View Full Version : How safe was I?

09-12-2016, 09:35 PM

I had my first experience with a working girl a few days ago. She was a pre-op Thai ladyboy. As it was my first experience I'm now worried about disease. We did the following:

- I received anal sex with a condom (did not cum inside me- pulled out first)
- I gave anal sex with a condom (did not cum inside her- pulled out first)
- I gave brief oral sex - only about 10 seconds unprotected then put on condom
- I rimmed her for about 10 seconds too

There were no breaks or tears in any of the condoms.

I just want to know if there's any risk at all of contracting mainly HIV, or anything else (I don't know if she had any diseases). Am I just freaking out over nothing as it was my first time with a sex worker?


10-12-2016, 01:29 AM
As long as the condom remained intact the risk of HIV is very low.

However unprotected oral sex is not safe sex and you could have caught other STDs.

If you're worried just get tested.

Big Sexy
10-12-2016, 08:26 AM
yes there is some risk of u getting HIV and also a higher chance of getting STDs....imo you just screwed someone i would put in the high risk category.


I had my first experience with a working girl a few days ago. She was a pre-op Thai ladyboy. As it was my first experience I'm now worried about disease. We did the following:

- I gave brief oral sex - only about 10 seconds unprotected then put on condom
- I rimmed her for about 10 seconds too

There were no breaks or tears in any of the condoms.

I just want to know if there's any risk at all of contracting mainly HIV, or anything else (I don't know if she had any diseases). Am I just freaking out over nothing as it was my first time with a sex worker?


10-12-2016, 02:05 PM
Man on man are the main reason why HIV are multiplying like fuck.

wth go check please

10-12-2016, 03:48 PM
oral sex is high risk for std lah..

Big Sexy
10-12-2016, 05:06 PM
huh? when did that happened? :confused:

oral sex is high risk for std lah..

10-12-2016, 05:17 PM
go get checked. its better to be sure than keep worrying.

I used to keep worrying as well and kept checking all the symptoms online. Sometimes I get a "hit" with the symptoms or complication and continue to scare myself that I'm doomed. Finally plucked up the courage to do a HIV rapid test recently. Turns out all the worries are for naught as i'm negative.

Worrying does more damage to your health really. Get checked.

10-12-2016, 10:16 PM
I want to get checked and I will, but I have to wait a month for first check and then 3 months for second conclusive check.

As I used condom for the anal sex and it didn't break surely I must be safe and I'm just freaking out over nothing? Not as concerned about non life threatening std.

11-12-2016, 01:43 AM
I want to get checked and I will, but I have to wait a month for first check and then 3 months for second conclusive check.

As I used condom for the anal sex and it didn't break surely I must be safe and I'm just freaking out over nothing? Not as concerned about non life threatening std.

I already said the risk of HIV is so low that you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

BTW HIV is no longer a death sentence. It has become a manageable disease just like diabetes and hypertension.