View Full Version : Noticed he used the word RECORDINGS?
03-09-2016, 04:35 PM
Not really hobby but it felt great fucking someone else's wife, especially when she's really hot :)
She's my second fling who's married. I know a lot of guys approached her trying to get into her pants, but I guess I'm the lucky one...haha
Any bros work together with her or know her personally? Am just curious how someone who knows her will feel if I post our romp stories and recordings... I know where she works at so I'm not here to fish out details about her, just here to share :)
We have someone who openly admit he has recordings of sexual trysts. And not only does he have about 2600 points, he is still actively seeking other couples for sexual fun. Do be careful when having fun with him, you do not know if he will use his recordings to blackmail you.
Above are his exact words, do not say I am judgemental, you judge his own words yourself and decide yourself whether it is safe to play with him and his fuck buddy.
03-09-2016, 04:43 PM
Also note that he post the full facial photo of his married fuck buddy. Either his high points are paid for using money, or his points thrives because of his sharing of his secret recordings on another platform. Look at his own words and judge yourselves, good bros. Since he asks for zapping for MaleHost, may I humbly ask for zapping of $$$$$$$$$ and upping for MaleHost? Thanks in advance.
Sup bro, you know me, I've always been active in taking down scammers with my proxy. I have also notified you know who about it.
Chat on our group platform. I've already extracted his IP address along with his name and personal details. Will be sharing on there with the rest of the bros.
Do me a favor, zap the trash MaleHost, he's as good of a scum as timmy.
03-09-2016, 06:32 PM
Eh bro. Enough already anot? You want to post for how god damn long and how many fucking times? Keep saying the same shit over and over and over. Damn bloody annoying leh. You got no job or school or what is it. Find something better to do la. You can earn money meh fighting here.
04-09-2016, 12:28 AM
wow, you release full face photo of your married fb and you also tell stories and make recordings? and use banning to prevent people speaking up on your despicable acts?
after i regain my power i will zap you, those on my return list please be patient over the extra one day delay as i zap despicable motherfucker. i hope other bros will also zap $$$$$$$$$ but you can do it discreetly whereas i announce it publicly. $$$$$$$$$ sure is a despicable motherfucker.
04-09-2016, 12:31 AM
Eh bro. Enough already anot? You want to post for how god damn long and how many fucking times? Keep saying the same shit over and over and over. Damn bloody annoying leh. You got no job or school or what is it. Find something better to do la. You can earn money meh fighting here.
after zapping $$$$$$$$$ i will zap you. he do despicable acts, you support despicable acts.
04-09-2016, 01:44 AM
after zapping $$$$$$$$$ i will zap you. he do despicable acts, you support despicable acts.
I dont know what despicable acts maddog do or whatever and i don't care. It was because of him repeating shit 10000 times. True or not also don't need to repeat so many thousand times right.
04-09-2016, 02:52 AM
Calm down Bros. We all are in this forum to enjoy stories and have fun. Don't fight over all these. Chill... Talk it out nicely.
04-09-2016, 10:42 AM
$$$$$$$$$ can try his secret recording in petain, go ahead, i dare you. the last person caught doing it in petain was beaten up until half dead before his device was confiscated and identity noted down.
try in petain, if caught and i happen to be there, you will be my punching bag.
04-09-2016, 11:01 AM
I dont know what despicable acts maddog do or whatever and i don't care. It was because of him repeating shit 10000 times. True or not also don't need to repeat so many thousand times right.
you know nothing, shut the fuck up.
$$$$$$$$$ did these despicable acts like
reveal full face pic
of married fuck buddy
also has recordings
he never denied all these. he also never said his past acts are wrong. wait till he do these despicable acts on some female you know then you happy?
if a lady sell sex, fair enough, commercial transaction for sex act. the secret recording is not part of the deal agreed on. or fuck buddy or sugardaddy, want recording must seek approval, most probably will get rejection.
the baseline is not to do things without approval. i doubt the married fuck buddy of $$$$$$$$$ approve of him uploading full face pic and doing recordings.
all who believe in above-table approval-sought deals, please zap $$$$$$$$$.
all who believe in under-table no-approval deals can zap me instead. fair?
