View Full Version : Help with Depression and Self Esteem issues
28-07-2017, 07:35 AM
Anyone who needs help in this area of their lives is welcome to ask here. I will do my best to help.
If you prefer PM you are most welcome to send me a Private Message (
If you want an even more secure channel of communication PM me you Telegram ID and I will initiate secret chat.
Your anonymity is assured.
28-07-2017, 11:27 AM
Anyone who needs help in this area of their lives is welcome to ask here. I will do my best to help.
If you prefer PM you are most welcome to send me a Private Message (
If you want an even more secure channel of communication PM me you Telegram ID and I will initiate secret chat.
Your anonymity is assured.
Very nice of Sammyboy boss to offer help here. Sarpok.
28-07-2017, 10:31 PM
Anyone who needs help in this area of their lives is welcome to ask here. I will do my best to help.
If you prefer PM you are most welcome to send me a Private Message (
If you want an even more secure channel of communication PM me you Telegram ID and I will initiate secret chat.
Your anonymity is assured.
Boss, reading and aimex77 has self esteem issues, everyday promoting my number and pictures and also their own mother promote in petain threads. They need help to get rid of themselves off this forum
29-07-2017, 01:26 AM
Very warm hearted for you to do this boss :)
29-07-2017, 01:59 AM
Fantastic effort to reach out to certain individuals.
29-07-2017, 11:40 AM
Boss, reading and aimex77 has self esteem issues, everyday promoting my number and pictures and also their own mother promote in petain threads. They need help to get rid of themselves off this forum
Thats her misfortune. India slut
Thats her misfortune. India slut
MrMuscleman aka waynelimyenyew you are the one really has self esteem issues
this shows waynelimyenyew and MrMuscleman are same person: 97870719
search the number 97870719 in google lot of information out:
Republic Auto: 209 Pandan Gardens Level 3 (map)
Contact No. 65672000
Contact Name Wayne Lim 97870719
Wayne.lim.yen.yew aka prisoner aka MrMuscleman facebook here (
search Wayne Lim Yen Yew in google find more information abut this MrMuscleman aka prisoner
29-07-2017, 11:48 AM
Anyone who needs help in this area of their lives is welcome to ask here. I will do my best to help.
If you prefer PM you are most welcome to send me a Private Message (
If you want an even more secure channel of communication PM me you Telegram ID and I will initiate secret chat.
Your anonymity is assured.
thanks boss, please help get the MrMuscleman ex-prisoner out of the forum
29-07-2017, 12:43 PM
thanks boss, please help get the MrMuscleman ex-prisoner out of the forum
Is he depressed?
29-07-2017, 12:54 PM
Is he depressed?
The depressed one isnt me , please track back all the messages of reading the depressed one
ah rat
29-07-2017, 02:23 PM
One of samster at the free zap zap forum have Self Esteem issues.
Need your attention.
Get him out of the forum :)
29-07-2017, 06:20 PM
It seems many here do not have self esteem issues.
Just ego problems. :D
29-07-2017, 07:42 PM
Only individual losers who have nothing in life become cyberbullies by trying to shame others by posting their personal information and pictures. However this small time doings doesnt affect me a single bit because this prove that they are the actual losers through and out again and again. No guts to face me face to face but hide under their petain whore mothers skirt reek of bangla smell. Thus they deserve the four letter word dedicated to their mother hole
29-07-2017, 08:57 PM
MrMuscleman aka waynelimyenyew you are the one really has self esteem issues
this shows waynelimyenyew and MrMuscleman are same person: 97870719
search the number 97870719 in google lot of information out:
Republic Auto: 209 Pandan Gardens Level 3 (map)
Contact No. 65672000
Contact Name Wayne Lim 97870719
Wayne.lim.yen.yew aka prisoner aka MrMuscleman facebook here (
search Wayne Lim Yen Yew in google find more information abut this MrMuscleman aka prisoner
Good CSI. Why do you use Wayne Lim's girl photo as your Avatar? 情敌?
29-07-2017, 11:29 PM
I used to have depression too. More than willing to help anyone if anyone wishes to open up. Feel free to pm me.
30-07-2017, 08:16 AM
can u tell me how u can help..
if someone has a serious relationship problem with his family and has cause much misery to his family.. how can u help? are u going to meddle in his family affair or are u going to be a "listener" and "enjoy" his story.. why should he tell u his story when u are not able to help.
if someone tell u his depression is due to financial issue. Again tell can you help? are u going to give him the money to solve his issue or are u again just going to be a good listener?
i appreciate you guys stepping out to offer to help but i dont understand how u guys can help by just listening.. and i dont believe the crap that just by listening u will be able to help the other party esp if it is done online..
for a start, do u even know the persons background and character?
the thread will probably be better titled as "if u need a listening ear"
I used to have depression too. More than willing to help anyone if anyone wishes to open up. Feel free to pm me.
30-07-2017, 10:34 AM
can u tell me how u can help..
When it comes to clinical depression, the cause actually does not matter. Depression can be treated while the actual cause is being addressed at the same time.
Very often the depression remains even after the cause is resolved. In many cases there is no real cause for depression. Something may have triggered the downward spiral but the depression remains long after the trigger ceases to be a factor.
In the old days people with depression were often chastised for the state they were in. "Snap out of it" was the common retort. Being depressed was viewed as a weakness, even more so if the sufferer had no obvious reasons for the melancholy state he/she was in.
Science has advanced considerably in the 21st century and depression is actually a VISIBLE state that can be seen in a pet scan.
Since we now know that depression is actually an "injury" of the brain, new methods have been developed to treat the disease.
There are many approaches when it comes to treatment involving a drug, a combination of drugs, electrotherapy and magnetotherapy.
The difficulty when it comes to treatment is that everyone is different. A drug that works well for one person may well have no effect on another. There is no "one size fits all" approach. That is why it is important for the patient to actually take charge of his/her own treatment. The doctor plays the part of the coach but the patient has to execute the moves of the game.
It is also necessary not to confuse "sadness" and "grief" with depression. The former is part of the human condition. We feel sad when we fail to meet a goal. We feel grief when we lose a loved one. However does not equate to depression. Depression is a physical state of the brain not an emotional response to an external factor(s).
I used to think that depression was difficult to diagnose. I have now found that it is actually very easy. The most obvious sign of depression is the long term loss of interest in the activities that you used to enjoy eg your life long hobbies and your favorite sports. I emphasise "long term" because we all go through highs and lows when it comes to things which interest and motivate us.
If you used to love watching the Premier League but now find that it has done nothing for you for the last 6 months, chances are you could be depressed and further investigation is needed.
I hope this info helps. It won't fix the predicament you are in but for all you know the state of your relationship with your loved ones could be A RESULT of depression rather than the cause of it. Depressed people are very difficult to get along with. :)
30-07-2017, 10:56 AM
how about situational depression? it is a very blur line between a state of confusion and a depression. i am not sure a state of confusion is depression actually..and if it is then how to solve it? IMO, Chatting online certainly will not help. medication probably might help, but i doubt it if the underlying problem is not solve.
i once had a session with a counselor.. all she did was listen and then give me some advice and told me to "think" about it (she said no need to tell anyone).. i screwed her up big time telling her if i do not need to tell anyone what i think then why was i there in the first place.. fuck those lousy counselors, they are bloody fools who think they can help but actually couldnt do a thing to improve my situation..
i think time will heal things eventually , the feeling of letting someone so dear to us down is probably one of the most terrible and misery feeling that we can have... it is worst if there is nothing much we can do much to help the situation..
NOTE : it is great that you guys are willing to help and i am not taking anything away from you guys.. but i just dont see how u guys can help.. maybe the problem is just me and that i am not receptive to such things..
When it comes to clinical depression, the cause actually does not matter. Depression can be treated while the actual cause is being addressed at the same time.
30-07-2017, 11:38 AM
NOTE : it is great that you guys are willing to help and i am not taking anything away from you guys.. but i just dont see how u guys can help.. maybe the problem is just me and that i am not receptive to such things..
I agree that nobody here can help you resolve a relationship issue. Only you can solve an internal conflict.
However I can help provide advice and guidance when it comes to treating depression which is a physical state caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain.
