View Full Version : Buying HIV test kit online

19-11-2016, 11:29 AM
Hey guy, do you think it is alright to buy the hiv test kit online and diy? What are the test kits used by the doctor?

19-11-2016, 02:45 PM
i am sharing my experience..
forget abt getting those HIV test kits online, most are just scam or due expiry date..

Hey guy, do you think it is alright to buy the hiv test kit online and diy? What are the test kits used by the doctor?

19-11-2016, 03:29 PM
why don't just go to those anonymous clinic?

19-11-2016, 07:11 PM
you need to be trained properly to use and interpret these test kits.

any of the home HIV test kits like Oraquick are actually 2nd Gen tests (go google). Good luck if you are using them.

27-11-2016, 01:48 AM
I suggest going to the clinic near little india they do anonymised testing. I'm a frequent visitor there ;)

Big Sexy
28-11-2016, 06:11 AM
what is the name of the clinic and location?

I suggest going to the clinic near little india they do anonymised testing. I'm a frequent visitor there ;)

28-11-2016, 08:07 AM
you need to be trained properly to use and interpret these test kits.

any of the home HIV test kits like Oraquick are actually 2nd Gen tests (go google). Good luck if you are using them.

Oralquick even 2nd gen test is still accurate. There are medical clinics that use it overseas, I've been before.

28-11-2016, 09:15 AM
OraQuick is the only rapid HIV test kit that is approved for home testing use

If you get it from a reliable source the costs is even higher that going to a clinic in Singapore to test (about USD 70). Be careful if a website is selling it too cheap. BTW, the OraQuick used for home test comes in a different package compared to the one used for clinic testing.

Even so, studies have shown that in some situations, the sensitivity of the OraQuick can be as low as 96%.

All other rapid HIV test kits are not officially approved for home testing so be careful and do your research before you buy.

The other factor you need to consider is how to conduct a test properly. Some people buy several testing kits at one go in case they mess up the testing on the first kit.

I have had many online enquiries by people who conducted the tests wrongly and ask if they are still accurate. eg did not use buffer, used buffer from a different kit, not enough blood, did not wait long enough, waited too long etc

Also a lot of enquiries about how to read the test. One line, 2 lines, no line, faint line, 1 faint line, 2 faint lines, line appear after 24 hours etc etc

I personally think home testing is better than no testing at all. But testing by a trained person is the best. It does not have to be a doctor. AFA trains many volunteers on conducting HIV tests.