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View Full Version : Married men who go abroad to work, how u declare your status if u wan play around?

22-08-2016, 12:27 AM
Say u working alone in Europe or Asia or in USA, are up front to say your are married and let fate take its course or u cheat a little by saying u r single?

Of course u cannot say single in office la but only to those outside your office

22-08-2016, 01:08 AM
Over there, I don't think they care if you are single or whatever

22-08-2016, 01:23 AM
Over there, I don't think they care if you are single or whatever

Is it? But what if angmo girl screw u thinking u as boyfren rather than ons?

22-08-2016, 01:32 AM
Is it? But what if angmo girl screw u thinking u as boyfren rather than ons?

You think is possible ma?

Just say n do anything to get fcuked la.
If married, say its complicated or you're getting divorced n juggle 100000 balls in the air till it explodes in your face.
Exchange points is possible ma?

22-08-2016, 02:19 AM
You think is possible ma?

Just say n do anything to get fcuked la.
If married, say its complicated or you're getting divorced n juggle 100000 balls in the air till it explodes in your face.
Exchange points is possible ma?

Dun lidat leh bro. Bcos i maybe taking a language course so ppl will ask my status. Should I declare as single or married. Many euro girls will be at course too.so married sure turn off

22-08-2016, 07:08 AM
Isn't it simpler to just say single?

22-08-2016, 07:15 AM
Dun lidat leh bro. Bcos i maybe taking a language course so ppl will ask my status. Should I declare as single or married. Many euro girls will be at course too.so married sure turn off

What makes you so sure that Angmo girls will even be interested in you? I've spent years in US studying, and they generally don't give a hoot about Asian men. There will be plenty of Angmo men with bigger dicks and speak their accent. Of cos, unless you look like Andy Lau or Sibeh hamsum. If not, go for the Asian girls in your class :D

22-08-2016, 07:29 AM
What makes you so sure that Angmo girls will even be interested in you? I've spent years in US studying, and they generally don't give a hoot about Asian men. There will be plenty of Angmo men with bigger dicks and speak their accent. Of cos, unless you look like Andy Lau or Sibeh hamsum. If not, go for the Asian girls in your class :D

Bro, thats not the question. Do refer to my question.

Lets say its in another country that is not angmo say brazil or china. How u deal w it?

22-08-2016, 08:28 AM
Dun lidat leh bro. Bcos i maybe taking a language course so ppl will ask my status. Should I declare as single or married. Many euro girls will be at course too.so married sure turn off

Alamak bro, scare don't play, play don't scare, if you want to do, justwanadoit!!! Be honest to say you are married, but still fuck around. :p

22-08-2016, 09:19 AM
Dun lidat leh bro. Bcos i maybe taking a language course so ppl will ask my status. Should I declare as single or married. Many euro girls will be at course too.so married sure turn off

Well, you sound like you already made up your mind and just want affirmation for your choice.

If you think saying you're single will not be a turn off(which you already stated). Then why ask if you should or not, you already have a preference so just go with your preference.

22-08-2016, 09:38 AM
Think TS wants an answer like this.

YOU have to see the situation before u says u are single or married. Some girls like guys who are upfront and they feel u won't be sticky if u up them and no strings attached. You might be more experience if u are married.

Whatever the sitaution, just do as the situation a it deem fits.

22-08-2016, 10:00 AM
Usually married men who went overseas to work will bring along their wives. So I guess it no diff here or overseas

22-08-2016, 10:12 AM
Say u working alone in Europe or Asia or in USA, are up front to say your are married and let fate take its course or u cheat a little by saying u r single?

Of course u cannot say single in office la but only to those outside your office

Get a big-arse wedding ring which no one will miss, and wear it on your left-hand's fourth finger.

22-08-2016, 10:18 AM
Sure many will call me!:D

22-08-2016, 10:31 AM
Declare that u are married. Once the girl tell u "you are married in Singapore but not married here." Then u know u are gonna get laid.

22-08-2016, 10:36 AM
Declare that u are married. Once the girl tell u "you are married in Singapore but not married here." Then u know u are gonna get laid.

Agreed...Usually girls don't mind if you are married since they only wanted a fling. :D:D

22-08-2016, 11:18 AM
just say "I'm single here". They sure get what you meant

22-08-2016, 03:37 PM
I believe in making it clear that I am married and will not be there for long. If the girls still carry on, then I know for sure it is a confirmation that they don't mind.

23-08-2016, 04:03 PM
Declare that u are married. Once the girl tell u "you are married in Singapore but not married here." Then u know u are gonna get laid.

Lol at that :D

23-08-2016, 04:37 PM
just say "I'm single here". They sure get what you meant

Haha yes, very true :)

23-08-2016, 07:31 PM
TS what do u want?
If you prepare and can handle surprise after then hide all you want.

23-08-2016, 07:49 PM
It depends lor. As long as you are some yandao w cash, even if you are married but wifey is back home, and you make the move, they will also accept it aye. =,='