlier this week, and as they say, fortune rewards those who perservere. I found a gem along the road between Lor 12 & 14. Still unpolished, but I'll RTF her this weekend and hopefully can intro this lobang to some (trustworthy) bros here. :)
14-06-2008, 08:43 PM
Good basis for another FAQ, very commonly asked indeed!
- What strategies are there to increase the probability of getting a good bonk with PRC?
These are just from personal experiences and to be added by other bros. What I'll do in my approach are listed in these detail steps for really newbies:
1) Spot a chio-bu that turns me on; if she's standing there looking out for biz, I ke-ke walk pass in normal pace and see if she grabs me or not (Note: don't even look at her in the eyes when walking pass, act like you're there not for bonks)
2) If she literally grabs you in and wanted you so much, then u got better bargaining power; skip step 3. If not, after you've done your rounds, come back to the spot but this time walk pass slower and ensure eye contact. She should response with "want to go or not?" (in mandarin).
3) If she don't, then something must be wrong with the impression you give her! I mentioned earlier dressing up for the event helps; just look at most of the by-passers there, they are sloppy and doesn't "stand out". The trick is to somehow stand-out from the crowd (oh yes, alone is better than group).
4) During the crucial few seconds of conversation; remain kool. First, stop and look into her eyes (send some electricity if you can) but keep quiet don't say a word for 3.25 seconds - just pretend to be admiring her. Smile a bit, don't show ur teeth and don't smile like a chee-ko-peh!:D She should say something else within that time (let her say first!). Probably she'll smile back and ask why are you not saying anything, blah blah...
5) Then continue with some casual chit-chat. Ask open-eneded questions like "Why of all people passing here you grab me?", or BS like "I'm staring at you because you're quite pretty. <silent pause again>". TCSS until she ask the "want to go or not?" question again; the trick really is to sound like you can do w/o her. At this junction you should have decided if you still want her or walk off; (for me, sometimes the way the gal speak/sound turn me off)
6) If you still game and want to bite, ask "How much?", let her answer whatever price, then go to the slient pause again (this time 2.15 sec enuff) - I can bet she'll be thinking that she's asking for too much and start justifying her asking price with things like "I'll provide good services... blah blah". This is where you can say things like "...I suppose it includes the hotel room..." (Don't ask this as a question, but use "assume closed" statements!). And if you want to be certain about her promised extra services, joke a bit by saying that you have had bad experiences before, and if she don't do it you won't pay - but do it tactfully! (Now, this will have some psychological impact on her to perform, or else...)
7) Walk to the hotel. After paying up, start the action in the lift going up. Look at her, smile, stretch out your arms to signal you want to embrace her gently - do embrace her like a long lost GF, usually from behind for me. Ask her for name and tcss. This sets the mood man, crucial step... don't wait till you're inside the room! If she bo-chap, be prepared to skip to step 9.
8) Open the door and get into the room first, hold her hands and guide her in. Close the door, then stand at the doorway for more mood setting. Use the stare+slient method as much as possible. Touch her hair, face, rest your hands on her shoulders. Ask caring questions like izit too cold or do you like to wash up first - but look out for signals that you can start REAL actions right from here! Remember that PRC all thinks that Sillyporean as very "cultured" and gentle kind and they will fall easily for you if you appear so. If you do "prepare" yourself to the extend of having a listering mouth wash or take a mint, smells good, etc. Then possibilities from here alone are endless...
9) Okay, if you got those bo-chap PRC who are not interested in tcss or any mood thingy, here's what you can do. Once in the room, she'll probably be asking for money first. I usually act blur and suan her by jokingly asking "Why? Do I look like someone who'll not pay up?". She'll say it's the norm in this trade, but just carry on the conversation saying things like "Why other gals only ask at the end... you so special... what if your services no good?.... blah blah" - the whole idea here is to make her feel a bit guilty of accepting money first. This is also where you can re-affirm the "promised extra services (if any)" while at the street.
10) Hmm.... wanted to round this off with a step 10, but really that's it. Enjoy the sexxion, if you can clique with her, get her phone#, patronize her a few more times, read my other FAQ on how to squeeze more value out of this encounter. Why of so many PRCs, you finally pick her is probably because you really like her looks/assets, and if couple with the present of KC, don't waste the opportunity to bring this to the next level!
