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03-01-2017, 08:40 AM
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Transmit hiv from saliva mixed with blood to mouth ulcer
Takumi Kumi
to info
4 days agoDetails
Hi afa staffs,

Allow me to share my incident with you. Im terrible frightening now.
On the 25 dec, i went to club with my group of friends. I met a unknown hiv status girl (escort) in the club. Im sure we do not have any sexsual intercourse (bj, anal and viginal).She does light bite and lick my arm, neck and ear. I check the area she bite and i cant find any open wound or bleeding, so i think there is no skin break and i think i be safe from hiv transmission in this situation.
The thing that deeply ghosting me is im had big ulcer around my inner part lips (not sure was it bleeding or in healing process) that moment. We do kissing, of course, mouth to mouth(not a long deep nor France type).
I knew saliva is not a hiv transmit method. But what if her saliva mixed with her blood, will / docummented / is it possible hiv transmit to me in this situation? How much (two to three drops or a tea spoon) of blood in the saliva will allow hiv transmit.

03-01-2017, 11:25 AM
Go DSC do a HIV test la.....chances are like 0.0000001% but u never knows with ur mouth ulcer....if get HIV...just hold ur head high and wipe away the tears lah...:D

03-01-2017, 01:02 PM
Go DSC do a HIV test la.....chances are like 0.0000001% but u never knows with ur mouth ulcer....if get HIV...just hold ur head high and wipe away the tears lah...:D
Am i over think. But dont know why i still scare even i try to chill myself and i know hiv do not transmit thru saliva and kissing

03-01-2017, 02:47 PM
Am i over think. But dont know why i still scare even i try to chill myself and i know hiv do not transmit thru saliva and kissing

If you're worried get yourself tested.

03-01-2017, 04:27 PM
Sure will go for test but the window period waiting time is killing people.

03-01-2017, 04:30 PM
If you're worried get yourself tested.

Yes, sure i will.
The windown period is long enough to kill me😭

03-01-2017, 04:46 PM
Yes, sure i will.
The windown period is long enough to kill me😭

The probability of testing positive is so low that it is more likely you'll be struck by lightning or run over by a bus during the window period.

03-01-2017, 06:03 PM
The probability of testing positive is so low that it is more likely you'll be struck by lightning or run over by a bus during the window period.

Never knew the probability is so low for HIV :o

03-01-2017, 06:08 PM
while you are at DSC might as welll test for the rest of the STI just to be safe.
but should be ok...

03-01-2017, 06:19 PM
while you are at DSC might as welll test for the rest of the STI just to be safe.
but should
Yea, so that i can have my peace back. Just because of this incident, i been suffer panic attack for few times. Damn ulcer happen at the wrong timing

03-01-2017, 08:02 PM
agreed, bro have to proceed to DSC to do HIV test already

03-01-2017, 09:49 PM
agreed, bro have to proceed to DSC to do HIV test already

So fast? Do you mean now? I though G4 test kits at least need to wait for 15days. 30days for G3.

03-01-2017, 10:49 PM
agreed, bro have to proceed to DSC to do HIV test already
yar, at least 15days after exposure for G4 test kits or 30days for G3 test kits

11-01-2017, 09:53 AM
Think should make this case as anxioun and over paranoid journel for myself.
Day 16 after the ulcer kiss, when to hiv screening with 4th gen hiv test kit. Met the counsellor and discussed my scenario. Overall conclusion is "Kissing with ulcer will have very very low risk to get hiv unless one of the kisser got really really bloody mouth and the world will be full of people having hiv cause everyone kiss. But STI is the one should i concern due to i never do STI before." Of course, end of the day, my 4th gen hiv result shown negetive.
After google about STI, the more info i read the more i scare. After read about STI, out of sudden i often feel body itchy on my arms,body,legs and even my balls and penis. Starting to observe my body and codition, my penis and balls have any weird stuffs or not. Haiz....

11-01-2017, 10:17 AM
Think should make this case as anxioun and over paranoid journel for myself.
Day 16 after the ulcer kiss, when to hiv screening with 4th gen hiv test kit. Met the counsellor and discussed my scenario. Overall conclusion is "Kissing with ulcer will have very very low risk to get hiv unless one of the kisser got really really bloody mouth and the world will be full of people having hiv cause everyone kiss. But STI is the one should i concern due to i never do STI before." Of course, end of the day, my 4th gen hiv result shown negetive.
After google about STI, the more info i read the more i scare. After read about STI, out of sudden i often feel body itchy on my arms,body,legs and even my balls and penis. Starting to observe my body and codition, my penis and balls have any weird stuffs or not. Haiz....