04-09-2016, 11:04 AM
You actually believe what MaleHost/Augeen15 says about 'secret' recordings? Lol.
You might wanna read back, he was exposed to be using pinhole cameras on sbf bros and their girl while 'hosting' so now he's trying to make it look like I'm the one instead :)
you pua chee bye, it is your own words that you say you have recordings.
he was exposed by who? please attach evidence.
04-09-2016, 11:17 AM
You actually believe what MaleHost/Augeen15 says about 'secret' recordings? Lol.
You might wanna read back, he was exposed to be using pinhole cameras on sbf bros and their girl while 'hosting' so now he's trying to make it look like I'm the one instead :) I exposed him and that's how he's on a raging mode at me all that.
Again, I used the word recordings, whoever says it was 'hidden', 'secret', or even 'video'?
you mean ppgirl saying beware of spycam? if you believe ppgirl, you will believe elephant can climb trees.
stop using the lies told by your friend to disguise as facts. ppgirl has no credibility just like you.
the fact here is you upload full face pic of married fuck buddy. tell me if your married fuck buddy allow you to upload full face pic.
04-09-2016, 11:21 AM
You know it's pretty obvious that you're in cahoots with MaleHost/Augeen15 right?
Just saying.
no, i do not know them. i know you are despicable and i understand why they are after you, that is enough.
04-09-2016, 11:23 AM
Not PPgirl saying about spy cams.
Have you never wondered why she would say that in the first place?
Seriously you're so full of it.
you are seriously dumb to believe ppgirl. bet you have no idea of her past.
04-09-2016, 11:35 AM
Read up at my reply 2 posts above.
Also, whoever says it wasn't done without consent?
If you haven't been following the drama you prolly lost track of the facts already.
Evidence, I'll get the sbf bro affected by MaleHost/Augeen15 to do so, but only if he consent to it since his livelihood and family is at stake. I'll rather protect his identity than having him exposed over some pointless fights in sbf.
good, since with consent, can divulge her full name then? stop playing with words, no saying done without consent, no saying done with consent.
testimonies can be faked. the real testimonies must come with full residential address, else they are just fabricated. do not tell me you do not have the full address after you had been there and been recorded. minimum is street name and block number, i do not think they are led in blindfolded from very far away, they must have met nearby and walk in themselves.
04-09-2016, 11:38 AM
To be honest I've been waiting on you to join in right after they got banned.
Yes, your name popped up months ago associated with MaleHost and Augeen15.
my name is associated with more than a hundred bros here, moron.
04-09-2016, 11:41 AM
how can i be their friends when i am asking for their full residential addresses to be revealed?
$$$$$$$$$ you lost means you resort to banning?
for the full face pic, no mention of approval not sought, no mention of approval sought. you sly fox, being silent on losing part?
04-09-2016, 11:45 AM
Why do you think I said I'll need to ask him first if he's agreeable to it?
I have MaleHost/augeen15 address but I'm not stupid enough to be implicated.
but you are stupid enough to upload full face pic of married fuck buddy, moron.
in that case to hell with your fake testimonies. i can also fake testimonies that many victims were secretly recorded by you too if i want. without details like address, all testimonies are fake.
04-09-2016, 11:48 AM
no, you are distorting words.
you can type so many replies but cannot answer a simple direct question.
good, then you need not answer, i know the answer. approval not sought from married fuck buddy before uploading full pic. despicable.
04-09-2016, 11:52 AM
And I'm pretty sure that you believe that I'm an 'ex-convict' too. Lol.
this i am not interested. i am interested in whether a married woman will give consent to her fuck buddy uploading her full face pic and letting the whole world know that she is having extramarital affair.
yes, i am a broken record keep repeating the same request, because there is a despicable man without the guts and dignity to answer my one simple direct question.
