View Full Version : Contracted Genital Warts

13-11-2016, 12:11 PM
Hi Bros,

Before i began, here's my sexual history. Had protected commercial sex twice. Had unprotected ONS twice. All these were more than 5 years ago. Ever since then, the most sexual thing i had was commercial handjobs. Married in 2013. Did test for HIV before i got married and it was negative. 6months ago was the last time i had a handjob performed.

Last Wednesday, i noticed some black spots on my penis shaft. Decided to went to Men's clinic to have it checked. Doctor said that it was genital warts. He scraped off the warts with a blade and send it out for lab testing. Also, he gave me HPV vaccinations and take a urine and blood test. Results will be out next week.

I read that contracting genital warts from handjobs is relatively low. Could i gotten my warts from 5 years ago and it stayed dormant all this while? I read online that genital warts is not curable but is treatable and will go away eventually. However as i checked my penis, the location of the warts which the doctor scraped off has healed up nicely. Its barely noticeable. Could the doctor misdiagnosed my genital warts?

I took the courage and informed my wife. As you all can understand, she was heart-broken. I've crushed her heart. I never told her of my sex life before. I totally regret my actions. I've been unable to sleep and continue with my normal life. I'm worried that i've infected her as well.

Needs support and words of encouragement from you guys. I'm feeling so low now, please no hurtful comments. Any chance that the results of the lab test, blood and urine test all give a negative results and i'm not actually infected with genital warts.

13-11-2016, 01:45 PM
1. HPV infections are passed via skin to skin contact so condoms don't offer much protection. You could therefore have caught the virus either from protected commercial sex or unprotected ONS.

2. The latent period for HPV can be weeks, months or years. It varies widely from person to person.

3. It is quite possible that you caught it from your wife.

Read this article to allay your fears and guilt.


HPV, like HSV, is no big deal. Most sexually active people have both infections without even knowing it because the majority have no symptoms whatsoever.

Needs support and words of encouragement from you guys. I'm feeling so low now, please no hurtful comments. Any chance that the results of the lab test, blood and urine test all give a negative results and i'm not actually infected with genital warts.
The blood and urine tests are to check for other STDs not HPV. There is no HPV test for men. I'm not sure what sort of test is going to be done on the tissue scrapings. It could be looking for abnormal cells. Dr Tan would be in a better position to clarify.

13-11-2016, 01:46 PM
Myth: An HPV diagnosis means someone has cheated.

This myth has been responsible for a great deal of anger, confusion, and heartache. It has led many people to tragically wrong conclusions because it fails to take into account one of the most mysterious aspects of genital HPV: its ability to lie latent.

The virus can remain in the body for weeks, years, or even a lifetime, giving no sign of its presence. Or a genital HPV infection may produce warts, lesions, or cervical abnormalities after a latent period of months or even years.

As mentioned above, most people who are infected with genital HPV never know it; their virus does not call attention to itself in any way. In most cases, a person is diagnosed with HPV only because some troubling symptom drove him or her to a health care professional, or some abnormality was revealed in the course of a routine exam.

But although careful examination can identify genital HPV infection, and laboratory tests may even narrow down the identification to a specific type among the two dozen or so that inhabit the genital tract, there is simply no way to find out how long a particular infection has been in place, or to trace it back to a particular partner.

In a monogamous relationship, therefore, just as in an affair or even in an interval of no sexual relationships at all, an HPV diagnosis means only that the person contracted an HPV infection at some point in his or her life.

13-11-2016, 01:48 PM
Myth: If I've always used condoms, I'm not at risk for HPV.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Used correctly, condoms are very effective against STIs such as gonorrhea and HIV that are spread through bodily fluids.

However, they are likely to be less protective against STIs that spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as HPV and herpes.

The reason is simply that condoms do not cover the entire genital area of either sex. They leave the vulva, anus, perineal area, base of the penis, and scrotum uncovered, and contact between these areas can transmit HPV.

That is not to say condoms are useless. In fact, studies have shown condom use can lower the risk of acquiring HPV infection and reduce the risk of HPV-related diseases, as well as help prevent other STs and unintended pregnancy.

For these reasons, condoms should play an important part in any new or non-monogamous sexual relationship.

13-11-2016, 06:55 PM
Wasn't going to add on what boss said, but I think two points from this CDC web article are important to call to your attention:


HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is a different virus than HIV and HSV (herpes). HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. But there are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening.

Get screened for cervical cancer. Routine screening for women aged 21 to 65 years old can prevent cervical cancer.

All the best

13-11-2016, 06:57 PM
1. HPV infections are passed via skin to skin contact so condoms don't offer much protection.

