View Full Version : Why am I receiving such private messages when I am not even looking for massages ?
14-07-2016, 10:10 AM
Received a pm from user GOODFELLO
● 18 POINTS await yr FR ●
For bros who find my email an intrusion - pm me to DELETE your NICK from database -
I have not been asking for ctcs in this forum . Can the owner or the moderator in charge of advertising please explain is this the right thing to do by pming people ?
14-07-2016, 01:05 PM
Received a pm from user GOODFELLO
I have not been asking for ctcs in this forum . Can the owner or the moderator in charge of advertising please explain is this the right thing to do by pming people ?
Haven't seen u post for a while ! Not only this, betting adv, Okt etc been flooding the pm for sometime Liao !:mad:
14-07-2016, 01:29 PM
bro, if you think they are spamming, you can report them to the forum owner and moderators by using the report feature. i have reported a few cases and the spammer was put to sleep. :p
you can also disable your PM feature at the usercp but then you wont be receiving/sending any more PM.
If you do not want to send or receive private messages, you may disable the private messaging system.
Enable Private Messaging
Received a pm from user GOODFELLO
I have not been asking for ctcs in this forum . Can the owner or the moderator in charge of advertising please explain is this the right thing to do by pming people ?
14-07-2016, 01:44 PM
Ah Gong also receive such PM and I am not even looking for massage . :eek: I am stuck at old age home and cannot even book out. The user must be very desperate for business . :eek:
14-07-2016, 07:16 PM
Luckily not sexpose my PMs to Chiobus...
How about sexpose your chatbox?:rolleyes:
Luckily not sexpose my PMs to Chiobus...
14-07-2016, 08:20 PM
How about sexpose your chatbox?:rolleyes:
I wont lah! hehe so cute:p
14-07-2016, 09:11 PM
Luckily not sexpose my PMs to Chiobus...
The only PMs you receive are from SL...
To discuss which hotel to go too to get your pantat Farked...
14-07-2016, 09:40 PM
Haven't seen u post for a while ! Not only this, betting adv, Okt etc been flooding the pm for sometime Liao !:mad:
I am in semi retirement mode . No longer as active as before .
bro, if you think they are spamming, you can report them to the forum owner and moderators by using the report feature. i have reported a few cases and the spammer was put to sleep.
you can also disable your PM feature at the usercp but then you wont be receiving/sending any more PM.
If you do not want to send or receive private messages, you may disable the private messaging system.
Enable Private Messaging
Thanks for your advise . The point is I only receive 1 pm from this user so not too sure if it can be considered as spamming. But if other bros who also received such pms can also report here. I will not disable my PM function. But I might consider putting the user on my ignore list . Really some people just anyhow pm people . Don't know even if the user is an advertiser or not .
15-07-2016, 02:46 AM
I am in semi retirement mode . No longer as active as before .
Thanks for your advise . The point is I only receive 1 pm from this user so not too sure if it can be considered as spamming. But if other bros who also received such pms can also report here. I will not disable my PM function. But I might consider putting the user on my ignore list . Really some people just anyhow pm people . Don't know even if the user is an advertiser or not .
Consider yourself of good fortune. You were targetted because of your 'consumption' pattern. Somehow the big data analytic software employed by this sophisticated spa ID you as a suitable prospect. Today's marketing tool will soon make OKTs a dinosaur of the past. What does profiling got to do with what ad you recieved in the age of IOT? The program acurrately decided you have an itch and recommended a unique selling proposal based on your propensity to consume a service or product.
15-07-2016, 07:48 AM
I wont lah! hehe so cute:p
Morn Chiobu!
Treat you jiak L A K S A from Michelin Guide Singapore...
Mai HUM since you abstaining...
Morn Chiobu!
Treat you jiak L A K S A from Michelin Guide Singapore...
Mai HUM since you abstaining...
I like hum! That's the reason I have L A K S A!
15-07-2016, 11:13 AM
I like hum! That's the reason I have L A K S A!
If you want hum you should have it with Mee Siam.