04-09-2016, 12:09 PM
no points wasting time with a moron, ask a moron the same simple direct question a thousand times, still no answer from the moron.
moron, do not answer the question, your answer if not wanted as it can be faked to put you in a good light.
let us have a polling then.
$$$$$$$$$ now 2591, me now 1014.
those who do not believe $$$$$$$$$ has obtained permission from married fuck buddy before uploading full face pic and making recordings, zap him.
those who believe he obtained permission before these despicable acts, zap me.
like nike says, just do it. and do it fast, before the latest post expire and he become inactive.
whereas i will stay active for my bros here, giving out 11 points almost everyday. but must stop giving for a while as i go around zapping supporters of $$$$$$$$$.
04-09-2016, 12:11 PM
Yeah sure dude whatever you say man. You carry on with your raging for MaleHost and Augeen15. I'm out of here.
bye bye, despicable loser. no guts no glory, please just get lost.
04-09-2016, 12:56 PM
Not PPgirl saying about spy cams.
Have you never wondered why she would say that in the first place?
Seriously you're so full of it.
all of us here long enough know about ppgirl. seriously, only morons will believe the things she say.
i hope i do not have to give details of ppgirl here as that will only embarrass and discredit her. but if you take the words of a liar as truth, then i will have no choice but to expose the liar.
04-09-2016, 12:59 PM
lor16geylang, so you're jason_
hi moron, it is no secret that jason_ is my friend from young. but you try to keep it a secret the evil things you do here. you are a certain nick, you have spycam fetish, after being caught you stopped using that nick, right? you have not used that clone account for four months since getting caught.
despicable moron, keep up your spycam fetish, you will die by it one day.
04-09-2016, 01:09 PM
till now this despicable moron $$$$$$$$$ still cannot answer a simple direct question. what a loser he is is obvious to all of us. it is obvious his married fuck buddy does not give permission for her full face pic to be shared and for the whole world to know that she is having extramarital affair.
the despicable moron has no time to answer a simple question but has time to think of distractions. i wonder if he has a kkj.
04-09-2016, 01:12 PM
hi moron, it is no secret that jason_ is my friend from young. but you try to keep it a secret the evil things you do here. you are a certain nick, you have spycam fetish, after being caught you stopped using that nick, right? you have not used that clone account for four months since getting caught.
despicable moron, keep up your spycam fetish, you will die by it one day.
let me inform jason_, along with him asking his other kakis, to come in here to play with you, ok?
you can call your kakis like the infamous ppgirl too.
04-09-2016, 01:29 PM (
how come ppgirl behaviour is so like you? go mad just spam, create lies after lies. a liar like $$$$$$$$$ is a very good match for a liar like ppgirl. the things she say of augeen15 are figments of her own imagination, i can find no evidence of augeen15 being gigolo, looking for sugarmummy, etc.
looks like this forum has many scumbags like $$$$$$$$$ and ppgirl.
04-09-2016, 02:33 PM
hi bro, no point bothering with the losers in a forum meant for losers. losers who say must wait until vitamin m high then can chiong again. losers who find financial advice alien language and zap me when i share some tips. losers who want to remain losers, projected to be worrying about finances even when reach age 60s or 70s, need not be bothered with them. as time passes, the natural flow of things and events will naturally be punishing towards losers, that is inevitable.
assume some loser earns $5k and feels so smug like a winner. that is because he is a frog in a well. he probably saves $1.5k a month including cpf funds. he is not aware that it will take him 30 months to save what i save in a month. projecting from there, what he saves in a lifetime of working is achieved by me in just a year, moreover there are so many channels for those with wealth to multiply their wealth whereas paupers living from hand to mouth are totally oblivious to.
time spent on the losers here is time wasted, bye.
04-09-2016, 03:17 PM
just received message that my bro jason_ had issued an ultimatum to $$$$$$$$$. watch out $$$$$$$$$, those that jason_ issued ultimatum before all suffered, looks like you will be next. if you know the background of jason_ and what resources he has at his beck and call, you will not dare offend him. the best example is how he helped malehost eliminate magius.
the next reply is the ultimatum.
