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20-02-2017, 03:30 PM
was in sbf for 5 years without nick
create this nick to do a survey and also to share my experice

Armani99 photos show no tattoo but turn out full of body arts, maybe they dunno the difference of tatoo and body arts
Sammybabes alot of gals recycled and photoshop what u book is not what u get
sgbabes price is high but till now no disappoint
lover2nite got 1 small elephant
vegasclub always hard to get appointment

bros comment

20-02-2017, 06:26 PM
FLs are just joining and hopping to dofferent stables wanting to hear what they want to hear. High prices

Okts are just interested in putting prices and not caring about customer satisfaction.

If you are paying top dollar, would u want some customization, a little unique, a little surprise?

You are just paying top dollar for geylang standards just becuse they carry a pink IC.

70% voted for us to be fucked anyway and everyway :D

22-02-2017, 01:24 PM
To be honest, the OKTs here are like our dear govt.
Everything sounds and looks good on the surface, but turns out to be different.
Prices increases just like water.
After all, they only interested in our money, how much they care and bother over my comments and rants here?

If you notice, business here seemed slow and recruitment also not much nowadays.

22-02-2017, 02:20 PM
was in sbf for 5 years without nick
create this nick to do a survey and also to share my experice

Armani99 photos show no tattoo but turn out full of body arts, maybe they dunno the difference of tatoo and body arts
Sammybabes alot of gals recycled and photoshop what u book is not what u get
sgbabes price is high but till now no disappoint
lover2nite got 1 small elephant
vegasclub always hard to get appointment

bros comment

Are you part of REACH.gov.sg? Or perhaps boss's representative who is acting on behalf of him?

If the answer is no to both questions then commenting here will not change anything.

01-03-2017, 01:51 AM
Its just about able to accept what you see conpare to pic. Some look different but if acceptable just go ahead with the deal. I ever encounter posted 30 plus but in real is so much different till i cant accept which i think late 40s close to 50s so i skip. Many okt post fake age 4 to 5 years different i still can accept but not 10 years or more looks like market aunty:mad: