View Full Version : HSV from ML

23-04-2017, 11:37 AM
I just had a massage from a ML. She gave me a handjob and licked my nipples, she pussy grind my dick. I remember fondlin her boobs and kissing her face.

Two days after, have a swollen upper lip and a Headache...

Now frantically reading up on HSV-1 and 2.

Realised how lame the disease is... Skin to skin contact?? Wtf?? Doesn't that mean that I can't hug or kiss my kids without passing on the virus?

Asymtomatic shedding... just makes it worst.

Do i sound like I don't know wat I'm talking about? Please enlighten. I'll admit im pretty noob at this.

Big Sexy
23-04-2017, 12:34 PM
alot of people get the virus when they are kids.

u are not going to get herpes from fondling boobs or kissing a face..

pussy grinding is another thing...you could contact genital herpes if she has it..however your kid cant get genital herpes when u kiss or hug him .. herpes is usually confined to one area..

I just had a massage from a ML. She gave me a handjob and licked my nipples, she pussy grind my dick. I remember fondlin her boobs and kissing her face.

Two days after, have a swollen upper lip and a Headache...

Now frantically reading up on HSV-1 and 2.

Realised how lame the disease is... Skin to skin contact?? Wtf?? Doesn't that mean that I can't hug or kiss my kids without passing on the virus?

Asymtomatic shedding... just makes it worst.

Do i sound like I don't know wat I'm talking about? Please enlighten. I'll admit im pretty noob at this.

23-04-2017, 12:52 PM
My understanding so far is that HSV-1 is mostly(but not confined) to Oral sores and 2 is genital.

I read somewhere that HSV-1 can be caught easily from unhygene utensil and dirty towels. Which is kind of disappointing... skin to skin is also mentioned all the time... in many articles.

I fear somewhere down the line, my kid or wife is going to have a cold sore on their lips and we are know who that came from.

So I do not share utensils/cups when I have a cold sore on my lips? Thats all the precaution I have to take ?

There's a lot of info and misinfo out there.
I'm not askin to be consoled or told to not worry about it..

I just want to know if that will be my reality if I do have HSV-1(granted i did not have it previously)?

23-04-2017, 12:54 PM
fuck it, I'll take a test to confirm.. Can I go to any GP or is there any real benifit is going to DR Tan and partners

silly me to think that even a ML is safe...

23-04-2017, 01:35 PM
I don't think you have herpes, but herpes is nothing to worry about, its actually very very common

23-04-2017, 02:15 PM
fuck it, I'll take a test to confirm.. Can I go to any GP or is there any real benifit is going to DR Tan and partners

silly me to think that even a ML is safe...

80% of the population has HSV1. It is normal to have Herpes.

You probably already have it. Your wife probably has it. Your children probably have it.

24-04-2017, 10:51 AM
fuck it, I'll take a test to confirm.. Can I go to any GP or is there any real benifit is going to DR Tan and partners

silly me to think that even a ML is safe...

Relax, HSV 1 is common. Don't need kissing, skin to skin can kana. I remembered, one time in the wet market, one old man sweaty arm, walked past me and rub his arm on my arm. Knn, later I saw his skin got dot and red spot. Fucking scare me....rush to toilet quickly wash and wash. Heng, didn't kana anything from him.

HSV, if no symptoms, if not wrong window period 3 months. Syphilis, no symptoms, 3 to 6 months. If I am not wrong.

But I did mine with Dr Tan after 2 weeks, he has the wikipedia acknowledge, told me don't need to worry. All clear. I think most bro & sis here, go for Dr Tan or Dr Shin (Bedok). I prefer Dr Tan personally.

Big Sexy
24-04-2017, 11:33 AM
u can find the window period here (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=152562&page=2)
post 19

HSV, if no symptoms, if not wrong window period 3 months. Syphilis, no symptoms, 3 to 6 months. If I am not wrong.


05-06-2017, 09:33 AM
Hi senior Bros, I had a full body massage from a ML and during the massage, the ML pop the question on whether I would want a hj. I declined her and the massage continued. During the whole body massage process, I was shirtless as need to body massage but pants was on. The ML was fully clothed.

Can I check if it is possible if STD could have transmitted during the skin to skin contact during the body massage? I'm sure if she were to ask me, she would have asked other customers and that she might be exposed to STDs.

Am I thinking too much? Is there a need to go for a health checkup? Thank you for reading.

06-06-2017, 08:21 AM
Senior Bros, any advice? Thanks in advance!

Hi senior Bros, I had a full body massage from a ML and during the massage, the ML pop the question on whether I would want a hj. I declined her and the massage continued. During the whole body massage process, I was shirtless as need to body massage but pants was on. The ML was fully clothed.

Can I check if it is possible if STD could have transmitted during the skin to skin contact during the body massage? I'm sure if she were to ask me, she would have asked other customers and that she might be exposed to STDs.

Am I thinking too much? Is there a need to go for a health checkup? Thank you for reading.

Big Sexy
06-06-2017, 08:54 AM
you really should pop some chill pills.. i have never heard of any cases of STD transmission from pure massage.

Senior Bros, any advice? Thanks in advance!

Can I check if it is possible if STD could have transmitted during the skin to skin contact during the body massage? I'm sure if she were to ask me, she would have asked other customers and that she might be exposed to STDs.

06-06-2017, 12:20 PM
fuck it, I'll take a test to confirm.. Can I go to any GP or is there any real benifit is going to DR Tan and partners

silly me to think that even a ML is safe...

Wondering is there any result to update?