04-09-2016, 03:20 PM
unlike my bro lor16geylang, i will not expect answers to the questions he posed. i do not believe a married woman will permit her outside lover to post her full face photo online or do recordings, so even if $$$$$$$$$ says he has permission i will take it as lying.
$$$$$$$$$ dare declare hell?
Now that I'm back, it's time to resume my tracking on you.
Watch out now bitches.
Hell has descended.
no, i am the famous jason_ who give hell to many others before you. i will give you one chance. listen carefully, just one chance, to repent.
apologise for your despicable acts and admit they are wrong and you will not commit them again. if you refuse, you will receive the hell package delivered by me or my kakis.
you have only one chance, once you reject or ignore it then the chance is gone there is no stopping the delivery of your hell package.
04-09-2016, 03:23 PM
the previous reply is the ultimatum issued by jason_ to $$$$$$$$$, really power sia. sad to say, i do not have the power to deliver such an ultimatum, only my bro jason_ possess such power.
04-09-2016, 03:34 PM
i suggest to $$$$$$$$$ to ignore jason_'s ultimatum. or say he will give hell to jason_. because i want to see the showdown between a dog who can only give empty threats (there is a thread dedicated to $$$$$$$$$'s joking threats) and a real alpha male with a good track record based on his past victories.
$$$$$$$$$ please ignore jason_, or you can ask him to go to hell, if you dare.
04-09-2016, 07:05 PM
the devil $$$$$$$$$ can challenge my ultimatum by threatening me just like he threaten everyone else.
or he can keep quiet and hide, ignoring is treated as challenging my ultimatum anyway.
now is 7pm, 3.5 hours after my ultimatum.
his last activity is 6:19pm. his last post is 12:40pm. his silence is deafening, his fear is obvious.
he issue fake threats like jokes. i issue real ultimatum with serious consequences.
he is a nobody and a joker. i am someone you do not fool around with.
hi $$$$$$$$$, ready to receive your hell package or ready to repent and sincerely apologize? your silence will not save you.
05-09-2016, 07:27 AM
$$$$$$$$$ has come in to look see several times but is silent and fearful. like i said his silence will not save him, it is his sincere repentance that will save him but he has chosen not to repent.
i had messaged my boys to prepare the package for him. his fate now depends on how gutsy is the hubby of his married FB. $$$$$$$$$, his married FB and the hubby of his married FB will be dug out. $$$$$$$$$'s details will be handed over to the hubby of his married FB, then wait for the good show.
if $$$$$$$$$ still behaves like a motherfucker, i can prepare more packages for him after delivering this package.
06-09-2016, 11:10 AM
just an update, my business here with this bastard $$$$$$$$$ is over now that jason_ is taking action.
three targets' details and addresses will be dug out. $$$$$$$$$, his married fuck buddy and the husband of his married fuck buddy.
the details and address of the first target will then be passed to the third target. this is plan A.
if plan A has no effect due to third target being absolutely useless, a much more seriously damaging plan B is ready to be executed.
$$$$$$$$$ has come in many times since his last post but trembling in fear and silence. he can hide from here, but he cannot hide from plan A and plan B. even with his almost 2600 points, he is fighting this battle alone, not a single friend, whereas i have friends like jason_ who does not care about points whereas i have a thousand points to play with $$$$$$$$$. and i will link up with malehost and augeen15 after their bans are over since we have the same hatred for bastards.
$$$$$$$$$'s bastardly acts is just not too long ago. it is just months ago, not years ago. and he has not repented. we all who hate such bastard should work together to get rid of them.
07-09-2016, 08:39 AM
Dude it's so obvious, MaleHost gets banned after raging all day, Augeen15 comes back on. Augeen15 gets banned after taking over the raging, lor16geylang joins in the fun and rages all day.
You really think bros in here are that stupid don't you?