Wow *salute bro. ur the man =)
01-09-2008, 02:50 AM
Bump for this good thread! Keep the tips and hints coming bro
01-09-2008, 10:01 AM
Wonderful contributions!
01-09-2008, 08:53 PM
Can the admin move this thread to FL dome 2, where the PRC threads are located?
01-09-2008, 10:34 PM
Here are some other FAQs and As (plus tips and tricks).
- If they are here on a 14-day visa, they usually need to extend it by visiting Malaysia, Thailand (less often) or take a boat ride out to Indonesia. So if you can spare the time, this is the BEST time to get close to them. For those who drive, offer to drive them to JB (stay over midnight) and drive back - they're paying ard $200 for this service anyway, so here's your chance to help them in return for... better GFE ;)
Too bad, i don't own a car...
16-07-2010, 11:12 AM
Hi all,
Been keeping an eye on this thread in the hope of updates for a trip to SG soon. Can anyone give a short update on the current status of the FL's in GL? Any suggestions on where the girls are?
Cheers !
17-07-2010, 01:06 AM
the places still the same, but too frequent raids by AV and patrolling by men in blue has made everything quiet these past 2 years
17-07-2010, 01:13 AM
Hi all,
Been keeping an eye on this thread ...
OMG, you only survive with just one eye the past 2 years?! :eek:
Almost no more street-walkers in GL nowadays, u're 2 years late.
Perhaps in another 2 more years, we'll need another new thread to cover woodland or jurong... :rolleyes::D
17-07-2010, 08:56 AM
Thanks for the update hoosdathu and goodpartner!
19-10-2010, 11:54 PM
now no such thing as timing for the streetwalkers liaoz...
during the golden era last time every day 7pm-6am sure got gals to watch somewhere.
after the carpet raiding period some said after 10pm then got, later say after 12mn...
now sometimes wait whole night till morning also no guarantee can see any gals :(
but lucky me got some action at L12 n L24 after 12mn last night :D
21-10-2010, 11:45 PM
today psi so high dunno got any sightings anot...
29-10-2010, 09:53 PM
mods can help shift this thread to the Adult Discussions about Sex ( section pls?
the OKTs keep bumping their threads here, this thread kena buried all the time
31-10-2010, 02:02 PM
one bro email me to enquire about the following:
I hope to share with all bros, esp. noobs anbd newbies
1) Hi bro, many thanks for your reply and advice. :)
Actually personally what is your strategy for handling these WLs?
There is no strategy, as long as you patronize them, they'll be nice to you.
2) Obviously I would like to continue to see the ones I like, but I don't want to be taken advantage of.
As rite now most of them are in the legal joints you can see them as long as they operate.
If you see them often, either get the girl's contact or OKT house number and ask for her availability before dropping by.
well I dun noe wat do you mean by taken advantage of ??? normally when you see them often, they'll try to be very nice to you and start asking for gifts ... this is where we will be taken advantage of. It's up to you whether to give them what they ask for, if you can afford it.
these WLs treat us like ATM or money machine, they earn more than us during these short period of their WL life span. the gifts normally are what they desired to buy for themselves but they are too hard-hearted to spend their own money so they'll ask us to buy for them. this has become a PRC WL/FL practice and culture. they are smart in business sense.
lately I'm close to one and juz for an evening of 3.5hr meetup, she asked me to pay for the monthly utilities purchased as a form of escort service. they are very business minded and
dun wan to be taken advantage of.
rite now she asked me for a laptop and I declined, she stopped treating me well and also stopped talking to me on the phone. honestly they see us only as a source of income or money generating creatures. no feelings involved.
3) but I don't want to be taken advantage of. Is it to change target for WLs all the time and not stick to one? :)
as long as you dun get yourself involved with feelings then no harm keep seeing the same one. but if you are afraid that you may fall for her then it's wise not to stick to one. changing WLs is good as you can see different WL play different game and give different service.
your feelings for a WL will halt when you start seeing other and changing. trust me, this has been validated by myself !