I'll give you an analogy. If you're not very good at riding a horse and you keep falling off and injuring yourself, I cannot provide advice over the internet regarding how to be a better cowboy. You need to practice the skills required till you reach the point where you don't fall off anymore.
However, I can give you advice regarding how to treat the resulting injuries.
30-07-2017, 11:48 AM
I used to have depression too. More than willing to help anyone if anyone wishes to open up. Feel free to pm me.
It would be nice if you could share some of your wisdom in the open forum. No details that would compromise your privacy just an overview of your experiences.
30-07-2017, 11:54 AM
I’m a doctor, and this is how I got depressed
May 11, 2017 05.00PM | The Middle Ground
by George Khoo
I saw the signs a couple of months before my daughter’s wedding. The year running up to this point had been rough. I was feeling upset, tired, irritable and angry almost every day. I teared up easily and was constantly thinking negative thoughts, sometimes even suicidal ones.
Even though I was so tired most days, I wasn’t able to sleep properly, often waking up in the wee hours of the morning. How I felt added to my fatigue, frustration, hopelessness, guilt and feelings of worthlessness.
While the truth that I was clinically depressed started to sink in, I was probably still in denial and hoped that with time, rest and exercise, things would improve. However, it just got worse and the low moods and negative thoughts persisted.
Part of the reason for not seeking help early was because I’m from the medical profession. I felt that admitting that I needed help would not reflect well on me – a healthcare provider who’s not even able to care for himself.
How did it get this bad?
It wasn’t the volume of work that affected me most but the issues in my relationships. I have always tried to live peacefully with my fellow man and it’s not in my nature to confront others. However, the leadership roles I’ve taken up at work and in my church have increasingly put me into situations that require confrontation.
I had patients that year that I expected would be grateful to me but turned around to question me on the wisdom of the recommendations I had made with their best interests at heart. I had a colleague who was pushing me to pursue something I was not comfortable with. And I had to confront people who had made wrong choices and required disciplinary action. Meanwhile, in church, a man told me to my face that he wanted me to step down as a church leader.
The worst was when a leader at work, unhappy with a policy I was trying to revise, accused me of being more interested in systems and policies than in caring for patients. I had spent sleepless nights worrying for my patients and trying to get them good healthcare and while what the leader said was absurd, it really hurt to hear him say that to me.
All of this played into my feelings of worthlessness and frustration, causing me to feel even more irritable and upset than I already was.
An unusual sense of loss
At some point, however, I realised that these were not the only causes for what I was feeling. It dawned on me that a big factor was the prospect of ‘losing’ my precious daughter once she gets married. That year, we must have attended close to 10 other weddings and I dreaded going to them because they just reminded me that soon, I was to give away my own daughter. Each wedding became more and more difficult to attend and the worst was the one two weeks before her wedding. I teared throughout the wedding thinking of what it was going to be like on that day!
I was unable to make sense of how depressed this made me feel until I read Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald D. Hart:
“Then there was the time when my first daughter was going to be married. I found myself quite depressed a few months before the wedding. Finally, it dawned on me that my little girl was saying goodbye to me in favour of a young man who was not part of me. Like it or not, being excited for my daughter was not enough to overcome my sense of sadness. I was facing a loss that could never be replaced. There were those who said to me, “You’re not losing a daughter but gaining a son-in-law.” What a ridiculous idea! What I was losing could not be counterbalanced by what I was gaining. Every father of a daughter knows that a son-in-law does not equal a daughter!”
Getting help
I finally plucked up the courage to make an appointment with a psychiatrist to confirm my own suspicion. I needed to know for sure, to be fair to my family and my loved ones. In any case, I had reached a point where not much else mattered and I wasn’t bothered about the stigma associated with taking anti-depressants
I was put on Lexapro (escitalopram) and during my review, three and half months after my first appointment, my psychiatrist doubled my dosage. I was definitely feeling better in terms of having less frequent thoughts of hopelessness and a stop to the suicidal thoughts but I was not “walking on clouds”. About a week later, I distinctly remember waking up one morning and thinking: “Oh, this is what it feels to be normal?” That morning, after many months of feeling down, moody and negative, I felt that burden lift. My medication was working well.
The other thing that helped me greatly was reading the Bible and other Christian literature on depression and burnout. I found them to be great in creating self-awareness and for self-therapy.
The other main factor on my road to recovery was the tremendous support given to me by my beloved wife and family. At the end of our family holiday, six weeks before my daughter’s wedding, I decided to be open with them at the airport while waiting for our flight back to Singapore. I am thankful that they took it very well and were very encouraging.
My wife, who knew my struggles all throughout, was a pillar of strength when my whole world was crumbling emotionally. She is not only my best confidante and my best friend, she also makes me laugh and reminded me to rest. She was ever patient with me when I was negative and moody and even scratches my back to help me sleep! God gave her the strength and grace to put up with me.
It’s been a two and a half year journey and while my psychiatrist has encouraged me to try weaning off the Lexapro, I realise that as long as I am in my current role, in church and at work, it would not be possible. I have tried weaning it off but have had to go back on my medication rather quickly. Nonetheless, my dosage has halved and my recovery has been steady.
Having been through the worst periods has helped me to be more disciplined about taking regular breaks. Now, I take a week off every three to four months and am intentional about observing the weekly Sabbath as a time of rest from work. As the writer Christopher Ash puts it in Zeal without Burnout, “God needs no day off. But I am not God, and I do.”
I have chosen to be open about the fact that I am still on anti-depressants because there is a need to remove the stigma associated with it. In Singapore and in this part of the world, to be on anti-depressants is still very much taboo. Thankfully, I work in a Christian organization that fully understands and supports my stand. However, other employers may not be as understanding and that is probably one of the main reasons why people do not speak up – the fear of losing their jobs or not getting one should they be honest.
While it is probably too idealistic to expect no discrimination at all, I hope that we can help employers be open to accepting applicants with a history of mental illness but are stable on medication. They should be at least considered in the same way as those with other chronic illnesses such as hypertension or diabetes. As long as they are capable of performing the tasks and do not pose a danger to themselves or others, they should be given equal opportunities.
Dr George Khoo is a general practitioner in his late 50’s and serves as the Medical Advisor for a Christian organisation. George is married to Mabel and has two grown up children, both happily married. George and Mabel have a newborn grandchild and are expecting a second within the next few weeks.
30-07-2017, 11:59 AM
Useful thread from the other forum :
Another depressed doctor....
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Apr 2010
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Default Re: Excellent article on depression suffered by a doctor.
I take Cipralex (escitalopram) and Wellbutrin (Bupropion) daily and Ativan (lorazepam) prn. I also see my counselor at least once a month. It is covered under the Physician and Family Support Program(PFSP) provided with my Alberta Medical Association Membership. I will continue to do so as long as I work as a Family Physician. Dealing with all kinds of different people almost daily with all kinds of self perceived ideas, paranoias and beliefs definitely gets one depressed.
There is no stigma here in Alberta. In fact I would say that if you have an existing mental illness it is advantageous as people have to be more supportive and understanding of you make mistakes.
Singapore Medical Association membership basically gives nothing. Maybe the UOB Visa Card that's about it.
Alberta Medical Association membership covers 80% of my malpractice insurance, CME benefits (includes buying of electronics eg laptops computers hand phones printers etc) up to $3000+, maternity or paternity benefits etc
Definitely way better than crappy SMA.
30-07-2017, 01:36 PM
Should prescribe to cyberbullies like aimex77 and reading who have schizo, one minute aimex the other reading. Maybe at night stand at changi or desker as sharon. Lol
30-07-2017, 06:10 PM
Ten Things Men Can Do To Defeat
Depression And Boost Mental Health
Here are ten important things you can do to boost your
mental health and defeat depression.
May 10, 2017 by Jen Brenner
Although women suffer more from depression and anxiety compared to men, that doesn’t mean they are immune from this typical modern day problem. You’ll have every reason to feel worried about your mental health as nearly 350 million people suffer from depression and more are being diagnosed with every passing day. That’s pretty alarming. The good news is you can fight depression and anxiety by making some small lifestyle changes. Here are ten important things you can do to boost your mental health and defeat depression.
