View Full Version : Accidentally selected wrong power option

14-01-2017, 09:41 AM
Hi boss

I was meant to disapprove a post but I accidentally approved it as I forgot to select the disapprove button.

Anyway to reinstate my power back to zap the guy? (for good and valid reasons)

14-01-2017, 09:51 AM
Hi boss

I was meant to disapprove a post but I accidentally approved it as I forgot to select the disapprove button.

Anyway to reinstate my power back to zap the guy? (for good and valid reasons)

I got many of those "accidental" approvals too...
Tiagong you have to wait 3 years later...

14-01-2017, 02:00 PM
just move on lah

14-01-2017, 03:33 PM
no way to undo it.

14-01-2017, 04:49 PM
Just create a new nick + buy premium account + buy power lol...😉 must admit its an expensive way to zap this idiot.

Hi boss

I was meant to disapprove a post but I accidentally approved it as I forgot to select the disapprove button.

Anyway to reinstate my power back to zap the guy? (for good and valid reasons)

14-01-2017, 05:37 PM
Hi boss

I was meant to disapprove a post but I accidentally approved it as I forgot to select the disapprove button.

Anyway to reinstate my power back to zap the guy? (for good and valid reasons)

I heard can contra a zap option.

15-01-2017, 08:22 PM
Tiagong #1 - you got this one right. Kudos 😉

I got many of those "accidental" approvals too...
Tiagong you have to wait 3 years later...