View Full Version : Bro wants jio attached girl what advice shld I give?

07-08-2016, 12:49 AM
My bro has liked this girl for afew years. He wanted to chase her when she become single but the last time she broke up, she never announce. Then she attached. The bf not bad lah. Just that the girl, let's call her v, doesn't look really happy. So my friend think she maybe breaking up again.

07-08-2016, 08:08 AM
My bro has liked this girl for afew years. He wanted to chase her when she become single but the last time she broke up, she never announce. Then she attached. The bf not bad lah. Just that the girl, let's call her v, doesn't look really happy. So my friend think she maybe breaking up again.

Wrong section bro

07-08-2016, 10:49 AM
Eh dude don't need to start another thread asking the same thing la hor. You sure this bro of yours is not actually you?

27-08-2016, 10:52 AM
My bro has liked this girl for afew years. He wanted to chase her when she become single but the last time she broke up, she never announce. Then she attached. The bf not bad lah. Just that the girl, let's call her v, doesn't look really happy. So my friend think she maybe breaking up again.

If u have her phone number or facebook etc, just chit chat with her see how first lo

01-09-2016, 08:46 AM
Ask your friend to wait for her to break up lor.
If she never announce the next time, then tell her when she seems like she's gonna break up soon AGAIN lor

Point to take note of, if she never look for your friend when she's single, obviously she have no feeling for your friend. I as a girl, if I broke up with a bf and managed to move on and I happen to like you before, I will look for you first.

01-09-2016, 05:11 PM
Best is not to disrupt their relationship. Be close enough to get attention but not to close to cause trouble

04-09-2016, 09:06 PM
Your bro can just observe the girl RS status like what others said, if not simply just give up the girl and find another. As life is short just to stay for one that you might not be able to get him/her.