1- Eat a variety of foods
When it comes to improving your mental health, one of the easiest ways is to include a variety of healthy foods in your diet. Eat from all food groups such as beans, legumes, greens, whole grains, poultry, meat, fish, and so on.
If you eat only a few types of food and ignore other varieties, you will be at the risk of suffering from nutrient deficiency, which can lead to serious physical and mental health problems.
2- Learn to appreciate yourself
You are a special person on this planet. No one else is quite like you. For this reason, start treating yourself with respect and kindness. Don’t indulge in self-criticism as it can only lead to depression. Take out time for yourself, engaging in your hobbies and doing projects you love. If you don’t have a hobby, start learning some musical instrument or practice a new language. Your brain will sharpen, and your mental health will improve as you will defeat depression.
3- Care for your body
A healthy body has a healthy mind. When you take care of your body, your mental health improves and you become happier. Consume nutritious meals and avoid junk food. Quit bad habits such as alcohol consumption and smoking. They can damage your organs and decrease lifespan.
Be sure to drink a lot of water as 80% of your body is water content. If you stop drinking water, your body will dehydrate, and you will feel depressed.
Another important step in caring for your body is to enjoy enough sleep. Research has shown that lack of sleep could contribute to depression and anxiety. Similarly, having an irregular sleep can also contribute to depression. When you enjoy a good night’s sleep, your body has time to relax and repair itself. Your brain can process information. As a result, you will have more energy throughout the day, and you will achieve more in your life.
4- Exercise regularly
Exercise helps you to improve your mental health and therefore fights depression. You don’t have to hit the gym every day to benefit from exercise. You can stretch at home and go to the gym twice a week if you are living a busy life. If you can’t afford a gym membership, you can go to a park and exercise in the fresh air. This will not only improve your mental health, but it will also allow your body to breathe fresher air that’s rich in oxygen during the workout.
5- Socialize and meet new people
Surround with people that make you happy. Meet new people and make lasting connections. Take out time from your busy schedule for your friends and family. Plan trips with your family and go to clubs and gyms to meet new people. Although you can meet new people online, it’s not as rewarding as meeting someone in person.
6- Help other people
When you meet new people, you will find many of them needing your help. Go ahead and help them. You will not only feel good, but you will also find inner peace. It will boost your mental health and decrease depression in your life.
7- Learn about stress and understand what causes depression
One of the easiest ways to fight depression is to understand the reasons that cause depression and trigger anxiety. Solve these basic problems, and you will feel your mental health improving over time.
Some of the most common problems that cause depression are bad health, financial problems, and unhappy relationships. To combat bad health, simply eat healthy foods and develop healthy habits. For financial problems, you may have to apply for a loan if you can’t find a way to finance your business. If you are stressed because of an unpaid debt, discuss with a debt expert and consider options such as debt consolidation and settlement.
8- Organize your life
Men are usually less organized compared to women. Untidy home and unorganized daily life could contribute to stress and poor mental health.
Make your life clutter-free by focusing on what’s important. Set clear goals and have a plan to achieve those goals.
To organize your home and workspace, simply give away the stuff that you don’t use anymore. Develop a habit to put things back from where you took after you have used them. This will keeps your home organized and your life stress-free.
9- Meditate or pray to relax
Throughout the day, your brain has plenty of stuff to care for. It keeps thinking about all these things as it processes information. Even when you are sleeping, your brain is awake and analyzing all the data you collected before sleeping. It’s important that you master to quiet your mind for some time at least once a day.
One of the best ways to calm your brain and help it focus only on important stuff is to meditate. Meditation can help you relax, and it shuts down the chatter going on in your brain. As a result, your mental health improves and you become more productive than ever. Your relationships also benefit from your improved focus.
10- Don’t shy away from seeking help
When you are can’t fight depression on your own, you may need help. Don’t run away from it. Taking help when it’s needed doesn’t make you weak, but it’s a sign of strength.
Depression is a common byproduct of modern lifestyle. Since it’s the product of a busy and unhealthy lifestyle, you can easily combat it by improving your lifestyle and adding healthy habits to it. Care for yourself, improve your relationships, fix your financial problems, and take help when you need it.
30-07-2017, 06:19 PM
Those who want encrypted privacy can contact me on Telegram @sammyboyfor
For industrial strength encryption use the "secret message" utility in Telegram.
30-07-2017, 06:30 PM
good thread, considerate boss :D
30-07-2017, 06:37 PM
good thread, considerate boss :D
What the PAP propaganda press has never reported is the positives that have come out of this forum over the course of its existence.
Scams have been exposed, STD knowledge has been enhanced and as a result I'm 100% sure that lives have been saved. There's even an in-house doctor in attendance who helps out whenever he has the time.
I've also saved people lots of emotional heartache by exposing the methods that WLs use to get men to part with their money.
All the prostitute press talks about is the upskirt thread which is a very small part of this vast knowledge trove that has been created by Singaporeans for Singaporeans.
30-07-2017, 09:30 PM
Is he depressed?
Boss i think so, but i am not doctor. I hope him all the best in his future :D
if you look at his post history in the forum he always motherfuck here and there . but after looking at his history in the internet i think he is created like that.
30-07-2017, 09:35 PM
What the PAP propaganda press has never reported is the positives that have come out of this forum over the course of its existence.
Scams have been exposed, STD knowledge has been enhanced and as a result I'm 100% sure that lives have been saved. There's even an in-house doctor in attendance who helps out whenever he has the time.
I've also saved people lots of emotional heartache by exposing the methods that WLs use to get men to part with their money.
All the prostitute press talks about is the upskirt thread which is a very small part of this vast knowledge trove that has been created by Singaporeans for Singaporeans.
agree, this is a sex forum, but also a sex education and knowledge sharing platform that cannot be taught in class :D
30-07-2017, 10:11 PM
Boss i think so, but i am not doctor. I hope him all the best in his future :D
if you look at his post history in the forum he always motherfuck here and there . but after looking at his history in the internet i think he is created like that.
Whats new about a motherfucking king of losers like you? Life is sad for you u cant even find a decent lay. Using others backside skin pic to post . Your own face too hideous to post . Look at your signature. Desperate fuck loser trying so hard. Chip of the old block . It runs in your forefathers blood.
30-07-2017, 10:18 PM
What the PAP propaganda press has never reported is the positives that have come out of this forum over the course of its existence.
Boss he thinks you are dumb and do not read his posts. He is wasting your bandwidth , spamming same messages in different threads and acting like some retard. Best of all posting other people details and pics . What kind of character and personality this loser has shown to you?or probably one retard in real life
30-07-2017, 10:52 PM
Good CSI. Why do you use Wayne Lim's girl photo as your Avatar? 情敌?
thanks bro ... not 情敌 la, maybe someday hehe
sbf is also a small world, and CSI sometimes very useful :D
30-07-2017, 11:07 PM
thanks bro ... not 情敌 la, maybe someday hehe
sbf is also a small world, and CSI sometimes very useful :D
Actually she is so cute that I do not mind using it as Avatar too. LOL
30-07-2017, 11:08 PM
My struggle with depression happened after I had a fallout with people whom I thought were my friends.
I lost about 10 kg. In the end I see the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with OCD. Gave me medicine to calm me down. It took me a few months for my appetite to recover.
Meanwhile I took up some exercise to handle my stress. I won't say that I have recovered fully as the bad incident keeps replaying in my mind even till this day.
31-07-2017, 03:34 AM
My struggle with depression happened after I had a fallout with people whom I thought were my friends.
I lost about 10 kg. In the end I see the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with OCD. Gave me medicine to calm me down. It took me a few months for my appetite to recover.
Meanwhile I took up some exercise to handle my stress. I won't say that I have recovered fully as the bad incident keeps replaying in my mind even till this day.
I read a leaflet from a psychiatric clinic, and it basically explains that it is important to rectify mental problems as soon as possible. Everything began with stress. If prolonged, it would turn into a depression. A prolonged depression would then lead to mental breakdown. Eventually after a breakdown it would be a lot harder to get out of the situation. The longer the worse.
And like any first step towards recovery, it all begins with the admission that we have a problem.
If the person admits that they have a problem, most likely there is a big chance that they could recover.