Never knew this actually boss, always thought otherwise actually :o

Big Sexy
14-11-2016, 04:03 PM
for all you know, you could have got it from your wife:eek:

Hi Bros,

Before i began, here's my sexual history. Had protected commercial sex twice. Had unprotected ONS twice. All these were more than 5 years ago.

14-11-2016, 04:36 PM
for all you know, you could have got it from your wife:eek:

Yes that was my point 3.

14-11-2016, 05:00 PM
for all you know, you could have got it from your wife:eek:

Agreed with Big Sexy, TS can you confirm that your wife have not done any of these below with another man before she is in a relationship with you:

1) BBJ
2) BJ
3) HJ
4) FJ with condom
5) FJ without condom

If she has done any of the above, then she might be the one who has passed the infection to you.

My humble suggestion to you, maybe you want to bring your wife to see your family doctor and get the doctor to talk to both of you and explained the nature of this infection. Experience talk :D:D:D

Big Sexy
14-11-2016, 05:39 PM
the thought is just scary..

Yes that was my point 3.

14-11-2016, 08:01 PM
I doubt so i got it from my wife. Her family and herself are those pious type. Anyways I took the courage to inform both our families regarding this situation. It was terrible but at the same time relief as i dont have to hide and go through all this alone.

Bringing my wife for check up tomorrow. Hopefully can get my lab result tomorrow as well. Additionally, the places where the doctor scraped off the warts on my penis shaft has healed up. No marks no trace whatsoever. I went to a family doctor this morning, hes a very experienced doctor btw, due to no trace on my penis, he said it could be other skin infection rather than genital warts. Could genital warts really go away within a few days?

14-11-2016, 11:02 PM
Is genital warts something to be scared of?? Isnt it like just any normal warts

15-11-2016, 08:55 AM
Another name for genital warts is cauliflower...Anyway genital warts is like herpes if I am not wrong...it will keep coming back....so be prepare to harvest the cauliflower from time to time...Sorry to say this but it is a matter of time before u spread it to ur wife...:(:(:(

15-11-2016, 09:01 AM
Another name for genital warts is cauliflower...Anyway genital warts is like herpes if I am not wrong...it will keep coming back....so be prepare to harvest the cauliflower from time to time...Sorry to say this but it is a matter of time before u spread it to ur wife...:(:(:(

That is not true. For the vast majority of those infected the body will clear the virus after a while and the warts will not return.

15-11-2016, 09:08 AM
Oh ok...din know that...read that only 40% will not recur...but 60% has a tendency to recur...:confused:

15-11-2016, 09:09 AM
Oh ok...din know that...read that only 40% will not recur...but 60% has a tendency to recur...:confused:

I have not experienced genital warts but I used to get warts on my fingers.

The doctor cauterized the visible warts and they came back again a year later.

The procedure was repeated and they have not returned.

It's just a matter of time.

15-11-2016, 09:16 AM
Oh ok...noted on this....we learn new things each day....:D:D:D

16-11-2016, 04:50 AM
Oh ok...noted on this....we learn new things each day.

We all learn new things daily ;)

16-11-2016, 09:33 AM
I doubt so i got it from my wife. Her family and herself are those pious type. Anyways I took the courage to inform both our families regarding this situation. It was terrible but at the same time relief as i dont have to hide and go through all this alone.

Bringing my wife for check up tomorrow. Hopefully can get my lab result tomorrow as well. Additionally, the places where the doctor scraped off the warts on my penis shaft has healed up. No marks no trace whatsoever. I went to a family doctor this morning, hes a very experienced doctor btw, due to no trace on my penis, he said it could be other skin infection rather than genital warts. Could genital warts really go away within a few days?

if its not genital warts n u went thru all those trouble for nothing, really suay man.

16-11-2016, 11:35 PM
U still dreaming? Doctor says its warts its warts. I didnt believe it at first becos i use condom all along. I got warts in 2009 till 2014 untill it finally gone. Went to dsc every month to spray off thise warts but they cone back bigger and more. Took me fucking 6 years to get rid of thise warts

17-11-2016, 12:51 AM
U still dreaming? Doctor says its warts its warts. I didnt believe it at first becos i use condom all along. I got warts in 2009 till 2014 untill it finally gone. Went to dsc every month to spray off thise warts but they cone back bigger and more. Took me fucking 6 years to get rid of thise warts

Everybody is different. Many factors are involved including how your immune system deals with the infection.

Circumcision has been known to speed things up.