4) Any chance these WLs would be moved by your actions and have feelings for you in return? :)
Hardly, these girls are here to make money, NO WOMAN would like to be in this line.
Unless you are very rich, but then again, they may run away with your money if they have a bf back home.
I guess the only way for them to have feelings for you is you helped them to solve their financial problem. but then again, if they do not like you, in the end they might run away.
5) Yup I checked out your collection. How did you manage to coax them to let you take photos of them? Must teach me some tactics. :P
the only reason is I see them often and we become friends, some even like the way I bonk them. besides, I looked reasonable good.
I remember one asking to stay with me as she got very high when I bonk her. I think she wants me to bonk her daily, at the same time to save lodging cost. anyway this girl not really a professional WL; she was on visa visit, back home worked as an insurance agent, juz come here to try her luck if can earn some extra cash - and this mentality also boils down to how loose and easy they are as they do not cherish their sexuality !!! ??? are women like these ? I believed Singapore women may sleep around but I dun believe that they are so loosed and easy to sleep with anyone - terrible !
cheers !
01-11-2010, 09:06 PM
just passed by L24 at 8pm+.
dead with exception of 4-5 thai FLs (white card holders probably, cos i recognised one who is)...
06-11-2010, 01:41 AM
dead town tonight.
no celebration for our dark skinned bros from south asia :p
06-11-2010, 03:49 AM
Bros here should read about the following
one bro email me to enquire about the following:
I hope to share with all bros, esp. noobs anbd newbies
1) Hi bro, many thanks for your reply and advice. :)
Actually personally what is your strategy for handling these WLs?
There is no strategy, as long as you patronize them, they'll be nice to you.
2) Obviously I would like to continue to see the ones I like, but I don't want to be taken advantage of.
As rite now most of them are in the legal joints you can see them as long as they operate.
If you see them often, either get the girl's contact or OKT house number and ask for her availability before dropping by.
well I dun noe wat do you mean by taken advantage of ??? normally when you see them often, they'll try to be very nice to you and start asking for gifts ... this is where we will be taken advantage of. It's up to you whether to give them what they ask for, if you can afford it.
these WLs treat us like ATM or money machine, they earn more than us during these short period of their WL life span. the gifts normally are what they desired to buy for themselves but they are too hard-hearted to spend their own money so they'll ask us to buy for them. this has become a PRC WL/FL practice and culture. they are smart in business sense.
lately I'm close to one and juz for an evening of 3.5hr meetup, she asked me to pay for the monthly utilities purchased as a form of escort service. they are very business minded and
dun wan to be taken advantage of.
rite now she asked me for a laptop and I declined, she stopped treating me well and also stopped talking to me on the phone. honestly they see us only as a source of income or money generating creatures. no feelings involved.
3) but I don't want to be taken advantage of. Is it to change target for WLs all the time and not stick to one? :)
as long as you dun get yourself involved with feelings then no harm keep seeing the same one. but if you are afraid that you may fall for her then it's wise not to stick to one. changing WLs is good as you can see different WL play different game and give different service.
your feelings for a WL will halt when you start seeing other and changing. trust me, this has been validated by myself !
4) Any chance these WLs would be moved by your actions and have feelings for you in return? :)
Hardly, these girls are here to make money, NO WOMAN would like to be in this line.
Unless you are very rich, but then again, they may run away with your money if they have a bf back home.
I guess the only way for them to have feelings for you is you helped them to solve their financial problem. but then again, if they do not like you, in the end they might run away.
5) Yup I checked out your collection. How did you manage to coax them to let you take photos of them? Must teach me some tactics. :P
the only reason is I see them often and we become friends, some even like the way I bonk them. besides, I looked reasonable good.
I remember one asking to stay with me as she got very high when I bonk her. I think she wants me to bonk her daily, at the same time to save lodging cost. anyway this girl not really a professional WL; she was on visa visit, back home worked as an insurance agent, juz come here to try her luck if can earn some extra cash - and this mentality also boils down to how loose and easy they are as they do not cherish their sexuality !!! ??? are women like these ? I believed Singapore women may sleep around but I dun believe that they are so loosed and easy to sleep with anyone - terrible !
cheers !