The psychiatrist that me and my friend went for consultation with, at the time was very good in dealing with his patients. The first thing he did was, greeted the patient by his name and asked with a smile "What seems to be the problem, Mr. X ?
By doing so, the psychiatrist assessed the patient's awareness of his problems. Even It could be just the symptoms that the patient is aware of or on some instances, the actual root of the problem.
I am not a religious person, but in one of the help page there was a serenity prayer which I think is very relevant for people dealing with mental problems
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference."
May you find your peace dingobat! :)
31-07-2017, 11:34 AM
Actually she is so cute that I do not mind using it as Avatar too. LOL
she has other cute body pics there, and you can get whatever u want, maybe someday u r also 情敌 lo.
after u get her dont come fight with me hor :D
ah rat
31-07-2017, 11:39 AM
What the PAP propaganda press has never reported is the positives that have come out of this forum over the course of its existence.
Scams have been exposed, STD knowledge has been enhanced and as a result I'm 100% sure that lives have been saved. There's even an in-house doctor in attendance who helps out whenever he has the time.
I've also saved people lots of emotional heartache by exposing the methods that WLs use to get men to part with their money.
All the prostitute press talks about is the upskirt thread which is a very small part of this vast knowledge trove that has been created by Singaporeans for Singaporeans.
Whether can come out a thread on Health issues.
This pics is from video.
Need to find web site to download the video.
Any recommendation on how to down video to share in this forum.
31-07-2017, 11:54 AM
Whether can come out a thread on Health issues.
This pics is from video.
Need to find web site to download the video.
Any recommendation on how to down video to share in this forum.
The best place to share is my media exchange group at
It can handle files up to 1.5 Gb
31-07-2017, 01:36 PM
Very useful article that helps recognise depression...
31-07-2017, 01:37 PM
More useful articles from the depression forum.
31-07-2017, 01:40 PM
31-07-2017, 01:49 PM
31-07-2017, 07:31 PM
Whether can come out a thread on Health issues.
This pics is from video.
Need to find web site to download the video.
Any recommendation on how to down video to share in this forum.
bro i think i have the video in one of my health-related whatsapp group, if you want give me your id and i can pass you the video
ah rat
31-07-2017, 08:20 PM
bro i think i have the video in one of my health-related whatsapp group, if you want give me your id and i can pass you the video
Thanks! Bro I have the video.I just want to share in here.But Sam asked to share at the Telegram.
01-08-2017, 05:55 AM
Thanks! Bro I have the video.I just want to share in here.But Sam asked to share at the Telegram.
You can share it here if you want. Just upload to mega and give us the link.
01-08-2017, 07:44 AM
Me too have mild depression cos really tired of life n tired of work. Today I tender my resignation to free myself
01-08-2017, 08:40 AM
Me too have mild depression cos really tired of life n tired of work. Today I tender my resignation to free myself
In order not to fall further into the chasm you need to start planning your next move immediately.
Doing nothing can make matters even worse. What is your next step? Please advise.
01-08-2017, 09:36 AM
In order not to fall further into the chasm you need to start planning your next move immediately.
Doing nothing can make matters even worse. What is your next step? Please advise.
Me been working close to 20yrs. Basically sold my life to work. I just need a career break n loosen myself so tat I can c life more than jus work n money
I Wan downgrade mean ok to get much lower pay n b happy
01-08-2017, 10:53 AM
Me too have mild depression cos really tired of life n tired of work. Today I tender my resignation to free myself
Did the resignation resulted in no more depression as you are free now?
01-08-2017, 11:52 AM
Did the resignation resulted in no more depression as you are free now?
I just tender n given garden leave . So I will go enjoy my long needed break too
07-08-2017, 07:21 PM
I always work out at gym so my stress all gone and healthy. Should try that too
07-08-2017, 10:46 PM
I just tender n given garden leave . So I will go enjoy my long needed break too
U should go to Bangkok for some R&R.
11-08-2017, 12:50 AM
Me been working close to 20yrs. Basically sold my life to work. I just need a career break n loosen myself so tat I can c life more than jus work n money
I Wan downgrade mean ok to get much lower pay n b happy
Hmmm I just got an offer that basically gonna give me a higher pay by 10%.. BUT ... they expect me to work around 60 hours/week compared to the 44 hrs/week that I was used to do.
I also asked around about the new company working culture and I was informed that the new place is like a slave camp...
My gf though insisted that I take whichever offer that comes along because she's worried that I would have been out of the workforce for too long.
to take or not to take ..
11-08-2017, 01:11 PM
I'm a sufferer of depression too. Would like to offer my hand out to ppl in the same fate. I'm sure our symptoms are different, but im sure we'll be able to help each other out.
I have no idea the difference between the clinically depressed and MDD. Im the latter!
Cheers to embracing our weakness and overcoming it.
11-08-2017, 04:03 PM
I'm a sufferer of depression too. Would like to offer my hand out to ppl in the same fate. I'm sure our symptoms are different, but im sure we'll be able to help each other out.
I have no idea the difference between the clinically depressed and MDD. Im the latter!
Cheers to embracing our weakness and overcoming it.
What are you symptoms?
Are you receiving any form of treatment?
14-08-2017, 09:59 AM
What are you symptoms?
Are you receiving any form of treatment?
I am taking anti-depressants and going through therapy.
It feel so painful now.
14-08-2017, 10:15 AM
always seek help early :D
14-08-2017, 12:48 PM
I am taking anti-depressants and going through therapy.
It feel so painful now.
Anti-depressants don't work straight away. They need 2 - 4 weeks before the effects are felt.
Also take note that SSRIs like Citalopram and Prozaic are notorious for killing libido and causing sexual dysfunction so if you're someone that enjoys good sex this class of anti-depressants can have major downsides. It takes away the ability to achieve an orgasm. Everything feels numb.
If you've been on anti-depressants for some time and the depressive fog has not lifted you should see your doctor and insist that he try some other drug or review the dosage of the existing drug.
14-08-2017, 01:11 PM
Anti-depressants don't work straight away. They need 2 - 4 weeks before the effects are felt.
Also take note that SSRIs like Citalopram and Prozaic are notorious for killing libido and causing sexual dysfunction so if you're someone that enjoys good sex this class of anti-depressants can have major downsides. It takes away the ability to achieve an orgasm. Everything feels numb.
If you've been on anti-depressants for some time and the depressive fog has not lifted you should see your doctor and insist that he try some other drug or review the dosage of the existing drug.
I understand all these as well. I do my own research as well. I will feedback to my doc in next appt.
It was okay for 6 months until my doctor decided to increase my dosage.
As for now, im struggling.
14-08-2017, 01:13 PM
I'm a sufferer of depression too. Would like to offer my hand out to ppl in the same fate. I'm sure our symptoms are different, but im sure we'll be able to help each other out.
I have no idea the difference between the clinically depressed and MDD. Im the latter!
Cheers to embracing our weakness and overcoming it.
I am taking anti-depressants and going through therapy.
It feel so painful now.
While it is nice to be able to help others, I am not sure if it is a good idea for a depressed person to advise another depressed person. Just hope it dun ended both get depressed further. It is better that you recover first.
14-08-2017, 01:16 PM
While it is nice to be able to help others, I am not sure if it is a good idea for a depressed person to advise another depressed person. Just hope it dun ended both get depressed further. It is better that you recover first.
It depends what you mean by "advise".
Many therapy groups involve those suffering from the same ailment sharing information and providing support for each other.
It takes one depressed person to understand what a fellow sufferer feels. ;)
14-08-2017, 01:17 PM
I understand all these as well. I do my own research as well. I will feedback to my doc in next appt.
It was okay for 6 months until my doctor decided to increase my dosage.
As for now, im struggling.
Why did he increase the dosage if you were doing OK? It seems strange to experiment with dosage levels once your mood has been stabilised. :confused:
14-08-2017, 01:21 PM
It depends what you mean by "advise".
Many therapy groups involve those suffering from the same ailment sharing information and providing support for each other.
It takes one depressed person to understand what a fellow sufferer feels. ;)
Most therapy group has a group leader (usually a therapist). I agree it takes one depressed person to understand fellow sufferer but better to be in a controlled environment. You never know what two depressed persons can ended up doing without proper guidance.
