View Full Version : Is anything wrong with the forum /

11-04-2017, 09:01 PM
Today find the forum very slow at times hang after the maintenance .

12-04-2017, 04:27 AM
Today find the forum very slow at times hang after the maintenance .

Yes still working on it. Sorry about that.

12-04-2017, 09:21 AM
Yes still working on it. Sorry about that.

Thank you sir for your reply. This morning is much better , At least now can log in and to some posting. However the functions of usercp ; search and reputation still take a bit longer time to load . :

12-04-2017, 09:44 AM
Thank you sir for your reply. This morning is much better , At least now can log in and to some posting. However the functions of usercp ; search and reputation still take a bit longer time to load . :

The forum is under constant DDoS attack. That is why everything has slowed down.

12-04-2017, 10:55 AM
I have disabled cometchat for the time being. It is the source of the vulnerability.

12-04-2017, 12:21 PM
Thank you sir . The forum is performing much better now . :)