View Full Version : I kenna Gonorrhoea from PB HC

12-11-2006, 10:11 AM
I am not trying to make the PB HC close down. I must be damn sway. This is my second time at PB HC and I kenna Gonorrhoea. I had use the rubber and I never even do anything funny. I never noticed the rubber was broken and I had not visited any other FLs 5 years back I kenna STD because I did not use the rubber, this time round use rubber also no protection. Damn sway... Good thing wife is out of town until end of the month, so I still have time to do damage control.

All brudders going to PB HC please be careful.

little worm
12-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Bro, you prob already researched this already. But just for the otheres.
got this from Wikipedia

As gonorrhea is a sexually-transmitted infection, proper use of barrier contraceptives such as condoms and dental dams will significantly reduce the risk of getting gonorrhea and its complications. However, this does not eliminate risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the only ways to eliminate risk are sexual abstinence, or sex with a faithful monogamous partner who has been previously tested.

12-11-2006, 11:42 AM
wow....take care bro.

13-11-2006, 09:22 PM
Take care bro. Just wonder if they have offeredyou a clean towel.

13-11-2006, 10:48 PM

Care to share who serviced you to serve a warning to fellow samsters?

13-11-2006, 11:27 PM
i feel for you bro...:(

14-11-2006, 01:37 AM
Hmmm.... take care bro. muz alwiz be careful in dis type of tings. dun pray pray hor. ;)

Ah Dez
14-11-2006, 03:32 AM
I tio STDs more than i tio 4D..... why bother..

14-11-2006, 06:45 AM
may i ask which girl you took?

14-11-2006, 08:20 AM
when you get ready to chiong , you must get ready to die.

get the best treatment , or it might effect the next generation.

take good care.

god bless

14-11-2006, 10:46 AM
Did you have a BBBJ?

I am not trying to make the PB HC close down. I must be damn sway. This is my second time at PB HC and I kenna Gonorrhoea. I had use the rubber and I never even do anything funny. I
All brudders going to PB HC please be careful.

Malaysian Datuk
14-11-2006, 07:41 PM
I tio STDs more than i tio 4D..... why bother..
I agree.....Gonorrhoea can be treated as easily as the flu....nowsadays no more poking a heated stick down your penis eye....downside for me is since I am trypanophobia (fear of injections).....I only take the oral medication....which means longer out of action time and no alcohol during treatment course:)

15-11-2006, 12:26 AM
Dear Bros
Please do not take gonorrhoea too lightly because it is easily treated. Having caught it means you could also have caught any other disease which is transmitted through the same route including HIV and Syphilis. So go ask your doctor for a follow up blood test for this 2 STDs after your treatment.

15-11-2006, 10:25 AM
Bro Wonderman,

Was you serviced by Pinky too?

But then ultimately, always play safe and wear protection bros - Perhaps the safest is HJ, as mentioned by boss

15-11-2006, 12:52 PM
Hi Brothers,

Guess what, I also visited PB HC on Sat, 4 Nov afternoon, and got symptoms of Gonorrhoea a few days ago (pain when passing urine, slight yellow discharge "dripping" out from my little bro). *SWAY* !

Went to see doctor during lunch time today.
He gave me an injection (some kind of antibiotics), plus a 7-day course of antiobiotics (Doxyline) and anti-inflammatory medication (serrazayme).

At PB HC on 4 Nov, I was serviced by a young slim Malaysian lady called Pinky, and she did BBBJ for me followed by FJ (with condom of course).

If bro Wonderman2006 was also serviced by Pinky, then something must be very wrong with her ! If not, then PB HC's towels must be damn dirty ...

I have been cheonging since 1997, and apart from a similar case that happened to me in HK in 2001 (serviced by a northern PRC lady), I have had countless BBBJ and FJs with many ladies, and yet all the ladies and myself are well. I am not trying to flame PB HC, but something is seriously wrong.

Think from now on, I will opt for BJ (not BBBJ) for ladies whom I am not familiar with.

Fell for yah! Looks like Pinky's got the clap in her throat, very possible. she probably thinks she has a cold as the symptoms are the same. You should let PB know so she can get to the doctor's to get some antibiotics to clear it up.

Get well bro.


16-11-2006, 09:47 PM
Sorry for the late response. Wasn't really in the mood the past few days. Traumatic experience as this is my second time kenna STD. First time was my own fault becoz no condom. This time thought it was safe with condom and no bbbj, but damn! still kenna.

I was not serviced by Pinky but by Honey. If you guys go, just make sure no bbbj or fj. But I am beginning to suspect the towels might not be clean too.

No more burning sensation but the scrotum still feel funny. Maybe my imagination but damn! it is not a nice feeling. 3 months later still need to go for blood test.

Now thinking what crap reason to tell wife that I can't have sex for the next 3 months...

16-11-2006, 09:54 PM
hi funny4sg
which doctor did you go to for treatment?

hope you don't mind.

Hi Brothers,

Guess what, I also visited PB HC on Sat, 4 Nov afternoon, and got symptoms of Gonorrhoea a few days ago (pain when passing urine, slight yellow discharge "dripping" out from my little bro). *SWAY* !

Went to see doctor during lunch time today.
He gave me an injection (some kind of antibiotics), plus a 7-day course of antiobiotics (Doxyline) and anti-inflammatory medication (serrazayme).

At PB HC on 4 Nov, I was serviced by a young slim Malaysian lady called Pinky, and she did BBBJ for me followed by FJ (with condom of course).

If bro Wonderman2006 was also serviced by Pinky, then something must be very wrong with her ! If not, then PB HC's towels must be damn dirty ...

I have been cheonging since 1997, and apart from a similar case that happened to me in HK in 2001 (serviced by a northern PRC lady), I have had countless BBBJ and FJs with many ladies, and yet all the ladies and myself are well. I am not trying to flame PB HC, but something is seriously wrong.

Think from now on, I will opt for BJ (not BBBJ) for ladies whom I am not familiar with.

18-11-2006, 01:27 AM
This time thought it was safe with condom and no bbbj, but damn! still kenna.

I was not serviced by Pinky but by Honey. If you guys go, just make sure no bbbj or fj. But I am beginning to suspect the towels might not be clean too.

Sorry to hear you've contracted gonorrhea... :(

I don't think it's from the towels that you acquired gonorrhea. The bacteria quickly dies outside of a warm/moist area. You can get it from licking her pussy, anal sex (or oral around anal area, eg AR), or licking vaginal fluids (eg if transferred immediately from finger to mouth). You can almost certainly get it from bbbj (for samster funny4sg).

Towels - pubic lice is the most common disease from unclean towels.

18-11-2006, 01:48 AM
comm. sex always dangerous...