14-08-2017, 01:24 PM
Most therapy group has a group leader (usually a therapist). I agree it takes one depressed person to understand fellow sufferer but better to be in a controlled environment. You never know what two depressed persons can ended up doing without proper guidance.
There are loads of depression forums where members help each other by sharing experiences. However they are US, UK centric.
This thread is an effort to start something in the Singapore context. ;)
14-08-2017, 02:36 PM
Most therapy group has a group leader (usually a therapist). I agree it takes one depressed person to understand fellow sufferer but better to be in a controlled environment. You never know what two depressed persons can ended up doing without proper guidance.
It does not have to be in a controlled environment. While I was at IMH, i had chances to confide 1 on 1 with different people going through the same thing. We could understand each other on total different level other normal people couldnt. It brought us much confort that we're not alone doing this and that there are people who understands.
It really helps to know that I'm not alone, even though I feel bad for him/her for going going through such an ordeal. I will never want anyone to suffer the way i did.
14-08-2017, 03:12 PM
It really helps to know that I'm not alone, even though I feel bad for him/her for going going through such an ordeal. I will never want anyone to suffer the way i did.
Are you taking an SSRI? You could consider switching to a different class of anti depressant if it is not working for you.
I am taking anti-depressants and going through therapy.
It feel so painful now.
sis come out and do some more exercise ... you will feel fresh after that
14-08-2017, 04:36 PM
sis come out and do some more exercise ... you will feel fresh after that
Yes exercise induces the "feel good" factor.
14-08-2017, 05:09 PM
It does not have to be in a controlled environment. While I was at IMH, i had chances to confide 1 on 1 with different people going through the same thing. We could understand each other on total different level other normal people couldnt. It brought us much confort that we're not alone doing this and that there are people who understands.
It really helps to know that I'm not alone, even though I feel bad for him/her for going going through such an ordeal. I will never want anyone to suffer the way i did.
Good to know you have a good experience. Hope everyone can have that same experience.
15-08-2017, 09:27 AM
Also take note that SSRIs like Citalopram and Prozaic are notorious for killing libido and causing sexual dysfunction
There are new drugs now like Brintellix, Pristiq and Wellbutrin that claim to have fewer sexual function side effects.
I had a patient (lady) who switched from Escitalopram to Wellbutrin and got all her libido back.
15-08-2017, 09:53 AM
There are new drugs now like Brintellix, Pristiq and Wellbutrin that claim to have fewer sexual function side effects.
I had a patient (lady) who switched from Escitalopram to Wellbutrin and got all her libido back.
Yes Wellbutrin (Bupropion), (marketed in NZ under trade name Zyban for smoking cessation) actually enhances sex and makes orgasms more intense. ;)
The effects of SSRIs on libido was grossly under-reported by the drug companies. They claim 10% to 15% would suffer reduced libido but the reality is more like 60% to 80%.
16-08-2017, 01:44 AM
I am currently going thru a bad patch and had to seek medical help after I started to show signs of cracking up during 1 weekend: crying, negative thots, unable to sleep, lost of appetite, moody, panic attack, sensitive to strong smell and sudden change in temp, etc.
Saw the doctor at 9 in the morning and I was fortunate that the same clinic has an inhouse psychiatrist available that morning at 11am. Was immediate given 1/2 tablet of Laxopro and another pill to help calm me down. Was then asked to take a week's break.
I did not continue with the medication prescribed to me, but chose to 'handle the situation' on my own: talk to friends, exercise, relax, psych myself about my problem ....
Saw the psychiatrist after a week and he was quite surprised I did not take the medication. He suggested a follow up after 2 weeks. But I pushed it to a month.
I am now cold turkey without the medication for about 3 weeks. I am still struggling but much better. Still get ups & downs.
Should I have stuck with the medications prescribed? I am concerned that I would be addicted to it. The psychiatrist visit and medication is also very costly.
16-08-2017, 04:41 AM
Should I have stuck with the medications prescribed? I am concerned that I would be addicted to it. The psychiatrist visit and medication is also very costly.
I used to be anti happy pills too until I saw first hand that they actually work.
Depression is not just a state of mind it is an actual imbalance in the brain chemistry of the sufferer. Depression can actually be SEEN in a pet scan.
When the stomach is too acidic we take an antacid to restore the balance without a second thought. We don't say "just leave it and hope for the best". We pop an antacid to make the pain go away and to restore the stomach's Ph.
Depression is no different. Brain chemistry has gone haywire and intervention is required to put things right and this comes in the form of an anti-depressant. Just hoping that it will go away with time is wishful thinking. Intensive intervention is required either in the form of a pill or CBT or both.
I would definitely recommend that you take the medication. However the tricky part is that anti depressants don't work straight away. They may take up to 4 weeks before the benefits are felt and a lot of people lose heart along the way thinking that they are wasting their money.
In some people depression actually gets worse when an anti-depressant is first introduced before the black fog begins to lift. This leads to many sufferers abandoning their medicines in despair. Perseverance is essential before things start to come right.
Psychiatric specialists are expensive but well worth the money as the cost of being depressed can be far, far worse. You could lose job, opportunities, even your life.
My recommendation is to work with your psychiatrist till you have found a drug and a dosage that works for you.
Once you know what works your GP can prescribe it to you and you no longer need to see a specialist.
16-08-2017, 08:29 AM
This is what depression can do to a person. It can be a FATAL disease and it defies logic and reasoning.
Ask yourself why a healthy young male who seems to have everything going for him would kill himself because he felt so miserable that he considered life not worth living. The answer lies within the chemistry of the brain.
Olympic champion cyclist Steve Wooldridge has died in a suspected suicide, just short of his 40th birthday.
By Nic White For Daily Mail Australia
PUBLISHED: 14:40 +10:00, 15 August 2017 | UPDATED: 16:25 +10:00, 15
The father-of-two was found dead on Monday, just two years after he was inducted into the NSW Sports Hall of Fame.
Wooldridge won gold at the 2004 Athens Olympics in the team pursuit, the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and in four World Championships.
Champion cyclist Steve Wooldridge (2nd from left) has died in a suspected suicide a decade after he won gold for Australia at the 2004 Olympics and World Championships
The father-of-two was found dead on Mondayl leaving behind his partner Anna (R) and a young son and daughter
He leaves behind his partner Anna and a young son and daughter.
'These two make me so happy!' he wrote under a photo of Anna and his daughter he posted to Facebook just a week before his death.
Cycling NSW announced his death on Tuesday calling him an 'inspirational figure in track cycling' who made a great contribution to the sport.
His shock death rocked the Australian cycling community with friends and former teammates giving heartfelt tributes on social media.
Cycling NSW called him an 'inspirational figure in track cycling' who made a great contribution to the sport (pictured left at 2004 World Championships)
His shock death rocked the Australian cycling community with friends and former teammates giving heartfelt tributes on social media +8
Close friend and mentor Phillip Bates praised Wooldridge's determination in winning Commonwealth gold soon after his mother Jan died of cancer.
'Tragically today he gave his life away leaving behind a son and daughter, family and friends just short of his 40th birthday,' he said.
16-08-2017, 04:06 PM
I am currently going thru a bad patch and had to seek medical help after I started to show signs of cracking up during 1 weekend: crying, negative thots, unable to sleep, lost of appetite, moody, panic attack, sensitive to strong smell and sudden change in temp, etc.
Saw the doctor at 9 in the morning and I was fortunate that the same clinic has an inhouse psychiatrist available that morning at 11am. Was immediate given 1/2 tablet of Laxopro and another pill to help calm me down. Was then asked to take a week's break.
I did not continue with the medication prescribed to me, but chose to 'handle the situation' on my own: talk to friends, exercise, relax, psych myself about my problem ....
Saw the psychiatrist after a week and he was quite surprised I did not take the medication. He suggested a follow up after 2 weeks. But I pushed it to a month.
I am now cold turkey without the medication for about 3 weeks. I am still struggling but much better. Still get ups & downs.
Should I have stuck with the medications prescribed? I am concerned that I would be addicted to it. The psychiatrist visit and medication is also very costly.
Sammyboy took the words right out of my mouth. That was exactly how it works. At least for me, it was and still is.