25-11-2010, 12:09 AM
updates, anyone?
25-11-2010, 01:18 AM
updates, anyone?
last week pass by geylang lor 17 - 19, saw quite a few FL around the car park.
25-11-2010, 01:34 AM
last week pass by geylang lor 17 - 19, saw quite a few FL around the car park.
most if not of them there under OKTs n time watchers...
even FLs (ie not under any OKT) also rush rush...
there's no concept of RTF 回头客 for them...
upped a really pretty one there recently, but service not worth the money :(
28-11-2010, 01:41 AM
tonight also got bird watching session :)
not so much selection, but upped a really busty viet at L24; only $36 but quite rushed :(
04-12-2010, 02:01 AM
some nice viet n PRC MMs spotted at L29, L31 just now 12mn+
indo ceweks at L12 nobody caught my eye, except one pretty n still young old-timer outside H101. never tried her cos too pretty liao imho (with nice slim body to go too), prob no service. given her good looks, it's also a bit weird that she's available most of the times i manage to see ceweks working. means no RTF customers prob...
06-12-2010, 11:30 PM
can come out n play tonight :D
finally took the plunge n upped the cute but sombong looking indo cewek just now.
surprisingly she wasn't so stuck up in the room, didn't rush me either.
got 2 negatives though: first, she's scared of checking, so didn't wanna bathe. that one still ok, since she didn't stink: the real big minus is... she offered RAW after seeing i didn't come after 5min intensive bonking :eek:
boh pian gotta abort mission :(
she's going back batam 2moro, nama bella, always somewhere between the entrance for cars n the main door of H101, if anyone wanna know.
08-12-2010, 11:50 PM
nothing to see tonight :(
10-12-2010, 01:27 AM
sorry a bit late, but playground was still open when i left GL ard 11pm
11-12-2010, 03:31 AM
hmm useful thread...
11-12-2010, 11:57 PM
dun try the china girls standing on the street.
gems from the streets of GL are like 1 out of 10... but i guess FL addicts like us will still wanna try even after kena so many bad experiences :o
just for the thrill of discovering a gem :D
12-12-2010, 01:27 PM
yo all SBF bros
nowadays all GL gals hanging along the main geyxxx rd, n inside the lanes of Lor 17, 19, 21 and inside the Talma Rd, they r all got attitude problems! They r just out for fast $$ n take we bros as sucker!
i suggest if u need good bonk w svc, then its better u go into those legal ones @ lor 8 & 12. Got wide range of mainly Thais and PRCs. Thais r abt the range of $50 for 40 mins but PRC I never try (at least $100 n above) n i scare like those FLs standing along the roadside with no svc... a
ny bros try b4?
Yes indeed. My encounter with one FL at the Lor 21 carpark a few months back was disastrous. She was damn fair and pretty alright, charges $50 too.
But once in the room, the service.....might as well no service. Cannot take off bra, no BBBJ and even BJ. At most give HJ. With the mood already gone and dick already soft, the HJ also pointless. I ask for massage to get some value back, and she obliged with some simple presses and touches. :(
Have to face the fact that the good old days of streetwalker gems are long gone....
13-12-2010, 01:54 AM
i suggest if u need good bonk w svc, then its better u go into those legal ones @ lor 8 & 12. Got wide range of mainly Thais and PRCs. Thais r abt the range of $50 for 40 mins but PRC I never try (at least $100 n above) n i scare like those FLs standing along the roadside with no svc...
thai cat50s only give 20 min up to 30min max, depending on which house u go
can come out n play tonight :D
finally took the plunge n upped the cute but sombong looking indo cewek just now.
surprisingly she wasn't so stuck up in the room, didn't rush me either.
got 2 negatives though: first, she's scared of checking, so didn't wanna bathe. that one still ok, since she didn't stink: the real big minus is... she offered RAW after seeing i didn't come after 5min intensive bonking :eek:
boh pian gotta abort mission :(
she's going back batam 2moro, nama bella, always somewhere between the entrance for cars n the main door of H101, if anyone wanna know.
hi bro, for this indon chick you mentioned, is she always in sort of white singlet/spaghetti stripe and short denim?
ever encounter 1 indon chick like i mentioned also offer me raw and i sian half and went out without unloading...
