View Full Version : Took sammybabes and philipino in locanto

24-09-2016, 10:47 AM
I booked sammybabes .... booked 2 hrs paid $500 . Sibeh high amount ... but the gal did not turn up as shown ... pls take at ur own risk ...thks bro ....another wa philipiono ..... at locanto ... the gal photo si beh cannot taahan .... as told to book room then inform .. but the gal turn up like fuck ... lost $30 bros .... so pls do be careful ..bros

24-09-2016, 11:45 AM
Hi bro

Which gal you book from us for 2hr for 500? Our 250 gal is Piper,Rylan and Devon. They don't even have 2hr booking all this while. Pls check properly before u post such thing.Moreover if you booked gal from any agent and don't like it .Your can always reject and pay 50. Nobody FORCE you to proceed. It makes no sense at first glance u say is different and you proceed for 2hr are you so kind?

Since you accuse our gal pls provide the gal Name, Hotel,Date and Time.

24-09-2016, 12:42 PM
$50 is still ur money which is not frm th tree for free... advantage is one thing cunning is another

24-09-2016, 01:00 PM
Hi bro

Which gal you book from us for 2hr for 500? Our 250 gal is Piper,Rylan and Devon. They don't even have 2hr booking all this while. Pls check properly before u post such thing.Moreover if you booked gal from any agent and don't like it .Your can always reject and pay 50. Nobody FORCE you to proceed. It makes no sense at first glance u say is different and you proceed for 2hr are you so kind?

Since you accuse our gal pls provide the gal Name, Hotel,Date and Time.

Lol kind ur ass
$50 to pay for rejection is still money not dropped frm ur hse tree . ... pls note th bros ...a thief will always deny as usual ..

24-09-2016, 01:06 PM
I booked sammybabes .... booked 2 hrs paid $500 . Sibeh high amount ... but the gal did not turn up as shown ... pls take at ur own risk ...thks bro ....another wa philipiono ..... at locanto ... the gal photo si beh cannot taahan .... as told to book room then inform .. but the gal turn up like fuck ... lost $30 bros .... so pls do be careful ..bros

Bros out there pls note $50 for rejection is still money .... which is not ur fault they pose diff gal photo

24-09-2016, 07:34 PM
I'm sure sammybabes is not like what TS said.
I been calling n booking his girls numerous time.
No issues for me.

24-09-2016, 08:54 PM
Yip agree sammybabes is legit and will not pull a stunt like that. Also please provide a link of the girl you booked

25-09-2016, 09:47 AM
Hi bro

Which gal you book from us for 2hr for 500? Our 250 gal is Piper,Rylan and Devon. They don't even have 2hr booking all this while. Pls check properly before u post such thing.Moreover if you booked gal from any agent and don't like it .Your can always reject and pay 50. Nobody FORCE you to proceed. It makes no sense at first glance u say is different and you proceed for 2hr are you so kind?

Since you accuse our gal pls provide the gal Name, Hotel,Date and Time.

Bro, don't need to respond to that idiot. I know how you usually respond on the phone and there's already a contradiction on hiken's claim.

And he's been spamming the thread as well. His grammar is the only thing that shows is obviously a try-hard troll.

25-09-2016, 10:04 AM
Another supporter of SammyBabes. They have been nothing but professional.

So I don't believe any of the claims of the TS. Suggest you don't either.


25-09-2016, 11:18 AM
yah sammybabes so far quite ok for me...
one of the most reasonable price okts oso...
the only lacking for me is a brief description of what gals service as
did encounter some gals who dont allow painting, etc
other than that i tink fotos are accurate and okt is responsive

25-09-2016, 02:17 PM
yah sammybabes so far quite ok for me...
one of the most reasonable price okts oso...
the only lacking for me is a brief description of what gals service as
did encounter some gals who dont allow painting, etc
other than that i tink fotos are accurate and okt is responsive

Agree with bro Snakeswlee .... it will be good to add the services the gals provide to avoid any misunderstanding and unhappiness :)