16-08-2017, 05:36 PM
You will not get addicted to anti-depressants. The only precaution is that you cannot stop taking them suddenly once you have started. You need to taper off the medication slowly.
EG your dosage is 150mg per day and you and your doctor have decided that it is safe for you to try to come off anti depressants, then you need to start gradually reducing your dosage eg go from 150mg/day to 100mg/day to 50mg/day and so on.
Everybody is different. Some patients can come off a drug within a month or so. Others may take longer.
The side effects of suddenly stopping vary with the drug but typical effects are insomnia, mood swings etc.
For specific side effects of each drug just do a google search.
16-08-2017, 10:14 PM
You will not get addicted to anti-depressants. The only precaution is that you cannot stop taking them suddenly once you have started. You need to taper off the medication slowly.
Have to disagree with you here. Because when I fell into depression, my doctor prescribed me with lorenzepam and told me to take it only when I have panic attack or feel like committing suicide. Lorenzepam can be addictive.
17-08-2017, 12:36 AM
Have to disagree with you here. Because when I fell into depression, my doctor prescribed me with lorenzepam and told me to take it only when I have panic attack or feel like committing suicide. Lorenzepam can be addictive.
That is not an anti-depressant. I was also prescribed with lorenzepam and it was not for my depression. In fact, it was used to treat my sleeping problem. Taken when needed. I was also warned of the possible addiction and has changed to another drug with lower chance of addiction.
I am taking a SSRI medication and has worked for me. No mention from doctor of possible addiction.
17-08-2017, 04:16 AM
Have to disagree with you here. Because when I fell into depression, my doctor prescribed me with lorenzepam and told me to take it only when I have panic attack or feel like committing suicide. Lorenzepam can be addictive.
Lorazepam is not an anti-depressant. It's an anti-anxiety drug.
It is used to supplement anti-depressants during early stages of treatment in order to help induce sleep and treat panic attacks.
I'd also like to add that your doctor was treating the symptoms of depression without treating the root cause which is a chemical imbalance within the brain. My advice is to see a specialist in the area of mental health.
18-08-2017, 08:58 AM
Lorazepam is not an anti-depressant. It's an anti-anxiety drug.
Absolutely. It is in fact a Benzodiazepine.
I am also very surprised his Dr told him to take it when he has suicidal ideations.
Given the fact that Benzos have been associated with an increased risk of having suicidal ideations.
Also completely agree that he should see a specialist to get proper treatment and advice.
18-08-2017, 11:39 PM
I am not depressed but need directions. Used to be but am grateful I get to wake up alive and get to jerk when I need to but will never be able to fuck anymore without some type of NO2 pill or prolactin diffuse pill. Still get perverted when seeing syt. But have to let go because I can't get erection anymore naturally.
I'm turning 40. I want to feel love but feel unqualified because I don't have the means to get a home.
Just random rant. And yes I have heart problem and recently got lump in throat but no pain when swallowed and gp doctor prescribed anti bacteria sucking tablet. But strangely the lump disappear when lying down on my back or flat on my chest.
I have no gf. No house. No car. No proper job. But I have a dream.
19-08-2017, 04:35 AM
The first thing I would do is to get a 2nd opinion on that lump. Painless lumps are never a good sign.
Once you've cleared that hurdle you need to start looking at your overall health. There is no reason why a 40 year old cannot get an erection unless there is a problem with your cardiovascular health.
I am not depressed but need directions. Used to be but am grateful I get to wake up alive and get to jerk when I need to but will never be able to fuck anymore without some type of NO2 pill or prolactin diffuse pill. Still get perverted when seeing syt. But have to let go because I can't get erection anymore naturally.
I'm turning 40. I want to feel love but feel unqualified because I don't have the means to get a home.
Just random rant. And yes I have heart problem and recently got lump in throat but no pain when swallowed and gp doctor prescribed anti bacteria sucking tablet. But strangely the lump disappear when lying down on my back or flat on my chest.
I have no gf. No house. No car. No proper job. But I have a dream.
19-08-2017, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the correction guys. I know the difference now. I weed off lorazepam a long while ago. After that, I took Proxac but I stopped after 2 weeks because the side effects make me feel nauseous. So I switch to Lexapro on doctor's advice. It was much better but Lexapro is very expensive drug.
21-08-2017, 04:57 AM
Thanks for the correction guys. I know the difference now. I weed off lorazepam a long while ago. After that, I took Proxac but I stopped after 2 weeks because the side effects make me feel nauseous. So I switch to Lexapro on doctor's advice. It was much better but Lexapro is very expensive drug.
Lexapro is a brand name for Escitalopram.
The next time you see your doctor ask whether there is a cheaper generic version available.
Escitalopram can cause side effects which affect sexual performance. If you are experiencing such symptoms let the doctor know too.
22-08-2017, 09:04 AM
I was on Prozac, Lithium and Risperidone as a child. Took risperidone as the Doctors felt that the previous two weren't working.
It will get easier and you will get better! :)
Financially, you could try visiting a government aided hospital for these prescriptions.
Are you still on any drugs or have you come right and no longer need pharmaceutical assistance?:)
08-01-2018, 02:52 PM
How's everyone doing? Any updates in the area of mental health?:)
10-01-2018, 01:28 AM
How's everyone doing? Any updates in the area of mental health?:)
I am still on lexapro and xanax. I'm feeling much better compared to a few years ago when the slightest thing would spark up a temper or a panic attack. However, as you know in my other post, I'm dealing with a new problem which is premature ejaculation. Thankfully that is a small problem compared to what i've faced (and overcome! :D ) previously
10-01-2018, 03:57 AM
I am still on lexapro and xanax. I'm feeling much better compared to a few years ago when the slightest thing would spark up a temper or a panic attack. However, as you know in my other post, I'm dealing with a new problem which is premature ejaculation. Thankfully that is a small problem compared to what i've faced (and overcome! :D ) previously
I suggest you see your specialist. There is always a possibility that the medication is the cause of your sexual problems and that adjusting dosages or switching drugs could resolve the issue.
24-01-2018, 11:13 PM
on a side note, just curious and was hoping anyone would share their experiences regarding OCD, my friend seems to be suffering from depression because the OCD problem cannot be controlled
24-01-2018, 11:41 PM
on a side note, just curious and was hoping anyone would share their experiences regarding OCD, my friend seems to be suffering from depression because the OCD problem cannot be controlled
Depression and if they tend to be very controlling/ possessive over something. Most probably it may be a symptom.
25-01-2018, 03:23 AM
on a side note, just curious and was hoping anyone would share their experiences regarding OCD, my friend seems to be suffering from depression because the OCD problem cannot be controlled
There are drugs available to control OCD. He should see a psychiatrist asap.
07-02-2018, 02:31 PM
bro all those things or criteria u listed .... doesnt make u more human .... u could still be a great person without any of those things.... live on bro
I am not depressed but need directions. Used to be but am grateful I get to wake up alive and get to jerk when I need to but will never be able to fuck anymore without some type of NO2 pill or prolactin diffuse pill. Still get perverted when seeing syt. But have to let go because I can't get erection anymore naturally.
I'm turning 40. I want to feel love but feel unqualified because I don't have the means to get a home.
Just random rant. And yes I have heart problem and recently got lump in throat but no pain when swallowed and gp doctor prescribed anti bacteria sucking tablet. But strangely the lump disappear when lying down on my back or flat on my chest.
I have no gf. No house. No car. No proper job. But I have a dream.
12-03-2018, 09:03 PM
i taken ssri from imh and last time got some Nimetazepam from gp . Nimetazepam can cure my depression like magic , making me happy at the same time. ssri it limits my emotions , i want to seek medical help now. should i go back to imh or look for specialist. when i consult imh doc i dont feel i can disclose my emotions and stories openly. does ssri helps in depression if i take them long enough or they are just bullshit ? i lost 10kg this year , now like skeleton , last time 65kg , now 50kg. im 100% sure im on depression.
1) go holiday totally no feeling
2) girls totally no feeling
3) drinking alone is my only leisure now , last time no drink ,
13-03-2018, 04:56 AM
Nimetazepam is a hypnotic drug which acts immediately so it gives you a high. However the effects are short lived and higher doses are required over time in order to achieve the same effect. In other words it's addictive. It is not a drug that can be used long term. There can also be serious withdrawal symptoms if it has been used for extended periods.