17-11-2016, 11:34 AM
Reports came back on Tuesday. I was diagnosed with high-risk HPV. Lab test also reports me having a squamous cell carcinoma in situ. So my warts are cancerous. The good thing is its in the pre-cancerous stage, so called Stage 0. Also no other STDs detected like hiv, gonorrhea or syphllis. Doc referred me to a Urologist and went to see him that very day. He explains that currently the cancer cells are on the surface and have yet to spread to the blood stream or in medical term, invasive. He needs to perform a biopsy on all the warts location to ensure that the cancer cells have not spread.

Scheduled a surgery yesterday and doctor cuts the skins on my penis shaft. Its a 1 hour surgery. The skin samples will be sent to lab for testing to ensure that the cancer cells have not spread. Need to wait one week for the results. Hopefully it has not spread and can be cured asap.

As for wife, she went for a pap smear and full body check up with HPV vaccinations as well. Need to wait a week also for the full results. Hopefully she's not infected with any STD or cancer-related issues. I do not know what's my future going to be. Positive outcome will be my cancer can be cured and my wife is not infected and our marriage can go on. So here's hoping for a positive outcome.

Important Note : Guys take this as a lesson. Best not to fool around. No matter how low the risk is, there's always a chance of you being the unlucky and suay one. Do not risk your loved ones. And most importantly, go for your HPV vaccinations asap. It'll save you the trouble for going through what I went. And if you do have problems, do share it with your wife/gf/family. It sucks but after telling everything, you will have their support. I tried keeping it to myself and it was bad. Taking a bad toll on my physically, mentally and emotionally. After i told my issues to my wife and both our family, it was bad, but at the same time you don't have to go through the problems alone and it helps alot.

17-11-2016, 12:25 PM
That means there is a chance of penile cancer...this is no joke....a friend of mine got it a couple of years back....he was in so much pain due to his bro rotting..that he ended his life by jumping off the building due to the excruciating pain....:(

Hopefully TS is fine and everything can still be contain....:)

17-11-2016, 12:40 PM
Reports came back on Tuesday. I was diagnosed with high-risk HPV. Lab test also reports me having a squamous cell carcinoma in situ. So my warts are cancerous. The good thing is its in the pre-cancerous stage, so called Stage 0.

I think your doctor is being rather alarmist.


There is disagreement as to whether Carcinoma in situ should be called "cancer".

Nevertheless it is good that it has been diagnosed and treated and you can now move on with your life.

HPV is very common and the vast majority of people have no issues and the body clears the virus over time.

However in your case you were unfortunate to have encountered a strain of HPV that can cause problems.

17-11-2016, 08:12 PM
a strain of HPV that can cause problems.

I thought HPV was rather common and should not be a worry right?

17-11-2016, 08:49 PM
Everybody is different. Many factors are involved including how your immune system deals with the infection.

Circumcision has been known to speed things up.

Mine is grown on the pubic hair and shaft of penis. Nothing got to do with the circumsized

18-11-2016, 01:44 AM
Mine is grown on the pubic hair

Directly on the hair itself?

18-11-2016, 02:35 AM
I thought HPV was rather common and should not be a worry right?

It is very common and it is very unlikely to cause cancer in males.

Women are more at risk and need regular pap smears.

As long as you have sex chances are you will get HPV at some point.

Big Sexy
18-11-2016, 08:07 AM
how could it possible grow on the hair itself? :confused:
not possible

Mine is grown on the pubic hair and shaft of penis. Nothing got to do with the circumsized

Big Sexy
18-11-2016, 08:17 AM
you are correct sam.. in sg it is about 1 in 10 woman.. scary numbers..

ONE in 10 healthy women here is infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV), a new study has found.

if u want more detail statistics go to.

It is very common and it is very unlikely to cause cancer in males.

Women are more at risk and need regular pap smears.

As long as you have sex chances are you will get HPV at some point.

18-11-2016, 09:21 PM
how could it possible grow on the hair itself? :confused:
not possible

Its possible depend on what type. Go google bowenoid papulosis. 6 years to fully fet rid of it

18-11-2016, 10:08 PM
Hope you are well TS. All is not lost.

18-11-2016, 10:44 PM
in sg it is about 1 in 10 woman

Never knew this actually, thats like 10%

Big Sexy
19-11-2016, 05:41 AM
which part does it say that HPV grows on pubic hair? :confused:

Bowenoid papulosis was described in 1977 by Kopf and Bart as papules on the penis.


Its possible depend on what type. Go google bowenoid papulosis. 6 years to fully fet rid of it

19-11-2016, 09:31 PM
which part does it say that HPV grows on pubic hair? :confused:

Bowenoid papulosis was described in 1977 by Kopf and Bart as papules on the penis.


Grow on pubi hair? I specifically mentioned that thw wrats grew in pubic hair region not on pubic hair