Yeah sure, let's see what 'jason_' can do :)
sure man, just watch your back at all times, ok? not sure is it one week later, three weeks later or three months later when target 3 look you up. especially near where you live and where you work. no need to do it ourselves when there is a man wearing green hat out for your blood, fucking his wife is bad enough yet you still upload her photo and take recordings, you make him a public cuckold instead of a cuckold that nobody is aware of, i wish you good luck.
07-09-2016, 03:04 PM
it is comical to see $$$$$$$$$ so toned down, so few postings and no more giving threats. but fact remains he has not apologized and repented. after having his fucking fun, happy come happy go, there is no need to destroy her by telling, showing photo and recordings.
if jason_'s plans do not work, perhaps i can post it over social media, create a storm out of it, and $$$$$$$$$ will die with her rather than she dying alone. is $$$$$$$$$ shivering in fear upon hearing this?
the exorcism of evil spirit $$$$$$$$$ continues. guys, prepare your popcorns and enjoy watching the exciting show unfold.
07-09-2016, 04:47 PM
unlike my bro lor16geylang, i will not expect answers to the questions he posed. i do not believe a married woman will permit her outside lover to post her full face photo online or do recordings, so even if $$$$$$$$$ says he has permission i will take it as lying.
$$$$$$$$$ dare declare hell?
no, i am the famous jason_ who give hell to many others before you. i will give you one chance. listen carefully, just one chance, to repent.
apologise for your despicable acts and admit they are wrong and you will not commit them again. if you refuse, you will receive the hell package delivered by me or my kakis.
you have only one chance, once you reject or ignore it then the chance is gone there is no stopping the delivery of your hell package.
Are you talking to yourself? Or jason_ posting using your account?
Just passing by. Peace. :p
08-09-2016, 11:50 AM
Are you talking to yourself? Or jason_ posting using your account?
Just passing by. Peace. :p
he email me because his post takes time to show. ultimatum is not to be taken lightly. i just paste the whole chunk. i made it clear in my posts as in "the next is ultimatum", "the previous is ultimatum".
and $$$$$$$$$ also took it serious. unlike his past fake garang and gusto threats against others, he does not even dare threaten jason_. he must fear ending up like others that jason_ had terminated. the termination of $$$$$$$$$ may be even more spectacular given it is carried out by a publicly shamed and named cuckold. maybe blood will flow as the bastard pay using limb or life.
08-09-2016, 12:07 PM
It's been awhile bros. I've a request to seek a few bros in the community. They have not been online for awhile and there is something important that must be done before I turn back on my backdoor. Would not want the genuine bros to be affected.
If you see your name appear here (as per nickname used in the community), do contact me either through PM here or on there directly.
1) Jason TT
2) Jason
3) jason t
4) jasonified
Do remember to verify with your contents and your sbf nick. Those without verification by this Friday, I'll go ahead with my script to turn it back on.
this is $$$$$$$$$'s latest post. this is how a person who threaten tracking down people do his tracking? so comical.
12-09-2016, 04:11 PM
Noticed $$$$$$$$$ has become a tame dog.
This bastard release the full face pic of married FB, even want to share stories and recordings of her. Also threaten maxlion who scolded him, claim I am a scammer and give so many empty threats to so many bros here until there is enough materials to compile into a storybook of jokes.
The most recent is against another bro earlier this month, let us enjoy his joke:
Timmy are you sure this is your ex, you fucking piece of shit.
I have contacted the real bro. You've been scamming nonstop. You mess with any of my bro's stuff and passing them like it's your own 'ex' gf so that you can scam more from other samsters, you mess with me directly.
We are escalating into a police case.
Good luck you dumb fuck.
Then come two seniors with wealth and connections. I do not see a single threat against them. He become a tame dog, hoping that they will spare him? Hey $$$$$$$$$, if you are not eunuch, I should be seeing your usual threats thrown at the two senior bros. So now we all know you have no balls, good riddance of pests like you and SUTD and PPGirl, you three have a total of thousands of points with fake power and credibility still get terminated by bros with real wealth and connections. Must pop champagne to celebrate.
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