SSRIs on the other hand can be taken long term without being addictive. Many people are on them for years.
SSRIs are effective in treating depression but the effect is not immediate. It can take 2 to 4 weeks, sometimes longer, before the drug starts to work.
If you have been taking an SSRI for some time and you feel it is not working then you need to see a doctor to discuss either increasing the dosage or switching to an alternative SSRI.
There are also alternatives to SSRIs eg Xanax (Bupropion) or the older tricyclic drugs like Dusolepin and Doxepin which can be just as effective but are no longer fashionable because the newer SSRIs purportedly have less side effects.
If you have lost 15kg you should see a doctor immediately it is not normal to lose that much body mass just because you're depressed. Are you eating normally or has your appetite diminished?
i taken ssri from imh and last time got some Nimetazepam from gp . Nimetazepam can cure my depression like magic , making me happy at the same time. ssri it limits my emotions , i want to seek medical help now. should i go back to imh or look for specialist. when i consult imh doc i dont feel i can disclose my emotions and stories openly. does ssri helps in depression if i take them long enough or they are just bullshit ? i lost 10kg this year , now like skeleton , last time 65kg , now 50kg. im 100% sure im on depression.
1) go holiday totally no feeling
2) girls totally no feeling
3) drinking alone is my only leisure now , last time no drink ,
29-04-2018, 07:32 AM
How To Be Happy In Today’s Crazy World: 3 Secrets From Research
Eric Barker, Barking Up The Wrong Tree, April 24th, 2018.
Sometimes it feels like the world is actively conspiring against your happiness. There are a record number of people on antidepressants. Enough people in Western nations consume–and then excrete–the medications that they’re at detectable levels in the water supply.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
Some one in five U.S. adults is taking at least one drug for a psychiatric problem; nearly one in four middle-aged women in the United States is taking antidepressants at any given time… You can’t escape it: when scientists test the water supply of Western countries, they always find it is laced with antidepressants, because so many of us are taking them and excreting them that they simply can’t be filtered out of the water we drink every day.
For the past few decades we’ve lived under the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your noggin. And while that is true for some people, more and more research is showing that our dissatisfaction may be due less to a broken brain and more to a broken life.
You don’t see so rapid a surge in cases of depression because our genetics or grey matter changed overnight. The world has shifted in ways that are detrimental to the psychological needs of the human animal. That persistent feeling of vague dissatisfaction may be a normal response to abnormal circumstances. The canary in the coal mine.
So journalist Johann Hari spent three years on a journey of over forty thousand miles conducting more than 200 interviews with social scientists and psychologists to discover what was wrong with the way we live today that was causing such an explosion of unhappiness.
His excellent book is Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions.
What he found was that while our world has become very technologically connected, all the sources of unhappiness stem from a growing disconnection in other areas of our lives.
Disconnection From Other People: Loneliness is the equivalent of being punched in the face. I mean, literally.
Your stress response to both–the increase in your body’s cortisol level–is the same.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
Feeling lonely, it turned out, caused your cortisol levels to absolutely soar–as much as some of the most disturbing things that can ever happen to you. Becoming acutely lonely, the experiment found, was as stressful as experiencing a physical attack. It’s worth repeating. Being deeply lonely seemed to cause as much stress as being punched by a stranger.
And have no illusions, loneliness is an epidemic in the modern world. A few decades ago, the average US citizen reported having three close friends. Since 2004 the most common answer is… Zero.
I can already hear some people crowing: “I might be dissatisfied but how could it be due to loneliness? I’m always around people.”
Turns out there’s a difference between being lonely and feeling lonely. This is why someone who works a job surrounded by people and then goes home to a spouse and children, can spend very little time alone–and yet still feel profoundly lonely.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
In his studies, it turned out that feeling lonely was different from simply being alone. Surprisingly, the sensation of loneliness didn’t have much to do with how many people you spoke to every day, or every week. Some of the people in his study who felt most lonely actually talked to lots of people every day. “There’s a relatively low correlation between the objective connections and perceived connections,” he says.
So what do we need to do? To prevent feeling lonely, we must share something with those around us–something meaningful to both you and them. A belief. A cause. An activity. A goal. We need to be “in it together”–not merely together in the middle of a faceless crowd.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
As he researched this, John discovered that there was a missing ingredient to loneliness, and to recovering from it. To end loneliness, you need other people–plus something else. You also need, he explained to me, to feel you are sharing something with the other person, or the group, that is meaningful to both of you. You have to be in it together–and “it” can be anything that you both think has meaning and value.
So join a group. Harvard researcher Robert Putnam has studied group activities for decades–everything from bowling leagues to volunteer groups.
Between 1985 and 1994 involvement in community organizations declined by 45%.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
Today, people still bowl, but they do it alone. They’re in their own lane, doing their own thing. The collective structure has collapsed. Think about everything else we do to come together–like supporting your kid’s school, say. “In the ten short years between 1985 and 1994” alone, he wrote, “active involvement in community organizations … fell by 45 percent.”
Famed biologist E.O. Wilson once said, “People must belong to a tribe.” Increasingly, we don’t.
Disconnection From Values: Your pursue “intrinsic values” when you do something solely because you love it. You pursue “extrinsic values” when you chase money or status. Being a patriotic soldier is intrinsic; being a mercenary is extrinsic.
The lesson from the research is clear: the more extrinsically motivated you are, the more you feel motivated by money or status, the more depressed and anxious you are.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
Twenty-two different studies have, in the years since, found that the more materialistic and extrinsically motivated you become, the more depressed you will be. Twelve different studies found that the more materialistic and extrinsically motivated you become, the more anxious you will be. Similar studies, inspired by Tim’s work and using similar techniques, have now been carried out in Britain, Denmark, Germany, India, South Korea, Russia, Romania, Australia, and Canada–and the results, all over the world, keep coming back the same.
I know some people are jumping to say, “Well, I’m not like that!” But, to a degree, we have all become more extrinsically motivated. We all care, to some degree, what others think of us and technology often amplifies this to toxic levels. Facebook and Instagram have become gladiatorial status tournaments to show off how cool our lives are.
But when we’re counting “likes” on social media, we let others control our self-esteem. And that places your own happiness outside your control. Not good.
And even if you win, you lose. Studies show that the achievement of extrinsic goals–the fancy car and the impressive promotion–bring no lasting happiness. None. Meanwhile, when we pursue intrinsic goals like being a better parent or trying to improve our writing skills so our blog posts don’t suck, we feel much happier and less anxious.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
People who achieved their extrinsic goals didn’t experience any increase in day-to-day happiness–none. They spent a huge amount of energy chasing these goals, but when they fulfilled them, they felt the same as they had at the start…. But people who achieved their intrinsic goals did become significantly happier, and less depressed and anxious. You could track the movement. As they worked at it and felt they became (for example) a better friend–not because they wanted anything out of it but because they felt it was a good thing to do–they became more satisfied with life.
You experience “flow” when you’re so involved in something that you lose track of time. You know the old saying: “time flies when you’re having fun.” Flow is a huge contributor to happiness.
And the more focused we are on extrinsic goals like status, the fewer flow states we experience.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
But when Tim studied highly materialistic people, he discovered they experience significantly fewer flow states than the rest of us. Why would that be? He seems to have found an explanation. Imagine if, when Tim was playing the piano every day, he kept thinking: Am I the best piano player in Illinois? Are people going to applaud this performance? Am I going to get paid for this? How much?
So what should we do? Yeah, we all have to pay the bills and achieving a decent level of status is a good thing, but we need to start choosing more activities that serve those intrinsic values.
Spending more time with those we love rather than those who can help us get ahead. More time playing the guitar because it’s fun rather than sharpening our Excel skills to get that promotion.
Spend a little more time with people that make you smile and doing the things that make you smile–simply because they make you smile.
So you’re connecting with people and connecting with your intrinsic values. Great. What’s another connection we’re getting less and less of?