Hey bro relax
just do the STI test. dont think so much especially looking at the photos.
the photos are mainly the worst conditions.
just observe your body and you might see some signs like cloudy precum or pimple like bumps around ur dick.
just go for the test.

11-01-2017, 07:02 PM
dont think so much especially looking at the photos.

Very well said, would agree with this as well

11-01-2017, 10:45 PM
Day 17, still got a long way to go.
Anyway today i give a ring to DSC to make an appointment for STI screening. Kind of nervous because i will keep on think of negetive things, what if i have positive to some types of STI? Will it spread to my partner? How should i tell my partner if i have it. I consider myself as seldom cheong outside but more to Handjob or Boobjob in massage place, will i get any STI from that? I always use cd when doing Fj at but not always Bj with cd. As i remember, my last FJ with unknow status was almost a year ago, and till now i dont find there is no any weird things happend to my genital area, will this show that actually i dont get any STI. A short enjoyment caused such of big impact to me. Must learn this lesson

Big Sexy
12-01-2017, 09:04 AM
no symptoms does not mean u are clear of STD.... the only way to be sure is to do a test

and till now i dont find there is no any weird things happend to my genital area, will this show that actually i dont get any STI.

12-01-2017, 03:18 PM
no symptoms does not mean u are clear of STD.... the only way to be sure is to do a test

Yar, understood. What will happen if some of the sti is positive

12-01-2017, 04:15 PM
Yar, understood. What will happen if some of the sti is positive

Some STIs can be cured with treatment. Others cannot be cured but the symptoms can be controlled so that you can lead a normal life.

What happens all depends on what sort of STIs you are infected with.

Big Sexy
12-01-2017, 05:02 PM
if you are tested positive, just go for the treatment.
life goes on..;)

Yar, understood. What will happen if some of the sti is positive

12-01-2017, 07:04 PM
Finger crossed. Hopefully dont get any nasty stuffs, the best is negitive with any sti please!! After screening still need to wait another 2 to 3 weeks for result. Damm, is a long waiting time.

12-01-2017, 07:07 PM
Stay chill, keep calm.
Dont direct jump to the conclusion!!

12-01-2017, 09:08 PM
no news is good news bro.. if within few day u receive call from them then is bad new:eek:

12-01-2017, 10:42 PM
no news is good news bro.. if within few day u receive call from them then is bad new:eek:

Thanks bro for the hints but my appointments is on next tuesday. I feel nervous now. And i dont know how dsc process flow. I read so thread here, if good news they will sent a congrets text to you but if they want you to make another appointment then that is not a good news liao😣😣.panic!!

13-01-2017, 03:13 AM
Thanks bro for the hints but my appointments is on next tuesday. I feel nervous now. And i dont know how dsc process flow. I read so thread here, if good news they will sent a congrets text to you but if they want you to make another appointment then that is not a good news liao����.panic!!

What STIs is DSC testing you for? There are some which require specialised equipment/methods that are not normally included unless specifically requested eg Herpes.

Also there is no test for HPV infection.

13-01-2017, 06:03 AM
from what it seems so far, your chances are very low. however, it never pays to give DSC a visit just to allay your fears. all the best

13-01-2017, 09:56 AM
I checked with them. For my case that no any symptoms, they will do blood test and urine test for chlamydia, gonorrhoea,hepatitis, syphilis and hiv. They also will check genital area. They dont have the HVP test for male yet and they dont do Herpes if there is no sigh of blister.
Think about it, if they never do Herpes check, how come i able to read some threas that the bros here get to know they had Herpes type 1 or 2? Special request or they have the symptoms?

13-01-2017, 09:59 AM
from what it seems so far, your chances are very low. however, it never pays to give DSC a visit just to allay your fears. all the best
Thanks bonkhq69 for your comfort

President Trump
13-01-2017, 10:14 AM
How much does it cost for all the test?

13-01-2017, 10:20 AM
how come i able to read some threas that the bros here get to know they had Herpes type 1 or 2? Special request or they have the symptoms?