14-12-2010, 12:07 AM
hi bro, for this indon chick you mentioned, is she always in sort of white singlet/spaghetti stripe and short denim?
ever encounter 1 indon chick like i mentioned also offer me raw and i sian half and went out without unloading...
usually see her in spaghetti top n jeans. sometimes wear dress also. slim with proportionate boobs. got accident before n still got scars on her legs (thus her preference for jeans, i guess)
she's always at the area between the H101 main door and entrance for cars.
usually see her in spaghetti top n jeans. sometimes wear dress also. slim with proportionate boobs. got accident before n still got scars on her legs (thus her preference for jeans, i guess)
she's always at the area between the H101 main door and entrance for cars.
thks bro. will keep a lookout and avoid her. :p
14-12-2010, 09:37 AM
Was having supper at Yong He last night. Checked out a few PRCs mid 20s standing at the exit of L29. All asking for 70 no room included.
The part about dealing with them is to politely point out if they want payment before deed. Then I won't give tips de. I have bad exp la but using this approach gives me more good than bad.
15-12-2010, 02:29 AM
thks bro. will keep a lookout and avoid her. :p
she's gone back batam already anyway :cool:
but usually she'll be back in a couple of months, she's an old bird here already
she's gone back batam already anyway :cool:
but usually she'll be back in a couple of months, she's an old bird here already
ok ok. you don't mind to "warn" us here if you happen to see her right bro? :D
18-12-2010, 06:32 PM
ok ok. you don't mind to "warn" us here if you happen to see her right bro? :D
nope, but i prob won't RTF even if she's back since she's just an SOP bonk, too many FL gems backlog :p
01-01-2011, 12:03 AM
happy bonking new year!
playground still open when i left ard 11pm+ just now :)
01-01-2011, 11:12 PM
even if you drove around GL everyday but at the wrong timing, you wont see a single FL. if you are a GL savy, you will be able where and when to spot them. cheers
02-01-2011, 01:01 AM
dun try the china girls standing on the street.recently my frd had 1 bad encounter with them.once inside the room ,the girl ask for money first.once she took the money,she told my frd only fuck and cannot touch her frd dun know what she meant,touch her abit,got kicked by the end,no mood liao ask her to go.i think all china girls on the street are the same.i also had a bad experience.they have no service at all.once they take the money they will rush u hurry hurry, i didnt even bath ,lay on the bed and this prc ask mi to hurry hurry.she spoke in a rude tone like i owe her 100k.totally no mood to fuck at all.ask her to leave and she still scold mi that i took too long of her time.i didnt even bath and the fuck only 5 time i took was only maybe 15 mins.she scold mi like the fuck take 45 mins???please,dun let those prc think that our money is easy to take.must play around with them also,just see-see and talk cock singsong w them.waste their time and dun engage their service.inside the room,it will be different stories.most of the street prc are the same.......
Last night saw 1 very chio FL near L8. Asked for 100 and I request room inclusive. When pay the room straight away paid her $90.
Go in room strip and she asked to lay down, no bath. Touch nipple say can not, kiss also can not. KNN. Ask her to change position she say dun want, want me to quickly finish off. Sianz.
02-01-2011, 10:24 PM
even if you drove around GL everyday but at the wrong timing, you wont see a single FL. if you are a GL savy, you will be able where and when to spot them. cheers
even if savvy, need to be lucky also...
if the AV dogs just caught some birds that night, whole night prob no gals liao...
02-01-2011, 10:41 PM
Hi bro
I dun really know much abt streetwalkers...
But i do know, when u ask for price, do ask if room is included or excluded. Some may charge u at $80, and room u pay, or some may charge u $100 including room... end state, its ur $$$, ur choice...
most PRC... may be sweet on the outside? bitter in the inside... look ard more before u choose ok? cos' u never know how bad it is till u tasted inside the room....
happy scouting!!
Fully agreed...those $100 catergory in L8 is fuck two time one. In hotel, fj by ur dick one time, outside hotel u fuck and swear by ur mouth at the roadside one time.:D
07-01-2011, 12:48 AM
playground's open tonight :D
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