Disconnection From Nature: All other things being equal, move closer to nature and you’ll be happier. Move away from nature and you’ll be more depressed.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
…the people who moved to green areas saw a big reduction in depression, and the people who moved away from green areas saw a big increase in depression.
Some might say that’s because rural areas have less crime or less pollution or… Wrong.
If you live in the part of a big city with lots of trees, you get happier. Cart yourself over to the section of the city that’s nothing but concrete and you get sadder.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
They compared deprived inner-city areas that had some green space to very similar deprived inner-city areas without green space. Everything else–like levels of social connections–was the same. But it turned out there was less stress and despair in the greener neighborhood.
We simply weren’t meant to spend all our time going from cubicle to couch. Feeling happier can be as simple as spending more time in nature.
The research all says that exercise makes us happier. Guess what? When you exercise outdoors the effect is even stronger.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
When scientists have compared people who run on treadmills in the gym with people who run in nature, they found that both see a reduction in depression–but it’s higher for the people who run in nature.
So what happens when you make a consistent, concerted effort to be happier?
You fail miserably. No joke. Deliberate efforts to be happier do not work… in the US and UK, that is.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
They tracked thousands of people, some of whom had decided to deliberately pursue happiness and some of whom hadn’t. When they compared the results, they found something they had not expected. If you deliberately try to become happy, you will not become happier–if you live in the United States. But if you live in Russia, Japan, or Taiwan, you will become happier.
What’s going on? It’s not that happiness is unachievable or that hard work isn’t rewarded. The issue here is that the US and UK have the most individualistic cultures. And so the efforts people in those countries make are usually individualistic…
But happiness comes from our connections to other people.
And so when we work toward just making ourselves happy as individuals we often fail. But when we work towards the happiness of a group, we usually succeed.
From Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions:
“The more you think happiness is a social thing, the better off you are,” Brett explained to me, summarizing her findings and reams of other social science.
The modern world promotes a culture of “be yourself.” But if you want to be happy, that isn’t always the best idea.
To find more joy, spend a little less time being you and little more time being us.
04-05-2018, 12:19 AM
In the morning, take 500mg of L-tyrosine and before bedtime take 100mg of 5htp! These supplements will increase serotonin level to minimize depression!
06-05-2018, 08:52 PM
If I may ask what has nuscleman done to cause you so much anger that at every opp6you have you will post all his personal information?
Are you his victim of any sort?
07-05-2018, 05:38 AM
If I may ask what has nuscleman done to cause you so much anger that at every opp6you have you will post all his personal information?
Are you his victim of any sort?
Where is this occurring? Please provide link.
12-05-2018, 10:26 AM
Simply get a hobby or 2!Get another degree n settle for nothing.. Let ya mind stretch n explore..just do it n do not procrastinate! U will feel better.. Cheers!
04-06-2018, 11:12 AM
I do have issues but not sure to share it here or not. Damn pai seh.
04-06-2018, 01:05 PM
It's an anonymous forum man. Pour it all out.
04-06-2018, 05:47 PM
I do have issues but not sure to share it here or not. Damn pai seh.
Nobody knows who you are and anonymity has always been the hallmark of this forum.
I cannot think of a better place to share your experiences. :)
06-06-2018, 01:07 AM
*disclaimer: i am not here to bash professional help, these were my own experiences and should be view as is.
I wouldn't go into details of what/who/why, but I was diagnosed with dysthymia at 16. While being in a constant state of sadness, nothing felt good, you eventually retract into your own well of bleakness. At the peak of my depression, i couldn't see colors.
Mental Health awareness/support/treatment is sadly lacking in Singapore.
Here were some of my experiences from age 16 - 21.
(AWARENESS) My condition was often dismissed by my parents and peers. It was because it is so common to hear people say "oh man I'm depressed, wah damn depressed sia etc" that it became marginalized. It was so frustrating to try to communicate with people on your state of mind, when the moment they hear the word "depressed", they are filled with skepticism. This was made worst during my army daze.
(SUPPORT) The only support I had was my Psychologist(s) at IMH, who was more of a observer rather than a friend. We would go through memories to find out why/what/who, and just endless barrage of questions over and over again to find the root cause. At one point, i remembered telling her "what if i was born this way". Beyond that, there's absolutely no one i could talk to. I had hoped that i would be given an answer by the experts and be on my merry way.
However, depression is not that simple.
The psychologist assigned to eventually went to the private sector and i had to start all over again with the new one - which of course i didn't go for because it felt really pointless.
(TREATMENT) The doctors started me on SSRIs and it destroyed me. I was robbed my personality, difficulty in sleepy became insomnia, and i couldn't even get an erection. Every day i was on SSRIs, the day would just past idly by, while i was practically locked away inside my own body. I was taken off the meds after two agonizing month, I was eventually switched to another type of SSRIs, which did not work as well. Ultimately i decided to stop seeking subsidized professional help as it was draining me more than it was helping - also good help didn't come cheap and i did not want to burden my parents with that.
Being older now and able to afford better treatments, all i can say is that you really do get what you paid for. While my life is significantly better now, my journey with dysthymia has not ended. Over the years, I've learnt to cope with the struggles, leading a relatively normal and happy life.
Like a table, we need four pillars of strength to be stable, i urge anyone suffering from this illness to find their pillars.
For me, it is family,friends,fishing,420.
Trust me when i say that the human spirit is stronger than anything, and will only get stronger each day. Believe that depression is not the end, and the only true way to beat this is to stand firm.
-rant over.
08-06-2018, 12:44 PM
also don't know where to start.
First of all I have no job now. So why not find one? Find job also need money to travel and tahan for a month. I don't have those. So I'm lost as to how to start. In fact right now I'm surviving on 1 meal a day. Mostly instant noodles and an egg.
I don't even have the money to replace my broken spectacles. Have to use scotch tape to tape the side together and it keeps wobbling up and down.
To make things worse I have thyroid problems that causes slightly blurry vision and sweating. I cant continue with my treatment anymore because I'm broke.
All these things put together is driving me to the point of no return. In fact my back is so far up against the wall I just feel like ending everything. I think really no way out anymore. Even someone successful like Kate spade can kill herself what about lesser mortals like me?
Its the only thing I think about nowadays. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
08-06-2018, 06:49 PM
bro well at least you can share here and u know u are not alone here.
but if u want more advice, it will help if we know more about you. i assume u have a hyper thyroid condition, but that should not be the cause of you being in your current state. i have a few friends who have this condition too.
maybe it will help if u can reveal more...e.g your background and experience, your education level etc. how u end up in this state? what type of job are u in before and looking at ? and why cant u go look for one online etc...
i have seen samsters asking for help and money here and was supported by some good soul here..... so maybe you could also find some help here too if u let us know more about yourself.
also don't know where to start.
First of all I have no job now. So why not find one? Find job also need money to travel and tahan for a month. I don't have those. So I'm lost as to how to start. In fact right now I'm surviving on 1 meal a day. Mostly instant noodles and an egg.
I don't even have the money to replace my broken spectacles. Have to use scotch tape to tape the side together and it keeps wobbling up and down.
To make things worse I have thyroid problems that causes slightly blurry vision and sweating. I cant continue with my treatment anymore because I'm broke.
All these things put together is driving me to the point of no return. In fact my back is so far up against the wall I just feel like ending everything. I think really no way out anymore. Even someone successful like Kate spade can kill herself what about lesser mortals like me?
Its the only thing I think about nowadays. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
08-06-2018, 09:22 PM
try go to for help
u need to see a psychiatrist asap
All these things put together is driving me to the point of no return. In fact my back is so far up against the wall I just feel like ending everything. I think really no way out anymore. Even someone successful like Kate spade can kill herself what about lesser mortals like me?
Its the only thing I think about nowadays. Any advice or help would be appreciated.
09-06-2018, 12:50 AM
try go to for help
u need to see a psychiatrist asap
If need to pay money I can't.
Big Sexy
09-06-2018, 08:33 AM
Samaritans of Singapore is there to help people like yourself.
there is no charge i believe.. give them a call and talk to them and see how they can help, there is nothing to lose ..
1800-221 4444
As one of the only 24-hour hotlines in Singapore, we provide round the clock emotional support for those in distress.
This service is manned by trained volunteers.
If need to pay money I can't.
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