15-07-2016, 01:07 PM
mai hum mai hum
Mee Siam mai hum..
i always knew boss is a "hum sup lo " :D
If you want hum you should have it with Mee Siam.
If you want hum you should have it with Mee Siam.
Actually, Mee Siam never has any hum. Only L a k s a does. Our PM obviously wanted to say, Mai Hiam, meaning minus the chilli. But "Orh":p. I am willing to try Mee Siam with hum, because you said so:)
15-07-2016, 01:24 PM
Actually, Mee Siam never has any hum. Only L a k s a does. Our PM obviously wanted to say, Mai Hiam, meaning minus the chilli. But "Orh":p. I am willing to try Mee Siam with hum, because you said so:)
So now you've become an apologist for the pappies? :eek: What will come next? :rolleyes:
So now you've become an apologist for the pappies? :eek: What will come next? :rolleyes:
Next is 'spreading the hugs around'. Hoping like a little bunny all over your website hehe:p
18-07-2016, 12:52 PM
I would like to know if :
1) GOODFELLO and BADDDman are advertisers .
2) Is it right for members to pm other members their adverts for their particular service ?
19-07-2016, 04:44 AM
I would like to know if :
1) GOODFELLO and BADDDman are advertisers .
2) Is it right for members to pm other members their adverts for their particular service ?
Yes they are advertisers so please give them your full support. ;)
20-07-2016, 07:16 PM
I would like to know if :
1) GOODFELLO and BADDDman are advertisers .
2) Is it right for members to pm other members their adverts for their particular service ?
Bro, tbh ... Jenny the masseuse from Yezhi Tuina @ Golden Mile Tower is a hot MILF ... In addition, she offers very good Oriental massage ... Go and try once and you would be glad that I have given you this head up ... ;)
21-07-2016, 02:11 PM
Yes they are advertisers so please give them your full support. ;)
Thanks for the reply boss. Since they are advertisers how come they don't have a ( A) under their nick ? It is very confusing . Hope you can also answer to my 2nd question as per above . Thanks.
Bro, tbh ... Jenny the masseuse from Yezhi Tuina @ Golden Mile Tower is a hot MILF ... In addition, she offers very good Oriental massage ... Go and try once and you would be glad that I have given you this head up ...
Thanks for your reply . But I think you miss my point. In the first place ; I am not looking for any massage from this forum so why I am receiving such PM from GOODFELLO . Also I find the location a bit far off for me and not too my liking .
21-07-2016, 03:16 PM
Thanks for the reply boss. Since they are advertisers how come they don't have a ( A) under their nick ? It is very confusing . Hope you can also answer to my 2nd question as per above . Thanks.
Thanks for your reply . But I think you miss my point. In the first place ; I am not looking for any massage from this forum so why I am receiving such PM from GOODFELLO . Also I find the location a bit far off for me and not too my liking .
The reason is that they chose also to donate to the forum and their status is therefore reflected as such.
I apologise if you occasionally get unsolicated PMs but the fact remains that someone has to pay for the running of this forum and without advertisers it would have closed shop long ago.
If you put the nicks on your ignore list you will no longer receive PMs from them.
Once again my apologies.
22-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Have Fun
Enjoy m%2Ftag%2Fktv-hostess%2F&docid=t6__O7BXcGuJqM&tbnid=MXjVKJdO7ESeWM%3A&w=500&h=335&bih=737&biw=1280&ved=0ahUKEwjKiMKc44bOAhVG6mMKHYpmBdsQMwg5KBcwFw&iact=mrc&uact=8
23-07-2016, 03:52 PM
The reason is that they chose also to donate to the forum and their status is therefore reflected as such.
I apologise if you occasionally get unsolicated PMs but the fact remains that someone has to pay for the running of this forum and without advertisers it would have closed shop long ago.
If you put the nicks on your ignore list you will no longer receive PMs from them.
Once again my apologies.