If symptoms are present fluid from the blisters can be drawn and sent for testing.

In the absence of symptoms a blood test can be performed but it is so open to interpretation and could cause undue stress while serving no purpose whatsoever. Dr Tan explains all the grey areas regarding Herpes testing here (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13434356&postcount=31).

More than 80% of the population carry HSV1 or 2. It is the uninfected that are the exception.

13-01-2017, 12:43 PM
How much does it cost for all the test?

I havent go for the test yet. But they told me is around 120

13-01-2017, 02:40 PM
If symptoms are present fluid from the blisters can be drawn and sent for testing.

In the absence of symptoms a blood test can be performed but it is so open to interpretation and could cause undue stress while serving no purpose whatsoever. Dr Tan explains all the grey areas regarding Herpes testing here (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13434356&postcount=31).

More than 80% of the population carry HSV1 or 2. It is the uninfected that are the exception.

Thanks sammyboyfor for the helpful link.
Seem like i may need to test it cause i found my tescticle area got lookalike 3 to 4 tiny small blisters, i cant sure it is a blister from STI or maybe it just blood pockets which is harmless.

14-01-2017, 10:36 PM
Day 20. Still remain 3 more days to my STI screening. Having stomach bloated and diarrea for this few days. Dont found any info from internat about STI cause diarrea and stomach bloated. I know at the point, there is pointless for me to worry. Think positive.
BTW, curious to ask, since STI may not show their symptoms in everyone. What will happen for those people who actually have STI but they dont really know they have it🤔🤔? I personally dont think everyone will do STI screening as long negetive in HIV.

23-01-2017, 10:44 PM
A month passed. Still waiting for sti result from dsc, long waiting time. Seem it will drag after CNY. Frankly speaking, still will feel nervous but much more better than week 1. At least i understand the method and fact of hiv transmission, so i wont get my anxious over my head. Knowing myself under low low risk.
A lesson to learn from this forum is, you can get nervous, overreact and anxious during the window period but dont fall in too much, end up turn to be "must test until positive" type. Read thru few thread here and doc tan blog, a lot ppl ruin up their life because of symptoms of hiv occur, even tested show negetive after 6months window period.
To be fun, make up a checklist before anyhow fuck:
1. Make sure you and your partner not ulcer, bloody mouth etc before deep kiss.
2. Optional, ask your partner when is the last time they do test and what the result. Hahahah
3. Always use condom before bj and intercourse. Without condom during bj or intercourse will be at your own risk.
4. Make sure condom is still there during bj and intercourse seassion. Always Pull your condom toward you on and off. Dont lick your hand after pull.

25-01-2017, 11:21 PM
Finally my sti result out from dsc, " All your lab test is normal, dont need reply. dsc". Did not manage to do the hiv test due to window period issue, but i sure i will be negetive with hiv. Want to be sure, check it after 2 months later, no harm to confirm (im play safe type).

26-01-2017, 05:29 PM
Glad you are safe bro but to be honest, considering there's no intercourse or even oral and it involved only kissing, you made yourself paranoid over nothing.

Also, for your case, I can safely say it's 100% negative. The scenario which you described is no risk for HIV at all.

26-01-2017, 11:10 PM
Glad you are safe bro but to be honest, considering there's no intercourse or even oral and it involved only kissing, you made yourself paranoid over nothing.

Also, for your case, I can safely say it's 100% negative. The scenario which you described is no risk for HIV at all.
Glad that you are safe too bro.
I believe that i will be HIV free for my case too. Just one of my bad habit, need to confirm it with my own self. I think is good too to clear my doubt.
Right now I'm 80% relieved from my anxious than before since i have more understand to method of HIV transmission.
Hope i wont repeat the same mistake again, scare one time is enough.

27-01-2017, 08:39 AM
Glad that you are safe too bro.
I believe that i will be HIV free for my case too. Just one of my bad habit, need to confirm it with my own self. I think is good too to clear my doubt.
Right now I'm 80% relieved from my anxious than before since i have more understand to method of HIV transmission.
Hope i wont repeat the same mistake again, scare one time is enough.

Haha honestly bro, kissing is possibly the least riskiest activity. The odds of catching HIV from kissing is she was literally bleeding and making you drink up gallons of blood.

The main concern is that you develop hiv-phobia because that can happen.