Boss once again I thank you for your reply . I understand you got bills to pay so do I . In fact everyone of us has got bills to pay . I further understand you need revenues to keep your forum running . A lot of us samsters have benefitted from your forum in one or another . Myself included . Having said that even though one is an advertiser one should also behave oneself . You have rules for us samsters on how we should behave in your forum . Likewise there should be also some rules for your advertisers. It would develop an equal platform for all your advertisers . It won't be nice if the other advertisers were to know of 1 particular advertiser being too aggressive in approaching for customers . Just my 2 cents worth.
Also I would like to find out what does it constitutes as harassment to your advertisers ?
28-07-2016, 10:48 AM
Regaine bro
Warmest greetings to you 😆
My very sincere apology for my un-intentional pm pertaining to a worthy service provider.
You shall NOT receive any further pm from me nor BADDDman.
I strongly suggest you put my nick (and Badddman) in your "IGNORE" LIST - as boss mentioned.
Once again my very personal apology for this incident 🙏
I wish you a nice day !
28-07-2016, 09:17 PM
Regaine senior
I sense you have a personal dislike for UN-solicited pm found in your inbox.....even if its about a totally CLEAN massage lobang.
In such a case why did u sign off PROUDLY as :
" currently only into clean massage " ????
29-07-2016, 04:29 AM
Boss once again I thank you for your reply . I understand you got bills to pay so do I . In fact everyone of us has got bills to pay . I further understand you need revenues to keep your forum running . A lot of us samsters have benefitted from your forum in one or another . Myself included . Having said that even though one is an advertiser one should also behave oneself . You have rules for us samsters on how we should behave in your forum . Likewise there should be also some rules for your advertisers. It would develop an equal platform for all your advertisers . It won't be nice if the other advertisers were to know of 1 particular advertiser being too aggressive in approaching for customers . Just my 2 cents worth.
Also I would like to find out what does it constitutes as harassment to your advertisers ?
I hope an amicable solution has been found between yourself and the advertisers concerned. :D
29-07-2016, 02:36 PM
Regaine bro
Warmest greetings to you ��
My very sincere apology for my un-intentional pm pertaining to a worthy service provider.
You shall NOT receive any further pm from me nor BADDDman.
I strongly suggest you put my nick (and Badddman) in your "IGNORE" LIST - as boss mentioned.
Once again my very personal apology for this incident ��
I wish you a nice day !
I will definitely do so after todays' post . I have checked your past posts and it seemed that you and BADDDman have been apologising to other brothers over the same issue . I guess you really pm so many other bros .You must be thinking why I am only complaining about you and not to the other advertisers. If a girls' massage skills is really very good her business will be definitely picked up by itself . Just think about it for a while . We customers will know which girl can really massage or not .
29-07-2016, 02:41 PM
Regaine senior
I sense you have a personal dislike for UN-solicited pm found in your inbox.....even if its about a totally CLEAN massage lobang.
In such a case why did u sign off PROUDLY as :
" currently only into clean massage " ????
I am definitely pissed off with UN-solicited pms . It is the same as with hp's SMS .
Do you know how to read or not ? Of course I stated I am only into clean massage but did I ask people to pm for clean massage ctcs ? Please check my past posts . Can you find any of my posts in the last 3 years asking for contacts ?
29-07-2016, 02:48 PM
I hope an amicable solution has been found between yourself and the advertisers concerned. :D
Boss how to find amicable solution ? This is your forum Only you can do that . You have a set of rules for us a samsters and to be fair you should also have a set of rules for your advertisers . No doubt you have bills to pay so do I . Hence I don't always log in as often as I do compared last time . But it doesn't mean that if the advertiser who pays more than the rest than this advertiser can do anything they want in your forum. It won't be fair to the other advertisers right .
Also I would like to find out what does it constitutes as harassment to your advertisers ?
29-07-2016, 03:58 PM
TQ boss Sam
Greetings from Sunny Spore.
Yes we have a mutually respectful solution now.
I hope an amicable solution has been found between yourself and the advertisers concerned. :D
29-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Beautifula photo by Tiagong #1
Morn Chiobu!
Treat you jiak L A K S A from Michelin Guide Singapore...
Mai HUM since you abstaining...
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